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PALIC, SERBIA – 02.08.2019
Who am I?
Tatar Balazs Janos
Working with Drupal since 2007
CTO @ Petend
Drupal Security Correspondent @ European Commission
Provisional member @ Drupal Security Team
SecOSdreamer @ Secure Open Source days (SecOSdays)
Active mentor @ Mentoring community group
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Are there site builders?
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Are there developers/maintainers?
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Have you attended on a previous Let’s
write secure Drupal code! session?
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
DrupalCamp Antwerp 2017
DrupalCamp Ruhr 2018
DrupalDevDays 2018
Drupal Europe 2018
DrupalCamp Oslo 2018
DrupalCamp London 2019
Drupal Mountain Camp 2019
DrupalCamp Spain 2019
DrupalCamp Belarus 2019
DrupalCamp Kyiv 2019
DrupalCamp Poland 2019
DrupalCamp Pannonia 2019
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Trends in Security
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Types of vulnerabilities
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Cross Site Scripting
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Client side vulnerability
Unfiltered output
Never trust any user input.
We’ve seen the demo before ;)
Cross Site Scripting
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Html::escape() – plain text
Xss::filter() – html is allowed
Xss::filterAdmin() – text by admins
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Everyone has a bingo card (check your bag!)
If you answer well, mark the number!
Wrong answer = no number!
First who shouts BINGO! wins the price!
Rules and etiquette
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Round 1
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
function custom_field_formatter_view(...) {
foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
$element[$key] = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#markup' => t('<img src="!src" alt="@alt" />',
array('!src' => $value['src'], '$alt' => $value['alt'])),
return $element;
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
function custom_field_formatter_view(...) {
foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
$element[$key] = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#markup' => t('<img src="!src" alt="@alt" />',
array('!src' => $value['src'], '$alt' => $value['alt'])),
return $element;
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
function custom_field_formatter_view(...) {
foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
$element[$key] = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#markup' => t('<img src="@src" alt="@alt" />',
array('@src' => $value['src'], '$alt' => $value['alt'])),
return $element;
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
$id = $item->getValue()['target_id'];
$content = Drupal::entityTypeManager()
$body = $content->get('body_field')->getValue()[0]['value'];
$elements[$delta] = array(
'#theme' => 'something_custom',
'#body' => $body,
return $elements;
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
$id = $item->getValue()['target_id'];
$content = Drupal::entityTypeManager()
$body = $content->get('body_field')->getValue()[0]['value'];
$elements[$delta] = array(
'#theme' => 'something_custom',
'#body' => $body,
return $elements;
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
$id = $item->getValue()['target_id'];
$content = Drupal::entityTypeManager()
$body = [
'#type' => 'processed_text',
'#text' => $content->get('body_field')->getValue()[0]['value'],
'#format' => $content->get('body_field')->getValue()[0]['format'], ];
$elements[$delta] = array(
'#theme' => 'something_custom',
'#body' => $body,
return $elements;
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
In Drupal 7 check_url() calls
check_plain() to sanitize bad protocols
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
In Drupal 7 check_url() calls
check_plain() to sanitize bad protocols
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
In Drupal 7 check_url() calls
to sanitize bad protocols properly.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Drupal 8 allows Full HTML to be used
by authenticated and administrator
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Drupal 8 allows Full HTML to be used
by authenticated and administrator
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Use behat/automated tests.
<img src="a" onerror="alert('title')">
Check your filters and user roles.
Do not give too many options to untrusted users!
Protection against Cross Site Scripting
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Access Bypass
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
User can access/do something.
Menu items can be defined to be
Many access systems: node, entity, field, views...
Access bypass
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Round 2
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
$query = db_select('node', 'n')
->fields('n', array('title', 'nid'))
->condition('type', 'article');
$result = $query->execute();
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
$query = db_select('node', 'n')
->fields('n', array('title', 'nid'))
->condition('type', 'article');
$result = $query->execute();
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
$query = db_select('node', 'n')
->fields('n', array('title', 'nid')
->condition('type', 'article')
$result = $query->execute();
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
path: '/not-found'
_controller: 'DrupalmymoduleControllerNotFoundController::build404'
_title: 'Page not found'
_access: 'TRUE'
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
path: '/not-found'
_controller: 'DrupalmymoduleControllerNotFoundController::build404'
_title: 'Page not found'
_access: 'TRUE'
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Restricted permissions make Drupal
sites more secure by calling
restrict_permission() method.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Restricted permissions make Drupal
sites more secure by calling
restrict_permission() method.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Restricted permissions make Drupal
sites more secure by raising
attention on the permission page.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
A standard Drupal 8 allows users to
mistype their passwords 10 times.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
A standard Drupal 8 allows users to
mistype their passwords 10 times.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
A standard Drupal 8 allows users to
mistype their passwords 5 times.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Visit node/nid and other urls
Visit anything/%node
Use behat/automated tests.
node_access, entity_access
Menu definitions
user_access for permissions
Protection against Access bypass
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
SQL Injection
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Unauthorized access to database resources.
Do not trust any user input.
SA-CORE-2014-005 – Highly critical D7 SA
SQL Injection
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Round 3
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
$result = Drupal::database()
->condition('name', '%_' . $_GET['param'], 'LIKE');
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
$result = Drupal::database()
->condition('name', '%_' . $_GET['param'], 'LIKE');
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
$database = Drupal::database();
$result = $database
->condition('name', $database->escapeLike($_GET['param']), 'LIKE');
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
A highly critical Drupal 7 core update
remediated a Remote code execution
vulnerability in 2014.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
A highly critical Drupal 7 core update
remediated a Remote code execution
vulnerability in 2014.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
A highly critical Drupal 7 core update
remediated an SQL injection
vulnerability in 2014.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Use always drupal Database API!
db_query with :placeholder (deprecated in D8,
in D9 will be removed)
Filter parameters
Check the queries in code.
username' AND 1=1
POST requests by curl
Protection against SQL Injection
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Round 4
Ready for some other code?
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
function _generate_password($length = 8) {
$pass = ’’;
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
// Each iteration, pick a random character from the
// allowable string and append it to the password:
$pass .= $allowable_characters[mt_rand(0, $len)];
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
function _generate_password($length = 8) {
$pass = ’’;
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
// Each iteration, pick a random character from the
// allowable string and append it to the password:
$pass .= $allowable_characters[mt_rand(0, $len)];
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
function _generate_password($length = 8) {
$pass = ’’;
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
do {
// Find a secure random number within the range needed.
$index = ord(drupal_random_bytes(1));
} while ($index > $len);
$pass .= $allowable_characters[$index];
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
// custom_module.permissions.yml
administer custom module:
title: 'Bypass access control'
description: 'Allows a user to bypass access control.’
// custom_module.routing.yml
path: '/admin/config/custom/settings'
_permission: 'administer custom module'
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
// custom_module.permissions.yml
administer custom module:
title: 'Bypass access control'
description: 'Allows a user to bypass access control.’
// custom_module.routing.yml
path: '/admin/config/custom/settings'
_permission: 'administer custom module'
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
// custom_module.permissions.yml
administer custom module:
title: 'Bypass access control'
description: 'Allows a user to bypass access control.’
restrict access: TRUE
// custom_module.routing.yml
path: '/admin/config/custom/settings'
_permission: 'administer custom module'
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
// contrib_module.routing.yml
path: '/admin/config/contrib/settings'
_permission: 'administer site configuration'
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
// contrib_module.routing.yml
path: '/admin/config/contrib/settings'
_permission: 'administer site configuration'
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
CSRF stands for Cross Site Remote
Fallout vulnerability.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
CSRF stands for Cross Site Remote
Fallout vulnerability.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
CSRF stands for Cross Site Request
Forgery vulnerability.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
SQL Injection is a server side
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
SQL Injection is a server side
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Cross Site Scripting vulnerability is in
the TOP3 of OWASP list from 2017.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Cross Site Scripting vulnerability is in
the TOP3 of OWASP list from 2017.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Cross Site Scripting vulnerability is not
in the TOP3 of OWASP list from 2017,
but was in 2013.
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
In case of no winner,
extra numbers are coming!
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Security Improvements
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Many ways Drupal 8 is more secure!*
Twig templates for HTML generation
Removed PHP format
Site configuration exportable, versionable
User content entry and filtering improvements
User session and session always in ID handling
Automated CSRF token protection
Trusted host patterns enforced for requests
Single statement execution for SQL
Clickjacking protection
Content security policy compatibility with Core Javascript API
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Learn by Advisories
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Security advisories are for
 Only stable modules
 No alpha, beta, dev
 hosted projects
@Maintainers: If you are contacted, be supportive! 
Drupal Security Team
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Security review (
Password policy
Composer Security Checker
Permission report
Drop Guard
Security Awareness programs
+ PHPCS Drupal BestPractice Sniff
Security related projects
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
25-26 October 2019 – Sofia, Bulgaria
Call For Sessions and Sponsors are
Tatar Balazs Janos - @tatarbj
TatarBalazsJanos - @tatarbj
Tatar Balazs Janos
Thank you!

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Notes de l'éditeur

  1. Einstein said: “insanity is when you do the same thing over and over again and expect different results”
  2. Owasp: open web application security project
  3. Reference for the XSS issue that was basically caused by a security misconfiguration.
  4. Hide enabled blocks from selector that are used Context update from this wednesday
  5. Hide enabled blocks from selector that are used Context update from this wednesday
  6. Hide enabled blocks from selector that are used Context update from this wednesday
  7. Not because of having db_query deprecated, but: The $field param is used to derive various table and field names, but in each case the Database API automatically escapes these values. Note that the API does not do this for all arguments!
  8. Not because of having db_query deprecated, but: The $field param is used to derive various table and field names, but in each case the Database API automatically escapes these values. Note that the API does not do this for all arguments!
  9. Not because of having db_query deprecated, but: The $field param is used to derive various table and field names, but in each case the Database API automatically escapes these values. Note that the API does not do this for all arguments!
  10. Mt_rand is not secure enough!
  11. Insecure randomness by Mass Password Reset (SA-CONTRIB-2018-043) by Greg Knaddison