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Basic Function Call Flow 
Summary.......................................................................................................................................................... 3 
OpenSSL Data Structures .............................................................................................................................. 4 
genRANDOM() Function ............................................................................................................................. 10 
Reference ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
This document provides a basic function calling flow of OpenSSL library for constructing a secure TCP 
connection to send/receive critical data. 
General Description 
The OpenSSL library implements the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) protocols. 
At first, the library must be initialized by calling the function : SSL_library_init() . 
Then an SSL_CTX object is created as a framework to establish TLS/SSL enabled connections. This object 
is created by calling the function : SSL_CTX_new(). 
Various options regarding certificates, algorithms etc. can be set in this object. 
When a network connection (e.g. TCP connection) has been created, it can be assigned to an SSL object. 
After the SSL object has been created using SSL_new(), SSL_set_fd() or SSL_set_bio() can be used to 
associate the network connection with the object. 
Then the TLS/SSL handshake is performed using SSL_accept() (for server side) or SSL_connect() (for 
client side) respectively. 
SSL_read() and SSL_write() are used to read and write data on the TLS/SSL connection. 
SSL_shutdown() can be used to shut down the TLS/SSL connection.
OpenSSL Data Structures 
Currently the OpenSSL library functions deals with the following data structures: 
The SSL Method. That's a dispatch structure describing the internal SSL library methods/functions which 
implement the various protocol versions (SSLv1, SSLv2 and TLSv1). It's needed to create an SSL_CTX. 
Data Structure SSL_METHOD 
Definded in ssl.h 
File Location OpenSSL-Srcssl 
The SSL Cipher. This structure holds the algorithm information for a particular cipher which are a core part 
of the SSL/TLS protocol. The available ciphers are configured on a SSL_CTX basis and the actually used 
ones are then part of the SSL_SESSION. 
Data Structure SSL_CIPHER 
Definded in ssl.h 
File Location OpenSSL-Srcssl 
The SSL Context. That's the global context structure which is created by a server or client once per program 
life-time and which holds mainly default values for the SSL structures which are later created for the 
Data Structure SSL_CTX 
Definded in ssl.h 
File Location OpenSSL-Src ssl 
The SSL Session . This is a structure containing the current TLS/SSL session details for a connection: 
SSL_CIPHER, client and server certificates, keys, etc. 
Data Structure SSL_SESSION 
Definded in ssl.h 
File Location OpenSSL-Src ssl 
The SSL Connection . That's the main SSL/TLS structure which is created by a server or client per 
established connection. This actually is the core structure in the SSL API. Under run-time the application 
usually deals with this structure which has links to mostly all other structures.
Data Structure SSL 
Definded in ssl.h 
File Location OpenSSL-Src ssl
Basic Calling Flow 
int SSL_library_init(void) 
Initializing the OpenSSL library. 
SSL_METHOD *SSLv23_method(void) 
Constructor for the SSLv2 or SSLv3 
SSL_METHOD structure for combined 
client and server. 
SSL_CTX object is created as a framework to establish 
TLS/SSL enabled connections. 
RAND_add() : Load the Randomness 
This step is for initializing the randomness for generating session key 
(client key). 
This phase will do automatically with RAND_poll() function which will 
call RAND_add() indirectly in below O.S platform: 
<1>OS2 <2>Unix <3>OpenBSD <4>Linux <5>Windows. 
If the platform other than the above, we must call RAND_add() explicitly. 
For example, in VxWorks RTOS, it must call RAND_add() explicitly. 
Creates a TCP connection. 
{ This will generate a socket 
handler,e.g. file descriptor } 
SSL* SSL_new(SSL_CTX *ctx) 
Creates a new SSL structure which 
is needed to hold the data for a 
TLS/SSL connection. 
int SSL_set_fd (SSL *ssl, int fd) 
Sets the file descriptor fd as the input/output facility for 
the TLS/SSL (encrypted) side of ssl. fd will typically be 
the socket file descriptor of a network connection. 
Is this a Server 
Yes, this is a 
Server application 
No, this is a Client 
int SSL_connect(SSL *ssl) 
Initiates the TLS/SSL handshake 
with a server. 
SSL Handshaking 
int SSL_accept(SSL *ssl) 
Waits for a TLS/SSL client to 
initiate the TLS/SSL handshake. 
Successful Handshaking
int SSL_read(SSL*ssl, void *buf, int num) 
Tries to read num bytes from the specified 
ssl into the buffer buf. 
int SSL_write(SSL *ssl, const void 
*buf, int num) 
Writes num bytes from the buffer buf into 
the specified SSL connection, ssl. 
from read from write 
Need to 
terminating the 
SSL connection? 
No, continues to 
use the active 
SSL connection. 
Yes, terminate the 
SSL connection 
int SSL_shutdown(SSL *ssl) 
Shuts down an active TLS/SSL 
connection. It sends the “close notify” 
shutdown alert to the peer. 
Going back to the 
SSL read/write 
int SSL_free(SSL *ssl) 
Decrements the reference count of ssl, and removes the 
SSL structure pointed to by ssl and frees up the allocated 
memory if the the reference count has reached 0. 
No, this is a 
write operation 
Yes, this is a 
read operation 
Successful Handshaking
int SSL_CTX_free(SSL_CTX *ctx) 
Decrements the reference count of ctx, and removes the SSL_CTX 
object pointed to by ctx and frees up the allocated memory if the the 
reference count has reached 0. 
It also calls free() to release memory of items(if it is available): 
session cache, list of ciphers, list of Client CAs, certificates and keys. 
int close(int socket) 
This the socket function to close a 
socket and terminate a TCP connection. 
The above function call flow is just a basic flow to create a SSL connection without client authentication 
and doing read/write operations.
genRANDOM() Function 
This is a randomness initialization function we created. It calls the OpenSSL function, RAND_add(), to 
accomplish the randomness initialization operation(that is to seed unpredictable data to a cryptographic 
PRNG (Pseudo-Random Number Generator). The function signature is : 
void RAND_add (const void *buf, int num, double entropy) 
The followings are the steps showing how to use RAND_add() function to initailize randomness. 
Step 1) 
We created a string type variable and fill arbitrary chars (the content should be unpredictable that any one 
can’t guess it). In our codes, we do as below : 
static char* strRANDOM = 
"FreeBSD -STABLE #4: Tue g5 15:50:0PDT000 
Tiecounti8254 frequen193182 Hz 
CP: Pent II/Xeon/Celeron400.MHz 6-cls CPU) 
Prbing fdevices on PCI b: 
chp0: <Il 82443BX host tI bri> v 02 on pci0.0.0 
Prbing fPnP devices: 
sc: VGA or <16 virtualoles, flagsx0> 
ed not fd at 0x280 
ah0 not nd at 0x34 
ai0 not nd 
vg0 at 00-0x3df madd000 msize 1372 on isa"; 
Step 2) 
Now, we start use RAND_add() function to seed PRNG. The using is shown below :
if (Bytes > 0) 
n = (Bytes < BUFSIZ)?(int)Bytes:BUFSIZ; 
n = BUFSIZ; 
while( (i = rand()%1000-13) ==0) 
strncpy(buf, (strRANDOM+offset), i); 
RAND_add (buf, n, i); 
offset += i; 
if (offset>=(len+1)) 
if (Bytes > 0) 
Bytes -= n; 
if (Bytes <= 0) 
} /*if(Bytes)*/ 
} /* for(;;) */
The complete genRANDOM() body is : 
#define BUFSIZ 1024 
static void genRANDOM() 
long Bytes = 1024*10; 
int i =0, offset=0, n=0, len=strlen(strRANDOM); 
char buf[BUFSIZ]; 
printf("[CWMP] genRANDOM()n"); 
memset(buf, 0, BUFSIZ); 
if (Bytes > 0) 
n = (Bytes < BUFSIZ)?(int)Bytes:BUFSIZ; 
n = BUFSIZ; 
while( (i = rand()%1000-13) ==0) 
strncpy(buf, (strRANDOM+offset), i); 
RAND_add (buf, n, i); 
offset += i; 
if (offset>=(len+1)) 
if (Bytes > 0) 
Bytes -= n; 
if (Bytes <= 0) 
} /* End of for(;;) */ 
} /* End of genRAND() */
SSL Client Side Example Codes 
#include "openssl/bio.h" 
#include "openssl/crypto.h" 
#include "openssl/x509.h" 
#include "openssl/ssl.h" 
#include "openssl/err.h" /* For error message */ 
#include “openssl/rand.h” /* For RAND_add() */ 
#define BUFSIZZ 2048 
/*================ Global variables ================*/ 
static char *hostIP = ""; 
struct sockaddr_in addr; /* socket address */ 
int sock = 0; /* socket */ 
unsigned int hp = 0; /* for host IP address */ 
int ret= 0, request_len, len; 
char buf[BUFSIZZ]; 
SSL_CTX *ctx = NULL; 
BIO *sbio = NULL; 
/*===================== SSL Initialization =====================*/ 
SSL_library_init(); /* Initializing the SSL libraries */ 
SSL_load_error_strings(); /* Loading the error message string for each error code */ 
meth = SSLv23_method(); /* Init the methods for handshaking and accessing SSL data */ 
ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth); /* Create a SSL context */ 
printf("SSL Init Done!n"); 
/* Resolving the IP address of the target host */ 
if ( (hp=hostGetByName((char*)hostIP)) == ERROR) /* hostGetByName() calls gethostbyname()*/ 
/* socket interface */ 
printf ("Couldn't resolve host"); 
exit (1); 
/* Setting the network address structure */ 
memset (&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); 
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; 
addr.sin_family = AF_INET; 
addr.sin_port = htons (443); /* Well-known port number for HTTPS */
/* Get the socket */ 
if ( (sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP))<0 ) 
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create socket"); 
/*================ Try to create the TCP connection ================*/ 
if ( connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr))<0 ) 
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't connect socket"); 
printf("The TCP Connection is created!n"); 
/*================ Create the SSL connection context ================*/ 
ssl = SSL_new (ctx); 
sbio = BIO_new_socket (sock, BIO_NOCLOSE); 
SSL_set_bio (ssl, sbio, sbio); 
printf("Starting to do SSL Handshaking…n"); 
if ( SSL_connect (ssl) <= 0 ) /* Note: at this point it is in blocking mode */ 
char errstr[256]; 
int sslres; 
printf("SSL handshaking fail!n"); 
sslres = SSL_get_error (ssl, res); 
ERR_error_string_n (sslres, errstr,s 256); /* Convert the error code to the man readable error 
string. */ 
printf(“The SSL error is %d => %sn”, sslres, errstr); 
char* httpRequest = 
”GET /top.html HTTP/1.0rnUser-Agent:" 
request_len = strlen (httpRequest ); 
ret = SSL_write(ssl, httpRequest , request_len); /* Send out the HTTP request message */ 
switch ( SSL_get_error(ssl, ret) )
if ( request_len != ret ) 
fprintf(stderr, "Incomplete write!"); 
fprintf(stderr, "SSL write problem"); 
} /* End of switch */ 
/* Now read the server's response, assuming that it's terminated by a close */ 
while (1) 
ret = SSL_read (ssl, buf, BUFSIZZ); 
switch ( SSL_get_error (ssl, ret)) 
goto shutdown; 
fprintf(stderr,"SSL Error: Premature closen"); 
goto done; 
fprintf(stedrr, "SSL read problem"); exit(1); 
} /* End of switch */ 
printf("Content = n%sn", buf); 
} /* End of while(1) */ 
ret = SSL_shutdown (ssl); /* Send “Close” notify to the HTTP server */ 
case 1: 
break; /* Success */
case 0: 
case -1: 
{ fprintf(stderr, "Shutdown failed"); exit(1); } 
} /* End of switch */ 
SSL_CTX_free (ctx); 
close(sock); /* Send “Close” notify to the HTTP server */ 
/*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of SSL client side example codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
* OpenSSL, 
* PRNG implementation interface of OpenSSL 
* RAND_add function how-to 
* Randomness Recommendations for Security

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OpenSSL Basic Function Call Flow

  • 1. OpenSSL Basic Function Call Flow William.L 2006-06-13
  • 2. Index Summary.......................................................................................................................................................... 3 OpenSSL Data Structures .............................................................................................................................. 4 genRANDOM() Function ............................................................................................................................. 10 Reference ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
  • 3. Summary Purpose This document provides a basic function calling flow of OpenSSL library for constructing a secure TCP connection to send/receive critical data. General Description The OpenSSL library implements the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) protocols. At first, the library must be initialized by calling the function : SSL_library_init() . Then an SSL_CTX object is created as a framework to establish TLS/SSL enabled connections. This object is created by calling the function : SSL_CTX_new(). Various options regarding certificates, algorithms etc. can be set in this object. When a network connection (e.g. TCP connection) has been created, it can be assigned to an SSL object. After the SSL object has been created using SSL_new(), SSL_set_fd() or SSL_set_bio() can be used to associate the network connection with the object. Then the TLS/SSL handshake is performed using SSL_accept() (for server side) or SSL_connect() (for client side) respectively. SSL_read() and SSL_write() are used to read and write data on the TLS/SSL connection. SSL_shutdown() can be used to shut down the TLS/SSL connection.
  • 4. OpenSSL Data Structures Currently the OpenSSL library functions deals with the following data structures: SSL_METHOD The SSL Method. That's a dispatch structure describing the internal SSL library methods/functions which implement the various protocol versions (SSLv1, SSLv2 and TLSv1). It's needed to create an SSL_CTX. Data Structure SSL_METHOD Definded in ssl.h File Location OpenSSL-Srcssl SSL_CIPHER The SSL Cipher. This structure holds the algorithm information for a particular cipher which are a core part of the SSL/TLS protocol. The available ciphers are configured on a SSL_CTX basis and the actually used ones are then part of the SSL_SESSION. Data Structure SSL_CIPHER Definded in ssl.h File Location OpenSSL-Srcssl SSL_CTX The SSL Context. That's the global context structure which is created by a server or client once per program life-time and which holds mainly default values for the SSL structures which are later created for the connections. Data Structure SSL_CTX Definded in ssl.h File Location OpenSSL-Src ssl SSL_SESSION The SSL Session . This is a structure containing the current TLS/SSL session details for a connection: SSL_CIPHER, client and server certificates, keys, etc. Data Structure SSL_SESSION Definded in ssl.h File Location OpenSSL-Src ssl SSL The SSL Connection . That's the main SSL/TLS structure which is created by a server or client per established connection. This actually is the core structure in the SSL API. Under run-time the application usually deals with this structure which has links to mostly all other structures.
  • 5. Data Structure SSL Definded in ssl.h File Location OpenSSL-Src ssl
  • 6. Basic Calling Flow int SSL_library_init(void) Initializing the OpenSSL library. call SSL_METHOD *SSLv23_method(void) Constructor for the SSLv2 or SSLv3 SSL_METHOD structure for combined client and server. call SSL_CTX* SSL_CTX_new(SSL_METHOD *method) SSL_CTX object is created as a framework to establish TLS/SSL enabled connections. call RAND_add() : Load the Randomness This step is for initializing the randomness for generating session key (client key). This phase will do automatically with RAND_poll() function which will call RAND_add() indirectly in below O.S platform: <1>OS2 <2>Unix <3>OpenBSD <4>Linux <5>Windows. If the platform other than the above, we must call RAND_add() explicitly. For example, in VxWorks RTOS, it must call RAND_add() explicitly. call
  • 7. call Creates a TCP connection. { This will generate a socket handler,e.g. file descriptor } call SSL* SSL_new(SSL_CTX *ctx) Creates a new SSL structure which is needed to hold the data for a TLS/SSL connection. call int SSL_set_fd (SSL *ssl, int fd) Sets the file descriptor fd as the input/output facility for the TLS/SSL (encrypted) side of ssl. fd will typically be the socket file descriptor of a network connection. call call Is this a Server application Yes, this is a Server application call No, this is a Client application int SSL_connect(SSL *ssl) Initiates the TLS/SSL handshake with a server. SSL Handshaking int SSL_accept(SSL *ssl) Waits for a TLS/SSL client to initiate the TLS/SSL handshake. Successful Handshaking
  • 8. int SSL_read(SSL*ssl, void *buf, int num) Tries to read num bytes from the specified ssl into the buffer buf. int SSL_write(SSL *ssl, const void *buf, int num) Writes num bytes from the buffer buf into the specified SSL connection, ssl. from read from write Need to terminating the SSL connection? No, continues to use the active SSL connection. Yes, terminate the SSL connection int SSL_shutdown(SSL *ssl) Shuts down an active TLS/SSL connection. It sends the “close notify” shutdown alert to the peer. Going back to the SSL read/write operation call int SSL_free(SSL *ssl) Decrements the reference count of ssl, and removes the SSL structure pointed to by ssl and frees up the allocated memory if the the reference count has reached 0. call read operation? call No, this is a write operation call Yes, this is a read operation Successful Handshaking
  • 9. call int SSL_CTX_free(SSL_CTX *ctx) Decrements the reference count of ctx, and removes the SSL_CTX object pointed to by ctx and frees up the allocated memory if the the reference count has reached 0. It also calls free() to release memory of items(if it is available): session cache, list of ciphers, list of Client CAs, certificates and keys. call int close(int socket) This the socket function to close a socket and terminate a TCP connection. Finish The above function call flow is just a basic flow to create a SSL connection without client authentication and doing read/write operations.
  • 10. genRANDOM() Function This is a randomness initialization function we created. It calls the OpenSSL function, RAND_add(), to accomplish the randomness initialization operation(that is to seed unpredictable data to a cryptographic PRNG (Pseudo-Random Number Generator). The function signature is : void RAND_add (const void *buf, int num, double entropy) The followings are the steps showing how to use RAND_add() function to initailize randomness. Step 1) We created a string type variable and fill arbitrary chars (the content should be unpredictable that any one can’t guess it). In our codes, we do as below : static char* strRANDOM = "FreeBSD -STABLE #4: Tue g5 15:50:0PDT000 Tiecounti8254 frequen193182 Hz CP: Pent II/Xeon/Celeron400.MHz 6-cls CPU) Prbing fdevices on PCI b: chp0: <Il 82443BX host tI bri> v 02 on pci0.0.0 Prbing fPnP devices: sc: VGA or <16 virtualoles, flagsx0> ed not fd at 0x280 ah0 not nd at 0x34 ai0 not nd vg0 at 00-0x3df madd000 msize 1372 on isa"; Step 2) Now, we start use RAND_add() function to seed PRNG. The using is shown below :
  • 11. for(;;) { if (Bytes > 0) n = (Bytes < BUFSIZ)?(int)Bytes:BUFSIZ; else n = BUFSIZ; while( (i = rand()%1000-13) ==0) ; strncpy(buf, (strRANDOM+offset), i); RAND_add (buf, n, i); offset += i; if (offset>=(len+1)) break; if (Bytes > 0) { Bytes -= n; if (Bytes <= 0) break; } /*if(Bytes)*/ } /* for(;;) */
  • 12. The complete genRANDOM() body is : #define BUFSIZ 1024 static void genRANDOM() { long Bytes = 1024*10; int i =0, offset=0, n=0, len=strlen(strRANDOM); char buf[BUFSIZ]; printf("[CWMP] genRANDOM()n"); memset(buf, 0, BUFSIZ); for(;;) { if (Bytes > 0) n = (Bytes < BUFSIZ)?(int)Bytes:BUFSIZ; else n = BUFSIZ; while( (i = rand()%1000-13) ==0) ; strncpy(buf, (strRANDOM+offset), i); RAND_add (buf, n, i); offset += i; if (offset>=(len+1)) break; if (Bytes > 0) { Bytes -= n; if (Bytes <= 0) break; } } /* End of for(;;) */ } /* End of genRAND() */
  • 13. SSL Client Side Example Codes #include "openssl/bio.h" #include "openssl/crypto.h" #include "openssl/x509.h" #include "openssl/ssl.h" #include "openssl/err.h" /* For error message */ #include “openssl/rand.h” /* For RAND_add() */ #define BUFSIZZ 2048 /*================ Global variables ================*/ static char *hostIP = ""; struct sockaddr_in addr; /* socket address */ int sock = 0; /* socket */ unsigned int hp = 0; /* for host IP address */ int ret= 0, request_len, len; char buf[BUFSIZZ]; SSL_METHOD *meth = NULL; SSL_CTX *ctx = NULL; BIO *sbio = NULL; /*===================== SSL Initialization =====================*/ SSL_library_init(); /* Initializing the SSL libraries */ SSL_load_error_strings(); /* Loading the error message string for each error code */ meth = SSLv23_method(); /* Init the methods for handshaking and accessing SSL data */ ctx = SSL_CTX_new(meth); /* Create a SSL context */ genRANDOM(); printf("SSL Init Done!n"); /* Resolving the IP address of the target host */ if ( (hp=hostGetByName((char*)hostIP)) == ERROR) /* hostGetByName() calls gethostbyname()*/ { /* socket interface */ printf ("Couldn't resolve host"); exit (1); } /* Setting the network address structure */ memset (&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_port = htons (443); /* Well-known port number for HTTPS */
  • 14. /* Get the socket */ if ( (sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP))<0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create socket"); exit(1); } /*================ Try to create the TCP connection ================*/ if ( connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr))<0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't connect socket"); exit(1); } printf("The TCP Connection is created!n"); /*================ Create the SSL connection context ================*/ ssl = SSL_new (ctx); sbio = BIO_new_socket (sock, BIO_NOCLOSE); SSL_set_bio (ssl, sbio, sbio); printf("Starting to do SSL Handshaking…n"); if ( SSL_connect (ssl) <= 0 ) /* Note: at this point it is in blocking mode */ { char errstr[256]; int sslres; printf("SSL handshaking fail!n"); sslres = SSL_get_error (ssl, res); ERR_error_string_n (sslres, errstr,s 256); /* Convert the error code to the man readable error string. */ printf(“The SSL error is %d => %sn”, sslres, errstr); exit(1); } char* httpRequest = ”GET /top.html HTTP/1.0rnUser-Agent:" "HTTP_ClientrnHost:”; request_len = strlen (httpRequest ); ret = SSL_write(ssl, httpRequest , request_len); /* Send out the HTTP request message */ switch ( SSL_get_error(ssl, ret) )
  • 15. { case SSL_ERROR_NONE : if ( request_len != ret ) { fprintf(stderr, "Incomplete write!"); exit(1); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "SSL write problem"); exit(1); } /* End of switch */ /* Now read the server's response, assuming that it's terminated by a close */ while (1) { ret = SSL_read (ssl, buf, BUFSIZZ); switch ( SSL_get_error (ssl, ret)) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: len=ret; break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: continue; case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: goto shutdown; case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: fprintf(stderr,"SSL Error: Premature closen"); goto done; default: { fprintf(stedrr, "SSL read problem"); exit(1); } } /* End of switch */ printf("Content = n%sn", buf); } /* End of while(1) */ shutdown: ret = SSL_shutdown (ssl); /* Send “Close” notify to the HTTP server */ switch(ret) { case 1: break; /* Success */
  • 16. case 0: case -1: default: { fprintf(stderr, "Shutdown failed"); exit(1); } } /* End of switch */ done: SSL_free(ssl); SSL_CTX_free (ctx); close(sock); /* Send “Close” notify to the HTTP server */ /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of SSL client side example codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
  • 17. Reference * OpenSSL, * * * * PRNG implementation interface of OpenSSL * RAND_add function how-to * Randomness Recommendations for Security