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Table of Contents:

About the author…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4


Chapter 1: I have a diagnosis, now what?………………………………………………………………………………....7

Chapter 2: Telling friends and family……………………………………………………………………………………….8

Chapter 3: Prebiotics and probiotics………………………………………………………………………………………..9

Bonus resource page…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….14

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About The Author

Dr John Peragine

        John received his Bachelor’s Degree from Appalachian State in 1994 in the area of psychology. He
worked for many years in the area of social work and mental health. In 1996, John was diagnosed with the
genetic disorder Hemochromatosis. He began researching all types of remedies both conventional and
alternative. This sparked his interest in alternative medical therapies, and in 1997 he enrolled in Clayton College
of Natural Health located in Birmingham Alabama. In 1998, he graduated with honors and opened the
Appalachian Center of Natural Health. He kept the clinic open and continued his studies.
        He completed his PhD in natural health and became a naturopathic doctor; his dissertation was on
alternative treatments for Hemochromatosis. He graduated with high honors. During his tenure at the
Appalachian Center of Natural Health, John treated thousands of people with his techniques of complementary
medicine in which he blended alternative and natural remedies with the patient's modern medicine regimens.
John's belief is not that natural remedies should replace modern medicine, rather it should be used in tandem to
heal the body, increase vitality, support the patient's immune system and the body's natural ability to heal itself.

        In 2002, John closed the clinic and turned his eye to more scholarly pursuits. He has written for Herb
Companion, Precognito, Winemaker Magazine and Skirt. He has published over a dozen books on a wide
variety of subjects related to his life and experiences. He continues to provide one on one consultations, while
pursuing further writing pursuits. John lives with his wife, two children, dog and two cats in the Winston Salem,
NC. John is also a classical trained musician and plays the flute and piccolo in a symphony orchestra.

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        This book is for sufferers of Celiac disease, sometimes referred to as gluten intolerance. Being
diagnosed with this disorder is both a blessing and a curse. The blessing is that you know why it is you have
been feeling bad for so many years. The curse is that you have to significantly change your lifestyle and eating
habits. There are some greater blessings not always seen right away. One of these is that you will feel better and
in general be healthier because you will be more conscious of your food intake and diet.
The good news about Celiac disease is that it is not a death sentence, you do not have to undergo treatments,
surgeries or have to take expensive prescriptions that can make you more sick than well. You just need to watch
what you eat and make some adjustments.
This book, is the book that a doctor should give all their patients that have been diagnosed with Celiac disease.
It helps explain what the gluten free style of living is all about and answer many of the questions that people
have early on. It is also a simple guide book that can be referred back to over time, as being gluten free is a
permanent lifestyle change. There is no cure for Celiac Disease, only maintenance.
This book was created to help answer those questions. Many hours of research and interviews from the top
nutritionists in the world have been done in the creation of this book. Sometimes it can be difficult to describe
to your friends and family what Celiac Disease is, and this book will give you suggestions of how to address
this. The authors of this book went even farther to provide you with ways to deal with eating out, natural
healing through herbs, and what supplements can help rebalance your body and keep it well nourished, and
finally some meditation techniques that will help you deal with the anxiety and stress that naturally
accompanies having to make a huge shift in your life.

                                    A Brief Overview of Celiac Disease
Gluten Intolerance is a term to refer to a set of symptoms that is often referred to as Celiac Disease, Celiac
Disorder, or just plain Celiac Disease. It’s nothing to be afraid of, and as you will see that the treatment is rather
simple. Gluten is a protein found in wheat gluten along with durum, semolina, spelt, rye, oats barley, and other
grain hybrids such as triticale and kamut, that we are concerned with. (Balch)

Celiac Disease is not a food allergy - it is an autoimmune disorder. Food allergies, including wheat allergy, are
conditions that people can sometimes grow out of. This is not the case with Celiac Disease. (Foundation, 2010).
When gluten is consumed by those with Celiac Disease it causes damage to the small bowel. This is because the
villi (tiny hair-like projections in the small intestine that absorb nutrients from food) are affected and eventually
over a lifespan destroyed. This reaction occurs because it is believed that the body is having an autoimmune
reaction to gluten. (Foundation, 2010) Essentially the body is attacking itself. This response causes the small
intestine to swell and because of this swelling the villi are damaged and destroyed. (Balch)

Celiac Disease can affect adults or children and can appear at any age. Celiac Disease can begin to manifest
when a child is introduced to cereal foods at the age of three or four months. The other thing that has been
found to trigger Celiac Disease is some sort of trauma. Here is a list of common types of trauma that can trigger:

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   Emotional stress
      Physical Trauma
      Pregnancy

Celiac Disease affects many different body systems and so a person may not have any gastrointestinal problems
but may have other problems such as a skin rash. Celiac Disease can mimic many other GI problems such as
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) or Crone’s Disease.

A diagnosis of Celiac Disease can be tricky and may take years and many doctors to convince you have the
disorder. Once a doctor suspects Celiac Disease they will go through a process that might include:
    1. Data Collection
    2. Physical examination
    3. Blood Tests
    4. An outpatient procedure called an Endoscopy.

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Chapter 1: I Have a Diagnosis Now What?
The first thing you need to do is identify gluten sources in your diet. You get help with determining what foods
have gluten and which do not through joining a support group. They can share the stories of their struggles,
trade gluten free recipes, give you lists of local restaurants that offer gluten free options and provide you with a
sense that you are not alone. Here is a list of some larger organizations that can help you find a support group
near you:
Canadian Celiac Association
The Celiac Sprue Association
The Gluten Intolerance Group of North America
La Fondation Quebecoise de la Maladie Coeliaque
The American Celiac Disease Alliance
The Celiac Disease Foundation
The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness

The best source for information about Celiac Disease is where you
will find support from others affected by Celiac Disease, you will also find nutritious and tasty recipes and be
able to ask questions to experts.

The key to being gluten free is to read the labels of the foods you eat. If it has wheat in any of the ingredients, it
is a fair bet that you should avoid eating it.

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Chapter 2: Telling Family and Friends
When a person finds out they have Celiac Disease it can be hard for them to deal with. One of the first things
they are faced with telling your family and friends. The truth is that some people will readily accept what you
are telling them, while others may not believe you have it while others may actually be angry and distraught.
All of these reactions are normal, and you can only do the best you can in explaining it and having people
accept it. It can definitely have an impact on your social support system.

                                                    Eating out
If you plan to eat out this may take some research and planning as well. There are many more restaurants that
are becoming gluten free. You can look on the Internet and see what your options are. There are even books that
are available such as The Essential Gluten-Free Restaurant Guide that can be helpful.

If you are planning a party at a restaurant you must plan ahead. "If the party is at a restaurant or hotel, call the
chef or food service manager for information about the menu," advises Shelley Case, dietitian and author of
Gluten-Free Diet: a Comprehensive Resource Guide. Ask if there is a gluten-free menu or whether you can
request a special meal.

                                                 Travelling Tips

Some of the same rules apply for travelling as going out to eat. You don’t have to be stressed out about what
you are going to eat if you plan ahead, and then when you are on your vacation you can just sit back and enjoy
it. Here is a list of travelling tips for people with Celiac disease that can make travelling much more enjoyable
and gluten free.

       1.   Call ahead.
       2.   Pack travel snacks.
       3.   Gluten Free Restaurant Chains.
       4.   Try to find a local support group.
       5.   Consider a place with a kitchen.
       6.   Look for ethnic places to dine.

                                         Nutritional Considerations
As mentioned earlier there is no cure for Celiac disease. There are however nutritional considerations that can
be addressed through supplements and nutrients. These are important to heal your body and to keep your
nutritional levels where they need to be for maximum health.

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The information in this chapter is aimed toward adults. Children that are ages twelve to seventeen need to
reduce the recommended doses by three quarters. If the child is between the ages of six and twelve they need to
reduce the recommended doses by half and if they are less than twelve years old they need to reduce the amount
by three quarters.
It should be noted that you should always consult your physician before taking any supplement as some could
interact with medications or treatment you are receiving or could aggravate other conditions you may have. It
should be noted that Celiac Disease causes difficulty in absorbing fat soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E
and K. That is why in the list below it is suggested that you take supplements. Be sure that you read the labels
on the supplement bottles as even these products can contain some amounts of gluten. Look for supplements
that say that they are wheat, yeast free and are hypoallergenic. Each of the supplements should be taken daily,
especially following your initial diagnosis as your body may be deficient in these vitamins and minerals. After
your initial symptoms subside such as skin rashes, stomach upset or other overt signs disappear you can choose
to stop taking the supplements. It is recommended that if you do choose to stop them that you do it one
supplement at a time.

       Supplement Name                  Recommended Amount                 Any extra Information
       Vitamin D3                       Follow the instructions on the This vitamin helps with the
                                        label.                             absorption of calcium.
       Vitamin C                        2,000-5,000 mg Daily               The dose should be split up over
                                                                           a day and you may want to buy a
                                                                           brand         that      includes
                                                                           bioflavonoids. These help boost
                                                                           the body’s natural immune
       Vitamin B12                      1,000-2,000 mcg daily
       Folic acid                       400-800 mcg                        This should be taken with B12
                                                                           and     injections   could    be
                                                                           necessary. It also comes in
                                                                           lozenge form.
       Vitamin E                        200 IU (International Units) Daily

       Vitamin A                        15,000 IU Daily                   If you are pregnant only take up
                                                                          to 10,000 IU
       Carotenoids                      10,000 IU Daily

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Vitamin K                         Follow the instructions on the
       Essential Fatty Acids             Follow the instructions on the    Flaxseed oil or primrose oil are
                                         label.                            good choices
       Free Form Amino Complex           Follow the instructions on the    These supply the protein needed
                                         label.                            by the body
       Zinc                              Lozenge form- 1 15 mg lozenge 5   Helps boost immunity
                                         times a day.

       Glutathione                   500 mg- 3 times a day          Helps repair intestinal tract
       Copper                        3 mg daily
       Magnesium                     750 mg daily
       Psyllium seed or flaxseeds or Follow the instructions on the Helps clean and heal the
       even Aerobic Bulk Cleanse     label.                         intestinal tract, be sure to drink a
                                                                    lot of water while taking this
                                                                    product as the seeds will expand
                                                                    and are not absorbed by the
                                                                    intestinal tract.

In addition to these supplements you can eat alfalfa which contains a high amount of Vitamin K. You can also
supplement your diet by taking olive leaf extract or goldenseal as this helps with any infections you may have
as a result of Celiac Disease. Be careful not to take goldenseal for more than a week at a time and do not use it
if you are pregnant. Include black strap molasses to your diet and it contains high amounts of iron and B
Be sure to add fresh vegetables to your diet. Here is a list of foods that you should eat at least once a week:

      Fresh, uncooked raw vegetables
      Lentils
      Beans
      Peas
      Rice bran
      Nuts
      Sunflower seeds (unsalted)
      Raisins
      Figs
      Strawberries
      Raspberries
      Blackberries

In some situations the person must remove dairy products from their diet. This is because people with Celiac
Disease may have a deficiency of lactase that breaks down lactose, a sugar found in milk. This can lead to
bloating, gas and discomfort. (Balch)

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Chapter 3: Prebiotics and Probiotics
A definition of Prebiotics is foods that do not get absorbed by the body and by as they pass through the colon
they encourage the growth of healthy bacteria. Probiotics are yeasts and bacteria that you ingest to help balance
the good bacteria in your digestive tract. Using Prebiotics and Probiotics are safe to use and help heal the
digestive tract. It should be noted that if a person is lactose intolerant they may need to take a lactase
supplement and ingesting certain Probiotics as they are often in dairy products such as yogurt.

Probiotics can help reduce the inflammation in the small intestine cause by Celiac Disease. As already
mentioned Probiotics can be found naturally in foods- specifically yogurt. Read the label to determine if the
yogurt has “live cultures” which means it contains beneficial bacteria.

Some of the common types of live cultures are:
    Lactobacilli acidophilus
    Lactobacillus rhamnosus
    Lactobacillus bulgaricus
    Lactobacillus salivarius
    Bifidobacteria

In addition to yogurt, you may also ingest these live cultures in supplements both in liquid and pill form. It is
recommended that you follow the instructions on whichever products you choose.

                                               Herbal Remedies
While herbs cannot heal Celiac Disease, they can help with the symptoms of malabsorption and malnutrition
caused by long term nutrient deficiencies.
Aloe Vera and peppermint can aid in digestion of foods.
Black pepper contains a chemical called piperine that helps the body digest and absorb nutrients.
Goldenseal (take in small doses in short week long periods and quit for a few weeks in between). This helps
increase the functionality of the liver, pancreas and colon.
Yellow Dock improves the function of the liver and the colon.
Irish Moss and rhubarb help heal the colon after the damage caused by the autoimmune response to gluten.
Many times a person that has been gluten in tolerant for many years is underweight. Here are some herbal
suggestions for gaining that weight back and stimulating an appetite
Alfalfa, blessed thistle, caraway, cayenne, celery, dill, fennel, and lady’s mantle are all great medicinal herbs to
stimulate the appetite.
Fenugreek is both a digestive aid and appetite stimulant. You can take this in capsule form with ginseng,
however if you have high blood pressure then the ginseng should be omitted.

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Astragalus is an herb that can help balance the immune system while stimulating the appetite and helping with
digestion and absorption.

                                            Positive Affirmations
There may be times that you feel that your life may be difficult and overwhelmed by Celiac Disease. Just know
this is perfectly normal. It will go away on its own eventually; however, the rest of this chapter can help you get
back on track to health and happiness much quicker with longer lasting results.

One of the easiest ways is to use positive affirmations. These are simple statements that can have a profound
effect on your mood and outlook. One of the things that people with Celiac Disease say is that they feel like
they will never be healthy and that they just want to be normal. Everyone has their own burden to carry through
life, yours just happens to be associated with cutting out gluten in your diet. So it is mostly about perspective, or
how you see yourself and your life that will affect your mood.

In addition, there is a definite connection between mind and body. If you feel good this keeps your body
healthy. This is because positive moods and emotions have a positive effect on your organ systems and your
immune system. Negative feelings can have the opposite effect can cause actual physical problems. Positive
affirmations can help turn that frown upside down. It only takes a few minutes a day.

The thing to remember about affirmations is that they are always written as a positive statement and they
usually begin with “I am”. The purpose of the “I am” is that it does not refer to something that you wish would
occur, or might occur. You are making a statement that it is “occurring” right now.

Here are some examples of positive affirmations that are related to Celiac Disease. You can use these or use
them to create your own. The statements must have an impact on you so that it transforms your mood instantly.

      I am happy and healthy.
      I am content with my gluten free life style.
      My body is healthy without gluten.
      Every day, in every way I am getting healthier.
      My skin is healthy and shining.
      My body is healing itself, and I am renewed.
      It is easy to live a gluten free lifestyle.
      It is easy to avoid gluten.
      I am happy and my body is energized.
      I feel alive and healthy. Every day I am renewed.

Once you have determined which statement to use, stick a copy on your bathroom mirror, your car, your
refrigerator or anywhere else you are sure to see it throughout your day. Make it a habit to say the affirmation at
least three times a day, or whenever you see it stuck somewhere. You will be amazed at the results and how it

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can life your mood. The more positive you are in your life, the greater health and fulfillment you will

Many of our moods and the way we think come from our unconscious mind. This is the mind that is constantly
working. It deals with memories, moods, thoughts, and behaviors. In order to achieve a significant change in
your mood and outlook on life, you must access the unconscious mind. The easiest way to do this is through
hypnosis. This is a process in which a person can bypass through the awake or conscious mind, the mind that
thinks, to the unconscious mind.
You can go to a licensed hypnotherapist to help you through the process of hypnosis or you can actually do self-
hypnosis at home with some phenomenal results. Dr. Jay Polmar, world renowned hypnotherapist has created a
hypnosis video and MP3 for those suffering from Celiac Disease.
This video and MP3 are available at
                              This booklet is just the beginning. It is recommended that you for additional information and resources concern Celiac Disease.

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Bonus Page: Resources

                                  The Diet Solution Program:

                                     Metabolic Cooking:

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Adams, S. (2010). Safe Gluten-Free Foods. Retrieved Sept 13, 2010, from

Advisor, A. (2010, Feb 17). Autism research paper- celiac disease, autism and developmental disorders.
Retrieved Sep 13, 2010, from Articles Base:

Balch, P. Prescription for Nutritional Healing. 2006: Avery.
Chicago, U. o. (n.d.). Types of Peripheral Neuropathy - Inflammatory. Retrieved September 12, 2010, from
Center of Peripheral Neuropathy:

Diagnosis of Celiac Disease . (2010, September 1). Retrieved September 13, 2010, from Celiac Sprue

Fasano, A. (2009). Surprises From Celiac Disease. Sceintific America , 54-61.

FDA. (2007, Jan 23). Topic-Specific Labeling Information. Retrieved Sept 2010, from FDA- US Food and Drug

Foundation, C. D. (2010, September 10). About Celiac Disease. Retrieved September 10, 2010, from Celiac
Disease Foundation:

Hubbard, R. (2005). Fertility and pregnancy-related events in women with celiac disease: A population-based
cohort study. j.gastro.

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Ian Blumer, S. C. (2010). Celiac Disease for Dummies. Ontario: John Wiley and Sons.

Lapid, N. (2009, Oct 5). Gluten Free Eating in Restaurants. Retrieved Sept 13, 2010, from

Li M, Y. L. (2009). A 2009 report on the International Transglutaminase Autoantibody Workshop for Celiac
Disease. Am J Gastroenterol , 154-63.

Niederhofer H, P. K. (2006). A Preliminary Investigation of ADHD Symptoms in person's with Celiac Disease.
Journal of Attention Disorders , 200-4.

Peter H.R. Green, M. a. (2007). Medical Progress Celiac Disease. T he new england journal of medicine , 1731-

Victorien M. Wolters, M., & Cisca Wijmenga, P. (2008). Genetic Background of Celiac Disease and Its Clinical
Implications. Am J Gastroenterol , 190-195.

Watson CJ, H. C. (2005). Interferon-gamma selectively increases epithelial permeability to. J Cell Sci , 5221-

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The gluten free lifestyle

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  • 3. Table of Contents: About the author…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...5 Chapter 1: I have a diagnosis, now what?………………………………………………………………………………....7 Chapter 2: Telling friends and family……………………………………………………………………………………….8 Chapter 3: Prebiotics and probiotics………………………………………………………………………………………..9 Bonus resource page…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….14 Unlock access to expert interviews, video and more!
  • 4. About The Author Dr John Peragine John received his Bachelor’s Degree from Appalachian State in 1994 in the area of psychology. He worked for many years in the area of social work and mental health. In 1996, John was diagnosed with the genetic disorder Hemochromatosis. He began researching all types of remedies both conventional and alternative. This sparked his interest in alternative medical therapies, and in 1997 he enrolled in Clayton College of Natural Health located in Birmingham Alabama. In 1998, he graduated with honors and opened the Appalachian Center of Natural Health. He kept the clinic open and continued his studies. He completed his PhD in natural health and became a naturopathic doctor; his dissertation was on alternative treatments for Hemochromatosis. He graduated with high honors. During his tenure at the Appalachian Center of Natural Health, John treated thousands of people with his techniques of complementary medicine in which he blended alternative and natural remedies with the patient's modern medicine regimens. John's belief is not that natural remedies should replace modern medicine, rather it should be used in tandem to heal the body, increase vitality, support the patient's immune system and the body's natural ability to heal itself. In 2002, John closed the clinic and turned his eye to more scholarly pursuits. He has written for Herb Companion, Precognito, Winemaker Magazine and Skirt. He has published over a dozen books on a wide variety of subjects related to his life and experiences. He continues to provide one on one consultations, while pursuing further writing pursuits. John lives with his wife, two children, dog and two cats in the Winston Salem, NC. John is also a classical trained musician and plays the flute and piccolo in a symphony orchestra. Unlock access to expert interviews, video and more!
  • 5. Introduction This book is for sufferers of Celiac disease, sometimes referred to as gluten intolerance. Being diagnosed with this disorder is both a blessing and a curse. The blessing is that you know why it is you have been feeling bad for so many years. The curse is that you have to significantly change your lifestyle and eating habits. There are some greater blessings not always seen right away. One of these is that you will feel better and in general be healthier because you will be more conscious of your food intake and diet. The good news about Celiac disease is that it is not a death sentence, you do not have to undergo treatments, surgeries or have to take expensive prescriptions that can make you more sick than well. You just need to watch what you eat and make some adjustments. This book, is the book that a doctor should give all their patients that have been diagnosed with Celiac disease. It helps explain what the gluten free style of living is all about and answer many of the questions that people have early on. It is also a simple guide book that can be referred back to over time, as being gluten free is a permanent lifestyle change. There is no cure for Celiac Disease, only maintenance. This book was created to help answer those questions. Many hours of research and interviews from the top nutritionists in the world have been done in the creation of this book. Sometimes it can be difficult to describe to your friends and family what Celiac Disease is, and this book will give you suggestions of how to address this. The authors of this book went even farther to provide you with ways to deal with eating out, natural healing through herbs, and what supplements can help rebalance your body and keep it well nourished, and finally some meditation techniques that will help you deal with the anxiety and stress that naturally accompanies having to make a huge shift in your life. A Brief Overview of Celiac Disease Gluten Intolerance is a term to refer to a set of symptoms that is often referred to as Celiac Disease, Celiac Disorder, or just plain Celiac Disease. It’s nothing to be afraid of, and as you will see that the treatment is rather simple. Gluten is a protein found in wheat gluten along with durum, semolina, spelt, rye, oats barley, and other grain hybrids such as triticale and kamut, that we are concerned with. (Balch) Celiac Disease is not a food allergy - it is an autoimmune disorder. Food allergies, including wheat allergy, are conditions that people can sometimes grow out of. This is not the case with Celiac Disease. (Foundation, 2010). When gluten is consumed by those with Celiac Disease it causes damage to the small bowel. This is because the villi (tiny hair-like projections in the small intestine that absorb nutrients from food) are affected and eventually over a lifespan destroyed. This reaction occurs because it is believed that the body is having an autoimmune reaction to gluten. (Foundation, 2010) Essentially the body is attacking itself. This response causes the small intestine to swell and because of this swelling the villi are damaged and destroyed. (Balch) Celiac Disease can affect adults or children and can appear at any age. Celiac Disease can begin to manifest when a child is introduced to cereal foods at the age of three or four months. The other thing that has been found to trigger Celiac Disease is some sort of trauma. Here is a list of common types of trauma that can trigger: Unlock access to expert interviews, video and more!
  • 6. Emotional stress  Physical Trauma  Pregnancy Celiac Disease affects many different body systems and so a person may not have any gastrointestinal problems but may have other problems such as a skin rash. Celiac Disease can mimic many other GI problems such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) or Crone’s Disease. A diagnosis of Celiac Disease can be tricky and may take years and many doctors to convince you have the disorder. Once a doctor suspects Celiac Disease they will go through a process that might include: 1. Data Collection 2. Physical examination 3. Blood Tests 4. An outpatient procedure called an Endoscopy. Unlock access to expert interviews, video and more!
  • 7. Chapter 1: I Have a Diagnosis Now What? The first thing you need to do is identify gluten sources in your diet. You get help with determining what foods have gluten and which do not through joining a support group. They can share the stories of their struggles, trade gluten free recipes, give you lists of local restaurants that offer gluten free options and provide you with a sense that you are not alone. Here is a list of some larger organizations that can help you find a support group near you: Canadian Celiac Association The Celiac Sprue Association The Gluten Intolerance Group of North America La Fondation Quebecoise de la Maladie Coeliaque The American Celiac Disease Alliance The Celiac Disease Foundation The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness 215-325-1306 The best source for information about Celiac Disease is where you will find support from others affected by Celiac Disease, you will also find nutritious and tasty recipes and be able to ask questions to experts. The key to being gluten free is to read the labels of the foods you eat. If it has wheat in any of the ingredients, it is a fair bet that you should avoid eating it. Unlock access to expert interviews, video and more!
  • 8. Chapter 2: Telling Family and Friends When a person finds out they have Celiac Disease it can be hard for them to deal with. One of the first things they are faced with telling your family and friends. The truth is that some people will readily accept what you are telling them, while others may not believe you have it while others may actually be angry and distraught. All of these reactions are normal, and you can only do the best you can in explaining it and having people accept it. It can definitely have an impact on your social support system. Eating out If you plan to eat out this may take some research and planning as well. There are many more restaurants that are becoming gluten free. You can look on the Internet and see what your options are. There are even books that are available such as The Essential Gluten-Free Restaurant Guide that can be helpful. If you are planning a party at a restaurant you must plan ahead. "If the party is at a restaurant or hotel, call the chef or food service manager for information about the menu," advises Shelley Case, dietitian and author of Gluten-Free Diet: a Comprehensive Resource Guide. Ask if there is a gluten-free menu or whether you can request a special meal. Travelling Tips Some of the same rules apply for travelling as going out to eat. You don’t have to be stressed out about what you are going to eat if you plan ahead, and then when you are on your vacation you can just sit back and enjoy it. Here is a list of travelling tips for people with Celiac disease that can make travelling much more enjoyable and gluten free. 1. Call ahead. 2. Pack travel snacks. 3. Gluten Free Restaurant Chains. 4. Try to find a local support group. 5. Consider a place with a kitchen. 6. Look for ethnic places to dine. Nutritional Considerations As mentioned earlier there is no cure for Celiac disease. There are however nutritional considerations that can be addressed through supplements and nutrients. These are important to heal your body and to keep your nutritional levels where they need to be for maximum health. Unlock access to expert interviews, video and more!
  • 9. The information in this chapter is aimed toward adults. Children that are ages twelve to seventeen need to reduce the recommended doses by three quarters. If the child is between the ages of six and twelve they need to reduce the recommended doses by half and if they are less than twelve years old they need to reduce the amount by three quarters. It should be noted that you should always consult your physician before taking any supplement as some could interact with medications or treatment you are receiving or could aggravate other conditions you may have. It should be noted that Celiac Disease causes difficulty in absorbing fat soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K. That is why in the list below it is suggested that you take supplements. Be sure that you read the labels on the supplement bottles as even these products can contain some amounts of gluten. Look for supplements that say that they are wheat, yeast free and are hypoallergenic. Each of the supplements should be taken daily, especially following your initial diagnosis as your body may be deficient in these vitamins and minerals. After your initial symptoms subside such as skin rashes, stomach upset or other overt signs disappear you can choose to stop taking the supplements. It is recommended that if you do choose to stop them that you do it one supplement at a time. Supplement Name Recommended Amount Any extra Information Vitamin D3 Follow the instructions on the This vitamin helps with the label. absorption of calcium. Vitamin C 2,000-5,000 mg Daily The dose should be split up over a day and you may want to buy a brand that includes bioflavonoids. These help boost the body’s natural immune function. Vitamin B12 1,000-2,000 mcg daily Folic acid 400-800 mcg This should be taken with B12 and injections could be necessary. It also comes in lozenge form. Vitamin E 200 IU (International Units) Daily Vitamin A 15,000 IU Daily If you are pregnant only take up to 10,000 IU Carotenoids 10,000 IU Daily Unlock access to expert interviews, video and more!
  • 10. Vitamin K Follow the instructions on the label. Essential Fatty Acids Follow the instructions on the Flaxseed oil or primrose oil are label. good choices Free Form Amino Complex Follow the instructions on the These supply the protein needed label. by the body Zinc Lozenge form- 1 15 mg lozenge 5 Helps boost immunity times a day. Glutathione 500 mg- 3 times a day Helps repair intestinal tract Copper 3 mg daily Magnesium 750 mg daily Psyllium seed or flaxseeds or Follow the instructions on the Helps clean and heal the even Aerobic Bulk Cleanse label. intestinal tract, be sure to drink a lot of water while taking this product as the seeds will expand and are not absorbed by the intestinal tract. In addition to these supplements you can eat alfalfa which contains a high amount of Vitamin K. You can also supplement your diet by taking olive leaf extract or goldenseal as this helps with any infections you may have as a result of Celiac Disease. Be careful not to take goldenseal for more than a week at a time and do not use it if you are pregnant. Include black strap molasses to your diet and it contains high amounts of iron and B vitamins. Be sure to add fresh vegetables to your diet. Here is a list of foods that you should eat at least once a week:  Fresh, uncooked raw vegetables  Lentils  Beans  Peas  Rice bran  Nuts  Sunflower seeds (unsalted)  Raisins  Figs  Strawberries  Raspberries  Blackberries In some situations the person must remove dairy products from their diet. This is because people with Celiac Disease may have a deficiency of lactase that breaks down lactose, a sugar found in milk. This can lead to bloating, gas and discomfort. (Balch) Unlock access to expert interviews, video and more!
  • 11. Chapter 3: Prebiotics and Probiotics A definition of Prebiotics is foods that do not get absorbed by the body and by as they pass through the colon they encourage the growth of healthy bacteria. Probiotics are yeasts and bacteria that you ingest to help balance the good bacteria in your digestive tract. Using Prebiotics and Probiotics are safe to use and help heal the digestive tract. It should be noted that if a person is lactose intolerant they may need to take a lactase supplement and ingesting certain Probiotics as they are often in dairy products such as yogurt. Probiotics can help reduce the inflammation in the small intestine cause by Celiac Disease. As already mentioned Probiotics can be found naturally in foods- specifically yogurt. Read the label to determine if the yogurt has “live cultures” which means it contains beneficial bacteria. Some of the common types of live cultures are:  Lactobacilli acidophilus  Lactobacillus rhamnosus  Lactobacillus bulgaricus  Lactobacillus salivarius  Bifidobacteria In addition to yogurt, you may also ingest these live cultures in supplements both in liquid and pill form. It is recommended that you follow the instructions on whichever products you choose. Herbal Remedies While herbs cannot heal Celiac Disease, they can help with the symptoms of malabsorption and malnutrition caused by long term nutrient deficiencies. Aloe Vera and peppermint can aid in digestion of foods. Black pepper contains a chemical called piperine that helps the body digest and absorb nutrients. Goldenseal (take in small doses in short week long periods and quit for a few weeks in between). This helps increase the functionality of the liver, pancreas and colon. Yellow Dock improves the function of the liver and the colon. Irish Moss and rhubarb help heal the colon after the damage caused by the autoimmune response to gluten. Many times a person that has been gluten in tolerant for many years is underweight. Here are some herbal suggestions for gaining that weight back and stimulating an appetite Alfalfa, blessed thistle, caraway, cayenne, celery, dill, fennel, and lady’s mantle are all great medicinal herbs to stimulate the appetite. Fenugreek is both a digestive aid and appetite stimulant. You can take this in capsule form with ginseng, however if you have high blood pressure then the ginseng should be omitted. Unlock access to expert interviews, video and more!
  • 12. Astragalus is an herb that can help balance the immune system while stimulating the appetite and helping with digestion and absorption. Positive Affirmations There may be times that you feel that your life may be difficult and overwhelmed by Celiac Disease. Just know this is perfectly normal. It will go away on its own eventually; however, the rest of this chapter can help you get back on track to health and happiness much quicker with longer lasting results. One of the easiest ways is to use positive affirmations. These are simple statements that can have a profound effect on your mood and outlook. One of the things that people with Celiac Disease say is that they feel like they will never be healthy and that they just want to be normal. Everyone has their own burden to carry through life, yours just happens to be associated with cutting out gluten in your diet. So it is mostly about perspective, or how you see yourself and your life that will affect your mood. In addition, there is a definite connection between mind and body. If you feel good this keeps your body healthy. This is because positive moods and emotions have a positive effect on your organ systems and your immune system. Negative feelings can have the opposite effect can cause actual physical problems. Positive affirmations can help turn that frown upside down. It only takes a few minutes a day. The thing to remember about affirmations is that they are always written as a positive statement and they usually begin with “I am”. The purpose of the “I am” is that it does not refer to something that you wish would occur, or might occur. You are making a statement that it is “occurring” right now. Here are some examples of positive affirmations that are related to Celiac Disease. You can use these or use them to create your own. The statements must have an impact on you so that it transforms your mood instantly.  I am happy and healthy.  I am content with my gluten free life style.  My body is healthy without gluten.  Every day, in every way I am getting healthier.  My skin is healthy and shining.  My body is healing itself, and I am renewed.  It is easy to live a gluten free lifestyle.  It is easy to avoid gluten.  I am happy and my body is energized.  I feel alive and healthy. Every day I am renewed. Once you have determined which statement to use, stick a copy on your bathroom mirror, your car, your refrigerator or anywhere else you are sure to see it throughout your day. Make it a habit to say the affirmation at least three times a day, or whenever you see it stuck somewhere. You will be amazed at the results and how it Unlock access to expert interviews, video and more!
  • 13. can life your mood. The more positive you are in your life, the greater health and fulfillment you will experience. Hypnosis Many of our moods and the way we think come from our unconscious mind. This is the mind that is constantly working. It deals with memories, moods, thoughts, and behaviors. In order to achieve a significant change in your mood and outlook on life, you must access the unconscious mind. The easiest way to do this is through hypnosis. This is a process in which a person can bypass through the awake or conscious mind, the mind that thinks, to the unconscious mind. You can go to a licensed hypnotherapist to help you through the process of hypnosis or you can actually do self- hypnosis at home with some phenomenal results. Dr. Jay Polmar, world renowned hypnotherapist has created a hypnosis video and MP3 for those suffering from Celiac Disease. This video and MP3 are available at This booklet is just the beginning. It is recommended that you for additional information and resources concern Celiac Disease. Unlock access to expert interviews, video and more!
  • 14. Bonus Page: Resources The Diet Solution Program: Metabolic Cooking: Unlock access to expert interviews, video and more!
  • 15. Bibliography Adams, S. (2010). Safe Gluten-Free Foods. Retrieved Sept 13, 2010, from Advisor, A. (2010, Feb 17). Autism research paper- celiac disease, autism and developmental disorders. Retrieved Sep 13, 2010, from Articles Base: celiac-disease-autism-amp-developmental-disorders-1870975.html Balch, P. Prescription for Nutritional Healing. 2006: Avery. Chicago, U. o. (n.d.). Types of Peripheral Neuropathy - Inflammatory. Retrieved September 12, 2010, from Center of Peripheral Neuropathy: Diagnosis of Celiac Disease . (2010, September 1). Retrieved September 13, 2010, from Celiac Sprue Association: Fasano, A. (2009). Surprises From Celiac Disease. Sceintific America , 54-61. FDA. (2007, Jan 23). Topic-Specific Labeling Information. Retrieved Sept 2010, from FDA- US Food and Drug Adminstration: SpecificLabelingInformation/default.htm#gluten Foundation, C. D. (2010, September 10). About Celiac Disease. Retrieved September 10, 2010, from Celiac Disease Foundation: Hubbard, R. (2005). Fertility and pregnancy-related events in women with celiac disease: A population-based cohort study. j.gastro. Unlock access to expert interviews, video and more!
  • 16. Ian Blumer, S. C. (2010). Celiac Disease for Dummies. Ontario: John Wiley and Sons. Lapid, N. (2009, Oct 5). Gluten Free Eating in Restaurants. Retrieved Sept 13, 2010, from Li M, Y. L. (2009). A 2009 report on the International Transglutaminase Autoantibody Workshop for Celiac Disease. Am J Gastroenterol , 154-63. Niederhofer H, P. K. (2006). A Preliminary Investigation of ADHD Symptoms in person's with Celiac Disease. Journal of Attention Disorders , 200-4. Peter H.R. Green, M. a. (2007). Medical Progress Celiac Disease. T he new england journal of medicine , 1731- 1755. Victorien M. Wolters, M., & Cisca Wijmenga, P. (2008). Genetic Background of Celiac Disease and Its Clinical Implications. Am J Gastroenterol , 190-195. Watson CJ, H. C. (2005). Interferon-gamma selectively increases epithelial permeability to. J Cell Sci , 5221- 30. Unlock access to expert interviews, video and more!