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Sorting algorithms
Eleonora Ciceri, Politecnico di Milano
What is sorting
 Sorting is any process of arranging items systematically,
with two distinct meanings:
 Ordering: arranging items in a sequence ordered by some
 Categorizing: grouping items with similar properties
What is a sorting algorithm
 A sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a
list in a certain order
Why do we need to sort?
 Sorted lists / sequences are useful in the following cases:
 1) Efficient lookup and search
56 31 2 47 54 19 64 85 23
56 31 2 47 54 19 64 85 23
56 31 2 47 54 19 64 85 23
56 31 2 47 54 19 64 85 23
56 31 2 47 54 19 64 85 23
56 31 2 47 54 19 64 85 23
Finding “19”
list: 6 accesses
Why do we need to sort?
 Sorted lists / sequences are useful in the following cases:
 1) Efficient lookup and search
2 19 23 31 47 54 56 64 85
2 19 23 31 47 54 56 64 85
Finding “19”
Ordered list:
2 accesses
Why do we need to sort?
 Sorted lists / sequences are useful in the following cases:
 2) Merge sequences
2 5 9 13 20
1 4 8 21
1 2 4 5 8 9 13 20 21
What do we sort?
“Workers sort
parcels in a postal
(from: Wikipedia,
the free
What do we sort?
 We are going to order collections of data
 A couple of examples:
 Arrays
 Linked lists
Compare and swap to sort elements
Common building block of sorting
 There are several algorithms one could use to order a list of
 Although they are all different, they share a common building
 They compare pairs of elements to decide which is their relative
 When needed, they swap the elements to restore their order
6 8 3 0 5 9Compare:
6 5 3 0 8 9Swap:
How to compare elements:
Lexicographic order
 Elements are usually ordered according to the lexicographic
(or, equivalently, lexicographical) order
 Also known as dictionary order
 The lexicographic order is a generalization of the way the
alphabetical order of words is based on the alphabetical
order of their component letters
How to compare elements:
Some examples
 Some examples
 Order numbers from the smallest to the largest
 Order words alphabetically
 Order people (implemented using a struct that contains name,
surname, age) alphabetically by surname
 People having the same surname are ordered according to their name
 People having the same name and surname are ordered according to their age
 Thus: this proves that comparisons could be based on
complex rules that sort out what to do in case of ties
Sorting algorithms time complexity
Which is the difference between sorting
 Each sorting algorithm is characterized by a particular sorting
 Are they all equal? NO!
 Some of them are naïve, some of them aren’t
 Naïve algorithms require a larger number of comparisons
 A larger number of comparisons amount to a larger time frame
spent to order elements in the collection
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
(Time) complexity of an algorithm
 In computer science, the time complexity of an algorithm
quantifies the amount of time taken by the algorithm to run
 The time complexity:
 is expressed as a function of the length of the input
 is commonly expressed using big-O notation
Big-O notation
 “The big-O notation describes the limiting behavior of a
function when the number of elements it has to process tends
to infinity”
 We’ll try to simplify the concept in this way:
number of
elements complexity
N O(N2)
e.g., the number of
elements in the array
we want to order
e.g., the number of
comparisons we need to
perform to order the array
Big-O notation:
Which algorithm is “the best”?
 To us, an algorithm is “good” if it allows us to save time
 Let N be the number of elements we want to process
 E.g., number of elements in an array
 What if we have four algorithms whose time complexities are
as follows?
Big-O notation:
Which algorithm is “the best”?
 Time complexity can be treated as if it were a mathematical
 Being mathematical functions, these curves can be drawn on
a graph
O(N) f(N) = N
O(N2) f(N) = N2
O(log(N)) f(N) = log(N)
O(N*log(N)) f(N) = N*log(N)
Big-O notation:
Which algorithm is “the best”?
1 5 10 15 20 25 30
f(N) = N
f(N) = N
f(N) = log(N)
f(N) = N*log(N)
Big-O notation:
Which algorithm is “the best”?
1 5 10 15 20 25 30
f(N) = N
f(N) = N
f(N) = log(N)
f(N) = N*log(N)
The higher the number
of required operation,
the more the time,
the worse the algorithm!
So, how do we select a sorting
 We can identify several “families” of algorithms:
 Simple sorts
 Efficient sorts
 BubbleSort and variants
 Distribution sorts
So, how do we select a sorting
 We can identify several “families” of algorithms:
 Simple sorts
 Efficient sorts
 BubbleSort and variants
 Distribution sorts
Simple sorting algorithms are efficient on small data amounts (due to
low overhead), but generally do not perform well on large lists
 Insertion sort
 Selection sort
So, how do we select a sorting
 We can identify several “families” of algorithms:
 Simple sorts
 Efficient sorts
 BubbleSort and variants
 Distribution sorts
Efficient sorting algorithms are those algorithms whose average
complexity is the best you can find (O(N*log(N)))
 Merge sort
 Heap sort
 Quick sort
So, how do we select a sorting
 We can identify several “families” of algorithms:
 Simple sorts
 Efficient sorts
 BubbleSort and variants
 Distribution sorts
Bubble sort algorithm is very simple, and the same characteristics is
inherited by all its variants. However, it is highly inefficient (i.e., its time
complexity is very high: O(N2))
 Bubble sort
 Shell sort
 Comb sort
So, how do we select a sorting
 We can identify several “families” of algorithms:
 Simple sorts
 Efficient sorts
 BubbleSort and variants
 Distribution sorts
These algorithms distribute the input to intermediate structures, which are
gathered and placed on the output. They are useful in case of very large
data sets that do not fit in memory (since the intermediate structures can
be deployed on different machines)
 Counting sort
 Bucket sort
 Radix sort
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
One of the most
inefficient algorithms
One of the most
A quick note on time complexity
 An algorithm performance may vary with different input of the
same sizes
 [1 2 3 4 5] does not require any swap
 [5 4 3 2 1] requires a lot of swaps!
 We commonly attribute to each algorithm:
 A worst-case complexity (maximum amount of time it may require)
 An average-case complexity (averaged on all possible inputs)
 We won’t go into the details, since this is just an introduction to
sorting algorithms 
An inefficient sorting algorithm:
the Bubble Sort algorithm
Bubble sort: the idea
 The bubble sort algorithm repeatedly steps through the list of
elements to be sorted:
 Comparing each pair of adjacent elements
 Swapping them if they are in wrong order
 The algorithm stops when, by going through the whole array,
we do not require any swap (i.e., the array is fully ordered)
Bubble sort: the running example
 Array:
 [5 1 4 2 8]
 5 > 1, thus: swap required
Swapped something? False
End of iteration? False
Bubble sort: the running example
 Array:
 [1 5 4 2 8]
 5 > 4, thus: swap required
Swapped something? Yes
End of iteration? False
Bubble sort: the running example
 Array:
 [1 4 5 2 8]
 5 > 2, thus: swap required
Swapped something? Yes
End of iteration? False
Bubble sort: the running example
 Array:
 [1 4 2 5 8]
 5 < 8, thus: swap not required
Swapped something? Yes
End of iteration? Yes
Bubble sort: the running example
 Array:
 [1 4 2 5 8]
 We need to proceed, since in the current iteration we swapped
 Following operations:
 Exclude “8” from next iteration
 Restart with a new iteration
Swapped something? Yes
End of iteration? Yes
Bubble sort: the running example
 Array:
 [1 4 2 5 8]
 1 < 4, thus: swap not required
Swapped something? No
End of iteration? No
Bubble sort: the running example
 Array:
 [1 4 2 5 8]
 4 > 2, thus: swap required
Swapped something? No
End of iteration? No
Bubble sort: the running example
 Array:
 [1 2 4 5 8]
 4 < 5, thus: swap not required
Swapped something? Yes
End of iteration? Yes
Bubble sort: the running example
 Array:
 [1 2 4 5 8]
 We need to proceed, since in the current iteration we swapped
 Following operations:
 Exclude “5” from next iteration
 Restart with a new iteration
Swapped something? Yes
End of iteration? Yes
Bubble sort: the running example
 Array:
 [1 2 4 5 8]
 1 < 2, thus: swap not required
Swapped something? No
End of iteration? No
Bubble sort: the running example
 Array:
 [1 2 4 5 8]
 2 < 4, thus: swap not required
Swapped something? No
End of iteration? Yes
Bubble sort: the running example
 Array:
 [1 2 4 5 8]
 In the current iteration nothing was swapped
 The algorithm terminates
Swapped something? No
End of iteration? Yes
Bubble sort: the pseudo-code
procedure bubbleSort( A : list of sortable items )
n = length(A)
swapped = false
for i = 1 to n-1 inclusive do
if A[i-1] > A[i] then
swap(A[i-1], A[i])
swapped = true
end if
end for
n = n - 1
until not swapped
end procedure
(from: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Bubble sort in C++:
Iterate over the array
 We will use the concept of iterators over the array
 To iterate over the array:
int* first int* last
while (first < last) {
// do what you want
Bubble sort in C++:
The algorithm
void bubble_sort_int(int* first, int* last) {
bool swapped;
do {
swapped = false;
int* current = first + 1;
while (current < last) {
if (*(current-1) > *current) {
swap(current-1, current);
swapped = true;
} while (swapped);
Bubble sort in C++:
Swapping elements
void swap(int* first, int* second) {
int temp = *first;
*first = *second;
*second = temp;
An efficient sorting algorithm:
the Merge Sort algorithm
Merge sort: the idea
 The merge sort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm where:
 The unsorted list of N elements is divided into N sub-lists, each
containing one element
 Sub-lists are repeatedly merged to produce new sorted sub-lists
How to merge two sub-lists
 Sub-lists are merged so as produce a longer sorted sub-list
 At each step, we:
 compare the first element of sub-list A and the first element of
sub-list B
 select the smallest element
 insert it into the resulting list
How to merge two sub-lists:
An example
 How to merge these:
 to obtain this?
1 6 10
4 5 27
1 4 5 6 10 27
How to merge two sub-lists:
An example
1 6 10
4 5 27
How to merge two sub-lists:
An example
1 6 10
4 5 27
6 10
4 5 27
1 4
1) 2)
How to merge two sub-lists:
An example
1 6 10
4 5 27
6 10
4 5 27
1 4
6 10
5 27
1 4 5
1) 2) 3)
How to merge two sub-lists:
An example
1 6 10
4 5 27
6 10
4 5 27
1 4
6 10
5 27
1 4 5
6 10
1 4 5 6
1) 2) 3) 4)
How to merge two sub-lists:
An example
1 6 10
4 5 27
6 10
4 5 27
1 4
6 10
5 27
1 4 5
6 10
1 4 5 6
1 4 5 6 10
1) 2) 3) 4)
How to merge two sub-lists:
An example
1 6 10
4 5 27
6 10
4 5 27
1 4
6 10
5 27
1 4 5
6 10
1 4 5 6
1 4 5 6 10
1 4 5 6 10 27
1) 2) 3) 4)
5) 6)
function merge(left, right)
// merge lists until at least one of them is empty
while notempty(left) and notempty(right)
if first(left) <= first(right)
append first(left) to result
left = rest(left)
append first(right) to result
right = rest(right)
// left has elements left
while notempty(left)
append first(left) to result
left = rest(left)
// right has elements left
while notempty(right)
append first(right) to result
right = rest(right)
return result
(from: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Merge sort: the step-by-step algorithm
 We start with this list…
 …and, according to the algorithm, we need to keep dividing it
in “left sub-list” and “right sub-list”…
Merge sort: the step-by-step algorithm
 …and split again, since sub-lists length is greater than 1…
Merge sort: the step-by-step algorithm
 … and again.
Merge sort: the step-by-step algorithm
 Now it’s time to merge the lists, in pairs, so that the resulting
list is ordered
 We start from the bottom, i.e., from the shorter sub-lists we
extracted before
This is now
Merge sort: the step-by-step algorithm
 Merge…
This is now
Merge sort: the step-by-step algorithm
 …and merge.
This is now
Trying to generalize: Which operations
are needed at each iteration?
 Split phase:
 If the current list has length 1, stop with the split phase
 If the current list has length > 1, split it in two parts (left, right)
 Merge phase:
 Merge the left and right parts into a unique, ordered list
Trying to generalize: What happens to a list?
 Given a list:
Split in
two parts
(left and right)
Split in
two parts
(left and right)
Do something
to order the sub-list
Do something
to order the sub-list
Merge the
parts in a
single list
Merge the
parts in a
single list
Trying to generalize: What happens to a list?
 Algorithmically:
[left, right] = split(list)
left = order(left)
right = order(right)
list = merge(left, right)
Trying to generalize: What happens to a list?
 Algorithmically:
[left, right] = split(list)
left = mergeSort(left)
right = mergeSort(right)
list = merge(left, right)
This is a
recursive call
to the merge sort function
Trying to generalize: What happens to a list?
 Now we finalize the algorithm:
function mergeSort(list) {
if (length(list) == 1)
return list
[left, right] = split(list)
left = mergeSort(left)
right = mergeSort(right)
list = merge(left, right)
return list
Trying to generalize: What happens to a list?
 Now we finalize the algorithm:
function mergeSort(list) {
if (length(list) == 1)
return list
[left, right] = split(list)
left = mergeSort(left)
right = mergeSort(right)
list = merge(left, right)
return list
This function splits the
list in two parts having
the same length
This function merges
the sub-lists so that the
result is ordered
Merge sort in C++:
Iterate over the array
 We will use the concept of iterators over the array
 To iterate over the array:
int* first int* last
while (first < last) {
// do what you want
Merge sort in C++:
Iterate over the array
 We will use the concept of iterators over the array
 To iterate over the array:
int* first int* last
while (first < last) {
// do what you want
last always points
outside the array
Merge sort in C++:
Split the array in two parts
 If the length of the array is even:
 The sub-lists are as follows:
 Left: from first (included) to middle (excluded)
 Right: from middle (included) to last (excluded)
int* first int* lastint* middle
Merge sort in C++:
Split the array in two parts
 If the length of the array is even:
 The sub-lists are as follows:
 Left: from first (included) to middle (excluded)
 Right: from middle (included) to last (excluded)
int* first int* lastint* middle
Merge sort in C++:
Split the array in two parts
 If the length of the array is even:
 The sub-lists are as follows:
 Left: from first (included) to middle (excluded)
 Right: from middle (included) to last (excluded)
int* first int* lastint* middle
Merge sort in C++:
Split the array in two parts
 If the length of the array is odd:
 The sub-lists are as follows:
 Left: from first (included) to middle (excluded)
 Right: from middle (included) to last (excluded)
 In this case: right is longer than left
int* first int* lastint* middle
Merge sort in C++:
The recursive algorithm
void merge_sort_int(int* first, int* last) {
int N = last - first;
if (N <= 1)
int* middle = first + N/2;
merge_sort_int(first, middle);
merge_sort_int(middle, last);
merge(first, middle, last);
void merge(int* first, int* middle, int* last) {
std::size_t N = last - first;
int *result = new int[N],
*result_current = result,
*left_current = first,
*right_current = middle;
while (left_current < middle && right_current <
last) {
if (*left_current <= *right_current) {
*result_current = *left_current;
else {
*result_current = *right_current;
left_current, middle);
right_current, last);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
first[i] = result[i];
delete[] result;
void merge(int* first, int* middle, int* last) {
std::size_t N = last - first;
int *result = new int[N],
*result_current = result,
*left_current = first,
*right_current = middle;
while (left_current < middle && right_current <
last) {
if (*left_current <= *right_current) {
*result_current = *left_current;
else {
*result_current = *right_current;
left_current, middle);
right_current, last);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
first[i] = result[i];
delete[] result;
result is a temporary
buffer that contains
the ordered array
At the end of the function,
result is restored in the
original array and deleted
Merge sort in C++:
The merge function
void fill_with_remaining_elements(int*& result_current,
int* sub_list_current, int* sub_list_last) {
while (sub_list_current < sub_list_last) {
*result_current = *sub_list_current;

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Sorting algorithms

  • 1. Sorting algorithms Eleonora Ciceri, Politecnico di Milano Email:
  • 2. What is sorting  Sorting is any process of arranging items systematically, with two distinct meanings:  Ordering: arranging items in a sequence ordered by some criterion  Categorizing: grouping items with similar properties
  • 3. What is a sorting algorithm  A sorting algorithm is an algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order 78 26 4 12 90 4 12 26 78 90
  • 4. Why do we need to sort?  Sorted lists / sequences are useful in the following cases:  1) Efficient lookup and search 56 31 2 47 54 19 64 85 23 56 31 2 47 54 19 64 85 23 56 31 2 47 54 19 64 85 23 56 31 2 47 54 19 64 85 23 56 31 2 47 54 19 64 85 23 56 31 2 47 54 19 64 85 23 Finding “19” Non-ordered list: 6 accesses
  • 5. Why do we need to sort?  Sorted lists / sequences are useful in the following cases:  1) Efficient lookup and search 2 19 23 31 47 54 56 64 85 2 19 23 31 47 54 56 64 85 Finding “19” Ordered list: 2 accesses
  • 6. Why do we need to sort?  Sorted lists / sequences are useful in the following cases:  2) Merge sequences 2 5 9 13 20 1 4 8 21 1 2 4 5 8 9 13 20 21
  • 7. What do we sort? “Workers sort parcels in a postal facility” (from: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
  • 8. What do we sort?  We are going to order collections of data  A couple of examples:  Arrays  Linked lists
  • 9. Compare and swap to sort elements
  • 10. Common building block of sorting algorithms  There are several algorithms one could use to order a list of elements  Although they are all different, they share a common building block:  They compare pairs of elements to decide which is their relative order  When needed, they swap the elements to restore their order 6 8 3 0 5 9Compare: 6 5 3 0 8 9Swap:
  • 11. How to compare elements: Lexicographic order  Elements are usually ordered according to the lexicographic (or, equivalently, lexicographical) order  Also known as dictionary order  The lexicographic order is a generalization of the way the alphabetical order of words is based on the alphabetical order of their component letters
  • 12. How to compare elements: Some examples  Some examples  Order numbers from the smallest to the largest  Order words alphabetically  Order people (implemented using a struct that contains name, surname, age) alphabetically by surname  People having the same surname are ordered according to their name  People having the same name and surname are ordered according to their age  Thus: this proves that comparisons could be based on complex rules that sort out what to do in case of ties
  • 14. Which is the difference between sorting algorithms?  Each sorting algorithm is characterized by a particular sorting strategy  Are they all equal? NO!  Some of them are naïve, some of them aren’t  Naïve algorithms require a larger number of comparisons  A larger number of comparisons amount to a larger time frame spent to order elements in the collection
  • 15. 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 BubbleSort MergeSort
  • 16. (Time) complexity of an algorithm  In computer science, the time complexity of an algorithm quantifies the amount of time taken by the algorithm to run  The time complexity:  is expressed as a function of the length of the input  is commonly expressed using big-O notation
  • 17. Big-O notation  “The big-O notation describes the limiting behavior of a function when the number of elements it has to process tends to infinity”  We’ll try to simplify the concept in this way: number of elements complexity N O(N2) e.g., the number of elements in the array we want to order e.g., the number of comparisons we need to perform to order the array
  • 18. Big-O notation: Which algorithm is “the best”?  To us, an algorithm is “good” if it allows us to save time  Let N be the number of elements we want to process  E.g., number of elements in an array  What if we have four algorithms whose time complexities are as follows? Algorithm 1 O(N) Algorithm 2 O(N2) Algorithm 3 O(log(N))
  • 19. Big-O notation: Which algorithm is “the best”?  Time complexity can be treated as if it were a mathematical function  Being mathematical functions, these curves can be drawn on a graph Algorithm 1 O(N) f(N) = N Algorithm 2 O(N2) f(N) = N2 Algorithm 3 O(log(N)) f(N) = log(N) Algorithm 4 O(N*log(N)) f(N) = N*log(N)
  • 20. Big-O notation: Which algorithm is “the best”? 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 f(N) = N f(N) = N f(N) = log(N) f(N) = N*log(N) 2
  • 21. Big-O notation: Which algorithm is “the best”? 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 f(N) = N f(N) = N f(N) = log(N) f(N) = N*log(N) 2 The higher the number of required operation, the more the time, the worse the algorithm!
  • 22. So, how do we select a sorting algorithm?  We can identify several “families” of algorithms:  Simple sorts  Efficient sorts  BubbleSort and variants  Distribution sorts
  • 23. So, how do we select a sorting algorithm?  We can identify several “families” of algorithms:  Simple sorts  Efficient sorts  BubbleSort and variants  Distribution sorts Simple sorting algorithms are efficient on small data amounts (due to low overhead), but generally do not perform well on large lists  Insertion sort  Selection sort
  • 24. So, how do we select a sorting algorithm?  We can identify several “families” of algorithms:  Simple sorts  Efficient sorts  BubbleSort and variants  Distribution sorts Efficient sorting algorithms are those algorithms whose average complexity is the best you can find (O(N*log(N)))  Merge sort  Heap sort  Quick sort
  • 25. So, how do we select a sorting algorithm?  We can identify several “families” of algorithms:  Simple sorts  Efficient sorts  BubbleSort and variants  Distribution sorts Bubble sort algorithm is very simple, and the same characteristics is inherited by all its variants. However, it is highly inefficient (i.e., its time complexity is very high: O(N2))  Bubble sort  Shell sort  Comb sort
  • 26. So, how do we select a sorting algorithm?  We can identify several “families” of algorithms:  Simple sorts  Efficient sorts  BubbleSort and variants  Distribution sorts These algorithms distribute the input to intermediate structures, which are gathered and placed on the output. They are useful in case of very large data sets that do not fit in memory (since the intermediate structures can be deployed on different machines)  Counting sort  Bucket sort  Radix sort
  • 27. 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 BubbleSort MergeSort One of the most inefficient algorithms (O(N2)) One of the most efficientalgorithms (O(N*log(N)))
  • 28. A quick note on time complexity  An algorithm performance may vary with different input of the same sizes  [1 2 3 4 5] does not require any swap  [5 4 3 2 1] requires a lot of swaps!  We commonly attribute to each algorithm:  A worst-case complexity (maximum amount of time it may require)  An average-case complexity (averaged on all possible inputs)  We won’t go into the details, since this is just an introduction to sorting algorithms 
  • 29. An inefficient sorting algorithm: the Bubble Sort algorithm
  • 30. Bubble sort: the idea  The bubble sort algorithm repeatedly steps through the list of elements to be sorted:  Comparing each pair of adjacent elements  Swapping them if they are in wrong order  The algorithm stops when, by going through the whole array, we do not require any swap (i.e., the array is fully ordered)
  • 31. Bubble sort: the running example  Array:  [5 1 4 2 8]  5 > 1, thus: swap required Swapped something? False End of iteration? False
  • 32. Bubble sort: the running example  Array:  [1 5 4 2 8]  5 > 4, thus: swap required Swapped something? Yes End of iteration? False
  • 33. Bubble sort: the running example  Array:  [1 4 5 2 8]  5 > 2, thus: swap required Swapped something? Yes End of iteration? False
  • 34. Bubble sort: the running example  Array:  [1 4 2 5 8]  5 < 8, thus: swap not required Swapped something? Yes End of iteration? Yes
  • 35. Bubble sort: the running example  Array:  [1 4 2 5 8]  We need to proceed, since in the current iteration we swapped something  Following operations:  Exclude “8” from next iteration  Restart with a new iteration Swapped something? Yes End of iteration? Yes
  • 36. Bubble sort: the running example  Array:  [1 4 2 5 8]  1 < 4, thus: swap not required Swapped something? No End of iteration? No
  • 37. Bubble sort: the running example  Array:  [1 4 2 5 8]  4 > 2, thus: swap required Swapped something? No End of iteration? No
  • 38. Bubble sort: the running example  Array:  [1 2 4 5 8]  4 < 5, thus: swap not required Swapped something? Yes End of iteration? Yes
  • 39. Bubble sort: the running example  Array:  [1 2 4 5 8]  We need to proceed, since in the current iteration we swapped something  Following operations:  Exclude “5” from next iteration  Restart with a new iteration Swapped something? Yes End of iteration? Yes
  • 40. Bubble sort: the running example  Array:  [1 2 4 5 8]  1 < 2, thus: swap not required Swapped something? No End of iteration? No
  • 41. Bubble sort: the running example  Array:  [1 2 4 5 8]  2 < 4, thus: swap not required Swapped something? No End of iteration? Yes
  • 42. Bubble sort: the running example  Array:  [1 2 4 5 8]  In the current iteration nothing was swapped  The algorithm terminates Swapped something? No End of iteration? Yes
  • 43. Bubble sort: the pseudo-code procedure bubbleSort( A : list of sortable items ) n = length(A) repeat swapped = false for i = 1 to n-1 inclusive do if A[i-1] > A[i] then swap(A[i-1], A[i]) swapped = true end if end for n = n - 1 until not swapped end procedure (from: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
  • 44. Bubble sort in C++: Iterate over the array  We will use the concept of iterators over the array  To iterate over the array: int* first int* last while (first < last) { // do what you want first++; }
  • 45. Bubble sort in C++: The algorithm void bubble_sort_int(int* first, int* last) { bool swapped; do { swapped = false; int* current = first + 1; while (current < last) { if (*(current-1) > *current) { swap(current-1, current); swapped = true; } current++; } last--; } while (swapped); }
  • 46. Bubble sort in C++: Swapping elements void swap(int* first, int* second) { int temp = *first; *first = *second; *second = temp; }
  • 47. An efficient sorting algorithm: the Merge Sort algorithm
  • 48. Merge sort: the idea  The merge sort is a divide-and-conquer algorithm where:  The unsorted list of N elements is divided into N sub-lists, each containing one element  Sub-lists are repeatedly merged to produce new sorted sub-lists
  • 49. How to merge two sub-lists  Sub-lists are merged so as produce a longer sorted sub-list  At each step, we:  compare the first element of sub-list A and the first element of sub-list B  select the smallest element  insert it into the resulting list
  • 50. How to merge two sub-lists: An example  How to merge these:  to obtain this? 1 6 10 4 5 27 1 4 5 6 10 27
  • 51. How to merge two sub-lists: An example 1 6 10 4 5 27 1 1)
  • 52. How to merge two sub-lists: An example 1 6 10 4 5 27 1 6 10 4 5 27 1 4 1) 2)
  • 53. How to merge two sub-lists: An example 1 6 10 4 5 27 1 6 10 4 5 27 1 4 6 10 5 27 1 4 5 1) 2) 3)
  • 54. How to merge two sub-lists: An example 1 6 10 4 5 27 1 6 10 4 5 27 1 4 6 10 5 27 1 4 5 6 10 27 1 4 5 6 1) 2) 3) 4)
  • 55. How to merge two sub-lists: An example 1 6 10 4 5 27 1 6 10 4 5 27 1 4 6 10 5 27 1 4 5 6 10 27 1 4 5 6 10 27 1 4 5 6 10 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
  • 56. How to merge two sub-lists: An example 1 6 10 4 5 27 1 6 10 4 5 27 1 4 6 10 5 27 1 4 5 6 10 27 1 4 5 6 10 27 1 4 5 6 10 27 / 1 4 5 6 10 27 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
  • 57. Howtomergetwo sub-lists: Thepseudocode function merge(left, right) // merge lists until at least one of them is empty while notempty(left) and notempty(right) if first(left) <= first(right) append first(left) to result left = rest(left) else append first(right) to result right = rest(right) // left has elements left while notempty(left) append first(left) to result left = rest(left) // right has elements left while notempty(right) append first(right) to result right = rest(right) return result (from: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
  • 58. Merge sort: the step-by-step algorithm  We start with this list…  …and, according to the algorithm, we need to keep dividing it in “left sub-list” and “right sub-list”…
  • 59. Merge sort: the step-by-step algorithm  …and split again, since sub-lists length is greater than 1…
  • 60. Merge sort: the step-by-step algorithm  … and again.
  • 61. Merge sort: the step-by-step algorithm  Now it’s time to merge the lists, in pairs, so that the resulting list is ordered  We start from the bottom, i.e., from the shorter sub-lists we extracted before This is now ordered
  • 62. Merge sort: the step-by-step algorithm  Merge… This is now ordered
  • 63. Merge sort: the step-by-step algorithm  …and merge. This is now ordered
  • 64. Trying to generalize: Which operations are needed at each iteration?  Split phase:  If the current list has length 1, stop with the split phase  If the current list has length > 1, split it in two parts (left, right)  Merge phase:  Merge the left and right parts into a unique, ordered list
  • 65. Trying to generalize: What happens to a list?  Given a list: Split in two parts (left and right) Split in two parts (left and right) Do something to order the sub-list Do something to order the sub-list Merge the parts in a single list Merge the parts in a single list
  • 66. Trying to generalize: What happens to a list?  Algorithmically: [left, right] = split(list) left = order(left) right = order(right) list = merge(left, right)
  • 67. Trying to generalize: What happens to a list?  Algorithmically: [left, right] = split(list) left = mergeSort(left) right = mergeSort(right) list = merge(left, right) This is a recursive call to the merge sort function
  • 68. Trying to generalize: What happens to a list?  Now we finalize the algorithm: function mergeSort(list) { if (length(list) == 1) return list [left, right] = split(list) left = mergeSort(left) right = mergeSort(right) list = merge(left, right) return list }
  • 69. Trying to generalize: What happens to a list?  Now we finalize the algorithm: function mergeSort(list) { if (length(list) == 1) return list [left, right] = split(list) left = mergeSort(left) right = mergeSort(right) list = merge(left, right) return list } This function splits the list in two parts having the same length This function merges the sub-lists so that the result is ordered
  • 70. Merge sort in C++: Iterate over the array  We will use the concept of iterators over the array  To iterate over the array: int* first int* last while (first < last) { // do what you want first++; }
  • 71. Merge sort in C++: Iterate over the array  We will use the concept of iterators over the array  To iterate over the array: int* first int* last while (first < last) { // do what you want first++; } Remember: last always points outside the array
  • 72. Merge sort in C++: Split the array in two parts  If the length of the array is even:  The sub-lists are as follows:  Left: from first (included) to middle (excluded)  Right: from middle (included) to last (excluded) int* first int* lastint* middle
  • 73. Merge sort in C++: Split the array in two parts  If the length of the array is even:  The sub-lists are as follows:  Left: from first (included) to middle (excluded)  Right: from middle (included) to last (excluded) int* first int* lastint* middle
  • 74. Merge sort in C++: Split the array in two parts  If the length of the array is even:  The sub-lists are as follows:  Left: from first (included) to middle (excluded)  Right: from middle (included) to last (excluded) int* first int* lastint* middle
  • 75. Merge sort in C++: Split the array in two parts  If the length of the array is odd:  The sub-lists are as follows:  Left: from first (included) to middle (excluded)  Right: from middle (included) to last (excluded)  In this case: right is longer than left int* first int* lastint* middle
  • 76. Merge sort in C++: The recursive algorithm void merge_sort_int(int* first, int* last) { int N = last - first; if (N <= 1) return; int* middle = first + N/2; merge_sort_int(first, middle); merge_sort_int(middle, last); merge(first, middle, last); }
  • 77. MergesortinC++: Themergefunction void merge(int* first, int* middle, int* last) { std::size_t N = last - first; int *result = new int[N], *result_current = result, *left_current = first, *right_current = middle; while (left_current < middle && right_current < last) { if (*left_current <= *right_current) { *result_current = *left_current; left_current++; } else { *result_current = *right_current; right_current++; } result_current++; } fill_with_remaining_elements(result_current, left_current, middle); fill_with_remaining_elements(result_current, right_current, last); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) first[i] = result[i]; delete[] result; }
  • 78. MergesortinC++: Themergefunction void merge(int* first, int* middle, int* last) { std::size_t N = last - first; int *result = new int[N], *result_current = result, *left_current = first, *right_current = middle; while (left_current < middle && right_current < last) { if (*left_current <= *right_current) { *result_current = *left_current; left_current++; } else { *result_current = *right_current; right_current++; } result_current++; } fill_with_remaining_elements(result_current, left_current, middle); fill_with_remaining_elements(result_current, right_current, last); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) first[i] = result[i]; delete[] result; } result is a temporary buffer that contains the ordered array At the end of the function, result is restored in the original array and deleted
  • 79. Merge sort in C++: The merge function void fill_with_remaining_elements(int*& result_current, int* sub_list_current, int* sub_list_last) { while (sub_list_current < sub_list_last) { *result_current = *sub_list_current; sub_list_current++; result_current++; } }
  • 81. References      