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How to Become Unstoppable! 
An Interview with and Glenn Livingston and "The Possibility Coaches" 
(This is a Transcript of a Free Full Length Audio Available for Download Below) 
Glenn Livingston's companies have sold over $20,000,000 in 
consulting and/or coaching services. Glenn has worked with 
over 1,000 coaching clients and directly supervised many 
coaches and psychotherapists, and his company's work and 
theories have appeared in dozens of major media like The New 
York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Sun Times, 
The NY Daily News, and many more! (He's also appeared on 
ABC & CBS radio, UPN TV, etc) 
Jon Satin MBA and Chris Pattay BBA are The Possibility 
Coaches™. They are master coaches with expertise in the areas 
of relationships, divorce and life challenges & transitions. Going 
beyond traditional coaching, Jon and Chris have guided 
hundreds of individuals and couples since 2002 to create 
healthier relationships and lives. Their teachings demonstrate to 
clients how to gain a new perspective toward relationships & life 
by learning a new way of thinking and feeling. Jon and Chris 
walk their talk when it comes to modeling healthy relationships 
and lifestyle. They have been in partnership both personally and 
professionally for 25 years. As spiritual teachers, they provide 
unique insight that gives clients the capacity to establish a 
healthy reconnection of mind, body and spirit. 
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Glenn: Hey, this is Glenn Livingston, and I'm here with the Possibility 
Coaches, Jon and Chris. How are you guys today? 
Chris: Doing great, Glenn. 
Jon: Great, Glenn. 
Glenn: And we could find you at, correct? 
Chris: That’s right. 
Jon: That’s right. 
Glenn: Excellent. I’ve actually worked with Jon and Chris before, where we've kind of developed 
part of this successful coach product together. I liked them so much I wanted to invite 
them back to come into the blog and be heard by a wider audience. 
One of the reasons that I liked them was that I thought that they had a unique knack for 
opening up people's minds to possibilities and hope in ways that they hadn’t felt before. 
And they kind of challenged me to come up with a topic for our conversation and I said, 
“Okay, how about how to become unstoppable?” 
I’ll give you just a little bit of background for this because it occurred to me while I was 
hiking. I'm a big hiker and most people always know that and, periodically, you come 
across an obstacle that it just seems impossible to cross. 
I'll give you an example. There is a hike that has a very high rushing river that kind of 
looks like it runs up to your knees in most places and I'm working very hard in hiking the 
48 4,000-foot mountains in New Hampshire. Don’t ask me why I'm doing this just 
because they’re there. 
There’s this one trail, I’ve got like pick three more left to do and there’s this one trail where 
you have to cross this river and I keep getting up to this one point, which is about five or 
six miles in, and I can’t cross the river. I try jumping on the rocks, I brought my poles, I 
have my waterproof boots and standing really tall. 
It looks to me like it’s treacherous and each time I get up to there I say, ”I can’t believe I 
did this again, but I'm gonna turn back.” And I started to think maybe I just can’t get 
across the river, maybe I just can’t do it. 
The other day, I'm at that same spot again because I'm a determined guy or a masochist, 
one of the two. I see these two kids get there and they just walked through the river in 
their boots, they don't bother trying to stay dry. They just walked through the river in their
boots and it wasn’t treacherous at all for them. If you know anything about that kind of 
river, if you can find a firm foot at the bottom, it's much, much safer than trying to stay dry 
and hop on top of the rocks that could be mossy or slipper or wet. 
Maybe it sounds corny, but my whole paradigm shifted and what seemed treacherous, 
seemed like it was impossible to cross, seemed like it was stopping me in my goal in life 
at this point, in that flash of an instinct, when I saw those kids go across the river in their 
boots and they didn’t care about getting wet, I thought, well, that’s the secret. Then it 
occurred to me that, as coaches, a lot of what we do is try to help clients see their 
problems in different ways to open up possibilities and help them think new thoughts. 
And I think that every coach has a different way of going about getting their clients to that 
point. But I thought, Jon and Chris, that maybe there were a couple of stories you could 
tell, or a little bit about the method to your madness, to help people get over the kinds of 
irrational stoppers that get in their way and make them feel that things really aren’t 
possible when they are. How’s that for a very long-winded introduction? 
Chris: That sounds great. 
Jon: It was great. Your story is a prime example of the power of belief and a shift in 
perception. That’s a great picture that you painted in my mind and for everyone. You just 
looked at the situation differently and you resolved it just by doing that. 
Glenn: That’s what I was trying to do is paint a picture. Could I ask you how long have you been 
doing this -- many years, right? 
Chris: Yeah. It's about 12 years now. 
Glenn: You had a lot of clients and you must have seen people -- who was it? Pogo that said, 
“I’ve met the enemy and he is me?“ 
Chris: Right. 
Glenn: You must have seen many people that stop themselves, yes? 
Chris: Yes. 
Jon: Yes. And most do. 
Glenn: Most people stop themselves in one way or another. 
Chris: Right. And there are several different ways over the years that Jon and I have found out 
that people stop themselves. We tend to call it sabotage so there's many different 
methods of choice that people use to sabotage themselves from moving forward. And 
that’s what we could talk about right now, Glenn, are some of the ways that people 
sabotage themselves from moving forward and how Jon and I diffuse that. 
Glenn: I would love to talk about that. Why don’t we do that?
Chris: Okay. 
Jon: One of the ways, and this was really familiar when we were starting out in our practice, 
was the way people stop themselves from moving forward, is they used the number one 
excuse, which was, “I don’t have the money for coaching.” 
Glenn: Oh, I’ve heard that before. And then you say, “Well, that’s the first thing we’ll have to 
work on.” 
Jon: Right, exactly. Right. You know and that -- and it's sort of like, that -- Chris and I, we 
used to call that the kneejerk reaction. I don’t have the money. I don’t have the money. I 
don’t have the money. I don’t have -- that was the pat answer that people would give to 
prevent them from living a magnificent life. Put money in front of them as a preventive to 
moving forward. 
Chris: Yeah. One of the ways that Jon and I would work with somebody with that is if they said 
they didn’t have the money, what we would ask them is a series of questions. One of the 
questions would be is, “if money were not an issue? Well, let’s just set money aside, are 
there any other concerns that you have about getting started with coaching?” And then 
we would address all of their questions as they came up. 
And many times we’ve found out, it really had nothing to do with the money. It really had 
to do with some kind of fear, usually fear of what might come up and come out during the 
coaching sessions, or fear of being held accountable, fear of success, fear of failure and 
so on. So as we address 
all their concerns, it became apparent to them that money was really not the issue. 
If it was, we would also ask a deeper further question, “Is it really the money, or is it that 
you don’t want to invest in yourself?” Because if you went out to your car in the morning 
and you had two flat tires, would you leave the car there? Well, no, they would find a way 
to come up with the money for the two new tires. It's the same thing with coaching. Are 
you willing to come up with a way to invest in yourself so that you can move forward? 
It's also enlightening people that it's not very selfish. Coaching is not selfish. It's really 
something that you’re doing so that at the end of the day, that the best investment you 
can make is in yourself and the best gift you can give to the people around you is an 
emotionally healthy you. So that’s the best thing you cannot only do for yourself, but for 
the people around you. We would just address those type of issues with them if they had 
a money concern. 
Glenn: I love what you’re saying on several accounts because this is hard for a lot of new 
coaches to get. It’s not like people have money burning a hole in their pockets. 
When I first got into this, I thought people would come to me and say, “You know, I’ve got 
four or five extra thousand dollars this year. I'm interested in doing some self-reflection 
and soul searching and having some accountability and working on some goals. I 
perceive you as the ultimate expert and I would like to give that to you so you could help 
me achieve these goals.” And that just doesn’t happen. It just doesn’t happen.
Jon: When people are facing challenges, let's face it, it's easier to go out and go shopping and 
a lot less painful perhaps sometimes. 
Chris: Or to come up with excuses. 
Jon: Or to come up with excuses than sit down with someone and open your heart to them. 
Glenn: Yeah. Or to have a cigarette or a beer. 
Chris: Right, exactly. 
Jon: Right. 
Glenn: Get involved in a bad relationship or all the ways that people love to screw up their lives. 
People are very prone to do that. 
One of the ways, by the way, when people were frightened of working with me because of 
the money, let’s say that they've talked to me about that on the phone before they came 
to see me. First of all, I’d say, “Well, don’t worry. You can come for a session and talk it 
over and if, for some reason, we can't work that out, I know a lot of other coaches." In the 
early days, it was my therapy practice and I'd said, “I know a lot of other doctors and 
people that work with different insurance and everything like that. 
The money conversation isn’t really a conversation that’s easy to have before you’ve 
establish the value – tell me if you guys feel differently. But the client needs to kind of 
come in, engaged in the process first before they can see that it's going to be a valuable 
process and I think a lot of coaches make the mistake of trying to hold too fast to the 
finances too early on. 
Then the other thing I would say sometimes in the early days was, “Well, what would you 
like to pay then? Tell me what you’d like to pay." And I would find that if I had that 
conversation after I’ve established value, people are more or less aware of what the fees 
are. If they feel like you're giving to them a reasonably well person and, in coaching, 
we're talking about working with reasonably well people, they’re gonna wanna give back 
to you. They're not gonna wanna take advantage of you. If they happen to say, “Well, I’d 
like to pay five dollars a session,” you say, “Well, okay, I could do that for three sessions.” 
Something like that. 
I never had that happen, but I’d supervised people who have that happen. I never really 
had that happen. So those are some interesting ways to overcome financial resistances. 
Is there a particular story you wanted to tell with that, or did you wanna go ahead for the 
next way? 
Jon: I would just say, Glenn, and you made such a valid point, is people tend to be more 
concerned with cost than value, and it's really important as a coach to show them that the 
value that you’re providing and going to be giving to them. 
If you go right to our website, you offer everyone who comes to our website a no-cost, no-obligation 
30-minute coaching session by phone or Skype. This is our icebreaker and this 
really works because once someone comes onto the phone with me and Chris, or 
connects through Skype and they see the value that they can receive in 30 minutes, 
they’re usually on board with us. 
Glenn: Yeah. I totally agree. 
Chris: One of the other stoppers that we commonly come across is from people who say that 
they’re either too old to change or you can't teach an old dog new tricks or something like 
that, or just feel that at whatever age they might be in. We’ve heard this from people in 
their 30s and we’ve heard this from people in their 60s that they feel they can't change. 
That's something else that Jon and I find to be a common theme among a lot of people 
and we always explain to people that they can change, you can change at any point in 
time in your life. Glenn, you and I, and Jon had talked about this before. As long as 
there’s some bit of willingness on their part to change, they can do it. 
We also give some examples of people who had successes later on in their life. One 
example is Louise Hay, who is the owner of Hay House Publishing House. She publishes 
all the self-help books and she didn’t start that publishing empire until she was in her 50s. 
So it’s never too late to change, it's never too late to grow. It just takes a little bit of 
Glenn: I wanna tell you a quick story and then I wanna give you a perspective on "I'm too old to 
change," what that can actually mean. 
My grandfather was an orphan, had a very difficult life, some things I probably shouldn’t 
disclose publicly. By the time I was born, he had kind of repented and he was a new man 
and he was, I think, 54 when I was born, something like that. I only knew the Grandpa 
Mike to be admired. He kind of got his finances together and when he was 71, he 
decided he wanted to go to college. So he went and got a GED and he got into college 
and he graduated college and I believe that he was just about to earn his Master’s, when 
he died, in Sociology. Those were the happiest years of his life. 
Sometimes I look back on that and I think what if at 54-years-old, what if he said, "I’m too 
old to change? It’s too late for me. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?" What would 
the rest of his life have been like and what about all the people that he touched? You can 
kind of picture this, he's a very affable joker old man. This old bald guy. He used to take 
his teeth out at dinner, it was really funny. 
But what about all the people that he touched in the college and the connections that he 
made and how much happier his wife was? And what about me? What about the fact 
that he was developing a life and then he could be a grandfather? I had a much better life 
because he was willing to 
do that. And the alternative would have been for him to say that "I’m too old." And so the 
question I ask people sometimes when they say that, I say “Well, so what’s the plan then? 
Let’s play out your future if you change, let's play out your future if you don’t change. 
What’s the plan, what do you see?"
I think that you touched on the other piece of it when you said, “Well, there has to be a 
willingness to change” and I think sometimes when people say or tell themselves that 
they are too old to change, I think that what they're really saying is they don’t want to. It’s 
not comfortable. They are too happy with their routines. There is some secondary game 
that’s reinforcing whatever problems they are having. Whatever they're upset about, it 
will be more upsetting for them to change so I think that’s something we have to all keep 
in mind. I like this conversation so far. What’s the next way? 
Chris: Kind of segues into what you just touched on, too, is the other question we find that 
comes up a lot is that it’s too hard to change. Again, it has to take that willingness, but 
also people are invested in their life. They're invested in their stories, they’re invested in 
their self image and change shakes up that whole formula. Sometimes people are afraid 
to change because they don’t wanna lose their identity and their identity is this whole 
concoction of what they've made up about themselves throughout their whole lifetime. 
Jon and I many times we teach people how to create a new story about themselves. 
Rather than living in the story of the past, or living in the story of being a victim, or 
whatever the case might be, we assist people to move forward by creating a new story for 
Glenn: For example? Could you possibly give me an example? 
Jon: Recently, we had someone who was having a great amount of difficulty in her relationship 
with her ex-husband, and, prior to coaching, she felt so stuck and she felt like a victim of 
her ex-husband and he was really bullying her. During and after the coaching process, 
she said that she realized that before coaching she was like this cork. I mean imagine a 
cork from a wine bottle and you threw it into the ocean and it's bounced around in the 
waves of the ocean of life. She said after coaching she realized that she was living in a 
self-imposed prison and, most significantly, she realized that she had the key in her hand 
the whole time. 
Chris: That’s what coaching did for her. So what we did was we sat down with her and she 
wrote an actual story, one-page piece of paper, on how she wants her life to be as a 
single mom, in her career, in her relationship with her ex-husband, her relationship with 
her son and how she wants each of those areas of her life to be. She inserts that in a 
clear plastic sleeve, takes that 
with her throughout the day, reads that throughout the day so she's starting to create a 
new identity for herself. 
Glenn: And sometimes the process of just articulating those goals makes you realize there are 
doors you can open that you weren’t aware that you can open. 
I think that language is the food of the intellect and the intellect is what allows us to make 
healthier decisions about the emotional turmoil we tend to find ourselves in. When we 
articulate the full extent of our goals, we can look at that from our adult self. We can be 
reasonable and look at what’s actually possible, as opposed to when it just kind of festers 
inside of you, you feel like something is holding you back. But really the truth is
something what is holding you back in the past which doesn’t have to hold your adult self 
You don’t have to understand that whole explanation but what you do wanna have to 
understand is get yourself and your client to articulate their goals in full. They will 
naturally want to gloss over things. It’s your job to ask them texturing questions that help 
them dimensionalise the who, what when, where, why part of every goal that they have. 
And that process, in and out of itself, makes them more unstoppable than they were 
before they came to see you. Would you agree? 
Chris: Yes, totally. I totally agree on that. It’s important as coaches that we assist people to 
have a different perspective on either a situation in their life by taking them around the 
backdoor and looking at the situation totally different in a different way than they have 
looked at it before. 
Jon: One of the things, Glenn, that we do which may or may not be unique, but I feel it’s been 
a very powerful component of our coaching practice, is we teach people how to get out of 
their head and into their heart and stop listening to the analysis of the mind, which can 
lead them on some really good paths. 
However, one of the things that Chris and I firmly believe is that your heart never lies and 
if we assist people to move into their heart, they seem to get really clear results in their 
life, clear positive results. 
Chris: But I would like to add there is a difference between a healthy heart and a dysfunctional 
Glenn: How can you tell? 
Chris: The way we explain it to our clients is that the one that makes you feel good about a 
decision that you are making, that you feel very clear, very focused and you feel good 
about what you're doing is the healthy heart. 
The dysfunctional heart is the one where the fear and the worry and the fretting comes 
from and the anxiety. 
Glenn: I see. That’s interesting. 
Chris: Yeah, and I could use an example. One of our other clients that she said to us, “Well, it’s 
my heart that always gets me into a mess. It’s my heart that makes me stay in a 
relationship, hoping that he’ll change if I just loved him more.” That’s not really your 
heart. Your heart says the relationship is not healthy. Your heart says it’s time to move 
on. It’s the dysfunctional heart that says, “Well, maybe he’ll change maybe if I stick it out 
another week. Maybe if I let him hit me only two more times, he’ll change.” That’s not 
really the heart. That’s what we call the dysfunctional heart. The authentic heart, the 
fully-centered heart is the one that really does know the answers. It’s also your intuition, 
your gut.
Glenn: Yeah, I think what you're describing is the gut feeling, which you’re capable of holding. I 
find that when people are in destructive mode, they're very impulsive. They will say they 
have this feeling and they must act on it right away. When people are driven by 
inspiration and creativity and when that happens, you can talk to them about it for a little 
while before they have to act, and they can talk to themselves about it for a little while 
before they have to act. That seems to be the difference between constructive feelings 
and destructive feelings, or the good heart and the evil heart in your paradigm. 
Jon: With inspiration, there is a sense of urgency, but it’s laced with really peace and a 
knowing that you’re on the right track, it's a very different feeling than a destructive… 
Chris: Chaotic action. 
Jon: Chaotic action that most people live by. 
Glenn: Hey, Jon, you said something as you were introducing this topic, which I thought could be 
perceived as a stopper, you said “This might not be unique.” I wondered, do you think 
that people stop themselves because they think they have to be unique? 
Jon: Yes, they do. They already are unique. You already are unique. The three of us talking 
we're each unique in our own way and that’s the beauty of being human. I wouldn’t let it 
be a stopper. My suggestion and I suggest this to clients is run with that uniqueness. 
That’s what makes us different. That’s would makes us special and unique is what 
makes the world so incredible. We're creators. We're naturally-born creators and that’s 
what we’re here for. We are here to expand and to grow and to share and to create and 
to promote our talents and gifts. 
Chris: I also believe, too, that each one of us was brought here to the planet with each of our 
own unique gifts that only we possess and sometimes those gifts come so natural to us 
that we don’t think there is anything special about it. So it’s so important that to take a 
look at what your uniqueness is, what you do differently or how you say things differently 
than other people because that’s a clue to where your gifts lie. 
Glenn: Is there any other set of questions, or how would you suggest that people do that? 
Chris: One way, and ties in with finding your purpose and passion in life that Jon and I talk a lot 
about, one simple way to explore that is first give yourself permission to explore your 
purpose, your passion, to find your meaning in life, allow yourself to explore. 
One way you can explore and it’s so simple, is just to go into a bookstore, either a local 
bookstore or a large bookstore like Barnes & Noble, and just be mindful of what section 
you’re immediately drawn to. It could be sports, it could be gardening, cooking, personal 
growth, whatever, but there is a clue there because on a gut level or on a heart level, 
what you’re immediately drawn to that's usually an indicator of where your passion lies. 
Glenn: You know, I love that. I love that because when I walk into a Barnes & Noble, it’s almost 
like there is a magnet that sucks me into a particular section. I love that. I bet that a lot of 
people are gonna identify with that. I’m not gonna tell you what section that is or I might 
get arrested. 
Jon: Guess which section Chris and I are drawn to? 
Chris: Right. Personal growth, right? 
Glenn: Yeah. 
Jon: There are others also. That’s number one. 
Glenn: I think the particular way that coaches get stuck, where they stop themselves thinking that 
they need to be unique, is they may have been coached and had a phenomenal 
experience having been coached and that’s why they want to be a coach and they think 
they need to be like their coach. 
I’ve had a number of coaching clients that have said to me, “I would love to be a coach, 
but I could never give my clients what you give your clients. I could never do that.” I 
would say “Well, I hope not. I hope that you give them what you give them.” I don’t 
wanna make an army of duplicates. I have other evil fantasies, but I don’t wanna make 
an army of duplicates. I don’t. I wannabe in this world to help people prosper their own 
gifts like we're talking about, so cool. 
Okay, have you thought of some other ways that people stop themselves? 
Jon: It’s too much work. One way and we touched on that already. One of the other things 
that we always like to point out to people is, well, the truth is, it takes a lot of work to be 
negative and to be suffering emotionally. 
Chris: And to stay stuck. 
Jon: And to stay stuck, right. 
Glenn: That’s interesting. 
Jon: It’s a lot less work to be happy and to thrive and to enjoy your life. 
Chris: I heard this once before that it takes more face muscles to frown than it does to smile. 
Glenn: Yes, that’s true. Say a little bit more about the work involved in staying stuck and 
Jon: It takes a 24/7 commitment. I look back at my own personal history, Glenn, you know, the 
first 40 years of my life and I was a poster child for negativity. From the moment I open 
my eyes, it required me to search and find negative situations that were gonna put me in 
a position of being victimized, which would at the end of the day, cause me to just fall into 
bed and be exhausted.
Glenn: I see. Because the world is actually full of wonder and beauty. I mean, yes, there is 
horror in the world, and yes, there are things to be furious about. But you can’t help but 
go through a day and take a breath and appreciate 
the wonder of this world. To not do that requires an effort to shield yourself from the 
wonder of the world. 
Jon: Very true. 
Chris: Absolutely. 
Jon: Well quoted. 
Chris: Jon and I always say you can’t be sick enough to help the sick, or poor enough to help 
the poor. 
Glenn: Could you explain that a little bit? I’m not sure I understand. 
Chris: Sure. At some point in that when you’re coaching with someone that you do resonate 
with them or they resonate with you. What Jon and I have found is there's a line between 
resonating with them and becoming empathic. So if somebody is down and out, the story 
is horrific and you know as coaches we come across all these different stories. If you get 
down in the pits with them, you can't help them. That’s more or less what we mean by 
Glenn: I see. Feelings are contagious. It’s next to impossible not to experience your client’s 
feelings if you are an emphatic, tuned-in, attentive person and in order to be a good 
coach, you kind of need to be an empathic, tuned-in, attentive person. I suppose you 
could just whisper to them there are scorpions and spiders under the chair or something, 
but you need to do that. 
The metaphor that I think of is that I need to let those feelings pass through me and hold 
on to my uplifting self regardless. I find it that if I fight the feelings and I try to pretend like 
I don’t have them, or like they are bouncing off me or that I’m invulnerable to them, then 
that actually requires a lot more energy I’m not able to really listen to what they’re saying, 
and in the end, I don’t really help them. What’s your perspective on that? 
Chris: I totally agree with that. The one thing, though, that Jon and I have a little bit of a different 
perspective on and we learned this in the very beginning when we became coaches, we 
were very empathic in the beginning and at the end of the day we were totally exhausted 
because it was as if we were giving our power away or our energy away to our clients. 
We learned that there is that fine line and we learned to move from being emphatic to 
being compassionate. 
Compassionate means I understand what you’re going through. I’ve even been there, but 
again I’m not gonna get in the pits with you. I can’t be any help to you, if I’m crawling on 
the ground with you. There was a way that it was like we had to learn how to attach, but
then we also had to learn how to detach to create a little bit of a buffer and really learn 
how to listen to people, again, without getting mired in it with them. 
Glenn: I think you’re describing exactly what I’m describing in different words. 
Chris: Exactly. 
Glenn: Are there other ways that you’ve thought of that people typically stopped themselves that 
you like to help them out or maybe coaches in particular? 
Jon: Well, another way sometimes people will get started in coaching and this happens quite 
Chris: You mean as a client. 
Jon: As a client and they get started and then think we start moving along and a month goes 
by and then we get to the point where, well, would you like to continue? Would you like to 
commit to another four weeks or another three months or whatever package we 
happened to be offering? And they'll say, "You know what, I feel I’m really, really good. 
I’m gonna temporarily stop coaching and see how it goes." 
Chris: This may be the frustration of the coach because you know that person is just about 
ready to have that breakthrough. They are just about ready to reach that tipping point 
and then they do what we talked about earlier, they sabotage, they pull back from the 
coaching process. That could be a little frustrating for the coach to watch someone move 
forward and then pull in the reins and choose not to continue. 
Glenn: Oh, sure. It has a bad impact on the economics for the coach because clients are more 
likely to refer once they’ve actually achieve their goals. How do you handle that? How do 
you get people through that? 
Jon: Well, one of the things I do from a perspective as a coach is I, first of all, attempt to show 
them the benefits of continuing and if that doesn’t work -- it doesn’t become a begging 
situation. In other words, I show them that you’re making progress, why stop now. When 
you're on the doorstep to creating a tremendous breakthrough and a tremendous success 
in your life, why stop? 
One of the other things I’ve learned as a coach is to -- and Chris talked about detachment 
and this takes practice over time when you're in practice, is to let it go. Let that person go 
and know that when they are ready, they’ll come back for more. 
Glenn: Interesting, yes, because you don’t wanna ruin that possibility by fighting with them too 
much. I find that that’s true with certain types of clients. 
But then there are some clients that get into a revolving-door state where they’ll come for 
a few sessions, they’ll get to a certain point and then they leave over and over again. I 
find that if I’m not willing to go toe-to-toe with them at that point and be a little more 
confrontational, which is different than begging. Actually, I didn’t get good at this until I 
was at a point I didn’t really need any more clients.
Chris: That’s interesting, yeah, when you say that. 
Glenn: If I don’t do that, then they don’t get the breakthrough and they don't get the results. It’s 
frustrating for me and it’s frustrating for them. 
There are reasons that people don’t accomplish what they want to in life. There are very 
strong feelings that are stopping them. I think there is no such things as an easy client 
and, sooner or later, everybody gets to that point. If you have carefully observed what 
tends to stop them in their lives otherwise and you’ve carefully observed what tends to 
move them forward, that’s the time you pull out the big guns and use everything you’ve 
got to get them through that point. Otherwise, it’s just doesn’t happen and they’ll go on 
forever, that revolving-door situation repeating the same thing in their life over and over 
Chris: That’s interesting, Glenn, you mentioned too that you get to a point or you got to a point 
when you really didn’t need any more clients and that’s difficult for a new coach who does 
feel they need clients. 
But when you’re coming from that vibe of neediness, I need you to do coaching so I could 
pay my mortgage, or I need you to do coaching so now the electric bill is due, somehow 
your client senses that and they sense that there's like a lack of being genuine and that 
it's not about them. 
Glenn: They feel like you're looking at them like a dollar sign. 
Chris: Exactly, yeah, and they can really pick up on that. 
Glenn: Yeah, that’s why I keep a cash register right next to my chair. Just kind of get it right out 
in the open. 
Chris: That’s right. 
Glenn: Yeah. Did you have other ideas that you wanted to talk about today before we wound 
down, what is it people stop themselves? 
Jon: One other way that comes to mind is, and this happens with a lot of people especially 
over the age of 40, they say, "I should be farther along than where I am in my life." That’s 
a biggie today. We hear that a lot. The truth is we're each where we're supposed to be in 
any given moment. 
Chris: And that’s what we do, Jon and I. We shed the light on that for people. Because we 
have heard that from people that are 21, we’ve heard that from people that are 27, in their 
30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. So it really doesn’t matter what age you’re at, that seems to be a 
common theme in our society because we're told we’re supposed to be at a certain place 
by a certain age. We should have so much money in the bank by a certain age. We 
should have a house when we reach a certain age. So we have all those type of pulls 
from society pulling us in a certain direction.
We show people that you are where you are right now and the reason you are supposed 
to be where you are is because you’re there. From this point forward, we could show you 
how to keep continuing to move forward. We do have a story with one of our clients who 
came to us just for that very same reason that he felt he was stuck in a rut. He was about 
50 years old. He didn’t have the money that he thought he should have in the bank. 
Through the coaching process, he actually had a paradigm shift because he realized that 
everything he needs he has within him and he’s got a source of wealth within him. So he 
is not defined by his toys or the amount of money in his bank account, or the type of car 
that he was driving. He realized that he is enough already and that was what his 
challenge was, was that he was coming from a deep down feeling of I’m not good 
enough, I’m not enough. Then we got him through the coaching process to realize that 
he is enough, that’s when he had that paradigm shift. 
Glenn: Yeah, and that the constant rumination about not being far enough in life, not being good 
enough, not having accomplished enough, that’s a vicious cycle because it actually 
prevents you from accomplishing and doing the things you’re trying to achieve so it’s very, 
very, important to cut through that. 
Chris: Right. 
Jon: Yes. 
Glenn: Well, I just think that these thoughts, these ways of shifting typical paradigms where 
people stop themselves into new possibilities, to me it’s really part of the core of what it 
means to be a coach because it restores hope, energy and possibility to our clients and I 
couldn’t think of anybody better than the possibility coaches to interview about that. 
Hey I like to encourage people to have a look at and maybe 
even take Jon and Chris up on their free 30-minute session if you are interested in that. 
Is there anything else that you'd like to say to the audience, or that I should have asked 
you that I didn’t before we stop? 
Jon: Sure. One of the things that Chris and I really dig on in terms of a philosophy is that 
possibilities do lead to opportunities. One of the things that Chris and I also believe is 
that opportunity does not knock once or twice in a lifetime, as many of us have been 
taught to believe. We believe that opportunity is always knocking. 
The key is that we have to be awake to see them right in front of us. You have to be in a 
state of mind that you realize that doors are always open for you to enter. And it’s really 
important to put yourself out there and inject yourself into life no matter what you’re doing, 
be it becoming a coach and starting a practice or whatever you do. And this is where 
success truly happens when you really allow yourself, Glenn, to intersect with other 
Glenn: That’s true.
Jon: Becoming a bigger person and building relationships and there are so many people out 
there more than ever that are seeking support. 
Glenn: And you know what’s so interesting I have a large portion of my audience that really -- I 
guess you guys don’t know my whole story, but after a very big financial downturn, I went 
through a period where I didn’t wanna do coaching anymore, I didn’t wanna do therapy 
anymore, I didn’t wanna do corporate consulting anymore. I just wanted to work behind 
my computer and move electrons around and make money and I got reasonably good at 
it so I developed a large following of people that wanted to do that, too. 
But the truth is that real success comes from connections with other people. All the 
money you’ll ever make is gonna come from other people anyway. 
There is something unnatural about trying to hide behind your computer to make as much 
money as possible. 
Chris: And evidence of that is we’re so grateful for the connection that we made with you and 
you’ll never know how it’s going to happen. 
Glenn: I’m grateful for it also, guys. I've really enjoy this. 
Jon: Thank you. We have, too. 
Chris: Yes. 
Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. 
In Just 12 Weeks You Can Become a 
Certified Professional Coach, Confident 
in Your Ability, and Fully Equipped to 
Grow a Thriving Practice from Anywhere, 
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Sharon Livingston, Ph.D. 
Because the ICCA certification program was developed by over the course of more than 24 years with 
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(Other coach training programs and resources also available on the "Programs" tab once you reach the site) 
Glenn and Sharon Livingston have sold over 
$20,000,000 in consulting and/or coaching 
services. Glenn has worked with over 1,000 
coaching clients and directly supervised many 
coaches and psychotherapists. (And Sharon has 
worked with over 60,000 people in a group 
format!) The Livingston's previous work and 
theories have also appeared in dozens of major 
media like those listed at left. 
© Psy Tech Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
(The International Coach Certification Academy is a For Profit Division of Psy Tech Inc.) 
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(This is a Transcript of a Free Full Length Audio Available for Download Below)

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How to-become-unstoppable

  • 1. How to Become Unstoppable! An Interview with and Glenn Livingston and "The Possibility Coaches" (This is a Transcript of a Free Full Length Audio Available for Download Below) Glenn Livingston's companies have sold over $20,000,000 in consulting and/or coaching services. Glenn has worked with over 1,000 coaching clients and directly supervised many coaches and psychotherapists, and his company's work and theories have appeared in dozens of major media like The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Sun Times, The NY Daily News, and many more! (He's also appeared on ABC & CBS radio, UPN TV, etc) Jon Satin MBA and Chris Pattay BBA are The Possibility Coaches™. They are master coaches with expertise in the areas of relationships, divorce and life challenges & transitions. Going beyond traditional coaching, Jon and Chris have guided hundreds of individuals and couples since 2002 to create healthier relationships and lives. Their teachings demonstrate to clients how to gain a new perspective toward relationships & life by learning a new way of thinking and feeling. Jon and Chris walk their talk when it comes to modeling healthy relationships and lifestyle. They have been in partnership both personally and professionally for 25 years. As spiritual teachers, they provide unique insight that gives clients the capacity to establish a healthy reconnection of mind, body and spirit. AN IMPORTANT NOTE BEFORE WE BEGIN: In Just 12 Weeks You Can Become a Certified Professional Coach, Confident in Your Ability, and Fully Equipped to Grow a Thriving Practice from Anywhere, or Your Money Back! Because the ICCA certification program was developed by over the course of more than 24 years with literally thousands of clients, we're convinced it will give you MORE skills and confidence to start a successful practice than any other program on the market. By the time you've earned your credentials we know you'll be secure in your ability to work with clients, produce results, and to build a thriving practice... Therefore, if you feel it wasn't the BEST CHOICE for your training and certification for any reason—right up until the last day of class—just show us you've actually completed 75% of the assignments and let us know you'd like your money back. We'll promptly return every penny! Ask any other competitor offering a live, interactive certification program about their guarantee... You'll probably find they require large, non-refundable deposits, and won't refund your tuition after classes begin. Combined with our more-affordable-than-most tuition, financing, and payment plans, we think your choice is clear! For rock solid proof the program works, and how to get started right away please click below now: (Other coach training programs and resources also available on the "Programs" tab once you reach the site) 1
  • 2. 2 [0:00:00.0] TRANSCRIPT Glenn: Hey, this is Glenn Livingston, and I'm here with the Possibility Coaches, Jon and Chris. How are you guys today? Chris: Doing great, Glenn. Jon: Great, Glenn. Glenn: And we could find you at, correct? Chris: That’s right. Jon: That’s right. Glenn: Excellent. I’ve actually worked with Jon and Chris before, where we've kind of developed part of this successful coach product together. I liked them so much I wanted to invite them back to come into the blog and be heard by a wider audience. One of the reasons that I liked them was that I thought that they had a unique knack for opening up people's minds to possibilities and hope in ways that they hadn’t felt before. And they kind of challenged me to come up with a topic for our conversation and I said, “Okay, how about how to become unstoppable?” I’ll give you just a little bit of background for this because it occurred to me while I was hiking. I'm a big hiker and most people always know that and, periodically, you come across an obstacle that it just seems impossible to cross. I'll give you an example. There is a hike that has a very high rushing river that kind of looks like it runs up to your knees in most places and I'm working very hard in hiking the 48 4,000-foot mountains in New Hampshire. Don’t ask me why I'm doing this just because they’re there. There’s this one trail, I’ve got like pick three more left to do and there’s this one trail where you have to cross this river and I keep getting up to this one point, which is about five or six miles in, and I can’t cross the river. I try jumping on the rocks, I brought my poles, I have my waterproof boots and standing really tall. [0:01:28.0] It looks to me like it’s treacherous and each time I get up to there I say, ”I can’t believe I did this again, but I'm gonna turn back.” And I started to think maybe I just can’t get across the river, maybe I just can’t do it. The other day, I'm at that same spot again because I'm a determined guy or a masochist, one of the two. I see these two kids get there and they just walked through the river in their boots, they don't bother trying to stay dry. They just walked through the river in their
  • 3. boots and it wasn’t treacherous at all for them. If you know anything about that kind of river, if you can find a firm foot at the bottom, it's much, much safer than trying to stay dry and hop on top of the rocks that could be mossy or slipper or wet. Maybe it sounds corny, but my whole paradigm shifted and what seemed treacherous, seemed like it was impossible to cross, seemed like it was stopping me in my goal in life at this point, in that flash of an instinct, when I saw those kids go across the river in their boots and they didn’t care about getting wet, I thought, well, that’s the secret. Then it occurred to me that, as coaches, a lot of what we do is try to help clients see their problems in different ways to open up possibilities and help them think new thoughts. And I think that every coach has a different way of going about getting their clients to that point. But I thought, Jon and Chris, that maybe there were a couple of stories you could tell, or a little bit about the method to your madness, to help people get over the kinds of irrational stoppers that get in their way and make them feel that things really aren’t possible when they are. How’s that for a very long-winded introduction? Chris: That sounds great. Jon: It was great. Your story is a prime example of the power of belief and a shift in perception. That’s a great picture that you painted in my mind and for everyone. You just looked at the situation differently and you resolved it just by doing that. Glenn: That’s what I was trying to do is paint a picture. Could I ask you how long have you been 3 doing this -- many years, right? Chris: Yeah. It's about 12 years now. Glenn: You had a lot of clients and you must have seen people -- who was it? Pogo that said, “I’ve met the enemy and he is me?“ Chris: Right. [00:03:21.6] Glenn: You must have seen many people that stop themselves, yes? Chris: Yes. Jon: Yes. And most do. Glenn: Most people stop themselves in one way or another. Chris: Right. And there are several different ways over the years that Jon and I have found out that people stop themselves. We tend to call it sabotage so there's many different methods of choice that people use to sabotage themselves from moving forward. And that’s what we could talk about right now, Glenn, are some of the ways that people sabotage themselves from moving forward and how Jon and I diffuse that. Glenn: I would love to talk about that. Why don’t we do that?
  • 4. Chris: Okay. Jon: One of the ways, and this was really familiar when we were starting out in our practice, was the way people stop themselves from moving forward, is they used the number one excuse, which was, “I don’t have the money for coaching.” Glenn: Oh, I’ve heard that before. And then you say, “Well, that’s the first thing we’ll have to 4 work on.” Jon: Right, exactly. Right. You know and that -- and it's sort of like, that -- Chris and I, we used to call that the kneejerk reaction. I don’t have the money. I don’t have the money. I don’t have the money. I don’t have -- that was the pat answer that people would give to prevent them from living a magnificent life. Put money in front of them as a preventive to moving forward. Chris: Yeah. One of the ways that Jon and I would work with somebody with that is if they said they didn’t have the money, what we would ask them is a series of questions. One of the questions would be is, “if money were not an issue? Well, let’s just set money aside, are there any other concerns that you have about getting started with coaching?” And then we would address all of their questions as they came up. And many times we’ve found out, it really had nothing to do with the money. It really had to do with some kind of fear, usually fear of what might come up and come out during the coaching sessions, or fear of being held accountable, fear of success, fear of failure and so on. So as we address [0:05:07.4] all their concerns, it became apparent to them that money was really not the issue. If it was, we would also ask a deeper further question, “Is it really the money, or is it that you don’t want to invest in yourself?” Because if you went out to your car in the morning and you had two flat tires, would you leave the car there? Well, no, they would find a way to come up with the money for the two new tires. It's the same thing with coaching. Are you willing to come up with a way to invest in yourself so that you can move forward? It's also enlightening people that it's not very selfish. Coaching is not selfish. It's really something that you’re doing so that at the end of the day, that the best investment you can make is in yourself and the best gift you can give to the people around you is an emotionally healthy you. So that’s the best thing you cannot only do for yourself, but for the people around you. We would just address those type of issues with them if they had a money concern. Glenn: I love what you’re saying on several accounts because this is hard for a lot of new coaches to get. It’s not like people have money burning a hole in their pockets. When I first got into this, I thought people would come to me and say, “You know, I’ve got four or five extra thousand dollars this year. I'm interested in doing some self-reflection and soul searching and having some accountability and working on some goals. I perceive you as the ultimate expert and I would like to give that to you so you could help me achieve these goals.” And that just doesn’t happen. It just doesn’t happen.
  • 5. Jon: When people are facing challenges, let's face it, it's easier to go out and go shopping and a lot less painful perhaps sometimes. Chris: Or to come up with excuses. Jon: Or to come up with excuses than sit down with someone and open your heart to them. Glenn: Yeah. Or to have a cigarette or a beer. Chris: Right, exactly. Jon: Right. [0:06:50.4] Glenn: Get involved in a bad relationship or all the ways that people love to screw up their lives. People are very prone to do that. One of the ways, by the way, when people were frightened of working with me because of the money, let’s say that they've talked to me about that on the phone before they came to see me. First of all, I’d say, “Well, don’t worry. You can come for a session and talk it over and if, for some reason, we can't work that out, I know a lot of other coaches." In the early days, it was my therapy practice and I'd said, “I know a lot of other doctors and people that work with different insurance and everything like that. The money conversation isn’t really a conversation that’s easy to have before you’ve establish the value – tell me if you guys feel differently. But the client needs to kind of come in, engaged in the process first before they can see that it's going to be a valuable process and I think a lot of coaches make the mistake of trying to hold too fast to the finances too early on. Then the other thing I would say sometimes in the early days was, “Well, what would you like to pay then? Tell me what you’d like to pay." And I would find that if I had that conversation after I’ve established value, people are more or less aware of what the fees are. If they feel like you're giving to them a reasonably well person and, in coaching, we're talking about working with reasonably well people, they’re gonna wanna give back to you. They're not gonna wanna take advantage of you. If they happen to say, “Well, I’d like to pay five dollars a session,” you say, “Well, okay, I could do that for three sessions.” Something like that. I never had that happen, but I’d supervised people who have that happen. I never really had that happen. So those are some interesting ways to overcome financial resistances. Is there a particular story you wanted to tell with that, or did you wanna go ahead for the next way? Jon: I would just say, Glenn, and you made such a valid point, is people tend to be more concerned with cost than value, and it's really important as a coach to show them that the value that you’re providing and going to be giving to them. If you go right to our website, you offer everyone who comes to our website a no-cost, no-obligation 30-minute coaching session by phone or Skype. This is our icebreaker and this 5
  • 6. really works because once someone comes onto the phone with me and Chris, or connects through Skype and they see the value that they can receive in 30 minutes, they’re usually on board with us. [0:08:50.0] Glenn: Yeah. I totally agree. Chris: One of the other stoppers that we commonly come across is from people who say that they’re either too old to change or you can't teach an old dog new tricks or something like that, or just feel that at whatever age they might be in. We’ve heard this from people in their 30s and we’ve heard this from people in their 60s that they feel they can't change. That's something else that Jon and I find to be a common theme among a lot of people and we always explain to people that they can change, you can change at any point in time in your life. Glenn, you and I, and Jon had talked about this before. As long as there’s some bit of willingness on their part to change, they can do it. We also give some examples of people who had successes later on in their life. One example is Louise Hay, who is the owner of Hay House Publishing House. She publishes all the self-help books and she didn’t start that publishing empire until she was in her 50s. So it’s never too late to change, it's never too late to grow. It just takes a little bit of willingness. Glenn: I wanna tell you a quick story and then I wanna give you a perspective on "I'm too old to change," what that can actually mean. My grandfather was an orphan, had a very difficult life, some things I probably shouldn’t disclose publicly. By the time I was born, he had kind of repented and he was a new man and he was, I think, 54 when I was born, something like that. I only knew the Grandpa Mike to be admired. He kind of got his finances together and when he was 71, he decided he wanted to go to college. So he went and got a GED and he got into college and he graduated college and I believe that he was just about to earn his Master’s, when he died, in Sociology. Those were the happiest years of his life. Sometimes I look back on that and I think what if at 54-years-old, what if he said, "I’m too old to change? It’s too late for me. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks?" What would the rest of his life have been like and what about all the people that he touched? You can kind of picture this, he's a very affable joker old man. This old bald guy. He used to take his teeth out at dinner, it was really funny. But what about all the people that he touched in the college and the connections that he made and how much happier his wife was? And what about me? What about the fact that he was developing a life and then he could be a grandfather? I had a much better life because he was willing to 6 [0:11:04.3] do that. And the alternative would have been for him to say that "I’m too old." And so the question I ask people sometimes when they say that, I say “Well, so what’s the plan then? Let’s play out your future if you change, let's play out your future if you don’t change. What’s the plan, what do you see?"
  • 7. I think that you touched on the other piece of it when you said, “Well, there has to be a willingness to change” and I think sometimes when people say or tell themselves that they are too old to change, I think that what they're really saying is they don’t want to. It’s not comfortable. They are too happy with their routines. There is some secondary game that’s reinforcing whatever problems they are having. Whatever they're upset about, it will be more upsetting for them to change so I think that’s something we have to all keep in mind. I like this conversation so far. What’s the next way? Chris: Kind of segues into what you just touched on, too, is the other question we find that comes up a lot is that it’s too hard to change. Again, it has to take that willingness, but also people are invested in their life. They're invested in their stories, they’re invested in their self image and change shakes up that whole formula. Sometimes people are afraid to change because they don’t wanna lose their identity and their identity is this whole concoction of what they've made up about themselves throughout their whole lifetime. Jon and I many times we teach people how to create a new story about themselves. Rather than living in the story of the past, or living in the story of being a victim, or whatever the case might be, we assist people to move forward by creating a new story for themselves. Glenn: For example? Could you possibly give me an example? Jon: Recently, we had someone who was having a great amount of difficulty in her relationship with her ex-husband, and, prior to coaching, she felt so stuck and she felt like a victim of her ex-husband and he was really bullying her. During and after the coaching process, she said that she realized that before coaching she was like this cork. I mean imagine a cork from a wine bottle and you threw it into the ocean and it's bounced around in the waves of the ocean of life. She said after coaching she realized that she was living in a self-imposed prison and, most significantly, she realized that she had the key in her hand the whole time. Chris: That’s what coaching did for her. So what we did was we sat down with her and she wrote an actual story, one-page piece of paper, on how she wants her life to be as a single mom, in her career, in her relationship with her ex-husband, her relationship with her son and how she wants each of those areas of her life to be. She inserts that in a clear plastic sleeve, takes that 7 [0:13:28.4] with her throughout the day, reads that throughout the day so she's starting to create a new identity for herself. Glenn: And sometimes the process of just articulating those goals makes you realize there are doors you can open that you weren’t aware that you can open. I think that language is the food of the intellect and the intellect is what allows us to make healthier decisions about the emotional turmoil we tend to find ourselves in. When we articulate the full extent of our goals, we can look at that from our adult self. We can be reasonable and look at what’s actually possible, as opposed to when it just kind of festers inside of you, you feel like something is holding you back. But really the truth is
  • 8. something what is holding you back in the past which doesn’t have to hold your adult self back? You don’t have to understand that whole explanation but what you do wanna have to understand is get yourself and your client to articulate their goals in full. They will naturally want to gloss over things. It’s your job to ask them texturing questions that help them dimensionalise the who, what when, where, why part of every goal that they have. And that process, in and out of itself, makes them more unstoppable than they were before they came to see you. Would you agree? Chris: Yes, totally. I totally agree on that. It’s important as coaches that we assist people to have a different perspective on either a situation in their life by taking them around the backdoor and looking at the situation totally different in a different way than they have looked at it before. Jon: One of the things, Glenn, that we do which may or may not be unique, but I feel it’s been a very powerful component of our coaching practice, is we teach people how to get out of their head and into their heart and stop listening to the analysis of the mind, which can lead them on some really good paths. However, one of the things that Chris and I firmly believe is that your heart never lies and if we assist people to move into their heart, they seem to get really clear results in their life, clear positive results. Chris: But I would like to add there is a difference between a healthy heart and a dysfunctional 8 heart. Glenn: How can you tell? [0:15:33.1] Chris: The way we explain it to our clients is that the one that makes you feel good about a decision that you are making, that you feel very clear, very focused and you feel good about what you're doing is the healthy heart. The dysfunctional heart is the one where the fear and the worry and the fretting comes from and the anxiety. Glenn: I see. That’s interesting. Chris: Yeah, and I could use an example. One of our other clients that she said to us, “Well, it’s my heart that always gets me into a mess. It’s my heart that makes me stay in a relationship, hoping that he’ll change if I just loved him more.” That’s not really your heart. Your heart says the relationship is not healthy. Your heart says it’s time to move on. It’s the dysfunctional heart that says, “Well, maybe he’ll change maybe if I stick it out another week. Maybe if I let him hit me only two more times, he’ll change.” That’s not really the heart. That’s what we call the dysfunctional heart. The authentic heart, the fully-centered heart is the one that really does know the answers. It’s also your intuition, your gut.
  • 9. Glenn: Yeah, I think what you're describing is the gut feeling, which you’re capable of holding. I find that when people are in destructive mode, they're very impulsive. They will say they have this feeling and they must act on it right away. When people are driven by inspiration and creativity and when that happens, you can talk to them about it for a little while before they have to act, and they can talk to themselves about it for a little while before they have to act. That seems to be the difference between constructive feelings and destructive feelings, or the good heart and the evil heart in your paradigm. Jon: With inspiration, there is a sense of urgency, but it’s laced with really peace and a knowing that you’re on the right track, it's a very different feeling than a destructive… Chris: Chaotic action. Jon: Chaotic action that most people live by. Glenn: Hey, Jon, you said something as you were introducing this topic, which I thought could be perceived as a stopper, you said “This might not be unique.” I wondered, do you think that people stop themselves because they think they have to be unique? [0:17:34.4] Jon: Yes, they do. They already are unique. You already are unique. The three of us talking we're each unique in our own way and that’s the beauty of being human. I wouldn’t let it be a stopper. My suggestion and I suggest this to clients is run with that uniqueness. That’s what makes us different. That’s would makes us special and unique is what makes the world so incredible. We're creators. We're naturally-born creators and that’s what we’re here for. We are here to expand and to grow and to share and to create and to promote our talents and gifts. Chris: I also believe, too, that each one of us was brought here to the planet with each of our own unique gifts that only we possess and sometimes those gifts come so natural to us that we don’t think there is anything special about it. So it’s so important that to take a look at what your uniqueness is, what you do differently or how you say things differently than other people because that’s a clue to where your gifts lie. Glenn: Is there any other set of questions, or how would you suggest that people do that? Chris: One way, and ties in with finding your purpose and passion in life that Jon and I talk a lot about, one simple way to explore that is first give yourself permission to explore your purpose, your passion, to find your meaning in life, allow yourself to explore. One way you can explore and it’s so simple, is just to go into a bookstore, either a local bookstore or a large bookstore like Barnes & Noble, and just be mindful of what section you’re immediately drawn to. It could be sports, it could be gardening, cooking, personal growth, whatever, but there is a clue there because on a gut level or on a heart level, what you’re immediately drawn to that's usually an indicator of where your passion lies. Glenn: You know, I love that. I love that because when I walk into a Barnes & Noble, it’s almost like there is a magnet that sucks me into a particular section. I love that. I bet that a lot of 9
  • 10. people are gonna identify with that. I’m not gonna tell you what section that is or I might get arrested. Jon: Guess which section Chris and I are drawn to? Chris: Right. Personal growth, right? Glenn: Yeah. Jon: There are others also. That’s number one. [0:19:33.7] Glenn: I think the particular way that coaches get stuck, where they stop themselves thinking that they need to be unique, is they may have been coached and had a phenomenal experience having been coached and that’s why they want to be a coach and they think they need to be like their coach. I’ve had a number of coaching clients that have said to me, “I would love to be a coach, but I could never give my clients what you give your clients. I could never do that.” I would say “Well, I hope not. I hope that you give them what you give them.” I don’t wanna make an army of duplicates. I have other evil fantasies, but I don’t wanna make an army of duplicates. I don’t. I wannabe in this world to help people prosper their own gifts like we're talking about, so cool. Okay, have you thought of some other ways that people stop themselves? Jon: It’s too much work. One way and we touched on that already. One of the other things that we always like to point out to people is, well, the truth is, it takes a lot of work to be negative and to be suffering emotionally. Chris: And to stay stuck. Jon: And to stay stuck, right. Glenn: That’s interesting. Jon: It’s a lot less work to be happy and to thrive and to enjoy your life. Chris: I heard this once before that it takes more face muscles to frown than it does to smile. Glenn: Yes, that’s true. Say a little bit more about the work involved in staying stuck and 10 negative. Jon: It takes a 24/7 commitment. I look back at my own personal history, Glenn, you know, the first 40 years of my life and I was a poster child for negativity. From the moment I open my eyes, it required me to search and find negative situations that were gonna put me in a position of being victimized, which would at the end of the day, cause me to just fall into bed and be exhausted.
  • 11. Glenn: I see. Because the world is actually full of wonder and beauty. I mean, yes, there is horror in the world, and yes, there are things to be furious about. But you can’t help but go through a day and take a breath and appreciate 11 [0:21:23.8] the wonder of this world. To not do that requires an effort to shield yourself from the wonder of the world. Jon: Very true. Chris: Absolutely. Jon: Well quoted. Chris: Jon and I always say you can’t be sick enough to help the sick, or poor enough to help the poor. Glenn: Could you explain that a little bit? I’m not sure I understand. Chris: Sure. At some point in that when you’re coaching with someone that you do resonate with them or they resonate with you. What Jon and I have found is there's a line between resonating with them and becoming empathic. So if somebody is down and out, the story is horrific and you know as coaches we come across all these different stories. If you get down in the pits with them, you can't help them. That’s more or less what we mean by that. Glenn: I see. Feelings are contagious. It’s next to impossible not to experience your client’s feelings if you are an emphatic, tuned-in, attentive person and in order to be a good coach, you kind of need to be an empathic, tuned-in, attentive person. I suppose you could just whisper to them there are scorpions and spiders under the chair or something, but you need to do that. The metaphor that I think of is that I need to let those feelings pass through me and hold on to my uplifting self regardless. I find it that if I fight the feelings and I try to pretend like I don’t have them, or like they are bouncing off me or that I’m invulnerable to them, then that actually requires a lot more energy I’m not able to really listen to what they’re saying, and in the end, I don’t really help them. What’s your perspective on that? Chris: I totally agree with that. The one thing, though, that Jon and I have a little bit of a different perspective on and we learned this in the very beginning when we became coaches, we were very empathic in the beginning and at the end of the day we were totally exhausted because it was as if we were giving our power away or our energy away to our clients. We learned that there is that fine line and we learned to move from being emphatic to being compassionate. [0:23:14.4] Compassionate means I understand what you’re going through. I’ve even been there, but again I’m not gonna get in the pits with you. I can’t be any help to you, if I’m crawling on the ground with you. There was a way that it was like we had to learn how to attach, but
  • 12. then we also had to learn how to detach to create a little bit of a buffer and really learn how to listen to people, again, without getting mired in it with them. Glenn: I think you’re describing exactly what I’m describing in different words. Chris: Exactly. Glenn: Are there other ways that you’ve thought of that people typically stopped themselves that you like to help them out or maybe coaches in particular? Jon: Well, another way sometimes people will get started in coaching and this happens quite 12 often. Chris: You mean as a client. Jon: As a client and they get started and then think we start moving along and a month goes by and then we get to the point where, well, would you like to continue? Would you like to commit to another four weeks or another three months or whatever package we happened to be offering? And they'll say, "You know what, I feel I’m really, really good. I’m gonna temporarily stop coaching and see how it goes." Chris: This may be the frustration of the coach because you know that person is just about ready to have that breakthrough. They are just about ready to reach that tipping point and then they do what we talked about earlier, they sabotage, they pull back from the coaching process. That could be a little frustrating for the coach to watch someone move forward and then pull in the reins and choose not to continue. Glenn: Oh, sure. It has a bad impact on the economics for the coach because clients are more likely to refer once they’ve actually achieve their goals. How do you handle that? How do you get people through that? Jon: Well, one of the things I do from a perspective as a coach is I, first of all, attempt to show them the benefits of continuing and if that doesn’t work -- it doesn’t become a begging situation. In other words, I show them that you’re making progress, why stop now. When you're on the doorstep to creating a tremendous breakthrough and a tremendous success in your life, why stop? [0:25:07.4] One of the other things I’ve learned as a coach is to -- and Chris talked about detachment and this takes practice over time when you're in practice, is to let it go. Let that person go and know that when they are ready, they’ll come back for more. Glenn: Interesting, yes, because you don’t wanna ruin that possibility by fighting with them too much. I find that that’s true with certain types of clients. But then there are some clients that get into a revolving-door state where they’ll come for a few sessions, they’ll get to a certain point and then they leave over and over again. I find that if I’m not willing to go toe-to-toe with them at that point and be a little more confrontational, which is different than begging. Actually, I didn’t get good at this until I was at a point I didn’t really need any more clients.
  • 13. Chris: That’s interesting, yeah, when you say that. Glenn: If I don’t do that, then they don’t get the breakthrough and they don't get the results. It’s frustrating for me and it’s frustrating for them. There are reasons that people don’t accomplish what they want to in life. There are very strong feelings that are stopping them. I think there is no such things as an easy client and, sooner or later, everybody gets to that point. If you have carefully observed what tends to stop them in their lives otherwise and you’ve carefully observed what tends to move them forward, that’s the time you pull out the big guns and use everything you’ve got to get them through that point. Otherwise, it’s just doesn’t happen and they’ll go on forever, that revolving-door situation repeating the same thing in their life over and over again. Chris: That’s interesting, Glenn, you mentioned too that you get to a point or you got to a point when you really didn’t need any more clients and that’s difficult for a new coach who does feel they need clients. But when you’re coming from that vibe of neediness, I need you to do coaching so I could pay my mortgage, or I need you to do coaching so now the electric bill is due, somehow your client senses that and they sense that there's like a lack of being genuine and that it's not about them. Glenn: They feel like you're looking at them like a dollar sign. Chris: Exactly, yeah, and they can really pick up on that. [0:26:59.9] Glenn: Yeah, that’s why I keep a cash register right next to my chair. Just kind of get it right out 13 in the open. Chris: That’s right. Glenn: Yeah. Did you have other ideas that you wanted to talk about today before we wound down, what is it people stop themselves? Jon: One other way that comes to mind is, and this happens with a lot of people especially over the age of 40, they say, "I should be farther along than where I am in my life." That’s a biggie today. We hear that a lot. The truth is we're each where we're supposed to be in any given moment. Chris: And that’s what we do, Jon and I. We shed the light on that for people. Because we have heard that from people that are 21, we’ve heard that from people that are 27, in their 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s. So it really doesn’t matter what age you’re at, that seems to be a common theme in our society because we're told we’re supposed to be at a certain place by a certain age. We should have so much money in the bank by a certain age. We should have a house when we reach a certain age. So we have all those type of pulls from society pulling us in a certain direction.
  • 14. We show people that you are where you are right now and the reason you are supposed to be where you are is because you’re there. From this point forward, we could show you how to keep continuing to move forward. We do have a story with one of our clients who came to us just for that very same reason that he felt he was stuck in a rut. He was about 50 years old. He didn’t have the money that he thought he should have in the bank. Through the coaching process, he actually had a paradigm shift because he realized that everything he needs he has within him and he’s got a source of wealth within him. So he is not defined by his toys or the amount of money in his bank account, or the type of car that he was driving. He realized that he is enough already and that was what his challenge was, was that he was coming from a deep down feeling of I’m not good enough, I’m not enough. Then we got him through the coaching process to realize that he is enough, that’s when he had that paradigm shift. Glenn: Yeah, and that the constant rumination about not being far enough in life, not being good enough, not having accomplished enough, that’s a vicious cycle because it actually prevents you from accomplishing and doing the things you’re trying to achieve so it’s very, very, important to cut through that. [0:29:09.3] Chris: Right. Jon: Yes. Glenn: Well, I just think that these thoughts, these ways of shifting typical paradigms where people stop themselves into new possibilities, to me it’s really part of the core of what it means to be a coach because it restores hope, energy and possibility to our clients and I couldn’t think of anybody better than the possibility coaches to interview about that. Hey I like to encourage people to have a look at and maybe even take Jon and Chris up on their free 30-minute session if you are interested in that. Is there anything else that you'd like to say to the audience, or that I should have asked you that I didn’t before we stop? Jon: Sure. One of the things that Chris and I really dig on in terms of a philosophy is that possibilities do lead to opportunities. One of the things that Chris and I also believe is that opportunity does not knock once or twice in a lifetime, as many of us have been taught to believe. We believe that opportunity is always knocking. The key is that we have to be awake to see them right in front of us. You have to be in a state of mind that you realize that doors are always open for you to enter. And it’s really important to put yourself out there and inject yourself into life no matter what you’re doing, be it becoming a coach and starting a practice or whatever you do. And this is where success truly happens when you really allow yourself, Glenn, to intersect with other people. 14 Glenn: That’s true.
  • 15. Jon: Becoming a bigger person and building relationships and there are so many people out there more than ever that are seeking support. Glenn: And you know what’s so interesting I have a large portion of my audience that really -- I guess you guys don’t know my whole story, but after a very big financial downturn, I went through a period where I didn’t wanna do coaching anymore, I didn’t wanna do therapy anymore, I didn’t wanna do corporate consulting anymore. I just wanted to work behind my computer and move electrons around and make money and I got reasonably good at it so I developed a large following of people that wanted to do that, too. But the truth is that real success comes from connections with other people. All the money you’ll ever make is gonna come from other people anyway. 15 [0:31:04.6] There is something unnatural about trying to hide behind your computer to make as much money as possible. Chris: And evidence of that is we’re so grateful for the connection that we made with you and you’ll never know how it’s going to happen. Glenn: I’m grateful for it also, guys. I've really enjoy this. Jon: Thank you. We have, too. Chris: Yes. [0:31:18.3] Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. In Just 12 Weeks You Can Become a Certified Professional Coach, Confident in Your Ability, and Fully Equipped to Grow a Thriving Practice from Anywhere, or Your Money Back! (Train from the Comfort of Your Own Home) Sharon Livingston, Ph.D. Because the ICCA certification program was developed by over the course of more than 24 years with literally thousands of clients, we're convinced it will give you MORE skills and confidence to start a successful practice than any other program on the market. By the time you've earned your credentials we know you'll be secure in your ability to work with clients, produce results, and to build a thriving practice... Therefore, if you feel it wasn't the BEST CHOICE for your training and certification for any reason— right up until the last day of class—just show us you've actually completed 75% of the assignments and
  • 16. let us know you'd like your money back.We'll promptly return every penny! Ask any other competitor offering a live, interactive certification program about their guarantee... You'll probably find they require large, non-refundable deposits, and won't refund your tuition after classes begin. Combined with our more-affordable-than-most tuition, financing, and payment plans, we think your choice is clear! For rock solid proof the program works, and how to get started right away please click below now: (Other coach training programs and resources also available on the "Programs" tab once you reach the site) 16 Glenn and Sharon Livingston have sold over $20,000,000 in consulting and/or coaching services. Glenn has worked with over 1,000 coaching clients and directly supervised many coaches and psychotherapists. (And Sharon has worked with over 60,000 people in a group format!) The Livingston's previous work and theories have also appeared in dozens of major media like those listed at left. © Psy Tech Inc. All Rights Reserved. (The International Coach Certification Academy is a For Profit Division of Psy Tech Inc.) LEGAL DISCLAIMER: For education only. Use is subject to the Disclaimer and Terms of Use Agreement on ( which you agreed to prior to downloading. Although these are materials are legally copyright Psy Tech Inc., you may copy and distribute them provided all the following conditions are met: (1) you do not charge for the materials; (2) you do not alter anything within the materials; (3) you require anyone you distribute these materials to agree to the Disclaimer and Terms of Use Agreement on ( before providing access to said materials. (This is a Transcript of a Free Full Length Audio Available for Download Below)