information management canon business agility document management marketing customer experience cash flow management digital process digital forms business process visibility of cash flow information security personalisation compliance information visibility digital mailroom business operations paper-free office forms processing cañón document scanning publishers printers future of publishing publishing technology digital printing improve cash flow transformational outsourcing workflow management efficiency trans-promo digital storage mobile workers cost reduction it and operations it strategy supply chain automation operations and management automated business processes optimised operations business automation hr process operational optimisation mps document security managed print services document printing rugby world cup innovations sport innovation rwc world cup broadcast lens sport technology rugby cameras broadcast technology holiday printing travel remote workers storage productivity productive information cio chief information officer training finance processes finance cash flow mobile working multi-channel marketing multi-channel maketing outsourcing accounts payable control in payment process visibility of invoices optimisation of archiving security governance eu e-invoicing directive digitisation invoice generation process optimisation of transactional processes improving data management cross-selling engage process transformation leverage customer data attract new customers legacy print systems targeted marketing activity erp system integration improve relationships intelligent automation delivery note processing intelligent supply chain supply chain visibility supply chain agility integrated health patient outcomes patient journey risk administrative processes integrated care effective integration patient management patient data resource usage patient information industrialisation cross-sell customer retention data capture customer segmentation multi-channel workflow automation up-sell customer loyalty multiple channels digital archiving mail delivery customer expectations byod paperless processes multiple locations secure mail paperless office optimisation purchase-to-pay accounts receivable process visibility surveys customer forms marketing automation customer data direct marketing marketing forms customer feedback response forms reply forms
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