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                          STREAMING MEDIA.

   E. Deliyanni & D. Korkoriadis

   The “Creative Use of New Media in the field of Education” that we
are about to present, is three-fold:

      1. It is not a research project that has started after a scientific

          suggestion including its practical application in a school. On the
          contrary, it has started when the teacher Demetris Korkoriadis
          had a spontaneous idea during the school year 2008-2009 to
          create the blog of the Third Grade of the Experimental School
          of the University of Thessaloniki. Afterwards Mr. Korkoriadis
          will explain that the said blog has been made without any
          specific goal. It was more something like an experiment just to
          see if this social medium would give him the chance to improve
          –and in what degree- his communication with the pupils of
          Third Grade but also with their parents. (Slide 1). What is also
          worthy of being noticed is the fact that the progress of the
          project as well as the entire procedure it has involved (from the
          practical part until the wording of a scientific project) has been
          mostly experiential. In other words, theory came through action
          and experience.

      2. I have participated in Demetris’ idea firstly because I am a

          mother and my daughter was a pupil at the Third Grade of the

Experimental School of the University of Thessaloniki. One day
   at the late September of 2008, my daughter asked for a Google
   email address so that both of us could upload posts in the blog
   that has been made by her teacher. I was really excited with this
   idea because, a year ago, I had supervised the post-graduate
   thesis of a Thessaloniki blogger with title: “Legal issues, morals
   and ethics in blogs and in the Citizen Journalism”. I was also
   teaching a similar course at the undergraduate course of the
   Department of Journalism and Mass Media of the Aristotle
   University of Thessaloniki.

3. The content of the blog was not exclusively about school issues.

   It also gave information about things that an 8-9 year old child
   would probably like: quality music, art and interactive games
   etc. In addition the educative posts aimed at giving a different
   view of the lesson in relation to the way it was presented by the
   school book or at enriching the lesson with additional
   information. As time went by, children of the class started to
   explore new worlds, worlds from the past, the present and the
   future, they started to comprehend the difference between Sakis
   Rouvas, Lady Gaga and Madonna from one side and Manos
   Hatzidakis, Louis Armstrong from the other side. Sometimes,
   children of the class were spending all afternoon playing or
   discovering new posts on the blog. We, the parents from the
   other side, took a trip to memory lane as we listened again to
   “All you need is love” by Beatles as well as to an updated,
   universal version of “Stand by me”. The whole project felt like

a spontaneous and unscheduled group therapy aiming at
         improving us through art!
   Thus, the daily routine of educational procedure gradually escaped
from the uniform and grey colored educational technique and received
another bright, vivid color. It was at that point that I came to realize that
the teaching of my lessons was even more enriched with examples I was
taking from the blog and vice-versa: through the daily use of the blog I
have started to connect various aspects with different scientific fields of
Communication, starting from Law and the Ethics of Communication as
well as the field of audiovisual education and Media education. Thus,
theory enriched the daily use of the blog and we have all experienced a
dynamic feedback.

I. Character and function of the interactive Medium. The function of an
interactive social Communication Medium (the term social means equal
access and active participation of all participants to the dialogue and
content definition, that is of the issues of the “public agenda”
(Habermas)), refers to an ideal and democratic communication model that
contradicts to the dominant model that is imposed by the traditional Mass
Media: for example as far as TV is concerned, communication is one-
way, vertical and not direct because journalists are in charge of it while
the citizen is a simple receiver of information and is not able to actively
participate in public dialogue and intervene on the content of the
program. (A striking example of the way the traditional model of mass
communication contradicts to the natural human communication which is
direct and interactive: when my children were very young and were
trying to understand the function of TV, they were asking me to call to
the people of TV and tell them to broadcast the song or fairytale they
wanted to watch or listen). In addition, the incorporation of that kind of

democratic communication within the field of the educational procedure
is connected to the application of an educational model that is far more
democratic and favors the active participation of all pupils in order to
acquire knowledge, doubting at the same time the teacher’s authority.

   II. Content of the Medium. Afar from the fact that Mass Media have
dominated public space, they also have excluded citizens from any access
to public dialogue. Mass Media harbor relations of authority, influence
and control with citizens, a fact which is one of the most serious
problems of modern commercialized TV communication and is
connected to its huge potential to shape and impose unified, consumer
behavioral standards and identities [1]. According to researches in the
field of communication, the commercialized Mass Media have huge
effects on TV viewers and especially children.
   The TV message has been repeatedly accused of spinning public
communication and weakening the language. Commercials from the other
side as well as marketing and lifestyle strategies, divide citizens into
groups, depending on their likes and dislikes towards their consumption
habits and lifestyles.
   The mediation of public communication under the aforesaid terms and
conditions has resulted in a stronger addiction on the Mass Media and has
deconstructed human identity.
   After observing the intense interest of pupils and parents for the class’
blog as well as a certain change in their behaviour as far as their
amusement habits are concerned, we came to realize that the blog with
the specific content could be a valuable tool of alternative
communication, a Communication Medium that would promote an
alternative anti-Hollywood standard that could possibly lead in a different
way of life.

III. The blog of the class as a New Social Medium.
   In other words what we are saying here is that the teacher, who was
playing a major role in the field of educational procedure as someone
transmitting knowledge and culture and is able to influence pupils and
their parents.    This blog has been an exemplary and innovative
application of the communicative possibilities offered by the New Social
Media and 3rd Generation technological tools in the field of education.

IV. Limitations, tasks and obligations…
Very soon we recognized the power and effect of the messages that were
uploaded in the posts and came to realize our tasks and obligations as
adults, especially towards children and parents who were not literate in
New Technologies and New Media. The first year that the blog was in
operation was 2008-09 was more like a test. After that, and as the blog
was richer in content, we faced routine problems that had to be solved:

    Access of pupils and their parents as well as the aspect of digital
       divide: how could we possibly talk about a democratic medium
       when the participants have not equal access, either because they
       did not have the necessary equipment in order to connect to the
       web, or they are not computer literate and thus they cannot make
       use of new technologies. In our case, pupils were not aware of the
       use of technology, very few parents were familiar to Internet and
       even less had access from their homes.

   Technical issues that had to be solved at the beginning: firstly, the
       class had to be connected to the internet so as pupils and the
       teacher could access their blog at least during the teaching hours.
       Secondly, adequate number of computers should be installed in the
       classroom and thirdly, the teacher had to train pupils in new
       technologies. (Απάντηση Δημήτρης).
      A serious issue that came up was how pupils could learn to use
       creatively and with safety the New Media. In Greece, the education
       about Internet and the new media is found under intense
       protectionism that is focusing on the dangers of internet without
       taking into serious consideration the content of communication:
       that is to teach children to control and manage the content they
       receive or send, to learn to search knowledge and culture, to use
       new technologies in a way that will free their creative forces and
       imagination and to become users that will comprehend all dangers.

In particular, in a social medium where everybody is entitled to upload a
post, the administrator is liable for the uploaded content. What kind of
content is proper and suitable legally and morally? (Also, how do we use
third parties’ works, intellectual property issues, behavioral models in the
internet including rules about not revealing or exposing ourselves to
others (children especially) more than we would do in the traditional
public sphere etc).

These questions led me in 2009-2010 to the creation of another blog
entitled “New Media Culture” aiming at informing and training on legal
and moral issues related to the use of New Media. My goal was to
support the teacher’s work, to enlighten parents about relevant issues and
of course to inform my students.

Another important aspect that we have faced was about how to maintain
the character of the Medium as a Medium that is producing and diffusing
anti-Hollywood models, when 25 pupils and their parents are entitled to
upload posts without censoring the content and without violating
anyone’s right to freely upload the content he/ she wishes (διαβούλευση
αναρτήσεις Καλφόπουλου).

V. A new educational project related to the creative use of New Media
has arisen through the experience of this project…

    The two-year operation of the blog as well as the rich experience we
gained, combined with the study and observation of new trends in the
field of Media in education, have led us to certain conclusions and
        1. The use of digital technology and interactive New Media in
             education is not limited to the education of technology or the
             learning of potential risks and dangers.
        2. The simple use of new technologies and Communication Media

             in school classes does not suffice so as to make citizens that will
             know how to deal with the content of New Media, and how to
             use it creatively1.
        3.    As shown in past researches2, teachers do not use New Media
             and the corresponding technologies either because they are not

  Ευρωπαική Σύσταση για την Παιδεία για τα Μέσα στο Ψηφιακό Περιβάλλον Βρυξέλλες, 20.8.2008, Σύσταση της Επιτροπής σχετικά με τον γραμματισμό
στα μέσα επικοινωνίας (παιδεία για τα Μέσα) στο ψηφιακό περιβάλλον για ανταγωνιστικότερο
οπτικοακουστικό κλάδο και κλάδο περιεχομένου για μια κοινωνία της γνώσης χωρίς αποκλεισμούς»,
παρ. 3.
  Μαράντος Π. Διδακτορική διατριβή «Εκπαίδευση και Μέσα Μαζικής Επικοινωνίας. Η χρήση των ΜΜΕ
στην εκπαίδευση»- Εθνικό Κέντρο Τεκμηρίωσης.

familiar with such technologies3 or because they are not
            properly trained to do so.
        4. Teachers of the younger generation may be good users of Mass

            Media but that does not ensure that they know and they can
            teach the procedure related to the production of messages
            namely the construction of content and their ethics. 4.5
        5. Given       that the successful operation of the particular
            Communication Medium was born through the co-operation of
            the     fields      of     pedagogy,         communication,           ethics      of
            communication and culture in Media, the training of teacher in
            Media should include lessons coming from all the aforesaid
            disciplines. The training material that will be used must come
            from a close co-operation of all cognitive fields involved.
        6. Finally, in the frame of modern Communication Societies, the

            communicational training is something that concerns us all and
            lifelong learning in Media should include wider parts of the
            population, parents for example.

VΙ. From operating the blog, to the founding, installing and operating of
an interactive web medium.
So far we have not typically estimated the operation of the blog. We hope
though, that it will be done in the near future in the frame of the research
program that will follow. Similarly we came up with the idea of the
development of an alternative social web medium that will produce and
  «Η εκπαίδευση στα ΜΜΕ χαρακτηρίζεται από μια συνεχή αντιπαράθεση σχετικά με τους βασικούς
στόχους και τις κύριες μεθόδους. Ελάχιστοι εκπαιδευτικοί έχουν εξαρχής την ανάλογη εκπαίδευση, με
αποτέλεσμα να προσεγγίζουν τα ΜΜΕ με διαφορετικά επιστημονικά εφόδια και με διαφορετικά
κίνητρα», Buckingham David, Εκπαίδευση στα ΜΜΕ, Ελληνικά Γράμματα, 2008.
  Επιτροπή Πολιτισμού και Παιδείας, εισηγήτρια Christa Prets,
  Ευρωπαική Σύσταση για την Παιδεία για τα Μέσα στο Ψηφιακό Περιβάλλον Σύσταση Ι2.«σε
συνέδρια και άλλες δημόσιες εκδηλώσεις να εγκαινιαστεί διάλογος για την ένταξη του γραμματισμού
στα μέσα επικοινωνίας (παιδείας για τα Μέσα) στο διδακτικό πρόγραμμα της υποχρεωτικής εκπαίδευσης
και ως μέρος της διδασκαλίας των βασικών ικανοτήτων για τη δια βίου μάθηση» .

communicate culture and will address mainly to children and young
people from 1 to 25 years old, and secondly to their parents.
In the beginning, the said Medium must operate as a pilot project so as to
examine its effects on childhood and young people and other questions
such as:
   - Would teachers, artists and producers of culture undertake the
       responsibility of the production and diffusion of culture (and not
   - How, under which conditions and after how long could the cultural
       preferences of children change if the cultural communication is
       undertaken by their teacher for example and the children
       themselves actively participate in producing the content.

   - Interactive program that will be produced by the teacher and the
       producers of culture in co-operation with pupils. This program will
       educate through Art.
   -   Interactive program that will educate pupils and their parents on
       how to properly use traditional and New Media (Media literacy).


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2010 eissigissi synedrio children and youth 4 12-10 (1) (1)

  • 1. CREATIVE USE OF NEW MEDIA IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION: PROJECTING AND DIFFUSING ALTERNATIVE CULTURAL PATTERNS BY MEANS OF BLOGS AND STREAMING MEDIA. E. Deliyanni & D. Korkoriadis The “Creative Use of New Media in the field of Education” that we are about to present, is three-fold: 1. It is not a research project that has started after a scientific suggestion including its practical application in a school. On the contrary, it has started when the teacher Demetris Korkoriadis had a spontaneous idea during the school year 2008-2009 to create the blog of the Third Grade of the Experimental School of the University of Thessaloniki. Afterwards Mr. Korkoriadis will explain that the said blog has been made without any specific goal. It was more something like an experiment just to see if this social medium would give him the chance to improve –and in what degree- his communication with the pupils of Third Grade but also with their parents. (Slide 1). What is also worthy of being noticed is the fact that the progress of the project as well as the entire procedure it has involved (from the practical part until the wording of a scientific project) has been mostly experiential. In other words, theory came through action and experience. 2. I have participated in Demetris’ idea firstly because I am a mother and my daughter was a pupil at the Third Grade of the 1
  • 2. Experimental School of the University of Thessaloniki. One day at the late September of 2008, my daughter asked for a Google email address so that both of us could upload posts in the blog that has been made by her teacher. I was really excited with this idea because, a year ago, I had supervised the post-graduate thesis of a Thessaloniki blogger with title: “Legal issues, morals and ethics in blogs and in the Citizen Journalism”. I was also teaching a similar course at the undergraduate course of the Department of Journalism and Mass Media of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. 3. The content of the blog was not exclusively about school issues. It also gave information about things that an 8-9 year old child would probably like: quality music, art and interactive games etc. In addition the educative posts aimed at giving a different view of the lesson in relation to the way it was presented by the school book or at enriching the lesson with additional information. As time went by, children of the class started to explore new worlds, worlds from the past, the present and the future, they started to comprehend the difference between Sakis Rouvas, Lady Gaga and Madonna from one side and Manos Hatzidakis, Louis Armstrong from the other side. Sometimes, children of the class were spending all afternoon playing or discovering new posts on the blog. We, the parents from the other side, took a trip to memory lane as we listened again to “All you need is love” by Beatles as well as to an updated, universal version of “Stand by me”. The whole project felt like 2
  • 3. a spontaneous and unscheduled group therapy aiming at improving us through art! Thus, the daily routine of educational procedure gradually escaped from the uniform and grey colored educational technique and received another bright, vivid color. It was at that point that I came to realize that the teaching of my lessons was even more enriched with examples I was taking from the blog and vice-versa: through the daily use of the blog I have started to connect various aspects with different scientific fields of Communication, starting from Law and the Ethics of Communication as well as the field of audiovisual education and Media education. Thus, theory enriched the daily use of the blog and we have all experienced a dynamic feedback. I. Character and function of the interactive Medium. The function of an interactive social Communication Medium (the term social means equal access and active participation of all participants to the dialogue and content definition, that is of the issues of the “public agenda” (Habermas)), refers to an ideal and democratic communication model that contradicts to the dominant model that is imposed by the traditional Mass Media: for example as far as TV is concerned, communication is one- way, vertical and not direct because journalists are in charge of it while the citizen is a simple receiver of information and is not able to actively participate in public dialogue and intervene on the content of the program. (A striking example of the way the traditional model of mass communication contradicts to the natural human communication which is direct and interactive: when my children were very young and were trying to understand the function of TV, they were asking me to call to the people of TV and tell them to broadcast the song or fairytale they wanted to watch or listen). In addition, the incorporation of that kind of 3
  • 4. democratic communication within the field of the educational procedure is connected to the application of an educational model that is far more democratic and favors the active participation of all pupils in order to acquire knowledge, doubting at the same time the teacher’s authority. II. Content of the Medium. Afar from the fact that Mass Media have dominated public space, they also have excluded citizens from any access to public dialogue. Mass Media harbor relations of authority, influence and control with citizens, a fact which is one of the most serious problems of modern commercialized TV communication and is connected to its huge potential to shape and impose unified, consumer behavioral standards and identities [1]. According to researches in the field of communication, the commercialized Mass Media have huge effects on TV viewers and especially children. The TV message has been repeatedly accused of spinning public communication and weakening the language. Commercials from the other side as well as marketing and lifestyle strategies, divide citizens into groups, depending on their likes and dislikes towards their consumption habits and lifestyles. The mediation of public communication under the aforesaid terms and conditions has resulted in a stronger addiction on the Mass Media and has deconstructed human identity. After observing the intense interest of pupils and parents for the class’ blog as well as a certain change in their behaviour as far as their amusement habits are concerned, we came to realize that the blog with the specific content could be a valuable tool of alternative communication, a Communication Medium that would promote an alternative anti-Hollywood standard that could possibly lead in a different way of life. 4
  • 5. III. The blog of the class as a New Social Medium. In other words what we are saying here is that the teacher, who was playing a major role in the field of educational procedure as someone transmitting knowledge and culture and is able to influence pupils and their parents. This blog has been an exemplary and innovative application of the communicative possibilities offered by the New Social Media and 3rd Generation technological tools in the field of education. [2]. IV. Limitations, tasks and obligations… Very soon we recognized the power and effect of the messages that were uploaded in the posts and came to realize our tasks and obligations as adults, especially towards children and parents who were not literate in New Technologies and New Media. The first year that the blog was in operation was 2008-09 was more like a test. After that, and as the blog was richer in content, we faced routine problems that had to be solved:  Access of pupils and their parents as well as the aspect of digital divide: how could we possibly talk about a democratic medium when the participants have not equal access, either because they did not have the necessary equipment in order to connect to the web, or they are not computer literate and thus they cannot make use of new technologies. In our case, pupils were not aware of the use of technology, very few parents were familiar to Internet and even less had access from their homes. 5
  • 6. Technical issues that had to be solved at the beginning: firstly, the class had to be connected to the internet so as pupils and the teacher could access their blog at least during the teaching hours. Secondly, adequate number of computers should be installed in the classroom and thirdly, the teacher had to train pupils in new technologies. (Απάντηση Δημήτρης).  A serious issue that came up was how pupils could learn to use creatively and with safety the New Media. In Greece, the education about Internet and the new media is found under intense protectionism that is focusing on the dangers of internet without taking into serious consideration the content of communication: that is to teach children to control and manage the content they receive or send, to learn to search knowledge and culture, to use new technologies in a way that will free their creative forces and imagination and to become users that will comprehend all dangers. In particular, in a social medium where everybody is entitled to upload a post, the administrator is liable for the uploaded content. What kind of content is proper and suitable legally and morally? (Also, how do we use third parties’ works, intellectual property issues, behavioral models in the internet including rules about not revealing or exposing ourselves to others (children especially) more than we would do in the traditional public sphere etc). These questions led me in 2009-2010 to the creation of another blog entitled “New Media Culture” aiming at informing and training on legal and moral issues related to the use of New Media. My goal was to support the teacher’s work, to enlighten parents about relevant issues and of course to inform my students. 6
  • 7. Another important aspect that we have faced was about how to maintain the character of the Medium as a Medium that is producing and diffusing anti-Hollywood models, when 25 pupils and their parents are entitled to upload posts without censoring the content and without violating anyone’s right to freely upload the content he/ she wishes (διαβούλευση αναρτήσεις Καλφόπουλου). V. A new educational project related to the creative use of New Media has arisen through the experience of this project… The two-year operation of the blog as well as the rich experience we gained, combined with the study and observation of new trends in the field of Media in education, have led us to certain conclusions and suggestions: 1. The use of digital technology and interactive New Media in education is not limited to the education of technology or the learning of potential risks and dangers. 2. The simple use of new technologies and Communication Media in school classes does not suffice so as to make citizens that will know how to deal with the content of New Media, and how to use it creatively1. 3. As shown in past researches2, teachers do not use New Media and the corresponding technologies either because they are not 1 Ευρωπαική Σύσταση για την Παιδεία για τα Μέσα στο Ψηφιακό Περιβάλλον Βρυξέλλες, 20.8.2008, Σύσταση της Επιτροπής σχετικά με τον γραμματισμό στα μέσα επικοινωνίας (παιδεία για τα Μέσα) στο ψηφιακό περιβάλλον για ανταγωνιστικότερο οπτικοακουστικό κλάδο και κλάδο περιεχομένου για μια κοινωνία της γνώσης χωρίς αποκλεισμούς», παρ. 3. 2 Μαράντος Π. Διδακτορική διατριβή «Εκπαίδευση και Μέσα Μαζικής Επικοινωνίας. Η χρήση των ΜΜΕ στην εκπαίδευση»- Εθνικό Κέντρο Τεκμηρίωσης. ID=11382&p=609&lang=el 7
  • 8. familiar with such technologies3 or because they are not properly trained to do so. 4. Teachers of the younger generation may be good users of Mass Media but that does not ensure that they know and they can teach the procedure related to the production of messages namely the construction of content and their ethics. 4.5 5. Given that the successful operation of the particular Communication Medium was born through the co-operation of the fields of pedagogy, communication, ethics of communication and culture in Media, the training of teacher in Media should include lessons coming from all the aforesaid disciplines. The training material that will be used must come from a close co-operation of all cognitive fields involved. 6. Finally, in the frame of modern Communication Societies, the communicational training is something that concerns us all and lifelong learning in Media should include wider parts of the population, parents for example. VΙ. From operating the blog, to the founding, installing and operating of an interactive web medium. So far we have not typically estimated the operation of the blog. We hope though, that it will be done in the near future in the frame of the research program that will follow. Similarly we came up with the idea of the development of an alternative social web medium that will produce and 3 «Η εκπαίδευση στα ΜΜΕ χαρακτηρίζεται από μια συνεχή αντιπαράθεση σχετικά με τους βασικούς στόχους και τις κύριες μεθόδους. Ελάχιστοι εκπαιδευτικοί έχουν εξαρχής την ανάλογη εκπαίδευση, με αποτέλεσμα να προσεγγίζουν τα ΜΜΕ με διαφορετικά επιστημονικά εφόδια και με διαφορετικά κίνητρα», Buckingham David, Εκπαίδευση στα ΜΜΕ, Ελληνικά Γράμματα, 2008. 4 Επιτροπή Πολιτισμού και Παιδείας, εισηγήτρια Christa Prets, pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+REPORT+A6-2008-0461+0+DOC+XML+V0//EL#top 5 Ευρωπαική Σύσταση για την Παιδεία για τα Μέσα στο Ψηφιακό Περιβάλλον Σύσταση Ι2.«σε συνέδρια και άλλες δημόσιες εκδηλώσεις να εγκαινιαστεί διάλογος για την ένταξη του γραμματισμού στα μέσα επικοινωνίας (παιδείας για τα Μέσα) στο διδακτικό πρόγραμμα της υποχρεωτικής εκπαίδευσης και ως μέρος της διδασκαλίας των βασικών ικανοτήτων για τη δια βίου μάθηση» . 8
  • 9. communicate culture and will address mainly to children and young people from 1 to 25 years old, and secondly to their parents. In the beginning, the said Medium must operate as a pilot project so as to examine its effects on childhood and young people and other questions such as: - Would teachers, artists and producers of culture undertake the responsibility of the production and diffusion of culture (and not TV)? - How, under which conditions and after how long could the cultural preferences of children change if the cultural communication is undertaken by their teacher for example and the children themselves actively participate in producing the content. Content - Interactive program that will be produced by the teacher and the producers of culture in co-operation with pupils. This program will educate through Art. - Interactive program that will educate pupils and their parents on how to properly use traditional and New Media (Media literacy). 9