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                                                                                                                       Blue Seventy @
                                                                                                                  Fitness Fanatics Discount
                                                                                                                      March 9th , 6:30PM @
                                                                                                                         Fitness Fanatics

                                                      20,000                   My Life                                    When Perfection
                       Workout Ate                    miles                                                               is nothing but…
                                                                               My Tri
                       My Marriage                                                                      Caffeine           Pg. 10-12
                                                     Pg 4-5                    Pg. 6-7                 in English
                           Pg. 2-3                                                                                                        Post Valentine
                                                                                                            Pg. 8-9                        Recipe, BOD,
                                                                                                                                       Sponsers & Calendar

                                                                                                                                            Pg. 13-14

                                            KIDS TRIATHLON
                              Presented by Trifusion Triathlon Club &
                              Collins Family Dentistry

                              Saturday, June 18, 2011
                              First wave starts at 9:00am
                              Cost is $15
                              Just on the north side of Spokane at Whitworth University

 The mission of this event is to provide a positive triathlon experience to children ages 12 and under. This event celebrates health, self-esteem, self-
 confidence and fun, in a safe, family-friendly environment. We believe that if a child finishes and doesn’t want to come back next year, we haven’t
done our job! All participants will be cheered through the course and rewarded with a medal at the finish. The event will not be timed. No child will
                                                                be turned away.

                                   If your child or you know a family with children… be sure to share
                                    this event with them and get their child/children signed up for this
                                   wonderful event put on by your own club!! Spots are filling up fast,
                                                  be sure to get the word out and go to :

                                                   for more information and to sign up.

“A WORKOUT ATE MY MARRIAGE” - by Kevin Helliker (Wall Street Journal)
                                          Exercise Can Set Off Conflict About Family, Free Time

As the wife of an endurance athlete, Caren Waxman wakes up “A lot of wives in my position would have left,” Ms. Waxman
alone every morning, including holidays.                   says.
“Mother’s Day really upset me,” says the Rockleigh, N.J.,            Commitment to a demanding training schedule cuts to the
mother of three, age 47, whose husband leaves dawn each              heart of the issues couples often find themselves fighting about
morning for hours of exercise. In May, he will wish her a hap-       -who does chores, who gets time for themselves, and who
py Mother’s Day from Utah, where he will compete in a tri-           decides whether and how the family has fun.
                                                                     The threat can go beyond time issues. If one partner gets a
“It’s selfish,” concedes her husband, Jordan Waxman, 46, a           new, buff appearance and a new circle of buff acquaintances,
private-banking executive at Merril Lynch and an Ironman             romantic possibilities can open up-and give the other spouse
triathlete. He says he leaves notes for his wife and children        good reason to feel insecure about his or her own physique.
before leaving for morning workouts.
                                                                                        Couples therapists agree that commitment
With exercise intruding ever-more                                                       weakens as alternatives increase. Dr. Lewis
frequently on intimacy, counselors                                                      recalls a client who realized she was unhappy
are proposing a new wedding vow:                                                        in her marriage after she lost weight, became
For fitter or for fatter. “Exercise is                                                  athletic and found she was attractive to men
getting more and more couples                                                           other the her husband. “She said, ‘I married
into my office,” says Karen Gail                                                        him thinking I didn't have a choice, because I
Lewis, a Cincinnati marriage and                                                        was so heavy,’ “ Dr. Lewis recalls. Thera-
family therapist.                                                    pists say many relationships are based on similar levels of at-
Newlyweds have long recognized the risks of potential sick-          tractiveness; a shift in the equation can destabilize a marriage.
ness, infidelity and ill fortune. But few foresee themselves         The effect of extreme exercise on divorce rates isn’t clear.
becoming an exercise widow. After all, the idea that one’s           Even if research showed a higher rate of discord in homes
beloved will take the occasional jog sounds appealing– until         where just one spouse is an endurance athlete, exercise could
two miles a day becomes 10 miles, not counting the 20-mile           be a consequence, rather than a cause.
runs on weekends. “His dream of doing marathons happened
                                                                     Among endurance athletes, though, resentment on the part of
just when I got pregnant with out third child,” Stephanie
                                                                     spouses is a common topic. The phenomenon may develop
Beagley of Colorado Springs says of her husband, Michael, a
                                                                     into what Pete Simon, an Arizona psychologist, triathlon
purchaser for the U.S. Olympic Committee. “Now we don’t
                                                                     coach and blogger, calls “Discover by Triathlon.” “I often
haves tons of time with him.”
                                                                     wonder how many lonely wives, husbands, children of triath-
The exercise widow often wakes to an empty bed-a sure sign           letes are out there wondering when the insanity is going to
of a morning workout-and may find dinner plans spoiled by a          end,” he wrote.
sudden avoidance of anything heavy before a night run. Hop-
                                                                     Of course, the surest way for a marriage to accommodate an
ing for an hour of television or catching-up before bedtime?
                                                                     intense exercise regimen is for both spouses to engage in it.
Forget it: All that early-morning exercise takes its toll. Mr.
                                                                     Married for five years now, Walt and Kendel Prescott met in
Waxman arrives home from the office after his children, ages
                                                                     2004 at the start line of a marathon. Mrs. Prescott, now 50,
11, 10 and 8, have eaten dinner, and he hits the sack before
                                                                     has run 313 marathons; Mrs. Prescott, 57, has run 287. Their
they do. “I’m out of gas by nine o’clock,” Mr. Waxman says.
                                                                     joke is that he keeps trying to catch up. “Running is a great

excuse for me to be with Kendel,” says Mr. Prescott, an air-       the family,” he says.
line worker in Atlanta.
                                                             Some couples accept vast differences in exercise habits in each
The explosive growth in marathons, triathlons and other en- other. Lois Bertkowitz, a 20-marathon-a-year runner and veg-
durance sports come largely from midlife converts such a Mr. etarian, is married to Gary, a meat-and-potatoes eater who
Waxman, the Ironman triathlete. He and his wife celebrated a doesn’t exercise at all. He doesn’t like to shovel snow, so she
half-dozen wedding anniversaries and produced three children does it.
before exercise came between them.
His exercise regimen intensified about seven years ago, even-
tually hitting two hours each weekday and up to five or six
hours each Saturday and Sunday. “It became a sore point,”
Mrs. Waxman recalls. “I had three young kids and no family
nearby. I heard myself badgering him; ’Family is really im-
portant. You need to be a part of their lives today.’”
Last summer, Mrs. Waxman persuaded her parents and her
husband’s parents to join her in what she calls “a family inter-
vention” - a flurry of letters to Mr. Waxman urging him to
exercise less.
                                                                   Until he recently got a diagnosis of cancer, which he is bat-
But Mr. Waxman stood his ground. In his view, his athletic         tling, Mr. Berkowitz, 61, used to smoke two packs of ciga-
ambition shouldn’t have surprised his wife. It arose from the      rettes a day, including inside their home near Detroit.
same qualities that drove him to obtain two law degrees, and
MBA and his position at Merril Lynch.                              Mrs. Berkowitz,62, treasures their decades-long marriage.
                                                                   “We like each other,” she says. “We’re both introverts. We
His gargantuan training hours last summer were aimed at a          love our home.”
particularly elite goal– a swim across the English channel,
which he achieved in September. “The English Channel thing, “She’s a very interesting person,” Mr. Berkowitz says. “We
hopefully my wife and kids see it as a little bit inspiring,” he have a very good life. And I’m amazed at what she can do ath-
says.                                                            letically.”

Rather than avoid exercise herself-the tack of many spouses      Mr. Berkowitz often accompanies her to races to volunteer
who can’t keep up with extremis partners-Mrs. Waxman             and cheer at the finish line. He helps edit a running newslet-
hired a personal trainer with whom she works out four times a ter, and he developed software that helps his wife track her
week. “My husband and I are on the same page in terms of         running life. She gives him her marathon T-shirts. “He gets
being health-conscious,” she says.                               credit for doing the run,” Mrs. Berkowitz laughs.

And all along she has mixed messages of support with pleas for
more family time. “I love my husband, and I’m happy he’s       We would like to hear your comments
passionate,” she says. “A husband wants to come home to a      about this article… it is or has been a “Hot
wife who says, ’I hope you had a good workout.’ “              Topic” in your relationship with your
As for Mr. Waxman, he honors certain rules: Dinner with his        spouse, girl/boyfriend, family etc. There
family every Friday night. A date with his wife every Saturday     will be a discussion you can get in on,
night. And as often as possible, he turns competitions into        Trifusion Facebook in “Discussions”
family trips. “I make sure there’s enough vacation time with
                                                                   ‘workout relationship’… Check it out!

20,000 MILES                                           - JOSH HADWAY

Last week while entering my daily workouts into my training log, I decided it would be cool to add up all the
miles I have swam, biked, and run since I started triathlons. After quite a bit of digging through the last two
and half years of training (yes I was procrastinating from doing my homework), I realized that if I completed
the new two days workouts I would pass 20,000 miles of training. It was at that moment I came to realize
something. What has happened in those miles is something far greater than the pursuit of a sport. Those
miles have taught me more about who I am than probably any other thing in my life. Here are some of the
lessons I have learned from the sport of Triathlon.

•   Chase your dreams– Life is about finding some-
    thing you are passionate about (whatever it may be)
    and chasing it. Obtaining things will never make
    you happy. Set dreams, be passionate about them,
    and give everything you got to chase them. A life
    that is driven by dreams has more value than any
    material object you will ever own.
•   Who cares what other people say– There will
    always be someone telling you that your goals/dreams are a little crazy, and it can’t be done. Don’t se-
    cond guess yourself. If you truly believe in yourself, belief will change your world. If you fail and every-
    one sees it, who cares. Get yourself back up and give it another shot. I have learned more from when
    things go wrong, than when things execute according to plan.
•   Excuses get you nowhere– Regardless of weather you have a legitimate excuse or not, if you really
    want to reach your dreams you have to find a way. I love reading about the personal lives of professional
    athletes from any sport. Something I have come to realize is it is not their ability to compete on a high
    level that makes them great. It is their ability to overcome everything life throws at them, that makes
    them rise above the rest. Rule #76, no excuses play like a champion.
•   I have amazing Parents– I have realized how amazing my parents really are over the last two years. In
    high school I walked away from a sport that potentially could have paid my way through college. When I
    quit because I hated the sport, my parents did not try and convince me to keep doing it. They let me pur-
    sue whatever passions I had at that time, and never forced me to do a sport I didn’t want to. They have
    supported me more than I could ever ask for, and for that I am grateful.

•    Today is all that matters– The only thing that is going to get you closer to your goals it what you do
     today! Yesterday has already left, and tomorrow still ceases to exist. You can sit and plan all you want, but
     planning is not executing. You can only control this current moment, so don’t waste it on things that
     don’t matter. Make it productive. Every second you sit is another opportunity passed.
•    Appreciate what you have– I have honestly grown up with the best life a kid could ask for. I have so
     many things that I take for granted, and so many opportunities I have passed by. I have learned that I need
     to appreciate all of the things and not take them for granted.
•    There is no place like a country road– When you are young you want to be where things are hap-
     pening. Loud music, lots of people, and big cities. Out in the middle of nowhere on a country road is not
     one of these places. I never understood why people live way out in the middle of nowhere with now else
     around. But after spending countless hours peddling my with not a single person or building in sight, I
     have found these moments to treasure. I have come to love these moments of solitude. There is great val-
     ue in simplicity.

You can follow Josh (Hoshberry) from his BLOG;            

          2011 Racing Schedule
     These are the major races I will be racing in 2011.
      Along with these races you will still see me at
        many of the local events in Washington :)

    WILDFLOWER (Long Course)
    April 29th, 2011
    June 11th, 2011
    Rev3 PORTLAND (Half Iron)
    July 10th, 2011
    August 14th, 2011
    One more 70.3 event September still to be
                           *GOOD LUCK JOSH!!
                                                               Thanks for sharing your inspirational words Josh- Trifusion.

MY LIFE                                                                           Eric Roche Byrd

                                                                                                    2009 - I became a member after I agreed to ride a bike trainer a
                                                                           couple times in exchange for my wife taking a ski lesson. I ended up doing a lot more
                                                                           training rides, and my wife has yet to ski again.

                                                                                                 Attorney at Stamper Rubens

                                                                                                  My “A” race is named “trying to be a Dad to my new son Aiden”!
                                                                           I have some “B” races in mind though…

                                                                                                         Bear Lake swims are easily my favorite. In the beginning of
                                                                           the spring, when you can finally swim in freezing cold non-chlorinated water...feels great!
                                                                           I also enjoy long rides on my tri-bike on the weekend, especially when I spend the entire
                                                                           time chasing my friends. Wiping out on my mountain bike has also been a new and
                                                                           exhilarating experience. Essentially anything to avoid running.


                                                                                               Thomas Jefferson, Leroy J. Byrd

                                             MY TRI                                           Favorite music to run would be Tool. Nothing like exercising when
                                                                                              you’re mad.

                        Best Race memory would be when the “great whites” made their appearance at Medical Lake Tri. My Tri shorts had ridden up on me
when I put on my wetsuit, so when I stripped it off, it looked like I was wearing boxer briefs suited for a “chip n’ dale”. Needless to say, I was so into the race, I
neglected to notice it until the cheering squad, composed of my wife and friends proceeded to mercilessly mock me on the bike, and at transition. The greatest part
of it all was that Dave Erickson got some fantastic video of my “shorty short shorts” as I am biking and transitioning into the run. I just remember grinning ear
to ear as my “friends” made fun of me. I don’t even remember how I felt physically. I only remember laughing.

                                            I try to stay alive in the community, and I am involved in several organizations. I am a board member of Big Broth-
ers Big Sisters, I am associated with Catholic Charities, and I volunteer with the Special Olympics Ski Program. I also spend a ton of time hanging out with my
wife and friends, doing everything and/or nothing. Out door activity is a big part of my life. In cold weather I enjoy skiing, snowshoeing, and competitive sled-
ding. In the warmer months, I spend a lot of time doing projects at my house and for family and friends.

                           Spend the rest of my life travelling the world with my family.

                    Waking up really early to a bright sunny day and finishing a project at my house while I am waiting for my wife to sleep in a little (so she is
happy), then eating at Ferguson’s for breakfast, then going to Pattison’s roller rink and skating my heart out to some 80’s tunes with fam and friends, then going
skiing for couple runs, and then go to the to do some cliff jumping and swimming, and some snowshoeing at my parents house, then eating at Rusty Roofs for
lunch, and going to some huge party (or a wedding) with family and friends (where I see everyone I know), where we dance, eat, drink and tell terribly
embarrassing stories about each other, and then go watch a Zags game at McCarthy while we party until the sun comes up, hopefully ending the night
(morning) in a hot tub/swimming pool/ or lake with my wife, and then… rinse and repeat.

                    Without darkness, there would be no light.

      Jennifer Little
             October, 2009
           Human Resource Representative @ Numerica
Credit   Union
                   Running is my favorite because it gives
me a chance to clear my head and focus on my-
self for an hour (or so). During a race, running
is the last event to the finish and I love the burst
of energy at the end.
                                                                                    MY TRI
            Watching Ironman
           Before a race: ‘otta your mind’ - ‘lil’ Jon. During a race: ‘bulletproof’ - La Roux Post
or ‘Dirty Bit’ - BEP. Post Race: ‘drop it like it’s hot’ - Snoop Dogg. During Training I listen to
Eminem, OkGo, ACDC, Queen, Fergie & Thievery Corporation.
             I did my first triathlon (Valley Girl) in 2007 and have been hooked since. My
best memory so far was finishing Ironman in 2010. My worst memory so far was bonking
on run during Ironman and losing 5 toe nails. Honorable mention races: Seattle to Portland
ride (one day) & Grand Columbian.
                        Snowshoe, yoga, concerts, volunteer in the community and spend
time with family (special shout out to my dog Parker!!)
                Ironman Kona (more like a fantasy)
           Yoga, chai tea, clean house/car, shop/bike ride/ run, dinner out and glass of wine,
movie at home, bed. OR one day on the beaches of Kona, Hawaii.
            “The most important thing in life is your family. There are days you love them,
and others you don’t. But, in the end, they’re the people you always come home to. Sometimes
it’s the family you’re born into and sometimes it’s the on you make for yourself.”
“In an Ironman race: if you stop pedaling, you’ll coast. If you stop running, you can always
walk. Never, NEVER stop swimming because you just might drown.” -unknown

CAFFEINE IN ENGLISH -                                                                                     from Roger Thompson’s Blog

Caffeine is the kick in your coffee. It gets you up and going in the morn-       compete or train at a higher intensity for longer, without actually feeling
ing, and helps keep you going when you start dragging. The benefit of a          like you are working harder.
caffeine lift is not lost on athletes. In fact, among some of the world’s best
endurance athletes — Ironman triathlon competitors — almost three-               But is it legal?
fourths reported using caffeine to improve athletic performance. And yet         Because of its ergogenic effects, caffeine at high doses used to be on the
many of these same top athletes confess to being unsure about how much           list of banned substances for Olympic athletes. But because caffeine con-
caffeine they need for a performance boost, not to mention the caffeine          fers performance benefits in relatively small amounts and its use is so
content of common foods and beverages.                                           widespread, the ban was lifted in 2004.

Caffeine 101                                                                     Caffeine sensitivity
1,3,7-trimethylxanthine, aka caffeine, is the world’s most consumed nat-         That same stimulant effect that helps propel you through the last few
ural pharmacologic agent. Found in coffee beans, tea leaves, cacao beans         miles of a marathon may actually impair performance for someone who is
(and therefore chocolate), and kola nuts, caffeine consumption is almost         sensitive to caffeine. For example, in some individuals, almost any
unavoidable. Roughly 9 out of every 10 adults in the US consume caf-             amount of caffeine seems to interfere with sleep patterns. This can spell
feine, averaging 238 mg every day — the equivalent of 2–3 cups of cof-           disaster before an important competition, and can also undermine train-
fee. Upwards of 20–30% of us consume a whopping 600 mg of caffeine               ing. Also, if you’re caffeine-sensitive, the accompanying jitteriness and
daily. About 71% of our caffeine comes from coffee, 16% from tea, and            anxiety may compound the pre-game jitters you already feel. Headaches,
12% from soft drinks and energy drinks. And we are not alone. Coffee,            dizziness, and stomachaches are other possible caffeine-related side effects
which is chock-full of caffeine, is the beverage of choice around the globe.     for those who are sensitive to it. So, if you fall into this camp, take a pass
                                                                                 on caffeine.
Why all the fuss about caffeine? It’s all about the buzz. Caffeine functions
as a mild stimulant: It helps wake us up, and it keeps us going when we          How much caffeine is effective?
might otherwise throw in the towel. No surprise — athletes are very              Athletes interested in the potential performance-boosting benefits of caf-
interested in using those qualities to their advantage                           feine are often uncertain about how much caffeine to consume and when
                                                                                 to consume it in relation to exercise.
Effects vary by sport
The data are pretty convincing that caffeine is effective at improving ath-      A moderate dose of caffeine is all that’s needed. Higher doses are more
letic performance across a number of different sports. It’s been shown to        likely to cause unwanted side effects, and there’s no evidence that more
improve endurance and time trial performance in cyclists, increase endur-        caffeine provides greater performance benefits.
ance in runners, and improve performance times and boost power in
rowers. It’s also been shown to improve performance in cycling and run-          The recommended amount of caffeine for performance improvement is in
ning events lasting approximately 5 minutes, and to increase peak power          the range of 0.45–1.36 mg caffeine per lb. body weight (1–3 mg per kg).
output, speed, and isokinetic strength in sprint and power events lasting        For a 150-lb (68-kg) athlete, that equates to a dose of 68–204 mg of caf-
less than 10 seconds. Researchers studying tennis players found that caf-        feine. It’s a good idea to use the lowest amount that’s effective for you,
feine increased hitting accuracy, speed and agility, and overall playing         because, again, more does not mean better. When caffeine intake gets too
success on the court. And players reported feeling more energy late in           high, there is an increase in side effects like jitteriness, nervousness, in-
their matches.                                                                   somnia, headache, dizziness, and gastrointestinal distress, all of which can
                                                                                 impair your athletic performance.
While the evidence supports a performance-boosting effect of caffeine for
a number of sports and events, it doesn’t help in all cases. Specifically,       Timing of intake in relation to exercise
caffeine has been shown to have no effect, and may even be a negative            Caffeine is readily absorbed by your digestive tract. In fact, caffeine con-
factor, in sprint and power events lasting anywhere from 15 seconds to 3         centration in the bloodstream peaks 30–60 minutes after ingestion and
minutes.                                                                         stays high for 3–4 hours. On average, about half of it is gone within 4–6
                                                                                 hours, and 75% is cleared within 6–7 hours. So, as a general rule, con-
How it works                                                                     suming caffeine about an hour before your event will help to ensure that
Caffeine has a wide range of effects on the human body; it affects hormo-        blood levels are high when you begin competing; your window of oppor-
nal, metabolic, muscular, cardiovascular, kidney, and respiratory func-          tunity for obtaining a performance benefit from caffeine is probably about
tions. It also influences the central nervous system, where it acts as a         4 hours from the time you consume it.
stimulant by interfering with the binding of the brain chemical adenosine
to its receptors. Adenosine affects nerve cell activity, and it works oppo-      That being said, you don’t need to consume all your caffeine before exer-
site to caffeine. Where adenosine has a calming effect because it slows the      cise, especially for longer endurance events. Studies have compared tak-
activity of nerve cells, caffeine speeds up the activity of these cells. Thus,   ing a full dose of caffeine an hour before exercise to taking half the dose
caffeine reduces tiredness, increases alertness, improves mood, confers a        an hour before and the other half 45 minutes into exercise. Both regimens
sense of being energized, enhances concentration, and helps to speed             improved performance times similarly in comparison to a control group.
reaction time. Exactly how the hormonal, metabolic, physiologic, and             Another study compared taking the full amount of caffeine an hour before
central nervous system effects of caffeine work together to improve ath-         exercise to taking the caffeine in divided doses every half hour during
letic performance remains a matter of study. However, one performance            exercise. Here again, both regimens improved performance times similar-
benefit in particular stands out: For many athletes, caffeine lowers the         ly.
perception of the intensity or difficulty of exercise. So, you’re able to

Putting this into practice, if you weigh 150 lbs. (68 kg) and require 0.90 ance times were improved when athletes were given a standardized dose
mg caffeine per lb. body weight (2 mg per kg) for a 3-hour event, the 136  of caffeine, but not when given that same dose in the form of coffee.
mg of caffeine can be taken all at once about an hour before competing, or An advantage of the caffeinated energy gels and cola drinks that are often
it can be taken in divided doses prior to and during the competition.      available at aid stations during running events and triathlons is that their
                                                                           caffeine dosages are more uniform and dependable. This can be helpful in
Tolerance, withdrawal, and your caffeine usage strategy                    ensuring that you get the caffeine dose you know from training to be ef-
There’s more to the caffeine story than dosage and timing. Caffeine toler- fective.
ance and withdrawal symptoms need to be considered.
                                                                           The table below provides some idea of the caffeine amounts in typical
If you’re new to caffeine, you’ll probably experience a noticeable buzz or caffeine sources that athletes rely upon. Beverages are often the most
jolt the first time you consume a moderate dose. But if you consume that concentrated caffeine sources, but levels can vary considerably from one
same amount of caffeine every day, after about 5 or 6 days, the stimulant beverage to the next. Complicating matters is the fact that manufacturers
effects are much less obvious. This is because you develop a tolerance or are not required to list on the label the quantity of caffeine in their prod-
diminished response to caffeine with repeated doses.                       ucts. So, if you have a favorite caffeine fix, but aren’t too sure how much
                                                                           it’s packing, do some searching on the Internet to try to nail down the
The other side of the tolerance coin is withdrawal. Once you grow used     dosage you are getting.
to a certain daily intake of caffeine, stopping abruptly can lead to with-
drawal symptoms, most commonly, a bad headache. Withdrawal also can
have a less obvious, but detrimental, impact on athletic performance.
Withdrawal symptoms peak in a day or two, and are usually completely
gone within 4–7 days. If you resume caffeine intake in the midst of with-
drawal, the symptoms, including headache, usually disappear pretty

Take caffeine tolerance and withdrawal into consideration when you for-
mulate your caffeine usage strategy:
If you are a caffeine novice, you can use caffeine to get you through 3 or 4
days of intense workouts, as you gear up for a competition. Do this by
starting with a low dose of 0.45–0.9 mg caffeine per lb. (1–2 mg per kg)
body weight, and then increase the dosage a bit each day to achieve the
same effect.
•    If you’ve got a well-established caffeine habit, beware of the unin-
     tended withdrawal. For example, this can occur when you’re on
     your way to a competition, stuck in a remote airport with absolutely
     no coffee to be had anywhere. Unintended withdrawal can also occur        POWERBAR GEL energy gels and POWERBAR GEL BLASTS energy
     when training in hot weather. You’ll probably notice the telltale         chews are available with or without caffeine. These energy gels and ener-
     pounding headache. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can impair your           gy chews can be used to help meet your caffeine load in the hour before
     ability to perform during a competition, so be sure to plan ahead and     exercise, or during an event, when you need that extra kick to push you
     have a caffeine source handy if your usual fix is in short supply.        through to the finish.
•    If you’re a regular caffeine user and you want to optimize the bene-
     fits of caffeine ingestion for an important competition, first wean       •   Practical application
     yourself off caffeine gradually over 3–4 days to avoid withdrawal             If you’d like to know if caffeine might help to boost your athletic
     symptoms. Do this about a week before the competition, so you’re              performance, follow these guidelines:
     completely free of any withdrawal effects. Then, once you’re off              Don’t begin experimenting with caffeine at an important event or
     caffeine, resume a moderate intake of 0.45–1.36 mg caffeine per lb.           competition. Test the impact of caffeine on your performance during
     (1–3 mg per kg) body weight on the day of your competition. You’ll            a few race-pace training sessions.
     get the desired stimulant effects again, just like a caffeine novice
                                                                               •   Use the lowest possible amount that is effective for you. More is not
     would experience.
                                                                                   necessarily better.
•    Finally, if the mere thought of tapering your caffeine intake before a
                                                                               •   Keep in mind that you will develop a tolerance to your usual caffeine
     competition leaves you dysfunctional, stick with your current regi-
                                                                                   intake, and there are symptoms associated with sudden caffeine with-
     men, but consume some extra caffeine before and during your event
                                                                                   drawal. Both of these issues need to be factored into your caffeine
     to get an extra kick.
                                                                                   usage strategy.
Caffeine sources                                                            • Remember that caffeine can produce side effects. If you feel uncom-
Although coffee is the most widely consumed caffeine source, it may not          fortably jittery, anxious, hyper, or if your heart is racing, dial back
be the best source for improving athletic performance. One reason is that        your dosage. And if you can’t seem to find a caffeine level that leaves
you can never quite be sure what amount of caffeine you’re getting in that       you feeling comfortable, skip it entirely. Caffeine doesn’t work for
fresh-brewed cup of java, because of the inherent variability in coffee          everyone.
sources and differences in preparation methods. Another reason is that
there may be other factors in coffee that antagonize or impair the perfor- This article can be found at:
mance-boosting effects of caffeine. In a study of treadmill runners, endur- articles/218/caffeine-and-athletic-performance.aspx

There are times in life when things    other athletes. The lake bends to the right going out and
                            align and everything we hope and       you're swimming directly into the rising sun. Needless to say,
                            dream seems to come together           you can't see a thing. Everybody is swimming in what they
                            perfectly. THE perfect day - the       feel is the general direction of the course. In this, I could nev-
                            perfect course, the perfect weath-     er find a rhythm. I could never get a balance in the water as
                            er, the perfect support crew, the      everybody was swimming in there own direction. And did I
                            perfect race. Ironman Arizona was      mention it was physical? I figured after the turnaround I
                            NOT perfect. Or was it?                would find some open water and cruise it on back. After
                                                                   making the turn I took a look, but saw none. The entire way
                            Race week, I was a mess. I was
                                                                   back I could never clear the garbage. I could never find that
                            nervous, agitated, short with eve-
                                                                   sweet spot where you're sliding through the water. I knew it
ryone - especially those closest to me - Erica can attest to this.
                                                                   was going to be a slower swim, it was
Thankfully she has the patience of a saint but it's a true testa-
                                                                   better than I felt it would be but slower
ment to what happens when you let your emotions run amok.
                                                                   than goal pace.
IMAZ was doing that for me.
         For the month leading up to the race, I had been          Swim time 1:19
worried. Not worried about finishing, I figured I could proba-     Goal 1:15
bly finish - barring anything crazy happening. This race was
about pushing myself. It was about going outside of my com-        T1 was uneventful. It was packed so I
fort zone, about believing in myself and about never, never        found a chair outside the changing tent
giving up. These are traits my mother possesses, traits that I     and prepped for the bike.
wanted to honor in her and ultimately, traits that I needed to     The bike:
prove that I possessed as well.
                                                                            The difference in the Ironman Arizona bike course
          About a month before the race, I created a half dozen    and other IM courses I have raced is it is relatively flat, with a
3 x 5 cards with my goal time and posted them around the           gradual uphill the entire way out. This makes controlling your
house. Funny thing is, no one ever asked me about them.            heart rate pretty simple. I locked my heart rate at target BPM
Maybe they just thought I'd finally gone nuts. Regardless,         (beats per minute) and cruised out of town. There was some
every day I was forced to focus on my goal. I knew it was do-      wind out on the course and by “some wind” I mean - it was
able. I'd done the math, I'd calculated the splits, I'd done the   windy. The wind was at your back going out and "in your
work to get myself there - all that was left was to show up        face" coming back. When you get out of the water at 1:20
and make it happen.                                                there are a lot of people to pass on the bike and I was doing
         Race morning began at 3:40 a.m. with the usual pre-       just that. As I passed other competitors, what I heard in my
race stuff. A shower and some breakfast and then it’s time to      head was "Slow swimmer - On your left". The bike course is
head down to the transition area. We placed our nutrition for      a three loop course and for the first loop I cruised. I kept my
the day in our transition bags and prepped the bikes. Before       heart rate within 2 BPM of target and I felt fantastic, like I
we knew it, it was time to put on the wetsuits and head down       was out for a light ride, with 2800 of my closet friends mind
to the swim start. Ironman Arizona has a unique swim. Tem-         you.
pe has created a "lake", Tempe Town Lake, by damming the               Heading out of town on the second loop, I noticed
Salt River. The water is salty and because of this the viability
                                                              my heart rate was starting to sag. My RPE stayed the same
is very low. It's a deep water start so we swam the 150 me-   but my BPM was steadily sliding lower. My hydration and/or
ters to the start line. About 1200 of the 2800 racers were first
                                                              nutrition had to be off. I knew my hydration was good be-
timers. Knowing this, I moved closer to the start line then I cause I couldn't ride more than 20 miles without having to
was comfortable with. I knew it would be physical at first butstop at a porta potty. It had to be nutrition. I started to feel a
I expected to swim out of it as people found a rhythm.        bite bloated and by time I hit the turnaround at the far end of
        The cannon sounded and it was physical from the first the course I knew I was in trouble. I was having trouble feed-
stroke. Without the ability to see the other athletes in the  ing because my abdomen was so distended. When I stopped
water, you and 2800 others swim by brail. You can't see the at special needs on the way back to town, I took a minute try-
                                                              ing to pull myself together. As I rode out of special needs it

started to rain. Insult to injury. Come to the Arizona desert       attempt I finally got it tied. And you know what, it stayed
and get rained on. Great! Generally, the weather is just a nui-     tied the entire race. The volunteer returned stuffing all my
sance, not a problem, but it was getting to me. Another sign        belongings, helmet included, into the bag and wished me
things were moving in the wrong direction. By the time I got        good luck. I will never know if he knew.
back to town I was not getting anything in but a few sips of
                                                                             I meandered out to a porta potty before exit T2. Not
water. As I turned the hot corner downtown there were peo-
                                                                    because I needed to use it, but I wondered if it was a good
ple everywhere and all I could think was do not fall off. My
                                                                    idea to stay close to the med tent while I tested my run legs
line was not straight and I hoped I wouldn't run into anyone,
                                                                    and my head.
competitor and spectator alike. As I rode out of town I truly
believed there was no way I would make it back. I knew they         The run:
would bring me back via ambulance, but wondered if my bike                     I ran most of the first mile. But my head and stomach
would get back and how would I ever find it. Not thinking           were not cooperating. Low on sugar, I needed to make it to
real clearly here you could say.                                    the first aid station to get some Coke. Coke works for me. It's
          I just plodded along for the third and final loop,        straight sugar and some caffeine. Both should help my focus. I
searching for anything my body would accept. It was quick to walked the first aid station getting as much sugar as I thought
let me know when I made a bad choice and was "rejecting"            my tummy would take. Exiting the aid station I attempted to
most everything. Making the final turnaround I saw my heart run but with no luck, my stomach wouldn't allow it. I would
rate was now at a very low 103 BPM. This situation, in my           run for maybe 45 seconds then be forced to walk. I got to the
current state of mind, was a disaster. With 17 miles remain- second aid station and tried a gel. Bad choice. I made it to the
ing, it started to hail. I rode head long into a driving hail-      cacti along the trail before it was rejected. I pressed on. I con-
storm, physically and metaphorically. I just wanted off the         sciously tried to stay mentally in the moment. Trying to do
bike. I wanted to stand up and try to get the bloating to clear. my very best in that moment of the race and to not let the
                                                                    remainder of the race weigh on my emotions. But frankly, I
I finally got off the bike at 6:16, I                               was starting to surrender. I couldn't run further then about
was surprised I was upright.                                        100 yards at a time and I was emotionally beaten up. At about
Bike goal: 5:35:00                                                  mile 6 is the only true hill on the run course. Walking up the
                                                                    hill it all started to hit me. I thought I had failed. I had failed
Bike time: 6:16:18                                                  myself, I had failed the race, and I had failed those I had come
                                                                    to honor. I was supposed to be pushing myself further than I
                                                                    ever had but at that moment I could barely walk.
T2: I found my way to my Bike to
Run bag and took a seat in the                                                 Over the course of the next mile I continued in the
changing tent. I pulled my run                                      moment. Staying right there, on the run course that encircled
stuff from the bag and took off my                                  Tempe Town Lake. I also was taking in anything I could. At
helmet. I sat there, staring at my                                  roughly mile 7.5, Ken Collins ran up from behind. I was fin-
helmet. I put it on the ground just staring at it. Picking it up, I ishing my first loop of
had no idea what to do with it. I had thoughts of running with the three loop course,
it, but how foolish I would look running a marathon with my Ken finishing his second.
helmet. A volunteer came over to ask if there was anything he He had been struggling as
could do. Not saying anything I felt he realized I was in trou- well but he was running.
ble. He asked if I was O.K. and I knew enough to quickly say He asked if I would run
"I'm FINE". If he realized I was in trouble I could have had a with him. I said I didn’t
hard time getting out of T2 without a doctors approval. For- think I could run but he
tunately the volunteer became distracted by other athletes'         would have none of that
needs and our eye to eye exchange was broken. As he moved so I obliged. I thought I
over to help the others, I took the opportunity to get my run would run for a minute
stuff together. Hat on, nutrition in my tri top and now all I       or two and then bow out
had left to do was tie my left shoe. But I couldn't! I could not not able hold the pace.
figure out how to tie my left shoe. I thought if I got up and       We ran for about a mile
started walking out of the tent maybe someone would notice just catching up about
and come to my aid. But what if no one did? So on my third our day and before I

knew it we were back to the second aid station two miles in.         Run goal: 4:15:00
Surprisingly I was running and our pace was growing. Things
were really looking up. We were running above my target              Run time: 4:38:06
race pace. Ken checking his watch and said if we were to pick        Time goal: 11.14:00
it up for the remainder of the loop he would be close to an 11
hour finish. My legs feeling fresh and ready to get after it, we     Total time: 12:27:55
surged. At mile 21 of Ken's race or mile13 of mine, Ken
started to drop off the pace. Checking my watch I saw we
would have to go hard if we were going to make it in time for
him to get in under 11 hours. I took the lead going as hard as I
could. He hung on just a couple of strides off my left shoul-
der. We were absolutely killing it. The crowd was phenome-
nal. We were passing everybody. My legs still fresh, I was
flying high. We were running well above my 12k pace in the
latter stages of an Ironman and I was emotionally on the rise.
Ken turned to the finish line and a sub 11 hour finish as I con-
tinued on for my third loop.
         I didn't know what to expect in that final loop, so I
just ran. I stayed in the moment. I soaked it all in. Much of
IMAZ is run on cement and knees were starting to feel it. As I                I learned a lot from this race. I learned that making
took inventory, though, they were the only things that were          goals and holding yourself accountable are good things, hard
hurting, so I kept pressing. As I crossed the Mill Bridge for        as they are, scary as they are. Some days we will achieve those
the final time it began to rain. No - it began to pour. I didn’t     goals, and some days we won't.
care and kind of welcomed it. Let it pour. Bring it! I found                  But on a few singular, special days - when we push
another competitor who was running slightly above my cur-            ourselves past what we think is possible - those are the days
rent pace and running through the aid stations. I jumped on          we surprise ourselves most and those are the days we learn
letting him set the pace. We flew up the very same hill where        the most about who we really are and what we're really made
2.5 hours earlier I was a mess. Everybody was walking up the         of. These are the days that keep me moving forward and
hill but not this guy. I hung on.                                    those days - well, in my opinion, those days are just about
         The last few miles were tough. It was nearing the end
of a very long day and unfortunately my pacer had fallen off.
It had gotten dark and was cooling off, but I kept running. In
fact, I was still passing people, lots of people - they could
have been loop 1 people or loop 2 people, it didn't matter.
The mental boost of passing people kept me going. I neared
the Mill Bridge, lights a blazing, for the final time and slowed
                                                                       I AM AN IRONMAN
                                                                        CRAIG THORSEN

to walk a few seconds. The guy next to me says - don't walk -
you'll be sub 12:30 if you keep going.
         I couldn't do the math, so I just put my faith in him
and ran with all that I had. All that speed work, all those
pickups, training my body to endure the pain - it all kicked in
- and it was without a doubt the best marathon finish of my
life. I made the final turn and as I saw the finish I realized how
sweet it really was. I can't tell you if Mike Reilly called my
name. I can't tell you if there were any others in the finishers
shoot, I can't tell you if anyone was cheering…After seeing
Dave's video of my finish I realized they were cheering. They
were cheering a finish I thought would never happen.

If you haven’t met them yet… Spokane Dinner Club

     We (Natalie, Tiffany, and Jessi) are a group of hard-working wives, mothers, teachers,
     and athletes who decided to team together to form a dinner club. The goal was to make
     eating and cooking less time consuming, more healthy, and less expensive by working
      smarter, not harder. One night a week, we each cook for all 3 families and deliver our
     meals. We turned the dream into a reality back in 2009, and because of its success, final-
         ly decided to share some of our tricks, secrets, and best recipes with all of you.
                                                                        Hope you enjoy!

                                                                                 You can find all of this on our Blog :
                                                                                  Here is a Sneak Peek Recipe from the Blog

                                                                                               Jessi’s Famous
Ingredients:                                                                                      Chocolate
• 1pkg Duncan Hines Devils Food cake mix
                                                                                                Kahlua Cake
• 2 eggs

• 1/4 cup oil (I use olive oil)

• 2 cups sour cream (I don't go light on this one)

• 1/2 c Kahlua
• 1pkg milk chocolate chips

• Hot fudge to drizzle on top - maybe 1/2 c 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
                                                2. Mix all ingredients (except hot fudge
Powdered sugar for sprinkling on top
                                                                                               and powdered sugar) and pour evenly
************************                                                                       into greased bundt pan.
Although I got this recipe from the school where I work (not sure who to give credit
                                                                                          3.   Bake for 45 minutes. Let rest for 10
to as it was years ago), in my circle of family and friends this has become "Jessi's           minutes.
Famous Chocolate Cake" So, I'm pretty much sharing one of my best cooking          4.   Place serving plate upside down on
secrets with all of you and dispelling the rumors that I am an amazing cook because            bundt pan and flip to serve.
this recipe could not be easier! Aside from being the cake that Emma requests every
                                                                                          5.   Drizzle with hot fudge and sprinkle
year for her birthday, I have also made it for many special occasions and celebra-
tions. This cake is so moist, it's ridiculous. Even days later, the leftovers (if there
                                                                                               with powdered sugar.
are ever any) are still sooo moist and delicious. If you like chocolate (the Kahlua
flavor doesn't really come out at all), you will LOVE this cake. I swear on my
Nana's cookbook.                                                                          Serve with vanilla ice cream

The Board of Directors, Sponsors and the Calendar of Upcoming Events….
                         BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                    •   TIFFANY BRYD - UNIFORM DIRECTOR
                    •   ERIC BRYD - MENTOR DIRECTOR
                    •   GREG GALLAGHER - VICE PRESIDENT
                    •   BEN GREENFIELD - WEBSITE DIRECTOR
                    •   ADAM LITTLE - MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR
                    •   JENNIFER LITTLE - TREASURER
extend a generous   •   JESSI THOMPSON - SECRETARY
                    •   ROGER THOMPSON - PRESIDENT
  truly amazing
                                                 J   February /March 2011 Calendar
                                       Training Opportunities:              Races:
                                       •   Whitworth Masters Swim:          •   Spring Duathlon / 10am March
                                           Offered Free to Tri-Fusion           26th
                                           Members every Sunday 8:30-           Snake River Triathlon
                                           10:00am - See the Forum              April 15 & 16th - Lewiston, ID.
                                           “Training” for more info and
                                                                            •   Snake River 1/2Marathon/10am
                                           sign ups as there are limited        March 5th—Pullman
                                           spots each week.
                                                                            •   Komen Race for Cure/9am
                                       •   Continue to post & check for
                                                                                April 17th—Spokane
                                           any training swim/ride/run on
                                           the Forum, Facebook page and/ •      Spokane River Run/8am
                                           or send out an email! We en-         April 17th—Spokane
                                           courage you to post your      •      Bloomsday—May 1st
                                           workouts there as well!!
                                                                            •   KIDS Triathlon— June 18th
                                                                            Find other races for the Northwest area @
                                       Upcoming Events:            (Tools/Racefinder)

                                       •   Blue Seventy Discount Night @
                                           Fitness Fanatics March 9th,   Next Membership Meeting:
                                                                         • Wednesday, March 16, 2011
                                       See Tri-forum “Social Event” for     @ 6:30pm. Location TBA
                                       more info. and to RSVP


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Tri-Fusion Newsletter Feb.'11

  • 1. February February February February Blue Seventy @ Fitness Fanatics Discount Night! March 9th , 6:30PM @ Fitness Fanatics 2011 2011 2011 2011 20,000 My Life When Perfection Workout Ate miles is nothing but… My Tri My Marriage Caffeine Pg. 10-12 Pg 4-5 Pg. 6-7 in English Pg. 2-3 Post Valentine Pg. 8-9 Recipe, BOD, Sponsers & Calendar Pg. 13-14 GUEST SPEAKER - CURT KINGHORN OWNER OF RUNNERS SOUL KIDS TRIATHLON Presented by Trifusion Triathlon Club & Collins Family Dentistry Saturday, June 18, 2011 First wave starts at 9:00am Cost is $15 Just on the north side of Spokane at Whitworth University The mission of this event is to provide a positive triathlon experience to children ages 12 and under. This event celebrates health, self-esteem, self- confidence and fun, in a safe, family-friendly environment. We believe that if a child finishes and doesn’t want to come back next year, we haven’t done our job! All participants will be cheered through the course and rewarded with a medal at the finish. The event will not be timed. No child will be turned away. If your child or you know a family with children… be sure to share this event with them and get their child/children signed up for this wonderful event put on by your own club!! Spots are filling up fast, be sure to get the word out and go to : for more information and to sign up. 1
  • 2. “A WORKOUT ATE MY MARRIAGE” - by Kevin Helliker (Wall Street Journal) A Exercise Can Set Off Conflict About Family, Free Time As the wife of an endurance athlete, Caren Waxman wakes up “A lot of wives in my position would have left,” Ms. Waxman alone every morning, including holidays. says. “Mother’s Day really upset me,” says the Rockleigh, N.J., Commitment to a demanding training schedule cuts to the mother of three, age 47, whose husband leaves dawn each heart of the issues couples often find themselves fighting about morning for hours of exercise. In May, he will wish her a hap- -who does chores, who gets time for themselves, and who py Mother’s Day from Utah, where he will compete in a tri- decides whether and how the family has fun. athlon. The threat can go beyond time issues. If one partner gets a “It’s selfish,” concedes her husband, Jordan Waxman, 46, a new, buff appearance and a new circle of buff acquaintances, private-banking executive at Merril Lynch and an Ironman romantic possibilities can open up-and give the other spouse triathlete. He says he leaves notes for his wife and children good reason to feel insecure about his or her own physique. before leaving for morning workouts. Couples therapists agree that commitment With exercise intruding ever-more weakens as alternatives increase. Dr. Lewis frequently on intimacy, counselors recalls a client who realized she was unhappy are proposing a new wedding vow: in her marriage after she lost weight, became For fitter or for fatter. “Exercise is athletic and found she was attractive to men getting more and more couples other the her husband. “She said, ‘I married into my office,” says Karen Gail him thinking I didn't have a choice, because I Lewis, a Cincinnati marriage and was so heavy,’ “ Dr. Lewis recalls. Thera- family therapist. pists say many relationships are based on similar levels of at- Newlyweds have long recognized the risks of potential sick- tractiveness; a shift in the equation can destabilize a marriage. ness, infidelity and ill fortune. But few foresee themselves The effect of extreme exercise on divorce rates isn’t clear. becoming an exercise widow. After all, the idea that one’s Even if research showed a higher rate of discord in homes beloved will take the occasional jog sounds appealing– until where just one spouse is an endurance athlete, exercise could two miles a day becomes 10 miles, not counting the 20-mile be a consequence, rather than a cause. runs on weekends. “His dream of doing marathons happened Among endurance athletes, though, resentment on the part of just when I got pregnant with out third child,” Stephanie spouses is a common topic. The phenomenon may develop Beagley of Colorado Springs says of her husband, Michael, a into what Pete Simon, an Arizona psychologist, triathlon purchaser for the U.S. Olympic Committee. “Now we don’t coach and blogger, calls “Discover by Triathlon.” “I often haves tons of time with him.” wonder how many lonely wives, husbands, children of triath- The exercise widow often wakes to an empty bed-a sure sign letes are out there wondering when the insanity is going to of a morning workout-and may find dinner plans spoiled by a end,” he wrote. sudden avoidance of anything heavy before a night run. Hop- Of course, the surest way for a marriage to accommodate an ing for an hour of television or catching-up before bedtime? intense exercise regimen is for both spouses to engage in it. Forget it: All that early-morning exercise takes its toll. Mr. Married for five years now, Walt and Kendel Prescott met in Waxman arrives home from the office after his children, ages 2004 at the start line of a marathon. Mrs. Prescott, now 50, 11, 10 and 8, have eaten dinner, and he hits the sack before has run 313 marathons; Mrs. Prescott, 57, has run 287. Their they do. “I’m out of gas by nine o’clock,” Mr. Waxman says. joke is that he keeps trying to catch up. “Running is a great 2
  • 3. excuse for me to be with Kendel,” says Mr. Prescott, an air- the family,” he says. line worker in Atlanta. Some couples accept vast differences in exercise habits in each The explosive growth in marathons, triathlons and other en- other. Lois Bertkowitz, a 20-marathon-a-year runner and veg- durance sports come largely from midlife converts such a Mr. etarian, is married to Gary, a meat-and-potatoes eater who Waxman, the Ironman triathlete. He and his wife celebrated a doesn’t exercise at all. He doesn’t like to shovel snow, so she half-dozen wedding anniversaries and produced three children does it. before exercise came between them. His exercise regimen intensified about seven years ago, even- tually hitting two hours each weekday and up to five or six hours each Saturday and Sunday. “It became a sore point,” Mrs. Waxman recalls. “I had three young kids and no family nearby. I heard myself badgering him; ’Family is really im- portant. You need to be a part of their lives today.’” Last summer, Mrs. Waxman persuaded her parents and her husband’s parents to join her in what she calls “a family inter- vention” - a flurry of letters to Mr. Waxman urging him to exercise less. Until he recently got a diagnosis of cancer, which he is bat- But Mr. Waxman stood his ground. In his view, his athletic tling, Mr. Berkowitz, 61, used to smoke two packs of ciga- ambition shouldn’t have surprised his wife. It arose from the rettes a day, including inside their home near Detroit. same qualities that drove him to obtain two law degrees, and MBA and his position at Merril Lynch. Mrs. Berkowitz,62, treasures their decades-long marriage. “We like each other,” she says. “We’re both introverts. We His gargantuan training hours last summer were aimed at a love our home.” particularly elite goal– a swim across the English channel, which he achieved in September. “The English Channel thing, “She’s a very interesting person,” Mr. Berkowitz says. “We hopefully my wife and kids see it as a little bit inspiring,” he have a very good life. And I’m amazed at what she can do ath- says. letically.” Rather than avoid exercise herself-the tack of many spouses Mr. Berkowitz often accompanies her to races to volunteer who can’t keep up with extremis partners-Mrs. Waxman and cheer at the finish line. He helps edit a running newslet- hired a personal trainer with whom she works out four times a ter, and he developed software that helps his wife track her week. “My husband and I are on the same page in terms of running life. She gives him her marathon T-shirts. “He gets being health-conscious,” she says. credit for doing the run,” Mrs. Berkowitz laughs. And all along she has mixed messages of support with pleas for more family time. “I love my husband, and I’m happy he’s We would like to hear your comments passionate,” she says. “A husband wants to come home to a about this article… it is or has been a “Hot wife who says, ’I hope you had a good workout.’ “ Topic” in your relationship with your As for Mr. Waxman, he honors certain rules: Dinner with his spouse, girl/boyfriend, family etc. There family every Friday night. A date with his wife every Saturday will be a discussion you can get in on, night. And as often as possible, he turns competitions into Trifusion Facebook in “Discussions” family trips. “I make sure there’s enough vacation time with ‘workout relationship’… Check it out! 3
  • 4. 20,000 MILES - JOSH HADWAY Last week while entering my daily workouts into my training log, I decided it would be cool to add up all the miles I have swam, biked, and run since I started triathlons. After quite a bit of digging through the last two and half years of training (yes I was procrastinating from doing my homework), I realized that if I completed the new two days workouts I would pass 20,000 miles of training. It was at that moment I came to realize something. What has happened in those miles is something far greater than the pursuit of a sport. Those miles have taught me more about who I am than probably any other thing in my life. Here are some of the lessons I have learned from the sport of Triathlon. • Chase your dreams– Life is about finding some- thing you are passionate about (whatever it may be) and chasing it. Obtaining things will never make you happy. Set dreams, be passionate about them, and give everything you got to chase them. A life that is driven by dreams has more value than any material object you will ever own. • Who cares what other people say– There will always be someone telling you that your goals/dreams are a little crazy, and it can’t be done. Don’t se- cond guess yourself. If you truly believe in yourself, belief will change your world. If you fail and every- one sees it, who cares. Get yourself back up and give it another shot. I have learned more from when things go wrong, than when things execute according to plan. • Excuses get you nowhere– Regardless of weather you have a legitimate excuse or not, if you really want to reach your dreams you have to find a way. I love reading about the personal lives of professional athletes from any sport. Something I have come to realize is it is not their ability to compete on a high level that makes them great. It is their ability to overcome everything life throws at them, that makes them rise above the rest. Rule #76, no excuses play like a champion. • I have amazing Parents– I have realized how amazing my parents really are over the last two years. In high school I walked away from a sport that potentially could have paid my way through college. When I quit because I hated the sport, my parents did not try and convince me to keep doing it. They let me pur- sue whatever passions I had at that time, and never forced me to do a sport I didn’t want to. They have supported me more than I could ever ask for, and for that I am grateful. 4
  • 5. Today is all that matters– The only thing that is going to get you closer to your goals it what you do today! Yesterday has already left, and tomorrow still ceases to exist. You can sit and plan all you want, but planning is not executing. You can only control this current moment, so don’t waste it on things that don’t matter. Make it productive. Every second you sit is another opportunity passed. • Appreciate what you have– I have honestly grown up with the best life a kid could ask for. I have so many things that I take for granted, and so many opportunities I have passed by. I have learned that I need to appreciate all of the things and not take them for granted. • There is no place like a country road– When you are young you want to be where things are hap- pening. Loud music, lots of people, and big cities. Out in the middle of nowhere on a country road is not one of these places. I never understood why people live way out in the middle of nowhere with now else around. But after spending countless hours peddling my with not a single person or building in sight, I have found these moments to treasure. I have come to love these moments of solitude. There is great val- ue in simplicity. You can follow Josh (Hoshberry) from his BLOG; 2011 Racing Schedule These are the major races I will be racing in 2011. Along with these races you will still see me at many of the local events in Washington :) WILDFLOWER (Long Course) April 29th, 2011 IRONMAN BOISE 70.3 June 11th, 2011 Rev3 PORTLAND (Half Iron) July 10th, 2011 LAKE STEVENS 70.3 August 14th, 2011 One more 70.3 event September still to be determined. *GOOD LUCK JOSH!! Thanks for sharing your inspirational words Josh- Trifusion. 5
  • 6. MY LIFE Eric Roche Byrd 2009 - I became a member after I agreed to ride a bike trainer a couple times in exchange for my wife taking a ski lesson. I ended up doing a lot more training rides, and my wife has yet to ski again. Attorney at Stamper Rubens My “A” race is named “trying to be a Dad to my new son Aiden”! I have some “B” races in mind though… Bear Lake swims are easily my favorite. In the beginning of the spring, when you can finally swim in freezing cold non-chlorinated water...feels great! I also enjoy long rides on my tri-bike on the weekend, especially when I spend the entire time chasing my friends. Wiping out on my mountain bike has also been a new and exhilarating experience. Essentially anything to avoid running. Sleep Thomas Jefferson, Leroy J. Byrd MY TRI Favorite music to run would be Tool. Nothing like exercising when you’re mad. Best Race memory would be when the “great whites” made their appearance at Medical Lake Tri. My Tri shorts had ridden up on me when I put on my wetsuit, so when I stripped it off, it looked like I was wearing boxer briefs suited for a “chip n’ dale”. Needless to say, I was so into the race, I neglected to notice it until the cheering squad, composed of my wife and friends proceeded to mercilessly mock me on the bike, and at transition. The greatest part of it all was that Dave Erickson got some fantastic video of my “shorty short shorts” as I am biking and transitioning into the run. I just remember grinning ear to ear as my “friends” made fun of me. I don’t even remember how I felt physically. I only remember laughing. I try to stay alive in the community, and I am involved in several organizations. I am a board member of Big Broth- ers Big Sisters, I am associated with Catholic Charities, and I volunteer with the Special Olympics Ski Program. I also spend a ton of time hanging out with my wife and friends, doing everything and/or nothing. Out door activity is a big part of my life. In cold weather I enjoy skiing, snowshoeing, and competitive sled- ding. In the warmer months, I spend a lot of time doing projects at my house and for family and friends. Spend the rest of my life travelling the world with my family. Waking up really early to a bright sunny day and finishing a project at my house while I am waiting for my wife to sleep in a little (so she is happy), then eating at Ferguson’s for breakfast, then going to Pattison’s roller rink and skating my heart out to some 80’s tunes with fam and friends, then going skiing for couple runs, and then go to the to do some cliff jumping and swimming, and some snowshoeing at my parents house, then eating at Rusty Roofs for lunch, and going to some huge party (or a wedding) with family and friends (where I see everyone I know), where we dance, eat, drink and tell terribly embarrassing stories about each other, and then go watch a Zags game at McCarthy while we party until the sun comes up, hopefully ending the night (morning) in a hot tub/swimming pool/ or lake with my wife, and then… rinse and repeat. Without darkness, there would be no light. 6
  • 7. MY LIFE Jennifer Little October, 2009 Human Resource Representative @ Numerica Credit Union Troika Running is my favorite because it gives me a chance to clear my head and focus on my- self for an hour (or so). During a race, running is the last event to the finish and I love the burst of energy at the end. Cinnabon MY TRI Watching Ironman Before a race: ‘otta your mind’ - ‘lil’ Jon. During a race: ‘bulletproof’ - La Roux Post or ‘Dirty Bit’ - BEP. Post Race: ‘drop it like it’s hot’ - Snoop Dogg. During Training I listen to Eminem, OkGo, ACDC, Queen, Fergie & Thievery Corporation. I did my first triathlon (Valley Girl) in 2007 and have been hooked since. My best memory so far was finishing Ironman in 2010. My worst memory so far was bonking on run during Ironman and losing 5 toe nails. Honorable mention races: Seattle to Portland ride (one day) & Grand Columbian. Snowshoe, yoga, concerts, volunteer in the community and spend time with family (special shout out to my dog Parker!!) Ironman Kona (more like a fantasy) Yoga, chai tea, clean house/car, shop/bike ride/ run, dinner out and glass of wine, movie at home, bed. OR one day on the beaches of Kona, Hawaii. “The most important thing in life is your family. There are days you love them, and others you don’t. But, in the end, they’re the people you always come home to. Sometimes it’s the family you’re born into and sometimes it’s the on you make for yourself.” “In an Ironman race: if you stop pedaling, you’ll coast. If you stop running, you can always walk. Never, NEVER stop swimming because you just might drown.” -unknown 7
  • 8. CAFFEINE IN ENGLISH - from Roger Thompson’s Blog Caffeine is the kick in your coffee. It gets you up and going in the morn- compete or train at a higher intensity for longer, without actually feeling ing, and helps keep you going when you start dragging. The benefit of a like you are working harder. caffeine lift is not lost on athletes. In fact, among some of the world’s best endurance athletes — Ironman triathlon competitors — almost three- But is it legal? fourths reported using caffeine to improve athletic performance. And yet Because of its ergogenic effects, caffeine at high doses used to be on the many of these same top athletes confess to being unsure about how much list of banned substances for Olympic athletes. But because caffeine con- caffeine they need for a performance boost, not to mention the caffeine fers performance benefits in relatively small amounts and its use is so content of common foods and beverages. widespread, the ban was lifted in 2004. Caffeine 101 Caffeine sensitivity 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine, aka caffeine, is the world’s most consumed nat- That same stimulant effect that helps propel you through the last few ural pharmacologic agent. Found in coffee beans, tea leaves, cacao beans miles of a marathon may actually impair performance for someone who is (and therefore chocolate), and kola nuts, caffeine consumption is almost sensitive to caffeine. For example, in some individuals, almost any unavoidable. Roughly 9 out of every 10 adults in the US consume caf- amount of caffeine seems to interfere with sleep patterns. This can spell feine, averaging 238 mg every day — the equivalent of 2–3 cups of cof- disaster before an important competition, and can also undermine train- fee. Upwards of 20–30% of us consume a whopping 600 mg of caffeine ing. Also, if you’re caffeine-sensitive, the accompanying jitteriness and daily. About 71% of our caffeine comes from coffee, 16% from tea, and anxiety may compound the pre-game jitters you already feel. Headaches, 12% from soft drinks and energy drinks. And we are not alone. Coffee, dizziness, and stomachaches are other possible caffeine-related side effects which is chock-full of caffeine, is the beverage of choice around the globe. for those who are sensitive to it. So, if you fall into this camp, take a pass on caffeine. Why all the fuss about caffeine? It’s all about the buzz. Caffeine functions as a mild stimulant: It helps wake us up, and it keeps us going when we How much caffeine is effective? might otherwise throw in the towel. No surprise — athletes are very Athletes interested in the potential performance-boosting benefits of caf- interested in using those qualities to their advantage feine are often uncertain about how much caffeine to consume and when to consume it in relation to exercise. Effects vary by sport The data are pretty convincing that caffeine is effective at improving ath- A moderate dose of caffeine is all that’s needed. Higher doses are more letic performance across a number of different sports. It’s been shown to likely to cause unwanted side effects, and there’s no evidence that more improve endurance and time trial performance in cyclists, increase endur- caffeine provides greater performance benefits. ance in runners, and improve performance times and boost power in rowers. It’s also been shown to improve performance in cycling and run- The recommended amount of caffeine for performance improvement is in ning events lasting approximately 5 minutes, and to increase peak power the range of 0.45–1.36 mg caffeine per lb. body weight (1–3 mg per kg). output, speed, and isokinetic strength in sprint and power events lasting For a 150-lb (68-kg) athlete, that equates to a dose of 68–204 mg of caf- less than 10 seconds. Researchers studying tennis players found that caf- feine. It’s a good idea to use the lowest amount that’s effective for you, feine increased hitting accuracy, speed and agility, and overall playing because, again, more does not mean better. When caffeine intake gets too success on the court. And players reported feeling more energy late in high, there is an increase in side effects like jitteriness, nervousness, in- their matches. somnia, headache, dizziness, and gastrointestinal distress, all of which can impair your athletic performance. While the evidence supports a performance-boosting effect of caffeine for a number of sports and events, it doesn’t help in all cases. Specifically, Timing of intake in relation to exercise caffeine has been shown to have no effect, and may even be a negative Caffeine is readily absorbed by your digestive tract. In fact, caffeine con- factor, in sprint and power events lasting anywhere from 15 seconds to 3 centration in the bloodstream peaks 30–60 minutes after ingestion and minutes. stays high for 3–4 hours. On average, about half of it is gone within 4–6 hours, and 75% is cleared within 6–7 hours. So, as a general rule, con- How it works suming caffeine about an hour before your event will help to ensure that Caffeine has a wide range of effects on the human body; it affects hormo- blood levels are high when you begin competing; your window of oppor- nal, metabolic, muscular, cardiovascular, kidney, and respiratory func- tunity for obtaining a performance benefit from caffeine is probably about tions. It also influences the central nervous system, where it acts as a 4 hours from the time you consume it. stimulant by interfering with the binding of the brain chemical adenosine to its receptors. Adenosine affects nerve cell activity, and it works oppo- That being said, you don’t need to consume all your caffeine before exer- site to caffeine. Where adenosine has a calming effect because it slows the cise, especially for longer endurance events. Studies have compared tak- activity of nerve cells, caffeine speeds up the activity of these cells. Thus, ing a full dose of caffeine an hour before exercise to taking half the dose caffeine reduces tiredness, increases alertness, improves mood, confers a an hour before and the other half 45 minutes into exercise. Both regimens sense of being energized, enhances concentration, and helps to speed improved performance times similarly in comparison to a control group. reaction time. Exactly how the hormonal, metabolic, physiologic, and Another study compared taking the full amount of caffeine an hour before central nervous system effects of caffeine work together to improve ath- exercise to taking the caffeine in divided doses every half hour during letic performance remains a matter of study. However, one performance exercise. Here again, both regimens improved performance times similar- benefit in particular stands out: For many athletes, caffeine lowers the ly. perception of the intensity or difficulty of exercise. So, you’re able to 8
  • 9. Putting this into practice, if you weigh 150 lbs. (68 kg) and require 0.90 ance times were improved when athletes were given a standardized dose mg caffeine per lb. body weight (2 mg per kg) for a 3-hour event, the 136 of caffeine, but not when given that same dose in the form of coffee. mg of caffeine can be taken all at once about an hour before competing, or An advantage of the caffeinated energy gels and cola drinks that are often it can be taken in divided doses prior to and during the competition. available at aid stations during running events and triathlons is that their caffeine dosages are more uniform and dependable. This can be helpful in Tolerance, withdrawal, and your caffeine usage strategy ensuring that you get the caffeine dose you know from training to be ef- There’s more to the caffeine story than dosage and timing. Caffeine toler- fective. ance and withdrawal symptoms need to be considered. The table below provides some idea of the caffeine amounts in typical If you’re new to caffeine, you’ll probably experience a noticeable buzz or caffeine sources that athletes rely upon. Beverages are often the most jolt the first time you consume a moderate dose. But if you consume that concentrated caffeine sources, but levels can vary considerably from one same amount of caffeine every day, after about 5 or 6 days, the stimulant beverage to the next. Complicating matters is the fact that manufacturers effects are much less obvious. This is because you develop a tolerance or are not required to list on the label the quantity of caffeine in their prod- diminished response to caffeine with repeated doses. ucts. So, if you have a favorite caffeine fix, but aren’t too sure how much it’s packing, do some searching on the Internet to try to nail down the The other side of the tolerance coin is withdrawal. Once you grow used dosage you are getting. to a certain daily intake of caffeine, stopping abruptly can lead to with- drawal symptoms, most commonly, a bad headache. Withdrawal also can have a less obvious, but detrimental, impact on athletic performance. Withdrawal symptoms peak in a day or two, and are usually completely gone within 4–7 days. If you resume caffeine intake in the midst of with- drawal, the symptoms, including headache, usually disappear pretty quickly. Take caffeine tolerance and withdrawal into consideration when you for- mulate your caffeine usage strategy: If you are a caffeine novice, you can use caffeine to get you through 3 or 4 days of intense workouts, as you gear up for a competition. Do this by starting with a low dose of 0.45–0.9 mg caffeine per lb. (1–2 mg per kg) body weight, and then increase the dosage a bit each day to achieve the same effect. • If you’ve got a well-established caffeine habit, beware of the unin- tended withdrawal. For example, this can occur when you’re on your way to a competition, stuck in a remote airport with absolutely no coffee to be had anywhere. Unintended withdrawal can also occur POWERBAR GEL energy gels and POWERBAR GEL BLASTS energy when training in hot weather. You’ll probably notice the telltale chews are available with or without caffeine. These energy gels and ener- pounding headache. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can impair your gy chews can be used to help meet your caffeine load in the hour before ability to perform during a competition, so be sure to plan ahead and exercise, or during an event, when you need that extra kick to push you have a caffeine source handy if your usual fix is in short supply. through to the finish. • If you’re a regular caffeine user and you want to optimize the bene- fits of caffeine ingestion for an important competition, first wean • Practical application yourself off caffeine gradually over 3–4 days to avoid withdrawal If you’d like to know if caffeine might help to boost your athletic symptoms. Do this about a week before the competition, so you’re performance, follow these guidelines: completely free of any withdrawal effects. Then, once you’re off Don’t begin experimenting with caffeine at an important event or caffeine, resume a moderate intake of 0.45–1.36 mg caffeine per lb. competition. Test the impact of caffeine on your performance during (1–3 mg per kg) body weight on the day of your competition. You’ll a few race-pace training sessions. get the desired stimulant effects again, just like a caffeine novice • Use the lowest possible amount that is effective for you. More is not would experience. necessarily better. • Finally, if the mere thought of tapering your caffeine intake before a • Keep in mind that you will develop a tolerance to your usual caffeine competition leaves you dysfunctional, stick with your current regi- intake, and there are symptoms associated with sudden caffeine with- men, but consume some extra caffeine before and during your event drawal. Both of these issues need to be factored into your caffeine to get an extra kick. usage strategy. Caffeine sources • Remember that caffeine can produce side effects. If you feel uncom- Although coffee is the most widely consumed caffeine source, it may not fortably jittery, anxious, hyper, or if your heart is racing, dial back be the best source for improving athletic performance. One reason is that your dosage. And if you can’t seem to find a caffeine level that leaves you can never quite be sure what amount of caffeine you’re getting in that you feeling comfortable, skip it entirely. Caffeine doesn’t work for fresh-brewed cup of java, because of the inherent variability in coffee everyone. sources and differences in preparation methods. Another reason is that there may be other factors in coffee that antagonize or impair the perfor- This article can be found at: mance-boosting effects of caffeine. In a study of treadmill runners, endur- articles/218/caffeine-and-athletic-performance.aspx 9
  • 10. There are times in life when things other athletes. The lake bends to the right going out and align and everything we hope and you're swimming directly into the rising sun. Needless to say, dream seems to come together you can't see a thing. Everybody is swimming in what they perfectly. THE perfect day - the feel is the general direction of the course. In this, I could nev- perfect course, the perfect weath- er find a rhythm. I could never get a balance in the water as er, the perfect support crew, the everybody was swimming in there own direction. And did I perfect race. Ironman Arizona was mention it was physical? I figured after the turnaround I NOT perfect. Or was it? would find some open water and cruise it on back. After making the turn I took a look, but saw none. The entire way Race week, I was a mess. I was back I could never clear the garbage. I could never find that nervous, agitated, short with eve- sweet spot where you're sliding through the water. I knew it ryone - especially those closest to me - Erica can attest to this. was going to be a slower swim, it was Thankfully she has the patience of a saint but it's a true testa- better than I felt it would be but slower ment to what happens when you let your emotions run amok. than goal pace. IMAZ was doing that for me. For the month leading up to the race, I had been Swim time 1:19 worried. Not worried about finishing, I figured I could proba- Goal 1:15 bly finish - barring anything crazy happening. This race was about pushing myself. It was about going outside of my com- T1 was uneventful. It was packed so I fort zone, about believing in myself and about never, never found a chair outside the changing tent giving up. These are traits my mother possesses, traits that I and prepped for the bike. wanted to honor in her and ultimately, traits that I needed to The bike: prove that I possessed as well. The difference in the Ironman Arizona bike course About a month before the race, I created a half dozen and other IM courses I have raced is it is relatively flat, with a 3 x 5 cards with my goal time and posted them around the gradual uphill the entire way out. This makes controlling your house. Funny thing is, no one ever asked me about them. heart rate pretty simple. I locked my heart rate at target BPM Maybe they just thought I'd finally gone nuts. Regardless, (beats per minute) and cruised out of town. There was some every day I was forced to focus on my goal. I knew it was do- wind out on the course and by “some wind” I mean - it was able. I'd done the math, I'd calculated the splits, I'd done the windy. The wind was at your back going out and "in your work to get myself there - all that was left was to show up face" coming back. When you get out of the water at 1:20 and make it happen. there are a lot of people to pass on the bike and I was doing Race morning began at 3:40 a.m. with the usual pre- just that. As I passed other competitors, what I heard in my race stuff. A shower and some breakfast and then it’s time to head was "Slow swimmer - On your left". The bike course is head down to the transition area. We placed our nutrition for a three loop course and for the first loop I cruised. I kept my the day in our transition bags and prepped the bikes. Before heart rate within 2 BPM of target and I felt fantastic, like I we knew it, it was time to put on the wetsuits and head down was out for a light ride, with 2800 of my closet friends mind to the swim start. Ironman Arizona has a unique swim. Tem- you. pe has created a "lake", Tempe Town Lake, by damming the Heading out of town on the second loop, I noticed Salt River. The water is salty and because of this the viability my heart rate was starting to sag. My RPE stayed the same is very low. It's a deep water start so we swam the 150 me- but my BPM was steadily sliding lower. My hydration and/or ters to the start line. About 1200 of the 2800 racers were first nutrition had to be off. I knew my hydration was good be- timers. Knowing this, I moved closer to the start line then I cause I couldn't ride more than 20 miles without having to was comfortable with. I knew it would be physical at first butstop at a porta potty. It had to be nutrition. I started to feel a I expected to swim out of it as people found a rhythm. bite bloated and by time I hit the turnaround at the far end of The cannon sounded and it was physical from the first the course I knew I was in trouble. I was having trouble feed- stroke. Without the ability to see the other athletes in the ing because my abdomen was so distended. When I stopped water, you and 2800 others swim by brail. You can't see the at special needs on the way back to town, I took a minute try- ing to pull myself together. As I rode out of special needs it 10
  • 11. started to rain. Insult to injury. Come to the Arizona desert attempt I finally got it tied. And you know what, it stayed and get rained on. Great! Generally, the weather is just a nui- tied the entire race. The volunteer returned stuffing all my sance, not a problem, but it was getting to me. Another sign belongings, helmet included, into the bag and wished me things were moving in the wrong direction. By the time I got good luck. I will never know if he knew. back to town I was not getting anything in but a few sips of I meandered out to a porta potty before exit T2. Not water. As I turned the hot corner downtown there were peo- because I needed to use it, but I wondered if it was a good ple everywhere and all I could think was do not fall off. My idea to stay close to the med tent while I tested my run legs line was not straight and I hoped I wouldn't run into anyone, and my head. competitor and spectator alike. As I rode out of town I truly believed there was no way I would make it back. I knew they The run: would bring me back via ambulance, but wondered if my bike I ran most of the first mile. But my head and stomach would get back and how would I ever find it. Not thinking were not cooperating. Low on sugar, I needed to make it to real clearly here you could say. the first aid station to get some Coke. Coke works for me. It's I just plodded along for the third and final loop, straight sugar and some caffeine. Both should help my focus. I searching for anything my body would accept. It was quick to walked the first aid station getting as much sugar as I thought let me know when I made a bad choice and was "rejecting" my tummy would take. Exiting the aid station I attempted to most everything. Making the final turnaround I saw my heart run but with no luck, my stomach wouldn't allow it. I would rate was now at a very low 103 BPM. This situation, in my run for maybe 45 seconds then be forced to walk. I got to the current state of mind, was a disaster. With 17 miles remain- second aid station and tried a gel. Bad choice. I made it to the ing, it started to hail. I rode head long into a driving hail- cacti along the trail before it was rejected. I pressed on. I con- storm, physically and metaphorically. I just wanted off the sciously tried to stay mentally in the moment. Trying to do bike. I wanted to stand up and try to get the bloating to clear. my very best in that moment of the race and to not let the remainder of the race weigh on my emotions. But frankly, I I finally got off the bike at 6:16, I was starting to surrender. I couldn't run further then about was surprised I was upright. 100 yards at a time and I was emotionally beaten up. At about Bike goal: 5:35:00 mile 6 is the only true hill on the run course. Walking up the hill it all started to hit me. I thought I had failed. I had failed Bike time: 6:16:18 myself, I had failed the race, and I had failed those I had come to honor. I was supposed to be pushing myself further than I ever had but at that moment I could barely walk. T2: I found my way to my Bike to Run bag and took a seat in the Over the course of the next mile I continued in the changing tent. I pulled my run moment. Staying right there, on the run course that encircled stuff from the bag and took off my Tempe Town Lake. I also was taking in anything I could. At helmet. I sat there, staring at my roughly mile 7.5, Ken Collins ran up from behind. I was fin- helmet. I put it on the ground just staring at it. Picking it up, I ishing my first loop of had no idea what to do with it. I had thoughts of running with the three loop course, it, but how foolish I would look running a marathon with my Ken finishing his second. helmet. A volunteer came over to ask if there was anything he He had been struggling as could do. Not saying anything I felt he realized I was in trou- well but he was running. ble. He asked if I was O.K. and I knew enough to quickly say He asked if I would run "I'm FINE". If he realized I was in trouble I could have had a with him. I said I didn’t hard time getting out of T2 without a doctors approval. For- think I could run but he tunately the volunteer became distracted by other athletes' would have none of that needs and our eye to eye exchange was broken. As he moved so I obliged. I thought I over to help the others, I took the opportunity to get my run would run for a minute stuff together. Hat on, nutrition in my tri top and now all I or two and then bow out had left to do was tie my left shoe. But I couldn't! I could not not able hold the pace. figure out how to tie my left shoe. I thought if I got up and We ran for about a mile started walking out of the tent maybe someone would notice just catching up about and come to my aid. But what if no one did? So on my third our day and before I 11
  • 12. knew it we were back to the second aid station two miles in. Run goal: 4:15:00 Surprisingly I was running and our pace was growing. Things were really looking up. We were running above my target Run time: 4:38:06 race pace. Ken checking his watch and said if we were to pick Time goal: 11.14:00 it up for the remainder of the loop he would be close to an 11 hour finish. My legs feeling fresh and ready to get after it, we Total time: 12:27:55 surged. At mile 21 of Ken's race or mile13 of mine, Ken started to drop off the pace. Checking my watch I saw we would have to go hard if we were going to make it in time for him to get in under 11 hours. I took the lead going as hard as I could. He hung on just a couple of strides off my left shoul- der. We were absolutely killing it. The crowd was phenome- nal. We were passing everybody. My legs still fresh, I was flying high. We were running well above my 12k pace in the latter stages of an Ironman and I was emotionally on the rise. Ken turned to the finish line and a sub 11 hour finish as I con- tinued on for my third loop. I didn't know what to expect in that final loop, so I just ran. I stayed in the moment. I soaked it all in. Much of IMAZ is run on cement and knees were starting to feel it. As I I learned a lot from this race. I learned that making took inventory, though, they were the only things that were goals and holding yourself accountable are good things, hard hurting, so I kept pressing. As I crossed the Mill Bridge for as they are, scary as they are. Some days we will achieve those the final time it began to rain. No - it began to pour. I didn’t goals, and some days we won't. care and kind of welcomed it. Let it pour. Bring it! I found But on a few singular, special days - when we push another competitor who was running slightly above my cur- ourselves past what we think is possible - those are the days rent pace and running through the aid stations. I jumped on we surprise ourselves most and those are the days we learn letting him set the pace. We flew up the very same hill where the most about who we really are and what we're really made 2.5 hours earlier I was a mess. Everybody was walking up the of. These are the days that keep me moving forward and hill but not this guy. I hung on. those days - well, in my opinion, those days are just about PERFECT! The last few miles were tough. It was nearing the end of a very long day and unfortunately my pacer had fallen off. It had gotten dark and was cooling off, but I kept running. In fact, I was still passing people, lots of people - they could have been loop 1 people or loop 2 people, it didn't matter. The mental boost of passing people kept me going. I neared the Mill Bridge, lights a blazing, for the final time and slowed I AM AN IRONMAN CRAIG THORSEN to walk a few seconds. The guy next to me says - don't walk - you'll be sub 12:30 if you keep going. I couldn't do the math, so I just put my faith in him and ran with all that I had. All that speed work, all those pickups, training my body to endure the pain - it all kicked in - and it was without a doubt the best marathon finish of my life. I made the final turn and as I saw the finish I realized how sweet it really was. I can't tell you if Mike Reilly called my name. I can't tell you if there were any others in the finishers shoot, I can't tell you if anyone was cheering…After seeing Dave's video of my finish I realized they were cheering. They were cheering a finish I thought would never happen. 12
  • 13. If you haven’t met them yet… Spokane Dinner Club We (Natalie, Tiffany, and Jessi) are a group of hard-working wives, mothers, teachers, and athletes who decided to team together to form a dinner club. The goal was to make eating and cooking less time consuming, more healthy, and less expensive by working smarter, not harder. One night a week, we each cook for all 3 families and deliver our meals. We turned the dream into a reality back in 2009, and because of its success, final- ly decided to share some of our tricks, secrets, and best recipes with all of you. Hope you enjoy! You can find all of this on our Blog : Here is a Sneak Peek Recipe from the Blog Jessi’s Famous Ingredients: Chocolate • 1pkg Duncan Hines Devils Food cake mix Kahlua Cake • 2 eggs • 1/4 cup oil (I use olive oil) • 2 cups sour cream (I don't go light on this one) • 1/2 c Kahlua DIRECTIONS: • 1pkg milk chocolate chips • Hot fudge to drizzle on top - maybe 1/2 c 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Mix all ingredients (except hot fudge Powdered sugar for sprinkling on top and powdered sugar) and pour evenly ************************ into greased bundt pan. Although I got this recipe from the school where I work (not sure who to give credit 3. Bake for 45 minutes. Let rest for 10 to as it was years ago), in my circle of family and friends this has become "Jessi's minutes. Famous Chocolate Cake" So, I'm pretty much sharing one of my best cooking 4. Place serving plate upside down on secrets with all of you and dispelling the rumors that I am an amazing cook because bundt pan and flip to serve. this recipe could not be easier! Aside from being the cake that Emma requests every 5. Drizzle with hot fudge and sprinkle year for her birthday, I have also made it for many special occasions and celebra- tions. This cake is so moist, it's ridiculous. Even days later, the leftovers (if there with powdered sugar. are ever any) are still sooo moist and delicious. If you like chocolate (the Kahlua flavor doesn't really come out at all), you will LOVE this cake. I swear on my Nana's cookbook. Serve with vanilla ice cream 13
  • 14. The Board of Directors, Sponsors and the Calendar of Upcoming Events…. BOARD OF DIRECTORS • STEVE ANDERSON - SPONSORSHIP LIAISON • TIFFANY BRYD - UNIFORM DIRECTOR • ERIC BRYD - MENTOR DIRECTOR • NATALIE GALLAGHER - SOCIAL DIRECTOR • GREG GALLAGHER - VICE PRESIDENT • BEN GREENFIELD - WEBSITE DIRECTOR • ADAM LITTLE - MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR • JENNIFER LITTLE - TREASURER We would like to • ALISON STITT - NEWSLETTER DIRECTOR extend a generous • JESSI THOMPSON - SECRETARY • ROGER THOMPSON - PRESIDENT Thank You to our • DANIELLE WARNOCK - TRI FUSION KID’S CLUB DIRECTOR truly amazing sponsors!! J February /March 2011 Calendar Training Opportunities: Races: • Whitworth Masters Swim: • Spring Duathlon / 10am March Offered Free to Tri-Fusion 26th Members every Sunday 8:30- Snake River Triathlon 10:00am - See the Forum April 15 & 16th - Lewiston, ID. “Training” for more info and • Snake River 1/2Marathon/10am sign ups as there are limited March 5th—Pullman spots each week. • Komen Race for Cure/9am • Continue to post & check for April 17th—Spokane any training swim/ride/run on the Forum, Facebook page and/ • Spokane River Run/8am or send out an email! We en- April 17th—Spokane courage you to post your • Bloomsday—May 1st workouts there as well!! • KIDS Triathlon— June 18th Find other races for the Northwest area @ Upcoming Events: (Tools/Racefinder) • Blue Seventy Discount Night @ Fitness Fanatics March 9th, Next Membership Meeting: 6:30pm • Wednesday, March 16, 2011 See Tri-forum “Social Event” for @ 6:30pm. Location TBA more info. and to RSVP 14