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A Critical Review of
Performance Evaluation Tools and Technique

                  Prepared For:

       Abu Saleh Md. Sohel-Uz-Zaman, PhD
           Human Resource Management
                 School Of Business
        United International University (UIU)

                   Prepared By:

       A.K.M. Tanvirul Huda ID: 112 101 037

               Sec: A, MBA Program
                    Fall Semester
        United International University (UIU)
       Submission Date: 11 December 10, 2010
A common objective of business organizations in the world is to be successful.
This success can be defined in terms of profit, welfare the society etc.
Organization refers to a group of people who are working in a systematic manner
to achieve desired objectives. The success of the organization largely depends on
these groups of people. It is very important to know whether these groups of
people are doing their job effectively and efficiently or not. Employee
commitment, motivation and job satisfaction are related and dependent on each
other, and that their combination leads to improvements in employee performance.
So it is also important to periodically review employees’ performance towards the
goal of the organizations. Employment now means more than having a job. It is
not just something an individual does but a combination of shared responsibilities
and duties between the organization and the individual.

Appraisals, regardless of role and of industry can be very stressful processes.
Personally I dislike the word 'appraisal' as it sets a mindset of 'once a year' so I
prefer the term 'performance review'. However given that 'appraisal' is the term
most commonly used in industry today I'll stick with it. A performance appraisal,
employee appraisal, performance review, or (career) development discussion is a
method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in
terms of quality, quantity, cost, and time) typically by the corresponding manager
or supervisor. A performance appraisal is a part of guiding and managing career
development. It is the process of obtaining, analyzing, and recording information
about the relative worth of an employee to the organization. Performance
appraisal is an analysis of an employee's recent successes and failures, personal
strengths and weaknesses, and suitability for promotion or further training. It is
also the judgment of an employee's performance in a job based on considerations
other than productivity alone.

According to me, performance appraisal is done not just for eliminate
performance deficiencies through further training and development but also for
laying off employees from organizations. Here organizations construct a cost-
benefit analysis of performance appraisal for employees. Companies analyze time
and money costs of preparing appraisals, goal setting sessions, periodic review
sessions and annual review sessions against benefits of annual merit increases that
reinforces managerial authority. That is why a performance evaluation is a
stressful time for an employee and a manager. Increased workplace tension and
job loss are just a few consequences that can stem from bad performance
appraisals. Therefore, employers must properly document all performance
appraisals to ensure evaluation results are justified. In addition, it is the
employee's responsibility to use performance appraisals as a learning tool, and
turn it into an opportunity for professional growth. Evaluating employees is an
important part of motivating employees and helping them to be more successful
on the job. When a performance evaluation is successful, the employee is
encouraged to work toward personal career goals as well as goals for the business.
Supervisors and managers can use performance evaluation tools to ensure that the
review is successful and productive. Generally, the aims of a performance
appraisal are to:

   •   Give employees feedback on performance
   •   Identify employee training needs

•   Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards
   •   Form a basis for personnel decisions: salary increases, promotions,
       disciplinary actions, bonuses, etc.
   •   Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development
   •   Facilitate communication between employee and administration
   •   Validate selection techniques and human resource policies to meet federal
       Equal Employment Opportunity requirements.
   •   To improve performance through counseling, coaching and development.

Performance appraisal is a consequence of performance management. It is logical
because performance management is a process of setting goals, training
employees and then appraising and rewarding them. They call the total, integrated
process performance management. But this process is expensive and it takes long
time to establish. It is possible for financially sound and big companies. For small
companies it is very hard to establish performance management. Specially in
countries like Bangladesh many company is small, new and financially unsound.
To get good quality employee companies must maintain error free recruitment and
selection technique, have to avoid negligence hiring, negligence training, have to
define specific employee’s goals and work standards which matches company’s
strategic aim, and have to set measurable standards for each objective. This
process is like a chain of sequence and it have to be error free. Any mistake will
lead to bad performance of employees. There are exceptions, such as Toyota, have
essentially eliminated formal appraisals, doing so may not be practical for most
employers. At firms like Toyota, eliminating appraisals is a by-product of a
broader effort.

There is no universally used performance management method. It depends on the
types of organization and manager. There are two basic considerations in
designing the actual appraisal tool are what to measure and how to measure it. In
terms of what to measure one can measure the employee’s performance in terms
of generic dimensions such as quality, quantity, timeliness of work, based on
developing one’s competencies or achieving one’s goals. In terms of how to
measure it, there are various methodologies including graphic rating scales,
alternation ranking method, paired comparison method, forced distribution
method, critical incident method, narrative forms, behaviorally anchored rating
scales (BARS), management by objectives, computerized and web-based
performance appraisal etc.

Graphic Rating Scale Method is the simplest, most popular and the most common
method of evaluation of an employee’s performance today. It is also one of the
oldest methods of evaluation in use. This method lists a number of traits and a
range of performance for each. The employee is then rated by identifying the
score that best describes his or her level of performance for each trait. Gary
Dessler described nicely about graphic rating scale method with example. He has
also talked about advantages and disadvantages of using this method. Another
positive point in favor of the rating scale that I want to add is that it permits a
statistical tabulation of scores of employees. When ratings are objective in nature
they can be effectively used as evaluators. The graphic rating scale may however
suffer from a long standing disadvantage. For instance, if the employee has
serious gaps in technical-professional knowledge (knows only basic phases of

job), lacks the knowledge to bring about an increase in productivity, Is reluctant to
make decisions on his own, declines to accept responsibility, fails to plan ahead
effectively, wastes and misuses resources etc. besides standards of traits may be
unclear, halo effect, central tendency, leniency, bias can also be problems. To
overcome these problems supervisor have to be trained, have the ability to control
outside influences and have to maintain records of critical incidents instead of
relying on memories.

Ranking simply involves ordering the job description from highest to lowest based
on a predetermined definition of value or contribution. Three ways of ranking are
usually considered: Simple ranking, Alternation ranking and Paired comparison
ranking. Simple ranking requires that evaluators order to rank job according to
their overall value to the organization. Alternation ranking involves ordering the
job description alternatively at each extreme. While this is a simple method, it is
impractical for large groups. In addition, there may be wide variations in ability
between ranks for different positions.

The paired comparison method systematizes ranking and enables better
comparison among individuals to be rated. Every individual in the group is
compared with all others in the group. The evaluations received by each person in
the group are counted and turned into percentage scores. The scores provide a fair
idea as to how each individual in the group is judged by the assessor. According to
me evaluators using this method must be knowledgeable about every single job
under study. As the organization changes, it is difficult to retain command of all
this job information. Even if such a person exists the total number of rankings to
complete becomes difficult. For example, using the paired comparison process
where 50 jobs are involved requires (n)(n-1)/2 = 1225 comparisons. Some
organizations try to overcome these difficulties by ranking jobs within single
departments and merging the results. However, without grater specification of the
factors on which the rankings are based, merging rank is a major problem.

Forced choice method was developed to eliminate bias and the preponderance of
high ratings that might occur in some organizations. The primary purpose of the
forced choice method is to correct the tendency of a rater to give consistently high
or low ratings to all the employees. This method, however, has a strong limitation.
In the preparation of sets of phrases trained technicians are needed and as such the
method becomes very expensive. Further, managers may feel frustrated rating the
employees ‘in the dark’. Finally, the results of the forced choice method may not
be useful for training employees because the rater himself does not know how he
is evaluating the worker. In spite of these limitations, the forced choice technique
is quite popular.

Under Critical incident technique the manager prepares lists of statements of very
effective and ineffective behavior of an employee. A critical incident can be
described as one that makes a significant contribution—either positively or
negatively—to an activity or phenomenon. According to me there are several
advantage of using critical incident technique like data is collected directly from
the respondent in his or her own words (users’ views, NOT designers’), focus on
unusual or extraordinary may be more helpful than routine data, does not force the
respondents into any given framework, flexible method that can be used to

improve multi-user systems, inexpensive and provides rich information, identifies
even rare events that might be missed by other methods which only focus on
common and everyday events, useful when problems occur but the cause and
severity are not known, this method avoids recency bias (most recent incidents get
too much emphasis). This method suffers however from some limitations like
negative incidents may be more noticeable than positive incidents, the supervisors
have a tendency to unload a series of complaints about incidents during an annual
performance review session, it results in very close supervision which may not be
liked by the employee, the recording of incidents may be a unpleasant task for the
manager concerned, who may be too busy or forget to do it. Most frequently, the
critical incidents technique of evaluation is applied to evaluate the performance of
superiors rather than of peers of subordinates.

Narrative form is another method of performance appraisal. In this method of
appraisal supervisor narrates the performance instead of applying weights. A
person’s supervisor is asked (i) to rate the employees performance for each
performance factor or skill (ii) to write down examples and (iii) an important plan.
This aids the employee to understand where his or her performance was good or
bad and how to improve that performance. There are several pitfalls that one
should avoid in appraising employee’s performance are comparing one employee
to another. This comparison is irrelevant to the appraisal process and has a
tendency to result in favorable bias toward employees one like and unfavorable
toward employees one like less. Memory Failure, Halo Effect, Competition within
the Unit is also problem of narrative form. Competition can result in one
employee requesting the best assignments or seeking the spotlight to the
disadvantage of other employees. One must be careful to avoid any bias, which
may be created by competition. A sample narrative form of performance appraisal
is attached in the appendix.

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) are rating scales whose scale points
are defined by statements of effective and ineffective behaviors. They are said to
be behaviorally anchored in that the scales represent a continuum of descriptive
statements of behaviors ranging from least to most effective. An evaluator must
indicate which behavior on each scale best describes an employee's performance.
BARS differ from other rating scales in that scale points are specifically defined
behaviors. Also, BARS are constructed by the evaluators who will use them.
Advantages of BARS are ratings are not easily subjected to different
interpretations of raters, It meets EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission) guidelines for fair employment practices, since job criterion for
assessment are derived form actual job performance and are related to it. And
some disadvantages of BARS are it requires observational skill and proper
determination of critical behaviors; inadequacies can lead to misleading data,
compilation of critical behaviors takes considerable time and effort, and recording
data also involve alert and constant observations (i.e. keeping logs), less
preferable due to similarity to trait measures. Rather than that BARS is more
accurate and relatively reliable.

The term "management by objectives" was first popularized by Peter Drucker in
his 1954 book 'The Practice of Management'. In the 90s, Peter Drucker himself
decreased the significance of this organization management method, when he

said: "It's just another tool. It is not the great cure for management inefficiency.
MBO represents a modern method of evaluating the performance of personnel.
Thoughtful managers have become increasingly aware that the traditional
performance evaluation systems are characterized by somewhat aggressive
judgments on the part of the rater. There is a growing feeling nowadays that it is
better to make the superior work with subordinates in fixing goals. This would
inevitably enable subordinates to exercise self-control over their performance
behaviors. MBO thus represents more than an evaluation program and process.
Practicing management scientists view it as a philosophy of managerial practice; it
is a method by which managers and subordinates plan, organize, control,
communicate and debate. Gray Dessler has nicely described disadvantages or
problems of MBO in his book “Human Resource Management”. But there are
several advantages of MBO for example MBO programs continually emphasize
what should be done in an organization to achieve organizational goals, MBO
process secures employee commitment to attaining organizational goals, involving
employees in the whole process of goal setting and increasing employee
empowerment increases employee job satisfaction and commitment, Frequent
reviews and interactions between superiors and subordinates helps to maintain
harmonious relationships within the enterprise and also solve many problems
faced during the period. Lastly it can be said that the use of MBO needs to be
carefully aligned with the culture of the organization. While MBO is not as
fashionable as it was before, it still has its place in management today. The key
difference is that rather than 'set' objectives from a cascade process, objectives are
discussed and agreed, based upon a more strategic picture being available to
employees. Engagement of employees in the objective setting process is seen as a
strategic advantage by many.

Web-based employee performance management tools are accessible any time day
or night and from any computer with Internet access. Often far less work intensive
than designing in-house performance management tools and far less expensive for
organizations, such software is designed to be user-friendly as well as effective.
Traditional methods of performance appraisals used by human resources in many
organizations are inadequate, disorganized, and are often viewed by employees as
unfair. Computer Assisted Performance Appraisal Systems offer an alternative
solution that can reduce some of the problems encountered with traditional
methods. Such systems permit managers to accurately update and evaluate
information on employees, enable the formation of job descriptions more
efficiently, and meet all legal guidelines by editing reports that contain words
which may be construed as defamatory in nature. Computer software programs are
facilitating many aspects of “soft” management tasks, such as writing a difficult
employee performance review. Management software, commonly called MBA
ware, offers expert guidance in management issues that range from creating a
business plan to writing employee policy manuals. Some managers are looking to
technology to help solve the problems encountered in performance reviews.
Currently, computer software programs exist that may be used to facilitate the
performance appraisal process. These MBA-ware programs enable managers to
produce performance appraisal documents that are complete, professional in
appearance, and easy to use in the performance appraisal process. In addition, the
programs provide categories of job performances to be appraised and offer various
pre-written descriptions of behaviors for each category. One click of the mouse

can change the tone or disposition of an entire sentence or paragraph. This one
adjustment in the tone or intensity of professionally written phrases and
paragraphs can enhance people management and communication. Descriptions of
employees’ job performances contained in performance appraisal software
programs have been prepared with the help of legal counsel to assure that
managers will not make statements that are not wise from a legal viewpoint. These
programs also offer opportunities for the manager to add, delete, and edit
categories as necessary to fit individual job situations. In addition, using MBA-
ware for performance appraisals instead of the traditional alternative takes less
time, produces more structured reports, encourages more praise, and helps
managers develop their most important resource – their employees. Some antiques
experts are adamantly against online antique appraisals. They believe there is no
way an item can be evaluated accurately in terms of condition and other key
factors by simply reviewing photos. Others find that online appraisals are useful
tools in helping collectors determine the value of their antiques and collectibles.
It's ultimately up to each individual to decide how effective online appraisals are,
and to what extent they are accurate in determining values.

The Human Resources Department is responsible for the administration of the
employee's performance appraisal system. Any changes to policy, procedures, or
forms related to performance appraisals will be communicated immediately by the
Director, Human Resources/Affirmative Action to supervisors. Supervisors will
work with the Human Resources Department in communicating the importance of
the performance appraisal process in distributing all required performance
appraisal materials and in ensuring that performance appraisals are completed in a
timely manner. The immediate supervisor is responsible for conducting
performance appraisals for all employees under his/her supervision. Immediate
supervisor is in the best position to observe and evaluate an employee’s
performance for the purposes of a performance appraisal. An effective
performance appraisal process requires ongoing communications between
employee and supervisor to ensure that the employee has a clear understanding of
the supervisor's expectations and continuous feedback on how he or she doing on
the job. This is why immediate supervisor is called the heart of the appraisal. In
the rush of everyday activities, supervisors often focus on what an employee is
doing wrong. How often do we take time to stop and give carefully thought out
compliments? Not infrequently, employees will visibly smile when honestly
complimented by their supervisor. Employees who feel that they are performing
well in at least one area of responsibility, and feel validated by their supervisors,
are more likely to want to improve their performance in other areas, too. We know
very little about self-esteem despite all that has been written about it. Self-esteem
seems to be somewhat situational, specific and fragile. People affect each other
positively or negatively. Employees with very high or very low self-esteems may
be less affected by the quality of their supervisors than those in the middle. Even
so, few people can boast of self-esteems that are so robust that they cannot be
deflated. A positive supervisor who looks for good in others is more likely to find
it as well as more receptive employees. Some supervisors, by their positive
natures, seem to bring out the best in others. Global self-esteem is affected by how
people feel about specific areas of their lives, such as in their multiple roles as a
spouse, a parent, a child, an employee, a supervisor, member of a team, and so on.
Each of these general areas may be further broken down. A person, for instance,

may feel she is generally a good supervisor. This same individual may recognize
that she is better at some aspects of supervision than others. Furthermore, she may
realize that her interactions with different members of her work team vary. If one
aspect of our life is particularly important to us, our self-esteem in that area will
have a large effect on our overall feelings of self-worth. Over time, what is
important to an individual may change drastically.
At times co-workers have a better grasp for a colleague’s performance than the
supervisor, but co-worker evaluations have a tendency to be relaxed. Sometimes
co-workers hope management will read between the lines and praise irrelevant or
insignificant factors. At times a co-worker may be particularly hard on a disliked
worker. Peer review is usually anonymous and several peers are involved in the
evaluation. This ambiguity, may lead to bias towards each other in the appraisal
process. But peer appraisal has some drawbacks like management has not enough
time to train the team members in how to perform peer appraisal, no internal
expertise to ensure good skills uptake and to facilitate such peer meetings etc. On
the other hand peer appraisal may help the employees to grow as a result of the
fairness and honesty. It would also help the trust levels between employees and
managers, company may probably get a better picture of reality, skills of both the
employees and managers would increase as a result and it could free up a lot of
time. Time that company could use to move the business forward. Performance
appraisal by rating committees is also useful because of professionally expert
raters. But it does not mean they do not make mistake. Due to negligence in rating
they may also fall into common problems of performance appraisal that have
described in the book.

The self-evaluation is another part of the employee performance review. In self-
evaluation, the employee and supervisor both can compare evaluations of how the
employee is performing in particular areas. This can help the employee to think
about his work performance during the evaluation period and give an honest
appraisal for the review. The self evaluation helps an employee get into a mind-set
of both thoughtful positive criticism and self recognition. It makes them more
willing to receive feedback from supervisor. It gives an opportunity to reflect on
their performance during the period and if applicable, highlight any contributions
they have made which their manager may not remember or openly see. It gives
them and supervisor a better starting point to openly discuss their performance and
makes it easier for supervisor to highlight development areas. It Saves
supervisor’s time (this can be argued). On the other hand Self evaluations in my
opinion make managers lazy. If the employee is a true performer but has low self
esteem, the manager may save some of the budget for not promoting the
employee. If manager go through an employees evaluation of himself/herself prior
to doing his own review, manager may be persuaded by what they say. Or
manager may find himself being lazy when it comes to reviewing and just
repeating what they have said. Self appraisal works well for people who are "self
aware." If the employee can be realistic in his/her assessment, supervisors are on
good ground.

Appraisal by subordinates is also called upward feedback. Employees feel they
have a greater voice in organizational decision-making. The feedback from
subordinates is particularly effective in evaluating the supervisor / manager’s

interpersonal skills. However, it may not be as appropriate or valid for evaluating
task-oriented skills. A formalized subordinate appraisal will give supervisors / line
managers a more comprehensive picture of employee issues and needs.
Subordinate feedback is most beneficial when used for appraisal purposes. But
precautions should be taken to ensure that subordinates are appraising elements of
which they have knowledge. Supervisors may feel threatened and perceive that
their authority has been undermined when they must take into consideration that
their subordinates will be formally evaluating them. Only subordinates with a
sufficient length of assignment under the manager should be included in the pool
of assessors. Subordinates who are in probation period or involved in a
disciplinary action period should be excluded from the rating group.

The complete survey on an individual is 360-Degree Feedback. As the feedback
comes from different level of employees in the hierarchy of the organization;
includes managers, peers, subordinates and staff, apart form the internal sources,
the feedback can also source form the external relevant relations like customers
and suppliers therefore it also known as 'multi-rater feedback'. Information
gathered from this technique can be used for both developmental (helping to
identify strengths and performance gaps) and administrative (performance
appraisal, training evaluation, promotion, etc.) purposes. It provides a more
comprehensive view of employee performance than other appraisal method, it
increases the credibility of the appraisal result, the feedback from the peers can
help to enhance the staff’s self-development, though the 360-degree method, if the
manager does not do well in his job and make the staff feel discontent, they can
compliant the manager during the appraisal without following the normal
complaint procedures. This can help the staff a chance to voice out their
discontent and what they want. It is no doubt that 360-degree feedback include
more people to do the evaluation can give a more comprehensive view of the
result, but it also very time consuming since everyone need to do the evaluation,
after that the company need to find more staff to help to find out the result, it will
increase the complex on the administration, so the company cannot do the
appraisal frequently on the same people. It is very important to choose a right
timing to conduct this method that can minimize the impact of the organization.
This method can be threatening both the staff is being assessed and the people
doing the evaluation. From the management level, the manager may feel this
method could undermine their authority and so they will not cooperate well when
they do the appraisal. About the staff, if they do not have a good result of the
appraisal, they may suspicious that who give them some bad comments and may
things that other staff will question them because they cannot get a good result. As
the result, it will generate a worse atmosphere in the working environment.
According to me, another issue in 360-degree feedback is confidentiality. It is the
biggest risk because many company may outsource the 360-degree process to
other company that can used to make the staff who are being evaluated feels more
comfortable that the information they give and receive will in a confidential
environment. However, some information is very sensitive but the company
discloses the information to others carelessly, that will affect the whole company.
Although time consuming and more administratively complex are a serious
problem of the 360-degree appraisal, this method really gives a more
comprehensive view of employee performance than any other appraisal methods.

As it is a believable performance feedback that considered by managers, peers,
subordinates, staff and even customers. After the evaluation, the company can get
more detailed information about the employee, so that human resource department
can establish corresponding strategy, such as on job training, or providing jobs
vacancies. The result of evaluate can also use for making decisions on promotions
and payments. Under this appraisal, employee are encouraged to have a better
self-development because of the feedback from the peers can help the staff to
know more about themselves. Also, this evaluation allows the staff voice out their
discontent and what they want. Comparing with other methods, 360-degree
appraisal has more scarce advantages. I believe that this appraisal is a good
method for human resource department to improve their management. Using this
method, the company can get a surprising result. And the company will find that it
is worth spending time to do so. That is why I like to say 360-degree appraisal is
an all-around appraisal method to evaluate the employee performance.
If an effective performance appraisal has been done, it is beneficial to all
employees, managers, the human resource department, and the organization as a
whole. Appraisal interview is a main session of performance appraisal. The face-
to-face interview may create hard feeling to the employees and negative effects to
the employees-supervisor relation. So the written report of performance appraisal
should include suggested improvement, not criticism. The supervisor’s
introductory remarks often set the tone of the entire interview. For that reason, it
would be advantageous for the supervisor to create a friendly, constructive
atmosphere at the outset. The supervisor should:

   •   Be natural. The approach should be friendly, courteous, and professional.
   •   Put the employee at ease and establish a rapport. This can be done with a
       pleasant greeting and a friendly statement that is of interest to the
       employee which would prompt a reply.
   •   Explain to the employee the purpose of the interview and how he or she
       will be appraised. The employee should have a clear understanding of the
       criteria used in determining the rating.

Discussion of the appraisal is the heart of the process - the supervisor should be
prepared to face various reactions from the employee. Most employees are doing a
satisfactory job and are happy to know where they stand and how they can
improve job performance. However, dealing with employees who are poorly
performing or who are skeptical of the ratings is more difficult. The following
guidelines may be useful in dealing with either situation. The supervisor should:
Compliment the employee without going to extremes, Constructive
criticism, clarify   the reasons     why the rating was given, Be sure the
employee understands what is expected of him or her, ask questions and listen,
allow the employee to express reactions to the evaluation; this can result in
discovering the underlying causes for marginal performance. This process
should not be a one way dialogue, but a meaningful conversation, Do not
interrupt – but make sure the discussion is not sidetracked by irrelevant topics,
Ask the employee for suggestions on how job performance can be improved,
Keep the appraisal job-centered, Maintain objectivity, If the employee gets angry,
listen, Do not expect to convince the employee of anything while he or she is
angry, allow the employee their self-respect, Develop and cultivate the

employee’s commitment on specific steps for improvement and any follow-up
activity. Different employees may find their feedback of their job performance as
a guide for their future career, Specific result enables the supervisor to better
arrange the necessary training for the employees. Managerial supervisors can base
on the result to make comparative judgment about payroll, promotions and other
placement decision. Therefore the performance appraisal is crucial that it shows
the effectiveness of the organization's strategic plans, recruitment, orientation etc.
So, conducting an effective Performance Appraisal Interview is not an easy job. It
requires much effort to be put. There are mainly three steps when conducting it,
i.e. a well preparation and sufficient planning before the interview, a well-
organized interview structure and follow-up evaluation of interview. Of course,
there are still many mini steps needed to be considered in each major step. The
feedback resulting from an effective appraisal interview can improve the working
relationship between staff, the job performance and ultimately the company's
gross profits. In achieving these targets, the organization should try to overcome
the existing and possible problems of performance appraisal, such as lack of a
sturdy appraisal objective, personal bias on the interviewees, absent of balance
between leniency and strictness. If the preparation work is well-organized, the
interview can then run smoothly. Thus, both interviewer and interviewee can be
benefit. It is absolutely the ultimate goal of the Performance Appraisal.

After the interview the supervisor should consider the following questions. If
“yes” has been answered to each question, the appraisal interview has been

   •   Does the employee clearly understand the goals and objectives of his or
       her position?
   •   Does the employee clearly understand the reason for any unsatisfactory
   •   Does the employee have a clear understanding of what and how
       performance improvements can be made?
   •   Is the employee motivated to improve?
   •   Does the employee understand the repercussion of what will happen if his
       or her performance does improve?
   •   Were plans for performance follow-up made clear to the employee?
   •   As a result of the interview, did a better relationship occur between the
       supervisor and employee?

The supervisor should record the essential points of the interview and note
anything that could have been done differently to make the next interview more
effective. It should be remembered that the interview is part of a continuing
process of communication between the supervisor and employee.


Obviously the performance of the employee affects the production directly.
Outstanding employee is certainly an important property of the company, but the
worse performance staff causes the company running inefficiency. Because of this
problem, company need to evaluate their staff to differentiate good and bad. From
managers’ point of view, performance appraisal (PA) is to evaluate staff’s
working performance and then determine the opportunities promotion. But from
staff’s point of view, PA is a way that the manager uses to highlight all the bad
things they did all year. So it’s a hard work for human resources manager to
choose an appropriate PA method. Since wrong PA methods may cause a negative
impact to all. The type of PA, therefore, mainly depends on its purpose and the
number of the staff.

So , in fact , there is no perfect or best PA method . The best one is only depends
on what kind of operation are you in .


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Critical Review of Performance Evaluation Tools

  • 1. A Critical Review of Performance Evaluation Tools and Technique Prepared For: Abu Saleh Md. Sohel-Uz-Zaman, PhD Human Resource Management School Of Business United International University (UIU) Prepared By: A.K.M. Tanvirul Huda ID: 112 101 037 Sec: A, MBA Program Fall Semester United International University (UIU) Submission Date: 11 December 10, 2010
  • 2. A common objective of business organizations in the world is to be successful. This success can be defined in terms of profit, welfare the society etc. Organization refers to a group of people who are working in a systematic manner to achieve desired objectives. The success of the organization largely depends on these groups of people. It is very important to know whether these groups of people are doing their job effectively and efficiently or not. Employee commitment, motivation and job satisfaction are related and dependent on each other, and that their combination leads to improvements in employee performance. So it is also important to periodically review employees’ performance towards the goal of the organizations. Employment now means more than having a job. It is not just something an individual does but a combination of shared responsibilities and duties between the organization and the individual. Appraisals, regardless of role and of industry can be very stressful processes. Personally I dislike the word 'appraisal' as it sets a mindset of 'once a year' so I prefer the term 'performance review'. However given that 'appraisal' is the term most commonly used in industry today I'll stick with it. A performance appraisal, employee appraisal, performance review, or (career) development discussion is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost, and time) typically by the corresponding manager or supervisor. A performance appraisal is a part of guiding and managing career development. It is the process of obtaining, analyzing, and recording information about the relative worth of an employee to the organization. Performance appraisal is an analysis of an employee's recent successes and failures, personal strengths and weaknesses, and suitability for promotion or further training. It is also the judgment of an employee's performance in a job based on considerations other than productivity alone. According to me, performance appraisal is done not just for eliminate performance deficiencies through further training and development but also for laying off employees from organizations. Here organizations construct a cost- benefit analysis of performance appraisal for employees. Companies analyze time and money costs of preparing appraisals, goal setting sessions, periodic review sessions and annual review sessions against benefits of annual merit increases that reinforces managerial authority. That is why a performance evaluation is a stressful time for an employee and a manager. Increased workplace tension and job loss are just a few consequences that can stem from bad performance appraisals. Therefore, employers must properly document all performance appraisals to ensure evaluation results are justified. In addition, it is the employee's responsibility to use performance appraisals as a learning tool, and turn it into an opportunity for professional growth. Evaluating employees is an important part of motivating employees and helping them to be more successful on the job. When a performance evaluation is successful, the employee is encouraged to work toward personal career goals as well as goals for the business. Supervisors and managers can use performance evaluation tools to ensure that the review is successful and productive. Generally, the aims of a performance appraisal are to: • Give employees feedback on performance • Identify employee training needs 2
  • 3. Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards • Form a basis for personnel decisions: salary increases, promotions, disciplinary actions, bonuses, etc. • Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development • Facilitate communication between employee and administration • Validate selection techniques and human resource policies to meet federal Equal Employment Opportunity requirements. • To improve performance through counseling, coaching and development. Performance appraisal is a consequence of performance management. It is logical because performance management is a process of setting goals, training employees and then appraising and rewarding them. They call the total, integrated process performance management. But this process is expensive and it takes long time to establish. It is possible for financially sound and big companies. For small companies it is very hard to establish performance management. Specially in countries like Bangladesh many company is small, new and financially unsound. To get good quality employee companies must maintain error free recruitment and selection technique, have to avoid negligence hiring, negligence training, have to define specific employee’s goals and work standards which matches company’s strategic aim, and have to set measurable standards for each objective. This process is like a chain of sequence and it have to be error free. Any mistake will lead to bad performance of employees. There are exceptions, such as Toyota, have essentially eliminated formal appraisals, doing so may not be practical for most employers. At firms like Toyota, eliminating appraisals is a by-product of a broader effort. There is no universally used performance management method. It depends on the types of organization and manager. There are two basic considerations in designing the actual appraisal tool are what to measure and how to measure it. In terms of what to measure one can measure the employee’s performance in terms of generic dimensions such as quality, quantity, timeliness of work, based on developing one’s competencies or achieving one’s goals. In terms of how to measure it, there are various methodologies including graphic rating scales, alternation ranking method, paired comparison method, forced distribution method, critical incident method, narrative forms, behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS), management by objectives, computerized and web-based performance appraisal etc. Graphic Rating Scale Method is the simplest, most popular and the most common method of evaluation of an employee’s performance today. It is also one of the oldest methods of evaluation in use. This method lists a number of traits and a range of performance for each. The employee is then rated by identifying the score that best describes his or her level of performance for each trait. Gary Dessler described nicely about graphic rating scale method with example. He has also talked about advantages and disadvantages of using this method. Another positive point in favor of the rating scale that I want to add is that it permits a statistical tabulation of scores of employees. When ratings are objective in nature they can be effectively used as evaluators. The graphic rating scale may however suffer from a long standing disadvantage. For instance, if the employee has serious gaps in technical-professional knowledge (knows only basic phases of 3
  • 4. job), lacks the knowledge to bring about an increase in productivity, Is reluctant to make decisions on his own, declines to accept responsibility, fails to plan ahead effectively, wastes and misuses resources etc. besides standards of traits may be unclear, halo effect, central tendency, leniency, bias can also be problems. To overcome these problems supervisor have to be trained, have the ability to control outside influences and have to maintain records of critical incidents instead of relying on memories. Ranking simply involves ordering the job description from highest to lowest based on a predetermined definition of value or contribution. Three ways of ranking are usually considered: Simple ranking, Alternation ranking and Paired comparison ranking. Simple ranking requires that evaluators order to rank job according to their overall value to the organization. Alternation ranking involves ordering the job description alternatively at each extreme. While this is a simple method, it is impractical for large groups. In addition, there may be wide variations in ability between ranks for different positions. The paired comparison method systematizes ranking and enables better comparison among individuals to be rated. Every individual in the group is compared with all others in the group. The evaluations received by each person in the group are counted and turned into percentage scores. The scores provide a fair idea as to how each individual in the group is judged by the assessor. According to me evaluators using this method must be knowledgeable about every single job under study. As the organization changes, it is difficult to retain command of all this job information. Even if such a person exists the total number of rankings to complete becomes difficult. For example, using the paired comparison process where 50 jobs are involved requires (n)(n-1)/2 = 1225 comparisons. Some organizations try to overcome these difficulties by ranking jobs within single departments and merging the results. However, without grater specification of the factors on which the rankings are based, merging rank is a major problem. Forced choice method was developed to eliminate bias and the preponderance of high ratings that might occur in some organizations. The primary purpose of the forced choice method is to correct the tendency of a rater to give consistently high or low ratings to all the employees. This method, however, has a strong limitation. In the preparation of sets of phrases trained technicians are needed and as such the method becomes very expensive. Further, managers may feel frustrated rating the employees ‘in the dark’. Finally, the results of the forced choice method may not be useful for training employees because the rater himself does not know how he is evaluating the worker. In spite of these limitations, the forced choice technique is quite popular. Under Critical incident technique the manager prepares lists of statements of very effective and ineffective behavior of an employee. A critical incident can be described as one that makes a significant contribution—either positively or negatively—to an activity or phenomenon. According to me there are several advantage of using critical incident technique like data is collected directly from the respondent in his or her own words (users’ views, NOT designers’), focus on unusual or extraordinary may be more helpful than routine data, does not force the respondents into any given framework, flexible method that can be used to 4
  • 5. improve multi-user systems, inexpensive and provides rich information, identifies even rare events that might be missed by other methods which only focus on common and everyday events, useful when problems occur but the cause and severity are not known, this method avoids recency bias (most recent incidents get too much emphasis). This method suffers however from some limitations like negative incidents may be more noticeable than positive incidents, the supervisors have a tendency to unload a series of complaints about incidents during an annual performance review session, it results in very close supervision which may not be liked by the employee, the recording of incidents may be a unpleasant task for the manager concerned, who may be too busy or forget to do it. Most frequently, the critical incidents technique of evaluation is applied to evaluate the performance of superiors rather than of peers of subordinates. Narrative form is another method of performance appraisal. In this method of appraisal supervisor narrates the performance instead of applying weights. A person’s supervisor is asked (i) to rate the employees performance for each performance factor or skill (ii) to write down examples and (iii) an important plan. This aids the employee to understand where his or her performance was good or bad and how to improve that performance. There are several pitfalls that one should avoid in appraising employee’s performance are comparing one employee to another. This comparison is irrelevant to the appraisal process and has a tendency to result in favorable bias toward employees one like and unfavorable toward employees one like less. Memory Failure, Halo Effect, Competition within the Unit is also problem of narrative form. Competition can result in one employee requesting the best assignments or seeking the spotlight to the disadvantage of other employees. One must be careful to avoid any bias, which may be created by competition. A sample narrative form of performance appraisal is attached in the appendix. Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) are rating scales whose scale points are defined by statements of effective and ineffective behaviors. They are said to be behaviorally anchored in that the scales represent a continuum of descriptive statements of behaviors ranging from least to most effective. An evaluator must indicate which behavior on each scale best describes an employee's performance. BARS differ from other rating scales in that scale points are specifically defined behaviors. Also, BARS are constructed by the evaluators who will use them. Advantages of BARS are ratings are not easily subjected to different interpretations of raters, It meets EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) guidelines for fair employment practices, since job criterion for assessment are derived form actual job performance and are related to it. And some disadvantages of BARS are it requires observational skill and proper determination of critical behaviors; inadequacies can lead to misleading data, compilation of critical behaviors takes considerable time and effort, and recording data also involve alert and constant observations (i.e. keeping logs), less preferable due to similarity to trait measures. Rather than that BARS is more accurate and relatively reliable. The term "management by objectives" was first popularized by Peter Drucker in his 1954 book 'The Practice of Management'. In the 90s, Peter Drucker himself decreased the significance of this organization management method, when he 5
  • 6. said: "It's just another tool. It is not the great cure for management inefficiency. MBO represents a modern method of evaluating the performance of personnel. Thoughtful managers have become increasingly aware that the traditional performance evaluation systems are characterized by somewhat aggressive judgments on the part of the rater. There is a growing feeling nowadays that it is better to make the superior work with subordinates in fixing goals. This would inevitably enable subordinates to exercise self-control over their performance behaviors. MBO thus represents more than an evaluation program and process. Practicing management scientists view it as a philosophy of managerial practice; it is a method by which managers and subordinates plan, organize, control, communicate and debate. Gray Dessler has nicely described disadvantages or problems of MBO in his book “Human Resource Management”. But there are several advantages of MBO for example MBO programs continually emphasize what should be done in an organization to achieve organizational goals, MBO process secures employee commitment to attaining organizational goals, involving employees in the whole process of goal setting and increasing employee empowerment increases employee job satisfaction and commitment, Frequent reviews and interactions between superiors and subordinates helps to maintain harmonious relationships within the enterprise and also solve many problems faced during the period. Lastly it can be said that the use of MBO needs to be carefully aligned with the culture of the organization. While MBO is not as fashionable as it was before, it still has its place in management today. The key difference is that rather than 'set' objectives from a cascade process, objectives are discussed and agreed, based upon a more strategic picture being available to employees. Engagement of employees in the objective setting process is seen as a strategic advantage by many. Web-based employee performance management tools are accessible any time day or night and from any computer with Internet access. Often far less work intensive than designing in-house performance management tools and far less expensive for organizations, such software is designed to be user-friendly as well as effective. Traditional methods of performance appraisals used by human resources in many organizations are inadequate, disorganized, and are often viewed by employees as unfair. Computer Assisted Performance Appraisal Systems offer an alternative solution that can reduce some of the problems encountered with traditional methods. Such systems permit managers to accurately update and evaluate information on employees, enable the formation of job descriptions more efficiently, and meet all legal guidelines by editing reports that contain words which may be construed as defamatory in nature. Computer software programs are facilitating many aspects of “soft” management tasks, such as writing a difficult employee performance review. Management software, commonly called MBA ware, offers expert guidance in management issues that range from creating a business plan to writing employee policy manuals. Some managers are looking to technology to help solve the problems encountered in performance reviews. Currently, computer software programs exist that may be used to facilitate the performance appraisal process. These MBA-ware programs enable managers to produce performance appraisal documents that are complete, professional in appearance, and easy to use in the performance appraisal process. In addition, the programs provide categories of job performances to be appraised and offer various pre-written descriptions of behaviors for each category. One click of the mouse 6
  • 7. can change the tone or disposition of an entire sentence or paragraph. This one adjustment in the tone or intensity of professionally written phrases and paragraphs can enhance people management and communication. Descriptions of employees’ job performances contained in performance appraisal software programs have been prepared with the help of legal counsel to assure that managers will not make statements that are not wise from a legal viewpoint. These programs also offer opportunities for the manager to add, delete, and edit categories as necessary to fit individual job situations. In addition, using MBA- ware for performance appraisals instead of the traditional alternative takes less time, produces more structured reports, encourages more praise, and helps managers develop their most important resource – their employees. Some antiques experts are adamantly against online antique appraisals. They believe there is no way an item can be evaluated accurately in terms of condition and other key factors by simply reviewing photos. Others find that online appraisals are useful tools in helping collectors determine the value of their antiques and collectibles. It's ultimately up to each individual to decide how effective online appraisals are, and to what extent they are accurate in determining values. The Human Resources Department is responsible for the administration of the employee's performance appraisal system. Any changes to policy, procedures, or forms related to performance appraisals will be communicated immediately by the Director, Human Resources/Affirmative Action to supervisors. Supervisors will work with the Human Resources Department in communicating the importance of the performance appraisal process in distributing all required performance appraisal materials and in ensuring that performance appraisals are completed in a timely manner. The immediate supervisor is responsible for conducting performance appraisals for all employees under his/her supervision. Immediate supervisor is in the best position to observe and evaluate an employee’s performance for the purposes of a performance appraisal. An effective performance appraisal process requires ongoing communications between employee and supervisor to ensure that the employee has a clear understanding of the supervisor's expectations and continuous feedback on how he or she doing on the job. This is why immediate supervisor is called the heart of the appraisal. In the rush of everyday activities, supervisors often focus on what an employee is doing wrong. How often do we take time to stop and give carefully thought out compliments? Not infrequently, employees will visibly smile when honestly complimented by their supervisor. Employees who feel that they are performing well in at least one area of responsibility, and feel validated by their supervisors, are more likely to want to improve their performance in other areas, too. We know very little about self-esteem despite all that has been written about it. Self-esteem seems to be somewhat situational, specific and fragile. People affect each other positively or negatively. Employees with very high or very low self-esteems may be less affected by the quality of their supervisors than those in the middle. Even so, few people can boast of self-esteems that are so robust that they cannot be deflated. A positive supervisor who looks for good in others is more likely to find it as well as more receptive employees. Some supervisors, by their positive natures, seem to bring out the best in others. Global self-esteem is affected by how people feel about specific areas of their lives, such as in their multiple roles as a spouse, a parent, a child, an employee, a supervisor, member of a team, and so on. Each of these general areas may be further broken down. A person, for instance, 7
  • 8. may feel she is generally a good supervisor. This same individual may recognize that she is better at some aspects of supervision than others. Furthermore, she may realize that her interactions with different members of her work team vary. If one aspect of our life is particularly important to us, our self-esteem in that area will have a large effect on our overall feelings of self-worth. Over time, what is important to an individual may change drastically. At times co-workers have a better grasp for a colleague’s performance than the supervisor, but co-worker evaluations have a tendency to be relaxed. Sometimes co-workers hope management will read between the lines and praise irrelevant or insignificant factors. At times a co-worker may be particularly hard on a disliked worker. Peer review is usually anonymous and several peers are involved in the evaluation. This ambiguity, may lead to bias towards each other in the appraisal process. But peer appraisal has some drawbacks like management has not enough time to train the team members in how to perform peer appraisal, no internal expertise to ensure good skills uptake and to facilitate such peer meetings etc. On the other hand peer appraisal may help the employees to grow as a result of the fairness and honesty. It would also help the trust levels between employees and managers, company may probably get a better picture of reality, skills of both the employees and managers would increase as a result and it could free up a lot of time. Time that company could use to move the business forward. Performance appraisal by rating committees is also useful because of professionally expert raters. But it does not mean they do not make mistake. Due to negligence in rating they may also fall into common problems of performance appraisal that have described in the book. The self-evaluation is another part of the employee performance review. In self- evaluation, the employee and supervisor both can compare evaluations of how the employee is performing in particular areas. This can help the employee to think about his work performance during the evaluation period and give an honest appraisal for the review. The self evaluation helps an employee get into a mind-set of both thoughtful positive criticism and self recognition. It makes them more willing to receive feedback from supervisor. It gives an opportunity to reflect on their performance during the period and if applicable, highlight any contributions they have made which their manager may not remember or openly see. It gives them and supervisor a better starting point to openly discuss their performance and makes it easier for supervisor to highlight development areas. It Saves supervisor’s time (this can be argued). On the other hand Self evaluations in my opinion make managers lazy. If the employee is a true performer but has low self esteem, the manager may save some of the budget for not promoting the employee. If manager go through an employees evaluation of himself/herself prior to doing his own review, manager may be persuaded by what they say. Or manager may find himself being lazy when it comes to reviewing and just repeating what they have said. Self appraisal works well for people who are "self aware." If the employee can be realistic in his/her assessment, supervisors are on good ground. Appraisal by subordinates is also called upward feedback. Employees feel they have a greater voice in organizational decision-making. The feedback from subordinates is particularly effective in evaluating the supervisor / manager’s 8
  • 9. interpersonal skills. However, it may not be as appropriate or valid for evaluating task-oriented skills. A formalized subordinate appraisal will give supervisors / line managers a more comprehensive picture of employee issues and needs. Subordinate feedback is most beneficial when used for appraisal purposes. But precautions should be taken to ensure that subordinates are appraising elements of which they have knowledge. Supervisors may feel threatened and perceive that their authority has been undermined when they must take into consideration that their subordinates will be formally evaluating them. Only subordinates with a sufficient length of assignment under the manager should be included in the pool of assessors. Subordinates who are in probation period or involved in a disciplinary action period should be excluded from the rating group. The complete survey on an individual is 360-Degree Feedback. As the feedback comes from different level of employees in the hierarchy of the organization; includes managers, peers, subordinates and staff, apart form the internal sources, the feedback can also source form the external relevant relations like customers and suppliers therefore it also known as 'multi-rater feedback'. Information gathered from this technique can be used for both developmental (helping to identify strengths and performance gaps) and administrative (performance appraisal, training evaluation, promotion, etc.) purposes. It provides a more comprehensive view of employee performance than other appraisal method, it increases the credibility of the appraisal result, the feedback from the peers can help to enhance the staff’s self-development, though the 360-degree method, if the manager does not do well in his job and make the staff feel discontent, they can compliant the manager during the appraisal without following the normal complaint procedures. This can help the staff a chance to voice out their discontent and what they want. It is no doubt that 360-degree feedback include more people to do the evaluation can give a more comprehensive view of the result, but it also very time consuming since everyone need to do the evaluation, after that the company need to find more staff to help to find out the result, it will increase the complex on the administration, so the company cannot do the appraisal frequently on the same people. It is very important to choose a right timing to conduct this method that can minimize the impact of the organization. This method can be threatening both the staff is being assessed and the people doing the evaluation. From the management level, the manager may feel this method could undermine their authority and so they will not cooperate well when they do the appraisal. About the staff, if they do not have a good result of the appraisal, they may suspicious that who give them some bad comments and may things that other staff will question them because they cannot get a good result. As the result, it will generate a worse atmosphere in the working environment. According to me, another issue in 360-degree feedback is confidentiality. It is the biggest risk because many company may outsource the 360-degree process to other company that can used to make the staff who are being evaluated feels more comfortable that the information they give and receive will in a confidential environment. However, some information is very sensitive but the company discloses the information to others carelessly, that will affect the whole company. Although time consuming and more administratively complex are a serious problem of the 360-degree appraisal, this method really gives a more comprehensive view of employee performance than any other appraisal methods. 9
  • 10. As it is a believable performance feedback that considered by managers, peers, subordinates, staff and even customers. After the evaluation, the company can get more detailed information about the employee, so that human resource department can establish corresponding strategy, such as on job training, or providing jobs vacancies. The result of evaluate can also use for making decisions on promotions and payments. Under this appraisal, employee are encouraged to have a better self-development because of the feedback from the peers can help the staff to know more about themselves. Also, this evaluation allows the staff voice out their discontent and what they want. Comparing with other methods, 360-degree appraisal has more scarce advantages. I believe that this appraisal is a good method for human resource department to improve their management. Using this method, the company can get a surprising result. And the company will find that it is worth spending time to do so. That is why I like to say 360-degree appraisal is an all-around appraisal method to evaluate the employee performance. A If an effective performance appraisal has been done, it is beneficial to all employees, managers, the human resource department, and the organization as a whole. Appraisal interview is a main session of performance appraisal. The face- to-face interview may create hard feeling to the employees and negative effects to the employees-supervisor relation. So the written report of performance appraisal should include suggested improvement, not criticism. The supervisor’s introductory remarks often set the tone of the entire interview. For that reason, it would be advantageous for the supervisor to create a friendly, constructive atmosphere at the outset. The supervisor should: • Be natural. The approach should be friendly, courteous, and professional. • Put the employee at ease and establish a rapport. This can be done with a pleasant greeting and a friendly statement that is of interest to the employee which would prompt a reply. • Explain to the employee the purpose of the interview and how he or she will be appraised. The employee should have a clear understanding of the criteria used in determining the rating. Discussion of the appraisal is the heart of the process - the supervisor should be prepared to face various reactions from the employee. Most employees are doing a satisfactory job and are happy to know where they stand and how they can improve job performance. However, dealing with employees who are poorly performing or who are skeptical of the ratings is more difficult. The following guidelines may be useful in dealing with either situation. The supervisor should: Compliment the employee without going to extremes, Constructive criticism, clarify the reasons why the rating was given, Be sure the employee understands what is expected of him or her, ask questions and listen, allow the employee to express reactions to the evaluation; this can result in discovering the underlying causes for marginal performance. This process should not be a one way dialogue, but a meaningful conversation, Do not interrupt – but make sure the discussion is not sidetracked by irrelevant topics, Ask the employee for suggestions on how job performance can be improved, Keep the appraisal job-centered, Maintain objectivity, If the employee gets angry, listen, Do not expect to convince the employee of anything while he or she is angry, allow the employee their self-respect, Develop and cultivate the 10
  • 11. employee’s commitment on specific steps for improvement and any follow-up activity. Different employees may find their feedback of their job performance as a guide for their future career, Specific result enables the supervisor to better arrange the necessary training for the employees. Managerial supervisors can base on the result to make comparative judgment about payroll, promotions and other placement decision. Therefore the performance appraisal is crucial that it shows the effectiveness of the organization's strategic plans, recruitment, orientation etc. So, conducting an effective Performance Appraisal Interview is not an easy job. It requires much effort to be put. There are mainly three steps when conducting it, i.e. a well preparation and sufficient planning before the interview, a well- organized interview structure and follow-up evaluation of interview. Of course, there are still many mini steps needed to be considered in each major step. The feedback resulting from an effective appraisal interview can improve the working relationship between staff, the job performance and ultimately the company's gross profits. In achieving these targets, the organization should try to overcome the existing and possible problems of performance appraisal, such as lack of a sturdy appraisal objective, personal bias on the interviewees, absent of balance between leniency and strictness. If the preparation work is well-organized, the interview can then run smoothly. Thus, both interviewer and interviewee can be benefit. It is absolutely the ultimate goal of the Performance Appraisal. After the interview the supervisor should consider the following questions. If “yes” has been answered to each question, the appraisal interview has been successful. • Does the employee clearly understand the goals and objectives of his or her position? • Does the employee clearly understand the reason for any unsatisfactory ratings? • Does the employee have a clear understanding of what and how performance improvements can be made? • Is the employee motivated to improve? • Does the employee understand the repercussion of what will happen if his or her performance does improve? • Were plans for performance follow-up made clear to the employee? • As a result of the interview, did a better relationship occur between the supervisor and employee? The supervisor should record the essential points of the interview and note anything that could have been done differently to make the next interview more effective. It should be remembered that the interview is part of a continuing process of communication between the supervisor and employee. 11
  • 12. Conclusion: Obviously the performance of the employee affects the production directly. Outstanding employee is certainly an important property of the company, but the worse performance staff causes the company running inefficiency. Because of this problem, company need to evaluate their staff to differentiate good and bad. From managers’ point of view, performance appraisal (PA) is to evaluate staff’s working performance and then determine the opportunities promotion. But from staff’s point of view, PA is a way that the manager uses to highlight all the bad things they did all year. So it’s a hard work for human resources manager to choose an appropriate PA method. Since wrong PA methods may cause a negative impact to all. The type of PA, therefore, mainly depends on its purpose and the number of the staff. So , in fact , there is no perfect or best PA method . The best one is only depends on what kind of operation are you in . 12