linked data ict4d semantic web digital humanities downscale voices dive vu amsterdam linked open data kasadaka digital history development cultural heritage dutch ships and sailors downscale2016 downscaling sound and vision w4ra mali audio-visual archive beeld en geluid tutorial ld4d radiomarche vu raspberry pi iswc2014 olpc wssf sparql workshop cliopatria imm africa amsterdam museum museum europeana europeanaconnect amsterdam lod mtsr vrije universiteit amsterdam network institute gtaa events clariah handson alignment linke data cultuurlink viaa archives service hci skos clarin dss social web dance semantics eculture e-history crowdsourcing world war ii ekaw verrijkt koninkrijk amalgame opencultuurdata voicexml web demonstrator uva information science multimedia voice service mobile phones regreening av metadata audiovisual wikidata academy assistant victor de boer cerise muller petra bos dana hakman information organisation design ux applied linguistics abc-kb knowledge representation choreography ace2017 ace student presentation fahad ali atm african traditional medicine collections media studies exploration data enrichment colorization deep learning rudy marsman netherlands institute for sound and vision text-to-speech tts media clue vrt moving image presentation preservation keynote humanity-centered ai iot salad enrichment elevator master project spinque nddho student project speech synthesis taalunie sms onno valkering sustainability bon anna milk asterisk andre baart voice interface jari ferguson kim bosman weather christophe gueret registry couchdb dns mihai gramada ers ict4s nias lorentz summer school introduction tmt bamako aopp feedback ictopen observe smart city media screen context model interactive computer science rapid prototyping biographynet data science bde openphacts big data health big data europe biomedical sw4sh newspapers tfidf web search zipf pagerank google web technology dutchs ships and sailors lightning talk media browser semantic web challenge wwsemweb odc14 openbeelden term extraction research and development pilod human-computer interaction user-centered design hci4d silk owl datathon wai intelligent web apps labanotaion movement benesh project icons ballet fp-7 aid iati transparency knowescape international aid community radios illiteracy knowledge sharing lecture e-culture shanghai csws2013 history foroba blon web of voices rijksmuseum human-based computation sealincmedia commit nichesourcing information extraction loe de jong swaie web foundation caise databases maritime ships rdf eswc eswc2012 conversion prolog xml voice technology sahel storm eculture e-culture multimedian information students non-timber forest products burkina faso radio haarlem victor de boer dcl linked edm data
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