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Azure Virtual Machine & Networking
Marco Gumini
Chi sono
Marco Gumini – walk2talk
MCSA – Cloud Platform
• Overview
• Virtual Machine
• Networking
• Storage
• Use case
Modelli di cloud computing
On-Premises computing
Save MoneyMove Faster
Lower Your
Vantaggi del cloud computing
Integrate with
Rich Services
Vantaggi del cloud computing
Azure Regions
Azure is generally available in 36 regions around the world, with plans
announced for 6 additional regions.
Azure Regions
The world is divided
into geographies
A region is defined
by a bandwidth and
latency envelope
Region 1
Region 2
Azure Region Pairs
Physical isolation - Each Azure Region in a
pair are always located greater than 300 miles
apart when possible
The Azure Region pairs are connected directly together Data residency – in order to meet data
residency requirements for tax and law
enforcement jurisdiction purposes.
Availability Zones: intra-region resilience PREVIEW
Regions offer multiple
Availability Zones (AZs)
600 μSec latency diameter
At least three Azs
Three is enough for quorum
An AZ consists of one or more
Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR)
This combination of global regions and Availability Zones
provides customers with the most robust infrastructure for
application resiliency of any cloud provider. Whether for
high availability, redundancy, or site failover, Azure provides
the full spectrum of resiliency options
Subsea cables
United States
United States
Atlanta Ocean
Libya Egypt
Dr Congo
Indian Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Data centerOwned capacity
Future capacity
Leased capacity
Edge site
DCs and network sites not exhaustive
Azure inter-DC network
Platform Services
Infrastructure Services
Azure Site
Database DocumentDB
SQL Data
Azure AD
Health Monitoring
AD Privileged
Visual Studio
VS Team Services
Domain Services
HDInsight Machine
Learning Stream Analytics
Data Lake
Analytics Service
IoT Hub
Security &
Azure Active
Key Vault
VM Image Gallery
& VM Depot
Azure AD
Power BI
SQL Server
Stretch Database
Cognitive Services Bot Framework Cortana
Security Center
Scale Sets
Data Lake Store
Service Bus
Presenza globale
Scegliere dove mettere i miei dati
Ridondanza e ripristino
Usare una rete globale di data center per gestire la
Sostenibilità ambientale
Beneficiare di innovazioni tecnologiche e software che
permettono di ridurre l'impatto energetico
Datacenter Azure
Sostenibilità ambientale
Sostenibilità ambientale
energy use from
wind, solar &
energy use
from wind, solar
& hydropower
energy use from
wind, solar &
Next generation energy technology | Fuel cells
• Direct to server transmission can
double energy efficiency and
increase reliability
• The first fully-integrated fuel cell-
powered datacenter pilot this year.
• The Advanced Energy Lab is a 20-
rack datacenter pilot located in
Quincy, WA
Quincy, WA
Cheyenne, WY
Amsterdam, NL
Cheyenne, WY
ISO/IEC 27001 SOC 1 SOC 2 PCI DSS L1 version 3 Cloud Security Alliance
Cloud Security Matrix
FedRAMP FIPS 140-2 Life Sciences GxP Family Educational
Rights & Privacy Act
European Union
Model Clause
Multi Layer Protection
United Kingdom
Multi-Tier Cloud
Australian Signals
Directorate I-RAP
Criminal Justice
Information System
Defense Information
Systems Agency L2
Sarbanes Oxley ITAR Defense Information
Systems Agency L3-5
ISO / IEC 27018
Microsoft has a long history of transparency, defense-in-depth, and privacy-by-design that enabled us to be
the first enterprise cloud services provider to implement the rigorous controls needed to earn approval for
the EU Model Clauses, the first to achieve ISO’s 27018 cloud privacy standard, and the first to offer
contractual commitments to the GDPR.
Microsoft Azure is proud to announce that
we obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certification,
addressing Quality Management systems.
Achieving the ISO 20000-1:2011 certification
specifically underscores Azure's commitment to deliver
quality IT service management to customers and
demonstrates Azure’s capability to monitor,
measure, and improve service management
Sei il proprietario dei tuoi dati, e ne hai il pieno controllo!
Sai come ti aiutiamo a proteggere i dati
Sai dove sono archiviati i dati e come vengono gestiti
Sai chi può accedere ai tuoi dati e in quali termini
Garantiamo trasparenza assoluta sul modo in cui rispondiamo
alle richieste di accesso ai dati da parte delle autorità
Hai la possibilità di esaminare le certificazioni degli standard
per i servizi Microsoft
Security, Privacy, Compliance, Trasparency
Trusted Cloud
Manage Your Compliance from One Place – Announcing Compliance Manager
Virtual Machine
Come creare e gestire le Virtual Machine
«Platform Images» Immagini Microsoft e terze parti
Azure Marketplace
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
CentOS by Open Logic
Ubuntu Server by Canonical
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Oracle Database
Oracle WebLogic Server
Versioni minime software server supportati nelle VM
• Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013
• Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3
• Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013
• Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013
• Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
• Exchange Server 2013
• Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 SP1
• Microsoft HPC Pack 2012
• Project Server 2013
• SharePoint Server 2010
• SQL Server 2008 versioni a 64 bit
• System Center 2012 Service Pack 1
App Controller, Configuration Manager, Data Protection Manager, Endpoint Protection,
Operations Manager, Orchestrator, Virtualizzazione delle applicazioni server, Gestore del servizio
• Team Foundation Server 2012
Ruoli Windows Server supportati
Windows Server 2008 R2 and later versions
• Active Directory Certificate Services
• Active Directory Domain Services
• Active Directory Federation Services
• Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services
• Application Server
• DNS Server
• Failover Clustering – con limitazioni
• File Services
• Hyper-V role is supported in Azure Ev3, and Dv3 series VMs
• Network Policy and Access Services
• Print and Document Services
• Remote Desktop Services (no VDI)
• Web Server (IIS)
• Windows Server Update Service
VM con Windows Client per sviluppo e test applicazioni
Virtual Machine
Modelli di deployment
Modelli di deployment
Classic Portal
Azure Portal
• Azure management portal
• Microsoft Azure PowerShell
• Azure Command Line Interface (CLI)
• Azure Resource Management templates (JSON)
• Azure Cloud Shell (PS / Bash)
ASM - Classico (V1) ARM - Resource Manager (V2)
Backend Pool (NICs)
Modelli di deployment
Azure Resource Manager
• SRP: Storage Resource Provider
• CRP: Compute Resource Provider
• NRP: Network Resource provider
Resource Provider
Resource Group
Virtual Machine
Size e caratteristiche
Specifiche tecniche delle VM
We have created the concept of the Azure Compute Unit (ACU) to provide a
way of comparing compute (CPU) performance across Azure SKUs. ACU is
currently standardized on a Small (Standard_A1) VM being 100 and all other
SKUs then represent approximately how much faster that SKU can run a
standard benchmark.
These VM sizes are hyper-threaded and run on the Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8168
processor, featuring a base core frequency of 2.7 GHz and a maximum single-core
turbo frequency of 3.7 GHz. These VMs will support Azure premium storage disks
by default and will also support Accelerated Networking capabilities for the
highest throughput.
These VMs are currently only available in West US 2, West Europe, and East US.
Southeast Asia will be available soon.
Specifiche tecniche delle VM
Products available by region
La licenza per l'esecuzione di Windows Server nell'ambiente Azure è
inclusa per impostazione predefinita nel costo al minuto della macchina
virtuale Windows.
Non sono necessarie licenze CAL di Windows Server per accedere a
Windows Server in esecuzione nell'ambiente Azure, in quanto i diritti di
accesso sono inclusi nella tariffa al minuto per le macchine virtuali.
Risparmia fino al 40% - Azure Hybrid Use Benefit
Usa le licenze di Windows Server locali che
includono Software Assurance per ottenere
risparmi significativi sulle macchine virtuali Windows
Server in Azure. Usando le tue licenze esistenti, puoi
pagare la tariffa di calcolo di base e risparmiare fino
al 40%.
Pay as you GO
Azure bills you per-second rounded down to the last minute, saving you
money and simplifying your bill. For example, a VM that runs for 345 seconds
is billed at 300 seconds.
… workloads don’t require the use of the full
CPU all the time but occasionally will need to
burst to finish some tasks more quickly.
Announcing General Availability of Azure Reserved VM Instances (RIs)
Azure RIs enable you to reserve Virtual
Machines on a one- or three-year term,
and provide up to 72% cost savings
versus pay-as-you-go prices.
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator PREVIEW
Virtual Network
Una rete privata protetta nel cloud
• Reti IPv4 private, isolate e sicure gestite dall’utente
• Subnetting – la più piccola è /29
• Risoluzione nomi interna o con DNS personalizzato
A virtual network is a
representation of your
own network in the
Funzionalità delle Virtual Network
• Reti IPv4 private, isolate e sicure gestite dall’utente
• Subnetting – la più piccola è /29
• Risoluzione nomi interna o con DNS personalizzato
Internet communication
• Tutte le VM hanno accesso ad internet (outbound)
Azure resource communication
• Le risorse utilizzando private IP addresses, anche tra
subnet differenti -> default route
Virtual network connectivity
• Connessioni vnet to vnet -> peering
On-premises connectivity
• Gateway Subnet con povisioning e gestione
automatizzate -> VPN Gateway
Traffic filtering
• Traffic can be filtered inbound and
outbound -> NSG
• override Azure's default routing -> UDR or
BGP• Solo gli indirizzi IPv4 sono permessi
• MCAST / BRCAST non supportate
• ICMP è soltanto instradato, le componenti di Azure non rispondono direttamente al ping
Indirizzi IP Privati
• Le VM di default non usano indirizzamento statico, utilizzano il DHCP di Azure
• Non si applicano quindi le best practice classiche di indirizzamento tipiche
dell’ambiente on-premises
• È fondamentale non forzare la configurazione e non impostare un indirizzo statico
in modo manuale all’interno della VM, per evitare di renderla irraggiungibile dalla
• Il lease ha durata infinita e resta assegnato alla VM in modo stabile finchè è attiva
• Quando le VM sono in “Stop (Deallocated)” perdono gli IP associati
• Usare Reservation per controllare il DHCP di Azure
Indirizzi IP Pubblici
• VM (NIC)
• Internet-facing load balancer
• VPN gateway
• Application Gateway
• Dinamico
• Statico
• IPv4 o IPv6 (solo per Internet-facing load balancer)
Gli indirizzi IP pubblici consentono alle risorse di Azure di comunicare con
Internet e i servizi pubblici di Azure
Multi NIC - IP
• La gestione delle NIC è indipendente dalle VM in ARM
E’ possibile creare una NIC e successivamente agganciarla ad una VM
• Il numero massimo di NIC dipende dalla size della VM
Es. Standard A1: 2 NIC, Standard A4: 4 NIC
Now even entry level VMs support at least 2 NICs.
General availability March 22, 2017 :
Multiple IP addresses per network interface
• System Route
• User-Defined Route
• BGP Route (ExpressRoute o VPN)
System Routes (default)
• All’interno della stessa subnet
• Da una subnet ad un’altra nella stessa VNet
• Dalle VM ad Internet
• Da VNet a VNet passando da un VPN gateway
• Da VNet a on-premises passando da un VPN
Route - UDR
User-Defined Route
• È possibile creare route personalizzate (o definite
dall'utente) in Azure per eseguire l'override delle route
di sistema predefinite di Azure o per aggiungere altre
route alla tabella di route di una subnet.
• Associazione di routing table alle subnet
• Definizione del Next hop per ogni Address prefix
• Set route per forzare il tunneling di tutto il
traffico verso la rete on-premises o un appliance (IP-
VNet Peering
Funziona anche tra sottoscrizioni differenti
• Le 2 Vnet devono essere nella stessa
• Non ci devono essere subnet
• Non è possibile fare peering in
ambiente Classic, ma tra ASM e ARM si!
VNet peering permette di connettere 2 Vnet all’interno della stessa regione di Azure
Global virtual network peering will enable you to peer virtual
networks belonging to different Azure regions. Peering virtual
networks in different regions is currently in preview in US West
Central, Canada Central, and US West 2.
Network Security Group - NSG
• Permette network segmentation e scenari DMZ
• Access Control List
• Filtri su condizioni «allow/deny», «inbound/outbound»
• Accetta indirizzi singoli, CIDR, service tag o wildcard
• Si applica a livello VM o Subnet
Security, Protection e Isolation su più livelli
connettività on-prem
Estensione del Datacenter verso il Cloud
VPN Gateway - Connection topology
Site-to-Site (IPsec/IKE VPN tunnel)
VPN Gateway - Connection topology
Multi-Site (IPsec/IKE VPN tunnel)
VPN Gateway - Connection topology
VNet-to-VNet connections (IPsec/IKE VPN tunnel)
VPN Gateway - Connection topology
Point-to-Site (VPN over IKEv2 or SSTP)
Virtual Network Gateway
• Policy Based = Static Gateway
Max 1 IPsec Tunel
IKE v1
• Route Based = Dynamic Gateway
SKU Basic.. o VpnGw1, VpnGw2, VpnGw3
Max 30 IPsec Tunel (Multisite)
IKE v2
• Check your VPN Device! => Device compatibili
Virtual Network Gateway
Device VPN compatibili
E il mio firewall??
Device VPN compatibili
Verificare se IKEv1 o IKEv2
compatibile = check
firmware version
ExpressRoute fornisce connettività privata, dedicate e con QoS garantita verso Azure
Opzioni di larghezza
di banda
50 Mbps
100 Mbps
200 Mbps
500 Mbps
1 Gbps
2 Gbps
5 Gbps
10 Gbps
Site-to-Site VPN as a secure failover on ExpressRoute
Le Network virtual Appliance supportate su Azure includono
• load balancer
• WAN optimizer
• network security appliance
Sono state annunciate partnership con i leader di mercato
Azure Virtual Network
There is no charge for virtual networks, subnets, route tables, or
network security groups. Outbound Internet bandwidth usage,
public IP addresses, virtual network peering, VPN Gateways, and
ExpressRoute each have their own pricing structures.
Load Balancer
Bilanciamento del carico di livello trasporto, layer 4 (TCP, UDP) che distribuisce il traffico in ingresso
• Bilanciare il carico del traffico Internet in ingresso nelle macchine
virtuali. (Internet-facing load balancing)
• Bilanciare il carico del traffico tra macchine virtuali in una rete
virtuale, tra macchine virtuali nei servizi cloud o tra computer
locali e macchine virtuali in una rete virtuale cross-premise.
(Internal load balancing)
• Inoltrare il traffico esterno a una specifica macchina virtuale.
• Supporto IPv6
Azure Application Gateway
• Web application firewall
• Routing HTTP basato su policy applicative
• HTTP load balancing
• Cookie-based session affinity
• Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) offload
• URL-based content routing
• Multi-site routing
• End to End SSL
• health monitoring
• Request redirect
Bilanciamento del carico di livello applicativo, layer 7
Azure Traffic Manager
• Bilanciamento basato su DNS
• Utilizza record DNS di tipo CNAME (Alias)
• Ci sono diverse modalità di Routing:
• Priority: Si utilizza un endpoint primario che
gestisce tutto il traffico. In caso di indisponibilità, si
passa automaticamente ai secondari
• Weighted: distribuire il traffico in un set di
endpoint in modo uniforme o in base a pesi definiti
• Performance: Ci sono endpoint in differenti
posizioni geografiche. Traffic Manager distribuisce
le connessioni in base al'endpoint "più vicino" in
termini di latenza di rete più bassa.
• Geographic: gli utenti vengono indirizzati a
endpoint specifici in base alla posizione geografica
da cui provengono le query DNS.
• E’ possibile annidare diverse istanze di Traffic Manager
Accelerated Networking
"up to 25 Gbps of networking throughput", which is "the fastest
published speed between VMs in the public cloud.
Azure Storage
Architettura di Azure Storage
Architettura di Azure Storage
Architettura di Azure Storage
General purpose: This storage account type provides conventional
storage for blobs, files, tables, and queues.
Blob storage: This new account type is specialized for storing blob
data and allows you to choose an access tier.
Storage Account – General Purpose
Sono disponibili due livelli di performance
• Standard – Backed by magnetic disks – HDD
• Premium – Backed by solid state drives - SSD
Lo "Storage Account"
rappresenta uno spazio dei
nomi univoco per le risorse di
archiviazione in una
determinata area geografica.
È possibile associare fino a 200
storage account per ciascuna
Storage Replication
These options are dependent upon the “Account Kind” and “Performance”
• Locally redundant storage (LRS)
• Zone-redundant storage (ZRS)
• Geo-redundant storage (GRS)
• Read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS)
Standard Storage
Premium Storage
You choose the option which best meets your required storage size, IOPs, and throughput.
Attach several persistent disks to a virtual machine and you can configure up to 64 TB of
storage per virtual machine, and achieve 80,000 input/output operations per second, and
1,600 MB-per-second disk throughput per virtual machine at less than one millisecond latency
for read operation
Il limite è sempre la dimensione della VM!
Aggiunta di un disco ad una VM
Managed Disk
Azure Managed Disks semplifica la gestione dei dischi per le macchine virtuali IaaS. Specificando il
tipo, Premium o Standard, e le dimensioni del disco necessarie, Azure crea e gestisce
automaticamente il disco.
Non è più necessario preoccuparsi dei limiti degli account di archiviazione, ad esempio di 20.000
IOPS per account.
Use case: Domain Controller in cloud
Domain Controller & Azure VM?
Deploying Windows Server Active
Directory DCs on Azure virtual
machines is subject to the same
guidelines as running DCs on-premises
in a virtual machine.
(eg: Static Private IP address for full
DNS support)
Time in virtualized environment:
Host o Guest?
DC & Azure VM - Recommendations
Disable VMICTimeProvider
Create a separate virtual data disk for storing the AD database
(DIT), logs, and SYSVOL
Host Caching Preference set to None
DC & Azure VM - Recommendations
You should shut down and restart a VM that runs the domain controller role in Azure
within the guest operating system
instead of using the Shut Down option in the Azure Management Portal
DC & Azure VM - Recommendations
Spegnimento delle VM
Domain Controller – v1
Domain Controller – v2
Domain Controller – v3
Azure Architecture Center
and more…
Availability Set
• Unplanned Hardware Maintenance Event
• An Unexpected Downtime
• Planned Maintenance events
È possibile gestire la disponibilità delle VM tramite il
concetto di «Availability Set»
Availability Set = Update Domain (default 5, max 20) +
Fault Domain (default 2, max 3)
Azure gestisce e distribuisce automaticamente le VM su
UD e FD differenti per garantire la massima affidabilità sia
in caso di fault che di aggiornamento
Availability Set
VMs in an Availability Set are grouped into Updates Domains(default 5)
automatically. When a sixth VM is added to an Availability Set, it’s assigned to
the first Update Domain.
Only one Update Domain is ever rebooted at a time.
Fault domains define the group of virtual machines that share a common
power source and network switch. By default, the virtual machines
configured within your availability set are separated across up to three fault
domains for Resource Manager deployments
For all Virtual Machines that have two or
more instances deployed in the same
Availability Set, we guarantee you will have
Virtual Machine Connectivity to at least one
instance at least 99.95% of the time.
Virtual Machine e SLA
• For any Single Instance Virtual Machine using
premium storage for all Operating System Disks
and Data Disks, we guarantee you will have Virtual
Machine Connectivity of at least 99.9%.
• For all Virtual Machines that have two or more
instances deployed in the same Availability Set,
we guarantee you will have Virtual Machine
Connectivity to at least one instance at least
99.95% of the time.
• 99.99% SLA applies to Virtual Machines that are
deployed in two or more Availability Zones in the
same region.
Backup & DR
Microsoft Azure PowerShell
Template in Resource Manager
Supporto Tecnico
Azure vs On-Premises

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CCI2017 - Azure Virtual Machine & Networking - Marco Gumini

  • 3. e #cloudconferenceitalia Chi sono Marco Gumini – walk2talk MCSA – Cloud Platform
  • 4. Agenda • Overview • Virtual Machine • Networking • Storage • Use case
  • 6. e Modelli di cloud computing
  • 8. e Save MoneyMove Faster Lower Your Risk Vantaggi del cloud computing
  • 9. e Integrate with on-premises Rich Services Vantaggi del cloud computing Heterogeneity
  • 10. e Azure Regions Azure is generally available in 36 regions around the world, with plans announced for 6 additional regions.
  • 11. e Azure Regions The world is divided into geographies A region is defined by a bandwidth and latency envelope Region 1 Region 2
  • 12. e Azure Region Pairs Physical isolation - Each Azure Region in a pair are always located greater than 300 miles apart when possible The Azure Region pairs are connected directly together Data residency – in order to meet data residency requirements for tax and law enforcement jurisdiction purposes.
  • 13. e Availability Zones: intra-region resilience PREVIEW Regions offer multiple Availability Zones (AZs) 600 μSec latency diameter At least three Azs Three is enough for quorum An AZ consists of one or more datacenters
  • 14. e Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) This combination of global regions and Availability Zones provides customers with the most robust infrastructure for application resiliency of any cloud provider. Whether for high availability, redundancy, or site failover, Azure provides the full spectrum of resiliency options
  • 16. e United States United States Canada Mexico Venezuela Colombia Peru Bolivia Brazil Argentina Atlanta Ocean Algeria Mali Niger Nigeria Chad Libya Egypt Sudan Ethiopia Dr Congo Angola Zambia Nambia South Africa Greenland Svalbard Sweden Norway United Kingdom France Poland Ukraine Turkey Saudi Arabia Iran Kazakistan India Russia Russia China Myanmar (Burma) Indian Ocean Indonesia Australia Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Data centerOwned capacity Future capacity Leased capacity Edge site DCs and network sites not exhaustive Azure inter-DC network
  • 17. e Platform Services Infrastructure Services Web Apps Mobile Apps API Apps Notification Hubs Hybrid Cloud Backup StorSimple Azure Site Recovery Import/Export SQL Database DocumentDB Redis Cache Azure Search Storage Tables SQL Data Warehouse Azure AD Health Monitoring AD Privileged Identity Management Operational Analytics Cloud Services Batch RemoteApp Service Fabric Visual Studio Application Insights VS Team Services Domain Services HDInsight Machine Learning Stream Analytics Data Factory Event Hubs Data Lake Analytics Service IoT Hub Data Catalog Security & Management Azure Active Directory Multi-Factor Authentication Automation Portal Key Vault Store/ Marketplace VM Image Gallery & VM Depot Azure AD B2C Scheduler Xamarin HockeyApp Power BI Embedded SQL Server Stretch Database Mobile Engagement Functions Cognitive Services Bot Framework Cortana Security Center Container Service VM Scale Sets Data Lake Store BizTalk Services Service Bus Logic Apps API Management Content Delivery Network Media Services Media Analytics
  • 19. e Presenza globale Scegliere dove mettere i miei dati Ridondanza e ripristino Usare una rete globale di data center per gestire la disponibilità Sostenibilità ambientale Beneficiare di innovazioni tecnologiche e software che permettono di ridurre l'impatto energetico Datacenter Azure
  • 21. e Sostenibilità ambientale 2020 60% energy use from wind, solar & hydropower 2012 Carbon neutral 2018 50% energy use from wind, solar & hydropower Long-term goal 100% energy use from wind, solar & hydropower
  • 22. e Next generation energy technology | Fuel cells • Direct to server transmission can double energy efficiency and increase reliability • The first fully-integrated fuel cell- powered datacenter pilot this year. • The Advanced Energy Lab is a 20- rack datacenter pilot located in Seattle
  • 28. e ISO/IEC 27001 SOC 1 SOC 2 PCI DSS L1 version 3 Cloud Security Alliance Cloud Security Matrix HIPAA (Healthcare) FedRAMP FIPS 140-2 Life Sciences GxP Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act European Union Model Clause China Multi Layer Protection Scheme United Kingdom G-Cloud Singapore Multi-Tier Cloud Security China CCCPPF Australian Signals Directorate I-RAP Assessment Criminal Justice Information System Defense Information Systems Agency L2 Sarbanes Oxley ITAR Defense Information Systems Agency L3-5 ISO / IEC 27018 Global United States Regional Coming soon Compliance Microsoft has a long history of transparency, defense-in-depth, and privacy-by-design that enabled us to be the first enterprise cloud services provider to implement the rigorous controls needed to earn approval for the EU Model Clauses, the first to achieve ISO’s 27018 cloud privacy standard, and the first to offer contractual commitments to the GDPR.
  • 29. e Compliance Microsoft Azure is proud to announce that we obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certification, addressing Quality Management systems. Achieving the ISO 20000-1:2011 certification specifically underscores Azure's commitment to deliver quality IT service management to customers and demonstrates Azure’s capability to monitor, measure, and improve service management processes.
  • 30. e Sei il proprietario dei tuoi dati, e ne hai il pieno controllo! Sai come ti aiutiamo a proteggere i dati Sai dove sono archiviati i dati e come vengono gestiti Sai chi può accedere ai tuoi dati e in quali termini Garantiamo trasparenza assoluta sul modo in cui rispondiamo alle richieste di accesso ai dati da parte delle autorità Hai la possibilità di esaminare le certificazioni degli standard per i servizi Microsoft Security, Privacy, Compliance, Trasparency Trusted Cloud TrustCenter Manage Your Compliance from One Place – Announcing Compliance Manager
  • 32. e Come creare e gestire le Virtual Machine
  • 33. e «Platform Images» Immagini Microsoft e terze parti Azure Marketplace Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 OpenSUSE CentOS by Open Logic Ubuntu Server by Canonical SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Red Hat Enterprise Linux Oracle Database Oracle WebLogic Server
  • 34. e Versioni minime software server supportati nelle VM • Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 • Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 • Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 • Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 • Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 • Exchange Server 2013 • Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 SP1 • Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 • Project Server 2013 • SharePoint Server 2010 • SQL Server 2008 versioni a 64 bit • System Center 2012 Service Pack 1 App Controller, Configuration Manager, Data Protection Manager, Endpoint Protection, Operations Manager, Orchestrator, Virtualizzazione delle applicazioni server, Gestore del servizio • Team Foundation Server 2012
  • 35. e Ruoli Windows Server supportati Windows Server 2008 R2 and later versions • Active Directory Certificate Services • Active Directory Domain Services • Active Directory Federation Services • Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services • Application Server • DNS Server • Failover Clustering – con limitazioni • File Services • Hyper-V role is supported in Azure Ev3, and Dv3 series VMs • Network Policy and Access Services • Print and Document Services • Remote Desktop Services (no VDI) • Web Server (IIS) • Windows Server Update Service
  • 36. e VM con Windows Client per sviluppo e test applicazioni
  • 38. e Modelli di deployment Classic Portal Azure Portal • Azure management portal • Microsoft Azure PowerShell • Azure Command Line Interface (CLI) • Azure Resource Management templates (JSON) • REST API • Azure Cloud Shell (PS / Bash)
  • 39. e ASM - Classico (V1) ARM - Resource Manager (V2) Reference Reference Backend Pool (NICs) Reference Reference Reference Modelli di deployment
  • 41. e • SRP: Storage Resource Provider • CRP: Compute Resource Provider • NRP: Network Resource provider Resource Provider
  • 43. Virtual Machine Size e caratteristiche
  • 44. e Specifiche tecniche delle VM We have created the concept of the Azure Compute Unit (ACU) to provide a way of comparing compute (CPU) performance across Azure SKUs. ACU is currently standardized on a Small (Standard_A1) VM being 100 and all other SKUs then represent approximately how much faster that SKU can run a standard benchmark.
  • 45. e
  • 46. e
  • 47. e
  • 48. e These VM sizes are hyper-threaded and run on the Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8168 processor, featuring a base core frequency of 2.7 GHz and a maximum single-core turbo frequency of 3.7 GHz. These VMs will support Azure premium storage disks by default and will also support Accelerated Networking capabilities for the highest throughput. These VMs are currently only available in West US 2, West Europe, and East US. Southeast Asia will be available soon.
  • 49. e Specifiche tecniche delle VM Products available by region
  • 50. e Licensing La licenza per l'esecuzione di Windows Server nell'ambiente Azure è inclusa per impostazione predefinita nel costo al minuto della macchina virtuale Windows. Non sono necessarie licenze CAL di Windows Server per accedere a Windows Server in esecuzione nell'ambiente Azure, in quanto i diritti di accesso sono inclusi nella tariffa al minuto per le macchine virtuali. Risparmia fino al 40% - Azure Hybrid Use Benefit Usa le licenze di Windows Server locali che includono Software Assurance per ottenere risparmi significativi sulle macchine virtuali Windows Server in Azure. Usando le tue licenze esistenti, puoi pagare la tariffa di calcolo di base e risparmiare fino al 40%.
  • 51. e Pricing Pay as you GO Azure bills you per-second rounded down to the last minute, saving you money and simplifying your bill. For example, a VM that runs for 345 seconds is billed at 300 seconds.
  • 52. e … workloads don’t require the use of the full CPU all the time but occasionally will need to burst to finish some tasks more quickly.
  • 53. e Announcing General Availability of Azure Reserved VM Instances (RIs) Azure RIs enable you to reserve Virtual Machines on a one- or three-year term, and provide up to 72% cost savings versus pay-as-you-go prices.
  • 54. e Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator PREVIEW
  • 56. e Virtual Network Una rete privata protetta nel cloud • Reti IPv4 private, isolate e sicure gestite dall’utente • Subnetting – la più piccola è /29 • Risoluzione nomi interna o con DNS personalizzato A virtual network is a representation of your own network in the cloud.
  • 57. e Funzionalità delle Virtual Network Isolation • Reti IPv4 private, isolate e sicure gestite dall’utente • Subnetting – la più piccola è /29 • Risoluzione nomi interna o con DNS personalizzato Internet communication • Tutte le VM hanno accesso ad internet (outbound) Azure resource communication • Le risorse utilizzando private IP addresses, anche tra subnet differenti -> default route Virtual network connectivity • Connessioni vnet to vnet -> peering On-premises connectivity • Gateway Subnet con povisioning e gestione automatizzate -> VPN Gateway Traffic filtering • Traffic can be filtered inbound and outbound -> NSG Routing • override Azure's default routing -> UDR or BGP• Solo gli indirizzi IPv4 sono permessi • MCAST / BRCAST non supportate • ICMP è soltanto instradato, le componenti di Azure non rispondono direttamente al ping
  • 58. e Indirizzi IP Privati • Le VM di default non usano indirizzamento statico, utilizzano il DHCP di Azure • Non si applicano quindi le best practice classiche di indirizzamento tipiche dell’ambiente on-premises • È fondamentale non forzare la configurazione e non impostare un indirizzo statico in modo manuale all’interno della VM, per evitare di renderla irraggiungibile dalla rete • Il lease ha durata infinita e resta assegnato alla VM in modo stabile finchè è attiva • Quando le VM sono in “Stop (Deallocated)” perdono gli IP associati • Usare Reservation per controllare il DHCP di Azure
  • 59. e Indirizzi IP Pubblici • VM (NIC) • Internet-facing load balancer • VPN gateway • Application Gateway • Dinamico • Statico • IPv4 o IPv6 (solo per Internet-facing load balancer) Gli indirizzi IP pubblici consentono alle risorse di Azure di comunicare con Internet e i servizi pubblici di Azure
  • 60. e Multi NIC - IP • La gestione delle NIC è indipendente dalle VM in ARM E’ possibile creare una NIC e successivamente agganciarla ad una VM • Il numero massimo di NIC dipende dalla size della VM Es. Standard A1: 2 NIC, Standard A4: 4 NIC Now even entry level VMs support at least 2 NICs. General availability March 22, 2017 : Multiple IP addresses per network interface
  • 61. e Route • System Route • User-Defined Route • BGP Route (ExpressRoute o VPN) System Routes (default) • All’interno della stessa subnet • Da una subnet ad un’altra nella stessa VNet • Dalle VM ad Internet • Da VNet a VNet passando da un VPN gateway • Da VNet a on-premises passando da un VPN gateway
  • 62. e Route - UDR User-Defined Route • È possibile creare route personalizzate (o definite dall'utente) in Azure per eseguire l'override delle route di sistema predefinite di Azure o per aggiungere altre route alla tabella di route di una subnet. • Associazione di routing table alle subnet • Definizione del Next hop per ogni Address prefix • Set route per forzare il tunneling di tutto il traffico verso la rete on-premises o un appliance (IP- Forwarding)
  • 63. e VNet Peering Funziona anche tra sottoscrizioni differenti • Le 2 Vnet devono essere nella stessa regione • Non ci devono essere subnet sovrapposte • Non è possibile fare peering in ambiente Classic, ma tra ASM e ARM si! VNet peering permette di connettere 2 Vnet all’interno della stessa regione di Azure Global virtual network peering will enable you to peer virtual networks belonging to different Azure regions. Peering virtual networks in different regions is currently in preview in US West Central, Canada Central, and US West 2.
  • 64. e Network Security Group - NSG • Permette network segmentation e scenari DMZ • Access Control List • Filtri su condizioni «allow/deny», «inbound/outbound» • Accetta indirizzi singoli, CIDR, service tag o wildcard • Si applica a livello VM o Subnet
  • 65. e Security, Protection e Isolation su più livelli
  • 67. e Estensione del Datacenter verso il Cloud
  • 68. e VPN Gateway - Connection topology Site-to-Site (IPsec/IKE VPN tunnel)
  • 69. e VPN Gateway - Connection topology Multi-Site (IPsec/IKE VPN tunnel)
  • 70. e VPN Gateway - Connection topology VNet-to-VNet connections (IPsec/IKE VPN tunnel)
  • 71. e VPN Gateway - Connection topology Point-to-Site (VPN over IKEv2 or SSTP)
  • 72. e Virtual Network Gateway • Policy Based = Static Gateway Solo SKU BASIC Max 1 IPsec Tunel IKE v1 • Route Based = Dynamic Gateway SKU Basic.. o VpnGw1, VpnGw2, VpnGw3 Max 30 IPsec Tunel (Multisite) IKE v2 • Check your VPN Device! => Device compatibili
  • 74. e Device VPN compatibili E il mio firewall??
  • 75. e Device VPN compatibili Verificare se IKEv1 o IKEv2 compatibile = check firmware version
  • 76. e ExpressRoute ExpressRoute fornisce connettività privata, dedicate e con QoS garantita verso Azure Opzioni di larghezza di banda 50 Mbps 100 Mbps 200 Mbps 500 Mbps 1 Gbps 2 Gbps 5 Gbps 10 Gbps
  • 77. e Site-to-Site VPN as a secure failover on ExpressRoute
  • 78. e NVA Le Network virtual Appliance supportate su Azure includono • load balancer • WAN optimizer • network security appliance Sono state annunciate partnership con i leader di mercato
  • 79. e Azure Virtual Network Pricing There is no charge for virtual networks, subnets, route tables, or network security groups. Outbound Internet bandwidth usage, public IP addresses, virtual network peering, VPN Gateways, and ExpressRoute each have their own pricing structures.
  • 81. e Load Balancer Bilanciamento del carico di livello trasporto, layer 4 (TCP, UDP) che distribuisce il traffico in ingresso • Bilanciare il carico del traffico Internet in ingresso nelle macchine virtuali. (Internet-facing load balancing) • Bilanciare il carico del traffico tra macchine virtuali in una rete virtuale, tra macchine virtuali nei servizi cloud o tra computer locali e macchine virtuali in una rete virtuale cross-premise. (Internal load balancing) • Inoltrare il traffico esterno a una specifica macchina virtuale. • Supporto IPv6
  • 82. e Azure Application Gateway • Web application firewall • Routing HTTP basato su policy applicative • HTTP load balancing • Cookie-based session affinity • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) offload • URL-based content routing • Multi-site routing • End to End SSL • health monitoring • Request redirect Bilanciamento del carico di livello applicativo, layer 7
  • 83. e Azure Traffic Manager • Bilanciamento basato su DNS • Utilizza record DNS di tipo CNAME (Alias) • Ci sono diverse modalità di Routing: • Priority: Si utilizza un endpoint primario che gestisce tutto il traffico. In caso di indisponibilità, si passa automaticamente ai secondari • Weighted: distribuire il traffico in un set di endpoint in modo uniforme o in base a pesi definiti • Performance: Ci sono endpoint in differenti posizioni geografiche. Traffic Manager distribuisce le connessioni in base al'endpoint "più vicino" in termini di latenza di rete più bassa. • Geographic: gli utenti vengono indirizzati a endpoint specifici in base alla posizione geografica da cui provengono le query DNS. • E’ possibile annidare diverse istanze di Traffic Manager
  • 86. e Accelerated Networking "up to 25 Gbps of networking throughput", which is "the fastest published speed between VMs in the public cloud.
  • 91. e Architettura di Azure Storage General purpose: This storage account type provides conventional storage for blobs, files, tables, and queues. Blob storage: This new account type is specialized for storing blob data and allows you to choose an access tier.
  • 92. e Storage Account – General Purpose Sono disponibili due livelli di performance • Standard – Backed by magnetic disks – HDD • Premium – Backed by solid state drives - SSD Lo "Storage Account" rappresenta uno spazio dei nomi univoco per le risorse di archiviazione in una determinata area geografica. È possibile associare fino a 200 storage account per ciascuna sottoscrizione.
  • 93. e Storage Replication These options are dependent upon the “Account Kind” and “Performance” • Locally redundant storage (LRS) • Zone-redundant storage (ZRS) • Geo-redundant storage (GRS) • Read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS)
  • 95. e Premium Storage You choose the option which best meets your required storage size, IOPs, and throughput. Attach several persistent disks to a virtual machine and you can configure up to 64 TB of storage per virtual machine, and achieve 80,000 input/output operations per second, and 1,600 MB-per-second disk throughput per virtual machine at less than one millisecond latency for read operation Il limite è sempre la dimensione della VM!
  • 96. e Aggiunta di un disco ad una VM
  • 97. e Managed Disk Azure Managed Disks semplifica la gestione dei dischi per le macchine virtuali IaaS. Specificando il tipo, Premium o Standard, e le dimensioni del disco necessarie, Azure crea e gestisce automaticamente il disco. Non è più necessario preoccuparsi dei limiti degli account di archiviazione, ad esempio di 20.000 IOPS per account.
  • 98. Use case: Domain Controller in cloud
  • 99. e Domain Controller & Azure VM? Deploying Windows Server Active Directory DCs on Azure virtual machines is subject to the same guidelines as running DCs on-premises in a virtual machine. (eg: Static Private IP address for full DNS support)
  • 100. e Time in virtualized environment: Host o Guest? DC & Azure VM - Recommendations Disable VMICTimeProvider [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetse rvicesW32TimeTimeProvidersVMICTimeProvider] "Enabled"=dword:00000000
  • 101. e Create a separate virtual data disk for storing the AD database (DIT), logs, and SYSVOL Host Caching Preference set to None DC & Azure VM - Recommendations
  • 102. e You should shut down and restart a VM that runs the domain controller role in Azure within the guest operating system instead of using the Shut Down option in the Azure Management Portal DC & Azure VM - Recommendations
  • 106. e Domain Controller – v3 Azure Architecture Center
  • 108. e Availability Set • Unplanned Hardware Maintenance Event • An Unexpected Downtime • Planned Maintenance events È possibile gestire la disponibilità delle VM tramite il concetto di «Availability Set» Availability Set = Update Domain (default 5, max 20) + Fault Domain (default 2, max 3) Azure gestisce e distribuisce automaticamente le VM su UD e FD differenti per garantire la massima affidabilità sia in caso di fault che di aggiornamento
  • 109. e Availability Set VMs in an Availability Set are grouped into Updates Domains(default 5) automatically. When a sixth VM is added to an Availability Set, it’s assigned to the first Update Domain. Only one Update Domain is ever rebooted at a time. Fault domains define the group of virtual machines that share a common power source and network switch. By default, the virtual machines configured within your availability set are separated across up to three fault domains for Resource Manager deployments For all Virtual Machines that have two or more instances deployed in the same Availability Set, we guarantee you will have Virtual Machine Connectivity to at least one instance at least 99.95% of the time.
  • 110. e Virtual Machine e SLA • For any Single Instance Virtual Machine using premium storage for all Operating System Disks and Data Disks, we guarantee you will have Virtual Machine Connectivity of at least 99.9%. • For all Virtual Machines that have two or more instances deployed in the same Availability Set, we guarantee you will have Virtual Machine Connectivity to at least one instance at least 99.95% of the time. • 99.99% SLA applies to Virtual Machines that are deployed in two or more Availability Zones in the same region.
  • 113. e Template in Resource Manager
  • 117.

Notes de l'éditeur

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