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Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 1
The aches and pains you live with today will only disappear--
One Way!
In this one time offer is the answer for a stronger you. You can
be better than before by using this Award Winning
method…removing old-age symptoms and finding a younger
“You” in just 30 days.
I am 59 years old and I feel like 30 …….the secret of youth without
pills or surgery.
My Dear Friend,
I am one of the Baby-boomer’s and this year I have been extremely tired…
But 10 weeks ago I decided to change all of that.
That’s what I want to share with you.
I’m so excited!
Right up front I am going to promise you that you can rebuild, and regain youth quicker than you
I guarantee that you will triple your chances for success in every area of your life because of the
changes you will experience.
As I began to see the results in just 10 days I started to think about how I wanted to share all of this
and more, with you!
Why? Because I understand what you are going thru and I want you to know it doesn’t have to be
this way.
For A Limited Time.
An Award Winning Offer that can literally change your life!
For the Next 24 hours, 100% Risk Free Guarantee.
2 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos
We have nothing to lose but weight itself…and that’s great!
People have told me it’s normal to have aches and pains when changing the sheets or doing laundry,
It’s normal to have discomfort and restriction in the neck while looking or turning your head to
avoid oncoming traffic in the car.
It’s normal to have a backache when sitting for long periods of time.
It’s normal to have stiffness or aching in the legs or back when walking between 30 minutes to an
But what’s considered normal isn’t really something we have to deal with.
I will say to you today that all of this can be gotten rid of.
How do I know? Cause I have, in only 10 weeks time.
So it’s not normal, it’s just what happens. But it doesn’t have to happen and that is what I want to
share with you.
Then they say it’s not normal to have joint pain that wakes you up in the middle of the night. It’s not
normal to be unable to turn your neck at all to look at something. It’s not normal to have intense
back pain or joint pain after walking.
I have been down those roads and these severe pains became my reality because I remained
inactive. The earlier symptoms, that are considered “normal” left alone, become more serious
because of inactivity.
The excuse often given is that from 50 on up, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments are simply not as
strong because a lot of wear and tear has worn them out over the years.
Of course everyone is an individual and has had different experiences in life but in general much of
our problems can be alleviated if we take better care of the aging body.
Then there is the argument of “memory” as we age.
Believe me when I talk to you, that I am approaching 60 years old and I know that only time will put
wear and tear on the body but I disagree that many of these things happen no matter what we do.
Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 3
We can prevent or ward off many of these symptoms.
That’s right we don’t have to experience and live with all these so-called “normal” symptoms of old
But often we do accept them and just simply learn to live with them.
Even I was getting used to the fact that it’s “just life” until I watched a program on TV several
months back.
It was the “Ultimate Weight Loss” series and in it there was an 80-year-old woman who was going
to help another woman, at 50-years-old, get in shape.
Yes, she was an 80-year-old bodybuilder and she looked amazing!
Then I remembered all the years I used to weightlift mixing aerobics…
I remembered how good I felt in my body and my mind.
I wanted that back!!!
…But I am so overweight and so tired now…can I do it?
You bet I Can… and I will!
So…our ages are climbing.
So…we have gotten a little out of shape or a lot out of shape….
So what!
We can turn this around and all we have to do is begin.
That is what I did 10 weeks ago and oh my……………just in 10 weeks, I cannot write in words the
changes I have experienced.
However, my change would not be possible if I did not use these amazing fitness tapes, which I had
purchased many years ago. The results they give, speak volumes.
But wait…
Before we talk about these videos I need to share something about me…
You say, my feet hurt, my back hurts and my legs are throbbing…
I have all those symptoms that are part of the aging process but mine are unique…
4 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos
When I was born I was crippled with clubfeet. They were turned inward and I would have been in a
wheel chair if it had not been for my wonderful parents.
Immediately they sought solutions and in 1956 those solutions were limited, as many times it is.
They went to a reputable Doctor who corrected my feet and I was able to walk. But with age I
questioned why I couldn’t keep my balance and why it hurt so bad to run, even when I was young.
New answers came with new technology and it was found that my feet were corrected wrongly.
Instead of the arch going up, mine goes down and so I stand on bone that has been cushioned by
On top of that my spine in places were fused in vitro and that explains my back pain.
We all have problems and especially as we live in life, we endure accidents, etc that create more
obstacles to keep us from doing exercise.
I share all of this because it’s important to know that it’s not easy for me to do fitness videos, as it
might not be easy for you but this series has proven that.. if I can do it, you can do it.
In other fitness programs, about 70% of participants drop out within 2-4 weeks. I know this is true
because I have tried other programs.
This program combines some of the best ways to get back in shape.
Weightlifting is one of the most effective ways to get in shape
but many avoid it.
I’m not talking about bodybuilding but you are welcome to let this program ignite that goal.
I am just talking about weight lifting to strengthen and build normal muscles. (Remember women,
because of hormones won’t naturally get the muscular definition as men do.)
However, it’s the results that take place when weightlifting must be looked at.
As long as we see aging as a downward path of physical and mental deterioration, we are doomed
to experience just that. But our minds play a powerful role. So change your mindset and defy what
normally happens and you will be amazed.
Weight lifting can literally bring you back to a more youthful state. Your whole way of looking at
things will change and when the mind changes it’s view, there is no stopping you.
It is a well-known fact, today, that weight (strength) training is an integral part of a well-rounded
exercise program and is recommended for both sexes of all ages, including kids and seniors.
Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 5
Gaining more muscle through resistance exercises has many benefits.
And here are a few:
 Muscle fights fat
 Depression symptoms diminish
 Maintaining healthy bone mass
 Fights Osteoporosis
 Prevention or reduction of disease
 Improve functional strength and flexibility
 Reduce pain of arthritis
 Lower your diabetes risk
 Heart health improved
 Lower Blood Pressure
 Preventing age-related muscle loss
 Prevent back pain
 Improved Balance
 Mentally and emotionally stronger
 Sleek, toned and overall improved appearance
Also it’s important to know that the intensity of your resistance training can achieve a number of
beneficial changes for the body on these four levels.
 Molecular
 Enzymatic
 Hormonal
 Chemical
What this means is that it will help slow down, even stop many of the diseases caused by a
sedentary lifestyle.
6 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos
Strength training or weight training, what ever you want to call it, has a major affect on the
prevention of common diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, weakening of your bones
(osteoporosis), and limited range of motion, aches and pains.
Why “The Firm” videos for your transformation?
Here is the scoop!
Remember that motivation comes from knowing why something works and specifically why it will
work for you.
These videos are not ordinary…. simply because they teach you why it works for you and with that
you begin to build a new understanding. And they show you the proper ways to do each exercise.
Slow, controlled methods build strength quickly.
I tell you this because it has changed my whole physique and allowed me to live more fully in life.
You will learn that:
 Aerobic exercise is not the fastest way to lose fat. In fact aerobic alone will cause
certain muscles to deteriorate.
 Weight training --- at any age, reverses most effects of aging. But especially after 50
years old.
 Muscle does not “turn to flab” if you quit exercising.
 Special exercises, creams and devices sold to remove “cellulite” simply don’t work.
 Weights will not give women big muscles (unless male steroids are used or other
methods to create this effect, are used).
 You will learn solutions to all common figure problems.
 There will be dozens of myths that even you believe, exposed.
But don’t just take my word for it…
Hundreds of thousands of people have not only gotten fit but have stayed fit for life.
The New York Times has defined this series as truly inspiring.
Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 7
Woman’s Day finds it surprisingly entertaining.
Yes, this series is not only easy but also fun to do and the results are quickly visible in just days.
As I began to see the aging process take me to a sedentary state, I also began to accept it as “ok” for
the rest of my life and that was the wake up call.
A housewife from Iowa writes:
Overweight and tired, I couldn’t walk for very long without my feet feeling like they were on fire and
my joints hurting terribly. On top of that my back hurt continually with throbbing pain.
I became out of breath with the slightest exertion and I simply wanted to just sit around and do
nothing. This was never me. It was this drastic plummeting way of living that woke me up.
“Do I want to finish my life…like this?” I asked myself.
Here I have lived all these years with all of this joy and fight for life ‘kind of attitude’ and now I’m just
going to curl up and wait to die?
NO! I said to myself.
I had to do something ……and I knew it had to be now or never.
After one month of “The Firm” videos, I am a new woman. I might be 65 years old but I feel better than
ever before. I’m losing weight, while getting stronger everyday.
A special thank you to “The Firm” videos, the amazing instructors and the encouragement in the
Arella, from Wisconsin writes:
Just so everyone is clear, I am in no way affiliated with The Firm. So don't think I'm posting this to sell
a product. Because I'm not.
I'm posting this because I am truly excited about my own workout achievements!
So, that being said, here's my update:
My new Firm goals are paying off, big time!! I've continued doing “The Firm” workout videos and
WOW! I have really noticed a HUGE difference. My muscle tone is greater than it's been in the past
five years, my energy levels are high throughout the day (I'm not getting those afternoon grogs
anymore), and my outlook on life has become a lot more positive. I am no longer moping around,
feeling like a failure. I now feel like I can take on the world!
8 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos
In just 30 days…………..Oh my what a drastic change!
So I made a decision to lose weight but in the past I had followed diets and they simply didn’t work
very fast. With my age it is normal to expect weight loss to take a longer time.
Did I just want to lose weight? I had to think about that… I mean I could lose the weight but the flab
and extra skin would still be hanging around. No, I also wanted to tone my body.
I didn’t want to just exist or look pretty to the outside world. I wanted my health back and I was
going to give it all I could to make it happen.
So I cut the fat and sugar out of my diet and lowered the carbs, making sure that complex carbs
were the only ones I ate. I also made up my mind that I wouldn’t think about the diet part too much.
I started to take a good and healthy protein drink and boy did my muscles need that. They needed
help growing with proper nutrition.
In the beginning I have kept the diet simple but focused on the exercising videos daily.
In 30 days I lost 5 inches off my hips, 3 inches off each thigh and 2 inches off my arms. But more
than that the pain in my back was gone and I not only could walk easier but running was no
problem. Wow!!! It’s been a long time since this has happened.
Now keep in mind that I am not done yet and I plan on doing this for the rest of my life. I also have
much more results I need to see but this beginning is where I am writing to you with such
To do a program that has withstood the test of time…and shown results with thousands upon
thousands of people, all ages, and either sex…you will see for yourself why this works.
Of course it is important to note the condition you are currently in and check with your doctor
about areas you need to go easy on.
Some answers to questions you might want to know…
 If you are a woman and you don’t want bulky muscles, you might wonder if the weight
training will create this. The truth is that only 2% of women have the muscle composition
needed to build big muscles and only after years of lifting. However, women can increase
strength by 44% without increasing muscle size, such as those huge muscles you find in men.
 Keep in mind that most of us are losing muscle at a rate of ½ pound per year while at the
same time gaining 1½ pounds of fat each year. We not only gain weight but we shift from
muscle weight to fat weight.
Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 9
 Did you know that muscle loss alone makes us fat? Each pound of muscle consumes about 40
calories a day just to stay alive. That means 4 ½ lbs. of muscle consumes as many calories as
running one-mile everyday.
 A common fact is that men for centuries have been seen more youthful and manly when they
build muscle. And it is not surprising when we re-look and re-discover the benefits of
women building muscle; they also are more youthful and womanly.
 As you age your muscle begins to deteriorate. In this diagram you can see how the beauty of
youth gives way to the frailty of old age and the lack of exercising.
The diagram clearly shows the muscle of a 40 year-old triathlete vs. a 74 year-old sedentary
man. Notice how the muscle has deteriorated in the 74 year-old. It also shows the muscle
composition of a 74 year-old triathlete. This is where you can purposely bring back the
volume of your muscle structure. It will not only prevent injuries and give you better health
but it will also keep your weight down because muscle uses a lot of calories.
My grandmother, although not athletic, used to say, “you have to keep moving”. She was right but
little did she understand that moving and weight lifting bring two entirely different results.
Something uniquely powerful is to understand why all of this works. Because with knowledge and
understanding, you are more likely going to implement it in your life.
10 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos
When aerobics and weight training are combined the results are amazing.
Aerobics are often clearly responsible for fat loss and cardio vascular health.
Where as muscle shaping contributes to muscle tone.
The result is the physique that is balanced between the runner and the weightlifter.
It’s important to ask the question, “Why do runners look different than weightlifters?”
Remember that all exercise works because the muscles adapt to progressive overload and they
react according to what you overload them with…more repetitions or more resistance?
But the best results are a hybrid workout that combines both repetitions and resistance, which
often omits some of the problems when you simply and only do one of them. So if you are a runner
and only run, then you will not experience the benefits of muscle shaping and strength training. And
you incur problems indicative with runners. The same goes with just weightlifting.
Runners work only certain muscles of the legs and buttocks leaving the upper body to atrophy. And
running 15 miles a day puts enormous stress on the knees, giving no added health benefits and
greatly increases your chance of injury.
Even for fat loss, aerobics has been oversold. Research shows that with aerobics alone only 1/3 of
fat will be lost. But even worse and more disastrous is in doing aerobics alone where the muscle
loss goes into the negative.
With weights and aerobics combined you get 3 x the amount of fat loss and your gain in muscle is
Remember that the fat on the stomach cannot be removed by just building the muscle. The only way
to remove the fat from the stomach and tighten the skin is thru aerobics.
But there are so many benefits by developing the muscles and removing the fat.
For instance:
 You feel better
 You look better
 You will even attract success in all areas of your life
 Your health problems will begin to disappear
 You have greater joy in life
Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 11
 You will be able to join in on activities you might otherwise have avoided
 You will also prevent future illness from happening
Strength training impacts 10 biomarkers of aging
Biomarkers of aging are the 10 determinants of aging that you are actually capable of controlling.
This is great news for all of us. Many times we get this feeling that we cannot control the process of
aging, but some things we have control over.
They are:
 Strength and Muscle Mass (which results in greater balance, as you get older)
 Body Composition
 Blood Lipids
 Bone Density
 Cardio respiratory fitness
 Aerobic capacity
 Blood glucose control
 Blood Pressure
Those with Heart Disease should not avoid strength training.
Of course if you have heart disease it is vital you consult with your doctor first, before you strength
But you can control this extremely dangerous problem, called heart disease.
Chronic congestive heart failure and the inability of your heart to supply your body with a sufficient
amount of blood is a common problem among the elderly.
In one study they found that at the highest intensities on a leg press, over 80% of their one rep
max…the more the vascular system opened up and allowed for blood flow to occur.
The heart is a closed hydraulic system, and in order for it to pump, it has to be getting blood back.
When you do the leg press, you create controlled contractions, where the muscle’s actually
constricting on the vascular system and shortening the amount of blood that’s moved by each
12 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos
Unlike running where it’s a series of shorter repetitions, the leg press creates more smooth, heavy
effort exercises which are essentially pumping huge amounts of blood back to the heart, so it’s more
If you don’t have to pump very fast, if your rate of exertion is smooth and consistent, you don’t have
to constantly adjust to these changes of pressure.
That’s why strength training shows remarkable improvement. People with heart failure just need to
work out with leg presses, and your heart is going to get back in shape.
Diabetes is running rampant-
Strength training can put you back in control.
Remember that normalizing your blood glucose is very important if you want to avoid, or are
already at high risk for cardiovascular disease.
But even more important to understand is that weight training is one of the best things you can do
for your body if you have diabetes.
And it’s never too late to start!
As you begin aging, weight training for people with diabetes helps the body in these ways:
 Respond better to insulin
 Improve the way it uses blood sugar
 Lose weight
 Lower your risk for heart disease
 Lower your risk for Type 2 Diabetes
But wait there is something more…
In the beginning of this letter I mentioned that I would guarantee you would triple your chances of
But how this will happen is simple….
As you begin to exercise and feel better in life, your whole outlook will change.
When I was stuck in a rut, not exercising, not eating right, and not really wanting to do much of
anything, my mental state was depressed. I like to look at depression as a “pressed downward” way
Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 13
in which I see life. If you are not looking upward, you are not seeing the possibilities of life. And
most importantly, your life.
Looking down on things keeps you stuck and so when your mind is depressed downward, life is
boring, and has no view of the future. You feel like nothing will change.
The way you will triple your chances of success happens when your outlook changes. When you are
happier you begin to attract good things. So…having said that, you can see how success will come to
The mind is powerful and sometimes the only way to change it is to get up, get going, and begin to
take control of your life.
That is what you are doing when you begin this amazing workout program.
And did I tell you…
This program is not like any other one. When you combine weights and aerobics in this unique way,
where you break down and challenge the muscle groups, you see results that are so powerful. So
powerful that even you don’t believe it’s happening.
That’s what I experienced and trust me…you will experience the same.
The Firm not only gets you going and makes everything “fun”, they begin the process of teaching
you how muscles are built by instructions working specific muscle groups.
They emphasize the need to confuse the muscles by alternating between lightweight, moderate
intensity workouts and heavyweight, high intensity workouts.
What this does is that it prevents plateaus and therefore you see continuous results.
The lightweight workouts burn tons of calories while the heavyweight workouts increase muscles
that will burn calories even when you’re not exercising.
In this way, The Firm’s unique and very effective, purposely planned workouts, create muscle
confusion. With muscle confusion your body is pushed into far better and faster results.
And the best thing about this is that you don’t have to do high impact moves to boost intensity.
The Firm video’s also add a “balance element” by keeping your feet moving as you do overhead arm
movements with dumbbells. Creating this need to stay balanced, not making quick moves but
steady moves, your workout can actually burn calories faster, as your muscles will have to work
harder to keep you stable.
14 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos
Keep in mind that the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn. And even better is that building
muscle is the best way to burn more calories and lose more fat while boosting your metabolism
around the clock.
And if you want to attract success in your life, it’s extremely important to understand that when you
incorporate weights in your workouts, you will have a more youthful, slim and shapely appearance.
Your journey is not over…Give yourself the chance of a lifetime, now.
After reading all these benefits, you might think it just won’t work for you and you are not going to
spend the money.
I have some good news for you. Today we are offering risk free for a full 30 days, and with that we
will also send you 5 Free gifts that are yours no matter if you keep the video or not.
This offer is not found anywhere else. It’s a one-time offer sent only to a special age group, the Baby
Because we believe that you have a right to feel good all the way to the end of your life. Our special
offer is designed to help you achieve your goals patiently and with great results.
You won’t need to go to a gym and pay membership fees that are expensive because all you will
need is your own living room space.
You don’t need expensive weights or step boxes because we have listed in our catalog 50% off all of
our equipment. Plus a special discount for seniors of an additional 15% off.
Claim your new life, Pain-free Today.
If you respond within the next 24 hours we will include, FREE with no obligation to keep the
workout video ordered:
 Free Award Winning video “ 20 Questions About Fitness”. I will gain knowledge about why
getting fit can change my entire life. With knowledge, comes motivation and the belief to
make this a permanent change. With over 50 minutes of proven solutions to all common
figure problems, as well as exposing dozens of myths that we have believed for years. This
power packed informational video that has helped hundreds of thousands of people to get fit,
and stay fit for life, is mine Free even if I choose to return the workout video.
 Free Firm Catalog that is filled with the basic equipment, up to 50% off regular retail price,
you will need and accessories that will assist you in your goal to become the best you can be.
Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 15
 Free Shipping if you act within the next 24 hours, which could be a huge savings if you take
advantage of the many videos we offer.
 Free weekly newsletter- is designed to keep you motivated with helpful, educational tips to
maximize your results. We are not only interested in getting you started but also becoming
life-long friends and partners. Together we can… not only change our own personal lives but
also inspire others to change theirs.
 Free-No Obligation - Affiliate Program-Make a ton of cash by telling people about us…Our
unique affiliate program allows you to generate a solid income, with little work by you. We
have developed the tools you need to be successful. You will receive your own unique URL,
which will automatically track all sales you generate. We even provide you with banner ads
and text links that you can just choose, copy & paste! Be on your way to success today,
signup now!
And Remember its all 100% No-Risk Guarantee!
You will not only feel better than ever before but it will be a Second Chance at life.
Do you know how much my life has changed?
I no longer turn down hikes, or long walks but simply embrace them. And when my grandchildren
come to see me and we are playing in the yard, I can keep up and not feel the pain.
For me, it has taken my life to an incredibly new level. I am living a life with fun and joy. You see,
you might try to do those things because everyone else is but if pain plagues you, the joy is removed.
This is not a cream or a brace to wear but its actually breathing life back into your whole body.
I cannot say enough but I will tell you that no matter what comes along, I will always keep
weightlifting and using these powerful videos to strengthen every part of my body.
This will bring you a better life and we can live it to the fullest.
Order now, risk-free with my ironclad 30-day money-back guarantee!
Vicky Jeter
The Firm Video
P.S. Get an additional and very popular video, absolutely Free, when you keep the first one,
after 30 days.
16 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos
That’s two videos and five free incredible gifts, a Total Savings of 75% and you will be on your way
to an amazingly slim and strong body.
All material herein is provided for information only and may not be construed as personal medical
advice. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers
should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.
The publisher is not a licensed medical care provider. The information is provided with the
understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care
profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. The
publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.

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  • 1. Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 1 The aches and pains you live with today will only disappear-- One Way! In this one time offer is the answer for a stronger you. You can be better than before by using this Award Winning method…removing old-age symptoms and finding a younger “You” in just 30 days. I am 59 years old and I feel like 30 …….the secret of youth without pills or surgery. My Dear Friend, I am one of the Baby-boomer’s and this year I have been extremely tired… But 10 weeks ago I decided to change all of that. That’s what I want to share with you. I’m so excited! Right up front I am going to promise you that you can rebuild, and regain youth quicker than you think. I guarantee that you will triple your chances for success in every area of your life because of the changes you will experience. As I began to see the results in just 10 days I started to think about how I wanted to share all of this and more, with you! Why? Because I understand what you are going thru and I want you to know it doesn’t have to be this way. For A Limited Time. An Award Winning Offer that can literally change your life! For the Next 24 hours, 100% Risk Free Guarantee.
  • 2. 2 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos We have nothing to lose but weight itself…and that’s great! People have told me it’s normal to have aches and pains when changing the sheets or doing laundry, etc. It’s normal to have discomfort and restriction in the neck while looking or turning your head to avoid oncoming traffic in the car. It’s normal to have a backache when sitting for long periods of time. It’s normal to have stiffness or aching in the legs or back when walking between 30 minutes to an hour. But what’s considered normal isn’t really something we have to deal with. I will say to you today that all of this can be gotten rid of. How do I know? Cause I have, in only 10 weeks time. So it’s not normal, it’s just what happens. But it doesn’t have to happen and that is what I want to share with you. Then they say it’s not normal to have joint pain that wakes you up in the middle of the night. It’s not normal to be unable to turn your neck at all to look at something. It’s not normal to have intense back pain or joint pain after walking. I have been down those roads and these severe pains became my reality because I remained inactive. The earlier symptoms, that are considered “normal” left alone, become more serious because of inactivity. The excuse often given is that from 50 on up, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments are simply not as strong because a lot of wear and tear has worn them out over the years. Of course everyone is an individual and has had different experiences in life but in general much of our problems can be alleviated if we take better care of the aging body. Then there is the argument of “memory” as we age. Believe me when I talk to you, that I am approaching 60 years old and I know that only time will put wear and tear on the body but I disagree that many of these things happen no matter what we do.
  • 3. Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 3 We can prevent or ward off many of these symptoms. That’s right we don’t have to experience and live with all these so-called “normal” symptoms of old age. But often we do accept them and just simply learn to live with them. Even I was getting used to the fact that it’s “just life” until I watched a program on TV several months back. It was the “Ultimate Weight Loss” series and in it there was an 80-year-old woman who was going to help another woman, at 50-years-old, get in shape. Yes, she was an 80-year-old bodybuilder and she looked amazing! Then I remembered all the years I used to weightlift mixing aerobics… I remembered how good I felt in my body and my mind. I wanted that back!!! …But I am so overweight and so tired now…can I do it? You bet I Can… and I will! So…our ages are climbing. So…we have gotten a little out of shape or a lot out of shape…. So what! We can turn this around and all we have to do is begin. That is what I did 10 weeks ago and oh my……………just in 10 weeks, I cannot write in words the changes I have experienced. However, my change would not be possible if I did not use these amazing fitness tapes, which I had purchased many years ago. The results they give, speak volumes. But wait… Before we talk about these videos I need to share something about me… You say, my feet hurt, my back hurts and my legs are throbbing… I have all those symptoms that are part of the aging process but mine are unique…
  • 4. 4 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos When I was born I was crippled with clubfeet. They were turned inward and I would have been in a wheel chair if it had not been for my wonderful parents. Immediately they sought solutions and in 1956 those solutions were limited, as many times it is. They went to a reputable Doctor who corrected my feet and I was able to walk. But with age I questioned why I couldn’t keep my balance and why it hurt so bad to run, even when I was young. New answers came with new technology and it was found that my feet were corrected wrongly. Instead of the arch going up, mine goes down and so I stand on bone that has been cushioned by callouses. On top of that my spine in places were fused in vitro and that explains my back pain. We all have problems and especially as we live in life, we endure accidents, etc that create more obstacles to keep us from doing exercise. I share all of this because it’s important to know that it’s not easy for me to do fitness videos, as it might not be easy for you but this series has proven that.. if I can do it, you can do it. In other fitness programs, about 70% of participants drop out within 2-4 weeks. I know this is true because I have tried other programs. This program combines some of the best ways to get back in shape. Weightlifting is one of the most effective ways to get in shape but many avoid it. I’m not talking about bodybuilding but you are welcome to let this program ignite that goal. I am just talking about weight lifting to strengthen and build normal muscles. (Remember women, because of hormones won’t naturally get the muscular definition as men do.) However, it’s the results that take place when weightlifting must be looked at. As long as we see aging as a downward path of physical and mental deterioration, we are doomed to experience just that. But our minds play a powerful role. So change your mindset and defy what normally happens and you will be amazed. Weight lifting can literally bring you back to a more youthful state. Your whole way of looking at things will change and when the mind changes it’s view, there is no stopping you. It is a well-known fact, today, that weight (strength) training is an integral part of a well-rounded exercise program and is recommended for both sexes of all ages, including kids and seniors.
  • 5. Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 5 Gaining more muscle through resistance exercises has many benefits. And here are a few:  Muscle fights fat  Depression symptoms diminish  Maintaining healthy bone mass  Fights Osteoporosis  Prevention or reduction of disease  Improve functional strength and flexibility  Reduce pain of arthritis  Lower your diabetes risk  Heart health improved  Lower Blood Pressure  Preventing age-related muscle loss  Prevent back pain  Improved Balance  Mentally and emotionally stronger  Sleek, toned and overall improved appearance Also it’s important to know that the intensity of your resistance training can achieve a number of beneficial changes for the body on these four levels.  Molecular  Enzymatic  Hormonal  Chemical What this means is that it will help slow down, even stop many of the diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle.
  • 6. 6 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos Strength training or weight training, what ever you want to call it, has a major affect on the prevention of common diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, weakening of your bones (osteoporosis), and limited range of motion, aches and pains. Why “The Firm” videos for your transformation? Here is the scoop! Remember that motivation comes from knowing why something works and specifically why it will work for you. These videos are not ordinary…. simply because they teach you why it works for you and with that you begin to build a new understanding. And they show you the proper ways to do each exercise. Slow, controlled methods build strength quickly. I tell you this because it has changed my whole physique and allowed me to live more fully in life. You will learn that:  Aerobic exercise is not the fastest way to lose fat. In fact aerobic alone will cause certain muscles to deteriorate.  Weight training --- at any age, reverses most effects of aging. But especially after 50 years old.  Muscle does not “turn to flab” if you quit exercising.  Special exercises, creams and devices sold to remove “cellulite” simply don’t work.  Weights will not give women big muscles (unless male steroids are used or other methods to create this effect, are used).  You will learn solutions to all common figure problems.  There will be dozens of myths that even you believe, exposed. But don’t just take my word for it… Hundreds of thousands of people have not only gotten fit but have stayed fit for life. The New York Times has defined this series as truly inspiring.
  • 7. Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 7 Woman’s Day finds it surprisingly entertaining. Yes, this series is not only easy but also fun to do and the results are quickly visible in just days. As I began to see the aging process take me to a sedentary state, I also began to accept it as “ok” for the rest of my life and that was the wake up call. A housewife from Iowa writes: Overweight and tired, I couldn’t walk for very long without my feet feeling like they were on fire and my joints hurting terribly. On top of that my back hurt continually with throbbing pain. I became out of breath with the slightest exertion and I simply wanted to just sit around and do nothing. This was never me. It was this drastic plummeting way of living that woke me up. “Do I want to finish my life…like this?” I asked myself. Here I have lived all these years with all of this joy and fight for life ‘kind of attitude’ and now I’m just going to curl up and wait to die? NO! I said to myself. I had to do something ……and I knew it had to be now or never. After one month of “The Firm” videos, I am a new woman. I might be 65 years old but I feel better than ever before. I’m losing weight, while getting stronger everyday. A special thank you to “The Firm” videos, the amazing instructors and the encouragement in the newsletters. Arella, from Wisconsin writes: Just so everyone is clear, I am in no way affiliated with The Firm. So don't think I'm posting this to sell a product. Because I'm not. I'm posting this because I am truly excited about my own workout achievements! So, that being said, here's my update: My new Firm goals are paying off, big time!! I've continued doing “The Firm” workout videos and WOW! I have really noticed a HUGE difference. My muscle tone is greater than it's been in the past five years, my energy levels are high throughout the day (I'm not getting those afternoon grogs anymore), and my outlook on life has become a lot more positive. I am no longer moping around, feeling like a failure. I now feel like I can take on the world!
  • 8. 8 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos In just 30 days…………..Oh my what a drastic change! So I made a decision to lose weight but in the past I had followed diets and they simply didn’t work very fast. With my age it is normal to expect weight loss to take a longer time. Did I just want to lose weight? I had to think about that… I mean I could lose the weight but the flab and extra skin would still be hanging around. No, I also wanted to tone my body. I didn’t want to just exist or look pretty to the outside world. I wanted my health back and I was going to give it all I could to make it happen. So I cut the fat and sugar out of my diet and lowered the carbs, making sure that complex carbs were the only ones I ate. I also made up my mind that I wouldn’t think about the diet part too much. I started to take a good and healthy protein drink and boy did my muscles need that. They needed help growing with proper nutrition. In the beginning I have kept the diet simple but focused on the exercising videos daily. In 30 days I lost 5 inches off my hips, 3 inches off each thigh and 2 inches off my arms. But more than that the pain in my back was gone and I not only could walk easier but running was no problem. Wow!!! It’s been a long time since this has happened. Now keep in mind that I am not done yet and I plan on doing this for the rest of my life. I also have much more results I need to see but this beginning is where I am writing to you with such excitement. To do a program that has withstood the test of time…and shown results with thousands upon thousands of people, all ages, and either sex…you will see for yourself why this works. Of course it is important to note the condition you are currently in and check with your doctor about areas you need to go easy on. Some answers to questions you might want to know…  If you are a woman and you don’t want bulky muscles, you might wonder if the weight training will create this. The truth is that only 2% of women have the muscle composition needed to build big muscles and only after years of lifting. However, women can increase strength by 44% without increasing muscle size, such as those huge muscles you find in men.  Keep in mind that most of us are losing muscle at a rate of ½ pound per year while at the same time gaining 1½ pounds of fat each year. We not only gain weight but we shift from muscle weight to fat weight.
  • 9. Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 9  Did you know that muscle loss alone makes us fat? Each pound of muscle consumes about 40 calories a day just to stay alive. That means 4 ½ lbs. of muscle consumes as many calories as running one-mile everyday.  A common fact is that men for centuries have been seen more youthful and manly when they build muscle. And it is not surprising when we re-look and re-discover the benefits of women building muscle; they also are more youthful and womanly.  As you age your muscle begins to deteriorate. In this diagram you can see how the beauty of youth gives way to the frailty of old age and the lack of exercising. The diagram clearly shows the muscle of a 40 year-old triathlete vs. a 74 year-old sedentary man. Notice how the muscle has deteriorated in the 74 year-old. It also shows the muscle composition of a 74 year-old triathlete. This is where you can purposely bring back the volume of your muscle structure. It will not only prevent injuries and give you better health but it will also keep your weight down because muscle uses a lot of calories. My grandmother, although not athletic, used to say, “you have to keep moving”. She was right but little did she understand that moving and weight lifting bring two entirely different results. Something uniquely powerful is to understand why all of this works. Because with knowledge and understanding, you are more likely going to implement it in your life.
  • 10. 10 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos When aerobics and weight training are combined the results are amazing. Aerobics are often clearly responsible for fat loss and cardio vascular health. Where as muscle shaping contributes to muscle tone. The result is the physique that is balanced between the runner and the weightlifter. It’s important to ask the question, “Why do runners look different than weightlifters?” Remember that all exercise works because the muscles adapt to progressive overload and they react according to what you overload them with…more repetitions or more resistance? But the best results are a hybrid workout that combines both repetitions and resistance, which often omits some of the problems when you simply and only do one of them. So if you are a runner and only run, then you will not experience the benefits of muscle shaping and strength training. And you incur problems indicative with runners. The same goes with just weightlifting. Runners work only certain muscles of the legs and buttocks leaving the upper body to atrophy. And running 15 miles a day puts enormous stress on the knees, giving no added health benefits and greatly increases your chance of injury. Even for fat loss, aerobics has been oversold. Research shows that with aerobics alone only 1/3 of fat will be lost. But even worse and more disastrous is in doing aerobics alone where the muscle loss goes into the negative. With weights and aerobics combined you get 3 x the amount of fat loss and your gain in muscle is substantial. Remember that the fat on the stomach cannot be removed by just building the muscle. The only way to remove the fat from the stomach and tighten the skin is thru aerobics. But there are so many benefits by developing the muscles and removing the fat. For instance:  You feel better  You look better  You will even attract success in all areas of your life  Your health problems will begin to disappear  You have greater joy in life
  • 11. Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 11  You will be able to join in on activities you might otherwise have avoided  You will also prevent future illness from happening Strength training impacts 10 biomarkers of aging Biomarkers of aging are the 10 determinants of aging that you are actually capable of controlling. This is great news for all of us. Many times we get this feeling that we cannot control the process of aging, but some things we have control over. They are:  Strength and Muscle Mass (which results in greater balance, as you get older)  Body Composition  Blood Lipids  Bone Density  Cardio respiratory fitness  Aerobic capacity  Blood glucose control  Blood Pressure Those with Heart Disease should not avoid strength training. Of course if you have heart disease it is vital you consult with your doctor first, before you strength train. But you can control this extremely dangerous problem, called heart disease. Chronic congestive heart failure and the inability of your heart to supply your body with a sufficient amount of blood is a common problem among the elderly. In one study they found that at the highest intensities on a leg press, over 80% of their one rep max…the more the vascular system opened up and allowed for blood flow to occur. The heart is a closed hydraulic system, and in order for it to pump, it has to be getting blood back. When you do the leg press, you create controlled contractions, where the muscle’s actually constricting on the vascular system and shortening the amount of blood that’s moved by each repetition.
  • 12. 12 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos Unlike running where it’s a series of shorter repetitions, the leg press creates more smooth, heavy effort exercises which are essentially pumping huge amounts of blood back to the heart, so it’s more efficient. If you don’t have to pump very fast, if your rate of exertion is smooth and consistent, you don’t have to constantly adjust to these changes of pressure. That’s why strength training shows remarkable improvement. People with heart failure just need to work out with leg presses, and your heart is going to get back in shape. Diabetes is running rampant- Strength training can put you back in control. Remember that normalizing your blood glucose is very important if you want to avoid, or are already at high risk for cardiovascular disease. But even more important to understand is that weight training is one of the best things you can do for your body if you have diabetes. And it’s never too late to start! As you begin aging, weight training for people with diabetes helps the body in these ways:  Respond better to insulin  Improve the way it uses blood sugar  Lose weight  Lower your risk for heart disease  Lower your risk for Type 2 Diabetes But wait there is something more… In the beginning of this letter I mentioned that I would guarantee you would triple your chances of success. But how this will happen is simple…. As you begin to exercise and feel better in life, your whole outlook will change. When I was stuck in a rut, not exercising, not eating right, and not really wanting to do much of anything, my mental state was depressed. I like to look at depression as a “pressed downward” way
  • 13. Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 13 in which I see life. If you are not looking upward, you are not seeing the possibilities of life. And most importantly, your life. Looking down on things keeps you stuck and so when your mind is depressed downward, life is boring, and has no view of the future. You feel like nothing will change. The way you will triple your chances of success happens when your outlook changes. When you are happier you begin to attract good things. So…having said that, you can see how success will come to you. The mind is powerful and sometimes the only way to change it is to get up, get going, and begin to take control of your life. That is what you are doing when you begin this amazing workout program. And did I tell you… This program is not like any other one. When you combine weights and aerobics in this unique way, where you break down and challenge the muscle groups, you see results that are so powerful. So powerful that even you don’t believe it’s happening. That’s what I experienced and trust me…you will experience the same. The Firm not only gets you going and makes everything “fun”, they begin the process of teaching you how muscles are built by instructions working specific muscle groups. They emphasize the need to confuse the muscles by alternating between lightweight, moderate intensity workouts and heavyweight, high intensity workouts. What this does is that it prevents plateaus and therefore you see continuous results. The lightweight workouts burn tons of calories while the heavyweight workouts increase muscles that will burn calories even when you’re not exercising. In this way, The Firm’s unique and very effective, purposely planned workouts, create muscle confusion. With muscle confusion your body is pushed into far better and faster results. And the best thing about this is that you don’t have to do high impact moves to boost intensity. The Firm video’s also add a “balance element” by keeping your feet moving as you do overhead arm movements with dumbbells. Creating this need to stay balanced, not making quick moves but steady moves, your workout can actually burn calories faster, as your muscles will have to work harder to keep you stable.
  • 14. 14 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos Keep in mind that the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn. And even better is that building muscle is the best way to burn more calories and lose more fat while boosting your metabolism around the clock. And if you want to attract success in your life, it’s extremely important to understand that when you incorporate weights in your workouts, you will have a more youthful, slim and shapely appearance. Your journey is not over…Give yourself the chance of a lifetime, now. After reading all these benefits, you might think it just won’t work for you and you are not going to spend the money. I have some good news for you. Today we are offering risk free for a full 30 days, and with that we will also send you 5 Free gifts that are yours no matter if you keep the video or not. This offer is not found anywhere else. It’s a one-time offer sent only to a special age group, the Baby Boomers. Why? Because we believe that you have a right to feel good all the way to the end of your life. Our special offer is designed to help you achieve your goals patiently and with great results. You won’t need to go to a gym and pay membership fees that are expensive because all you will need is your own living room space. You don’t need expensive weights or step boxes because we have listed in our catalog 50% off all of our equipment. Plus a special discount for seniors of an additional 15% off. Claim your new life, Pain-free Today. If you respond within the next 24 hours we will include, FREE with no obligation to keep the workout video ordered:  Free Award Winning video “ 20 Questions About Fitness”. I will gain knowledge about why getting fit can change my entire life. With knowledge, comes motivation and the belief to make this a permanent change. With over 50 minutes of proven solutions to all common figure problems, as well as exposing dozens of myths that we have believed for years. This power packed informational video that has helped hundreds of thousands of people to get fit, and stay fit for life, is mine Free even if I choose to return the workout video.  Free Firm Catalog that is filled with the basic equipment, up to 50% off regular retail price, you will need and accessories that will assist you in your goal to become the best you can be.
  • 15. Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos 15  Free Shipping if you act within the next 24 hours, which could be a huge savings if you take advantage of the many videos we offer.  Free weekly newsletter- is designed to keep you motivated with helpful, educational tips to maximize your results. We are not only interested in getting you started but also becoming life-long friends and partners. Together we can… not only change our own personal lives but also inspire others to change theirs.  Free-No Obligation - Affiliate Program-Make a ton of cash by telling people about us…Our unique affiliate program allows you to generate a solid income, with little work by you. We have developed the tools you need to be successful. You will receive your own unique URL, which will automatically track all sales you generate. We even provide you with banner ads and text links that you can just choose, copy & paste! Be on your way to success today, signup now! And Remember its all 100% No-Risk Guarantee! You will not only feel better than ever before but it will be a Second Chance at life. Do you know how much my life has changed? I no longer turn down hikes, or long walks but simply embrace them. And when my grandchildren come to see me and we are playing in the yard, I can keep up and not feel the pain. For me, it has taken my life to an incredibly new level. I am living a life with fun and joy. You see, you might try to do those things because everyone else is but if pain plagues you, the joy is removed. This is not a cream or a brace to wear but its actually breathing life back into your whole body. I cannot say enough but I will tell you that no matter what comes along, I will always keep weightlifting and using these powerful videos to strengthen every part of my body. This will bring you a better life and we can live it to the fullest. Order now, risk-free with my ironclad 30-day money-back guarantee! Sincerely, Vicky Jeter The Firm Video P.S. Get an additional and very popular video, absolutely Free, when you keep the first one, after 30 days.
  • 16. 16 Vicky Jeter, Copywriting Sample, The Firm Workout Videos That’s two videos and five free incredible gifts, a Total Savings of 75% and you will be on your way to an amazingly slim and strong body. All material herein is provided for information only and may not be construed as personal medical advice. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The publisher is not a licensed medical care provider. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions.