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If, not when

Richard Crouch and Valeria de Paiva

  Nuance Communications, CA, USA

      IMLA – April, 2013
                              Deictic shift
                             Proof System


     I   Crouch discussed in his thesis (1993) patterns of temporal
         reference exhibited by conditional and modal sentences in
           I   A Natural Deduction system of verified and unverified
               assertions emerged.
     I   de Paiva wants to understand what are the salient properties
         of the constructive modal logic that was arrived at.
     I   Hence this note.

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                               Deictic shift
                              Proof System


       I   Our goal is to describe Crouch’s logic of verified/unverified
           assertions by answering questions like:
            1. What is the phenomena in language that motivate the logic?
            2. The logic has a natural deduction formulation as well as a
               possible world semantics shown sound and complete. How do
               we motivate these?
            3. How do these relate to other models in the literature?
            4. Which useful properties can we extract from the logic itself?

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                            Deictic shift
                           Proof System

Conditional and Modal Sentences

    I   This work was motivated by the behavior of the past and
        present tenses in (modal and) conditional sentences in English.
    I   The interactions between time and modality are crucial to
        understanding both.
    I   Time has an irreducibly modal dimension, while modality has
        an irreducibly temporal dimension.
    I   Our first goal is to describe what the interactions are. Then
        we propose a logic that captures it.

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                              Deictic shift
                             Proof System

Conditional and Modal Sentences
    I   Examination of conditional sentences occurring in corpus
        raises three questions:
          I   why is it that in modal and conditional contexts, past and
              present tenses can be deictically shifted so that they refer to
              future times?
              If I smile when I get out, the interview went well.
          I   why do the past and present tenses behave asymmetrically?
          I   there are strong semantic constraints on the temporal ordering
              between eventualities described by the antecedent and
              consequent clauses of conditionals. These depend on the
              tenses of the antecedent and consequent. How exactly?
    I   Key insight: Two deictic centres are required. a primary
        centre, known as the assertion time, and a secondary centre,
        known as the verification time.
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                            Deictic shift
                           Proof System

Deictic shift?
     I   Deictic shift occurs when a tense locates an event as being
         past or present with respect to some time other than the
         speech time.
     I   Often this results in past and present tenses that refer to
         times in the future.
     I   Example: Anna moves to Boston this Sunday.
     I   The tenses not only serve to describe the way that the world
         changes over time, but also the way that information about
         the world changes. To account for that we associate with the
         past and the present tense a primary and a secondary deictic
     I   The two deictic centres correspond to times at which
         informational operations of assertion and verification take
         place.                                                         6 / 24
                           Deictic shift
                          Proof System

Isn’t this too complicated?

       The English construction “if. . . then. . ." can also be
       used to express a sort of causal connection between
       antecedent and consequent. [..] As a result, many uses of
       “if. . . then. . ." in English just aren’t truth functional.
       The truth of the whole depends on something more than
       the truth values of the parts; it depends on there being
       some genuine connection between the subject matter of
       the antecedent and the consequent.
   Barwise and Etchmendy, Language, Proof and Logic, 2002

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                             Deictic shift
                            Proof System

Meaning as the potential to change states of information?

         . . . the slogan “You know the meaning of a sentence if
         you know the conditions under which it is true” should be
         replaced by . . . “You know the meaning of a sentence if
         you know the change it brings about in the information
         state of anyone who wants to incorporate the piece of
         news conveyed by it.”

     I   On a truth-conditional account, linguistic devices for temporal
         reference describe how the world changes over time.
     I   On a information-change account, there is a second level that
         temporal reference operates on: constraining the way
         information changes over time.

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                            Deictic shift
                           Proof System

Meaning as the potential to change states of information?

     I   Typically, tenses state a relation between the time some
         utterance event occurs (the speech time) and the time the
         event being described occurs (the event time).
     I   A new alternative is to centre tenses on the time at which an
         update is made to one’s stock of information, where this
         update occurs as the result of the utterance of the sentence.
     I   In most cases the move from speech time to update time will
         make no di erence: normally, the update occurs as soon as
         the utterance is made. But not for conditionals and modal
     I   Also update time needs to be refined into assertion time and
         verification time.
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                             Deictic shift
                            Proof System

Deictic shift?
     I   Modal and conditional sentences place constraints on the way
         that updates may be made in the future.
     I   It is necessary to decompose update into two operations:
         assertion and verification.
     I   Making an assertion adds a piece of information to one’s
         information state.
     I   However, the assertion does not enjoy first class status until it
         becomes verified.
     I   A modal like will also has the e ect of making unverified
     I   If I hear a sound at the door and say That will be the
         postman, I am asserting that the postman is at the door but
         conceding that until I go to the door and pick up the letters on
         the doormat, I have no direct evidence to verify this assertion    10 / 24
                                Deictic shift
                               Proof System

Summary of Motivation
     I   Goal: Account for temporal data in simple conditionals
     I   Simple past/present tense antecedent (A) or consequent (C)
           I   If the vase fell over, it is on the floor.
           I   If the vase is on the floor, it feel over.
     I   Ordering between A and C eventualities
           I   If I smile when I get out the interview went well
           I   If the letter arrives tomorrow, it is already in the post
     I Relation of A and C eventualities to speech time
   The linguist’s conclusion (after 2500 examples):
    I need primary and secondary deictic shifts, assertion and
       verification times
    I Aim: given “If A then C":
           I   (Hypothetical) assertion of A at time of utterance
           I   If and when the assertion of A is verified
           I   You may assert C (which should eventually be verified)       11 / 24
                            Deictic shift
                           Proof System

Intuitionism and Information States
     I   Intuitionism is about knowledge-values and verification
         conditions rather than truth-values and truth conditions.
     I   Intuitionism denies that there is anything more to truth than
         what is furnished by verification, and thus identifies truth and
         verification conditions. ∆ a useful logic of verification.
     I   Kripke semantics for intuitionism suggests an agent that
         extends its knowledge and the universe of objects it knows
         about over the course of time.
     I   At each moment t the subject has a stock of sentences, ⌃t , it
         has established as true and a stock of objects, Dt , it has
         encountered or otherwise established as existent.
     I   The stock of sentences and objects at a time t constitute the
         subject’s information state at time t.
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                            Deictic shift
                           Proof System

Information Models

    I   As time goes by, the subject finds out more, and adds further
        sentences and further objects to its information state.
    I   There is a natural (partial) order imposed over the subject’s
        possible information states, reflecting the ways in which the
        subject’s information can accumulate.
    I   In information models, each information state can be seen as a
        linearly ordered sequence of temporal ‘snapshots’ of the state,
        where di erent formulas are forced at di erent time points.

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                           Deictic shift
                          Proof System

Information Models

   An information model M is a quintuple
       M = ÈS, ı t, T , Æ, V Í
       where S is a set of information states s
             ı t is a relation in S ◊ S ◊ T
                        and is transitive and reflexive over S for any t
             T is a set of time instants t
             Æ is a (linear) temporal order over T , and
             V is a valuation function

   The valuation function V is a function from states, times and
   atomic sentences in some language L onto the (verification) values
   1 or 0.
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                            Deictic shift
                           Proof System

Conditions on Information Models
    I   Monotonicity of direct verification (‘in-state’ monotonicity)
        For every state s and atomic sentence p of L
        t1 Æ t2 implies if V (s, t1 , p) = 1 then V (s, t2 , p) = 1
    I   Monotonicity of information growth (‘out-of-state’ monot.)
        If s1 ıt s2 then for atomic sentences p
        (a) {p | V (s1 , t, p) = 1} ™ {p | V (s2 , t, p) = 1}
        (b) {p | ÷t : V (s1 , t, p) = 1} ™ {p | ÷t : V (s2 , t, p) = 1}
    I   Convergence of Verification:
        If s1 ı t1 s2 ı t2 s3 ,
        then there is a time t3 such that t3 Ø t1 , t3 Ø t2 and ’t4 Ø t3
        s 1 ı t4 s 3
    I   No Absurdity:
        For no s or t is it the case that V (s, t, ‹) = 1
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                            Deictic shift
                           Proof System

Forcing in Information Models

   To specify what is required for a sentence to be verified as true at
   a time t in a state s we say:
    1. s, t |„ p i V (s, t, p) = 1 if p is atomic
    2. s, t |„ „ · Â i s, t |„ „ and s, t |„ Â
    3. s, t |„ „ ‚ Â i s, t |„ „ or s, t |„ Â
    4. s, t |„ „ æ  i ’t1 Ø t, s1 ˆ„,t s : ÷t2 Ø t1 such that
       s1 , t2 |„ Â
    5. s, t |„ ¬„ i ’t1 Ø t, s1 ˆ„,t s : ÷t2 Ø t1 such that s1 , t2 |„ ‹
    6. s, t |„≥ „ i ’t1 Ø t : s, t1 ”|„ „

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                              Deictic shift
                             Proof System

Forcing in Information Models

    I   Minimal information extension: s1 ˆ„,t s i
        a) s1 ˆt1 s
        b) s1 , t1 |„ „, and
        c) ” ÷t2 , s2 such that t Æ t2 < t1 , s ˆt2 s2 ˆt2 s1 and s2 , t2 |„ „
    I   if s1 is a minimal extension of s with respect to „ at time t,
        then s2 is the first state extending s that verifies „ at the
        earliest time t1 .

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                            Deictic shift
                           Proof System

Two Negations?

    I   Two types of negation are defined: ‘out-of-state’ negation, ¬,
        and ‘in-state’ negation ≥.
    I   Out-of-state negation says that a sentence will never be
        verified in any future state at any future time.
    I   In-state negation says that a sentence will never be verified in
        the current state at any future time.
    I   we can also say that ≥ amounts to a denial of assertion, while
        ¬ amounts to an assertion of denial.

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                              Deictic shift
                             Proof System

Stable Sentences?

    I   the forcing relation in intuitionistic logic is monotonic: once a
        sentence is forced in one state, it remains forced in all
        subsequent states. This holds for all sentences.
    I   For information models we need to consider two distinct kinds
        of monotonicity: in-state monotonicity, and out-of-state
    I   In-state monotonicity holds for all sentences. (theorem)
    I   Out-of-state monotonicity holds only for a restricted set of
        stable sentences. (theorem)
        stability was defined for this, but need to show by induction that it
        was well-defined...

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                              Deictic shift
                             Proof System

Stable Sentences

   For the record we define what stable sentences are.
     I   If p is atomic, then p is stable.
     I   If „ and  are stable, then „ · „ and „ ‚  are stable.
     I   „ æ  is stable if  is stable. (Otherwise, it is semi-stable.)
     I   ¬„ is stable.
     I   If „ is stable, then ≥≥ „ is stable.
     I   Anything not classified as stable by the above is unstable.

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                     Deictic shift
                    Proof System

Proof System

                      (Ax )
                                 ,„ „ „

        „ „;   „Â                    „„·Â
   ·I                   ·E
         „„·Â                         „„

          „„                         „ „ ‚ Â;   , „ „ ‰;   , „ ‰
   ‚I                      ‚E
        „„‚                                     „‰

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                          Deictic shift
                         Proof System

Proof System

          Stable( ), „ „≥≥                      „ „;     „„æÂ
    æI                                    æE
                „„æ                                    „≥≥ Â

          Stable( ), „ „≥≥ ‹                            „‹
     ¬I                                          ‹
                 „ ¬„                                   „„
                ,„ „ ‹
           ≥I                             ≥ Ax
                „≥ „                           „≥ „‚ ≥≥ „
           „≥≥ „; „ „ æ Â                        „≥≥ ‹
   ≥æ                                      ≥≥ ‹
                 „≥≥ Â                             „‹

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                           Deictic shift
                          Proof System

Theorem:Soundness and Completeness

    I   The semantic definitions presented are sound and complete
        with respect to the Natural Deduction in sequent calculus
        proof system just introduced.
    I   Ugly?

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                            Deictic shift
                           Proof System


    I   We described a logic of assertions verified and not, with two
    I   This comes from accounting for temporal properties of
        conditionals in English
    I   The logic is sound and complete with respect to information
    I   Are there proof theoretic properties that we can prove for this

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If, not when

  • 1. If, not when Richard Crouch and Valeria de Paiva Nuance Communications, CA, USA IMLA – April, 2013
  • 2. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Introduction I Crouch discussed in his thesis (1993) patterns of temporal reference exhibited by conditional and modal sentences in English. I A Natural Deduction system of verified and unverified assertions emerged. I de Paiva wants to understand what are the salient properties of the constructive modal logic that was arrived at. I Hence this note. 2 / 24
  • 3. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Goal I Our goal is to describe Crouch’s logic of verified/unverified assertions by answering questions like: 1. What is the phenomena in language that motivate the logic? 2. The logic has a natural deduction formulation as well as a possible world semantics shown sound and complete. How do we motivate these? 3. How do these relate to other models in the literature? 4. Which useful properties can we extract from the logic itself? 3 / 24
  • 4. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Conditional and Modal Sentences I This work was motivated by the behavior of the past and present tenses in (modal and) conditional sentences in English. I The interactions between time and modality are crucial to understanding both. I Time has an irreducibly modal dimension, while modality has an irreducibly temporal dimension. I Our first goal is to describe what the interactions are. Then we propose a logic that captures it. 4 / 24
  • 5. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Conditional and Modal Sentences I Examination of conditional sentences occurring in corpus raises three questions: I why is it that in modal and conditional contexts, past and present tenses can be deictically shifted so that they refer to future times? If I smile when I get out, the interview went well. I why do the past and present tenses behave asymmetrically? I there are strong semantic constraints on the temporal ordering between eventualities described by the antecedent and consequent clauses of conditionals. These depend on the tenses of the antecedent and consequent. How exactly? I Key insight: Two deictic centres are required. a primary centre, known as the assertion time, and a secondary centre, known as the verification time. 5 / 24
  • 6. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Deictic shift? I Deictic shift occurs when a tense locates an event as being past or present with respect to some time other than the speech time. I Often this results in past and present tenses that refer to times in the future. I Example: Anna moves to Boston this Sunday. I The tenses not only serve to describe the way that the world changes over time, but also the way that information about the world changes. To account for that we associate with the past and the present tense a primary and a secondary deictic centre I The two deictic centres correspond to times at which informational operations of assertion and verification take place. 6 / 24
  • 7. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Isn’t this too complicated? The English construction “if. . . then. . ." can also be used to express a sort of causal connection between antecedent and consequent. [..] As a result, many uses of “if. . . then. . ." in English just aren’t truth functional. The truth of the whole depends on something more than the truth values of the parts; it depends on there being some genuine connection between the subject matter of the antecedent and the consequent. Barwise and Etchmendy, Language, Proof and Logic, 2002 7 / 24
  • 8. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Meaning as the potential to change states of information? . . . the slogan “You know the meaning of a sentence if you know the conditions under which it is true” should be replaced by . . . “You know the meaning of a sentence if you know the change it brings about in the information state of anyone who wants to incorporate the piece of news conveyed by it.” I On a truth-conditional account, linguistic devices for temporal reference describe how the world changes over time. I On a information-change account, there is a second level that temporal reference operates on: constraining the way information changes over time. 8 / 24
  • 9. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Meaning as the potential to change states of information? I Typically, tenses state a relation between the time some utterance event occurs (the speech time) and the time the event being described occurs (the event time). I A new alternative is to centre tenses on the time at which an update is made to one’s stock of information, where this update occurs as the result of the utterance of the sentence. I In most cases the move from speech time to update time will make no di erence: normally, the update occurs as soon as the utterance is made. But not for conditionals and modal sentences. I Also update time needs to be refined into assertion time and verification time. 9 / 24
  • 10. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Deictic shift? I Modal and conditional sentences place constraints on the way that updates may be made in the future. I It is necessary to decompose update into two operations: assertion and verification. I Making an assertion adds a piece of information to one’s information state. I However, the assertion does not enjoy first class status until it becomes verified. I A modal like will also has the e ect of making unverified assertions. I If I hear a sound at the door and say That will be the postman, I am asserting that the postman is at the door but conceding that until I go to the door and pick up the letters on the doormat, I have no direct evidence to verify this assertion 10 / 24
  • 11. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Summary of Motivation I Goal: Account for temporal data in simple conditionals I Simple past/present tense antecedent (A) or consequent (C) I If the vase fell over, it is on the floor. I If the vase is on the floor, it feel over. I Ordering between A and C eventualities I If I smile when I get out the interview went well I If the letter arrives tomorrow, it is already in the post I Relation of A and C eventualities to speech time The linguist’s conclusion (after 2500 examples): I need primary and secondary deictic shifts, assertion and verification times I Aim: given “If A then C": I (Hypothetical) assertion of A at time of utterance I If and when the assertion of A is verified I You may assert C (which should eventually be verified) 11 / 24
  • 12. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Intuitionism and Information States I Intuitionism is about knowledge-values and verification conditions rather than truth-values and truth conditions. I Intuitionism denies that there is anything more to truth than what is furnished by verification, and thus identifies truth and verification conditions. ∆ a useful logic of verification. I Kripke semantics for intuitionism suggests an agent that extends its knowledge and the universe of objects it knows about over the course of time. I At each moment t the subject has a stock of sentences, ⌃t , it has established as true and a stock of objects, Dt , it has encountered or otherwise established as existent. I The stock of sentences and objects at a time t constitute the subject’s information state at time t. 12 / 24
  • 13. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Information Models I As time goes by, the subject finds out more, and adds further sentences and further objects to its information state. I There is a natural (partial) order imposed over the subject’s possible information states, reflecting the ways in which the subject’s information can accumulate. I In information models, each information state can be seen as a linearly ordered sequence of temporal ‘snapshots’ of the state, where di erent formulas are forced at di erent time points. 13 / 24
  • 14. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Information Models An information model M is a quintuple M = ÈS, ı t, T , Æ, V Í where S is a set of information states s ı t is a relation in S ◊ S ◊ T and is transitive and reflexive over S for any t T is a set of time instants t Æ is a (linear) temporal order over T , and V is a valuation function The valuation function V is a function from states, times and atomic sentences in some language L onto the (verification) values 1 or 0. 14 / 24
  • 15. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Conditions on Information Models I Monotonicity of direct verification (‘in-state’ monotonicity) For every state s and atomic sentence p of L t1 Æ t2 implies if V (s, t1 , p) = 1 then V (s, t2 , p) = 1 I Monotonicity of information growth (‘out-of-state’ monot.) If s1 ıt s2 then for atomic sentences p (a) {p | V (s1 , t, p) = 1} ™ {p | V (s2 , t, p) = 1} (b) {p | ÷t : V (s1 , t, p) = 1} ™ {p | ÷t : V (s2 , t, p) = 1} I Convergence of Verification: If s1 ı t1 s2 ı t2 s3 , then there is a time t3 such that t3 Ø t1 , t3 Ø t2 and ’t4 Ø t3 s 1 ı t4 s 3 I No Absurdity: For no s or t is it the case that V (s, t, ‹) = 1 15 / 24
  • 16. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Forcing in Information Models To specify what is required for a sentence to be verified as true at a time t in a state s we say: 1. s, t |„ p i V (s, t, p) = 1 if p is atomic 2. s, t |„ „ ·  i s, t |„ „ and s, t |„  3. s, t |„ „ ‚  i s, t |„ „ or s, t |„  4. s, t |„ „ æ  i ’t1 Ø t, s1 ˆ„,t s : ÷t2 Ø t1 such that t1 s1 , t2 |„  5. s, t |„ ¬„ i ’t1 Ø t, s1 ˆ„,t s : ÷t2 Ø t1 such that s1 , t2 |„ ‹ t1 6. s, t |„≥ „ i ’t1 Ø t : s, t1 ”|„ „ 16 / 24
  • 17. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Forcing in Information Models I Minimal information extension: s1 ˆ„,t s i t1 a) s1 ˆt1 s b) s1 , t1 |„ „, and c) ” ÷t2 , s2 such that t Æ t2 < t1 , s ˆt2 s2 ˆt2 s1 and s2 , t2 |„ „ I if s1 is a minimal extension of s with respect to „ at time t, then s2 is the first state extending s that verifies „ at the earliest time t1 . 17 / 24
  • 18. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Two Negations? I Two types of negation are defined: ‘out-of-state’ negation, ¬, and ‘in-state’ negation ≥. I Out-of-state negation says that a sentence will never be verified in any future state at any future time. I In-state negation says that a sentence will never be verified in the current state at any future time. I we can also say that ≥ amounts to a denial of assertion, while ¬ amounts to an assertion of denial. 18 / 24
  • 19. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Stable Sentences? I the forcing relation in intuitionistic logic is monotonic: once a sentence is forced in one state, it remains forced in all subsequent states. This holds for all sentences. I For information models we need to consider two distinct kinds of monotonicity: in-state monotonicity, and out-of-state monotonicity. I In-state monotonicity holds for all sentences. (theorem) I Out-of-state monotonicity holds only for a restricted set of stable sentences. (theorem) stability was defined for this, but need to show by induction that it was well-defined... 19 / 24
  • 20. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Stable Sentences For the record we define what stable sentences are. I If p is atomic, then p is stable. I If „ and  are stable, then „ · „ and „ ‚  are stable. I „ æ  is stable if  is stable. (Otherwise, it is semi-stable.) I ¬„ is stable. I If „ is stable, then ≥≥ „ is stable. I Anything not classified as stable by the above is unstable. 20 / 24
  • 21. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Proof System (Ax ) ,„ „ „ „ „; „ „„·Â ·I ·E „„·Â „„ „„ „ „ ‚ Â; , „ „ ‰; , „ ‰ ‚I ‚E „„‚ „‰ 21 / 24
  • 22. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Proof System Stable( ), „ „≥≥  „ „; „„æ æI æE „„æ „≥≥  Stable( ), „ „≥≥ ‹ „‹ ¬I ‹ „ ¬„ „„ ,„ „ ‹ ≥I ≥ Ax „≥ „ „≥ „‚ ≥≥ „ „≥≥ „; „ „ æ  „≥≥ ‹ ≥æ ≥≥ ‹ „≥≥  „‹ 22 / 24
  • 23. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Theorem:Soundness and Completeness I The semantic definitions presented are sound and complete with respect to the Natural Deduction in sequent calculus proof system just introduced. I Ugly? 23 / 24
  • 24. Introduction Motivation Deictic shift Semantics Proof System Conclusions Conclusions I We described a logic of assertions verified and not, with two negations I This comes from accounting for temporal properties of conditionals in English I The logic is sound and complete with respect to information models I Are there proof theoretic properties that we can prove for this system? 24 / 24