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Releasing Your Open Source
How to write libraries people won't
(completely) hate
By @thomas_shone
Ugly Slides
Don't feed after midnight
00. Introduction
No formal education in PHP
Learnt PHP the hard way
This talk is about the process
Connect with personalities
00. Introduction
00. Introduction
function isUrlSafe($api_key, $url) {
if (!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
throw new Exception('Invalid URL specified.')
$api_uri = ''
. 'safebrowsing/api/lookup?client=api&apikey='
. $api_key . '&appver=1.0&pver=3.0&url='
. urlencode($url);
$result = file_get_contents($api_uri);
return strpos($result, 'malware') === false
&& strpos($result, 'phishing') === false;
When you've finished reading this code, touch your nose so I know when everyone is done.
10. Security
Shouldn't be left till last
Unsure of how to do it properly
Worst thing that can happen to insecure open
source code is it becomes popular
10. Security
Shouldn't be left till last
Unsure of how to do it properly
Worst thing that can happen to insecure open
source code is it becomes popular
01. Security
Shouldn't be left till last
Unsure of how to do it properly
Worst thing that can happen to insecure open
source code is it becomes popular
01. Security
– 5/133 versions secure
– 85 vulnerabilities
– 0/322 of scanned sites secured
– 2/322 versions secure
– 54 vulnerabilities
– 313/589 of scanned sites secure
01. Secure Communication
What questions do we need to ask to ensure our
communication is secure?
01. Secure Communication
1. Can C overhear what A and B are saying?
01. Secure Communication
2. Is A sure s/he is talking to B and C isn't
standing in the middle?
01. Secure Communication
3. Does A trust B not to tell C?
01. Secure Communication
● Certificate file sourced from
● disable_compression only available in PHP 5.4.13+ (prevents CRIME/BREACH attacks)
● Not required with PHP 5.6+ thanks to this guy...
$context = stream_context_create([
'ssl' => [
'verify_peer' => true,
'verify_depth' => 5,
'cafile' => 'cacert.pem',
'CN_match' => '',
'disable_compression' => true,
$result = file_get_contents($api_uri, false, $context);
01. Personality
Daniel Lowrey (@rdlowrey)
PHP SSL/TLS Contributor
Saving us from ourselves
02. Hosting
02. Hosting
● - FUCK NO!
● - HELL NO!
● - No
● - No
● - Yes
03. Managing your source
Source control (already determined)
03. Credentials
.gitignore to exclude sensitive data
If you've pushed sensitive data to github,
change your credentials asap
Don't be that guy
03. Licensing
– Do whatever you want with it
– Must attribute
– Don't blame me if it causes a zombie outbreak
– Same as MIT
– contributors grants patent rights to users
– Must release any changes or improvements
– Can't change license
– Ditto with the zombies
03. Versioning
Breaking backward compatibility? Increase MAJOR
Adding backwards compatible feature? Increase MINOR
Adding bugfix? Increase PATCH
Not production ready? Add stability value (alpha, beta,
04. Package Management
04. Package Management
– No space for alternatives
– High requirement levels
– Package signing
– Easy to install/update dependencies
– Version locking
– Autoloading
– Your package becomes smaller
– Package signing (almost)
– Doubles as a distribution platform ( )
04. Package Management
– No space for alternatives
– High requirement levels
– Package signing
Composer - YES
– Easy to install/update dependencies
– Version locking
– Autoloading
– Your package becomes smaller
– Package signing (almost)
– Doubles as a distribution platform ( )
04. Composer
$ mkdir safebrowser && cd safebrowser
$ curl -s | php
#!/usr/bin/env php
All settings correct for using Composer
Composer successfully installed to:
Use it: php composer.phar
04. Composer
$ php composer.phar init
Welcome to the Composer config generator
This command will guide you through creating your
composer.json config.
Package name (<vendor>/<name>)
Description []: Google Safe Browsing Client
Author [Thomas Shone <>]:
Minimum Stability []:
License []: MIT
04. Composer
"name": "xsist10/safebrowser",
"description": "Google SafeBrowser Client",
"license": "MIT",
"authors": [
"name": "Thomas Shone",
"email": ""
"require": {
"autoload": {
"psr-4": { "xsist10SafeBrowsing": "src/" }
04. Composer
$ php composer.phar install
Loading composer repositories with package
Installing dependencies (including require-dev)
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
$ vi index.php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
04. Don't commit vendor/
# Your code
src/[Your Library]
$ echo "vendor" >> .gitignore
# Someone using your library
src/[Their Project Code]
vendor/xsist10/SafeBrowsing/[Your Library]
vendor/[Your Library Dependencies]
vendor/[Their Dependencies]
Some of these might be the same
# You don't want this
vendor/xsist10/SafeBrowsing/[Your Library]/vendor/
04. Composer
$ mkdir src
$ vi src/SafeBrowsing.php
namespace xsist10SafeBrowsing;
class SafeBrowsing {
public function __construct($api_key) {
$this->api_key = $api_key;
public function isUrlSafe($url) {
// ...
04. Composer
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use xsist10SafeBrowsingSafeBrowsing;
$safeBrowsing = new SafeBrowsing($api_key);
04. List on Packagist
04. List on Packagist
$ php composer.phar require xsist10/safebrowser=dev-master
04. Setup Webhook
04. Setup Webhook
04. Setup Webhook
04. Setup Webhook
04. Package Signing
Currently being implemented in Composer
Ensure that the package you're installing hasn't
been tampered with, like:
– Ruby Gem installs
– PEAR libraries
– Linux packages (deb, rpm, yum)
– Windows binaries
04. Package Signing
# When you first setup your project
$ php composer.phar create-keys --directory /path/
--prefix=mykey --passphrase
passphrase to encrypt the private key:
$ php composer.phar add-dev-key /path/mykey-private.pem
$ php composer.phar sign-dev-keys
# Last thing you do before you release a new version
$ php composer.phar sign /path/mykey-private.pem
Enter a passphrase if the private key is encrypted:
$ git commit -m “Updated keys” keys.json manifest.json
$ git push
# Tag you release immediately
04. Version
04. Personality
Pádraic Brady (@padraicb)
Zend Framework / Composer contributor
Working on the signing code
05. Design Patterns
Increase flexibility without having to modify
the library code
Provide rules on how to extend
05. Strategy
05. Strategy
namespace xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategy;
interface Strategy
public function execute($url, $param);
05. Strategy
namespace xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategy;
class Get implements Strategy {
public function execute($url, $param) {
$context = stream_context_create([
'ssl' => [
'verify_peer' => true,
'cafile' => 'path/to/cafile',
'CN_match' => ''
$query = $url . '?' . http_build_query($param);
return file_get_contents($query, false, $context);
05. Strategy
namespace xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategy;
class Post implements Strategy {
public function execute($url, $param) {
// Do some curl init stuff ...
// Do your security!
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, 'path/to/cafile');
$result = curl_exec($curl);
$code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
// check some result checks first ...
return $result;
05. Strategy
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use xsist10SafeBrowsingSafeBrowsing;
use xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategyGet;
$sb = new SafeBrowsing($api_key, new Get());
use xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategyPost;
$sb = new SafeBrowsing($api_key, new Post());
05. Chain of Responsibility
05. Chain of Responsibility
namespace xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategy;
use Exception;
class UnavailableException extends Exception {}
05. Chain of Responsibility
namespace xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategy;
class Get implements Strategy {
public function execute($url, $param) {
if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
throw new UnavailableException();
// ...
05. Chain of Responsibility
namespace xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategy;
class Post implements Strategy {
public function execute($url, $param) {
if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
throw new UnavailableException();
// ...
05. Chain of Responsibility
namespace xsist10SafeBrowsing;
use xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategyStrategy;
class Chain implements Strategy {
public function append(Strategy $strat) {
$this->chain[] = $strat;
public function execute($url, $param) {
foreach ($this->chain as $strategy) {
try {
return $strategy->get($url, $param);
} catch (UnavailableException $exception) {
// We can ignore and move to the next
throw new Exception('No available strategy.');
05. Put the chain links together
// ...
use xsist10SafeBrowsingChain;
$chain = new Chain();
$chain->append(new Post());
$chain->append(new Get());
$sb = new SafeBrowsing($api_key, $chain);
// This still works
$sb = new SafeBrowsing($api_key, new Get());
05. The start of something
// ...
use SomeOtherGuySomeOtherPackageCache;
$chain = new Chain();
$chain->append(new Cache());
$chain->append(new Post());
$chain->append(new Get());
$sb = new SafeBrowsing($api_key, $chain);
05. Personality
Martin Fowler (@martinfowler)
Design Pattern Tamer
So what next?
Shamelessly copied from
Follow PSR-2, we use League as our PSR-0 namespace.
List on Packagist, we list with league as the vendor namespace.
Shove code in a src folder.
Write unit tests. Aim for at least 80% coverage for v1.0.
DocBlock all the things.
Semantic versioning must be used to manage version numbers.
Use Travis-CI to automatically check coding standards and run tests.
Have an extensive README.
06. Why Tests?
You will always find bugs
Confidence in libraries
Prevent regressions
Ensure new features have been thoroughly
06. PHPUnit
$ php composer.phar require --dev phpunit/phpunit=4.0.*@dev
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing phpunit/phpunit (4.0.x-dev fca5bc6)
Cloning fca5bc6a50d09b26db280c5cc3c84978c9cace3f
phpunit/phpunit suggests installing phpunit/php-invoker
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
06. PHPUnit
$ vi phpunit.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit backupGlobals="false"
$ mkdir tests
$ vi phpunit.xml
06. PHPUnit
$ vi phpunit.xml$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 4.0.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Configuration read from /path/to/project/phpunit.xml
Time: 116 ms, Memory: 2.00Mb
No tests executed!
06. First Tests
use xsist10SafeBrowsingSafeBrowsing;
use xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategyChain;
class SafeBrowsingTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testInvalidUrl()
$chain = new Chain();
$safeBrowsing = new SafeBrowsing('', $chain);
$message = 'Invalid URL specified.';
$this->setExpectedException('Exception', $message);
$ vi tests/SafeBrowsingTest.php
06. First Tests
public function testSecure()
$mock = $this->getMockBuilder(
// API returns an empty result if the site is secure
$safeBrowsing = new SafeBrowsing('', $mock);
$url = '';
$response = $safeBrowsing->isUrlSafe($url);
06. First Tests
$ vi phpunit.xml$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 4.0.13 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Configuration read from /path/to/project/phpunit.xml
Time: 568 ms, Memory: 4.00Mb
OK (5 tests, 9 assertions)
06. Testing Resources
Can't mock out resources
Wrap resources in class and mock the class
Wait! Don't write from scratch. Use your
package manager!
06. cURL wrapper
$ ./composer.phar search curl
ext-curl The curl PHP extension
lib-curl The curl PHP library
kdyby/curl Curl wrapper for Nette Framework
shuber/curl PHP Wrapper for Curl
comvi/curl Work with remote servers via cURL much easier
than using the native PHP bindings.
anlutro/curl Simple OOP cURL wrapper.
jyggen/curl A simple and lightweight cURL library with
support for multiple requests in parallel.
bca/curl cURL wrapper for PHP applications.
unikent/curl Laravel Curl Helper Library.
mogetutu/curl Simple Curl PHP Helper Library
sweelix/curl PHP 5.3+ simple curl requestor
lib/curl A simple cURL wrapper for PHP
dvelopment/curl PHP OOP wrapper for cURL requests
php-curl-class/php-curl-class PHP Curl Class is an
object-oriented wrapper of the PHP cURL extension.
06. cURL wrapper
$ php composer.phar require shuber/curl=dev-master
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing shuber/curl (dev-master 6624992)
Cloning 6624992df201f9fd7262080117385dd09b0ecd2b
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
06. Personality
Chris Hartjes (@grmpyprogrammer)
Testing advocate
Being grumpy... so we don't have to
06. Personality
07. Code Coverage
Ensure you test all use cases
Useful to spot code smell
Helpful in identifying dead/unreachable code
Improves confidence in library
07. Coverage Report
<phpunit ...>
<log type="coverage-html" target="build/report"
charset="UTF-8" highlight="false"
HighLowerBound="70" />
$ echo “build” >> .gitignore
$ vi phpunit.xml
07. Coverage Report
07. Coverage Report
07. Coverage Report
07. Ignore coverage
Ignore whole class/function
– @codeCoverageIgnore
Ignore certain lines of code
– // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
– // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
Use responsibly
08. Continuous Integration
Make sure your development branch is always
in a deployable state.
Ingredients: Tests, High Coverage, Automation
08. Travis-CI
language: php
- wget
- php composer.phar install --dev
- 5.5
- 5.4
- hhvm
script: phpunit
$ vi .travis.yml
08. CLI Tools
Copy paste detector
Code Sniffer
Mess Detector
And lots more at
07 – Copy/paste detector
$ php composer.phar require --dev sebastian/phpcpd=dev-master
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing sebastian/phpcpd (dev-master a946215)
Cloning a9462153f2dd90466a010179901d31fbff598365
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcpd src/
phpcpd 2.0.1 by Sebastian Bergmann.
0.00% duplicated lines out of 195 total lines of code.
Time: 32 ms, Memory: 2.75Mb
08. Code Sniffer
$ php composer.phar require --dev
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing squizlabs/php_codesniffer (dev-master 623905c)
Cloning 623905ce571d64a8cb873826d47b81321cd55011
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcs -i
The installed coding standards are PSR1, PHPCS, Squiz, PEAR,
Zend, MySource and PSR2
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 src/
08. Select a Standard
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 src/
FILE: /path/to/project/SafeBrowsing/src/SafeBrowsing.php
17 | ERROR | Opening brace should be on a new line
22 | ERROR | Visibility must be declared on method "isUrlSafe"
22 | ERROR | Opening brace should be on a new line
08. Custom Standard
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=/path/to/own/standard src/
FILE: /path/to/project/SafeBrowsing/src/SafeBrowsing.php
1 | ERROR | Homage to Cthulhu missing from doc header
08. Mess Detector
$ php composer.phar require --dev phpmd/phpmd=1.4.*
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing phpmd/phpmd (1.4.1)
Downloading: 100%
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
$ ./vendor/bin/phpmd src text codesize,unusedcode,naming,design
Strategy/Get.php:9 Classes should not have a constructor method
with the same name as the class
08. Taking it further
– Automate all the things
– Cucumber syntax
– Mink extension for website testing
– Write human-readable use cases
08. Behat and Mink
Feature: Test the login page
In order to ensure that customer can use our system
I need to make sure that they can log in successfully
Scenario: Can I log in with valid details
Given I am on the “”
When I click on “Login”
And I fill “username” with “bob”
And I fill “password” with “Password1”
And I press “Login”
Then I should see “Login Successful”
09. Flair
General badges (versions, license, etc)
Build status
Code Coverage
Code Analysis
10. Engage
Write a useful
– First thing you see on Github
– How to install
– How to use
10. Engage with developers
Encourage fork/pull requests
– Make sure they add tests
– Make sure the old tests still pass
– Travis-CI makes this simple
10. Engage with developers
Promote your library
– Twitter?
– Google Plus?
– I have no idea. I'm still figuring this out. I'm a
developer dammit!
phing/ant to automate CLI tools
Git pre-commit hooks to run tests
Social Awareness
Too many pasty white guys
Twitter: @thomas_shone

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PHP SA 2014 - Releasing Your Open Source Project

  • 1. Releasing Your Open Source Project How to write libraries people won't (completely) hate By @thomas_shone
  • 3. 00. Introduction ● No formal education in PHP ● Learnt PHP the hard way ● This talk is about the process ● Connect with personalities
  • 5. 00. Introduction <?php function isUrlSafe($api_key, $url) { if (!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { throw new Exception('Invalid URL specified.') } $api_uri = '' . 'safebrowsing/api/lookup?client=api&apikey=' . $api_key . '&appver=1.0&pver=3.0&url=' . urlencode($url); $result = file_get_contents($api_uri); return strpos($result, 'malware') === false && strpos($result, 'phishing') === false; } When you've finished reading this code, touch your nose so I know when everyone is done.
  • 6. 10. Security ● Shouldn't be left till last ● Unsure of how to do it properly ● Worst thing that can happen to insecure open source code is it becomes popular
  • 7. 10. Security ● Shouldn't be left till last ● Unsure of how to do it properly ● Worst thing that can happen to insecure open source code is it becomes popular
  • 8. 01. Security ● Shouldn't be left till last ● Unsure of how to do it properly ● Worst thing that can happen to insecure open source code is it becomes popular
  • 9. 01. Security ● Joomla! – 5/133 versions secure – 85 vulnerabilities – 0/322 of scanned sites secured ● WordPress – 2/322 versions secure – 54 vulnerabilities – 313/589 of scanned sites secure
  • 10. 01. Secure Communication What questions do we need to ask to ensure our communication is secure?
  • 11. 01. Secure Communication 1. Can C overhear what A and B are saying? BA C
  • 12. 01. Secure Communication 2. Is A sure s/he is talking to B and C isn't standing in the middle? BA C
  • 13. 01. Secure Communication 3. Does A trust B not to tell C? BA C
  • 14. 01. Secure Communication ● Certificate file sourced from ● disable_compression only available in PHP 5.4.13+ (prevents CRIME/BREACH attacks) ● Not required with PHP 5.6+ thanks to this guy... $context = stream_context_create([ 'ssl' => [ 'verify_peer' => true, 'verify_depth' => 5, 'cafile' => 'cacert.pem', 'CN_match' => '', 'disable_compression' => true, ] ]); $result = file_get_contents($api_uri, false, $context);
  • 15. 01. Personality Daniel Lowrey (@rdlowrey) PHP SSL/TLS Contributor Saving us from ourselves Itotallygotpermissiontousethisphoto
  • 17. 02. Hosting ● - FUCK NO! ● - HELL NO! ● - No ● - No ● - Yes
  • 18. 03. Managing your source ● Source control (already determined) ● Version ● License
  • 19. 03. Credentials ● .gitignore to exclude sensitive data ● If you've pushed sensitive data to github, change your credentials asap Don't be that guy
  • 20. 03. Licensing ● MIT – Do whatever you want with it – Must attribute – Don't blame me if it causes a zombie outbreak ● Apache – Same as MIT – contributors grants patent rights to users ● GPL – Must release any changes or improvements – Can't change license – Ditto with the zombies
  • 21. 03. Versioning MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-STABILITY ● Breaking backward compatibility? Increase MAJOR ● Adding backwards compatible feature? Increase MINOR ● Adding bugfix? Increase PATCH ● Not production ready? Add stability value (alpha, beta, preview)
  • 23. 04. Package Management ● PEAR – No space for alternatives – High requirement levels – Package signing ● Composer – Easy to install/update dependencies – Version locking – Autoloading – Your package becomes smaller – Package signing (almost) – Doubles as a distribution platform ( )
  • 24. 04. Package Management ● PEAR - NO – No space for alternatives – High requirement levels – Package signing ● Composer - YES – Easy to install/update dependencies – Version locking – Autoloading – Your package becomes smaller – Package signing (almost) – Doubles as a distribution platform ( )
  • 25. 04. Composer $ mkdir safebrowser && cd safebrowser $ curl -s | php #!/usr/bin/env php All settings correct for using Composer Downloading... Composer successfully installed to: /home/project/composer.phar Use it: php composer.phar
  • 26. 04. Composer $ php composer.phar init Welcome to the Composer config generator This command will guide you through creating your composer.json config. Package name (<vendor>/<name>) [thomas/project]:xsist10/SafeBrowsing Description []: Google Safe Browsing Client Author [Thomas Shone <>]: Minimum Stability []: License []: MIT
  • 27. 04. Composer { "name": "xsist10/safebrowser", "description": "Google SafeBrowser Client", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Thomas Shone", "email": "" } ], "require": { }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "xsist10SafeBrowsing": "src/" } } }
  • 28. 04. Composer $ php composer.phar install Loading composer repositories with package information Installing dependencies (including require-dev) Nothing to install or update Generating autoload files $ vi index.php <?php require 'vendor/autoload.php';
  • 29. 04. Don't commit vendor/ # Your code src/[Your Library] vendor/[Dependencies] $ echo "vendor" >> .gitignore # Someone using your library src/[Their Project Code] vendor/xsist10/SafeBrowsing/[Your Library] vendor/[Your Library Dependencies] vendor/[Their Dependencies] Some of these might be the same # You don't want this vendor/xsist10/SafeBrowsing/[Your Library]/vendor/
  • 30. 04. Composer $ mkdir src $ vi src/SafeBrowsing.php <?php namespace xsist10SafeBrowsing; class SafeBrowsing { public function __construct($api_key) { $this->api_key = $api_key; } public function isUrlSafe($url) { // ... } }
  • 31. 04. Composer <?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use xsist10SafeBrowsingSafeBrowsing; $safeBrowsing = new SafeBrowsing($api_key); $safeBrowsing->isUrlSafe('');
  • 32. 04. List on Packagist
  • 33. 04. List on Packagist $ php composer.phar require xsist10/safebrowser=dev-master
  • 38. 04. Package Signing ● Currently being implemented in Composer – ● Ensure that the package you're installing hasn't been tampered with, like: – Ruby Gem installs – PEAR libraries – Linux packages (deb, rpm, yum) – Windows binaries
  • 39. 04. Package Signing # When you first setup your project $ php composer.phar create-keys --directory /path/ --prefix=mykey --passphrase passphrase to encrypt the private key: $ php composer.phar add-dev-key /path/mykey-private.pem $ php composer.phar sign-dev-keys /path/mykey-private.pem # Last thing you do before you release a new version $ php composer.phar sign /path/mykey-private.pem Enter a passphrase if the private key is encrypted: $ git commit -m “Updated keys” keys.json manifest.json $ git push # Tag you release immediately
  • 41. 04. Personality Pádraic Brady (@padraicb) Zend Framework / Composer contributor Working on the signing code Thisguyissoawesomethattheinternetcan't containpicturesofhim.
  • 42. 05. Design Patterns ● Increase flexibility without having to modify the library code ● Provide rules on how to extend
  • 44. 05. Strategy <?php namespace xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategy; interface Strategy { public function execute($url, $param); }
  • 45. 05. Strategy <?php namespace xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategy; class Get implements Strategy { public function execute($url, $param) { $context = stream_context_create([ 'ssl' => [ 'verify_peer' => true, 'cafile' => 'path/to/cafile', 'CN_match' => '' ] ]); $query = $url . '?' . http_build_query($param); return file_get_contents($query, false, $context); } }
  • 46. 05. Strategy <?php namespace xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategy; class Post implements Strategy { public function execute($url, $param) { // Do some curl init stuff ... // Do your security! curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, 'path/to/cafile'); $result = curl_exec($curl); $code = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($curl); // check some result checks first ... return $result; } }
  • 47. 05. Strategy <?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use xsist10SafeBrowsingSafeBrowsing; use xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategyGet; $sb = new SafeBrowsing($api_key, new Get()); $sb->isUrlSafe(''); use xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategyPost; $sb = new SafeBrowsing($api_key, new Post()); $sb->isUrlSafe('');
  • 48. 05. Chain of Responsibility
  • 49. 05. Chain of Responsibility <?php namespace xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategy; use Exception; class UnavailableException extends Exception {}
  • 50. 05. Chain of Responsibility <?php namespace xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategy; class Get implements Strategy { public function execute($url, $param) { if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { throw new UnavailableException(); } // ... } }
  • 51. 05. Chain of Responsibility <?php namespace xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategy; class Post implements Strategy { public function execute($url, $param) { if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { throw new UnavailableException(); } // ... } }
  • 52. 05. Chain of Responsibility <?php namespace xsist10SafeBrowsing; use xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategyStrategy; class Chain implements Strategy { public function append(Strategy $strat) { $this->chain[] = $strat; } public function execute($url, $param) { foreach ($this->chain as $strategy) { try { return $strategy->get($url, $param); } catch (UnavailableException $exception) { // We can ignore and move to the next } } throw new Exception('No available strategy.'); } }
  • 53. 05. Put the chain links together <?php // ... use xsist10SafeBrowsingChain; $chain = new Chain(); $chain->append(new Post()); $chain->append(new Get()); $sb = new SafeBrowsing($api_key, $chain); $sb->isUrlSafe(''); // This still works $sb = new SafeBrowsing($api_key, new Get()); $sb->isUrlSafe('');
  • 54. 05. The start of something beautiful <?php // ... use SomeOtherGuySomeOtherPackageCache; $chain = new Chain(); $chain->append(new Cache()); $chain->append(new Post()); $chain->append(new Get()); $sb = new SafeBrowsing($api_key, $chain); $sb->isUrlSafe('');
  • 55. 05. Personality Martin Fowler (@martinfowler) Design Pattern Tamer Hegetssuperpowersfromhishat
  • 56. So what next? Shamelessly copied from ● Follow PSR-2, we use League as our PSR-0 namespace. ● List on Packagist, we list with league as the vendor namespace. ● Shove code in a src folder. ● Write unit tests. Aim for at least 80% coverage for v1.0. ● DocBlock all the things. ● Semantic versioning must be used to manage version numbers. ● Use Travis-CI to automatically check coding standards and run tests. ● Have an extensive README.
  • 57. 06. Why Tests? ● You will always find bugs ● Confidence in libraries ● Prevent regressions ● Ensure new features have been thoroughly vetted
  • 58. 06. PHPUnit $ php composer.phar require --dev phpunit/phpunit=4.0.*@dev ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) ... - Installing phpunit/phpunit (4.0.x-dev fca5bc6) Cloning fca5bc6a50d09b26db280c5cc3c84978c9cace3f phpunit/phpunit suggests installing phpunit/php-invoker (~1.1) Writing lock file Generating autoload files
  • 59. 06. PHPUnit $ vi phpunit.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <phpunit backupGlobals="false" convertErrorsToExceptions="true" convertWarningsToExceptions="true" convertNoticesToExceptions="true" mapTestClassNameToCoveredClassName="true" bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php" strict="true" verbose="true" colors="true"> <testsuites> <testsuite> <directory>./tests</directory> </testsuite> </testsuites> </phpunit> $ mkdir tests $ vi phpunit.xml
  • 60. 06. PHPUnit $ vi phpunit.xml$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit PHPUnit 4.0.13 by Sebastian Bergmann. Configuration read from /path/to/project/phpunit.xml Time: 116 ms, Memory: 2.00Mb No tests executed!
  • 61. 06. First Tests use xsist10SafeBrowsingSafeBrowsing; use xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategyChain; class SafeBrowsingTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testInvalidUrl() { $chain = new Chain(); $safeBrowsing = new SafeBrowsing('', $chain); $message = 'Invalid URL specified.'; $this->setExpectedException('Exception', $message); $safeBrowsing->isUrlSafe('invalid-url'); } } $ vi tests/SafeBrowsingTest.php
  • 62. 06. First Tests public function testSecure() { $mock = $this->getMockBuilder( 'xsist10SafeBrowsingStrategyChain', ['execute'] )->getMock(); // API returns an empty result if the site is secure $mock->expects($this->once()) ->method('execute') ->will($this->returnValue('')); $safeBrowsing = new SafeBrowsing('', $mock); $url = ''; $response = $safeBrowsing->isUrlSafe($url); $this->assertTrue($response); }
  • 63. 06. First Tests $ vi phpunit.xml$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit PHPUnit 4.0.13 by Sebastian Bergmann. Configuration read from /path/to/project/phpunit.xml ..... Time: 568 ms, Memory: 4.00Mb OK (5 tests, 9 assertions)
  • 64. 06. Testing Resources ● Can't mock out resources ● Wrap resources in class and mock the class ● Wait! Don't write from scratch. Use your package manager!
  • 65. 06. cURL wrapper $ ./composer.phar search curl ext-curl The curl PHP extension lib-curl The curl PHP library kdyby/curl Curl wrapper for Nette Framework shuber/curl PHP Wrapper for Curl comvi/curl Work with remote servers via cURL much easier than using the native PHP bindings. anlutro/curl Simple OOP cURL wrapper. jyggen/curl A simple and lightweight cURL library with support for multiple requests in parallel. bca/curl cURL wrapper for PHP applications. unikent/curl Laravel Curl Helper Library. mogetutu/curl Simple Curl PHP Helper Library sweelix/curl PHP 5.3+ simple curl requestor lib/curl A simple cURL wrapper for PHP dvelopment/curl PHP OOP wrapper for cURL requests php-curl-class/php-curl-class PHP Curl Class is an object-oriented wrapper of the PHP cURL extension.
  • 66. 06. cURL wrapper $ php composer.phar require shuber/curl=dev-master ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) - Installing shuber/curl (dev-master 6624992) Cloning 6624992df201f9fd7262080117385dd09b0ecd2b Writing lock file Generating autoload files
  • 67. 06. Personality Chris Hartjes (@grmpyprogrammer) Testing advocate Being grumpy... so we don't have to Itotallydidn'tgetpermissiontousethisphoto
  • 69. 07. Code Coverage ● Ensure you test all use cases ● Useful to spot code smell ● Helpful in identifying dead/unreachable code ● Improves confidence in library
  • 70. 07. Coverage Report <phpunit ...> ... <logging> <log type="coverage-html" target="build/report" charset="UTF-8" highlight="false" LowUpperBound="35" HighLowerBound="70" /> </logging> <filter> <whitelist> <directory>src</directory> </whitelist> </filter> </phpunit> $ echo “build” >> .gitignore $ vi phpunit.xml
  • 74. 07. Ignore coverage ● Ignore whole class/function – @codeCoverageIgnore ● Ignore certain lines of code – // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart – // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd ● Use responsibly
  • 75. 08. Continuous Integration ● Make sure your development branch is always in a deployable state. ● Ingredients: Tests, High Coverage, Automation
  • 76. 08. Travis-CI language: php before_script: - wget - php composer.phar install --dev php: - 5.5 - 5.4 - hhvm script: phpunit $ vi .travis.yml
  • 77. 08. CLI Tools ● Copy paste detector ● Code Sniffer ● Mess Detector ● And lots more at
  • 78. 07 – Copy/paste detector $ php composer.phar require --dev sebastian/phpcpd=dev-master ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) - Installing sebastian/phpcpd (dev-master a946215) Cloning a9462153f2dd90466a010179901d31fbff598365 Writing lock file Generating autoload files $ ./vendor/bin/phpcpd src/ phpcpd 2.0.1 by Sebastian Bergmann. 0.00% duplicated lines out of 195 total lines of code. Time: 32 ms, Memory: 2.75Mb
  • 79. 08. Code Sniffer $ php composer.phar require --dev squizlabs/php_codesniffer=dev-master ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) - Installing squizlabs/php_codesniffer (dev-master 623905c) Cloning 623905ce571d64a8cb873826d47b81321cd55011 Writing lock file Generating autoload files $ ./vendor/bin/phpcs -i The installed coding standards are PSR1, PHPCS, Squiz, PEAR, Zend, MySource and PSR2 $ ./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 src/ [WALL OF TEXT]
  • 80. 08. Select a Standard $ ./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 src/ FILE: /path/to/project/SafeBrowsing/src/SafeBrowsing.php ------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND 3 ERROR(S) AFFECTING 2 LINE(S) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 | ERROR | Opening brace should be on a new line 22 | ERROR | Visibility must be declared on method "isUrlSafe" 22 | ERROR | Opening brace should be on a new line ------------------------------------------------------------------- [WALL OF TEXT OMITTED]
  • 81. 08. Custom Standard $ ./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=/path/to/own/standard src/ FILE: /path/to/project/SafeBrowsing/src/SafeBrowsing.php ------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUND 1 ERROR(S) AFFECTING 1 LINE(S) ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | ERROR | Homage to Cthulhu missing from doc header -------------------------------------------------------------------
  • 82. 08. Mess Detector $ php composer.phar require --dev phpmd/phpmd=1.4.* ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies (including require-dev) - Installing phpmd/phpmd (1.4.1) Downloading: 100% Writing lock file Generating autoload files $ ./vendor/bin/phpmd src text codesize,unusedcode,naming,design Strategy/Get.php:9 Classes should not have a constructor method with the same name as the class
  • 83. 08. Taking it further ● Jenkins – – Automate all the things ● Behat – – Cucumber syntax – Mink extension for website testing – Write human-readable use cases
  • 84. 08. Behat and Mink Feature: Test the login page In order to ensure that customer can use our system I need to make sure that they can log in successfully Scenario: Can I log in with valid details Given I am on the “” When I click on “Login” And I fill “username” with “bob” And I fill “password” with “Password1” And I press “Login” Then I should see “Login Successful”
  • 85. 09. Flair ● General badges (versions, license, etc) – ● Build status – ● Code Coverage – ● Code Analysis – –
  • 86. 10. Engage ● Write a useful – First thing you see on Github – How to install – How to use
  • 87. 10. Engage with developers ● Encourage fork/pull requests – Make sure they add tests – Make sure the old tests still pass – Travis-CI makes this simple
  • 88. 10. Engage with developers ● Promote your library – Twitter? – Google Plus? – I have no idea. I'm still figuring this out. I'm a developer dammit!
  • 89. Homework ● Docblocks ● phing/ant to automate CLI tools ● Git pre-commit hooks to run tests
  • 90. Social Awareness Too many pasty white guys @phpwomen