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Foreground Detection via Robust Low Rank Matrix
       Factorization including Spatial Constraint with Iterative
                        Reweighted Regression

                             C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah

       MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), University of La Rochelle, France
                  Presenter: Muriel Visani (L3i lab - University of la Rochelle)
                                   ICPR2012, Tsukuba, Japan

                                            November 14, 2012

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012
                                                                                   November 14, & Applications),
                                                                                                              1 Spatia

  1   Introduction and motivation on IRLS

  2   Temporal constraint with an adapted norm

  3   Diagram flow and spatial constraint

  4   Experimental Results

  5   Conclusion

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012
                                                                                   November 14, & Applications),
                                                                                                              2 Spatia
Introduction and motivation

          Foreground detection : Segmentation of moving objects in video sequence
          acquired by a fixed camera.
          Background modeling : Modelization of all that is not moving object.

   Involved applications
          Surveillance camera
          Motion capture

   On the importance
          Crucial Task : Often the first step of a full video surveillance system.

   Strategy used
          Eigenbackground decomposition.
C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012
                                                                                   November 14, & Applications),
                                                                                                              3 Spatia
          Find an « ideal » subspace of the video sequence, which describes the best
          as possible the (dynamic) background.

   Fig.1 The common process of background subtraction via PCA (Principal Component
   Analysis). At the final step, an adaptative threshold is used to get a binary image.

   Without a robust framework, the moving object may be absorbed in the model !
C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012
                                                                                   November 14, & Applications),
                                                                                                              4 Spatia
Data Structure Transformation
   First, we consider a video sequence as a matrix A ∈ Rn×m

          n is the amount of pixels in a frame (∼ 106 )
          m is the number of frames considered (∼ 200)
C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012
                                                                                   November 14, & Applications),
                                                                                                              5 Spatia
IRLS : Vector version (1)

   The usual IRLS (Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares) scheme for solve
   argmin ||Ax − b||α is given by :

                                   D (i) = diag((ε + |b − Ax (i) |)α−2 )
                                   x (i+1) = (At D (i) A)−1 At D (i) b

   This IRLS method is convergent for 1 ≤ α < 3. An more suitable
   formulation is :

                                      r (i) = b − Ax (i)
                                      D = diag((ε + |r (i) |)α−2 )
                                      y (i) = (A DA)−1 A Dr (i)
                                      x (i+1) = x (i) + (1 + λopt )y (i)
   for λopt computed in a second inner loop. It is convergent for 1 ≤ α < +∞

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012
                                                                                   November 14, & Applications),
                                                                                                              6 Spatia
IRLS : Vector version (2)

   For spatio/temporal RPCA, it needs to solve the following general problem :

                                argmin ||Ax − b||α + λ||Cx − d||β                                           (3)

   By derivation, the associated IRLS scheme is,
                      r1 = b − Ax (i) , r2 = d − Cx (i) , e1 = ε + |r1 |, e2 = ε + |r2 |
                                    α 1                               β 1 −1         β−2
                      D1 = ( e1 ) α −1 diag(e1 ), D2 = λ( e2 ) β diag(e2 )
                        (i)                        −1
                      y = (A D1 A + C D2 C ) (A D1 r1 + C D2 r2 )
                      x (i+1) = x (i) + (1 + λopt )y (i)

   Good news : Just few lines in Matlab !

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012
                                                                                   November 14, & Applications),
                                                                                                              7 Spatia
IRLS : Matrix Version

   More generally, we consider the following matrix regression problem with
   two parameters norm (α, β) and a weighted matrix W ,
                                                                      n       m
                                                                                                 α   1
       min ||AX − B||α,β                with ||Mij ||α,β = (              (       Wij |Mij |β ) β ) α       (5)
         X                      W                          W
                                                                     i=1 j=1

  The problem is solved in the same manner on matrices with a reweighted
  regression strategy,
                      Until X   is stable, repeat on each k-column
                        R       ← B − AX
                         S      ← ε + |R|                                                                    (6)
                                                                 α −1
                                             β−2         β
                        Dk      ← diag(Sik ◦ ( j (Sij ◦ Wij )) β ◦ Wik )k
                        Xik     ← Xik +(1+Λ(max(α, β)))(At Dk A)−1 At Dk Rik

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012
                                                                                   November 14, & Applications),
                                                                                                              8 Spatia
Various RPCA formulation (only for α = 1)
          PCA with a fixed rank is :               min         ||S||F
                                                  s.t.        Rank(L) = k                                    (7)
          R(obust)PCA is (Non convex and NP-hard ) :
                                               min         ||σ(L)||0 + λ||S||0
                                               L,S                                                           (8)
                                               s.t.        A=L+S
          Convex relaxed problem of (8) is RPCA-PCP proposed by Candès et al. [1] :
                                               min         ||σ(L)||1 + λ||S||1
                                               L,S                                                           (9)
                                               s.t.        A=L+S
          where σ(L) means singular values of L.
          A mix is Stable PCP of Zhou et al. [2] (both entry-wise and sparse noise) :
                                              min          ||σ(L)||1 + λ||S||1
                                               L,S                                                          (10)
                                              s.t.         ||A − L − S||F < δ

          All of them could be solved by Augmented Lagrangian Multipliers (ALM).
C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012
                                                                                   November 14, & Applications),
                                                                                                              9 Spatia
Video examples

   Some examples, temporal RPCA and ideal RPCA with ground truth fitting.

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          10 Spatia

  1   Introduction and motivation on IRLS

  2   Temporal constraint with an adapted norm

  3   Diagram flow and spatial constraint

  4   Experimental Results

  5   Conclusion

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          11 Spatia
Sparse solution
   In RPCA, residual error is sparse.
   Using the RPCA decomposition on a synthetic low-rank random matrix
   plus noise, the error looks like :

   Same principle with video. Sparse noise (or outliers) are the moving objects.
C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          12 Spatia
Let’s play with norms

   Varying the α, β norm → Different kind of recovering pattern error.

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          13 Spatia
Let’s play with norms...(2)

   Some issues
          What is the best specific norm for temporal constrain ?
          Initial assumption is ||.||2,1 . Confirmed experimentally ?

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          14 Spatia
   If ideal eigenbakgrounds are that, best norm should be ...

   Let us denote Lopt , the ideal low-rank subspace which outliers do not contribute to PCA
C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          15 Spatia
Experimental validation

                                                            Let us denote Lα,β , the low-rank
                                                            recovered matrix with a ||.||α,β -PCA.
                                                            The plot shows the error between
                                                            ||Lopt − Lα,β ||F for parameters α
                                                            and β chosen freely. The darkest
                                                            value means that the error is the
                                                            smallest here.

          ||S||2,1 is not optimal, but for convenience we use it.
          The benefit of the ad hoc block-sparse hypothesis is confirmed by
          testing its efficiency directly on video dataset.

         Experimentation done on dynamic category of dataset change detection
                workshop 2012 :

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          16 Spatia

  1   Introduction and motivation on IRLS

  2   Temporal constraint with an adapted norm

  3   Diagram flow and spatial constraint

  4   Experimental Results

  5   Conclusion

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          17 Spatia
Overview & addition of a spatial constraint via TV

   Figure: Overview of the learning and evaluation process. Learning process needs
   GT (Ground Truth) for better fits the eigenbackground components.

   Spatial Constraint via TV
          Suppose A = L + S where L and S are computed via some kind of
          RPCA techniques with the addition of Total Variation penalty on S.
          This penalty increases connected (or connexe) shapes.

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          18 Spatia
Exemple with a synthetic 1-D signal

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          19 Spatia

  1   Introduction and motivation on IRLS

  2   Temporal constraint with an adapted norm

  3   Diagram flow and spatial constraint

  4   Experimental Results

  5   Conclusion

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          20 Spatia
Experimental Protocol
   RPCA-IRLS is compared for the following four recent robust methods :
          Low-Rank Block sparse Decomposition (LBD, 2011) [3]
          Low-Rank Representation (LRR, 2011) [4]
          Symmetric Alternating Direction Augmented Lagrangian (SADAL, 2011) [5]
          Grassmannian Robust Adaptive Subspace Tracking Algorithm (GRASTA, 2012) [6]

      [1] E. Candes, X. Li, Y. Ma, and J. Wright, Robust principal component analysis, International Journal of ACM,
          vol. 58, no. 3, May 2011.
      [2] Z. Zhou, X. Li, J. Wright, E. Candes, and Y. Ma, Stable principal component pursuit,IEEE ISIT
          Proceedings, pp. 1518-1522, Jun. 2010.
      [3] G. Tang and A. Nehorai, Robust principal component analysis based on low-rank and block-sparse matrix
          decomposition, CISS 2011, 2011.
      [4] Z. Lin, R. Liu, and Z. Su. Linearized alternating direction method with adaptive penalty for low-rank
          representation. NIPS 2011, Dec. 2011.
      [5] S. Ma. Algorithms for sparse and low-rank optimization : Convergence, complexity and applications. Thesis,
      [6] J. He, L. Balzano, and A. Szlam. Incremental gradient on the grassmannian for online foreground and
          background separation in subsampled video. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
          (CVPR), June 2012.

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          21 Spatia
Experimental Protocol & Quantitative Results

          Optimal threshold is chosen for maximizing F-measure criterion
          which is based 2 × 2 histogram of True/false/positive/negative :

                                TP                             TP                     2 DR Prec
                    DR =              ,          Prec =              ,         F =
                              TP + FN                        TP + FP                  DR + Prec

          Good performance is then obtained when the F-measure is closed to 1
          Time consumption is not take into account in the evaluation process.

                      Figure: F-Measure on the Wallflower and I2R dataset.

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          22 Spatia
Quantitative Results

   Here, we show other experimental results on the real dataset of BMC 2012,

      Video       Recall        Precision         F-measure          PSNR               Visual Results
        1         0.9139         0.7170             0.8036           38.2425
        2         0.8785         0.8656             0.8720           26.7721
        3         0.9658         0.8120             0.8822           37.7053
        4         0.9550         0.7187             0.8202           39.3699
        5         0.9102         0.5589             0.6925           30.5876
        6         0.9002         0.7727             0.8316           29.9994
        7         0.9116         0.8401             0.8744           26.8350
        8         0.8651         0.6710             0.7558           30.5040
        9         0.9309         0.8239             0.8741           55.1163

   Table: Quantitative results with common criterions. Last column : sample of the
   original video, GT and our results of the first four real video sequences.

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          23 Spatia

  1   Introduction and motivation on IRLS

  2   Temporal constraint with an adapted norm

  3   Diagram flow and spatial constraint

  4   Experimental Results

  5   Conclusion

C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          24 Spatia

          Experiments on video surveillance datasets show that this approach is more
          robust than other recent RPCA formulation in presence of dynamic
          backgrounds (DC) and illumination changes (IC).
          Well suited for video with spatially spread and temporarily sparse outliers.

          Small local motions, like « waving trees » are not (yet) well modelized by
          this kind of global PCA. For example, IC needs few eigenBackground and
          DC needs more with the risk to integrate moving objects into the model.

   Future Works
          Lack in computation time : Further research consists in developping an
          incremental version to update the model at every frame and to achieve the
          real-time requirements.
C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U
                                     Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications),
                                                                                  November 14, 2012          25 Spatia

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ICPR 2012

  • 1. Foreground Detection via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including Spatial Constraint with Iterative Reweighted Regression C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), University of La Rochelle, France Presenter: Muriel Visani (L3i lab - University of la Rochelle) — ICPR2012, Tsukuba, Japan November 14, 2012 C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012 November 14, & Applications), 1 Spatia
  • 2. Summary 1 Introduction and motivation on IRLS 2 Temporal constraint with an adapted norm 3 Diagram flow and spatial constraint 4 Experimental Results 5 Conclusion C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012 November 14, & Applications), 2 Spatia
  • 3. Introduction and motivation Purpose Foreground detection : Segmentation of moving objects in video sequence acquired by a fixed camera. Background modeling : Modelization of all that is not moving object. Involved applications Surveillance camera Motion capture On the importance Crucial Task : Often the first step of a full video surveillance system. Strategy used Eigenbackground decomposition. C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012 November 14, & Applications), 3 Spatia
  • 4. Eigenbackgrounds Find an « ideal » subspace of the video sequence, which describes the best as possible the (dynamic) background. Fig.1 The common process of background subtraction via PCA (Principal Component Analysis). At the final step, an adaptative threshold is used to get a binary image. Without a robust framework, the moving object may be absorbed in the model ! C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012 November 14, & Applications), 4 Spatia
  • 5. Data Structure Transformation First, we consider a video sequence as a matrix A ∈ Rn×m n is the amount of pixels in a frame (∼ 106 ) m is the number of frames considered (∼ 200) C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012 November 14, & Applications), 5 Spatia
  • 6. IRLS : Vector version (1) The usual IRLS (Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares) scheme for solve argmin ||Ax − b||α is given by : x D (i) = diag((ε + |b − Ax (i) |)α−2 ) (1) x (i+1) = (At D (i) A)−1 At D (i) b This IRLS method is convergent for 1 ≤ α < 3. An more suitable formulation is : r (i) = b − Ax (i) D = diag((ε + |r (i) |)α−2 ) (2) y (i) = (A DA)−1 A Dr (i) x (i+1) = x (i) + (1 + λopt )y (i) for λopt computed in a second inner loop. It is convergent for 1 ≤ α < +∞ C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012 November 14, & Applications), 6 Spatia
  • 7. IRLS : Vector version (2) For spatio/temporal RPCA, it needs to solve the following general problem : argmin ||Ax − b||α + λ||Cx − d||β (3) x By derivation, the associated IRLS scheme is, r1 = b − Ax (i) , r2 = d − Cx (i) , e1 = ε + |r1 |, e2 = ε + |r2 | α 1 β 1 −1 β−2 D1 = ( e1 ) α −1 diag(e1 ), D2 = λ( e2 ) β diag(e2 ) α−2 (i) −1 (4) y = (A D1 A + C D2 C ) (A D1 r1 + C D2 r2 ) x (i+1) = x (i) + (1 + λopt )y (i) Good news : Just few lines in Matlab ! C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012 November 14, & Applications), 7 Spatia
  • 8. IRLS : Matrix Version More generally, we consider the following matrix regression problem with two parameters norm (α, β) and a weighted matrix W , n m α 1 min ||AX − B||α,β with ||Mij ||α,β = ( ( Wij |Mij |β ) β ) α (5) X W W i=1 j=1 The problem is solved in the same manner on matrices with a reweighted regression strategy, Until X is stable, repeat on each k-column R ← B − AX S ← ε + |R| (6) α −1 β−2 β Dk ← diag(Sik ◦ ( j (Sij ◦ Wij )) β ◦ Wik )k Xik ← Xik +(1+Λ(max(α, β)))(At Dk A)−1 At Dk Rik C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012 November 14, & Applications), 8 Spatia
  • 9. Various RPCA formulation (only for α = 1) PCA with a fixed rank is : min ||S||F L,S s.t. Rank(L) = k (7) A=L+S R(obust)PCA is (Non convex and NP-hard ) : min ||σ(L)||0 + λ||S||0 L,S (8) s.t. A=L+S Convex relaxed problem of (8) is RPCA-PCP proposed by Candès et al. [1] : min ||σ(L)||1 + λ||S||1 L,S (9) s.t. A=L+S where σ(L) means singular values of L. A mix is Stable PCP of Zhou et al. [2] (both entry-wise and sparse noise) : min ||σ(L)||1 + λ||S||1 L,S (10) s.t. ||A − L − S||F < δ All of them could be solved by Augmented Lagrangian Multipliers (ALM). C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images2012 November 14, & Applications), 9 Spatia
  • 10. Video examples Some examples, temporal RPCA and ideal RPCA with ground truth fitting. C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 10 Spatia
  • 11. Summary 1 Introduction and motivation on IRLS 2 Temporal constraint with an adapted norm 3 Diagram flow and spatial constraint 4 Experimental Results 5 Conclusion C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 11 Spatia
  • 12. Sparse solution In RPCA, residual error is sparse. Using the RPCA decomposition on a synthetic low-rank random matrix plus noise, the error looks like : Same principle with video. Sparse noise (or outliers) are the moving objects. C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 12 Spatia
  • 13. Let’s play with norms Varying the α, β norm → Different kind of recovering pattern error. C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 13 Spatia
  • 14. Let’s play with norms...(2) Some issues What is the best specific norm for temporal constrain ? Initial assumption is ||.||2,1 . Confirmed experimentally ? C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 14 Spatia
  • 15. Validation If ideal eigenbakgrounds are that, best norm should be ... Let us denote Lopt , the ideal low-rank subspace which outliers do not contribute to PCA C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 15 Spatia
  • 16. Experimental validation Let us denote Lα,β , the low-rank recovered matrix with a ||.||α,β -PCA. The plot shows the error between ||Lopt − Lα,β ||F for parameters α and β chosen freely. The darkest value means that the error is the smallest here. ||S||2,1 is not optimal, but for convenience we use it. The benefit of the ad hoc block-sparse hypothesis is confirmed by testing its efficiency directly on video dataset. Experimentation done on dynamic category of dataset change detection workshop 2012 : C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 16 Spatia
  • 17. Summary 1 Introduction and motivation on IRLS 2 Temporal constraint with an adapted norm 3 Diagram flow and spatial constraint 4 Experimental Results 5 Conclusion C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 17 Spatia
  • 18. Overview & addition of a spatial constraint via TV Figure: Overview of the learning and evaluation process. Learning process needs GT (Ground Truth) for better fits the eigenbackground components. Spatial Constraint via TV Suppose A = L + S where L and S are computed via some kind of RPCA techniques with the addition of Total Variation penalty on S. This penalty increases connected (or connexe) shapes. C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 18 Spatia
  • 19. Exemple with a synthetic 1-D signal C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 19 Spatia
  • 20. Summary 1 Introduction and motivation on IRLS 2 Temporal constraint with an adapted norm 3 Diagram flow and spatial constraint 4 Experimental Results 5 Conclusion C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 20 Spatia
  • 21. Experimental Protocol RPCA-IRLS is compared for the following four recent robust methods : Low-Rank Block sparse Decomposition (LBD, 2011) [3] Low-Rank Representation (LRR, 2011) [4] Symmetric Alternating Direction Augmented Lagrangian (SADAL, 2011) [5] Grassmannian Robust Adaptive Subspace Tracking Algorithm (GRASTA, 2012) [6] References [1] E. Candes, X. Li, Y. Ma, and J. Wright, Robust principal component analysis, International Journal of ACM, vol. 58, no. 3, May 2011. [2] Z. Zhou, X. Li, J. Wright, E. Candes, and Y. Ma, Stable principal component pursuit,IEEE ISIT Proceedings, pp. 1518-1522, Jun. 2010. [3] G. Tang and A. Nehorai, Robust principal component analysis based on low-rank and block-sparse matrix decomposition, CISS 2011, 2011. [4] Z. Lin, R. Liu, and Z. Su. Linearized alternating direction method with adaptive penalty for low-rank representation. NIPS 2011, Dec. 2011. [5] S. Ma. Algorithms for sparse and low-rank optimization : Convergence, complexity and applications. Thesis, 2011. [6] J. He, L. Balzano, and A. Szlam. Incremental gradient on the grassmannian for online foreground and background separation in subsampled video. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2012. C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 21 Spatia
  • 22. Experimental Protocol & Quantitative Results Optimal threshold is chosen for maximizing F-measure criterion which is based 2 × 2 histogram of True/false/positive/negative : TP TP 2 DR Prec DR = , Prec = , F = TP + FN TP + FP DR + Prec Good performance is then obtained when the F-measure is closed to 1 Time consumption is not take into account in the evaluation process. Figure: F-Measure on the Wallflower and I2R dataset. C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 22 Spatia
  • 23. Quantitative Results Here, we show other experimental results on the real dataset of BMC 2012, Video Recall Precision F-measure PSNR Visual Results 1 0.9139 0.7170 0.8036 38.2425 2 0.8785 0.8656 0.8720 26.7721 3 0.9658 0.8120 0.8822 37.7053 4 0.9550 0.7187 0.8202 39.3699 5 0.9102 0.5589 0.6925 30.5876 6 0.9002 0.7727 0.8316 29.9994 7 0.9116 0.8401 0.8744 26.8350 8 0.8651 0.6710 0.7558 30.5040 9 0.9309 0.8239 0.8741 55.1163 Table: Quantitative results with common criterions. Last column : sample of the original video, GT and our results of the first four real video sequences. C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 23 Spatia
  • 24. Summary 1 Introduction and motivation on IRLS 2 Temporal constraint with an adapted norm 3 Diagram flow and spatial constraint 4 Experimental Results 5 Conclusion C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 24 Spatia
  • 25. Conclusion Advantages Experiments on video surveillance datasets show that this approach is more robust than other recent RPCA formulation in presence of dynamic backgrounds (DC) and illumination changes (IC). Well suited for video with spatially spread and temporarily sparse outliers. Disadvantages Small local motions, like « waving trees » are not (yet) well modelized by this kind of global PCA. For example, IC needs few eigenBackground and DC needs more with the risk to integrate moving objects into the model. Future Works Lack in computation time : Further research consists in developping an incremental version to update the model at every frame and to achieve the real-time requirements. C. Guyon, T. Bouwmans and E. Zahzah via Robust Low Rank Matrix Factorization including / 25 U Foreground Detection (MIA Laboratory (Mathematics Images & Applications), November 14, 2012 25 Spatia