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TRIVUz Academy

                 Class Id:

Programming Fundamentals
                              MS Alam TRIVUz
                                 Founder, TRIVUz Network
TRIVUz Academy
TRIVUz Academy

Recap PF01 & PF02

             TRIVUz Academy
                           We Define Computer & Programming

                                        Programming Process

                                     Programming Language

                                             Inputs & Outputs

                                    Define Logical Processing


                                                  Data Types

                                 Define Conditional Statement
Programming Fundamentals
                                            If… Then… Else…
 TRIVUz Academy                                PHP Operators

We are going to learn


                                          Array Functions

                                             Global Array


                                   for, do…while, for each


Programming Fundamentals

 TRIVUz Academy

TRIVUz Academy
What is an Array?
A variable is a storage area holding a number or
text. The problem is, a variable will hold only one

                                      TRIVUz Academy
What is an Array?
A variable is a storage area holding a number or
text. The problem is, a variable will hold only one
An array is a special variable, which can store
multiple values in one single variable.

                                      TRIVUz Academy
What is an Array?
• An array in PHP is a structure which maps keys
  (array element names) to values
• The keys can specified explicitly or they can be
• If keys are omited, integers starting with 0 are
• The value mapped to a key can, itself, be an
  array, so we can have nested arrays

                                      TRIVUz Academy
What is an Array?
Variable VS Array

TRIVUz Academy
What is an Array?
Variable VS Array?
In Variable:

 $student = “Farah”;

 $student = “Tawhid”;

 $student = “Jewel”;


                        TRIVUz Academy
What is an Array?
Variable VS Array?
In Array:

 $student = array(“Farah”,”Tawhid”,”Jewel”);


                                               TRIVUz Academy
What is an Array?
Variable VS Array?
Array will create Variable index like
$student[0] = “Farah”;

$student[1] = “Tawhid”;

$student[2] = “Jewel”;

                                        TRIVUz Academy
Very simple array and output


  $student = array(“Farah”,”Tawhid”,”Jewel”);



Array ( [0] => Trivuz [1] => Tawhid [2] => Jewel )

                                                     TRIVUz Academy
Echo value from array


 echo $student[0];
 echo $student[1];


                        TRIVUz Academy
Change Value in Array

 $student[0] = ”Trivuz”;
 $student[2] = "Asif Islam”;

Array ( [0] => Trivuz[1] => Tawhid [2] => Asif Islam )

                                                         TRIVUz Academy
Specifying an Array
• A special function is used to specify arrays

• Format of Usage
  array([key=>]value, …)

• A key is either a string or a non-negative integer

• A value can be anything

• Format of associative array specification
  $ages = array(“Huzaifa”=>22, “Tuhin”=>23)

                                              TRIVUz Academy
Specifying an Array
• Here is another associative (hash) array:

• Implicit indices are integers, starting at 0
  $student = array(“Koushik”,”Tafsir”,”Eunus”);

• Here is the same array written differently
  $student[0] = “Koushik”;
  $student[0] = “Tafsir”;
  $student[0] = “Eunus”;

                                                  TRIVUz Academy
Specifying an Array
• If and explicit integer index is followed by
  implicit indices, they follow on from the highest
  previous index
   • Here is an array indexed by integers 1,2,3
       $student = array(1=>“Avishek”,”Mehedi”,”Masud”);

   • Here is an array indexed by integers 1,5,6
       $student = array(5=>“Avishek”,1=>”Mehedi”,”Masud”);

• Show output

                                                          TRIVUz Academy
Specifying an Array
• A two-dimensional hash array
  $result = array(“Farah“=>array(“Bangla”=>85,”English”=>78));

  echo $result[„Farah‟][„Bangla];
  echo $result[„Farah‟][„English‟];

• A two-dimensional ordinary array
  $heights = array(10,20,30,40,50),array(100,200));

  echo $heights[0][1]; // output : 20
  echo $heights[1][1]; // output : 200

• Change a two-dimensional array value
  $heights[0][0] = 130;
  $heights[0][1] = 140;
  print_r($heights); // output : Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 130 [1] => 140 ) )

                                                                    TRIVUz Academy
Array Functions
PHP provides a huge set of array-manipulation functions
      array – Create an array
      array_change_key_case – Returns an array with all string keys
       lowercased or uppercased
      array_chunk – Split an array into chunks
      array_count_values – Counts all the values of an array
      array_diff – Computes the difference of arrays
      array_filter – Filters elements of an array using a callback funciton
      array_flip – Flip all the values of an array
      array_fill – Fill and array with values
      array_intersect – Computes the intersection of arrays
      array_key_exists – Checks if the given key or index exists in the
      array_keys – Return all the keys of an array

                                                        TRIVUz Academy
Array Functions
PHP provides a huge set of array-manipulation functions
      array_map – Applies the callback to the elements of the given
      array_merge – Merge two or more arrays
      array_merge_recursive – Merge two or more arrays recursively
      array_multisort – Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays
      array_pad – Pad array to the specified length with a value
      array_pop – Pop the element off the end of array
      array_push – Push one or more elements onto the end of array
      array_rand – Pick one or more random entries out of an array
      array_reverse – Return an array with elements in reverse order
      array_reduce – Iteratively reduce the array to a single value using
       a callback function
      array_shift – Shift an element off the beginning of array
      array_slice – Extract a slice of the array
                                                        TRIVUz Academy
Array Functions
PHP provides a huge set of array-manipulation functions
      array_splice – Remove a portion of the array and replace it with
       something else
      array_sum – Calculate the sum of values in an array
      array_unique – Remove duplicate values from an array
      array_unshift – Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of
      array_values – Return all the values of an array
      array_walk – Apply a user function to every member of an array
      arsort – Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index
      asort – Sort an array and maintain index association
      compact – Create array containing variables and their values
      count – Count element in a variable
      current – Return the current element in an array
                                                          TRIVUz Academy
Array Functions
PHP provides a huge set of array-manipulation functions
      each – Return the current key and value pair from an array and
       advance the array cursor
      end – Set the internal pointer of an array to its last element
      extract – Import variables into the current symbol table from an
      in_array – Return TRUE if a value exists in an array
      Array_search – Searches the array for a given value and returns
       the corresponding key if successful
      key – Fetch a key from an associative array
      krsort – Sort an array by key
      list – Assign variables as if they were an array
      natsort– Sort an array using a “natural order” algorithm
      pos – Get the current element from an array
      prev – Rewind the internal array pointer
                                                          TRIVUz Academy
Array Functions
PHP provides a huge set of array-manipulation functions
      range – Create an array containing a range of elements
      reset – Set the internal pointer of an array to its first element
      rsort – Sort an array in reverse order
      shuffle – Shuffle an array
      sizeof – Get the number of elements in variable
      sort – Sort an array
      uasort – Sort an array with a user-defined comparison function
      uksort – Soft an array by keys using a user-defined comparison
      usoft– Soft an array by values using a user-defined comparison

                                                          TRIVUz Academy
Global Array
Global Arrays
      PHP Creates 6 global arrays that contain EGPCS (ENVIRONMENT,
       GET, POST, COOKIES and SERVER) information
      PHP also creates a variable called $_REQUEST that contains all the
       information in the 6 global arrays
      PHP also creates a variable called $PHP_SELF that contains the
       name of the current script (relative to the doc root)
      $_ENV – Contains the values of any environment variables, such as
       the browser version
           Eg: $_ENV[HTTP_USER_AGENT]

      $_FILES – Contains information about any files submitted
      $_COOKIES – Contain any cookies submitted as name value pairs
      $_SERVER – Contains useful information about the webserver

                                                       TRIVUz Academy
Global Array
      [HTTP_*]               [COMSPEC]
      [PHP_SELF]             [GATEWAY_INTERFACE]
      [QUERY_STRING]         [PATHEXT]
      [REMOTE_ADDR]          [PATH]
      [REQUEST_URI]          [SERVER_ADDR]
      [SERVER_PORT]          [SystemRoot]

                                          TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure

TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure

 Loops execute a block of code a specified number of
 times, or while a specified condition is true.

 PHP loops are control structures and you can use
 them the execute a code block more times. It means
 you don't have to copy and paste your code many
 times in the file just use a right loop statement.

                                     TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
A basic example:
        echo " 1 ”;
        echo " 2 ”;
        echo " 3 ”;
        echo " 4 ”;
        echo " 5 ”;

                                 TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
A basic example:
        echo " 1 ”;
        echo " 2 ”;
        echo " 3 ”;
        echo " 4 ”;
        echo " 5 ”;

With a for loop it looks like this:
        for ($i=1; $i <= 5; $i++) {
        echo “ $i “;
                                       TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure

 In PHP, we have the following looping statements:
     While
     Do…while
     For
     foreach

                                  TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                while loop


                    TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                           while loop

while (condition)

                               TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                                  while loop

while (condition)
        // code to be executed;

                                      TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                                         while loop


$i = 1;
while ($i < 5)
         echo “ I = “ . $i . “<br />”;
         echo $i++;


                                             TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                                                    while loop
$i = 1;
while ($i < 5)
           echo “ Value of I is now “ . $i . “<br />”;
           echo $i++;

                                                         TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                                                    while loop
Execution (Loop - 1)
$i = 1;
while ($i < 5) // $i is now 1
           echo “ Value of I is now “ . $i . “<br />”;
           echo $i++; // $i is now 2

  Value of I is now 1

                                                         TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                                                    while loop
Execution (Loop - 2)
$i = 1;
while ($i < 5) // $i is now 2
           echo “ Value of I is now “ . $i . “<br />”;
           echo $i++; // $i is now 3

  Value of I is now 1
  Value of I is now 2

                                                         TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                                                  While Loop
Execution (Loop - 3)
$i = 1;
while ($i < 5) // $i is now 3
           echo “ Value of I is now “ . $i . “<br />”;
           echo $i++; // $i is now 4

  Value of I is now 1
  Value of I is now 2
  Value of I is now 3

                                                         TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                                                    while loop
Execution (Loop - 4)
$i = 1;
while ($i < 5) // $i is now 4
           echo “ Value of I is now “ . $i . “<br />”;
           echo $i++; // $i is now 5

  Value of I is now 1
  Value of I is now 2
  Value of I is now 3
  Value of I is now 4

                                                         TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                                                    while loop
Execution (Loop - 4)
$i = 1;
while ($i < 5) // $i is now 5
           echo “ Value of I is now “ . $i . “<br />”;
           echo $i++; // not executed
 // next code to execute
  Value of I is now 1
  Value of I is now 2
  Value of I is now 3
  Value of I is now 4

                                                         TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                          do…while loop

do {
         // code to be executed;
while (condition);

                                   TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                           do…while loop

do {
         echo “The number is “ . $i . “<br />”;
while ($i < 5);

                                                  TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                                   for loop

for (init; condition; increment)

         // code to be executed;


                                    TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                                               for loop

for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $++)

         echo “Current value of I is “ . $i . “<br />”;


                                                   TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                                        for each

FOREACH is used in PHP to loop over all elements of an array. The basic
syntax of FOREACH is as follows:
FOREACH ($array_variable as $value)
  //code to execute


FOREACH ($array_variable as $key => $value)
  //code to execute

                                              TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                                          for each
Simple Syntax

foreach (array_expression as $value)

  // statement

foreach (array_expression as $key => $value)

  // statement

                                               TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                                                for each


    $arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4);

    foreach ($arr as &$value) {

     $value = $value * 2;


    // $arr is now array(2, 4, 6, 8)

    unset($value); // break the reference with the last element


                                                      TRIVUz Academy
Control Structure
                                         for each

        $arr = array("one", "two", "three");
        while (list(, $value) = each($arr)) {
                  echo "Value: $value<br />n”;
        foreach ($arr as $value) {
                  echo "Value: $value<br />n”;

                                                  TRIVUz Academy

           What is function?

           How function help programmers?

           Types of function

TRIVUz Academy

           System Defined Function

           User Defined Function

TRIVUz Academy
                                      User-Defined Function

In PHP, functions are defined in the following fashion:

function function_name ([variable [= constant][,…])

         // any valid PHP code


                                                      TRIVUz Academy
                                         User-Defined Function

Example: User-Defined Function to determine a Leap Year


function is_leapyear ($year = 2011)

        $is_leap = (!($year % 4) && (($year % 100) || !($year % 400)));

        return $is_leap;



                                                      TRIVUz Academy
                                 User-Defined Function

Function with user defined argument

function function_name ($arg)

        // any valid PHP code


                                          TRIVUz Academy
                                          User-Defined Function

Example: User-Defined Function to determine a Leap Year

function is_leapyear ($year)

         $is_leap = (!($year % 4) && (($year % 100) || !($year % 400)));

         return $is_leap;



                                                       TRIVUz Academy
                                          User-Defined Function

Example: User-Defined Function to determine a Leap Year

function is_leapyear ($year)

         $is_leap = (!($year % 4) && (($year % 100) || !($year % 400)));

         return $is_leap;


Calling the user defined function is_leapyear

                                                       TRIVUz Academy
Thank You

            MS Alam TRIVUz
            TRIVUz Academy

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Programming Basics - array, loops, funcitons

  • 1. TRIVUz Academy PF03 Class Id: Programming Fundamentals MS Alam TRIVUz Founder, TRIVUz Network TRIVUz Academy
  • 2. TRIVUz Academy Recap PF01 & PF02 TRIVUz Academy
  • 3. Recap We Define Computer & Programming Programming Process Programming Language Inputs & Outputs Define Logical Processing Variables Data Types Define Conditional Statement Programming Fundamentals If… Then… Else… TRIVUz Academy PHP Operators
  • 4. We are going to learn Variable+ Array Array Functions Global Array Loop for, do…while, for each Functions Programming Fundamentals TRIVUz Academy
  • 5. Variable+ Array TRIVUz Academy
  • 6. Array What is an Array? A variable is a storage area holding a number or text. The problem is, a variable will hold only one value. TRIVUz Academy
  • 7. Array What is an Array? A variable is a storage area holding a number or text. The problem is, a variable will hold only one value. An array is a special variable, which can store multiple values in one single variable. TRIVUz Academy
  • 8. Array What is an Array? • An array in PHP is a structure which maps keys (array element names) to values • The keys can specified explicitly or they can be omitted • If keys are omited, integers starting with 0 are keys • The value mapped to a key can, itself, be an array, so we can have nested arrays TRIVUz Academy
  • 9. Array What is an Array? Variable VS Array TRIVUz Academy
  • 10. Array What is an Array? Variable VS Array? In Variable: <?php $student = “Farah”; $student = “Tawhid”; $student = “Jewel”; ?> TRIVUz Academy
  • 11. Array What is an Array? Variable VS Array? In Array: <?php $student = array(“Farah”,”Tawhid”,”Jewel”); ?> TRIVUz Academy
  • 12. Array What is an Array? Variable VS Array? Array will create Variable index like $student[0] = “Farah”; $student[1] = “Tawhid”; $student[2] = “Jewel”; TRIVUz Academy
  • 13. Array Very simple array and output Code <?php $student = array(“Farah”,”Tawhid”,”Jewel”); print_r($student); ?> Output Array ( [0] => Trivuz [1] => Tawhid [2] => Jewel ) TRIVUz Academy
  • 14. Array Echo value from array Code <?php echo $student[0]; echo $student[1]; ?> Output Farah Tawhid TRIVUz Academy
  • 15. Array Change Value in Array Code <?php $student[0] = ”Trivuz”; $student[2] = "Asif Islam”; print_r($student); ?> Output Array ( [0] => Trivuz[1] => Tawhid [2] => Asif Islam ) TRIVUz Academy
  • 16. Array Specifying an Array • A special function is used to specify arrays array() • Format of Usage array([key=>]value, …) • A key is either a string or a non-negative integer • A value can be anything • Format of associative array specification $ages = array(“Huzaifa”=>22, “Tuhin”=>23) TRIVUz Academy
  • 17. Array Specifying an Array • Here is another associative (hash) array: $ages[„Riaydh‟]=“24”; $ages[„Piash‟]=“21”; • Implicit indices are integers, starting at 0 $student = array(“Koushik”,”Tafsir”,”Eunus”); • Here is the same array written differently $student[0] = “Koushik”; $student[0] = “Tafsir”; $student[0] = “Eunus”; TRIVUz Academy
  • 18. Array Specifying an Array • If and explicit integer index is followed by implicit indices, they follow on from the highest previous index • Here is an array indexed by integers 1,2,3 $student = array(1=>“Avishek”,”Mehedi”,”Masud”); • Here is an array indexed by integers 1,5,6 $student = array(5=>“Avishek”,1=>”Mehedi”,”Masud”); • Show output <?php print_r($student); ?> TRIVUz Academy
  • 19. Array Specifying an Array • A two-dimensional hash array $result = array(“Farah“=>array(“Bangla”=>85,”English”=>78)); echo $result[„Farah‟][„Bangla]; echo $result[„Farah‟][„English‟]; • A two-dimensional ordinary array $heights = array(10,20,30,40,50),array(100,200)); echo $heights[0][1]; // output : 20 echo $heights[1][1]; // output : 200 • Change a two-dimensional array value $heights[0][0] = 130; $heights[0][1] = 140; print_r($heights); // output : Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 130 [1] => 140 ) ) TRIVUz Academy
  • 20. Array Functions PHP provides a huge set of array-manipulation functions  array – Create an array  array_change_key_case – Returns an array with all string keys lowercased or uppercased  array_chunk – Split an array into chunks  array_count_values – Counts all the values of an array  array_diff – Computes the difference of arrays  array_filter – Filters elements of an array using a callback funciton  array_flip – Flip all the values of an array  array_fill – Fill and array with values  array_intersect – Computes the intersection of arrays  array_key_exists – Checks if the given key or index exists in the array  array_keys – Return all the keys of an array TRIVUz Academy
  • 21. Array Functions PHP provides a huge set of array-manipulation functions  array_map – Applies the callback to the elements of the given arrays  array_merge – Merge two or more arrays  array_merge_recursive – Merge two or more arrays recursively  array_multisort – Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays  array_pad – Pad array to the specified length with a value  array_pop – Pop the element off the end of array  array_push – Push one or more elements onto the end of array  array_rand – Pick one or more random entries out of an array  array_reverse – Return an array with elements in reverse order  array_reduce – Iteratively reduce the array to a single value using a callback function  array_shift – Shift an element off the beginning of array  array_slice – Extract a slice of the array TRIVUz Academy
  • 22. Array Functions PHP provides a huge set of array-manipulation functions  array_splice – Remove a portion of the array and replace it with something else  array_sum – Calculate the sum of values in an array  array_unique – Remove duplicate values from an array  array_unshift – Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of array  array_values – Return all the values of an array  array_walk – Apply a user function to every member of an array  arsort – Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index association  asort – Sort an array and maintain index association  compact – Create array containing variables and their values  count – Count element in a variable  current – Return the current element in an array TRIVUz Academy
  • 23. Array Functions PHP provides a huge set of array-manipulation functions  each – Return the current key and value pair from an array and advance the array cursor  end – Set the internal pointer of an array to its last element  extract – Import variables into the current symbol table from an array  in_array – Return TRUE if a value exists in an array  Array_search – Searches the array for a given value and returns the corresponding key if successful  key – Fetch a key from an associative array  krsort – Sort an array by key  list – Assign variables as if they were an array  natsort– Sort an array using a “natural order” algorithm  pos – Get the current element from an array  prev – Rewind the internal array pointer TRIVUz Academy
  • 24. Array Functions PHP provides a huge set of array-manipulation functions  range – Create an array containing a range of elements  reset – Set the internal pointer of an array to its first element  rsort – Sort an array in reverse order  shuffle – Shuffle an array  sizeof – Get the number of elements in variable  sort – Sort an array  uasort – Sort an array with a user-defined comparison function  uksort – Soft an array by keys using a user-defined comparison function  usoft– Soft an array by values using a user-defined comparison function TRIVUz Academy
  • 25. Global Array Global Arrays  PHP Creates 6 global arrays that contain EGPCS (ENVIRONMENT, GET, POST, COOKIES and SERVER) information  PHP also creates a variable called $_REQUEST that contains all the information in the 6 global arrays  PHP also creates a variable called $PHP_SELF that contains the name of the current script (relative to the doc root)  $_ENV – Contains the values of any environment variables, such as the browser version  Eg: $_ENV[HTTP_USER_AGENT]  $_FILES – Contains information about any files submitted  $_COOKIES – Contain any cookies submitted as name value pairs  $_SERVER – Contains useful information about the webserver TRIVUz Academy
  • 27. Control Structure Looping TRIVUz Academy
  • 28. Control Structure Looping  Loops execute a block of code a specified number of times, or while a specified condition is true.  PHP loops are control structures and you can use them the execute a code block more times. It means you don't have to copy and paste your code many times in the file just use a right loop statement. TRIVUz Academy
  • 29. Control Structure Looping A basic example: <?php echo " 1 ”; echo " 2 ”; echo " 3 ”; echo " 4 ”; echo " 5 ”; ?> TRIVUz Academy
  • 30. Control Structure Looping A basic example: <?php echo " 1 ”; echo " 2 ”; echo " 3 ”; echo " 4 ”; echo " 5 ”; ?> With a for loop it looks like this: <?php for ($i=1; $i <= 5; $i++) { echo “ $i “; } ?> TRIVUz Academy
  • 31. Control Structure Looping  In PHP, we have the following looping statements:  While  Do…while  For  foreach TRIVUz Academy
  • 32. Control Structure while loop Syntax while TRIVUz Academy
  • 33. Control Structure while loop Syntax while (condition) TRIVUz Academy
  • 34. Control Structure while loop Syntax while (condition) { // code to be executed; } TRIVUz Academy
  • 35. Control Structure while loop Example <?php $i = 1; while ($i < 5) { echo “ I = “ . $i . “<br />”; echo $i++; } ?> TRIVUz Academy
  • 36. Control Structure while loop Execution Code: <?php $i = 1; while ($i < 5) { echo “ Value of I is now “ . $i . “<br />”; echo $i++; } ?> TRIVUz Academy
  • 37. Control Structure while loop Execution (Loop - 1) Code: <?php $i = 1; while ($i < 5) // $i is now 1 { echo “ Value of I is now “ . $i . “<br />”; echo $i++; // $i is now 2 } ?> Output: Value of I is now 1 TRIVUz Academy
  • 38. Control Structure while loop Execution (Loop - 2) Code: <?php $i = 1; while ($i < 5) // $i is now 2 { echo “ Value of I is now “ . $i . “<br />”; echo $i++; // $i is now 3 } ?> Output: Value of I is now 1 Value of I is now 2 TRIVUz Academy
  • 39. Control Structure While Loop Execution (Loop - 3) Code: <?php $i = 1; while ($i < 5) // $i is now 3 { echo “ Value of I is now “ . $i . “<br />”; echo $i++; // $i is now 4 } ?> Output: Value of I is now 1 Value of I is now 2 Value of I is now 3 TRIVUz Academy
  • 40. Control Structure while loop Execution (Loop - 4) Code: <?php $i = 1; while ($i < 5) // $i is now 4 { echo “ Value of I is now “ . $i . “<br />”; echo $i++; // $i is now 5 } ?> Output: Value of I is now 1 Value of I is now 2 Value of I is now 3 Value of I is now 4 TRIVUz Academy
  • 41. Control Structure while loop Execution (Loop - 4) Code: <?php $i = 1; while ($i < 5) // $i is now 5 { echo “ Value of I is now “ . $i . “<br />”; echo $i++; // not executed } // next code to execute ?> Output: Value of I is now 1 Value of I is now 2 Value of I is now 3 Value of I is now 4 TRIVUz Academy
  • 42. Control Structure do…while loop Syntax do { // code to be executed; } while (condition); TRIVUz Academy
  • 43. Control Structure do…while loop Example do { $i++; echo “The number is “ . $i . “<br />”; } while ($i < 5); TRIVUz Academy
  • 44. Control Structure for loop Syntax for (init; condition; increment) { // code to be executed; } TRIVUz Academy
  • 45. Control Structure for loop Example for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $++) { echo “Current value of I is “ . $i . “<br />”; } TRIVUz Academy
  • 46. Control Structure for each FOREACH is used in PHP to loop over all elements of an array. The basic syntax of FOREACH is as follows: FOREACH ($array_variable as $value) { //code to execute } or FOREACH ($array_variable as $key => $value) { //code to execute } TRIVUz Academy
  • 47. Control Structure for each Simple Syntax foreach (array_expression as $value) // statement foreach (array_expression as $key => $value) // statement TRIVUz Academy
  • 48. Control Structure for each Example <?php $arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4); foreach ($arr as &$value) { $value = $value * 2; } // $arr is now array(2, 4, 6, 8) unset($value); // break the reference with the last element ?> TRIVUz Academy
  • 49. Control Structure for each Example <?php $arr = array("one", "two", "three"); reset($arr); while (list(, $value) = each($arr)) { echo "Value: $value<br />n”; } foreach ($arr as $value) { echo "Value: $value<br />n”; } ?> TRIVUz Academy
  • 50. Function What is function? How function help programmers? Types of function TRIVUz Academy
  • 51. Function System Defined Function User Defined Function TRIVUz Academy
  • 52. Function User-Defined Function In PHP, functions are defined in the following fashion: function function_name ([variable [= constant][,…]) { // any valid PHP code } TRIVUz Academy
  • 53. Function User-Defined Function Example: User-Defined Function to determine a Leap Year <?php function is_leapyear ($year = 2011) { $is_leap = (!($year % 4) && (($year % 100) || !($year % 400))); return $is_leap; } ?> TRIVUz Academy
  • 54. Function User-Defined Function Function with user defined argument function function_name ($arg) { // any valid PHP code } TRIVUz Academy
  • 55. Function User-Defined Function Example: User-Defined Function to determine a Leap Year <?php function is_leapyear ($year) { $is_leap = (!($year % 4) && (($year % 100) || !($year % 400))); return $is_leap; } ?> TRIVUz Academy
  • 56. Function User-Defined Function Example: User-Defined Function to determine a Leap Year <?php function is_leapyear ($year) { $is_leap = (!($year % 4) && (($year % 100) || !($year % 400))); return $is_leap; } ?> Calling the user defined function is_leapyear Is_leapyer(2008); Is_leapyer(2011); TRIVUz Academy
  • 57. Thank You MS Alam TRIVUz Founder, TRIVUz Academy

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. ----- Meeting Notes (12/28/11 19:20) -----