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Wuhinlrlon 25, D. C., 19 Apri11945
TM 11-6!~, Rodio Sets SCIWlQ9_A and _B and SCR-610-A and _B, ;. publi.hed for the
information and guidance of all oonC<!rneci.
!AG iIOO.7 (I~ 1.~ 16) I
Mojor Grn~",1
n . Adj~taNf G.~ .nrl
CMcl pI SIal!
AAF (S) : AGt- (S) : ASF (2) : T of Opn (5) : [}ept (5); [}ef Comd (2); Bao" Comd (5):
AAF Comd (2); Arm" Sv Bd (2) ; S Div ASF (I); Tech Sv (2); SvC (5); Ana ASvC (2);
woes Lib (5); PC"S (2); PE (2); Dep 11 (2); Gen OverBea sas Dep (Sig Sec) (2);
GH (2) : M Cone C (2) ; Air Ba.. Hoop (2); Gen Sv Soh (5) : Sp Sv Soh (10): USMA (2):
ROTC (5); LIob II (2); Sig AS (2) : Rep Shop II (2) ; A (5) ; 0 (2): Bn ll, 18 (2); C 3, 6.
9. B. 18. 19. 44. 55 (5) ; AI'" (2) ; Three (8) copi.. to each of the follo....;ng: T/0 ok E 3---267 :
&-H)_I : &-12: &-20-1; 6-26; 6-27: 6-29; 6-36; 6-39; 6-W-l; 6-S6; 6-57: 6-67; 6-77;
6-785; 6-97; 6-126; &-121: &-129; &-106: &-157: &-116; 6-177: 6-200-1: &-2125: &-216:
6-217 ; 6-218; 6-226; 6-221 : 6-210--1T ; 6-.127 : 6-329: 6-337; 6-339 ; 6-351; 6-359; 6-367:
6-397: 9-61; B _1 ; 11_15; 11_18; 11-47; 11-57; 11-95; 11- 97; 11-11)7; 11-121; 11_2..17;
11- 287: 11-557: ll-M!7; B...;";97; 11-617; 18-25; 18-26; 18-21; 18-28; 18-36; 18-31 :
19-51; 44_216; 44- 216T; 44-277; 44_277"; 44-287: 55-S7.
lt,r~r to FM 21-6 for uplonotion of di.tribution formula.
I .' .
* '* ....,....
s""''''~ I. r>e.aiption of Radio Seto SCR-609-( ) and SCR,...611).. ( ) .
General ........ , .• . . , ............. ,., ............ , ., ... . ... .
Application of oquipment ... ................... . . ... .......... .
T..hnic. l characteriotic•........................'............. .
Table of componento ... , ... . ... ••.... ....... .. ............. .. .
Fffl<uency opectrum .hart ...... ...... . ....................... .
Pa.hging data .... .. ..... .................... . ....... . ..... .
Radio Re«i,-er .nd Tl'lln' mitter B~59-( ) ... ... ............ .
Cue CS-79-( ) ............... ..... ... .. ..... ..... .. . .... . .
Plate Supply Unit P E-117-C and Pow... Supply Unit PE-121)...A .. .
Difference in model•. "., ...•.••..... ....... ..........•.......
Alill"ment Tool TL-l50 or TL-21Y7 .......... . .... .. ... .. ....... .
Antenna AN_29-C ............. . ................ ..•. . , ... . .. .
Terminal Box TM_218 and Cord C('.-67/ MRQ_2 .......... . ...... .
Antenna Terminal Box... TM_210 and TM-211 and Cordag. CO-282 ..
Remote Control Unit RM- 29-( ) and Remote Control Equipment
RC-261 ..... .... ... . . . .. .......... .. . ...... . .. ........... .
Co"". BG-I53 .. . .... ......................... . ............. .
H. nd.rt TS-13--( )., . , ..... .. .. , ...... , ........•..........•
ea"" CS-137 ................ ..... ........................... .
Wire. W_29 and W_128 ....... ,."., ........... "., ......... .
II. General i""tanation information.
Unpacking. un.rating. and .hetking ............ . ............... .
Repacking information , .... . .......... . .............. .. , . . . . . .
111. In. t. n.tion of Radio Set SCR-609-( I, II'round tran.portable oper·
Rodio Re«iver and T.ansmitter BC-fi.59-( ) ........... ,........ 22 If
c."" CS-.79-( I.............................. ................ 2S 15
AoMmbly ....... "., .. . ,', ... , ........ . .. , ... , ..... .......... 24 15
/I'. Installalion of Radio Set SCR--tII)...( 1. ground ,·ehieola. operation.
Radio Re«iver and Tran, mitter BC-6.~9-( )..................... 25 11
Plate Supply Unit PE-1l1-C.................................... 2fi 11
Power Supply Unit PE-12I)-A..... ... ................. ,... . ..... 27 18
Mounllng ......................... ,................... .. ..... 28 19
Mast Bue MP--l8-( )orM...IBa.., AB-15 '(;R ... . ... . . . ... . . . .. 29 20
Coaxial antenna-matching network.. ............................. 30 21
Roquisitloning anlenna COnIp""enlls. ....... . .. .... . .............. 31 2-1
In.tanal ion of Terminal Box TM_218 .. .. ... .. ...... ,. . .......... 32 24
Antenna Terminal Box... TM_210 and TM-211 and Cordage CO-282.. 33 26
...... TWO. "".." N O _
S,d"o v. R«<!iver and tn.nsmitter controla and their .......
Meter and ....itch . .. . . . ............ . . ... .. , . ........ .
VOLUME-Off' switch ..... • ~ .•: ...... . .. , ... , .. ".
CHANnel .witch . . ........ 1ftv.V~........... . .. ... .... .
Speaker .hutter .. C..: .( • y.{I,'......UNIVi:g-,*~"f':c;.~iA ........
VI. OpenLtion. '-~ '-
Selection of l ite. ...... ... . ...... ..... ... . ....... . ......... ... .
" U
Prepar:ttion of Radio Set SCR-60S-( ) . .. .......... ....... ..... .
" U
Preparation of Radio Set SCR-6l o.... ( ) ......................... . .. ~
Starting p~"re ..... ... . .... . . ..... .. . ........... . ....... . .
" ~
Operating pr"".utionl . . . ................................. .. . . .
" M
Tying down "ehicular ~ntenna .... ................. .. ...... .... .
" "Emerrency wi,.., antenna ........ ........ ...... . ........ . ..•... . .. "Remote control ......... ............ ..... .. ... . ... . . .. ....... .
" "VII. Equipment perlonnance check list.
Purpo.. and u"" of ch""k li.t... .. ............................... 46 33
Equipment performance check li.t for Radio R...,.h·er and Tran. mitter
ac-ti59-( ) .. .... . ..... . .. ....... ....... . ........ .. .. .... . 47 33
Corrective m.""ureg for Radio Receiver and Transmitter ac-ti59-() 4S 34
Co"""tive m. ""u..... for dry battery operation and replacement. . . . . . 49 34
C<>rrective mea.ure. for "ehieular baltery operation........ .. ...... 50 34
•..., ,..... .........."'."'''''_Cl.
s..,..... VIII. P....'·.ntl•• malnleJUl."'" t""hniQue•.
Meaning of preventive m~intena""" ............................ . .
Description of pre"entive maintenance '''''hniqueg.. ... . .......... •
Vacuum tube•.. . .. . ............ . ............ ........... .
Capacitor' .......... ... . ......... . ................ . ... .. . .. ..
Re.lno... . ...... . . . .. .. .. ................................... .
Switch", .............. ........... .... .. ................. . ... .
Multiple connectou . .. ..... . ................... . ........... . . .
B.o.tterieo . ..... .. . ................ . ..... . ... .. . . .... . ....... .
C<>nb and cabl... .. ................... . ... . ....... .. ......... .
Jacko .. . ..... ..... ... . . . ........ .. .. .. ............... . . .... .
Vehicular mast antenna ... ......... . . .
TelekOpie Antenna AN-29-C• . ....
neadset, microphone, and handset.. .
Itemized preventive maintenance.
Introduction . . .. . . ....... . .............. . .............. . .... .
Common materials needed .......... . ... .. .... . ....... . ...... . .
Item I. Ezterior of Radio Set. SCR-6Q9-( ) and SCft...6Io....( ) .. .
Item 2, Antennas.... . ...... .. . . . ..................... . ...... . .
Item 3, Batteri.. and Battery Case CS-79- ( ) ...... . . . . .. , .. . . . ,
Item 4, C<>nb and Cabl••... . ............... . ................. ..
Item 5,, Hand..!. and microvhon•.... , .................. .
Item 6, Radio Seto SCR-60S-( ) and SCR-6lo....( ) . . , .... ..... . .
Item 7, Radio Transmitter and Recei~r 1IC-G59-( ) ............. .
Pre....,n!ive maintenance check list. .... ... .. .. ..... ... ... . . .. . . . .
War Department Lubrication Order.... .. ........... ....... . .. ..
XI. MOiotureprooftng and fun2"iproofing. encountered . . ... .... .... .. . . .... . ...... , .. , ... ..... .
Treatment ................... , .. , . , . , . .. ..... ,... .... ... . . .
Su>·.tep inltructiono for t...,ating Radio Set. SCR-600--( ) and
SCR-6I()...( J .•.•.••••• • .•.• .•. • .• .• .•. • .• ..•..• ••••••••• "
Sttp-by·.tep instructions fOr t reating Power,Su~r.~ Unit PE-12O""A . .
...... HVL ....10 ...,.uctlClHS. 47
S."'''. XII. Theory of Radio Receiver and Traru.mitter SC--659- ( ) , receiver ""'_
General ................... . ....... .... ;.. .................... 79 48
Fi..tradio-frequencyamplifler .ta~ ......... ....... ~ .......... ,. 80 49
Seo:<>nd radio-frequency amplifter a~ . ..... ............. , . ... .. . 81 60
Mixer ........ .......... ...... ,", .... , . .. .. . ......... , ... ,., 82 60
Cryml """illator ............................................ 83 60
Fint intermediate·frequency amplifier otare..... . ................ 84 51
Second intermediate-flllQueney amplifier .ta~, , , _. , , . , . , . , , . , . . . . S5 61
Limiter...................................................... 86 51
Discriminator and direct-current amplifier.... ... ................ 87 52
Audio-frequency power amplif(,r. ............. ........... .. ..... . 88 64
Xlii. Theory of Radio Receiver and TTanlmitter BC-659-( ), tranamitter
General ...................... . .. . ........ . ..... , ............ .
Reactance tuboo modulator and microphone cireu;t••• , •••• ,. ,.,., .•
O.dllator ................................................... .
Buffer-double• ................................................
Radio-frequeney power amplifter." .. "."", .. , .. , ............ ..
Antenna network ....... ................... ........ .. ........ .
Stabili..tion of transmitter .... tinr frequency ............... .. ... .
Transmitter ftlament and microphone elreuit ..................... .
Met... oontrol switch SWlS .. , ................... ....... . ...... .
Meterinr """ket S02 ......... , ................... .. .......... .
,tlr. Theory of power BuWly uniu.
General ...... . .................... , . " . , ........ _....... , ... .
Plate SuWly Unit PE-1l7-C. eireuit analy"'•.......... .. ... ... ....
Power SUWly Unit PE-l20-A, eireuit analy"'• . ..... _.•.... . ....• ..
Cu" CS-79-( ) .. ...................... ... .. , .......... ... ..
xv. Trouble _hootinr.
Generallroubl....hootlnr informnion ............ , ............ ... .
Resi_tanee meu uremtnts ........ .. . .... .... , .... "., .... , .... .
Capacitor te.u .. ..... .... ....... .. ...................... .. . . .
Tube cheekinr . .......... .. .... ................ , ... .......... .
Tn t equipment .. . ........ ..... ... .......... . . ...... ...... ... .
i MUmnr Adapter M-399... . , ................... , ....... , ..... .
TroubhHhootinr pr-oeedu................................. _.... .
Sedionalizinr trouble in Radio Set SCR-609-( ) ................ .
Sectionali,inr trouble in Radio Set SGR-GIG-( ) ......... ....... .
Sectlonali.inr t rouble In Radio Receiver and Tran. mitl<r
BC-6&9-( ) .......iver _lion.................... . ... , ....... . trouble in Radio Receiver and TTan_mittor
BC-6511-( I, traru.mltter _tion, ., ..... ,." _.. . ....... ... .. . .
Loeali.inr trouble in Plate Supply Unit PE-1l7-C . ............... .
Localizing trouble !n Power Supply Unit PF~12I)-A . ___ . _... .. .... .
Loeali.inr lrouble in Case CS-79-( ) .......... ...... ... .... .... .
XVI. Repal.....
Replaeement of pam........ ..... •......... .............. .. ...
RadIo Reeeivet and Transmitter BC-6.I'i1l-( I , normal point-o-point
reaistance values C''... :f: .. ~ .. '~~I~~i;'~~'~'~f~;~ ...,....
"' "" ".. "" ".. "" "" "" .." 00
" "
" "'" "'" "'" "
'" "'" "'" ..'"' "'" "'"' "'" ..'" "'" "
'" "
'" "'" "'" "'" "
'" "U. "
Plate Supply Unit PE-117-C. normal point-t.,.point reaiatance "Aluea
Power Supply Unit PE-12()....A. nornW polnt-to-pomt resl.otance "alueo!
Continuity chec:k& for c...e CS-7~( l. oonb. and ...hle aMernbll..... .
Ru&tproollnl" and repainting. . .... . .. . .... . ..... . .. . .. . .... .. ...
Unuti..t&clo'! Equipment Report . ....... . .. . .....•.... . . . .. . .. .
XVII. Alill"Ill1lent and neutraliution.
, ~
T..t in.otrument. for alilrl'ment and neutraliution . . . ...... . . . ..... · 124 89
A1ilrl'ment of recei"er aeotion ........ . .... . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. •. •• ... 12li 119
Neutral;'lIion . .. . . . . . ...... . ... . ... . ....... . ......... .. ...... 126 90
Minimum test requinmenb!.. . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . ... . . . . . . . ....... 12'1 91
XI'III. Pruettina-.
Preliminary con. iderations .... . .. . . .... . ....... . . .. •...... . . . . . 128 91
in.ot.ucUon.o for pl"ftetUnr.. . ................. . ... . . . ..... . ... . 129 92
Test inotrum"nt. for p......,tting. . . ..... . . . .. .. . .. . . . ......... . .. 180 93
Pruetting proc<!dure uoing VOItOhmmeter 1- 101- ( ) Or other elec·
tronic voltmeter .... . . .. . .. .. . . .... . . . ... .. .. . .. .. ..... . .. •• 131 9a
P",...tting pl"DCf!du,.., uoing alignment indiu.tor or Adapter M-899. . . . 182 94
&nerren"y pruetting ot trarwnitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISS 95
__IX ..............."'MTt __ NUICO ,.,1._..__,..... _ ..................96
.. _NO... . .... . .. . . ... ... .. . . . ............... ..... ...... .... . .. .. . .. ... 97
0..'9" 0111""",
WHY ~To prevent the enem)" from u.inll" or ..Ivq'inll" thi. <:quipmenl for ni. beneftt.
WHlN--When ordered by roureommander.
HOW _1. Sm..h_ U"" .Ied~.. U"". nand""e•• pi.kax... n.mme......row""" .... heavy tool...
2. Cut_ U.., U"'.n.ndu..... m.ach.~.
3. Burn_U.., g.....,lin•• ker_ne. oil. lIame u,rowe,... incendiary Irf"!nad. ...
4. Explo&ive_Uoe llrurm•. ' ....nade•. TNT. •
5. Diopooal-Bury In olil t....nehes. tox hoi..... oth.r nol. ... Throw in•. Scatter.
WHAT-I. Sm••h- AII vlU!uum tubes. cryotal•. control dialo. t..."'stonn.... ,peaker•• microphones.
hud~. power .uppli... inoul.tora, and •• ble connecto....
2. Cut-.AII .onnectin, wires. cording. and cabling.
3. lIum_ AII oquipment and all U$<lCiated field. t..hnical. and in. tallation manuill•.
4. Bend- AU , hafbl. antenn••• and _ •.
5. Bury or ",att.r_AII rem.iM3. after destroying their uoefulneu.
(., Or'9tr 01 If"",
5edion I. DiSCII..nON OF 1AD10 SETS SC14l09 ( ) AND SCl4l10-{ )
I . Ge....ClI
a. Radio Set SCR-609-( ) (fiM. 1) Is. ]0..•
power, f""looney.modu]ated (f.m) !let which i.
d""iMJIed to provid~ two-way wmmunie.o.tioo
(>1.~r ohort diot.ancell fl"()m a wtion..ry ground
.-ition. Power for the operation of the
unit Is lupplied by dry batteries. Radio ~
SCR-609-( ) IlUl¥ be eon"erted to Radio ~
SCR~I().... ( ) (tiM. 2 ) by addinr the compo-
nen.!. neceuary for yehieular mountinM and
open tion. Radio Set SCR-6IO-( ) UIleS. 6-,
12-. or 24-"0It ( v) .to.age battery to IUPPly
the nKeSS.ll..y power. Figure S i••n ov....-&lI
illustration of Radio Set SCR-609-( ).
Fi,... •. R..... Sci SCR-41(}-( ), .....ONI ••~i<I</.o.
b. Th""ughout thi. manual empty paren·
th_ ( ) indkate ....f. ....nce. to all models of .
he equipment. Thu., Radio Set SCR-609-( )
refen to SCR-609-A and _B; Radio Set
SC R~I G- ( ) rofe... to SC R~lG-A and _B;
Radio Receiver and T....n.mitter BC-669-( )
rtfen to BC--65D-A, _B, _H, and -J; Remote
Control Unit Rll-29-( ) ref. .. to Rll_29-A
WId _B; C..... CS-7D-( ) refers to CS-79-A,
-B. and -C; Ma.ot Bue MP-4&-( j ....fe... 10
l[ P-48 and MP-4&-A ; Mounting FT....:1I7_( )
refe.. to FT-317- A and - B; CaptLtitor
CA-403---( I refe... to CA....fQ3.-A .nd _B;
Vibralor VD-1_( ) ....fe.. to VB-1_A and _B;
.and Mountinr FT_250--( ) refer. to FT_250-A
and -C.
2, Applicotlon of Equipment
RadioSebSCR-609--( jandSCR-6IG-( )
are complete i...,taJJalion. and are not IntendeJ
or d""iMJIed for UM'" part of any other oyotern.
3. Technical Charoct..-illics
~'''''Iuency ranJCe ;
T.......mitter . .... . . .. .27.0 to 38.9 ",c.
R"""iver .......•..... 27.0 to 38.9 me.
Type of Signal emitted .... F·m yoice..
Type of Signal ....hich may
be received . ....... . .. •'·m ,·oice..
D A ' .'!tanee ranlr" . ......... pprox. i> m,.
Type autenna u.oo,
Fixed oponotion ....... Tel~pi.c Anlenna
Vehicular opo....lion ..•3-aeclion """,
Tno""",itter output. Ll.w.
Type of """,;ver ......... F·m wperbdu<>-
N~mber of chan,..l"
dyne. cry. tal.
Transmillilljf . ....... ,1-"<1.
R"""iving ....... ... .. Izll.
F""Iueno:-y IK'pa.,...tion be-
l",..,., channel• .. ..... . 100 kc..
Radio Reeeil·.r and Tran.o.
mitler BC-65I1-( ),
tube complemenl . . . .. .1 TubeJAN_ILH4
1 T~beJ AN_ILC6
5 TubeJAN- I t...."5
(,T_179) .
2 Tube
JAN-3B7/ 12"91
JAN-IRI/ I2"94
(VT_IS.'J) .
JAN-.3D6/ 1299
Sllt."S "'''D I(!UCl(£lS
1 'U'ER IIl0fCAllfO!!ilA
P.,.,.u .upp"':
Tra,..portab1e, Radio
Set SCJt....609- ( ) .. In Cue
CS-11J-( I
Reeeivinr •.•.... . ,. B.ttery BA-I.O: A,
.I; v a:nd B, 90 v.
T..........ltth'l" ••... .. Batteriel BA-39
and 8.4.-1.0:
r"~c..., A. I.r; v
.nd B, 90 v:
Vehlc..lo.r. Ra.dio Set
f"'...."'IU.r: A.
'1.& v.nd B, triO y.
SCR-4iHl-( ) ...... Plate S~pply Unit
Power Supply Unit
P E-I20-A. tube
PE-1 17-Cfrom
&.y or l 2-v stor·
ap blttery 0.
~r Supply
Unit PE-I20-A
from r;.y, 12-y, Or
2-4_v 1tOn&e
complement •....... .. . 1 Tube .IAN_lOO6
Plate Supply Unit
P E-1I1-C,
(VT- I84).
1 Amperlte lOTI.
((Implemenl ......••••• 1 TlbeJAN-IOOII
(VT_IM) .
N .... 1.1Iotl! ""...pol..l!10 .... ..w..J.,•.,u.......,
to-~.... In_I BoU• .,. U,..., I, l"0II'I1......
Powu requlremenu :
Power ...pply, tn......
portable .......nd
alation ( Ra.dlo Set
SCR e09 ( J,
dry batten",,) ..... .Rec.i~i"~: B.ttery
BA-I.O; A. U v
• t 0.9-1 amp: B,
90 v at 28 ma.
(receiYer attU 011)
B.ttery 810.-1.0
(neal.....) and
( miUer) .
Vehicular, Radio Set
Rt«;rn-, A, 1.111'
. t 0.9-1 amp; 90 v
at 411 rna.
TnI_;jf"" A, 7.6
vat O.3amp:B.
triO Yal riO ma.
SCIt-6I()...( ) ...••. PIate SIiPply Uni
PE-1I1-C ope•.
Ita from a 6-v Or
Ii-y ItOnp
Plate Suppl,r Unit
PE-1l7-C, at
Power Supply Unit
P E-I20-A OPfer-
ata from I 6-v.
t2_v, Or 2-4_v
.torage battery.
t.2-Y In"ut •.••••••••• . R«rim,: 2..1 amp
(.ppro",. 17 wI.
Plate Supply Unit
PE-1I1-C, .t
S.25 amp
(appro",. 20 w) .
12.• _v Input ..• .. .• •.. . R••flui",,: 2.25 amp
(approlt. 2:8 w) •
2..6 a:mp
(appl"OJl. S2 w). Supply Unit
PE-I20-A, &.V input.. . R.u;.mog: S.O amp.
Power SuPPb" Valt
U amp.
P E-I20-A, l%-v input. .R'ceil>i"Q: 2.0 amp.
Pow... SUpply Unit
:L15 amp.
PE-t2G-..... 24-•• input ..R«riei"".. !.Ii amp.
N_ ....... 110...,. ...~ ••n.. _idor,::t,..- ••_ .....UtloBo. o..~ . 0 "" . 01 <h..... •
• ••1)11 .... '"
• 1I~lvER~ITY OH/,lIFI :lilA
... ,! ucrO:>N
" S·5'
1 000~L;-toIt ,II· n
' ''SUUTO~ I
4. ToW. of Com,......... (lip. 4, S, 6)
•. lW»O Sft SCR-609-B.
JU • •
• D ••
. ~
• . . 
• •
b. RADIO SI"T SCR-61o-B.
'" o.
". ..III o.
'" ••
• on
" ".,
" ••••
• ,.
"' I,,' 11......... 10 ...... _
'.....,,,* .....",.....'"_ ....lit ... .....".
":' ...... ,.....; ...".
5. 'It,,4 ....ey Sp I II um a.c.rt
F trun 7 ,h",.. the location of the .-.dlo eel. in
the frequency opeetrum. Th'- 1",... 1110 . ho...
otlltt .-.dlo HtI wilh ..hlch RMllo Stu
SCR-IOt-( 1 ID!! SCJI.-811)..( ) can com-
6. ,.h,l,.Data
... RIdlo Set SCR 6OD-B " po'hod III two
w"dln boltll:
_.... _.,, 17).f; ,1OJ.i • lno_._· _
17U.:M~' ,,~,••••.
"T.... l.Hf
b. Radio Sel SCR-6lo-a it packod In three
;rooden box":
-- -, - --, na.lOS•la~__._
""• lit . » .17 _••.
•• 11 • P 11li.••_.
"ThloI MIlKI
7. • aclio . ...1..... one! Tra""";itt..
IIC 659-( )
... Radlo Reeeive. IfId Tt-a.......ltt••
BC-&6i-( ) (lit. 4J b ..-I wilh Radio Seta
SCR-609-( ) Ind SCR-610----( ). It it buIlt 011
one .hao'l. Batte..,. SA- oil which ouppllel ma-
ID!! b contabled I.. this unit b hou.aed in I boll
!>ehiDd the front ....el A than"' Iwitch
mounted on the front PI",,1 permlll npid thlnr-
i... to tithe. of two prHet frequenti.. con-
trolled bf plul-In cryoulo.
b. A melerlnl """ket, built In the rlllI! tront
come. of th, ehuala, II ..-I to conntd • mete.
at '1IrIoul pOlntl I.. the circuit for pTu.ti....
a]il'l1JlftlI, &lid teIIU....
e. Altlloulh th_ cue it ....therproof.,! by
the lI8I 01 ...bbR &lid .-1'nr tuketa II all
poinll ..he... moblllTl IIIirt;t enter, • aiUca pi.
daioeato. (I'Ir. 8J Indo.ed In • , pun aIaM bar
ia uled II an ext.. pn!CIution 10 ~ any
molttu.. whleh IIII)' ~t inside Ihl cue. Thl•
d..ic:cato. II not l ullclenl protec:tlon .Ii'lnAl
tropical or a~bll"OJllcal hUlllidity. "RadIo lieU.
u-'td wht .. lu:e..lvi humidity la ~t (or
Ionr pe~ mllli ba t reated by I pn.flnr with
moiatu.. and ('-luiatant v.mith, unleu
aIrtW:I treatld. by the manllfllclurer.
d. T'wo cable IIlppoft'nr .tn.e- ~ attac:hed
to lhe cue of Radio ~Iv,.,. &lid Tr&natrIitter
BC-6lii-1l &lId...,J to prewnl """'lITcord (an"..,
whkh relulu. from IwinJinr 01 the coni loop.
f. Two eradle bracketo and two al..~ Ire
pro~lded on t hl top of the ca.H tor carryinr Ihe
teJo:oIlOOPIc: antenna (~,. 'I.
, . Clipe an! prvoided to fut.en tht '"'!eel.,.,.
aDd I.....mllu.. to battery ea.. C$-7e-( l.
P!J,le Supply Unil PE-1l1-C or Powi!. Supply
trJlit PE-I20-A. WhM not In 11H, the di.,. may
be a1ipped In the t..,per din!l:U, ~. All 01
the componenta hive a luthe. handle for ct.r.
ryi.... R.r.dlo Reoelver and Tt-anamltU'r
.BC--Mi-( ) and Cue CS-19-( ) hI~ D-
.In... Into whleh ue IUlIlpptd heavy ..ebbed
atra.,. to ...111 ,n ct.' T)'in,.
II. Adapter )1-'199 (pa• . 10 fJ 1.IAued (0. In-
,tanallon, tn thoM .ta which do no!. 1...:lude ,
1II ..fRITY( ("'Uf("~~
. .
" 'k
".1 l I .-• UNIV!k;(lY Of (AIJfOI'NIA •
TL 14,..
... f.ctol'J' lutr.lLation (1Ia;. 9), It -..i.h of
• metal braeket 00'1 whieh La mounted I tel'll'llrlal
bIoek and • doubl6-~. doub*lhrow, OFF.
ALlCN, lllcll •.,ltch that ia COIIIH!I:ted Io • .pa-
n."" lube _tet adapter plul" with. meterl,..
pl"Obe lead. The Iwiteh at.<> II con_ted to the
""nnlnal block and h... two "'p".ate lead.,
The bratktt ot Adapter M-399 I, dulrned for
pilnnantnl IIUIlalLatlon in Radio R_lvt. and
'I'........lttn BC-M~( ). WMn It La I...t.alled
and the connectJon. made P'...... ly. the ,.t.pte,
.-itch at ALIGN .........m tMreoei«rampllt-
.up or the.t Into an electronic .....lmtteT d r.
elll! utllldnr t!l.e panel met..- of the Itt. Tha "".-
nIlu the chaqincof channel$ .. well .. complete
alilDment of the let without uoinr an
met.!r~.wlth It.. adapler . ....telI at OFF, Adaplu
M~99 d_ not Interfu-e with thft onIlnal'1 U.H
of the let..
1. A cover and Ihutl~. p~ta the loud·
.peake. In Radio Receiver and ~.mltler
~( I a..llUIl eoocu..1001 r...... n tiLlery
II~ ThLa co"" _lib of • ahuttu and """a1nr
(11,.3). Radio Seb ...... in ..... that do not be,"
a . ~ rr h.. cove. ohould be ...turned to Sipuol
eo.". HpaJr IhopI .. lOOn .. p*'bIII to be,
equipped with OM.
I. eo.. C~79-{ )
... BatteI')" CaM CS-79-"( )' ·(flr. ~ )' conl.IN
Batterlfl B"-39 .nd 8"-'10 whkh IUPP!Y
-, .- ,
power for Radlo- Rete;'-er and TrallAmimr
!iC-659-( ). The batterl.. a~ h~ld _urely in
piace by otra"" and retainer . prinp. Space il
..,....ned in the cue for carryill¥ the hlnd..,t.
alignment tool. and a eoll of wire tor 1M au~il­
ilry antenna (fta-. 10).
9. Plate Supply Unit PE-lll-CMd
Po_.Supply Un;1Pf...12o-A
... Pllt. Supply Unit PE--ll1-C and Power
Supply Unit PE---l 20----A (~r. 4) are vibrator_
type power ,uppliea deeJgned to furnish pow...
for Radio s.t SCR-IIH1- ( ). Elth.r may bo
_Olio _wHO, .........._ .... ITOQO ...... .... 0."_....0 ........ lC"U,," ...IT...."". ,......
Pi. .... 1•. Co.. CS-"-( }. 1.,....... ,.;••
b. ea... CS-79-( ) and Radio R_ iYi!!' and
Transmitter BC-659-( ) Ii'e futened together
by the e.t<:h--cli"" altached. Thll combination
become, Radio Set SC~( ) for r l"Olnd
tl'ln.portable operation.
C. Case CS-79-( ) II . leo aupplied ..-;th
vehicular Radio Set SCR-61(l-( ) : if net('$-
sary. the equipment can be removed from the
vehicle and optrlted .. a ground alalion. The
""bAtitu!ion of batterY Case CS-79-( ) for
Power Supply Unit PE---l20----A or Pblte Supply
Unit PE-1l7-C I>"rml'" operallon Independent
of Ih. vehicle.
d. The dUl l cap which I. f..tened wilh a
chain to the cable and conductor uaembly from
the eolltu of power protecto Ih threldo of the
eonne<lor and ke.1HI foreim malter out of !he
"""kft when it ia not in u...
oupplied .. a component. Plate Supply Unit
PE-1l1-C to de"igned to be conn..ted 0 a 6-
or 12.volt .to~ battery in any type of vehicle.
Power Supply Unit PE--I20----A. d••llgned to op-
el'lte from a 6- 0' 12.volt .orate battery In any
vehld•• aleo operates in vehicl.. which hive
24-volt go~ batteries. The CMe hOll.'!ing
either of the power aoutcea 10 .imillr to c....
CS-79-( ). and h.. cliPI' provided 10 that
Radio Receive. and Transmitter BC-669-( )
can be mOUDted on top of. and _ured to either
pown IUPP!Y.
b. For in.taliltio" in vehicle. or a"y inolal1a-
tion . ubied to uoe".ive vibrltion. th~ entire
aaeembly may be futened to .hoek Mountlll:
F'l'- 2G(l...( ) (fig. II). Space i. provided within
lob' .... torcarryinr either Hand...1 TS-13-( )
(Ilk. S)c" coil of Wire W_29, . " tenlion Cord
, ~, ,r ,
I,;lJ..-<>O~, or ........, Qi.-lil"i <UIol><",,"1I' II~ ext....
cry"tal&, .""no Fu.., HJ--38. a . ""re vib....tor•
•IJd a .""... electrolytic eopacitor. The vibrator
and eopacitor ar~ of the p!ui:-in t)'P" for easy
1';,. .. 11. ",...h _, " T_UI)..( J. ;"0,.11. .....
10. in
Radio Set SCR-609-( ) is deai,Jllrd for either
ground tran.portable or Ibed o~"'tion. It I,
comP<led of Radio Receive' and Tnn.smllter
HC-%9-( ). the ""ntai"". for dry batteries
(Ca.w CS-79-( )) .•nd .dditional ""mponent...
G. Vehicular Radio Set SCR-610--A ron,iolo
e....nU.11y of Radio Receiver and Tran.mitler
BC-659-A, B0-659-B, Or BC-659-II, and either
Plate Supply Unit P&-117--{; or Power Supply
Unit P&-l 20-A.
b. Vehicular Radio Set SCR-6IO--B co...llu
_nHally of Radio ~iver .nd Tran.mltter
BC-659-J and Powe, Supply Unit P &-I20-A.
c. Radio Receiver and Tnnomlttero
BC--6!i9-A and BC-659-B ~ ldenti..1. The
....nix Indi..teII only a dilfere""" in procurement.
d. Radio R....lver and Tr....mitter
BC-659-H dlffe.. from BC-659-A and _B only
in the methoo the radio rtt:elver and tratwnltter
Ia held In tlte eo... The il ...moved from
t he cue by unf..tenln, two eoteh...,li~ one on
neh side of the front panel, i...tead of "''''''yinr
the 10 ecre"', .. In earlier models. A .peakel'
""ftr ",Ith .hntter and t"'o cable IUpportin,
,trap! were added in production to BC-6:i9-H.
~. Radio Receiver and Tnnomltter BC--659-J
ie Identlul to Radio Receive" and funlmltte"
BC-659-A, _B, and _II, but ha. the foUo"';l4I
addltlo.... The .....ntial """,pan'nU of Ad.ptn
~1-.3111 K.... r><rma". "Uy ;n.t"l100 at the I""tory.
The outpUt t....ndormer hso been <han,.,.:! to
provide an ulra Imped.nce-matchl~, tap to
accommodate a 250-0hm load In additIon to the
4,(lOO.Qhm load. A label on the inolde <h....l.
"'all indleat... the man...r in which the chanre
of impedance .lhould be made. A reYeroibie metal
ta, Is moubled ..... the phone jack to Indicate
the Impedance ""~n...tion at the time the set left
the f"dory. All Impedanu challgeA ~hould be
ao:ompanled b)' a cor....ponding nlYeru.] of the
II. AlI"......nt tool Tl-150 01 Tl-207
At~ment Tool TL-150 la an IMulated ec~"'­
driver tilled to make tunini: adjllOtment. when
ne", chaD~ela a~ ..t up or Radio Re«iver and
TraMmitter BC-659-( ) il retuned. Align_
ment Tool TL-207 (~,. 5) used for the
purpoee, la a hu&~na1 wrench which loosen.
and tlrhten, trimmer locknut•. Thi. tool i.
normallyeolTied In ea..e CS-79-( ).
12. Antenna AN-29-C
TeleoCople Antenna AN-29--C (lig. 3) b pro-
vided for lW) "'Ith th~ radio rt«h..,r and trons-
mltter when It io operating .. a vound t..ns-
portable unit. Thla antenna may he ecrewed
qukkl)' to the antenna tenninal located at Ihe
rear of Radio Receiver and fuMmitter
80-659-( ). Thil antenna, when flilly e,,-
tended. 10 appror.imately one.half "'.,·elength at
the eenter of the frequency ran,. of the radio
..t. When not in "lie. It i. ,trapped to the lop of
the re«ivel' and t",n"mltter cue (ft,. 4).
13. t • •!ax TM-218 and
Cord CG--671MR0--2
... PUUOIIJ!. Terminal Bo:< TM_218 ( fI,. 13)
and lXIUial Cord ~1/MRQ--2 (!lIt, 0 In.) Or
Cord ~1/MRQ--2 (15 ft. 0 in.) are provided
for IMtanatlono whe~ Radio Set SCR-610--( )
i. located ""'~ than 3 (eet (rom lias! fia...
AB-lS/ GR, MP--48, or MP-48-A. The terminal
bor. and lXIUial eoble mlllt be UBed with Maot
a.... AB-15/ GR and a tho eo "e:lion antenna
""n.trueled of M..t Stello... ~1 S- 1l6, MS-t n,
and MS-118, or with M.n ~ MP--48 Or
MP--48-A and a throe "clion antenna con_
,tmeted of Mast Stetlan. M~l, M~2. and
MS-6S. A S-foot length of WI... W_l28 may be
used to """nect Terminal Box TlI--218 to the
maat Moe "'hore the lnotallation permit. the
location of the radio ..t within thl' dista""" of
the m..'~.
".ST RCTIOII " S'ill
".lOT USE 41'i51GR
b. TERMINAL BOx TM_218. Terminal Box
n l_218 i. approximately 2* inoheall<julU"e and
2% i""he' deep. On the top or the box i. a poI!!
F;'-.. " . r....;oc/ D... rJl_.". u.~. ,"1(... ,..-_.;oj <aioIo ,,..j.;'"
for mounting },ntenna AN_29-C and .. ·b'nding
poAt tor conn""lion ot Wire W-I28. On the bot-
tom of the box iI a cl>8Xlal cable eonDector ond
a rigbt-angle adapter. Inlide the box IA • ohang...
II.S"I S£ellON liS·',.
!U24'I J
onr link, An inatn>etion label illocated in, ide
the eover.
c, CoRD CG-G1/ MRQ-.2. Cord CG-61/MRQ-2
i. made up of ",*"ial cab'" with a connector
at each end and io available in 9-foot "'nft,," ror
i:utalJaUona 'ot Radio So:t SCK-6t()...( ).
Caution: Do not <1It the cord turniohed for
the in,lallation••inoe u... ot a eord or random
length may ""nit In e"",,!ve /I",,] ampUfer
plate current and oomed.....t tube..
14. Ant...nn T...m;nal80"M TM-210 Clnd
TM-21 1 nnd Cordosle C~282
.... n:JUtNAL Box TM_2t O. Terminal Box
TM-210 i. 2~ incheA aquare and l 'At inch...
deep (ftll'. 14). It eont.ina R .pring contact
mounted on a phenolic plate, a matching tram-
former. and . damp ,..hich hold. the t ran...
former in place. On one .ide ot the box II
• cable eonneclor into whleh the eonn«tor on
the end of tM "","xis! cable n~. The ground
Itrip attached to the inside of the box i. slotted
at One end and has a hole et the other. It I.
% inch ,..ide by 1 ~ incheA Ion!!" (uoe<i ....ith
Terminal Box nl-211 and Cordage CQ-282).
b. TEJI"INA~ Box '1':.1_211. Terminal Box
TM_211 (fig. 16) il 2 Incb.. "'!uare ~nd t ':!
Inchea ,,·ide. It eontai.... a matching trauformer
with ludo whleh eonnect tGt....o terminal IUgI
on the ou~de of the bolt. It to filled with pitzh
r'-' --
F;,-. U . T...d :J JIM TM....l ..
and II U,1I1 ""rmanently _led (1Ued. with Ter_
m l....1 Ilo>< TM~210 and Cordap ~ ) .
e. COaDMlE CO-282. Cordi" CO-282 <:On-
. 11t. of I"" n«en"T Ie~ of coulat able
for th. t¥-pe o( ;IUIta1laUcm to be IIWk. The
'..!11th at t.Im (Able depf!bcb on the di.staDce
bet__ th8 nd1o ..t ...... Ole rnNt bull (1Jad
_lUt Termlnal Be""e. TM-210 ...... T)(-211).
d. RJ:rt.r.Cll:lI!Et."'f. Termi.n.ol Do. Tlf-218 and
Co....." CG-61/l1RQ-2 (J*r. lS) wID ~..taoe
TermlM] Bon, TM-210 end TM_211, and
Cord..- CO-~ On tulU" proo:ul'ftMnta. It
T ermln.l Boll TM_218 illIrnllhed with Radio
Recelvtt and Tn......"ittu BC-&9-( ). the
box "'.....t be ...",ond and the ar>lf-nn. mount-
i.... block .-mbl1 and T,...",hlal Bo:I: TM-210
''''!aIled In ill pW:e ""toni Oporatlnc with
Mut Bale MP-48-.( ) lutalled hI the'"
15. lama.. Conliol Unit tM-29-( ) one!
Ih_I. Control E'1utp'••nt IC--261
TIlt temotli tonlrol unit. .,.1LNd with, but ....
not I"'rt of, thae radio ~
... Remote eoDtro] Uult RH--29-( ), fa
CO!Ijllnctloll :with .. titld tel~boft, ulllt, pro-
vld", tor o:ommunluHon at point. ...mot. from
the 'location of tho! radio .to See nl 11-308
for fllrthtr Lulruc:tlOILI nt.rdlne the 11K of
It. Rfmote Contrd Equipmeat R~t. III
eoajulldlon with lIierophoneo: T_17 alld H~_
oet. HS-SO-U, pnwid.. for romote OJ)ll'..I;OII
and ..olee eo"""unlatlon ",'U th_ r.dlo IO!ta.
nefer to TM 1I-U.S2 for complete Information
on th, UMI of thl. equlpmtnl.
16. eo..... IG-153
Thloo ilia ....w ~ptllent nnn. COYtr equipped
with two IlIp openl,... for the Int.n....nd the
conUOl ~ It Ia lIOt to be "moved from
RadIo Set SCft...609-( ) or SCJt..4IO-(
duri... oJ)ll'''lion.
17. ........set TS-I3-{ ) (~. 5)
Thll compOnent eon,lot. of • h.ndJet hlndle
In whkh ... mounted the pl18h.IO) . wltch,
the mouthpiece (mltrophont) .nd the .,.. pl....
(rec:th'er) unlto., Cord C~9-I Wnolnata:l I!,
Plll" PL-66 ..hleb I. Iflltrtai In PHONE J..k,
and Plu&" P~ wbkh 1.I"Otrttd In MIC JadE
on tlHI front putl of the ...s;o ~Ya" and
1'. Ca.. C$-137
~Ittal Cue CS-187 for 121l cryotall and ery.lal
Holder FT_2-&3, Ia built In two compartment..
hl,..ed In th, middle ... that the UPJ)II" eompart-
mlmt eoven tile lowfl'. Thla tue nn be tarried tile _ of Power SUPPlt. .Unit
19. Wlrft W_29 a .... W-12'
Wi.. W-29 (ft&". 5) Ia IUppli«l In 2"7-foot
len,u.... It I, wfatllerprooftd, lnaulated. pboo.-
p/lo. -bron.ed, . t••nd"; ai,..le.condutto. wire
with, 'IN!nrth ot 200 poundl. It I, ueed .. an
auxiliary .ntenna for Radio ~I~. and
TrlDamlter BC---M9-( ). Wi... W_I28l1lup..
plied In ' ·foot lencthllDd II "lied tor lbe In·
I.tnna Ie..t.ln wi... In ..dinllar lnatallatlona
....ho... the IDtenna and ndio IIrl .... ~ttd
by leu than 3 t.,.t. ThilIt!ad must 1M eIIt to a
1tncth of u.cUr J1 i...l_lnd connecttd from
th malt t>a.. to the antenna terminal. It the
llepa•• tlon I, 181 than 8 feet; UMI till 81·1nclt
InFh and eon Iny H efti. Wire W- I28 IUJ)II'"
eed.. Wire W_1H. Field ex",rl~ Indltate•
that Win W- t26 II "....tW..tory II III lUI-
u,nn. Itad-In, beocallM the innlation deterIora-
tion from u»)IIure to wNther eventuallr ...
ult. hi JTOIlndlnr or Ihe antenna 1.0 melal pt.N
of vehlelea hi whleh the ....dlo Ht Ia in.t.&llecl.
Section II. OINtI..... INSTAII.noN fNfOlMATION
20. Unpoclclng, U....ating, and
... GtNI:ItAL. The <:onlenta or.U pacup. .re
.tenciled dl"",tly on the I>M. A p""klnr llip In
• nloistureproofod inclooure ltaplod 10 h, box
i. furlher protecta! by a hea'-y ..... wproof
paper coverin,. An or. nre b.nd pllnted .round
me ""nter of the box Ind. &trIpe painted ""'tON
eadI end indicates pauartna for upon.. E,,_
port ptlckin.. i.labeled. "Pr.c:kecI with dtbJ'd....t-
i.... .,..,.to 00 NOT OPEN UNTIL READY
FOR USE." All did; Indiateo that the
box II part of I r.hipmenl One lllni three ('A)
On box No. 1 Ia Interpreted .... MBa" No. 1 of S
boxe. <'«Iulrod to <:omplete one rl dlo MI."
b. RADIO SITSC~( ). Be1o... unpac:k_
In,. plr.c:e the wIt... near their IInll deatina_
tion .. <:onv~ni~ntl,y pouiblt. Flrl t clip the two
metal band. bindin, the box. Uaillla nIH puUer
fif av.ilable), .e"....e the top of the boll. T.....r
Open th. wlterproof box liner Ind, If pr.c:ked
fO'!' export, the moiaturoproot and v.porproof
borrler. If Ih........ 1f'e av.ilabl~, cut 011' the heat-
...Ied edp 00 that the bq u n be liNd ap,in
if noctMa. y. Look for another """kin, .Iip
lnalde th8 box. Lift out the eomponenta un-
tull1 .nd in.poet for d.....r-e. Ch«k eompoTl_
~nla ....In.t lbe pr.c:l<i.... oIip.
e. RADIO S&T SCR--Olll-( ). ( I ) Th. 1111-
pack;n, of Radio Set SCR--OIIl- ( ) 10, in
~ne...l. .;mllar to that of Radio Set
SCR 609- ( ). H~pt that th~re .... more
component&. Since the mountin, It In bo_ No.
2, IInpad it tI~t, in. tall it in ita ft"al plr.c:e,
hell. p. ocnd with the IInpaelti.... ot box No. I ,
the tra",mll~ .nd r«eiVtr, .nd llnal" bo"
N o. S. contalnlnr th, .....Uer cornponflltt.
(2) UnPflck box.. No.1 .nd 2 a. In b above,
beinr c....fll) to u rry the major component-.
..-ith the handle provided. Do not PilI) on the
ubl'"- ~o... unpackinr boJr. No. S, be to
have I pLac. <Heir to put the parta .. ther are
nm'....ed from tho bo•. Prona! In the ...".,
I"tMnJ manner .. 'll"ith the other, m.c:k.
1...- com_UIa ....In.ot the paockl...-lIIlp .. tlq
.................. &lore dlapOlli.... of the p.dd....
mau,rl.l, double chock api...t r.c:cldental 10M
of compontnta.
Caution: Do not nmove the varnl. h IPPUod
to vllal parll or the ..t for proec:tion 'rlln. t
funl'l'll ..rowlh .nd moiltun.
21. "pocIclnt Infor...ation
... RADIO S&T SCR-609-( ). If Radio Set
SCR-609-( ) I. not 111M tor 24 h...... Or
mo~, removt the plu,. from BaUerle. BA-a9
Ind BA40 eonlalned in Cuo CS-19--( ). If
the ..t i, &hipPf(! Or .tond for 30 day. Or mo.."
nmoVe the dry batu,.I.... Indudl", Internal
Battery BA--tl, ;nide Radio Recelyer .nd
Tr.nomlttar B~59-- ( ).
b. R4Dlo Ra:zlvo AND TLUl8.1h II U
BC-659--( ). Inlpeel. the desi....tor In the b0t-
tom of the houl.... of Radio R«ei"". and
Tranamiller BC-659--( ). If a pllIli: color I.
vWble thou", the perlontialll ill the cooe.
plat~, reactivate or nplr.c:. the dth,rdratln,
."",1, .lIia r-el (par. 117.).
22. I""io l eceI..... and Tran_m..
&C-6S9--{ I
o. Radio R-'ve-r and Tnnamitw
RC-6.9--( ) i. &limed Ind pre.! .t th. fac-
torr on chl ilnel. 2'12 one! 281. Th.Ht I. &hIpped
w;th all lube. in their _lee", and crYltal. for
channrl. 272 and 281 inltalled, bllt ...Ithout
b. The chauil of Radio Receive. and Trana-
mitten B~9--A and B~9--B are hflcl ill
the by ..,rewa. To remove the ehau..
from the h....ll. .., u....,..,... lhe 10 Ie""... OJI the
outer edl1l of Ih' front panel ...hid! Ia at*hed
to th. chaul.. Th.n pull forwud on th. front
.. Th. choaal. of Radio Recelyer and Tra_
mllte.. BC-659--H and BC-669-J I .. h.ld to
the ho~lln, b1 t.... cltch-cllpa, To nmovl !bll
'II~{R IIY{Ji' (AUfC 11IA
I.. Loc:oto the bo.t~l'J' bolt at he ~rt r....t
_ r of the chauia. Talle ....t he 4 .......llnd
.. ~ Battery SA...c! In the bo~ (Ii,. 16).
bei", ..""rill 1<1 enrll:' the pili" tolTtdJr in
tho batlel"7 _ ket. Replac. the baltery box
coyet .nd .....w..
C..tlon : Do not inta"th'np tl"7.u.ll. Doinjf
... 1"«1111_ realignment of lhoe equipment be.
fo.... net eomrrIliniution u n be utahli",".
/ . ~ot. 'hoe ~hanMlo of the • .,..111. that a...
In the Itt. Mark U- channel. Oft the Iabdo
....... ,hoe .hannel "tlfCtor ....itch mark" CHAN
on the front paM!.
f . Be lure thlt the prolle' tr)"ll.l~ .... In
"lace (baok_t....bark with n.m~"IA'.. faeinll"
out) . Ind th.t the . ",. ,"I_m.lnl"lI" . llp i. in
I>OI;llon to bold tMm Check to _
th.,.11 tllbeo I .... _ud firmly In Ihelr _ kets.
lla" ttrtain th.1 1M t..-olorrle •..-ild"o. SWt
Ind SW2 (fta-. 17) , Ioeottd nur the left tdge
ot the chauil, .... thrown ON.
i . On he dIaMi..o of the Radio Reoei..... &lid
TTlnemltter Bc....M9-J, the O.-F-ALIGN .Iide
I witch adjacent to the batlft")' box .tIould be
In Ihl O.-F poIIltlon.
i. Slide the ( hUlli. bAtk Intn It. houlinll".
ml.lnll III... that the Jrllket II properl)· _ ted.
21. Co.. CS-7~ )
()pen ballerr C- CS-7S-( ) and 1....111 bat-
teriel BA~9 Ind BA...cOwith tM ~1Ifo n"IIIrkM
TOP fac ln, up (fi,. 10). Be urdlll to enPre
plu.. «>n"«lly in their .....pecliy. _keto.
Tia-hlen thl wtb Itrapo to hold the balterles
_ ......1)'. Note provi~on to. holdinll" IIlnd..t
TS-IS-( ) In place ..·hile 1 1& not In u....
Pbift one AlilJDmen Tool TL-207 and one ~II
of Wi.... W-ti In lhe ca.e (fl,. 10). Cioee lhe
•.... fOYer and l.telI it. c... CS-79-( ) il
no.. rudy for Hrice.
24. ...·'Imbly
PIaee ReeeiVO-I" Ind T"""mitter RC....M9-( )
on bootie.,. Caee CS-7S-( ) .nd tUlen the t,,·o
un;", 100000her with the c.tch....lipo .Iona- the
.Id"". Join lhe cable OOlln~to... of t he Iwo unil•.
plaoo the key in the ke)""'.Y. Ind "'...... Ihe ftt-
Ii.... lotrether ot<euNI)·. Do not (0,""" In . ny
other ))OIlllon. s.,~ tM knurlfd oouplina: nul
doorn 11«1....1)' to p...,·enl diaconMdion durin..
_. A~"".. AN~ C. R,,,,,,,·. telacopic
Antenn. AN_29-C from ita .HIM on the top of
tho ~v"" and t..nomiller hou,ln,. E~tend
to Ito fllillenrth and k rew il Into Ih. antenna
Inmlnllon lhe rnr nf the receive. Ind t..n....
milter Uti'. n..t UrhlenlnK down Ih knurled
nul_u...l)' (fill. ]8) .
'HI'ER IIl0fCAllfO!!ilA
r ;,-.. lI.lfd .. R"";." ..oI r.......w"BC4.._( I.
...... "'1<'............ ;..t.lla,.... of A.'.... AN-#-C:
b. Wlllll W-29. In ""_ tuee it may be
n'-"'UMry to .ub$titute a wire ant.nna in place
of the rerululy wued .nlen.... Thl. wire an·
tenna should by 27 feet 101li". Remon all i...Mlu-
t"'" /1'1>'" ()Ite ud 0/ t~. v;i.e. loop it around
the antenna t.rminal. and fut.n it between the
knurled nul and the l<Iuare portion of th~ an-
tenna termInal at the rear of the cue. A 27_
foot I~ of ant.nna Wire W_29 I. pl'1>'idl'd
for this pur_ (fi". 19) .
•. HANDlIn TS-ll!--( ). (1) In..rt fland.d
lL 14117
r~... II. R404I.. R..,;.....r.._i'..../IC-4.,.( J.
........... ,u..;"w __,.... of...m u.oI"
" .., .. .....,<0.1.
TS-l8-( ) plUZ! into the MIC and PHONES
jaclu on the radio receiver and transmitter
(2) Tie prtHlting 01 00"'"' A ",104 B , /und4
b. dudwl b.'ar• ...,/",,1 .... ill tA. jlWl (oedl"n
(8) If the IOet Is a!la-ned " ..d pre8et, eonlinue
with .tarting p"""'OO~re (par. 41).
s.ctio.. IV. INSTAUAnON OF RADIO SET SCR-610-; ),
N .... For .po<llI< InfOl'molkm OIl ..hl<.1ar lD.tollo·
....,.,. _ tho TM 11_2700 ...1.. ..h"'h ""'.... tho I"......
IoUo. 01 on .... I• • panIcuIar ....hkl..
25. R...IYe<" ....d T......mltt• •
BC 659--( ) ,
Radio Re.eiver and T••n$lt1iUer BC-659-( )
ia common to both Radio Set SCR-609-( )
lind Hadi" Set SC~II)..( ) . For detaib on
the in.tallation of this unit, lee p""'V'oph 22.
Fiaure 2 $hO..8 llIe .adio!let in a typical vehicu_
III. installati,,".
26. Plot. 5upply Unit PE-117--C
~. Plale Supply Unit P ~-;"l 17--C i~ UM!d to
~uppl)' the ...dio re«i"er and t...nlmitte. with
rorrect. ope...ting "oltageo from" 6- or 12_"011
"ehicular ltorage battery.
b. Betore oonnecting it to the vehieular bat_
tery, open the cue ot Plate Supply Unit
P E_ll7--C, ulI"". e.. the six knurled II'll$, and'
remOve the pO""n p"ek co,·n. F;g,.,re 20
sho..... an interior vie.. ot the ""'e. Check to
make lure that Vibrator VB_7_( ) . TubM
JAN-OB3JVR90 (VT- IS4 ) and J AN_1OO5
(VT_195) , CaPAeitor CA-403-( ), and Fu""
F U-38 (14-arnp, 250-v) lire properly in. talled
in their "",poet;..• receptacles. AI.,., eheck to
make OUre that . Vibrator VB-7_( ) , •
"pare CaJl&"itor CA-400-( ), and • _pare
FUI!e FV-38 are present lind in their ....pecti'·e
Caul;"" , Make Aure thl the voltage chan, ,,"
over link. (fi,. 21) are l!et for the voltage ot the
vohieular battery. It a unit ....ith linlu oet
$ " ~~IA 0 12
!oINK lli
~'$ 0
,..,." fl. Pl. .. S.p"" U.;I PK_1I7-C. ~.~
.... w .....
0.;. .• II" ..
_ :.......... -..moun ___M ... _
............_ .......... ..._ . _ "Utfo. -.-
T;,... n .,,_ SoonI, U'""._I_A.................,.
for &oval! operalion i. lioN with • 12_volt
,"ehlcul.r battery. damllrO i••1.... to rNult. The
oorrect ~Ition ,. &hown On the I,bel of the
po....u PKk CO'U.
~. PI.ce Handwt TS- I ~ ( ) in One of the
Ito......, compo.nmeull of PLote SuPPb' Unit
P.~ 1I7-C.
21. ,_.. Supply Unit I'I-l2O-A
Power Supply Unit PE-l2O-A «(I,. 4) II liNd
to IUPpll the receiver and tran. mlller wIth the
co•...ct operatinl "oltarea from either. 6-, 12-,
or 24_volt "e/licu1f.r fltor~ battery. Bofo....
COOMOUOa: the po."er IUPP/Y to Ihe ,-eIll""l••
battery, open the CMe, ~IIIO" th~"fll'a,
and Hft ou~ the COVer.
~. Check the follow;".. iWml ""'(lIlly:
0 ) Conn""" link to l~nnl...lIlUU"Ud B~
(fir. 22) .
(2) Sel«t the corrflCt vibntor IOf the "<lIt-
... of lilt '"thiNlar boottny.
(S) I....rt the vibrator into ito_Ire!. klcateol
behind M HIe. tllbe VI nu. 1.0 t ......ronnu TI.
N... U.. vn.n.... VB-III-A t.. t-_ _. tIoa,
Vlbr.... VB-I....... tM 1I·"'III• .,....tIooo,."" VI....._
VII-II-A t.. u .-.I _.u....Clio.... "'" .Ibnto. iI
tho _ 1<.1., bol...,. ....t&p!. '''''qM.
(~) Inooert ,· ch.n_,·er plu, PI into
tM proper "...llion for the vehicular batt~
II 'HI'ER IIl0fCAllfO!!ilA
,·olta~ uoed. The nwh in the plu~ bale mu.t
be in line ...Ith the ,·oltage 'tamped on lhe ~
of I~ chAMli..
b. Ch""k lo &Ole that the ,·ibulor, rectifier
lube, re~lator tu~, -and fu... are inlt.alled
properlJ' in their reopective receptacles. Cue
CS-137 eontaining 118 crrmls I••orried in
Power Supply Unil PE-12O-A.
c. Clooe the eo'·.r of Po"·.r Supply Unil
PE-I20-A, pl~ Radio R~'·n and Tron...
milter BC--S59-( ) on lop, alld r...len with
the cakh.d;~.
Caullon: aure lhat Ihe proper link pooi_
tion and vibrolor are uoed. Plug PI mUil be in
proper """ilion. If inoorl'll(;l unilo are u£Ec! or
ineorrectlJ' pOoitionoo, damage ia oure lo t"elUIL
28. Mounting
... InotaU .hoek Mounlin~ FT-260-( ) 00
that.n anlennalead_in II ted ( ;l= 1 inch) long
may be UAed. In ",,1oo:linl lbi. I"""tion. aUo.,.
l uftlcienl apace lo mounl Radio ~iver .nd
Tran.mltter JlC-.659-( ) on top of Plar.e
Supply Unit P,"-1I7-C or Power SupplJ' Unil
PE-120-A. If thi. eannol be don~, power '""ten_
• •ion Cord CD-ti09, .upplied for the pur]Xllle.
nn be uoed to connect the power unil lo the
radio receiver and lun.miller. When the power
unil i. mounted ""par. r.elJ' from the receiver unit, u.. Mountilli" FT-317_( ).
b. Sin"" i,,"!alt.tion depend. on Ihe partku_
Isr vehicle, no .peei1o: i""tmetio"," .re .riven but ....fe....n"" i. made to the proper t.eclI_
nie.1 manu.1 in the Tid 11-2700 ""ries.
c. Moont radio receiver and transmitter hori-
",n!allJ' when the ""t il inotalled in • lA-Ion, 4 X
f";"r< u. R. N Sci SCN411>-( ), ....,..., I"""" ..101.
,• .._.../0, ,.,.......1 ...~.
4 truek. It may be mount"" either horizontally
or '·ertieally in I.,.,.,r ,·,""icleo. If mounted ,·er_
tieally, only R.diO R"""h...r and TflLn.milter
BC--6G9-( ) ean be install"" in MOuntin,.
FT_200-( ). That ii, Cue CS-79-( ·0), Pt.te
Supply Unit PE_1 17-C. or Po"·er Supply Unit
P£-l20-A Mould not be c.rried in )fountin,.
T!#o .. ~1. c•••",•• •"" _." ......'.'·e..·':.. ";,.u.
f".-,. .. II. N ..., B... AlI_III GR 1..,.1''''.. M.41 1I....
1I..."", lIl'_ .
Or", ••.l., •••
,....,.. H. RHO. S., SCR-4JH ), '"'" !.........
d. Select po»itio"" for the .....t bue and the
Ahook moIIntin, bolol"<!! either of the two lDiu
1.1 mounted io po»ition (1"<!!ler to th<I apprapri_
aU maII&l of the T M 11_"700 ........) . Mter
the oh«k .......ntiDJ: u. luteaed down, place the
POwn IlUpP!Y loit and Radio Reo.iva- and
T..rwnilter BC-6W-( ) io """ition; I..ten
the catc"",,li~. CQnnect the pOwer u.ble plug ot
the radio ....,.,iver .nd tr.n,mltter to the cor_
.....pOndinll" ....,.,pt.cle of the power , uppl,y lnit,
matln, l ure that ther 'I"<!! m.tched Pl"'Operly
and Itre,..ed together _ul"<!!iy. Be u ....ful to
pl_ the by In the keyway. Do not lorce the
co,,~ in IUlJ" other """ilion. S"'ew the
buried """pli", out doWII -..ffir to P""''"''t
diotonnec:tion dllrill, o.....tion. "Connect the
power cable leado to the ~tI! lc ular batterr, or
10 the lerminal bOl: prnvided br the veIl;'1e
manufaduru (fi,. 23). The termi....11 on the
end. of thill On Plate Supply Unit
1'.:_117-C are marked + . nd _. On Power
Supply Unit PE-.120-.A, the poolth·. (+ ) III
idenlilled by nd aDd ..·hite ..l...... and the nep_
th·e (_ I br ,.-.. and blao:k wi.... Be ""....
that the + terminal i. CODoeete<I to the """it;'·e
lick of tile batterr and the _ termlMl to the
nepti,.. lid<:: ot the balle.,.. Route the uble 10
that It II OIIt of the ..ay and P~ .. mucll
... poMlbie (fl... 23). If il II 11«-'''''' to pull
the oablt thl"OVJlh a ..·.n, uM Ihe connector and
bondnut (fi,.2oI).
e. M.oI. n..... Braoke! MP....oo or MP-64 m. y
ba uMd, dependillll" upon which I. euie. to In_
.taIl Mouot the brackel outlllde of the ,·ehicle
(fI,. 25), ul hlll" .uilable bolu or ..I"<!!....
MOIInt It III the pooition that iI * 1lulled to
the ImltatlOOl of the ,·ehide and 10 the mounl-
i", .pace ",!uimneata of the ndio let. PI_
it d_ to )lounli".. FT--230-( 1 10 the lenllh
of the anten"" Ieood 1137 ir>eheo (fil'. 26).
29. Moll ..... 1M U I ) or Mall Ia..
Auemble the mut bMe to the m...t bue
bra;,ket. The appl"D·ed antenna IJ'lt.m ,,·he...
Radio Set SC~lo-' ( ) iI located ku than
3 teet from the mut but, or. S7_inch
INd_In of Wi... W_I28 (whi~h .uPtc.u!la Wi....
W_126) .....MC:tI.... the ant...."" tenni",,1 of the
radio,," to the blndiDJ: poot at tbe bottom at
1I:uI a.... AII-15/ CR (fi,. 12) or 10 the up~
blndl.... pool of Mast &.e MP-I8-( I.
Sectto"" MS-.116, MS-.1l7, .nd MS-IIS a....
uted In eonjunoUoo with Mul Jl.Me
All-IlleR; and Mut Secliona MS-61. MS-62.
and MS-63 a.... uoed in conjunction with MMC.
B'::::~1u)MP-48-'( ). (1) CUI Wire
W- I28 to a ~ of euctJy S7 IneheL StrIp
h..ulatloJl from %-Ineh of both elida Ind
(2) Conned One end 10 the lop an"n"" ler _
miMI ot Mut Baee MP-IS (fi,. 27). If Mill!
B.... NP-I8-A il uoed, • IOId,.,.i.... lua II pro-
~Ided In. tu.d 01 tbe top antenna termln.l. I n
thio caoe, .alder tbe end" 01 Wire W- I28 10
Ihe IOlde.lnl' luI'. Mike IU", lhe lu, II HeII.ely
futened to Ihe .....1 bue.
(3) Route the wI~ thl"'DlJ~ both ..Ire d ....p
lnaulato.... layi.... enoua-h dad! bet_n 0.-
dam... to p"",.ot b-.linl' the wire ,,"'en the
maet but 1Jer;.. (fi,. 271.
(41 Remove be bottom antenna mnnector
if M&It n _ ~I P-48 i. uoed (fi,. 28). If .lot.-
But MP--t8-A II uoed, remoo.·e the Inne. 01,....
duetor by klooIenlnl' the up»t"'1oot AetJlcrew
and I"<!!mDYlnJr the threaded phenolle rolla; It
the bottom.
(II) from the lower damp. I"'DIJIe the ..-I.,
di~ to the radio let and wrap II lro'Hld the
ante"na tenalnal (fir. 19). Lo,y out the wi....
In ....m mann,.,. that it 'Orin not rub ~...
......p /:lOme" of the ,-mic:le bod,..
N.,•. Uolooo Iloo i...... _ _ of iii... BaN
JfP.........t ) io .. . .001 .._ • .-1... I00<I.11110 _ ........
,._ 01 I..... _ will ..........._ . _ 10 ,.....L
(6) Unl_ th, oet t. to be operated Immedi_
ately, plac, Owe. BC-IOS onr the eomplele
1'1 "blr.
'HI'ER tly OfCAllfO!!ilA
,..,,_ fr. M.., Dou .ll1'-JI_A. • ......w~.
,.".". If. M.., _ MP-U.....loooI . f ,.-.;.100,_ ....._ ....__.
(7) Refer to Puqraph 40 for lnltallatlon
of malt _Uon..
1>. MAlI"T BAsE AB-16/ GR. (I ) Cut Wi....
W_I28 to a lc~ of uactly 37 inch.... Strip
i....ulaUon from l~_ineh of both end aod 101der_
(Z) CoMecl One end of the wi.... to the ur-
mlnal . t the bottom of the m....t hue (fIr. 19).
Lay out the wi.... in luch manner that it will
not rub ar ainot sbarp corne... of the ,·ehido
(3) In.tall into lhe m."t base an antenna
made up of Ma.t SectIon, MS-1I6, MS-1I7.
and MS-llS.
30. Coa~ial An~nna.......lching Network
Q. The g.mcrallay..out of ""rlain ,·chicle. hao
dictated that the radio equipment be l,....ted 10
that Ihe lead_in i. rna.... Ihan 3 feet. This condi_
lion r"'lui..... Ihe u"" of coa~ial lead_in•. liow·
.,·er, at lhe time many of Iheoe ,·ehkl... wcre
p~ for -"tpIDent. the ~ulred · coaxial
componenta were not a,·anable and oon_
<luenlly a .conaldf,rable numbor of Radio Seu.
SCR-61(l...( ) ..""" iut&lIod in nhi<l.... with_
out the r,"!uiRd <oaxial antenna network. For
each of th_ in.tallaUolll it wI, n«_ry to
determine a dOfH1'lp antennl Ifstem conai,tinr
of a eha~ In the numb.r of maot -tiona
and the Jead-in length of WIre W_l2B. Tk
.,..,.,ial .,.""p",,, ~,.. ..Oil' «".,i/obJ. <IoIUI
I~01dd rtpI~c. I~e ui.tli", .I_p GIll""....
•v.lem. 10 permit lhe """I . /fiei....t operal..."
of Radio Set SCR-410-( ) .
b. The waxill component. required when the
lead-in I. more than 3 feet from the·terl!linal
box to the antenoa mut bue .re Cord
CG-67/MRQ-2 and Terminal Box TM-21S Or
Cordall"e CO-282 .nd Terminal Boxell TM_210
and TM-211 (fip.. 12, 13, 14. and 15). The
tnminal box.... are uaed to match the Impedance
of the waxial cabl, to the normal output Im_
pedanCe of the .lIdlo oet and Ihe anlenna.
. . . L.
c. Followi~ Is .. H.t of vehiclea which .....
quire the coaxial network when .lIdio Set
SC~l(l...( ) il Inat&Uod therein, and thaoe
vehldea In ....hlch the ItoP-lI"ap anlenna may
have been oubaitnlod,
d. If Mut a.a... AB-15/GR i. to be uoed
with the coaxial cable, the bindinll"
poAt adapter from the bottom of the maat b.ue.
place the rround .llmp from the m&8t two.:
loo.el1 around the «>axial oonnector on the
<Ible, and """"w the ol__e of the ro&J<i.l eon_
1'1".... to. 1'"1:.10-011f.,.-~.,...I1...,t.....,'Il'.~W«......" ......
, , 11 T.t~I:tE~IT-YOf{AlifORNIA •.- ,.,
1'"1,"" H . T"..;••l 80z TIl_.lI, Ud i. ,...;,,,. , ••
A.'•••• AN_tf_I: ........ . .... ...
• M!S-1I8
;,.. ; ;;;,; Of AB- I~"A'
PLUG '1-2158
IPUl Of CG-81111A0-2'
COAD (G-I 1IIIA0-2 11'-0· ,
l(AMINAl &Ill 111-218
t,UT Of TII-2 18)
"" n. T.. ...... ' H.~ TM_~'". ,.,,, "' .'';0,,...;,.....
nector to th~ bottom ot the mut bue. Ti,hten
1M ,round ,lamp around the coaxial conne.tor.
o. If Mao! B..... MP-4S-( ) io,·.
lite .ap from the .oa~ial lttin, on the mUI
hue. Inoert the COIoxial «Inn..tor an IIu: ubi.
into the COIoxial ftllinr on the maot bale and
lir hten the . Ieeve. When M...t a.... MP-4S-A
I. u.ed. Cord CD-689 i. requl.-..:l to connect. Ih.
moxill fltlln, on Ihe bottom ot the mast base
to the ..,Iderin, lur on Terminal Box TM~11
(ti,. 29). When Maot Ba.oe MP--l8 i. uM:d. an
''''Mlmbly to ~ l"ftIui.ltion~ I. ~uired.
()Ij [ LlCH M!S- IIO. lIS-Ill
HAST BASE A8-181&.
/ _ "" ~- 128
, . ," A S _lI/GN. ....w .....
(, 0...". .If
...- <_.........- ..'"... -.._.........,......-,...•. _. ,..._ " ....M'''''_ _", ...........--"'...~ ..,,-_...._...,-"..-..-' -,."........" ,- .... ~" ... ,y" " ......" ...., ._..-'" ,................. ........ "'._ """M.
._.......,..........-,,-...,...• __ ,,_ .... ..,........, _ 1<.0"......
.. •_ ..... ....". __• •". 'm ,,'• •.
I .. , ... , ... ,_, .... _ .. . _ . ......
' _,,__, _., ,......_ '... 'm 7 _ . .. .
-f'~.,.. fI, T" ..;..! _ TJI_IIt, • .,.... •1_'';'''·
31 . lt~ubilioni"9 AnI....... ComPOMflh
Th, C<lUlal .nt~n .... Mmponenll required ror
IIQmpl,tln. the ,natallatlo"a of Radio Sf'!.
SCR-610-( ) In the 'ehldn Ii'te<! .... ,tacked
at the Chlel,,, Signal Depot, I90S Ptuhln.
Road, Chlclll<>, Illinois. For alock number. of
componenll .vialablt from ulst.i,.. inotall...
11o....nd t'-e that mlUl be r«julsit!on"'. nfu
to the appropriate technlul manual of tIM!
TM 11_2"100 ","n, or InolalLation llllt",ctto...
../lith may be obtai"""- from anelluut
AI'fI'CY0ftIte of the Chief Si~l 0!'Irt!' , flOOD
Wluahlckon A'tnue, PhJ ~(eIph~, Pmn.
32. Inllallalion of Terminal 1Ia.. TM-213
4. R~move the """,WI around tbe ed,.. of
the fr<>n! pan.1 of Radio ~elvor and Trans-
mitter BC-659.-( ) or unsnap the a ld •.,. and
alid. out tbe ehauls.
b. Remove th. six double nub and klrk_
wullt.. from the inside of tbe ~k at tbe cue.
and reMO'a tbe anlenna Juow:tion bo:Jt and
mounli", bl""k.
e. Remo'·. Ihe tour ..,..,.., whleh fu len Ihe
cover of Ib8 I.Tmin~1 box. Remove the I<><k_
wa,h.r, and nulo from the lix ""nWI on II,e
N ek of the I~.minal box. Inlert lbe ""reWI Into
the holeo on tha ..... of the radio ~Ivu and
transmlttH', and ru~n _u.oly with I""kww_
en .nd nuta.
d. Slide the oh••i· back Inl.o the _, ""d
f..~n u.. panel "'~I Or atcha-
I. U the bo:Jt II to be uHd with Cord
CG-t1I MRQ-Z, ..t the d!anp-o~.r link 10 thtI
mallllu &hown In tlll'un l3. It the boo I. 1.0 be
uoed with Antenna AN-29-C or with S feet of
Wire W- I28 to Mast Hue AB-U /GR, or
MP--4S-( ) , Itt the cha"ll'.-.r link (ftr. 30) .
Replace th. cover of the terminal bo.. ""d
t....ten with the fOW' ..,........
/. If Cord CG-I'I{MRQ-2 Ie to be connected
...rtlulb', remove the rirllt........ adapw
tNm the coulal able ('INlfIedOI'. If Cord
CG-t1{)1RQ-211 to be <:OInected hori:r.olltaiJy,
mount the rirht-anrlt adapter III ilia II)Oft c0n-
venient pooltloa.
Caution , The eard furnilhed mUlt not 1>0 cut
to anolhe. I.nrth. aln•• uoe of • cord of • dlf· lenllh ..111 ruult In u ....l" !Ina!
ampllfttr pL.te alrrent and bur ned OUI IUbu.
Cordare 00-282 .annot be uoed with T, rminaL
lIoJ:: TY-218.
33. ............. T.....i....illa... TM-2'Q ......
TM-2,1 II.... ear..,. CC>-212
N.". c-..It ,ho I..-n. '.... 1.........tIo.. I.r tho
..hid. ton<omod.. (!Ioo T il 11_1100 ..rioo. )
... TtltIUlUI,. 8aJ: TM-210. (1) F!rure 82
Ihow. the pooitio... In whieh the terminel bM
can ~ mounted on the nod!o Nt, 110 that it an
be .... for the ....Itlt and "-t dlroct COnnec_
Han of the cab" (?om the radio ..I to th. IIIQ
...... The corr«l poIIltion is the OM whk h pu_
mlt.l in.taIJ.tion with the f.....1 poplble beIIds
In the (able.
(2) Firu.. u ..",tallll eamplete lllllructioni
for mounlllll T.rminal Boo TM:..210 to Ih.
redia let.
~. TDMltiAL Box TM_211.
Firure 29 d_ r!~, the prepantJOII of the maet
bue Ind the "r<>per mHhod of mountln, Ter-
minal IJ.o.w; TM_211.
c.. C<iaDACI: Co. 2i" ( 1) lid.,... I",talli".
the ""bi., eu..h the appr<>priate ""bit coo,,*--
l:n to diller tnd. Do thi. urefully. )lake .n
.older Jolnt.l tillht and take every pr«aution
10 t.l1'" the endl 110 lui the outer eaverl1lll' of
the ••ble doea not frey Dill and mohtu.. annot
....p In.
(2) FIlii•• 34 uplains the lie", neu....y
III ..fRITY( ("'UfC~~
in p...,parlnr the eable by fitting the eonnfdor
to it.
(3) QouiaJ eable C<>rd"ll'e CD-282 (made
up from Cable WC-U2) tor Radio Scl
'" ",,,,,,,,,,,-_b
c~, AS

SCIWIli)...( ) m.,I' be cut to the«llenlrlh
for eaeh ""'l.uired Installation. When pouible,
lentrth& of C<>n:I. ge CO-282 .hould be between
4 and 9 feet.
. ... S~OULO BE rOLDt:D oYER DulU INS....UION.
MOI.D@."RMLr. 5C .r. ©'0®'~E N @tD© nNALL' fU1[~ CU"'@
(lVU ,",pU[ D BRaID (DO " DT CRUSM 8RalD ""EN .aST£NING CL. "P'@.
00g1l,.1 If"",
34. hWt.,and ~'ing Swlt<h (fa'. 35)
The ~ne] meter is u,ed with Ih, .""iteh ma,ked
PLATE-Fll..-CHECK-OPER. to clad: the Yol_
~ of the bo.tteri... and the <:IImont The
meter i. al"" uoed .. an indicator In aliminli'.
p.....ttinli'. and oervicing Radio Receiver and
Transmitter BC-659-( ) .
3.5. VQlUME-QfF Swilm (8,. S5)
The «Intro] marked VOLUME-OFF tu..... the
!let on and of!' and «Intro" the yolume of the
'lignalA while Ift~villll'.
36. CHAN...I Switch (n,. sri)
The channel ,,,,,itclt marked CHAN_A_B ' por·
mito the "poralor 1o ..1ect either one of .he tw"
preset frequency ct..n~", A or B.
37. Speok.,ShuMr (!g.S5)
The ipea.ker .hulter I. clooed or opened by
movin, the .....U ""tern.o) handle. When nU'
huvy artillery fire, c~ the shulter to Prot«!
the . peaker cone from «Incu..ion. and increaae
the "olume (:(>nlrol to produce audible .ili'naJa.
."01'l~I.....'kI<I ..~ ....,1'0)'1,,' tho _1_, '" p ..
..n, ....... _ ",f• • '" Iho .....""""'" .....,. ., ...
h"'" 0' t&e ..." ..~
s.dlon Vl. OPERATION
31. SeIKtlon of Sill
TIlt. oeledlon of ••11e fO!" o""rallon of .nnr
radIO leta ~ bAMd On """'n;.,,1 "'luioelhenlA.
covu . nd <:onceo.hnenl.•nd 1.,.,.1 communi.a_
a. TIlCHNCAL REqutaEXIl<TS. t.oe.,te the
radio .tallon In • poaillon ....u.... COm-
munlc.lion ...Ith all other otallono wilh whkh
il operateo. To obtain muimum """,,Ie1>CY of
tranunl..ion.nd """,ption.......ider the follow_
inll (111. M):
(I) T_ia. (a) Hilla .nd """,ntailll boI-
t.....n .tat""" limit tho: raqe or • radio Il1..
When Op"rallng in terrain of thll natu.....leel
poIltlolII ...Iativl>ly high upon the .loPM-· A,·oid
~tlo....t the baRof a I>Iil'l Or In. deep ravi...
or valley. SIIll'C f_m 'lpall act nl"J mlldllike
11",,1 "''''"fl..........l1y di,~rted .nd .boo""""whtnev~. pOIIlhle .hOOM" location .,.hlth moot
aN-. 1l" gi~.. liae-of-llaht .,.,....."un...tlo...
(b) TreM ...Ilh huvy folia.. abeorb radio
"'av"; leafy I....... have. moN adve... effect
lhan t~r,l' H"'" To obtain th, maximum raof<',
Irftp the .nellna ..1>11 clear of .n folaa-e aad
den.. bNIh.
(2) MOM_iliad. obilnocl,·.,...,. (al Do nat ....
leet. poaitloa In a tunnel 0' btu.ath.n under-
...... or lteel bridge. T..""mlllion.nd """'1"-10"
unde. theM ""ndillon. a....hnool impollible be-
uuae of the hl,lh "*>rption of the . adlo f,..
qUlI>e1 (r_f) ...av...
C~) Buildi..p bet""' radio atation. hinder
IN"omi..lon and ~ptian, particularly .te<:l
and ...inton:ed ""o(1'tte buildlllll.
(e) Avoid.U U"pt!I of pole ..I... li.... alldlu
lelilphone. telerraph. and partlcul.rly hl,lh_ten.
aion power lin.. in oelecti..... . lle fo. lhe . adio
...... Such ...i.... Ii.... ,,*>rb pO.-e. from radi_
.Il.....ntenn.. ~ted ...... by. They .1010 inlro-
duce hum .nd nolN interfe. tnCO In ~ivinll
(i) Avoid poIili_ near heavily t..,..-Itd
road. and h1r1"..ayl. In .ddition 10 lhe no'" and
canfu8ion au","" by I.nka .nd l rucks. ilrnilion
_Yltem. I.. vehid~ may u ..... ~l tWtrkal
b. CoVlJI ~ND CON(:E.4..)tt:HT. Select _itionA
which provide maximum_·n.nd ~h'..'nt
c:onsiAlent with IfOOd ITlln....luion ~d "'"P-
11) Avoid open (,..,.u of hliliand
Whllil .uch • o<:.t.lion permit. ideal I'.111m."
lion and ","",loa, lhe .....ltio. lilhouetle
mlkea ~ excellent ta. get for enemy ItIIn~. A
.1Iahtly dt1la(f,d _ilion. jolt bohlnd the trw!
gi,.... botte. ""1tfIIll.....nt.
(2) Th_ tr.nomitteTII .nd I""I!Cth·ers ~.n be
I n.W~ j ....t below the lII.face of the lfJ"Ound
In hoIN a!miJa. to alit l...odI.., Ilwhby en·
ablillj( the o""rator to "",Irotain eommonk.ti....
under Nve.... bl.ttle condition.. For mo... per_
manenl Ioeld '...tall.llo.... the l!Qoipment may
be ~ted on • .utl just beIo... tho: ludace of
Ihe g""OInd in • to. bole. Thil .1Iowl Ihe 01>-
e•• to. ,1......Ie. fl"Mdorn of movemenl. The an·
"'''1Ia must Hlend .baft the aurl.ooe of tilt
r .....nd to pennll normal communication.
(3) Camoutl." .U pe.m~ent .nd oemi.
""nn.nent pooltlo... for protll!Clkwo
apillt both M"rial .nd ITO'Ind __....·.t;...,
U 'M 1k,"O). K"",p the .ntenna r...... of.,.,.,......
n... mlteri.1 or othu oo.tru~liona.
e. FlNA' CONS'DDATIONa. Often il may bo
ImJM*lble to oaliafy all Iht cIeti......blt condi·
tio'" for th. o<:.t.tion of a radio ..... ; • eon>-
ptamll(!, dependin,l upon the . itoi lion. mal· to be made. If radio commu..leation call-
not be utabliahed in one ~Iion., tM oet ahould
be moved. Ahart di.ta""" .nd .nothe. alltmpl
"""'.39. P",poration of Rodlo Set SCI. 609 ( J
... PlOlOe bl.ttery CaN CS-79_( ) on tho
Irf"OUnd 0. oU>f.' IIIppotl .nd open lhe cue. Re-
"""'" Ualldoet T$-13-( ) aad _ thaI iii'
battery plop ..... inoerted pro"".ly ino the b,o.t.
1..-1.. (iii. 37). The battuy plop mOlt bt
bricht and f.. from c:or.....ion. See that tJoo
plup .... puIhed all the ..ay in to make n......
pooil;'·e eonneellon wilh Ihe ballet ie•. CIo$e th.
~... O'O'~r .nd lat.:h it. PIa« the ~iver and
t ........ultu on bottery Caoe CS-1!l-( ); t.....
ten the t...o uni'- topthtr ...ith he·ut.:lKlipL
J oin the uble toJIneeton of the t.o unit&, pIae-
i". the hy In the k,.,.....q.•nd II(1"CW' I.... ftttillgl
~r IKUrely. Do not fo... the «IfI~
toafthe. In ....1 oth... ~itlon. Serew the
knu. 1ed coupli~ nul do.." HCuffir 10 p""",nl
di..conntdion du ri~ operation.
b. Extend Anttnna AN_ZIl-C (1.v. 38) to ito
full hei,lII and ""re...· it to the .nttnu t~rmin.l
on Ihe . eat of the ..dio nee;'·t. Ind t ..nomit_
Ie. UN, tiplmin, the knurl"" nut _urely. It
T ennina! Box TM-2IO-A il uoed, be lu"" that
the .lIan..-over link _ directb' to the proper
.nt.eflna tennina!. To o",,"'t~ ..ontin"" wilh tilt
In.olrucUOTII Ii,·m in .,....rnpl! ~ 1 beIo•.
40. ' of Radio Set SCI-6IO-( )
a. U~IN(l MUT DA.l!E MP-4I1-( ) aND MUT
S>X;Tl(lN~ M8-61. lIs...&!. ANI) MS-M. Atter th~
r.,." u. Mu;. Sf. SCR_t I. "".....
.40'''_ ...v~..~.
radio Itt h.. ~n in.talled in the m.onne. out-
lined .I:>o·t. proe••d .. folio... :
(I) ~moYe Mut Secti..... MS-6I. MS-5Z.
and. &18-63 from Roll BG-5&-( ).nd ·77""_
bIe (n.. 5). n.. eadt of the mAlt oec:tlonI Ire
CO>Ior coded tor euy iMnlibtion. Endt of the ..010. ftt oIfl""'. )lut Section )18-61
or:re":. into M..t Section MS-M!. and MS-62
inlo MS-63. Sere. them torether tl,htly .Ith
ilL' pli. ...
(2) Ulle C]lmpa )1C-423 I nd ~rC-424 It the
junctiou. of the m..1 """"ions to k~p them
_u..... Clamp MC-423 (painted blue) ]ocllol""
blue end. of ) ]ut SectioM MS-lil and MS-62
toaether. Clamp MC-4U (painted red) 100:0
the red enob of Mut Sectiono )18-62 eel
MS-63 toeelItt. Tiple" the I..." "".... fur·
ni.hed with til••Lampa to prevrnt the .....1
oection, from becomin, u"""",,,,ed. If the
.llmpa ..... not avlnlbl•• IMO friction tApe in the
follo..inll' m.onn.r ,
(0 ) Wind ..,....11"",,, of tApa in I rounte. -
.Iock• ..., direction. Stlrt II the lower half of
u.. joint 100 ",ind up....rd.. keeplnll' II l,1It
.......nd the Junction of the mAIl _liON to p....
'oml u~...i... u,win ...",mlona of ..ftre
(b) Put. Meond ..M~nll' of tApe <Wet the
'"'(S) Remo'.. eo.·er 00-108 .nd th, 1)1'01«1 _
inll' .Ip from the m..t t-. Till'hlen Ih ~
t...o ......... Mounl the Ih.... ". !",blt<! rna",
_lion. and ti,hten the oebo:rew. (ft,. 39).
SEcrIOSI Mil-I*,. MS-II7. " NIl MS-II&' Afte.
the radio ..t ha. been illSl.lllod in the "",n"",.
""Uined in -'ion IV. _mbIe In anlrnna
made I>pof Mut Sectionro MS-Ill. MS-1I1, and
MS-II&' M..t &etion MS-IIS ..,..,... Into
Malt Section MS-1I7.....d MS-I11 Into
~1 S-11 1, Ca,..,fully .."..... them I~htr with
gaa pli.... lIel''Y pl'Mllure will crush th~ mlot
oection•. Wind ""erll tUrll$ of tape In • """n·
lerclock.l.. direclion. Start II the lower hl]f of
lhe iolnt and wind Upwlrd. keeplnlt It lilthl
IruuOO Ihe Junction of the I11III1 """"io... to p...
vml uMtl'f'Winlt under ""nditiOTll of _tre
vib..tlon. Pul a 7 "1<1 .......inI" of tApe over t ....
'"'"I. St."tl"" 'rocedure
A..uml~ Ihlt the oet Iwo been aligned Iud
p......1 (MC. XVIII). hl it h.. been co"nected
to I IOUrce of power I nd Intenna. Ind thll it
h.. ~n proparl)' ailed. p.oeeed .. foilowl:
}'.,... II. H.d", S.r Hell ,,1>-( ) • ..., ..~Ii•• • ..!
__hoI 0' .1001 S....,,~. !J.~~' •.IIS-,"• • 0<1 "'S~J.
o. Plug tne nand..1 into Ihe j.e" on the
front panel.
b. Ta. n the meter .wilch marh.] PLAT~:·
~. Turn the channel ""lector .witch. marked
CIIAl'_A_B to the ""annel On whicb """'muni·
""tion i~ to he made.
d. Turn Ihe ..1on by rot~tin!!, Ihe VOI.U~IE·
OFF rontrol fully dockwi.., an,] Ii.ton for a
loud hi"" (fig. 40) .
,. Li,t~n r"r the >tation with which com·
munication i, d ••ir«l. Th. hi...h"uld '101' duro
ing the time a ';IV)"! i< be;,,!; """,,,'0<1.
f. Relnllate "olume to the d""ire<i le'·c1.
o. To tran,mit. p ...... lhe .witcb on the h"nd_
..t and 'I","k c!earl), ;nto the n,;crophone.
k. When tranAnli..ion i, c<lmpleto<l, ...1.....
the band_ .witcl>.
i. To turn the _ ofl, rotau, tbe VOLUME-
OFF control rounte",lockwl.. until a detlnite
click i. hard.
N• •• . The VOI.UME _,.,0 ..,.,roI, onl, tl>o "";..r
ffi...,. , 1Od .... .. . 11'.., Oft tho po_..t ,110 ,.....lIt...
"2. O~rati"llll'rKOalioM
... Turn the VOLUME-OFF tontrol all Ibe
""1' On. When the dw.ed staUon i. heard. re-
,I",," Ihe vol.ame to the operating le"eL When
""",mani.,..tion iA rompleted, tarn the VOLUME
knob to the ld't to OFF; a click is heard when
the awikh i. thrown. Do not lave the switch
On when the r""..,·tT b not In a.....
b. ourf! the CIIAN owltcl> I. lurned to
the ro.recl clt~nel; do nol ..t bet..·...n stoll".
c. With the met... switch at OPER. and tke
pu"n·to-talk . witch pruoed, read the panel
mete•. Thi. ohoald .....d from 1.5 to 2.4 if the
tran. mitte. is faneUoninr properly. If the .....d·
inr I. mO... than 2.5, or leu than 1.5, in'.....ti·
pte for trouble.
d. Do ""t:
(1) Do . 01 carry r""io .... by Ita battery
uble. Thi. breaks """noctio"," and rendera oet
a""le&!. .
(2) Do ""I drop or .it on radio. T .....t it with
(S) Do "ot Ie..'. it ont in the rain unn"""",,,
..rily. U.. ""nvu or IOmethin, handy to ","u
It. Rain and dampneM oeep in and deotroy ita
(4) Do IIot expect to work more than the
I'lInl[e or the 001. Th_ milea O,'t, tn08t terrain
iA a oafe marrin.
<t3. Tying Down Vehicular Antenna
To attract. u little att""tion "" pOUible to the
,·ehkle. it may be n""eeurr to tie down the
antenna (fl, 41). A metal mtinr, a oel'llmic
iuulator .ach .... IN-86 0 . IN-87.
~d at leu! 15 feet of Rope RP-5 'rf! iuued
for u.. M ' tho tie--down usembly. Proceed ""
follow", .
o. Cnt I't feet of rope from the l5-foot
len,lh. Tie one end _urei)' through the % .ineh
hole of the metal fitting and the other th.DUgh
one hole of Ihc inAulator. Alta<h Ihe ....m.Ininr
rope through the hole of the insalator and tie
il _u....I'.
b. Slip the lower end (th....aded portion of
plulr end) of Mu t Section MS-.fi2 through the
t't·inclt hole ot the metal tltting; ocrew the mut
0 .. " ••,1",,,
Hdlon ba<k into the top of owu Mul Section
MS-fi2. Pull the anten... down wllh the rope
until I! I. nnrly horizontal (no hiKher than the
top of the vehi~le) . Fasten Iht rope with ...
oeeUNI knot to a oon".nienl point on Ihe vehide,
approximately 3 ftet from the malt baa<!
CIoullooo: The rreqlle~ieo uHd for r·m , .....
mb.ion act "trY much lib 111M rays. The di...
unooe r·m ..malA t...,-el on I'" lernin i...Iually
as far u the e)'" can _, or to the horizon.
Therefore, lOLl ... aite on the lop of ... . ... in
the VOI'nd. S;/IfttWr "n I""".., nd _ell fft.d~r
",lIc" rh'IIWO U • ..-li",,!. }(eep the antenna
vertl••1ucep! to "",uce visibility.
Nol•. "' 1'lro<ed~'" ,ppll... I• •ho .... .t .........
~.I". M••, ... AB-lt,GR .....11 .. x... B,..
liP- I ).
44. Emarllncy Wire "",""no
o. At lOme Ume it ...-y ~ ~ry to
aut..tilute ... wire antenna to operate Radio !),:,t
SCR-M9-( ) or SCR-6Hl-( ). Ute ... 2'1.(001
length of illllil.ted wire W_29 for the antenna.
Strip oft' the Ins"lalion near Ih~ end. To _ure
good electrical ""nlael, be au", thai Ihe bare
..i.., and Ih, anlenna lermin.oJ ""nnfCIlona a'"
"lea" and Loop the uninlulaled end of
Ih~ wire arour>d lilt ...Itll... terminal and r...·
I"" il between the knurled nul and Ihe ~u• ..,
ultnna mOllnlin!, block.
b. If Tormlnal Box TM-218 hu beE-n
in.taned, put the chanre-over link in J)OIIitioll
to 11:0 dirKtly to the pro!>", antenna t~Tmin"I,
A bindina poel (ft•. 30) i. built on thi. termin..1
box tor .t&(:hin. the wi..,. (The antonna·
11 III ..fRITY( ("'UfC~~
matching network of Radio Reee;'"er and Tran...
mitter 8C--659-( ) match.. thi. f"I1_1""".
45. Remole CO<1t.ol
n. RF.MQ'l'>; CoNTl<OL UMT R~I-2!l- ( ),
When this ~nil I. furnl.h~d, it ;.. 10 be used in
conjundion with a Held wlephone unit to pro-
"ide communication from point. diotant from
the radio ..t, Refer to T~I 11-308 for complete
instruction• . BrieRy. the unil may be operated
a. followo,
(I) Plug Ihe head..t and microphone into
the jack. OIllhe panel of the remote control unit.
PluJ Ihe receh.... and microphone uble. of the
remote conlrol unil into the PHONES and MIC
jacks on Ihe panel of the radio set. Connect the
wi. ... from the field telerhone to the two bind_
ing ""ot.. Ll and 1..2. on the panel of the remote
control unit. The unit io now ...ady to ope",te.
(2) "'hen remote communication i. d""ired,
set the key switch at THROUGH and preu the
ANTI·HOWL PRF.$S .witch. Thi. pulll th,
tran.mitter on the air, Release the ANTI_
HOWL PRESS owitch when the ,...mote pooilion
has ~ni.hed tran.mi..ion. Thi. places the radio
set in the r«eive poeition IJO that the ,...mote
telephone pid,. up the ,ignal brouJht In by
the neeive•. In the THROUGH .,.,.ition 01 the
key . witch. both operato.. can hear reeeived
. ignals; and the remote operator u n modulate
-,. Pl.-55 eo~~£ers TO
~;~~,:,£O""lOf"TIO IC~OP>lO" [ JOe • .
T- 17
J .e~
the tran.mitter when th~ ANTI·HOWT. I'HESS
..witoh i. depressed.
(3) When local operation of the radio ..I i8
d~.ired• ..,t the key .witch 10 RADIO and pro-
ce<'d in the manner outlined in paragraph 4l.
(4) Set the key , wilch to TELEPIiONE
when communioation betwceu the ..,mote posi_
l ion and til" radio operator i. desired.
l>. REMQ'l'>; CoNTIlOL EQU1PIol~NT RC-26t.
When thi. unit i8 lurniohed. it i. to be used
in conjunctIon ....ith .. miorophone and
"t the ..,mote pooition. For romplele inotruc_
lions regardinJ Ihe use of Remole Control
Equipment RC-261, refer to TM 11- 26.12.
EneMy. the nnil may be operated AI f,.lo..... ,
(I) Plur Ihe headset and miorophone into
Ihe Jacko in the panel (fig. of Control
the headset
the p. nel of
42) .
RM-63 and
Control Unit R~{~2 with field wire.
(4) When remote oommunication is d...ired.
Bet the switch on Control UnIt RM-l>3 to the
HEMOTE pooition, In this pooilion the radio
set io operaled and modulated from Remote
Control Unit RM_52. and i. monitQI"ild by both
Til.,., ~r. II....' . C•• ,"" E,"~, IIC....", _ •• 6,.........
(.. O,~, ,I , - n UNIV,RITYOfCAlJfORNIA
I!;) When normal operation i. desired, Aet
the ....itch on Control Unit RM-63 to the RADlO
position. Proceed to operate the radio ...t in
the manner outlined in paragraph 41.
(6) ~ the k")" . ...llth to INTERPHONE
...hen communication between the rernot. posi.
tion and the radio operator i. desired. In this
position. both the remote operator and the radio
operator can monitor the incomin, radio aignal.
To talk from one position to the other. p"'!4
the p..-to-talk button on the microphone at
the position which desi..... to communicate.
46. ""rpo.. and U.. of Check Li. t
~ . GENERAL. The equipment performanoe
check lil t (par. 41) will help the operator 0
determine ...hether Radio Receh'er and Tran..
miller BC-&t>9-( ) ia functionin, properly.
The check lilt gives the item to be checked. the
conditiona under which the item i. checked. the
no.mal indicationa and tolerances of corr«t
operation. and the cor....,tive measur e. that the
operator can take. Item. 1 to 3 are checked be-
fore starting. irem. 4 to 9 when .tarting. item
10 durinr operation, and item 11 when .top-
ping. Item 10 . hOllld be cbecked at lea. 1 once
during ""er)' tran.mission.
b. ACTION OR CoNDITION. The information
given in this column rep,"""nta the ..,ttinp of
the meter . ,.,ilth on the front panel.
e. NORl>IAL INDICA.'I't(lNS. (1) The normal
indication. li,ted include the vi.ible and audible
,igna the operator perceives ...hen he check. Ihe
itemL When the meter read. between the limits
"p'edfied, operalion i. considered ...ti, raclor)'.
A meter ..,adinl outside the limita liven i. a
oign of impending trouble or misadjustment. II
the indicalion. are not normal. the operr.tor
should apply the recommended co•....,li,·. mea:;.
(2) The 0p'..tor should familiarize him..lf
with the operation of Radio Receiver and Tran...
mitt.r BC-{;59-( ) .., that he know. the .hr_, of it. rettption of ~onna! oignal•.
By becoming famili.. with the operation of the
Aet, he learn. the nor mal position of the "olume
c<lntrol. This aid. in determining the ""n,ith'ity
and ampliikation of the rece;ve•.
d. CoRREC'I'IVE MEASURES. The corr..,th·e
measur.. listed here are what the ope..tor can
do "'ithout turn;n, in the equipment for ,.pair•.
If the procedures In par.,••ph. 47. 48, 50, and
51 do not bring ......ult•• trouble shooting by
experienced peraonnel ia ~ece"'r)'.
47. Equipment Perla,mone_ O-:k Lilt for Radio Receiver a nd T,an....itter BC-6S9-( )
- '-
, ""........2 ~!lC ODd I'TIO~&<!.
• H_ .".;,....
• ""...,.flt.......' ...t,_.
, I'lol< Y(>I,_
• PIo...01......
" PI.,••,,,,n.L
." ,·M "';l<h .... to Fit •.
,...,....~,,",., ••;u" ~< ,,,
PLAT!; """';...
" ..... '~M; ............."".·
",,,,,t;" h"""1 ... ~..t·
2 '03- 1<.,~_ &I.."... H.'-<O.
1 1~ 3- '1<-1.... 1It.,~..,. R.-'IOI.
• '" S. Ik,>ort ..,hl<uw- bon,..,.
• 103- a.,........""",... hoot,...,.
I ~ 1,,2.. lM,~to ... XI'ttl
48. Correctiv. Measures for Ifadio If.niver
and rran.mitt. r 8C-659-( )
If Radio Receiver and Tranl milter8C-659( )
faill to oper.te, inopeet ror pOMible cau"'o of
n. Make ",ruin that the meter «Introl Iwitch
iA at OPER. and that CHAN !witch il definitely
"et at one channel or the other (not hatf..... y
b. Mab . Ur. the mkrophoneand phone plugs
Are properly in..ned (all the way in) into their
c. Cheek the antenna terminal to make au••
that the leleooopic antenna il inotalled properly
and that the IUltenna I....d il firmly connected
to the antenna.
d. Cheek to $ell that the antenna <:onneetor
I. <:onnee~ to the mast terminal (if a maot
antenna;" being uoed) and Ihat the anlenna i.
not being grounded 0' dotuned by anoth.. objeet
conta<ting it.
o. Tu.n the meter ront....l .....itch to PLATE,
note the panel meter, "'hi<h Mould read 2 or
more, If there ;.. nO reading, it indicateo lut
of B vol.asl:e.
,. Turn the cont....1 to FIL. and note the
reading. This, alllO, ahould be 2 or more. If
there i. no meter ...,adin&-, the ftlamen.!. of
the tube.o in Radio Receiver and Transmitter
BC-659-( ) are not ..... iving voltai'!.
g. Check the connector plug and receptacl<!
which join Radio Receiver and Tran. mitter
RC-659-( ) to Plate Supply Unit PE._1l7-C,
Power Supply Unil P£-I20-A, or Battery C....,
CS-79-( ). Be l ure both """tion. of the ""n_
nector are puohed together "",,urely to . ...u...
a good «Intact, and that they are tightly
49. Corrective MeaIU... for Dry llattery
Operotion and Reploc",,",nl
ft . CORRECTIVE MuslllUJl. (I) Turn Ihe meler
switeh to PLATE. pre... the h.nd~t
tatk owiteh, and read Ihe panel meter. A read_
ing of I.,.. than 2 indkates a weak Battery
BA-39. Tum the switch to FIL..•nd read the
meter. Le.. than 2 .how• • weak Battery BA__to.
If "olla~ are low, '"-,taU fre.h Balleries
llA-39 and BA-IO in battery use CS-79-( ) .
(2) The drain on inlernal Battery BA-Il
I,.,ated inside Radio Receive. and Tran.mitter
BC-659-( ) is very low. Ito life approximates
normal ahelf lifo.
h. REPLACEMENT. When the receiver and
transmitter batter ies run doW/l (!ndieated by
• reading of Ie... Ih.n 2 en the panel meter ),
repla« U follOWS '
( I ) Open Ca"" CS-79-( ) and remOVe the
old batteri"".
(2) In.tall f.....h Batteri.. BA-39 alld
BA-40 with the "id"" marked TOP faein&" up
(ftr· IO).
(3) Clean plup tree of all pOMible ""rrolion
and .""umulation of dirt, 110 that ¥ood electri",,1
contact i. . ..ured,
(4) Engw plurl in their respective .,.,keto,
firmly pushing them all the way in.
(5) Tighten the webbed straps oecurely.
(6) P ut Ih. component. that .re normally
~arried in Cue CS-79-( ) into the case (par.
22), and cl""" and latch the """" cover.
c. ] NTEKN...L B ..."M'ERY BA-H. Th. .... il an
internal Battery BA-Il located in a . mall
batt~ box near the front panel inside the
ease of Radio Receiver and Transmitter
BC-659-( ). Negligible cur rent i. drawn f....m
this battery; con5tquently. ilo life in lhe ..dio
""I is ito norm. 1 ahelf life. Replace it with •
fresh battery after about 8 months of use. Fol·
low in"truetlon. e-iven In paragraph 22b. c. d,
and •.
50. Correctiv. Meawres for V"'icular
8o,"ry OjMfolion
~. Pw.TI StiFFLY UNIT PE-117-C. (1)
Open and check this unil to make . ure that
Fu"" FU-38 (Fl) i. intact, that Vibn.tor
VB-7_( ) (VI), rectifier Tube JAN_l OOS
(VT_19~, V2) , voltage regulatoT Tube
JAN-OBS/VR90 (VT_184, VS). and plug-in
electrolytic Capacitor CA-40S-( ) (ClO), are
..,,,ted properly in their .....pecti.. .,.,keto to
make good «Intact (ftg. 20).
(2) Check the )IOI!ition of the link connectors
on the pow"," pack by «Imp••inll them to the
drawing ""menl"<l to the InAide of the ptale
supply unit ""ver. Make ~ruin they are in
the proper )IOI!ilion for the voltage of the ,.....
hicular battery.
( 3) Turn the meter switch to PLATE, pre&8
the puah_to-talk switoh, and read the panel
meteT. If it ......d. leM tJutn 2 (the luminous
.pot), it indicateo. weak vehicular battery or
trouble in Plale Supply Unit P E-1l7-C. Ze....
plate volUge pOMibly indiealn a defective fu"".
defective capacitoT, or defective vibrator.
(4) The ~"e item. li.ted in (I) abo,... may
nf<'d repl"""ment t....m time to time. Spa.....
for all item. ex"",,pt the .ectifter tube and the
voltage regulator tube are earri"<l in .uitable
dlp.lnllde Plate Supply Unit PE-1I7-C. Two
0...". .If .
. ....... rectifter tubes and voltage ....gul.tor IlIbeI
are 'UppliM in the tube replacement kit. When
ddodive,..ny of the... may be removed by pull-
in, them from their """kets. The ....placement
.hould be in",rted 10 that Ih. pins line up prop.
~rly wIth tn. sockd hola.
(~) Ch...,k polarity of A battery power able
to vehicular batt.ry (par. 28<1).
N.,•. VB_I_( ).nd V!l...1_( ) .... iftUT_
b. Pown SUPI'LY UNIT PE-12(1....A. (1)
Open Power Supply Unit PE-12(1....A; ch...,k to
make .u.... that fu"" Fl i.o intact and that the
nodifier tube and the re,ul.tor lube are prop.
eny in.lalled in their ,..,.pecti,·. sockd. to
make gOod contact (fig. 22).
(2) Ch...,k the pooition of the link connector.
II should be connecled to ·the lenni..l marked
(3) Make .u.... voltage ",lector plug PI i.o
iMerled in Ih. proper po. ition for Ih. voltage
of the vehicular b.l~ry being uoed.
N.". nam.,. ...ult& I..... i""'<N<t position;n, 01
pl., Pl.
(4) Make .u.... that the proper vib..tor i.
beIng uoed for the voltage of Ihe vehicular bal_
NOI<. u.. Vlb.oto. V!l...l t..A lor 6....1. Vlbr.tor
V!l...l3-A 'D. 12.",1t. ond VI.r..... V8_U_A I", 2.... 01'
_rot"'n. n.. oiOtoto. ",0,. "'.......,.,.; to ,he ••~k"lo.
••,,~. ~ ...u.lto il on 11I<Orr«t .Ib...............
(5) 1'urn the meter .witch to PLATE, p.~
th~ pUM_l<>-talk .witch, nd the panel
meter. If it I. .. than 2 (th. luminous
s pot), it Indicates a ",uk vehicular batlery o.
[rouble in Power Supply Unit PE-l20-A. Zero
plate voltage po..,bly Indicate. a defective fn"".
dcf...,tjv. capacitor, o. defective vibrator.
(6) Located in Power Supply UnitPE_IW--A
on the power pack .h....i'" the.... are four com_
ponents that need replacing during Ihe cou,,",
of regula. operation. They are fu"" Fl, d_
bratoro vim (VB-IZ--Al, VIBZ (VB-I:J-A).
or VIB3 (VB-ll_Al, .....Iifier tube VI. voltage
....flUlator tube V2. and mament replalor tube
V3. Th~ .an be identilled in ftgure 22. All of
th""" Items pin, into .ultable !lOCkets or recep-
tacles on the power pack. Sockel arranll""ments
a.... ouch thai nO error can be made when in..rt-
ing the replacement. Suitable dill" a.... provided
for carrying one ' I>"r. fuse and one Sl>"'" vi_
brator in. ide the cue of Power Supply Unit
PF_ 12(1....A. Two . pa.... rectifier tube., two
voltage regul"lor lubeo, and two filament ....Ru-
lator lubes are .upplied in the repla""ment tube
kit. When defective, any of th..... components
may be removed by pulling Ihem from their
sockela. The repl"",ments should be inserted 10
that the pins line up properly with Ih. socket
hola. Pu. h them down firmly to aM"'" good
(7) Check polarity of the A battery power
cable to the vehicuiar battery (par. 28<1) •
Or'9tr 0111""",
5 1. Mea"I". of P,....."'i... Mo;"'. ...."".
Preventh~ ....Inten.nce 10 I lJlt.....tle "".iftot oll<'rltiolU ptrfonnfd II recutlr Inte,,·_I.
on eq~iplMfIl. wheo lumed ol'f. to dimilUte
mojo. unwlnlfd Interruption.
in "rYiee••nd to ketp the equlp"",nl oll<'rllln..
At top offirimey. To underlt.OO whll I. mtanl
by prevenll... Mlinl~nte. II 10 nMrr" ry 10
dirtin",i"" 1It1..·ftfI preventJw mllnle...lIft.
t......b~ ohooIi..... Ir>eI repal•. n.. p. ime fune-
lion at pre"e"th~ mllnten.nte I. to ,...._,
breok-clo...... Ind. Ih.trefore. the need to. ""
p.o.l•. On Ihe other hind. tho p.l.... funetioll of
lrouble "'OOlln.. Ind repal. I. 0 locate Ind
"".red u~ti,,~ defect.l. n.. Import.n« of P""
venti........inlenlnoe ranno! lit o,·eremllh..lud.
The enUre lyatem of rldlo eommunieltlon de-
~ndl upon tAoh OIet', btl".. 0.. Ih oi. when i
i. needed .nd upon Its (J'perrrU.., tfJicitrtq. 11 "
theulore vUally impo. tRnt that rodlo ope.llO..
and ...pairmen malntoln Ihelr rldlo Itt. prop-
1V.,•.Tlwo o...,., ~., in -'io;" yU! """ IX ... ft,"• .,.. MOO"" ....10. (0,•••1..,1... _ ...... 011(1 _I• •
......l ...1.....".............,.'1.... I. _.~. X 0""
XI .ro h~"', ...........1"........
52. Dncription of ' ....."'1... MoI",..,o"o.
o. GEt<!:RAI.. M 001 of Ihe electricll parte uted
in Rodio Seta SCR-609-( ) Ind SCR-6IO-( )
.-.qui........Iine p~~ntl.... malntenlnte. Tho..
.....ui. in.. ditrer I.. the amount Ind
kind .....ui...... Ilecault hll-o. ·ml.. malnlenanet
lechnlque. cannot bt Ippllfd. dellnile I nd .pe-
oHIo ilUl,u( needed. Thl, _lion of
th~ mlnual """tain, th_ ,peciflt Iftllruellonl
Ind Hrva .. I ",ide for lI<'.-n~1 ual(Md
10 II<'rlorm Ihe IiI bo.l~ mAinltn.nte open·
lio... """"'''': Ftel. Inoptct. TI,hlen. Cief.n.
Adjuol. IIId Lubr!u~. Th,."..iJhoul Ihl. mallual
lhe I«lerinl aplem for tho ILl, ope."I.... I.
A" follows:
F_ Ftel.' C-O<o•.
1_1 ...""d . A_AdjuII.
T- Tllhten. J....-.Lubriu le.
The r.rli lwo Ope.ltlon. ""bllsh the need for
Ihe other fou•• The HlteUon of opt. allon. I.
bn.6 On I plL('lilI knowledle of .,Jd 1LI'eds.
Forulmple. lhe dllll e""""nlerm on dirt mad.
d ~r i.............,., lro"el 1I11.rI Into Ihe
.:qulpmenl no mailer how muoh care b liken
to p..,.,enl il. Rapid chongea in Wtltht. (I uch
.. h..,·y nin follow«! by blisterinl hat). "".
tftIIw domp-. snow. _nd Ice lend to cauM
..........ion at tIp'Ed lurf_ I nd plLrtL With,
out frequ.nt insptctionl I nd the ntc ....,. per_
fOnnln« of ti....t"";n... dtonln... I nd lub. lcal.
in.. optTllions. equipment beeomes un~ptnd,
Ible _nd IUbjec:t 10 b.......-cI.,..... when Ihe
equip"",nl to mool netded. ,
1>. Fm... Not LlM!d on thil equipment.
c. IHaPECT. In.poec:tion il the mOil imporlanl
oll<'rl tlon in Ibe p",,·enti,·. _Inlenanre p ....
!frlm. A corel.... oboerver will overlook Ihe
"Idenou of minor Irwbl... AlthOlllb Ih.... de,
feota may nol Int....ttre with the ptrlOrmlnCe
of the equipment. valuable timl Ind effort tin
be .."td If they Ire oo.....ted before Ihey I""d
to major brNk-down•. Make ever)' effort 10
be<:<>me Ihoroughly flmilia r with the indlo.liona
ot normal runelloninl. in order to be Ible 10
recognize the l ig... of I defecth'e $d. Inopee,
tlon ron";'to of carefully oboervlnr I II Plrta
of tho tqulpment. notldnr their color. pi...,."
ment.•tote of deanlineu. et<:. In.pod tor Ihe
fo1lowlnl oondillo... :
(1) (h·e.hettin... I. iOOklted by di~o••
Ilion. bli.lerin... or bulrlnll" of the parte or .u"
f""" of the ""ntoiner ; Ie.hp of InlUl_tin..
ronIpOUnds; , nd o.idalian of metol oontut III••
,-(2) PII«1MfI1. by ",-"in.. lhal III J.u.ds
Ind cabli.... I.., In their orIltinll ~itiona.
(~) C1eanlin_ by carefully uominin.. aU
,eotEl" in the units tor acaLmulalion of dllll.
.-oped_II, connectin.. termi...... Parts.
...nnectl...... Ind jointo !!hould be f_ of du"1.
"".....ton. Ind other to~.... ....tteo". In t ...pic.]
Ind hlgh-humid;ly ]"""io.... look for funru<
pawth and mildew.
(4) Ti..Mneu. by leaH.... Iny """neollon '"
mountin.. which .ppeors to Iio! Ioooe.
""Tho r ..1~""f'tlooL Ie ... ol>Pll<oblo .. tlo......lp_C
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.
Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.

Contenu connexe

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Radio SCR 609 / 610. TM 11-615.

  • 1. o 0 ~ .AI DEPAITMENTJ r CHNICAL MANUAL • RADIO SETS SCR-609-A AND-B AND SCR-61O-A AND-B do. U.o...1 StuooC L'tJ Me, .... ;, ........ ... ~_,' " .. . . , PC' 101 ...... :::".:.t-.:::.:;;..... _;";"ioI;';'" .... "' ......) ... . . --'.'- WAR DEPARTMENT • APRIL I9H
  • 2. IV A R DEPARTME N T TE C H N I CA L TM IJ-o/5 MANUAL . T"" _ 01 _ _, T>I Ir-<"." "m I . , " ' , U """>-'," h'~ " ,,: ... T' """>-',">I" "'~ RADIO SETS SCR-609-A AND-B AND SCR-61O-A AND-B • - IVtlR DEPAR T ME N T • • u.~.J $I.", C ......,01 1'';'';., (J~" "...,Iti••" ... '''$ UNIVE~lTY Of CAlifORIIlA
  • 3. WAR DEPARTMENT Wuhinlrlon 25, D. C., 19 Apri11945 TM 11-6!~, Rodio Sets SCIWlQ9_A and _B and SCR-610-A and _B, ;. publi.hed for the information and guidance of all oonC<!rneci. !AG iIOO.7 (I~ 1.~ 16) I By ORDUor TilE SECRE1"AlVOYW,,: Orr,CIAL: J. A. ULIO Mojor Grn~",1 n . Adj~taNf G.~ .nrl DJ!lTIt.IBlTJON: G. C. MARSHALL CMcl pI SIal! AAF (S) : AGt- (S) : ASF (2) : T of Opn (5) : [}ept (5); [}ef Comd (2); Bao" Comd (5): AAF Comd (2); Arm" Sv Bd (2) ; S Div ASF (I); Tech Sv (2); SvC (5); Ana ASvC (2); woes Lib (5); PC"S (2); PE (2); Dep 11 (2); Gen OverBea sas Dep (Sig Sec) (2); GH (2) : M Cone C (2) ; Air Ba.. Hoop (2); Gen Sv Soh (5) : Sp Sv Soh (10): USMA (2): ROTC (5); LIob II (2); Sig AS (2) : Rep Shop II (2) ; A (5) ; 0 (2): Bn ll, 18 (2); C 3, 6. 9. B. 18. 19. 44. 55 (5) ; AI'" (2) ; Three (8) copi.. to each of the follo....;ng: T/0 ok E 3---267 : &-H)_I : &-12: &-20-1; 6-26; 6-27: 6-29; 6-36; 6-39; 6-W-l; 6-S6; 6-57: 6-67; 6-77; 6-785; 6-97; 6-126; &-121: &-129; &-106: &-157: &-116; 6-177: 6-200-1: &-2125: &-216: 6-217 ; 6-218; 6-226; 6-221 : 6-210--1T ; 6-.127 : 6-329: 6-337; 6-339 ; 6-351; 6-359; 6-367: 6-397: 9-61; B _1 ; 11_15; 11_18; 11-47; 11-57; 11-95; 11- 97; 11-11)7; 11-121; 11_2..17; • 11- 287: 11-557: ll-M!7; B...;";97; 11-617; 18-25; 18-26; 18-21; 18-28; 18-36; 18-31 : 19-51; 44_216; 44- 216T; 44-277; 44_277"; 44-287: 55-S7. lt,r~r to FM 21-6 for uplonotion of di.tribution formula. I .' . Or'9tr.0111",,", UNIV,R!TY Of CAlJfORNIA
  • 4. CONTENTS , ,;.L T '<1'15 * '* ....,.... s""''''~ I. r>e.aiption of Radio Seto SCR-609-( ) and SCR,...611).. ( ) . General ........ , .• . . , ............. ,., ............ , ., ... . ... . Application of oquipment ... ................... . . ... .......... . T..hnic. l characteriotic•........................'............. . Table of componento ... , ... . ... ••.... ....... .. ............. .. . Fffl<uency opectrum .hart ...... ...... . ....................... . Pa.hging data .... .. ..... .................... . ....... . ..... . Radio Re«i,-er .nd Tl'lln' mitter B~59-( ) ... ... ............ . Cue CS-79-( ) ............... ..... ... .. ..... ..... .. . .... . . Plate Supply Unit P E-117-C and Pow... Supply Unit PE-121)...A .. . Difference in model•. "., ...•.••..... ....... ..........•....... Alill"ment Tool TL-l50 or TL-21Y7 .......... . .... .. ... .. ....... . Antenna AN_29-C ............. . ................ ..•. . , ... . .. . Terminal Box TM_218 and Cord C('.-67/ MRQ_2 .......... . ...... . Antenna Terminal Box... TM_210 and TM-211 and Cordag. CO-282 .. Remote Control Unit RM- 29-( ) and Remote Control Equipment RC-261 ..... .... ... . . . .. .......... .. . ...... . .. ........... . Co"". BG-I53 .. . .... ......................... . ............. . H. nd.rt TS-13--( )., . , ..... .. .. , ...... , ........•..........• ea"" CS-137 ................ ..... ........................... . Wire. W_29 and W_128 ....... ,."., ........... "., ......... . II. General i""tanation information. Unpacking. un.rating. and .hetking ............ . ............... . Repacking information , .... . .......... . .............. .. , . . . . . . 111. In. t. n.tion of Radio Set SCR-609-( I, II'round tran.portable oper· ation. ,,, •,, 7 , 9 "n """ """"" "" -,,,,,,, 9 "n n n n " "" """ "" Rodio Re«iver and T.ansmitter BC-fi.59-( ) ........... ,........ 22 If c."" CS-.79-( I.............................. ................ 2S 15 AoMmbly ....... "., .. . ,', ... , ........ . .. , ... , ..... .......... 24 15 /I'. Installalion of Radio Set SCR--tII)...( 1. ground ,·ehieola. operation. Radio Re«iver and Tran, mitter BC-6.~9-( )..................... 25 11 Plate Supply Unit PE-1l1-C.................................... 2fi 11 Power Supply Unit PE-12I)-A..... ... ................. ,... . ..... 27 18 Mounllng ......................... ,................... .. ..... 28 19 Mast Bue MP--l8-( )orM...IBa.., AB-15 '(;R ... . ... . . . ... . . . .. 29 20 Coaxial antenna-matching network.. ............................. 30 21 Roquisitloning anlenna COnIp""enlls. ....... . .. .... . .............. 31 2-1 In.tanal ion of Terminal Box TM_218 .. .. ... .. ...... ,. . .......... 32 24 Antenna Terminal Box... TM_210 and TM-211 and Cordage CO-282.. 33 26 ...... TWO. "".." N O _ S,d"o v. R«<!iver and tn.nsmitter controla and their ....... Meter and ....itch . .. . . . ............ . . ... .. , . ........ . VOLUME-Off' switch ..... • ~ .•: ...... . .. , ... , .. ". CHANnel .witch . . ........ 1ftv.V~........... . .. ... .... . Speaker .hutter .. C..: .( • y.{I,'......UNIVi:g-,*~"f':c;.~iA ........ "".." """26
  • 5. VI. OpenLtion. '-~ '- Selection of l ite. ...... ... . ...... ..... ... . ....... . ......... ... . " U Prepar:ttion of Radio Set SCR-60S-( ) . .. .......... ....... ..... . " U Preparation of Radio Set SCR-6l o.... ( ) ......................... . .. ~ Starting p~"re ..... ... . .... . . ..... .. . ........... . ....... . . " ~ Operating pr"".utionl . . . ................................. .. . . . " M Tying down "ehicular ~ntenna .... ................. .. ...... .... . " "Emerrency wi,.., antenna ........ ........ ...... . ........ . ..•... . .. "Remote control ......... ............ ..... .. ... . ... . . .. ....... . " "VII. Equipment perlonnance check list. Purpo.. and u"" of ch""k li.t... .. ............................... 46 33 Equipment performance check li.t for Radio R...,.h·er and Tran. mitter ac-ti59-( ) .. .... . ..... . .. ....... ....... . ........ .. .. .... . 47 33 Corrective m.""ureg for Radio Receiver and Transmitter ac-ti59-() 4S 34 Co"""tive m. ""u..... for dry battery operation and replacement. . . . . . 49 34 C<>rrective mea.ure. for "ehieular baltery operation........ .. ...... 50 34 •..., ,..... .........."'."'''''_Cl. s..,..... VIII. P....'·.ntl•• malnleJUl."'" t""hniQue•. Meaning of preventive m~intena""" ............................ . . Description of pre"entive maintenance '''''hniqueg.. ... . .......... • Vacuum tube•.. . .. . ............ . ............ ........... . Capacitor' .......... ... . ......... . ................ . ... .. . .. .. Re.lno... . ...... . . . .. .. .. ................................... . Switch", .............. ........... .... .. ................. . ... . Multiple connectou . .. ..... . ................... . ........... . . . B.o.tterieo . ..... .. . ................ . ..... . ... .. . . .... . ....... . C<>nb and cabl... .. ................... . ... . ....... .. ......... . Jacko .. . ..... ..... ... . . . ........ .. .. .. ............... . . .... . Vehicular mast antenna ... ......... . . . TelekOpie Antenna AN-29-C• . .... neadset, microphone, and handset.. . Itemized preventive maintenance. Introduction . . .. . . ....... . .............. . .............. . .... . Common materials needed .......... . ... .. .... . ....... . ...... . . Item I. Ezterior of Radio Set. SCR-6Q9-( ) and SCft...6Io....( ) .. . Item 2, Antennas.... . ...... .. . . . ..................... . ...... . . Item 3, Batteri.. and Battery Case CS-79- ( ) ...... . . . . .. , .. . . . , Item 4, C<>nb and Cabl••... . ............... . ................. .. Item 5,, Hand..!. and microvhon•.... , .................. . Item 6, Radio Seto SCR-60S-( ) and SCR-6lo....( ) . . , .... ..... . . Item 7, Radio Transmitter and Recei~r 1IC-G59-( ) ............. . Pre....,n!ive maintenance check list. .... ... .. .. ..... ... ... . . .. . . . . Lubrication. War Department Lubrication Order.... .. ........... ....... . .. .. XI. MOiotureprooftng and fun2"iproofing. encountered . . ... .... .... .. . . .... . ...... , .. , ... ..... . Treatment ................... , .. , . , . , . .. ..... ,... .... ... . . . Su>·.tep inltructiono for t...,ating Radio Set. SCR-600--( ) and SCR-6I()...( J .•.•.••••• • .•.• .•. • .• .• .•. • .• ..•..• ••••••••• " Sttp-by·.tep instructions fOr t reating Power,Su~r.~ Unit PE-12O""A . . t. ., '" UNIV,RITYOfCAlJfORNIA """M """.."""., " """"OS "'" "n " ""TI " """"""""""""" """" "" """ " ""
  • 6. ...... HVL ....10 ...,.uctlClHS. 47 S."'''. XII. Theory of Radio Receiver and Traru.mitter SC--659- ( ) , receiver ""'_ Uon. General ................... . ....... .... ;.. .................... 79 48 Fi..tradio-frequencyamplifler .ta~ ......... ....... ~ .......... ,. 80 49 Seo:<>nd radio-frequency amplifter a~ . ..... ............. , . ... .. . 81 60 Mixer ........ .......... ...... ,", .... , . .. .. . ......... , ... ,., 82 60 Cryml """illator ............................................ 83 60 Fint intermediate·frequency amplifier otare..... . ................ 84 51 Second intermediate-flllQueney amplifier .ta~, , , _. , , . , . , . , , . , . . . . S5 61 Limiter...................................................... 86 51 Discriminator and direct-current amplifier.... ... ................ 87 52 Audio-frequency power amplif(,r. ............. ........... .. ..... . 88 64 Xlii. Theory of Radio Receiver and TTanlmitter BC-659-( ), tranamitter oct•• General ...................... . .. . ........ . ..... , ............ . Reactance tuboo modulator and microphone cireu;t••• , •••• ,. ,.,., .• O.dllator ................................................... . Buffer-double• ................................................ Radio-frequeney power amplifter." .. "."", .. , .. , ............ .. Antenna network ....... ................... ........ .. ........ . Stabili..tion of transmitter .... tinr frequency ............... .. ... . Transmitter ftlament and microphone elreuit ..................... . Met... oontrol switch SWlS .. , ................... ....... . ...... . Meterinr """ket S02 ......... , ................... .. .......... . ,tlr. Theory of power BuWly uniu. General ...... . .................... , . " . , ........ _....... , ... . Plate SuWly Unit PE-1l7-C. eireuit analy"'•.......... .. ... ... .... Power SUWly Unit PE-l20-A, eireuit analy"'• . ..... _.•.... . ....• .. Cu" CS-79-( ) .. ...................... ... .. , .......... ... .. xv. Trouble _hootinr. Generallroubl....hootlnr informnion ............ , ............ ... . Resi_tanee meu uremtnts ........ .. . .... .... , .... "., .... , .... . Capacitor te.u .. ..... .... ....... .. ...................... .. . . . Tube cheekinr . .......... .. .... ................ , ... .......... . Tn t equipment .. . ........ ..... ... .......... . . ...... ...... ... . i MUmnr Adapter M-399... . , ................... , ....... , ..... . TroubhHhootinr pr-oeedu................................. _.... . Sedionalizinr trouble in Radio Set SCR-609-( ) ................ . Sectionali,inr trouble in Radio Set SGR-GIG-( ) ......... ....... . Sectlonali.inr t rouble In Radio Receiver and Tran. mitl<r BC-6&9-( ) .......iver _lion.................... . ... , ....... . trouble in Radio Receiver and TTan_mittor BC-6511-( I, traru.mltter _tion, ., ..... ,." _.. . ....... ... .. . . Loeali.inr trouble in Plate Supply Unit PE-1l7-C . ............... . Localizing trouble !n Power Supply Unit PF~12I)-A . ___ . _... .. .... . Loeali.inr lrouble in Case CS-79-( ) .......... ...... ... .... .... . XVI. Repal..... Replaeement of pam........ ..... •......... .............. .. ... RadIo Reeeivet and Transmitter BC-6.I'i1l-( I , normal point-o-point reaistance values C''... :f: .. ~ .. '~~I~~i;'~~'~'~f~;~ ...,.... "' "" ".. "" ".. "" "" "" .." 00 " " " "'" "'" "'" " '" "'" "'" ..'"' "'" "'"' "'" ..'" "'" " '" " '" "'" "'" "'" " '" "U. "
  • 7. Plate Supply Unit PE-117-C. normal point-t.,.point reaiatance "Aluea Power Supply Unit PE-12()....A. nornW polnt-to-pomt resl.otance "alueo! Continuity chec:k& for c...e CS-7~( l. oonb. and ...hle aMernbll..... . Ru&tproollnl" and repainting. . .... . .. . .... . ..... . .. . .. . .... .. ... Unuti..t&clo'! Equipment Report . ....... . .. . .....•.... . . . .. . .. . XVII. Alill"Ill1lent and neutraliution. r......,. no ""." '"... , ~ """"" T..t in.otrument. for alilrl'ment and neutraliution . . . ...... . . . ..... · 124 89 A1ilrl'ment of recei"er aeotion ........ . .... . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. •. •• ... 12li 119 Neutral;'lIion . .. . . . . . ...... . ... . ... . ....... . ......... .. ...... 126 90 Minimum test requinmenb!.. . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . ... . . . . . . . ....... 12'1 91 XI'III. Pruettina-. Preliminary con. iderations .... . .. . . .... . ....... . . .. •...... . . . . . 128 91 in.ot.ucUon.o for pl"ftetUnr.. . ................. . ... . . . ..... . ... . 129 92 Test inotrum"nt. for p......,tting. . . ..... . . . .. .. . .. . . . ......... . .. 180 93 Pruetting proc<!dure uoing VOItOhmmeter 1- 101- ( ) Or other elec· tronic voltmeter .... . . .. . .. .. . . .... . . . ... .. .. . .. .. ..... . .. •• 131 9a P",...tting pl"DCf!du,.., uoing alignment indiu.tor or Adapter M-899. . . . 182 94 &nerren"y pruetting ot trarwnitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISS 95 __IX ..............."'MTt __ NUICO ,.,1._..__,..... _ ..................96 .. _NO... . .... . .. . . ... ... .. . . . ............... ..... ...... .... . .. .. . .. ... 97 0..'9" 0111""", VI UNIV,RITYOfCAlJfORNIA
  • 8. DESTRUCTION NOTICE WHY ~To prevent the enem)" from u.inll" or ..Ivq'inll" thi. <:quipmenl for ni. beneftt. WHlN--When ordered by roureommander. , HOW _1. Sm..h_ U"" .Ied~.. U"". nand""e•• pi.kax... n.mme......row""" .... heavy tool... 2. Cut_ U.., U"'.n.ndu..... m.ach.~. 3. Burn_U.., g.....,lin•• ker_ne. oil. lIame u,rowe,... incendiary Irf"!nad. ... 4. Explo&ive_Uoe llrurm•. ' ....nade•. TNT. • 5. Diopooal-Bury In olil t....nehes. tox hoi..... oth.r nol. ... Throw in•. Scatter. USE ANYTHING IMMEOIATRV AVAILA.ILE FOR DEST1IIUCTION OF THIS EQUIPMENT WHAT-I. Sm••h- AII vlU!uum tubes. cryotal•. control dialo. t..."'stonn.... ,peaker•• microphones. hud~. power .uppli... inoul.tora, and •• ble connecto.... 2. Cut-.AII .onnectin, wires. cording. and cabling. 3. lIum_ AII oquipment and all U$<lCiated field. t..hnical. and in. tallation manuill•. 4. Bend- AU , hafbl. antenn••• and _ •. 5. Bury or ",att.r_AII rem.iM3. after destroying their uoefulneu. DESTROY WERYTHING , • , .. (., Or'9tr 01 If"", VII UNIV,RITYOfCAlJfORNIA
  • 10. PART ONE INTRODUCTION 5edion I. DiSCII..nON OF 1AD10 SETS SC14l09 ( ) AND SCl4l10-{ ) I . Ge....ClI a. Radio Set SCR-609-( ) (fiM. 1) Is. ]0..• power, f""looney.modu]ated (f.m) !let which i. d""iMJIed to provid~ two-way wmmunie.o.tioo (>1.~r ohort diot.ancell fl"()m a wtion..ry ground .-ition. Power for the operation of the unit Is lupplied by dry batteries. Radio ~ SCR-609-( ) IlUl¥ be eon"erted to Radio ~ SCR~I().... ( ) (tiM. 2 ) by addinr the compo- nen.!. neceuary for yehieular mountinM and open tion. Radio Set SCR-6IO-( ) UIleS. 6-, 12-. or 24-"0It ( v) .to.age battery to IUPPly the nKeSS.ll..y power. Figure S i••n ov....-&lI illustration of Radio Set SCR-609-( ). Fi,... •. R..... Sci SCR-41(}-( ), .....ONI ••~i<I</.o. ;....u...... b. Th""ughout thi. manual empty paren· th_ ( ) indkate ....f. ....nce. to all models of . he equipment. Thu., Radio Set SCR-609-( ) refen to SCR-609-A and _B; Radio Set SC R~I G- ( ) rofe... to SC R~lG-A and _B; Radio Receiver and T....n.mitter BC-669-( ) rtfen to BC--65D-A, _B, _H, and -J; Remote Control Unit Rll-29-( ) ref. .. to Rll_29-A WId _B; C..... CS-7D-( ) refers to CS-79-A, -B. and -C; Ma.ot Bue MP-4&-( j ....fe... 10 l[ P-48 and MP-4&-A ; Mounting FT....:1I7_( ) refe.. to FT-317- A and - B; CaptLtitor CA-403---( I refe... to CA....fQ3.-A .nd _B; Vibralor VD-1_( ) ....fe.. to VB-1_A and _B; .and Mountinr FT_250--( ) refer. to FT_250-A and -C. 2, Applicotlon of Equipment RadioSebSCR-609--( jandSCR-6IG-( ) are complete i...,taJJalion. and are not IntendeJ or d""iMJIed for UM'" part of any other oyotern. 3. Technical Charoct..-illics ~'''''Iuency ranJCe ; T.......mitter . .... . . .. .27.0 to 38.9 ",c. R"""iver .......•..... 27.0 to 38.9 me. Type of Signal emitted .... F·m yoice.. Type of Signal ....hich may be received . ....... . .. •'·m ,·oice.. D A ' .'!tanee ranlr" . ......... pprox. i> m,. Type autenna u.oo, Fixed oponotion ....... Tel~pi.c Anlenna AN_29-C. Vehicular opo....lion ..•3-aeclion """, antenna. Tno""",itter output. Ll.w. Type of """,;ver ......... F·m wperbdu<>- N~mber of chan,..l" dyne. cry. tal. e<>nlrolled """illator. Transmillilljf . ....... ,1-"<1. R"""iving ....... ... .. Izll. F""Iueno:-y IK'pa.,...tion be- l",..,., channel• .. ..... . 100 kc.. Radio Reeeil·.r and Tran.o. mitler BC-65I1-( ), tube complemenl . . . .. .1 TubeJAN_ILH4 (VT-1771. 1 T~beJ AN_ILC6 (VT_1181. 5 TubeJAN- I t...."5 (,T_179) . 2 Tube JAN-3B7/ 12"91 (VT_I82j. ,To.'" JAN-IRI/ I2"94 (VT_IS.'J) . .j"·Tube UNIVE~lTY Of CAlifORNIA JAN-.3D6/ 1299 (VT_I&6).
  • 11. AH-U-C Sllt."S "'''D I(!UCl(£lS , .~ 1 'U'ER IIl0fCAllfO!!ilA I
  • 12. P.,.,.u .upp"': Tra,..portab1e, Radio Set SCJt....609- ( ) .. In Cue CS-11J-( I Reeeivinr •.•.... . ,. B.ttery BA-I.O: A, .I; v a:nd B, 90 v. T..........ltth'l" ••... .. Batteriel BA-39 and 8.4.-1.0: r"~c..., A. I.r; v .nd B, 90 v: Vehlc..lo.r. Ra.dio Set f"'...."'IU.r: A. '1.& v.nd B, triO y. SCR-4iHl-( ) ...... Plate S~pply Unit Power Supply Unit P E-I20-A. tube PE-1 17-Cfrom &.y or l 2-v stor· ap blttery 0. ~r Supply Unit PE-I20-A from r;.y, 12-y, Or 2-4_v 1tOn&e batt.o:ry. complement •....... .. . 1 Tube .IAN_lOO6 (VT-19r;). Plate Supply Unit P E-1I1-C, .-JAN-OBSjVR90 (VT- I84). 1 Amperlte lOTI. ((Implemenl ......••••• 1 TlbeJAN-IOOII (VT_l~). ."'..JAN-OBSjVRIMl (VT_IM) . N .... 1.1Iotl! ""...pol..l!10 .... ..w..J.,•.,u......., to-~.... In_I BoU• .,. U,..., I, l"0II'I1...... Powu requlremenu : Power ...pply, tn...... portable .......nd alation ( Ra.dlo Set SCR e09 ( J, dry batten",,) ..... .Rec.i~i"~: B.ttery BA-I.O; A. U v • t 0.9-1 amp: B, 90 v at 28 ma. T",_;tti.~, (receiYer attU 011) B.ttery 810.-1.0 (neal.....) and BA~9 ( miUer) . Vehicular, Radio Set Rt«;rn-, A, 1.111' . t 0.9-1 amp; 90 v at 411 rna. TnI_;jf"" A, 7.6 vat O.3amp:B. triO Yal riO ma. SCIt-6I()...( ) ...••. PIate SIiPply Uni PE-1I1-C ope•. Ita from a 6-v Or Ii-y ItOnp battery. Plate Suppl,r Unit PE-1l7-C, at Power Supply Unit P E-I20-A OPfer- ata from I 6-v. t2_v, Or 2-4_v .torage battery. t.2-Y In"ut •.••••••••• . R«rim,: 2..1 amp (.ppro",. 17 wI. Plate Supply Unit PE-1I1-C, .t T....",,,,ilfi.,: S.25 amp (appro",. 20 w) . 12.• _v Input ..• .. .• •.. . R••flui",,: 2.25 amp (approlt. 2:8 w) • T,.,11..",mi",: 2..6 a:mp (appl"OJl. S2 w). Supply Unit PE-I20-A, &.V input.. . R.u;.mog: S.O amp. Power SuPPb" Valt Tnt......../till', U amp. P E-I20-A, l%-v input. .R'ceil>i"Q: 2.0 amp. Pow... SUpply Unit T........illi~': :L15 amp. PE-t2G-..... 24-•• input ..R«riei"".. !.Ii amp. 7'....''''itti~Q, 2.0.,.,p. N_ ....... 110...,. ...~ ••n.. _idor,::t,..- ••_ .....UtloBo. o..~ . 0 "" . 01 <h..... • • ••1)11 .... '" • 1I~lvER~ITY OH/,lIFI :lilA -
  • 13. , ... ,! ucrO:>N " S·5' ItAUUl '-.. 1 000~L;-toIt ,II· n un.., _ ' ''SUUTO~ I ,,,"'" 1(__ ,NSUu TOII , IlGUI I
  • 14. • --- -UNIVERSITY Of C,.llfQRNIA
  • 15. 4. ToW. of Com,......... (lip. 4, S, 6) •. lW»O Sft SCR-609-B. ••,, • • JU • • lS, .", • • •• • • D •• •• •• ! ! iI II . ~ ! UNI~ERITYOf{AlifORNIA • • . . ~ 1••• • • !.. 1
  • 16. b. RADIO SI"T SCR-61o-B. , m,, , '" o. ". ..III o. '" •• • on '" .., " "., " •••• '"••••• '-' '" ,. • ,. " ,..ij , " "' I,,' 11......... 10 ...... _ '.....,,,* .....",.....'"_ ....lit ... .....". ":' ...... ,.....; ...". 5. 'It,,4 ....ey Sp I II um a.c.rt F trun 7 ,h",.. the location of the .-.dlo eel. in the frequency opeetrum. Th'- 1",... 1110 . ho... otlltt .-.dlo HtI wilh ..hlch RMllo Stu SCR-IOt-( 1 ID!! SCJI.-811)..( ) can com- mllnlcate. 6. ,.h,l,.Data ... RIdlo Set SCR 6OD-B " po'hod III two w"dln boltll: _.... _.,, 17).f; ,1OJ.i • lno_._· _ 17U.:M~' ,,~,••••. --,," "T.... l.Hf ,.., , b. Radio Sel SCR-6lo-a it packod In three ;rooden box": -- -, - --, na.lOS•la~__._ ""• lit . » .17 _••. •• 11 • P 11li.••_. "ThloI MIlKI 7. • aclio . ...1..... one! Tra""";itt.. IIC 659-( ) M ..••••• ... Radlo Reeeive. IfId Tt-a.......ltt•• BC-&6i-( ) (lit. 4J b ..-I wilh Radio Seta SCR-609-( ) Ind SCR-610----( ). It it buIlt 011 one .hao'l. Batte..,. SA- oil which ouppllel ma- ID!! b contabled I.. this unit b hou.aed in I boll !>ehiDd the front ....el A than"' Iwitch mounted on the front PI",,1 permlll npid thlnr- i... to tithe. of two prHet frequenti.. con- trolled bf plul-In cryoulo. b. A melerlnl """ket, built In the rlllI! tront come. of th, ehuala, II ..-I to conntd • mete. at '1IrIoul pOlntl I.. the circuit for pTu.ti.... a]il'l1JlftlI, &lid teIIU.... e. Altlloulh th_ cue it ....therproof.,! by the lI8I 01 ...bbR &lid .-1'nr tuketa II all poinll ..he... moblllTl IIIirt;t enter, • aiUca pi. daioeato. (I'Ir. 8J Indo.ed In • , pun aIaM bar ia uled II an ext.. pn!CIution 10 ~ any molttu.. whleh IIII)' ~t inside Ihl cue. Thl• d..ic:cato. II not l ullclenl protec:tlon .Ii'lnAl tropical or a~bll"OJllcal hUlllidity. "RadIo lieU. u-'td wht .. lu:e..lvi humidity la ~t (or Ionr pe~ mllli ba t reated by I pn.flnr with moiatu.. and ('-luiatant v.mith, unleu aIrtW:I treatld. by the manllfllclurer. d. T'wo cable IIlppoft'nr .tn.e- ~ attac:hed to lhe cue of Radio ~Iv,.,. &lid Tr&natrIitter BC-6lii-1l &lId...,J to prewnl """'lITcord (an".., whkh relulu. from IwinJinr 01 the coni loop. f. Two eradle bracketo and two al..~ Ire pro~lded on t hl top of the ca.H tor carryinr Ihe teJo:oIlOOPIc: antenna (~,. 'I. , . Clipe an! prvoided to fut.en tht '"'!eel.,.,. aDd I.....mllu.. to battery ea.. C$-7e-( l. P!J,le Supply Unil PE-1l1-C or Powi!. Supply trJlit PE-I20-A. WhM not In 11H, the di.,. may be a1ipped In the t..,per din!l:U, ~. All 01 the componenta hive a luthe. handle for ct.r. ryi.... R.r.dlo Reoelver and Tt-anamltU'r .BC--Mi-( ) and Cue CS-19-( ) hI~ D- .In... Into whleh ue IUlIlpptd heavy ..ebbed atra.,. to ...111 ,n ct.' T)'in,. II. Adapter )1-'199 (pa• . 10 fJ 1.IAued (0. In- ,tanallon, tn thoM .ta which do no!. 1...:lude , 1II ..fRITY( ("'Uf("~~
  • 17. • i J . . " 'k • ".1 l I .-• UNIV!k;(lY Of (AIJfOI'NIA •
  • 18. • CD TOP VIEW ® BOTTOM VIEW TL 14,.. • ... f.ctol'J' lutr.lLation (1Ia;. 9), It -..i.h of • metal braeket 00'1 whieh La mounted I tel'll'llrlal bIoek and • doubl6-~. doub*lhrow, OFF. ALlCN, lllcll •.,ltch that ia COIIIH!I:ted Io • .pa- n."" lube _tet adapter plul" with. meterl,.. pl"Obe lead. The Iwiteh at.<> II con_ted to the ""nnlnal block and h... two "'p".ate lead., The bratktt ot Adapter M-399 I, dulrned for pilnnantnl IIUIlalLatlon in Radio R_lvt. and 'I'........lttn BC-M~( ). WMn It La I...t.alled and the connectJon. made P'...... ly. the ,.t.pte, .-itch at ALIGN .........m tMreoei«rampllt- .up or the.t Into an electronic .....lmtteT d r. elll! utllldnr t!l.e panel met..- of the Itt. Tha "".- nIlu the chaqincof channel$ .. well .. complete alilDment of the let without uoinr an met.!r~.wlth It.. adapler . ....telI at OFF, Adaplu M~99 d_ not Interfu-e with thft onIlnal'1 U.H of the let.. 1. A cover and Ihutl~. p~ta the loud· .peake. In Radio Receiver and ~.mltler ~( I a..llUIl eoocu..1001 r...... n tiLlery II~ ThLa co"" _lib of • ahuttu and """a1nr (11,.3). Radio Seb ...... in ..... that do not be," a . ~ rr h.. cove. ohould be ...turned to Sipuol eo.". HpaJr IhopI .. lOOn .. p*'bIII to be, equipped with OM. I. eo.. C~79-{ ) ... BatteI')" CaM CS-79-"( )' ·(flr. ~ )' conl.IN Batterlfl B"-39 .nd 8"-'10 whkh IUPP!Y -
  • 19. -, .- , power for Radlo- Rete;'-er and TrallAmimr !iC-659-( ). The batterl.. a~ h~ld _urely in piace by otra"" and retainer . prinp. Space il ..,....ned in the cue for carryill¥ the hlnd..,t. alignment tool. and a eoll of wire tor 1M au~il­ ilry antenna (fta-. 10). I - 9. Plate Supply Unit PE-lll-CMd Po_.Supply Un;1Pf...12o-A ... Pllt. Supply Unit PE--ll1-C and Power Supply Unit PE---l 20----A (~r. 4) are vibrator_ type power ,uppliea deeJgned to furnish pow... for Radio s.t SCR-IIH1- ( ). Elth.r may bo '" _Olio _wHO, .........._ .... ITOQO ...... .... 0."_....0 ........ lC"U,," ...IT...."". ,...... Pi. .... 1•. Co.. CS-"-( }. 1.,....... ,.;•• b. ea... CS-79-( ) and Radio R_ iYi!!' and Transmitter BC-659-( ) Ii'e futened together by the e.t<:h--cli"" altached. Thll combination become, Radio Set SC~( ) for r l"Olnd tl'ln.portable operation. C. Case CS-79-( ) II . leo aupplied ..-;th vehicular Radio Set SCR-61(l-( ) : if net('$- sary. the equipment can be removed from the vehicle and optrlted .. a ground alalion. The ""bAtitu!ion of batterY Case CS-79-( ) for Power Supply Unit PE---l20----A or Pblte Supply Unit PE-1l7-C I>"rml'" operallon Independent of Ih. vehicle. d. The dUl l cap which I. f..tened wilh a chain to the cable and conductor uaembly from the eolltu of power protecto Ih threldo of the eonne<lor and ke.1HI foreim malter out of !he """kft when it ia not in u... (, ,' oupplied .. a component. Plate Supply Unit PE-1l1-C to de"igned to be conn..ted 0 a 6- or 12.volt .to~ battery in any type of vehicle. Power Supply Unit PE--I20----A. d••llgned to op- el'lte from a 6- 0' 12.volt .orate battery In any vehld•• aleo operates in vehicl.. which hive 24-volt go~ batteries. The CMe hOll.'!ing either of the power aoutcea 10 .imillr to c.... CS-79-( ). and h.. cliPI' provided 10 that Radio Receive. and Transmitter BC-669-( ) can be mOUDted on top of. and _ured to either pown IUPP!Y. b. For in.taliltio" in vehicle. or a"y inolal1a- tion . ubied to uoe".ive vibrltion. th~ entire aaeembly may be futened to .hoek Mountlll: F'l'- 2G(l...( ) (fig. II). Space i. provided within lob' .... torcarryinr either Hand...1 TS-13-( ) (Ilk. S)c" coil of Wire W_29, . " tenlion Cord , ~, ,r , UNIV,R!TY Of CAlJfORNIA
  • 20. I,;lJ..-<>O~, or ........, Qi.-lil"i <UIol><",,"1I' II~ ext.... cry"tal&, .""no Fu.., HJ--38. a . ""re vib....tor• •IJd a .""... electrolytic eopacitor. The vibrator and eopacitor ar~ of the p!ui:-in t)'P" for easy replacement. 1';,. .. 11. ",...h _, " T_UI)..( J. ;"0,.11. ..... 10. in Radio Set SCR-609-( ) is deai,Jllrd for either ground tran.portable or Ibed o~"'tion. It I, comP<led of Radio Receive' and Tnn.smllter HC-%9-( ). the ""ntai"". for dry batteries (Ca.w CS-79-( )) .•nd .dditional ""mponent... G. Vehicular Radio Set SCR-610--A ron,iolo e....nU.11y of Radio Receiver and Tran.mitler BC-659-A, B0-659-B, Or BC-659-II, and either Plate Supply Unit P&-117--{; or Power Supply Unit P&-l 20-A. b. Vehicular Radio Set SCR-6IO--B co...llu _nHally of Radio ~iver .nd Tran.mltter BC-659-J and Powe, Supply Unit P &-I20-A. c. Radio Receiver and Tnnomlttero BC--6!i9-A and BC-659-B ~ ldenti..1. The ....nix Indi..teII only a dilfere""" in procurement. d. Radio R....lver and Tr....mitter BC-659-H dlffe.. from BC-659-A and _B only in the methoo the radio rtt:elver and tratwnltter Ia held In tlte eo... The il ...moved from t he cue by unf..tenln, two eoteh...,li~ one on neh side of the front panel, i...tead of "''''''yinr the 10 ecre"', .. In earlier models. A .peakel' ""ftr ",Ith .hntter and t"'o cable IUpportin, ,trap! were added in production to BC-6:i9-H. ~. Radio Receiver and Tnnomltter BC--659-J ie Identlul to Radio Receive" and funlmltte" BC-659-A, _B, and _II, but ha. the foUo"';l4I addltlo.... The .....ntial """,pan'nU of Ad.ptn II ~1-.3111 K.... r><rma". "Uy ;n.t"l100 at the I""tory. The outpUt t....ndormer hso been <han,.,.:! to provide an ulra Imped.nce-matchl~, tap to accommodate a 250-0hm load In additIon to the 4,(lOO.Qhm load. A label on the inolde <h....l. "'all indleat... the man...r in which the chanre of impedance .lhould be made. A reYeroibie metal ta, Is moubled ..... the phone jack to Indicate the Impedance ""~n...tion at the time the set left the f"dory. All Impedanu challgeA ~hould be ao:ompanled b)' a cor....ponding nlYeru.] of the ., II. AlI"......nt tool Tl-150 01 Tl-207 At~ment Tool TL-150 la an IMulated ec~"'­ driver tilled to make tunini: adjllOtment. when ne", chaD~ela a~ ..t up or Radio Re«iver and TraMmitter BC-659-( ) il retuned. Align_ ment Tool TL-207 (~,. 5) used for the purpoee, la a hu&~na1 wrench which loosen. and tlrhten, trimmer locknut•. Thi. tool i. normallyeolTied In ea..e CS-79-( ). 12. Antenna AN-29-C TeleoCople Antenna AN-29--C (lig. 3) b pro- vided for lW) "'Ith th~ radio rt«h..,r and trons- mltter when It io operating .. a vound t..ns- portable unit. Thla antenna may he ecrewed qukkl)' to the antenna tenninal located at Ihe rear of Radio Receiver and fuMmitter 80-659-( ). Thil antenna, when flilly e,,- tended. 10 appror.imately one.half "'.,·elength at the eenter of the frequency ran,. of the radio ..t. When not in "lie. It i. ,trapped to the lop of the re«ivel' and t",n"mltter cue (ft,. 4). 13. t • •!ax TM-218 and Cord CG--671MR0--2 ... PUUOIIJ!. Terminal Bo:< TM_218 ( fI,. 13) and lXIUial Cord ~1/MRQ--2 (!lIt, 0 In.) Or Cord ~1/MRQ--2 (15 ft. 0 in.) are provided for IMtanatlono whe~ Radio Set SCR-610--( ) i. located ""'~ than 3 (eet (rom lias! fia... AB-lS/ GR, MP--48, or MP-48-A. The terminal bor. and lXIUial eoble mlllt be UBed with Maot a.... AB-15/ GR and a tho eo "e:lion antenna ""n.trueled of M..t Stello... ~1 S- 1l6, MS-t n, and MS-118, or with M.n ~ MP--48 Or MP--48-A and a throe "clion antenna con_ ,tmeted of Mast Stetlan. M~l, M~2. and MS-6S. A S-foot length of WI... W_l28 may be used to """nect Terminal Box TlI--218 to the maat Moe "'hore the lnotallation permit. the location of the radio ..t within thl' dista""" of the m..'~. UNIVE~lTY Of CAlifORNIA , -
  • 21. ".ST RCTIOII " S'ill !U2418J ".lOT USE 41'i51GR !2.toe"I5J b. TERMINAL BOx TM_218. Terminal Box n l_218 i. approximately 2* inoheall<julU"e and 2% i""he' deep. On the top or the box i. a poI!! F;'-.. " . r....;oc/ D... rJl_.". u.~. ,"1(... ,..-_.;oj <aioIo ,,..j.;'" • for mounting },ntenna AN_29-C and .. ·b'nding poAt tor conn""lion ot Wire W-I28. On the bot- tom of the box iI a cl>8Xlal cable eonDector ond a rigbt-angle adapter. Inlide the box IA • ohang... " II.S"I S£ellON liS·',. !U24'I J • onr link, An inatn>etion label illocated in, ide the eover. c, CoRD CG-G1/ MRQ-.2. Cord CG-61/MRQ-2 i. made up of ",*"ial cab'" with a connector at each end and io available in 9-foot "'nft,," ror i:utalJaUona 'ot Radio So:t SCK-6t()...( ). Caution: Do not <1It the cord turniohed for the in,lallation••inoe u... ot a eord or random length may ""nit In e"",,!ve /I",,] ampUfer plate current and oomed.....t tube.. 14. Ant...nn T...m;nal80"M TM-210 Clnd TM-21 1 nnd Cordosle C~282 .... n:JUtNAL Box TM_2t O. Terminal Box TM-210 i. 2~ incheA aquare and l 'At inch... deep (ftll'. 14). It eont.ina R .pring contact mounted on a phenolic plate, a matching tram- former. and . damp ,..hich hold. the t ran... former in place. On one .ide ot the box II • cable eonneclor into whleh the eonn«tor on the end of tM "","xis! cable n~. The ground Itrip attached to the inside of the box i. slotted at One end and has a hole et the other. It I. % inch ,..ide by 1 ~ incheA Ion!!" (uoe<i ....ith Terminal Box nl-211 and Cordage CQ-282). b. TEJI"INA~ Box '1':.1_211. Terminal Box TM_211 (fig. 16) il 2 Incb.. "'!uare ~nd t ':! Inchea ,,·ide. It eontai.... a matching trauformer with ludo whleh eonnect tGt....o terminal IUgI on the ou~de of the bolt. It to filled with pitzh UNIVE~lTY Of CAlifORNIA •
  • 22. r'-' -- F;,-. U . T...d :J JIM TM....l .. and II U,1I1 ""rmanently _led (1Ued. with Ter_ m l....1 Ilo>< TM~210 and Cordap ~ ) . e. COaDMlE CO-282. Cordi" CO-282 <:On- . 11t. of I"" n«en"T Ie~ of coulat able for th. t¥-pe o( ;IUIta1laUcm to be IIWk. The '..!11th at t.Im (Able depf!bcb on the di.staDce bet__ th8 nd1o ..t ...... Ole rnNt bull (1Jad _lUt Termlnal Be""e. TM-210 ...... T)(-211). d. RJ:rt.r.Cll:lI!Et."'f. Termi.n.ol Do. Tlf-218 and Co....." CG-61/l1RQ-2 (J*r. lS) wID ~..taoe TermlM] Bon, TM-210 end TM_211, and Cord..- CO-~ On tulU" proo:ul'ftMnta. It T ermln.l Boll TM_218 illIrnllhed with Radio Recelvtt and Tn......"ittu BC-&9-( ). the box "'.....t be ...",ond and the ar>lf-nn. mount- i.... block .-mbl1 and T,...",hlal Bo:I: TM-210 ''''!aIled In ill pW:e ""toni Oporatlnc with Mut Bale MP-48-.( ) lutalled hI the'" 15. lama.. Conliol Unit tM-29-( ) one! Ih_I. Control E'1utp'••nt IC--261 TIlt temotli tonlrol unit. .,.1LNd with, but .... not I"'rt of, thae radio ~ ... Remote eoDtro] Uult RH--29-( ), fa CO!Ijllnctloll :with .. titld tel~boft, ulllt, pro- ,. vld", tor o:ommunluHon at point. ...mot. from the 'location of tho! radio .to See nl 11-308 for fllrthtr Lulruc:tlOILI nt.rdlne the 11K of thlaeqLI~t.. It. Rfmote Contrd Equipmeat R~t. III eoajulldlon with lIierophoneo: T_17 alld H~_ oet. HS-SO-U, pnwid.. for romote OJ)ll'..I;OII and ..olee eo"""unlatlon ",'U th_ r.dlo IO!ta. nefer to TM 1I-U.S2 for complete Information on th, UMI of thl. equlpmtnl. 16. eo..... IG-153 Thloo ilia ....w ~ptllent nnn. COYtr equipped with two IlIp openl,... for the Int.n....nd the conUOl ~ It Ia lIOt to be "moved from RadIo Set SCft...609-( ) or SCJt..4IO-( duri... oJ)ll'''lion. 17. ........set TS-I3-{ ) (~. 5) Thll compOnent eon,lot. of • h.ndJet hlndle In whkh ... mounted the pl18h.IO) . wltch, the mouthpiece (mltrophont) .nd the .,.. pl.... (rec:th'er) unlto., Cord C~9-I Wnolnata:l I!, Plll" PL-66 ..hleb I. Iflltrtai In PHONE J..k, and Plu&" P~ wbkh 1.I"Otrttd In MIC JadE on tlHI front putl of the ...s;o ~Ya" and tn_liter. 1'. Ca.. C$-137 ~Ittal Cue CS-187 for 121l cryotall and ery.lal Holder FT_2-&3, Ia built In two compartment.. hl,..ed In th, middle ... that the UPJ)II" eompart- mlmt eoven tile lowfl'. Thla tue nn be tarried tile _ of Power SUPPlt. .Unit PE-I20-A. 19. Wlrft W_29 a .... W-12' Wi.. W-29 (ft&". 5) Ia IUppli«l In 2"7-foot len,u.... It I, wfatllerprooftd, lnaulated. pboo.- p/lo. -bron.ed, . t••nd"; ai,..le.condutto. wire with, 'IN!nrth ot 200 poundl. It I, ueed .. an auxiliary .ntenna for Radio ~I~. and TrlDamlter BC---M9-( ). Wi... W_I28l1lup.. plied In ' ·foot lencthllDd II "lied tor lbe In· I.tnna Ie..t.ln wi... In ..dinllar lnatallatlona ....ho... the IDtenna and ndio IIrl .... ~ttd by leu than 3 t.,.t. ThilIt!ad must 1M eIIt to a 1tncth of u.cUr J1 i...l_lnd connecttd from th malt t>a.. to the antenna terminal. It the llepa•• tlon I, 181 than 8 feet; UMI till 81·1nclt InFh and eon Iny H efti. Wire W- I28 IUJ)II'" eed.. Wire W_1H. Field ex",rl~ Indltate• that Win W- t26 II "....tW..tory II III lUI-
  • 23. u,nn. Itad-In, beocallM the innlation deterIora- tion from u»)IIure to wNther eventuallr ... ult. hi JTOIlndlnr or Ihe antenna 1.0 melal pt.N of vehlelea hi whleh the ....dlo Ht Ia in.t.&llecl. Section II. OINtI..... INSTAII.noN fNfOlMATION 20. Unpoclclng, U....ating, and ... GtNI:ItAL. The <:onlenta or.U pacup. .re .tenciled dl"",tly on the I>M. A p""klnr llip In • nloistureproofod inclooure ltaplod 10 h, box i. furlher protecta! by a hea'-y ..... wproof paper coverin,. An or. nre b.nd pllnted .round me ""nter of the box Ind. &trIpe painted ""'tON eadI end indicates pauartna for upon.. E,,_ port ptlckin.. i.labeled. "Pr.c:kecI with dtbJ'd....t- i.... .,..,.to 00 NOT OPEN UNTIL READY FOR USE." All did; Indiateo that the box II part of I r.hipmenl One lllni three ('A) On box No. 1 Ia Interpreted .... MBa" No. 1 of S boxe. <'«Iulrod to <:omplete one rl dlo MI." b. RADIO SITSC~( ). Be1o... unpac:k_ In,. plr.c:e the wIt... near their IInll deatina_ tion .. <:onv~ni~ntl,y pouiblt. Flrl t clip the two metal band. bindin, the box. Uaillla nIH puUer fif av.ilable), .e"....e the top of the boll. T.....r Open th. wlterproof box liner Ind, If pr.c:ked fO'!' export, the moiaturoproot and v.porproof borrler. If Ih........ 1f'e av.ilabl~, cut 011' the heat- ...Ied edp 00 that the bq u n be liNd ap,in if noctMa. y. Look for another """kin, .Iip lnalde th8 box. Lift out the eomponenta un- tull1 .nd in.poet for d.....r-e. Ch«k eompoTl_ ~nla ....In.t lbe pr.c:l<i.... oIip. e. RADIO S&T SCR--Olll-( ). ( I ) Th. 1111- pack;n, of Radio Set SCR--OIIl- ( ) 10, in ~ne...l. .;mllar to that of Radio Set SCR 609- ( ). H~pt that th~re .... more component&. Since the mountin, It In bo_ No. 2, IInpad it tI~t, in. tall it in ita ft"al plr.c:e, hell. p. ocnd with the IInpaelti.... ot box No. I , the tra",mll~ .nd r«eiVtr, .nd llnal" bo" N o. S. contalnlnr th, .....Uer cornponflltt. (2) UnPflck box.. No.1 .nd 2 a. In b above, beinr c....fll) to u rry the major component-. ..-ith the handle provided. Do not PilI) on the ubl'"- ~o... unpackinr boJr. No. S, be to have I pLac. <Heir to put the parta .. ther are nm'....ed from tho bo•. Prona! In the ..."., I"tMnJ manner .. 'll"ith the other, m.c:k. 1...- com_UIa ....In.ot the paockl...-lIIlp .. tlq .................. &lore dlapOlli.... of the p.dd.... mau,rl.l, double chock api...t r.c:cldental 10M of compontnta. Caution: Do not nmove the varnl. h IPPUod to vllal parll or the ..t for proec:tion 'rlln. t funl'l'll ..rowlh .nd moiltun. 21. "pocIclnt Infor...ation ... RADIO S&T SCR-609-( ). If Radio Set SCR-609-( ) I. not 111M tor 24 h...... Or mo~, removt the plu,. from BaUerle. BA-a9 Ind BA40 eonlalned in Cuo CS-19--( ). If the ..t i, &hipPf(! Or .tond for 30 day. Or mo.." nmoVe the dry batu,.I.... Indudl", Internal Battery BA--tl, ;nide Radio Recelyer .nd Tr.nomlttar B~59-- ( ). b. R4Dlo Ra:zlvo AND TLUl8.1h II U BC-659--( ). Inlpeel. the desi....tor In the b0t- tom of the houl.... of Radio R«ei"". and Tranamiller BC-659--( ). If a pllIli: color I. vWble thou", the perlontialll ill the cooe. plat~, reactivate or nplr.c:. the dth,rdratln, ."",1, .lIia r-el (par. 117.). . Sadlon III. INSTAlLATION OF IAOIO SIT SCI 609 ( _ I•. GIOUNO TlANSI'OIITAILE OPIIATION 22. I""io l eceI..... and Tran_m.. &C-6S9--{ I o. Radio R-'ve-r and Tnnamitw RC-6.9--( ) i. &limed Ind pre.! .t th. fac- torr on chl ilnel. 2'12 one! 281. Th.Ht I. &hIpped w;th all lube. in their _lee", and crYltal. for channrl. 272 and 281 inltalled, bllt ...Ithout battnl••. b. The chauil of Radio Receive. and Trana- .. mitten B~9--A and B~9--B are hflcl ill the by ..,rewa. To remove the ehau.. from the h....ll. .., u....,..,... lhe 10 Ie""... OJI the outer edl1l of Ih' front panel ...hid! Ia at*hed to th. chaul.. Th.n pull forwud on th. front !'fone!. .. Th. choaal. of Radio Recelyer and Tra_ mllte.. BC-659--H and BC-669-J I .. h.ld to the ho~lln, b1 t.... cltch-cllpa, To nmovl !bll 'II~{R IIY{Ji' (AUfC 11IA
  • 24. I.. Loc:oto the bo.t~l'J' bolt at he ~rt r....t _ r of the chauia. Talle ....t he 4 .......llnd r~lhecovu. .. ~ Battery SA...c! In the bo~ (Ii,. 16). bei", ..""rill 1<1 enrll:' the pili" tolTtdJr in tho batlel"7 _ ket. Replac. the baltery box coyet .nd .....w.. C..tlon : Do not inta"th'np tl"7.u.ll. Doinjf ... 1"«1111_ realignment of lhoe equipment be. fo.... net eomrrIliniution u n be utahli",". / . ~ot. 'hoe ~hanMlo of the • .,..111. that a... In the Itt. Mark U- channel. Oft the Iabdo ....... ,hoe .hannel "tlfCtor ....itch mark" CHAN on the front paM!. . f . Be lure thlt the prolle' tr)"ll.l~ .... In "lace (baok_t....bark with n.m~"IA'.. faeinll" out) . Ind th.t the . ",. ,"I_m.lnl"lI" . llp i. in I>OI;llon to bold tMm Check to _ th.,.11 tllbeo I .... _ud firmly In Ihelr _ kets. lla" ttrtain th.1 1M t..-olorrle •..-ild"o. SWt Ind SW2 (fta-. 17) , Ioeottd nur the left tdge ot the chauil, .... thrown ON. i . On he dIaMi..o of the Radio Reoei..... &lid TTlnemltter Bc....M9-J, the O.-F-ALIGN .Iide I witch adjacent to the batlft")' box .tIould be In Ihl O.-F poIIltlon. i. Slide the ( hUlli. bAtk Intn It. houlinll". ml.lnll III... that the Jrllket II properl)· _ ted. " 21. Co.. CS-7~ ) ()pen ballerr C- CS-7S-( ) and 1....111 bat- teriel BA~9 Ind BA...cOwith tM ~1Ifo n"IIIrkM TOP fac ln, up (fi,. 10). Be urdlll to enPre plu.. «>n"«lly in their .....pecliy. _keto. Tia-hlen thl wtb Itrapo to hold the balterles _ ......1)'. Note provi~on to. holdinll" IIlnd..t TS-IS-( ) In place ..·hile 1 1& not In u.... Pbift one AlilJDmen Tool TL-207 and one ~II of Wi.... W-ti In lhe ca.e (fl,. 10). Cioee lhe •.... fOYer and l.telI it. c... CS-79-( ) il no.. rudy for Hrice. 24. ...·'Imbly PIaee ReeeiVO-I" Ind T"""mitter RC....M9-( ) on bootie.,. Caee CS-7S-( ) .nd tUlen the t,,·o un;", 100000her with the c.tch....lipo .Iona- the .Id"". Join lhe cable OOlln~to... of t he Iwo unil•. plaoo the key in the ke)""'.Y. Ind "'...... Ihe ftt- Ii.... lotrether ot<euNI)·. Do not (0,""" In . ny other ))OIlllon. s.,~ tM knurlfd oouplina: nul doorn 11«1....1)' to p...,·enl diaconMdion durin.. op"..liooI. _. A~"".. AN~ C. R,,,,,,,·. telacopic Antenn. AN_29-C from ita .HIM on the top of tho ~v"" and t..nomiller hou,ln,. E~tend to Ito fllillenrth and k rew il Into Ih. antenna Inmlnllon lhe rnr nf the receive. Ind t..n.... milter Uti'. n..t UrhlenlnK down Ih knurled nul_u...l)' (fill. ]8) . 'HI'ER IIl0fCAllfO!!ilA
  • 25. NOTE' NU_BERS IN MRENTHESE5 ANO SECOND ECI1ELOfrI TL 1.IIUi r ;,-.. lI.lfd .. R"";." ..oI r.......w"BC4.._( I. ...... "'1<'............ ;..t.lla,.... of A.'.... AN-#-C: b. Wlllll W-29. In ""_ tuee it may be n'-"'UMry to .ub$titute a wire ant.nna in place of the rerululy wued .nlen.... Thl. wire an· " tenna should by 27 feet 101li". Remon all i...Mlu- t"'" /1'1>'" ()Ite ud 0/ t~. v;i.e. loop it around the antenna t.rminal. and fut.n it between the knurled nul and the l<Iuare portion of th~ an- tenna termInal at the rear of the cue. A 27_ foot I~ of ant.nna Wire W_29 I. pl'1>'idl'd for this pur_ (fi". 19) . •. HANDlIn TS-ll!--( ). (1) In..rt fland.d lL 14117 r~... II. R404I.. R..,;.....r.._i'..../IC-4.,.( J. ........... ,u..;"w __,.... of...m u.oI" " .., .. .....,<0.1. UNIVE~lTY Of CAlifORNIA
  • 26. TS-l8-( ) plUZ! into the MIC and PHONES jaclu on the radio receiver and transmitter panel. (2) Tie prtHlting 01 00"'"' A ",104 B , /und4 b. dudwl b.'ar• ...,/",,1 .... ill tA. jlWl (oedl"n XVIII). (8) If the IOet Is a!la-ned " ..d pre8et, eonlinue with .tarting p"""'OO~re (par. 41). s.ctio.. IV. INSTAUAnON OF RADIO SET SCR-610-; ), GROUND VEHICULAR OPERATION N .... For .po<llI< InfOl'molkm OIl ..hl<.1ar lD.tollo· ....,.,. _ tho TM 11_2700 ...1.. ..h"'h ""'.... tho I"...... IoUo. 01 on .... I• • panIcuIar ....hkl.. 25. R...IYe<" ....d T......mltt• • BC 659--( ) , ., Radio Re.eiver and T••n$lt1iUer BC-659-( ) ia common to both Radio Set SCR-609-( ) lind Hadi" Set SC~II)..( ) . For detaib on the in.tallation of this unit, lee p""'V'oph 22. Fiaure 2 $hO..8 llIe .adio!let in a typical vehicu_ III. installati,,". 26. Plot. 5upply Unit PE-117--C ~. Plale Supply Unit P ~-;"l 17--C i~ UM!d to ~uppl)' the ...dio re«i"er and t...nlmitte. with rorrect. ope...ting "oltageo from" 6- or 12_"011 "ehicular ltorage battery. b. Betore oonnecting it to the vehieular bat_ tery, open the cue ot Plate Supply Unit P E_ll7--C, ulI"". e.. the six knurled II'll$, and' remOve the pO""n p"ek co,·n. F;g,.,re 20 sho..... an interior vie.. ot the ""'e. Check to make lure that Vibrator VB_7_( ) . TubM JAN-OB3JVR90 (VT- IS4 ) and J AN_1OO5 (VT_195) , CaPAeitor CA-403-( ), and Fu"" F U-38 (14-arnp, 250-v) lire properly in. talled in their "",poet;..• receptacles. AI.,., eheck to make OUre that . Vibrator VB-7_( ) , • "pare CaJl&"itor CA-400-( ), and • _pare FUI!e FV-38 are present lind in their ....pecti'·e eli~ Caul;"" , Make Aure thl the voltage chan, ,," over link. (fi,. 21) are l!et for the voltage ot the vohieular battery. It a unit ....ith linlu oet AQ " $ " ~~IA 0 12 !oINK lli LINK CONNECTIONS EQB ~ VOLTS. 0 ~'$ 0 Itl e/,IS'AMP FUSE ,..,." fl. Pl. .. S.p"" U.;I PK_1I7-C. ~.~ .... w ..... 0.;. .• II" .. UNIVE~lTY Of CAlifORNIA
  • 27. " I .. _ :.......... -..moun ___M ... _ ............_ .......... ..._ . _ "Utfo. -.- T;,... n .,,_ SoonI, U'""._I_A.................,. for &oval! operalion i. lioN with • 12_volt ,"ehlcul.r battery. damllrO i••1.... to rNult. The oorrect ~Ition ,. &hown On the I,bel of the po....u PKk CO'U. ~. PI.ce Handwt TS- I ~ ( ) in One of the Ito......, compo.nmeull of PLote SuPPb' Unit P.~ 1I7-C. 21. ,_.. Supply Unit I'I-l2O-A Power Supply Unit PE-l2O-A «(I,. 4) II liNd to IUPpll the receiver and tran. mlller wIth the co•...ct operatinl "oltarea from either. 6-, 12-, or 24_volt "e/licu1f.r fltor~ battery. Bofo.... COOMOUOa: the po."er IUPP/Y to Ihe ,-eIll""l•• battery, open the CMe, ~IIIO" th~"fll'a, and Hft ou~ the COVer. ~. Check the follow;".. iWml ""'(lIlly: 0 ) Conn""" link to l~nnl...lIlUU"Ud B~ (fir. 22) . (2) Sel«t the corrflCt vibntor IOf the "<lIt- ... of lilt '"thiNlar boottny. (S) I....rt the vibrator into ito_Ire!. klcateol behind M HIe. tllbe VI nu. 1.0 t ......ronnu TI. N... U.. vn.n.... VB-III-A t.. t-_ _. tIoa, Vlbr.... VB-I....... tM 1I·"'III• .,....tIooo,."" VI....._ VII-II-A t.. u .-.I _.u....Clio.... "'" .Ibnto. iI tho _ 1<.1., bol...,. ....t&p!. '''''qM. (~) Inooert ,· ch.n_,·er plu, PI into tM proper "...llion for the vehicular batt~ II 'HI'ER IIl0fCAllfO!!ilA
  • 28. ,·olta~ uoed. The nwh in the plu~ bale mu.t be in line ...Ith the ,·oltage 'tamped on lhe ~ of I~ chAMli.. b. Ch""k lo &Ole that the ,·ibulor, rectifier lube, re~lator tu~, -and fu... are inlt.alled properlJ' in their reopective receptacles. Cue CS-137 eontaining 118 crrmls I••orried in Power Supply Unil PE-12O-A. c. Clooe the eo'·.r of Po"·.r Supply Unil PE-I20-A, pl~ Radio R~'·n and Tron... milter BC--S59-( ) on lop, alld r...len with the cakh.d;~. Caullon: aure lhat Ihe proper link pooi_ tion and vibrolor are uoed. Plug PI mUil be in proper """ilion. If inoorl'll(;l unilo are u£Ec! or ineorrectlJ' pOoitionoo, damage ia oure lo t"elUIL 28. Mounting ... InotaU .hoek Mounlin~ FT-260-( ) 00 that.n anlennalead_in II ted ( ;l= 1 inch) long may be UAed. In ",,1oo:linl lbi. I"""tion. aUo.,. l uftlcienl apace lo mounl Radio ~iver .nd Tran.mltter JlC-.659-( ) on top of Plar.e Supply Unit P,"-1I7-C or Power SupplJ' Unil PE-120-A. If thi. eannol be don~, power '""ten_ • •ion Cord CD-ti09, .upplied for the pur]Xllle. nn be uoed to connect the power unil lo the radio receiver and lun.miller. When the power unil i. mounted ""par. r.elJ' from the receiver unit, u.. Mountilli" FT-317_( ). b. Sin"" i,,"!alt.tion depend. on Ihe partku_ Isr vehicle, no .peei1o: i""tmetio"," .re .riven but ....fe....n"" i. made to the proper t.eclI_ nie.1 manu.1 in the Tid 11-2700 ""ries. c. Moont radio receiver and transmitter hori- ",n!allJ' when the ""t il inotalled in • lA-Ion, 4 X f";"r< u. R. N Sci SCN411>-( ), ....,..., I"""" ..101. ,• .._.../0, ,.,.......1 ...~. 4 truek. It may be mount"" either horizontally or '·ertieally in I.,.,.,r ,·,""icleo. If mounted ,·er_ tieally, only R.diO R"""h...r and TflLn.milter BC--6G9-( ) ean be install"" in MOuntin,. FT_200-( ). That ii, Cue CS-79-( ·0), Pt.te Supply Unit PE_1 17-C. or Po"·er Supply Unit P£-l20-A Mould not be c.rried in )fountin,. FT-25(1. T!#o .. ~1. c•••",•• •"" _." ......'.'·e..·':.. ";,.u. f".-,. .. II. N ..., B... AlI_III GR 1..,.1''''.. M.41 1I.... 1I..."", lIl'_ . Or", ••.l., ••• UNIVE~lTY Of CAlifORNIA
  • 29. ,....,.. H. RHO. S., SCR-4JH ), '"'" !......... d. Select po»itio"" for the .....t bue and the Ahook moIIntin, bolol"<!! either of the two lDiu 1.1 mounted io po»ition (1"<!!ler to th<I apprapri_ aU maII&l of the T M 11_"700 ........) . Mter the oh«k .......ntiDJ: u. luteaed down, place the POwn IlUpP!Y loit and Radio Reo.iva- and T..rwnilter BC-6W-( ) io """ition; I..ten the catc"",,li~. CQnnect the pOwer u.ble plug ot the radio ....,.,iver .nd tr.n,mltter to the cor_ .....pOndinll" ....,.,pt.cle of the power , uppl,y lnit, matln, l ure that ther 'I"<!! m.tched Pl"'Operly and Itre,..ed together _ul"<!!iy. Be u ....ful to pl_ the by In the keyway. Do not lorce the co,,~ in IUlJ" other """ilion. S"'ew the buried """pli", out doWII -..ffir to P""''"''t diotonnec:tion dllrill, o.....tion. "Connect the power cable leado to the ~tI! lc ular batterr, or 10 the lerminal bOl: prnvided br the veIl;'1e manufaduru (fi,. 23). The termi....11 on the end. of thill On Plate Supply Unit 1'.:_117-C are marked + . nd _. On Power Supply Unit PE-.120-.A, the poolth·. (+ ) III idenlilled by nd aDd ..·hite ..l...... and the nep_ th·e (_ I br ,.-.. and blao:k wi.... Be "".... that the + terminal i. CODoeete<I to the """it;'·e lick of tile batterr and the _ termlMl to the nepti,.. lid<:: ot the balle.,.. Route the uble 10 that It II OIIt of the ..ay and P~ .. mucll ... poMlbie (fl... 23). If il II 11«-'''''' to pull the oablt thl"OVJlh a ..·.n, uM Ihe connector and bondnut (fi,.2oI). e. M.oI. n..... Braoke! MP....oo or MP-64 m. y ba uMd, dependillll" upon which I. euie. to In_ .taIl Mouot the brackel outlllde of the ,·ehicle (fI,. 25), ul hlll" .uilable bolu or ..I"<!!.... MOIInt It III the pooition that iI * 1lulled to the ImltatlOOl of the ,·ehide and 10 the mounl- i", .pace ",!uimneata of the ndio let. PI_ it d_ to )lounli".. FT--230-( 1 10 the lenllh of the anten"" Ieood 1137 ir>eheo (fil'. 26). 29. Moll ..... 1M U I ) or Mall Ia.. A~U/GR Auemble the mut bMe to the m...t bue bra;,ket. The appl"D·ed antenna IJ'lt.m ,,·he... Radio Set SC~lo-' ( ) iI located ku than 3 teet from the mut but, or. S7_inch INd_In of Wi... W_I28 (whi~h .uPtc.u!la Wi.... W_126) .....MC:tI.... the ant...."" tenni",,1 of the radio,," to the blndiDJ: poot at tbe bottom at 1I:uI a.... AII-15/ CR (fi,. 12) or 10 the up~ blndl.... pool of Mast &.e MP-I8-( I. Sectto"" MS-.116, MS-.1l7, .nd MS-IIS a.... uted In eonjunoUoo with Mul Jl.Me All-IlleR; and Mut Secliona MS-61. MS-62. and MS-63 a.... uoed in conjunction with MMC. B'::::~1u)MP-48-'( ). (1) CUI Wire W- I28 to a ~ of euctJy S7 IneheL StrIp h..ulatloJl from %-Ineh of both elida Ind .oIder_lilL (2) Conned One end 10 the lop an"n"" ler _ miMI ot Mut Baee MP-IS (fi,. 27). If Mill! B.... NP-I8-A il uoed, • IOId,.,.i.... lua II pro- ~Ided In. tu.d 01 tbe top antenna termln.l. I n thio caoe, .alder tbe end" 01 Wire W- I28 10 Ihe IOlde.lnl' luI'. Mike IU", lhe lu, II HeII.ely futened to Ihe .....1 bue. (3) Route the wI~ thl"'DlJ~ both ..Ire d ....p lnaulato.... layi.... enoua-h dad! bet_n 0.- dam... to p"",.ot b-.linl' the wire ,,"'en the maet but 1Jer;.. (fi,. 271. (41 Remove be bottom antenna mnnector if M&It n _ ~I P-48 i. uoed (fi,. 28). If .lot.- But MP--t8-A II uoed, remoo.·e the Inne. 01,.... duetor by klooIenlnl' the up»t"'1oot AetJlcrew and I"<!!mDYlnJr the threaded phenolle rolla; It the bottom. (II) from the lower damp. I"'DIJIe the ..-I., di~ to the radio let and wrap II lro'Hld the ante"na tenalnal (fir. 19). Lo,y out the wi.... In ....m mann,.,. that it 'Orin not rub ~... ......p /:lOme" of the ,-mic:le bod,.. N.,•. Uolooo Iloo i...... _ _ of iii... BaN JfP.........t ) io .. . .001 .._ • .-1... I00<I.11110 _ ........ ,._ 01 I..... _ will ..........._ . _ 10 ,.....L (6) Unl_ th, oet t. to be operated Immedi_ ately, plac, Owe. BC-IOS onr the eomplele 1'1 "blr. 'HI'ER tly OfCAllfO!!ilA •
  • 30. JU9350 ,..,,_ fr. M.., Dou .ll1'-JI_A. • ......w~. ,.".". If. M.., _ MP-U.....loooI . f ,.-.;.100,_ ....._ ....__. (7) Refer to Puqraph 40 for lnltallatlon of malt _Uon.. 1>. MAlI"T BAsE AB-16/ GR. (I ) Cut Wi.... W_I28 to a lc~ of uactly 37 inch.... Strip i....ulaUon from l~_ineh of both end aod 101der_ tio. (Z) CoMecl One end of the wi.... to the ur- mlnal . t the bottom of the m....t hue (fIr. 19). Lay out the wi.... in luch manner that it will not rub ar ainot sbarp corne... of the ,·ehido bOO,. (3) In.tall into lhe m."t base an antenna made up of Ma.t SectIon, MS-1I6, MS-1I7. and MS-llS. 30. Coa~ial An~nna.......lching Network Q. The g.mcrallay..out of ""rlain ,·chicle. hao dictated that the radio equipment be l,....ted 10 that Ihe lead_in i. rna.... Ihan 3 feet. This condi_ lion r"'lui..... Ihe u"" of coa~ial lead_in•. liow· .,·er, at lhe time many of Iheoe ,·ehkl... wcre p~ for -"tpIDent. the ~ulred · coaxial componenta were not a,·anable and oon_ <luenlly a .conaldf,rable numbor of Radio Seu. UNIVE~lTY Of CAlifORNIA
  • 31. SCR-61(l...( ) ..""" iut&lIod in nhi<l.... with_ out the r,"!uiRd <oaxial antenna network. For each of th_ in.tallaUolll it wI, n«_ry to determine a dOfH1'lp antennl Ifstem conai,tinr of a eha~ In the numb.r of maot -tiona and the Jead-in length of WIre W_l2B. Tk .,..,.,ial .,.""p",,, ~,.. ..Oil' «".,i/obJ. <IoIUI I~01dd rtpI~c. I~e ui.tli", .I_p GIll"".... •v.lem. 10 permit lhe """I . /fiei....t operal..." of Radio Set SCR-410-( ) . b. The waxill component. required when the lead-in I. more than 3 feet from the·terl!linal box to the antenoa mut bue .re Cord CG-67/MRQ-2 and Terminal Box TM-21S Or Cordall"e CO-282 .nd Terminal Boxell TM_210 and TM-211 (fip.. 12, 13, 14. and 15). The tnminal box.... are uaed to match the Impedance of the waxial cabl, to the normal output Im_ pedanCe of the .lIdlo oet and Ihe anlenna. .'L. . . . L. • c. Followi~ Is .. H.t of vehiclea which ..... quire the coaxial network when .lIdio Set SC~l(l...( ) il Inat&Uod therein, and thaoe vehldea In ....hlch the ItoP-lI"ap anlenna may have been oubaitnlod, d. If Mut a.a... AB-15/GR i. to be uoed with the coaxial cable, the bindinll" poAt adapter from the bottom of the maat b.ue. place the rround .llmp from the m&8t two.: loo.el1 around the «>axial oonnector on the <Ible, and """"w the ol__e of the ro&J<i.l eon_ - 1'1".... to. 1'"1:.10-011f.,.-~.,...I1...,t.....,'Il'.~W«......" ...... , , 11 T.t~I:tE~IT-YOf{AlifORNIA •.- ,.,
  • 32. 1'"1,"" H . T"..;••l 80z TIl_.lI, Ud i. ,...;,,,. , •• A.'•••• AN_tf_I: ........ . .... ... ,/- IIIAST HCTIOIiS: " OII[ UCII lIS-III. IIS-II7 • M!S-1I8 GIIOIJIID STU~ ;,.. ; ;;;,; Of AB- I~"A' PLUG '1-2158 IPUl Of CG-81111A0-2' COAD (G-I 1IIIA0-2 11'-0· , l(AMINAl &Ill 111-218 lD~PTEA II- 3M! t,UT Of TII-2 18) IUSE 011 1' If AEQU IUOI " "" n. T.. ...... ' H.~ TM_~'". ,.,,, "' .'';0,,...;,..... nector to th~ bottom ot the mut bue. Ti,hten 1M ,round ,lamp around the coaxial conne.tor. o. If Mao! B..... MP-4S-( ) io,·. lite .ap from the .oa~ial lttin, on the mUI hue. Inoert the COIoxial «Inn..tor an IIu: ubi. into the COIoxial ftllinr on the maot bale and lir hten the . Ieeve. When M...t a.... MP-4S-A I. u.ed. Cord CD-689 i. requl.-..:l to connect. Ih. moxill fltlln, on Ihe bottom ot the mast base to the ..,Iderin, lur on Terminal Box TM~11 (ti,. 29). When Maot Ba.oe MP--l8 i. uM:d. an ''''Mlmbly to ~ l"ftIui.ltion~ I. ~uired. 3 MAST SECTIONS ()Ij [ LlCH M!S- IIO. lIS-Ill INS- III HAST BASE A8-181&. / _ "" ~- 128 , . ," A S _lI/GN. ....w ..... (, 0...". .If UNIV,R!TY Of CAlJfORNIAn
  • 33. ...- <_.........- ..'"... -.._.........,......-,...•. _. ,..._ " ....M'''''_ _", ...........--"'...~ ..,,-_...._...,-"..-..-' -,."........" ,- .... ~" ... ,y" " ......" ...., ._..-'" ,................. ........ "'._ """M. ._.......,..........-,,-...,...• __ ,,_ .... ..,........, _ 1<.0"...... .. •_ ..... ....". __• •". 'm ,,'• •. I .. , ... , ... ,_, .... _ .. . _ . ...... ' _,,__, _., ,......_ '... 'm 7 _ . .. . -f'~.,.. fI, T" ..;..! _ TJI_IIt, • .,.... •1_'';'''· 31 . lt~ubilioni"9 AnI....... ComPOMflh Th, C<lUlal .nt~n .... Mmponenll required ror IIQmpl,tln. the ,natallatlo"a of Radio Sf'!. SCR-610-( ) In the 'ehldn Ii'te<! .... ,tacked at the Chlel,,, Signal Depot, I90S Ptuhln. Road, Chlclll<>, Illinois. For alock number. of componenll .vialablt from ulst.i,.. inotall... 11o....nd t'-e that mlUl be r«julsit!on"'. nfu to the appropriate technlul manual of tIM! TM 11_2"100 ","n, or InolalLation llllt",ctto... ../lith may be obtai"""- from anelluut AI'fI'CY0ftIte of the Chief Si~l 0!'Irt!' , flOOD Wluahlckon A'tnue, PhJ ~(eIph~, Pmn. 32. Inllallalion of Terminal 1Ia.. TM-213 4. R~move the """,WI around tbe ed,.. of the fr<>n! pan.1 of Radio ~elvor and Trans- mitter BC-659.-( ) or unsnap the a ld •.,. and alid. out tbe ehauls. b. Remove th. six double nub and klrk_ wullt.. from the inside of tbe ~k at tbe cue. and reMO'a tbe anlenna Juow:tion bo:Jt and mounli", bl""k. e. Remo'·. Ihe tour ..,..,.., whleh fu len Ihe cover of Ib8 I.Tmin~1 box. Remove the I<><k_ wa,h.r, and nulo from the lix ""nWI on II,e N ek of the I~.minal box. Inlert lbe ""reWI Into ,. the holeo on tha ..... of the radio ~Ivu and transmlttH', and ru~n _u.oly with I""kww_ en .nd nuta. d. Slide the oh••i· back Inl.o the _, ""d f..~n u.. panel "'~I Or atcha- I. U the bo:Jt II to be uHd with Cord CG-t1I MRQ-Z, ..t the d!anp-o~.r link 10 thtI mallllu &hown In tlll'un l3. It the boo I. 1.0 be uoed with Antenna AN-29-C or with S feet of Wire W- I28 to Mast Hue AB-U /GR, or MP--4S-( ) , Itt the cha"ll'.-.r link (ftr. 30) . Replace th. cover of the terminal bo.. ""d t....ten with the fOW' ..,........ /. If Cord CG-I'I{MRQ-2 Ie to be connected ...rtlulb', remove the rirllt........ adapw tNm the coulal able ('INlfIedOI'. If Cord CG-t1{)1RQ-211 to be <:OInected hori:r.olltaiJy, mount the rirht-anrlt adapter III ilia II)Oft c0n- venient pooltloa. Caution , The eard furnilhed mUlt not 1>0 cut to anolhe. I.nrth. aln•• uoe of • cord of • dlf· lenllh ..111 ruult In u ....l" !Ina! ampllfttr pL.te alrrent and bur ned OUI IUbu. Cordare 00-282 .annot be uoed with T, rminaL lIoJ:: TY-218. 33. ............. T.....i....illa... TM-2'Q ...... TM-2,1 II.... ear..,. CC>-212 N.". c-..It ,ho I..-n. '.... 1.........tIo.. I.r tho ..hid. ton<omod.. (!Ioo T il 11_1100 ..rioo. ) ... TtltIUlUI,. 8aJ: TM-210. (1) F!rure 82 Ihow. the pooitio... In whieh the terminel bM can ~ mounted on the nod!o Nt, 110 that it an be .... for the ....Itlt and "-t dlroct COnnec_ Han of the cab" (?om the radio ..I to th. IIIQ ...... The corr«l poIIltion is the OM whk h pu_ mlt.l in.taIJ.tion with the f.....1 poplble beIIds In the (able. (2) Firu.. u ..",tallll eamplete lllllructioni for mounlllll T.rminal Boo TM:..210 to Ih. redia let. ~. TDMltiAL Box TM_211. Firure 29 d_ r!~, the prepantJOII of the maet bue Ind the "r<>per mHhod of mountln, Ter- minal IJ.o.w; TM_211. c.. C<iaDACI: Co. 2i" ( 1) lid.,... I",talli". the ""bi., eu..h the appr<>priate ""bit coo,,*-- l:n to diller tnd. Do thi. urefully. )lake .n .older Jolnt.l tillht and take every pr«aution 10 t.l1'" the endl 110 lui the outer eaverl1lll' of the ••ble doea not frey Dill and mohtu.. annot ....p In. (2) FIlii•• 34 uplains the lie", neu....y III ..fRITY( ("'UfC~~
  • 34. in p...,parlnr the eable by fitting the eonnfdor to it. (3) QouiaJ eable C<>rd"ll'e CD-282 (made up from Cable WC-U2) tor Radio Scl , '" ",,,,,,,,,,,-_b ..~u c~, AS PRE ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY SCIWIli)...( ) m.,I' be cut to the«llenlrlh for eaeh ""'l.uired Installation. When pouible, lentrth& of C<>n:I. ge CO-282 .hould be between 4 and 9 feet. I~SUI..'OR . ... S~OULO BE rOLDt:D oYER DulU INS....UION. CO-2B2 MOI.D@."RMLr. 5C .r. ©'0®'~E N @tD© nNALL' fU1[~ CU"'@ (lVU ,",pU[ D BRaID (DO " DT CRUSM 8RalD ""EN .aST£NING CL. "P'@. 00g1l,.1 If"", UNIVE~lTY Of CAlifORNIA
  • 35. PART TWO OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS· Section V. REeEIVlR AND TRANSMITTER CONTlOlS AND TllEIR USE 34. hWt.,and ~'ing Swlt<h (fa'. 35) The ~ne] meter is u,ed with Ih, .""iteh ma,ked PLATE-Fll..-CHECK-OPER. to clad: the Yol_ ~ of the bo.tteri... and the <:IImont The meter i. al"" uoed .. an indicator In aliminli'. p.....ttinli'. and oervicing Radio Receiver and Transmitter BC-659-( ) . 3.5. VQlUME-QfF Swilm (8,. S5) The «Intro] marked VOLUME-OFF tu..... the !let on and of!' and «Intro" the yolume of the 'lignalA while Ift~villll'. 36. CHAN...I Switch (n,. sri) The channel ,,,,,itclt marked CHAN_A_B ' por· mito the "poralor 1o ..1ect either one of .he tw" preset frequency ct..n~", A or B. 37. Speok.,ShuMr (!g.S5) The ipea.ker .hulter I. clooed or opened by movin, the .....U ""tern.o) handle. When nU' huvy artillery fire, c~ the shulter to Prot«! the . peaker cone from «Incu..ion. and increaae the "olume (:(>nlrol to produce audible .ili'naJa. ."01'l~I.....'kI<I ..~ ....,1'0)'1,,' tho _1_, '" p .. ..n, ....... _ ",f• • '" Iho .....""""'" .....,. ., ... h"'" 0' t&e ..." ..~ 2' UNIVE~SITY Of CAlifORNIA
  • 37. s.dlon Vl. OPERATION 31. SeIKtlon of Sill TIlt. oeledlon of ••11e fO!" o""rallon of .nnr radIO leta ~ bAMd On """'n;.,,1 "'luioelhenlA. covu . nd <:onceo.hnenl.•nd 1.,.,.1 communi.a_ tion. a. TIlCHNCAL REqutaEXIl<TS. t.oe.,te the radio .tallon In • poaillon ....u.... COm- munlc.lion ...Ith all other otallono wilh whkh il operateo. To obtain muimum """,,Ie1>CY of tranunl..ion.nd """,ption.......ider the follow_ inll (111. M): (I) T_ia. (a) Hilla .nd """,ntailll boI- t.....n .tat""" limit tho: raqe or • radio Il1.. When Op"rallng in terrain of thll natu.....leel poIltlolII ...Iativl>ly high upon the .loPM-· A,·oid ~tlo....t the baRof a I>Iil'l Or In. deep ravi... or valley. SIIll'C f_m 'lpall act nl"J mlldllike 11",,1 "''''"fl..........l1y di,~rted .nd .boo""""whtnev~. pOIIlhle .hOOM" location .,.hlth moot aN-. 1l" gi~.. liae-of-llaht .,.,....."un...tlo... (b) TreM ...Ilh huvy folia.. abeorb radio "'av"; leafy I....... have. moN adve... effect lhan t~r,l' H"'" To obtain th, maximum raof<', Irftp the .nellna ..1>11 clear of .n folaa-e aad den.. bNIh. (2) MOM_iliad. obilnocl,·.,...,. (al Do nat .... leet. poaitloa In a tunnel 0' btu.ath.n under- ...... or lteel bridge. T..""mlllion.nd """'1"-10" unde. theM ""ndillon. a....hnool impollible be- uuae of the hl,lh "*>rption of the . adlo f,.. qUlI>e1 (r_f) ...av... C~) Buildi..p bet""' radio atation. hinder IN"omi..lon and ~ptian, particularly .te<:l and ...inton:ed ""o(1'tte buildlllll. (e) Avoid.U U"pt!I of pole ..I... li.... alldlu lelilphone. telerraph. and partlcul.rly hl,lh_ten. aion power lin.. in oelecti..... . lle fo. lhe . adio ...... Such ...i.... Ii.... ,,*>rb pO.-e. from radi_ .Il.....ntenn.. ~ted ...... by. They .1010 inlro- duce hum .nd nolN interfe. tnCO In ~ivinll antenna. (i) Avoid poIili_ near heavily t..,..-Itd road. and h1r1"..ayl. In .ddition 10 lhe no'" and canfu8ion au","" by I.nka .nd l rucks. ilrnilion _Yltem. I.. vehid~ may u ..... ~l tWtrkal interference. b. CoVlJI ~ND CON(:E.4..)tt:HT. Select _itionA which provide maximum_·n.nd ~h'..'nt c:onsiAlent with IfOOd ITlln....luion ~d "'"P- tion. 11) Avoid open (,..,.u of hliliand Whllil .uch • o<:.t.lion permit. ideal I'.111m." lion and ","",loa, lhe .....ltio. lilhouetle mlkea ~ excellent ta. get for enemy ItIIn~. A .1Iahtly dt1la(f,d _ilion. jolt bohlnd the trw! gi,.... botte. ""1tfIIll.....nt. (2) Th_ tr.nomitteTII .nd I""I!Cth·ers ~.n be I n.W~ j ....t below the lII.face of the lfJ"Ound In hoIN a!miJa. to alit l...odI.., Ilwhby en· ablillj( the o""rator to "",Irotain eommonk.ti.... under Nve.... bl.ttle condition.. For mo... per_ manenl Ioeld '...tall.llo.... the l!Qoipment may be ~ted on • .utl just beIo... tho: ludace of Ihe g""OInd in • to. bole. Thil .1Iowl Ihe 01>- e•• to. ,1......Ie. fl"Mdorn of movemenl. The an· "'''1Ia must Hlend .baft the aurl.ooe of tilt r .....nd to pennll normal communication. (3) Camoutl." .U pe.m~ent .nd oemi. ""nn.nent pooltlo... for protll!Clkwo apillt both M"rial .nd ITO'Ind __....·.t;..., U 'M 1k,"O). K"",p the .ntenna r...... of.,.,.,...... n... mlteri.1 or othu oo.tru~liona. e. FlNA' CONS'DDATIONa. Often il may bo ImJM*lble to oaliafy all Iht cIeti......blt condi· tio'" for th. o<:.t.tion of a radio ..... ; • eon>- ptamll(!, dependin,l upon the . itoi lion. mal· to be made. If radio commu..leation call- not be utabliahed in one ~Iion., tM oet ahould be moved. Ahart di.ta""" .nd .nothe. alltmpl """'.39. P",poration of Rodlo Set SCI. 609 ( J ... PlOlOe bl.ttery CaN CS-79_( ) on tho Irf"OUnd 0. oU>f.' IIIppotl .nd open lhe cue. Re- """'" Ualldoet T$-13-( ) aad _ thaI iii' battery plop ..... inoerted pro"".ly ino the b,o.t. 1..-1.. (iii. 37). The battuy plop mOlt bt bricht and f.. from c:or.....ion. See that tJoo plup .... puIhed all the ..ay in to make n...... pooil;'·e eonneellon wilh Ihe ballet ie•. CIo$e th.
  • 38. ~... O'O'~r .nd lat.:h it. PIa« the ~iver and t ........ultu on bottery Caoe CS-1!l-( ); t..... ten the t...o uni'- topthtr ...ith he·ut.:lKlipL J oin the uble toJIneeton of the t.o unit&, pIae- i". the hy In the k,.,.....q.•nd II(1"CW' I.... ftttillgl ~r IKUrely. Do not fo... the «IfI~ toafthe. In ....1 oth... ~itlon. Serew the knu. 1ed coupli~ nul do.." HCuffir 10 p""",nl di..conntdion du ri~ operation. b. Extend Anttnna AN_ZIl-C (1.v. 38) to ito full hei,lII and ""re...· it to the .nttnu t~rmin.l on Ihe . eat of the ..dio nee;'·t. Ind t ..nomit_ Ie. UN, tiplmin, the knurl"" nut _urely. It T ennina! Box TM-2IO-A il uoed, be lu"" that the .lIan..-over link _ directb' to the proper .nt.eflna tennina!. To o",,"'t~ ..ontin"" wilh tilt In.olrucUOTII Ii,·m in .,....rnpl! ~ 1 beIo•. 40. ' of Radio Set SCI-6IO-( ) a. U~IN(l MUT DA.l!E MP-4I1-( ) aND MUT S>X;Tl(lN~ M8-61. lIs...&!. ANI) MS-M. Atter th~ r.,." u. Mu;. Sf. SCR_t I. ""..... .40'''_ ...v~..~. radio Itt h.. ~n in.talled in the m.onne. out- lined .I:>o·t. proe••d .. folio... : (I) ~moYe Mut Secti..... MS-6I. MS-5Z. and. &18-63 from Roll BG-5&-( ).nd ·77""_ bIe (n.. 5). n.. eadt of the mAlt oec:tlonI Ire CO>Ior coded tor euy iMnlibtion. Endt of the ..010. ftt oIfl""'. )lut Section )18-61 or:re":. into M..t Section MS-M!. and MS-62 inlo MS-63. Sere. them torether tl,htly .Ith ilL' pli. ... (2) Ulle C]lmpa )1C-423 I nd ~rC-424 It the junctiou. of the m..1 """"ions to k~p them _u..... Clamp MC-423 (painted blue) ]ocllol"" blue end. of ) ]ut SectioM MS-lil and MS-62 toaether. Clamp MC-4U (painted red) 100:0 the red enob of Mut Sectiono )18-62 eel MS-63 toeelItt. Tiple" the I..." "".... fur· ni.hed with til••Lampa to prevrnt the .....1 oection, from becomin, u"""",,,,ed. If the .llmpa ..... not avlnlbl•• IMO friction tApe in the follo..inll' m.onn.r , (0 ) Wind ..,....11"",,, of tApa in I rounte. - .Iock• ..., direction. Stlrt II the lower half of u.. joint 100 ",ind up....rd.. keeplnll' II l,1It .......nd the Junction of the mAIl _liON to p.... 'oml u~...i... u,win ...",mlona of ..ftre ..Ib....llon. (b) Put. Meond ..M~nll' of tApe <Wet the '"'(S) Remo'.. eo.·er 00-108 .nd th, 1)1'01«1 _ inll' .Ip from the m..t t-. Till'hlen Ih ~ t...o ......... Mounl the Ih.... ". !",blt<! rna", _lion. and ti,hten the oebo:rew. (ft,. 39). b. USlN(I l-IMT BABE AR-a/ GR AND l-IAlIT SEcrIOSI Mil-I*,. MS-II7. " NIl MS-II&' Afte. the radio ..t ha. been illSl.lllod in the "",n"",. ""Uined in -'ion IV. _mbIe In anlrnna made I>pof Mut Sectionro MS-Ill. MS-1I1, and MS-II&' M..t &etion MS-IIS ..,..,... Into Malt Section MS-1I7.....d MS-I11 Into ~1 S-11 1, Ca,..,fully .."..... them I~htr with gaa pli.... lIel''Y pl'Mllure will crush th~ mlot oection•. Wind ""erll tUrll$ of tape In • """n· lerclock.l.. direclion. Start II the lower hl]f of lhe iolnt and wind Upwlrd. keeplnlt It lilthl IruuOO Ihe Junction of the I11III1 """"io... to p... vml uMtl'f'Winlt under ""nditiOTll of _tre vib..tlon. Pul a 7 "1<1 .......inI" of tApe over t .... '"'"I. St."tl"" 'rocedure A..uml~ Ihlt the oet Iwo been aligned Iud p......1 (MC. XVIII). hl it h.. been co"nected to I IOUrce of power I nd Intenna. Ind thll it h.. ~n proparl)' ailed. p.oeeed .. foilowl: •
  • 39. }'.,... II. H.d", S.r Hell ,,1>-( ) • ..., ..~Ii•• • ..! __hoI 0' .1001 S....,,~. !J.~~' •.IIS-,"• • 0<1 "'S~J. o. Plug tne nand..1 into Ihe j.e" on the front panel. b. Ta. n the meter .wilch marh.] PLAT~:· FIL·CIIECK.OH:Il. to OPEl:. ~. Turn the channel ""lector .witch. marked CIIAl'_A_B to the ""annel On whicb """'muni· ""tion i~ to he made. d. Turn Ihe ..1on by rot~tin!!, Ihe VOI.U~IE· OFF rontrol fully dockwi.., an,] Ii.ton for a loud hi"" (fig. 40) . ,. Li,t~n r"r the >tation with which com· munication i, d ••ir«l. Th. hi...h"uld '101' duro ing the time a ';IV)"! i< be;,,!; """,,,'0<1. f. Relnllate "olume to the d""ire<i le'·c1. o. To tran,mit. p ...... lhe .witcb on the h"nd_ ..t and 'I","k c!earl), ;nto the n,;crophone. k. When tranAnli..ion i, c<lmpleto<l, ...1..... the band_ .witcl>. i. To turn the _ ofl, rotau, tbe VOLUME- OFF control rounte",lockwl.. until a detlnite click i. hard. N• •• . The VOI.UME _,.,0 ..,.,roI, onl, tl>o "";..r ffi...,. , 1Od .... .. . 11'.., Oft tho po_..t ,110 ,.....lIt... "2. O~rati"llll'rKOalioM ... Turn the VOLUME-OFF tontrol all Ibe ""1' On. When the dw.ed staUon i. heard. re- ,I",," Ihe vol.ame to the operating le"eL When """,mani.,..tion iA rompleted, tarn the VOLUME knob to the ld't to OFF; a click is heard when the awikh i. thrown. Do not lave the switch On when the r""..,·tT b not In a..... b. ourf! the CIIAN owltcl> I. lurned to the ro.recl clt~nel; do nol ..t bet..·...n stoll". c. With the met... switch at OPER. and tke pu"n·to-talk . witch pruoed, read the panel mete•. Thi. ohoald .....d from 1.5 to 2.4 if the tran. mitte. is faneUoninr properly. If the .....d· inr I. mO... than 2.5, or leu than 1.5, in'.....ti· pte for trouble. d. Do ""t: (1) Do . 01 carry r""io .... by Ita battery uble. Thi. breaks """noctio"," and rendera oet a""le&!. . (2) Do ""I drop or .it on radio. T .....t it with care. (S) Do "ot Ie..'. it ont in the rain unn"""",,, ..rily. U.. ""nvu or IOmethin, handy to ","u It. Rain and dampneM oeep in and deotroy ita efficiency. (4) Do IIot expect to work more than the I'lInl[e or the 001. Th_ milea O,'t, tn08t terrain iA a oafe marrin. <t3. Tying Down Vehicular Antenna To attract. u little att""tion "" pOUible to the ,·ehkle. it may be n""eeurr to tie down the antenna (fl, 41). A metal mtinr, a oel'llmic iuulator .ach .... IN-86 0 . IN-87. ~d at leu! 15 feet of Rope RP-5 'rf! iuued for u.. M ' tho tie--down usembly. Proceed "" follow", . o. Cnt I't feet of rope from the l5-foot len,lh. Tie one end _urei)' through the % .ineh hole of the metal fitting and the other th.DUgh one hole of Ihc inAulator. Alta<h Ihe ....m.Ininr rope through the hole of the insalator and tie il _u....I'. b. Slip the lower end (th....aded portion of plulr end) of Mu t Section MS-.fi2 through the t't·inclt hole ot the metal tltting; ocrew the mut 0 .. " ••,1",,, lO UNIVE~lTYOfCALIfORNIA
  • 40. Hdlon ba<k into the top of owu Mul Section MS-fi2. Pull the anten... down wllh the rope until I! I. nnrly horizontal (no hiKher than the top of the vehi~le) . Fasten Iht rope with ... oeeUNI knot to a oon".nienl point on Ihe vehide, approximately 3 ftet from the malt baa<! br.ocket. CIoullooo: The rreqlle~ieo uHd for r·m , ..... mb.ion act "trY much lib 111M rays. The di... unooe r·m ..malA t...,-el on I'" lernin i...Iually as far u the e)'" can _, or to the horizon. Therefore, lOLl ... aite on the lop of ... . ... in the VOI'nd. S;/IfttWr "n I""".., nd _ell fft.d~r ",lIc" rh'IIWO U • ..-li",,!. }(eep the antenna vertl••1ucep! to "",uce visibility. Nol•. "' 1'lro<ed~'" ,ppll... I• •ho .... .t ......... ~.I". M••, ... AB-lt,GR .....11 .. x... B,.. liP- I ). 44. Emarllncy Wire "",""no o. At lOme Ume it ...-y ~ ~ry to aut..tilute ... wire antenna to operate Radio !),:,t SCR-M9-( ) or SCR-6Hl-( ). Ute ... 2'1.(001 length of illllil.ted wire W_29 for the antenna. Strip oft' the Ins"lalion near Ih~ end. To _ure good electrical ""nlael, be au", thai Ihe bare ..i.., and Ih, anlenna lermin.oJ ""nnfCIlona a'" "lea" and Loop the uninlulaled end of Ih~ wire arour>d lilt ...Itll... terminal and r...· I"" il between the knurled nul and Ihe ~u• .., ultnna mOllnlin!, block. b. If Tormlnal Box TM-218 hu beE-n in.taned, put the chanre-over link in J)OIIitioll to 11:0 dirKtly to the pro!>", antenna t~Tmin"I, A bindina poel (ft•. 30) i. built on thi. termin..1 box tor .t&(:hin. the wi..,. (The antonna· 11 III ..fRITY( ("'UfC~~
  • 41. matching network of Radio Reee;'"er and Tran... mitter 8C--659-( ) match.. thi. f"I1_1""". antenna,) 45. Remole CO<1t.ol n. RF.MQ'l'>; CoNTl<OL UMT R~I-2!l- ( ), When this ~nil I. furnl.h~d, it ;.. 10 be used in conjundion with a Held wlephone unit to pro- "ide communication from point. diotant from the radio ..t, Refer to T~I 11-308 for complete instruction• . BrieRy. the unil may be operated a. followo, (I) Plug Ihe head..t and microphone into the jack. OIllhe panel of the remote control unit. PluJ Ihe receh.... and microphone uble. of the remote conlrol unil into the PHONES and MIC jacks on Ihe panel of the radio set. Connect the wi. ... from the field telerhone to the two bind_ ing ""ot.. Ll and 1..2. on the panel of the remote control unit. The unit io now ...ady to ope",te. (2) "'hen remote communication i. d""ired, set the key switch at THROUGH and preu the ANTI·HOWL PRF.$S .witch. Thi. pulll th, tran.mitter on the air, Release the ANTI_ HOWL PRESS owitch when the ,...mote pooilion has ~ni.hed tran.mi..ion. Thi. places the radio set in the r«eive poeition IJO that the ,...mote telephone pid,. up the ,ignal brouJht In by the neeive•. In the THROUGH .,.,.ition 01 the key . witch. both operato.. can hear reeeived . ignals; and the remote operator u n modulate ",(110 -,. Pl.-55 eo~~£ers TO ~;~~,:,£O""lOf"TIO IC~OP>lO" [ JOe • . T- 17 ..CIllO."""" J .e~ the tran.mitter when th~ ANTI·HOWT. I'HESS ..witoh i. depressed. (3) When local operation of the radio ..I i8 d~.ired• ..,t the key .witch 10 RADIO and pro- ce<'d in the manner outlined in paragraph 4l. (4) Set the key , wilch to TELEPIiONE when communioation betwceu the ..,mote posi_ l ion and til" radio operator i. desired. l>. REMQ'l'>; CoNTIlOL EQU1PIol~NT RC-26t. When thi. unit i8 lurniohed. it i. to be used in conjunctIon ....ith .. miorophone and "t the ..,mote pooition. For romplele inotruc_ lions regardinJ Ihe use of Remole Control Equipment RC-261, refer to TM 11- 26.12. EneMy. the nnil may be operated AI f,.lo..... , (I) Plur Ihe headset and miorophone into Ihe Jacko in the panel (fig. of Control , the headset the p. nel of 42) . RM-63 and Control Unit R~{~2 with field wire. (4) When remote oommunication is d...ired. Bet the switch on Control UnIt RM-l>3 to the HEMOTE pooition, In this pooilion the radio set io operaled and modulated from Remote Control Unit RM_52. and i. monitQI"ild by both units. Til.,., ~r. II....' . C•• ,"" E,"~, IIC....", _ •• 6,......... (.. O,~, ,I , - n UNIV,RITYOfCAlJfORNIA
  • 42. I!;) When normal operation i. desired, Aet the ....itch on Control Unit RM-63 to the RADlO position. Proceed to operate the radio ...t in the manner outlined in paragraph 41. (6) ~ the k")" . ...llth to INTERPHONE ...hen communication between the rernot. posi. tion and the radio operator i. desired. In this position. both the remote operator and the radio operator can monitor the incomin, radio aignal. To talk from one position to the other. p"'!4 the p..-to-talk button on the microphone at the position which desi..... to communicate. s.ction VII. EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE CHECK UST 46. ""rpo.. and U.. of Check Li. t ~ . GENERAL. The equipment performanoe check lil t (par. 41) will help the operator 0 determine ...hether Radio Receh'er and Tran.. miller BC-&t>9-( ) ia functionin, properly. The check lilt gives the item to be checked. the conditiona under which the item i. checked. the no.mal indicationa and tolerances of corr«t operation. and the cor....,tive measur e. that the operator can take. Item. 1 to 3 are checked be- fore starting. irem. 4 to 9 when .tarting. item 10 durinr operation, and item 11 when .top- ping. Item 10 . hOllld be cbecked at lea. 1 once during ""er)' tran.mission. b. ACTION OR CoNDITION. The information given in this column rep,"""nta the ..,ttinp of the meter . ,.,ilth on the front panel. e. NORl>IAL INDICA.'I't(lNS. (1) The normal indication. li,ted include the vi.ible and audible ,igna the operator perceives ...hen he check. Ihe itemL When the meter read. between the limits "p'edfied, operalion i. considered ...ti, raclor)'. A meter ..,adinl outside the limita liven i. a oign of impending trouble or misadjustment. II the indicalion. are not normal. the operr.tor should apply the recommended co•....,li,·. mea:;. ",~ (2) The 0p'..tor should familiarize him..lf with the operation of Radio Receiver and Tran... mitt.r BC-{;59-( ) .., that he know. the .hr_, of it. rettption of ~onna! oignal•. By becoming famili.. with the operation of the Aet, he learn. the nor mal position of the "olume c<lntrol. This aid. in determining the ""n,ith'ity and ampliikation of the rece;ve•. d. CoRREC'I'IVE MEASURES. The corr..,th·e measur.. listed here are what the ope..tor can do "'ithout turn;n, in the equipment for ,.pair•. If the procedures In par.,••ph. 47. 48, 50, and 51 do not bring ......ult•• trouble shooting by experienced peraonnel ia ~ece"'r)'. 47. Equipment Perla,mone_ O-:k Lilt for Radio Receiver a nd T,an....itter BC-6S9-( ) "U "<, ~< ", '- - '- , ""........2 ~!lC ODd I'TIO~&<!. , • H_ .".;,.... • ""...,.flt.......' ...t,_. , I'lol< Y(>I,_ • • PIo...01...... " PI.,••,,,,n.L ......;_.u".."""'>[>I...... ." ,·M "';l<h .... to Fit •. ,...,....~,,",., ••;u" ~< ,,, PLAT!; """';... , , "..... " ..... '~M; ............."".· ",,,,,t;" h"""1 ... ~..t· ,..........."'""'" ..'·a....... 2 '03- 1<.,~_ &I.."... H.'-<O. 1 1~ 3- '1<-1.... 1It.,~..,. R.-'IOI. • '" S. Ik,>ort ..,hl<uw- bon,..,. ~ • 103- a.,........""",... hoot,...,. ~. I ~ 1,,2.. lM,~to ... XI'ttl
  • 43. 48. Correctiv. Measures for Ifadio If.niver and rran.mitt. r 8C-659-( ) If Radio Receiver and Tranl milter8C-659( ) faill to oper.te, inopeet ror pOMible cau"'o of failure. n. Make ",ruin that the meter «Introl Iwitch iA at OPER. and that CHAN !witch il definitely "et at one channel or the other (not hatf..... y belw...n). b. Mab . Ur. the mkrophoneand phone plugs Are properly in..ned (all the way in) into their receptacles. c. Cheek the antenna terminal to make au•• that the leleooopic antenna il inotalled properly and that the IUltenna I....d il firmly connected to the antenna. d. Cheek to $ell that the antenna <:onneetor I. <:onnee~ to the mast terminal (if a maot antenna;" being uoed) and Ihat the anlenna i. not being grounded 0' dotuned by anoth.. objeet conta<ting it. o. Tu.n the meter ront....l .....itch to PLATE, note the panel meter, "'hi<h Mould read 2 or more, If there ;.. nO reading, it indicateo lut of B vol.asl:e. ,. Turn the cont....1 to FIL. and note the reading. This, alllO, ahould be 2 or more. If there i. no meter ...,adin&-, the ftlamen.!. of the tube.o in Radio Receiver and Transmitter BC-659-( ) are not ..... iving voltai'!. g. Check the connector plug and receptacl<! which join Radio Receiver and Tran. mitter RC-659-( ) to Plate Supply Unit PE._1l7-C, Power Supply Unil P£-I20-A, or Battery C...., CS-79-( ). Be l ure both """tion. of the ""n_ nector are puohed together "",,urely to . ...u... a good «Intact, and that they are tightly threaded. 49. Corrective MeaIU... for Dry llattery Operotion and Reploc",,",nl ft . CORRECTIVE MuslllUJl. (I) Turn Ihe meler switeh to PLATE. pre... the h.nd~t tatk owiteh, and read Ihe panel meter. A read_ ing of I.,.. than 2 indkates a weak Battery BA-39. Tum the switch to FIL..•nd read the meter. Le.. than 2 .how• • weak Battery BA__to. If "olla~ are low, '"-,taU fre.h Balleries llA-39 and BA-IO in battery use CS-79-( ) . (2) The drain on inlernal Battery BA-Il I,.,ated inside Radio Receive. and Tran.mitter BC-659-( ) is very low. Ito life approximates normal ahelf lifo. h. REPLACEMENT. When the receiver and transmitter batter ies run doW/l (!ndieated by (, • reading of Ie... Ih.n 2 en the panel meter ), repla« U follOWS ' ( I ) Open Ca"" CS-79-( ) and remOVe the old batteri"". (2) In.tall f.....h Batteri.. BA-39 alld BA-40 with the "id"" marked TOP faein&" up (ftr· IO). (3) Clean plup tree of all pOMible ""rrolion and .""umulation of dirt, 110 that ¥ood electri",,1 contact i. . ..ured, (4) Engw plurl in their respective .,.,keto, firmly pushing them all the way in. (5) Tighten the webbed straps oecurely. (6) P ut Ih. component. that .re normally ~arried in Cue CS-79-( ) into the case (par. 22), and cl""" and latch the """" cover. c. ] NTEKN...L B ..."M'ERY BA-H. Th. .... il an internal Battery BA-Il located in a . mall batt~ box near the front panel inside the ease of Radio Receiver and Transmitter BC-659-( ). Negligible cur rent i. drawn f....m this battery; con5tquently. ilo life in lhe ..dio ""I is ito norm. 1 ahelf life. Replace it with • fresh battery after about 8 months of use. Fol· low in"truetlon. e-iven In paragraph 22b. c. d, and •. 50. Correctiv. Meawres for V"'icular 8o,"ry OjMfolion ~. Pw.TI StiFFLY UNIT PE-117-C. (1) Open and check this unil to make . ure that Fu"" FU-38 (Fl) i. intact, that Vibn.tor VB-7_( ) (VI), rectifier Tube JAN_l OOS (VT_19~, V2) , voltage regulatoT Tube JAN-OBS/VR90 (VT_184, VS). and plug-in electrolytic Capacitor CA-40S-( ) (ClO), are ..,,,ted properly in their .....pecti.. .,.,keto to make good «Intact (ftg. 20). (2) Check the )IOI!ition of the link connectors on the pow"," pack by «Imp••inll them to the drawing ""menl"<l to the InAide of the ptale supply unit ""ver. Make ~ruin they are in the proper )IOI!ilion for the voltage of the ,..... hicular battery. ( 3) Turn the meter switch to PLATE, pre&8 the puah_to-talk switoh, and read the panel meteT. If it ......d. leM tJutn 2 (the luminous .pot), it indicateo. weak vehicular battery or trouble in Plale Supply Unit P E-1l7-C. Ze.... plate volUge pOMibly indiealn a defective fu"". defective capacitoT, or defective vibrator. (4) The ~"e item. li.ted in (I) abo,... may nf<'d repl"""ment t....m time to time. Spa..... for all item. ex"",,pt the .ectifter tube and the voltage regulator tube are earri"<l in .uitable dlp.lnllde Plate Supply Unit PE-1I7-C. Two 0...". .If . 3~ UNIV,RITYOfCAlJfORNIA
  • 44. . ....... rectifter tubes and voltage ....gul.tor IlIbeI are 'UppliM in the tube replacement kit. When ddodive,..ny of the... may be removed by pull- in, them from their """kets. The ....placement .hould be in",rted 10 that Ih. pins line up prop. ~rly wIth tn. sockd hola. (~) Ch...,k polarity of A battery power able to vehicular batt.ry (par. 28<1). N.,•. VB_I_( ).nd V!l...1_( ) .... iftUT_ '''ncooOle. b. Pown SUPI'LY UNIT PE-12(1....A. (1) Open Power Supply Unit PE-12(1....A; ch...,k to make .u.... that fu"" Fl i.o intact and that the nodifier tube and the re,ul.tor lube are prop. eny in.lalled in their ,..,.pecti,·. sockd. to make gOod contact (fig. 22). (2) Ch...,k the pooition of the link connector. II should be connecled to ·the lenni..l marked BC--G59. (3) Make .u.... voltage ",lector plug PI i.o iMerled in Ih. proper po. ition for Ih. voltage of the vehicular b.l~ry being uoed. N.". nam.,. ...ult& I..... i""'<N<t position;n, 01 pl., Pl. (4) Make .u.... that the proper vib..tor i. beIng uoed for the voltage of Ihe vehicular bal_ tory. NOI<. u.. Vlb.oto. V!l...l t..A lor 6....1. Vlbr.tor V!l...l3-A 'D. 12.",1t. ond VI.r..... V8_U_A I", 2.... 01' _rot"'n. n.. oiOtoto. ",0,. "'.......,.,.; to ,he ••~k"lo. ••,,~. ~ ...u.lto il on 11I<Orr«t .Ib............... (, (5) 1'urn the meter .witch to PLATE, p.~ th~ pUM_l<>-talk .witch, nd the panel meter. If it I. .. than 2 (th. luminous s pot), it Indicates a ",uk vehicular batlery o. [rouble in Power Supply Unit PE-l20-A. Zero plate voltage po..,bly Indicate. a defective fn"". dcf...,tjv. capacitor, o. defective vibrator. (6) Located in Power Supply UnitPE_IW--A on the power pack .h....i'" the.... are four com_ ponents that need replacing during Ihe cou,,", of regula. operation. They are fu"" Fl, d_ bratoro vim (VB-IZ--Al, VIBZ (VB-I:J-A). or VIB3 (VB-ll_Al, .....Iifier tube VI. voltage ....flUlator tube V2. and mament replalor tube V3. Th~ .an be identilled in ftgure 22. All of th""" Items pin, into .ultable !lOCkets or recep- tacles on the power pack. Sockel arranll""ments a.... ouch thai nO error can be made when in..rt- ing the replacement. Suitable dill" a.... provided for carrying one ' I>"r. fuse and one Sl>"'" vi_ brator in. ide the cue of Power Supply Unit PF_ 12(1....A. Two . pa.... rectifier tube., two voltage regul"lor lubeo, and two filament ....Ru- lator lubes are .upplied in the repla""ment tube kit. When defective, any of th..... components may be removed by pulling Ihem from their sockela. The repl"",ments should be inserted 10 that the pins line up properly with Ih. socket hola. Pu. h them down firmly to aM"'" good contac!. (7) Check polarity of the A battery power cable to the vehicuiar battery (par. 28<1) • Or'9tr 0111""", UNIV,R!TY Of CAlJfORNIA
  • 45. PART THREE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE s.ction VIII. PREVENTIVE MAINTtNANCE TtCHNIQUES 5 1. Mea"I". of P,....."'i... Mo;"'. ...."". Preventh~ ....Inten.nce 10 I lJlt.....tle "".iftot oll<'rltiolU ptrfonnfd II recutlr Inte,,·_I. on eq~iplMfIl. wheo lumed ol'f. to dimilUte mojo. unwlnlfd Interruption. in "rYiee••nd to ketp the equlp"",nl oll<'rllln.. At top offirimey. To underlt.OO whll I. mtanl by prevenll... Mlinl~nte. II 10 nMrr" ry 10 dirtin",i"" 1It1..·ftfI preventJw mllnle...lIft. t......b~ ohooIi..... Ir>eI repal•. n.. p. ime fune- lion at pre"e"th~ mllnten.nte I. to ,...._, breok-clo...... Ind. Ih.trefore. the need to. "" p.o.l•. On Ihe other hind. tho p.l.... funetioll of lrouble "'OOlln.. Ind repal. I. 0 locate Ind "".red u~ti,,~ defect.l. n.. Import.n« of P"" venti........inlenlnoe ranno! lit o,·eremllh..lud. The enUre lyatem of rldlo eommunieltlon de- ~ndl upon tAoh OIet', btl".. 0.. Ih oi. when i i. needed .nd upon Its (J'perrrU.., tfJicitrtq. 11 " theulore vUally impo. tRnt that rodlo ope.llO.. and ...pairmen malntoln Ihelr rldlo Itt. prop- erly. 1V.,•.Tlwo o...,., ~., in -'io;" yU! """ IX ... ft,"• .,.. MOO"" ....10. (0,•••1..,1... _ ...... 011(1 _I• • ......l ...1.....".............,.'1.... I. _.~. X 0"" XI .ro h~"', ...........1"........ 52. Dncription of ' ....."'1... MoI",..,o"o. Tomnlqu" o. GEt<!:RAI.. M 001 of Ihe electricll parte uted in Rodio Seta SCR-609-( ) Ind SCR-6IO-( ) .-.qui........Iine p~~ntl.... malntenlnte. Tho.. .....ui. in.. ditrer I.. the amount Ind kind .....ui...... Ilecault hll-o. ·ml.. malnlenanet lechnlque. cannot bt Ippllfd. dellnile I nd .pe- oHIo ilUl,u( needed. Thl, _lion of th~ mlnual """tain, th_ ,peciflt Iftllruellonl Ind Hrva .. I ",ide for lI<'.-n~1 ual(Md 10 II<'rlorm Ihe IiI bo.l~ mAinltn.nte open· lio... """"'''': Ftel. Inoptct. TI,hlen. Cief.n. Adjuol. IIId Lubr!u~. Th,."..iJhoul Ihl. mallual lhe I«lerinl aplem for tho ILl, ope."I.... I. A" follows: F_ Ftel.' C-O<o•. 1_1 ...""d . A_AdjuII. T- Tllhten. J....-.Lubriu le. The r.rli lwo Ope.ltlon. ""bllsh the need for Ihe other fou•• The HlteUon of opt. allon. I. bn.6 On I plL('lilI knowledle of .,Jd 1LI'eds. Forulmple. lhe dllll e""""nlerm on dirt mad. d ~r i.............,., lro"el 1I11.rI Into Ihe .:qulpmenl no mailer how muoh care b liken to p..,.,enl il. Rapid chongea in Wtltht. (I uch .. h..,·y nin follow«! by blisterinl hat). "". tftIIw domp-. snow. _nd Ice lend to cauM ..........ion at tIp'Ed lurf_ I nd plLrtL With, out frequ.nt insptctionl I nd the ntc ....,. per_ fOnnln« of ti....t"";n... dtonln... I nd lub. lcal. in.. optTllions. equipment beeomes un~ptnd, Ible _nd IUbjec:t 10 b.......-cI.,..... when Ihe equip"",nl to mool netded. , 1>. Fm... Not LlM!d on thil equipment. c. IHaPECT. In.poec:tion il the mOil imporlanl oll<'rl tlon in Ibe p",,·enti,·. _Inlenanre p .... !frlm. A corel.... oboerver will overlook Ihe "Idenou of minor Irwbl... AlthOlllb Ih.... de, feota may nol Int....ttre with the ptrlOrmlnCe of the equipment. valuable timl Ind effort tin be .."td If they Ire oo.....ted before Ihey I""d to major brNk-down•. Make ever)' effort 10 be<:<>me Ihoroughly flmilia r with the indlo.liona ot normal runelloninl. in order to be Ible 10 recognize the l ig... of I defecth'e $d. Inopee, tlon ron";'to of carefully oboervlnr I II Plrta of tho tqulpment. notldnr their color. pi...,." ment.•tote of deanlineu. et<:. In.pod tor Ihe fo1lowlnl oondillo... : (1) (h·e.hettin... I. iOOklted by di~o•• Ilion. bli.lerin... or bulrlnll" of the parte or .u" f""" of the ""ntoiner ; Ie.hp of InlUl_tin.. ronIpOUnds; , nd o.idalian of metol oontut III•• ,-(2) PII«1MfI1. by ",-"in.. lhal III J.u.ds Ind cabli.... I.., In their orIltinll ~itiona. (~) C1eanlin_ by carefully uominin.. aU ,eotEl" in the units tor acaLmulalion of dllll. .-oped_II, connectin.. termi...... Parts. ...nnectl...... Ind jointo !!hould be f_ of du"1. "".....ton. Ind other to~.... ....tteo". In t ...pic.] Ind hlgh-humid;ly ]"""io.... look for funru< pawth and mildew. (4) Ti..Mneu. by leaH.... Iny """neollon '" mountin.. which .ppeors to Iio! Ioooe. ""Tho r ..1~""f'tlooL Ie ... ol>Pll<oblo .. tlo......lp_C n U~I~ERrTYOfWJFORNIA