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Parsing XML with SAX, DOM & JDOM
         Hicham Qaissi

    0.   What is an XML parser? ............................................................................................ 3

    1.   Describing the example to develop........................................................................... 3

    2.   SAX............................................................................................................................. 6

    3.   DOM ........................................................................................................................ 11

    4.   JDOM....................................................................................................................... 14

    5.   Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 16

0. What is an XML parser?
        The XML parsers bring us the possibility of analyzing and composing of the XML
documents. Analyzing the XML data and structure, we can make some objects in some
languages programming (Java in our case). Also we can make the inverse process, in other
words, make a XML document from some data objects (See Fig. 1). In this manual, I analyze
with examples three kinds, SAX, DOM & JDOM.

        1. Describing the example to develop
        The example that I make is entertained. This is the same for the entire three API (SAX,
DOM and JDOM). The example consists in analyzing a XML document that contains
information about some books (ISBN code (isbn is an attribute), Name, Author name, Price,
Editorial). The program expects a book code (ISBN), and searches this book into the XML. If the
book exists, all its information are printed by the standard output, in other case, we print a
message notifying that the book doesn’t exist in the XML. Are you finding it as amusing as I do?
Let’s go!!!

The xml example (books.xml) is the following:
     <book isbn="0000000001">
          <name>Book 1</name>
          <author>Author name 1</author>
          <editorial>Editorial 1</editorial>
     <book isbn="0000000002">
          <name>Book 2</name>
          <author>Author name 2</author>
          <editorial>Editorial 2</editorial>
     <book isbn="0000000003">
          <name>Book 3</name>
          <author>Author name 3</author>
          <editorial>Editorial 3</editorial>
     <book isbn="0000000004">
          <name>Book 4</name>
          <author>Author name 4</author>
          <editorial>Editorial 4</editorial>
     <book isbn="0000000005">
          <name>PBook 5</name>
          <author>Author name 5</author>
          <editorial>Editorial 5</editorial>

For all parsers (SAX, DOM & JDOM), I use this DTO (Data Transfer Object):

public class MyBook {

    private   String   isbn;
    private   String   name;
    private   String   author;
    private   String   price;
    private   String   editorial;

    public String getIsbn() {
      return isbn;
    public void setIsbn(String isbn) {
      this.isbn = isbn;
    public String getName() {
      return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    public String getAuthor() {
      return author;
    public void setAuthor(String author) { = author;
    public String getPrice() {
      return price;
    public void setPrice(String price) {
      this.price = price;
    public String getEditorial() {
      return editorial;
    public void setEditorial(String editorial) {
      this.editorial = editorial;

2. SAX
         SAX (Simple API for XML), it Works by events and associated methods. As the parser is
reading the document XML and finds the components (the events) of the document
(elements, attributes, values, etc) or it detects errors, is invoking to the methods that the
programmer         has   associated.   You     can    find   more   information   about   SAX   on
         First, be sure that you’ve included the sax jar in the classpath (The jar file can be
downloaded We must instantiate the reader. This
reader implements the XMLReader’s interface, we can obtain it from the abstract class
SAXParser. I obtain SAXParser from the SAXParserFactory. The method parse of XMLReader
analyses the xml document:
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;

import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;

public class MySAXSeracher{

    public static void main(String[] args) {
      try {
        SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
        factory.setNamespaceAware( true );
        factory.setValidating( true );
        SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();
        XMLReader xr = saxParser.getXMLReader();

          xr.parse( args[0] );
        } catch ( IOException ioe ) {
            System.out.println( "Error: " + ioe.getMessage() );
        } catch ( SAXException saxe ){
            System.out.println( "Error: " + saxe.getMessage() );
        } catch ( ParserConfigurationException pce ){
            System.out.println( "Error: " + pce.getMessage() );

         If the program compiles, it means that java and the jar file are ok. Nevertheless, the
program doesn’t do anything because we haven’t been interested on any event at the
moment.     It’s    important    to    catch    the    exceptions,
org.xml.sax.SAXException                                                                        and

To     manipulate      the      events,    our    main    class   must   extends
org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler.               DefaultHandler implements the following
org.xml.sax.ContentHandler: events about data (The most extended)
org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler: events about errors
org.xml.sax.DTDhandler: DTD’s treatment
org.xml.sax.EntityResolver: foreign entities

        We can make our own classes implementing ContentHandler and ErrorHandler to treat
the event which we are interested in:
        Data: implementing ContentHandler and associate it to the reader (parser) with the
method setContenthandler().
        Errors: implementing ErrorHandler and associate it to the reader (parser) with the
method setErrorHandler().

        The most important methods in the interface ContentHandler (implemented by
DefaultHandler which is extended by our class MySAXSearcher) are:

    •   startDocument():Receive notification of the beginning of a document.
    •   endDocument(): Receive notification of the end of a document.
    •   startElement():Receive notification of the beginning of an element
    •   endElement():Receive notification of the end of an element.
    •   characters():Receive notification of character data.

        See more about ContentHandler on

        Now, MySAXSearcher is the following (I’ve made my own ContentHandler and
ErrorHandler, it’s much more clean than overriding the ContentHandler and ErrorHandler
interesting methods in our class that extends DefaultHandler):


import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;

import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;

public class MySAXSearcher extends DefaultHandler{

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    MySAXSearcher searcher = new MySAXSearcher();
    searcher.searchBook(args[0], args[1]);

  private void searchBook(String xml, String isbn){
    try {
      SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
      factory.setNamespaceAware( true );
      factory.setValidating( true );
      SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser();

       XMLReader xr = saxParser.getXMLReader();

       // Assigning my own ContentHandler at my XMLReader.
       MyContentHandler ch = new MyContentHandler();
       ch.isbnSearched = isbn;
       xr.setContentHandler( ch );
       // Assigning my own ErrorHandler at my XMLReader.
       xr.setErrorHandler( new MyOwnErrorHandler() );

       xr.setFeature( "", false);
       xr.setFeature( "", true);

        long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
        xr.parse( xml );
        long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
        printResult (xml, ch, after - before);
      } catch ( IOException ioe ) {
        System.out.println( "Error: " + ioe.getMessage() );
      } catch ( SAXException saxe ){
        System.out.println( "Error: " + saxe.getMessage() );
      } catch ( ParserConfigurationException pce ){
        System.out.println( "Error: " + pce.getMessage() );

  public void printResult(String xml, MyContentHandler ch, long time){
    System.out.println("Document " + xml + ". Parsed in : " + time + "
    if ( != null){
      System.out.println("Book found:");
      System.out.println(" Isbn: "       +;
      System.out.println(" Name: "       +;
      System.out.println(" Author: "     +;
      System.out.println(" Price: "      +;
      System.out.println(" Editorial: " +;

} else {
          System.out.println("Book not found");
import     org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import     org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import     org.xml.sax.Locator;
import     org.xml.sax.SAXException;

public class MyContentHandler implements ContentHandler {

  boolean isBookFound = false;
  String isbnSearched = "";
  String currentNode = "";
  MyBook book          = null;
  // Overrided
  public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
    System.out.println("***Start document***");
  // Overrided
  public void endDocument() throws SAXException {
    System.out.println("***End document***");
  // Overrided
  public void startElement(String uri, String local, String raw,
Attributes attrs) {
    currentNode = local;
    if ("book".equals(local) && !isBookFound){
    // The book node only has an attribute (isbn)
      if ("isbn".equals(attrs.getLocalName(0)) &&
        isBookFound = true;
        book = new MyBook();
  // Overrided
  public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) {
    String value = "";
    // I get the text value
    for (int i = start; i < start + length; i++) {
      value+= Character.toString(ch [i]);
    if (!"".equals(value.trim()) && isBookFound){
      } else if ("author".equals(currentNode)){
      } else if ("price".equals(currentNode)){
      } else if ("editorial".equals(currentNode)){
        isBookFound = false;

    // Overrided
    public void endElement(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2)
                    throws SAXException {
    // Overrided
    public void endPrefixMapping(String arg0) throws SAXException {
    // Overrided
    public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] arg0, int arg1, int arg2)
                    throws SAXException {
    // Overrided
    public void processingInstruction(String arg0, String arg1)
                    throws SAXException {
    // Overrided
    public void setDocumentLocator(Locator arg0) {
    // Overrided
    public void skippedEntity(String arg0) throws SAXException {
    // Overrided
    public void startPrefixMapping(String arg0, String arg1)
                    throws SAXException {

import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;

public class MyErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
  // Overrided
  public void warning(SAXParseException ex) {
    System.err.println("[Warning] : "+ ex.getMessage());
  // Overrided
  public void error(SAXParseException ex) {
    System.err.println("[Error] : "+ex.getMessage());
  // Overrided
  public void fatalError(SAXParseException ex) throws SAXException {
    System.err.println("[Error!] : "+ex.getMessage());

       With our xml (books.xml), and the book code to search 0000000003, we can executed
our program with:
                     java MySAXSearcher “books.xml” “0000000003”

The result must be the following:

                       ***Start document***
                       ***End document***
                       Document books.xml Parsed in: 141ms
                       Book found:
                         Isbn: 0000000003
                         Name: Book 3
                         Author: Author name 3
                         Price: 29.45
                         Editorial: Editorial 3

       3. DOM
       DOM (Document Object Model), while SAX offers access at all elements of document,
DOM brings the parsing as a tree that can be parsed and transformed. DOM has some
disadvantages and advantages with regards to SAX:
           •   The data can be acceded only when the entire document is parsed.
           •   The tree is an object loaded on the memory; this is problematic for big and
               complex documents.
           •   With DOM we can manipulate (update, delete and add elements) the xml
               document. Also, we can create a new xml document.

       To manipulate an xml document, we must instantiate a Document (interface) object
that implements the Document interface (extends the interface Node). We use the classes’
javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder and javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory, we
invoke the method parse() to obtain a Document object.

       For manipulate an XML with DOM, there are some important classes’:
org.w3c.dom.Document        (interface     representing   the    entire    XML     document),
org.w3c.dom.Element (Elements in the XML document), org.w3c.dom.Node (node that has
some elements) and org.w3c.dom.Att (The attributes of every element).

        Ok, now let’s talk in java code language. As DTO (Data Transfer Object), I use the same
object MyBook.



import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import   org.w3c.dom.Document;
import   org.w3c.dom.Node;
import   org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import   org.xml.sax.SAXException;

public class MyDOMSearcher {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    MyDOMSearcher searcher = new MyDOMSearcher();
    searcher.searchBook(args[0], args[1]);

  private void searchBook(String xml, String isbn) {
    long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
    MyBook book = null;
      DocumentBuilderFactory factory =
      DocumentBuilder parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
      // I assign my own ErrorHandler to my Parser
      parser.setErrorHandler(new MyErrorHandler());
      File file = new File(xml);
      Document doc = parser.parse (file);
      // I obtain all the elements <book>
      // NodeList is an interface that has 2 methods:
      //    1. item(int): returns the Node (Interface) Object of the
position int.
      //    2. getLength(): returns the length of the List
      NodeList booksNodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("book");
      NodeList bookChildsNodes = null;
      String isbnAttribute = "";

      for(int i = 0; i < booksNodes.getLength(); i++) {
        Node node = booksNodes.item(i);
        if(node != null && node.hasAttributes()) {
        isbnAttribute =
            //I've caught the isbn searched
            if(book == null){
              book = new MyBook();
              bookChildsNodes = node.getChildNodes();
              for (int j = 0; j < bookChildsNodes.getLength(); j++) {


}else if("price".equals(bookChildsNodes.item(j).getNodeName())){
}else if("editorial".equals(bookChildsNodes.item(j).getNodeName())){
  // I've found my book. Ending the for iteration
      }catch(IOException ioe){
        System.err.println("[Error] : "+ioe.getMessage());
      }catch(ParserConfigurationException pce){
        System.err.println("[Error] : "+pce.getMessage());
      }catch(SAXException se){
         System.err.println("[Error] : "+se.getMessage());
      long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
      printResults(xml, book, after - before);

public void printResults(String xml, MyBook book, long time) {
    System.out.println("Document " + xml + ". Parsed in : " + time + "
    if (book != null){
      System.out.println("Book found:");
      System.out.println(" Isbn: "       + book.getIsbn());
      System.out.println(" Name: "       + book.getName());
      System.out.println(" Author: "     + book.getAuthor());
      System.out.println(" Price: "      + book.getPrice());
      System.out.println(" Editorial: " + book.getEditorial());
      System.out.println("Book not found");

        All the precedents API’s are available for many programming languages, but their use
is laborious in Java. A specific API has been made for java (JDOM), that API uses the own
capacities and features of Java, therefore, using it make the XMlL parsing easily. We can find
some related information on

        Now, let’s make the same example (searching a book in our XML) with JDOM (be sure
that the jar is installed in your classpath, you can download it on

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import   org.jdom.Document;
import   org.jdom.Element;
import   org.jdom.JDOMException;
import   org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;

public class MyJDOMSearcher {

  private String isbn;
  private MyBook book;
  private boolean noSearchMore = false;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
      MyJDOMSearcher searcher = new MyJDOMSearcher();
      // The second parameter is the isbn to search
      searcher.isbn = args[1];
      SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder();
      Document document =[0]);
      long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
      searcher.printResults(args[0], after-before);
    } catch (JDOMException jde){
       System.err.println("[Error] JDOMException: "+jde.getMessage());
    } catch (IOException ioe){
       System.err.println("[Error] IOException: "+ioe.getMessage());


  private void searchBook(Element element){


      List content = element.getContent();
      Iterator iterator = content.iterator();
      Element child = null;
      Object object = null;

while(iterator.hasNext()){ // All times we have "books" node
          object =;
          if(object instanceof Element){
            child = ((Element)object); //Casting from Object to Element

    // Recursively descend the tree
    public void inspect(Element element) {
      if (!noSearchMore){ // If I've had the book yet, I'll do anything
        if("book".equals(element.getQualifiedName()) & book == null){
                book = new MyBook();
        if(book != null){
            noSearchMore = true;

  private void printResults(String xml, long time) {
    System.out.println("Document " + xml + ". Parsed in : " + time + "
    if (book != null){
      System.out.println("Book found:");
      System.out.println(" Isbn: "       + book.getIsbn());
      System.out.println(" Name: "       + book.getName());
      System.out.println(" Author: "     + book.getAuthor());
      System.out.println(" Price: "      + book.getPrice());
      System.out.println(" Editorial: " + book.getEditorial());
    } else {
      System.out.println("Book not found");


5. Conclusion
       Executing the same example with the three API’s (MySAXSearcher, MyDOMSearcher
and MyJDOMSearcher) having us parameters received the same xml file and the isbn to search
("0000000003"), the result (in time) obtained is the following:

      MySAXSearcher                 MyDOMSearcher                      MyJDOMSearcher
          93 ms                          750 ms                           609 ms

       The SAX API is faster than DOM and JDOM (But it’s laborious).


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SAX, DOM & JDOM parsers for beginners

  • 1. Parsing XML with SAX, DOM & JDOM Hicham Qaissi 1
  • 2. Contents 0. What is an XML parser? ............................................................................................ 3 1. Describing the example to develop........................................................................... 3 2. SAX............................................................................................................................. 6 3. DOM ........................................................................................................................ 11 4. JDOM....................................................................................................................... 14 5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 16 2
  • 3. 0. What is an XML parser? The XML parsers bring us the possibility of analyzing and composing of the XML documents. Analyzing the XML data and structure, we can make some objects in some languages programming (Java in our case). Also we can make the inverse process, in other words, make a XML document from some data objects (See Fig. 1). In this manual, I analyze with examples three kinds, SAX, DOM & JDOM. 1. Describing the example to develop The example that I make is entertained. This is the same for the entire three API (SAX, DOM and JDOM). The example consists in analyzing a XML document that contains information about some books (ISBN code (isbn is an attribute), Name, Author name, Price, Editorial). The program expects a book code (ISBN), and searches this book into the XML. If the book exists, all its information are printed by the standard output, in other case, we print a message notifying that the book doesn’t exist in the XML. Are you finding it as amusing as I do? Let’s go!!! 3
  • 4. The xml example (books.xml) is the following: <books> <book isbn="0000000001"> <name>Book 1</name> <author>Author name 1</author> <price>12.54</price> <editorial>Editorial 1</editorial> </book> <book isbn="0000000002"> <name>Book 2</name> <author>Author name 2</author> <price>58.25</price> <editorial>Editorial 2</editorial> </book> <book isbn="0000000003"> <name>Book 3</name> <author>Author name 3</author> <price>29.45</price> <editorial>Editorial 3</editorial> </book> <book isbn="0000000004"> <name>Book 4</name> <author>Author name 4</author> <price>78.95</price> <editorial>Editorial 4</editorial> </book> <book isbn="0000000005"> <name>PBook 5</name> <author>Author name 5</author> <price>61.25</price> <editorial>Editorial 5</editorial> </book> </books> 4
  • 5. For all parsers (SAX, DOM & JDOM), I use this DTO (Data Transfer Object): public class MyBook { private String isbn; private String name; private String author; private String price; private String editorial; public String getIsbn() { return isbn; } public void setIsbn(String isbn) { this.isbn = isbn; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getAuthor() { return author; } public void setAuthor(String author) { = author; } public String getPrice() { return price; } public void setPrice(String price) { this.price = price; } public String getEditorial() { return editorial; } public void setEditorial(String editorial) { this.editorial = editorial; } } 5
  • 6. 2. SAX SAX (Simple API for XML), it Works by events and associated methods. As the parser is reading the document XML and finds the components (the events) of the document (elements, attributes, values, etc) or it detects errors, is invoking to the methods that the programmer has associated. You can find more information about SAX on First, be sure that you’ve included the sax jar in the classpath (The jar file can be downloaded We must instantiate the reader. This reader implements the XMLReader’s interface, we can obtain it from the abstract class SAXParser. I obtain SAXParser from the SAXParserFactory. The method parse of XMLReader analyses the xml document: import; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; public class MySAXSeracher{ public static void main(String[] args) { try { SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware( true ); factory.setValidating( true ); SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser(); XMLReader xr = saxParser.getXMLReader(); xr.parse( args[0] ); } catch ( IOException ioe ) { System.out.println( "Error: " + ioe.getMessage() ); } catch ( SAXException saxe ){ System.out.println( "Error: " + saxe.getMessage() ); } catch ( ParserConfigurationException pce ){ System.out.println( "Error: " + pce.getMessage() ); } } } If the program compiles, it means that java and the jar file are ok. Nevertheless, the program doesn’t do anything because we haven’t been interested on any event at the moment. It’s important to catch the exceptions, org.xml.sax.SAXException and javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException. 6
  • 7. To manipulate the events, our main class must extends org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler. DefaultHandler implements the following interfaces: org.xml.sax.ContentHandler: events about data (The most extended) org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler: events about errors org.xml.sax.DTDhandler: DTD’s treatment org.xml.sax.EntityResolver: foreign entities We can make our own classes implementing ContentHandler and ErrorHandler to treat the event which we are interested in: Data: implementing ContentHandler and associate it to the reader (parser) with the method setContenthandler(). Errors: implementing ErrorHandler and associate it to the reader (parser) with the method setErrorHandler(). The most important methods in the interface ContentHandler (implemented by DefaultHandler which is extended by our class MySAXSearcher) are: • startDocument():Receive notification of the beginning of a document. • endDocument(): Receive notification of the end of a document. • startElement():Receive notification of the beginning of an element • endElement():Receive notification of the end of an element. • characters():Receive notification of character data. See more about ContentHandler on Now, MySAXSearcher is the following (I’ve made my own ContentHandler and ErrorHandler, it’s much more clean than overriding the ContentHandler and ErrorHandler interesting methods in our class that extends DefaultHandler): 7
  • 8. import; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; public class MySAXSearcher extends DefaultHandler{ public static void main(String[] args) { MySAXSearcher searcher = new MySAXSearcher(); searcher.searchBook(args[0], args[1]); } private void searchBook(String xml, String isbn){ try { SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware( true ); factory.setValidating( true ); SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser(); XMLReader xr = saxParser.getXMLReader(); // Assigning my own ContentHandler at my XMLReader. MyContentHandler ch = new MyContentHandler(); ch.isbnSearched = isbn; xr.setContentHandler( ch ); // Assigning my own ErrorHandler at my XMLReader. xr.setErrorHandler( new MyOwnErrorHandler() ); xr.setFeature( "", false); xr.setFeature( "", true); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); xr.parse( xml ); long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); printResult (xml, ch, after - before); } catch ( IOException ioe ) { System.out.println( "Error: " + ioe.getMessage() ); } catch ( SAXException saxe ){ System.out.println( "Error: " + saxe.getMessage() ); } catch ( ParserConfigurationException pce ){ System.out.println( "Error: " + pce.getMessage() ); } } public void printResult(String xml, MyContentHandler ch, long time){ System.out.println("Document " + xml + ". Parsed in : " + time + " ms"); if ( != null){ System.out.println("Book found:"); System.out.println(" Isbn: " +; System.out.println(" Name: " +; System.out.println(" Author: " +; System.out.println(" Price: " +; System.out.println(" Editorial: " +; 8
  • 9. } else { System.out.println("Book not found"); } } } import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; import org.xml.sax.Locator; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class MyContentHandler implements ContentHandler { boolean isBookFound = false; String isbnSearched = ""; String currentNode = ""; MyBook book = null; // Overrided public void startDocument() throws SAXException { System.out.println("***Start document***"); } // Overrided public void endDocument() throws SAXException { System.out.println("***End document***"); } // Overrided public void startElement(String uri, String local, String raw, Attributes attrs) { currentNode = local; if ("book".equals(local) && !isBookFound){ // The book node only has an attribute (isbn) if ("isbn".equals(attrs.getLocalName(0)) && isbnSearched.equals(attrs.getValue(0))){ isBookFound = true; book = new MyBook(); book.setIsbn(isbnSearched); } } } // Overrided public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) { String value = ""; // I get the text value for (int i = start; i < start + length; i++) { value+= Character.toString(ch [i]); } if (!"".equals(value.trim()) && isBookFound){ if("name".equals(currentNode)){ book.setName(value.trim()); } else if ("author".equals(currentNode)){ book.setAuthor(value.trim()); } else if ("price".equals(currentNode)){ book.setPrice(value.trim()); } else if ("editorial".equals(currentNode)){ book.setEditorial(value.trim()); isBookFound = false; } } 9
  • 10. } // Overrided public void endElement(String arg0, String arg1, String arg2) throws SAXException { } // Overrided public void endPrefixMapping(String arg0) throws SAXException { } // Overrided public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] arg0, int arg1, int arg2) throws SAXException { } // Overrided public void processingInstruction(String arg0, String arg1) throws SAXException { } // Overrided public void setDocumentLocator(Locator arg0) { } // Overrided public void skippedEntity(String arg0) throws SAXException { } // Overrided public void startPrefixMapping(String arg0, String arg1) throws SAXException { } } import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; public class MyErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler { // Overrided public void warning(SAXParseException ex) { System.err.println("[Warning] : "+ ex.getMessage()); } // Overrided public void error(SAXParseException ex) { System.err.println("[Error] : "+ex.getMessage()); } // Overrided public void fatalError(SAXParseException ex) throws SAXException { System.err.println("[Error!] : "+ex.getMessage()); } } With our xml (books.xml), and the book code to search 0000000003, we can executed our program with: java MySAXSearcher “books.xml” “0000000003” 10
  • 11. The result must be the following: ***Start document*** ***End document*** Document books.xml Parsed in: 141ms Book found: Isbn: 0000000003 Name: Book 3 Author: Author name 3 Price: 29.45 Editorial: Editorial 3 3. DOM DOM (Document Object Model), while SAX offers access at all elements of document, DOM brings the parsing as a tree that can be parsed and transformed. DOM has some disadvantages and advantages with regards to SAX: Disadvantage: • The data can be acceded only when the entire document is parsed. • The tree is an object loaded on the memory; this is problematic for big and complex documents. Advantages: • With DOM we can manipulate (update, delete and add elements) the xml document. Also, we can create a new xml document. To manipulate an xml document, we must instantiate a Document (interface) object that implements the Document interface (extends the interface Node). We use the classes’ javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder and javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory, we invoke the method parse() to obtain a Document object. For manipulate an XML with DOM, there are some important classes’: org.w3c.dom.Document (interface representing the entire XML document), org.w3c.dom.Element (Elements in the XML document), org.w3c.dom.Node (node that has some elements) and org.w3c.dom.Att (The attributes of every element). Ok, now let’s talk in java code language. As DTO (Data Transfer Object), I use the same object MyBook. 11
  • 12. import; import; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class MyDOMSearcher { public static void main(String[] args) { MyDOMSearcher searcher = new MyDOMSearcher(); searcher.searchBook(args[0], args[1]); } private void searchBook(String xml, String isbn) { long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); MyBook book = null; try{ DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(true); factory.setValidating(true); DocumentBuilder parser = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); // I assign my own ErrorHandler to my Parser parser.setErrorHandler(new MyErrorHandler()); File file = new File(xml); Document doc = parser.parse (file); // I obtain all the elements <book> // NodeList is an interface that has 2 methods: // 1. item(int): returns the Node (Interface) Object of the position int. // 2. getLength(): returns the length of the List NodeList booksNodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("book"); NodeList bookChildsNodes = null; String isbnAttribute = ""; for(int i = 0; i < booksNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node node = booksNodes.item(i); if(node != null && node.hasAttributes()) { isbnAttribute = node.getAttributes().getNamedItem("isbn").getNodeValue(); if(isbnAttribute.equals(isbn)){ //I've caught the isbn searched if(book == null){ book = new MyBook(); book.setIsbn(isbn); } if(node.hasChildNodes()){ bookChildsNodes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < bookChildsNodes.getLength(); j++) { if("name".equals(bookChildsNodes.item(j).getNodeName())){ book.setName(bookChildsNodes.item(j).getTextContent()); 12
  • 13. }else if("author".equals(bookChildsNodes.item(j).getNodeName())){ book.setAuthor(bookChildsNodes.item(j).getTextContent()); }else if("price".equals(bookChildsNodes.item(j).getNodeName())){ book.setPrice(bookChildsNodes.item(j).getTextContent()); }else if("editorial".equals(bookChildsNodes.item(j).getNodeName())){ book.setEditorial(bookChildsNodes.item(j).getTextContent()); // I've found my book. Ending the for iteration break; } } } } } } }catch(IOException ioe){ System.err.println("[Error] : "+ioe.getMessage()); }catch(ParserConfigurationException pce){ System.err.println("[Error] : "+pce.getMessage()); }catch(SAXException se){ System.err.println("[Error] : "+se.getMessage()); } long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); printResults(xml, book, after - before); } public void printResults(String xml, MyBook book, long time) { System.out.println("Document " + xml + ". Parsed in : " + time + " ms"); if (book != null){ System.out.println("Book found:"); System.out.println(" Isbn: " + book.getIsbn()); System.out.println(" Name: " + book.getName()); System.out.println(" Author: " + book.getAuthor()); System.out.println(" Price: " + book.getPrice()); System.out.println(" Editorial: " + book.getEditorial()); }else{ System.out.println("Book not found"); } } } 13
  • 14. 4. JDOM All the precedents API’s are available for many programming languages, but their use is laborious in Java. A specific API has been made for java (JDOM), that API uses the own capacities and features of Java, therefore, using it make the XMlL parsing easily. We can find some related information on Now, let’s make the same example (searching a book in our XML) with JDOM (be sure that the jar is installed in your classpath, you can download it on import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; public class MyJDOMSearcher { private String isbn; private MyBook book; private boolean noSearchMore = false; public static void main(String[] args) { try { long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); MyJDOMSearcher searcher = new MyJDOMSearcher(); // The second parameter is the isbn to search searcher.isbn = args[1]; SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder(); Document document =[0]); searcher.searchBook(document.getRootElement()); long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); searcher.printResults(args[0], after-before); } catch (JDOMException jde){ System.err.println("[Error] JDOMException: "+jde.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe){ System.err.println("[Error] IOException: "+ioe.getMessage()); } } private void searchBook(Element element){ inspect(element); List content = element.getContent(); Iterator iterator = content.iterator(); Element child = null; Object object = null; 14
  • 15. while(iterator.hasNext()){ // All times we have "books" node object =; if(object instanceof Element){ child = ((Element)object); //Casting from Object to Element searchBook(child); } } } // Recursively descend the tree public void inspect(Element element) { if (!noSearchMore){ // If I've had the book yet, I'll do anything if("book".equals(element.getQualifiedName()) & book == null){ if(isbn.equals(element.getAttribute("isbn").getValue())){ book = new MyBook(); book.setIsbn(isbn); } } if(book != null){ if("name".equals(element.getQualifiedName())){ book.setName(element.getValue()); } if("author".equals(element.getQualifiedName())){ book.setAuthor(element.getValue()); } if("price".equals(element.getQualifiedName())){ book.setPrice(element.getValue()); } if("editorial".equals(element.getQualifiedName())){ book.setEditorial(element.getValue()); noSearchMore = true; } } } } private void printResults(String xml, long time) { System.out.println("Document " + xml + ". Parsed in : " + time + " ms"); if (book != null){ System.out.println("Book found:"); System.out.println(" Isbn: " + book.getIsbn()); System.out.println(" Name: " + book.getName()); System.out.println(" Author: " + book.getAuthor()); System.out.println(" Price: " + book.getPrice()); System.out.println(" Editorial: " + book.getEditorial()); } else { System.out.println("Book not found"); } } } 15
  • 16. 5. Conclusion Executing the same example with the three API’s (MySAXSearcher, MyDOMSearcher and MyJDOMSearcher) having us parameters received the same xml file and the isbn to search ("0000000003"), the result (in time) obtained is the following: MySAXSearcher MyDOMSearcher MyJDOMSearcher 93 ms 750 ms 609 ms The SAX API is faster than DOM and JDOM (But it’s laborious). 16