psychiatry psychology psychosis schizophrenia catatonia psychosis nos mental retardation intellectual disability antipsychotics intelligence wechslers intelligence test social anxiety disorder anxiety disorder posttraumatic stress disorder generelized anxiety disorder ptsd panic attack anxiety depression treatment resistance history broca sigmund freud emil kraeplin perseveration dementia delusion organic brain disorder goldstein-sheerer test benton visual retention test visual object and space perception battery wisconsin card sorting test wechsler memory scale behavioral in attention test trail making test behaviour therapy obsessive compulsive disorder computerized tomography mrs magnetic resonance imaging ect electroconvulsive therapy wechsler's intelligence test rorschach test seguin form board test thematic apperception test draw a person test minnesotta multiphasic personality test sentence completion test 16 pf test glutamate pathways dopaminergic pathways nmda antagonists. delirium medicine treatment of delirium tower of london test bender gestalt test proverb test stroop test movement disorders anatomy basal ganglia conversion disorder dissociative amnesia dissociative identity disorder dissociative trance dissociative disorder aggression
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