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HTML, CSS & Javascript
In a little bit bigger projects…
Jan Kraus
senior frontend dev / creativestyle
Part 1:
● Introduction
● Coding guidelines
● Servers
● Tools & automatization
● Starter templates
● Responsive web design
Part 2:
● Git & team work
● Frameworks & libraries
● Modular CSS: SMACSS, BEM
● Javascript patterns
● Coding challenge, Q&A
A bigger project
● More than one frontend developer
○ sometimes more than 1 team
● Multiple & different page types
● Long term development goal
● Responsive
● Pure frontend or framework based solution
● Technology stack (frameworks)
● Code organization
● Coding guidelines
○ fluid vs. adaptive
○ Mobile first vs. desktop first
● Icons system / images
● Performance
● Workflow
Technology stack
● Backend frameworks
○ Rails
■ assets pipeline
○ Symfony
■ assetic
○ Node.js,
■ Express, Meteor, Sails
● Frontend frameworks
○ jQuery, Bootstrap,
○ Backbone
○ Angular, Ember, React
● Maintain simple & clean structure for your code
○ keep your code separated in assets folders
■ javascripts
■ css / sass
■ images
■ fonts
■ other stuff
● look for best practices for your framework
● organize in modules instead by type
Code organization
● don’t mix spaces & tabs
○ I suggest to configure your editor to indent everything with 2 spaces
○ but this is never ending war ;-)
○ use good code editor
■ webstorm / phpstorm is quite powerful
● maintain clean & usable code
○ comment well
○ keep good variable names
○ use consistent naming convention
● UTF-8 everywhere
○ <div class="♫">
Coding guidelines
HTML guidelines
● keep the code well formatted
● use html5 doctype
○ occasionally check it with W3C validator
● keep all tags lowercase
● wrap all attributes in double quotes
● try to write semantic html
○ but don’t overdo with html5 semantic tags
○ good reference at
● keep in mind accessibility
○ learn about aria tags
● keep the code well formatted
● don’t rely on using ID-selectors for styling
● use lowercase-class-names
○ write semantic class names
○ separate with hyphens
○ unless you consider using BEM / SMACSS
● avoid long selectors
○ especially watch out for nesting in sass
○ learn & understand how CSS cascade works
○ avoid using !important
CSS guidelines - selectors
● use shorthand properties
○ padding: 10px 20px;
● don’t overuse -vendor-prefixes too much
○ use autoprefixer
○ they need to come before standard property
● try to avoid using pixel units everywhere
○ learn about rems
● use #hex colors & rgba when wants opacity
CSS guidelines
CSS guidelines
● keep media-queries close to relevant sections
● separate bigger sections with block comments
● organize code into meaningful sections
○ don’t write everything in the bottom
○ find the “right place”
SASS guidelines
● avoid nesting selectors
○ or try to keep it up to 2-3 levels
■ or really, avoid!
● use sass @imports to organize your css code
○ start name of imported partial with underscore
■ _grid.scss, _config.scss
○ organize into components, modules, shared etc..
● use variables!
○ at least for colors & media-query breakpoints
Javascript guidelines
● keep the code well formatted
● make sure you understand basics concepts of Javascript
● use single quotes for strings
● always use expanded blocks syntax
○ if (condition) { }
● use semicolons;
● var camelCase your variable & function names
● ModuleNames should start from capital letter
Javascript guidelines
● use JSHint or ESLint to catch your errors
● learn couple useful module patterns
○ jQuery plugin
● learn about ES6
Immediately Invoked Function Expression
(function($, window, document) {
// The $ is now locally scoped
// Listen for the jQuery ready event on the document
$(function() {
// The DOM is ready!
// The rest of the code goes here!
}(window.jQuery, window, document));
// The global jQuery object is passed as a parameter
Revealing module pattern
var MyModule = (function(window, undefined) {
var myState = 0;
function initialize() {
console.log('Module initialized...');
function setState(data) {
state = data;
return {
init: initialize,
someOtherMethod: myOtherMethod
MyModule.init(); // logs “Module initialized…”
jQuery plugin
;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
var pluginName = "myPluginName",
defaults = {
propertyName: "value"
// The actual plugin constructor
function Plugin( element, options ) {
this.element = element;
this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options) ;
this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = pluginName;
Plugin.prototype.init = function () {
// Place initialization logic here
$.fn[pluginName] = function ( options ) {
return this.each(function () {
if ( !$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName )) {
$.data( this, "plugin_" + pluginName,
new Plugin( this, options ));
})( jQuery, window, document );
jQuery guidelines
● don’t abuse $(selector)
○ remember to cache references to object
○ keep prefix of your variable with $ to indicate its a jquery object
■ eg. $container = $('.container');
● consider using custom class as hooks for your events
○ $('.js-button-submit')
● when binding events, preffer using .on()
○ Avoid anonymous functions for debugging
○ Use custom namespace for events
○ Use delegation
jQuery guidelines
● don’t put everything in $.ready function
● use $.ajax instead of $.get, $.post methods
● use Promise syntax for handling responses
○ $.ajax({ … })
■ .done(successHandler)
■ .fail(errorHandler)
● don’t use jQuery animations
● avoid CSS changes via jQuery
○ prefer class toggling
jQuery guidelines
● use jquery 2.x
○ unless IE8
● load it from external CDN for caching benefits
● don’t use too many jQuery plugins
○ check size
○ check github page for issues
● think twice before using jQuery UI
● bootstrap JS relies on jquery
● Working with file:// protocol is unreliable.
● Use web server
○ Apache2
○ Node.js
○ Ruby/Python
● Vagrant
○ I don’t recommend
Serving files locally
● Most popular server
● Already available in Mac OS X & Ubuntu
○ Need little bit of tweaking, config breaks after update
● I guess also possible on Windows…
● Need to setup virtual hosts if you have multiple sites
○ I prefer to do this anyway
● Easy to use
● Available from PHP 5.4
○ Available in OS X (5.6), Easy to install on Ubuntu (5.5)
■ apt-get install php5
○ I guess also possible on windows…
● php -S localhost:8080
PHP built-in server
● Useful when you’re building Webapp / SPA
● Just one gulp plugin
○ npm install --save-dev gulp-connect
● Not so easy for dynamic templates
gulp.task('server', function() {
Node.js / gulp-connect
● Full OS using virtualization
● Every developer have the same environment
● Powerful configuration
○ You can keep that in git
○ Requires some knowledge
● Useful for framework setup with lots of dependencies
● Slow and problematic on windows
● Compile & minify SASS
● Concatenate / minify javascript files
● Optimize images
● Generate sprites
● Code linting
● Autoreload
● Deployments
Task runners
There are many ways to do it
● Grunt
● Gulp
● node.js
● Shell
The JavaScript Task Runner
● Configuration…
● Lots of plugins
● Operates on files
● But…
○ Seems like not updated lately
○ Community shifted to gulp
● Install grunt CLI
○ npm install -g grunt-cli
● Install local plugins
○ npm install grunt-contrib-uglify --save-dev
● Configure
○ Gruntfile.js
● Run:
○ grunt
Grunt - package.json
"name": "my-project-name",
"version": "0.1.0",
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "~0.4.5",
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.5.0"
module.exports = function(grunt) {
uglify: {
build: {
files: [{
cwd: 'src/js',
src: '**/*.js',
dest: 'build/bundle.min.js'
grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify']);
Grunt - Gruntfile.js
Automate and enhance your workflow
● Gulp is the new grunt
● Active community
● Simple configuration
● Organized around streams
● Faster & less config
● Install gulp
○ npm install --global gulp
○ npm install --save-dev gulp
● Install plugins
○ npm install --save-dev gulp-uglify
● Configure
○ gulpfile.js
● Run:
○ gulp
gulp - gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
gulp.task('uglify', function() {
return gulp.src(src/**/*.js')
gulp.task('default', ['uglify']);
npm & node.js packages
npm is the package manager for node.js
● pure node.js packages
● simple setup, without much of configuration
● easy to maintain
● Install package
○ npm install jshint --save-dev
● Configure
○ package.json
● Run
○ npm run script name
npm - package.json
"devDependencies": {
"jshint": "latest",
"scripts": {
"lint": "jshint **.js"
A package manager for the web
● manage & download external dependencies
● fetch and update frontend libraries
● Install bower
○ npm install -g bower
● Configure
○ .bowerrc
■ {"directory": "assets/vendors/"}
● Install
○ bower install jquery --save-dev
"name": "Sample Project",
"devDependencies": {
"jquery": "~2.1.4"
Bower - bower.json
Semantic versioning
Semantic versioning: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
● Patch releases: 1.0 or 1.0.x or ~1.0.4
● Minor releases: 1 or 1.x or ^1.0.4
● Major releases: * or x
Getting started
Take something as your starting point:
● Web Starter Kit from Google
● HTML5 Boilerplate
● Bootstrap
● yeoman generator
Web Starter Kit is an easy way to start a new project.
● build process,
● boilerplate HTML
● styles (material design)
Web Starter Kit from Google
HTML5 Boilerplate
The web’s most popular front-end template
● HTML Page Structure
● Normalize.css
● Modernizr.js
● jQuery from CDN with local fallback
Bootstrap from Twitter
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing
responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
● Not really a boilerplate
● But you can use basic template
● Start using git if you haven’t already started
○ Github - free for open source projects
○ Bitbucket - unlimited private repositories, limited users
○ Gitlab - self hosted github UI clone
Git - commits convention
[FEATURE] Implements lazy loading for products carousel (max 70 chars)
Adds JS module to loads products for carousel using AJAX triggered after document
ready. Implementation is using sttic JSON as example.
- JS module to load products
- CSS for loading animation
- Example of JSON for products
Ref: JIRA-1392
● Basic
○ only dev / master
● Feature branches
○ use pull / merge requests for code review
● Gitflow
○ when working on multiple releases & feature branches
Git - Branching model
● git status
○ read what’s there ;-)
● git reset
○ git reset
○ git reset head --hard
○ git reset origin/master --force
● git revert
○ git revert commit-sha
○ creates new commit
Git - Command line
● git cherry-pick
○ git cherry-pick commit-sha
○ creates new commit
● git rebase
○ git rebase -i head~2
○ is rewriting history
● git merge
○ git merge your-branch-name
○ resolve conflicts correctly
Git - Command line
● git pull
○ git fetch origin + git merge
○ git pull --rebase
■ create cleaner history
● git stash
○ git stash
○ git stash pop
● git log
○ git lg
○ git lg | grep JIRA-1234
Git - Command line
● Libs
○ jQuery
○ Bootstrap
○ Modernizr
● Frameworks
○ Backbone
○ Angular, Angular2
○ Ember
○ React
Framework & tools
● Site enhancements
○ sliders
○ galleries
○ not much business logic
● DOM manipulation
● Simple custom event system
● Form validation
○ parsley.js
● UI library for the web
● SCSS / Less components
○ Include only what you need with sass imports
○ You can use SASS @extend
● Same for JS
○ you can include only what you need
● Useful
○ grid
○ forms
○ modal
● Feature detection for browsers
○ append CSS classes to html
○ Modernizr JS object for testing properties
● Generate custom build
● Does not have to be included in the head
● Simple structure for web application
○ Models, Collections, Views, Routers
○ Less abstraction
○ Simple, still popula
● The “enterprise” frameworks
● Most popular kinda MVC framework
● Easy 2 way binding
● Performance issues
● Angular 2 on the way
● Library from Facebook
● High performance
○ Virtual DOM
● Organized around components & state
Useful libraries
● Moment.js
● History.js
● Respond.js
○ not really usefull
● Typeahead
● Parsley.js
RWD - Responsive web design
● Mobile first approach
● Stop thinking in pixels
○ Multiple devices, screens, widths...
● Progressive enhancement / graceful degradation
● SVG & retina images
● Build your site with performance in mind
● Read often:
Modular CSS
● Reusable components
● Naming convention for CSS classes
Scalable & Modular Architecture for CSS
● Simple naming conventions
● Architecture & patterns for organizing rules
● Free book:
- theme/_base.scss
- theme/base/_reset.scss
- theme/base/_headings.scss
- theme/_layout.scss
- theme/layout/_masthead.scss
- theme/layout/_main.scss
- theme/layout/_footer.scss
- theme/_modules.scss
- theme/modules/_search.scss
- theme/modules/_gallery.scss
- theme/_state.scss
- theme/state/_mediaqueries.scss
SMACSS - Organization
BEM – Block Element Modifier is a methodology, that helps you to achieve
reusable components and code sharing in the front-end
● Naming conventions
● Independent modular blocks
● Flexible and allows for customization
BEM - Example
.block {}
.block__element {}
.block--modifier {}
// example of search for
.site-search {} /* Block */
.site-search__field {} /* Element */
.site-search--full {} /* Modifier */
Learn more about BEM:
Learn more
● JS News Facebook group: https://www.facebook.
● Newsletters:
Thank you!

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HTML, CSS & Javascript Architecture (extended version) - Jan Kraus

  • 1. HTML, CSS & Javascript Architecture In a little bit bigger projects… v2
  • 2. Jan Kraus senior frontend dev / creativestyle
  • 3. Part 1: ● Introduction ● Coding guidelines ● Servers ● Tools & automatization ● Starter templates ● Responsive web design Schedule Part 2: ● Git & team work ● Frameworks & libraries ● Modular CSS: SMACSS, BEM ● Javascript patterns ● Coding challenge, Q&A
  • 4. A bigger project ● More than one frontend developer ○ sometimes more than 1 team ● Multiple & different page types ● Long term development goal ● Responsive ● Pure frontend or framework based solution
  • 5. Architecture ● Technology stack (frameworks) ● Code organization ● Coding guidelines ● RWD ○ fluid vs. adaptive ○ Mobile first vs. desktop first ● Icons system / images ● Performance ● Workflow
  • 6. Technology stack ● Backend frameworks ○ Rails ■ assets pipeline ○ Symfony ■ assetic ○ Node.js, ■ Express, Meteor, Sails ● Frontend frameworks ○ jQuery, Bootstrap, ○ Backbone ○ Angular, Ember, React
  • 7. ● Maintain simple & clean structure for your code ○ keep your code separated in assets folders ■ javascripts ■ css / sass ■ images ■ fonts ■ other stuff ● look for best practices for your framework ● organize in modules instead by type Code organization
  • 8. ● don’t mix spaces & tabs ○ I suggest to configure your editor to indent everything with 2 spaces ○ but this is never ending war ;-) ○ use good code editor ■ webstorm / phpstorm is quite powerful ● maintain clean & usable code ○ comment well ○ keep good variable names ○ use consistent naming convention ● UTF-8 everywhere ○ <div class="♫"> Coding guidelines
  • 9. HTML guidelines ● keep the code well formatted ● use html5 doctype ○ occasionally check it with W3C validator ● keep all tags lowercase ● wrap all attributes in double quotes ● try to write semantic html ○ but don’t overdo with html5 semantic tags ○ good reference at ● keep in mind accessibility ○ learn about aria tags
  • 10. ● keep the code well formatted ● don’t rely on using ID-selectors for styling ● use lowercase-class-names ○ write semantic class names ○ separate with hyphens ○ unless you consider using BEM / SMACSS ● avoid long selectors ○ especially watch out for nesting in sass ○ learn & understand how CSS cascade works ○ avoid using !important CSS guidelines - selectors
  • 11. ● use shorthand properties ○ padding: 10px 20px; ● don’t overuse -vendor-prefixes too much ○ use autoprefixer ○ they need to come before standard property ● try to avoid using pixel units everywhere ○ learn about rems ● use #hex colors & rgba when wants opacity CSS guidelines
  • 12. CSS guidelines ● keep media-queries close to relevant sections ● separate bigger sections with block comments ● organize code into meaningful sections ○ don’t write everything in the bottom ○ find the “right place”
  • 13. SASS guidelines ● avoid nesting selectors ○ or try to keep it up to 2-3 levels ■ or really, avoid! ● use sass @imports to organize your css code ○ start name of imported partial with underscore ■ _grid.scss, _config.scss ○ organize into components, modules, shared etc.. ● use variables! ○ at least for colors & media-query breakpoints
  • 14. Javascript guidelines ● keep the code well formatted ● make sure you understand basics concepts of Javascript ● use single quotes for strings ● always use expanded blocks syntax ○ if (condition) { } ● use semicolons; ● var camelCase your variable & function names ● ModuleNames should start from capital letter
  • 15. Javascript guidelines ● use JSHint or ESLint to catch your errors ● learn couple useful module patterns ○ jQuery plugin ○ ○ ● learn about ES6
  • 16. Immediately Invoked Function Expression (function($, window, document) { // The $ is now locally scoped // Listen for the jQuery ready event on the document $(function() { // The DOM is ready! }); // The rest of the code goes here! }(window.jQuery, window, document)); // The global jQuery object is passed as a parameter
  • 17. Revealing module pattern var MyModule = (function(window, undefined) { var myState = 0; function initialize() { console.log('Module initialized...'); } function setState(data) { state = data; } return { init: initialize, someOtherMethod: myOtherMethod }; })(window); MyModule.init(); // logs “Module initialized…” MyModule.setState(3);
  • 18. jQuery plugin ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { var pluginName = "myPluginName", defaults = { propertyName: "value" }; // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin( element, options ) { this.element = element; this.options = $.extend( {}, defaults, options) ; this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this.init(); } Plugin.prototype.init = function () { // Place initialization logic here }; $.fn[pluginName] = function ( options ) { return this.each(function () { if ( !$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName )) { $.data( this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin( this, options )); } }); } })( jQuery, window, document );
  • 19. jQuery guidelines ● don’t abuse $(selector) ○ remember to cache references to object ○ keep prefix of your variable with $ to indicate its a jquery object ■ eg. $container = $('.container'); ● consider using custom class as hooks for your events ○ $('.js-button-submit') ● when binding events, preffer using .on() ○ Avoid anonymous functions for debugging ○ Use custom namespace for events ○ Use delegation
  • 20. jQuery guidelines ● don’t put everything in $.ready function ● use $.ajax instead of $.get, $.post methods ● use Promise syntax for handling responses ○ $.ajax({ … }) ■ .done(successHandler) ■ .fail(errorHandler) ● don’t use jQuery animations ● avoid CSS changes via jQuery ○ prefer class toggling
  • 21. jQuery guidelines ● use jquery 2.x ○ unless IE8 ● load it from external CDN for caching benefits ● don’t use too many jQuery plugins ○ check size ○ check github page for issues ● think twice before using jQuery UI ● bootstrap JS relies on jquery ●
  • 22. ● Working with file:// protocol is unreliable. ● Use web server ○ Apache2 ○ PHP ○ Node.js ○ Ruby/Python ● Vagrant ● MAMP / WAMP ○ I don’t recommend Serving files locally
  • 23. Apache2 ● Most popular server ● Already available in Mac OS X & Ubuntu ○ Need little bit of tweaking, config breaks after update ● I guess also possible on Windows… ● Need to setup virtual hosts if you have multiple sites ○ I prefer to do this anyway
  • 24. ● Easy to use ● Available from PHP 5.4 ○ Available in OS X (5.6), Easy to install on Ubuntu (5.5) ■ apt-get install php5 ○ I guess also possible on windows… ● php -S localhost:8080 PHP built-in server
  • 25. ● Useful when you’re building Webapp / SPA ● Just one gulp plugin ○ npm install --save-dev gulp-connect ● Not so easy for dynamic templates gulp.task('server', function() { connect.server(); }); Node.js / gulp-connect
  • 26. ● Full OS using virtualization ● Every developer have the same environment ● Powerful configuration ○ You can keep that in git ○ Requires some knowledge ● Useful for framework setup with lots of dependencies ● Slow and problematic on windows Vagrant
  • 27. Automatization ● Compile & minify SASS ● Concatenate / minify javascript files ● Optimize images ● Generate sprites ● Code linting ● Autoreload ● Deployments
  • 28. Task runners There are many ways to do it ● Grunt ● Gulp ● node.js ● Shell
  • 29. Grunt The JavaScript Task Runner ● Configuration… ● Lots of plugins ● Operates on files ● But… ○ Seems like not updated lately ○ Community shifted to gulp
  • 30. ● Install grunt CLI ○ npm install -g grunt-cli ● Install local plugins ○ npm install grunt-contrib-uglify --save-dev ● Configure ○ Gruntfile.js ● Run: ○ grunt Grunt
  • 31. Grunt - package.json { "name": "my-project-name", "version": "0.1.0", "devDependencies": { "grunt": "~0.4.5", "grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.5.0" } }
  • 32. module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ uglify: { build: { files: [{ cwd: 'src/js', src: '**/*.js', dest: 'build/bundle.min.js' }] } } }); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify']); }; Grunt - Gruntfile.js
  • 33. Automate and enhance your workflow ● Gulp is the new grunt ● Active community ● Simple configuration ● Organized around streams ● Faster & less config gulp.js
  • 34. gulp.js ● Install gulp ○ npm install --global gulp ○ npm install --save-dev gulp ● Install plugins ○ npm install --save-dev gulp-uglify ● Configure ○ gulpfile.js ● Run: ○ gulp
  • 35. gulp - gulpfile.js var gulp = require('gulp'); var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); gulp.task('uglify', function() { return gulp.src(src/**/*.js') .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); }); gulp.task('default', ['uglify']);
  • 36. npm & node.js packages npm is the package manager for node.js ● pure node.js packages ● simple setup, without much of configuration ● easy to maintain
  • 37. npm ● Install package ○ npm install jshint --save-dev ● Configure ○ package.json ● Run ○ npm run script name
  • 38. npm - package.json "devDependencies": { "jshint": "latest", }, "scripts": { "lint": "jshint **.js" }
  • 39. A package manager for the web ● manage & download external dependencies ● fetch and update frontend libraries Bower
  • 40. ● Install bower ○ npm install -g bower ● Configure ○ .bowerrc ■ {"directory": "assets/vendors/"} ● Install ○ bower install jquery --save-dev Bower
  • 41. { "name": "Sample Project", "devDependencies": { "jquery": "~2.1.4" } } Bower - bower.json
  • 42. Semantic versioning Semantic versioning: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH ● Patch releases: 1.0 or 1.0.x or ~1.0.4 ● Minor releases: 1 or 1.x or ^1.0.4 ● Major releases: * or x
  • 43. Getting started Take something as your starting point: ● Web Starter Kit from Google ● HTML5 Boilerplate ● Bootstrap ● yeoman generator
  • 44. Web Starter Kit is an easy way to start a new project. ● build process, ● boilerplate HTML ● styles (material design) Web Starter Kit from Google
  • 45. HTML5 Boilerplate The web’s most popular front-end template ● HTML Page Structure ● Normalize.css ● Modernizr.js ● jQuery from CDN with local fallback
  • 46. Bootstrap from Twitter Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. ● Not really a boilerplate ● But you can use basic template ●
  • 47. ● Start using git if you haven’t already started ○ Github - free for open source projects ○ Bitbucket - unlimited private repositories, limited users ○ Gitlab - self hosted github UI clone Git
  • 48. Git - commits convention [FEATURE] Implements lazy loading for products carousel (max 70 chars) Adds JS module to loads products for carousel using AJAX triggered after document ready. Implementation is using sttic JSON as example. - JS module to load products - CSS for loading animation - Example of JSON for products Ref: JIRA-1392
  • 49. ● Basic ○ only dev / master ● Feature branches ○ use pull / merge requests for code review ● Gitflow ○ when working on multiple releases & feature branches Git - Branching model
  • 50. ● git status ○ read what’s there ;-) ● git reset ○ git reset ○ git reset head --hard ○ git reset origin/master --force ● git revert ○ git revert commit-sha ○ creates new commit Git - Command line
  • 51. ● git cherry-pick ○ git cherry-pick commit-sha ○ creates new commit ● git rebase ○ git rebase -i head~2 ○ is rewriting history ● git merge ○ git merge your-branch-name ○ resolve conflicts correctly Git - Command line
  • 52. ● git pull ○ git fetch origin + git merge ○ git pull --rebase ■ create cleaner history ● git stash ○ git stash ○ git stash pop ● git log ○ git lg ○ git lg | grep JIRA-1234 Git - Command line
  • 53. ● Libs ○ jQuery ○ Bootstrap ○ Modernizr ● Frameworks ○ Backbone ○ Angular, Angular2 ○ Ember ○ React Framework & tools
  • 54. jQuery ● Site enhancements ○ sliders ○ galleries ○ AJAX ○ not much business logic ● DOM manipulation ● Simple custom event system ● Form validation ○ parsley.js
  • 55. Bootstrap ● UI library for the web ● SCSS / Less components ○ Include only what you need with sass imports ○ You can use SASS @extend ● Same for JS ○ you can include only what you need ● Useful ○ grid ○ forms ○ modal
  • 56. Modernizr ● Feature detection for browsers ○ append CSS classes to html ○ Modernizr JS object for testing properties ● Generate custom build ● Does not have to be included in the head
  • 57. Backbone.js ● Simple structure for web application ○ Models, Collections, Views, Routers ○ Less abstraction ○ Simple, still popula ●
  • 58. Angular ● The “enterprise” frameworks ● Most popular kinda MVC framework ● Easy 2 way binding ● Performance issues ● Angular 2 on the way
  • 59. React ● Library from Facebook ● High performance ○ Virtual DOM ● Organized around components & state
  • 60. Useful libraries ● Moment.js ● History.js ● Respond.js ○ not really usefull ● Typeahead ● Parsley.js
  • 61. RWD - Responsive web design ● Mobile first approach ● Stop thinking in pixels ○ Multiple devices, screens, widths... ● Progressive enhancement / graceful degradation ● SVG & retina images ● Build your site with performance in mind ● Read often: ○ ○
  • 62. Modular CSS ● Reusable components ● Naming convention for CSS classes ○ SMACSS ○ BEM ○ OOCSS
  • 63. Scalable & Modular Architecture for CSS ● Simple naming conventions ● Architecture & patterns for organizing rules ● Free book: ○ SMACSS
  • 64. -theme.scss - theme/_base.scss - theme/base/_reset.scss - theme/base/_headings.scss - theme/_layout.scss - theme/layout/_masthead.scss - theme/layout/_main.scss - theme/layout/_footer.scss - theme/_modules.scss - theme/modules/_search.scss - theme/modules/_gallery.scss - theme/_state.scss - theme/state/_mediaqueries.scss SMACSS - Organization
  • 65. BEM BEM – Block Element Modifier is a methodology, that helps you to achieve reusable components and code sharing in the front-end ● Naming conventions ● Independent modular blocks ● Flexible and allows for customization
  • 66. BEM - Example .block {} .block__element {} .block--modifier {} // example of search for .site-search {} /* Block */ .site-search__field {} /* Element */ .site-search--full {} /* Modifier */
  • 67. BEM Learn more about BEM: ● ● ● bem-syntax/ ● methodology-bem/
  • 68. Learn more ● ● ● JS News Facebook group: https://www.facebook. com/groups/217169631654737/ ● ● Newsletters: ○ ○ ○