agile new england ane 101 agile agile 101 ane scrum scaled agile agile boston multi-tasking service to assessment service to goals scaled agile assessment scrum retrospective agile retrospective xp adoption planning game xp maturity kanban maturity scrum framework assessment scrum maturity agile assessment agile maturity illustrations exercises user stories story points fibonacci series poker planning relative estimation issue triage preventive action corrective action lean ishikawa diagram fishbone 5 whys five whys rca root cause analysis backlog items product backlog ane 202 backlog grooming backlog refinement name game simple dozen context switching limit wip work in progress wip lean software exercises poppendieck lean process value stream types of waste software waste lean waste value stream mapping lean principles lean 101 lean software test which rules matter skills matrix skill matrix self-organization self-management permission tokens jar permission tokens community workshop breaking the rules top 20 for 2020 top 20 what's wrong unplanned work slack interrupt buffer support scrum patterns sos scrum of scrums project management tool jira hate jira backlog management tool atlassian spotify dad nexus less s@s safe scaling agile collective ownership refactoring simple design system metaphor continuous integration coding standards pair programming test first whole team sustainable pace small releases planning game xp practices extreme programming prioritization story count weather t-shirt relative estimation epics affinity david anderson kanban
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