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Data-Oriented Programming
with Clojure and Jackdaw
Charles Reese
Funding Circle
allows investors to
lend to established,
small businesses.
“We’ve made it our mission to help
small businesses across the world
go even further.”
Samir Desai
Co-founder and CEO
Small business
borrowers globally
$4.5 billion
Loans under
management globally
Individual investors and
financial institutions
Kafka as a streaming platform
API Front End Metrics Data Lake
Underwriting Servicing Trades Accounting
Double-entry bookkeeping in Kafka Streams
state stores
Why Clojure?
• Data-oriented
• Function composition
• The REPL
• JVM hosted
It's better to have 100 functions
operate on one data structure than
10 functions on 10 data structures.
Perlis, A. J. (1982). Epigrams on Programming.
SIGPLAN Notices 17(9)
Only a few data structures...
list, vector, map, set
Many functions
distinct filter remove for keep keep-indexed cons concat lazy-cat mapcat cycle
interleave interpose rest next fnext nnext drop drop-while nthnext for take take-nth
take-while butlast drop-last for flatten reverse sort sort-by shuffle split-at split-
with partition partition-all partition-by map pmap mapcat for replace reductions map-
indexed seque first ffirst nfirst second nth when-first last rand-nth zipmap into
reduce set vec into-array to-array-2d frequencies group-by apply not-empty some reduce
seq? every? not-every? not-any? empty? some filter doseq dorun doall realized? seq
vals keys rseq subseq rsubseq lazy-seq repeatedly iterate repeat range line-seq
resultset-seq re-seq tree-seq file-seq xml-seq iterator-seq enumeration-seq
((comp str +) 1 2 3 4)
;;=> "10"
(filter (comp not zero?) [0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4])
;;=> (1 2 3 4)
Composable parts
responding to input
occurring in small steps
repeated with frequency
JVM hosted
(def streams-builder
(def kstream
(.stream streams-builder
(Consumed/with (serde) (serde))))
(.to kstream
(Produced/with (serde) (serde)))
(defn topology-builder
[{:keys [input output] :as topics}]
(fn [builder]
(-> (j/kstream builder input)
(j/flat-map-values split-lines)
(j/group-by (fn [[_ v]] v))
(j/to output))
topic: input
topic: output
(defn topology-builder
[{:keys [input output] :as topics}]
(fn [builder]
(-> (j/kstream builder input)
(j/flat-map-values split-lines)
(j/group-by (fn [[_ v]] v))
(j/to output))
topic: input
topic: output
Jackdaw Features
• Create and manage topics
• Produce and consume
• Kafka Streams DSL
• EDN, JSON, and Avro serdes
• End-to-end tests
Testing with Jackdaw
(def commands
"all streams lead to kafka"
{:key-fn (constantly "")}]
"hello kafka streams"
{:key-fn (constantly "")}]
(fn [journal] (= 8 (count (get-in journal [:topics :output]))))
{:timeout 2000}]])
Testing with Jackdaw
(def commands
"all streams lead to kafka"
{:key-fn (constantly "")}]
"hello kafka streams"
{:key-fn (constantly "")}]
(fn [journal] (= 8 (count (get-in journal [:topics :output]))))
{:timeout 2000}]])
Testing with Jackdaw
(deftest test-xf-word-count
(jtf/with-fixtures [(jtf/integration-fixture topology-builder test-config)]
(jackdaw.test/with-test-machine (test-transport test-config)
(fn [machine]
(let [{:keys [journal]} (jackdaw.test/run-test machine commands)]
(is (= 1 (word-count journal "hello")))
(is (= 2 (word-count journal "kafka"))))))))
["inside every large program"
"is a small program"
"struggling to get out"]
Process all the lines, one step at a time.
1. Split each line into words.
2. Count the words for each line.
3. Reduce over all the lines.
Split each line into words.
(["inside" "every" "large" "program"]
["is" "a" "small" "program"]
["struggling" "to" "get" "out"])
Count the words for each line.
({"inside" 1 "every" 1 "large" 1 "program" 1}
{"is" 1 "a" 1 "small" 1 "program" 1}
{"struggling" 1 "to" 1 "get" 1 "out" 1})
Reduce over all the lines.
{"inside" 1 "every" 1 "large" 1 "program" 2
"is" 1 "a" 1 "small" 1
"struggling" 1 "to" 1 "get" 1 "out" 1}
(defn f
[acc x]
(merge-with + acc x))
(->> coll
(map (fn [x] (split x #" ")))
(map frequencies)
(reduce f))
Process all the lines, one step at a time.Process all the lines, one line
{"inside" 1
"every" 1
"large" 1
"program" 1}
{} {"inside" 1
"every" 1
"large" 1
"program" 2
"is" 1
"a" 1
"small" 1}
{"inside" 1
"every" 1
"large" 1
"program" 2
"is" 1
"a" 1
"small" 1
"struggling" 1
"to" 1
"get" 1
"out" 1}
(partial map (fn [x] (split x #" ")))
(partial map frequencies))
• Composable transformations
• Take a reducing fn and return another reducing fn
• Decoupled from inputs and outputs
• Reusable
• Fast
(map inc [1 2 3 4])
;;=> (2 3 4 5)
(map inc)
(def count-words
(map (fn [x] (split x #" ")))
(map frequencies)))
(def f
(fn [acc x]
(merge-with + acc x))))
(transduce count-words f {} coll)
{"inside" 1
"every" 1
"large" 1
"program" 2
"is" 1
"a" 1
"small" 1
"struggling" 1
"to" 1
"get" 1
"out" 1}
[["inside" 1]
["every" 1]
["large" 1]
["program" 1]
["is" 1]
["a" 1]
["small" 1]
["program" 2]
["struggling" 1]
["to" 1]
["get" 1]
["out" 1]]
We want...
[(["inside" 1] ["every" 1] ["large" 1] ["program" 1])
(["is" 1] ["a" 1] ["small" 1] ["program" 2])
(["struggling" 1] ["to" 1] ["get" 1] ["out" 1])]
[{"inside" 1, "every" 1, "large" 1, "program" 1}
{"is" 1, "a" 1, "small" 1, "program" 1}
{"struggling" 1, "to" 1, "get" 1, "out" 1}]
(defn xf-running-total
(fn [rf]
(let [state (volatile! {})]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result input]
(let [next (as-> input %
(vswap! state #(merge-with (fnil + 0) %1 %2) %)
(select-keys % (keys input))
(map vec %))]
(rf result next)))))))
(defn xf-running-total
(fn [rf]
(let [state (volatile! {})]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result input]
(let [next (as-> input %
(vswap! state #(merge-with (fnil + 0) %1 %2) %)
(select-keys % (keys input))
(map vec %))]
(rf result next)))))))
(defn xf-running-total
(fn [rf]
(let [state (volatile! {})]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result input]
(let [next (as-> input %
(vswap! state #(merge-with (fnil + 0) %1 %2) %)
(select-keys % (keys input))
(map vec %))]
(rf result next)))))))
(into [] (xf-running-total) coll')
(def count-words
(map (fn [x] (split x #" ")))
(map frequencies)
(transduce count-words concat coll)
Putting it all together...
(defn transduce-kstream
[xf kstream]
(-> kstream
(j/transform (fn [] (transformer xf))
(j/flat-map (fn [[_ v]] v))))
(defn transduce-kstream
[xf kstream]
(-> kstream
(j/transform (fn [] (transformer xf))
(j/flat-map (fn [[_ v]] v))))
(defn transformer
(let [ctx (atom nil)]
(init [_ context]
(reset! ctx context))
(transform [_ k v]
(let [store (.getStateStore @ctx "transducer")
v (first (into [] (xf store) [[k v]]))]
(KeyValue/pair k v)))
(close [_]))))
(defn transformer
(let [ctx (atom nil)]
(init [_ context]
(reset! ctx context))
(transform [_ k v]
(let [store (.getStateStore @ctx "transducer")
v (first (into [] (xf store) [[k v]]))]
(KeyValue/pair k v)))
(close [_]))))
(defn xf-running-total
[state swap-fn]
(fn [rf]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result input]
(let [[k v] input
next (as-> v %
(swap-fn state #(merge-with (fnil + 0) %1 %2) %)
(select-keys % (keys v))
(map vec %))]
(rf result next))))))
(defn xf-running-total
[state swap-fn]
(fn [rf]
([] (rf))
([result] (rf result))
([result input]
(let [[k v] input
next (as-> v %
(swap-fn state #(merge-with (fnil + 0) %1 %2) %)
(select-keys % (keys v))
(map vec %))]
(rf result next))))))
(defn count-words
[state swap-fn]
(map (fn [[k v]] [k (split v #" ")]))
(map (fn [[k v]] [k (frequencies v)]))
(xf-running-total state swap-fn)))
Putting it all together...
(transduce (count-words (atom {}) swap!) concat coll)
Example: Simple Ledger
[["1" {:debit-account "tech"
:credit-account "cash"
:amount 1000}]
["2" {:debit-account "cash"
:credit-account "sales"
:amount 2000}]]
We want...
{:account-name "tech"
:before-balance 0
:after-balance -1000}]
{:account-name "cash"
:before-balance 0
:after-balance 1000}]
{:account-name "cash"
:before-balance 1000
:after-balance -1000}]
{:account-name "sales"
:before-balance 0
:after-balance 2000}])
(->> coll
(transduce (xf-split-entries nil nil) concat)
(transduce (xf-running-balances (atom {}) swap!) concat))
topic: entry-pending
topic: transaction-added
topic: transaction-pending
"Transducers" by Rich Hickey
Strange Loop. (2014, September).
Kafka and the REPL: Stream Processing, the Functional Way
Reese, C. (2018, November).
Testing Event-Driven Systems
Chambers, A. (2018, April).
Funding Circle. (2017).
Data-Oriented Programming with Clojure and Jackdaw (Charles Reese, Funding Circle) Kafka Summit SF 2019

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Data-Oriented Programming with Clojure and Jackdaw (Charles Reese, Funding Circle) Kafka Summit SF 2019

  • 1. Data-Oriented Programming with Clojure and Jackdaw Charles Reese
  • 2. Funding Circle allows investors to lend to established, creditworthy small businesses. “We’ve made it our mission to help small businesses across the world go even further.” Samir Desai Co-founder and CEO 2 72,000 Small business borrowers globally $4.5 billion Loans under management globally 90,000+ Individual investors and financial institutions
  • 3. Kafka as a streaming platform 3 Kafka API Front End Metrics Data Lake Underwriting Servicing Trades Accounting
  • 4. 2 8 2 40 Double-entry bookkeeping in Kafka Streams 4 sources sinks state stores nodes 7 2 1 1 3 18 1 5 2 branch foreach flatMap flatMapValues map mapValues transform transformValues merge
  • 5. 5 Why Clojure? • Data-oriented • Function composition • The REPL • JVM hosted
  • 6. “ 6 It's better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures. Perlis, A. J. (1982). Epigrams on Programming. SIGPLAN Notices 17(9)
  • 7. Only a few data structures... 7 list, vector, map, set
  • 8. 8 Many functions distinct filter remove for keep keep-indexed cons concat lazy-cat mapcat cycle interleave interpose rest next fnext nnext drop drop-while nthnext for take take-nth take-while butlast drop-last for flatten reverse sort sort-by shuffle split-at split- with partition partition-all partition-by map pmap mapcat for replace reductions map- indexed seque first ffirst nfirst second nth when-first last rand-nth zipmap into reduce set vec into-array to-array-2d frequencies group-by apply not-empty some reduce seq? every? not-every? not-any? empty? some filter doseq dorun doall realized? seq vals keys rseq subseq rsubseq lazy-seq repeatedly iterate repeat range line-seq resultset-seq re-seq tree-seq file-seq xml-seq iterator-seq enumeration-seq
  • 9. ((comp str +) 1 2 3 4) ;;=> "10" (filter (comp not zero?) [0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4]) ;;=> (1 2 3 4) Composable parts 9
  • 10. The REPL 10 interactive responding to input incremental occurring in small steps iterative repeated with frequency
  • 11. 11
  • 12. 12 JVM hosted (def streams-builder (StreamsBuilder.)) (def kstream (.stream streams-builder "input" (Consumed/with (serde) (serde)))) (.to kstream "output" (Produced/with (serde) (serde)))
  • 13. Jackdaw 13 (defn topology-builder [{:keys [input output] :as topics}] (fn [builder] (-> (j/kstream builder input) (j/flat-map-values split-lines) (j/group-by (fn [[_ v]] v)) (j/count) (j/to-kstream) (j/to output)) builder)) topic: input topic: output flatMapValues groupBy count toStream
  • 14. Jackdaw 14 (defn topology-builder [{:keys [input output] :as topics}] (fn [builder] (-> (j/kstream builder input) (j/flat-map-values split-lines) (j/group-by (fn [[_ v]] v)) (j/count) (j/to-kstream) (j/to output)) builder)) topic: input topic: output flatMapValues groupBy count toStream
  • 15. 15 Jackdaw Features • Create and manage topics • Produce and consume • Kafka Streams DSL • EDN, JSON, and Avro serdes • End-to-end tests
  • 16. Testing with Jackdaw 16 (def commands [[:write! :input "all streams lead to kafka" {:key-fn (constantly "")}] [:write! :input "hello kafka streams" {:key-fn (constantly "")}] [:watch (fn [journal] (= 8 (count (get-in journal [:topics :output])))) {:timeout 2000}]])
  • 17. Testing with Jackdaw 17 (def commands [[:write! :input "all streams lead to kafka" {:key-fn (constantly "")}] [:write! :input "hello kafka streams" {:key-fn (constantly "")}] [:watch (fn [journal] (= 8 (count (get-in journal [:topics :output])))) {:timeout 2000}]])
  • 18. Testing with Jackdaw 18 (deftest test-xf-word-count (jtf/with-fixtures [(jtf/integration-fixture topology-builder test-config)] (jackdaw.test/with-test-machine (test-transport test-config) (fn [machine] (let [{:keys [journal]} (jackdaw.test/run-test machine commands)] (is (= 1 (word-count journal "hello"))) (is (= 2 (word-count journal "kafka"))))))))
  • 19. 19 ["inside every large program" "is a small program" "struggling to get out"]
  • 20. Process all the lines, one step at a time. 20
  • 21. 21 Steps 1. Split each line into words. 2. Count the words for each line. 3. Reduce over all the lines.
  • 22. Split each line into words. 22 (["inside" "every" "large" "program"] ["is" "a" "small" "program"] ["struggling" "to" "get" "out"])
  • 23. Count the words for each line. 23 ({"inside" 1 "every" 1 "large" 1 "program" 1} {"is" 1 "a" 1 "small" 1 "program" 1} {"struggling" 1 "to" 1 "get" 1 "out" 1})
  • 24. Reduce over all the lines. 24 {"inside" 1 "every" 1 "large" 1 "program" 2 "is" 1 "a" 1 "small" 1 "struggling" 1 "to" 1 "get" 1 "out" 1}
  • 25. 25 (defn f [acc x] (merge-with + acc x)) (->> coll (map (fn [x] (split x #" "))) (map frequencies) (reduce f))
  • 26. Process all the lines, one step at a time.Process all the lines, one line 26
  • 27. 27 {"inside" 1 "every" 1 "large" 1 "program" 1} {} {"inside" 1 "every" 1 "large" 1 "program" 2 "is" 1 "a" 1 "small" 1} {"inside" 1 "every" 1 "large" 1 "program" 2 "is" 1 "a" 1 "small" 1 "struggling" 1 "to" 1 "get" 1 "out" 1}
  • 28. 28 (comp (partial map (fn [x] (split x #" "))) (partial map frequencies))
  • 29. 29 Transducers • Composable transformations • Take a reducing fn and return another reducing fn • Decoupled from inputs and outputs • Reusable • Fast
  • 30. 30 (map inc [1 2 3 4]) ;;=> (2 3 4 5)
  • 32. 32 (def count-words (comp (map (fn [x] (split x #" "))) (map frequencies))) (def f (completing (fn [acc x] (merge-with + acc x))))
  • 34. 34 {"inside" 1 "every" 1 "large" 1 "program" 2 "is" 1 "a" 1 "small" 1 "struggling" 1 "to" 1 "get" 1 "out" 1} But... [["inside" 1] ["every" 1] ["large" 1] ["program" 1] ["is" 1] ["a" 1] ["small" 1] ["program" 2] ["struggling" 1] ["to" 1] ["get" 1] ["out" 1]] We want...
  • 35. 35 [(["inside" 1] ["every" 1] ["large" 1] ["program" 1]) (["is" 1] ["a" 1] ["small" 1] ["program" 2]) (["struggling" 1] ["to" 1] ["get" 1] ["out" 1])] [{"inside" 1, "every" 1, "large" 1, "program" 1} {"is" 1, "a" 1, "small" 1, "program" 1} {"struggling" 1, "to" 1, "get" 1, "out" 1}]
  • 36. 36 (defn xf-running-total [] (fn [rf] (let [state (volatile! {})] (fn ([] (rf)) ([result] (rf result)) ([result input] (let [next (as-> input % (vswap! state #(merge-with (fnil + 0) %1 %2) %) (select-keys % (keys input)) (map vec %))] (rf result next)))))))
  • 37. 37 (defn xf-running-total [] (fn [rf] (let [state (volatile! {})] (fn ([] (rf)) ([result] (rf result)) ([result input] (let [next (as-> input % (vswap! state #(merge-with (fnil + 0) %1 %2) %) (select-keys % (keys input)) (map vec %))] (rf result next)))))))
  • 38. 38 (defn xf-running-total [] (fn [rf] (let [state (volatile! {})] (fn ([] (rf)) ([result] (rf result)) ([result input] (let [next (as-> input % (vswap! state #(merge-with (fnil + 0) %1 %2) %) (select-keys % (keys input)) (map vec %))] (rf result next)))))))
  • 40. 40 (def count-words (comp (map (fn [x] (split x #" "))) (map frequencies) (xf-running-total))) (transduce count-words concat coll) Putting it all together...
  • 41. 41
  • 42. 42 ?
  • 44. 44 (defn transduce-kstream [xf kstream] (-> kstream (j/transform (fn [] (transformer xf)) ["transducer"]) (j/flat-map (fn [[_ v]] v))))
  • 45. 45 (defn transduce-kstream [xf kstream] (-> kstream (j/transform (fn [] (transformer xf)) ["transducer"]) (j/flat-map (fn [[_ v]] v))))
  • 46. 46 (defn transformer [xf] (let [ctx (atom nil)] (reify Transformer (init [_ context] (reset! ctx context)) (transform [_ k v] (let [store (.getStateStore @ctx "transducer") v (first (into [] (xf store) [[k v]]))] (KeyValue/pair k v))) (close [_]))))
  • 47. 47 (defn transformer [xf] (let [ctx (atom nil)] (reify Transformer (init [_ context] (reset! ctx context)) (transform [_ k v] (let [store (.getStateStore @ctx "transducer") v (first (into [] (xf store) [[k v]]))] (KeyValue/pair k v))) (close [_]))))
  • 48. 48 (defn xf-running-total [state swap-fn] (fn [rf] (fn ([] (rf)) ([result] (rf result)) ([result input] (let [[k v] input next (as-> v % (swap-fn state #(merge-with (fnil + 0) %1 %2) %) (select-keys % (keys v)) (map vec %))] (rf result next))))))
  • 49. 49 (defn xf-running-total [state swap-fn] (fn [rf] (fn ([] (rf)) ([result] (rf result)) ([result input] (let [[k v] input next (as-> v % (swap-fn state #(merge-with (fnil + 0) %1 %2) %) (select-keys % (keys v)) (map vec %))] (rf result next))))))
  • 50. 50 (defn count-words [state swap-fn] (comp (map (fn [[k v]] [k (split v #" ")])) (map (fn [[k v]] [k (frequencies v)])) (xf-running-total state swap-fn))) Putting it all together...
  • 51. 51 (transduce (count-words (atom {}) swap!) concat coll)
  • 52. 52
  • 53. 53 Example: Simple Ledger [["1" {:debit-account "tech" :credit-account "cash" :amount 1000}] ["2" {:debit-account "cash" :credit-account "sales" :amount 2000}]]
  • 54. 54 We want... (["tech" {:account-name "tech" :before-balance 0 :after-balance -1000}] ["cash" {:account-name "cash" :before-balance 0 :after-balance 1000}] ["cash" {:account-name "cash" :before-balance 1000 :after-balance -1000}] ["sales" {:account-name "sales" :before-balance 0 :after-balance 2000}])
  • 55. 55 (->> coll (transduce (xf-split-entries nil nil) concat) (transduce (xf-running-balances (atom {}) swap!) concat))
  • 57. 57
  • 58. 58
  • 59. 59 Resources "Transducers" by Rich Hickey Strange Loop. (2014, September). Kafka and the REPL: Stream Processing, the Functional Way Reese, C. (2018, November). Testing Event-Driven Systems Chambers, A. (2018, April). Jackdaw Funding Circle. (2017).