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Primeiros Passos na API
do Zabbix com Python
from zabbix_api import ZabbixAPI
zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=http://caminho-do-web-Zabbix)
grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({“output”:”extend”})
for q in grupos:
GroupID = q[u’groupid’]
GroupName = q[u’name’]
print “Grupo: %s “ % (GroupName)
Grupo: Templates
Grupo: Linux servers
Grupo: Zabbix servers
Grupo: Discovered hosts
Grupo: Virtual machines
Grupo: Hypervisors
Grupo: Templates/Modules
Grupo: Templates/Network Devices
Grupo: Templates/Operating Systems
Grupo: Templates/Servers Hardware
Grupo: Templates/Applications
Grupo: Templates/Databases
Grupo: Templates/Virtualization
Grupo: oi
Grupo: BrewPub
Grupo: Humberto
from zabbix_api import ZabbixAPI
zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=http://caminho-do-web-Zabbix)
grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({“output”:”extend”})
for q in grupos:
GroupID = q[u’groupid’]
GroupName = q[u’name’]
hosts ={“ouput”: “extend”, “groupids”: GroupID })
for w in hosts:
print w
{u'available': u'1', u'tls_connect': u'1', u'maintenance_type': u'0', u'ipmi_errors_from': u'0', u'ipmi_username': u'',
u'snmp_disable_until': u'0', u'ipmi_authtype': u'-1', u'ipmi_disable_until': u'0', u'lastaccess': u'0', u'snmp_error': u'',
u'tls_psk': u'', u'ipmi_privilege': u'2', u'jmx_error': u'', u'jmx_available': u'0', u'maintenanceid': u'0', u'snmp_available':
u'0', u'tls_psk_identity': u'', u'status': u'0', u'description': u'', u'tls_accept': u'1', u'host': u'Zabbix server', u'disable_until':
u'0', u'ipmi_password': u'', u'templateid': u'0', u'tls_issuer': u'', u'ipmi_available': u'0', u'maintenance_status': u'0',
u'snmp_errors_from': u'0', u'ipmi_error': u'', u'proxy_hostid': u'0', u'hostid': u'10084', u'name': u'Zabbix server',
u'jmx_errors_from': u'0', u'jmx_disable_until': u'0', u'flags': u'0', u'error': u'', u'maintenance_from': u'0', u'tls_subject': u'',
u'errors_from': u'0'}
{u'available': u'0', u'tls_connect': u'1', u'maintenance_type': u'0', u'ipmi_errors_from': u'0', u'ipmi_username': u'',
u'snmp_disable_until': u'0', u'ipmi_authtype': u'-1', u'ipmi_disable_until': u'0', u'lastaccess': u'0', u'snmp_error': u'',
u'tls_psk': u'', u'ipmi_privilege': u'2', u'jmx_error': u'', u'jmx_available': u'0', u'maintenanceid': u'0', u'snmp_available':
u'0', u'tls_psk_identity': u'', u'status': u'0', u'description': u'', u'tls_accept': u'1', u'host': u'Soul', u'disable_until': u'0',
u'ipmi_password': u'', u'templateid': u'0', u'tls_issuer': u'', u'ipmi_available': u'0', u'maintenance_status': u'0',
u'snmp_errors_from': u'0', u'ipmi_error': u'', u'proxy_hostid': u'0', u'hostid': u'10256', u'name': u'Soul',
u'jmx_errors_from': u'0', u'jmx_disable_until': u'0', u'flags': u'0', u'error': u'', u'maintenance_from': u'0', u'tls_subject': u'',
u'errors_from': u'0'}
Hosts -> IP
from zabbix_api import ZabbixAPI
zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=http://caminho-do-web-Zabbix)
grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({“output”:”extend”})
for q in grupos:
GroupID = q[u’groupid’]
GroupName = q[u’name’]
hosts ={“ouput”: “extend”, “selectInterfaces”: “extend”, “groupids”: GroupID })
for w in hosts:
HostIfaces = w[u’interfaces’]
for e in HostIfaces:
print e
Hosts -> IP
{u'interfaceid': u'1', u'hostid': u'10084', u'ip': u'', u'useip': u'1', u'bulk':
u'1', u'dns': u'', u'main': u'1', u'type': u'1', u'port': u'10050’}
{u'interfaceid': u'3', u'hostid': u'10256', u'ip': u'', u'useip': u'1', u'bulk':
u'1', u'dns': u'', u'main': u'1', u'type': u'1', u'port': u'10050'}
from zabbix_api import ZabbixAPI
zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=http://caminho-do-web-Zabbix)
grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({“output”:”extend”})
for q in grupos:
GroupID = q[u’groupid’]
GroupName = q[u’name’]
hosts ={“ouput”: “extend”, “selectInterfaces”: “extend”, “groupids”: GroupID })
for w in hosts:
HostID = w[u’hostids’]
items = zapi.item.get({"output": "extend", "hostids": HostID })
for e in items:
print e
{u'itemid': u'23276', u'username': u'', u'snmpv3_contextname': u'', u'inventory_link': u'0', u'mtime': u'0', u'authtype': u'0',
u'trends': u'365d', u'snmpv3_authpassphrase': u'', u'snmp_oid': u'', u'snmpv3_securitylevel': u'0', u'port': u'', u'lastns':
u'239127401', u'master_itemid': u'0', u'logtimefmt': u'', u'jmx_endpoint': u'', u'delay': u'1m', u'publickey': u'', u'state': u'0',
u'params': u'', u'snmpv3_securityname': u'', u'formula': u'', u'type': u'5', u'snmpv3_authprotocol': u'0', u'prevvalue':
u'99.7898', u'status': u'0', u'lastlogsize': u'0', u'lastclock': u'1536985376', u'snmp_community': u'', u'description': u'',
u'evaltype': u'0', u'trapper_hosts': u'', u'lastvalue': u'99.7898', u'units': u'%', u'value_type': u'0', u'templateid': u'22185',
u'snmpv3_privprotocol': u'0', u'password': u'', u'interfaceid': u'0', u'snmpv3_privpassphrase': u'', u'hostid': u'10084',
u'key_': u'zabbix[wcache,trend,pfree]', u'name': u'Zabbix $2 write cache, % free', u'privatekey': u'', u'lifetime': u'0',
u'valuemapid': u'0', u'flags': u'0', u'error': u'', u'ipmi_sensor': u'', u'history': u'1w'}
Items -> Name, Key_, LastValue
grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({“output”:”extend”})
for q in grupos:
GroupID = q[u’groupid’]
GroupName = q[u’name’]
hosts ={“ouput”: “extend”, “selectInterfaces”: “extend”, “groupids”: GroupID })
for w in hosts:
HostID = w[u’hostids’]
items = zapi.item.get({"output": "extend", "hostids": HostID })
for e in items:
ItemName = e[u'name’]
ItemKey = e[u'key_’]
ItemLastV = e[u'lastvalue’]
print "Name: %s , Key: %s , Lastvalue: %s " % (ItemName,ItemKey,ItemLastV)
Items -> Name, Key_, LastValue
Name: Host name of zabbix_agentd running , Key: agent.hostname , Lastvalue: Zabbix server
Name: Agent ping , Key: , Lastvalue: 1
Name: Version of zabbix_agent(d) running , Key: agent.version , Lastvalue: 3.4.13
Name: Maximum number of opened files , Key: kernel.maxfiles , Lastvalue: 26368281
Name: Maximum number of processes , Key: kernel.maxproc , Lastvalue: 40960
Name: Incoming network traffic on $1 , Key:[eth0] , Lastvalue: 968968
Name: Outgoing network traffic on $1 , Key: net.if.out[eth0] , Lastvalue: 4664
Name: Number of running processes , Key: proc.num[,,run] , Lastvalue: 1
Name: Number of processes , Key: proc.num[] , Lastvalue: 65
Name: Host boot time , Key: system.boottime , Lastvalue: 1532223025
grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({“output”:”extend”})
for q in grupos:
GroupID = q[u’groupid’]
GroupName = q[u’name’]
hosts ={“ouput”: “extend”, “selectInterfaces”: “extend”, “groupids”: GroupID })
for w in hosts:
HostID = w[u’hostids’]
items = zapi.item.get({"output": "extend", "hostids": HostID })
for e in items:
ItemName = e[u'name’]
ItemKey = e[u'key_’]
ItemLastV = e[u'lastvalue’]
ItemID = e[u’itemid’]
triggers = zapi.trigger.get({“output”:”extend”, “itemids”: ItemID })
for r in triggers:
print r
{u'status': u'0', u'recovery_mode': u'0', u'description': u'Host name of zabbix_agentd was changed on
{HOST.NAME}', u'state': u'0', u'url': u'', u'type': u'0', u'templateid': u'13508', u'correlation_tag': u'', u'lastchange':
u'0', u'value': u'0', u'priority': u'1', u'triggerid': u'13509', u'flags': u'0', u'comments': u'', u'error': u'',
u'correlation_mode': u'0', u'expression': u'{12938}>0', u'recovery_expression': u'', u'manual_close': u'0’}
{u'status': u'0', u'recovery_mode': u'0', u'description': u'Zabbix agent on {HOST.NAME} is unreachable for 5
minutes', u'state': u'0', u'url': u'', u'type': u'0', u'templateid': u'10047', u'correlation_tag': u'', u'lastchange': u'0',
u'value': u'0', u'priority': u'3', u'triggerid': u'13491', u'flags': u'0', u'comments': u'', u'error': u'',
u'correlation_mode': u'0', u'expression': u'{12900}=1', u'recovery_expression': u'', u'manual_close': u'0'}
{u'status': u'0', u'recovery_mode': u'0', u'description': u'Version of zabbix_agent(d) was changed on
{HOST.NAME}', u'state': u'0', u'url': u'', u'type': u'0', u'templateid': u'10045', u'correlation_tag': u'', u'lastchange':
u'0', u'value': u'0', u'priority': u'1', u'triggerid': u'13492', u'flags': u'0', u'comments': u'', u'error': u'',
u'correlation_mode': u'0', u'expression': u'{12928}>0', u'recovery_expression': u'', u'manual_close': u'0'}
Triggers -> Nome,Severidade, Status
grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({“output”:”extend”})
for q in grupos:
GroupID = q[u’groupid’]
hosts ={“ouput”: “extend”, “selectInterfaces”: “extend”, “groupids”: GroupID })
for w in hosts:
HostID = w[u’hostids’]
items = zapi.item.get({"output": "extend", "hostids": HostID })
for e in items:
ItemID = e[u’itemid’]
triggers = zapi.trigger.get({“output”:”extend”, “itemids”: ItemID })
for r in triggers:
TrgName = r[u'description']
TrgPrio = r[u'priority']
TrgStat = r[u'status']
if TrgStat == '0':
print "Nome: %s , Severidade: %s " % (TrgName,TrgPrio)
Triggers -> Nome,Severidade, Status
Nome: Host name of zabbix_agentd was changed on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1
Nome: Zabbix agent on {HOST.NAME} is unreachable for 5 minutes , Severidade: 3
Nome: Version of zabbix_agent(d) was changed on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1
Nome: Configured max number of opened files is too low on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1
Nome: Configured max number of processes is too low on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1
Nome: Too many processes running on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 2
Nome: Too many processes on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 2
Nome: Processor load is too high on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 2
Nome: Disk I/O is overloaded on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 2
Nome: Hostname was changed on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1
Nome: Lack of free swap space on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 2
Nome: Host information was changed on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1
Nome: {HOST.NAME} has just been restarted , Severidade: 1
Report Geral:
grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({"output": "extend"})
for q in grupos:
GroupID = q[u'groupid’]
GroupName = q[u'name’]
print "Grupo: %s" % (GroupName)
hosts ={"output": "extend", "selectInterfaces": "extend","groupids" : GroupID })
for w in hosts:
HostID = w[u'hostid’]
Items = zapi.item.get({"output": "extend", "hostids": HostID })
for e in items:
ItemID = e[u'itemid’]
ItemName = e[u'name’]
ItemKey = e[u'key_’]
ItemLastV = e[u'lastvalue’]
print "Item: %s Key: %s Valor: %s" % (ItemName,ItemKey,ItemLastV)
triggers = zapi.trigger.get({"output":"extend", "itemids": ItemID })
for r in triggers:
TrgName = r[u'description’]
TrgPrio = r[u'priority’]
TrgStat = r[u'status’]
if TrgStat == '0’:
print "Trigger: %s , Severidade: %s " % (TrgName,TrgPrio)
Report Geral:
Grupo: Templates
Grupo: Linux servers
Grupo: Zabbix servers
Item: Host name of zabbix_agentd running Key: agent.hostname Valor: Zabbix server
Trigger: Host name of zabbix_agentd was changed on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1
Item: Agent ping Key: Valor: 1
Trigger: Zabbix agent on {HOST.NAME} is unreachable for 5 minutes , Severidade: 3
Item: Version of zabbix_agent(d) running Key: agent.version Valor: 3.4.13
Trigger: Version of zabbix_agent(d) was changed on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1
Item: Maximum number of opened files Key: kernel.maxfiles Valor: 26368281
Trigger: Configured max number of opened files is too low on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1
Metodos Usados
Luiz Sales
Managing Partner at ServiceMonit
Specialist and Professional Zabbix

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  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. Grupos from zabbix_api import ZabbixAPI zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=http://caminho-do-web-Zabbix) zapi.login(“login”,”pass”) grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({“output”:”extend”}) for q in grupos: GroupID = q[u’groupid’] GroupName = q[u’name’] print “Grupo: %s “ % (GroupName)
  • 5. Grupos: Grupo: Templates Grupo: Linux servers Grupo: Zabbix servers Grupo: Discovered hosts Grupo: Virtual machines Grupo: Hypervisors Grupo: Templates/Modules Grupo: Templates/Network Devices Grupo: Templates/Operating Systems Grupo: Templates/Servers Hardware Grupo: Templates/Applications Grupo: Templates/Databases Grupo: Templates/Virtualization Grupo: oi Grupo: BrewPub Grupo: Humberto
  • 6. Hosts: from zabbix_api import ZabbixAPI zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=http://caminho-do-web-Zabbix) zapi.login(“login”,”pass”) grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({“output”:”extend”}) for q in grupos: GroupID = q[u’groupid’] GroupName = q[u’name’] hosts ={“ouput”: “extend”, “groupids”: GroupID }) for w in hosts: print w
  • 7. Hosts: {u'available': u'1', u'tls_connect': u'1', u'maintenance_type': u'0', u'ipmi_errors_from': u'0', u'ipmi_username': u'', u'snmp_disable_until': u'0', u'ipmi_authtype': u'-1', u'ipmi_disable_until': u'0', u'lastaccess': u'0', u'snmp_error': u'', u'tls_psk': u'', u'ipmi_privilege': u'2', u'jmx_error': u'', u'jmx_available': u'0', u'maintenanceid': u'0', u'snmp_available': u'0', u'tls_psk_identity': u'', u'status': u'0', u'description': u'', u'tls_accept': u'1', u'host': u'Zabbix server', u'disable_until': u'0', u'ipmi_password': u'', u'templateid': u'0', u'tls_issuer': u'', u'ipmi_available': u'0', u'maintenance_status': u'0', u'snmp_errors_from': u'0', u'ipmi_error': u'', u'proxy_hostid': u'0', u'hostid': u'10084', u'name': u'Zabbix server', u'jmx_errors_from': u'0', u'jmx_disable_until': u'0', u'flags': u'0', u'error': u'', u'maintenance_from': u'0', u'tls_subject': u'', u'errors_from': u'0'} {u'available': u'0', u'tls_connect': u'1', u'maintenance_type': u'0', u'ipmi_errors_from': u'0', u'ipmi_username': u'', u'snmp_disable_until': u'0', u'ipmi_authtype': u'-1', u'ipmi_disable_until': u'0', u'lastaccess': u'0', u'snmp_error': u'', u'tls_psk': u'', u'ipmi_privilege': u'2', u'jmx_error': u'', u'jmx_available': u'0', u'maintenanceid': u'0', u'snmp_available': u'0', u'tls_psk_identity': u'', u'status': u'0', u'description': u'', u'tls_accept': u'1', u'host': u'Soul', u'disable_until': u'0', u'ipmi_password': u'', u'templateid': u'0', u'tls_issuer': u'', u'ipmi_available': u'0', u'maintenance_status': u'0', u'snmp_errors_from': u'0', u'ipmi_error': u'', u'proxy_hostid': u'0', u'hostid': u'10256', u'name': u'Soul', u'jmx_errors_from': u'0', u'jmx_disable_until': u'0', u'flags': u'0', u'error': u'', u'maintenance_from': u'0', u'tls_subject': u'', u'errors_from': u'0'}
  • 8. Hosts -> IP from zabbix_api import ZabbixAPI zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=http://caminho-do-web-Zabbix) zapi.login(“login”,”pass”) grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({“output”:”extend”}) for q in grupos: GroupID = q[u’groupid’] GroupName = q[u’name’] hosts ={“ouput”: “extend”, “selectInterfaces”: “extend”, “groupids”: GroupID }) for w in hosts: HostIfaces = w[u’interfaces’] for e in HostIfaces: print e
  • 9. Hosts -> IP {u'interfaceid': u'1', u'hostid': u'10084', u'ip': u'', u'useip': u'1', u'bulk': u'1', u'dns': u'', u'main': u'1', u'type': u'1', u'port': u'10050’} {u'interfaceid': u'3', u'hostid': u'10256', u'ip': u'', u'useip': u'1', u'bulk': u'1', u'dns': u'', u'main': u'1', u'type': u'1', u'port': u'10050'}
  • 10. Items: from zabbix_api import ZabbixAPI zapi = ZabbixAPI(server=http://caminho-do-web-Zabbix) zapi.login(“login”,”pass”) grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({“output”:”extend”}) for q in grupos: GroupID = q[u’groupid’] GroupName = q[u’name’] hosts ={“ouput”: “extend”, “selectInterfaces”: “extend”, “groupids”: GroupID }) for w in hosts: HostID = w[u’hostids’] items = zapi.item.get({"output": "extend", "hostids": HostID }) for e in items: print e
  • 11. Items: {u'itemid': u'23276', u'username': u'', u'snmpv3_contextname': u'', u'inventory_link': u'0', u'mtime': u'0', u'authtype': u'0', u'trends': u'365d', u'snmpv3_authpassphrase': u'', u'snmp_oid': u'', u'snmpv3_securitylevel': u'0', u'port': u'', u'lastns': u'239127401', u'master_itemid': u'0', u'logtimefmt': u'', u'jmx_endpoint': u'', u'delay': u'1m', u'publickey': u'', u'state': u'0', u'params': u'', u'snmpv3_securityname': u'', u'formula': u'', u'type': u'5', u'snmpv3_authprotocol': u'0', u'prevvalue': u'99.7898', u'status': u'0', u'lastlogsize': u'0', u'lastclock': u'1536985376', u'snmp_community': u'', u'description': u'', u'evaltype': u'0', u'trapper_hosts': u'', u'lastvalue': u'99.7898', u'units': u'%', u'value_type': u'0', u'templateid': u'22185', u'snmpv3_privprotocol': u'0', u'password': u'', u'interfaceid': u'0', u'snmpv3_privpassphrase': u'', u'hostid': u'10084', u'key_': u'zabbix[wcache,trend,pfree]', u'name': u'Zabbix $2 write cache, % free', u'privatekey': u'', u'lifetime': u'0', u'valuemapid': u'0', u'flags': u'0', u'error': u'', u'ipmi_sensor': u'', u'history': u'1w'}
  • 12. Items -> Name, Key_, LastValue grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({“output”:”extend”}) for q in grupos: GroupID = q[u’groupid’] GroupName = q[u’name’] hosts ={“ouput”: “extend”, “selectInterfaces”: “extend”, “groupids”: GroupID }) for w in hosts: HostID = w[u’hostids’] items = zapi.item.get({"output": "extend", "hostids": HostID }) for e in items: ItemName = e[u'name’] ItemKey = e[u'key_’] ItemLastV = e[u'lastvalue’] print "Name: %s , Key: %s , Lastvalue: %s " % (ItemName,ItemKey,ItemLastV)
  • 13. Items -> Name, Key_, LastValue Name: Host name of zabbix_agentd running , Key: agent.hostname , Lastvalue: Zabbix server Name: Agent ping , Key: , Lastvalue: 1 Name: Version of zabbix_agent(d) running , Key: agent.version , Lastvalue: 3.4.13 Name: Maximum number of opened files , Key: kernel.maxfiles , Lastvalue: 26368281 Name: Maximum number of processes , Key: kernel.maxproc , Lastvalue: 40960 Name: Incoming network traffic on $1 , Key:[eth0] , Lastvalue: 968968 Name: Outgoing network traffic on $1 , Key: net.if.out[eth0] , Lastvalue: 4664 Name: Number of running processes , Key: proc.num[,,run] , Lastvalue: 1 Name: Number of processes , Key: proc.num[] , Lastvalue: 65 Name: Host boot time , Key: system.boottime , Lastvalue: 1532223025
  • 14. Triggers: grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({“output”:”extend”}) for q in grupos: GroupID = q[u’groupid’] GroupName = q[u’name’] hosts ={“ouput”: “extend”, “selectInterfaces”: “extend”, “groupids”: GroupID }) for w in hosts: HostID = w[u’hostids’] items = zapi.item.get({"output": "extend", "hostids": HostID }) for e in items: ItemName = e[u'name’] ItemKey = e[u'key_’] ItemLastV = e[u'lastvalue’] ItemID = e[u’itemid’] triggers = zapi.trigger.get({“output”:”extend”, “itemids”: ItemID }) for r in triggers: print r
  • 15. Triggers: {u'status': u'0', u'recovery_mode': u'0', u'description': u'Host name of zabbix_agentd was changed on {HOST.NAME}', u'state': u'0', u'url': u'', u'type': u'0', u'templateid': u'13508', u'correlation_tag': u'', u'lastchange': u'0', u'value': u'0', u'priority': u'1', u'triggerid': u'13509', u'flags': u'0', u'comments': u'', u'error': u'', u'correlation_mode': u'0', u'expression': u'{12938}>0', u'recovery_expression': u'', u'manual_close': u'0’} {u'status': u'0', u'recovery_mode': u'0', u'description': u'Zabbix agent on {HOST.NAME} is unreachable for 5 minutes', u'state': u'0', u'url': u'', u'type': u'0', u'templateid': u'10047', u'correlation_tag': u'', u'lastchange': u'0', u'value': u'0', u'priority': u'3', u'triggerid': u'13491', u'flags': u'0', u'comments': u'', u'error': u'', u'correlation_mode': u'0', u'expression': u'{12900}=1', u'recovery_expression': u'', u'manual_close': u'0'} {u'status': u'0', u'recovery_mode': u'0', u'description': u'Version of zabbix_agent(d) was changed on {HOST.NAME}', u'state': u'0', u'url': u'', u'type': u'0', u'templateid': u'10045', u'correlation_tag': u'', u'lastchange': u'0', u'value': u'0', u'priority': u'1', u'triggerid': u'13492', u'flags': u'0', u'comments': u'', u'error': u'', u'correlation_mode': u'0', u'expression': u'{12928}>0', u'recovery_expression': u'', u'manual_close': u'0'}
  • 16. Triggers -> Nome,Severidade, Status grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({“output”:”extend”}) for q in grupos: GroupID = q[u’groupid’] hosts ={“ouput”: “extend”, “selectInterfaces”: “extend”, “groupids”: GroupID }) for w in hosts: HostID = w[u’hostids’] items = zapi.item.get({"output": "extend", "hostids": HostID }) for e in items: ItemID = e[u’itemid’] triggers = zapi.trigger.get({“output”:”extend”, “itemids”: ItemID }) for r in triggers: TrgName = r[u'description'] TrgPrio = r[u'priority'] TrgStat = r[u'status'] if TrgStat == '0': print "Nome: %s , Severidade: %s " % (TrgName,TrgPrio)
  • 17. Triggers -> Nome,Severidade, Status Nome: Host name of zabbix_agentd was changed on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1 Nome: Zabbix agent on {HOST.NAME} is unreachable for 5 minutes , Severidade: 3 Nome: Version of zabbix_agent(d) was changed on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1 Nome: Configured max number of opened files is too low on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1 Nome: Configured max number of processes is too low on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1 Nome: Too many processes running on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 2 Nome: Too many processes on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 2 Nome: Processor load is too high on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 2 Nome: Disk I/O is overloaded on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 2 Nome: Hostname was changed on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1 Nome: Lack of free swap space on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 2 Nome: Host information was changed on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1 Nome: {HOST.NAME} has just been restarted , Severidade: 1
  • 18. Report Geral: grupos = zapi.hostgroup.get({"output": "extend"}) for q in grupos: GroupID = q[u'groupid’] GroupName = q[u'name’] print "Grupo: %s" % (GroupName) hosts ={"output": "extend", "selectInterfaces": "extend","groupids" : GroupID }) for w in hosts: HostID = w[u'hostid’] Items = zapi.item.get({"output": "extend", "hostids": HostID }) for e in items: ItemID = e[u'itemid’] ItemName = e[u'name’] ItemKey = e[u'key_’] ItemLastV = e[u'lastvalue’] print "Item: %s Key: %s Valor: %s" % (ItemName,ItemKey,ItemLastV) triggers = zapi.trigger.get({"output":"extend", "itemids": ItemID }) for r in triggers: TrgName = r[u'description’] TrgPrio = r[u'priority’] TrgStat = r[u'status’] if TrgStat == '0’: print "Trigger: %s , Severidade: %s " % (TrgName,TrgPrio)
  • 19. Report Geral: Grupo: Templates Grupo: Linux servers Grupo: Zabbix servers Item: Host name of zabbix_agentd running Key: agent.hostname Valor: Zabbix server Trigger: Host name of zabbix_agentd was changed on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1 Item: Agent ping Key: Valor: 1 Trigger: Zabbix agent on {HOST.NAME} is unreachable for 5 minutes , Severidade: 3 Item: Version of zabbix_agent(d) running Key: agent.version Valor: 3.4.13 Trigger: Version of zabbix_agent(d) was changed on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1 Item: Maximum number of opened files Key: kernel.maxfiles Valor: 26368281 Trigger: Configured max number of opened files is too low on {HOST.NAME} , Severidade: 1
  • 21.
  • 22. Luiz Sales Managing Partner at ServiceMonit Specialist and Professional Zabbix