boldare product design software development holacracy digital products boldare team scrum webinar agile user experience customer experience ux design ux machine learning websockets vuca case study digital product designer product designers node js reactive programming functional programming javascript node.js communication design travel and tourism travel digital transformation agile software development process software digital web design and development web design ui design user interface ai artificial intelligence ml agile approach prisma capacity prisma roi monolithic apps application modernization app modernization modernization scaling distributing leadership leadership techmentoring mentoring development sales business biznes scrum teams scrum meetings spotkania marblejs bitwise messaging live coding socket api graphql apollo server apollo client apollo reactjs graphql zarzadzanie employer branding gliwice kultura organizacji holakracja praca company culture poland software house it spring integration spring boot rest java applets java http 1.1 http /2 http ajax hackathon software engineer prototyping prototypowanie prototype culture change organization implementation culture digital strategy warsztaty produktowe etapy warsztatów projektowych product discovery warsztaty product vision warsztaty projektowe product vision rxjs marble js typescript backend marble.js bookings big data omni-channel personalization leisure trends ui lean startup lean designers technology summary of 2018 business goals achievements 2018atboldare portfolio graphic design design thinking digital marketing web development renewable energy wind turbines forecast information technology solutions customer retention recommendation system content moderation face validation predictive maintenance automation neural networks deep learning
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