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What Is Spirulina?
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) is a naturally occurring blue-green micro-algae which grows and
thrives in warm water alkaline lakes. Wild grown spirulina sustains flamingos in the East African Rift
Valley lakes and has the strength and ability to thrive in conditions where other algae cannot grow. It
is a single celled organism that turns sunlight into micronutrient life energy. It is one of early life
forms originating more than 3.6 billion years ago, and its spiral shape is what gives it the common
name of spirulina.
Spirulina has amazing properties and in many ways can be considered a Super Food. It contains the
most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain, or herb. It’s composed
of 60% highly digestible vegetable protein, has extremely high concentrations of beta carotene,
vitamin B-12, iron and trace minerals, and the rare essential fatty acid GLA – Gamma-Linolenic
Acid (which people who have not been breast fed do not have). It has a balanced spectrum of amino
acids, cleansing chlorophyll, and the blue pigment, phycocyanin.
All the essential vitamins and minerals a body requires can be provided by spirulina, these provide a
variety of benefits for the human body, like nourishment, mental clarity, assisting in cancer recovery,
depression help and many others. Several scientific studies show spirulina to have the ability to
inhibit viral replication; in particular it was found that 5-10 mg of spirulina will inhibit the HIV-1
virus otherwise known as the AIDS virus.

Some Amazing Facts about Spirulina!!!

   •   A person cannot overdose on Spirulina.
   •   It is a whole-food, not a concentrate, not an extract.
   •   Spirulina is the richest source of natural antioxidants.
   •   It contains 18 essential amino acid required by our body.
   •   Spirulina helps prevent cancers and viral diseases in humans.
   •   Spirulina has 58 times the iron of raw spinach.
   •   Spirulina contains highest amount of plant protein.

           “Nature’s Best Source of Most Complete & Balanced Nutrition”
Typical analysis of Spirulina per 100 gm

                                                     2 times higher than soybeans
Protein                         60-63%               6 times higher than eggs
                                                     3 times higher than fish or meat

                                                     Including Calcium, Potassium,
Minerals                        7-13%
                                                     Magnesium, Zinc and Phosphorus
Fiber                           8-10%                4 times higher than flour and corn

Vitamin B12                     0.2-0.3mg            3-4 times higher than animal liver

                                                     5 times higher than carrots
Beta Carotene                   140- 330mg
                                                     40 times higher than Spinach

Chlorophyll                     1-2 g                20 times higher than wheatgrass

Calcium                         60 - 130 mg          10 times higher than milk

                                                     65 times higher than spinach
                                25 – 40 mg           30 times higher than Meat
                                                     5 times higher than soybeans

Carbohydrate                    15-25%

Lipid                           6-8%

For reference only, if you have any health problems please consult your doctor 
Spirulina against Certain Illnesses

Arthritis is a group of diseases that have in common joint inflammation, stiffness, pain and limited
range of motion, and in some cases, cartilage destruction. Conventional treatments include
prescribing an anti-inflammatory and recommending that the patient lose weight. In animal models,
spirulina was found to help protect cartilage integrity, have anti-inflammatory effects and help with
weight loss.
An extract of spirulina was evaluated in animal models suffering from arthritis. After eight days of
treatment with spirulina, scientists found that this supplement protected against cartilage destruction
and also reduced inflammatory markers. The authors concluded spirulina's anti-arthritic effect may
be due to phytcocyanin, an active ingredient of spirulina. The study was published in March 2002
issue of "Mediators of Inflammation."
The positive effects of Spirulina on our health in regard to general well-being, cancer, hepatitis,
anaemia, slimming, diabetes and so on have been the subject of many scientific studies. It is strange
that the feedback from people taking Spirulina is that in the first place they feel spontaneous relief of
pain which they have sometimes had for a very long time. The cause of the pain was not diagnosed
or mentioned.
GLA in spirulina is very helpful to improve rheumarthritis condition.
Spirulina is, after dried eggs, the second richest food of digestible protein. Protein is the main raw
material of the red blood cells. Not enough digestible protein means anemia. Of course there are
other blood forming factors as well as iron for hemoglobin including enzymes and so on. A
deficiency in Vitamin B12 and folic acid will cause anemia as well. Spirulina with its easily assimilated
protein, Vitamin E, folic acid, Vitamin B6 and B12 as well as iron and copper makes it an ideal food
source for patients suffering from anemia. Good improvement is reported after two weeks and
normal levels after 45 to 60 days.
It is recommended to incorporate foods like bananas, honey, liver, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds
and egg yolk in the daily diet. Caffeine as in green and common tea, mate tea and coffee should be
avoided. Spirulina iron is 45 times more concentrated than spinach. Iron is an anti-anemia element
which provides oxygen to cells and which has the features of anti-oxidation, anti-inflaming and anti-

Cancer stems from damaged cells by increasing
free radicals in the body. Beta carotene is the active
substance capable to effectively restrain free radicals, and it is the main resource for Vitamin A as
well. Green Agro Foods Spirulina beta carotene is ten times more concentrated than carrots. It is
widely recognized in the medical science world that spirulina polysaccharide and phycocyanin have
positive effects on cancer and tumor treatment. Clinical studies show spirulina has a 54% of restraint
rate upon ascetic type of hepatitis cancer cells. Spirulina also has notable effect in recovering organ
damages caused by chemical and radiation treatment.
Diabetes & Cholesterol
Taking spirulina can reduce cholesterol according to a study done in Seoul, Korea on the effects of
spirulina found that both male and female subjects had significantly lower cholesterol levels after
taking spirulina for 16 weeks. Individuals with Diabetes tend to have lower “good” or HDL
cholesterol levels and increased triglycerides and “bad” or LDL cholesterol levels. These abnormal
levels of fats in the blood increase the risk for heart disease and stroke in diabetics. Spirulina
decreases blood glucose, total cholesterol and tryglicerides and improved HDL cholesterol in a
diabetic studies. Spirulina can also help reduce blood pressure.

Sexual Vitality
Impotency has its cause in most cases in an improper diet. Chronic illness such as diabetes may be
responsible as well. The best anti-aphrodisiac is an overloaded stomach, too heavy food, too much
alcohol, stress and so on. If the workload for the blood is too high to digest food there is not enough
energy to increase marital bliss. The high content of protein and its high digestibility as well as all the
other vitamins, minerals and enzymes make Spirulina a super food to improve sexual vigour. When
changing the diet sensibly from a one-sided or too heavy diet to a well-balanced diet incorporating
Spirulina many report as a side effect, a positive one, that sex drive has improved as well. Another
interesting factor is that Spirulina has a relatively high content of arginine which is important for
males. The seminal fluid is 80% arginine. (Chalem).


1 gm Green Agro Foods Spirulina                             1 Kg of Assorted Vegetables
Green Agro Foods


 Health Benefits

Want the secret to a great workout, run or game?
For any sport or workout, you need glucose and protein and for a really top performance, your
muscles need rapid access to them. This is why nitric oxide is so important. It opens up blood
vessels so key nutrients can quickly get where they need to go. Our Spirulina are the perfect of
nutrition because they provide your body with glucose, protein and even nitric oxide. Our
                                     Spirulina have the highest concentration of protein in the
                                    world (over 60%), all in amino acid form so it quickly
                                converts to glucose. This gives you an energy boost and mental
                                wake up without chemicals, sugar or caffeine all for just one
                                calorie per 250 mg. We recommend our Green Agro Foods
                                Spirulina algae (which are 100% spirulina) for any athletic or high
                                endurance activity. A Spirulina has been a favorite of Olympic
                                athletes and trainers for decades. You'll find out why the first time
                                you try them. Win the game of health and so much more with
                                Green Agro Foods Spirulina.

                                    Best for:
                                       Increasing Energy
                                       Increasing Endurance
                                       Increasing Stamina
                                       Increasing Mental Focus
                                       Increasing High Quality Protein
Want blemish, wrinkle free, radiant skin & stronger hair or nails?

We know you want wrinkle free, gorgeous skin. But do you know what makes that possible?
Other than the luck of good genes and staying out of the sun and drinking water, the answer is
collagen and protein. As you age, free radicals damage your collagen and elastin which takes a toll
on your skin. Both collagen and elastin are proteins. Youthful skin has lots of it, aging skin does
                                       not. So if you want radiant skin, you need to build and
                                       protect your skin’s collagen. But don’t look to expensive
                                       collagen face creams to do this. Why not? Because
                                     collagen molecules are simply too large to be absorbed into
                                  your skin. So what are you to do? Well, like many things in life,
                                  we suggest looking inside for the answer. In this case inside
                                  your body and your diet. When you do, you’ll find the same
                                  answer we did. Protein. It's what repairs all cellular tissue in
                                  your body, including your skin’s collagen and elastin. So adding
                                  high quality protein like our Green Agro Foods Spirulina and
                                  cutting back on sugar is sure to help you get more radiant
                                  looking skin.

                                      Best for:
                                          Healthy Skin
                                          Healthy Hair
                                          Healthy Nails
                                          Weight loss
Children's Health 
Tired of your children getting colds? Want a natural solution?

Children are constantly exposed to bacteria and viruses so they quickly and frequently catch
colds. Rather than load their delicate systems with drugs or sugary cough medicines, wouldn't you
prefer to give them something that was100% natural, had no side effects and was even
nutritious? You can. It's Green Agro Foods Spirulina.
                                          Green Agro Foods Spirulina will not only help prevent
                                          your children from getting colds, it will also help them
                                          recover faster when they do catch a cold. All our Green
                                        Agro Foods Spirulina help but we recommend our Green
                                    Agro Foods Spirulina for your children’s health (and yours
                                    too!) because they are made from 100% Spirulina algae.
                                    Chlorella content in Spirulina algae brings oxygen into the
                                    body, kills bacteria and viruses and has been safely fed to
                                    children and babies for over fifty years. It is 100% alkaline and
                                    its high concentration of chlorophyll, enzymes and oxygen
                                    fight free radicals, rebuild cells and protect the immune system.
                                    Even better, it does all this naturally. No side effects, no sugar,
                                    no chemicals, no gluten, no soy and no additives of any kind.
                                    Our Green Agro Foods Spirulina is 100% green, 100% algae
                                    and 100% nutrition. Remarkably, not only will they boost your
                                    children's immune system, they also have 40 nutrients and
                                    vitamins, and 60% protein (the highest concentration in the
                                    world). So if your kids don't like greens or aren't eating enough
                                    protein, start cheering now! Adding Green Agro Foods
                                    Spirulina to your child’s daily diet is like giving them a first
                                    class ticket on the "Good Ship Health" Grown organically and
                                    straight from Mom Nature.

                                        Best for:
                                           Preventing Health Challenges
                                           Recovering from Health Challenges
                                           Building Immune System
Detox & Cleansing
Want to be healthier? Detox your body.
It’s like getting a car wash – but for your insides.

You wouldn’t drive your car forever without occasionally taking it to the car wash or changing
the oil. Right? Well your body needs the occasional clean up too. Detoxing is one way to do this.
But detoxing doesn’t mean you have to give up food (unless of course you want to). You can
detox slowly, just by making better food choices and by taking algae, which is a natural
                                       detoxifier/blood builder. This is because algae is a plant
                                       based protein and has the highest concentration of
                                      chlorophyll in the world. Chlorophyll is a recognized
                                 antioxidant and blood builder which detox cleanses and builds.
                                 Our Green Agro Foods Spirulina also has a unique ability to
                                 absorb toxins and remove them from your body. This
                                 combined with its higher concentration of chlorophyll, makes
                                 it the preferred algae for detoxing. So if you want to
                                 supercharge the detox you are already on or if the prospect of
                                 a cleanse is too overwhelming, just take Green Agro Foods
                                 Spirulina on a daily basis. It's like giving your insides a bath.

                                     Best for:
                                         Detox and Cleansing
                                         Removing Heavy Metals
                                         Building Immune System
                                         Longevity and Wellness
                                         Hangover Prevention

Want more energy? Tired of being tired?
Want to shake fatigue quickly and naturally?

When you are fatigued, it is usually because your brain and body have run out of fuel, also known
as glucose. The best source for glucose is protein, which is released slowly (unlike sugar or
carbohydrates which give you glucose spikes). What's the best source of protein? Algae. This is
because algae is over 60% protein, the highest concentration of protein in the world. Even better,
                                         the protein in algae is already in amino acid form, so your
                                         body doesn’t need to work to absorb it like it does with
                                      animal protein. Your body absorbs the protein in algae like
                                  a sponge so you immediately get a nice energy boost –almost
                                  like an energy drink, but without the caffeine rush or sugar
                                  crash. For the best energy reboot, we recommend our Green
                                  Agro      Foods     Spirulina   which    are    100%     spirulina
                                  algae. Spirulina’s nitric oxide opens up your blood vessels so
                                  you get instant access to all of its protein and 40
                                  other nutritional goodies. At just one calorie per 250mg,
                                  taking Green Agro Foods Spirulina is like winning the lottery.
                                  The prize is endless energy, vitality and nutrition every
                                  day. Who knew that something so small could turbo
                                  charges your body and brain so naturally, so easily and for so
                                  few calories?
                                      Best for:
                                           Increasing Endurance & Energy
                                           Eliminating Brain Fog & Fatigue
                                           Eliminating Hunger
                                           Balancing Blood Sugar and Mood
                                           Lowering Blood Pressure
Healthy Snack
Want a healthy, high protein snack without chemicals, caffeine, sugar, gluten or soy?
Want it safe enough for kids and just ONE calorie? Sound impossible? No………

When you’re on the run, on the road or just plain hungry, we know you grab whatever you can find.
Very often it's a bagel, protein bar or salty snack. Right? But did you know they are loaded
with empty carbohydrates and calories? You deserve better. Highly refined carbohydrates can cause
your blood sugar to spike and crash which can leave you feeling light headed, hungry or lead to
cellular inflammation or diabetes.

                                      To stop this cycle and to stabilize your blood sugar, you need
                                      protein. Protein digests slower than carbohydrates. It releases
                                glucose into the blood at a slower, stable rate, giving you the
                                energy you need without the spike and crash of carbohydrates.
                                Protein also makes you feel full and satisfied so you are less likely
                                to crave carbohydrates in the first place. But these days, few of us
                                have the time, budget or desire to eat long meals with lots of
                                animal protein in them? So what are you to do? Good news, we
                                have a fast, healthy solution for you. Our Green Agro Foods
                                Spirulina They're green, loaded with protein, low calorie, contain
                                no sugar and you can carry them everywhere you go in their sleek
                                travel tins. They're easy too. Just swallow a handful whenever you
                                are hungry and you'll be revived and satisfied in minutes. Your
                                time is valuable. Why waste it standing in line waiting to buy an
                                expensive high calorie carbohydrates snack when you can pop a
                                handful of high protein Green Agro Foods Spirulina into your
                                mouth without missing a beat, deadline or date? And, all for just
                                ONE calorie per 250mg too.

                                Best for:
                                       Improving Diet with High Quality Protein
                                       Improving Diet with High Quality Greens
                                       Decreasing Hunger
                                       Helping Weight Loss
                                       Increasing Energy and Endurance
                                       Increasing Mental Focus
Weight Loss

Want to lose weight? Want to diet without hunger or fatigue?

To lose weight, you need to eat less (and burn more calories). The problem is, when you do this, you
usually end up cutting nutrition, not just calories so you end up tired, hungry and grumpy. But it
doesn't have to be this way! All you need is more nutrition and more protein. But how do you do
that without tipping the scales and going over your daily calorie count? Easy, Take Green Agro
                                          Foods Spirulina whenever you are hungry. This is because
                                          Spirulina is over 60% protein (the highest concentration in
                                    the world), has over 40 vitamins and nutrients and is just ONE
                                    CALORIE per 250mg. It fills you up, slays your hunger and
                                    keeps you going for hours, all for just a few calories. Not bad for
                                    something so tiny. So whether you are trying to lose weight, want
                                    to shake hunger and fatigue or just want a healthy low calorie
                                    snack to get you through the day, take Green Agro Foods
                                    Spirulina. We recommend Green Agro Foods Spirulina for
                                    weight loss, meal replacement or snacks because they are made
                                    from 100% spirulina algae which have GLA (an Essential Fatty
                                    Acid like Omega 3). This makes them more filling – all still for
                                    just ONE calorie. So get your thin back and make your weight
                                    loss easier, faster and healthier, just by taking Green Agro Foods
                                    Spirulina every day.

                                        Best for:
                                           Help With Weight Loss
                                           Reducing Hunger
                                           Reducing Fatigue
                                           Reducing Anemia
                                           Healthy Low Calorie Snacking
                                           Getting More Protein or Greens In Your Diet
Mental Vitality

Want to think clearer, smarter, faster, and longer?
Want it without sugar or caffeine?

Thinking takes a lot of energy because your brain cells use twice the amount of glucose energy as
other cells. So, when you are mentally fatigued, its' often because you’ve exhausted your brain’s
                                         supply of glucose. The best source of glucose is protein,
                                     which enters your blood stream slowly         (unlike sugar or
                                 carbohydrates which can give you glucose spikes). The best
                                 source of protein? Algae. This is because algae is 60% protein -
                                 the highest concentration of protein in the world. Even
                                 better, algae's protein is already in amino acid form so your brain
                                 doesn’t need to wait in line for it, as it does with animal protein.
                                 Your brain gets access to algae’s glucose energy almost
                                 immediately. As a result, you get a nice mental boost – similar to
                                 an energy drink but without any caffeine rush or sugar crash. For
                                 the best mental reboot- take Green Agro Foods Spirulina because
                                 this is 100% spirulina algae. Spirulina is nitrogen based algae
                                 so it's nitric oxidec oxide naturally and gently opens up your
                                 blood vessels allowing your brain instant access to all of algae's
                                 nutritional goodies. Our spirulina algae put your brain in the fast

                                     Best for:
                                           Reducing Brain Fog
                                           Reducing Fatigue and Hunger
                                           Increasing Mental Focus
                                           Increasing Energy
Want to live longer and healthier?

Like anything that's used a lot, as you age, your body and immune system don’t work quite as
well as they did when you were younger. This means minor health irritation, left unchecked can
grow into serious illnesses. But it doesn't have to be this way. All your immune system needs is
some help and then you can live long and strong! What's the easiest, most natural way to do
                                           this? Spirulina. This is because Spirulina has the world’s
                                           highest concentration of chlorophyll, antioxidants and
                                         protein, all which improve your wellness by fighting free
                                     radicals, rebuilding healthy cells, and reducing cellular
                                     inflammation. All naturally and all for just one calorie per 250
                                     mg. Our Green Agro Foods Spirulina is particularly great for
                                     slowing aging and improving longevity because they are made
                                     from 100% spirulina algae. Chlorella not only helps build your
                                     immune system but it also removes toxins. Your body is
                                     bombarded daily with toxins from food, water, air and the
                                     whole world as you interact with. You need to get rid of these
                                     toxins daily and if you don’t, they can accumulate
                                     and cause progressive damage to your health. You take a
                                     shower every day to clean the outside of your body. Right?
                                     Well, taking Green Agro Foods Spirulina every day is like
                                     giving your body a daily shower but on the INSIDE. Good
                                     old chlorella algae soak up and politely discard all your daily
                                     toxins for you. So, while you’ve never had to think about
                                     toxins before, it’s one of the unfortunate realities of our
                                     modern life in the twenty first century. We know you want to
                                     enjoy every day and every step of your life. So adding Green
                                     Agro Foods Spirulina to your daily routine will not only put
                                     pep in your step, it will improve your vitality, digestion,
                                     energy, health and more. Some think it’s the fountain of
                                              Best for:
                                                 Strengthening immune system
                                                 Removing toxins
                                                 Preventing or recovering from illness
                                                 Enhancing wellness and longevity

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Green agro foods spirulina

  • 1.
  • 2. What Is Spirulina? Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) is a naturally occurring blue-green micro-algae which grows and thrives in warm water alkaline lakes. Wild grown spirulina sustains flamingos in the East African Rift Valley lakes and has the strength and ability to thrive in conditions where other algae cannot grow. It is a single celled organism that turns sunlight into micronutrient life energy. It is one of early life forms originating more than 3.6 billion years ago, and its spiral shape is what gives it the common name of spirulina. Spirulina has amazing properties and in many ways can be considered a Super Food. It contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain, or herb. It’s composed of 60% highly digestible vegetable protein, has extremely high concentrations of beta carotene, vitamin B-12, iron and trace minerals, and the rare essential fatty acid GLA – Gamma-Linolenic Acid (which people who have not been breast fed do not have). It has a balanced spectrum of amino acids, cleansing chlorophyll, and the blue pigment, phycocyanin. All the essential vitamins and minerals a body requires can be provided by spirulina, these provide a variety of benefits for the human body, like nourishment, mental clarity, assisting in cancer recovery, depression help and many others. Several scientific studies show spirulina to have the ability to inhibit viral replication; in particular it was found that 5-10 mg of spirulina will inhibit the HIV-1 virus otherwise known as the AIDS virus. Some Amazing Facts about Spirulina!!! • A person cannot overdose on Spirulina. • It is a whole-food, not a concentrate, not an extract. • Spirulina is the richest source of natural antioxidants. • It contains 18 essential amino acid required by our body. • Spirulina helps prevent cancers and viral diseases in humans. • Spirulina has 58 times the iron of raw spinach. • Spirulina contains highest amount of plant protein. “Nature’s Best Source of Most Complete & Balanced Nutrition”
  • 3. Typical analysis of Spirulina per 100 gm 2 times higher than soybeans Protein 60-63% 6 times higher than eggs 3 times higher than fish or meat Including Calcium, Potassium, Minerals 7-13% Magnesium, Zinc and Phosphorus Fiber 8-10% 4 times higher than flour and corn Vitamin B12 0.2-0.3mg 3-4 times higher than animal liver 5 times higher than carrots Beta Carotene 140- 330mg 40 times higher than Spinach Chlorophyll 1-2 g 20 times higher than wheatgrass Calcium 60 - 130 mg 10 times higher than milk 65 times higher than spinach Iron 25 – 40 mg 30 times higher than Meat 5 times higher than soybeans Carbohydrate 15-25% Lipid 6-8% For reference only, if you have any health problems please consult your doctor 
  • 4. Spirulina against Certain Illnesses Arthritis Arthritis is a group of diseases that have in common joint inflammation, stiffness, pain and limited range of motion, and in some cases, cartilage destruction. Conventional treatments include prescribing an anti-inflammatory and recommending that the patient lose weight. In animal models, spirulina was found to help protect cartilage integrity, have anti-inflammatory effects and help with weight loss. An extract of spirulina was evaluated in animal models suffering from arthritis. After eight days of treatment with spirulina, scientists found that this supplement protected against cartilage destruction and also reduced inflammatory markers. The authors concluded spirulina's anti-arthritic effect may be due to phytcocyanin, an active ingredient of spirulina. The study was published in March 2002 issue of "Mediators of Inflammation." The positive effects of Spirulina on our health in regard to general well-being, cancer, hepatitis, anaemia, slimming, diabetes and so on have been the subject of many scientific studies. It is strange that the feedback from people taking Spirulina is that in the first place they feel spontaneous relief of pain which they have sometimes had for a very long time. The cause of the pain was not diagnosed or mentioned. GLA in spirulina is very helpful to improve rheumarthritis condition.
  • 5. Anemia Spirulina is, after dried eggs, the second richest food of digestible protein. Protein is the main raw material of the red blood cells. Not enough digestible protein means anemia. Of course there are other blood forming factors as well as iron for hemoglobin including enzymes and so on. A deficiency in Vitamin B12 and folic acid will cause anemia as well. Spirulina with its easily assimilated protein, Vitamin E, folic acid, Vitamin B6 and B12 as well as iron and copper makes it an ideal food source for patients suffering from anemia. Good improvement is reported after two weeks and normal levels after 45 to 60 days. It is recommended to incorporate foods like bananas, honey, liver, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and egg yolk in the daily diet. Caffeine as in green and common tea, mate tea and coffee should be avoided. Spirulina iron is 45 times more concentrated than spinach. Iron is an anti-anemia element which provides oxygen to cells and which has the features of anti-oxidation, anti-inflaming and anti- aging. Cancer Cancer stems from damaged cells by increasing free radicals in the body. Beta carotene is the active substance capable to effectively restrain free radicals, and it is the main resource for Vitamin A as well. Green Agro Foods Spirulina beta carotene is ten times more concentrated than carrots. It is widely recognized in the medical science world that spirulina polysaccharide and phycocyanin have positive effects on cancer and tumor treatment. Clinical studies show spirulina has a 54% of restraint rate upon ascetic type of hepatitis cancer cells. Spirulina also has notable effect in recovering organ damages caused by chemical and radiation treatment.
  • 6. Diabetes & Cholesterol Taking spirulina can reduce cholesterol according to a study done in Seoul, Korea on the effects of spirulina found that both male and female subjects had significantly lower cholesterol levels after taking spirulina for 16 weeks. Individuals with Diabetes tend to have lower “good” or HDL cholesterol levels and increased triglycerides and “bad” or LDL cholesterol levels. These abnormal levels of fats in the blood increase the risk for heart disease and stroke in diabetics. Spirulina decreases blood glucose, total cholesterol and tryglicerides and improved HDL cholesterol in a diabetic studies. Spirulina can also help reduce blood pressure. Sexual Vitality Impotency has its cause in most cases in an improper diet. Chronic illness such as diabetes may be responsible as well. The best anti-aphrodisiac is an overloaded stomach, too heavy food, too much alcohol, stress and so on. If the workload for the blood is too high to digest food there is not enough energy to increase marital bliss. The high content of protein and its high digestibility as well as all the other vitamins, minerals and enzymes make Spirulina a super food to improve sexual vigour. When changing the diet sensibly from a one-sided or too heavy diet to a well-balanced diet incorporating Spirulina many report as a side effect, a positive one, that sex drive has improved as well. Another interesting factor is that Spirulina has a relatively high content of arginine which is important for males. The seminal fluid is 80% arginine. (Chalem).   1 gm Green Agro Foods Spirulina 1 Kg of Assorted Vegetables
  • 7. Green Agro Foods Spirulina Health Benefits
  • 8. Athletics/Fitness Want the secret to a great workout, run or game? For any sport or workout, you need glucose and protein and for a really top performance, your muscles need rapid access to them. This is why nitric oxide is so important. It opens up blood vessels so key nutrients can quickly get where they need to go. Our Spirulina are the perfect of nutrition because they provide your body with glucose, protein and even nitric oxide. Our Spirulina have the highest concentration of protein in the world (over 60%), all in amino acid form so it quickly converts to glucose. This gives you an energy boost and mental wake up without chemicals, sugar or caffeine all for just one calorie per 250 mg. We recommend our Green Agro Foods Spirulina algae (which are 100% spirulina) for any athletic or high endurance activity. A Spirulina has been a favorite of Olympic athletes and trainers for decades. You'll find out why the first time you try them. Win the game of health and so much more with Green Agro Foods Spirulina. Best for: Increasing Energy Increasing Endurance Increasing Stamina Increasing Mental Focus Increasing High Quality Protein
  • 9. Beauty Want blemish, wrinkle free, radiant skin & stronger hair or nails? We know you want wrinkle free, gorgeous skin. But do you know what makes that possible? Other than the luck of good genes and staying out of the sun and drinking water, the answer is collagen and protein. As you age, free radicals damage your collagen and elastin which takes a toll on your skin. Both collagen and elastin are proteins. Youthful skin has lots of it, aging skin does not. So if you want radiant skin, you need to build and protect your skin’s collagen. But don’t look to expensive collagen face creams to do this. Why not? Because collagen molecules are simply too large to be absorbed into your skin. So what are you to do? Well, like many things in life, we suggest looking inside for the answer. In this case inside your body and your diet. When you do, you’ll find the same answer we did. Protein. It's what repairs all cellular tissue in your body, including your skin’s collagen and elastin. So adding high quality protein like our Green Agro Foods Spirulina and cutting back on sugar is sure to help you get more radiant looking skin. Best for: Healthy Skin Healthy Hair Healthy Nails Weight loss
  • 10. Children's Health  Tired of your children getting colds? Want a natural solution? Children are constantly exposed to bacteria and viruses so they quickly and frequently catch colds. Rather than load their delicate systems with drugs or sugary cough medicines, wouldn't you prefer to give them something that was100% natural, had no side effects and was even nutritious? You can. It's Green Agro Foods Spirulina. Green Agro Foods Spirulina will not only help prevent your children from getting colds, it will also help them recover faster when they do catch a cold. All our Green Agro Foods Spirulina help but we recommend our Green Agro Foods Spirulina for your children’s health (and yours too!) because they are made from 100% Spirulina algae. Chlorella content in Spirulina algae brings oxygen into the body, kills bacteria and viruses and has been safely fed to children and babies for over fifty years. It is 100% alkaline and its high concentration of chlorophyll, enzymes and oxygen fight free radicals, rebuild cells and protect the immune system. Even better, it does all this naturally. No side effects, no sugar, no chemicals, no gluten, no soy and no additives of any kind. Our Green Agro Foods Spirulina is 100% green, 100% algae and 100% nutrition. Remarkably, not only will they boost your children's immune system, they also have 40 nutrients and vitamins, and 60% protein (the highest concentration in the world). So if your kids don't like greens or aren't eating enough protein, start cheering now! Adding Green Agro Foods Spirulina to your child’s daily diet is like giving them a first class ticket on the "Good Ship Health" Grown organically and straight from Mom Nature. Best for: Colds Viruses Preventing Health Challenges Recovering from Health Challenges Building Immune System
  • 11. Detox & Cleansing Want to be healthier? Detox your body. It’s like getting a car wash – but for your insides. You wouldn’t drive your car forever without occasionally taking it to the car wash or changing the oil. Right? Well your body needs the occasional clean up too. Detoxing is one way to do this. But detoxing doesn’t mean you have to give up food (unless of course you want to). You can detox slowly, just by making better food choices and by taking algae, which is a natural detoxifier/blood builder. This is because algae is a plant based protein and has the highest concentration of chlorophyll in the world. Chlorophyll is a recognized antioxidant and blood builder which detox cleanses and builds. Our Green Agro Foods Spirulina also has a unique ability to absorb toxins and remove them from your body. This combined with its higher concentration of chlorophyll, makes it the preferred algae for detoxing. So if you want to supercharge the detox you are already on or if the prospect of a cleanse is too overwhelming, just take Green Agro Foods Spirulina on a daily basis. It's like giving your insides a bath. Best for: Detox and Cleansing Removing Heavy Metals Building Immune System Longevity and Wellness Hangover Prevention
  • 12. Energy   Want more energy? Tired of being tired? Want to shake fatigue quickly and naturally? When you are fatigued, it is usually because your brain and body have run out of fuel, also known as glucose. The best source for glucose is protein, which is released slowly (unlike sugar or carbohydrates which give you glucose spikes). What's the best source of protein? Algae. This is because algae is over 60% protein, the highest concentration of protein in the world. Even better, the protein in algae is already in amino acid form, so your body doesn’t need to work to absorb it like it does with animal protein. Your body absorbs the protein in algae like a sponge so you immediately get a nice energy boost –almost like an energy drink, but without the caffeine rush or sugar crash. For the best energy reboot, we recommend our Green Agro Foods Spirulina which are 100% spirulina algae. Spirulina’s nitric oxide opens up your blood vessels so you get instant access to all of its protein and 40 other nutritional goodies. At just one calorie per 250mg, taking Green Agro Foods Spirulina is like winning the lottery. The prize is endless energy, vitality and nutrition every day. Who knew that something so small could turbo charges your body and brain so naturally, so easily and for so few calories? Best for: Increasing Endurance & Energy Eliminating Brain Fog & Fatigue Eliminating Hunger Balancing Blood Sugar and Mood Lowering Blood Pressure
  • 13. Healthy Snack Want a healthy, high protein snack without chemicals, caffeine, sugar, gluten or soy? Want it safe enough for kids and just ONE calorie? Sound impossible? No……… When you’re on the run, on the road or just plain hungry, we know you grab whatever you can find. Very often it's a bagel, protein bar or salty snack. Right? But did you know they are loaded with empty carbohydrates and calories? You deserve better. Highly refined carbohydrates can cause your blood sugar to spike and crash which can leave you feeling light headed, hungry or lead to cellular inflammation or diabetes. To stop this cycle and to stabilize your blood sugar, you need protein. Protein digests slower than carbohydrates. It releases glucose into the blood at a slower, stable rate, giving you the energy you need without the spike and crash of carbohydrates. Protein also makes you feel full and satisfied so you are less likely to crave carbohydrates in the first place. But these days, few of us have the time, budget or desire to eat long meals with lots of animal protein in them? So what are you to do? Good news, we have a fast, healthy solution for you. Our Green Agro Foods Spirulina They're green, loaded with protein, low calorie, contain no sugar and you can carry them everywhere you go in their sleek travel tins. They're easy too. Just swallow a handful whenever you are hungry and you'll be revived and satisfied in minutes. Your time is valuable. Why waste it standing in line waiting to buy an expensive high calorie carbohydrates snack when you can pop a handful of high protein Green Agro Foods Spirulina into your mouth without missing a beat, deadline or date? And, all for just ONE calorie per 250mg too. Best for: Improving Diet with High Quality Protein Improving Diet with High Quality Greens Decreasing Hunger Helping Weight Loss Increasing Energy and Endurance Increasing Mental Focus
  • 14. Weight Loss Want to lose weight? Want to diet without hunger or fatigue? To lose weight, you need to eat less (and burn more calories). The problem is, when you do this, you usually end up cutting nutrition, not just calories so you end up tired, hungry and grumpy. But it doesn't have to be this way! All you need is more nutrition and more protein. But how do you do that without tipping the scales and going over your daily calorie count? Easy, Take Green Agro Foods Spirulina whenever you are hungry. This is because Spirulina is over 60% protein (the highest concentration in the world), has over 40 vitamins and nutrients and is just ONE CALORIE per 250mg. It fills you up, slays your hunger and keeps you going for hours, all for just a few calories. Not bad for something so tiny. So whether you are trying to lose weight, want to shake hunger and fatigue or just want a healthy low calorie snack to get you through the day, take Green Agro Foods Spirulina. We recommend Green Agro Foods Spirulina for weight loss, meal replacement or snacks because they are made from 100% spirulina algae which have GLA (an Essential Fatty Acid like Omega 3). This makes them more filling – all still for just ONE calorie. So get your thin back and make your weight loss easier, faster and healthier, just by taking Green Agro Foods Spirulina every day. Best for: Help With Weight Loss Reducing Hunger Reducing Fatigue Reducing Anemia Healthy Low Calorie Snacking Getting More Protein or Greens In Your Diet
  • 15. Mental Vitality Want to think clearer, smarter, faster, and longer? Want it without sugar or caffeine? Thinking takes a lot of energy because your brain cells use twice the amount of glucose energy as other cells. So, when you are mentally fatigued, its' often because you’ve exhausted your brain’s supply of glucose. The best source of glucose is protein, which enters your blood stream slowly (unlike sugar or carbohydrates which can give you glucose spikes). The best source of protein? Algae. This is because algae is 60% protein - the highest concentration of protein in the world. Even better, algae's protein is already in amino acid form so your brain doesn’t need to wait in line for it, as it does with animal protein. Your brain gets access to algae’s glucose energy almost immediately. As a result, you get a nice mental boost – similar to an energy drink but without any caffeine rush or sugar crash. For the best mental reboot- take Green Agro Foods Spirulina because this is 100% spirulina algae. Spirulina is nitrogen based algae so it's nitric oxidec oxide naturally and gently opens up your blood vessels allowing your brain instant access to all of algae's nutritional goodies. Our spirulina algae put your brain in the fast lane. Best for: Reducing Brain Fog Reducing Fatigue and Hunger Increasing Mental Focus Increasing Energy
  • 16. Longevity Want to live longer and healthier? Like anything that's used a lot, as you age, your body and immune system don’t work quite as well as they did when you were younger. This means minor health irritation, left unchecked can grow into serious illnesses. But it doesn't have to be this way. All your immune system needs is some help and then you can live long and strong! What's the easiest, most natural way to do this? Spirulina. This is because Spirulina has the world’s highest concentration of chlorophyll, antioxidants and protein, all which improve your wellness by fighting free radicals, rebuilding healthy cells, and reducing cellular inflammation. All naturally and all for just one calorie per 250 mg. Our Green Agro Foods Spirulina is particularly great for slowing aging and improving longevity because they are made from 100% spirulina algae. Chlorella not only helps build your immune system but it also removes toxins. Your body is bombarded daily with toxins from food, water, air and the whole world as you interact with. You need to get rid of these toxins daily and if you don’t, they can accumulate and cause progressive damage to your health. You take a shower every day to clean the outside of your body. Right? Well, taking Green Agro Foods Spirulina every day is like giving your body a daily shower but on the INSIDE. Good old chlorella algae soak up and politely discard all your daily toxins for you. So, while you’ve never had to think about toxins before, it’s one of the unfortunate realities of our modern life in the twenty first century. We know you want to enjoy every day and every step of your life. So adding Green Agro Foods Spirulina to your daily routine will not only put pep in your step, it will improve your vitality, digestion, energy, health and more. Some think it’s the fountain of youth. Best for: Strengthening immune system Removing toxins Preventing or recovering from illness Enhancing wellness and longevity