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2014.05 East
National Train the Trainers
Organized by
National Trainers Team 2014
【TtT Knowledge Map】 .........................................................................2
【What’s training】.................................................................................2
【What’s Trainer】..................................................................................4
【Training Process】 ...............................................................................6
【Adult Learning】..................................................................................7
【Training Needs Assessment】............................................................11
【Training Design I】.............................................................................13
【Training Design II】............................................................................19
【Training Delivery I】...........................................................................21
【Training Delivery II】..........................................................................27
【Training evaluation】.........................................................................28
【Training System】..............................................................................30
【TtT Knowledge Map】
【What’s training】
What is training
Training 就是填补 knowledge, skill, attitude 三者 GAP 的过程。
三者没有先后之分,理想的 training 应该三者都覆盖到。
NTtT 本身教给大家关于什么是 training 怎么样做 training 的知识,这是 knowledge 层面;通
过 NTtT,大家锻炼了自己的 presentation skills,public speaking skills,facilitating skills,这是
skill 层面;最后在 NTtT 中,大家增加了在公众面前的自信心,明白自己是否适合做一个
trainer,这是 attitude 层面。
What’s Training
What’s Trainer
Adult Learning (What’s Trainee)
Training Needs Assessment
Training Design
Training Delivery
Training Evaluation
Why Training
个人层面:能填补 knowledge, skill, attitude 三者的 gap
组织层面: 一个组织的 plan 生效依赖于 organization talent capacity,而 capacity 是由每个
人接受的 training 及 development 来保证的。所以从根本来说,是 training 保证了整个
organization 的顺利运作和发展:
 个人层面:Learning=20% training+70% practice+10% feedback
组织层面:Organization problems=85% system+10% members
 Training 不是万能的,但是没有 training 是万万不能的!
 要学会辨别 Training 适用的场合,有很多问题本身不是缺乏 training,可能有其他问题:
比如 Expectation setting,Check job fit,业务产品本身定位及流程等,Training 是不能解
organization plan
• vision
• goal
• priority
• strategy
talent capacity
• education circle
• training
【What’s Trainer】
What is a trainer
A trainer is someone who facilitates others’ learning to get people from where they are to
where they want to be/he wants them to be.
Effective trainer checklist
简单归纳为 4 点
A good trainer has to be
 Empathy & Experience
 Knowledge about how people learn
 Different tools &Methods
Trainer style
通过 ISDI 测试,根据 trainer 对横纵坐标上“What”和“Who”关注的不同,简单分为四种
Different types of trainers
(Large groups)
 受到人数所限,
interaction 的深度广
(Middle group)
 根据中型 group 的
到 training 的信息传
(Small Group)
 基于对 training
process 的了解基础
 明确 session 目标,
及时 debriefing
 可以保证信息沟通的平等畅通
 最大限度的“个性化”辅导
【Training Process】
Training Process 按照 training 前,training 中,training 后,分为 5 个步骤
Training Needs Assessment
Training Design
Training Delivery
Training Evaluation
在 Rehearsal 的时候可以根据受众不同从不同的角度获得 feedback,最终提升 training 质量
-Target audience: 检验 training 需求度和接受度
-Experts in content: 检验 training 内容的质量
-Experts in training: 检验 training design 和 delivery
【Adult Learning】
4-Mat Model
Raise Interest
Facts & Data & Cases
Keep in mind that these types are stereotypical and although people might fit into one of these
types everybody learns best if all types of content are covered!
The Learning Cycle
According to Bernice & Dennis McCarthy the best learning for all people is achieved when all
types of learners are satisfied. They suggest to always start with the Motivation (Why?), continue
with abstraction (What?) to go on with experience and practice (How?) and to end with
performance (What if?). This can serve as a good structure for every training session:
In training:
Why? –
These people need to know why to learn things before they can
understand. They are looking for the meaning of things and are driven by
the question: Why? Often they need to experience the feeling of
something in order to raise their interest.
What? -
Learning by thinking and abstracting experience these type of learners
are focused on facts and concepts. They can take in big amounts of facts
and data around a topic and are also interested in detail knowledge. They
always look for structure and might be lost if information is presented in
unstructured ways.
How? -
Experience is the main driver of learning for this type of learners. They
are hands-on people that drive to learn skills by practicing and often
want to know how things work.
They learn from reflecting the results of experiences. They seek
challenges and instead of practicing skills in detail they want to use them
to perform and reflect afterwards. They like to experiment with things to
find out how to improve the performance and adapt issues to other
Following this structure for the content of your workshop will ensure that most delegates are
able to learn according to their type and yet be enriched by all other learning types. Experience
shows that this will achieve good results in learning and motivation for your trainings.
别忘了一开始做expectation setting,
Why? Raise interest and motivation for the
issue at hand. You can do so e.g. by
experience (small exercise), examples and
stories, stating attractive goals for the
delegates (“After this session you will be able
to...”) and many more things.
What? Deliver knowledge about the issue to
the delegates. This covers facts and data as
well as conceptualizing experience by models
and concepts. Possible methods are trainer
presentation, delegate presentation (e.g.
small groups prepare a presentation based
on hand-outs given by the trainer).
How? Make people learn how to do things.
Best way to learn are practice exercises (incl.
feedback) e.g. simulations, yet discussions
may also work.
What if
Tips/debriefing/feedback to the
practice/feedback to the
performance after training
What-If? Transferring the knowledge from
the workshop setting to the delegate’s own
world makes it applicable. Delegates perform
their knowledge in real- life, therefore
adapting and enriching it. They may think
about ways to refine and improve it. The
what-if stage requires real performance in
order to be complete. Yet, as this is often not
possible in a training the reflection and
discussion on how to transfer the knowledge
to the context of the delegate’s world is a
good first step (e.g. “Apply the model to your
own team/project!”).
Learning by seeing—the Visual learners
Learning by listening—the Auditory learners
Learning by movement—the Kinesthetic learners
V 型人在学习过程中注重视觉效果,喜欢阅读信息,观察别人动作和肢体语言,喜欢图像。
A 型人在学习过程中注重听觉效果,喜欢聆听信息,或者大声读出来。
K 型人在学习过程中喜欢模仿和实践,强调互动或亲身体验。
对 Trainer 来说,需要在设计 training 时考虑不同人群的学习者不同的偏好。
人们可能因为自身关注偏好不同,而受到不同环境影响,例如 V 型人可能被周围物体运动
干扰,A 型人可能更受噪音干扰等。
【Training Needs Assessment】
Need: the GAP between Desired Performance and Current Performance
Needs Assessment:The processes identify and specify the gap.
Where can we get GENERAL Needs :
Member Education Circle (MEC)
Performance Appraisal: Quarter report, X tracker, SONA…
Activity Methods and tips
Onsite: Avoid Communication Gap
No leading: Let it go to exposure problem
Question Design: What/When/Why open questions for more information
Organized: Different question forms for more valid information
Delivery channel: When/Who/How you are going to conduct the questionnaire
Create free environment (Make it relaxed for your targets to express freely)
Information collection (Get the useful information in the conservation)
Confirm (Summarize the information in your understanding and confirm with your target)
Identify General Problem or Need
Needs Assessment Activity Design
Collect Data and Analyze
Methods Assessment
3 elements matters
Time: How much time it costs
Number: How many targets get involved
Validity: How valid the information acquired is
Time Number Validity
Observation 2 2 2
Questionnaire 3 3 1
Interview 1 1 3
Final tips
#Combine different methods
#Figure out the logic framework of needs
#Question asked or designed be goal oriented, be aware of what you hope to get in the
#TNA depends a lot on the trainer’s capacity of comprehension and asking or designing question,
it’s a process of information delivery.
【Training Design I】
Training 五要素
-五要素中,Objectives, topic, setting 的顺序是可并列可互换的,可根据实际情况调整顺序
What: Objective 表现了 Training 的 outcome,是对 training 结束后达到的结果的描述
Why: -为整个 training Design 确定大方向
-是从受众出发,对 Training needs 的体现
-是 Training 是否成功的衡量标准
Types of objectives:
按照 Training 内容的侧重点不同,objectives 可以分为以下三类
Content Objective Example
Knowledge THINK:
ability to demonstrate acquired
knowledge, to comprehend information,
and to analyze concepts
Trainee can explain the 5
elements of training
Skills DO:
Ability to perform a task or a procedure
Trainee can demonstrate
a structured cold call
Attitude FEEL:
Deal with attitudes, values, or feelings
Trainee can evaluate the
emotional flow after
finishing a task.
Components of objectives:
• Performance:
-当 performance 能够被 observe 到时,performance 指 trainee 在 training 结束后能够做什么
-当 performance 不能够被 observe 到时,performance 指 training 成果的体现(trainee 思想
Performance 一般用确切的动词表现,但是例如 understand, learn, know 等动词并不能很确
切的表现 training 结果。
Performance 参考动词:
• Condition:
对于 training 结果在体现的过程中,所要求的特定条件的描述,例如 training 环境、所需物
-Using open-ended questions to identify customer needs, the participant will…(下划线即为
• Criteria:
Using open ended questions to identify the customer’s needs (condition), the participant will
suggest (performance) at least two additional products or services to every customer (criterion).
Examples of objectives:
• “Using brochures and desk-top charts (condition), customer-service representatives will
answer (performance) all customer questions about standard products and services (criteria).”
• “Employees will answer the telephone (performance) within three rings (criterion) using the
standard identification message and greeting (condition).”
• “Following prescribed bank procedures (condition), employees will balance the teller windows
(performance) each day within twenty minutes (criterion).”
• “Using PowerPoint® software (condition), employees will create (performance) a
thirty-minute presentation that includes animation and sound (criteria).”
• “Managers will write (performance) a two-page, error-free request proposal (criteria)
following the proposal format introduced in the business writing workshop (condition).”
What is setting?
会场座位摆设、温度、灯光;Training 的时间段、日期;设备类型等等
-Diversity Issues:
Seating Patterns
1. “U”-shape
• 优点:
Businesslike 、 Good
• 缺点:
转 60°-90°、远离屏幕
2. “V” – shape
• 优点:
• 缺点:
4. Bistro
• 优点:
• 缺点:
3. Herring bone
• 优点:
• 缺点:
5. Circle 6. Amphitheatre
How setting
• 会场(灯光、温度、座位设置等)
• 设备(电脑、投影仪、Flipchart 等)
Diversity Issues:
• 1、年龄、性别、文化背景、国籍、宗教等
• 2、时间、状态、身份等
Diversity Issues
根据adult learning的特点,building content的时候一定要体现active.
Building skeleton:
Duration (每部分内
Key Message(这部分
Building content:
• Step 1: 收集整理资料
通过上网或者阅读书籍等方式收集与Training topic相关的信息和知识,运用mind mapping
Need to know vs. Nice to know
Need to know: 与主题密切相关不能缺少的内容
Nice to know: 对于理解主题有帮助但不是必需的内容
对于要达成“了解并学会运用时间管理工具”这个目的来说,need to know的信息有:时间
管理工具有哪些,具体如何实施,nice to know的信息可以是:如何更好的管理精力,高效
• Step 2:理清内在逻辑,给key message排序
对于training content的逻辑的梳理,要依据内容而定,可以参考的比如:时间顺序、空间顺
• Step 3:完善,优化Training内容
对每个要deliver的key message找到适合它的Deliver method
Band-Introduction-Key message-Example-Recap
Bang Attract the
• Ask a question / Arouse curiosity
• Tell a story
• Use an illustration or metaphor
• Quote a famous person
• State a shocking fact
• Show the vital interest of your topic for the
• Show an object
Introduction set the frame • Context
• Initial claim
• Preview of the key points
choose a pattern • Time pattern
• Space pattern
• Topic pattern
• Cause & effect pattern
• Problem & solution pattern
Example illustrate your
• Anecdotes
• Analogies
• Statistics
• Definitions
• Comparison/Contrast
Recap Close the training• Summarize your key points
• Conclude the presentation by:
• Calling for action
• Paying the audience a compliment
• Quoting a famous person / song / poem
• Creating a final BANG!
【Training Design II】
Training Method
Training method is the technique that is used by a trainer and helps to make the delegate’s
learning effective.
Six normal training methods
1. Groups identify as many ideas related to a problem or topic as possible
without evaluating quality or practicality of the ideas.
2. This technique can produce excellent audience involvement and it
encourages creativity; it can be done quickly; and a large group can be
divided into small groups for the activity.
3. Creative thinking may be inhibited (and the method fail) unless
participants adhere strictly to the guidelines and refrain from making
evaluative comments.
1. Games are fashioned from actual situations in order to explore
concepts and to practice behavior.
2. These games provide a safe environment for practicing new behavior;
they encourage active learning; and they can be fun and challenging.
3. Games may encourage a false sense of confidence in handling a
real-life situation, and they may be expensive to develop.
Role play 1. Roles are assigned, and participants spontaneously act out a situation;
usually the role-play is followed by analysis and evaluation.
2. This method provides opportunities to “feel” human relations
situations and to experiment with possible solutions or interactions.
3. Unless carefully handled, role-playing can become merely entertaining
or too artificial.
Case study
1. A description of a situation or an event is supplied, often supported by
a handout, and participants are given instructions about dealing with
the situation or finding a solution.
2. This technique requires participants to use higher learning processes
and helps them to apply principles.
3. A case study may be difficult to develop, especially if adequate data
are not available; and it is time consuming for groups to work through
the case study and report their discussions.
4. One person systematically presents information.
5. Maximum information is presented in a limited time; diverse materials
and ideas can be arranged in an orderly system.
6. This method uses one person’s point of view, one channel of
communication, and no group participation. It is strongly influenced by
the personality of the speaker
1. To reach an agreement or gain a better understanding, two or more
people share knowledge, experiences and opinions; build on ideas;
clarify; evaluate; and coordinate.
2. Many needs of group members can be met with this method, because
it provides a high degree of interaction, interest, and involvement.
3. Group discussions may not provide authoritative information, nor are
they usually helpful when the group is large; they require time,
patience, and capable leadership.
其他比较少见的:Q&A、Story-telling、Workshop、World café、Video、Aquarium、Drama
Classification of training methods
Skills based training: Case study、Role play、Simulation
Knowledge based training : Presentation、Group discussion、Brainstorming
Attitude based training :Presentation、workshop、Role Play
Tips:有的 training 不单单具有上面一种性质。
Principle of choosing the right method
从三方面入手:Training 本身、Trainer、Trainee
Training 本身:Training Objective
Trainer:Trainer Capacity、training style
Trainee:Trainee Capacity、Trainee's needs about the session(TNA)、trainee's emotional flow
【Training Delivery I】
What makes a good presentation
Content: Including content planning and structure (BIKER Model)
Presentation Design: the visual aids
Engagement: interactive with audience
Speaker: Voice, attitude, body language, wording
Audience: emotion, attention, interaction; difficult audience
Why Engagement is important
How to be an amazing speaker
Rhythm (pauses):
在不同的场合配合 speaker 自己的特质注意说话的节奏快慢,停顿等,可以吸引 audience
的注意力,将演讲的内容变得更加 vivid,演讲节奏可分为:
Volume:音量即 speaker 对自己声音大小的调节,音量高低需要和内容的风格、偏向密切结
合,并配合现场的情况,利用音量的变化吸引 audience 以及照顾离 speaker 距离不一的
Natural:speaker 给 audience 的感觉是非常真实自然的表达自己。
Interactive: speaker 与 audience 之间的互动非常重要,Don’t talk to them, talk WITH them!
Body language
Movements:speaker 的适当移动可以缓解 audience 的视觉疲劳,并让相距不一致的 audience
Eye contact:眼神交流作用太多,最经典的就是“light house technique”
名字:人对出现自己名字的东西都很敏感,所以 speaker 可以善用这点来吸引 audience 注意
口头禅/杂音:我们在日常生活中会有不自觉的口头禅/杂音,这些其实在 speech 的时候会
影响 speaker 的形象,这需要在不断的 practice 中去纠正自己的问题。
1 秒钟原则:停顿 1 秒钟,来取代忘词、口头禅等各种尴尬场景。
提问:学会提问,越具体的问题越能引导出 speaker 希望获得的答案。
赞美:赞美具体行为,而非泛泛,赞美 audience 的某些行为就是鼓励这种 model 的出现,
正面引导 audience 的配合。
Amazing Speaker= f( ,T, )
Audience management
Methods we take to assure the involvement of audience.
Manage Interaction: Eye contact; Question
Manage Attention:
Group problems: Low energy-Energizer; Group discussion-Get back
Individual problems: Difficult participants.(Refer to text below for detail.)
Manage Emotion:
Trainer controls emotional flow.
Managing audience’s emotion means manage tainer’s emotion!
Manage Crisis:
Let training flow conduct smoothly.
Be assertive, don’t let crisis influence you.
Communicate. Trainer can also get trapped.
Audience Interaction management
Attention management
Emotion management
Crisis management
What kind of difficult participants? How to deal with them.
WWhhaatt iiss hhee ddooiinngg??
 Asks questions: Why? How? Etc. - not to get answer, just to make trainer some troubles;
 Probably doesn't feel comfortable;
 Gets satisfaction from being pain in the neck;
 Is aggressive and likes to argue.
It's a type of a person which likes to over fuck training. You can feel aggression in him.
HHooww ttoo ddeeaall wwiitthh hhiimm??
 Never show him that you're sad or mad at him;
 Tell you agree with him and go on if it's possible;
 Wait for something concrete and ask group about it;
 Ask him to write on a flipchart, this will give him something to do and can make him quiet;
 Use him in some role play or case in front of everybody;
 Ask him to wait for you after training for a little conversation;
 Try to figure out if he feels comfortable in the group, if they like his behavior - if yes, put
them on sides like in school;
 Try to find ripostes for his texts - you have to be bright and fast;
 If you feel you can make laugh of him, do it, but not to hard;
 Play ping-pong with him or the group with his questions;
 If you know that this particular person will act like that during training, talk to him before
you start training.
Talker / Know All
WWhhaatt iiss hhee ddooiinngg??
 Loves to talk, it's very hard to stop him;
 Is asexual exhibitionist – likes to be in the centre of attention;
 Is well informed and likes to show this.
HHooww ttoo ddeeaall wwiitthh hhiimm??
 Wait when he takes a breath, thank him and go back to the topic;
 Interrupt him and ask group to comment it;
 Stop him by asking him very hard question;
 Ask him to write on a flipchart, this will give him something to do and can make him quiet;
 If it occurs he knows something, use his knowledge, e.g. in a case or role-play;
 If he is smarter then you on some topic, ask him to lead the group;
 Tell to the group: „Ooh! As you can see we have an expert here, maybe he can share his
knowledge with us?”;
 Show his incompetence and lack of knowledge;
 Send him to bring you a cup of coffee or coffee break for the group;
 The totally last possible option is to ask him to shut up!!!
WWhhaatt iiss hhee ddooiinngg??
 Has attitude like: „we can't do this, it's impossible” - only negative thoughts;
 Is very annoying;
HHooww ttoo ddeeaall wwiitthh hhiimm??
 Don't let him put you out of your nerves! Avoid direct confrontation! You have to feel the
 Ask him for facts, ask questions;
 Give him your respect (approbation);
 Have strong eye contact with him, pay big attention to him but not too much, or give him
your attention before training;
 Make him tell to all participants what he wants to change to make situation better;
 Show him that one of the conditions of this session is having constructive and positive
 Use step by step influencing on him (from small manipulation to bigger);
 If this person makes bored positions - lies down, put legs on chairs, yawns - ask him for
attention and tell his behavior interrupts you in training, you can add reasons why we met
on this training;
 Use his statements to make group laugh;
 Last possible case: if he is really not interested, ask him to leave the room - give him an
ultimatum: "You will calm down or leave the room!!!".
WWhhaatt iiss hhee ddooiinngg??
 Doesn't understand what is going on but tries to explain and make it more clear to the
 Has inputs and tell stories and makes jokes of your training;
 Is bored, nervous, sometimes critical;
 He's over fucking trainer.
There is always one of them but has to talk to someone, so he's looking for a pair.
HHooww ttoo ddeeaall wwiitthh hhiimm??
 Use light-house technique – have eye contact with all the participants of the group
including himself;
 Stop talking, wait if he notices it and non-verbally ask for permission to continue the
 Listen to what he says, he may be right sometimes;
 Ask him to share his opinion and thoughts with the group;
 Try to involve him into training - play role-play solve case (usually people like him have a lot
of energy);
 When you're talking about something, say the name of this person, as he was just a part of
your statement
 Say: "I'm very sorry for interrupting but we're having training here...”;
 If they are more, put them on sides (whisperer and his pair).
Silent One
Silent One - person which is Bored
WWhhaatt iiss hhee ddooiinngg??
 Is always bored and not active at all – you can see he doesn't give even 1/16 of what he
HHooww ttoo ddeeaall wwiitthh hhiimm??
 Smile on him;
 Ask him difficult concrete questions;
 Talk to him using his name as to a person which knows a lot - ask him to share his
experience with us; let him feel that if he says something it will give benefit to all the
 Use him as a help with exercises, try to engage him;
Silent One - person which is Lost
WWhhaatt iiss hhee ddooiinngg??
 Doesn't feel safe;
 Is shy;
 Doesn't believe in himself
HHooww ttoo ddeeaall wwiitthh hhiimm??
 Ask him simple questions;
 Talk to him using his name;
 Make him feel comfortable, safe;
 Raise his ego;
 Be careful and do not pay all your attention to him - otherwise he will get closed;
 Avoid asking group to tell their opinion one after another, some people don't like this;
 Make interactions in small groups - it's easier to integrate them and make some people
 Create pleasant atmosphere in group – beer, talks;
 Before training, "break ice" first - talk with the group about something not connected with
the topic.
【Training Delivery II】
Visual aids
【Training evaluation】
Why Training Evaluation
-Training is costly; a great designed and implemented training needs a lot of energy and time.
-Training is about improving; the best way to see whether the trainee got improvement is to
assess the result of training.
Purposes of evaluation
• To determine whether the training achieves its objectives
• To identify areas of the program that needs improvement
• To identify the appropriate audience for future programs
• To review and reinforce key program parts for participants
What to evaluate
Before developing an evaluation process, be clear about what you want to evaluate.
How to evaluate
Part1: during the training
在设计 training 时融入一些即时检验或者实践的环节可以有效的提高 Trainee 对于 training
e.g.: NTtT knowledge map
很多人在参加过 Training 之后,由于工作压力或时间管理问题,在重新回到自己的工
作的时候并不会改变自己的工作方式,有效的运用所学的知识,所以在 session 中带领大家
(4)Team task
e.g.:NTtT delegate 被分为小组,大家一起讨论对 difficult participants 的解决方案。
参与者可以在 Training 结束之后对自己未来的行为方式等做出承诺,写承诺书。Trainer 可
Part 2: After the training
4-level model for evaluation
主要用到的方式:Happy Sheets,Feedback Sheets,Interview
主要用到的方式:Reminding,Observation,Attitude Survey(90 Degree Questionnaire),
Structured interview
主要用到的方式:Review(Monthly, Quarter),Calculation,ROI
【Training System】
Why training system
 提高质量:克服随意性,提高培训参与积极度
 减少开销:部门间横向配合,权责明确
 整体规划:符合人才成长规律,可持续发展
What is training system
 需求分析体系
从组织需求(e.g. LC 自身特点/现状/priority/strategy)与个人需求(自我发展的需求)两个
个人 组织
 课程设置体系
Member MMB EB
 Organization Knowledge
 Hard Knowledge(Function 所需知
 Hard Skill(Function 所需技能)
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
 Soft Skill
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
 Attitude
 Organization Value
 Potential Discovery
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Framework of Member education circle
 讲师队伍与组织结构
EBT 根据这一年 LC plan 提出对人才的期待和要求;给予行动和预算支持;
TL 主动提出培训需求与建议; 激发 member 参与培训的兴趣;Follow
member 参与 training 后的表现,并提供应用的机会
MMB 积极参与培训;自我充电;在培训后主动加以应用;
TM & LTT 整合 LC 培训需求,与每个部门密切沟通,寻求支持,给与建议;
加强 HR management 与培训的有效结合,将 Training 和 member R&R 以
及 TL selection 等考核环节相关联,提高 member 参加 training 的积极性;
• Trainers Selection
TtT training
定期考察(可以有trainer等级之分)… …
• 调查讲师profile&口碑
• 专业知识与从业经历,对企业问题和需求的敏感度
• 沟通、启发、综合、控制能力
• 培训前与之沟通的印象
• 评估追踪课程的方法… …
• 如果花费了时间精力找来了external,但是没有效果,就是浪费
 培训支持体系
 反馈评估体系(见 training evaluation 4-level model)
* 分析:
我的 LC 在各个方面做的如何?
How to evaluate LC’s training stage & carry forward?
• Training 与组织目标无甚关联
• Training 被看作是一种浪费时间或浮华
• Training 的运作是非系统性的
• Training 是功利性的
• Training 只是 HR 部门的事
• 以纯粹的基础培训为主(function skills)
• Training 开始与组织&人才需求相结合
• Training 开始和 member evaluation 体系相联系,形成了系统性
• 既强调 AIESEC basic knowledge,又强调 function skill
• 培训由 LC trainers 承担,但由于培训内容范围的扩展,对培训者的技能范围要求扩大
• EB 作为评价者参与到培训体系中去
• Training 的价值得到了认可
Brand Finance
r &
 现场观察反应,互动考察受众学习进程,结束前让学员 review 今日所得
 现场问卷调查,session 后立即抽样小访问调查,针对 training 本身提出建议
 几天后寻求反馈,了解受众是否有应用training到实践中,并且再一次强调training
 几周或者几月后访谈或者问卷调查,询问实际应用的效果如何,再返回相应改进
你的 training
• 培训计划开始考虑 member 个人发展的需要
• 面对迅速变化的内外部环境,培训发展合个人的不断学习与提高被看成是组织生存
• 培训与组织战略和个人目标相联系,Member 在选择培训时间,课程方面有了更高
• 培训成为一个完整连续的过程,涵盖知识,技能,价值各个领域
• 培训资源社会化
• 更加重视培训需求满足和评估培训的效果
• 培训同样成为 EB 的重要职责
• 建立良好的知识管理体系
我的 LC 在哪一个阶段?结合 training system 的 5 个要素来看,我的 strategy 应该在哪里,
应该先去 drive 什么?

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2014 East NTtT Output

  • 1. 2014.05 East National Train the Trainers Output Organized by National Trainers Team 2014
  • 2. 1 目录 【TtT Knowledge Map】 .........................................................................2 【What’s training】.................................................................................2 【What’s Trainer】..................................................................................4 【Training Process】 ...............................................................................6 【Adult Learning】..................................................................................7 【Training Needs Assessment】............................................................11 【Training Design I】.............................................................................13 【Training Design II】............................................................................19 【Training Delivery I】...........................................................................21 【Training Delivery II】..........................................................................27 【Training evaluation】.........................................................................28 【Training System】..............................................................................30
  • 3. 2 【TtT Knowledge Map】 【What’s training】 What is training Training 就是填补 knowledge, skill, attitude 三者 GAP 的过程。 三者没有先后之分,理想的 training 应该三者都覆盖到。 e.g: NTtT 本身教给大家关于什么是 training 怎么样做 training 的知识,这是 knowledge 层面;通 过 NTtT,大家锻炼了自己的 presentation skills,public speaking skills,facilitating skills,这是 skill 层面;最后在 NTtT 中,大家增加了在公众面前的自信心,明白自己是否适合做一个 trainer,这是 attitude 层面。 knowledge skill attitude Training What’s Training What’s Trainer Adult Learning (What’s Trainee) Training Needs Assessment Training Design Rehearsal Training Delivery Training Evaluation What How
  • 4. 3 Why Training 个人层面:能填补 knowledge, skill, attitude 三者的 gap 组织层面: 一个组织的 plan 生效依赖于 organization talent capacity,而 capacity 是由每个 人接受的 training 及 development 来保证的。所以从根本来说,是 training 保证了整个 organization 的顺利运作和发展: Attention  个人层面:Learning=20% training+70% practice+10% feedback 组织层面:Organization problems=85% system+10% members 从这个角度说,无论是培训还是学习,其本身并不能直接解决业务问题,学习本质上 是作用于人的,其最直接和合理的影响应该是知识、技能和态度的改变。  Training 不是万能的,但是没有 training 是万万不能的!  要学会辨别 Training 适用的场合,有很多问题本身不是缺乏 training,可能有其他问题: 比如 Expectation setting,Check job fit,业务产品本身定位及流程等,Training 是不能解 决的。 organization plan • vision • goal • priority • strategy talent capacity •JD •structure training&development • education circle • training
  • 5. 4 【What’s Trainer】 What is a trainer A trainer is someone who facilitates others’ learning to get people from where they are to where they want to be/he wants them to be. Effective trainer checklist 简单归纳为 4 点 A good trainer has to be  Empathy & Experience  Knowledge about how people learn  Different tools &Methods  ATTITUDE TO SERVE
  • 6. 5 Trainer style 通过 ISDI 测试,根据 trainer 对横纵坐标上“What”和“Who”关注的不同,简单分为四种 类型:
  • 7. 6 Different types of trainers Speaker/Lecturer (Large groups)  受到人数所限, interaction 的深度广 度都会有所限制,很多 时候以结构化的单方面 传递信息为主 Instructor (Middle group)  根据中型 group 的 setting,要同时兼顾 到 training 的信息传 递和适当的互动两个方 面,保证大家积极参与 Facilitator (Small Group)  基于对 training process 的了解基础 上,观察每个人的学 习情况,给与针对性 的帮助和指导  明确 session 目标, 及时 debriefing Coach (one-one)  可以保证信息沟通的平等畅通  最大限度的“个性化”辅导 【Training Process】 Training Process 按照 training 前,training 中,training 后,分为 5 个步骤 Training Needs Assessment Training Design Rehearsal Training Delivery Training Evaluation ! ! !
  • 8. 7 Tips 在 Rehearsal 的时候可以根据受众不同从不同的角度获得 feedback,最终提升 training 质量 -Target audience: 检验 training 需求度和接受度 -Experts in content: 检验 training 内容的质量 -Experts in training: 检验 training design 和 delivery 【Adult Learning】 成人学习的特点: 4-Mat Model Meaning Motivation Raise Interest Facts & Data & Cases Content Details Experience Practice Applications Adaption Performance Improvement WHAT IF WHY WHATHOW
  • 9. 8 Attention: Keep in mind that these types are stereotypical and although people might fit into one of these types everybody learns best if all types of content are covered! The Learning Cycle According to Bernice & Dennis McCarthy the best learning for all people is achieved when all types of learners are satisfied. They suggest to always start with the Motivation (Why?), continue with abstraction (What?) to go on with experience and practice (How?) and to end with performance (What if?). This can serve as a good structure for every training session: In training: Why? – Learners These people need to know why to learn things before they can understand. They are looking for the meaning of things and are driven by the question: Why? Often they need to experience the feeling of something in order to raise their interest. What? - Learners Learning by thinking and abstracting experience these type of learners are focused on facts and concepts. They can take in big amounts of facts and data around a topic and are also interested in detail knowledge. They always look for structure and might be lost if information is presented in unstructured ways. How? - Learners Experience is the main driver of learning for this type of learners. They are hands-on people that drive to learn skills by practicing and often want to know how things work. What-If? - Learners They learn from reflecting the results of experiences. They seek challenges and instead of practicing skills in detail they want to use them to perform and reflect afterwards. They like to experiment with things to find out how to improve the performance and adapt issues to other situations.
  • 10. 9 Following this structure for the content of your workshop will ensure that most delegates are able to learn according to their type and yet be enriched by all other learning types. Experience shows that this will achieve good results in learning and motivation for your trainings. Why 强调training和audience的 connection,“你为什么要听我说” why的强调应该是贯穿始终的 别忘了一开始做expectation setting, 以及介绍training的知识框架 Why? Raise interest and motivation for the issue at hand. You can do so e.g. by experience (small exercise), examples and stories, stating attractive goals for the delegates (“After this session you will be able to...”) and many more things. What 介绍理论模型 What? Deliver knowledge about the issue to the delegates. This covers facts and data as well as conceptualizing experience by models and concepts. Possible methods are trainer presentation, delegate presentation (e.g. small groups prepare a presentation based on hand-outs given by the trainer). How 说明实际应用或者直接Practice How? Make people learn how to do things. Best way to learn are practice exercises (incl. feedback) e.g. simulations, yet discussions may also work. What if Tips/debriefing/feedback to the practice/feedback to the performance after training What-If? Transferring the knowledge from the workshop setting to the delegate’s own world makes it applicable. Delegates perform their knowledge in real- life, therefore adapting and enriching it. They may think about ways to refine and improve it. The what-if stage requires real performance in order to be complete. Yet, as this is often not possible in a training the reflection and discussion on how to transfer the knowledge to the context of the delegate’s world is a good first step (e.g. “Apply the model to your own team/project!”).
  • 11. 10 FROLL VAK 不同的人对感官使用有不同偏好,总的来说,可以分为以下三类: Learning by seeing—the Visual learners Learning by listening—the Auditory learners Learning by movement—the Kinesthetic learners V 型人在学习过程中注重视觉效果,喜欢阅读信息,观察别人动作和肢体语言,喜欢图像。 A 型人在学习过程中注重听觉效果,喜欢聆听信息,或者大声读出来。 K 型人在学习过程中喜欢模仿和实践,强调互动或亲身体验。 Tips: 对 Trainer 来说,需要在设计 training 时考虑不同人群的学习者不同的偏好。 人们一般不属于任何一种单一的学习模式,调动学习者的各种感官,他们才能学得最快。 人们可能因为自身关注偏好不同,而受到不同环境影响,例如 V 型人可能被周围物体运动 干扰,A 型人可能更受噪音干扰等。
  • 12. 11 【Training Needs Assessment】 Definition Need: the GAP between Desired Performance and Current Performance Needs Assessment:The processes identify and specify the gap. Process Where can we get GENERAL Needs : Member Education Circle (MEC) Performance Appraisal: Quarter report, X tracker, SONA… Activity Methods and tips *Observation: Onsite: Avoid Communication Gap No leading: Let it go to exposure problem *Questionnaire: Question Design: What/When/Why open questions for more information Organized: Different question forms for more valid information Delivery channel: When/Who/How you are going to conduct the questionnaire *Interview: Create free environment (Make it relaxed for your targets to express freely) Information collection (Get the useful information in the conservation) Confirm (Summarize the information in your understanding and confirm with your target) Identify General Problem or Need Needs Assessment Activity Design Collect Data and Analyze
  • 13. 12 Methods Assessment 3 elements matters Time: How much time it costs Number: How many targets get involved Validity: How valid the information acquired is Comparison: Time Number Validity Observation 2 2 2 Questionnaire 3 3 1 Interview 1 1 3 Final tips #Combine different methods #Figure out the logic framework of needs #Question asked or designed be goal oriented, be aware of what you hope to get in the question. #TNA depends a lot on the trainer’s capacity of comprehension and asking or designing question, it’s a process of information delivery. Methods Validity Time Number
  • 14. 13 【Training Design I】 Training 五要素 -五要素中,Objectives, topic, setting 的顺序是可并列可互换的,可根据实际情况调整顺序 Objectives What: Objective 表现了 Training 的 outcome,是对 training 结束后达到的结果的描述 Why: -为整个 training Design 确定大方向 -是从受众出发,对 Training needs 的体现 -是 Training 是否成功的衡量标准 Types of objectives: 按照 Training 内容的侧重点不同,objectives 可以分为以下三类 Content Objective Example Knowledge THINK: ability to demonstrate acquired knowledge, to comprehend information, and to analyze concepts Trainee can explain the 5 elements of training design Skills DO: Ability to perform a task or a procedure Trainee can demonstrate a structured cold call Attitude FEEL: Deal with attitudes, values, or feelings Trainee can evaluate the emotional flow after finishing a task.
  • 15. 14 Components of objectives: • Performance: -当 performance 能够被 observe 到时,performance 指 trainee 在 training 结束后能够做什么 -当 performance 不能够被 observe 到时,performance 指 training 成果的体现(trainee 思想 上的,态度上的变化) Performance 一般用确切的动词表现,但是例如 understand, learn, know 等动词并不能很确 切的表现 training 结果。 Performance 参考动词: • Condition: 对于 training 结果在体现的过程中,所要求的特定条件的描述,例如 training 环境、所需物 资或设备等 E.g.: -Using open-ended questions to identify customer needs, the participant will…(下划线即为 condition) • Criteria: 对performance质量的体现,比如数量的限定、优秀程度、准确程度等的描述
  • 16. 15 E.g.: Using open ended questions to identify the customer’s needs (condition), the participant will suggest (performance) at least two additional products or services to every customer (criterion). Examples of objectives: • “Using brochures and desk-top charts (condition), customer-service representatives will answer (performance) all customer questions about standard products and services (criteria).” • “Employees will answer the telephone (performance) within three rings (criterion) using the standard identification message and greeting (condition).” • “Following prescribed bank procedures (condition), employees will balance the teller windows (performance) each day within twenty minutes (criterion).” • “Using PowerPoint® software (condition), employees will create (performance) a thirty-minute presentation that includes animation and sound (criteria).” • “Managers will write (performance) a two-page, error-free request proposal (criteria) following the proposal format introduced in the business writing workshop (condition).” Tips: 一个清晰的objective并不一定必须包含condition Setting What is setting? -Logistics: 会场座位摆设、温度、灯光;Training 的时间段、日期;设备类型等等 -Diversity Issues: 1、年龄、性别、宗教信仰、国籍、文化水平等 2、假期、考试周、Conference、饭前后等等 Seating Patterns 1. “U”-shape • 优点: Businesslike 、 Good Visibility、accessible • 缺点: 过于正式、设备影响、旋 转 60°-90°、远离屏幕
  • 17. 16 2. “V” – shape • 优点: 视觉舒适、适合沟通、正 式 • 缺点: 空间、人数限制(仅限于 小组讨论) 4. Bistro • 优点: Teambuilding、参与感强、 方便走动、开放交流 • 缺点: 视角不佳、注意力分散 3. Herring bone • 优点: 空间利用最大化、好视 角、方便走动 • 缺点: 容易被遮挡、稍显古板、 不方便小组讨论、远离屏 幕、不便接触
  • 18. 17 5. Circle 6. Amphitheatre How setting Logistic: • 会场(灯光、温度、座位设置等) • 设备(电脑、投影仪、Flipchart 等) Diversity Issues: • 1、年龄、性别、文化背景、国籍、宗教等 • 2、时间、状态、身份等 Logistics + Diversity Issues Trainee + Trainer Training
  • 19. 18 Content 根据adult learning的特点,building content的时候一定要体现active. Building skeleton: 可以运用下面的表格辅助你建立内容的框架: Duration (每部分内 容设定的时间是多 久) Key Message(这部分 要deliver的核心内 容是什么) Method(所运用的 deliver的方法是什 么) Material(所需要的 辅助材料有哪些) Building content: • Step 1: 收集整理资料 通过上网或者阅读书籍等方式收集与Training topic相关的信息和知识,运用mind mapping 的方式筛选和分类信息 筛选原则: Need to know vs. Nice to know Need to know: 与主题密切相关不能缺少的内容 Nice to know: 对于理解主题有帮助但不是必需的内容 Example: 对于要达成“了解并学会运用时间管理工具”这个目的来说,need to know的信息有:时间 管理工具有哪些,具体如何实施,nice to know的信息可以是:如何更好的管理精力,高效 读书笔记记录法等。 分类原则:根据选定主题和要达成目的的不同,按照信息自然分组 • Step 2:理清内在逻辑,给key message排序 对于training content的逻辑的梳理,要依据内容而定,可以参考的比如:时间顺序、空间顺 序、因果关系的表现、解决问题等逻辑方式。 • Step 3:完善,优化Training内容 对每个要deliver的key message找到适合它的Deliver method
  • 20. 19 BIKER Band-Introduction-Key message-Example-Recap Bang Attract the attention • Ask a question / Arouse curiosity • Tell a story • Use an illustration or metaphor • Quote a famous person • State a shocking fact • Show the vital interest of your topic for the audience • Show an object Introduction set the frame • Context • Initial claim • Preview of the key points Key message choose a pattern • Time pattern • Space pattern • Topic pattern • Cause & effect pattern • Problem & solution pattern • Example illustrate your points • Anecdotes • Analogies • Statistics • Definitions • Comparison/Contrast Recap Close the training• Summarize your key points • Conclude the presentation by: • Calling for action • Paying the audience a compliment • Quoting a famous person / song / poem • Creating a final BANG! 【Training Design II】 Training Method Training method is the technique that is used by a trainer and helps to make the delegate’s learning effective.
  • 21. 20 Six normal training methods Brainstorming 1. Groups identify as many ideas related to a problem or topic as possible without evaluating quality or practicality of the ideas. 2. This technique can produce excellent audience involvement and it encourages creativity; it can be done quickly; and a large group can be divided into small groups for the activity. 3. Creative thinking may be inhibited (and the method fail) unless participants adhere strictly to the guidelines and refrain from making evaluative comments. Simulation 1. Games are fashioned from actual situations in order to explore concepts and to practice behavior. 2. These games provide a safe environment for practicing new behavior; they encourage active learning; and they can be fun and challenging. 3. Games may encourage a false sense of confidence in handling a real-life situation, and they may be expensive to develop. Role play 1. Roles are assigned, and participants spontaneously act out a situation; usually the role-play is followed by analysis and evaluation. 2. This method provides opportunities to “feel” human relations situations and to experiment with possible solutions or interactions. 3. Unless carefully handled, role-playing can become merely entertaining or too artificial. Case study 1. A description of a situation or an event is supplied, often supported by a handout, and participants are given instructions about dealing with the situation or finding a solution. 2. This technique requires participants to use higher learning processes and helps them to apply principles. 3. A case study may be difficult to develop, especially if adequate data are not available; and it is time consuming for groups to work through the case study and report their discussions. Presentation 4. One person systematically presents information. 5. Maximum information is presented in a limited time; diverse materials and ideas can be arranged in an orderly system. 6. This method uses one person’s point of view, one channel of communication, and no group participation. It is strongly influenced by the personality of the speaker Group Discussions 1. To reach an agreement or gain a better understanding, two or more people share knowledge, experiences and opinions; build on ideas; clarify; evaluate; and coordinate. 2. Many needs of group members can be met with this method, because it provides a high degree of interaction, interest, and involvement. 3. Group discussions may not provide authoritative information, nor are they usually helpful when the group is large; they require time, patience, and capable leadership.
  • 22. 21 其他比较少见的:Q&A、Story-telling、Workshop、World café、Video、Aquarium、Drama Classification of training methods Skills based training: Case study、Role play、Simulation Knowledge based training : Presentation、Group discussion、Brainstorming Attitude based training :Presentation、workshop、Role Play Tips:有的 training 不单单具有上面一种性质。 Principle of choosing the right method 从三方面入手:Training 本身、Trainer、Trainee Training 本身:Training Objective Setting(Logistic、Media、Environment、Time) Content(skill、knowledge、Attitude) Trainer:Trainer Capacity、training style Trainee:Trainee Capacity、Trainee's needs about the session(TNA)、trainee's emotional flow 【Training Delivery I】 What makes a good presentation Content: Including content planning and structure (BIKER Model) Presentation Design: the visual aids Engagement: interactive with audience Speaker: Voice, attitude, body language, wording Audience: emotion, attention, interaction; difficult audience Why Engagement is important
  • 23. 22 How to be an amazing speaker Voice Rhythm (pauses): 在不同的场合配合 speaker 自己的特质注意说话的节奏快慢,停顿等,可以吸引 audience 的注意力,将演讲的内容变得更加 vivid,演讲节奏可分为: (1)轻快型:适用于致欢迎词、宴会祝词、友好访问词等较随和场合。 (2)持重型:适用于理论报告、纪念会发言、严肃会议开幕词、工作报告等。 (3)舒缓型:适用于科学性演讲和课堂授课。 (4)紧促型:适用于紧急动员报告或声讨发言。 (5)低抑型:适用于追悼会等具有哀伤气氛的场合 (6)高扬型:适用于誓师会、动员会、批判会等。 (7)单纯型:适用于简短的演讲。 (8)复杂型:适用于内容复杂、费时较长的演讲。 Stress:强调,即运用声音的高低、语速的快慢和停顿等形式对重点内容进行强调。 (注:强调的其他方法有——反复,对比,设问、反问) Volume:音量即 speaker 对自己声音大小的调节,音量高低需要和内容的风格、偏向密切结 合,并配合现场的情况,利用音量的变化吸引 audience 以及照顾离 speaker 距离不一的 audience。 Pitch:语调即说话的腔调,全句声音的高低升降是语调的主干,它最能表达出说话人的态度 和感情。句尾降调的调子,一般用于话已经说完的句子。常用来表示陈述、感叹、请求等语 气。句尾升起的调子,一般用于意思还没有完全说完的句子,让听的人注意下面还有话说。 此外,还用来表示疑问、惊异、号召等语气。 说话时,声音的高低、轻重、快慢、停顿的变化。这种变化对于表情达意来说,具有非常重 要的作用。无论高兴、喜悦、难过、悲哀、愁苦、犹豫、轻松、坚定、豪迈等复杂情感,都 能通过语调的变化表现出来。同时,这种变化还可以造成声音的多样化,从而使听众乐于接 受,并赋予听觉上的美感。 Attitude Confident:自信,相信自己所讲的东西。 Enthusiastic:对自己所讲的东西充满热情。 Natural:speaker 给 audience 的感觉是非常真实自然的表达自己。 Interactive: speaker 与 audience 之间的互动非常重要,Don’t talk to them, talk WITH them! Body language Posture:姿势会带给听众某种印象,例如堂堂正正的印象或者畏畏缩缩的印象。要让身体 放松,诀窍之一是张开双脚与肩同宽,挺稳整个身躯。另一个诀窍是想办法扩散并减轻施加 在身体上的紧张情绪。例如将一只手稍微插入口袋中,或者手触桌边、或者手握麦克风等等。 Gesture:利用胳膊、手掌、拳头、手指的动作协助语言来表达自己的思想感情。基本表现 有“火”“水”“云”“土”等。 Movements:speaker 的适当移动可以缓解 audience 的视觉疲劳,并让相距不一致的 audience 在听觉上有变化的美感。 Eye contact:眼神交流作用太多,最经典的就是“light house technique”
  • 24. 23 Wording 名字:人对出现自己名字的东西都很敏感,所以 speaker 可以善用这点来吸引 audience 注意 力。 口头禅/杂音:我们在日常生活中会有不自觉的口头禅/杂音,这些其实在 speech 的时候会 影响 speaker 的形象,这需要在不断的 practice 中去纠正自己的问题。 1 秒钟原则:停顿 1 秒钟,来取代忘词、口头禅等各种尴尬场景。 提问:学会提问,越具体的问题越能引导出 speaker 希望获得的答案。 道歉:面对突发情况,从容道歉。 赞美:赞美具体行为,而非泛泛,赞美 audience 的某些行为就是鼓励这种 model 的出现, 正面引导 audience 的配合。 Recap Amazing Speaker= f( ,T, ) K=knowledge T=talent P=practice 合理的学习循环是:学习知识,不断练习获取反馈。 Audience management What: Methods we take to assure the involvement of audience. How: Manage Interaction: Eye contact; Question Manage Attention: Group problems: Low energy-Energizer; Group discussion-Get back Individual problems: Difficult participants.(Refer to text below for detail.) Manage Emotion: Trainer controls emotional flow. Managing audience’s emotion means manage tainer’s emotion! Manage Crisis: Let training flow conduct smoothly. Be assertive, don’t let crisis influence you. Communicate. Trainer can also get trapped. Audience Interaction management Attention management Emotion management Crisis management
  • 25. 24 [Reference] What kind of difficult participants? How to deal with them. Heckler WWhhaatt iiss hhee ddooiinngg??  Asks questions: Why? How? Etc. - not to get answer, just to make trainer some troubles;  Probably doesn't feel comfortable;  Gets satisfaction from being pain in the neck;  Is aggressive and likes to argue. It's a type of a person which likes to over fuck training. You can feel aggression in him. HHooww ttoo ddeeaall wwiitthh hhiimm??  Never show him that you're sad or mad at him;  Tell you agree with him and go on if it's possible;  Wait for something concrete and ask group about it;  Ask him to write on a flipchart, this will give him something to do and can make him quiet;  Use him in some role play or case in front of everybody;  Ask him to wait for you after training for a little conversation;  Try to figure out if he feels comfortable in the group, if they like his behavior - if yes, put them on sides like in school;  Try to find ripostes for his texts - you have to be bright and fast;  If you feel you can make laugh of him, do it, but not to hard;  Play ping-pong with him or the group with his questions;  If you know that this particular person will act like that during training, talk to him before you start training.
  • 26. 25 Talker / Know All WWhhaatt iiss hhee ddooiinngg??  Loves to talk, it's very hard to stop him;  Is asexual exhibitionist – likes to be in the centre of attention;  Is well informed and likes to show this. HHooww ttoo ddeeaall wwiitthh hhiimm??  Wait when he takes a breath, thank him and go back to the topic;  Interrupt him and ask group to comment it;  Stop him by asking him very hard question;  Ask him to write on a flipchart, this will give him something to do and can make him quiet;  If it occurs he knows something, use his knowledge, e.g. in a case or role-play;  If he is smarter then you on some topic, ask him to lead the group;  Tell to the group: „Ooh! As you can see we have an expert here, maybe he can share his knowledge with us?”;  Show his incompetence and lack of knowledge;  Send him to bring you a cup of coffee or coffee break for the group;  The totally last possible option is to ask him to shut up!!! Gripper WWhhaatt iiss hhee ddooiinngg??  Has attitude like: „we can't do this, it's impossible” - only negative thoughts;  Is very annoying; HHooww ttoo ddeeaall wwiitthh hhiimm??  Don't let him put you out of your nerves! Avoid direct confrontation! You have to feel the situation;  Ask him for facts, ask questions;  Give him your respect (approbation);  Have strong eye contact with him, pay big attention to him but not too much, or give him your attention before training;  Make him tell to all participants what he wants to change to make situation better;  Show him that one of the conditions of this session is having constructive and positive attitude;  Use step by step influencing on him (from small manipulation to bigger);  If this person makes bored positions - lies down, put legs on chairs, yawns - ask him for attention and tell his behavior interrupts you in training, you can add reasons why we met on this training;  Use his statements to make group laugh;  Last possible case: if he is really not interested, ask him to leave the room - give him an ultimatum: "You will calm down or leave the room!!!".
  • 27. 26 Whisperer WWhhaatt iiss hhee ddooiinngg??  Doesn't understand what is going on but tries to explain and make it more clear to the others;  Has inputs and tell stories and makes jokes of your training;  Is bored, nervous, sometimes critical;  He's over fucking trainer. There is always one of them but has to talk to someone, so he's looking for a pair. HHooww ttoo ddeeaall wwiitthh hhiimm??  Use light-house technique – have eye contact with all the participants of the group including himself;  Stop talking, wait if he notices it and non-verbally ask for permission to continue the training;  Listen to what he says, he may be right sometimes;  Ask him to share his opinion and thoughts with the group;  Try to involve him into training - play role-play solve case (usually people like him have a lot of energy);  When you're talking about something, say the name of this person, as he was just a part of your statement  Say: "I'm very sorry for interrupting but we're having training here...”;  If they are more, put them on sides (whisperer and his pair).
  • 28. 27 Silent One Silent One - person which is Bored WWhhaatt iiss hhee ddooiinngg??  Is always bored and not active at all – you can see he doesn't give even 1/16 of what he could. HHooww ttoo ddeeaall wwiitthh hhiimm??  Smile on him;  Ask him difficult concrete questions;  Talk to him using his name as to a person which knows a lot - ask him to share his experience with us; let him feel that if he says something it will give benefit to all the group;  Use him as a help with exercises, try to engage him; Silent One - person which is Lost WWhhaatt iiss hhee ddooiinngg??  Doesn't feel safe;  Is shy;  Doesn't believe in himself HHooww ttoo ddeeaall wwiitthh hhiimm??  Ask him simple questions;  Talk to him using his name;  Make him feel comfortable, safe;  Raise his ego;  Be careful and do not pay all your attention to him - otherwise he will get closed;  Avoid asking group to tell their opinion one after another, some people don't like this;  Make interactions in small groups - it's easier to integrate them and make some people open;  Create pleasant atmosphere in group – beer, talks;  Before training, "break ice" first - talk with the group about something not connected with the topic. 【Training Delivery II】 Visual aids 素材,教程详见附件。
  • 29. 28 【Training evaluation】 Why Training Evaluation -Training is costly; a great designed and implemented training needs a lot of energy and time. -Training is about improving; the best way to see whether the trainee got improvement is to assess the result of training. Purposes of evaluation • To determine whether the training achieves its objectives • To identify areas of the program that needs improvement • To identify the appropriate audience for future programs • To review and reinforce key program parts for participants What to evaluate Before developing an evaluation process, be clear about what you want to evaluate. 培训的数据按照能否用数字衡量的标准可以分为两类:硬数据和软数据。 硬数据:对改进情况的主要衡量标准,以比例的形式出现,是一些易于收集的无可争辩 的事实。 硬数据可以分为四大类:产出、质量、成本和时间,几乎在所有组织机构中这四类都是 具有代表性的业绩衡量标准。 软数据:类型可以归纳为六个部分:工作习惯、氛围、新技能、发展、满意度和主动性。 How to evaluate Part1: during the training 在设计 training 时融入一些即时检验或者实践的环节可以有效的提高 Trainee 对于 training 内容的接受程度和掌握程度 (1)自我判断 (2)有效使用纸质/电子版材料 e.g.: NTtT knowledge map (3)未来预估 很多人在参加过 Training 之后,由于工作压力或时间管理问题,在重新回到自己的工 作的时候并不会改变自己的工作方式,有效的运用所学的知识,所以在 session 中带领大家 讨论未来在实践中可能会出现的问题以及解决办法将会帮助大家更好的吸收所学知识,并 且有信心做出改变。 (4)Team task e.g.:NTtT delegate 被分为小组,大家一起讨论对 difficult participants 的解决方案。 (5)做出承诺 参与者可以在 Training 结束之后对自己未来的行为方式等做出承诺,写承诺书。Trainer 可 以在之后将他们写的内容重新反馈给他们以检验实行情况
  • 30. 29 Part 2: After the training 4-level model for evaluation 即柯克帕特里克模型,包括反应层、学习层、行为层和结果层四个层次。 反应层评估是指受训人员对培训项目的看法,包括对材料、老师、设施、方法和内容等等 的看法。 主要用到的方式:Happy Sheets,Feedback Sheets,Interview 学习层评估是目前最常见、也是最常用到的一种评价方式。它是测量受训人员对原理、事 实、技术和技能的掌握程度。 主要用到的方式:Test,Practice,Debriefing 行为层的评估往往发生在培训结束后的一段时间,由上级、同事或客户观察受训人员的行 为在培训前后是否有差别,他们是否在工作中运用了培训中学到的知识。 主要用到的方式:Reminding,Observation,Attitude Survey(90 Degree Questionnaire), Structured interview 结果层的评估上升到组织的高度,即组织是否因为培训而经营得更好了?这可以通过一些指 标来衡量,如事故率、生产率、员工流动率、质量、员工士气以及企业对客户的服务等。 通过对这样一些组织指标的分析,企业能够了解培训带来的收益。 主要用到的方式:Review(Monthly, Quarter),Calculation,ROI Result Behavior Learning Reaction
  • 31. 30 【Training System】 Why training system 保证个人、组织双方面的稳定成长  提高质量:克服随意性,提高培训参与积极度  减少开销:部门间横向配合,权责明确  整体规划:符合人才成长规律,可持续发展 What is training system  需求分析体系 从组织需求(e.g. LC 自身特点/现状/priority/strategy)与个人需求(自我发展的需求)两个 方向出发 个人 组织 组织 个人
  • 32. 31  课程设置体系 培训对象 Member MMB EB 培 训 内 容 初级  Organization Knowledge  Hard Knowledge(Function 所需知 识)  Hard Skill(Function 所需技能) Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 中级  Soft Skill Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 深度  Attitude  Organization Value  Potential Discovery Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Framework of Member education circle  讲师队伍与组织结构 两种讲师来源: 组织结构(不同层面的人如何参与) EBT 根据这一年 LC plan 提出对人才的期待和要求;给予行动和预算支持; TL 主动提出培训需求与建议; 激发 member 参与培训的兴趣;Follow member 参与 training 后的表现,并提供应用的机会 MMB 积极参与培训;自我充电;在培训后主动加以应用; 对参与的课程提供反馈意见 TM & LTT 整合 LC 培训需求,与每个部门密切沟通,寻求支持,给与建议; 在开发课程,培训讲师方面专业化管理; 加强 HR management 与培训的有效结合,将 Training 和 member R&R 以 及 TL selection 等考核环节相关联,提高 member 参加 training 的积极性; 内部培训师 • Trainers Selection 讲什么课选什么人,没有万能培训师 TtT training 旁听学习+Practise 通过试讲考核 Training实施 定期考察(可以有trainer等级之分)… … 外部培训师 • 调查讲师profile&口碑 • 专业知识与从业经历,对企业问题和需求的敏感度 • 沟通、启发、综合、控制能力 • 培训前与之沟通的印象 • 评估追踪课程的方法… … • 如果花费了时间精力找来了external,但是没有效果,就是浪费
  • 33. 32  培训支持体系  反馈评估体系(见 training evaluation 4-level model) * 分析: 我的 LC 在各个方面做的如何? 什么是好的需要保持的?什么是不佳的需要改进的? How to evaluate LC’s training stage & carry forward? 阿什里德培训发展模式 离散阶段 • Training 与组织目标无甚关联 • Training 被看作是一种浪费时间或浮华 • Training 的运作是非系统性的 • Training 是功利性的 • Training 只是 HR 部门的事 • 以纯粹的基础培训为主(function skills) 整合阶段 • Training 开始与组织&人才需求相结合 • Training 开始和 member evaluation 体系相联系,形成了系统性 • 既强调 AIESEC basic knowledge,又强调 function skill • 培训由 LC trainers 承担,但由于培训内容范围的扩展,对培训者的技能范围要求扩大 了 • EB 作为评价者参与到培训体系中去 • Training 的价值得到了认可 Brand Finance Custome r & Partner Manage- ment IM & KM  现场观察反应,互动考察受众学习进程,结束前让学员 review 今日所得  现场问卷调查,session 后立即抽样小访问调查,针对 training 本身提出建议  几天后寻求反馈,了解受众是否有应用training到实践中,并且再一次强调training 中涵盖的重点,帮助受众再次回忆加深印象  几周或者几月后访谈或者问卷调查,询问实际应用的效果如何,再返回相应改进 你的 training
  • 34. 33 • 培训计划开始考虑 member 个人发展的需要 聚焦阶段 • 面对迅速变化的内外部环境,培训发展合个人的不断学习与提高被看成是组织生存 的必要条件 • 培训与组织战略和个人目标相联系,Member 在选择培训时间,课程方面有了更高 自由度 • 培训成为一个完整连续的过程,涵盖知识,技能,价值各个领域 • 培训资源社会化 • 更加重视培训需求满足和评估培训的效果 • 培训同样成为 EB 的重要职责 • 建立良好的知识管理体系 *思考: 我的 LC 在哪一个阶段?结合 training system 的 5 个要素来看,我的 strategy 应该在哪里, 应该先去 drive 什么?