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Happy                friends

Happy Friends 2°        1

       “Happy Friends” is a series of books for Primary and Secondary
       school for who English is a second language. This structure
       reflects the needs from the actual teaching situation in the
       schools. There are different types of exercises in the most
       important academic subjects (Science, Math and Social Studies)
       which the students will practice each one of the four language
       skills and the different levels of reading.
       Selections of the activities are based on theme of each reading
       and are designed to provide the students with an opportunity to
       use English in a creative and real situation.
       The teachers will find in these books a material easy to teach, and
       the students will find each lesson an enjoyable experience for
       learning English.

Copyright © QPTEAM EDITIONS. All rights reserved. No other use of
this material or parts thereof including reproduction, or distribution, or
storage in an electronic database permitted without the prior written
permission of the publisher.

Bogotá - Colombia.

Happy Friends 2°                              2
                                                     SECOND GRADE

             SUBJECT                 THEMES                                  ACHIEVEMENT INDICATOR
                            Classroom Commands              Listens and acts according to the commands given by the
           English          Introducing People              Uses the questions: What´s your name? How are you? How
UNIT I                                                       old are you? And gives the correct answers.
                            Vocabulary learned.             Remembers the vocabulary learned last year.
                            Demonstrative Pronouns          Uses the demonstrative pronouns in order to locate people and
                            This, That, These, Those.        objects.
                            Vertebrates            and      Knows the differences between the vertebrates and
           Science          invertebrates Animals.           invertebrates animals.
                            Human skeleton.                 Recognizes the characteristics of the bones in a human
                            Prepositions With and            skeleton.
                            without.                        Apply the rules to use of the prepositions with and without.
           Maths            Numbers from 11 to 20           Writes and pronounces correctly the numbers from eleven to
           Social Studies   Our beautiful country.          Identifies some important characteristics of our country and the
                                                             Colombian people.
                            My favorite colors              Differentiates the primary and secondary colors, do
           English          The Rainbow.                     combinations with these.
UNIT II    Science          Animal Environments             Identifies the different places where the animals live and grow.
           Maths            Addition Operations             Finds the sums in different exercises and solves problems.
           Social Studies   Transportation                  Classifies the different kinds of transportation according with
                                                             the places where they move.
           English          My friends and I                Shares different activities with his/her friends.
           Maths            Subtraction Operations          Finds the difference between different facts.
UNIT III   Science          Our Solar System                Recognizes the solar System’s main components (nine planets
                                                             moon and stars).

           Social Studies   City and Town                   Choose the best place to live: city or country.
           English          Daily routines                  Organizes a schedule with his/her daily activities.
           Maths            Even and Odds Numbers           Identifies the characteristics of Even and odds numbers.
UNIT IV    Science          The parts of the plants         Enumerates of the main parts of the plants and their functions.
           Social Studies   The main places in my city      Differentiates each place of the city and their services.

 Happy Friends 2°                                                    3
       Dear teacher:     practice these simple classroom commands in the
       imperative form, every day.

       Deletrea tu nombre.          Spell your name.

       Abre tu libro/cuaderno       Open your book / open your notebook.

       Cierra tu libro/cuaderno.    Close your book / close your notebook.

       Completa las frases.         Complete the sentence.

       Contesta la pregunta.        Answer the question.

       Habla en Español/Inglés      Speak in Spanish. / Speak in English.

       Escribe.                     Write.

       Escúchame.                   Listen to me.

       Habla.                       Speak.

       Lee.                         Read.

       Levanta la mano.             Raise your hand.

       Pasa al tablero              Go to the board.

       Repite.                      Repeat.

       Saca una hoja de papel.      Take out a sheet of paper.

       Levántate                    Stand Up.

       Siéntate.                    Sit down.

       Haz silencio.                Silent please.

       Quédate quieto.              Be quiet.

       Saca tu libro/cuaderno.      Take out your book/ your notebook

       Puedo ir al baño?            May I go to the bathroom, teacher?

Happy Friends 2°                                           4

                             HELLO, MY NAME IS…..
Achievement Indicators:

    Introduces people in the class using different expressions.
    Practices the vocabulary learned last year.

1. PRESENTATION: Maria Jose is one of the students of second grade and she wants to introduce her friends
in the class.

                                     Hello, my name is Maria Jose and
                                     these are my friends.

                                               Play with us. !!!

                                                       Everybody here has a name. Oh yes!
                                                       Everybody here play this game.
                                                       My name is Maria Jose.
                                                       His name is Tomas.
                                                       Her name is Johanna.

                                                       Everybody here has a name. Oh yes!
                                                       Everybody here play this game.
                                                       My name is…
                                                       His name is…
                                                       Her name is…

Play with the class until all the students say their names.

Happy Friends 2°                                                   5
2. PRACTICE. Remember the vocabulary learned last year.

Activity 1: Read, write, count and color.

                1.                          2.                 3.                  4.

        5.                       6.                                  7.                     8.

1. Green _________.      2. Blue ________.       3. Red _________.        4. Yellow ___________.

5. Brown ____________. 6. Violet __________. 7. Black _________. 8. Pink _________.

Activity 2: Count, complete with the names of the pictures, and match. Then, color these.

                                                                    Six _________

                                                         Four ________

                                                         Eight ________

                                                                    Three ________

Happy Friends 2°                                           6

Activity 1: Ask and answer. Practice this dialogue by pairs.

Hello, what’s your name?                                      My name is ______________

How are you?                                                  ____, thanks, and you?

I am very good. How old are you?                              I am eight years old, and you?

I am ___________.       What’s your favorite color?           My favorite color is _______.

Who is your best friend?                                      My best friend is __________.

¿Dou you like to play with me?                                 Yes. ¡Let´s go.

Activity 2: circle the correct word and then write it on the line.

 I / is / are              1. Hello, ______ am a student.

Am / is / seven            2. I am __________ years old.

                                                                                    Hello, I am a
                                                                                    monkey. I like
Blue /is / two.            3. My favorite color is _______.                         bananas.

Am / girl / I              4. Are you a boy or a _______?

Am / fruits /I             5. I like ____________.

Happy Friends 2°                                                 7

                          THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE…
Achievement Indicators:

 Identifies and uses the demonstratives pronouns in order to locate some people and objects.


         Demonstratives are used to point out a particular item. They are as follows:

                THIS                                                      THAT
Indicates something near to the speaker.               Indicates something away from the speaker.


This is my Pencil.     This is my dog.                           That is my kite.

                  THESE                                                   THOSE
Indicates some things near to the speaker.              Indicates some thing away from the speaker.


These are my friends. These are your music books.              Those are our houses. Those are trees.

Happy Friends 2°                                                    8

A: What is this?
B: A pencil.

A: What is that?
B: A tree.

A: What are these?
B: ______________

A: What are those?
B: ______________

        Singular                           Plural

  This orange is sour.              These oranges are sweet.

  That truck is full.                 Those trucks are empty.

This ___________ is _____________              these ___________ are _____________.

Happy Friends 2°                                        9

Activity: draw your family, your teacher and your classmates in the portraits.

        Hello, my name is ___________________ and this is my family.

      That is my teacher ______________.                Those are my classmates.

Happy Friends 2°                                           10
Hello, can you
                                       help me to find
                                       those bananas?

                   THESE ARE MY BANANAS.

Happy Friends 2°                  11
                                   ¿WHY I HAVE A SKELETON?

Achievement Indicators:

     Identifies and differentiates the vertebrates and invertebrates animals.
     Recognizes the different kinds of bones in a human skeleton.



                 VERTEBRATES                                           INVERTEBRATES

             Animals with bones.                                   Animals without bones.

                                          Lion

                                          Spider

                                          Worm

                                          Panda bear

                                          snail

                                          Tiger

                                          Giraffe

                                          starfish

Happy Friends 2°                                            12
2. Practice.
                                    PREPOSITIONS WITH – WITHOUT

                         THE SNAIL IS AN ANIMAL WITHOUT BONES.

                         THE PANDA BEAR IS AN ANIMAL WITH BONES.

ACTIVITY: Complete the sentences; use with or without according with the text. Draw the pictures.

    1. Butterfly is an invertebrate _______ wings.

    2. Lions are animals _______ spots.

    3. Zebra is an animal _______ stripes.

Happy Friends 2°                                               13
3. PRODUCTION. Reading Comprehension.

                                            A HUMAN SKELETON

          Human Being is a vertebrate                                       Skull


         Human skeletons are made
         of bones. Human skeleton
         have more than two hundred                                                   Long Bone
         bones. You can feel your
         bones through the skin.

         There are many kinds of
                                                                                                Long bones
         bones in your body. Bones
         can be many shapes and
         sizes. Some bones are very
         small, others are long bones.
                                                                                    Long Bone

         Movement is the result of the
         muscles acting on the bones
         of the skeletal system.
         Muscles are connected to
                                                                                             Long Bones
         bones by tendons; bones
         are connected to each other
         by ligaments.

Activity: Write T if the sentence is true or F if the sentence is false.

         1. ___. Your skeleton is made of bones.

         2. ___. All the bones are the same size and shape.

         3. ___. Human being is a vertebrate animal.

         4. ___. Bones are connected to each other by muscles.

Happy Friends 2°                                                      14

Achievement Indicators:

    Identifies, writes and pronounces correctly the numbers from eleven to twenty.




                       NINETEEN                                           THIRTEEN

                       EIGTHEEN                                          FOURTEEN

   SEVENTEEN                                                                          FIFTEEN


Happy Friends 2°                                                    15

Complete the sequence with the numbers from 11 to 20.

What number is this?                     How many _______ are there?

o   Twenty
o   Eighteen
o   Nineteen
o   Sixteen

o   Eleven
o   Twelve
o   Seventeen
o   Thirteen

o   Nineteen
o   Fifteen
o   Sixteen
o   Eleven

Happy Friends 2°                                  16

What number comes before?

___, 13,            ___, 18,     ___, 20,    ___, 12,
___, 11,            ___, 14,    ___, 16,     ___, 19,

What number comes between?

11, ___, 13,           14,___, 16,    18, ___, 20,
15, ___, 17,           10, ___, 12,    13, ___, 15,

What number comes after?

11,____,           14, ____,    18,____,      13, ____,
19, ____,          12, ____ ,   17, ____ ,    15, ____,

        Write ≥ or ≤

                     14 18 12 19 20

                     16 13 11 17 15

Happy Friends 2°                      17

                       ¡Colombia is our beautiful Country!
Achievement Indicators:

    Identifies some characteristics of our country and the Colombian people.


National Name: Republic of Colombia.
Nationality: Colombian.

Colombia is one of the countries of South America almost entirely in the arid zone between
the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn between the Tropic of Cancer and the
Tropic of Capricorn.
Colombia is divided into 31 departments and a district and its capital is Bogota D.C. Other
large cities are Cali, Medellin, Cartagena, Santa Marta and Barranquilla. The President of
Colombia is Juan Manuel Santos.
Colombia is the second largest producer of coffee in the world.
People: they are very friendly and happy.
Language: Spanish.
Religion: Catholic.
National Holiday: Independence Day July 20.

Happy Friends 2°                                                    18

Activity 1: Practice the next dialogue by pairs.

         ¿Where are you from?                        I am from Colombia.

         What is your nationality?                   I am ______________.

                                            Colombian Borders
                                                                Colombia is bordered by
                                                                Panama and the Caribbean
                                                                Sea on the north, Venezuela
                                                                and Brazil on the east, Equator
                                                                and Peru on the south, and the
                                                                Pacific Ocean on the west.

                                                                Colombia's     topography       is
                                                                characterized by the Andean
                                                                Cordillera range, situated in the
                                                                west-central    part    of    the
                                                                country, and which stretches
                                                                from north to south, almost
                                                                along the whole length of the

                                                                The Andes are composed of
                                                                three parallel ranges: the
                                                                Eastern Cordillera, the Central
                                                                Cordillera, and the Western
                                                                Cordillera.    Between      the
                                                                Cordilleras there are high
                                                                plateaus and fertile valleys
                                                                which are crossed by the
                                                                country's major river systems.

Activity 2:

¿Which are the other countries of South America in the map?

Panama, _____________, ____________, and _____________.

Happy Friends 2°                                          19
Activity 3: Locate in the map the best country in the South America: ¡Colombia! Color it.

          Write the names of the countries that limit with Colombia.

          Write the names of the two big Oceans.

Happy Friends 2°                                                 20

                                            READING COMPREHENSION

 Read the text and answer the question. Practice with all the students.

                                                                                 What is your favorite food?

           The African Elephant.
The African elephant is very big. It is the biggest land                       My favorite food is ____________.
animal on earth. The elephant has a long trunk and two
white tusks.
                                                                                 What is your favorite color?
Elephants in Africa can live for up to 60 years. They are
color brown. They love to eat and drink. In fact,
elephants spend half of the day eating. Their favorite
foods are grass, twigs and fruits.                                             My favorite color is ____________.

     My favorite food is ___________________.
 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

 This elephant lives in ___________________.

 The African elephant is very _______________.

 The elephant has a __________________ trunk.

 The African elephants are color _________ and

 They have two white ___________.

 They can live for up to ________________ years.

 Their favorite foods are ____________________.

 Happy Friends 2°                                                         21


                                         MY FAVORITE COLORS..
Achievement Indicators

   Identifies the primary and secondary colors. Use the different combinations of primary colors.


Primary colors are colors that
cannot be made by mixing other
colors together. These are red,
yellow and blue.

                                                                If you mix each of the primary
                                                                colors in equal proportions you get
                                                                the three secondary colors. These
                                                                three secondary colors are orange,
                                                                green and violet.

                         What is your favorite color?                   It is __________.

Happy Friends 2°                                                       22

ACTIVITY1. Color the Colombian flag with de three primary colors. Complete the drawing with others colors.

ACTIVITY 2. Write the names of the colors according with the number?

                                  Number 2:     ______ ______ ______ ______

What color is…                    Number 1:     ______ ___E___ ______ ______ ______ ______.

                                  Number 3:     ___ ___ D

Happy Friends 2°                                               23

Activity 1: Complete the worm with pieces of paper of different colors. Cut circles in paper silhouette.

Activity 2: How colors combine? Practice the combinations with temperas.

                            +                Red
                                                                =               V

                             +               Red
                                                                =                O

               B                               Y                                  G
                             +                                  =

Happy Friends 2°                                                    24
Activity 3

Practice this song with your classmates, and then color the rainbow according with the numbers.

                                           THE RAINBOW

                  ¡Rainbow song!

        Red and orange, green and blue,

        Shining yellow, purple too.

        All the colors that you know,

        Live up in the rainbow.

Red          Orange    Yellow      Green    Blue        Purple     Violet

   1          2          3            4       5          6          7

Happy Friends 2°                                             25

                             ANIMALS ENVIRONMENTS….
Achievement Indicators:

    Knows the differences between the environments where the animals live.

1. PRESENTATION: All animals move, eat other organisms, reproduce and die. There are different kinds of
animals. They can live and move on land, in water or in the air.

                                      WE LIVE IN THE WATER

                                             WE LIVE ON THE LAND

                                          WE MOVE IN THE AIR

Happy Friends 2°                                                 26

 Write the names of these animals. Where they live and move? Draw the 5 animals in the picture.

Happy Friends 2°                                              27

                              ANIMAL PARK PROJECT


        1.   Draw and write the names of 5 animals on pieces of cards.
        2.   On another set of cards write the names of the environment where they live.
        3.   On another set of cards write the names of the foods each animal eat.
        4.   Play memory game by matching the animals with their environments and the food they



Happy Friends 2°                                        28

                                ADDITION OPERATIONS…
Achievement Indicators:

 Practices the additions in different ways and solves problems.


Addition is a mathematical operation that represents combining collections of objects
together into a larger collection. It is signified by the plus sign (+).

           For example, in the picture on the right, there are
           3 + 2 apples—meaning three apples and two
           other apples—which is the same as five apples.

           Therefore, 3 + 2 = 5.                                      +

Addition follows several important patterns. It is commutative, meaning that order does
not matter.

You can add the addends in any order and you will get the same sum. This is called
the order property.


Happy Friends 2°                                                 29
7                  addend                    9
                          +9                  addend                   +7
                          16                  sum                      16

    2. PRACTICE.

Write the addends in a different order. Find the sums.

     12              15             18                            13
   + 15            + 12           + 21          + __            + 16        + __
     27              27

      123                           269                          732
     + 46          +___            + 75       +___              + 64    +___

Solve and match.

290 + 158 =                                        28 + 146 =

137 + 240 =                                       325 + 491=

491 + 325 =                                       158 +290=

146 + 28 =                                        240 + 137=

259 + 38 =                                         38 + 259 =

Happy Friends 2°                                       30

 ACTIVITY: Select all of the ways to make 7.

     16 – 8
     12 – 5

 ACTIVITY: Select all of the ways to make 15.

     16 – 1
     25 + 2
     22 – 7

    Which number makes the equation true?

72 + 8 =            + 20

    Which number makes the equation true?

27 + 6 =            +3

    Which number makes the equation true?

92 + 8 =            +2

    Which number makes the equation true?

56+ 9 =             + 15

Happy Friends 2°                         31

Achievement Indicators
 Knows the most important transport and their uses.


There are three kinds of transportation specially:

Road Transportation: cars, trucks, bicycles, trains and buses are some of them.

Air Transportation: Airplanes, Helicopters and balloons are some of them.

Aquatic Transportation: boats, ships, sailboats, cruise ships are some of them.

Happy Friends 2°                                           32

            _______________      ______________           ______________         ______________

                               _______________                         _____________

        _____________            ______________            ______________        _____________


 Write the names of the each one of the transports and color them. If you don’t know the
  names, look at the dictionary.

 Enclosed in a red circle, the air transport; enclosed in a blue circle the aquatic transport and a
  yellow circle, the road transport.

Happy Friends 2°                                          33

        Activity: decorate the pictures with circles of paper red and blue.

Happy Friends 2°                                           34


                                             MY FRIENDS AND I……
Achievement Indicators:

     Practice some activities with the friends.


Children develop daily different activities with their friends. They play, run, jump, swim, study and sing together.

                                                  PERSONAL PRONOUNS
                                         SINGULAR                PLURAL
                                              I                     WE
                                            YOU                    YOU
                                         HE, SHE, IT              THEY

                               THEY SWIM                                                                 H E SINGS

                                WE PLAY                                                                SHE STUDIES

Happy Friends 2°                                                           35
HE RUNS                                               SHE JUMPS

    2.   PRACTICE.

Activity 1: Use the next verbs in order to say the teacher what do they do: (is, sing, run, play, study).

They ______ a beautiful song.

They ________ to the school.

They play in the park.

She ________in the pool.

Happy Friends 2°                                                     36
We _______ English.


                          Play with your friends

Write 5 short sentences using the verbs learned.

             ________________________
             ________________________
             ________________________
             ________________________
             ________________________

Happy Friends 2°                           37

                               OUR SOLAR SYSTEM…..
Achievement Indicators

   Recognizes the solar System’s main components (nine planets moon and stars).


The Solar System is an exciting place. It is full of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, minor planets,
and many other amazing objects.

The Solar System is made up of all the planets that orbit our Sun. It has nine planets (Mercury,
Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto), over 61 moons, many asteroids,
comets and meteoroids.

                               Moon is the satellite of the Earth and orbits around it.

Happy Friends 2°                                                   38

                   Write the missing letter in the name of the planets.


 ME_CURY                VENU_                                     E_RTH

_ARS                 JUPI_ER                                  SATUR_

U_ANUS                  NE_TUNE                                 PLU_O

Happy Friends 2°                               39

Activity 1: match the names of the planets with their characteristics.

It has frozen rings around it.

It is the bigger planet of the Solar System.

It is a green planet with plants, water and air.

Activity 2: Find in the letter soup the words in the square.

        MERCURY          SUN         EARTH         MOON             URANUS   VENUS

      N     P      E     A       R     T       H   R    V
      O     R      A     W       D     S       J   S    E
      O     A      F     K       B     V       Z   N    N
      M     E      R     C       U     R       Y   P    U
      P     G      T     H       R     M       A   S    S
      Q     W      E     R       A     T       Y   U    N
      R     C      Z     K       N     L       O   I    P
      C     N      B     Z       U     Q       A   S    D
      P     Y      E     R       S     U       N   Q    A

Happy Friends 2°                                               40
Science Project

    One of the easiest materials to use for planets is icopor balls.

    You will need a very large circle or semi-circle to represent the sun. For a box model, you could use
    a large foam ball; you can use inexpensive finger paint or markers to color the planets. A sample
    range when considering sizes for planets, from large to small, might measure:

           Jupiter (brownish with a red spot): 4-7 inches
           Saturn (yellow with red ring): 3- 6 inches
           Uranus (green): 4-5 inches
           Neptune (blue): 3-4 inches
           Venus (yellow): 2 inches
           Earth (blue): 2 inches
           Mars (red): 1 and 1/2 inches
           Mercury (orange): 1 inch

    Happy Friends 2°                                             41

                          SUBTRACTION OPERATIONS…

Achievement Indicators:

     Finds the difference between different facts.


Subtraction is one of the four basic math operations and it is the inverse of addition. It is a
mathematical operation in which the difference between two numbers or quantities is calculated.

Subtraction is denoted by a minus sign (         ).

The traditional names for the parts of the formula c − b = a, are:

           Minuend (c) − Subtrahend (b) = difference (a).

Example 1:

                                              Minuend:           5

                                              Subtrahend:        2

                                              Difference:        3

Example 2:

                              __                            =

           9              −                     5           =            4

   Minuend                −          Subtrahend             =        Difference

Happy Friends 2°                                            42
         Mark the number that goes in the box to make the subtraction true.

128 - 101 =                            25             23              31               27

427 – 218 =                            205            207             209              211

315 – 164 =                            151            300             218              120

999 – 702 =                            290            298             291              297

Solve Problems.

a. Julian sees 17 flowers. 9 of the flowers are blue. How many flowers are not blue?

                        There are _______ flowers are not blue.

b. Find the missing numbers:

          If 3 + 3 = 6, what is 6 – 3 =

          If 14 - 8 = 6, what is 14 – 6 =

Happy Friends 2°                                           43

    How do you make 9?

                    10 – 2
                    10 – 3

    Which number makes the equation true?


    Kerry and Liam worked in the community garden. They planted 14 plants in all. If Kerry
     planted 4 plants, how many plants did Liam plant?

        Write a subtraction sentence that fits the story:

       Faith and Vincent worked in the community garden. Together, they planted 17 flowers. If Faith
        planted 5 flowers, how many flowers did Vincent plant?

        Write a subtraction sentence that fits the story:

    How do you make 28?

                    30 – 2
                    18 – 0
                    42 – 3
                    59 – 0

Happy Friends 2°                                            44

                                               CITY AND COUNTRY
Achievement Indicators

       Differentiates the customs in the city and the customs in the town.
       Chooses the best place to live.


                I like to live in a City                                      I prefer to live in a Country

In my city, Bogota, there are tall buildings, movie I love the Country. In my farm there are trees, flowers,
theaters, and department stores. Also, there are big grass, and different animals like birds, cows, horses
parks, museums and restaurants with delicious foods. and pigs.

You can know many interesting places like Maloka, You can run and play in the field. Also, you can fish
Monserrate and Salitre Magic.                     and swim in the rivers and lakes.

Happy Friends 2°                                                       45

                                Do you like to live in the city or in the country?

                                I like to live in the _______________________.

Write 5 things you see in the City:






                                                            Write 5 things you see in the Country:






Happy Friends 2°                                                  46
3. Production.
       Activity: Draw a city and a country with the main elements in each one.

Happy Friends 2°                                           47


                                       DAILY RUTINES…
Achievement Indicators

     Practice some daily activities using simple verbs.

     Organizes a schedule with his/her daily activities.



    Every day I do some activities in the morning:

     I wake up.

     I take a bath.

     I get dressed.

Happy Friends 2°                                                48
 I have breakfast.

     I brush my teeth

     I take the scholar bus.

     I go to study at the school.

Happy Friends 2°                     49

Cut images of a magazine and paste them in front of each one of the others routines that you develop
in the afternoon and the evening.

  Every day I do some activities in the afternoon:      Every day I do some activities in the Evening:

    I take lunch.                                    I watch TV

   I play with my
     friends.                                         I brush my teeth

   I help my                                         I go to bed

   I do my                                           I pray

Happy Friends 2°                                           50

                                      THE PLANTS PARTS…
Achievement Indicators:

     Enumerates of the main parts of the plants and their functions.


The plants parts are roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. Each one of these parts
has a function.

                                       Inside the flowers are seeds for reproduction.

                                       The stem holds leaves. The stem takes water and food
                                       from the roots.
                                        The stem moves water and food up to the rest of the

                                        Plants make food for themselves inside their leaves.
                                        This is a process called photosynthesis.

                                        Roots keep a plant in the ground. They keep the plant
                                        from falling down. They bring water and minerals into
                                        the plant.

                                     ¿WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF THESE PARTS?


Happy Friends 2°                                                        51

    2. PRACTICE.

                             Hello my friends. Help me with
                             the activity. Write the plant

                                                        Plants need to grow:
                                                        water, sun and land.

WATER                  SUN           LAND

Happy Friends 2°                               52

                                          HOW TO PLANT A TREE.
a. Organize a tree planting event and invite to your classmates to be involved in your project - all
you have to do is to ask.

b. Choose the planting side.

c. Get a tree donated for your project.

d. Plant the tree. You will want to use proper tree planting procedures - to make sure the tree has
the best chance for a long life.

       Dig the hole as deep as the rootball and twice as wide.
       Check to see if the soil around the hole is too hard - if it is, loosen it up a bit with the shovel.
       Remove the container from the rootball.
       Place the tree in the hole, making sure the soil is at the same level on the tree as when the
        tree grew in the garden center.
       Fill in around the rootball with soil and pack the soil with your hands and feet to make sure
        that there are no air pockets.
       Make a little dam around the base of the tree as wide as the hole with left over soil or grass
        clumps to hold in the water.
       Give your new tree a good soaking of water to help settle it into its new home.
       Name your tree, like Tara and her friends named the first tree they planted "Marcie the
        Marvelous Tree."

e. After the planting, Take care of the newly planted tree - and this means water and mulch around
your tree.

Happy Friends 2°                                               53

                          EVEN AND ODDS NUMBERS….
Achievement Indicators:


Even number = number par

                  =4                       =8       = 12

Complete the sequence with even Numbers:

  2, 4, 6, __, 10, 12, 14, 16, __, 20, __, 24, 26, __, 30,
  __, 34, 36, __, 40, 42, 44, __, 48, __, 52, 54, __,
Happy Friends 2°62, 64, 66, __, 70, __, 74, 76, 78, __.
  58, __,                               54
Odd numbers = number impar

                                                        
                                                      
                                                          
                   =7                      =9                        = 11

    2. PRACTICE.

Complete the sequence with odd Numbers:

One, three, _______, seven, _______, eleven, ___________, fifteen, ___________,
nineteen, ___________, twenty three, ________________, twenty seven.


1. What number is 12 more than 67? = 79

2. What number is 15 less than 50? = ___
                                                                ¡Let’s think!

3. What number is 17 more than 79? = ___

4. What number is 20 less than 44? = ___

Happy Friends 2°                                 55
5. What number is 42 more than 25 = ___

Color and solve:

 Pam has 8 ten red balls.

 Sue has 9 purple balls.

 Joan has 7 blue balls.

 Alex has 11 orange balls.


Activity: Connect the dots. Count by 2’s. Color the picture.

Happy Friends 2°                                               56
WHAT IS THIS?     IT’S A ___________.


                             PLACES OF THE CITY.
Achievement Indicators:

Happy Friends 2°                            57
   Differentiates each place of the city that you can visit and their services.







                                                                                          SHOPPING CENTER



Activity 1: Use the different places of the city in order to practice the next questions. Work by pairs.

Happy Friends 2°                                                           58

I go to the Park.


I play with my friend.

Activity 2: Complete the activity with the information that you need.

                WHERE DO YOU GO?                                         WHAT DO YOU DO THERE?

I go to the church.                                        I go to pray with my family on Sunday.

I go to the____________.                                   I need to buy a book.

I go to the ___________.                                   I am sick.

I go to the ___________.                                   I have to buy a new dress.

I go to the ___________.                                   I want to see a new movie.

I go to the ___________.                                   I want to see the new exposition.


Activity: kids usually go with their parents to a special restaurant. They always eat delicious food there.

HappyWhere do you go to eat with
     Friends 2°                                                     59
      your family?
I go with my family to ____________________

   Draw the place.

     What kind of food do you
              like?                              I prefer to eat __________________________

  Draw the food.


Final Activity: At the end of the year, you can be able to practice the next dialogue by pairs (boy
and girl). Make a cue card for each one student.

Happy Friends 2°                                            60
Student 1: Good morning, my name is _____________. Nice to
meet you!

Student 2: Hello, my name is _____________. Nice to meet you too.

Student 1: I am in second grade, and you?

Student 2: Me too.

Student 1: I like to live here in the country, and you?

Student 2: This place is beautiful, but I prefer to live in the city.

Student 1: I like to paint rainbows and beautiful places. What do you
do in the city?

Student 2: I visit and draw amazing parks, shopping centers, big
libraries, hospitals and restaurants.

Student 1: That´s great. Can I see the pictures?

Student 2: Yes, look at these.

                   ! See you in third grade, dear friends¡

Happy Friends 2°                              61

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Happy friends 2° pdf

  • 1. Happy friends 2° Happy Friends 2° 1
  • 2. INTRODUCTION “Happy Friends” is a series of books for Primary and Secondary school for who English is a second language. This structure reflects the needs from the actual teaching situation in the schools. There are different types of exercises in the most important academic subjects (Science, Math and Social Studies) which the students will practice each one of the four language skills and the different levels of reading. Selections of the activities are based on theme of each reading and are designed to provide the students with an opportunity to use English in a creative and real situation. The teachers will find in these books a material easy to teach, and the students will find each lesson an enjoyable experience for learning English. Copyright © QPTEAM EDITIONS. All rights reserved. No other use of this material or parts thereof including reproduction, or distribution, or storage in an electronic database permitted without the prior written permission of the publisher. QPTEAM EDITIONS. Bogotá - Colombia. Happy Friends 2° 2
  • 3. LESSON PLAN SECOND GRADE SUBJECT THEMES ACHIEVEMENT INDICATOR Classroom Commands  Listens and acts according to the commands given by the teacher. English Introducing People  Uses the questions: What´s your name? How are you? How UNIT I old are you? And gives the correct answers. Vocabulary learned.  Remembers the vocabulary learned last year. Demonstrative Pronouns  Uses the demonstrative pronouns in order to locate people and This, That, These, Those. objects. Vertebrates and  Knows the differences between the vertebrates and Science invertebrates Animals. invertebrates animals. Human skeleton.  Recognizes the characteristics of the bones in a human Prepositions With and skeleton. without.  Apply the rules to use of the prepositions with and without. Maths Numbers from 11 to 20  Writes and pronounces correctly the numbers from eleven to twenty. Social Studies Our beautiful country.  Identifies some important characteristics of our country and the Colombian people. My favorite colors  Differentiates the primary and secondary colors, do English The Rainbow. combinations with these. UNIT II Science Animal Environments  Identifies the different places where the animals live and grow. Maths Addition Operations  Finds the sums in different exercises and solves problems. Social Studies Transportation  Classifies the different kinds of transportation according with the places where they move. English My friends and I  Shares different activities with his/her friends. Maths Subtraction Operations  Finds the difference between different facts. UNIT III Science Our Solar System  Recognizes the solar System’s main components (nine planets moon and stars). Social Studies City and Town  Choose the best place to live: city or country. English Daily routines  Organizes a schedule with his/her daily activities. Maths Even and Odds Numbers  Identifies the characteristics of Even and odds numbers. UNIT IV Science The parts of the plants  Enumerates of the main parts of the plants and their functions. Social Studies The main places in my city  Differentiates each place of the city and their services. Happy Friends 2° 3
  • 4. CLASSROOM COMMANDS Dear teacher: practice these simple classroom commands in the imperative form, every day. Deletrea tu nombre. Spell your name. Abre tu libro/cuaderno Open your book / open your notebook. Cierra tu libro/cuaderno. Close your book / close your notebook. Completa las frases. Complete the sentence. Contesta la pregunta. Answer the question. Habla en Español/Inglés Speak in Spanish. / Speak in English. Escribe. Write. Escúchame. Listen to me. Habla. Speak. Lee. Read. Levanta la mano. Raise your hand. Pasa al tablero Go to the board. Repite. Repeat. Saca una hoja de papel. Take out a sheet of paper. Levántate Stand Up. Siéntate. Sit down. Haz silencio. Silent please. Quédate quieto. Be quiet. Saca tu libro/cuaderno. Take out your book/ your notebook Puedo ir al baño? May I go to the bathroom, teacher? Happy Friends 2° 4
  • 5. UNIT I LESSON 1 HELLO, MY NAME IS….. Achievement Indicators:  Introduces people in the class using different expressions.  Practices the vocabulary learned last year. 1. PRESENTATION: Maria Jose is one of the students of second grade and she wants to introduce her friends in the class. Hello, my name is Maria Jose and these are my friends. Play with us. !!! Everybody here has a name. Oh yes! Everybody here play this game. My name is Maria Jose. His name is Tomas. Her name is Johanna. Everybody here has a name. Oh yes! Everybody here play this game. My name is… His name is… Her name is… Play with the class until all the students say their names. Happy Friends 2° 5
  • 6. 2. PRACTICE. Remember the vocabulary learned last year. Activity 1: Read, write, count and color. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. Green _________. 2. Blue ________. 3. Red _________. 4. Yellow ___________. 5. Brown ____________. 6. Violet __________. 7. Black _________. 8. Pink _________. Activity 2: Count, complete with the names of the pictures, and match. Then, color these. Six _________ Four ________ Eight ________ Three ________ Happy Friends 2° 6
  • 7. 3. PRODUCTION. Activity 1: Ask and answer. Practice this dialogue by pairs. Hello, what’s your name? My name is ______________ How are you? ____, thanks, and you? I am very good. How old are you? I am eight years old, and you? I am ___________. What’s your favorite color? My favorite color is _______. Who is your best friend? My best friend is __________. ¿Dou you like to play with me? Yes. ¡Let´s go. Activity 2: circle the correct word and then write it on the line. I / is / are 1. Hello, ______ am a student. Am / is / seven 2. I am __________ years old. Hello, I am a monkey. I like Blue /is / two. 3. My favorite color is _______. bananas. Am / girl / I 4. Are you a boy or a _______? Am / fruits /I 5. I like ____________. Happy Friends 2° 7
  • 8. LESSON 2 THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE… Achievement Indicators:  Identifies and uses the demonstratives pronouns in order to locate some people and objects. 1. PRESENTATION: Demonstratives are used to point out a particular item. They are as follows: THIS THAT Indicates something near to the speaker. Indicates something away from the speaker. SINGULAR This is my Pencil. This is my dog. That is my kite. THESE THOSE Indicates some things near to the speaker. Indicates some thing away from the speaker. PLURAL These are my friends. These are your music books. Those are our houses. Those are trees. Happy Friends 2° 8
  • 9. 2. PRACTICE A: What is this? B: A pencil. A: What is that? B: A tree. A: What are these? B: ______________ A: What are those? B: ______________ Singular Plural  This orange is sour.  These oranges are sweet.  That truck is full.  Those trucks are empty. This ___________ is _____________ these ___________ are _____________. Happy Friends 2° 9
  • 10. 3. PRODUCTION Activity: draw your family, your teacher and your classmates in the portraits. Hello, my name is ___________________ and this is my family. That is my teacher ______________. Those are my classmates. Happy Friends 2° 10
  • 11. Hello, can you help me to find those bananas? THESE ARE MY BANANAS. Happy Friends 2° 11
  • 12. LESSON 3 ¿WHY I HAVE A SKELETON? Achievement Indicators:  Identifies and differentiates the vertebrates and invertebrates animals.  Recognizes the different kinds of bones in a human skeleton. 2. PRACTICE. ANIMALS VERTEBRATES INVERTEBRATES Animals with bones. Animals without bones.  Lion  Spider  Worm  Panda bear  snail  Tiger  Giraffe  starfish Happy Friends 2° 12
  • 13. 2. Practice. PREPOSITIONS WITH – WITHOUT THE SNAIL IS AN ANIMAL WITHOUT BONES. THE PANDA BEAR IS AN ANIMAL WITH BONES. ACTIVITY: Complete the sentences; use with or without according with the text. Draw the pictures. 1. Butterfly is an invertebrate _______ wings. 2. Lions are animals _______ spots. 3. Zebra is an animal _______ stripes. Happy Friends 2° 13
  • 14. 3. PRODUCTION. Reading Comprehension. A HUMAN SKELETON Human Being is a vertebrate Skull animal. Mandible Human skeletons are made Clavicle of bones. Human skeleton have more than two hundred Long Bone bones. You can feel your Ribs bones through the skin. Spine There are many kinds of Long bones bones in your body. Bones can be many shapes and sizes. Some bones are very small, others are long bones. Long Bone Movement is the result of the muscles acting on the bones of the skeletal system. Muscles are connected to Long Bones bones by tendons; bones are connected to each other by ligaments. Activity: Write T if the sentence is true or F if the sentence is false. 1. ___. Your skeleton is made of bones. 2. ___. All the bones are the same size and shape. 3. ___. Human being is a vertebrate animal. 4. ___. Bones are connected to each other by muscles. Happy Friends 2° 14
  • 15. LESSON 4 NUMBERS FROM ELEVEN (11) TO TWENTY (20) …. Achievement Indicators:  Identifies, writes and pronounces correctly the numbers from eleven to twenty. 1. PRESENTATION: ELEVEN TWENTY TWELVE NINETEEN THIRTEEN EIGTHEEN FOURTEEN SEVENTEEN FIFTEEN SIXTEEN Happy Friends 2° 15
  • 16. 2. PRACTICE Complete the sequence with the numbers from 11 to 20. What number is this? How many _______ are there? 18 o Twenty o Eighteen o Nineteen o Sixteen 13 o Eleven o Twelve o Seventeen o Thirteen 15 o Nineteen o Fifteen o Sixteen o Eleven Happy Friends 2° 16
  • 17. 3. PRODUCTION What number comes before? ___, 13, ___, 18, ___, 20, ___, 12, ___, 11, ___, 14, ___, 16, ___, 19, What number comes between? 11, ___, 13, 14,___, 16, 18, ___, 20, 15, ___, 17, 10, ___, 12, 13, ___, 15, What number comes after? 11,____, 14, ____, 18,____, 13, ____, 19, ____, 12, ____ , 17, ____ , 15, ____, Write ≥ or ≤ 14 18 12 19 20 16 13 11 17 15 Happy Friends 2° 17
  • 18. LESSON 5 ¡Colombia is our beautiful Country! Achievement Indicators:  Identifies some characteristics of our country and the Colombian people. 1. PRESENTATION National Name: Republic of Colombia. Nationality: Colombian. Colombia is one of the countries of South America almost entirely in the arid zone between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Colombia is divided into 31 departments and a district and its capital is Bogota D.C. Other large cities are Cali, Medellin, Cartagena, Santa Marta and Barranquilla. The President of Colombia is Juan Manuel Santos. Colombia is the second largest producer of coffee in the world. People: they are very friendly and happy. Language: Spanish. Religion: Catholic. National Holiday: Independence Day July 20. Happy Friends 2° 18
  • 19. 2. PRACTICE Activity 1: Practice the next dialogue by pairs. ¿Where are you from? I am from Colombia. What is your nationality? I am ______________. Colombian Borders Colombia is bordered by Panama and the Caribbean Sea on the north, Venezuela and Brazil on the east, Equator and Peru on the south, and the Pacific Ocean on the west. Colombia's topography is characterized by the Andean Cordillera range, situated in the west-central part of the country, and which stretches from north to south, almost along the whole length of the country. The Andes are composed of three parallel ranges: the Eastern Cordillera, the Central Cordillera, and the Western Cordillera. Between the Cordilleras there are high plateaus and fertile valleys which are crossed by the country's major river systems. Activity 2: ¿Which are the other countries of South America in the map? Panama, _____________, ____________, and _____________. Happy Friends 2° 19
  • 20. Activity 3: Locate in the map the best country in the South America: ¡Colombia! Color it. Write the names of the countries that limit with Colombia. Write the names of the two big Oceans. Happy Friends 2° 20
  • 21. 3. PRODUCTION READING COMPREHENSION Read the text and answer the question. Practice with all the students. What is your favorite food? The African Elephant. The African elephant is very big. It is the biggest land My favorite food is ____________. animal on earth. The elephant has a long trunk and two white tusks. What is your favorite color? Elephants in Africa can live for up to 60 years. They are color brown. They love to eat and drink. In fact, elephants spend half of the day eating. Their favorite foods are grass, twigs and fruits. My favorite color is ____________. My favorite food is ___________________. Complete the sentences with the correct word. This elephant lives in ___________________. The African elephant is very _______________. The elephant has a __________________ trunk. The African elephants are color _________ and They have two white ___________. They can live for up to ________________ years. Their favorite foods are ____________________. Happy Friends 2° 21
  • 22. UNIT 2 LESSON 6 MY FAVORITE COLORS.. Achievement Indicators  Identifies the primary and secondary colors. Use the different combinations of primary colors. 1. PRESENTATION. Primary colors are colors that cannot be made by mixing other colors together. These are red, yellow and blue. If you mix each of the primary colors in equal proportions you get the three secondary colors. These three secondary colors are orange, green and violet. What is your favorite color? It is __________. Happy Friends 2° 22
  • 23. 2. PRACTICE. ACTIVITY1. Color the Colombian flag with de three primary colors. Complete the drawing with others colors. ACTIVITY 2. Write the names of the colors according with the number? Number 2: ______ ______ ______ ______ What color is… Number 1: ______ ___E___ ______ ______ ______ ______. Number 3: ___ ___ D Happy Friends 2° 23
  • 24. 3. PRODUCTION Activity 1: Complete the worm with pieces of paper of different colors. Cut circles in paper silhouette. Activity 2: How colors combine? Practice the combinations with temperas. Blue + Red = V Yellow + Red = O B Y G + = Happy Friends 2° 24
  • 25. Activity 3 Practice this song with your classmates, and then color the rainbow according with the numbers. THE RAINBOW ¡Rainbow song! Red and orange, green and blue, Shining yellow, purple too. All the colors that you know, Live up in the rainbow. Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple Violet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Happy Friends 2° 25
  • 26. LESSON 7 ANIMALS ENVIRONMENTS…. Achievement Indicators:  Knows the differences between the environments where the animals live. 1. PRESENTATION: All animals move, eat other organisms, reproduce and die. There are different kinds of animals. They can live and move on land, in water or in the air. WE LIVE IN THE WATER WE LIVE ON THE LAND WE MOVE IN THE AIR Happy Friends 2° 26
  • 27. 2. PRACTICE. Write the names of these animals. Where they live and move? Draw the 5 animals in the picture. Happy Friends 2° 27
  • 28. 1. PRODUCTION ANIMAL PARK PROJECT Activity: 1. Draw and write the names of 5 animals on pieces of cards. 2. On another set of cards write the names of the environment where they live. 3. On another set of cards write the names of the foods each animal eat. 4. Play memory game by matching the animals with their environments and the food they eat. RABIT LAND CARROT Happy Friends 2° 28
  • 29. LESSON 8 ADDITION OPERATIONS… Achievement Indicators:  Practices the additions in different ways and solves problems. 1. PRESENTATION: Addition is a mathematical operation that represents combining collections of objects together into a larger collection. It is signified by the plus sign (+). For example, in the picture on the right, there are 3 + 2 apples—meaning three apples and two other apples—which is the same as five apples. Therefore, 3 + 2 = 5. + Addition follows several important patterns. It is commutative, meaning that order does not matter. You can add the addends in any order and you will get the same sum. This is called the order property. 3+2=2+3=5 Happy Friends 2° 29
  • 30. 7 addend 9 +9 addend +7 16 sum 16 2. PRACTICE. Write the addends in a different order. Find the sums. 12 15 18 13 + 15 + 12 + 21 + __ + 16 + __ 27 27 123 269 732 + 46 +___ + 75 +___ + 64 +___ Solve and match. 290 + 158 = 28 + 146 = 137 + 240 = 325 + 491= 491 + 325 = 158 +290= 146 + 28 = 240 + 137= 259 + 38 = 38 + 259 = Happy Friends 2° 30
  • 31. 3. PRODUCTION ACTIVITY: Select all of the ways to make 7. 16 – 8 7+0 5+2 12 – 5 ACTIVITY: Select all of the ways to make 15. 16 – 1 7+8 25 + 2 22 – 7  Which number makes the equation true? 72 + 8 = + 20  Which number makes the equation true? 27 + 6 = +3  Which number makes the equation true? 92 + 8 = +2  Which number makes the equation true? 56+ 9 = + 15 Happy Friends 2° 31
  • 32. LESSON 9 TRANSPORTATION Achievement Indicators  Knows the most important transport and their uses. 1. PRESENTATION There are three kinds of transportation specially: Road Transportation: cars, trucks, bicycles, trains and buses are some of them. Air Transportation: Airplanes, Helicopters and balloons are some of them. Aquatic Transportation: boats, ships, sailboats, cruise ships are some of them. Happy Friends 2° 32
  • 33. 2. PRACTICE. _______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ _____________ _____________ ______________ ______________ _____________ Activity:  Write the names of the each one of the transports and color them. If you don’t know the names, look at the dictionary.  Enclosed in a red circle, the air transport; enclosed in a blue circle the aquatic transport and a yellow circle, the road transport. Happy Friends 2° 33
  • 34. 3. PRODUCTION. Activity: decorate the pictures with circles of paper red and blue. Happy Friends 2° 34
  • 35. UNIT III LESSON 10 MY FRIENDS AND I…… Achievement Indicators:  Practice some activities with the friends. 1. PRESENTATION. Children develop daily different activities with their friends. They play, run, jump, swim, study and sing together. PERSONAL PRONOUNS SINGULAR PLURAL I WE YOU YOU HE, SHE, IT THEY THEY SWIM H E SINGS WE PLAY SHE STUDIES Happy Friends 2° 35
  • 36. HE RUNS SHE JUMPS 2. PRACTICE. Activity 1: Use the next verbs in order to say the teacher what do they do: (is, sing, run, play, study). They ______ a beautiful song. They ________ to the school. They play in the park. She ________in the pool. Happy Friends 2° 36
  • 37. We _______ English. 3. PRODUCTION Play with your friends Write 5 short sentences using the verbs learned.  ________________________  ________________________  ________________________  ________________________  ________________________ Happy Friends 2° 37
  • 38. LESSON 11 OUR SOLAR SYSTEM….. Achievement Indicators  Recognizes the solar System’s main components (nine planets moon and stars). 1. PRESENTATION The Solar System is an exciting place. It is full of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, minor planets, and many other amazing objects. The Solar System is made up of all the planets that orbit our Sun. It has nine planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto), over 61 moons, many asteroids, comets and meteoroids. Moon. Moon is the satellite of the Earth and orbits around it. Happy Friends 2° 38
  • 39. 2. PRACTICE Write the missing letter in the name of the planets. DRAW OR CUT AND PASTE THE PLANET IN THE SQUARE! ME_CURY VENU_ E_RTH _ARS JUPI_ER SATUR_ U_ANUS NE_TUNE PLU_O Happy Friends 2° 39
  • 40. 3. PRODUCTION. Activity 1: match the names of the planets with their characteristics. It has frozen rings around it. It is the bigger planet of the Solar System. It is a green planet with plants, water and air. Activity 2: Find in the letter soup the words in the square. MERCURY SUN EARTH MOON URANUS VENUS N P E A R T H R V O R A W D S J S E O A F K B V Z N N M E R C U R Y P U P G T H R M A S S Q W E R A T Y U N R C Z K N L O I P C N B Z U Q A S D P Y E R S U N Q A Happy Friends 2° 40
  • 41. Science Project One of the easiest materials to use for planets is icopor balls. You will need a very large circle or semi-circle to represent the sun. For a box model, you could use a large foam ball; you can use inexpensive finger paint or markers to color the planets. A sample range when considering sizes for planets, from large to small, might measure:  Jupiter (brownish with a red spot): 4-7 inches  Saturn (yellow with red ring): 3- 6 inches  Uranus (green): 4-5 inches  Neptune (blue): 3-4 inches  Venus (yellow): 2 inches  Earth (blue): 2 inches  Mars (red): 1 and 1/2 inches  Mercury (orange): 1 inch Happy Friends 2° 41
  • 42. LESSON 12 SUBTRACTION OPERATIONS… Achievement Indicators:  Finds the difference between different facts. 1. PRESENTATION Subtraction is one of the four basic math operations and it is the inverse of addition. It is a mathematical operation in which the difference between two numbers or quantities is calculated. Subtraction is denoted by a minus sign ( ). The traditional names for the parts of the formula c − b = a, are: Minuend (c) − Subtrahend (b) = difference (a). Example 1: Minuend: 5 Subtrahend: 2 Difference: 3 Example 2: __ = 9 − 5 = 4 Minuend − Subtrahend = Difference Happy Friends 2° 42
  • 43. 2. PRACTICE.  Mark the number that goes in the box to make the subtraction true. 128 - 101 = 25 23 31 27 427 – 218 = 205 207 209 211 315 – 164 = 151 300 218 120 999 – 702 = 290 298 291 297 Solve Problems. a. Julian sees 17 flowers. 9 of the flowers are blue. How many flowers are not blue? There are _______ flowers are not blue. b. Find the missing numbers: If 3 + 3 = 6, what is 6 – 3 = If 14 - 8 = 6, what is 14 – 6 = Happy Friends 2° 43
  • 44. 3. PRODUCTION  How do you make 9? 10 – 2 8–0 10 – 3 9–0  Which number makes the equation true? –1=8–0  Kerry and Liam worked in the community garden. They planted 14 plants in all. If Kerry planted 4 plants, how many plants did Liam plant? Write a subtraction sentence that fits the story:  Faith and Vincent worked in the community garden. Together, they planted 17 flowers. If Faith planted 5 flowers, how many flowers did Vincent plant? Write a subtraction sentence that fits the story:  How do you make 28? 30 – 2 18 – 0 42 – 3 59 – 0 Happy Friends 2° 44
  • 45. LESSON 13 CITY AND COUNTRY Achievement Indicators  Differentiates the customs in the city and the customs in the town.  Chooses the best place to live. 1. PRESENTATION I like to live in a City I prefer to live in a Country In my city, Bogota, there are tall buildings, movie I love the Country. In my farm there are trees, flowers, theaters, and department stores. Also, there are big grass, and different animals like birds, cows, horses parks, museums and restaurants with delicious foods. and pigs. You can know many interesting places like Maloka, You can run and play in the field. Also, you can fish Monserrate and Salitre Magic. and swim in the rivers and lakes. Happy Friends 2° 45
  • 46. 2. PRACTICE. Do you like to live in the city or in the country? I like to live in the _______________________. Write 5 things you see in the City: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Write 5 things you see in the Country: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Happy Friends 2° 46
  • 47. 3. Production. Activity: Draw a city and a country with the main elements in each one. Happy Friends 2° 47
  • 48. UNIT IV LESSON 14 DAILY RUTINES… Achievement Indicators  Practice some daily activities using simple verbs.  Organizes a schedule with his/her daily activities.  1. PRESENTATION Every day I do some activities in the morning:  I wake up.  I take a bath.  I get dressed. Happy Friends 2° 48
  • 49.  I have breakfast.  I brush my teeth  I take the scholar bus.  I go to study at the school. Happy Friends 2° 49
  • 50. 4. PRACTICE Cut images of a magazine and paste them in front of each one of the others routines that you develop in the afternoon and the evening. Every day I do some activities in the afternoon: Every day I do some activities in the Evening:  I take lunch.  I watch TV  I play with my friends.  I brush my teeth  I help my  I go to bed mother.  I do my  I pray homework Happy Friends 2° 50
  • 51. LESSON 15 THE PLANTS PARTS… Achievement Indicators:  Enumerates of the main parts of the plants and their functions. 1. PRESENTATION: The plants parts are roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds. Each one of these parts has a function. Inside the flowers are seeds for reproduction. The stem holds leaves. The stem takes water and food from the roots. The stem moves water and food up to the rest of the plant. Plants make food for themselves inside their leaves. This is a process called photosynthesis. Roots keep a plant in the ground. They keep the plant from falling down. They bring water and minerals into the plant. ¿WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF THESE PARTS? Fruits: Happy Friends 2° 51
  • 52. Seeds: 2. PRACTICE. Hello my friends. Help me with the activity. Write the plant parts. Plants need to grow: water, sun and land. WATER SUN LAND Happy Friends 2° 52
  • 53. 3. PRODUCTION. HOW TO PLANT A TREE. a. Organize a tree planting event and invite to your classmates to be involved in your project - all you have to do is to ask. b. Choose the planting side. c. Get a tree donated for your project. d. Plant the tree. You will want to use proper tree planting procedures - to make sure the tree has the best chance for a long life.  Dig the hole as deep as the rootball and twice as wide.  Check to see if the soil around the hole is too hard - if it is, loosen it up a bit with the shovel.  Remove the container from the rootball.  Place the tree in the hole, making sure the soil is at the same level on the tree as when the tree grew in the garden center.  Fill in around the rootball with soil and pack the soil with your hands and feet to make sure that there are no air pockets.  Make a little dam around the base of the tree as wide as the hole with left over soil or grass clumps to hold in the water.  Give your new tree a good soaking of water to help settle it into its new home.  Name your tree, like Tara and her friends named the first tree they planted "Marcie the Marvelous Tree." e. After the planting, Take care of the newly planted tree - and this means water and mulch around your tree. Happy Friends 2° 53
  • 54. LESSSON 16 EVEN AND ODDS NUMBERS…. Achievement Indicators: 1. PRESENTATION Even number = number par =4 =8 = 12 Complete the sequence with even Numbers: 2, 4, 6, __, 10, 12, 14, 16, __, 20, __, 24, 26, __, 30, __, 34, 36, __, 40, 42, 44, __, 48, __, 52, 54, __, Happy Friends 2°62, 64, 66, __, 70, __, 74, 76, 78, __. 58, __, 54
  • 55. Odd numbers = number impar         =7 =9 = 11 2. PRACTICE. Complete the sequence with odd Numbers: One, three, _______, seven, _______, eleven, ___________, fifteen, ___________, nineteen, ___________, twenty three, ________________, twenty seven. Solve: 1. What number is 12 more than 67? = 79 2. What number is 15 less than 50? = ___ ¡Let’s think! 3. What number is 17 more than 79? = ___ 4. What number is 20 less than 44? = ___ Happy Friends 2° 55
  • 56. 5. What number is 42 more than 25 = ___ Color and solve:  Pam has 8 ten red balls.  Sue has 9 purple balls.  Joan has 7 blue balls.  Alex has 11 orange balls. 3. PRODUCTION Activity: Connect the dots. Count by 2’s. Color the picture. Happy Friends 2° 56
  • 57. WHAT IS THIS? IT’S A ___________. LESSON 17 PLACES OF THE CITY. Achievement Indicators: Happy Friends 2° 57
  • 58. Differentiates each place of the city that you can visit and their services. 1. PRESENTATION THEATER LIBRARY PARK MUSEUM MM CHURCH SHOPPING CENTER HOSPITAL 2. PRACTICE Activity 1: Use the different places of the city in order to practice the next questions. Work by pairs. Happy Friends 2° 58
  • 59. ¿WHERE DO YOU GO? I go to the Park. WHAT DO YOU DO THERE? I play with my friend. Activity 2: Complete the activity with the information that you need. WHERE DO YOU GO? WHAT DO YOU DO THERE? I go to the church. I go to pray with my family on Sunday. I go to the____________. I need to buy a book. I go to the ___________. I am sick. I go to the ___________. I have to buy a new dress. I go to the ___________. I want to see a new movie. I go to the ___________. I want to see the new exposition. 3. PRODUCTION Activity: kids usually go with their parents to a special restaurant. They always eat delicious food there. HappyWhere do you go to eat with Friends 2° 59 your family?
  • 60. I go with my family to ____________________ Draw the place. What kind of food do you like? I prefer to eat __________________________ Draw the food. LESSON 18 Final Activity: At the end of the year, you can be able to practice the next dialogue by pairs (boy and girl). Make a cue card for each one student. Happy Friends 2° 60
  • 61. Dialogue. Student 1: Good morning, my name is _____________. Nice to meet you! Student 2: Hello, my name is _____________. Nice to meet you too. Student 1: I am in second grade, and you? Student 2: Me too. Student 1: I like to live here in the country, and you? Student 2: This place is beautiful, but I prefer to live in the city. Student 1: I like to paint rainbows and beautiful places. What do you do in the city? Student 2: I visit and draw amazing parks, shopping centers, big libraries, hospitals and restaurants. Student 1: That´s great. Can I see the pictures? Student 2: Yes, look at these. ! See you in third grade, dear friends¡ Happy Friends 2° 61