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What will we cover today
 How to name your tests
 Hamcrest Matchers
 Parameterized tests
 JUnit Rules
 Web testing
 Thucydides and easyb
Most importantly...

Practice Test Driven
What’s in a name
Name your tests well

 "What's in a name? That which we call a rose
   By any other name would smell as sweet."
                  Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)
What’s in a name
The 10 5 Commandments of Test Writing
I.   Don’t say “test, say “should” instead
II. Don’t test your classes, test their behaviour
III. Test class names are important too
IV. Structure your tests well
V. Tests are deliverables too
What’s in a name
Don’t use the word ‘test’ in your test names



What’s in a name
 Do use the word ‘should’ in your test names




What’s in a name
Your test class names should represent context

                         When is this behaviour applicable?

                                    What behaviour are we testing?
What’s in a name
Write your tests consistently
    ‘Given-When-Then’ or ‘Arrange-Act-Assert’ (AAA)
public void aDeadCellWithOneLiveNeighbourShouldRemainDeadInTheNextGeneration() {
    String initialGrid = "...n" +
                         ".*.n" +        Prepare the test data (“arrange”)

      String expectedNextGrid = "...n" +
                                "...n" +
                                "...n";             Do what you are testing (“act”)
      Universe theUniverse = new Universe(seededWith(initialGrid));

      String nextGrid = theUniverse.getGrid();
                                                       Check the results (“assert”)
      assertThat(nextGrid, is(expectedNextGrid));
What’s in a name
Tests are deliverables too - respect them as such
Refactor, refactor, refactor!
Clean and readable
Express Yourself with Hamcrest
Why write this...

  import static org.junit.Assert.*;
  assertEquals(10000, calculatedTax, 0);

when you can write this...

  import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
  assertThat(calculatedTax, is(10000));

       “Assert that are equal 10000 and calculated tax (more or less)” ?!

                          Don’t I just mean “assert that calculated tax is 10000”?
Express Yourself with Hamcrest
With Hamcrest, you can have your cake and eat it!

  assertThat(calculatedTax, is(expectedTax));

                                         Readable asserts

  String color = "red";
  assertThat(color, is("blue"));

                                                            Informative errors

  String[] colors = new String[] {"red","green","blue"};
  String color = "yellow";
  assertThat(color, not(isIn(colors)));
                                                       Flexible notation
Express Yourself with Hamcrest
More Hamcrest expressiveness

 String color = "red";
 assertThat(color, isOneOf("red",”blue”,”green”));

   List<String> colors = new ArrayList<String>();
   assertThat(colors, hasItem("blue"));

     assertThat(colors, hasItems("red”,”green”));

        assertThat(colors, hasItem(anyOf(is("red"), is("green"), is("blue"))));
Home-made Hamcrest Matchers
Customizing and extending Hamcrest
Combine existing matchers
Or make your own!
Home-made Hamcrest Matchers
Customizing Hamcrest matchers
 You can build your own by combining existing Matchers...

                           Create a dedicated Matcher for the Stakeholder class

List stakeholders = stakeholderManager.findByName("Health");
Matcher<Stakeholder> calledHealthCorp = hasProperty("name", is("Health Corp"));
assertThat(stakeholders, hasItem(calledHealthCorp));

                                  Use matcher directly with hasItem()

            “The stakeholders list has (at least) one item with
                the name property set to “Health Corp””
Home-made Hamcrest Matchers
 Writing your own matchers in three easy steps!

public class WhenIUseMyCustomHamcrestMatchers {
	 public void thehasSizeMatcherShouldMatchACollectionWithExpectedSize() {
	 	 List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();
	 	 assertThat(items, hasSize(1));
                                          We want something like this...

            I want a matcher that checks the size of a collection
Home-made Hamcrest Matchers
Writing your own matchers in three easy steps!
public class HasSizeMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher<Collection<? extends Object>> {
    private Matcher<Integer> matcher;
                                                  Extend the TypeSafeMatcher class
    public HasSizeMatcher(Matcher<Integer> matcher) {
        this.matcher = matcher;                         Provide expected values in
    }                                                         the constructor

    public boolean matchesSafely(Collection<? extends Object> collection) {
    	 return matcher.matches(collection.size());
    }                                                    Do the actual matching
    public void describeTo(Description description) {
        description.appendText("a collection with a size that is");
    }                                            Describe our expectations

             So let’s write this Matcher!
Home-made Hamcrest Matchers
   Writing your own matchers in three easy steps!
import java.util.Collection;
import org.hamcrest.Factory;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;

public class MyMatchers {             Use a factory class to store your matchers
    public static Matcher<Collection<? extends Object>> hasSize(Matcher<Integer> matcher){
        return new HasSizeMatcher(matcher);

                All my custom matchers go in a special Factory class
Home-made Hamcrest Matchers
    Writing your own matchers in three easy steps!
import static com.wakaleo.gameoflife.hamcrest.MyMatchers.hasSize;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;

public class WhenIUseMyCustomHamcrestMatchers {

	   public void thehasSizeMatcherShouldMatchACollectionWithExpectedSize() {
	   	 List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();
	   	 assertThat(items, hasSize(1));

           Hamcrest-style error messages
Home-made Hamcrest Matchers
    But wait! There’s more!
	   public void weCanUseCustomMatchersWithOtherMatchers() {
	   	 List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();
	   	 assertThat(items, allOf(hasSize(1), hasItem("java")));
                                                                     Combining matchers

       	   public void weCanUseCustomMatchersWithOtherMatchers() {
       	   	 List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();
       	   	 assertThat(items, hasSize(greaterThan(1)));
                                                            Nested matchers
Data-Driven Unit Tests
Using Parameterized Tests
Using Parameterized Tests
Parameterized tests - for data-driven testing
Take a large set of test data, including an expected result
Define a test that uses the test data
Verify calculated result against expected result

       {2, 0, 0}
       {2, 1, 2}
       {2, 2, 4}
       {2, 3, 6}
       {2, 4, 8}
      {2, 5, 10}
      {2, 6, 12}
      {2, 7, 14}
          ...                                 Verify
Using Parameterized Tests
Parameterized tests
Example: Calculating income tax
Using Parameterized Tests
 Parameterized tests with JUnit 4.8.1                                       Income     Expected Tax
                                                                        $0.00         $0.00
  What you need:                                                        $10,000.00    $1,250.00
    Some test data                                                      $14,000.00    $1,750.00
                                                                        $14,001.00    $1,750.21
    A test class with matching fields                                    $45,000.00    $8,260.00
                                                                        $48,000.00    $8,890.00
    And some tests                                                      $48,001.00    $8,890.33
                                                                        $65,238.00    $14,578.54
    And an annotation                                                   $70,000.00    $16,150.00
public class TaxCalculatorDataTest {
@RunWith(Parameterized.class)                                           $70,001.00    $16,150.38
public classdouble income;
    private TaxCalculatorDataTest {
                                                                        $80,000.00    $19,950.00
    private double expectedTax;
    private double expectedTax;                                         $100,000.00   $27,550.00
    public TaxCalculatorDataTest(double income, double expectedTax) {
        this.income = income;
    public TaxCalculatorDataTest(double income, double expectedTax) {
        this.income = income;
        this.expectedTax = expectedTax;
    }   this.expectedTax = expectedTax;
        this.income = income;
}   }   this.expectedTax = expectedTax;
    public void shouldCalculateCorrectTax() {...}
}   public void shouldCalculateCorrectTax() {...}
Using Parameterized Tests
How it works                                 This is a parameterized test
                                                                                    Income      Expected Tax
@RunWith(Parameterized.class)                                                   $0.00          $0.00
public class TaxCalculatorDataTest {     The @Parameters annotation             $10,000.00     $1,250.00
    private double income;
    private double expectedTax;
                                            indicates the test data             $14,000.00     $1,750.00
    @Parameters                                                                 $14,001.00     $1,750.21
    public static Collection<Object[]> data() {                                 $45,000.00     $8,260.00
        return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
                { 0.00, 0.00 },                                                 $48,000.00     $8,890.00
                { 10000.00, 1250.00 }, { 14000.00, 1750.00 },                   $48,001.00     $8,890.33
                { 14001.00, 1750.21 }, { 45000.00, 8260.00 },
                { 48000.00, 8890.00 }, { 48001.00, 8890.33 },                   $65,238.00     $14,578.54
                { 65238.00, 14578.54 }, { 70000.00, 16150.00 },
                                                                                $70,000.00     $16,150.00
                { 70001.00, 16150.38 }, { 80000.00, 19950.00 },
                { 100000.00, 27550.00 }, });                                    $70,001.00     $16,150.38
                                                                                $80,000.00     $19,950.00
    public TaxCalculatorDataTest(double income, double expectedTax) {           $100,000.00    $27,550.00
        this.income = income;
        this.expectedTax = expectedTax;                           The constructor takes the
    }                                                              fields from the test data
    public void shouldCalculateCorrectTax() {
        TaxCalculator calculator = new TaxCalculator();                   The unit tests use data
        double calculatedTax = calculator.calculateTax(income);
        assertThat(calculatedTax, is(expectedTax));                         from these fields.
Using Parameterized Tests
Parameterized Tests in Eclipse
                                                  Income     Expected Tax
Run the test only once                        $0.00         $0.00
                                              $10,000.00    $1,250.00
Eclipse displays a result for each data set   $14,000.00    $1,750.00
                                              $14,001.00    $1,750.21
                                              $45,000.00    $8,260.00
                                              $48,000.00    $8,890.00
                                              $48,001.00    $8,890.33
                                              $65,238.00    $14,578.54
                                              $70,000.00    $16,150.00
                                              $70,001.00    $16,150.38
                                              $80,000.00    $19,950.00
                                              $100,000.00   $27,550.00
Using Parameterized Tests
Example: using an Excel Spreadsheet

   public static Collection spreadsheetData() throws IOException {
       InputStream spreadsheet = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/aTimesB.xls");
       return new SpreadsheetData(spreadsheet).getData();
JUnit Rules
Using Existing and Custom JUnit Rules
Customize and control how JUnit behaves
JUnit Rules
    The Temporary Folder Rule
public class LoadDynamicPropertiesTest {
                                                 Create a temporary folder
    public TemporaryFolder folder = new TemporaryFolder();

    private File properties;

    @Before                                                    Prepare some test      data
    public void createTestData() throws IOException {
        properties = folder.newFile("");
        BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(properties));
        // Set up the temporary file
                                                             Use this folder in the   tests

    public void shouldLoadFromPropertiesFile() throws IOException {
       DynamicMessagesBundle bundle = new DynamicMessagesBundle();
       // Do stuff with the temporary file
                                    The folder will be deleted afterwards
JUnit Rules
    The ErrorCollector Rule
        Report on multiple error conditions in a single test

public class ErrorCollectorTest {

	       public ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollector();
	       @Test                                  Two things went wrong here
	       public void testSomething() {
    	   	 collector.addError(new Throwable("first thing went wrong"));
    	   	 collector.addError(new Throwable("second thing went wrong"));
    	   	 String result = doStuff();
    	   	 collector.checkThat(result, not(containsString("Oh no, not again")));

                                                      Check using Hamcrest matchers
	       private String doStuff() {
	       	 return "Oh no, not again";
JUnit Rules
    The ErrorCollector Rule
        Report on multiple error conditions in a single test

public class ErrorCollectorTest {

	       @Rule                                         All three error   messages are reported
	       public ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollector();
	       public void testSomething() {
    	   	 collector.addError(new Throwable("first thing went wrong"));
    	   	 collector.addError(new Throwable("second thing went wrong"));
    	   	 String result = doStuff();
    	   	 collector.checkThat(result, not(containsString("Oh no, not again")));

	       private String doStuff() {
	       	 return "Oh no, not again";
JUnit Rules
    The Timeout Rule
     Define a timeout for all tests

public class GlobalTimeoutTest {

    	 public MethodRule globalTimeout = new Timeout(1000);
	     @Test                               No test should take longer than 1 second
	     public void testSomething() {
	     public void testSomethingElse() {
Parallel tests
 Setting up parallel tests with JUnit and Maven
<project...>                                  Needs Surefire 2.5
         <configuration>                                ‘methods’, ‘classes’, or ‘both’
        <dependency>                                Needs JUnit 4.8.1 or better
Continuous Testing
Continuous Tests with Infinitest
Infinitest is a continuous test tool for Eclipse and IntelliJ
Runs your tests in the background when you save your code
Continuous Testing
Using Infinitest
  Whenever you save your file changes, unit tests will be rerun

                                               Failing test
Project containing an error

                              Error message about the failed test
Mocking with style
Mockito - lightweight Java mocking

        import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
        Account accountStub = mock(Account.class);

        assertThat(accountStub.getFees(FeeType.TRANSACTION_FEE), is(0.50));

            Low-formality mocking
Mocking with style
Mockito - lightweight Java mocking
createNewAccount(String id)

  AccountDao accountDao = mock(AccountDao.class);
  Account newAccount = mock(Account.class);
                                            .thenThrow(new AccountExistsException() );

                                         Manage successive calls
Mocking with style
Mockito - lightweight Java mocking
createNewAccount(String id)

   @Mock private AccountDao accountDao

                                   Mockito annotations
Mocking with style
Mockito - lightweight Java mocking


                                                        Use matchers
Mocking with style
Mockito - lightweight Java mocking
createNewAccount(String id)

   @Mock private AccountDao accountDao
   // Test stuff
   verify(accountDao).createNewAccount( (String) isNotNull());

                     Verify interactions
Spock - Unit BDD in Groovy
Specifications in Groovy
import spock.lang.Specification;             Specifications, not tests

class RomanCalculatorSpec extends Specification {
    def "I plus I should equal II"() {
            def calculator = new RomanCalculator()
            def result = calculator.add("I", "I")
            result == "II"
Spock - Unit BDD in Groovy
Specifications in Groovy                             BDD-style
def "I plus I should equal II"() {
       when: "I add two roman numbers together"
           def result = calculator.add("I", "I")
       then: "the result should be the roman number equivalent of their sum"
           result == "II"
Spock - Unit BDD in Groovy
Specifications in Groovy                                   BDD-style
def "I plus I should equal II"() {
       when: "I add two roman numbers together"
           def result = calculator.add("I", "I")
       then: "the result should be the roman number equivalent of their sum"
           result == "II"

                                     This is the assert
                   I plus I should equal II(
                   Time elapsed: 0.33 sec <<< FAILURE!
                   Condition not satisfied:

                   result == "II"
                   |      |
                   I      false
                          1 difference (50% similarity)

                      .RomanCalculatorSpec.I plus I should equal II(RomanCalculatorSpec.groovy:17)
Spock - Unit BDD in Groovy
Specifications in Groovy
def "The lowest number should go at the end"() {
            def result = calculator.add(a, b)

            result == sum          Data-driven testing

          a    | b    | sum
          "X" | "I" | "XI"
          "I" | "X" | "XI"
          "XX" | "I" | "XXI"
          "XX" | "II" | "XXII"
          "II" | "XX" | "XXII"
Spock - Unit BDD in Groovy
Specifications in Groovy
def "Messages published by the publisher should only be received by active subscribers"() {

    given: "a publisher"
        def publisher = new Publisher()

    and: "some active subscribers"
        Subscriber activeSubscriber1 = Mock()                   Setting up mocks
        Subscriber activeSubscriber2 = Mock()

        activeSubscriber1.isActive() >> true
        activeSubscriber2.isActive() >> true

        publisher.add activeSubscriber1
        publisher.add activeSubscriber2

    and: "a deactivated subscriber"
        Subscriber deactivatedSubscriber = Mock()
        deactivatedSubscriber.isActive() >> false
        publisher.add deactivatedSubscriber

    when: "a message is published"
        publisher.publishMessage("Hi there")                               Asserts on mocks
    then: "the active subscribers should get the message"
        1 * activeSubscriber1.receive("Hi there")
        1 * activeSubscriber2.receive({ it.contains "Hi" })

    and: "the deactivated subscriber didn't receive anything"
        0 * deactivatedSubscriber.receive(_)
Geb - Groovy Page Objects
DSL for WebDriver web testing
import geb.*"") {        Concise expression language
  assert title == "Google"

  // enter wikipedia into the search field
  $("input", name: "q").value("wikipedia")

  // wait for the change to results page to happen
  // (google updates the page without a new request)
  waitFor { title.endsWith("Google Search") }

  // is the first link to wikipedia?                    Higher level than WebDriver
  def firstLink = $("li.g", 0).find("a.l")
  assert firstLink.text() == "Wikipedia"

  // click the link                               Power asserts
  // wait for Google's javascript to redirect
  // us to Wikipedia
  waitFor { title == "Wikipedia" }
or Specification by example

      The story of your app
User stories

As a job seeker
I want to find jobs in relevant categories
So that I can find a suitable job

User stories

As a job seeker
I want to find jobs in relevant categories
So that I can find a suitable job

                                                                      Acceptance criteria

User stories

    As a job seeker
    I want to find jobs in relevant categories
    So that I can find a suitable job

                                                                          Acceptance criteria


scenario "A job seeker can see the available job categories on the home page",
	   when "the job seeker is looking for a job",
	   then "the job seeker can see all the available job categories"

                                                                    Automated acceptance test
scenario "A job seeker can see the available job categories on the home page",
 	   when "the job seeker is looking for a job",
 	   then "the job seeker can see all the available job categories"
                                                      Automated acceptance test

Implemented development tests                         Implemented acceptance tests
The art of sustainable web tests

          or how not to have web tests like this
The Three Ways of Automated Web Testing



Page Objects
Record-replay automated tests

      Promise           Reality
Record-replay automated tests
Script-based automated tests

Selenium RC



                     Canoe Webtest

Script-based automated tests

Selenium RC



                     Canoe Webtest

How about Page Objects?



  Hide unnecessary detail

A sample Page Object
                       A web page
A sample Page Object

                                                 A Page Object

      lookForJobsWithKeywords(values : String)
      getJobTitles() : List<String>
A sample Page Object

  public class FindAJobPage extends PageObject {
                                                                An implemented
      WebElement keywords;
      WebElement searchButton;
                                                                  Page Object
      public FindAJobPage(WebDriver driver) {

      public void lookForJobsWithKeywords(String values) {
          typeInto(keywords, values);

      public List<String> getJobTitles() {
          List<WebElement> tabs = getDriver()
          return extract(tabs, on(WebElement.class).getText());
A sample Page Object

  public class WhenSearchingForAJob {

      public void searching_for_a_job_should_display_matching_jobs() {
        FindAJobPage page = new FindAJobPage();"http://localhost:9000");
        assertThat(page.getJobTitles(), hasItem("Java Developer"));
                                                     A test using this
                                                       Page Object
Sustainable web tests

                        Are we there yet?
Acceptance Tests

The high-level view

Page Objects


           Implementation focus
How do we bridge the gap?
How do we bridge the gap?

                 Test steps
scenario "A job seeker can see the available job categories on the home page",
    	   when "the job seeker is looking for a job",
    	   then "the job seeker can see all the available job categories"

scenario "The user can see the available job categories on the home page",
	   when "the job seeker is looking for a job",
	   then "the job seeker can see all the available job categories",
       job_seeker.should_see_job_categories "Java Developers", "Groovy Developers"

                  ... should_see_job_categories(String...	
                                                    Step libraries
scenario "The user can see the available job categories on the home page",
	   when "the job seeker is looking for a job",
	   then "the job seeker can see all the available job categories",
       job_seeker.should_see_job_categories "Java Developers", "Groovy Developers"

                                                                             Implemented Tests

                      ... should_see_job_categories(String...	
                                                                       Step libraries

                                                                            Page Objects
Test steps

        help organize your tests
Test steps

are a communication tool
Test steps

     are reusable building blocks
Test steps

help estimate progress
And so we built a tool...
Webdriver/Selenium 2 extension

Organize tests, stories and features

                               Record/report test execution

              Measure functional coverage
Thucydides in action   A simple demo app
Defining your acceptance tests
  scenario "A
              job seeker
  {                       can see the
                                       available j
                                                       ob categori
 	   when "the j                                                   es on the h
                 ob seeker i                                                   ome page",
 	   then "the j             s looking f
                 ob seeker c             o r a j o b ",
 }                           an see all
                                        the availab
                                                        le job cate

                                                        High level requ

                  scenario "The administrator adds a new category to the system",
                      given "a new category needs to be added to the system",
                      when "the administrator adds a new category",
                      then "the system should confirm that the category has been created",
                      and "the new category should be visible to job seekers",

  scenario "The admini
                       strator deletes a ca
                                            tegory from the syst
                                                                                ...defined in business terms
      given "a category ne
                           eds to be deleted",
      when "the administra
                           tor deletes a catego
      then "the system will                     ry",
                             confirm that the cate
      and "the deleted cate                        gory has been delete
                            gory should no longer                       d",
 }                                                 be visible to job se
                                                                        eker   s",

                                           focus on business value
Organizing your requirements
 Features   public class Application {

                public class ManageCompanies {
                    public class AddNewCompany {}
                    public class DeleteCompany {}
                    public class ListCompanies {}

                public class ManageCategories {
                    public class AddNewCategory {}
                    public class ListCategories {}
                    public class DeleteCategory {}

                @Feature                                 Stories
                public class BrowseJobs {
                    public class UserLookForJobs {}
                    public class UserBrowsesJobTabs {}
Implementing your acceptance tests
using "thucydides"                                   We are testing this story
thucydides.uses_steps_from AdministratorSteps
thucydides.uses_steps_from JobSeekerSteps
thucydides.tests_story AddNewCategory
                                                          An acceptance criteria
scenario "The administrator adds a new category to the system",
	 given "a new category needs to be added to the system",
                                                                 Narrative style
    }                                                              Step through an
	 when "the administrator adds a new category",                       example
       administrator.adds_new_category("Scala Developers","SCALA")
    then "the system should confirm that the category has been created",
        administrator.should_see_confirmation_message "The Category has been created"
    and "the new category should be visible to job seekers",
    {                                                              Still high-level
        job_seeker.should_see_job_category "Scala Developers"
Some folks prefer JUnit...
@Story(AddNewCategory.class)                      Thucydides handles the
public class AddCategoryStory {
                                                   web driver instances
    public WebDriver webdriver;

    @ManagedPages(defaultUrl = "http://localhost:9000")
    public Pages pages;

    public AdministratorSteps administrator;

                                                                 Using the same steps
    public JobSeekerSteps job_seeker;

    public void administrator_adds_a_new_category_to_the_system() {
        administrator.adds_new_category("Java Developers","JAVA");
        administrator.should_see_confirmation_message("The Category has been created");

        job_seeker.should_see_job_category("Java Developers");
    }                                                              Tests can be pending
    @Pending @Test
    public void administrator_adds_an_existing_category_to_the_system() {}
Defining your test steps
public class AdministratorSteps extends ScenarioSteps {                  A step library
    public void opens_categories_list() {
        AdminHomePage page = getPages().get(AdminHomePage.class);;
    }                                                               High level steps...
    public void selects_add_category() {
        CategoriesPage categoriesPage = getPages().get(CategoriesPage.class);

    public void adds_new_category(String label, String code) {
        EditCategoryPage newCategoryPage = getPages().get(EditCategoryPage.class);
        newCategoryPage.saveNewCategory(label, code);
    public void should_see_confirmation_message(String message) {
                                                                        with Page Objects
        AdminPage page = getPages().get(AdminPage.class);

    @StepGroup                                                        ...or with other steps
    public void deletes_category(String name) {
Defining your page objects
public class EditCategoryPage extends PageObject {

    WebElement label;                                 Provides some useful
                                                        utility methods...
    WebElement code;

    WebElement saveButton;

    public EditCategoryPage(WebDriver driver) {

    public void saveNewCategory(String labelValue, String codeValue) {
        typeInto(label, labelValue);
        typeInto(code, codeValue);;
}                                      but otherwise a normal
                                       WebDriver Page Object
Data-driven testing
                                                Test data


public class DataDrivenCategorySteps extends ScenarioSteps {
                                                               Test steps
    public DataDrivenCategorySteps(Pages pages) {

    private String name;
    private String code;

    public AdminSteps adminSteps;

    public void setCode(String code) {...}
    public void setName(String name) {...}

    public void add_a_category() {
        adminSteps.add_category(name, code);
Data-driven testing
                                                Test data


public class DataDrivenCategorySteps extends ScenarioSteps {
                                                                 Test steps
    public DataDrivenCategorySteps(Pages pages) {

    private String name;
    private String code;

    public AdminSteps adminSteps;

    public void setCode(String code) {...}
              public DataDrivenCategorySteps categorySteps;
    public void setName(String name) {...}

    @Step     @Test
    public void add_a_category() {
                                                                  Call this step for
              public void adding_multiple_categories() throws IOException {
        adminSteps.add_category(name, code);
                  steps.open_categories_list();                       each row
Now run your tests
Displaying the results in easyb
Displaying the results in easyb
Thucydides reports

               Browse the features
Browse the stories

            Browse the stories
Browse the stories

               Browse the test scenarios
Illustrating the test paths
                                    A test


Illustrating the test paths



Functional coverage

Functional coverage

Functional coverage

                      Passing tests

                              Failing tests

                            Pending tests
Functional coverage

Functional coverage
Thank you!

         John Ferguson Smart
                         Twitter: wakaleo

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Developer Testing Tools Roundup

  • 1.
  • 2. Agenda What will we cover today How to name your tests Hamcrest Matchers Parameterized tests JUnit Rules Mockito Spock Geb Web testing Thucydides and easyb
  • 4. What’s in a name Name your tests well "What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet." Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)
  • 5. What’s in a name The 10 5 Commandments of Test Writing I. Don’t say “test, say “should” instead II. Don’t test your classes, test their behaviour III. Test class names are important too IV. Structure your tests well V. Tests are deliverables too
  • 6. What’s in a name Don’t use the word ‘test’ in your test names testBankTransfer() testWithdraw() testDeposit()
  • 7. What’s in a name Do use the word ‘should’ in your test names testBankTransfer() testWithdraw() tranferShouldDeductSumFromSourceAccountBalance() testDeposit() transferShouldAddSumLessFeesToDestinationAccountBalance() depositShouldAddAmountToAccountBalance()
  • 8. What’s in a name Your test class names should represent context When is this behaviour applicable? What behaviour are we testing?
  • 9. What’s in a name Write your tests consistently ‘Given-When-Then’ or ‘Arrange-Act-Assert’ (AAA) @Test public void aDeadCellWithOneLiveNeighbourShouldRemainDeadInTheNextGeneration() { String initialGrid = "...n" + ".*.n" + Prepare the test data (“arrange”) "..."; String expectedNextGrid = "...n" + "...n" + "...n"; Do what you are testing (“act”) Universe theUniverse = new Universe(seededWith(initialGrid)); theUniverse.createNextGeneration(); String nextGrid = theUniverse.getGrid(); Check the results (“assert”) assertThat(nextGrid, is(expectedNextGrid)); }
  • 10. What’s in a name Tests are deliverables too - respect them as such Refactor, refactor, refactor! Clean and readable
  • 11. Express Yourself with Hamcrest Why write this... import static org.junit.Assert.*; ... assertEquals(10000, calculatedTax, 0); when you can write this... import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; ... assertThat(calculatedTax, is(10000)); “Assert that are equal 10000 and calculated tax (more or less)” ?! Don’t I just mean “assert that calculated tax is 10000”?
  • 12. Express Yourself with Hamcrest With Hamcrest, you can have your cake and eat it! assertThat(calculatedTax, is(expectedTax)); Readable asserts String color = "red"; assertThat(color, is("blue")); Informative errors String[] colors = new String[] {"red","green","blue"}; String color = "yellow"; assertThat(color, not(isIn(colors))); Flexible notation
  • 13. Express Yourself with Hamcrest More Hamcrest expressiveness String color = "red"; assertThat(color, isOneOf("red",”blue”,”green”)); List<String> colors = new ArrayList<String>(); colors.add("red"); colors.add("green"); colors.add("blue"); assertThat(colors, hasItem("blue")); assertThat(colors, hasItems("red”,”green”)); assertThat(colors, hasItem(anyOf(is("red"), is("green"), is("blue"))));
  • 14. Home-made Hamcrest Matchers Customizing and extending Hamcrest Combine existing matchers Or make your own!
  • 15. Home-made Hamcrest Matchers Customizing Hamcrest matchers You can build your own by combining existing Matchers... Create a dedicated Matcher for the Stakeholder class List stakeholders = stakeholderManager.findByName("Health"); Matcher<Stakeholder> calledHealthCorp = hasProperty("name", is("Health Corp")); assertThat(stakeholders, hasItem(calledHealthCorp)); Use matcher directly with hasItem() “The stakeholders list has (at least) one item with the name property set to “Health Corp””
  • 16. Home-made Hamcrest Matchers Writing your own matchers in three easy steps! public class WhenIUseMyCustomHamcrestMatchers { @Test public void thehasSizeMatcherShouldMatchACollectionWithExpectedSize() { List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>(); items.add("java"); assertThat(items, hasSize(1)); } } We want something like this... I want a matcher that checks the size of a collection
  • 17. Home-made Hamcrest Matchers Writing your own matchers in three easy steps! public class HasSizeMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher<Collection<? extends Object>> { private Matcher<Integer> matcher; Extend the TypeSafeMatcher class public HasSizeMatcher(Matcher<Integer> matcher) { this.matcher = matcher; Provide expected values in } the constructor public boolean matchesSafely(Collection<? extends Object> collection) { return matcher.matches(collection.size()); } Do the actual matching public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendText("a collection with a size that is"); matcher.describeTo(description); } Describe our expectations } So let’s write this Matcher!
  • 18. Home-made Hamcrest Matchers Writing your own matchers in three easy steps! import java.util.Collection; import org.hamcrest.Factory; import org.hamcrest.Matcher; public class MyMatchers { Use a factory class to store your matchers @Factory public static Matcher<Collection<? extends Object>> hasSize(Matcher<Integer> matcher){ return new HasSizeMatcher(matcher); } } All my custom matchers go in a special Factory class
  • 19. Home-made Hamcrest Matchers Writing your own matchers in three easy steps! import static com.wakaleo.gameoflife.hamcrest.MyMatchers.hasSize; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; public class WhenIUseMyCustomHamcrestMatchers { @Test public void thehasSizeMatcherShouldMatchACollectionWithExpectedSize() { List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>(); items.add("java"); assertThat(items, hasSize(1)); } } Hamcrest-style error messages
  • 20. Home-made Hamcrest Matchers But wait! There’s more! @Test public void weCanUseCustomMatchersWithOtherMatchers() { List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>(); items.add("java"); assertThat(items, allOf(hasSize(1), hasItem("java"))); } Combining matchers @Test public void weCanUseCustomMatchersWithOtherMatchers() { List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>(); items.add("java"); items.add("groovy"); assertThat(items, hasSize(greaterThan(1))); } Nested matchers
  • 21. Data-Driven Unit Tests Using Parameterized Tests
  • 22. Using Parameterized Tests Parameterized tests - for data-driven testing Take a large set of test data, including an expected result Define a test that uses the test data Verify calculated result against expected result {2, 0, 0} {2, 1, 2} {2, 2, 4} {2, 3, 6} {2, 4, 8} x=a*b {2, 5, 10} Test {2, 6, 12} {2, 7, 14} ... Verify Data
  • 23. Using Parameterized Tests Parameterized tests Example: Calculating income tax
  • 24. Using Parameterized Tests Parameterized tests with JUnit 4.8.1 Income Expected Tax $0.00 $0.00 What you need: $10,000.00 $1,250.00 Some test data $14,000.00 $1,750.00 $14,001.00 $1,750.21 A test class with matching fields $45,000.00 $8,260.00 $48,000.00 $8,890.00 And some tests $48,001.00 $8,890.33 $65,238.00 $14,578.54 And an annotation $70,000.00 $16,150.00 public class TaxCalculatorDataTest { @RunWith(Parameterized.class) $70,001.00 $16,150.38 public classdouble income; private TaxCalculatorDataTest { $80,000.00 $19,950.00 private double expectedTax; income; private double expectedTax; $100,000.00 $27,550.00 public TaxCalculatorDataTest(double income, double expectedTax) { super(); this.income = income; public TaxCalculatorDataTest(double income, double expectedTax) { this.income = income; this.expectedTax = expectedTax; super(); } this.expectedTax = expectedTax; this.income = income; } } this.expectedTax = expectedTax; } @Test public void shouldCalculateCorrectTax() {...} @Test } public void shouldCalculateCorrectTax() {...} }
  • 25. Using Parameterized Tests How it works This is a parameterized test Income Expected Tax @RunWith(Parameterized.class) $0.00 $0.00 public class TaxCalculatorDataTest { The @Parameters annotation $10,000.00 $1,250.00 private double income; private double expectedTax; indicates the test data $14,000.00 $1,750.00 @Parameters $14,001.00 $1,750.21 public static Collection<Object[]> data() { $45,000.00 $8,260.00 return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { { 0.00, 0.00 }, $48,000.00 $8,890.00 { 10000.00, 1250.00 }, { 14000.00, 1750.00 }, $48,001.00 $8,890.33 { 14001.00, 1750.21 }, { 45000.00, 8260.00 }, { 48000.00, 8890.00 }, { 48001.00, 8890.33 }, $65,238.00 $14,578.54 { 65238.00, 14578.54 }, { 70000.00, 16150.00 }, $70,000.00 $16,150.00 { 70001.00, 16150.38 }, { 80000.00, 19950.00 }, { 100000.00, 27550.00 }, }); $70,001.00 $16,150.38 } $80,000.00 $19,950.00 public TaxCalculatorDataTest(double income, double expectedTax) { $100,000.00 $27,550.00 super(); this.income = income; this.expectedTax = expectedTax; The constructor takes the } fields from the test data @Test public void shouldCalculateCorrectTax() { TaxCalculator calculator = new TaxCalculator(); The unit tests use data double calculatedTax = calculator.calculateTax(income); assertThat(calculatedTax, is(expectedTax)); from these fields. } }
  • 26. Using Parameterized Tests Parameterized Tests in Eclipse Income Expected Tax Run the test only once $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $1,250.00 Eclipse displays a result for each data set $14,000.00 $1,750.00 $14,001.00 $1,750.21 $45,000.00 $8,260.00 $48,000.00 $8,890.00 $48,001.00 $8,890.33 $65,238.00 $14,578.54 $70,000.00 $16,150.00 $70,001.00 $16,150.38 $80,000.00 $19,950.00 $100,000.00 $27,550.00
  • 27. Using Parameterized Tests Example: using an Excel Spreadsheet @Parameters public static Collection spreadsheetData() throws IOException { InputStream spreadsheet = new FileInputStream("src/test/resources/aTimesB.xls"); return new SpreadsheetData(spreadsheet).getData(); }
  • 28. JUnit Rules Using Existing and Custom JUnit Rules Customize and control how JUnit behaves
  • 29. JUnit Rules The Temporary Folder Rule public class LoadDynamicPropertiesTest { Create a temporary folder @Rule public TemporaryFolder folder = new TemporaryFolder(); private File properties; @Before Prepare some test data public void createTestData() throws IOException { properties = folder.newFile(""); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(properties)); // Set up the temporary file out.close(); } Use this folder in the tests @Test public void shouldLoadFromPropertiesFile() throws IOException { DynamicMessagesBundle bundle = new DynamicMessagesBundle(); bundle.load(properties); // Do stuff with the temporary file } } The folder will be deleted afterwards
  • 30. JUnit Rules The ErrorCollector Rule Report on multiple error conditions in a single test public class ErrorCollectorTest { @Rule public ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollector(); @Test Two things went wrong here public void testSomething() { collector.addError(new Throwable("first thing went wrong")); collector.addError(new Throwable("second thing went wrong")); String result = doStuff(); collector.checkThat(result, not(containsString("Oh no, not again"))); } Check using Hamcrest matchers private String doStuff() { return "Oh no, not again"; } }
  • 31. JUnit Rules The ErrorCollector Rule Report on multiple error conditions in a single test public class ErrorCollectorTest { @Rule All three error messages are reported public ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollector(); @Test public void testSomething() { collector.addError(new Throwable("first thing went wrong")); collector.addError(new Throwable("second thing went wrong")); String result = doStuff(); collector.checkThat(result, not(containsString("Oh no, not again"))); } private String doStuff() { return "Oh no, not again"; } }
  • 32. JUnit Rules The Timeout Rule Define a timeout for all tests public class GlobalTimeoutTest { @Rule public MethodRule globalTimeout = new Timeout(1000); @Test No test should take longer than 1 second public void testSomething() { for(;;); } Oops @Test public void testSomethingElse() { } }
  • 33. Parallel tests Setting up parallel tests with JUnit and Maven <project...> Needs Surefire 2.5 <plugins> ... <plugin> <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.5</version> <configuration> ‘methods’, ‘classes’, or ‘both’ <parallel>methods</parallel> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> ... <build> <dependencies> <dependency> Needs JUnit 4.8.1 or better <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactId>junit</artifactId> <version>4.8.1</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> </build> ... </project>
  • 34. Continuous Testing Continuous Tests with Infinitest Infinitest is a continuous test tool for Eclipse and IntelliJ Runs your tests in the background when you save your code
  • 35. Continuous Testing Using Infinitest Whenever you save your file changes, unit tests will be rerun Failing test Project containing an error Error message about the failed test
  • 36. Mocking with style Mockito - lightweight Java mocking Account balance number getFees(feeType) import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; .... Account accountStub = mock(Account.class); when(accountStub.getFees(FeeType.ACCOUNT_MAINTENANCE)).thenReturn(4.00); when(accountStub.getFees(FeeType.TRANSACTION_FEE)).thenReturn(0.50); assertThat(accountStub.getFees(FeeType.TRANSACTION_FEE), is(0.50)); Low-formality mocking
  • 37. Mocking with style Mockito - lightweight Java mocking AccountDao createNewAccount(String id) AccountDao accountDao = mock(AccountDao.class); Account newAccount = mock(Account.class); when(accountDao.createNewAccount(123456)).thenReturn(newAccount) .thenThrow(new AccountExistsException() ); Manage successive calls
  • 38. Mocking with style Mockito - lightweight Java mocking AccountDao createNewAccount(String id) @Mock private AccountDao accountDao ... Mockito annotations
  • 39. Mocking with style Mockito - lightweight Java mocking Account balance number getEarnedInterest(year) when(accountStub.getEarnedInterest(intThat(greaterThan(2000)))).thenReturn(10.00); Use matchers
  • 40. Mocking with style Mockito - lightweight Java mocking AccountDao createNewAccount(String id) @Mock private AccountDao accountDao ... // Test stuff ... verify(accountDao).createNewAccount( (String) isNotNull()); Verify interactions
  • 41. Spock - Unit BDD in Groovy Specifications in Groovy import spock.lang.Specification; Specifications, not tests class RomanCalculatorSpec extends Specification { def "I plus I should equal II"() { given: def calculator = new RomanCalculator() when: def result = calculator.add("I", "I") then: result == "II" } }
  • 42. Spock - Unit BDD in Groovy Specifications in Groovy BDD-style def "I plus I should equal II"() { when: "I add two roman numbers together" def result = calculator.add("I", "I") then: "the result should be the roman number equivalent of their sum" result == "II" }
  • 43. Spock - Unit BDD in Groovy Specifications in Groovy BDD-style def "I plus I should equal II"() { when: "I add two roman numbers together" def result = calculator.add("I", "I") then: "the result should be the roman number equivalent of their sum" result == "II" } This is the assert I plus I should equal II( Time elapsed: 0.33 sec <<< FAILURE! Condition not satisfied: result == "II" | | I false 1 difference (50% similarity) I(-) I(I) at .RomanCalculatorSpec.I plus I should equal II(RomanCalculatorSpec.groovy:17)
  • 44. Spock - Unit BDD in Groovy Specifications in Groovy def "The lowest number should go at the end"() { when: def result = calculator.add(a, b) then: result == sum Data-driven testing where: a | b | sum "X" | "I" | "XI" "I" | "X" | "XI" "XX" | "I" | "XXI" "XX" | "II" | "XXII" "II" | "XX" | "XXII" }
  • 45. Spock - Unit BDD in Groovy Specifications in Groovy def "Messages published by the publisher should only be received by active subscribers"() { given: "a publisher" def publisher = new Publisher() and: "some active subscribers" Subscriber activeSubscriber1 = Mock() Setting up mocks Subscriber activeSubscriber2 = Mock() activeSubscriber1.isActive() >> true activeSubscriber2.isActive() >> true publisher.add activeSubscriber1 publisher.add activeSubscriber2 and: "a deactivated subscriber" Subscriber deactivatedSubscriber = Mock() deactivatedSubscriber.isActive() >> false publisher.add deactivatedSubscriber when: "a message is published" publisher.publishMessage("Hi there") Asserts on mocks then: "the active subscribers should get the message" 1 * activeSubscriber1.receive("Hi there") 1 * activeSubscriber2.receive({ it.contains "Hi" }) and: "the deactivated subscriber didn't receive anything" 0 * deactivatedSubscriber.receive(_) }
  • 46. Geb - Groovy Page Objects DSL for WebDriver web testing import geb.*"") { Concise expression language   assert title == "Google"   // enter wikipedia into the search field   $("input", name: "q").value("wikipedia")   // wait for the change to results page to happen   // (google updates the page without a new request)   waitFor { title.endsWith("Google Search") }   // is the first link to wikipedia? Higher level than WebDriver   def firstLink = $("li.g", 0).find("a.l")   assert firstLink.text() == "Wikipedia"   // click the link Power asserts   // wait for Google's javascript to redirect   // us to Wikipedia   waitFor { title == "Wikipedia" } }
  • 47. ATDD or Specification by example The story of your app
  • 48. User stories As a job seeker I want to find jobs in relevant categories So that I can find a suitable job Features/Epics
  • 49. User stories As a job seeker I want to find jobs in relevant categories So that I can find a suitable job Acceptance criteria ☑  The  job  seeker  can  see  available  categories  on  the  home  page ☑  The  job  seeker  can  look  for  jobs  in  a  given  category ☑  The  job  seeker  can  see  what  category  a  job  belongs  to
  • 50. User stories As a job seeker I want to find jobs in relevant categories So that I can find a suitable job Acceptance criteria ☑  The  job  seeker  can  see  available  categories  on  the  home  page ☑  The  job  seeker  can  look  for  jobs  in  a  given  category ☑  The  job  seeker  can  see  what  category  a  job  belongs  to scenario "A job seeker can see the available job categories on the home page", { when "the job seeker is looking for a job", then "the job seeker can see all the available job categories" } Automated acceptance test
  • 51. scenario "A job seeker can see the available job categories on the home page", { when "the job seeker is looking for a job", then "the job seeker can see all the available job categories" } Automated acceptance test Implemented development tests Implemented acceptance tests
  • 52. The art of sustainable web tests or how not to have web tests like this
  • 53. The Three Ways of Automated Web Testing Record/Replay Scripting Page Objects
  • 54. Record-replay automated tests Promise Reality
  • 56. Script-based automated tests Selenium RC HTMLUnit JWebUnit Canoe Webtest Watir
  • 57. Script-based automated tests Selenium RC HTMLUnit JWebUnit Canoe Webtest Watir
  • 58. How about Page Objects? Reusable Low maintenance Hide unnecessary detail 2
  • 59. A sample Page Object A web page
  • 60. A sample Page Object A Page Object FindAJobPage lookForJobsWithKeywords(values : String) getJobTitles() : List<String>
  • 61. A sample Page Object public class FindAJobPage extends PageObject { An implemented WebElement keywords; WebElement searchButton; Page Object public FindAJobPage(WebDriver driver) { super(driver); } public void lookForJobsWithKeywords(String values) { typeInto(keywords, values);; } public List<String> getJobTitles() { List<WebElement> tabs = getDriver() .findElements(By.xpath("//div[@id='jobs']//a")); return extract(tabs, on(WebElement.class).getText()); } }
  • 62. A sample Page Object public class WhenSearchingForAJob { @Test public void searching_for_a_job_should_display_matching_jobs() { FindAJobPage page = new FindAJobPage();"http://localhost:9000"); page.lookForJobsWithKeywords("Java"); assertThat(page.getJobTitles(), hasItem("Java Developer")); } } A test using this Page Object
  • 63. Sustainable web tests Are we there yet?
  • 64. Acceptance Tests The high-level view So  where  are   we  at?
  • 65. Page Objects Page  Objects   rock! Implementation focus
  • 66. How do we bridge the gap?
  • 67. How do we bridge the gap? Test steps
  • 68. scenario "A job seeker can see the available job categories on the home page", { when "the job seeker is looking for a job", then "the job seeker can see all the available job categories" } Automated scenario "The user can see the available job categories on the home page", { when "the job seeker is looking for a job", { job_seeker.open_jobs_page() } then "the job seeker can see all the available job categories", { job_seeker.should_see_job_categories "Java Developers", "Groovy Developers" } } Implemented JobSeekerSteps JobSeekerSteps JobSeekerSteps open_jobs_page() open_jobs_page() open_jobs_page() should_see_job_categories(String...  categories) should_see_job_categories(String...  categories) ... should_see_job_categories(String...  categories) ... ... Step libraries
  • 69. scenario "The user can see the available job categories on the home page", { when "the job seeker is looking for a job", { job_seeker.open_jobs_page() } then "the job seeker can see all the available job categories", { job_seeker.should_see_job_categories "Java Developers", "Groovy Developers" } } Implemented Tests JobSeekerSteps JobSeekerSteps JobSeekerSteps open_jobs_page() open_jobs_page() open_jobs_page() should_see_job_categories(String...  categories) should_see_job_categories(String...  categories) ... should_see_job_categories(String...  categories) ... ... Step libraries Page Objects
  • 70. Test steps help organize your tests
  • 71. Test steps are a communication tool
  • 72. Test steps are reusable building blocks
  • 74. And so we built a tool...
  • 75. Webdriver/Selenium 2 extension Organize tests, stories and features Record/report test execution Measure functional coverage
  • 76.
  • 77. Thucydides in action A simple demo app
  • 78. Defining your acceptance tests scenario "A job seeker { can see the available j ob categori when "the j es on the h ob seeker i ome page", then "the j s looking f ob seeker c o r a j o b ", } an see all the availab le job cate gories" High level requ irements... scenario "The administrator adds a new category to the system", { given "a new category needs to be added to the system", when "the administrator adds a new category", then "the system should confirm that the category has been created", and "the new category should be visible to job seekers", } { scenario "The admini strator deletes a ca tegory from the syst em", ...defined in business terms given "a category ne eds to be deleted", when "the administra tor deletes a catego then "the system will ry", confirm that the cate and "the deleted cate gory has been delete gory should no longer d", } be visible to job se eker s", focus on business value
  • 79. Organizing your requirements Features public class Application { @Feature public class ManageCompanies { public class AddNewCompany {} public class DeleteCompany {} public class ListCompanies {} } @Feature public class ManageCategories { public class AddNewCategory {} public class ListCategories {} public class DeleteCategory {} } @Feature Stories public class BrowseJobs { public class UserLookForJobs {} public class UserBrowsesJobTabs {} } }
  • 80. Implementing your acceptance tests using "thucydides" We are testing this story thucydides.uses_steps_from AdministratorSteps thucydides.uses_steps_from JobSeekerSteps thucydides.tests_story AddNewCategory An acceptance criteria scenario "The administrator adds a new category to the system", { given "a new category needs to be added to the system", { Narrative style administrator.logs_in_to_admin_page_if_first_time() administrator.opens_categories_list() } Step through an when "the administrator adds a new category", example { administrator.selects_add_category() administrator.adds_new_category("Scala Developers","SCALA") } then "the system should confirm that the category has been created", { administrator.should_see_confirmation_message "The Category has been created" } and "the new category should be visible to job seekers", { Still high-level job_seeker.opens_jobs_page() job_seeker.should_see_job_category "Scala Developers" } }
  • 81. Some folks prefer JUnit... @RunWith(ThucydidesRunner.class) @Story(AddNewCategory.class) Thucydides handles the public class AddCategoryStory { web driver instances @Managed public WebDriver webdriver; @ManagedPages(defaultUrl = "http://localhost:9000") public Pages pages; @Steps public AdministratorSteps administrator; @Steps Using the same steps public JobSeekerSteps job_seeker; @Test public void administrator_adds_a_new_category_to_the_system() { administrator.logs_in_to_admin_page_if_first_time(); administrator.opens_categories_list(); administrator.selects_add_category(); administrator.adds_new_category("Java Developers","JAVA"); administrator.should_see_confirmation_message("The Category has been created"); job_seeker.opens_job_page(); job_seeker.should_see_job_category("Java Developers"); } Tests can be pending @Pending @Test public void administrator_adds_an_existing_category_to_the_system() {} }
  • 82. Defining your test steps public class AdministratorSteps extends ScenarioSteps { A step library @Step public void opens_categories_list() { AdminHomePage page = getPages().get(AdminHomePage.class);; page.selectObjectType("Categories"); } High level steps... @Step public void selects_add_category() { CategoriesPage categoriesPage = getPages().get(CategoriesPage.class); categoriesPage.selectAddCategory(); } @Step public void adds_new_category(String label, String code) { EditCategoryPage newCategoryPage = getPages().get(EditCategoryPage.class); newCategoryPage.saveNewCategory(label, code); } ...implemented @Step public void should_see_confirmation_message(String message) { with Page Objects AdminPage page = getPages().get(AdminPage.class); page.shouldContainConfirmationMessage(message); } @StepGroup ...or with other steps public void deletes_category(String name) { opens_categories_list(); displays_category_details_for(name); deletes_category(); } }
  • 83. Defining your page objects public class EditCategoryPage extends PageObject { @FindBy(id="object_label") WebElement label; Provides some useful @FindBy(id="object_code") utility methods... WebElement code; @FindBy(name="_save") WebElement saveButton; public EditCategoryPage(WebDriver driver) { super(driver); } public void saveNewCategory(String labelValue, String codeValue) { typeInto(label, labelValue); typeInto(code, codeValue);; } } but otherwise a normal WebDriver Page Object
  • 84. Data-driven testing Test data categories.csv public class DataDrivenCategorySteps extends ScenarioSteps { Test steps public DataDrivenCategorySteps(Pages pages) { super(pages); } private String name; private String code; @Steps public AdminSteps adminSteps; public void setCode(String code) {...} public void setName(String name) {...} @Step public void add_a_category() { adminSteps.add_category(name, code); } }
  • 85. Data-driven testing Test data categories.csv public class DataDrivenCategorySteps extends ScenarioSteps { Test steps public DataDrivenCategorySteps(Pages pages) { super(pages); } private String name; private String code; @Steps public AdminSteps adminSteps; @Steps public void setCode(String code) {...} public DataDrivenCategorySteps categorySteps; public void setName(String name) {...} @Step @Test public void add_a_category() { Call this step for public void adding_multiple_categories() throws IOException { adminSteps.add_category(name, code); steps.login_to_admin_page_if_first_time(); } } steps.open_categories_list(); each row withTestDataFrom("categories.csv").run(categorySteps).add_a_category(); }
  • 86. Now run your tests
  • 89. Thucydides reports Browse the features
  • 90. Browse the stories Browse the stories
  • 91. Browse the stories Browse the test scenarios
  • 92. Illustrating the test paths A test scenario Steps Test scenarios
  • 93. Illustrating the test paths Test scenario Steps Test scenarios Screenshots
  • 95. Functional coverage User stories
  • 96. Functional coverage Passing tests Failing tests Pending tests
  • 97. Functional coverage Test scenarios
  • 99. Thank you! John Ferguson Smart Email: Web: Twitter: wakaleo