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        Charles Tsai

           iBooks Author
Social Creatives

                       Social Creatives designs innovative tools and programs to
                       empower today’s change agents. We provide ebooks,
                       workshops, innovation competitions and programs to help
                       individuals master the art of change.

                       Visit to find out more.


                       iBooks Author
Chapter 1


Don’t ask what the world needs. 

Ask what makes you come alive
and go do it.

Because what the world needs is
people who have come alive.
             - Howard Thurman

            American Theologian

                                       iBooks Author

               “How is the world different because you are here?”

               -Bill Drayton, founder, Ashoka

               This is not a question we get asked every day. Or ever. But
               whether you are a teenager or a grandparent, you can sense its
               importance. You might even feel it in your heart.

               We all want to matter. We want our life to count for something.
               We’d like to know we really are making a difference - to someone
               or some place. But that primary drive - for meaning and
               significance - tends to get pushed aside.

               In school, we are told to strive for good grades, to score well on
               tests and get into better schools. And then, if we’re lucky, we will
               get good jobs and successful careers.

               Perhaps then we will matter. But is that really how it works?


                  iBooks Author
You may have a nagging suspicion that all that may            dictated by institutions. Political parties want us to
not be enough - or even satisfying. Most jobs you see         vote for them. They say that’s how real change will
around you don’t seem all that exciting or fulfilling.         come about. Just vote for the right party and elect the
                                                              right politicians every few years.
And you would be right. When people are asked if
they’re satisfied with their jobs, 60 percent say no.          Charities want us to donate and maybe even volunteer.
Even if they are happy with what                                             They say that’s the most efficient way to
they’re doing, the typical worker          Even if you win the rat           scale change.
these days changes jobs every 4.1           race, you’re still a rat.        If only they were right.
years. That means every four years,
everything changes.                                 ~ Unknown                These days, all institutions -
                                                                                    educational, political, social - are
The truth is that for most of
                                                                                    finding it hard to keep up with the
us, jobs will give us
                                                                                    times - to meet the changing
paychecks but not purpose.
                                                                                    needs of our changing world.
If employment is not the
                                                                                    So as institutions get stuck,
answer, what about
                                                                                    individuals rise up.
                                                                                    The Rise of Individuals

The Fall of Institutions

                                                                                    All over the world, people like you
Just like work, our civic life
                                                                                    and me are standing up and
tends to be organized and

                                                       iBooks Author
demanding more. Young and old, we’re challenging             Gallery 1.1 Young Social Creatives

what is by introducing what could be. We’re breaking
old rules by inventing better ones. We take it upon
ourselves to figure out solutions but even when we
don’t “solve” problems, we are creating new
possibilities - for ourselves and for others.

That alone gives us a sense of purpose.

We, Social Creatives, share some defining
characteristics. We…

    Innovate. We create new solutions or simply
                                                             Chris Temple, Zach Ingrasci and two friends use filmmaking and
    put new ideas into play so that we can make              experiential learning to help illuminate the challenge of global poverty.
    things better.

    Amplify. We lift the voices and elevate the             How do we do all this? Through many different ways,
    interests of those who need to be heard. We shine       of course. But one common approach - and the focus
    the spotlight on concerns that need to be               of this ebook - is to initiate projects.
                                                            Launching projects of all kinds, Social Creatives are
    Multiply. We spread solutions and change so             finding new answers to age old questions: How do I
    that more people can benefit.                            live a life of passion and purpose? How do I contribute


                                                     iBooks Author
to society? What are my true talents and gifts? In          If you need more convincing, watch the bonus video in
short, how do I make a difference?                          each section.

Of course, some projects are better conceived and           Together, they offer multiple pathways to change.
generate better results than others. The next ebook         Which one is right for you?
will focus on how to launch successful projects and
                                                                             Whichever one you pick, be aware of
why “projects” are a good way to
                                                                             the fundamental shifts in thinking
think of change in the first place.
                                                                             that they all represent. Four in
For now, though, let’s simply look at                                        particular are:
the wide variety of projects that
                                                                             1) Institutions to Individuals

Social Creatives engage in. Their
                                                                             What drives change is the creativity
diversity is the main purpose of this
                                                                             and passion of individuals. It has
                                                                             always been thus. We just notice it
How to Use this Book
                                                        more because they can operate more
I hope this brief ebook - and the 10                                         independently now of the institutions
project categories profiled - will                                            that have become dominant.
broaden your thinking of how people can meaningfully
                                                            2) Organizations to Associations

engage in change. Each project category showcases
                                                              We still need one another but we group ourselves
one TED Talk. Be sure to watch each one to appreciate
                                                              more organically, not through established
the true potential of each project type.


                                                     iBooks Author
organizations, but by voluntary associations and
  networks of like-minded individuals.

3) Jobs to Projects

  We fulfill our calling not by jobs that pay our bills but
  by projects that we voluntarily take on. We may still
  have jobs but they don’t define us.

4) Solutions to Contributions

  Although we care about solving problems, we care
  even more that more of us find ways to contribute
  our gifts and talents. The more people are engaged,
  the more likely it is that we can solve and even
  prevent problems in our world.

Keep these paradigm shifts in mind as you immerse
yourself in the following inspiring stories and as you
begin your own journey to answering the question:
“How is the world different because I am here?”


                                                        iBooks Author
Chapter 2


   Art is not what you see but
   what you make others see.
            — Edgar Degas

                                    iBooks Author
Artistic   Ask people around you to name something that brings them joy -
           something they would do even if they were not paid - and you
           can count on most of them to mention one of the creative arts.

           Artistic pursuits - writing, drawing, painting, singing, dancing,
           performing and making - have been core human endeavors for
           most of our history. They please our senses and appeal to our
           innate need for creativity and beauty.

           Psychologists today would say the arts put us in “flow.” It’s when
           we are so immersed in something that we forget everything else
           around us. That feeling of unity and “oneness” can be immensely

           Because most of us have some artistic skills and derive pleasure
           from them, we naturally find ways to use those skills for positive
           ends by initiating artistic projects.

           Sarah Kay, for example, uses spoken word performance to
           “entertain, educate and inspire” young people to find their own
           creative voice. Watch her demonstrate the magic of poetry and
           describe the change she creates through Project Voice.


              iBooks Author

                    If I should have a daughter...

                    Spoken word performer uses poetry to
                    entertain, educate and inspire youth.

                Click here.

   iBooks Author
Julia Bacha - One Story, One Film, Many Changes
I’m sure you’ve come across even more obvious ways
that artistic skills have been used for positive ends.                                                   Click here.
    Filmmakers make short films or even feature
    length documentaries about climate change,
    genocide, child soldiers and poverty.

    Artists paint murals to raise awareness of urgent

    Musicians write songs to raise funds for
    earthquake and famine relief.
                                                               Film shines spotlight on story of nonviolence in the town of
                                                               Budrus. [Click picture to play.]
The primary question behind all their efforts is: How
can my artistic skills serve a cause I care about?             Tips:

This question is not just for the “professionals.” Take a      •Use your artistic skills to tell a fascinating
look on YouTube and Vimeo and you’ll see that the                story. Don’t just make pretty things.
best work often comes from “passionate amateurs.”
                                                               •Even if you are doing what someone else has
So what artistic skills do you have? What interesting or
unique ways can you apply them to create positive
                                                                 done - i.e., flash mob, lipdub - add your own
change around you?                                               creative t wist so that your work stands

                                                        iBooks Author
The Art of Life              Safari As A Way of Life
Dan Eldon was a young artist and activist who used photography
to call attention to the famine in Somalia in the 1990s. His
pictures helped mobilize the international community to
intervene and save thousands of people from starvation. Dan was
killed on assignment in 1993 when he was just 22 years old. His
family launched a foundation in his memory to support creative
activists who use media and the arts to create positive change.
                                                                  Watch my CNN profile of       Dan’s mom and sister share
                                                                  Dan Eldon’s life and work.   Dan’s life story at TEDxTeen
                                                                    Click here.                    Click here.

                                               iBooks Author
Chapter 3


       Be the change you wish
       to see in the world.
            - Mahatma Gandhi

                                   iBooks Author
Challenge   What is social change, really? For the most part, it involves
            getting people to take actions or change behavior in a way that
            brings about better outcomes for society.

            That may explain why it’s difficult to “make a difference.” People
            don’t like to change what they do or what they’re accustomed to.

            In order to motivate positive behavior in others, Social Creatives
            understand they have to “walk the talk” and “Be the Change.”

            This is why many projects involve people issuing themselves a
            daunting challenge: run a marathon, swim the English Channel,
            survive on locally grown food, or live one year “off the grid.”

            For some, the challenge allows them to “model behavior” - show
            that it can be done.

            For others, the challenge demonstrates true commitment to a
            cause. That was exactly Lewis Pugh’s intent when he challenged
            himself to swim in the freezing waters at the North Pole. The risk
            he took showed how urgent he felt the climate change crisis had
            become. Watch him recount the harrowing ordeal in his TED talk.

            Challenge projects are attractive for other reasons.

               iBooks Author

My swim across the North Pole

Symbolic swim calls attention to
melting ice caps.

                            Click here.

                                         iBooks Author
Neil Pasricha - The 3 A’s of Awesome
Because they involve risks (of failure), they grab
people’s attention. You want to know how things will
turn out. When they are successful - and even when
they’re not - they offer up good stories. The best ones
will have audiences at the edge of their seats.

So what impact can challenges have? Are they simply
to grab attention and entertain? Just like artistic
projects, challenges are mainly done to raise
                                                                                      Click here.
awareness and shift mindsets.
                                                            A challenge to blog about 1,000 awesome things leads to
If they are carefully planned and they connect people       awesome results. [Click picture to play.]
to simple actions that can be taken (donate money),
then they can also lead to tangible results (funds
                                                             •Take risks but design your challenge so that
Ask yourself: What positive action do I want other            you have a reasonable chance of success.
people to take and how can I model that behavior
                                                             •Align your challenge to the cause so people
to a degree that seems difficult or impossible? Or,
what difficult action can I take that would                    see a clear connection.
demonstrate my deep commitment to a cause?
                                                             •Create a challenge that allows you to learn
                                                              - not just prove - something.

                                                      iBooks Author
Chapter 4


If you want to go quickly, go alone.

If you want to go far, go together.
            - African Proverb

                                         iBooks Author
Collaborative   You’ve heard people talk about the Power of One. Indeed, most
                of the stories in this ebook attest to that. But let’s not forget the
                Power of Many, which is equally if not more inspiring.

                Not only can groups of people do more, they also can be more
                intelligent as a group than any individual in that group. This is
                what’s called collective wisdom.

                The best way to illustrate this is to have a roomful of people
                guess how many jelly beans are in a jar. After each person writes
                down a guess, you can add them up and take the average. You’ll
                find that almost every time, the average - which is their collective
                guess - is more accurate than any of the individual guesses. It
                works like magic!

                There’s magic too when large numbers of people come together
                to accomplish one single goal. It’s hard to find a more beautiful
                illustration of that than Eric Whitacre’s virtual choir, consisting of
                more than 2,000 people around the world who sang together via
                YouTube videos. Watch his account of how the choir came about
                and listen to what they managed to pull off.


                   iBooks Author

A virtual choir of 2,000 voices

Composer leads an online choir of more
than 2,000 singers.
                                                             Click here.

                                            iBooks Author
Luis von Ahn - Massive-scale Online Collaboration
We saw collective action at work at Tahrir Square in
Egypt where protesters forced the ouster of their
corrupt president. And we saw it at work at Zucotti
Park where Occupy Wall Street protesters stood their
ground and inspired similar protests across the U.S.

But we also see it in flash mobs, fundraising drives,
mass clean up efforts, and Wikipedia. They arise out of
knowing that some things can’t be done by individuals
                                                                                 Click here.

In fact, the most inspiring endeavors begin when             The internet allows for collaborative projects of not just thousands
                                                             but millions of people to digitize books and translate the web.
groups of people get together and ask themselves the
most powerful question in social change: What can            Tips:
we create together?
                                                             •Learn to accept that this is not about what
Whatever communities you’re in - online or offline -
                                                              “I” want but what “we” want.
you’re bound to find like-minded people who share a
common desire to contribute. Create an opportunity to        •Make it easy for people to contribute what
get together with them and then ask yourselves                they’re good at.
honestly and openly, without pre-determining the
answer: “What can we create together?”                       •Validate each person’s contribution.


                                                      iBooks Author
Chapter 5


   Good design is a lot like clear
   thinking made visual.
             — Edward Tufte

                                        iBooks Author
Design   Human beings are often called “toolmakers.” More than any
         other species, we invent and use tools to help us live. In turn,
         those tools change who we are.

         We even divide human history by the new technologies that
         emerge: trains, planes, automobiles, televisions, the internet, etc.
         Their power has inspired many of us to invent and improve the
         technology around us.

         Sometimes we make entirely new tools to help us get things
         done. Other times, we simply try to make technology more
         “appropriate” - better suited for specific users and conditions.

         That means we do need to re-invent the wheel - over and over
         again - because no single technology can be useful to everyone
         everywhere at all times.

         When 14-year-old William Kamkwamba read about wind turbines
         in a book, he knew they could never been made in his village.
         Not unless he redesigned them from the ground up and built
         them with local materials. He did just that and managed to bring
         power to his village for the very first time. [Watch this TED Talk.]


            iBooks Author

How I harnessed the wind

A 14-year-old school dropout builds a windmill to power his
home in rural Malawi                                           Click here.

                                              iBooks Author
Arvind Gupta - Turning trash into toys for learning
Change agents everywhere invent, adapt and design
new products and services to meet various needs.
They start with the desire to make something better.

Sometimes, the things they make don’t catch on or
don’t appeal to enough people. And there are times
when new designs actually make things worse.

But occasionally, they come up with breakthroughs
that forever change how we do things.
                                                                                    Click here.
That happens when design goes beyond just making
                                                            One kid’s trash is another kid’s educational toys, thanks to the
something beautiful or fashionable. As Tim Brown            inventive mind of Arvind Gupta. [Click picture to play.]
explains in his TED Talk, “design thinking” starts with
real human needs, uses prototypes to refine ideas, and        Tips:
invites input from everyone involved.
                                                             •Explore various designs rather than lock
Look at your own life and see if there’s something you        into one design, as great as it may seem.
do that has frustrated you because you think there
should be a better way. Ask yourself, How can I              •Design with your users rather than for
redesign objects and environments around me so                them.
that it’s easier for me (and others like me) to get
                                                             •Serve real needs. Simplify life.
something done?

                                                      iBooks Author
Chapter 6


    It takes half your life before
    you discover life is a do-it-
    yourself project.
              - Napoleon Hill

                                        iBooks Author
Do-It-Yourself   Education today is all about the mind. It teaches our brains how
                 to think and reason but it neglects our hands (and our heart). We
                 finish school not knowing how to make or grow things. Whatever
                 we need, we buy. Even cooking - making the food we need to
                 survive - has become a spectator sport.

                 So what’s the problem? All the convenience society provides has
                 made us ignorant of what goes into our stuff. We know nothing
                 about the environmental and human cost of their production.

                 We become increasingly dependent rather than resilient. We rely
                 more and more on experts to do things for us.

                 Mahatma Gandhi, India’s independence leader, argued that true
                 political and economic freedom requires local production. And if
                 you take that away, you also take away what it means to be
                 human. He spun his own cotton and made his own clothes to
                 prove that point.

                 Artist Britta Riley takes a similar approach to food. In this TED
                 talk, she shares the story of how she started an indoor farming
                 project that helps urban dwellers engage in food production.


                    iBooks Author

                    A garden in my apartment

                    Artist shows how you can grow your
                    own food even in a small apartment.

              Click here.

   iBooks Author
Marcin Jakubowski - Open-source hardware
Britta is just one of millions of people around the world
who have joined the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) revolution. It
includes people who make their own homes, their own
food, their own music. They make gadgets,
equipment, and clothing.

Instead of relying on professionals, they try to do
things themselves.

Sometimes, it’s about doing things in a better way.
                                                                                   Click here.
Other times, it’s about learning skills and making
things uniquely our own. There’s a world of difference      Open-source project allows anyone to build their on farm
                                                            machines from scratch. [Click picture to play.]
between a song you write and a song you buy, even if
what you buy is objectively “better.”                       Tips:
If it seems daunting, don’t despair. Do-It-Yourself         • Make use of things you tend to throw
doesn’t mean do it by yourself. You can always count
on other DIYers to help you out.
                                                            • Involve others. Make it a team effort.
So ask yourself: What things do you value the most
and instead of buying them, can you begin to learn          • Learn from others. Teach others.
how to make them yourself and then help others do
the same?

                                                     iBooks Author
Chapter 7


 Education is not the filling of a
 pail, but the lighting of a fire.
            - William Butler Yeats

                                        iBooks Author
Educational   You’ve heard it said before: Knowledge is Power. That’s
              especially true in today’s Information Age.

              Yet, in much of the developing world, many children don’t even
              go to primary school. Here in the United States where all young
              people are expected to finish Grade 12, at least one in four
              students do not graduate. Some schools even have dropout
              rates of over 40 percent.

              Across the U.S., schools are underfunded, teachers are
              underpaid and governments are going broke. Furthermore,
              schools are under such pressure to teach to standardized tests
              that students are not getting the education they need to thrive in
              a rapidly changing world.

              Suddenly, education has become everyone’s business.

              Look around and it’s easy to see opportunities to improve,
              spread, supplement and update formal education. That’s how
              Salmah Khan began giving math lessons on YouTube and
              launched what is arguably the most popular online school in the
              world - the Khan Academy.


                 iBooks Author

Use video to reinvent education

Khan Academy turns education on its
head with online videos.

                             Click here.

                                          iBooks Author
Masarat Daud - Eight-day Academy
The core subjects - reading, writing and ‘rithmetic - are
not the only topics that deserve attention.

We need to learn much that isn’t even taught in
schools - sustainability, empathy, kindness, emotional
literacy, urban farming, cooking, crafts, leadership,
mentorship, entrepreneurship, civic responsibility,
philanthropy, community development, etc. The list
goes on.
                                                                                     Click here.
How will any of this get taught? Only through
educational projects that each of us start up... for          Re-imagines education for all by creating 8-day academies that
                                                              provide targeted learning. [Click picture to play.]
ourselves and for each other. We can no longer just sit
back and wait for the right knowledge to come to us.          Tips:

We can all ask ourselves: What do we know that we             • The best learning is experiential (see next
can teach others? Or we can ask: What do I want to              chapter).
learn and how can I start a project that will teach
me and others that valuable knowledge?                        • Start with a meaningful question that
                                                                others are also trying to figure out.
Curiosity, not expertise, is what enables learning. Don’t
be afraid that you may not know enough.


                                                       iBooks Author
Chapter 8


 Successful people are always
 looking for opportunities to help
 others. Unsuccessful people are
 asking, “What’s in it for me?”
            – Brian Tracy

                                    iBooks Author
Entrepreneurial   Social Creatives seek to provide value to others through their
                  projects, whatever type they are. The value can be social,
                  economic, educational, environmental, etc.

                  When the value you provide is something that others will pay for,
                  it’s a lot easier for you to fund it and keep it going.

                  This is why many change agents favor the “market-based”
                  approach: they create a product or service that both provides as
                  well as captures value.

                  They money you earn goes back to fund the product or service
                  you sell and maybe even generate some profit.

                  When that happens, the project allows you to make a living
                  doing something you love to do rather than work for some
                  company that you don’t really believe in.

                  That’s the case with two university students, Alejandro Velez and
                  Nikhil Arora, who decided to see if growing mushrooms with
                  recycled coffee grounds can work and whether it might be
                  profitable. Watch them recount the humorous beginnings of their
                  burgeoning mushroom farming business.


                     iBooks Author


Urban mushroom farming

Two college cllassmates turn mushroom farming into         Click here.
a business.

                                          iBooks Author
For many, entrepreneurship is not a choice but a              Leila Janah - The Microwork Revolution

necessity. It may be the only way to keep food on the
table. Or it may be the only way to fund whatever
change you want to create.

In recent decades, change agents have been using
entrepreneurship to fund activities that normally would
be paid for by charities and governments. It provides
for a more sustainable model.

Whatever the reason, charging people for the goods or                                 Click here.
services you provide has an added side benefit: it             Samasource outsources digital jobs to workers in developing
gives you a “listening device” that tells you whether         countries, giving them work, not aid. [Click picture to play.]

what you have is something people truly value...
enough that they would pay for it. Their hard-earned
dollars are more honest than survey forms.                    • Your product or service should solve a real
To generate ideas for entrepreneurial projects, ask
                                                                problem that people have.
yourself: What are people willing to pay for and how
                                                              • Test your product or service as quickly as
can I deliver that good or service in a way that
                                                                possible. See whether and how people buy
creates more social or environmental impact that
                                                                and use it and improve quickly.
what we see now?


                                                       iBooks Author
Chapter 9


“Life is not measured by the breaths
we take, but by the moments that
take our breath away.”
              - Unknown

                                      iBooks Author
Experiential   Making a difference often means producing change that can be
               measured, counted and documented. But how do you count the
               happiness of a child, the generosity of a mentor or the gratitude
               of a person you help.

               Life is lived in moments and sometimes, it’s the fleeting moments
               and the fleeting emotions that we want to enhance.

               What good is getting a diploma if we don’t enjoy the learning?
               How great is a community if the houses are beautiful but the
               people don’t talk to one another?

               It’s sometimes said, “There is no way to peace. Peace is the
               way.” The journey is the destination.

               This is the sentiment behind projects involving random acts of
               kindness and “paying it forward.” The experience is its own

               It explains why people like like Charlie Todd creates public
               spectacles, such as the annual no-pants subway ride, so that
               people have a great story to tell from what would otherwise have
               been a mundane experience.


                  iBooks Author
                                Click here.
The shared experience of absurdity

Comedian creates public spectacle to
spread chaos and joy.

                                          iBooks Author
A.J. Jacobs - My year of living biblically
Often the point of experiential projects is not to create
a meaningful experience for others but for ourselves.           Click here.
You can use unusual experiences to help you grow,
learn something first hand and even develop empathy
- i.e., walk in someone else’s shoes.

Writer A.J. Jacobs spends a year trying to follow every
rule in the Bible as literally as possible whereas
documentarian Morgan Spurlock spends 30 days
eating nothing but food from McDonald’s. Both were
trying to provide insights to issues most people care
                                                               How yearlong experiment in following every rule in the Bible yields
about, such as religion and health.                            insights on faith. [Click picture to play.]

And the man who invented sanitary napkins for poor             Tips:
women decides to wear one himself so that he can
empathize with the women he’s trying to help.
                                                               • Use experiential projects to remind people
                                                                 what truly matters.
You can ask yourself: What positive experiences
would you like to create for others so that their life         • Use experiential learning to bring an issue
now can be enriched? How can you use                             closer to home.
experiential learning to advance the understanding
of an important issue?


                                                        iBooks Author
Chapter 10


  Research is what I'm doing
  when I don't know what I'm
             - Wernher von Braun

                                      iBooks Author
Research   When we think back to the research projects we did in school,
           they may seem pretty insignificant - a mere academic exercise.
           But in the real world, well-designed research can lead to
           significant impact.

           They tell us what’s wrong and how problems come about. They
           tell us what solutions work or don’t work. Research is about
           getting answers that don’t reveal themselves in the back of a
           book. Without answers, it would be difficult for anyone to effect
           real change.

           You’d think that a lot of important questions have already been
           answered. We just need to know where to look (after we’ve
           exhausted Wikipedia). But you’d be wrong.

           Things are changing so fast around us that it’s difficult to get a
           clear picture on the most basic things in life, such as our food.

           That was the case with Robyn O’Brien when her daughter had an
           allergic reaction to a typical breakfast and she set out to discover
           what’s in our food we feed today’s children. Her research project,
           now a book, has made her a “real food” evangelist.


              iBooks Author

The Unhealthy Truth

Researching what made her daughter
sick led this mom to become a “real
food” evangelist.

                           Click here.

                                         iBooks Author
Dan Buettner - How to live to be 100+
Research doesn’t always have to dwell on problems -
on what’s wrong. They can also help explain what’s            Click here.

That was Jerry Sternin’s approach when he tried to
address malnutrition in rural children in Vietnam.
Rather than focus on the 65% of the children who
were malnourished, he tried to understand what the
healthy children were doing.

Their uncommon practices and behaviors were then
shared with the rest of the population, which then led     Research into the world’s Blue Zones yields to clues to the secret
                                                           of longevity. [Click picture to play.]
to an 85 percent decrease in malnutrition.
Often, the solutions are already out there. We just need
to see it.                                                 • Be clear on the one question you’re trying to
So the questions we have to ask ourselves: What              answer and why it’s interesting or
important question do I want to answer and how               meaningful to you.
can I try to answer it? How can I help find existing
solutions to a problem I care about and help other
                                                           • Use storytelling to engage others in your
people see that as well?                                     research.


                                                    iBooks Author
Chapter 11


The best way to find yourself is to
lose yourself in the service of
             - Mahatma Gandhi

                                    iBooks Author
Service   Finally, Social Creatives initiate service projects where the
          primary motivation is to create change by helping others. The
          need is clear. What matters is that people step up and do what
          they can.

          We see this whenever fundraising campaigns, donation drives
          and volunteer efforts are organized.

          But even in this category, creativity can be instrumental. It
          matters how you fundraise, how you donate and how you

          A prime example is the Awesome Foundation, a new model of
          giving pioneered by ten young professionals in Boston. Instead
          of just writing checks to a charity or a foundation, they started a
          foundation themselves.

          They chose to participate in the decision-making process of
          what projects to fund in their community and inspire their peers
          to do the same wherever they are. As Christina Xu explains, this
          alternate form of philanthropy allows them to be more engaged
          and more innovative than they otherwise would have been.


             iBooks Author

                    Importance of Being Awesome

                    The story of how 10 friends created a
                    foundation that now has dozens of
                    chapters worldwide.

    Click here.

   iBooks Author
Dave Eggers - Once Upon A School
Young people demonstrate to us every day the power
of creativity in service. They understand that literacy                                          Click here.
programs are not just about the ABCs. They’re about
spreading the joy of reading. So it’s not enough to
hand out books. It’s vital that volunteers make
storybooks come alive by acting them out.

Look in any high school and you’ll see that fundraising
campaigns take on unique twists. Their creativity often
surpasses the typical fundraising appeals you get from
most charities.                                                Dave Eggers popularizes one-on-one tutoring through a creative
                                                               after school program. [Click picture to play.]
What these Social Creatives understand is that we
need to motivate, not just inform. We need                      Tips:
engagement, which doesn’t happen when we are
                                                                • Build relationships bet ween people who give
treated like cash machines.
                                                                  and those who receive.
So how can you create innovative service projects?
Ask yourself: How can we serve a cause in our own               • Use “game thinking” to make your project
unique way? How can we appeal to people’s need                    more engaging.
for engagement or even excitement rather than
their sense of duty?
                                                                • Bring out the joy in service.


                                                         iBooks Author
Chapter 12


   Do what you can with what
   you have where you are.
             - Theodore Roosevelt

                                       iBooks Author
If any of the TED Talks has inspired you to come up           Sign up today at to receive
with project ideas of your own, then this ebook has           the workbook when it’s released.
done its job. Go forth and do them.
                                                              To share feedback and comments and to tell us about
Or if you need more step-by-step guidance, then wait          your project, please send an email to
for the companion ebook - Endeavor: The Workbook.   

The workbook will include:                                    I look forward to hearing from each and every one of
                                                              you and even help out where I can.
    • Dozens more inspiring stories and videos of
      social change projects

    • Step-by-step guide on how to design projects                                                       Charles Tsai

      that lead to impact                                                                          Vancouver, Canada

    • Resources and tools to support each project
      type and how to leverage online platforms

    • Activity guides that help you learn (and teach)
      core skills of changemaking

    • Tutorials on how to communicate your project -
      your endeavor - to others

    • and much more


                                                       iBooks Author
About the Author

                                            Charles Tsai is a journalist, writer, speaker and consultant for social
                                            entrepreneurs. A former reporter and producer for CNN, Charles ventured
                                            into the social sector to help youth design and implement their own solutions
                                            for global change. He has educated and mentored hundreds of young
                                            changemakers through Ashoka, the world's largest network of social
                                            entrepreneurs. In 2009, he helped Ashoka launch its first four global
                                            campaigns to support youth-led social ventures around the world.

                                            Charles also started his own foundation, SOCIAL Creatives, to produce
                                            educational tools and programs that help individuals master the art of
                                            change. He's the creator of the Creative Activist Toolkit, which has been
                                            downloaded more than 90,000 times and is featured on the website of the
                                            World Bank's Development Marketplace. Charles also writes and reports on

                     Charles Tsai
          social innovation for Huffington Post.

       As a journalist, Charles received numerous awards and an Emmy nomination
           for his work. He received a B.A. in English Literature and Rhetoric from the
                                            University of California at Berkeley and an M.A. in Journalism from Columbia

                                            © 2012 Charles Tsai

                                            All rights reserved.


                                             iBooks Author

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Endeavor: The Rise of Social Creatives

  • 1. Endeavor THE RISE OF SOCIAL CREATIVES Charles Tsai  iBooks Author
  • 2. Social Creatives Social Creatives designs innovative tools and programs to empower today’s change agents. We provide ebooks, workshops, innovation competitions and programs to help individuals master the art of change. Visit to find out more. i  iBooks Author
  • 3. Chapter 1 Introduction Don’t ask what the world needs. 
 Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. - Howard Thurman
 American Theologian  iBooks Author
  • 4. Introduction “How is the world different because you are here?” -Bill Drayton, founder, Ashoka This is not a question we get asked every day. Or ever. But whether you are a teenager or a grandparent, you can sense its importance. You might even feel it in your heart. We all want to matter. We want our life to count for something. We’d like to know we really are making a difference - to someone or some place. But that primary drive - for meaning and significance - tends to get pushed aside. In school, we are told to strive for good grades, to score well on tests and get into better schools. And then, if we’re lucky, we will get good jobs and successful careers. Perhaps then we will matter. But is that really how it works? 3  iBooks Author
  • 5. You may have a nagging suspicion that all that may dictated by institutions. Political parties want us to not be enough - or even satisfying. Most jobs you see vote for them. They say that’s how real change will around you don’t seem all that exciting or fulfilling. come about. Just vote for the right party and elect the right politicians every few years. And you would be right. When people are asked if they’re satisfied with their jobs, 60 percent say no. Charities want us to donate and maybe even volunteer. Even if they are happy with what They say that’s the most efficient way to they’re doing, the typical worker Even if you win the rat scale change. these days changes jobs every 4.1 race, you’re still a rat. If only they were right. years. That means every four years, everything changes. ~ Unknown These days, all institutions - educational, political, social - are The truth is that for most of finding it hard to keep up with the us, jobs will give us times - to meet the changing paychecks but not purpose. needs of our changing world. If employment is not the So as institutions get stuck, answer, what about individuals rise up. citizenship? The Rise of Individuals
 The Fall of Institutions
 All over the world, people like you Just like work, our civic life and me are standing up and tends to be organized and 4  iBooks Author
  • 6. demanding more. Young and old, we’re challenging Gallery 1.1 Young Social Creatives what is by introducing what could be. We’re breaking old rules by inventing better ones. We take it upon ourselves to figure out solutions but even when we don’t “solve” problems, we are creating new possibilities - for ourselves and for others. That alone gives us a sense of purpose. We, Social Creatives, share some defining characteristics. We… Innovate. We create new solutions or simply Chris Temple, Zach Ingrasci and two friends use filmmaking and put new ideas into play so that we can make experiential learning to help illuminate the challenge of global poverty. things better. Amplify. We lift the voices and elevate the How do we do all this? Through many different ways, interests of those who need to be heard. We shine of course. But one common approach - and the focus the spotlight on concerns that need to be of this ebook - is to initiate projects. addressed. Launching projects of all kinds, Social Creatives are Multiply. We spread solutions and change so finding new answers to age old questions: How do I that more people can benefit. live a life of passion and purpose? How do I contribute 5  iBooks Author
  • 7. to society? What are my true talents and gifts? In If you need more convincing, watch the bonus video in short, how do I make a difference? each section. Of course, some projects are better conceived and Together, they offer multiple pathways to change. generate better results than others. The next ebook Which one is right for you? will focus on how to launch successful projects and Whichever one you pick, be aware of why “projects” are a good way to the fundamental shifts in thinking think of change in the first place. that they all represent. Four in For now, though, let’s simply look at particular are: the wide variety of projects that 1) Institutions to Individuals
 Social Creatives engage in. Their What drives change is the creativity diversity is the main purpose of this and passion of individuals. It has ebook. always been thus. We just notice it How to Use this Book
 more because they can operate more I hope this brief ebook - and the 10 independently now of the institutions project categories profiled - will that have become dominant. broaden your thinking of how people can meaningfully 2) Organizations to Associations
 engage in change. Each project category showcases We still need one another but we group ourselves one TED Talk. Be sure to watch each one to appreciate more organically, not through established the true potential of each project type. 6  iBooks Author
  • 8. organizations, but by voluntary associations and networks of like-minded individuals. 3) Jobs to Projects
 We fulfill our calling not by jobs that pay our bills but by projects that we voluntarily take on. We may still have jobs but they don’t define us. 4) Solutions to Contributions
 Although we care about solving problems, we care even more that more of us find ways to contribute our gifts and talents. The more people are engaged, the more likely it is that we can solve and even prevent problems in our world. Keep these paradigm shifts in mind as you immerse yourself in the following inspiring stories and as you begin your own journey to answering the question: “How is the world different because I am here?” 7  iBooks Author
  • 9. Chapter 2 Artistic Art is not what you see but what you make others see. — Edgar Degas  iBooks Author
  • 10. Artistic Ask people around you to name something that brings them joy - something they would do even if they were not paid - and you can count on most of them to mention one of the creative arts. Artistic pursuits - writing, drawing, painting, singing, dancing, performing and making - have been core human endeavors for most of our history. They please our senses and appeal to our innate need for creativity and beauty. Psychologists today would say the arts put us in “flow.” It’s when we are so immersed in something that we forget everything else around us. That feeling of unity and “oneness” can be immensely satisfying. Because most of us have some artistic skills and derive pleasure from them, we naturally find ways to use those skills for positive ends by initiating artistic projects. Sarah Kay, for example, uses spoken word performance to “entertain, educate and inspire” young people to find their own creative voice. Watch her demonstrate the magic of poetry and describe the change she creates through Project Voice. 9  iBooks Author
  • 11. SARAHKAY
 If I should have a daughter... Spoken word performer uses poetry to entertain, educate and inspire youth. Click here.  iBooks Author
  • 12. Julia Bacha - One Story, One Film, Many Changes I’m sure you’ve come across even more obvious ways that artistic skills have been used for positive ends. Click here. Filmmakers make short films or even feature length documentaries about climate change, genocide, child soldiers and poverty. Artists paint murals to raise awareness of urgent issues. Musicians write songs to raise funds for earthquake and famine relief. Film shines spotlight on story of nonviolence in the town of Budrus. [Click picture to play.] The primary question behind all their efforts is: How can my artistic skills serve a cause I care about? Tips: This question is not just for the “professionals.” Take a •Use your artistic skills to tell a fascinating look on YouTube and Vimeo and you’ll see that the story. Don’t just make pretty things. best work often comes from “passionate amateurs.” •Even if you are doing what someone else has So what artistic skills do you have? What interesting or unique ways can you apply them to create positive done - i.e., flash mob, lipdub - add your own change around you? creative t wist so that your work stands out. 11  iBooks Author
  • 13. The Art of Life Safari As A Way of Life Dan Eldon was a young artist and activist who used photography to call attention to the famine in Somalia in the 1990s. His pictures helped mobilize the international community to intervene and save thousands of people from starvation. Dan was killed on assignment in 1993 when he was just 22 years old. His family launched a foundation in his memory to support creative activists who use media and the arts to create positive change. Watch my CNN profile of Dan’s mom and sister share Dan Eldon’s life and work. Dan’s life story at TEDxTeen Click here. Click here.  iBooks Author
  • 14. Chapter 3 Challenge Be the change you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi  iBooks Author
  • 15. Challenge What is social change, really? For the most part, it involves getting people to take actions or change behavior in a way that brings about better outcomes for society. That may explain why it’s difficult to “make a difference.” People don’t like to change what they do or what they’re accustomed to. In order to motivate positive behavior in others, Social Creatives understand they have to “walk the talk” and “Be the Change.” This is why many projects involve people issuing themselves a daunting challenge: run a marathon, swim the English Channel, survive on locally grown food, or live one year “off the grid.” For some, the challenge allows them to “model behavior” - show that it can be done. For others, the challenge demonstrates true commitment to a cause. That was exactly Lewis Pugh’s intent when he challenged himself to swim in the freezing waters at the North Pole. The risk he took showed how urgent he felt the climate change crisis had become. Watch him recount the harrowing ordeal in his TED talk. Challenge projects are attractive for other reasons. 14  iBooks Author
 My swim across the North Pole Symbolic swim calls attention to melting ice caps. Click here.  iBooks Author
  • 17. Neil Pasricha - The 3 A’s of Awesome Because they involve risks (of failure), they grab people’s attention. You want to know how things will turn out. When they are successful - and even when they’re not - they offer up good stories. The best ones will have audiences at the edge of their seats. So what impact can challenges have? Are they simply to grab attention and entertain? Just like artistic projects, challenges are mainly done to raise Click here. awareness and shift mindsets. A challenge to blog about 1,000 awesome things leads to If they are carefully planned and they connect people awesome results. [Click picture to play.] to simple actions that can be taken (donate money), then they can also lead to tangible results (funds Tips: raised). •Take risks but design your challenge so that Ask yourself: What positive action do I want other you have a reasonable chance of success. people to take and how can I model that behavior •Align your challenge to the cause so people to a degree that seems difficult or impossible? Or, what difficult action can I take that would see a clear connection. demonstrate my deep commitment to a cause? •Create a challenge that allows you to learn - not just prove - something. 16  iBooks Author
  • 18. Chapter 4 Collaborative If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. - African Proverb  iBooks Author
  • 19. Collaborative You’ve heard people talk about the Power of One. Indeed, most of the stories in this ebook attest to that. But let’s not forget the Power of Many, which is equally if not more inspiring. Not only can groups of people do more, they also can be more intelligent as a group than any individual in that group. This is what’s called collective wisdom. The best way to illustrate this is to have a roomful of people guess how many jelly beans are in a jar. After each person writes down a guess, you can add them up and take the average. You’ll find that almost every time, the average - which is their collective guess - is more accurate than any of the individual guesses. It works like magic! There’s magic too when large numbers of people come together to accomplish one single goal. It’s hard to find a more beautiful illustration of that than Eric Whitacre’s virtual choir, consisting of more than 2,000 people around the world who sang together via YouTube videos. Watch his account of how the choir came about and listen to what they managed to pull off. 18  iBooks Author
 A virtual choir of 2,000 voices Composer leads an online choir of more than 2,000 singers. Click here.  iBooks Author
  • 21. Luis von Ahn - Massive-scale Online Collaboration We saw collective action at work at Tahrir Square in Egypt where protesters forced the ouster of their corrupt president. And we saw it at work at Zucotti Park where Occupy Wall Street protesters stood their ground and inspired similar protests across the U.S. But we also see it in flash mobs, fundraising drives, mass clean up efforts, and Wikipedia. They arise out of knowing that some things can’t be done by individuals alone. Click here. In fact, the most inspiring endeavors begin when The internet allows for collaborative projects of not just thousands but millions of people to digitize books and translate the web. groups of people get together and ask themselves the most powerful question in social change: What can Tips: we create together? •Learn to accept that this is not about what Whatever communities you’re in - online or offline - “I” want but what “we” want. you’re bound to find like-minded people who share a common desire to contribute. Create an opportunity to •Make it easy for people to contribute what get together with them and then ask yourselves they’re good at. honestly and openly, without pre-determining the answer: “What can we create together?” •Validate each person’s contribution. 20  iBooks Author
  • 22. Chapter 5 Design Good design is a lot like clear thinking made visual. — Edward Tufte  iBooks Author
  • 23. Design Human beings are often called “toolmakers.” More than any other species, we invent and use tools to help us live. In turn, those tools change who we are. We even divide human history by the new technologies that emerge: trains, planes, automobiles, televisions, the internet, etc. Their power has inspired many of us to invent and improve the technology around us. Sometimes we make entirely new tools to help us get things done. Other times, we simply try to make technology more “appropriate” - better suited for specific users and conditions. That means we do need to re-invent the wheel - over and over again - because no single technology can be useful to everyone everywhere at all times. When 14-year-old William Kamkwamba read about wind turbines in a book, he knew they could never been made in his village. Not unless he redesigned them from the ground up and built them with local materials. He did just that and managed to bring power to his village for the very first time. [Watch this TED Talk.] 22  iBooks Author
 How I harnessed the wind A 14-year-old school dropout builds a windmill to power his home in rural Malawi Click here.  iBooks Author
  • 25. Arvind Gupta - Turning trash into toys for learning Change agents everywhere invent, adapt and design new products and services to meet various needs. They start with the desire to make something better. Sometimes, the things they make don’t catch on or don’t appeal to enough people. And there are times when new designs actually make things worse. But occasionally, they come up with breakthroughs that forever change how we do things. Click here. That happens when design goes beyond just making One kid’s trash is another kid’s educational toys, thanks to the something beautiful or fashionable. As Tim Brown inventive mind of Arvind Gupta. [Click picture to play.] explains in his TED Talk, “design thinking” starts with real human needs, uses prototypes to refine ideas, and Tips: invites input from everyone involved. •Explore various designs rather than lock Look at your own life and see if there’s something you into one design, as great as it may seem. do that has frustrated you because you think there should be a better way. Ask yourself, How can I •Design with your users rather than for redesign objects and environments around me so them. that it’s easier for me (and others like me) to get •Serve real needs. Simplify life. something done? 24  iBooks Author
  • 26. Chapter 6 Do-It- Yourself It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it- yourself project. - Napoleon Hill  iBooks Author
  • 27. Do-It-Yourself Education today is all about the mind. It teaches our brains how to think and reason but it neglects our hands (and our heart). We finish school not knowing how to make or grow things. Whatever we need, we buy. Even cooking - making the food we need to survive - has become a spectator sport. So what’s the problem? All the convenience society provides has made us ignorant of what goes into our stuff. We know nothing about the environmental and human cost of their production. We become increasingly dependent rather than resilient. We rely more and more on experts to do things for us. Mahatma Gandhi, India’s independence leader, argued that true political and economic freedom requires local production. And if you take that away, you also take away what it means to be human. He spun his own cotton and made his own clothes to prove that point. Artist Britta Riley takes a similar approach to food. In this TED talk, she shares the story of how she started an indoor farming project that helps urban dwellers engage in food production. 26  iBooks Author
 A garden in my apartment Artist shows how you can grow your own food even in a small apartment. Click here.  iBooks Author
  • 29. Marcin Jakubowski - Open-source hardware Britta is just one of millions of people around the world who have joined the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) revolution. It includes people who make their own homes, their own food, their own music. They make gadgets, equipment, and clothing. Instead of relying on professionals, they try to do things themselves. Sometimes, it’s about doing things in a better way. Click here. Other times, it’s about learning skills and making things uniquely our own. There’s a world of difference Open-source project allows anyone to build their on farm machines from scratch. [Click picture to play.] between a song you write and a song you buy, even if what you buy is objectively “better.” Tips: If it seems daunting, don’t despair. Do-It-Yourself • Make use of things you tend to throw doesn’t mean do it by yourself. You can always count away. on other DIYers to help you out. • Involve others. Make it a team effort. So ask yourself: What things do you value the most and instead of buying them, can you begin to learn • Learn from others. Teach others. how to make them yourself and then help others do the same? 28  iBooks Author
  • 30. Chapter 7 Educational Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. - William Butler Yeats  iBooks Author
  • 31. Educational You’ve heard it said before: Knowledge is Power. That’s especially true in today’s Information Age. Yet, in much of the developing world, many children don’t even go to primary school. Here in the United States where all young people are expected to finish Grade 12, at least one in four students do not graduate. Some schools even have dropout rates of over 40 percent. Across the U.S., schools are underfunded, teachers are underpaid and governments are going broke. Furthermore, schools are under such pressure to teach to standardized tests that students are not getting the education they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Suddenly, education has become everyone’s business. Look around and it’s easy to see opportunities to improve, spread, supplement and update formal education. That’s how Salmah Khan began giving math lessons on YouTube and launched what is arguably the most popular online school in the world - the Khan Academy. 30  iBooks Author
 Use video to reinvent education Khan Academy turns education on its head with online videos. Click here.  iBooks Author
  • 33. Masarat Daud - Eight-day Academy The core subjects - reading, writing and ‘rithmetic - are not the only topics that deserve attention. We need to learn much that isn’t even taught in schools - sustainability, empathy, kindness, emotional literacy, urban farming, cooking, crafts, leadership, mentorship, entrepreneurship, civic responsibility, philanthropy, community development, etc. The list goes on. Click here. How will any of this get taught? Only through educational projects that each of us start up... for Re-imagines education for all by creating 8-day academies that provide targeted learning. [Click picture to play.] ourselves and for each other. We can no longer just sit back and wait for the right knowledge to come to us. Tips: We can all ask ourselves: What do we know that we • The best learning is experiential (see next can teach others? Or we can ask: What do I want to chapter). learn and how can I start a project that will teach me and others that valuable knowledge? • Start with a meaningful question that others are also trying to figure out. Curiosity, not expertise, is what enables learning. Don’t be afraid that you may not know enough. 32  iBooks Author
  • 34. Chapter 8 Entrepreneurial Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are asking, “What’s in it for me?” – Brian Tracy  iBooks Author
  • 35. Entrepreneurial Social Creatives seek to provide value to others through their projects, whatever type they are. The value can be social, economic, educational, environmental, etc. When the value you provide is something that others will pay for, it’s a lot easier for you to fund it and keep it going. This is why many change agents favor the “market-based” approach: they create a product or service that both provides as well as captures value. They money you earn goes back to fund the product or service you sell and maybe even generate some profit. When that happens, the project allows you to make a living doing something you love to do rather than work for some company that you don’t really believe in. That’s the case with two university students, Alejandro Velez and Nikhil Arora, who decided to see if growing mushrooms with recycled coffee grounds can work and whether it might be profitable. Watch them recount the humorous beginnings of their burgeoning mushroom farming business. 34  iBooks Author
 Urban mushroom farming Two college cllassmates turn mushroom farming into Click here. a business.  iBooks Author
  • 37. For many, entrepreneurship is not a choice but a Leila Janah - The Microwork Revolution necessity. It may be the only way to keep food on the table. Or it may be the only way to fund whatever change you want to create. In recent decades, change agents have been using entrepreneurship to fund activities that normally would be paid for by charities and governments. It provides for a more sustainable model. Whatever the reason, charging people for the goods or Click here. services you provide has an added side benefit: it Samasource outsources digital jobs to workers in developing gives you a “listening device” that tells you whether countries, giving them work, not aid. [Click picture to play.] what you have is something people truly value... Tips: enough that they would pay for it. Their hard-earned dollars are more honest than survey forms. • Your product or service should solve a real To generate ideas for entrepreneurial projects, ask problem that people have. yourself: What are people willing to pay for and how • Test your product or service as quickly as can I deliver that good or service in a way that possible. See whether and how people buy creates more social or environmental impact that and use it and improve quickly. what we see now? 36  iBooks Author
  • 38. Chapter 9 Experiential “Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” - Unknown  iBooks Author
  • 39. Experiential Making a difference often means producing change that can be measured, counted and documented. But how do you count the happiness of a child, the generosity of a mentor or the gratitude of a person you help. Life is lived in moments and sometimes, it’s the fleeting moments and the fleeting emotions that we want to enhance. What good is getting a diploma if we don’t enjoy the learning? How great is a community if the houses are beautiful but the people don’t talk to one another? It’s sometimes said, “There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.” The journey is the destination. This is the sentiment behind projects involving random acts of kindness and “paying it forward.” The experience is its own reward. It explains why people like like Charlie Todd creates public spectacles, such as the annual no-pants subway ride, so that people have a great story to tell from what would otherwise have been a mundane experience. 38  iBooks Author
 Click here. The shared experience of absurdity Comedian creates public spectacle to spread chaos and joy.  iBooks Author
  • 41. A.J. Jacobs - My year of living biblically Often the point of experiential projects is not to create a meaningful experience for others but for ourselves. Click here. You can use unusual experiences to help you grow, learn something first hand and even develop empathy - i.e., walk in someone else’s shoes. Writer A.J. Jacobs spends a year trying to follow every rule in the Bible as literally as possible whereas documentarian Morgan Spurlock spends 30 days eating nothing but food from McDonald’s. Both were trying to provide insights to issues most people care How yearlong experiment in following every rule in the Bible yields about, such as religion and health. insights on faith. [Click picture to play.] And the man who invented sanitary napkins for poor Tips: women decides to wear one himself so that he can empathize with the women he’s trying to help. • Use experiential projects to remind people what truly matters. You can ask yourself: What positive experiences would you like to create for others so that their life • Use experiential learning to bring an issue now can be enriched? How can you use closer to home. experiential learning to advance the understanding of an important issue? 40  iBooks Author
  • 42. Chapter 10 Research Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. - Wernher von Braun  iBooks Author
  • 43. Research When we think back to the research projects we did in school, they may seem pretty insignificant - a mere academic exercise. But in the real world, well-designed research can lead to significant impact. They tell us what’s wrong and how problems come about. They tell us what solutions work or don’t work. Research is about getting answers that don’t reveal themselves in the back of a book. Without answers, it would be difficult for anyone to effect real change. You’d think that a lot of important questions have already been answered. We just need to know where to look (after we’ve exhausted Wikipedia). But you’d be wrong. Things are changing so fast around us that it’s difficult to get a clear picture on the most basic things in life, such as our food. That was the case with Robyn O’Brien when her daughter had an allergic reaction to a typical breakfast and she set out to discover what’s in our food we feed today’s children. Her research project, now a book, has made her a “real food” evangelist. 42  iBooks Author
 The Unhealthy Truth Researching what made her daughter sick led this mom to become a “real food” evangelist. Click here.  iBooks Author
  • 45. Dan Buettner - How to live to be 100+ Research doesn’t always have to dwell on problems - on what’s wrong. They can also help explain what’s Click here. right. That was Jerry Sternin’s approach when he tried to address malnutrition in rural children in Vietnam. Rather than focus on the 65% of the children who were malnourished, he tried to understand what the healthy children were doing. Their uncommon practices and behaviors were then shared with the rest of the population, which then led Research into the world’s Blue Zones yields to clues to the secret of longevity. [Click picture to play.] to an 85 percent decrease in malnutrition. Tips: Often, the solutions are already out there. We just need to see it. • Be clear on the one question you’re trying to So the questions we have to ask ourselves: What answer and why it’s interesting or important question do I want to answer and how meaningful to you. can I try to answer it? How can I help find existing solutions to a problem I care about and help other • Use storytelling to engage others in your people see that as well? research. 44  iBooks Author
  • 46. Chapter 11 Service The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. - Mahatma Gandhi  iBooks Author
  • 47. Service Finally, Social Creatives initiate service projects where the primary motivation is to create change by helping others. The need is clear. What matters is that people step up and do what they can. We see this whenever fundraising campaigns, donation drives and volunteer efforts are organized. But even in this category, creativity can be instrumental. It matters how you fundraise, how you donate and how you volunteer. A prime example is the Awesome Foundation, a new model of giving pioneered by ten young professionals in Boston. Instead of just writing checks to a charity or a foundation, they started a foundation themselves. They chose to participate in the decision-making process of what projects to fund in their community and inspire their peers to do the same wherever they are. As Christina Xu explains, this alternate form of philanthropy allows them to be more engaged and more innovative than they otherwise would have been. 46  iBooks Author
 Importance of Being Awesome The story of how 10 friends created a foundation that now has dozens of chapters worldwide. Click here.  iBooks Author
  • 49. Dave Eggers - Once Upon A School Young people demonstrate to us every day the power of creativity in service. They understand that literacy Click here. programs are not just about the ABCs. They’re about spreading the joy of reading. So it’s not enough to hand out books. It’s vital that volunteers make storybooks come alive by acting them out. Look in any high school and you’ll see that fundraising campaigns take on unique twists. Their creativity often surpasses the typical fundraising appeals you get from most charities. Dave Eggers popularizes one-on-one tutoring through a creative after school program. [Click picture to play.] What these Social Creatives understand is that we need to motivate, not just inform. We need Tips: engagement, which doesn’t happen when we are • Build relationships bet ween people who give treated like cash machines. and those who receive. So how can you create innovative service projects? Ask yourself: How can we serve a cause in our own • Use “game thinking” to make your project unique way? How can we appeal to people’s need more engaging. for engagement or even excitement rather than their sense of duty? • Bring out the joy in service. 48  iBooks Author
  • 50. Chapter 12 Next Do what you can with what you have where you are. - Theodore Roosevelt  iBooks Author
  • 51. If any of the TED Talks has inspired you to come up Sign up today at to receive with project ideas of your own, then this ebook has the workbook when it’s released. done its job. Go forth and do them. To share feedback and comments and to tell us about Or if you need more step-by-step guidance, then wait your project, please send an email to for the companion ebook - Endeavor: The Workbook. The workbook will include: I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you and even help out where I can. • Dozens more inspiring stories and videos of social change projects • Step-by-step guide on how to design projects Charles Tsai
 that lead to impact Vancouver, Canada • Resources and tools to support each project type and how to leverage online platforms • Activity guides that help you learn (and teach) core skills of changemaking • Tutorials on how to communicate your project - your endeavor - to others • and much more 50  iBooks Author
  • 52. About the Author Charles Tsai is a journalist, writer, speaker and consultant for social entrepreneurs. A former reporter and producer for CNN, Charles ventured into the social sector to help youth design and implement their own solutions for global change. He has educated and mentored hundreds of young changemakers through Ashoka, the world's largest network of social entrepreneurs. In 2009, he helped Ashoka launch its first four global campaigns to support youth-led social ventures around the world. Charles also started his own foundation, SOCIAL Creatives, to produce educational tools and programs that help individuals master the art of change. He's the creator of the Creative Activist Toolkit, which has been downloaded more than 90,000 times and is featured on the website of the World Bank's Development Marketplace. Charles also writes and reports on Charles Tsai
 social innovation for Huffington Post.
 As a journalist, Charles received numerous awards and an Emmy nomination for his work. He received a B.A. in English Literature and Rhetoric from the University of California at Berkeley and an M.A. in Journalism from Columbia University. © 2012 Charles Tsai All rights reserved. li  iBooks Author