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                                  BY CLOUD
                                  THE ISV OPPORTUNITY
SOFTWARE-                         Clo ud c o mp uting is enab ling c o mp anies to d ramatic ally red uc e
AS-A-SERVICE                      their IT c ap ital ex p end iture b y o utso urc ing their IT infrastruc tures
The days of installing software   to c lo ud servic e p ro vid ers. T his has p ro mp ted several ind ustry
via CD-ROMs and paying
license fees for every copy of    lead ers to ag g ressively p ursue d evelo p ment o f c lo ud
a business application are        infrastruc ture p latfo rms. W hile these lead ers are b uild ing the
numbered, as a result of cloud
computing technology.             infrastruc ture layer o f the c lo ud , smaller b usinesses and start-up s

For developers and vendors of     are fo c using their energ ies in b uild ing ap p lic atio ns that run as
applications, the cloud
                                  servic es, c o mp atib le with and running o n to p o f the Clo ud
presents a new opportunity
and economic benefit — but it     p latfo rms b uilt b y the infrastruc ture p ro vid ers.
requires a transformation of
technology, process and
business model.
                                  W hile there are ec o no mic b enefits to c lo ud c o mp uting so lutio ns
                                  that are attrac tive to larg e o rg aniz atio ns, fac to rs suc h as d ata
This paper, by Praveen
Yalavarty and Debbrata Das        sec urity, reg ulato ry c o mp lianc e, servic e availab ility and vend o r
of CSC’s Trusted Cloud
Services, explores those          lo c k -in are mak ing the d ec isio n to mo ve enterp rise infrastruc ture
challenges and the rewards        and b usiness ap p lic atio ns to a vend o r-sp ec ific c lo ud .
for Independent Software
Vendors (ISVs) that take
advantage of the cloud.           T he ind ustry’s stand ard s o rg aniz atio ns are wo rk ing to ward
                                  estab lishing c o re stand ard s to ad d ress these fac to rs, b ut it mig ht
                                  tak e so me time fo r the d ust to settle. U ntil then, so me enterp rises
                                  will wait to mo ve to the c lo ud . But there remains o p p o rtunity
                                  to d ay.

                                  T he p ro mise o f c lo ud c o mp uting c an still b e leverag ed fo r lo w-
                                  risk ac tivities that usually tak e p lac e in a so ftware d evelo p ment
                                  life-c yc le, suc h as so ftware arc hitec ture p ro o f o f c o nc ep t,
                                  ap p lic atio n d evelo p ment, q uality assuranc e and training . Clo ud
                                  c o mp uting c an red uc e the c ap ital ex p end iture in so ftware
                                  d evelo p ment and , p erhap s mo st imp o rtantly fo r b usiness, c an
                                  d rastic ally red uc e the time-to -mark et. W hat fo llo ws is an
                                  ex p lo ratio n o f tho se o p p o rtunities.


A typ ic al enterp rise so ftware p ro g ram g o es thro ug h several
p hases in the so ftware d evelo p ment life-c yc le. M any p ro g rams
start o ut with an arc hitec tural p ro o f o f c o nc ep t to mitig ate the
risk o f feasib ility o f the p ro g ram itself.

A typ ic al p ro o f o f c o nc ep t ( P OC) mig ht aim at realiz ing the mo st
c o mp lex asp ec t o f the ap p lic atio n b y b uild ing the c o re
c o mp o nents p resc rib ed b y the arc hitec ture. A small team o f
d evelo p ers c o mes to g ether to b uild these c o re c o mp o nents.
U sually, p ro g ram manag ement p ro c ures the nec essary
infrastruc ture, so ftware p ac k ag es and the so ftware lic enses that
are req uired to b uild the p ro o f o f c o nc ep t. T hese are c ap ital
ex p enses inc urred whether o r no t the ap p lic atio n p ro jec t p ro ves
its feasib ility.

S o me P OCs are o ften req uired to p ro ve the sc alab ility o f the c o re
ap p lic atio n c o mp o nents b efo re the c o mp any will invest
sig nific ant amo unts o f mo ney o n the ac tual p ro jec t d evelo p ment.
T hese typ es o f P OCs req uire p erfo rmanc e testing the c o re
c o mp o nents b y simulating a larg e user lo ad . In these sc enario s, in
ad d itio n to the infrastruc ture, so ftware and lic ensing c o sts, the
p ro jec t manag ement team must also b ud g et fo r testing and lo ad
simulatio n so ftware to o ls, whic h are usually very ex p ensive and
o ften req uire hig hly p aid testing p erso nnel with sp ec ific sk ills to
sc rip t and ex ec ute the test sc enario s.

T o ad d to the mix , so me o f these so ftware to o ls have limitatio ns
o n the numb er o f virtual users that they c an simulate, p ushing
manag ement to tak e the risk o f mathematic ally ex trap o lating the
ac tual results fo r hig h user-lo ad s, instead o f ac tually testing with
the d esired lo ad . In so me c ases, the manag ement mig ht have to
hire a testing lab to c arry o ut the lo ad tests, whic h c an b e
ex tremely ex p ensive.

A typ ic al P OC c o uld last fo r as lo ng as 4 to 6 week s, and the
infrastruc ture and so ftware p ac k ag es mig ht either b e rep urp o sed
o r k ep t o n shelf, d ep end ing o n the P OC results, resulting in a lo w


return o n investment fo r the c ap ital ex p end iture, o r even a d ead -
end investment.

Currently availab le c lo ud c o mp uting so lutio ns ex ist to red uc e —
if no t eliminate, in so me c ases — the ex p enses and effic ienc y in
this stag e o f so ftware d evelo p ment.


D uring the d evelo p ment p hase o f the S D LC, mo st o f the
d evelo p ment ac tivities tak e p lac e o n the d evelo p er wo rk statio ns
with sup p o rted ID E s ( integ rated d evelo p ment enviro nments)
installed o n the wo rk statio n fo r any tec hno lo g y p latfo rm stac k ,
b e it J ava o r .N et o r any Op en S o urc e stac k .

A n integ rated enviro nment with all so ftware c o mp o nents is
req uired fo r ensuring all p ro jec t-related so ftware artifac ts wo rk
to g ether. P ro jec t manag ement has to p ro c ure the req uired
infrastruc ture, so ftware p ro d uc ts and lic enses fo r c reating the
tec hno lo g y p latfo rm stac k o n the d evelo p ment and test
enviro nments, in ad d itio n to the ac tual p ro d uc tio n enviro nment.

T hese enviro nments have b ec o me stand ard fo r any d evelo p ment
p ro jec t, b ut they mig ht o nly b e used to 20% to 30% o f c ap ac ity,
d ep end ing o n the siz e o f the d evelo p ment team.

T yp ic ally, p ro jec t teams have a sc hed uled b uild p ro c ess that
p ushes p ro jec t so ftware c o mp o nents into the d evelo p ment
enviro nment, where the d evelo p ment teams verify whether the
ind ivid ual c o mp o nents c an wo rk to g ether with o ther
c o mp o nents. T ho ug h this p ro c ess has to o c c ur reg ularly, it o nly
c o nstitutes 20% to 25% o f the effo rt p er week — leaving the
enviro nment id le fo r the rest o f 75% to 80% o f the time.

T his is simp ly a waste o f reso urc es that c an b e avo id ed with
c lo ud c o mp uting features suc h as p ro visio ning , p ay-as-yo u-g o
and multi-tenanc y.


W ith resp ec t to so ftware lic ensing , an id eal situatio n wo uld b e a
small p o o l o f so ftware lic enses o f a sp ec ific tec hno lo g y stac k
that c an b e shared b y multip le p ro jec t teams and released b ac k
to the lic ense p o o l after use. E ac h time reso urc es are rep urp o sed


in a c lo ud enviro nment, the lic enses sho uld b e released b ac k to
the lic ense p o o l fo r o ther teams to use.

Clo ud servic e p ro vid ers have to wo rk to ward imp lementing this
c o nc ep t to p ro mo te faster c lo ud ad o p tio n rate, as it will d rive
d o wn lic ensing c o sts. T he inc entive fo r the so ftware to o l
p ro vid ers wo uld b e hig h-vo lume sales to c lo ud p ro vid ers, versus
unit sales at the o rg aniz atio nal level.

CS C and o thers are wo rk ing to stand ard iz e a mo d el analo g o us to
D V D vid eo rentals: A p ro vid er ( N etflix , fo r ex amp le) o ffers
c usto mers a p ro d uc t thro ug h a mo nthly sub sc rip tio n servic e,
while D V D vid eo manufac turers b enefit fro m hig h-vo lume
p ro d uc t unit sales to the servic e p ro vid er.

T his is where o ld mo d el meets new mo d el. Lo o k fo r this to mature
as c lo ud c o mp uting ad o p tio n inc reases.


Quality assuranc e is a p lanned and systematic p ro c ess that
p ro vid es c o nfid enc e in a so ftware p ro d uc t's suitab ility fo r its
intend ed p urp o se. IT q uality assuranc e is a risk mitig atio n
strateg y ap p lied to red uc e und etec ted so ftware p ro b lems that
c o uld neg atively imp ac t end -user satisfac tio n.

Over several years, the c o mp lex ity o f q uality assuranc e p ro c esses
has inc reased with the inc reased c o mp lex ity o f so ftware
ap p lic atio ns. W eb -enab led so ftware ap p lic atio ns, esp ec ially,
stimulated sig nific ant imp ro vements in the q uality assuranc e
p ro c esses, as well as new typ es o f testing metho d o lo g ies.

S o ftware q uality assuranc e o n any ap p lic atio n is larg ely d ivid ed
into two majo r areas. T esting teams first c reate a test
enviro nment with the req uired so ftware and hard ware up o n whic h
the ap p lic atio n is b uilt. S ec o nd , the to o ls that auto mate several
asp ec ts o f testing ( inc lud ing func tio nal, reg ressio n, p erfo rmanc e
and lo ad testing ) are installed . Clo ud c o mp uting ad d resses b o th
o f these areas.


In to d ay's IT p rac tic es, b uild ing the d evelo p ment and test
enviro nments fo r a typ ic al d istrib uted web ap p lic atio n invo lves a


sig nific ant amo unt o f time and reso urc es. T his is d ue to
c o mp lex ity o f the n-tier web ap p lic atio n arc hitec tures that
req uire all tiers to b e b uilt sep arately and integ rated as an
enviro nment.

A typ ic al web ap p lic atio n wo uld req uire a d atab ase server, an
ap p lic atio n server and a web server, p lus any rep o rting so ftware,
messag ing so ftware fo r async hro no us p ro c essing and so o n. In
ad d itio n to setting up these infrastruc ture c o mp o nents, the
ap p lic atio n d ep lo yment and c o nfig uratio n also ad d c o mp lex ity
to the mix .

W ith IT b ud g ets shrink ing , p ro c uring p hysic al hard ware, sto rag e
and netwo rk d evic es may o ften b ec o me hard to justify.
A p p lic atio ns that req uire testing o n multip le p latfo rms, b ro wsers
and lang uag es have to c o mp ro mise o n test c o verag e, thus
inc reasing risk fo r IT manag ement.

A s a mitig atio n strateg y, so me IT manag ers p ush their teams to
rep urp o se ex isting infrastruc ture c o mp o nents to b uild and
reb uild test enviro nments fo r varying d ynamic s, in o rd er to
ac hieve ac c ep tab le test c o verag e and thereb y lo wer the risk . T his
req uires d evelo p ment teams to rep eated ly tear d o wn and b uild
enviro nments fo r vario us test sc enario s o n multip le p latfo rms,
c ausing p ro d uc tivity b o ttlenec k s and red uc ing the time sp ent o n
ac tual testing .

W ith the o b jec tive o f red uc ing time-to -mark et, IT d evelo p ment
p ro c esses are mo ving to ward ag ile metho d o lo g ies, c ausing
testing teams to ad o p t iterative d evelo p ment and testing . T his
limits the testing c yc les.

A no ther imp o rtant fac to r c o mp o und ing the p ro b lem is the
g ro wing trend to o utso urc e testing p ro c ess to o ffsho re teams,
c ausing test enviro nments to b e shared c o nsistently ac ro ss
g lo b al teams to fac ilitate c o llab o ratio n. T his setup inc reases the
time sp ent to rep ro d uc e a rep o rted b ug , as teams must
tho ro ug hly c o mmunic ate to rep ro d uc e the b ug .

T hese are yet mo re p ain p o ints that c lo ud c o mp uting so lutio ns
aim to red uc e o r eliminate thro ug h q uic k ly p ro visio ned ,
virtualiz ed reso urc es with c o sts that reflec t o nly what is used .



W hile IT manag ement has to hand le enviro nment c halleng es to
mitig ate the risk s o utlined ab o ve, at the same time, the
manag ement also has to lo o k fo r so lutio ns that auto mate vario us
testing asp ec ts. T his lo wers staffing c o sts fo r ex ec uting
rep eatab le test sc enario s.

T here are vario us so ftware testing to o ls that ac c o mp lish this, b ut
these testing to o ls are o ften to o ex p ensive to p ro c ure and
maintain. T here is no need fo r these testing to o ls thro ug ho ut the
year. A lso , o rg aniz atio ns need to emp lo y hig hly sk illed staff that
has in-d ep th k no wled g e o f these to o ls to sc rip t the test
sc enario s; this, to o , b ec o mes very ex p ensive.

Org aniz atio ns that d o no t have a need fo r these to o ls o n an
o ng o ing b asis are fo llo wing the trad itio nal ap p ro ac h o f
emp lo ying a lo w-c o st o ffsho re team fo r manually testing the
ap p lic atio n so ftware. T his may ap p ear to b e c heap er fo r mak ing
an ap p lic atio n p ro d uc tio n-read y. But as the ap p lic atio n g o es into
enhanc ement/maintenanc e mo d e, fo r every c hang e,
o rg aniz atio ns have to ag ain emp lo y testing staff that mig ht no t
have p rio r k no wled g e o f the ap p lic atio n. T his c auses the
o rg aniz atio n to sp end mo ney and time o n the learning c urve o f
the new staff.

Businesses are c halleng ed to k eep their web sites up and running ,
to b e reliab le and hig h-p erfo rmanc e. Reliab ility and p erfo rmanc e
have b ec o me k ey fac to rs fo r running a suc c essful b usiness o nline.
Businesses have to rely o n p erfo rmanc e-testing to o ls to ensure
their web sites d o no t leave any c usto mer unsatisfied .

A g ain, there are several vend o rs that p ro mo te p erfo rmanc e and
lo ad -testing to o ls, b ut these have limitatio ns o n the numb er o f
virtual users to whic h they c an sc ale up . T his is no t an issue fo r a
serio us, c lo ud -b ased o ffering .

Yet ano ther use c ase fo r a ad o p ting a c lo ud IT enviro nment is to
leverag e it fo r training and d emo p urp o ses. A c lo ud -b ased
d emo /training lab c an p ro vid e immense c o st effic ienc ies while
enab ling very rap id setup o f multip le training wo rk statio ns.


H ard ware virtualiz atio n and the ab ility to run multip le instanc es
o f o p erating systems and so ftware ap p lic atio ns have several
imp lic atio ns fo r d istrib uted systems.

Based o n the b usiness need , reso urc es c an b e p o o led and shared
d ynamic ally amo ng several ap p lic atio ns. Clo ud c o mp uting b ring s
the o p p o rtunity to effic iently utiliz e and manag e c o mp uting
reso urc es thro ug h elastic ity, to ex p and reso urc es o n-d emand and
release them when no t need ed . Clo ud c o mp uting also o ffers
p ro visio ning fo r setting up d ifferent enviro nments, to d evelo p
and test b usiness sc enario s in multip le o p erating system
p latfo rms o r multip le b ro wsers.

On the o ther hand , c lo ud -enab ling the d evelo p ment to o ls, ID E s
and auto mated testing to o ls red uc es the to tal c o st o f o wnership
fo r b usinesses and the p ay-as-yo u-g o mo d el mak es it affo rd ab le
fo r b usinesses to ensure the reliab ility and p erfo rmanc e asp ec ts
o f their web sites.

E ven small b usinesses c an leverag e these d evelo p ment and
testing to o ls o n an as-need ed b asis — whic h o therwise mig ht no t
have b een affo rd ab le. Clo ud -enab ling auto mated testing to o ls
also lo wer the limitatio n o f sc aling virtual user c ap ac ity fo r
p erfo rmanc e and lo ad -testing sc enario s.


S k ytap is a p ro vid er o f c lo ud -b ased virtual lab s that d eliver self-
servic e p ro visio ning o f c o mp lex IT enviro nments. S k ytap 's g o al
is to mak e serving up virtual mac hines o ver the Internet as
ub iq uito us as d elivering html to a b ro wser.

V irtual Lab A uto matio n is a so ftware so lutio n to auto mate
asp ec ts o f so ftware p ro d uc tio n. Currently these so lutio ns are
availab le as o n-p remise p ac k ag ed so ftware o r as an o n-d emand
c lo ud -b ased servic e. S k ytap o ffers several features as p art o f its
virtual lab auto matio n so lutio n. S o me o f the k ey features inc lud e:

1. Creating multi-mac hine c o nfig uratio ns b y c o mb ining d ifferent
mac hines using a web user interfac e, allo wing a who le IT system
to b e d efined and iso lated in a test enviro nment. W ith virtual


netwo rk ing , c o p ies o f the same enviro nment c an b e run in p arallel
to emulate a p ro d uc tio n enviro nment.

2. A c o nfig uratio n lib rary where the multi-mac hine c o nfig uratio ns
c an b e sto red and mad e availab le to d evelo p ment and test
teams, saving time o n enviro nment setup and c o nfig uratio n.

3. T he ab ility to susp end a c o mp lete state o f a multi-mac hine
c o nfig uratio n and tak e a snap sho t ( a c o p y at a p o int in time) .
T his is esp ec ially useful to ap p lic atio n d evelo p ment teams fo r
q uic k ly rep ro d uc ing a b ug , whic h c an save a lo t o f time.

4 . A web -b ased auto matio n A P I that enab les teams to
auto matic ally c reate test enviro nments as p art o f the b uild
p ro c ess and initiate auto mated test runs after d ep lo yment.

5. A mo nito ring mo d ule that enab les system health c hec k s,
inc lud ing CP U utiliz atio n, sto rag e, p erfo rmanc e and netwo rk
usag e.

6 . A sec urity feature with ro le-b ased autho riz atio n.

7. Remo te ac c ess and a virtual d ashb o ard fo r the lab
enviro nment.

8. A d ministratio n features inc lud ing user and q uo ta manag ement,
and p ro jec t c reatio n.

                                                        S o urc e: S k ytap , Inc .



S OA S T A Clo ud T est was b uilt to sup p o rt all c o mmo n web
ap p lic atio n testing typ es — lo ad , p erfo rmanc e, func tio nal and
U I/A jax , either insid e a firewall o r insid e a c lo ud . S OA S T A c laims
to g ive users an affo rd ab le, o n-d emand testing servic e in the
c lo ud .

In ad d itio n, S OA S T A ’s Clo ud T est A p p lianc e o ffers to c usto mers
no t resid ing in a c lo ud the ab ility to test insid e their firewall, an
affo rd ab le lo ad -testing ap p lianc e that enab les faster, mo re
flex ib le, and reliab le web testing fo r the entire testing team.

S OA S T A aims to ad d ress IT manag ement’s c halleng es as
d isc ussed ab o ve. S OA S T A ’s o n-d emand Clo ud T est c an b e
utiliz ed b y any siz e o rg aniz atio n and o n a p ay-as-yo u-test b asis.
T he ap p lianc e is affo rd ab le even fo r small- and med ium-siz ed
b usinesses.

G artner rec o g niz es S OA S T A as the first c o mp any to b ring testing
to the c lo ud . G artner also end o rses S OA S T A , stating :

•    “ S OA S T A ’s set o f tec hno lo g ies fits uniq uely in this emerg ing
     mark et sp ac e and rad ic ally alters the c o st o f testing .”

•    “ S OA S T A p ro vid es sup p o rt fo r testing web ap p lic atio ns
     utiliz ing ric h Internet ap p lic atio n and servic e-o riented
     arc hitec ture tec hno lo g ies.”

S OA S T A ’s Clo ud T est o ffers the fo llo wing k ey features:

1. U niq ue visual H T T P ( s) rec o rd ing c an c ap ture eac h H T T P ( S )
req uest sent to o r fro m the targ et.

2. P o werful messag e filtering b y U RL, d estinatio n IP ad d ress,
so urc e IP ad d ress, metho d , d uratio n and c o unt.

3. A llo ws testers to c reate a T est Clip fro m a H T T P ( S ) rec o rd ing .

4 . S up p o rts b ro wser rec o rd ing and W S D L rec o rd ing with many
fo rmats suc h as S OA P , RE S T , J S ON , H T T P , H T M L, XM L-RP C, etc .

5. S up p o rts visual test d esig n and ed iting where the tester c an
c o ntro l timing and seq uenc e o f events fo r a test.


6 . S up p o rts visual test assemb ly interfac e to c reate a c o mp lex
b usiness p ro c ess b y d rag g ing and d ro p p ing multip le test c lip s
that were c ap tured thro ug h d ifferent rec o rd ing s.

7. P ro visio n fo r setting up mo nito rs o n every reso urc e ( hard ware,
netwo rk , lo ad b alanc er, firewall, ap p server, web server, etc .)
used in the system infrastruc ture.

8. P ro vid es instant ac c ess to test results with the ab ility to d rill
d o wn to the d etails o f the test c ase.

9 . A lso p ro vid es integ rated analytic s ac ro ss the test thro ug h
vario us g rap hs and c harts.

U sing the S k ytap and S OA S T A mo d els d esc rib ed ab o ve,
enterp rises c an set up their p re-p ro d uc tio n enviro nment q uic k ly
and ec o no mic ally. T he d iag ram o n the fo llo wing p ag e sho ws a
hyp o thetic al sc enario wherein the d evelo p ment and test
enviro nments are set up entirely o n a c lo ud -b ased infrastruc ture
and are ac c essib le thro ug h the Internet. T his c o nc ep tual mo d el
d raws heavily o n the p ro d uc t o ffering s fro m S k ytap and
S OA S T A , and c o uld p o tentially b e integ rated fo r c usto mers b y

A s illustrated in the fig ure, a c lo ud infrastruc ture p ro vid es
virtualiz ed server reso urc es. A set o f virtual reso urc es c an b e
d esig nated as the D evelo p ment E nviro nment and manag ed via
the c lo ud infrastruc ture to o ls.

A n enterp rise c an d ep lo y its ap p ro ved d evelo p ment stac k
( c o nsisting o f Op erating S ystem, ap p d evelo p ment p latfo rm —
J 2E E , .N E T , Op en S o urc e, etc .) o n the d esig nated , virtualiz ed
D evelo p ment E nviro nment.

T rad itio nal d evelo p ment to o ls lik e ID E s, third -p arty so ftware o r
ap p lic atio n framewo rk s c an then b e easily installed . T his
D evelo p ment E nviro nment stac k c an then b e sto red as a V irtual
Imag e in the lib rary, thus mak ing it availab le o n-d emand fo r rap id
p ro visio ning and set-up .


S imilarly, a virtualiz ed T esting E nviro nment c an also b e set up ,
whic h will p ro vid e the runtime enviro nment fo r an ap p lic atio n. In
o ther wo rd s, unit-tested ap p lic atio n so urc e c o d e c an b e
d ep lo yed o nto the T esting E nviro nment as runtime c o mp o nents
o n the ap p ro p riate p latfo rm and o p erating system.

T he T esting E nviro nment c an also ho st vario us testing to o ls,
system mo nito ring to o ls and third -p arty p ro d uc ts. S uc h testing
virtual imag es c an also b e sto red in the V irtual Imag e Lib rary.

T esting to o ls c an b e easily reused ac ro ss multip le ap p lic atio ns,
witho ut having to b uild the virtual test b ed all o ver ag ain.
A d d itio nal server instanc es also c an b e easily p ro visio ned using
the c lo ud infrastruc ture manag ement to o ls.


                                A ric h and intuitive web -b ased U ser Interfac e enab les users to
                                interac t and wo rk with the d evelo p ment and testing to o ls set up
                                in the virtual enviro nment.

                                A lso as sho wn in the d iag ram, the virtualiz ed d evelo p ment and
                                test enviro nment c an c o mmunic ate with an ap p lic atio n o n an
                                ex ternal c lo ud ( e.g . A maz o n E C2, G o G rid , etc .) .

                                S p ec ial features fro m S k ytap also allo w d evelo p ers to c ap ture a
                                snap sho t o f the entire system at runtime to sup p o rt testing and
                                d eb ug g ing ac tivities.

                                ONWARD AND UPWARD
                                Clo ud c o mp uting o p ens new avenues and vistas fo r enterp rises to
                                setup and o p erate d evelo p ment and testing enviro nments q uic k ly
                                and ec o no mic ally. T ec hno lo g y fro m c o mp anies lik e S k ytap and
                                S OA S T A are sp earhead ing this p heno meno n and system
                                integ rato rs suc h as CS C c an p lay a p ivo tal ro le in enab ling and
                                c usto miz ing suc h tec hno lo g ies fo r yo ur o rg aniz atio n.

                                A s resp o nsib le vend o rs, it is p art o f o ur resp o nsib ility to ed uc ate
                                o ur c usto mers ab o ut the tang ib le and intang ib le b enefits o f
                                leverag ing and b enefitting fro m suc h tec hno lo g ic al
                                ad vanc ements witho ut c o mp ro mising o n sec urity o r reg ulato ry
                                c o nstraints.

                                P lainly p ut, c lo ud c o mp uting has leveled the so ftware
                                d evelo p ment p laying field . By remo ving and red uc ing the g o -to -
                                mark et b arriers, c lo ud c o mp uting has enab led even the smallest
                                d evelo p ers to c o mp ete alo ng sid e so ftware titans.

WHAT DO YOU THINK?              Can CS C help lift yo ur ap p lic atio n into the c lo ud s?
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Software By Cloud

  • 1. A MODEL TRANSFORMED SOFTWARE BY CLOUD THE ISV OPPORTUNITY SOFTWARE- Clo ud c o mp uting is enab ling c o mp anies to d ramatic ally red uc e AS-A-SERVICE their IT c ap ital ex p end iture b y o utso urc ing their IT infrastruc tures The days of installing software to c lo ud servic e p ro vid ers. T his has p ro mp ted several ind ustry via CD-ROMs and paying license fees for every copy of lead ers to ag g ressively p ursue d evelo p ment o f c lo ud a business application are infrastruc ture p latfo rms. W hile these lead ers are b uild ing the numbered, as a result of cloud computing technology. infrastruc ture layer o f the c lo ud , smaller b usinesses and start-up s For developers and vendors of are fo c using their energ ies in b uild ing ap p lic atio ns that run as applications, the cloud servic es, c o mp atib le with and running o n to p o f the Clo ud presents a new opportunity and economic benefit — but it p latfo rms b uilt b y the infrastruc ture p ro vid ers. requires a transformation of technology, process and business model. W hile there are ec o no mic b enefits to c lo ud c o mp uting so lutio ns that are attrac tive to larg e o rg aniz atio ns, fac to rs suc h as d ata This paper, by Praveen Yalavarty and Debbrata Das sec urity, reg ulato ry c o mp lianc e, servic e availab ility and vend o r of CSC’s Trusted Cloud Services, explores those lo c k -in are mak ing the d ec isio n to mo ve enterp rise infrastruc ture challenges and the rewards and b usiness ap p lic atio ns to a vend o r-sp ec ific c lo ud . for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) that take advantage of the cloud. T he ind ustry’s stand ard s o rg aniz atio ns are wo rk ing to ward estab lishing c o re stand ard s to ad d ress these fac to rs, b ut it mig ht tak e so me time fo r the d ust to settle. U ntil then, so me enterp rises will wait to mo ve to the c lo ud . But there remains o p p o rtunity to d ay. T he p ro mise o f c lo ud c o mp uting c an still b e leverag ed fo r lo w- risk ac tivities that usually tak e p lac e in a so ftware d evelo p ment life-c yc le, suc h as so ftware arc hitec ture p ro o f o f c o nc ep t, ap p lic atio n d evelo p ment, q uality assuranc e and training . Clo ud c o mp uting c an red uc e the c ap ital ex p end iture in so ftware d evelo p ment and , p erhap s mo st imp o rtantly fo r b usiness, c an d rastic ally red uc e the time-to -mark et. W hat fo llo ws is an ex p lo ratio n o f tho se o p p o rtunities.
  • 2. SAAS ENABLEMENT THE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFE-CYCLE PROOF OF CONCEPT ACTIVITIES A typ ic al enterp rise so ftware p ro g ram g o es thro ug h several p hases in the so ftware d evelo p ment life-c yc le. M any p ro g rams start o ut with an arc hitec tural p ro o f o f c o nc ep t to mitig ate the risk o f feasib ility o f the p ro g ram itself. A typ ic al p ro o f o f c o nc ep t ( P OC) mig ht aim at realiz ing the mo st c o mp lex asp ec t o f the ap p lic atio n b y b uild ing the c o re c o mp o nents p resc rib ed b y the arc hitec ture. A small team o f d evelo p ers c o mes to g ether to b uild these c o re c o mp o nents. U sually, p ro g ram manag ement p ro c ures the nec essary infrastruc ture, so ftware p ac k ag es and the so ftware lic enses that are req uired to b uild the p ro o f o f c o nc ep t. T hese are c ap ital ex p enses inc urred whether o r no t the ap p lic atio n p ro jec t p ro ves its feasib ility. S o me P OCs are o ften req uired to p ro ve the sc alab ility o f the c o re ap p lic atio n c o mp o nents b efo re the c o mp any will invest sig nific ant amo unts o f mo ney o n the ac tual p ro jec t d evelo p ment. T hese typ es o f P OCs req uire p erfo rmanc e testing the c o re c o mp o nents b y simulating a larg e user lo ad . In these sc enario s, in ad d itio n to the infrastruc ture, so ftware and lic ensing c o sts, the p ro jec t manag ement team must also b ud g et fo r testing and lo ad simulatio n so ftware to o ls, whic h are usually very ex p ensive and o ften req uire hig hly p aid testing p erso nnel with sp ec ific sk ills to sc rip t and ex ec ute the test sc enario s. T o ad d to the mix , so me o f these so ftware to o ls have limitatio ns o n the numb er o f virtual users that they c an simulate, p ushing manag ement to tak e the risk o f mathematic ally ex trap o lating the ac tual results fo r hig h user-lo ad s, instead o f ac tually testing with the d esired lo ad . In so me c ases, the manag ement mig ht have to hire a testing lab to c arry o ut the lo ad tests, whic h c an b e ex tremely ex p ensive. A typ ic al P OC c o uld last fo r as lo ng as 4 to 6 week s, and the infrastruc ture and so ftware p ac k ag es mig ht either b e rep urp o sed o r k ep t o n shelf, d ep end ing o n the P OC results, resulting in a lo w 2
  • 3. SAAS ENABLEMENT return o n investment fo r the c ap ital ex p end iture, o r even a d ead - end investment. Currently availab le c lo ud c o mp uting so lutio ns ex ist to red uc e — if no t eliminate, in so me c ases — the ex p enses and effic ienc y in this stag e o f so ftware d evelo p ment. ENVIRONMENT USAGE PATTERNS D uring the d evelo p ment p hase o f the S D LC, mo st o f the d evelo p ment ac tivities tak e p lac e o n the d evelo p er wo rk statio ns with sup p o rted ID E s ( integ rated d evelo p ment enviro nments) installed o n the wo rk statio n fo r any tec hno lo g y p latfo rm stac k , b e it J ava o r .N et o r any Op en S o urc e stac k . A n integ rated enviro nment with all so ftware c o mp o nents is req uired fo r ensuring all p ro jec t-related so ftware artifac ts wo rk to g ether. P ro jec t manag ement has to p ro c ure the req uired infrastruc ture, so ftware p ro d uc ts and lic enses fo r c reating the tec hno lo g y p latfo rm stac k o n the d evelo p ment and test enviro nments, in ad d itio n to the ac tual p ro d uc tio n enviro nment. T hese enviro nments have b ec o me stand ard fo r any d evelo p ment p ro jec t, b ut they mig ht o nly b e used to 20% to 30% o f c ap ac ity, d ep end ing o n the siz e o f the d evelo p ment team. T yp ic ally, p ro jec t teams have a sc hed uled b uild p ro c ess that p ushes p ro jec t so ftware c o mp o nents into the d evelo p ment enviro nment, where the d evelo p ment teams verify whether the ind ivid ual c o mp o nents c an wo rk to g ether with o ther c o mp o nents. T ho ug h this p ro c ess has to o c c ur reg ularly, it o nly c o nstitutes 20% to 25% o f the effo rt p er week — leaving the enviro nment id le fo r the rest o f 75% to 80% o f the time. T his is simp ly a waste o f reso urc es that c an b e avo id ed with c lo ud c o mp uting features suc h as p ro visio ning , p ay-as-yo u-g o and multi-tenanc y. SOFTWARE LICENSING W ith resp ec t to so ftware lic ensing , an id eal situatio n wo uld b e a small p o o l o f so ftware lic enses o f a sp ec ific tec hno lo g y stac k that c an b e shared b y multip le p ro jec t teams and released b ac k to the lic ense p o o l after use. E ac h time reso urc es are rep urp o sed 3
  • 4. SAAS ENABLEMENT in a c lo ud enviro nment, the lic enses sho uld b e released b ac k to the lic ense p o o l fo r o ther teams to use. Clo ud servic e p ro vid ers have to wo rk to ward imp lementing this c o nc ep t to p ro mo te faster c lo ud ad o p tio n rate, as it will d rive d o wn lic ensing c o sts. T he inc entive fo r the so ftware to o l p ro vid ers wo uld b e hig h-vo lume sales to c lo ud p ro vid ers, versus unit sales at the o rg aniz atio nal level. CS C and o thers are wo rk ing to stand ard iz e a mo d el analo g o us to D V D vid eo rentals: A p ro vid er ( N etflix , fo r ex amp le) o ffers c usto mers a p ro d uc t thro ug h a mo nthly sub sc rip tio n servic e, while D V D vid eo manufac turers b enefit fro m hig h-vo lume p ro d uc t unit sales to the servic e p ro vid er. T his is where o ld mo d el meets new mo d el. Lo o k fo r this to mature as c lo ud c o mp uting ad o p tio n inc reases. QUALITY ASSURANCE Quality assuranc e is a p lanned and systematic p ro c ess that p ro vid es c o nfid enc e in a so ftware p ro d uc t's suitab ility fo r its intend ed p urp o se. IT q uality assuranc e is a risk mitig atio n strateg y ap p lied to red uc e und etec ted so ftware p ro b lems that c o uld neg atively imp ac t end -user satisfac tio n. Over several years, the c o mp lex ity o f q uality assuranc e p ro c esses has inc reased with the inc reased c o mp lex ity o f so ftware ap p lic atio ns. W eb -enab led so ftware ap p lic atio ns, esp ec ially, stimulated sig nific ant imp ro vements in the q uality assuranc e p ro c esses, as well as new typ es o f testing metho d o lo g ies. S o ftware q uality assuranc e o n any ap p lic atio n is larg ely d ivid ed into two majo r areas. T esting teams first c reate a test enviro nment with the req uired so ftware and hard ware up o n whic h the ap p lic atio n is b uilt. S ec o nd , the to o ls that auto mate several asp ec ts o f testing ( inc lud ing func tio nal, reg ressio n, p erfo rmanc e and lo ad testing ) are installed . Clo ud c o mp uting ad d resses b o th o f these areas. ENVIRONMENT CHALLENGES In to d ay's IT p rac tic es, b uild ing the d evelo p ment and test enviro nments fo r a typ ic al d istrib uted web ap p lic atio n invo lves a 4
  • 5. SAAS ENABLEMENT sig nific ant amo unt o f time and reso urc es. T his is d ue to c o mp lex ity o f the n-tier web ap p lic atio n arc hitec tures that req uire all tiers to b e b uilt sep arately and integ rated as an enviro nment. A typ ic al web ap p lic atio n wo uld req uire a d atab ase server, an ap p lic atio n server and a web server, p lus any rep o rting so ftware, messag ing so ftware fo r async hro no us p ro c essing and so o n. In ad d itio n to setting up these infrastruc ture c o mp o nents, the ap p lic atio n d ep lo yment and c o nfig uratio n also ad d c o mp lex ity to the mix . W ith IT b ud g ets shrink ing , p ro c uring p hysic al hard ware, sto rag e and netwo rk d evic es may o ften b ec o me hard to justify. A p p lic atio ns that req uire testing o n multip le p latfo rms, b ro wsers and lang uag es have to c o mp ro mise o n test c o verag e, thus inc reasing risk fo r IT manag ement. A s a mitig atio n strateg y, so me IT manag ers p ush their teams to rep urp o se ex isting infrastruc ture c o mp o nents to b uild and reb uild test enviro nments fo r varying d ynamic s, in o rd er to ac hieve ac c ep tab le test c o verag e and thereb y lo wer the risk . T his req uires d evelo p ment teams to rep eated ly tear d o wn and b uild enviro nments fo r vario us test sc enario s o n multip le p latfo rms, c ausing p ro d uc tivity b o ttlenec k s and red uc ing the time sp ent o n ac tual testing . W ith the o b jec tive o f red uc ing time-to -mark et, IT d evelo p ment p ro c esses are mo ving to ward ag ile metho d o lo g ies, c ausing testing teams to ad o p t iterative d evelo p ment and testing . T his limits the testing c yc les. A no ther imp o rtant fac to r c o mp o und ing the p ro b lem is the g ro wing trend to o utso urc e testing p ro c ess to o ffsho re teams, c ausing test enviro nments to b e shared c o nsistently ac ro ss g lo b al teams to fac ilitate c o llab o ratio n. T his setup inc reases the time sp ent to rep ro d uc e a rep o rted b ug , as teams must tho ro ug hly c o mmunic ate to rep ro d uc e the b ug . T hese are yet mo re p ain p o ints that c lo ud c o mp uting so lutio ns aim to red uc e o r eliminate thro ug h q uic k ly p ro visio ned , virtualiz ed reso urc es with c o sts that reflec t o nly what is used . 5
  • 6. SAAS ENABLEMENT PRODUCT CHALLENGES W hile IT manag ement has to hand le enviro nment c halleng es to mitig ate the risk s o utlined ab o ve, at the same time, the manag ement also has to lo o k fo r so lutio ns that auto mate vario us testing asp ec ts. T his lo wers staffing c o sts fo r ex ec uting rep eatab le test sc enario s. T here are vario us so ftware testing to o ls that ac c o mp lish this, b ut these testing to o ls are o ften to o ex p ensive to p ro c ure and maintain. T here is no need fo r these testing to o ls thro ug ho ut the year. A lso , o rg aniz atio ns need to emp lo y hig hly sk illed staff that has in-d ep th k no wled g e o f these to o ls to sc rip t the test sc enario s; this, to o , b ec o mes very ex p ensive. Org aniz atio ns that d o no t have a need fo r these to o ls o n an o ng o ing b asis are fo llo wing the trad itio nal ap p ro ac h o f emp lo ying a lo w-c o st o ffsho re team fo r manually testing the ap p lic atio n so ftware. T his may ap p ear to b e c heap er fo r mak ing an ap p lic atio n p ro d uc tio n-read y. But as the ap p lic atio n g o es into enhanc ement/maintenanc e mo d e, fo r every c hang e, o rg aniz atio ns have to ag ain emp lo y testing staff that mig ht no t have p rio r k no wled g e o f the ap p lic atio n. T his c auses the o rg aniz atio n to sp end mo ney and time o n the learning c urve o f the new staff. Businesses are c halleng ed to k eep their web sites up and running , to b e reliab le and hig h-p erfo rmanc e. Reliab ility and p erfo rmanc e have b ec o me k ey fac to rs fo r running a suc c essful b usiness o nline. Businesses have to rely o n p erfo rmanc e-testing to o ls to ensure their web sites d o no t leave any c usto mer unsatisfied . A g ain, there are several vend o rs that p ro mo te p erfo rmanc e and lo ad -testing to o ls, b ut these have limitatio ns o n the numb er o f virtual users to whic h they c an sc ale up . T his is no t an issue fo r a serio us, c lo ud -b ased o ffering . Yet ano ther use c ase fo r a ad o p ting a c lo ud IT enviro nment is to leverag e it fo r training and d emo p urp o ses. A c lo ud -b ased d emo /training lab c an p ro vid e immense c o st effic ienc ies while enab ling very rap id setup o f multip le training wo rk statio ns. 6
  • 7. SAAS ENABLEMENT CLOUD-BASED PRE-PRODUCTION H ard ware virtualiz atio n and the ab ility to run multip le instanc es o f o p erating systems and so ftware ap p lic atio ns have several imp lic atio ns fo r d istrib uted systems. Based o n the b usiness need , reso urc es c an b e p o o led and shared d ynamic ally amo ng several ap p lic atio ns. Clo ud c o mp uting b ring s the o p p o rtunity to effic iently utiliz e and manag e c o mp uting reso urc es thro ug h elastic ity, to ex p and reso urc es o n-d emand and release them when no t need ed . Clo ud c o mp uting also o ffers p ro visio ning fo r setting up d ifferent enviro nments, to d evelo p and test b usiness sc enario s in multip le o p erating system p latfo rms o r multip le b ro wsers. On the o ther hand , c lo ud -enab ling the d evelo p ment to o ls, ID E s and auto mated testing to o ls red uc es the to tal c o st o f o wnership fo r b usinesses and the p ay-as-yo u-g o mo d el mak es it affo rd ab le fo r b usinesses to ensure the reliab ility and p erfo rmanc e asp ec ts o f their web sites. E ven small b usinesses c an leverag e these d evelo p ment and testing to o ls o n an as-need ed b asis — whic h o therwise mig ht no t have b een affo rd ab le. Clo ud -enab ling auto mated testing to o ls also lo wer the limitatio n o f sc aling virtual user c ap ac ity fo r p erfo rmanc e and lo ad -testing sc enario s. AN EXAMPLE: SKYTAP S k ytap is a p ro vid er o f c lo ud -b ased virtual lab s that d eliver self- servic e p ro visio ning o f c o mp lex IT enviro nments. S k ytap 's g o al is to mak e serving up virtual mac hines o ver the Internet as ub iq uito us as d elivering html to a b ro wser. V irtual Lab A uto matio n is a so ftware so lutio n to auto mate asp ec ts o f so ftware p ro d uc tio n. Currently these so lutio ns are availab le as o n-p remise p ac k ag ed so ftware o r as an o n-d emand c lo ud -b ased servic e. S k ytap o ffers several features as p art o f its virtual lab auto matio n so lutio n. S o me o f the k ey features inc lud e: 1. Creating multi-mac hine c o nfig uratio ns b y c o mb ining d ifferent mac hines using a web user interfac e, allo wing a who le IT system to b e d efined and iso lated in a test enviro nment. W ith virtual 7
  • 8. SAAS ENABLEMENT netwo rk ing , c o p ies o f the same enviro nment c an b e run in p arallel to emulate a p ro d uc tio n enviro nment. 2. A c o nfig uratio n lib rary where the multi-mac hine c o nfig uratio ns c an b e sto red and mad e availab le to d evelo p ment and test teams, saving time o n enviro nment setup and c o nfig uratio n. 3. T he ab ility to susp end a c o mp lete state o f a multi-mac hine c o nfig uratio n and tak e a snap sho t ( a c o p y at a p o int in time) . T his is esp ec ially useful to ap p lic atio n d evelo p ment teams fo r q uic k ly rep ro d uc ing a b ug , whic h c an save a lo t o f time. 4 . A web -b ased auto matio n A P I that enab les teams to auto matic ally c reate test enviro nments as p art o f the b uild p ro c ess and initiate auto mated test runs after d ep lo yment. 5. A mo nito ring mo d ule that enab les system health c hec k s, inc lud ing CP U utiliz atio n, sto rag e, p erfo rmanc e and netwo rk usag e. 6 . A sec urity feature with ro le-b ased autho riz atio n. 7. Remo te ac c ess and a virtual d ashb o ard fo r the lab enviro nment. 8. A d ministratio n features inc lud ing user and q uo ta manag ement, and p ro jec t c reatio n. S o urc e: S k ytap , Inc . 8
  • 9. SAAS ENABLEMENT AN EXAMPLE: SOASTA S OA S T A Clo ud T est was b uilt to sup p o rt all c o mmo n web ap p lic atio n testing typ es — lo ad , p erfo rmanc e, func tio nal and U I/A jax , either insid e a firewall o r insid e a c lo ud . S OA S T A c laims to g ive users an affo rd ab le, o n-d emand testing servic e in the c lo ud . In ad d itio n, S OA S T A ’s Clo ud T est A p p lianc e o ffers to c usto mers no t resid ing in a c lo ud the ab ility to test insid e their firewall, an affo rd ab le lo ad -testing ap p lianc e that enab les faster, mo re flex ib le, and reliab le web testing fo r the entire testing team. S OA S T A aims to ad d ress IT manag ement’s c halleng es as d isc ussed ab o ve. S OA S T A ’s o n-d emand Clo ud T est c an b e utiliz ed b y any siz e o rg aniz atio n and o n a p ay-as-yo u-test b asis. T he ap p lianc e is affo rd ab le even fo r small- and med ium-siz ed b usinesses. G artner rec o g niz es S OA S T A as the first c o mp any to b ring testing to the c lo ud . G artner also end o rses S OA S T A , stating : • “ S OA S T A ’s set o f tec hno lo g ies fits uniq uely in this emerg ing mark et sp ac e and rad ic ally alters the c o st o f testing .” • “ S OA S T A p ro vid es sup p o rt fo r testing web ap p lic atio ns utiliz ing ric h Internet ap p lic atio n and servic e-o riented arc hitec ture tec hno lo g ies.” S OA S T A ’s Clo ud T est o ffers the fo llo wing k ey features: 1. U niq ue visual H T T P ( s) rec o rd ing c an c ap ture eac h H T T P ( S ) req uest sent to o r fro m the targ et. 2. P o werful messag e filtering b y U RL, d estinatio n IP ad d ress, so urc e IP ad d ress, metho d , d uratio n and c o unt. 3. A llo ws testers to c reate a T est Clip fro m a H T T P ( S ) rec o rd ing . 4 . S up p o rts b ro wser rec o rd ing and W S D L rec o rd ing with many fo rmats suc h as S OA P , RE S T , J S ON , H T T P , H T M L, XM L-RP C, etc . 5. S up p o rts visual test d esig n and ed iting where the tester c an c o ntro l timing and seq uenc e o f events fo r a test. 9
  • 10. SAAS ENABLEMENT 6 . S up p o rts visual test assemb ly interfac e to c reate a c o mp lex b usiness p ro c ess b y d rag g ing and d ro p p ing multip le test c lip s that were c ap tured thro ug h d ifferent rec o rd ing s. 7. P ro visio n fo r setting up mo nito rs o n every reso urc e ( hard ware, netwo rk , lo ad b alanc er, firewall, ap p server, web server, etc .) used in the system infrastruc ture. 8. P ro vid es instant ac c ess to test results with the ab ility to d rill d o wn to the d etails o f the test c ase. 9 . A lso p ro vid es integ rated analytic s ac ro ss the test thro ug h vario us g rap hs and c harts. CREATING A MODEL OFFERING U sing the S k ytap and S OA S T A mo d els d esc rib ed ab o ve, enterp rises c an set up their p re-p ro d uc tio n enviro nment q uic k ly and ec o no mic ally. T he d iag ram o n the fo llo wing p ag e sho ws a hyp o thetic al sc enario wherein the d evelo p ment and test enviro nments are set up entirely o n a c lo ud -b ased infrastruc ture and are ac c essib le thro ug h the Internet. T his c o nc ep tual mo d el d raws heavily o n the p ro d uc t o ffering s fro m S k ytap and S OA S T A , and c o uld p o tentially b e integ rated fo r c usto mers b y CS C. A s illustrated in the fig ure, a c lo ud infrastruc ture p ro vid es virtualiz ed server reso urc es. A set o f virtual reso urc es c an b e d esig nated as the D evelo p ment E nviro nment and manag ed via the c lo ud infrastruc ture to o ls. A n enterp rise c an d ep lo y its ap p ro ved d evelo p ment stac k ( c o nsisting o f Op erating S ystem, ap p d evelo p ment p latfo rm — J 2E E , .N E T , Op en S o urc e, etc .) o n the d esig nated , virtualiz ed D evelo p ment E nviro nment. T rad itio nal d evelo p ment to o ls lik e ID E s, third -p arty so ftware o r ap p lic atio n framewo rk s c an then b e easily installed . T his D evelo p ment E nviro nment stac k c an then b e sto red as a V irtual Imag e in the lib rary, thus mak ing it availab le o n-d emand fo r rap id p ro visio ning and set-up . 10
  • 11. SAAS ENABLEMENT S imilarly, a virtualiz ed T esting E nviro nment c an also b e set up , whic h will p ro vid e the runtime enviro nment fo r an ap p lic atio n. In o ther wo rd s, unit-tested ap p lic atio n so urc e c o d e c an b e d ep lo yed o nto the T esting E nviro nment as runtime c o mp o nents o n the ap p ro p riate p latfo rm and o p erating system. T he T esting E nviro nment c an also ho st vario us testing to o ls, system mo nito ring to o ls and third -p arty p ro d uc ts. S uc h testing virtual imag es c an also b e sto red in the V irtual Imag e Lib rary. T esting to o ls c an b e easily reused ac ro ss multip le ap p lic atio ns, witho ut having to b uild the virtual test b ed all o ver ag ain. A d d itio nal server instanc es also c an b e easily p ro visio ned using the c lo ud infrastruc ture manag ement to o ls. 11
  • 12. SAAS ENABLEMENT A ric h and intuitive web -b ased U ser Interfac e enab les users to interac t and wo rk with the d evelo p ment and testing to o ls set up in the virtual enviro nment. A lso as sho wn in the d iag ram, the virtualiz ed d evelo p ment and test enviro nment c an c o mmunic ate with an ap p lic atio n o n an ex ternal c lo ud ( e.g . A maz o n E C2, G o G rid , etc .) . S p ec ial features fro m S k ytap also allo w d evelo p ers to c ap ture a snap sho t o f the entire system at runtime to sup p o rt testing and d eb ug g ing ac tivities. ONWARD AND UPWARD Clo ud c o mp uting o p ens new avenues and vistas fo r enterp rises to setup and o p erate d evelo p ment and testing enviro nments q uic k ly and ec o no mic ally. T ec hno lo g y fro m c o mp anies lik e S k ytap and S OA S T A are sp earhead ing this p heno meno n and system integ rato rs suc h as CS C c an p lay a p ivo tal ro le in enab ling and c usto miz ing suc h tec hno lo g ies fo r yo ur o rg aniz atio n. A s resp o nsib le vend o rs, it is p art o f o ur resp o nsib ility to ed uc ate o ur c usto mers ab o ut the tang ib le and intang ib le b enefits o f leverag ing and b enefitting fro m suc h tec hno lo g ic al ad vanc ements witho ut c o mp ro mising o n sec urity o r reg ulato ry c o nstraints. P lainly p ut, c lo ud c o mp uting has leveled the so ftware d evelo p ment p laying field . By remo ving and red uc ing the g o -to - mark et b arriers, c lo ud c o mp uting has enab led even the smallest d evelo p ers to c o mp ete alo ng sid e so ftware titans. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Can CS C help lift yo ur ap p lic atio n into the c lo ud s? Join the dialogue with CSC Trusted Cloud Services’ engineers, analysts and business leaders as cloud computing continues to evolve. Find our blog, more white papers, news, other resources and professionals at 12