VoID: Metadata for RDF Datasets

Richard Cyganiak il y a 11 ans

Flask – Python

Max Claus Nunes il y a 11 ans

Flask Introduction - Python Meetup

Areski Belaid il y a 11 ans

Python packaging

Axel Haustant il y a 10 ans

Django cryptography

Erik LaBianca il y a 11 ans

Livre Blanc du Télétravail en France

Nicole Turbé-Suetens il y a 11 ans

Pitfalls of Continuous Deployment

zeeg il y a 12 ans

Building Scalable Web Apps

zeeg il y a 12 ans

Python Worst Practices

Daniel Greenfeld il y a 13 ans

Customizing the Django Admin

Lincoln Loop il y a 15 ans

Advanced Django

Simon Willison il y a 16 ans

Automated Deployment with Maven - going the whole nine yards

John Ferguson Smart Limited il y a 14 ans

Maven 3 / Tycho

Karsten Thoms il y a 13 ans

Testing on Android

Diego Torres Milano il y a 14 ans

Raphaël JS Conf

Dmitry Baranovskiy il y a 14 ans