pedagogical skills techno-pedagogic skills digital skills enhancing teaching competency evaluation competencies psychomotor domain affective domain cognitive domain transactional competencies professional competencies edgar dale cone of experience maxims of teaching micro-teaching skills blooms taxonomy teaching profession b.ed student-teachers core teaching competencies teaching teaching skills teaching competency multimedia new media print media electronic media gyan darshan gyanvani fm radio etv school education higher education educational satellite edusat community radio educational radio educational television educational media students behaviour children behaviours educational psychology students classroom behaviours aggressive behaviour destructive behaviour stereotypical behaviour antecedent consequence teacher perceptions importance of student teacher relationship rewards and students behaviour management disruptive behaviour aggressive or violent misbehaviour monitoring student behaviour challenges faced by teachers challenging behaviour student behaviour management classroom interaction analysis maslow's need hierarchy self-actualization theory of maslow motivation strategies learning styles mental health leadership styles of teachers knowledge of classroom climate classification of intelligence individual differences fiacs classroom interaction techniques for teachers need for psychological knowledge learning and teaching reflective teacher model reflective teaching reflective teaching cycle characteristics of reflective teacher becoming a reflective teacher characteristics of effective ineffective teaching effective techniques for enhance student learning factors involved in effective teaching strategies for effective teaching ineffective teaching characteristics of ineffective teachers characteristics of effective teachers effective teaching
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