Enough with the JavaScript already!

Nicholas Zakas il y a 10 ans

Functional Programming Patterns (BuildStuff '14)

Scott Wlaschin il y a 9 ans

[Practical] Functional Programming in Rails

Gilbert B Garza il y a 9 ans

Symbol GC

Narihiro Nakamura il y a 9 ans

Enterprise Architectures with Ruby (and Rails)

Konstantin Gredeskoul il y a 11 ans

Deep C

Olve Maudal il y a 12 ans

Why Zsh is Cooler than Your Shell

jaguardesignstudio il y a 11 ans

Backbone web apps - design & architecture

Oren Farhi il y a 10 ans

How Emacs changed my life

yukihiro_matz il y a 12 ans

26 Time Management Hacks I Wish I'd Known at 20

Étienne Garbugli il y a 11 ans

Being a Pirate - TEDx Delhi

Deepak Ravindran il y a 11 ans

Rails Best Practices

Wen-Tien Chang il y a 14 ans

Single Page Web Apps with Backbone.js and Rails

Prateek Dayal il y a 12 ans