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Choose fibrous proteins instead of fatty ones. Protein
is important for organ function and building muscle. Select
lean cuts of beef or extra-lean ground beef when you're
consuming red meat. Remove skin from chicken before
● Skip the fatty deli meats like bologna and salami.
Choose lean turkey or roast beef as a replacement.
● Vegetarians can get plenty of protein from soy, nuts,
beans, and seeds. Lentils, legumes, and beans are
excellent sources of fiber and protein.
● Eat low-fat dairy for a source of protein, including
low-fat cheeses and nonfat yogurt. A 150-gram
serving of Greek yogurt provides about 11 grams of
protein. The study has shown that 20 women who
were eating high-protein yogurt snacks instead of
crackers, chocolate, and other low-protein snacks
consumed fewer calories and experienced less
Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruit helps to satisfy
your sweet tooth thanks to its natural sugars, while fresh
vegetables help your stomach fill up more quickly. Fruits
and vegetables contain fiber to help you feel full quickly.
Try some of these tips to introduce more fruit and
vegetables into your diet:
● Eat what is in season and eat fruit and vegetables for
snacks or for dessert. When you eat apples in the fall,
for instance, or cherries in late summer, it might as
well be an indulgent dessert. Cut up celery, carrots,
peppers, broccoli or cauliflower and dip them in a light
salad dressing or hummus.
● Use vegetables as a main dish. For example, make a
stir-fry or a hearty salad and add just a few ounces of
cooked chicken, salmon or almonds.
Eat more whole grains and cut simple carbs. Whole
wheat bread, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, sweet potato,
and brown rice are all excellent sources of energy and
sources of nutrition. Combined with the right combination
of proteins and vegetables, whole grains are perfect
all-around nutrition.
● Simple carbs are things like white bread, processed
flour, and white sugar. This gives you energy quickly
but then comes with a crash. It turns into fat very
● Substitute whole wheat flour or oat flour into
pancakes or baked goods. You might need to add
additional leavening ingredients, like baking powder
or yeast. Put barley in your soup instead of rice or try
a pilaf with barley, wild rice or brown rice.
● Eat only naturally-occurring carbohydrates instead of
processed carbohydrates. Avoid processed foods, like
white bread, semolina pasta or crackers, or
processed sweets like candy bars or sugary
Try a formal diet plan. If you like the idea of following a
more specific diet and putting the planning into someone
else's hands, try following a new diet and exercise:
● Follow a paleo diet and eat grass-produced meat,
fish, and seafood, fresh fruits, and vegetables, eggs,
seeds, and nuts, just like paleo-humans did. Eat
nothing prepackaged or processed.[4]
● Try sticking to raw foods. The Raw Food Diet requires
75 percent of your dietary intake to be uncooked.
Most people eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole
grains, nuts, and beans.[5]
● Join a commercial diet plan. If you prefer to eat
whatever you want and to meet weekly with other
people who are losing weight, then try WW (formerly
known as Weight Watchers). If you prefer prepared
meals so that you don't have to cook, try Jenny Craig
or NutriSystem.
Cut the salt from your diet. Eating more sodium causes
your body to retain water, which can cause you to feel
bloated and gain more weight. The good news is that you'll
sweat that weight out very quickly, so an easy way of
cutting some pounds is to eat less sodium in your diet.
● Instead of salt, try spicing your meals with chili flakes,
fresh salsa, or cajun spices and seasonings.
● Unsalted foods will taste much saltier eventually if you
cut salt out for a while and let your taste buds
Don't skip meals. Lots of people think skipping a meal
will help to lose weight, but people who have lost weight
tend to maintain their weight loss better when they eat
three meals and two snacks every day.[6]
This indicates
that eating three meals and two snacks may be a healthy
eating pattern for weight loss.
● Make sure that you don't get hungry by eating small
portions throughout the day at regular intervals.
Between your meals, eat a 150-calorie snack to keep
your metabolism burning and to stave off hunger. Be
sure that you don't eat a fattening snack such as
sweets or crisps. When you're hungry, your body
conserves calories and slows down your metabolic
Avoid sweetened drinks. Drinks that are sweetened,
whether artificially or naturally, will have little nutritional
value and add lots of empty calories to your diet. Do not
drink fruit juice or other sweetened drinks. Even natural
sugars will increase your daily calorie intake and prevent
weight loss. If you chose to drink juice, do not exceed 4 oz
per day (1/2 cup). Instead of drinking sweetened
beverages throughout your day, drink unsweetened,
calorie-free beverages.[7]
Some beverages to avoid
● Soda
● Juice
● Sweet tea
● Kool Aid
● Fruit punch
● Sports drinks
● Sweet coffee drinks
● Alcoholic drinks
Control your portions. One reason why you might have
gained weight is due to eating portions that are too large.
To start losing weight, you will need to eat smaller
portions. Eating smaller portions can also help you to keep
eating some of your favorite foods while still losing weight.
● For example, before loading up your plate with half a
frozen pizza, check the label to see what a portion
size is and only put this amount on your plate.
● Or, if you want to have a bowl of cereal, check the box
to see how much you can have for one serving and
use a measuring cup to get the exact amount.
● Controlling portions doesn't have to mean you're
hungry all the time if you try strategies to make
yourself feel more full.
Write down everything you eat this week. People who
keep food diaries, according to a study published in the
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, lose an
average of 6 pounds (2.75 kg) more than people who don't
keep a record of everything that they eat.[8]
So force
yourself to write down the good, the bad and the ugly.
Keep these tips in mind:
● Be complete. Write it all down, including beverages,
condiments, and a description of how the food was
prepared. Don't pretend you didn't have that extra
glass of wine after dinner. If it goes into your stomach,
it goes into the journal.
● Be accurate. Record your portion sizes in your food
diary. Don't eat too little or too much - keep track.
● Also, read the ingredients list so that you can be
accurate about serving sizes.
● Be consistent. Carry your food journal everywhere
that you go. As an alternative, you can use a
diet-tracking app on your smartphone or tablet.
Figure out how many calories you should eat each
day to lose weight. Losing weight isn't all about weight.
The more aware you are of the calories in the food you
eat, the more easily you'll be able to eat the right amount
of food and do the right amount of exercise to drop a
couple of pounds. Take your food journal and look up each
item individually. Keep a running tally and add up your
calorie total for the day.
● Next, look up how much a person of your age, height,
weight, and energy level needs per day in calories.
● Add about 170 calories to your total. Recent studies
estimate that we tend to eat slightly more than we're
able to keep track of in a day.[9]
Make a meal plan, and stick to it. Decide what you're
going to eat this week before you're standing at the fridge
and trying to figure it out on the fly. Buy the right healthy
ingredients to eat the way you want to eat, and plan it out
by the calorie.
● Be realistic. If you like to eat out a lot, don't try to
totally eliminate eating out. Instead, plan on eating
home-cooked meals six days a week.
● Cut down on the snacking, or try to make them
healthy snacks. Fresh vegetables with guacamole,
unsalted almonds, or fruit make for great weight-loss
● Let yourself have non-food treats. Promise yourself
that if you can follow this for six weeks and exercise
(if that is one of your goals), you will treat yourself to a
pedicure or a massage.
● Work indulgence foods into your calorie plan. If you
do want to have something that is a little higher in
calories, then make sure that you work it into your
overall calorie goal for the day. For example, if you
are following a 1,800 calorie plan, and you want to
have a brownie that is 300 calories, then you would
only have 1,500 calories left for the day.
Eat fewer calories than you burn. The only surefire way
to lose weight is to eat less than you burn over the course
of a day. Sounds simple, but it takes work and
consistency. That means exercise. If you want to lose
weight and stay healthy, you need to start exercising. Aim
for 15-30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a week to get
● Try to tally your energy-output each day. It's helpful to
keep track of these with pedometers, or other
weight-loss tracking apps that you can use to make
this easier. Read the section about exercise for more
specific tips.
● Set mini-goals. Your ultimate goal might be to lose 20
pounds, but instead of focusing on that, think that you
want to lose 1 to 2 pounds (0.45 to 0.91 kg) this week.
Or you can focus on non-pound goals like skipping
after-dinner snacks this week or only drinking alcohol
on weekends.
● It is important to understand that weight is entirely a
function of input and output. The input is the food you
eat and the calories contained therein. The output is
your energy output. To lose weight the output needs
to be greater than the input. It is that simple. Do not
believe any of the diet fads. If you are currently not
gaining or losing weight then just burning 300 extra
calories per week or eating/drinking 300 calories less
per week (2 sodas for example or a small burger)
WILL make you lose weight - in this case around 5
pounds of fat per year.
Drink at least 2 liters (2.1 U.S. qt) of water each day.
Water has the double effect of both hydrating your body
and filling your stomach with a certain volume of a liquid
that has zero calories. The Institute of Medicine
determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is roughly
3 liters (0.8 US gal) (about 13 cups) of total beverages a
day. The AI for women is 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total
beverages a day.[11]
● Drinking water about 30 minutes before meals can
reduce the number of calories people end up
consuming, especially in older individuals.
● Research showed that dieters who drank half a liter of
water before meals lost 44% more weight over a
period of 12 weeks, compared to those who didn’t.[12]
Start doing basic aerobic and cardio exercise. Start
with a small goal of 30 minutes, 3 times per week if you
aren't exercising at all currently. Try these steps to get
yourself going:[13]
● Buy a pedometer. Attach the pedometer to your belt
and try to take 5,000 steps daily. Move up to a goal of
10,000 to 15,000 steps as you get in better shape.
● Start by walking to lose weight. Walking around your
neighborhood costs nothing and is a great way to
start moving. You can also try other low-impact
exercises like swimming, riding a bike or jogging.
Try machines at the gym. You can use a treadmill, an
elliptical trainer, a stationary bike, a rowing machine or a
stair climber. Start with short sessions and gradually add
minutes as you get more fit. Also, use the settings on the
machines to increase the intensity as you lose weight.
● Do a variety of different machines until you find
something you like. Consult a personal trainer to
make sure you're using proper form to avoid injury.
They're there to help, not to intimidate you.
Take an aerobics class. You can take a traditional
aerobics class or try any number of movement-based
exercise routines. These are great ways of keeping
yourself motivated in a group, having fun moving around,
and losing weight.[14]
Try any of the following:
● Kickboxing
● Jazzercise
● Zumba
● Pilates
● Yoga
● Martial arts
● Crossfit or Bootcamp
Get into strength training. Start small, aiming for one or
two 15-minute sessions per week until you feel motivated
to do more. Exercise large muscle groups to burn more
calories and lose weight, instead of focusing on specific
muscles. Try some of these examples:
● Start with squats paired with an overhead dumbbell
press to work your lower body and upper body at the
same time.
● Perform resistance exercises while sitting or reclining
on an exercise ball. You'll strengthen your core while
simultaneously working on other areas.
● Use machines and free weights. These tools tend to
focus on particular muscle groups like the arms,
shoulders, thighs, glutes and upper back. Do these
more focused exercises after you work on exercises
for multiple muscle groups.
● Rest at least one full day between strength training
workouts so that your muscles can recover. Recovery
will help you to avoid pain and injury.
Play a sport. If you're not into the idea of exercise for the
sake of exercise, try finding a fun activity that you enjoy,
which has the added benefit of getting you moving. Find
an intramural league in your town, or just get together with
some friends to play a pick-up game every now and then.
● If you don't like competitive sports, try doing
something that you can do by yourself. Swim, or play
golf, or go hiking instead of playing a game with a ball
and a net.
● Get a bicycle if you want to find a great way to get
around and exercise at the same time. Don't spend all
that time sitting down in your car when you could be
burning calories.
● Also, try going on a walk after dinner for 40 minutes-1
hour. During this time, your body goes into fat-burning
mode until you eat in the morning. Make sure to do
this after dinner, because eating anything but protein
will take you out of the fat-burning mode and make
sure to eat a good breakfast.
Find creative ways to eat less. While doing these things
alone won't necessarily make you lose weight, they can be
helpful little tricks to keep you moving on the right path.
Try out the following to help your hunger cravings during
the day:
● Eat three fewer bites of each meal.
● Put your knife and fork down between bites.
● Use smaller plates, and fill your plate only once.
● Wait to eat until you feel hungry, don't just snack when
you're bored.
Find creative ways to manage your cravings. If you're
used to big snacks and indulgent meals, it's no secret that
dieting and switching to exercise is challenging. But
learning to manage your cravings for a big slice of cake or
a greasy hamburger is possible, with a little creativity.
● Smell fresh fruit when you want a snack, instead of
eating something.
● "Close" your kitchen between meals.
● Don't keep sugary or fattening snacks in the house.
● Some studies show that the color blue is an appetite
suppressant. Try getting a blue tablecloth, or blue
dishes to eat on.
Eat at home. Going out to eat makes it too easy to cheat.
Food sold at restaurants is commonly much higher in fat,
sodium, and other weight-loss killers. The portions are
also often much larger than what you might usually eat at
home, as well. Instead of heading out, try to make your
own meals.
● Eat in a small group, instead of a large one. Some
research shows that people eating at big tables tend
to eat more than people eating alone.[15]
● Don't eat while you do other things, in general.
Watching television, or reading, or working while you
eat often causes people to eat much more food than
they normally would.
Eat cereal for breakfast. One recent study revealed that
people who eat cereal for breakfast each day have a much
easier time losing weight than people who eat other types
of breakfast. Start your day right with a high-fiber, nutrient
rich natural cereal, or oatmeal.[16]
● Switch to skim milk with breakfast and for use in other
dishes. Each lower-fat step you take down, you're
losing 20% of the calories. Switching to a low-fat
version of milk is an excellent way to cut down on the
calories you're taking in, without having to sacrifice
any of the nutritional benefits.
Decide to lose weight in a group.[17]
Commit to losing a
certain amount of weight by a certain date with the caveat
that you'll pay up if you don't lose. You may enjoy starting
up a Biggest Loser Club at work or with your friends, or
you can investigate a weight loss betting website.
Give yourself a treat now and then. If you're attending a
party or going out for a special occasion, allow yourself an
indulgence. Just make sure that these indulgences don't
become daily habits.[18]
Don't let a single slip-up derail your
diet and exercise plan. Get back to it, even if you forget for
a day or two.
● Try using non-food rewards as well. When you do
something right with your diet and exercise, treat
yourself to something. Go to a game with a friend, or
get a manicure, a massage or a trip to the movies
when you meet your mini-goals. Get yourself that new
shirt that you've been wanting if you meet your goal of
losing a pound this week.
How to Lose Weight the Healthy Way
(with Pictures) - wikiHow
Talk to your doctor about weight loss. Be sure you
need to lose weight, and that this is the best time for you
to proceed with weight loss. If you are pregnant or have a
medical condition, your body may need added calories to
maintain your health, so this is not the time to start losing
● If you have medical conditions such as hypertension,
diabetes, or cardiovascular problems, talk to your
doctor before starting a diet and exercise plan.[2]
factors, including age, current weight, and overall
physical health, should be discussed with your doctor
in order to safely start a diet and exercise plan.[3]
Set reasonable and realistic goals. Weight loss of 0.5 to
2 pounds per week is a healthy approach. Allow yourself
the time you need to reach your weight loss goal, planning
on a loss of up to 2 lbs. each week.[4]
● While it may be tempting to pursue fad diets with
promises of fast weight loss, a slow and steady
approach is the healthiest way to lose weight.[5]
It also
provides ample time for your skin to adjust and helps
you lose the weight without developing loose skin.
● While fad diets may help you drop weight quickly, they
are not sustainable long term and once you stop the
fad diet, you often gain back the weight plus more.
Incorporate your daily calorie target in your plan.
Weight loss happens when you burn more calories than
you consume. Your doctor can help determine the number
of calories to consume each day specific to your body,
age, sex, and lifestyle.
Do the math. One pound is equal to about 3,500 calories.
In order to lose 1 to 2 pounds each week, your daily
calorie consumption needs to decrease by about 500 to
1000 calories, or your activity level needs to increase to
burn more calories.[6]
● As an example, a moderately active 35-year-old
female needs to consume about 2000 calories per
day to maintain her current weight. A target goal of
1400 to 1600 calories per day will create a situation of
weight loss for this person.
● Daily calorie goals factor in age, sex, and level of
physical activity. Some medical conditions can be a
factor that may also need to be considered.
Download a food logging app onto your computer or
phone and log everything you eat. This way you know
your calories every day.
Avoid setting your daily calorie goal too low. This can
actually prevent you from losing weight. When you skip
meals or consume too few calories, your body starts to
store calories as fat instead of burning them.
Come up with a plan that fits your own likes and
dislikes. Many healthy weight loss plans already exist and
can be tweaked to suit your own preferences and needs.
Whether you tweak a formal diet plan or come up with
your own, be sure it is suited to you and is a plan you can
live with for a long time, not just for a few months.[7]
● For a successful healthy lifestyle change, it is
important that your new plan fit into your life without
too much difficulty. Adjusting how you eat and
exercise is one thing, completely changing to foods
you don't normally eat and exercises you don't enjoy
will most likely not be successful long term.[8]
Consider your past experience with weight loss plans.
As you develop your plan, incorporate what worked, and
leave out what did not work.[9]
Build in some flexibility. Add your own personal
preferences, and include flexibility in both your food and
physical activity choices. Plus, consider your preference to
diet all alone or if you prefer support from a friend or
Create a plan that fits your budget. Some diet programs
involve added costs. The added expense may be from a
gym membership, joining a specific group, purchasing
specific food items like supplements or meals, or attending
regular appointments or group meetings.[11]
Increase your physical activity and make this a part of
your plan. Consider expanding on activities you already
enjoy, like walking, Zumba dancing, biking, or yoga.
Establish a physical activity routine that you can live with,
for the long run. An exercise routine that includes aerobic
activity and muscle development is ideal, but just
increasing your level of activity is a great place to start.[12]
Set your activity goal. Work towards 150 minutes or
more per week of moderate physical activity, or 75 minutes
of more vigorous aerobic activity or exercise, spread
evenly throughout the week.[13]
Recognize the difference between physical activity
and exercise. Physical activity includes the things you
already do every day, such as walking, housework, yard
work, and running around in the yard with the kids,
grandkids, or the family pet. Exercise involves structured,
scheduled, and repetitive forms of activity that you do
● However, seeking to add additional physical activity
(taking the stairs rather than the elevator, walking
rather than driving, etc.) can be a great way to reach
your goals.
Calculate your current and target BMI. Your doctor can
tell you what your body mass index, or BMI is. A healthy
BMI range is between 18.5 and 25.[15][16]
● The formula to calculate BMI is a little confusing, but if
you want to calculate your BMI, then follow these
steps. Your BMI is your weight in kilograms (not
pounds) divided by your height (in meters) squared.[17]
● Here is an example. For someone that is 5 feet 6
inches tall and weighs 165 pounds, the formula
reveals the BMI to be 27.3.[18]
● Convert the pounds into kilograms. Do this by
multiplying the weight in pounds by 0.45. So 165 x
0.45 = 74.25. Next, convert the height to meters. 5
feet 6 inches is 66 inches. Multiply the 66 by 0.025 to
get 1.65 meters. Then square that number by
multiplying it against itself, so 1.65 x 1.65 = 2.72.
Divide the new weight number by the new height
number; 74.25 ÷ 2.72 = 27.3. This person’s BMI is
Commit to your plan. Successful weight loss requires a
commitment to yourself to stick with your plan for the long
Join an online support group.
Create a written contract. Some people find it helpful to
put your plan in writing. Include why you want to lose the
weight, the plan itself, how much weight you want to lose,
and your target date to reach your desired weight. Then
sign it as if you are signing a contract.[21]
Include items from each food group, for every meal, in
your plan. The 5 food groups include fruits, vegetables,
grains, protein, and dairy. Your plate should be halfway
covered with green vegetables and fruits, and the other
half with protein and grains. The best dairy products to
include in your diet are fat-free (skim) and low-fat (less
than 1% fat).[22]
● Good protein sources include lean meats, beans, and
fish. Nuts, seeds, and eggs are also protein
● Try to consume 3 servings per day of dairy products.
Try to avoid cream cheese, cream, and butter.[24]
● Choose mostly grain products made from
whole-grain. Some examples include whole-wheat
flour, oatmeal, and brown rice.[25]
Avoid packaged
oatmeal, which often contains a lot of sugar.
● Fruits and vegetables contain fewer calories than
most foods and are great sources of nutrients,
vitamins, and minerals. While fruits are a great
choice, they do contain calories and sugars, so limit
your daily intake to about 4 servings, which is about 2
Avoid empty calories. Solid fats and sugars add calories
but no nutrients to the foods we eat. Examples of foods
with empty calories include cakes, cookies, pastries,
pizza, ice cream, sodas, sports drinks, fruit drinks,
sausage, hot dogs, and bacon.[27]
Choose healthy frozen prepared dinners. Clearly,
preparing your meals with fresh ingredients is the best and
healthiest way to go. But everyone has days when cooking
meals from scratch just doesn’t fit into the schedule.
Frozen dinners have evolved over time, and there are
some healthy options out there.
● Follow these basic guidelines as you select frozen
meals. Choose meals that include servings of lean
meat, fish, or poultry, vegetables, and whole grains.
Try to target meals that have 300 to 350 calories, 10
to 18 grams of total fat, less than 4 grams of saturated
fat, less than 500 mgs of sodium, 5 grams or more of
fiber, 10 to 20 grams of protein, and about 10% of the
recommended daily values for vitamins and minerals.
Check calories on food packaging. It's easier to watch
calories and enjoy eating by buying pre-portioned food.
100 calories per bag popcorn, 110 calories per ice cream
bar, even snacks in portioned bags allow you to monitor
calories and reduce the urge to eat too much.
Include cultural and ethnic foods in your plan. Specific
cultural or ethnic preferences are a way of life for many
people. Include your favorite, but healthy, cultural and
ethnic food choices in your weight loss plan.[28]
Drink plenty of water. While drinking a lot of water is a
big part of some diet programs, others place less
emphasis on the amount and just emphasize the
importance of water intake for reasons of general health.
Some experts report that drinking water when you are
hungry helps you to feel full, and therefore controls that
cue your stomach sends to your brain that you need to
Avoid sugary drinks, sodas, energy drinks, and sport
beverages. Beyond drinking plenty of water, include
coffee and tea, minus the added sweeteners, as part of
your plan. Limit your intake of diet drinks, milk other than
skim, fruit juice, and alcohol.[30]
Break your old food habits. Emotional or comfort eating
gets in the way of nutritional eating. Think about healthy
foods you like that can replace your past unhealthy
comfort foods.[31]
● Look up healthy recipe swaps for your favorite dishes
so you won't feel so restricted.
Pay attention to how foods make you feel physically.
Eating something fried might taste good today, but it might
not feel so good the next morning.[32]
Slow down as you eat. Your stomach will start to feel full
if you slow down as you eat. Have a conversation with
someone, or put the fork down between bites, to allow
your stomach to tell your brain you are getting full.[33]
Read the labels. Be aware of what you plan to eat, and
read the nutrition labels to be sure you are eating what
you planned.[34]
● Some packaging can be misleading for marketing
purposes, so looking at the nutrition label is essential.
Talk about food differently. Some foods are more
pleasant than others, no doubt. Take control of
experiencing new foods by removing the words “I can’t eat
that”, and instead say “I don’t eat that”. By changing how
you talk about food, it puts you in control of choosing
foods you do not routinely eat.[35]
● Instead of talking about the foods you can no longer
have, talk about all of the foods you are adding in like
fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, etc. Shifting your
mindset from restriction to addition can make a big
Practice healthier eating every day, and all day. Eat
breakfast, plan ahead so you know what you will eat when
you get hungry, avoid over-eating which can happen when
watching TV, and eat the healthy food choices first. Other
routines that can help include eating smaller meals, or
snacks, throughout the day instead of 3 larger meals.[36]
Weigh yourself once a week. The scale can help you to
tweak your plan if you need to, and to stay on track with
meeting your goal.[37]
Set up your pantry and kitchen to help you. What you
can see in your cabinet, or can easily reach for, may not
always be the best choice. Keep fruit on the counter and
chopped veggies in the fridge. Easy access to healthy
choices can help avoid unhealthy snacking.[38]
Reduce temptation. Get rid of the cookies and ice cream.
Having the tempting foods within reach can pull you away
from your plan.[39]
Use smaller plate sizes. Smaller plates can help with
portion control, decreasing the number of calories you
consume at mealtime. Always eat off a plate as opposed
to out of a box, bag, or carton.[40]
● You can pre-portion out servings of snack foods and
leave them in your pantry to prevent overeating from
the container. Grocery stores also have a lot of
pre-portioned options.
Get plenty of sleep. People that get enough sleep burn
up to 5% more calories at rest than people that do not get
a good night’s sleep. Plus, getting the sleep you need
increases the amount of fat you lose compared to people
that sleep less than 6 hours each night.[41]
Get back on track after a setback. Life happens.
Weddings, covered dish dinners, birthday parties,
game-day snacks, or a night out on the town can all
involve eating, or drinking, calories that are not in your
● Think about what you could have done differently, and
plan ahead so you will be ready for those challenging
events next time.[43]
● Avoid the "all or nothing" mentality. Just because you
messed up once, doesn't mean you can spiral out of
control and have anything else you want. It happened,
move on and don't be so hard on yourself.
Ask for help. Talking to your friends and family about your
weight loss plan can help you stay focused on your goal.
You may have a friend that will want to join you in losing
weight. Support groups are also available that can provide
encouragement, as well as personal tips on struggles they
● Sharing your goals can also prevent others from
being bad influences when know you are serious
about losing weight.
Take prescription weight loss medications. Talk to your
doctor to determine if prescription drugs for weight loss
are right for you. The FDA has recently approved several
agents that can help with weight loss. Using prescription
products will depend on your existing medication regimen,
any medical conditions you may have, and the amount of
weight you need to lose.
Avoid products that are available over-the-counter,
unless your doctor agrees. Over-the-counter weight loss
products have not been studied and tested for efficacy the
way prescription-only products have been. Your doctor
may consider over-the-counter products for you, but it is
important to discuss this with your doctor before you try
this type of product.
Consider forms of surgery. For some people,
considering surgical options may be the safest and most
effective way to reach his or her weight loss goal. Only
your doctor can properly evaluate your condition and
determine if these options are right for you.[45]
● Four procedures are commonly done to help people
lose weight. This type of procedure is called bariatric
surgery. Two primary functions are provided by the
available procedures. [46]
● The 2 functions include restriction, which physically
limits the amount of food the stomach can contain,
and malabsorption, which shortens the small intestine
to reduce the number of calories and nutrients the
body absorbs.[47]
● The 4 commonly performed procedures are called
roux-en-Y gastric bypass, laparoscopic adjustable
gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy, and duodenal
switch with biliopancreatic diversion.[48]
Talk to your doctor about your medications. Your
doctor may be able to help you, even though you do not
realize it. In some cases, you may be taking prescription
medications that cause weight gain or increase your
appetite. By talking to your doctor about your weight loss
goals, some of your medications can possibly be changed,
or the dose adjusted, to help you achieve your goal.[49]
Discuss your exercise plan with your doctor.
Depending on how much weight you need to lose, any
existing medical conditions, and your age, your doctor can
help to guide you in exercise and activity options that are
safe for you. Healthcare professionals, like your doctor or
a registered dietician, are great resources for information,
guidance, and support.[50]
Be kind to yourself. Don't beat yourself up if you overeat,
take a breath and start fresh the next day. We didn't
become overweight by overeating once in a while,
overeating was a daily habit.
Be patient. It takes about 8 months to change a habit and
once you start feeling healthier and people start
mentioning how great you look, you will know you are on
the right track!
How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau: 13
Steps (with Pictures)
Understand how weight loss usually progresses. Most
people lose weight very quickly in the first several weeks
of a new regimen. While some of this weight is actual body
mass, a lot of it is excess water. Once your body has rid
itself of this excess water, it is normal for the rate of weight
loss to slow down significantly.[1]
● Track your progress and ask yourself: has my weight
loss really stopped, or just slowed?
● Experts agree that an ideal rate for safe, lasting
weight loss is one to two pounds per week, so
perhaps your plateau isn't a plateau after all![2]
Keep track of your caloric intake. Maybe you were very
diligent about counting calories at the beginning, or maybe
you were able to lose weight initially without monitoring
your food intake that closely. In either case, you may be
consuming more calories that you realize, and carefully
tracking your intake using a food diary or one of the many
free calorie counter websites and apps can help you
identify exactly how much you are eating and when.[3]
● Once you have a good handle on what you are
consuming, you can start to look for problem areas
and make adjustments
● If you have been very active, it's also possible you
haven't been eating enough calories. If you are
working out, your body will require more food. If you
restrict yourself thinking that you will lose weight
faster, you will actually cause your body to hold on to
the weight you currently hold.
Reevaluate your caloric needs. As your body gets
smaller, it will burn fewer calories and you will need to eat
less and less to maintain the calorie deficit that leads to
weight loss. If you have not done so lately, enter your
weight and activity level into a calorie counter to get an
up-to-date number for the number of calories you need.
● Most experts recommend a calorie deficit of 500
calories a day to achieve gradual, lasting weight
● If the calculator tells you that you require 2200
calories per day, you should try to consume around
1700 calories per day to lose a pound per week.
Think about your exercise routine. Have you been
exercising consistently? Do you do the same kind of
workout every day? Are you doing any kind of resistance
training? Lastly, are you relying on the calorie counter on
the elliptical machine at the gym to tell you how many
calories you actually burned? Think about ways you can
change up or improve your exercise routine. Finally, know
that the calorie counters on gym machines can be highly
unreliable, so if you've been using them to budget your
calories, you may have been led astray.[5]
● Elliptical machines are the worst offenders for
over-estimating caloric burn. Track the amount of time
you work out and the intensity, and use an online
exercise calculator to get a better idea of how many
calories you actually burned.
● Your body can get used to doing the same activities if
you don't change up your workout routine from time to
time. If you try something new, you may be engaging
different muscles and burning calories in a new way
that your body isn't used to, causing you to lose
Look at other factors besides the scale. The number on
your scale may not be budging, but there may be other
evidence that your body is still changing for the better. Do
your clothes fit better? Are your arms bulking up? If you
are putting on new muscle, your body will shrink even as
the number on the scale stays the same. Better yet, that
new muscle will burn more calories than fat, so your
weight loss will probably pick up again soon.
● Don't weigh yourself too often. Weight fluctuates due
to a variety of factors and it can be misleading. Once
a week is more than enough. Try to keep your weigh
in around the same day and time each week.
● Be patient and remember that not all plateaus are
created equal. If you are making progress in other
areas, you may just need to wait another week for the
number on the scale to start falling again.
See your doctor for a check-up. If you've analyzed all
the possibilities and tried everything, but still can't get your
weight loss back on track, schedule an appointment with
your doctor. She might have some additional ideas for
you, and can also order blood work to check for a
hormone imbalance. You may be suffering from an
undiagnosed disorder such as thyroid disease, insulin
resistance, or polycystic ovary disease that is preventing
you from losing weight.[6]
Change up your workouts. When you do the same kind
of exercise over and over, your body gets more efficient at
that exercise and may start burning less calories to get it
done. Mix things up and add some variety to your routine,
and you are likely to see an improvement.[7]
● Add some interval training to your normal walking or
jogging program for a huge caloric boost.
● Try a new kind of fitness class or activity.
● There are hundreds of free fitness videos available on
YouTube and other sites like Fitness Blender. You
could try a new kind of workout every single day!
● Meet with a personal trainer to get new ideas and
create a routine that will optimize your weight loss.
Add strength training. Adding muscle mass increases
the number of calories you burn every day and makes
weight loss easier. Add some strength or resistance
training to your routine to get that scale moving again.[8]
● Strength training doesn't require an expensive gym
membership. You can get started with some
inexpensive lightweight dumbbells and go from
● To avoid putting on a lot of muscle bulk, focus on lots
of reps using smaller weights.
● Women often worry about lifting weights and
becoming too "bulky," but unless they are actively
trying to gain muscle, this won't happen. Women will
gain muscle by lifting, but they won't bulk up because
they have lower levels of testosterone.
● There are also many great strength-building exercises
you can do with no equipment whatsoever! These
include pushups, squats, step-ups, and dozens
Break out of a food rut. It's easy to fall into the habit of
eating the same food day after day, which can lead to
boredom and overeating, and may train your body to
become too efficient at digesting certain foods. Shaking up
your diet might be just the thing to get past your
weight-loss plateau.[11][12]
● Try adding some new foods to your routine, especially
fruits and vegetables.
● Change your eating schedule around. Try making
breakfast your largest meal of the day, or breaking up
3 large meals into 6 smaller ones.
● Eating throughout the day keeps your metabolism
● Switch out the plates: instead of dishing out your
salad on a small plate, and your entrée on a large
one, do the opposite!
● Try eating something with casein protein before bed
(like cottage cheese). It takes a long time for your
body to digest this type of protein, causing your
metabolism to work even while you sleep.
Eat more protein. Numerous studies have shown that a
protein-rich diet can help dieters lose more weight by
improving satiety (the feeling of fullness) throughout the
day, and increasing muscle mass. Adjust your diet to
include more protein, and try to space your protein intake
out throughout the day.[13]
● If you increase your protein intake, be sure to
decrease your intake of carbohydrates and/or fats to
make up for it. Weight loss still requires a calorie
deficit, regardless of what kind of calories you are
Eat a bigger breakfast. If you typically skip breakfast, or
only eat a light meal in the morning, shifting more of your
calories to the A.M. can help you lose more weight. A
breakfast rich in protein has been shown to be especially
beneficial for those wishing to lose weight.[14]
● Start your day with some scrambled eggs, or a protein
● Try a protein-enriched cereal for an easy and
convenient breakfast treat.
● Never skip breakfast. The worst breakfast that you
can have is no breakfast.
Get more sleep. Not getting enough sleep taxes your
body, slows your metabolism, and makes you more likely
to overeat during the day. If you wake up feeling tired and
sluggish, try going to bed an hour earlier for a week. Not
only are you likely to feel better in general, the number on
that scale will likely start dropping again.[15]
Take a few days off from dieting. Sometimes your body
just needs a break, and many fitness experts recommend
taking time off from a calorie-restricted diet as a way to get
past a diet plateau. The goal is not to go bananas and eat
everything in sight, but simply to return your caloric intake
to the base level needed for maintenance, 1800 to 2400
calories per day for most people, for three days. When you
resume your regular diet, you should see a noticeable
improvement right away.[16]
Can Herbs and Spices Help With Weight
Loss? What Does and Doesn't Help
It’s complicated, but many of them likely help a little
bit. Unfortunately, herbs aren’t a miracle cure when it
comes to weight loss. Many spices and herbs may boost
your metabolism, increase salivation, aid with digestion, or
decrease inflammation. All of this will help you lose weight,
but the keyword here is “help.” Dousing your dishes in
tons of herbs and spices or taking pills filled with organic
spices will not dramatically accelerate weight loss.[3]
● Losing weight is all about sustained, steady progress.
Eating a healthy diet full of vegetables, fruits, nuts,
and lean proteins while exercising regularly is going to
be way more important than throwing some extra
turmeric in your dinner!
Turmeric, curry powder, paprika, and cumin help if you
want some heat. These herbs are all popular spice
additions if you’re trying to give your dish a little kick.
These spices are anti-oxidants, and anti-oxidants help aid
digestion, fight inflammation, and prevent gas.[4]
They also
boost your metabolism, which makes it easier for your
body to burn through calories.[5]
These spices may also
have the added benefit of reducing your risk for certain
cancers and heart diseases as well![6]
● Turmeric is phenomenal in rice, frittatas, and soup. It’s
also great in roasted veggies and it can give a
chicken dish a great kick.
● Curry powder is commonly used in Indian and Thai
dishes. It’s a key component in chicken curry, curry
rice, and butter chicken.
● Paprika is great basically in any savory dish. Eggs,
chicken, lamb, fish, shrimp, and roasted veggies will
all benefit from a dash of paprika!
● Cumin is also a popular ingredient in Indian dishes,
but it’s also an interesting addition to barbeque
sauces, chili, and ground beef!
Coriander is an awesome choice if you enjoy cilantro.
Few herbs are as divisive as cilantro—people either love it
or hate it. If you’re a fan, the ground version of the herb,
coriander, has anti-inflammatory properties which helps
with your digestion. It can also help regulate your blood
sugar. All of this may help you in your weight loss
● Try adding coriander to chicken dishes, turkey
meatballs, mushroom burgers, and a variety of
Mexican and Indian dishes.
● Coriander is also a great compliment for southwest
salads, quinoa, and eggs if you aren’t a big meat
● The fresh form of coriander, cilantro, may also be
similarly beneficial. However, the vast majority of
research here has been done on the dried form of the
herb, so it’s unclear.
Ginger and cinnamon are good choices if you want a
unique flavor. Ground ginger is great for digestion, and it
can boost your immune system which makes it easier to
process nutrients. Cinnamon is proven to lower
cholesterol, which is great for heart health while you’re
losing weight. Both of these herbs may protect you from
certain degenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s, as well![8]
● It’s easy to add ground ginger to a variety of Asian
dishes. You can also make ginger tea, which is great
if you want to drink your herbs! Talk to a doctor if
you’re taking blood thinners or you’re diabetic though,
since ginger may interfere with some of your
● Cinnamon is a phenomenal addition to hot chocolate,
oatmeal, sweet potatoes, muffins, and pancakes. It
also goes great in a lot of cocktails, too!
It’s possible (but unlikely) that black pepper prevents
fat cells from forming. There have been a handful of
studies that suggest black pepper prevents fat cells from
However, these studies were only on mice,
and the amount of pepper that you’d likely need to see any
benefit may be borderline impossible to consume.[10]
put a point on it, a minor benefit may exist, but you
shouldn’t ruin the flavor of your food by slathering it in
pepper to prevent fat cells from forming.
● This is one of those things where even if black pepper
does help, the benefit is probably so minor that it’s not
worth worrying about. However, black pepper isn’t
bad for you, so if you enjoy it, add it to your food![11]
Turmeric has a lot of benefits, but it won’t explicitly
burn belly fat. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory
compounds that will help fight excess weight gain and
make digestion a lot easier for you. It also has some
antifungal properties, and it may help prevent certain
degenerative conditions, like arthritis.[12]
However, your
overall diet is much more important when it comes to
shedding belly fat. If you incorporate a lot of turmeric in
your diet but you’re loading up on red meat, ice cream,
and candy, you won’t make any progress.[13]
● If you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, feel
free to incorporate some turmeric into the food you
● There is some dispute over turmeric’s toxicity. Some
sources suggest that consuming more than 2-3
teaspoons (roughly 8 grams) of turmeric a day can be
There have been reports where people
have injured their liver from consuming too much
turmeric as well, so don’t overdo it.[15]
You cannot target specific parts of your body for
weight loss. Unfortunately, there are no ways to
specifically lose fat in one portion of your body. Unless you
opt for some kind of surgical procedure, you’ll need to lose
weight everywhere if you want to shed the excess fat
around your stomach.[16]
● There are no quick tricks or hacks when it comes to
belly fat. Slow and steady progress is the only way to
go. The good news is that once you’ve made eating
healthy and exercising a habit, it will be much easier
to stick with it![17]
You can’t lose belly fat in 3 days, and herbs won’t do it
alone. Herbs and spices may help you a little on your
weight loss journey, but they aren’t the sole solution here.
Regardless, 3 days isn’t nearly enough to lose belly fat.
You really shouldn’t lose more than 1–2 pounds
(0.45–0.91 kg) a week if you want to lose weight in a
healthy way.[18]
● On top of this, any diet or practice that will cause you
to lose weight quickly won’t last. As soon as you stop
whatever fad diet or cleanse you’re doing, the weight
is just going to return.[19]
● Look at it this way, 1 lb (0.45 kg) of fat contains 3,500
calories. This means that if you want to lose 1 lb (0.45
kg) a week, you need to burn an extra 500 calories a
day. This kind of caloric deficit is perfectly fine, but
you may run into serious health problems if you cut
more calories than that.[20]
How to Lose Weight Fast
Do the Mediterranean diet if you like fish and veggies. A
plan like the Mediterranean diet may be able to help you
sustain weight loss. It is based on the traditional
ingredients and cooking styles of people living near the
Mediterranean sea. Research has shown that people
adhering to this diet have reduced risk of heart disease -
plus it helps you shed pounds and look lean and trim. If
you want to try the Mediterranean diet, avoid bread, dairy
and processed foods. Instead, build your meals around
the following foods:[1]
● Fish
● Olive oil
● Vegetables
● Fruit
● Beans and other legumes
● Spices
● Nuts
● Red wine
Try the paleo diet to help you avoid processed foods.
Back when cavemen still ruled the earth, they didn't have
time to bake cupcakes or fry potato chips. The paleo diet
(short for paleolithic) seeks to recreate the same diet that
our early ancestors ate, claiming that our systems are not
built for modern ingredients and cooking styles. You eat
meat, vegetables, fruit, and other foods that would have
been available back then, and avoid anything paleo
people wouldn't have had.[2]
● No artificial sweeteners or grains are allowed.
Do the Whole30 diet to focus on whole foods. The idea
behind this diet is to eliminate all processed foods from
your diet for 30 days to cleanse your system of artificial
ingredients and other processed items that are hard on
your digestive system. After 30 days, you may also notice
a reduced waistline and higher energy levels.[3]
● Avoid grains, dairy, sugars, legumes, alcohol, and all
processed foods.
● Eat meat, vegetables, and some fruits. Additionally,
drink plenty of water.
Do the raw food diet if you enjoy raw veggies and
fruits. If you dislike meat and are tired of cooking, this
one's for you. The raw food diet consists entirely of foods
that have not been cooked. You lose weight by consuming
loads of fresh vegetables and fruits. Coconut milk, nuts,
seeds and other uncooked foods are also allowed on the
raw food diet.[4]
● You can find recipes for creating flavorful raw food
dishes by searching online.
● Dietitians warn that a long-term raw food diet may
leave you without essential nutrients.
Select smart substitutes for your favorite high calorie
foods. Most foods have healthier counterparts that will
allow you to enjoy your favorite foods without unnecessary
fat, sugar, and calories. Exchanging high-calorie
processed foods and drinks for healthier alternatives can
help you lose weight faster.[5]
● Consider eating vegetarian a few days each week. By
replacing meat with nutritious foods like beans, tofu,
or lentils, you can cut significant amounts of your daily
calorie intake while adding many nutrients to your
● Eat delicious fruit for dessert rather than a processed
cookie or cake.
● Swap potato chips and candy bars for snacks that are
nutrient-rich and low in calories and fat. Try combining
string cheese with a handful of grapes, spreading
peanut butter on a few crackers, or dipping sliced red
pepper into a few tablespoons of hummus.
● Try substituting vinegar and lemon juice for your
regular salad dressing.
● Cook with a tablespoon of olive oil instead of butter. It
has the same number of calories, but it is a healthier
type of fat.
Avoid going down grocery aisles that tempt you with
high calorie foods. It’s best to stay along the perimeter of
the grocery store, which is where the fresh foods are
typically located. However, when you need to go down the
aisles to get something, try to stay away from areas where
foods you crave are stocked, such as the candy or soda
aisle. If you don’t see them, you’re less likely to be
● You don’t want to ban foods you love, but keeping
them in your home makes it likely you’ll indulge. Don’t
stock “junk” food in your home. Instead, make it a rare
Stop drinking sugary drinks to save calories.
Sugar-sweetened drinks can quickly add extra calories to
your diet, so it’s best to cut them out. Eliminate sugary
soda, sweetened tea and coffee, and juice from your diet.
Instead, sip on water, tea, black coffee or seltzer.[7]
● Drinking water or unsweet tea instead of soda, coffee,
alcohol, juice, or milk may help you cut hundreds of
calories per day.
Eat more of foods that fill you up. Some foods help you
feel full faster and may help you stay fuller longer. Many of
these foods contain protein, fat, or fiber. However, foods
that help keep your blood sugar stable are also great
options, as this helps you keep your appetite in check.
Here are some great foods to incorporate if you want to
feel fuller longer:[8]
● Non-starchy vegetables
● Fish
● Meat
● Nuts and seeds
● Beans and legumes
● Grapefruit
● Oatmeal
● Apples
● Eggs
● Ginger
● Leafy greens
Calculate how many calories you can eat while still
losing weight. Start by finding your basal metabolic rate
(BMR), which is how many calories you need to stay alive.
Then, use an online calculator to estimate how many
calories you burn through activity. Finally, subtract 500
calories for every pound you want to lose that week.[9]
● To calculate your BMR, first get your weight in
kilograms by multiplying your weight in pounds by .45.
Next, get your height in centimeters by multiplying
your total inches in height by 2.54. Then, use this
formula to find your BMR: (10 x weight in kg) + (6.25 x
height in cm) - (5 x age) - 161.
● To estimate the calories you burn through exercise,
try this calculator:
● For an easy way to estimate the number of calories
you can eat, use an online calculator like this one:
● Calorie counting apps, like My Fitness Pal, usually do
this calculation for you.
● Never eat fewer than 1200 calories a day, unless your
doctor is supervising you. Eating fewer than 1200
calories a day is dangerous for your health.
Keep a food diary. Write down every meal, snack, and
drink you consume. Track the quantity of food you’re
eating, as well as the estimated calories of each item.
Writing down what you eat helps you stay mindful about
how much you’re eating and helps you stick to your
● You can keep a paper diary or track your food
digitally. Apps are a great way to easily track what you
eat. For instance, you might try MyFitnessPal, which
allows you to track your meals and has an easy to
use food database with the nutrition information
already entered.
● Don’t forget to include things like coffee mix-ins,
condiments, salad dressing, and other items you add
to foods or drinks.
Eat regular meals or snacks every 2-4 hours. Skipping
meals isn’t the answer to losing weight, and it may even
derail your efforts. Food gives you energy, so going too
long without eating can leave you feeling tired, which
decreases your activity level. Additionally, it triggers your
body to crave high-calorie, high-sugar snacks for a quick
energy boost. Instead of starving yourself, plan frequent,
healthy meals.[11]
● Regular meals and snacks also keep your blood
sugar stable, which helps control your hunger levels.
Plan your meals around lean proteins and non-starchy
vegetables. Fill your plate with 1/2 non-starchy veggies,
1/4 lean proteins, and 1/4 whole grains or starchy veggies.
Additionally, incorporate healthy fats, like olive oil,
avocado, and fatty fish. For snacks, eat fruits, nuts, seeds,
and cut up veggies.[12]
● If you’re having trouble, meet with a dietitian to get
help figuring out your ideal calorie goals, dietary
needs, and potential area for improvement. They'll
create a plan for you that fits your preferences.
Eat smaller portions to help you cut back on calories.
You don’t need to give up your favorite foods to lose
weight. Similarly, choosing healthier dishes doesn’t mean
you can eat as much as you want. Instead, portion out
your meals using measuring cups or special spoons that
measure out servings. Alternatively, make things easy by
eating off smaller plates or bowls, which trick your eye into
thinking your servings are bigger.[13]
● To make it easier to track portions, prepare your
snacks ahead of time. For instance, you might weigh
out 1 serving of almonds, then put it in a baggie or
container for later.
● Stronger flavors can help you control portion size. For
example, dark chocolate or a dark beer are satisfying
in small amounts and can be difficult to consume
Identify your food triggers and plan accordingly.
Everyone has food triggers, so don’t feel bad about
craving certain foods. Cut back on these foods by figuring
out the things that trigger your cravings, like a certain
activity, a time of day, or feeling certain emotions. Then,
plan for better ways to handle those triggers, and don’t
keep these foods around your home or workplace. This
can help you avoid giving into temptation.[14]
● For instance, you might crave popcorn at the movies,
or may want candy in the afternoon at work. To deal
with the temptation, you could replace the snack you
crave with something that’s a better fit for your diet.
For instance, you might bring a bag of plain popcorn
to the movies, which is a healthy alternative. Similarly,
you could eat a single square of dark chocolate each
afternoon instead of your typical candy selection.
● Remember, you don’t need to stop eating your
favorite foods. However, it’s best to plan for how you’ll
incorporate them into your calories.
Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Getting regular
exercise helps you burn more calories, keep your heart
healthy, and maintain your metabolism. Aim to do cardio
activity most days, and do strength training 2-3 days a
week. Choose an activity that you enjoy so that you’re
more likely to stick with it.[15]
● For example, you might walk, run, do aerobics, do an
elliptical workout, cycle, or swim.
● At a minimum, you need 150 minutes of moderate
exercise each week to maintain your good health.
● When you first start exercising, it’s normal for your
body to retain water as it works to repair the muscle
tissue you’re breaking down during your workout. This
might make the scale tick up a few pounds, but this
weight will fall off again once you get used to regular
Choose exercises and workouts that match up with
your fitness level. If you’re new to exercise, you likely
won’t be able to push yourself too hard or workout for long
periods of time. However, it’s not necessary to overwork
yourself to see results. Choose exercises that you can do
well, then build from there.[16]
● Always talk to your doctor before beginning an
exercise program.
● Remember, games like volleyball, tennis, and frisbee
can help you burn calories while having a blast, so it’s
possible to exercise while having a good time.
● Before you begin exercising, use a measuring tape to
measure your waist, hips, and bust. If you are gaining
weight but these measurements are going down, it
means that you are gaining muscle and losing fat.
Take up cardio training. While a combination of cardio
and resistance training are important for overall body
health, cardiovascular training is what will help you shed
those pounds quickly. Weight and resistance training may
not lead to immediate weight loss but can trigger your
metabolism to use energy more efficiently.[17]
● Cardio exercise includes anything that gets your heart
● For best results, include both moderate and high
intensity aerobic exercise.
Keep your exercise regimen interesting. Variety is the key
to both promoting a healthier you and keeping you
motivated. When you do the same exercise day in and day
out, you put yourself at a higher risk of injuring yourself.
You are also more likely to become bored, thus making it
harder to find the motivation to keep exercising. While at
the gym, switch between machines, join a fitness class,
and add some resistance training into your schedule.[18]
Do strength training 2-3 times a week. Resistance training
and weight training help you stay lean by building muscle
and raising your metabolism, even when you’re not
working out. Incorporate these exercises 2-3 times a
week, with at least 1 rest day between your workouts.
● It’s okay to do cardio on your strength training rest
days, as long as you don’t push yourself too hard.
Choose a light to moderate activity level.
● Muscle cells are more metabolically active than fat
cells. This means that they burn more calories than
fat cells, even while you are resting and sleeping.
Choose workouts that require your entire body to
exert an effort. This way, you work every muscle group
and burn calories with more muscles at one time, like
multitasking with your exercise. For instance, combine a
form of resistance training with your arms, like raising
dumbbells overhead, while you jog or cycle with your
Get more activity throughout your day. Increase the
amount of walking you do by choosing a far away parking
place or taking the stairs instead of an elevator. Make as
many trips upstairs as possible or walk the dog three times
a day. Additionally, dust, sweep, and mop with vigor. The
more you move, the more calories you burn.[20]
● You might even start a hobby that involves moving
around a bit, like gardening, carpentry, working on
cars, or painting large canvases. This will help you
burn more calories even when you’re not exercising.
Get enough rest. Being properly rested will help you
maintain sufficient energy throughout the day, making you
less likely to overeat and less prone to injury during
physical activity. Sleep deficiency has actually been linked
to an inability to lose fat, so getting enough sleep can
really help you on your path to losing weight.[21]
● Create a sleep routine to help you fall asleep faster.
Relax for an hour or 2 before bed, and avoid screens
during this time. Additionally, turn down your
thermostat, make your room dark, and put on comfy
Go to a sauna to sweat off water weight. Saunas may
result in a loss of a pint of sweat in just a quarter of an
hour. To prevent dehydration, limit your sauna time to 15
or 20 minutes per day. A sauna won’t help you lose weight
permanently, but it can help you look slimmer for a special
● Make sure you increase your water consumption after
you use a sauna to rehydrate your body.
● Pregnant women, young children, and people with
blood pressure or heart problems should not use
Use a body wrap to temporarily look slimmer. Body
wraps claim to help you slim down by smoothing and
tightening your skin to make your waist, thighs, and arms
appear thinner. While these results are temporary, they
might help you look slimmer for a special event. Here are
some wraps you might try:[23]
● Mineral body wraps: These wraps use a
mineral-based cleanser that is supposed to reduce
cellulite, and tone and firm your skin almost instantly.
● Lipase body wraps: First, an enzyme wrap is applied
to help smooth fat tissue near the surface of the skin.
Then, a second mineral wrap is applied to help tighten
and smooth your skin.
● European body wrap: These wraps target trouble
spots and are typically offered at spas. They are
supposed to firm and tone your skin, while reducing
the appearance of cellulite or stretch marks.
● Hot body wrap: Heat-based body wraps are also
typically offered at spas. They’re designed to
stimulate smooth, toned skin.
Attend a weight loss camp. Sometimes sticking with an
exercise routine and diet plan is too challenging. Old
habits and daily routines will steer you back to your old
foods and activities at every turn. To combat this, many
people enroll in residential weight loss programs that
remove them from their daily lives. Sometimes called
fitness retreats, these programs come in dozens of
different styles, and are available for youth, adults and
● Before you attend a weight loss camp, make sure it’s
equipped to safely handle your age and health
specific needs.
Consider liposuction. Liposuction is a surgical option for
fast, targeted weight loss, generally only recommended for
people with 1-2 specific areas of highly fatty tissue but an
otherwise relatively healthy body weight. Because it is a
surgical procedure, it carries significant health risks and
should only be performed by a licensed professional.[25]

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  • 1. METCORE HELPS YOU FOR BELE FAT AND WEIGHT LOSS Choose fibrous proteins instead of fatty ones. Protein is important for organ function and building muscle. Select lean cuts of beef or extra-lean ground beef when you're consuming red meat. Remove skin from chicken before cooking. ● Skip the fatty deli meats like bologna and salami. Choose lean turkey or roast beef as a replacement. ● Vegetarians can get plenty of protein from soy, nuts, beans, and seeds. Lentils, legumes, and beans are excellent sources of fiber and protein. ● Eat low-fat dairy for a source of protein, including low-fat cheeses and nonfat yogurt. A 150-gram serving of Greek yogurt provides about 11 grams of protein. The study has shown that 20 women who were eating high-protein yogurt snacks instead of crackers, chocolate, and other low-protein snacks consumed fewer calories and experienced less hunger.[2] Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruit helps to satisfy your sweet tooth thanks to its natural sugars, while fresh vegetables help your stomach fill up more quickly. Fruits
  • 2. and vegetables contain fiber to help you feel full quickly. Try some of these tips to introduce more fruit and vegetables into your diet: ● Eat what is in season and eat fruit and vegetables for snacks or for dessert. When you eat apples in the fall, for instance, or cherries in late summer, it might as well be an indulgent dessert. Cut up celery, carrots, peppers, broccoli or cauliflower and dip them in a light salad dressing or hummus. ● Use vegetables as a main dish. For example, make a stir-fry or a hearty salad and add just a few ounces of cooked chicken, salmon or almonds. Eat more whole grains and cut simple carbs. Whole wheat bread, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, sweet potato, and brown rice are all excellent sources of energy and sources of nutrition. Combined with the right combination of proteins and vegetables, whole grains are perfect all-around nutrition. ● Simple carbs are things like white bread, processed flour, and white sugar. This gives you energy quickly but then comes with a crash. It turns into fat very quickly. ● Substitute whole wheat flour or oat flour into pancakes or baked goods. You might need to add
  • 3. additional leavening ingredients, like baking powder or yeast. Put barley in your soup instead of rice or try a pilaf with barley, wild rice or brown rice. ● Eat only naturally-occurring carbohydrates instead of processed carbohydrates. Avoid processed foods, like white bread, semolina pasta or crackers, or processed sweets like candy bars or sugary vegetables.[3] Try a formal diet plan. If you like the idea of following a more specific diet and putting the planning into someone else's hands, try following a new diet and exercise: ● Follow a paleo diet and eat grass-produced meat, fish, and seafood, fresh fruits, and vegetables, eggs, seeds, and nuts, just like paleo-humans did. Eat nothing prepackaged or processed.[4] ● Try sticking to raw foods. The Raw Food Diet requires 75 percent of your dietary intake to be uncooked. Most people eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and beans.[5] ● Join a commercial diet plan. If you prefer to eat whatever you want and to meet weekly with other people who are losing weight, then try WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers). If you prefer prepared
  • 4. meals so that you don't have to cook, try Jenny Craig or NutriSystem. Cut the salt from your diet. Eating more sodium causes your body to retain water, which can cause you to feel bloated and gain more weight. The good news is that you'll sweat that weight out very quickly, so an easy way of cutting some pounds is to eat less sodium in your diet. ● Instead of salt, try spicing your meals with chili flakes, fresh salsa, or cajun spices and seasonings. ● Unsalted foods will taste much saltier eventually if you cut salt out for a while and let your taste buds re-acclimate. Don't skip meals. Lots of people think skipping a meal will help to lose weight, but people who have lost weight tend to maintain their weight loss better when they eat three meals and two snacks every day.[6] This indicates that eating three meals and two snacks may be a healthy eating pattern for weight loss. ● Make sure that you don't get hungry by eating small portions throughout the day at regular intervals. Between your meals, eat a 150-calorie snack to keep your metabolism burning and to stave off hunger. Be
  • 5. sure that you don't eat a fattening snack such as sweets or crisps. When you're hungry, your body conserves calories and slows down your metabolic processes. Avoid sweetened drinks. Drinks that are sweetened, whether artificially or naturally, will have little nutritional value and add lots of empty calories to your diet. Do not drink fruit juice or other sweetened drinks. Even natural sugars will increase your daily calorie intake and prevent weight loss. If you chose to drink juice, do not exceed 4 oz per day (1/2 cup). Instead of drinking sweetened beverages throughout your day, drink unsweetened, calorie-free beverages.[7] Some beverages to avoid include: ● Soda ● Juice ● Sweet tea ● Kool Aid ● Fruit punch ● Sports drinks ● Sweet coffee drinks ● Alcoholic drinks
  • 6. Control your portions. One reason why you might have gained weight is due to eating portions that are too large. To start losing weight, you will need to eat smaller portions. Eating smaller portions can also help you to keep eating some of your favorite foods while still losing weight. ● For example, before loading up your plate with half a frozen pizza, check the label to see what a portion size is and only put this amount on your plate. ● Or, if you want to have a bowl of cereal, check the box to see how much you can have for one serving and use a measuring cup to get the exact amount. ● Controlling portions doesn't have to mean you're hungry all the time if you try strategies to make yourself feel more full. Write down everything you eat this week. People who keep food diaries, according to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, lose an average of 6 pounds (2.75 kg) more than people who don't keep a record of everything that they eat.[8] So force yourself to write down the good, the bad and the ugly. Keep these tips in mind: ● Be complete. Write it all down, including beverages, condiments, and a description of how the food was prepared. Don't pretend you didn't have that extra
  • 7. glass of wine after dinner. If it goes into your stomach, it goes into the journal. ● Be accurate. Record your portion sizes in your food diary. Don't eat too little or too much - keep track. ● Also, read the ingredients list so that you can be accurate about serving sizes. ● Be consistent. Carry your food journal everywhere that you go. As an alternative, you can use a diet-tracking app on your smartphone or tablet. Figure out how many calories you should eat each day to lose weight. Losing weight isn't all about weight. The more aware you are of the calories in the food you eat, the more easily you'll be able to eat the right amount of food and do the right amount of exercise to drop a couple of pounds. Take your food journal and look up each item individually. Keep a running tally and add up your calorie total for the day. ● Next, look up how much a person of your age, height, weight, and energy level needs per day in calories. ● Add about 170 calories to your total. Recent studies estimate that we tend to eat slightly more than we're able to keep track of in a day.[9]
  • 8. Make a meal plan, and stick to it. Decide what you're going to eat this week before you're standing at the fridge and trying to figure it out on the fly. Buy the right healthy ingredients to eat the way you want to eat, and plan it out by the calorie. ● Be realistic. If you like to eat out a lot, don't try to totally eliminate eating out. Instead, plan on eating home-cooked meals six days a week. ● Cut down on the snacking, or try to make them healthy snacks. Fresh vegetables with guacamole, unsalted almonds, or fruit make for great weight-loss snacks. ● Let yourself have non-food treats. Promise yourself that if you can follow this for six weeks and exercise (if that is one of your goals), you will treat yourself to a pedicure or a massage. ● Work indulgence foods into your calorie plan. If you do want to have something that is a little higher in calories, then make sure that you work it into your overall calorie goal for the day. For example, if you are following a 1,800 calorie plan, and you want to have a brownie that is 300 calories, then you would only have 1,500 calories left for the day.
  • 9. Eat fewer calories than you burn. The only surefire way to lose weight is to eat less than you burn over the course of a day. Sounds simple, but it takes work and consistency. That means exercise. If you want to lose weight and stay healthy, you need to start exercising. Aim for 15-30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a week to get started.[10] ● Try to tally your energy-output each day. It's helpful to keep track of these with pedometers, or other weight-loss tracking apps that you can use to make this easier. Read the section about exercise for more specific tips. ● Set mini-goals. Your ultimate goal might be to lose 20 pounds, but instead of focusing on that, think that you want to lose 1 to 2 pounds (0.45 to 0.91 kg) this week. Or you can focus on non-pound goals like skipping after-dinner snacks this week or only drinking alcohol on weekends. ● It is important to understand that weight is entirely a function of input and output. The input is the food you eat and the calories contained therein. The output is your energy output. To lose weight the output needs to be greater than the input. It is that simple. Do not believe any of the diet fads. If you are currently not gaining or losing weight then just burning 300 extra calories per week or eating/drinking 300 calories less
  • 10. per week (2 sodas for example or a small burger) WILL make you lose weight - in this case around 5 pounds of fat per year. Drink at least 2 liters (2.1 U.S. qt) of water each day. Water has the double effect of both hydrating your body and filling your stomach with a certain volume of a liquid that has zero calories. The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is roughly 3 liters (0.8 US gal) (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day. The AI for women is 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day.[11] ● Drinking water about 30 minutes before meals can reduce the number of calories people end up consuming, especially in older individuals. ● Research showed that dieters who drank half a liter of water before meals lost 44% more weight over a period of 12 weeks, compared to those who didn’t.[12] Start doing basic aerobic and cardio exercise. Start with a small goal of 30 minutes, 3 times per week if you aren't exercising at all currently. Try these steps to get yourself going:[13]
  • 11. ● Buy a pedometer. Attach the pedometer to your belt and try to take 5,000 steps daily. Move up to a goal of 10,000 to 15,000 steps as you get in better shape. ● Start by walking to lose weight. Walking around your neighborhood costs nothing and is a great way to start moving. You can also try other low-impact exercises like swimming, riding a bike or jogging. Try machines at the gym. You can use a treadmill, an elliptical trainer, a stationary bike, a rowing machine or a stair climber. Start with short sessions and gradually add minutes as you get more fit. Also, use the settings on the machines to increase the intensity as you lose weight. ● Do a variety of different machines until you find something you like. Consult a personal trainer to make sure you're using proper form to avoid injury. They're there to help, not to intimidate you. Take an aerobics class. You can take a traditional aerobics class or try any number of movement-based exercise routines. These are great ways of keeping yourself motivated in a group, having fun moving around, and losing weight.[14] Try any of the following: ● Kickboxing
  • 12. ● Jazzercise ● Zumba ● Pilates ● Yoga ● Martial arts ● Crossfit or Bootcamp Get into strength training. Start small, aiming for one or two 15-minute sessions per week until you feel motivated to do more. Exercise large muscle groups to burn more calories and lose weight, instead of focusing on specific muscles. Try some of these examples: ● Start with squats paired with an overhead dumbbell press to work your lower body and upper body at the same time. ● Perform resistance exercises while sitting or reclining on an exercise ball. You'll strengthen your core while simultaneously working on other areas. ● Use machines and free weights. These tools tend to focus on particular muscle groups like the arms, shoulders, thighs, glutes and upper back. Do these more focused exercises after you work on exercises for multiple muscle groups.
  • 13. ● Rest at least one full day between strength training workouts so that your muscles can recover. Recovery will help you to avoid pain and injury. Play a sport. If you're not into the idea of exercise for the sake of exercise, try finding a fun activity that you enjoy, which has the added benefit of getting you moving. Find an intramural league in your town, or just get together with some friends to play a pick-up game every now and then. ● If you don't like competitive sports, try doing something that you can do by yourself. Swim, or play golf, or go hiking instead of playing a game with a ball and a net. ● Get a bicycle if you want to find a great way to get around and exercise at the same time. Don't spend all that time sitting down in your car when you could be burning calories. ● Also, try going on a walk after dinner for 40 minutes-1 hour. During this time, your body goes into fat-burning mode until you eat in the morning. Make sure to do this after dinner, because eating anything but protein will take you out of the fat-burning mode and make sure to eat a good breakfast.
  • 14. Find creative ways to eat less. While doing these things alone won't necessarily make you lose weight, they can be helpful little tricks to keep you moving on the right path. Try out the following to help your hunger cravings during the day: ● Eat three fewer bites of each meal. ● Put your knife and fork down between bites. ● Use smaller plates, and fill your plate only once. ● Wait to eat until you feel hungry, don't just snack when you're bored. Find creative ways to manage your cravings. If you're used to big snacks and indulgent meals, it's no secret that dieting and switching to exercise is challenging. But learning to manage your cravings for a big slice of cake or a greasy hamburger is possible, with a little creativity. ● Smell fresh fruit when you want a snack, instead of eating something. ● "Close" your kitchen between meals. ● Don't keep sugary or fattening snacks in the house. ● Some studies show that the color blue is an appetite suppressant. Try getting a blue tablecloth, or blue dishes to eat on.
  • 15. Eat at home. Going out to eat makes it too easy to cheat. Food sold at restaurants is commonly much higher in fat, sodium, and other weight-loss killers. The portions are also often much larger than what you might usually eat at home, as well. Instead of heading out, try to make your own meals. ● Eat in a small group, instead of a large one. Some research shows that people eating at big tables tend to eat more than people eating alone.[15] ● Don't eat while you do other things, in general. Watching television, or reading, or working while you eat often causes people to eat much more food than they normally would. Eat cereal for breakfast. One recent study revealed that people who eat cereal for breakfast each day have a much easier time losing weight than people who eat other types of breakfast. Start your day right with a high-fiber, nutrient rich natural cereal, or oatmeal.[16] ● Switch to skim milk with breakfast and for use in other dishes. Each lower-fat step you take down, you're losing 20% of the calories. Switching to a low-fat version of milk is an excellent way to cut down on the calories you're taking in, without having to sacrifice any of the nutritional benefits.
  • 16. Decide to lose weight in a group.[17] Commit to losing a certain amount of weight by a certain date with the caveat that you'll pay up if you don't lose. You may enjoy starting up a Biggest Loser Club at work or with your friends, or you can investigate a weight loss betting website. Give yourself a treat now and then. If you're attending a party or going out for a special occasion, allow yourself an indulgence. Just make sure that these indulgences don't become daily habits.[18] Don't let a single slip-up derail your diet and exercise plan. Get back to it, even if you forget for a day or two. ● Try using non-food rewards as well. When you do something right with your diet and exercise, treat yourself to something. Go to a game with a friend, or get a manicure, a massage or a trip to the movies when you meet your mini-goals. Get yourself that new shirt that you've been wanting if you meet your goal of losing a pound this week. How to Lose Weight the Healthy Way (with Pictures) - wikiHow
  • 17. Talk to your doctor about weight loss. Be sure you need to lose weight, and that this is the best time for you to proceed with weight loss. If you are pregnant or have a medical condition, your body may need added calories to maintain your health, so this is not the time to start losing weight.[1] ● If you have medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or cardiovascular problems, talk to your doctor before starting a diet and exercise plan.[2] Many factors, including age, current weight, and overall physical health, should be discussed with your doctor in order to safely start a diet and exercise plan.[3] Set reasonable and realistic goals. Weight loss of 0.5 to 2 pounds per week is a healthy approach. Allow yourself the time you need to reach your weight loss goal, planning on a loss of up to 2 lbs. each week.[4] ● While it may be tempting to pursue fad diets with promises of fast weight loss, a slow and steady approach is the healthiest way to lose weight.[5] It also
  • 18. provides ample time for your skin to adjust and helps you lose the weight without developing loose skin. ● While fad diets may help you drop weight quickly, they are not sustainable long term and once you stop the fad diet, you often gain back the weight plus more. Incorporate your daily calorie target in your plan. Weight loss happens when you burn more calories than you consume. Your doctor can help determine the number of calories to consume each day specific to your body, age, sex, and lifestyle. Do the math. One pound is equal to about 3,500 calories. In order to lose 1 to 2 pounds each week, your daily calorie consumption needs to decrease by about 500 to 1000 calories, or your activity level needs to increase to burn more calories.[6] ● As an example, a moderately active 35-year-old female needs to consume about 2000 calories per day to maintain her current weight. A target goal of 1400 to 1600 calories per day will create a situation of weight loss for this person. ● Daily calorie goals factor in age, sex, and level of physical activity. Some medical conditions can be a factor that may also need to be considered.
  • 19. Download a food logging app onto your computer or phone and log everything you eat. This way you know your calories every day. Avoid setting your daily calorie goal too low. This can actually prevent you from losing weight. When you skip meals or consume too few calories, your body starts to store calories as fat instead of burning them. Come up with a plan that fits your own likes and dislikes. Many healthy weight loss plans already exist and can be tweaked to suit your own preferences and needs. Whether you tweak a formal diet plan or come up with your own, be sure it is suited to you and is a plan you can live with for a long time, not just for a few months.[7] ● For a successful healthy lifestyle change, it is important that your new plan fit into your life without too much difficulty. Adjusting how you eat and exercise is one thing, completely changing to foods you don't normally eat and exercises you don't enjoy will most likely not be successful long term.[8] Consider your past experience with weight loss plans. As you develop your plan, incorporate what worked, and leave out what did not work.[9] Build in some flexibility. Add your own personal preferences, and include flexibility in both your food and
  • 20. physical activity choices. Plus, consider your preference to diet all alone or if you prefer support from a friend or group.[10] Create a plan that fits your budget. Some diet programs involve added costs. The added expense may be from a gym membership, joining a specific group, purchasing specific food items like supplements or meals, or attending regular appointments or group meetings.[11] Increase your physical activity and make this a part of your plan. Consider expanding on activities you already enjoy, like walking, Zumba dancing, biking, or yoga. Establish a physical activity routine that you can live with, for the long run. An exercise routine that includes aerobic activity and muscle development is ideal, but just increasing your level of activity is a great place to start.[12] Set your activity goal. Work towards 150 minutes or more per week of moderate physical activity, or 75 minutes of more vigorous aerobic activity or exercise, spread evenly throughout the week.[13] Recognize the difference between physical activity and exercise. Physical activity includes the things you already do every day, such as walking, housework, yard work, and running around in the yard with the kids, grandkids, or the family pet. Exercise involves structured, scheduled, and repetitive forms of activity that you do regularly.[14]
  • 21. ● However, seeking to add additional physical activity (taking the stairs rather than the elevator, walking rather than driving, etc.) can be a great way to reach your goals. Calculate your current and target BMI. Your doctor can tell you what your body mass index, or BMI is. A healthy BMI range is between 18.5 and 25.[15][16] ● The formula to calculate BMI is a little confusing, but if you want to calculate your BMI, then follow these steps. Your BMI is your weight in kilograms (not pounds) divided by your height (in meters) squared.[17] ● Here is an example. For someone that is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 165 pounds, the formula reveals the BMI to be 27.3.[18] ● Convert the pounds into kilograms. Do this by multiplying the weight in pounds by 0.45. So 165 x 0.45 = 74.25. Next, convert the height to meters. 5 feet 6 inches is 66 inches. Multiply the 66 by 0.025 to get 1.65 meters. Then square that number by multiplying it against itself, so 1.65 x 1.65 = 2.72. Divide the new weight number by the new height number; 74.25 ÷ 2.72 = 27.3. This person’s BMI is 27.3.[19]
  • 22. Commit to your plan. Successful weight loss requires a commitment to yourself to stick with your plan for the long term.[20] Join an online support group. Create a written contract. Some people find it helpful to put your plan in writing. Include why you want to lose the weight, the plan itself, how much weight you want to lose, and your target date to reach your desired weight. Then sign it as if you are signing a contract.[21] Include items from each food group, for every meal, in your plan. The 5 food groups include fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy. Your plate should be halfway covered with green vegetables and fruits, and the other half with protein and grains. The best dairy products to include in your diet are fat-free (skim) and low-fat (less than 1% fat).[22] ● Good protein sources include lean meats, beans, and fish. Nuts, seeds, and eggs are also protein sources.[23] ● Try to consume 3 servings per day of dairy products. Try to avoid cream cheese, cream, and butter.[24] ● Choose mostly grain products made from whole-grain. Some examples include whole-wheat flour, oatmeal, and brown rice.[25] Avoid packaged oatmeal, which often contains a lot of sugar.
  • 23. ● Fruits and vegetables contain fewer calories than most foods and are great sources of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. While fruits are a great choice, they do contain calories and sugars, so limit your daily intake to about 4 servings, which is about 2 cups.[26] Avoid empty calories. Solid fats and sugars add calories but no nutrients to the foods we eat. Examples of foods with empty calories include cakes, cookies, pastries, pizza, ice cream, sodas, sports drinks, fruit drinks, sausage, hot dogs, and bacon.[27] Choose healthy frozen prepared dinners. Clearly, preparing your meals with fresh ingredients is the best and healthiest way to go. But everyone has days when cooking meals from scratch just doesn’t fit into the schedule. Frozen dinners have evolved over time, and there are some healthy options out there. ● Follow these basic guidelines as you select frozen meals. Choose meals that include servings of lean meat, fish, or poultry, vegetables, and whole grains. Try to target meals that have 300 to 350 calories, 10 to 18 grams of total fat, less than 4 grams of saturated fat, less than 500 mgs of sodium, 5 grams or more of
  • 24. fiber, 10 to 20 grams of protein, and about 10% of the recommended daily values for vitamins and minerals. Check calories on food packaging. It's easier to watch calories and enjoy eating by buying pre-portioned food. 100 calories per bag popcorn, 110 calories per ice cream bar, even snacks in portioned bags allow you to monitor calories and reduce the urge to eat too much. Include cultural and ethnic foods in your plan. Specific cultural or ethnic preferences are a way of life for many people. Include your favorite, but healthy, cultural and ethnic food choices in your weight loss plan.[28] Drink plenty of water. While drinking a lot of water is a big part of some diet programs, others place less emphasis on the amount and just emphasize the importance of water intake for reasons of general health. Some experts report that drinking water when you are hungry helps you to feel full, and therefore controls that cue your stomach sends to your brain that you need to eat.[29] Avoid sugary drinks, sodas, energy drinks, and sport beverages. Beyond drinking plenty of water, include coffee and tea, minus the added sweeteners, as part of your plan. Limit your intake of diet drinks, milk other than skim, fruit juice, and alcohol.[30]
  • 25. Break your old food habits. Emotional or comfort eating gets in the way of nutritional eating. Think about healthy foods you like that can replace your past unhealthy comfort foods.[31] ● Look up healthy recipe swaps for your favorite dishes so you won't feel so restricted. Pay attention to how foods make you feel physically. Eating something fried might taste good today, but it might not feel so good the next morning.[32] Slow down as you eat. Your stomach will start to feel full if you slow down as you eat. Have a conversation with someone, or put the fork down between bites, to allow your stomach to tell your brain you are getting full.[33] Read the labels. Be aware of what you plan to eat, and read the nutrition labels to be sure you are eating what you planned.[34] ● Some packaging can be misleading for marketing purposes, so looking at the nutrition label is essential. Talk about food differently. Some foods are more pleasant than others, no doubt. Take control of experiencing new foods by removing the words “I can’t eat that”, and instead say “I don’t eat that”. By changing how
  • 26. you talk about food, it puts you in control of choosing foods you do not routinely eat.[35] ● Instead of talking about the foods you can no longer have, talk about all of the foods you are adding in like fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, etc. Shifting your mindset from restriction to addition can make a big difference. Practice healthier eating every day, and all day. Eat breakfast, plan ahead so you know what you will eat when you get hungry, avoid over-eating which can happen when watching TV, and eat the healthy food choices first. Other routines that can help include eating smaller meals, or snacks, throughout the day instead of 3 larger meals.[36] Weigh yourself once a week. The scale can help you to tweak your plan if you need to, and to stay on track with meeting your goal.[37] Set up your pantry and kitchen to help you. What you can see in your cabinet, or can easily reach for, may not always be the best choice. Keep fruit on the counter and chopped veggies in the fridge. Easy access to healthy choices can help avoid unhealthy snacking.[38] Reduce temptation. Get rid of the cookies and ice cream. Having the tempting foods within reach can pull you away from your plan.[39]
  • 27. Use smaller plate sizes. Smaller plates can help with portion control, decreasing the number of calories you consume at mealtime. Always eat off a plate as opposed to out of a box, bag, or carton.[40] ● You can pre-portion out servings of snack foods and leave them in your pantry to prevent overeating from the container. Grocery stores also have a lot of pre-portioned options. Get plenty of sleep. People that get enough sleep burn up to 5% more calories at rest than people that do not get a good night’s sleep. Plus, getting the sleep you need increases the amount of fat you lose compared to people that sleep less than 6 hours each night.[41] Get back on track after a setback. Life happens. Weddings, covered dish dinners, birthday parties, game-day snacks, or a night out on the town can all involve eating, or drinking, calories that are not in your plan.[42] ● Think about what you could have done differently, and plan ahead so you will be ready for those challenging events next time.[43] ● Avoid the "all or nothing" mentality. Just because you messed up once, doesn't mean you can spiral out of
  • 28. control and have anything else you want. It happened, move on and don't be so hard on yourself. Ask for help. Talking to your friends and family about your weight loss plan can help you stay focused on your goal. You may have a friend that will want to join you in losing weight. Support groups are also available that can provide encouragement, as well as personal tips on struggles they encounter.[44] ● Sharing your goals can also prevent others from being bad influences when know you are serious about losing weight. Take prescription weight loss medications. Talk to your doctor to determine if prescription drugs for weight loss are right for you. The FDA has recently approved several agents that can help with weight loss. Using prescription products will depend on your existing medication regimen, any medical conditions you may have, and the amount of weight you need to lose. Avoid products that are available over-the-counter, unless your doctor agrees. Over-the-counter weight loss products have not been studied and tested for efficacy the way prescription-only products have been. Your doctor may consider over-the-counter products for you, but it is
  • 29. important to discuss this with your doctor before you try this type of product. Consider forms of surgery. For some people, considering surgical options may be the safest and most effective way to reach his or her weight loss goal. Only your doctor can properly evaluate your condition and determine if these options are right for you.[45] ● Four procedures are commonly done to help people lose weight. This type of procedure is called bariatric surgery. Two primary functions are provided by the available procedures. [46] ● The 2 functions include restriction, which physically limits the amount of food the stomach can contain, and malabsorption, which shortens the small intestine to reduce the number of calories and nutrients the body absorbs.[47] ● The 4 commonly performed procedures are called roux-en-Y gastric bypass, laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy, and duodenal switch with biliopancreatic diversion.[48] Talk to your doctor about your medications. Your doctor may be able to help you, even though you do not realize it. In some cases, you may be taking prescription medications that cause weight gain or increase your
  • 30. appetite. By talking to your doctor about your weight loss goals, some of your medications can possibly be changed, or the dose adjusted, to help you achieve your goal.[49] Discuss your exercise plan with your doctor. Depending on how much weight you need to lose, any existing medical conditions, and your age, your doctor can help to guide you in exercise and activity options that are safe for you. Healthcare professionals, like your doctor or a registered dietician, are great resources for information, guidance, and support.[50] Be kind to yourself. Don't beat yourself up if you overeat, take a breath and start fresh the next day. We didn't become overweight by overeating once in a while, overeating was a daily habit. Be patient. It takes about 8 months to change a habit and once you start feeling healthier and people start mentioning how great you look, you will know you are on the right track! How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
  • 31. Understand how weight loss usually progresses. Most people lose weight very quickly in the first several weeks of a new regimen. While some of this weight is actual body mass, a lot of it is excess water. Once your body has rid itself of this excess water, it is normal for the rate of weight loss to slow down significantly.[1] ● Track your progress and ask yourself: has my weight loss really stopped, or just slowed? ● Experts agree that an ideal rate for safe, lasting weight loss is one to two pounds per week, so perhaps your plateau isn't a plateau after all![2] Keep track of your caloric intake. Maybe you were very diligent about counting calories at the beginning, or maybe you were able to lose weight initially without monitoring your food intake that closely. In either case, you may be consuming more calories that you realize, and carefully tracking your intake using a food diary or one of the many free calorie counter websites and apps can help you identify exactly how much you are eating and when.[3] ● Once you have a good handle on what you are consuming, you can start to look for problem areas and make adjustments ● If you have been very active, it's also possible you haven't been eating enough calories. If you are
  • 32. working out, your body will require more food. If you restrict yourself thinking that you will lose weight faster, you will actually cause your body to hold on to the weight you currently hold. Reevaluate your caloric needs. As your body gets smaller, it will burn fewer calories and you will need to eat less and less to maintain the calorie deficit that leads to weight loss. If you have not done so lately, enter your weight and activity level into a calorie counter to get an up-to-date number for the number of calories you need. ● Most experts recommend a calorie deficit of 500 calories a day to achieve gradual, lasting weight loss.[4] ● If the calculator tells you that you require 2200 calories per day, you should try to consume around 1700 calories per day to lose a pound per week. Think about your exercise routine. Have you been exercising consistently? Do you do the same kind of workout every day? Are you doing any kind of resistance training? Lastly, are you relying on the calorie counter on the elliptical machine at the gym to tell you how many calories you actually burned? Think about ways you can change up or improve your exercise routine. Finally, know
  • 33. that the calorie counters on gym machines can be highly unreliable, so if you've been using them to budget your calories, you may have been led astray.[5] ● Elliptical machines are the worst offenders for over-estimating caloric burn. Track the amount of time you work out and the intensity, and use an online exercise calculator to get a better idea of how many calories you actually burned. ● Your body can get used to doing the same activities if you don't change up your workout routine from time to time. If you try something new, you may be engaging different muscles and burning calories in a new way that your body isn't used to, causing you to lose weight. Look at other factors besides the scale. The number on your scale may not be budging, but there may be other evidence that your body is still changing for the better. Do your clothes fit better? Are your arms bulking up? If you are putting on new muscle, your body will shrink even as the number on the scale stays the same. Better yet, that new muscle will burn more calories than fat, so your weight loss will probably pick up again soon. ● Don't weigh yourself too often. Weight fluctuates due to a variety of factors and it can be misleading. Once
  • 34. a week is more than enough. Try to keep your weigh in around the same day and time each week. ● Be patient and remember that not all plateaus are created equal. If you are making progress in other areas, you may just need to wait another week for the number on the scale to start falling again. See your doctor for a check-up. If you've analyzed all the possibilities and tried everything, but still can't get your weight loss back on track, schedule an appointment with your doctor. She might have some additional ideas for you, and can also order blood work to check for a hormone imbalance. You may be suffering from an undiagnosed disorder such as thyroid disease, insulin resistance, or polycystic ovary disease that is preventing you from losing weight.[6] Change up your workouts. When you do the same kind of exercise over and over, your body gets more efficient at that exercise and may start burning less calories to get it done. Mix things up and add some variety to your routine, and you are likely to see an improvement.[7] ● Add some interval training to your normal walking or jogging program for a huge caloric boost. ● Try a new kind of fitness class or activity.
  • 35. ● There are hundreds of free fitness videos available on YouTube and other sites like Fitness Blender. You could try a new kind of workout every single day! ● Meet with a personal trainer to get new ideas and create a routine that will optimize your weight loss. Add strength training. Adding muscle mass increases the number of calories you burn every day and makes weight loss easier. Add some strength or resistance training to your routine to get that scale moving again.[8] ● Strength training doesn't require an expensive gym membership. You can get started with some inexpensive lightweight dumbbells and go from there.[9] ● To avoid putting on a lot of muscle bulk, focus on lots of reps using smaller weights. ● Women often worry about lifting weights and becoming too "bulky," but unless they are actively trying to gain muscle, this won't happen. Women will gain muscle by lifting, but they won't bulk up because they have lower levels of testosterone. ● There are also many great strength-building exercises you can do with no equipment whatsoever! These include pushups, squats, step-ups, and dozens more.[10]
  • 36. Break out of a food rut. It's easy to fall into the habit of eating the same food day after day, which can lead to boredom and overeating, and may train your body to become too efficient at digesting certain foods. Shaking up your diet might be just the thing to get past your weight-loss plateau.[11][12] ● Try adding some new foods to your routine, especially fruits and vegetables. ● Change your eating schedule around. Try making breakfast your largest meal of the day, or breaking up 3 large meals into 6 smaller ones. ● Eating throughout the day keeps your metabolism going. ● Switch out the plates: instead of dishing out your salad on a small plate, and your entrée on a large one, do the opposite! ● Try eating something with casein protein before bed (like cottage cheese). It takes a long time for your body to digest this type of protein, causing your metabolism to work even while you sleep. Eat more protein. Numerous studies have shown that a protein-rich diet can help dieters lose more weight by improving satiety (the feeling of fullness) throughout the
  • 37. day, and increasing muscle mass. Adjust your diet to include more protein, and try to space your protein intake out throughout the day.[13] ● If you increase your protein intake, be sure to decrease your intake of carbohydrates and/or fats to make up for it. Weight loss still requires a calorie deficit, regardless of what kind of calories you are consuming. Eat a bigger breakfast. If you typically skip breakfast, or only eat a light meal in the morning, shifting more of your calories to the A.M. can help you lose more weight. A breakfast rich in protein has been shown to be especially beneficial for those wishing to lose weight.[14] ● Start your day with some scrambled eggs, or a protein shake. ● Try a protein-enriched cereal for an easy and convenient breakfast treat. ● Never skip breakfast. The worst breakfast that you can have is no breakfast. Get more sleep. Not getting enough sleep taxes your body, slows your metabolism, and makes you more likely to overeat during the day. If you wake up feeling tired and
  • 38. sluggish, try going to bed an hour earlier for a week. Not only are you likely to feel better in general, the number on that scale will likely start dropping again.[15] Take a few days off from dieting. Sometimes your body just needs a break, and many fitness experts recommend taking time off from a calorie-restricted diet as a way to get past a diet plateau. The goal is not to go bananas and eat everything in sight, but simply to return your caloric intake to the base level needed for maintenance, 1800 to 2400 calories per day for most people, for three days. When you resume your regular diet, you should see a noticeable improvement right away.[16] Can Herbs and Spices Help With Weight Loss? What Does and Doesn't Help It’s complicated, but many of them likely help a little bit. Unfortunately, herbs aren’t a miracle cure when it comes to weight loss. Many spices and herbs may boost your metabolism, increase salivation, aid with digestion, or decrease inflammation. All of this will help you lose weight, but the keyword here is “help.” Dousing your dishes in
  • 39. tons of herbs and spices or taking pills filled with organic spices will not dramatically accelerate weight loss.[3] ● Losing weight is all about sustained, steady progress. Eating a healthy diet full of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and lean proteins while exercising regularly is going to be way more important than throwing some extra turmeric in your dinner! Turmeric, curry powder, paprika, and cumin help if you want some heat. These herbs are all popular spice additions if you’re trying to give your dish a little kick. These spices are anti-oxidants, and anti-oxidants help aid digestion, fight inflammation, and prevent gas.[4] They also boost your metabolism, which makes it easier for your body to burn through calories.[5] These spices may also have the added benefit of reducing your risk for certain cancers and heart diseases as well![6] ● Turmeric is phenomenal in rice, frittatas, and soup. It’s also great in roasted veggies and it can give a chicken dish a great kick. ● Curry powder is commonly used in Indian and Thai dishes. It’s a key component in chicken curry, curry rice, and butter chicken.
  • 40. ● Paprika is great basically in any savory dish. Eggs, chicken, lamb, fish, shrimp, and roasted veggies will all benefit from a dash of paprika! ● Cumin is also a popular ingredient in Indian dishes, but it’s also an interesting addition to barbeque sauces, chili, and ground beef! Coriander is an awesome choice if you enjoy cilantro. Few herbs are as divisive as cilantro—people either love it or hate it. If you’re a fan, the ground version of the herb, coriander, has anti-inflammatory properties which helps with your digestion. It can also help regulate your blood sugar. All of this may help you in your weight loss journey![7] ● Try adding coriander to chicken dishes, turkey meatballs, mushroom burgers, and a variety of Mexican and Indian dishes. ● Coriander is also a great compliment for southwest salads, quinoa, and eggs if you aren’t a big meat eater. ● The fresh form of coriander, cilantro, may also be similarly beneficial. However, the vast majority of research here has been done on the dried form of the herb, so it’s unclear.
  • 41. Ginger and cinnamon are good choices if you want a unique flavor. Ground ginger is great for digestion, and it can boost your immune system which makes it easier to process nutrients. Cinnamon is proven to lower cholesterol, which is great for heart health while you’re losing weight. Both of these herbs may protect you from certain degenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s, as well![8] ● It’s easy to add ground ginger to a variety of Asian dishes. You can also make ginger tea, which is great if you want to drink your herbs! Talk to a doctor if you’re taking blood thinners or you’re diabetic though, since ginger may interfere with some of your medications. ● Cinnamon is a phenomenal addition to hot chocolate, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, muffins, and pancakes. It also goes great in a lot of cocktails, too! It’s possible (but unlikely) that black pepper prevents fat cells from forming. There have been a handful of studies that suggest black pepper prevents fat cells from developing.[9] However, these studies were only on mice, and the amount of pepper that you’d likely need to see any benefit may be borderline impossible to consume.[10] To put a point on it, a minor benefit may exist, but you
  • 42. shouldn’t ruin the flavor of your food by slathering it in pepper to prevent fat cells from forming. ● This is one of those things where even if black pepper does help, the benefit is probably so minor that it’s not worth worrying about. However, black pepper isn’t bad for you, so if you enjoy it, add it to your food![11] Turmeric has a lot of benefits, but it won’t explicitly burn belly fat. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory compounds that will help fight excess weight gain and make digestion a lot easier for you. It also has some antifungal properties, and it may help prevent certain degenerative conditions, like arthritis.[12] However, your overall diet is much more important when it comes to shedding belly fat. If you incorporate a lot of turmeric in your diet but you’re loading up on red meat, ice cream, and candy, you won’t make any progress.[13] ● If you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, feel free to incorporate some turmeric into the food you eat. ● There is some dispute over turmeric’s toxicity. Some sources suggest that consuming more than 2-3 teaspoons (roughly 8 grams) of turmeric a day can be dangerous.[14] There have been reports where people
  • 43. have injured their liver from consuming too much turmeric as well, so don’t overdo it.[15] You cannot target specific parts of your body for weight loss. Unfortunately, there are no ways to specifically lose fat in one portion of your body. Unless you opt for some kind of surgical procedure, you’ll need to lose weight everywhere if you want to shed the excess fat around your stomach.[16] ● There are no quick tricks or hacks when it comes to belly fat. Slow and steady progress is the only way to go. The good news is that once you’ve made eating healthy and exercising a habit, it will be much easier to stick with it![17] You can’t lose belly fat in 3 days, and herbs won’t do it alone. Herbs and spices may help you a little on your weight loss journey, but they aren’t the sole solution here. Regardless, 3 days isn’t nearly enough to lose belly fat. You really shouldn’t lose more than 1–2 pounds (0.45–0.91 kg) a week if you want to lose weight in a healthy way.[18] ● On top of this, any diet or practice that will cause you to lose weight quickly won’t last. As soon as you stop
  • 44. whatever fad diet or cleanse you’re doing, the weight is just going to return.[19] ● Look at it this way, 1 lb (0.45 kg) of fat contains 3,500 calories. This means that if you want to lose 1 lb (0.45 kg) a week, you need to burn an extra 500 calories a day. This kind of caloric deficit is perfectly fine, but you may run into serious health problems if you cut more calories than that.[20] How to Lose Weight Fast Do the Mediterranean diet if you like fish and veggies. A plan like the Mediterranean diet may be able to help you sustain weight loss. It is based on the traditional ingredients and cooking styles of people living near the Mediterranean sea. Research has shown that people adhering to this diet have reduced risk of heart disease - plus it helps you shed pounds and look lean and trim. If you want to try the Mediterranean diet, avoid bread, dairy and processed foods. Instead, build your meals around the following foods:[1]
  • 45. ● Fish ● Olive oil ● Vegetables ● Fruit ● Beans and other legumes ● Spices ● Nuts ● Red wine Try the paleo diet to help you avoid processed foods. Back when cavemen still ruled the earth, they didn't have time to bake cupcakes or fry potato chips. The paleo diet (short for paleolithic) seeks to recreate the same diet that our early ancestors ate, claiming that our systems are not built for modern ingredients and cooking styles. You eat meat, vegetables, fruit, and other foods that would have been available back then, and avoid anything paleo people wouldn't have had.[2] ● No artificial sweeteners or grains are allowed. Do the Whole30 diet to focus on whole foods. The idea behind this diet is to eliminate all processed foods from your diet for 30 days to cleanse your system of artificial ingredients and other processed items that are hard on
  • 46. your digestive system. After 30 days, you may also notice a reduced waistline and higher energy levels.[3] ● Avoid grains, dairy, sugars, legumes, alcohol, and all processed foods. ● Eat meat, vegetables, and some fruits. Additionally, drink plenty of water. Do the raw food diet if you enjoy raw veggies and fruits. If you dislike meat and are tired of cooking, this one's for you. The raw food diet consists entirely of foods that have not been cooked. You lose weight by consuming loads of fresh vegetables and fruits. Coconut milk, nuts, seeds and other uncooked foods are also allowed on the raw food diet.[4] ● You can find recipes for creating flavorful raw food dishes by searching online. ● Dietitians warn that a long-term raw food diet may leave you without essential nutrients. Select smart substitutes for your favorite high calorie foods. Most foods have healthier counterparts that will allow you to enjoy your favorite foods without unnecessary fat, sugar, and calories. Exchanging high-calorie
  • 47. processed foods and drinks for healthier alternatives can help you lose weight faster.[5] ● Consider eating vegetarian a few days each week. By replacing meat with nutritious foods like beans, tofu, or lentils, you can cut significant amounts of your daily calorie intake while adding many nutrients to your diet. ● Eat delicious fruit for dessert rather than a processed cookie or cake. ● Swap potato chips and candy bars for snacks that are nutrient-rich and low in calories and fat. Try combining string cheese with a handful of grapes, spreading peanut butter on a few crackers, or dipping sliced red pepper into a few tablespoons of hummus. ● Try substituting vinegar and lemon juice for your regular salad dressing. ● Cook with a tablespoon of olive oil instead of butter. It has the same number of calories, but it is a healthier type of fat. Avoid going down grocery aisles that tempt you with high calorie foods. It’s best to stay along the perimeter of the grocery store, which is where the fresh foods are typically located. However, when you need to go down the aisles to get something, try to stay away from areas where
  • 48. foods you crave are stocked, such as the candy or soda aisle. If you don’t see them, you’re less likely to be tempted.[6] ● You don’t want to ban foods you love, but keeping them in your home makes it likely you’ll indulge. Don’t stock “junk” food in your home. Instead, make it a rare treat. Stop drinking sugary drinks to save calories. Sugar-sweetened drinks can quickly add extra calories to your diet, so it’s best to cut them out. Eliminate sugary soda, sweetened tea and coffee, and juice from your diet. Instead, sip on water, tea, black coffee or seltzer.[7] ● Drinking water or unsweet tea instead of soda, coffee, alcohol, juice, or milk may help you cut hundreds of calories per day. Eat more of foods that fill you up. Some foods help you feel full faster and may help you stay fuller longer. Many of these foods contain protein, fat, or fiber. However, foods that help keep your blood sugar stable are also great options, as this helps you keep your appetite in check. Here are some great foods to incorporate if you want to feel fuller longer:[8]
  • 49. ● Non-starchy vegetables ● Fish ● Meat ● Nuts and seeds ● Beans and legumes ● Grapefruit ● Oatmeal ● Apples ● Eggs ● Ginger ● Leafy greens Calculate how many calories you can eat while still losing weight. Start by finding your basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is how many calories you need to stay alive. Then, use an online calculator to estimate how many calories you burn through activity. Finally, subtract 500 calories for every pound you want to lose that week.[9] ● To calculate your BMR, first get your weight in kilograms by multiplying your weight in pounds by .45. Next, get your height in centimeters by multiplying your total inches in height by 2.54. Then, use this formula to find your BMR: (10 x weight in kg) + (6.25 x height in cm) - (5 x age) - 161.
  • 50. ● To estimate the calories you burn through exercise, try this calculator: oving-calculator/. ● For an easy way to estimate the number of calories you can eat, use an online calculator like this one: ● Calorie counting apps, like My Fitness Pal, usually do this calculation for you. ● Never eat fewer than 1200 calories a day, unless your doctor is supervising you. Eating fewer than 1200 calories a day is dangerous for your health. Keep a food diary. Write down every meal, snack, and drink you consume. Track the quantity of food you’re eating, as well as the estimated calories of each item. Writing down what you eat helps you stay mindful about how much you’re eating and helps you stick to your goal.[10] ● You can keep a paper diary or track your food digitally. Apps are a great way to easily track what you eat. For instance, you might try MyFitnessPal, which allows you to track your meals and has an easy to use food database with the nutrition information already entered.
  • 51. ● Don’t forget to include things like coffee mix-ins, condiments, salad dressing, and other items you add to foods or drinks. Eat regular meals or snacks every 2-4 hours. Skipping meals isn’t the answer to losing weight, and it may even derail your efforts. Food gives you energy, so going too long without eating can leave you feeling tired, which decreases your activity level. Additionally, it triggers your body to crave high-calorie, high-sugar snacks for a quick energy boost. Instead of starving yourself, plan frequent, healthy meals.[11] ● Regular meals and snacks also keep your blood sugar stable, which helps control your hunger levels. Plan your meals around lean proteins and non-starchy vegetables. Fill your plate with 1/2 non-starchy veggies, 1/4 lean proteins, and 1/4 whole grains or starchy veggies. Additionally, incorporate healthy fats, like olive oil, avocado, and fatty fish. For snacks, eat fruits, nuts, seeds, and cut up veggies.[12] ● If you’re having trouble, meet with a dietitian to get help figuring out your ideal calorie goals, dietary
  • 52. needs, and potential area for improvement. They'll create a plan for you that fits your preferences. Eat smaller portions to help you cut back on calories. You don’t need to give up your favorite foods to lose weight. Similarly, choosing healthier dishes doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you want. Instead, portion out your meals using measuring cups or special spoons that measure out servings. Alternatively, make things easy by eating off smaller plates or bowls, which trick your eye into thinking your servings are bigger.[13] ● To make it easier to track portions, prepare your snacks ahead of time. For instance, you might weigh out 1 serving of almonds, then put it in a baggie or container for later. ● Stronger flavors can help you control portion size. For example, dark chocolate or a dark beer are satisfying in small amounts and can be difficult to consume quickly. Identify your food triggers and plan accordingly. Everyone has food triggers, so don’t feel bad about craving certain foods. Cut back on these foods by figuring out the things that trigger your cravings, like a certain activity, a time of day, or feeling certain emotions. Then,
  • 53. plan for better ways to handle those triggers, and don’t keep these foods around your home or workplace. This can help you avoid giving into temptation.[14] ● For instance, you might crave popcorn at the movies, or may want candy in the afternoon at work. To deal with the temptation, you could replace the snack you crave with something that’s a better fit for your diet. For instance, you might bring a bag of plain popcorn to the movies, which is a healthy alternative. Similarly, you could eat a single square of dark chocolate each afternoon instead of your typical candy selection. ● Remember, you don’t need to stop eating your favorite foods. However, it’s best to plan for how you’ll incorporate them into your calories. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Getting regular exercise helps you burn more calories, keep your heart healthy, and maintain your metabolism. Aim to do cardio activity most days, and do strength training 2-3 days a week. Choose an activity that you enjoy so that you’re more likely to stick with it.[15] ● For example, you might walk, run, do aerobics, do an elliptical workout, cycle, or swim. ● At a minimum, you need 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week to maintain your good health.
  • 54. ● When you first start exercising, it’s normal for your body to retain water as it works to repair the muscle tissue you’re breaking down during your workout. This might make the scale tick up a few pounds, but this weight will fall off again once you get used to regular exercise. Choose exercises and workouts that match up with your fitness level. If you’re new to exercise, you likely won’t be able to push yourself too hard or workout for long periods of time. However, it’s not necessary to overwork yourself to see results. Choose exercises that you can do well, then build from there.[16] ● Always talk to your doctor before beginning an exercise program. ● Remember, games like volleyball, tennis, and frisbee can help you burn calories while having a blast, so it’s possible to exercise while having a good time. ● Before you begin exercising, use a measuring tape to measure your waist, hips, and bust. If you are gaining weight but these measurements are going down, it means that you are gaining muscle and losing fat. Take up cardio training. While a combination of cardio and resistance training are important for overall body
  • 55. health, cardiovascular training is what will help you shed those pounds quickly. Weight and resistance training may not lead to immediate weight loss but can trigger your metabolism to use energy more efficiently.[17] ● Cardio exercise includes anything that gets your heart pumping. ● For best results, include both moderate and high intensity aerobic exercise. Keep your exercise regimen interesting. Variety is the key to both promoting a healthier you and keeping you motivated. When you do the same exercise day in and day out, you put yourself at a higher risk of injuring yourself. You are also more likely to become bored, thus making it harder to find the motivation to keep exercising. While at the gym, switch between machines, join a fitness class, and add some resistance training into your schedule.[18] Do strength training 2-3 times a week. Resistance training and weight training help you stay lean by building muscle and raising your metabolism, even when you’re not working out. Incorporate these exercises 2-3 times a week, with at least 1 rest day between your workouts. ● It’s okay to do cardio on your strength training rest days, as long as you don’t push yourself too hard. Choose a light to moderate activity level.
  • 56. ● Muscle cells are more metabolically active than fat cells. This means that they burn more calories than fat cells, even while you are resting and sleeping. Choose workouts that require your entire body to exert an effort. This way, you work every muscle group and burn calories with more muscles at one time, like multitasking with your exercise. For instance, combine a form of resistance training with your arms, like raising dumbbells overhead, while you jog or cycle with your legs.[19] Get more activity throughout your day. Increase the amount of walking you do by choosing a far away parking place or taking the stairs instead of an elevator. Make as many trips upstairs as possible or walk the dog three times a day. Additionally, dust, sweep, and mop with vigor. The more you move, the more calories you burn.[20] ● You might even start a hobby that involves moving around a bit, like gardening, carpentry, working on cars, or painting large canvases. This will help you burn more calories even when you’re not exercising. Get enough rest. Being properly rested will help you maintain sufficient energy throughout the day, making you less likely to overeat and less prone to injury during
  • 57. physical activity. Sleep deficiency has actually been linked to an inability to lose fat, so getting enough sleep can really help you on your path to losing weight.[21] ● Create a sleep routine to help you fall asleep faster. Relax for an hour or 2 before bed, and avoid screens during this time. Additionally, turn down your thermostat, make your room dark, and put on comfy PJs. Go to a sauna to sweat off water weight. Saunas may result in a loss of a pint of sweat in just a quarter of an hour. To prevent dehydration, limit your sauna time to 15 or 20 minutes per day. A sauna won’t help you lose weight permanently, but it can help you look slimmer for a special event.[22] ● Make sure you increase your water consumption after you use a sauna to rehydrate your body. ● Pregnant women, young children, and people with blood pressure or heart problems should not use saunas. Use a body wrap to temporarily look slimmer. Body wraps claim to help you slim down by smoothing and tightening your skin to make your waist, thighs, and arms
  • 58. appear thinner. While these results are temporary, they might help you look slimmer for a special event. Here are some wraps you might try:[23] ● Mineral body wraps: These wraps use a mineral-based cleanser that is supposed to reduce cellulite, and tone and firm your skin almost instantly. ● Lipase body wraps: First, an enzyme wrap is applied to help smooth fat tissue near the surface of the skin. Then, a second mineral wrap is applied to help tighten and smooth your skin. ● European body wrap: These wraps target trouble spots and are typically offered at spas. They are supposed to firm and tone your skin, while reducing the appearance of cellulite or stretch marks. ● Hot body wrap: Heat-based body wraps are also typically offered at spas. They’re designed to stimulate smooth, toned skin. Attend a weight loss camp. Sometimes sticking with an exercise routine and diet plan is too challenging. Old habits and daily routines will steer you back to your old foods and activities at every turn. To combat this, many people enroll in residential weight loss programs that remove them from their daily lives. Sometimes called fitness retreats, these programs come in dozens of
  • 59. different styles, and are available for youth, adults and seniors.[24] ● Before you attend a weight loss camp, make sure it’s equipped to safely handle your age and health specific needs. Consider liposuction. Liposuction is a surgical option for fast, targeted weight loss, generally only recommended for people with 1-2 specific areas of highly fatty tissue but an otherwise relatively healthy body weight. Because it is a surgical procedure, it carries significant health risks and should only be performed by a licensed professional.[25]