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SGT Ramos
Aid Station
What do
you miss
from home?
8 -
DEFENSE The Workhorse Chronicle
0 5 A U G U S T 2 0 1 3V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 4
The Commander’s Corner
As our deployment comes to a close, I find
myself thinking about our time together
and the immense accomplishments of the
Workhorse team. Nine months ago I could
have never imagined what I know to be
true today. Most importantly, I never
realized the pride I would feel for our
Soldiers as I observed them bond together
as lifelong friends and trusted battle
buddies. Throughout history, Soldiers have
deployed to foreign countries out of service
to our Nation and accomplished amazing things; the
TF Workhorse Soldiers proved this once again.
If I were to review history and not solely focus on
the tremendous bravery, patriotism, hardship and
accomplishments that inspire us, I would realize an
overarching theme shared among the American
Soldier. This theme is the real reason why Soldiers
willingly give so much of themselves, and I believe
myself to be blessed to have witnessed it first-hand.
The reason is “loyalty and dedication to their fellow
Soldier.” While deployed, Soldiers give more than
expected of themselves as they recognize the vital
importance of their mission and the value of their
Army teammates. Without conscious thought,
Soldiers do amazing things for the safety and
success of fellow Soldiers as they forge a sense of
trust and friendship. This remarkable bond of
teamwork is the truest form of success and the
aspect I’ll remember long after I forget all the
numbers and statistics that typically define a unit’s
With our past in mind, I reflect upon March 2013
and I can’t help but think about our pain felt by the
loss of SSG Marc Scialdo and CW5 Skinny Reagan.
While we redeploy, I ask that we keep Marc, Skinny
and their Gold Star Families within our thoughts
and prayers. The “larger than life” personalities
and professional attributes of these Heroes helped to
forge who we are today as we accomplished our
mission and bonded as an Army Family. They truly
were the “greatest of men” and the Workhorse team
will forever honor their lives and cherish our
memories together.
I look forward to sending our Soldiers home with
their hearts filled with pride of their accomplish-
ments and excitement for their future. There is
often no greater feeling than returning home to
loved ones after enduring a long absence. I’m
hopeful each one of our redeploying Soldiers will
fully appreciate the opportunity and emotions of
a joyful reunion. While reunions are easy to
glamorize within our imaginations, there’s a
reality of life change and emotional differences
that should cause us to manage our expectations
and be patient with family members as we ease
back into the life that we left nine months ago.
Soldiers and family members will find that each
of us have changed during our separation. This
change is both normal and good but will require
some adjustments to how we treat each other and
care for ourselves. My advice is to simple “be
patient and appreciate each other for who they
have become. “
Lastly, while I look forward to our remaining
time in Afghanistan, I am excited to see our Sol-
diers and Families rejoined at the Welcome
Home Ceremonies and at our Battalion Social in
September. As we return to a “new normal”, we
must acknowledge the historical risks typically
encountered as Soldiers reintegrate into their
former lifestyle. I ask that we continue to look
out for each other’s safety by continuing to be the
battle buddies we all relied upon in Afghanistan.
I thank you for serving your Country so
honorably. I am proud to have stood beside each
of you and welcome future opportunities to serve
LTC Andy Gignilliat
picture or
P A G E 2
“I am proud to be the
Command Sergeant
Major for this great
Battalion. The
Soldiers exhibit pride
in the unit as well as
spirit de corps with
each other.”
-CSM Grant Stange
The Command Sergeant Major’s Forum
by CSM Grant Stange, TF Workhorse CSM
August is finally
upon us, this mile-
stone marks the
final month of our
deployment. The
Soldiers and offi-
cers of the Work-
horse battalion have
performed amaz-
ingly. The summer
has been a hot one
here, daily tempera-
tures easily surpassing the 100
degree mark. The Workhorse
Soldiers have taken it all in
stride, never complaining and
meticulously completing all
tasks that were required. Spirits
are high, as individuals have
created those bonds that only
come with shared deployment
As we begin to ramp up for rede-
ploying, I want to take a moment
and clearly state the importance
for everyone to maintain vigi-
lance and safety. We are not
home until you are released from
the Welcome Home formation.
That time will come, but there
are so many things we must
place our thoughts and concen-
tration on. First off, is ensuring
our counterparts are fully read in
on every function and procedure
that we have mastered this last
tour. Their success is the truest
testament to our legacy. Forget
about the expected joys of re-
uniting with loved ones for now,
place the emphasis and priorities
on the seamless and fully trans-
parent Relief in Place with our
Aviation brothers and sisters.
Secondly, leave the infrastruc-
ture and work areas better than
we found them. This is a must,
as it both is a mark of profes-
sionalism and also just the right
thing to do.
Be proud of all you have ac-
complished this last nine
months, you should be. We, as
a team, accomplished things
that many would not think pos-
sible. The large amount of fuel
transferred and given to the
multiple aircraft on Mustang
Ramp, giving those assets the
ability to serve our fellow Sol-
diers and NATO partners in the
field was a true victory for the
Soldiers of HSC / A Company.
The SSA has had a tough year,
the amount of product passing
through and then adding the
Retrograde operations for the
region have kept the under-
staffed professionals of the SSA
fully utilized 24/7. Bravo Com-
pany maintained aviation excel-
lence with the completion of
more helicopter phases than I
can keep track of. The flight
program of this Brigade is di-
rectly linked to the maintenance
and back shop support of the
Bulldawgs. Soldiers cannot
survive without communica-
tions that is a fact. Charlie
Company maintained commu-
nications not only at Kandahar
for the aviation brigade, but
also supported the other task
forces by having equipment and
personnel at four other FOBs.
Commo was never a concern
for the brigade due to the ef-
forts and skills of the Soldiers
of Charlie Company. FOB
Frontenac presented the oppor-
tunity for two companies to add
to their success by the unified
team of A company refulers and
B Company armament person-
nel teaming together to sup-
port the Brigade in keeping
the aircraft ready for any and
all missions in their area of
I am immensely proud of all
the Soldiers of this great Task
Force. The nation called upon
you to deploy and you went.
You made those personal sac-
rifices of leaving loved ones
and personal security behind,
going where many would not,
to support the people of an-
other land in their quest for
freedom from unjust control.
Many years from now, you
will look back and proudly
state, I was there, I had part of
that operation, I did my part.
I want everyone to finish their
business here, have a safe
transition back to our home
station and enjoy the reuniting
with Family, Friends and fel-
low Soldiers. You all deserve
some well earned time off,
that time will come, first let’s
finish our job here profession-
ally and safely.
CSM Stange
“Cobra Strike”
Coverage by: 1LT Donald F. Ingham, C Co Executive Officer
P A G E 3V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 4
Charlie Company sol-
diers are a special breed. Be-
cause of their adaptability, in
depth training, and dedication
to mission, they are able to
provide a first rate communica-
tions network for Task Force
Falcon at multiple outlying
Cobra soldiers at FOB Wolver-
ine operate what is known as a
Command Post Node (CPN).
This CPN gives the entire FOB
the ability to communicate via
email and phone, allowing all
Soldiers to keep in touch with
loved ones back home.
The Soldiers live in a “GP-
Medium” while at Wolverine.
In a remarkable display of in-
genuity, they sectioned off
the tent into 5 small rooms
using sheets of plywood for
walls and bed sheets for
doors. This gives the Sol-
diers an inkling of privacy
that they can enjoy during
their down time. In front of
the tent, there is a small com-
mon area where you can usu-
ally find at least one person
watching the Armed Forces
Network or playing video
games. This is usually the
most anticipated part of the
day for most, as it provides a
mental escape which allows
the Soldiers to take their
mind off work.
While on duty though,
the Soldiers work in an office
adjacent to 1-3 Attack Recon-
naissance Battalion’s S6
(signal) shop. The office is a
small 10x10 room where the
“stacks”, or the actual CPN is
located. This office is where
Soldiers spend most of their
time during their shift, unless
they are out troubleshooting
equipment or lending a help-
ing hand to 1-3 ARB’s S-6
There are 5 Cobras currently
stationed at FOB Wolverine.
The Soldiers have proven
themselves to be of the high-
est caliber, able to overcome
any obstacle they face.
Charlie Company’s SPC
Maragney (left) and SGT
Gustafson (right) at FOB Wol-
picture or
P A G E 4
The Consolidated
Aid Station (CAS) provides
world class medical care to
all tenant units on Mustang
Ramp. Despite the expan-
sive nature of this mission,
Task Force Workhorse pro-
vides the leadership team
and combat medics who
man the CAS. They work
closely with medical pro-
fessionals from across the
Falcon Brigade to provide
an unparalleled level of ser-
The aid station is
named after SGT Louie A.
Ramos, a combat medical
specialist who was as-
signed to the 159th
Aviation Brigade, Fort
Campbell, Kentucky. SGT
Ramos died on May 26,
2011 of wounds sustained
as a result of an enemy at-
tack. During construction
of the new aid station, our
predecessors, Task Force
Wings, believed it was only
fitting to name the new
clinic after a fallen Soldier
who made the ultimate sac-
The CAS provides
around the clock medical
care to include routine
health screenings, physical
examinations, immuniza-
tions, and emergent medi-
cal treatment. In an effort
to maintain their technical
expertise and proficiency,
combat medics undergo
weekly training under the
watchful eye of a phe-
nomenal group of medical
providers and senior medi-
cal specialists. The train-
ing is a conglomeration of
Medical Education and
Demonstration of Individ-
ual Competence
(MEDIC), Emergency
Medical Technician
(EMT) certification, lec-
tures, and hands-on prac-
tical exercises.
The medics also conduct
contingency training
which enables them to
provide primary and sec-
ondary care to casualties
on the battlefield and
conduct evacuations to
higher levels of medical
care. “We are able to
take care of Soldiers in
any medical situation.
The training our senior
medics and providers
give is instrumental in
providing that care,” says
SPC Koleser, a medic
“Combat Medicine - Conserving America’s Fighting Strength!”
Covered by: 2LT Nekena, Chambers Medical OIC
“We are able to take
care of Soldiers in any
medical situation. The
training our senior
medics and providers
give is instrumental in
providing that care.”
-SPC Koleser
Medics bring a patient into the clinic during
an exercise.
P A G E 5V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 4
assigned to HSC, 603rd
The CAS also provides
behavioral health assistance for
those who may need an outlet
to convey personal concerns
relating to life and operational
stressors. SPC Richardson, a
mental health specialist, states
“We strive to break the stigmas
associated with Soldiers seek-
ing care. To help Soldiers
have a better understanding of
the psychological effects of
war is only part of our job and
responsibility as behavioral
health technicians. It’s all
about having a genuine con-
cern for our fellow Soldier and
his well-being.” The 3rd
Chief of Behavioral Health ser-
vices, LTC Sanchez, feels it is
important for Soldiers to trust
the behavioral health team. He
states, “The only way we can
make that happen is by get-
ting out from behind our
desks and visiting with Sol-
diers in their work environ-
ment. Being a valued and
trusted member of the team is
important, if they see us as
outsiders, our mission is
nearly impossible to per-
form.” The CAS staff strives
to provide America’s most
valued sons and daughters
with exceptional, quality
healthcare service on a daily
basis. Their commitment to
serve this extraordinary group
of professionals is indeed
nothing short of phenomenal.
CPT Ussery triages during a MASCAL exercise.
Medics extricate a patient from their FLA during an exercise.
P A G E 6
“What do you miss the most from home?”
Covered by: SGT Donovan B Co NCO
If we could travel
back in time and ask Sol-
diers from decades past:
“What do you miss the
most from home?” I’m
sure the answers would
surprise you. For in-
stance, if you asked a Sol-
dier from the Revolution-
ary War, “What do you
miss most from home?”
He might say, “I miss
shoes since I had to walk
10 miles, through 3 feet of
snow without them just to
get to the Battle of Tren-
ton. Then I had to fight!”
If you asked a Soldier
from Vietnam the same
question you might get an
answer like, “I miss being
dry since it rains con-
stantly and when it isn’t
raining I’m sweating.”
Drawing from my own
experience in Operation
Iraqi Freedom I, we
missed having real bath-
rooms (burning human
waste really stinks, liter-
ally and figuratively).
Recently, I polled
the Soldiers of B CO
about this very topic. The
obvious answer from most
Soldiers was their fami-
lies. This answer was so
prevalent that I had to
change the premises of the
question to exclude their
family members. The
question then became:
“Besides your family,
what do you miss most
from home?” When I
asked SSG Smith, from
the Quality Control Shop,
the first thing he said was
“The smells from home
like crawfish etouffee.” I
would have to agree; when
they clean the portajohn, it
is enough to make anyone
miss the smell of home.
When SPC Millsap,
from the Avionics Pla-
toon, was asked, she
said, “I miss going to the
beach, I’m a real beach
bum.” SPC Powers,
from the same platoon,
said that he really
missed fishing. I guess
nobody told them about
the enormous pond that
we have here at KAF
(ask your Soldier about
this). SPC Reith said,
“The #1 thing I miss is
golf, then Halo 4.” I
guess we know the first
place he is going when
he returns home.
“What do I miss? The
smells from home like
crawfish etouffee,”
-SSG Smith
The KAF fishing “pond.”
P A G E 7V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 4
CDR: CPT David Hernandez 912-315-2092
1SG: 1SG Shane Latty 912-315-2094
603rd ASB Home Detachment Contact
603rd ASB Deployed Contact
BN CDR: LTC Andy Gignilliat
BN CSM: CSM Grant Stange
BN XO: MAJ Randy James
BN Adjutant: 1LT Marisha McLean
Check Out More Than 2,500 Photos on Facebook at
“603rd Aviation Support Battalion”
To See How Our Soldiers Are Doing in Afghanistan
In the end, if you
look at the amenities that we
have here on KAF, you will
see that we don't have it so
bad. Of course, everyone
misses HD televisions,
wearing civilian clothes,
riding in a vehicle that can
exceed 20 mph, and wearing
their Oakley’s, but we are
well taken care of. When
reflecting on what Soldiers
have endured in the past, we
should be thankful.
The 603rd ASB "Workhorse Chronicle", August 2013
The 603rd ASB "Workhorse Chronicle", August 2013
The 603rd ASB "Workhorse Chronicle", August 2013
The 603rd ASB "Workhorse Chronicle", August 2013
The 603rd ASB "Workhorse Chronicle", August 2013
The 603rd ASB "Workhorse Chronicle", August 2013
The 603rd ASB "Workhorse Chronicle", August 2013
The 603rd ASB "Workhorse Chronicle", August 2013
The 603rd ASB "Workhorse Chronicle", August 2013

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The 603rd ASB "Workhorse Chronicle", August 2013

  • 1. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: CDR’s Corner 1 CSM’s Forum 2 Cobra Strike SGT Ramos Aid Station 3 4-5 What do you miss from home? Photos 6-7 8 - 16 TASK FORCE WORKHORSE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE The Workhorse Chronicle 0 5 A U G U S T 2 0 1 3V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 4 The Commander’s Corner As our deployment comes to a close, I find myself thinking about our time together and the immense accomplishments of the Workhorse team. Nine months ago I could have never imagined what I know to be true today. Most importantly, I never realized the pride I would feel for our Soldiers as I observed them bond together as lifelong friends and trusted battle buddies. Throughout history, Soldiers have deployed to foreign countries out of service to our Nation and accomplished amazing things; the TF Workhorse Soldiers proved this once again. If I were to review history and not solely focus on the tremendous bravery, patriotism, hardship and accomplishments that inspire us, I would realize an overarching theme shared among the American Soldier. This theme is the real reason why Soldiers willingly give so much of themselves, and I believe myself to be blessed to have witnessed it first-hand. The reason is “loyalty and dedication to their fellow Soldier.” While deployed, Soldiers give more than expected of themselves as they recognize the vital importance of their mission and the value of their Army teammates. Without conscious thought, Soldiers do amazing things for the safety and success of fellow Soldiers as they forge a sense of trust and friendship. This remarkable bond of teamwork is the truest form of success and the aspect I’ll remember long after I forget all the numbers and statistics that typically define a unit’s achievement. With our past in mind, I reflect upon March 2013 and I can’t help but think about our pain felt by the loss of SSG Marc Scialdo and CW5 Skinny Reagan. While we redeploy, I ask that we keep Marc, Skinny and their Gold Star Families within our thoughts and prayers. The “larger than life” personalities and professional attributes of these Heroes helped to forge who we are today as we accomplished our mission and bonded as an Army Family. They truly were the “greatest of men” and the Workhorse team will forever honor their lives and cherish our memories together. I look forward to sending our Soldiers home with their hearts filled with pride of their accomplish- ments and excitement for their future. There is often no greater feeling than returning home to loved ones after enduring a long absence. I’m hopeful each one of our redeploying Soldiers will fully appreciate the opportunity and emotions of a joyful reunion. While reunions are easy to glamorize within our imaginations, there’s a reality of life change and emotional differences that should cause us to manage our expectations and be patient with family members as we ease back into the life that we left nine months ago. Soldiers and family members will find that each of us have changed during our separation. This change is both normal and good but will require some adjustments to how we treat each other and care for ourselves. My advice is to simple “be patient and appreciate each other for who they have become. “ Lastly, while I look forward to our remaining time in Afghanistan, I am excited to see our Sol- diers and Families rejoined at the Welcome Home Ceremonies and at our Battalion Social in September. As we return to a “new normal”, we must acknowledge the historical risks typically encountered as Soldiers reintegrate into their former lifestyle. I ask that we continue to look out for each other’s safety by continuing to be the battle buddies we all relied upon in Afghanistan. I thank you for serving your Country so honorably. I am proud to have stood beside each of you and welcome future opportunities to serve together. Sincerely, LTC Andy Gignilliat WORKHORSE 06
  • 2. Caption describing picture or graphic. P A G E 2 “I am proud to be the Command Sergeant Major for this great Battalion. The Soldiers exhibit pride in the unit as well as spirit de corps with each other.” -CSM Grant Stange T H E W O R K H O R S E C H R O N I C L E The Command Sergeant Major’s Forum by CSM Grant Stange, TF Workhorse CSM August is finally upon us, this mile- stone marks the final month of our deployment. The Soldiers and offi- cers of the Work- horse battalion have performed amaz- ingly. The summer has been a hot one here, daily tempera- tures easily surpassing the 100 degree mark. The Workhorse Soldiers have taken it all in stride, never complaining and meticulously completing all tasks that were required. Spirits are high, as individuals have created those bonds that only come with shared deployment understanding. As we begin to ramp up for rede- ploying, I want to take a moment and clearly state the importance for everyone to maintain vigi- lance and safety. We are not home until you are released from the Welcome Home formation. That time will come, but there are so many things we must place our thoughts and concen- tration on. First off, is ensuring our counterparts are fully read in on every function and procedure that we have mastered this last tour. Their success is the truest testament to our legacy. Forget about the expected joys of re- uniting with loved ones for now, place the emphasis and priorities on the seamless and fully trans- parent Relief in Place with our Aviation brothers and sisters. Secondly, leave the infrastruc- ture and work areas better than we found them. This is a must, as it both is a mark of profes- sionalism and also just the right thing to do. Be proud of all you have ac- complished this last nine months, you should be. We, as a team, accomplished things that many would not think pos- sible. The large amount of fuel transferred and given to the multiple aircraft on Mustang Ramp, giving those assets the ability to serve our fellow Sol- diers and NATO partners in the field was a true victory for the Soldiers of HSC / A Company. The SSA has had a tough year, the amount of product passing through and then adding the Retrograde operations for the region have kept the under- staffed professionals of the SSA fully utilized 24/7. Bravo Com- pany maintained aviation excel- lence with the completion of more helicopter phases than I can keep track of. The flight program of this Brigade is di- rectly linked to the maintenance and back shop support of the Bulldawgs. Soldiers cannot survive without communica- tions that is a fact. Charlie Company maintained commu- nications not only at Kandahar for the aviation brigade, but also supported the other task forces by having equipment and personnel at four other FOBs. Commo was never a concern for the brigade due to the ef- forts and skills of the Soldiers of Charlie Company. FOB Frontenac presented the oppor- tunity for two companies to add to their success by the unified team of A company refulers and B Company armament person- nel teaming together to sup- port the Brigade in keeping the aircraft ready for any and all missions in their area of operations. I am immensely proud of all the Soldiers of this great Task Force. The nation called upon you to deploy and you went. You made those personal sac- rifices of leaving loved ones and personal security behind, going where many would not, to support the people of an- other land in their quest for freedom from unjust control. Many years from now, you will look back and proudly state, I was there, I had part of that operation, I did my part. I want everyone to finish their business here, have a safe transition back to our home station and enjoy the reuniting with Family, Friends and fel- low Soldiers. You all deserve some well earned time off, that time will come, first let’s finish our job here profession- ally and safely. CSM Stange WORKHORSE 07
  • 3. “Cobra Strike” Coverage by: 1LT Donald F. Ingham, C Co Executive Officer P A G E 3V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 4 Charlie Company sol- diers are a special breed. Be- cause of their adaptability, in depth training, and dedication to mission, they are able to provide a first rate communica- tions network for Task Force Falcon at multiple outlying bases. Cobra soldiers at FOB Wolver- ine operate what is known as a Command Post Node (CPN). This CPN gives the entire FOB the ability to communicate via email and phone, allowing all Soldiers to keep in touch with loved ones back home. The Soldiers live in a “GP- Medium” while at Wolverine. In a remarkable display of in- genuity, they sectioned off the tent into 5 small rooms using sheets of plywood for walls and bed sheets for doors. This gives the Sol- diers an inkling of privacy that they can enjoy during their down time. In front of the tent, there is a small com- mon area where you can usu- ally find at least one person watching the Armed Forces Network or playing video games. This is usually the most anticipated part of the day for most, as it provides a mental escape which allows the Soldiers to take their mind off work. While on duty though, the Soldiers work in an office adjacent to 1-3 Attack Recon- naissance Battalion’s S6 (signal) shop. The office is a small 10x10 room where the “stacks”, or the actual CPN is located. This office is where Soldiers spend most of their time during their shift, unless they are out troubleshooting equipment or lending a help- ing hand to 1-3 ARB’s S-6 personnel. There are 5 Cobras currently stationed at FOB Wolverine. The Soldiers have proven themselves to be of the high- est caliber, able to overcome any obstacle they face. Charlie Company’s SPC Maragney (left) and SGT Gustafson (right) at FOB Wol- verine.
  • 4. Caption describing picture or graphic. P A G E 4 The Consolidated Aid Station (CAS) provides world class medical care to all tenant units on Mustang Ramp. Despite the expan- sive nature of this mission, Task Force Workhorse pro- vides the leadership team and combat medics who man the CAS. They work closely with medical pro- fessionals from across the Falcon Brigade to provide an unparalleled level of ser- vice. The aid station is named after SGT Louie A. Ramos, a combat medical specialist who was as- signed to the 159th Combat Aviation Brigade, Fort Campbell, Kentucky. SGT Ramos died on May 26, 2011 of wounds sustained as a result of an enemy at- tack. During construction of the new aid station, our predecessors, Task Force Wings, believed it was only fitting to name the new clinic after a fallen Soldier who made the ultimate sac- rifice. The CAS provides around the clock medical care to include routine health screenings, physical examinations, immuniza- tions, and emergent medi- cal treatment. In an effort to maintain their technical expertise and proficiency, combat medics undergo weekly training under the watchful eye of a phe- nomenal group of medical providers and senior medi- cal specialists. The train- ing is a conglomeration of Medical Education and Demonstration of Individ- ual Competence (MEDIC), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification, lec- tures, and hands-on prac- tical exercises. The medics also conduct contingency training which enables them to provide primary and sec- ondary care to casualties on the battlefield and conduct evacuations to higher levels of medical care. “We are able to take care of Soldiers in any medical situation. The training our senior medics and providers give is instrumental in providing that care,” says SPC Koleser, a medic T H E W O R K H O R S E C H R O N I C L E “Combat Medicine - Conserving America’s Fighting Strength!” Covered by: 2LT Nekena, Chambers Medical OIC “We are able to take care of Soldiers in any medical situation. The training our senior medics and providers give is instrumental in providing that care.” -SPC Koleser Medics bring a patient into the clinic during an exercise.
  • 5. P A G E 5V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 4 assigned to HSC, 603rd ASB. The CAS also provides behavioral health assistance for those who may need an outlet to convey personal concerns relating to life and operational stressors. SPC Richardson, a mental health specialist, states “We strive to break the stigmas associated with Soldiers seek- ing care. To help Soldiers have a better understanding of the psychological effects of war is only part of our job and responsibility as behavioral health technicians. It’s all about having a genuine con- cern for our fellow Soldier and his well-being.” The 3rd CAB Chief of Behavioral Health ser- vices, LTC Sanchez, feels it is important for Soldiers to trust the behavioral health team. He states, “The only way we can make that happen is by get- ting out from behind our desks and visiting with Sol- diers in their work environ- ment. Being a valued and trusted member of the team is important, if they see us as outsiders, our mission is nearly impossible to per- form.” The CAS staff strives to provide America’s most valued sons and daughters with exceptional, quality healthcare service on a daily basis. Their commitment to serve this extraordinary group of professionals is indeed nothing short of phenomenal. CPT Ussery triages during a MASCAL exercise. Medics extricate a patient from their FLA during an exercise.
  • 6. T H E W O R K H O R S E C H R O N I C L E P A G E 6 “What do you miss the most from home?” Covered by: SGT Donovan B Co NCO If we could travel back in time and ask Sol- diers from decades past: “What do you miss the most from home?” I’m sure the answers would surprise you. For in- stance, if you asked a Sol- dier from the Revolution- ary War, “What do you miss most from home?” He might say, “I miss shoes since I had to walk 10 miles, through 3 feet of snow without them just to get to the Battle of Tren- ton. Then I had to fight!” If you asked a Soldier from Vietnam the same question you might get an answer like, “I miss being dry since it rains con- stantly and when it isn’t raining I’m sweating.” Drawing from my own experience in Operation Iraqi Freedom I, we missed having real bath- rooms (burning human waste really stinks, liter- ally and figuratively). Recently, I polled the Soldiers of B CO about this very topic. The obvious answer from most Soldiers was their fami- lies. This answer was so prevalent that I had to change the premises of the question to exclude their family members. The question then became: “Besides your family, what do you miss most from home?” When I asked SSG Smith, from the Quality Control Shop, the first thing he said was “The smells from home like crawfish etouffee.” I would have to agree; when they clean the portajohn, it is enough to make anyone miss the smell of home. When SPC Millsap, from the Avionics Pla- toon, was asked, she said, “I miss going to the beach, I’m a real beach bum.” SPC Powers, from the same platoon, said that he really missed fishing. I guess nobody told them about the enormous pond that we have here at KAF (ask your Soldier about this). SPC Reith said, “The #1 thing I miss is golf, then Halo 4.” I guess we know the first place he is going when he returns home. “What do I miss? The smells from home like crawfish etouffee,” -SSG Smith The KAF fishing “pond.”
  • 7. P A G E 7V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 4 CDR: CPT David Hernandez 912-315-2092 1SG: 1SG Shane Latty 912-315-2094 603rd ASB Home Detachment Contact Information 603rd ASB Deployed Contact Information BN CDR: LTC Andy Gignilliat BN CSM: CSM Grant Stange BN XO: MAJ Randy James BN Adjutant: 1LT Marisha McLean Check Out More Than 2,500 Photos on Facebook at “603rd Aviation Support Battalion” To See How Our Soldiers Are Doing in Afghanistan In the end, if you look at the amenities that we have here on KAF, you will see that we don't have it so bad. Of course, everyone misses HD televisions, wearing civilian clothes, riding in a vehicle that can exceed 20 mph, and wearing their Oakley’s, but we are well taken care of. When reflecting on what Soldiers have endured in the past, we should be thankful.