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So if the Son frees you, you will
really be free! John 8:36
We all want it; yet we don’t have a clue what to do
with it when we have it. Maybe it’s because we
truly don’t understand what it means to be free.
Let’s take a look at what the dictionary has to give
• Freedom – first we have to look at the root word
“free;” the enjoyment of personal rights and
liberty; to not be a slave; to have independence;
free will; released from a thing or person that
controls. So in essence freedom is just the state of
being free.
It’s funny how none of us ever know what we have
until we give it away or it’s taken from us.
Freedom being the major thing that we can
possess; ask any inmate and they will tell you
that their freedom is minutiae behind those bars.
For African or black American; whatever it is we
want to be called this decade; it’s true that our
ancestors were brought to America as slaves and
royally mistreated. However, that was centuries
• why are you still in bondage to that slave
mentality today?
• Why are you reliving an action that you never
lived in the first place?
• Why is it that we are the only people who every
twenty years must redefine ourselves because we
are not sure who we actually are?
The only slave master you have is you, sin and satan.
That’s right it’s you!
• Who and why are you listening to folks that have
told you or are telling you that you cannot be
better than you are?
• Have you taken a look at there life; where have
they gone or where are they now?
People who discourage have been discouraged and
will discourage another. It’s a fact that we all
regardless of our skin color; creed or nationality
are all born in sin; we had nothing to do with
that; that curse came on each and every one of us
from the first Adam when he disobeyed GOD;
Gen. 2:15-17, 3:17-19. The tempter who is satan
tempted Eve who turned and tempted Adam who
was guilty of disobedience towards The
FATHER. However, the Second Adam; JESUS
fixed this problem and we no longer need to
dwell on the unrighteousness of the first Adam
but to joyfully dwell in the righteousness of the
Second Adam; JESUS.
In America some states not all but defiantly in the
most financially challenged areas we can find on
every corner or at least within a two block radius
the following.
• Church
• Liquor store
• Pornographic store
Of these three buildings the building with the lest
congregants is found in the neighborhood
church. The church is the place where blessings,
care, deliverance, encouragement, freedom,
grace, hope, inspiration, joy, kindness, love,
mercy, needs, openness, prayer, quality,
restoration, salvation, trust, unity, valor and
wisdom, just to name a few are to be found in
JESUS who imparts into the under shepherd the
pastor, who demonstrates and teaches in the
hope that we reach those outside of walls.
It is a given that many people for many reasons are
not coming into the walls of that building so we
need to come out of that building and bring the
worship service to the people. We need to offer
freedom to people in JESUS The CHRIST and
the methods that have been used by most for
many years are not working. This is why I love
Tent Revivals; though a person may not come
underneath a tent; if you have a good sound
system and the speaker is preaching or teaching
the true Word of GOD; lives can and will be
changed in the hearing distance. It is not up to
the government; police or anyone else besides
the body of CHRIST to rid our states and set our
residents free but the true CHRISTians. We have
CHRIST JESUS dwelling on the inside of us and
because of this; we can do anything without fear
and get it done. It is up to true CHRISTians to
shut the doors of the liquor stores; stop drug
traffic and pornographic stores.
It is up to true CHRISTians to teach the financially
challenged individuals that if you have the
money to give to things that is killing you and
making others wealthy you can take that same
dollar and invest it into yourself. Sin and
bondage is epidemic and so is salvation and
freedom. Choose!
GOD knows the value of freedom and HE wants
mankind to be free emotionally, mentally,
physically and most of all spiritually. Let’s take a
look at some key scriptures to see the importance
of our freedom.
Isaiah 61:1 CJB
The Spirit of Adonai Elohim is upon me, because
Adonai has anointed me to announce good news
to the poor. He has sent me to heal the
brokenhearted; to proclaim freedom to the
captives, to let out into light those bound in the
dark; Luke 4:18, The Spirit of Adonai is upon
me; therefore he has anointed me to announce
Good News to the poor; he has sent me to
proclaim freedom for the imprisoned and
renewed sight for the blind, to release those who
have been crushed.
JESUS is expressing here that HIS FATHER the
Divine JEHOVAH; The GOD of all Living is on
HIM. That HE has been immerged and drips
with Good News about whom HIS FATHER is
and who we are in HIM. To release us from
being poor in spirit; broken with no hope. To
heal and mend the hearts of mankind from the
destruction that we have endured from the acts
and bondage of sin. To unlock and release us
from the prison of curses, death, hell and the
totality of sin. To usher us into the light to see
brighter days ahead; to see life unfold anew; to
witness the many abundant blessings that our
GOD has in store for us.
Romans 8:20-22 CJB
For the creation was made subject to frustration —
not willingly, but because of the one who
subjected it. But it was given a reliable hope that
it too would be set free from its bondage to
decay and would enjoy the freedom
accompanying the glory that God’s children will
have. We know that until now, the whole
creation has been groaning as with the pains of
Even the earth is frustrated by sin; earth was not
created to tolerate what is going on within it and
now we see with our very eyes the labor it goes
through because of it. Earthquakes, Floods,
Hurricanes, Tornados, Tsunamis, Volcanic
eruption to the point that it destroys are not in
the plan that GOD had when HE created earth.
This came about when sin entered into the world.
Each time a state or country experience a
disaster of great proportion than mankind want
to scream that GOD is judging mankind for their
sins. Well if that was true; why don’t mankind
stop sinning and turn to HIM right then and
there? Thing is our Creative GOD is not the one
who does these things it’s the god of this world
that does these things and his name is satan.
We forget the fear that we had just
weeks ago and we return back to our
vomit just like dogs do. Besides if we
knew GOD and HIS Word we would
know what the end of the world would
begin to look like. We are in its
beginning and now is the perfect time
while there is yet time to get it right
and turn our hearts toward CHRIST
1 Corinthians 10:29 CJB
Why should my freedom be determined by someone
else’s conscience?
Brothers and sisters of faith just like brothers and
sisters in the natural mature at different times.
However, just because you are mature in one
area does not mean that you are to bash your
brother or sister for not being as mature as you
are. Here is a great example to help you; there
are some in the faith who are bothered by secular
music because it reminds them of the life they
once lived and could be a temptation for them.
Secular music may not be a problem for you and
you rather enjoy it; however, if you know or
come to find out while in the company of one
who has a problem with that type of music; it is
loving of you to discontinue playing that type of
music. When that person is no longer in your
company you can return to the enjoyment of
your taste in music or food; etc. We can’t allow
another person to hold us in bondage because we
are free in CHRIST JESUS and enjoy certain
things in life. However, we can’t be the person
responsible for pushing a person in the wrong
direction to weaken their faith either.
2 Corinthians 3:16-18 CJB
But, says the Torah, “whenever someone turns to
Adonai, the veil is taken away.” Now, “Adonai”
in this text means the Spirit. And where the
Spirit of Adonai is, there is freedom. So all of
us, with faces unveiled, see as in a mirror the
glory of the Lord; and we are being changed into
his very image, from one degree of glory to the
next, by Adonai the Spirit.
The Torah is the first five books of the bible and the
beginning of this scripture actually references
Exodus 34:34. When reading about how the
High Priest entered into the Tabernacle you will
notice that there was a veil there that the High
Priest would enter into. Now if he did not have
his stuff together he would drop dead and
everyone would suffer the consequences. There
would be famine, drought, pestilence, diseases,
wars lost and such to deal with for an entire year.
When JESUS laid HIS head to rest and
dismissed HIS Spirit into the hands of HIS
FATHER. That same veil was torn into which
means that we now have total access to step
towards GOD ourselves and communicate with
HIM. No longer will we need to have any person
speak on our behalf. No person on earth qualifies
to speak on our behalf anyway.
We have one approved and accepted
mediator and HIS name is JESUS. Our
personal relationship with GOD
through CHRIST JESUS will change
us from day to day and one day we will
begin to notice ourselves a change in
the mirror. We will begin to notice that
our eyes are much brighter and that our
faces are beginning to look just a wee
bit younger. This is because the marks
of sin are beginning to fade away and
the appearance of righteousness is
being revealed.
Galatians 2:4-5 CJB
Some men who pretended to be brothers had been
sneaked in — they came in surreptitiously to spy
out the freedom we have in the Messiah Yeshua,
so that they might enslave us. Not even for a
minute did we give in to them, so that the truth
of the Good News might be preserved for you.
You know it’s true because most of you say it from
Sunday to Sunday about the hypocrites that
attend Sunday service. Well that’s where we all
belong hearing the Word of GOD so that we can
grow in our faith in JESUS and allow the Word
of GOD to change us. We are surrounded by
pretenders daily; if we take a good look at
ourselves we just might be a pretender also. We
are all quick on the draw to judge another but we
rarely take a good hard look at our walk in what
JESUS has commanded us to be and do. Living
out our own salvation that GOD is putting within
us is a full time; all day task which leaves us no
time to fault find someone else’s walk. However,
there are those who pretend with the motive of
keeping folks in bondage to the law that JESUS
has set us free from or mans doctrine of
Both of which will kill us because neither breathes
life into us. Each individual must know the Word
of GOD and freedom for him or herself. No
person’s freedom is based on the freedom of
another's belief; for example, I could believe that
if I ate vegetation and fruit just like apes; I will
never, ever be overweight. Yet, I’ve never seen a
skinny ape and I do know vegetarians who are
overweight just as I am. You can believe that a
well balanced meal eaten three times a day and
drinking eight glasses of water per day along
with plenty of exercise will keep you healthy and
keep your weight managed well. But if I come in
and convince you that my way is better and I'm
able to make you feel guilty for what you are
doing or cause you to feel bad then I'm stealing
your freedom away from you. Never allow
anyone to enslave you based on their beliefs and
or freedom. True freedom is found in CHRIST
JESUS and that’s the end of that.
Galatians 5:1 CJB
What the Messiah has freed us for is freedom!
Therefore, stand firm, and don’t let yourselves
be tied up again to a yoke of slavery. Gal. 5:13-
14, for, brothers, you were called to be free.
Only do not let that freedom become an excuse
for allowing your old nature to have its way.
Instead, serve one another in love. For the whole
of the Torah is summed up in this one sentence:
“Love your neighbor as yourself”.
Free to be free! What wonderful knowledge to have;
free to be free. If it were possible to go back in
time and ask a slave who has been set free would
they like to be a slave again what do you think
the answer would be? If you said definitely not;
that makes sense. However, when we allow
ourselves to re-enter into the prison system;
return to drinking; return to doping; return to
illicit sexual exploits; return to being in debt or
any other thing that has held us captive. We
enter again into the yoke of slavery. We cannot
allow our freedom in CHRIST JESUS to be used
for tempting our weakness in the flesh. Know
this; it is our spirit which has been renewed not
our flesh; this means that our flesh still has all
the same desires as it always had but it’s up to us
to have our spirit take charge over our flesh and
not the other way round.
In times of weakness; this is the time
when we should be able to turn to our
brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS
openly and speak about our challenges
without feeling guilty or judged. All of
us have challenges and all of us need
the support of each other.
James. 1:12-13 CJB
Keep speaking and acting like people who will be
judged by a Torah which gives freedom. For
judgment will be without mercy toward one who
doesn’t show mercy; but mercy wins out over
judgment. Jms 1:25, if a person looks closely
into the perfect Torah, which gives freedom, and
continues, becoming not a forgetful hearer but a
doer of the work it requires, then he will be
blessed in what he does.
If anyone is fearful of being judged; fear not, the way
out of being judge is to do and speak just as
JESUS commanded us to do and speak. This is
freedom, everything about CHRIST JESUS is
grace and mercy out of love and everything
about us in the natural is not. So if you speak to
your co-worker every morning and your co-
worker does not speak back; does that mean that
you are to stop greeting your co-worker.
Absolutely not; continue being merciful to your
co-worker; the ignorance of sin is operating
within that co-worker not you. We don’t have to
work towards being free; all we have to do is be
free. What are you doing to be a man or a
woman? Nothing, you were born a male who
matured into a man and you were born a female
who matured into a woman. Nothing you did in
works stop that that freedom of just being is.
1 Peter 2:16-17 CJB
submit as people who are free, but not letting your
freedom serve as an excuse for evil; rather,
submit as God’s slaves. Be respectful to all —
keep loving the brotherhood and respecting God.
Submit – to give over or up.
Every person submits to someone and something
daily either by choice or by force. Here are some
positive examples of submission.
• A healthy marriage between a man and a woman
• Children towards their parents or guardians
• Employees towards employers and employers
towards employees
• Citizens towards their state and country law
• A paycheck
Here are some negative examples of submission.
• Alcohol and drug abuse
• Explicit sexual activity
• Illegal criminal activity
• Deception, lies, excuses
• debt
Being a slave to GOD provides more freedom than
anyone can ever imagine because bondage is in
no way involved. Just as a slave master
regardless of whom or what has demands so
does GOD. HIS demands is that HIS slaves be
respectful and loving toward everyone especially
our siblings in the faith and HIM. How difficult
is that when CHRIST JESUS resides in us and
we in HIM?
2 Peter 2:18-20 CJB
Mouthing grandiosities of nothingness, they play on
the desires of the old nature, in order to seduce
with debaucheries people who have just begun to
escape from those whose way of life is wrong.
They promise them freedom, but they
themselves are slaves of corruption; for a person
is slave to whatever has defeated him. Indeed, if
they have once escaped the pollutions of the
world through knowing our Lord and Deliverer,
Yeshua the Messiah, and then have again
become entangled and defeated by them, their
latter condition has become worse than their
I have never been good at playing the game of life.
Before I came to CHRIST JESUS I wore my
heart on my sleeve; I only wanted to see the
good in people. Then my heart grew hard from
being hurt so often; I began to speak my own
mind. People would often tell me that I need to
play the game. I would often tell them; I'm not
good at playing games; I say what I mean and
mean what I say. I still do; this time in love. It’s
also wonderful to know that my DADDY has
given me a scripture to help me out. People need
to hear the truth and down playing what a person
is doing that is harmful to themselves or to
another including you is wrong. In essence when
we don’t tell another person about their funk in
love that is (but you have to be willing to hear
from another when it’s your turn) providing false
freedom. False freedom is no freedom at all. We
want to set people free from their bondage not
keep them there.
Remember; it is our spirit that has been reborn not our flesh. The flesh
still has its old desires and if we go back to our vomit the condition can
become far worse than before.
Romans 10:8 and Deuteronomy 30:11-14
The Word is near you; in your mouth and heart.
c/o Elder Shawn Briscoe
POB 90700
Washington, DC 20090

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Independence mag july2014

  • 1.
  • 2. Freedom So if the Son frees you, you will really be free! John 8:36
  • 3.
  • 4. Freedom We all want it; yet we don’t have a clue what to do with it when we have it. Maybe it’s because we truly don’t understand what it means to be free. Let’s take a look at what the dictionary has to give us. • Freedom – first we have to look at the root word “free;” the enjoyment of personal rights and liberty; to not be a slave; to have independence; free will; released from a thing or person that controls. So in essence freedom is just the state of being free.
  • 5. It’s funny how none of us ever know what we have until we give it away or it’s taken from us. Freedom being the major thing that we can possess; ask any inmate and they will tell you that their freedom is minutiae behind those bars. For African or black American; whatever it is we want to be called this decade; it’s true that our ancestors were brought to America as slaves and royally mistreated. However, that was centuries ago; • why are you still in bondage to that slave mentality today? • Why are you reliving an action that you never lived in the first place? • Why is it that we are the only people who every twenty years must redefine ourselves because we are not sure who we actually are? The only slave master you have is you, sin and satan. That’s right it’s you! • Who and why are you listening to folks that have told you or are telling you that you cannot be better than you are? • Have you taken a look at there life; where have they gone or where are they now? People who discourage have been discouraged and will discourage another. It’s a fact that we all regardless of our skin color; creed or nationality are all born in sin; we had nothing to do with that; that curse came on each and every one of us from the first Adam when he disobeyed GOD; Gen. 2:15-17, 3:17-19. The tempter who is satan tempted Eve who turned and tempted Adam who was guilty of disobedience towards The FATHER. However, the Second Adam; JESUS fixed this problem and we no longer need to dwell on the unrighteousness of the first Adam but to joyfully dwell in the righteousness of the Second Adam; JESUS.
  • 6. In America some states not all but defiantly in the most financially challenged areas we can find on every corner or at least within a two block radius the following. • Church • Liquor store • Pornographic store Of these three buildings the building with the lest congregants is found in the neighborhood church. The church is the place where blessings, care, deliverance, encouragement, freedom, grace, hope, inspiration, joy, kindness, love, mercy, needs, openness, prayer, quality, restoration, salvation, trust, unity, valor and wisdom, just to name a few are to be found in JESUS who imparts into the under shepherd the pastor, who demonstrates and teaches in the hope that we reach those outside of walls. It is a given that many people for many reasons are not coming into the walls of that building so we need to come out of that building and bring the worship service to the people. We need to offer freedom to people in JESUS The CHRIST and the methods that have been used by most for many years are not working. This is why I love Tent Revivals; though a person may not come underneath a tent; if you have a good sound system and the speaker is preaching or teaching the true Word of GOD; lives can and will be changed in the hearing distance. It is not up to the government; police or anyone else besides the body of CHRIST to rid our states and set our residents free but the true CHRISTians. We have CHRIST JESUS dwelling on the inside of us and because of this; we can do anything without fear and get it done. It is up to true CHRISTians to shut the doors of the liquor stores; stop drug traffic and pornographic stores.
  • 7. It is up to true CHRISTians to teach the financially challenged individuals that if you have the money to give to things that is killing you and making others wealthy you can take that same dollar and invest it into yourself. Sin and bondage is epidemic and so is salvation and freedom. Choose!
  • 8. GOD knows the value of freedom and HE wants mankind to be free emotionally, mentally, physically and most of all spiritually. Let’s take a look at some key scriptures to see the importance of our freedom.
  • 9. Isaiah 61:1 CJB The Spirit of Adonai Elohim is upon me, because Adonai has anointed me to announce good news to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted; to proclaim freedom to the captives, to let out into light those bound in the dark; Luke 4:18, The Spirit of Adonai is upon me; therefore he has anointed me to announce Good News to the poor; he has sent me to proclaim freedom for the imprisoned and renewed sight for the blind, to release those who have been crushed. JESUS is expressing here that HIS FATHER the Divine JEHOVAH; The GOD of all Living is on HIM. That HE has been immerged and drips with Good News about whom HIS FATHER is and who we are in HIM. To release us from being poor in spirit; broken with no hope. To heal and mend the hearts of mankind from the destruction that we have endured from the acts and bondage of sin. To unlock and release us from the prison of curses, death, hell and the totality of sin. To usher us into the light to see brighter days ahead; to see life unfold anew; to witness the many abundant blessings that our GOD has in store for us.
  • 10. Romans 8:20-22 CJB For the creation was made subject to frustration — not willingly, but because of the one who subjected it. But it was given a reliable hope that it too would be set free from its bondage to decay and would enjoy the freedom accompanying the glory that God’s children will have. We know that until now, the whole creation has been groaning as with the pains of childbirth. Even the earth is frustrated by sin; earth was not created to tolerate what is going on within it and now we see with our very eyes the labor it goes through because of it. Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes, Tornados, Tsunamis, Volcanic eruption to the point that it destroys are not in the plan that GOD had when HE created earth. This came about when sin entered into the world. Each time a state or country experience a disaster of great proportion than mankind want to scream that GOD is judging mankind for their sins. Well if that was true; why don’t mankind stop sinning and turn to HIM right then and there? Thing is our Creative GOD is not the one who does these things it’s the god of this world that does these things and his name is satan.
  • 11. We forget the fear that we had just weeks ago and we return back to our vomit just like dogs do. Besides if we knew GOD and HIS Word we would know what the end of the world would begin to look like. We are in its beginning and now is the perfect time while there is yet time to get it right and turn our hearts toward CHRIST JESUS.
  • 12. 1 Corinthians 10:29 CJB Why should my freedom be determined by someone else’s conscience? Brothers and sisters of faith just like brothers and sisters in the natural mature at different times. However, just because you are mature in one area does not mean that you are to bash your brother or sister for not being as mature as you are. Here is a great example to help you; there are some in the faith who are bothered by secular music because it reminds them of the life they once lived and could be a temptation for them. Secular music may not be a problem for you and you rather enjoy it; however, if you know or come to find out while in the company of one who has a problem with that type of music; it is loving of you to discontinue playing that type of music. When that person is no longer in your company you can return to the enjoyment of your taste in music or food; etc. We can’t allow another person to hold us in bondage because we are free in CHRIST JESUS and enjoy certain things in life. However, we can’t be the person responsible for pushing a person in the wrong direction to weaken their faith either.
  • 13. 2 Corinthians 3:16-18 CJB But, says the Torah, “whenever someone turns to Adonai, the veil is taken away.” Now, “Adonai” in this text means the Spirit. And where the Spirit of Adonai is, there is freedom. So all of us, with faces unveiled, see as in a mirror the glory of the Lord; and we are being changed into his very image, from one degree of glory to the next, by Adonai the Spirit. The Torah is the first five books of the bible and the beginning of this scripture actually references Exodus 34:34. When reading about how the High Priest entered into the Tabernacle you will notice that there was a veil there that the High Priest would enter into. Now if he did not have his stuff together he would drop dead and everyone would suffer the consequences. There would be famine, drought, pestilence, diseases, wars lost and such to deal with for an entire year. When JESUS laid HIS head to rest and dismissed HIS Spirit into the hands of HIS FATHER. That same veil was torn into which means that we now have total access to step towards GOD ourselves and communicate with HIM. No longer will we need to have any person speak on our behalf. No person on earth qualifies to speak on our behalf anyway.
  • 14. We have one approved and accepted mediator and HIS name is JESUS. Our personal relationship with GOD through CHRIST JESUS will change us from day to day and one day we will begin to notice ourselves a change in the mirror. We will begin to notice that our eyes are much brighter and that our faces are beginning to look just a wee bit younger. This is because the marks of sin are beginning to fade away and the appearance of righteousness is being revealed.
  • 15. Galatians 2:4-5 CJB Some men who pretended to be brothers had been sneaked in — they came in surreptitiously to spy out the freedom we have in the Messiah Yeshua, so that they might enslave us. Not even for a minute did we give in to them, so that the truth of the Good News might be preserved for you. You know it’s true because most of you say it from Sunday to Sunday about the hypocrites that attend Sunday service. Well that’s where we all belong hearing the Word of GOD so that we can grow in our faith in JESUS and allow the Word of GOD to change us. We are surrounded by pretenders daily; if we take a good look at ourselves we just might be a pretender also. We are all quick on the draw to judge another but we rarely take a good hard look at our walk in what JESUS has commanded us to be and do. Living out our own salvation that GOD is putting within us is a full time; all day task which leaves us no time to fault find someone else’s walk. However, there are those who pretend with the motive of keeping folks in bondage to the law that JESUS has set us free from or mans doctrine of tradition.
  • 16. Both of which will kill us because neither breathes life into us. Each individual must know the Word of GOD and freedom for him or herself. No person’s freedom is based on the freedom of another's belief; for example, I could believe that if I ate vegetation and fruit just like apes; I will never, ever be overweight. Yet, I’ve never seen a skinny ape and I do know vegetarians who are overweight just as I am. You can believe that a well balanced meal eaten three times a day and drinking eight glasses of water per day along with plenty of exercise will keep you healthy and keep your weight managed well. But if I come in and convince you that my way is better and I'm able to make you feel guilty for what you are doing or cause you to feel bad then I'm stealing your freedom away from you. Never allow anyone to enslave you based on their beliefs and or freedom. True freedom is found in CHRIST JESUS and that’s the end of that.
  • 17. Galatians 5:1 CJB What the Messiah has freed us for is freedom! Therefore, stand firm, and don’t let yourselves be tied up again to a yoke of slavery. Gal. 5:13- 14, for, brothers, you were called to be free. Only do not let that freedom become an excuse for allowing your old nature to have its way. Instead, serve one another in love. For the whole of the Torah is summed up in this one sentence: “Love your neighbor as yourself”. Free to be free! What wonderful knowledge to have; free to be free. If it were possible to go back in time and ask a slave who has been set free would they like to be a slave again what do you think the answer would be? If you said definitely not; that makes sense. However, when we allow ourselves to re-enter into the prison system; return to drinking; return to doping; return to illicit sexual exploits; return to being in debt or any other thing that has held us captive. We enter again into the yoke of slavery. We cannot allow our freedom in CHRIST JESUS to be used for tempting our weakness in the flesh. Know this; it is our spirit which has been renewed not our flesh; this means that our flesh still has all the same desires as it always had but it’s up to us to have our spirit take charge over our flesh and not the other way round.
  • 18. In times of weakness; this is the time when we should be able to turn to our brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS openly and speak about our challenges without feeling guilty or judged. All of us have challenges and all of us need the support of each other.
  • 19. James. 1:12-13 CJB Keep speaking and acting like people who will be judged by a Torah which gives freedom. For judgment will be without mercy toward one who doesn’t show mercy; but mercy wins out over judgment. Jms 1:25, if a person looks closely into the perfect Torah, which gives freedom, and continues, becoming not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work it requires, then he will be blessed in what he does. If anyone is fearful of being judged; fear not, the way out of being judge is to do and speak just as JESUS commanded us to do and speak. This is freedom, everything about CHRIST JESUS is grace and mercy out of love and everything about us in the natural is not. So if you speak to your co-worker every morning and your co- worker does not speak back; does that mean that you are to stop greeting your co-worker. Absolutely not; continue being merciful to your co-worker; the ignorance of sin is operating within that co-worker not you. We don’t have to work towards being free; all we have to do is be free. What are you doing to be a man or a woman? Nothing, you were born a male who matured into a man and you were born a female who matured into a woman. Nothing you did in works stop that that freedom of just being is.
  • 20. 1 Peter 2:16-17 CJB submit as people who are free, but not letting your freedom serve as an excuse for evil; rather, submit as God’s slaves. Be respectful to all — keep loving the brotherhood and respecting God. Submit – to give over or up. Every person submits to someone and something daily either by choice or by force. Here are some positive examples of submission. • A healthy marriage between a man and a woman • Children towards their parents or guardians • Employees towards employers and employers towards employees • Citizens towards their state and country law • A paycheck Here are some negative examples of submission. • Alcohol and drug abuse • Explicit sexual activity • Illegal criminal activity • Deception, lies, excuses • debt
  • 21. Being a slave to GOD provides more freedom than anyone can ever imagine because bondage is in no way involved. Just as a slave master regardless of whom or what has demands so does GOD. HIS demands is that HIS slaves be respectful and loving toward everyone especially our siblings in the faith and HIM. How difficult is that when CHRIST JESUS resides in us and we in HIM?
  • 22. 2 Peter 2:18-20 CJB Mouthing grandiosities of nothingness, they play on the desires of the old nature, in order to seduce with debaucheries people who have just begun to escape from those whose way of life is wrong. They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption; for a person is slave to whatever has defeated him. Indeed, if they have once escaped the pollutions of the world through knowing our Lord and Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah, and then have again become entangled and defeated by them, their latter condition has become worse than their former. I have never been good at playing the game of life. Before I came to CHRIST JESUS I wore my heart on my sleeve; I only wanted to see the good in people. Then my heart grew hard from being hurt so often; I began to speak my own mind. People would often tell me that I need to play the game. I would often tell them; I'm not good at playing games; I say what I mean and mean what I say. I still do; this time in love. It’s also wonderful to know that my DADDY has given me a scripture to help me out. People need to hear the truth and down playing what a person is doing that is harmful to themselves or to another including you is wrong. In essence when we don’t tell another person about their funk in love that is (but you have to be willing to hear from another when it’s your turn) providing false freedom. False freedom is no freedom at all. We want to set people free from their bondage not keep them there.
  • 23. Remember; it is our spirit that has been reborn not our flesh. The flesh still has its old desires and if we go back to our vomit the condition can become far worse than before. Romans 10:8 and Deuteronomy 30:11-14 The Word is near you; in your mouth and heart.
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  • 25. AMFBeM c/o Elder Shawn Briscoe POB 90700 Washington, DC 20090 888-623-7277