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Results from Citizen Forums
Examining Health Care
What’s the Public’s Prescription?
A Kettering Foundation Report
September 2004
prepared by Paul Werth Associates
Copyright © 2004 by the Kettering Foundation
The Kettering Foundation, chartered in 1927, is an operating foundation —
not a grant-giving foundation — rooted in the American tradition of
inventive research. Its founder, Charles F. Kettering, holder of more than
200 patents, is best known for his invention of the automobile self-starter.
He was interested, above all, in seeking practical answers to “the problems
behind the problems.”
The foundation today continues that tradition. The objective of the
research now — the study of what helps democracy work as it should. Six
major Kettering programs are designed to shed light on what is required
for strengthening public life. Kettering is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) research
corporation supported by a $260 million endowment. For information about
the Kettering Foundation, contact the foundation at 200 Commons Road,
Dayton, Ohio 45459-2799. Phone: 800-221-3657.
The Kettering Foundation does not make grants but welcomes partnerships
with other institutions (or groups of institutions) and individuals who are
actively working on problems of communities, politics, and education.
The interpretations and conclusions contained in this publication, unless
expressly stated to the contrary, represent the views of the author or authors
and not necessarily those of the foundation, its trustees, or officers.
A Public Prescription for Health Care 1
Introduction: Overview of Approaches 3
Executive Summary 4
An Overview of Americans’ Discussions about Health Care
and the Tradeoffs They Are Considering 6
Tradeoffs Involving Cost, Quality, and Access 6
• Coordination of Care vs. Cost of Care
• Quality of Care vs. Increase in Number of Covered Lives
• Quality of Care vs. Cost of Care
• Access to Care vs. Increase in Number of Covered Lives
• Patient Privacy vs. Coordination of Care
• Quality of Care vs. Medical Lawsuits
• Physician Autonomy vs. Cost of Care
• Increase in Taxes vs. Increase in Covered Lives
• Competition vs. Collaboration
Shifts in Citizen Thinking 10
Specific Findings 11
Citizens Are Frustrated by the Lack of Action
to Improve the Health Care System 11
• Passionate Interest in Improving Health Care
• Industry Should Be Working Together
• Personal Sacrifice for Improved Care for Others
• Unknown Effects of Changing the System
• Personal Accountability and Responsibility,
Along with Government Interaction
(Continued on next page)
Citizens Want an Ombudsman to Help Them Navigate the System 14
• Absence of a Global Perspective
• Defining Industry Terms
• Abusing the System
• Unqualified for Personal Accountability
• Physician Impact on Citizen Opinion
• Better Communication and Collaboration Needed
throughout All Health Care Entities
• Physician and Patient Partnerships
• Supporting Physicians with Other Health Care Professionals
• Insurance Company and Pharmaceutical Company Partnerships
• Ombudsman or Advocate Organization Needed
Citizens Suggest Rewarding Healthy Behavior
and Penalizing Unhealthy Behavior 19
• Preventive Care Should Be Encouraged by Insurance Providers
• Skepticism about Health Care Education
• Rewarding Healthy Behavior and Penalizing Unhealthy Behavior
• Struggling with “Appropriate Care” for Everyone
• Appropriate Use of Resources
• Universal Health Care System
Common Ground for Action 24
Several Action Steps Are Considered 25
Appendix 26
Methodology 26
Questionnaire Results: Demographics 28
Other Notables 30
Analysis of Post-Forum Questionnaires 31
About National Issues Forums 33
About Paul Werth Associates 34
Contents (continued)
Examining Health Care 1
Health care policy in America is a maze
of contradictions. Our system offers some of
the most advanced medical treatments and
technologies in the world, yet more than 43
million Americans have no health insurance
of any kind. Each year, as a nation, we
spend more than twice as much per person
on health care as most other industrialized
countries yet rank below them not just
in key health indicators such as infant
mortality, but also in access to services —
with lower numbers per capita of everything
from doctors and nurses to machines for
Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
The sense of frustration is growing. Wary
of misunderstanding the public’s wishes,
policymakers propose little more than
piecemeal programs — lower drug costs
for senior citizens and expanded health
insurance coverage for low-income children —
that fail to address the problem in its entire-
ty. Weary of working in an increasingly
unworkable system, a small, but growing
number of physicians across the country
are simply closing their clinics and walking
away. The demands on the health care
system, meanwhile, are steadily growing.
While layoffs and the soaring costs of
coverage steadily add to the ranks of the
uninsured, our aging population creates an
ever-increasing demand for care. In 2003,
the U.S. spent nearly $1.5 trillion on health
care, roughly 14 percent of the gross
domestic product. By 2013, that figure is
expected to more than double. Without
public action, the only sure thing about the
health care crisis is that it will surely only
get worse. What should we as a nation do?
For politicians and government officials,
health care reform is a seemingly thankless
task. The public, or so conventional wisdom
goes, has no useful input to offer: it simply
wants the best care possible with no
additional taxes or cost. It is unable to truly
engage the issue or make tough tradeoffs.
This report, however, presents a radically
different view.
What follows is not a product of traditional
opinion polls or the finding of a blue-ribbon
study panel. It is the result of something far
more powerful: public deliberation — the
collective judgment and insights of citizens
as expressed in dozens of locally organized,
nonpartisan National Issues Forums.
Forum participants care passionately
about health care. Not only are they ready
to come to the table to think about tough
tradeoffs and consider new approaches,
they are also increasingly angry that
others — health care providers, insurance
and pharmaceutical companies, and
policymakers — seem unwilling to join them.
Solving the health care crisis, they believe,
will require the input of everyone, citizens
included. Rather than the specific details of
plans, they are more interested in process.
They want to make themselves heard as well
as hear what others have to say. What is
missing, they suggest, is a process that
actually engages the public — one that not
only respects their values, but also demands
that they take responsibility. Forum partici-
pants, as Kettering Foundation President
David Mathews has noted, recognize “that
good health begins with personal decisions”
and that they “could do something about costs
by changing lifestyles.” That notion of public
responsibility, in turn, has important policy
implications when it comes to health care.
A Search for Common Ground
This report is an attempt to bring those
kinds of public ideas to the forefront.
Prepared by Paul Werth Associates, it brings
a uniquely public perspective to the health
care debate. Health care is an issue that
touches all Americans. And as we, as a
nation, attempt to fix its problems, the ideas,
insights, and beliefs of everyday Americans
are all-important.
Involving more than 1,000 citizens in 44
different states, the forums covered a wide
range. They included physicians and high
school students, as well as retirees and
public officials. Some participants had
comprehensive medical coverage. Others had
none at all. But regardless of background,
all came with personal stories: the struggles
of a loved one with a life-threatening illness,
worries about limited care in the future,
or the frustrations of dealing with an increas-
ingly complex and costly system. From
personal insights, however, forum participants
quickly shifted their conversation to the need
for finding common ground as they wrestled
with the tradeoffs involved in balancing the
problems of quality, access, and cost. How
can we make health care more affordable?
How can we make it more accessible? How
can we make it more effective?
Building Relationships
Although forum participants often started
their discussions by sharing personal
experiences and frustrations, their discussions
A Public Prescription for Health Care
Kenneth A. Brown
2 Kettering Foundation
soon switched to the need for developing
relationships: not just between doctors and
patients, but within the health care system
as a whole — insurance companies and
policymakers as well as the pharmaceutical
industry. Whether the problem was finding
a doctor or filing an insurance claim,
participants found the system so complicated
and confusing that they wished for a
personal guide, or ombudsman, to help them.
Taking Responsibility
While participants initially blamed a
specific part of the system — HMOs, insurance
companies, doctors, or overly demanding
patients — as they began to talk, they quickly
changed their view. Rather than finding
fault, they began to see the problem as
one that stretched across the health care
system as a whole. While forum participants
wanted government agencies and insurance
companies to do more, they also suggested
that private citizens needed to take more
responsibility for their health. They felt that
all citizens should be more informed about
both their own health problems and those
of the health care system at large. Forum
participants favored both private and public
insurance programs that encouraged healthy
behavior. They saw the need for a system
that focused as much on preventing disease
as it did on treating it.
Making Change Possible
When it came to making health care more
available, most expressed a willingness to
make sacrifices. Some forum participants, for
example, suggested that they would be willing
to sacrifice a portion of their health care
benefits for others if they believed the help
would really arrive where it was needed. But
they saw little evidence that professionals
and businesses in the field were willing to
make similar sacrifices.
Above all, forum participants believed
that the process of developing a real solution
to the health care crisis could begin only
if everyone made his or her way to the table.
While the proper level of government control
was a topic they were still “working through,”
almost all of those in the forums believed that
the government would have to play a leading
role in starting the conversation. Frustrated
with nearly a decade of inactivity, they were
clearly ready for action. All were interested
in changing the current health care system.
None was interested in seeing it stay the way
it is. Real change, however, was seen by forum
participants as something that would have to
occur from the bottom up — beginning with
people at the local level.
Bringing People Together
In an era of rising civic detachment and
declining voter participation, public
deliberation helps bring citizens together to
search for solutions to common problems.
National Issues Forums have helped isolated
rural communities come together to build
health clinics and inspired troubled inner-city
neighborhoods to address the problem of
crime in their schools and streets. For many
groups, however, a forum’s most important
product is simply the sense of community it
engenders — the way it brings people together.
Putting the Public into Public Policy
These kinds of deeply felt public judgments
need to be part of our current debate on
health care. Most important public policy
decisions are really questions of value — what
we as citizens hold most dear. And revealing
common values is what forums are all about.
The findings detailed in the following pages
are important because they represent far
more than just a collection of competing views
and opinions. Forums are not popularity
contests. Participants do not merely argue or
vote. Instead, they work together, carefully
weighing the costs and benefits of different
approaches, struggling to define a collective
course for action.
For both the press and political leaders
alike, these conversations offer a glimpse
into our nation’s most deeply held public
beliefs and desires — invaluable information
whether one’s goal is covering the news or
developing policy.
Making Democracy Work as It Should
A healthy democracy depends on public
participation, not just in regularly scheduled
elections, but in the ongoing and much
harder business of finding solutions to
difficult public problems. For far too long,
developing public policy has been seen as a
job solely for professionals and political
leaders. The public need not apply.
By offering a framework for public delibera-
tion, the NIF network helps citizens find
solutions to common problems that concern
them. It helps connect them both with others
in their community and with their elected
officials. People cannot act together until they
decide together. Deliberation is not just about
talking over issues, but about deciding what
to do — bringing divided interests together to
find common ground for action.
Kenneth A. Brown is a program officer with the
Kettering Foundation. He works regularly with the
NIF Network on outreach and research.
Examining Health Care 3
INTRODUCTION: Overview of Approaches
Approach 3: Care for All,
Not Just for Some
This approach holds that we need to
set new priorities aimed at providing
Americans the health care they need
when they need it. We need to seal up
the cracks in the system so that people
don’t fall through. We need an unflagging
commitment to providing the medical
treatment that each person needs. This
is the best way to improve individual
health and prevent illnesses that are
more difficult and expensive to treat.
The participants in this year’s
forums deliberated using the NIF
Issue book Examining Health Care:
What’s the Public’s Prescription?
This book provides participants with
a framework for dealing with the
issue of health care, outlines the
issue in a nonpartisan way, and
then presents for public deliberation
three approaches for addressing it.
The approaches are not mutually
exclusive. Instead, each presents
a variety of ideas and options
for participants to consider and
deliberate about so that they may
construct their own approach to
the issue.
Approach 1: Connected
Parts, Not Fragmented Pieces
This approach says the most effective
way to improve health care in America
is to take firm hold of it and make it
run like a true, well-coordinated system.
We need to take the existing, unwieldy
collection of health care fragments and
fashion them into a connected web of
health care services, within which
information flows readily between the
pieces and they work in concert.
Coordination is the best way to curb
costs and provide health care in a
timely way.
Approach 2: Partners,
Not Just Patients
This approach states that we need
to create new relationships in health
care within which consumers and
professionals work hand-in-hand so
that people become partners in their
own health care. We must take time to
communicate, to help people make
informed decisions, and to educate for
healthy lifestyles. This is the best way
to improve the health of Americans and
lay a firm foundation for personal
responsibility and prevention that will
result in long-term savings.
4 Kettering Foundation
Executive Summary
Over the past 12 months, more than
1,000 citizens from across 44 states
have participated in 2-hour discussion
forums on the topic of health care. These
forums took place in small and large
cities throughout the nation. Citizens
discussed what ails the health care
system and what they are willing to do
to fix it.
In the forums, participants shared
their opinions, their concerns, their
experiences, and their knowledge of
health care. With the help of moderators
and issue books, participants weighed
several possible ways for society to
address the health care system’s
problems. They analyzed each choice,
the arguments for and against it, and
the tradeoffs and other implications of
their choices. Moderators encouraged
participants, as they gravitated to one
option or another, to examine their
basic values as individuals and as
community members.
Report Methodology
This report is based on an analysis
of what happened in 40 of the hundreds
of forums that have taken place, and
continue to take place, across the United
States. The report describes what
happened as diverse groups of people
came together and deliberated about
issues related to health care.
Participants were recruited to take
part in the discussion through a variety
of media, including direct mail, newspaper
articles, newspaper advertisements, Web
site postings and word-of-mouth. Every
person who was interested was allowed
to participate in the forums.
To complete the report, Paul Werth
Associates used five research methods.
The process consisted of 5 interviews
with the committee members who
designed the issue book (a nonpartisan
overview of the issue), 29 in-depth
interviews with moderators who lead
forums, observing 5 live forums,
interviewing dozens of forum participants,
reviewing reports from 17 completed
forums, and analyzing survey results
from 1,027 participants. The research
took place from January 2003 through
March 2004. To ensure consistency,
all aspects of the research process were
completed by the same individual at
Paul Werth Associates.
The research process and report were
sponsored by the National Issues Forums
Institute and the Kettering Foundation.
Examining Health Care 5
Executive Summary
Key Findings:
Three Themes
Three key themes resonated through-
out the forums. These themes, described
below, are organized according to the
order in which they were discussed.
1. Citizens Are Frustrated by the Lack
of Action to Improve the Health Care
Citizens in the forums recognize
there are problems with the health care
system, and many are frustrated over
the unrecognizable improvements
under way. Many participants want
representatives from specific health
care constituent groups (for example,
insurers, providers, and policymakers)
to be part of further discussions to
ensure action is taken.
Citizens who participated in the
discussions also recognize the need to
change the current health care system,
and many would consider making
personal changes to help in the process.
They are disappointed other entities
in the system do not share the same
passion and are not making a concerted
effort to better the system as a whole.
Participating citizens believe that
though personal accountability and
responsibility are critical for change to
occur, the government must take an
active role in the process of changing
the health care system.
Forum participants comprehend that
by changing the health care system,
patient access, privacy, quality of care,
and overall health care costs may be
at risk. They understand that making
changes will require considering some
tradeoffs. However, all still believe
change must occur.
2. Citizens Want an Ombudsman to
Help Them Navigate the System
Citizens in the forums acknowledge
that multiple organizations and
components are part of the health care
system and that each deserves both
credit and blame for the current status
of health care in America. Participants do
not, however, understand the health care
system as a whole. Many want an entity
or individual to personally help guide
them through the complete process from
first accessing care through payment
for services.
Citizens who participated in the
discussions suggested several actions to
improve communication and collaboration
within the health care system. The actions
are aimed at improving the patient
experience. Participants recognize these
actions may lead to an increase in cost.
Steps such as increasing
the number of midwives,
dieticians, and nutrition-
ists to support patient
care were suggested. Also,
encouraging patients and
physicians to form stronger
partnerships, founded in
education, was thought to
lead to better health care
and a healthier population.
3. Citizens Suggest
Rewarding Healthy
Behavior and Penalizing
Unhealthy Behavior
Citizens in the forums
believe preventive care
should be acknowledged
and rewarded since it
should lead to a reduction
in health care costs. They perceive the
current health care environment as
focused on reacting to existing health
problems instead of rewarding those who
take a proactive approach to anticipate
potential health problems. Many
suggested initiating a system that rewards
people who take precautionary health
care measures and behave in a healthy
manner. Many also suggested a financial
penalty for those citizens who knowingly
behave in an unhealthy manner.
Most citizens who participated in the
discussions believe every person should
have access to some level of quality
health care but believe employers and
taxpayers should not be additionally
burdened with paying for this care. A
common definition of a minimum, or an
acceptable, amount of health care still
needs to be “worked through.”
Key Findings:
1. Citizens Are Frustrated
by the Lack of Action
to Improve the Health
Care System
2. Citizens Want an
Ombudsman to Help
Them Navigate the
3. Citizens Suggest
Rewarding Healthy
Behavior and Penalizing
Unhealthy Behavior
6 Kettering Foundation
An Overview of Americans’ Discussions about
Health Care and theTradeoffsThey Are Considering
Interest in changing the health care
system is at an all-time high. Many
citizens believe the health care system
is near catastrophe and are waiting for
it to crumble. They are frustrated with
increasing costs, increasing restrictions
on care, longer waits for care, the
unpredictability of their coverage, and
most of all, the perceived lack of action
under way to fix the problems.
Throughout the discussion, citizens
revealed an impressive understanding
of several aspects of the health care
system. They considered numerous
tradeoffs during deliberation. Most
tradeoffs included some combination of
cost, quality, and access to health care.
Tradeoffs Involving Cost,
Quality, and Access
Citizens comprehend that by changing
the health care system, patient access,
privacy, quality of care, and overall
health care costs may be at risk. They
understand that making changes will
require considering some tradeoffs.
However, all still believe that change
must occur.
Throughout the forum, citizens
weighed numerous points of view on a
variety of health care issues. They
grappled with the consequences each
action could produce.
The following is a
summary of the
tradeoffs citizens
Coordination of Care
vs. Cost of Care
While participants
agreed that more
coordination among all
stakeholders (patients,
families, physicians,
and insurance
providers) is essential,
they questioned what would happen to
the cost of care if this occurred. Some
believed a more integrated health care
system would lead to more efficiency and
ultimately drive down the cost. Others
believed that there would need to be a
“Full access
to marginal
health care
is common
in other
significant investment in infrastructure
to help the health care system become
more integrated. Those participants
thought the investment would be passed
on to the consumer, resulting in higher
health care bills.
Quality of Care vs. Increase in
Number of Covered Lives
Participants questioned whether
enabling everyone access to health care
would sacrifice or improve the quality of
care. Some reasoned that health care
providers would master their skills
because they are exercising them more
frequently. This would increase the
quality of care they provide. On the other
hand, some thought extending access to
health care could overburden the system.
This would force physicians to spend less
time with each patient, and the quality of
care would decline. Some also suggested
that an increase in demand, given the
same number of physicians, would cause
existing physicians to perform services
for which they were less qualified. This
would negatively affect quality of care.
“If a system [were] in place to connect all
the health care parts, the quality of care
could decline. Caregivers would not have
an incentive to treat anyone better,
differently, or uniquely. Everyone would
meet the minimum standards.”
Charleston, SC
“Full access to marginal health care is
common in other countries. If everyone
here had full access, what would the
quality of health care look like?”
College Park, MD
A brief discussion between participants
reveals that they understand a complex
relationship exists between quality of
care and the number of people with
access to care.
“If everyone can get care, then demand
will increase. An increase in demand
will lead to lower reimbursement rates.
Lower reimbursement rates will keep
physicians from investing in their
practices. Long term, this will reduce
quality of care.”
Examining Health Care 7
An Overview of Americans’ Discussions about
Health Care and theTradeoffsThey Are Considering
“And, physicians will not have an
incentive to see as many patients. This
may jeopardize the quality of care too.”
Dell Rapids, SD
Quality of Care vs. Cost of Care
There is a belief that while the quality
of care is very good in the United States,
citizens who want higher quality may
need to pay more for their care. Also,
with the continuing reduction in
reimbursement, physicians will need
to push more patients through their
practices to maintain their standard of
living. This action could negatively
affect quality of care. Reimbursement
reduction trends could also lead to fewer
people pursuing degrees in medicine.
This would affect the supply of quality
physicians and ultimately the quality of
patient care. Ultimately, if costs continue
to rise while reimbursement remains
stagnant or declines, citizens believe
health care quality is at risk.
“I’m willing to pay more for better
College Park, MD
“Hospitals and doctors cannot afford to
provide high quality of care with low
reimbursement. It is easy to realize this
business model won’t last long.”
Estherville, IA
“How will people receive quality of care
with a shortage of physicians and nurs-
es? The idea of a nationwide reimburse-
ment system and/or further reductions in
reimbursement could scare physicians
Columbus, OH
Access to Care vs. Increase in
Number of Covered Lives
Participants contemplated whether
expanding citizen access to health care
would increase the waiting time to see
a health care provider. Some thought
enabling more people to receive health
care would raise the demand and would
ultimately increase the time people had
to wait to see a health care provider.
Alternately, others thought that if
patients knew they could receive health
care any time they need it, they would
be less likely to abuse the system and
would seek health care only when it was
needed, thus making the overall demand
more consistent and predictable.
“I would expect to have less say and
participation in my care if everyone had
equal access.”
Charleston, SC
Patient Privacy
vs. Coordination
of Care
Participants explored
whether their privacy
would be compromised
by a more integrated
health care system. The
majority was willing
to sacrifice some level
of privacy for a more
integrated system. The
concept of a personal ID
or health care card was
discussed as a way to
improve coordination of
care, and it met with
much interest. This was
seen as one tool to
streamline the process
of receiving health care.
Some citizens were
concerned that an ID
card could lead to less
personal service from
providers and an
increase in patient costs
while providers paid
for their card-reading
systems. Others
cautioned that insurance
companies could use the
information to penalize
patients and increase
costs. Overall, citizens
were in favor of a health
care card.
Tradeoffs Involving
Cost, Quality, and
1. Coordination of Care vs.
Cost of Care
2. Quality of Care vs.
Increase in Number of
Covered Lives
3. Quality of Care vs. Cost
of Care
4. Access to Care vs.
Increase in Number of
Covered Lives
5. Patient Privacy vs.
Coordination of Care
6. Quality of Care vs.
Medical Lawsuits
7. Physician Autonomy vs.
Cost of Care
8. Increase in Taxes vs.
Increase in Covered Lives
9. Competition vs.
8 Kettering Foundation
An Overview of Americans’ Discussions about
Health Care and theTradeoffsThey Are Considering
suits are
just getting
“The health care passport idea is good.
It will encourage a better use of the
Sioux Falls, SD
“I’ve moved several times, and there is
a tremendous advantage to having my
family’s medical records in one place.
This outweighs my fear of other people
accessing my information.”
Sussex, DE
A few comments and a brief dialogue
between citizens shows the connection
and importance of security and personal
service associated with health care.
“It would be wonderful if physicians
and hospitals could share information.
However, every office has different
technology and systems. It would be very
expensive to get everyone on the same
system and keep it up to date. Who
would pay for this?”
Dell Rapids, SD
“If a health care card is adopted, the
primary care provider or a statewide
organization should be responsible for
developing and maintaining a database
of your health care history. Insurance
companies should not be involved.”
Harding, AR
”The health care passport sounds
convenient and could be a lifesaver, as
long as I carry the card and no one else
has access to it.”
“However, I don’t just want to be seen
as a number. The more impersonal the
care is, the more likely they are to miss
Minneapolis, MN
Quality of Care vs.
Medical Lawsuits
Citizens struggled to determine
whether medical malpractice suits
contributed to the rise of health care
costs or whether they were necessary to
ensure that patients received quality
health care. Many were disgusted with
the number of malpractice suits because
they believed that medical lawsuits
contributed to the rise in health care
costs. However, most realized that while
they are costly and burdensome, they are
necessary to ensure the quality of care.
Ultimately, citizens understand that
patient care, patient access, and costs
are affected by lawsuits.
“Medical lawsuits are necessary to make
a point, but they drive costs way up.
Common sense needs to intervene.”
Sioux Falls, SD
“Malpractice suits are just getting
ridiculous. If you are going to do punitive
damages, give some of the money back
to the system in general. This would
really improve the health care of many
by the mistakes of a few.”
Santa Fe, NM
Examining Health Care 9
An Overview of Americans’ Discussions about
Health Care and theTradeoffsThey Are Considering
“I’m willing
to give some
things up or
pay more to
help change
the system.…”
“There should be a cap on malpractice
suits. Physicians are leaving their
practices and this impacts my ability
to receive care when I need it.”
Minneapolis, MN
“Physicians are ordering more tests
than what may be necessary to protect
themselves legally. Now our health care
costs are higher than necessary.”
Madison, WI
“Physicians are being placed in a
position where patient care and access
is being impacted by rising insurance
Carbondale, IL
Physician Autonomy vs.
Cost of Care
Participants grappled with who should
determine what kind of health care
patients receive. Many thought health
care decisions should be left to the
physicians who are providing the care.
They did not like insurers controlling a
patient’s coverage. On the other hand,
participants thought that giving all the
control to physicians could drive up the
cost of health care. They cited examples
of physicians who took advantage of
their patients’ health care coverage by
performing expensive tests.
“I want the physician to determine how
long the hospital stay should be, not
the insurance company. We will just
need to make sure all physicians have
guidelines to work within so that costs
do not spiral out of control with
unnecessary procedures.”
Dell Rapids, SD
Increase in Taxes vs. Increase
in Covered Lives
Participants questioned whether
paying more taxes would improve quality
and access to care. Some were willing
to pay more taxes to increase the quality
and availability of health care. However,
they wondered whether it would work.
Others speculated that, in theory, more
money could make health care available
to more people without sacrificing
quality, but if nothing were done to
change the health care system, it might
not be effective. Instead, they would
be contributing more dollars to an
ineffective cause.
“I’m willing to give some things up or
pay more to help change the system, I
just don’t know how much and if it is
worth it. How much will it cost? Will it
really make a difference? We need more
information on this idea.”
Charleston, SC
Competition vs. Collaboration
Several citizens weighed their opinions
to determine whether a more competitive
health care system would lead to lower
costs. Some favored a more competitive
health care system to increase the
quality and drive down the cost. They
compared this theory to the capitalistic
approach used in other industries.
However, other participants noted that
health care is the only industry in which
costs have risen, not declined, because
of competition. Instead, they believed
there should be more collaboration
across the health care system.
“In the past we approached health care
by introducing more competition. It has
not worked. Costs continue to rise.
Why not try collaboration? Why not
work together?”
Minneapolis, MN
10 Kettering Foundation
Three shifts in thinking occurred over the
course of the forums. The shifts did not
always occur at the same time, and not
all participants demonstrated a shift in
thinking. Some participants dramatically
changed their perception, while others
shifted their thinking only slightly, and
some did not change their perception at
all. Regardless, the areas in which a shift
occurred are listed below.
1. Physician-patient
transaction •
Developing physician
relationships •
Developing relation-
ships with other
aspects of the health
care delivery system.
When participants
first explored the topic
of health care, many
considered it transaction
based. They believed their
role in the health care
system was to visit the
doctor only when they
were sick. Over the
course of the discussion,
many citizens recognized
the value of developing
a relationship with their
doctor. They began to
realize the benefits of
taking a more proactive
approach to care.
Some citizens applied this approach
to the entire health care system and
concluded that patients should develop
relationships with other stakeholders
in the system, such as their health
insurance providers.
Shifts in CitizenThinking
Three Shifts
in Thinking:
1. Physician-patient
transaction •
Developing physician
relationships •
Developing relationships
with other aspects
of the health care
delivery system.
2. General complaints
and blame about the
system • Government
responsibility •
Personal responsibility
3. Unwieldy national
crises • Localized issue •
Citizens can make a
2. General complaints and
blame about the system •
Government responsibility •
Personal responsibility
The forum began with intense
passion and emotional stories about
how the health care system had failed
participants. Many shared personal
tragedies and complaints and pointed
fingers about who was responsible for
the demise of the health care system. As
the conversations evolved, participants
began to realize that problems in the
health care system couldn’t be attributed
to any one individual or single entity.
They recognized that health care
problems are not always someone’s fault,
but instead, the problems cross the entire
system. As the discussions progressed,
participants began to acknowledge they
were personally responsible for staying
healthy and receiving quality health care.
3. Unwieldy national crises •
Localized issue • Citizens can
make a difference.
At the beginning of the discussions,
many participants felt a sense of doom.
They thought the health care system
could not be improved because the
problem was too big and too complex.
However, as they discussed the issue
further, they began to explore how
providers could improve health care at
a local level. They began offering ways
the health care system could be improved
locally. The conversation, in some cases,
evolved even further to identify ways
individuals could improve the health
care system.
Examining Health Care 11
Citizens Are
Frustrated by the
Lack of Action to
Improve the Health
Care System
Citizens recognize there are problems
with the health care system, and many
are frustrated over the unrecognizable
improvements under way. They are
disappointed that other entities in the
system are not making a concerted effort
to better the system as a whole. Many
participants want representatives from
specific health care constituent groups
(for example, insurers, providers, and
policymakers) to be part of further
discussions to ensure action is taken.
Passionate Interest in Improving
Health Care
Citizens were very aware of the
issues facing the health care industry.
Many cited national news stories about
health care in America, demonstrating a
general awareness of the issue. However,
participants were most often able to
relate to the local news and stories about
how community employers were affected
by issues addressed nationally. Many
took the issue one step further by
applying local stories to personal
accounts about themselves or people
close to them who were affected by the
health care system.
Most discussions began with
tremendous emotional and personal
interest and gradually evolved into
more holistic conversations about
better health care and how the health
care industry could be improved to
better society as a whole. Participants
began thinking beyond their personal
experiences and started recognizing the
different components that make up the
health care system. Furthermore, in
Specific Findings
“I would like
to have a
like this and
include a
medical doctor
and insurer
in the room.”
their discussions, many considered the
points of view of the following health care
system stakeholders:
• Accountants
• Attorneys
• Families
• Government
• Insurance Providers
• Patients
• Physicians
• Schools
After considering other points of
view, numerous participants recognized
the significance of each stakeholder’s
contributions to the health care system.
Many citizens wanted to hear and learn
directly from other stakeholders to make
the deliberative process more meaningful.
“I would like to have a discussion like
this and include a medical doctor and
insurer in the room. I’m sure they have a
point of view I’m not considering.”
Sumter, SC
Overall, the discussions seemed to
forge a greater understanding of the
scope of the problem with the health
care system. Citizens appreciated being
part of the discussions.
Industry Should Be Working
When participants began to identify
the problems in the health care system,
they soon realized the need for change.
Furthermore, they acknowledged that the
multiple stakeholders (patients, families,
physicians, insurance providers, and
others) who comprise the system also
recognize the need for change. This
caused them to feel angry because they
believed no true efforts had been made
to change a system everyone recognizes
is not working properly.
“Our health care system is not set up
to place blame or identify who is
responsible for making changes. Where
does the responsibility to improve it lie?”
Dell Rapids, SD
12 Kettering Foundation
Specific Findings
realized that
of how
involved the
is, they as
are also
for changing
health care
at a local
From a national perspective, citizens
noted the failure of the health care
reform legislation sponsored by Senator
Hillary Clinton while serving as
First Lady. From a local
perspective, they shared stories
about their insurance providers,
physicians, and community
hospitals complaining about
losing money because of the
health care system, but none
of them had attempted to work
together to fix the problem.
They noted that while the
stakeholders, legislators in
particular, were looking out for
themselves no one appeared
to be working together for the
betterment of the system.
A brief dialogue between
two participants reveals the frustration
with how health care organizations
are not working together to address a
known issue:
“We are all in this together. Health care
professionals, providers, and residents
all want the same thing — better
health care.”
“You are right.… As a country, we are
not willing to have a serious discussion
on this subject. Hillary’s plan was
squashed. It was not even considered.”
Sioux Falls, SD
Other discussions highlighted citizens’
concerns about relying on legislators to
change the system.
“Federal employees have wonderful
health care benefits. How can they relate
to us? Why do we expect them to make
changes to the system?”
“I believe there is too much reliance on
the legislation in our country to make a
difference. Medical providers, insurers,
and pharmaceutical companies are
the biggest founders of legislation. Do
they really act in the best interest of
the system as a whole? Can we really
count on them to work together for our
Estherville, IA
“Our legislators and policymakers get
their health care taken care of. Why do
they get to decide what kind of care I
receive? This seems inappropriate.
Everyone should have a health care
plan as good as their representatives.”
Minneapolis, MN
Personal Sacrifice for Improved
Care for Others
Citizens struggled to determine
whether making a personal sacrifice
would help improve the health care
system. Several participants weighed the
pros and cons of limiting their care or
giving unused portions of their insurance
to help the uninsured. However, most
were unwilling to make a commitment
because they did not believe it would
make a difference, given the current
health care environment.
“I would opt out of some insurance
company benefits to give my neighbor
more health care if I knew [he or she]
would receive it.” Minneapolis, MN
“If I give something up, how do I know it
will actually benefit anyone else?”
Washington, DC
Some citizens were very protective of
their health care benefits, and the idea
of sacrificing their options was new to
many. Even if they did not currently use
all their health care, the concept of giving
up their prized possession made several
citizens uncomfortable.
Two participants had a brief dialogue
that summarized this opinion.
“It is not right for some people to not
have health care and others to have too
much. However, this is such a coveted
benefit, it is difficult for me to give any
part of mine up.”
“As citizens we have not really thought
about what we could and would let go of
in order to have quality of care for more
people. The idea seems so foreign and
very scary.”
Norman, OK
Examining Health Care 13
Specific Findings
“The system
is so
if we make
a change,
we really
don’t know
what will
long term.”
Unknown Effects of Changing
the System
The conversation among participants
often evolved into questioning how any
change, such as giving up portions of
their health care, would affect the overall
health care system. Participants thought
the system was so complex that it
would be difficult to understand the
long-term effects brought about by any
modification. Even if change were made
with good intentions, participants
thought the system was so convoluted
that it would be difficult to understand
how any change affected it. This does
not mean participants did not want
change, just that they were unsure what
would happen if changes occurred.
“The system is so complicated, if we
make a change, we really don’t know
what will happen long term. What else
will occur that we cannot predict?”
Washington, DC
“A small change in one part of the
system will have unknown ripple effects.
Any changes that are made will likely
have larger consequences we cannot
predict. We need to proceed but proceed
with caution.”
Carbondale, IL
Personal Accountability and
Responsibility, Along with
Government Interaction
Citizens believe that though personal
accountability and responsibility
are critical for change to occur, the
government must take an active role in
the process of changing the health care
system because of the size of the issue
and because the government regulates
Medicare and Medicaid. However,
opinions varied as to the degree of
government involvement. Some wanted
the federal government to have total
control of the health care system, while
others wanted only minimal control even
at the local level. In addition, participants
also realized that regardless of how
involved the government is, they as
individuals are also responsible for
changing health care at a local level.
“We are all responsible for making
the health care system better. The
government will need to be involved
because they have control at a state
level. However, we (the people) are
the government, and we can make a
difference if we try.”
Minneapolis, MN
“Local government needs to solve issues
ourselves because we don’t believe
people at the federal level will ever come
together to solve this real issue. We
cannot hold our breath and wait for
others to change things.”
Estherville, IA
“We need a local champion, not the
government, to keep the momentum.
If no one leads the charge locally, this
will go nowhere.”
Norman, OK
“Having the government change the
system will be like waiting for a glacier
to melt. It will eventually happen, we just
don’t know when and we may not be
around when it happens.”
Charleston, SC
In addition to citizens being personally
responsible for making changes to
the health care system at a local level,
many participants commented that
they as individuals needed to be more
accountable for their own health care.
The belief is that the more control people
take over their health care, the more
responsible they will be with their health
care resources.
“People just need to take responsibility
for themselves.”
Santa Fe, NM
“Each person should ultimately
be responsible for deciding what care [he
or she] need[s]. People need to take
greater responsibility for their health.”
Ellensburg, WA
14 Kettering Foundation
Specific Findings
that multiple
are part
of the health
care system.
The following dialogue between two
participants reveals citizens’ interest in
being more responsible for their health.
“People go to the doctor too soon. We
overmedicate. This creates unnecessary
expense and immunity to diseases. Long
term this will put more stress on the
health care system.”
“If we just did the simple things
ourselves, it could improve the entire
system. If everyone drank a big glass
of water every day, who knows how
healthy we would be!”
Youth Development Center, SD
Citizens Want an
Ombudsman to Help
Them Navigate the
Health Care System
Citizens acknowledge that multiple
organizations and components are part
of the health care system and each
deserves both credit and blame for the
current status of health care in America.
Citizens do not, however, understand the
health care system as a whole. Many
want an entity or individual to personally
help guide them through the complete
process from first accessing care through
payment for services.
Absence of a Global Perspective
Though participants attempted to
understand the health care system
through deliberation and by examining
other points of view, the process still
raised numerous questions and
concerns. It appeared as though the
more participants discussed the topic,
the more they realized they did not
understand the health care system well
at all. Some believe the United States
does not have a health care system, just
components they access when they need
them. Others believe there is a system
but that no one knows how to navigate
it because they are missing a global
During this portion of the deliberative
process, the interaction often moved
from between the participants and the
moderator to an interactive discussion
among participants.
“We always look at health care in
tunnels. We never look at it as an entire
system for the holistic needs of the
Estherville, IA
“I think there is a health care system
in the United States. It’s complex,
inefficient, and in places broken, but
there is a system.”
Norman, OK
“I don’t see it as a health care system.
Health care is a service I access through
my employer.”
Oklahoma City, OK
A brief dialogue between participants
revealed different opinions about the
same frustrations.
“There is an assumption that there is
a health care system in place already.
If this is true, it’s up to each person
to figure it out.”
“I believe all the components of the
health care system are there; they have
to be for how much health care costs.
It’s figuring out how to access them and
move between the components that is
the challenge.”
Minneapolis, MN
Defining Industry Terms
Part of the confusion is a result of
inconsistent definitions for many
industry terms. While attempting to
examine health care, participants noted
that the industry uses terms that evoke
different meanings among people, which
caused them to become confused. For
example, they questioned the word
“access” and determined that “access” to
health care could have several meanings.
One person might think “access” means
Examining Health Care 15
Specific Findings
Common terms
that confuse
• “Access”
• “Necessary care”
• “Provider”
“I work the system by going to the
emergency department. If I took the
proper route, it takes me all day to get
an appointment. However, if I go to the
emergency room, it is more expensive,
but someone will see me.”
Sioux Falls, SD
“I’m constantly trying to navigate the
system and work it in my favor. It seems
like a big game, but I am gambling with
my health.”
Minneapolis, MN
“Emergency rooms eliminate the need to
understand the health care system. You
don’t have to find a doctor, worry about
insurance, or even make an appointment.
Sure it is expensive, but the convenience
is hard to beat.”
Dell Rapids, SD
“I go to Canada for drugs. I feel like I’m
doing something illegal and could go to
jail. This does not seem right. I don’t
want to feel guilty about making sure my
family and I are healthy.”
Minneapolis, MN
Unqualified for Personal
Citizens became increasingly
frustrated when discussing their
personal role in the health care system.
They think patients have to take an
active role in a process they do not
understand to ensure they get the care
they need and are not overcharged.
They believe patients are held personally
accountable (since they receive a bill)
for identifying and fixing problems they
encounter, even though they are not
responsible for the problem. For
example, if patients experience a denial
of an insurance claim, they have to
fix the problem themselves, even if
they do not understand the system
or did not cause the problem.
affordability. Another person could
apply “access” to being insured.
Someone else might think it means to
be geographically accessible to care.
Other questionable terms were
“emergency,” “necessary care,” and
“provider.” Citizens noted that the
definition of “emergency” is relative,
based on an individual’s perception.
They examined the word “provider,”
which could refer to nurses, physicians,
or insurers. Citizens concluded that
having terms with multiple meanings
is a significant problem the health
care industry should address before
undertaking any change.
“The definition of necessary care and
emergency care is completely dependent
on the individual.”
Santa Fe, NM
“Everyone needs to agree on the same
vocabulary. Otherwise, who will know
what everyone is talking about?”
Dell Rapids, SD
Abusing the System
While participants wanted to follow
the appropriate processes when seeking
care, several admitted to manipulating
the system to receive their care in a
timely fashion. Participants admitted to
learning and using phrases to get an
appointment more quickly. For example,
they would learn and use a buzzword
such as “chest pain” that is used to
describe a life-threatening emergency.
As a result, they would be given a higher
priority and reduced waiting time for the
doctor. They also admitted to going to
the Emergency Room for care, even
though it was not necessary because
they wanted their problem addressed
more quickly. Others revealed their trips
to Canada and Mexico to purchase
prescriptions. Citizens acknowledged
their behavior was not ideal (some were
even embarrassed), but they did not
appear willing to change until the rules
and regulations of the health care system
made sense for their family.
16 Kettering Foundation
Specific Findings
“The billing
system puts
the burden
on the patient
to create
It’s up to me
to straighten
things out.”
Physician Impact on
Citizen Opinion
Adding to participants’ confusion,
several noted, was the direct impact of
their physician’s opinion of the health
care system. Many participants place
trust in their doctors and rely on them
as their sole advocate in navigating the
health care system. When a doctor
shares his or her lack of confidence in
the system or process with a patient,
then the patient’s confidence erodes.
This creates even more bewilderment.
“I don’t believe anyone is acting in
my interest except my primary care
physician. However, even they are having
difficulty with the system.”
Oklahoma City, OK
“Many health care providers don’t
know their way around the system.
Their frustration rubs off on me.”
Minneapolis, MN
Better Communication and
Collaboration Needed throughout
All Health Care Entities
Citizens suggested several actions
to improve communication and
collaboration within the health care
system. The actions are aimed at
improving the patient experience, and
participants recognize these actions may
lead to an increase in cost. Steps such
as increasing the number of midwives,
dieticians, and nutritionists to support
patient care were suggested. Also,
encouraging patients and physicians
to form stronger partnerships, founded
in education, was thought to lead to
better health care and a healthier
Participants were frustrated because
there is no entity that fully understands
the system and can advocate on their
behalf. This frustration has led some
citizens to take a more active, and more
risky, role in their health care.
“Billing issues are one of the greatest
sources of confusion. They are also the
most stressful. The billing system puts
the burden on the patient to create
efficiency. It’s up to me to straighten
things out. I’m the least qualified to
navigate the billing system.”
Sioux Falls, SD
“It takes a lot of time to take care of
payments. I feel I am on the edge of
being taken advantage of. I don’t want
to overpay or not pay enough. This is a
very stressful situation.”
Norman, OK
“I want to be a partner (in the health care
process), but I am uncomfortable that
doctors and insurers will always act in
my best interest. I don’t trust the system
to take care of me.”
Oklahoma City, OK
“Complementary payments, referrals for
care, limited stays in hospitals, limited
benefits … it is a full-time job for people
to sort out care for themselves and their
family. One minute you understand
whom to call. The next it changes. It
keeps you off balance as you sort
through the health care maze.”
Ellensburg, WA
“The system has created so many
obstacles and barriers, people are
starting to organize their own care to
make sure they get what they believe is
best for them. Many are willing to risk
not knowing what they really need in
order to have some sense of control.”
Philadelphia, PA
Examining Health Care 17
Specific Findings
Given the
restrictions on
time, numerous
suggested using
other health
care experts
and others)
to help with
Supporting Physicians with
Other Health Care Professionals
The topic of physician/patient
partnerships often led to deliberation
about the role of other health care
professionals in the health care system.
Given the restrictions on physician
time, numerous participants suggested
using other health care experts (nurses,
dieticians, nutritionists, and others)
to help with education, communication,
and collaboration. These other
professionals are thought to be experts
at navigating the system, and they
have the added benefit of providing
quality patient care.
“Dieticians, nutritionists, and physician
assistants need to be in place to increase
education. We do not have enough
doctors to begin with, so let’s use other
resources to help educate patients.”
Carbondale, IL
“Nurses and midwives could be used
to educate and care for people in the
Ellensburg, WA
“Professional nurses should be included
in the process of increasing preventive
Sioux Falls, SD
“If physicians do not have time, care
could be provided through schools if local
clinics partner with school nurses.”
Norman, OK
Physician and Patient Partnerships
Most participants understood the
value and would appreciate having a
good relationship with their physician.
However, they also acknowledged how
physician time and payment limitations
hinder this opportunity. They fear that
with a true physician/patient partner-
ship, authority and accountability are at
risk. Also, several citizens commented
that patients would need to be more
active in the health care process if a
partnership were developed.
“Having a partnership with my physician
is easier said than done. The current
health care environment restricts whom I
can see and how long they can spend
with me. There are too many demands
on my doctor’s time to develop a true
relationship with me.”
Santa Fe, NM
“This will never truly be a balanced
partnership. Some people won’t
participate. Others will ignore advice.
When the physician has all the
knowledge, there really is no balance.”
Harding, AR
“The patient must be capable of helping
or participating in decisions about their
health. Education levels will need to be
increased for this to occur.”
Carbondale, IL
“Having a partnership is a great idea.
But who is the final expert? Who has the
final decision? Out of everyone in the
health care system, who is the most
qualified to provide the best advice?”
Ellensburg, WA
“If the patient and physician have the
opportunity to develop a relationship, it
will result in better care. However, this
relationship takes time to develop. Why
can’t we afford something like this that
seems like a no-brainer? We know it’s
right. The physician knows it’s right.
Even the insurance company knows it’s
right. Why don’t we work together and
do it then?”
Minneapolis, MN
18 Kettering Foundation
Specific Findings
“Doctors should not be told what types
of care they should provide. Insurance
companies are dictating the types of care
people receive. People don’t feel you can
partner with an insurance company.”
Santa Fe, NM
A brief dialogue between participants
reveals that citizens believe insurance
companies have too much authority
in health care decisions. Citizens also
believe that if insurance companies
really wanted to improve the system,
they have the resources to do so.
“Insurers should get out of the way
and let the doctors decide what care is
“If they want to make a difference in
the system, what if they did not send
me ten pieces of paper each month, but
instead, had a nurse call me each
quarter to make sure I was following
instructions and staying healthy?
I think the call is much more helpful
than a newsletter.”
Minneapolis, MN
Another short discussion reveals that
citizens link medical lawsuits to higher
insurance company premiums. There is
a desire to control lawsuits and stabilize
insurance premiums.
“As an employer, it is difficult to afford
offering insurance to my employees.
It’s too expensive. However, I lie awake
at night thinking of the consequences of
not offering them some sort of coverage.”
“What if there [were] a cap on medical
lawsuits? Would this not allow
physicians to offer services at lower
rates? I’m not sure they would always
pass along these savings, but in
theory it makes sense.”
Dell Rapids, SD
A brief dialogue between participants
revealed that participants do not believe
education has to come solely from their
“Physicians could serve as the
information conduit for the system.
However, this increase in responsibility
would reduce the number of patients
they can see.”
“What if interns were placed in physician
offices to help with education and
Sumter, SC
Insurance Company and
Pharmaceutical Company
As in previous research, insurance
companies and pharmaceutical
companies are criticized for restricting
patient access and increasing the cost
of care, respectively. Citizens do not
believe these companies are interested
in a partnership. However, they believe
they are an important part of the
partnership concept and could use their
resources more effectively to improve
health care if they so desired.
“For a partnership to work within the
health care system, all parties need to
have a mutually beneficial relationship.
We already have patients developing
relationships with physicians and
physicians with hospital relationships,
but no one seems to have a good
relationship with insurers. This is where
the idea of partnership will have
Charleston, SC
“Who is in control of our health care
system? It’s not the doctors. It’s the
pharmaceutical companies and insurance
companies. One is making medical
decisions for us and one is increasing
demand for care. They do not seem to
want to be a partner with anyone.”
Harding, AR
Examining Health Care 19
Specific Findings
Citizens Suggest
Rewarding Healthy
Behavior and
Penalizing Unhealthy
Citizens believe preventive care should
be acknowledged and rewarded since it
should lead to a reduction in health care
costs. They believe the current health
care environment is focused on reacting
to existing health problems instead of
rewarding those who take a proactive
approach to anticipate personal health
problems. Many suggested incorporating
a system that rewards people who take
precautionary health care measures and
behave in a healthy manner. Many also
suggested enacting a financial penalty for
those citizens who knowingly behave in
an unhealthy manner.
Preventive Care Should Be
Encouraged by Insurance Providers
Citizens believe preventive care should
be acknowledged and rewarded since it
should lead to a reduction in health care
costs. Many citizens believe the industry
is too fixated on the treatment of illness.
They would like more focus on prevention
and education. Specifically, they would
like preventive care to be covered by their
insurance. There is a widely held belief
that proper education and prevention
could lessen the demand on the health
care system. Citizens also discussed
altering the reimbursement process so
that physicians were paid for having
healthy patients.
“If they want
to make a
in the system,
what if they
did not send
me ten pieces
of paper each
month, but
instead, had
a nurse call
me each
Ombudsman or Advocate
Organization Needed
Numerous citizens suggested the need
for one entity that could be responsible
for the entire health care system and be
an advocate on behalf of patients. They
believed that each stakeholder in the
health care system looked out for itself
and that no single entity looked at the
big picture. Citizens discussed the
creation of an oversight organization to
serve as an ombudsman among all the
stakeholders, especially patients. The
advocacy organization would be charged
with understanding all the components
that comprise the health care system.
The organization could help all the
stakeholders navigate the health care
“There will always be someone who will
abuse the system. We need someone or
some organization to oversee people’s
health care.”
Minneapolis, MN
“People need health care advocates,
someone to chaperone them through
the health care process. This will be
expensive at first. But long term it could
improve health care, increase access,
and save money.”
Estherville, IA
“The system is so fragmented now that
it is too intense to navigate. No one ever
tries to coordinate what is in the best
interest of patients. People are too busy
doing what is mandated or regulated to
do what makes common sense. A patient
advocate could help people receive better
Dell Rapids, SD
“Ombudsmen should be built into the
health care system to review all aspects
of individual patient cases and identify
where the system may be breaking
Carbondale, IL
20 Kettering Foundation
Specific Findings
Many believe
will not be
enough to
because there
are no
for being
“People need information about the
impact their lifestyle has on their health.
It should be infused into their curriculum
at grade school. Well-educated children
can be healthier.”
College Park, MD
“Many people think that education is
the key to healthier people. Do we really
think we are smart enough to educate
people and change their behavior to eat
better and exercise more? It’s no mystery
that smoking kills, yet we have more
people smoking now than ever before.
Instead of educating the abusers,
let’s reward those who act healthy.”
Estherville, IA
“Education does not always change
behavior. We have seen many attempts
and lots of money spent on education
that results only in minimal change.”
Dell Rapids, SD
“People have the right to behave anyway
they want. They can disagree with
recommendations from their doctor and
do their own thing. Our ability to choose
ultimately impacts the success of any
health care programs.”
Dell Rapids, SD
Rewarding Healthy Behavior and
Penalizing Unhealthy Behavior
A complement to the point of view that
prevention is critical is that participants
feel passionately that people who
engage in unhealthy behavior should be
penalized. In general, individuals who
knowingly act in an unhealthy fashion
should be held accountable by paying
more for their health care. While
additional discussion is needed to reach
consensus on determining specific
actions for which people could be held
accountable (for example, being
overweight and smoking), many believe
individuals should pay for care based
on a tiered approach. Those who
participate in unhealthy behavior should
be responsible for paying for care
“Why won’t insurance companies pay for
preventive care? Why do I have to be
sick to get anyone to care about my
Oklahoma City, OK
“Preventive medicine is not covered or
reimbursed. I am sure doctors would
rather get paid to keep people healthy
than to treat them when they are ill.”
Estherville, IA
“The current health care system pays
hospitals and doctors when you are sick,
not when you are well. Health care
professionals need to be paid for keeping
people healthy.”
Dell Rapids, SD
“A true health care system includes more
than just receiving care when you need
it. It needs to promote a healthy lifestyle,
education, and prevention.”
Madison, WI
A conversation between two
participants illustrates the desire for
more education and preventive health
care programs.
“We don’t have a health care system for
those who are educated and healthy.”
“I agree; the current system is for sick
people. The ideal health care system is a
combination of prevention, education,
insurance, and hospital care.”
Ellensburg, WA
Skepticism about Health Care
Despite an interest in following an
educational approach to lessen the
burden on the health care system, forum
participants demonstrated significant
skepticism about the potential
effectiveness of current educational
practices. Many believe education will
not be enough to change behavior
because there are no financial
consequences for being unhealthy.
Examining Health Care 21
Specific Findings
who knowingly
act in an
fashion should
be held
by paying
more for their
health care.
Struggling with “Appropriate Care”
for Everyone
Most citizens believe every person
should have access to some level of
quality health care but believe employers
and taxpayers should not be additionally
burdened with paying for this care. A
common definition of a minimum, or an
acceptable, amount of health care still
needs to be “worked through.”
While almost every participant agreed
it would be nice for everyone to have
access to some level of quality health
care, there were mixed reactions to
whether or not health care was a right
of every citizen. Several participants
commented that “just because we have
such good health care resources, it does
not mean everyone can and should use
them.” Setting expectations about what
type and quantity of health care people
can have access to was important to
Everyone was concerned over how to
pay for health care for more citizens.
Many were not willing to bankrupt the
current system to extend care to more
people. And others commented that
raising taxes or asking employers to pay
more was not appropriate since they are
burdened enough. There was also a belief
that unless the health care system was
changed dramatically, applying more
money to the same system would not
lead to better care.
beyond a “normal amount.” And, those
who participate in healthy activities
should be rewarded for their efforts.
They noted the current health care
system does not acknowledge or reward
those who live a healthy lifestyle.
“Insurance companies try to encourage
healthy behavior with lower premiums.
What if the state or my employer did the
Oskaloosa, IA
“I resent paying more and paying for
people who smoke and have unhealthy
Minneapolis, MN
“People with addictions use a lot of
health care. Who should pay for those
who do not take care of themselves?”
Santa Fe, NM
“Some people drink, smoke, and do
drugs. They will never be partners in the
system. They will only abuse it. They
should pay more.”
Dell Rapids, SD
“There are many people who make bad
choices in life and have more health care
costs because of this. Why should I have
to pay more if I am healthy and take care
of myself?”
Madison, WI
“Citizens should pay for care based on
a graduated payment plan.”
Sumter, SC
“Everyone should understand the
importance of making responsible
decisions. Paying more for irresponsibility
would help in the learning process.”
Madison, WI
“There needs to be some sort of
consequence for those who choose to
engage in unhealthy behavior, possibly
charging higher insurance rates.”
Dell Rapids, SD
22 Kettering Foundation
Specific Findings
“We expect
the best care
possible. As
a country, we
cannot afford
the best care
for everyone.”
A dialogue between two participants
reveals deep concern over both the
allocation of health care resources and
the financial burden associated with
offering care for more people.
“How much care can you give and still be
financially viable? Where do you draw
the line? What are the criteria you use to
determine who gets what care?”
“We can’t go broke saving lives. The
country should not be willing to accept
financial crises to give more people care.”
Santa Fe, NM
“How do you determine how much to
spend on each person? Who determines
what is necessary and what is vital?
These are questions that need to be
addressed, but many are not qualified
to answer.”
Youth Development Center, SD
Discussion among multiple partici-
pants shows the difficult dilemma
citizens struggle with when discussing
who can receive care and how much
care they should have access to. No
consensus was reached on this topic.
“We expect the best care possible.
As a country, we cannot afford the best
care for everyone.”
“Half a person’s health care costs occur
in their last 30 days of life. How
do you decide when and when not to
provide care?”
“But should we put people lower on the
list [to receive care] because they choose
unhealthy lifestyles? Somehow we have
to prioritize.”
Estherville, IA
“We need to rethink costly procedures
that prolong life for short periods of time.
Heroic procedures for those who will
not benefit long term are a source of
great controversy.”
Norman, OK
The deliberation surrounding
responsibly allocating health care often
led to a discussion about whether
denying care is appropriate, and if so,
“The United States has enough health
care capacity to care for every citizen
already. The resources are already in
place. We just need to manage it better.”
Carbondale, IL
“Health care should be considered a
national right. Without health, you cannot
pursue happiness, and this is in our
Minneapolis, MN
“Health care is not a right. We are a fee-
for-service economy. Those who want
something realize they have to pay
for it.”
College Park, MD
“We need to examine our expectations of
health care and the health care system in
America. Are they realistic?”
Harding, AR
A brief dialogue between two citizens
reveals how a definition of basic care or
coverage is necessary before an in-depth
discussion of a national health plan
can occur.
“We don’t need socialized medicine.
Medicaid is already available. I would
like to see more universal care.”
“Before we do this, we really need to
decide what the definition of coverage is.
We could all have basic coverage. But
what constitutes “basic”?
Charleston, SC
Appropriate Use of Resources
Participants questioned whether
everyone should receive all the health
care he or she needs. They recognized
that the United States has the best
health care in the world but debated
whether that meant all care should be
made available to everyone in the
country. No solution was reached.
However, there was universal concern
over how to pay for care for more
citizens, and many participants were
nervous about how to responsibly
allocate available health care to those
who need it.
Examining Health Care 23
when care should be denied. Citizens
discussed the moral and ethical
dilemmas health care stakeholders face.
They questioned whether health care
should be denied to someone because
of age or health status. They also
confronted whether a price tag should
be put on human life. In the end, no
citizen was willing to take a stand or
offer a solution to this highly
controversial topic.
Tension exists and citizens struggle
with how to approach individuals with
preexisting conditions and conditions
they cannot control. Some believe that
since these individuals will require
more resources than others they should
pay more for their care. However, most
recognized that these issues were
beyond people’s control and they should
not be held financially accountable
for something they cannot control.
Most believe this point deserves more
discussion by all health care
Citizens also grappled with whether
people predisposed to health problems
should be penalized and asked to pay
more because they will have more health
care needs. While many thought this was
an unfair practice, most participants
were not willing to personally financially
supplement the additional costs to cover
those predisposed to health problems.
Specific Findings
“I would like
to have care
for everyone,
but I am tired
of paying
more each
year for the
same care I
Universal Health Care System
Overall, participants agreed that they
would like everyone in the United
States to have health care and that a
universal health care system was one
option to consider. However, most
believed employers and the general
public should not have to pay for it.
They believe these groups are already
paying for health care for many and
should not be penalized by paying
more to ensure everyone else has
health care coverage. Due to the
length of most forums, this section of
the issue book did not receive as
much time for discussion as others.
“I would like to have care for everyone,
but I am tired of paying more each year
for the same care I currently receive.”
Oklahoma City, OK
“How would you pay for universal health
care? There is no universal health care
system that runs in the black.”
Santa Fe, NM
“I like the concept, but offering care to
everyone will make the working adults
pay more for others without jobs.”
Dell Rapids, SD
24 Kettering Foundation
Common Ground for Action
Though various points of view, ideas,
and topics were discussed, citizens
reached consensus on several issues
regarding the health care system in the
United States. In general, citizens
believed that since a big change to the
system may not occur, many little
changes might create incremental
• Regardless of each
person’s approach
to solving problems
across the health
care system, every
one agreed that
health care will not
improve unless
everyone and every
involved is held
• All participants agreed that
government would need to play
some kind of role in improving the
health care system.
• Everyone believes that the system
would take too long to change if the
change occurred from the top. They
agreed that change needs to happen
from the bottom up. In other words,
change needs to occur at the local
• All participants had an interest in
improving the health care system.
None wanted it to remain the same.
• Health care will
not improve unless
everyone and every
organization involved
is held individually
• Government would
need to play some
kind of role in
improving the health
care system.
• The system would
take too long to
change if the change
occurred from the
top.… Change needs
to occur at the
local level.
• All participants
had an interest in
improving the health
care system.
Examining Health Care 25
Several Action Steps Are Considered
Deliberation seems to have created a
connection among a number of health
care issues. For many participants, the
discussions appeared to support their
perspective that the health care system
is reaching a crisis point.
During the deliberation process,
participants offered ideas and potential
actions to address parts of the issue.
These suggestions usually did not evolve
into significant conversations but were
of interest to the group in which the
topics were raised. The ideas for
potential action included:
Public Policy at the State or Federal Level
• Share personal concerns with
• Draft petitions that explain
frustrations with insurance
• Send local representatives to
Capitol Hill to promote changes
to the system.
• Develop fact sheets that show
health care’s impact on and
importance to each local
• Research “socialized medicine”
health care systems to find best
practices and suggest a pilot
program within the United States.
Local or Personal Actions
• Hold and attend more forums
on the subject, and involve
community leaders and health care
professionals in the discussions.
• Pay more attention to national and
local health care issues and how they
may have a personal impact on area
• Promote local health care successes
so others can learn from good fortune
and best practices.
• Develop a “new resident to the
community” program to educate
newcomers about the local health
care system and how to access it.
• Respond to community health needs
• Learn more about the health care
system and environment in general.
Additional education was thought to
lead to more ideas.
• Begin an initiative to improve
health care education in local school
systems. The program could
encourage children to be healthier.
• Suggest local schools make their
lunches healthier. Partnering with
area hospitals to provide more
nutritious meal ideas to schools
could be helpful.
• Train local doctors to be well versed
on prevention and education, in
addition to their training on treating
the ill.
26 Kettering Foundation
The following five research
methods were used:
Issue Book Framing Committee
• Barb Brown
• Patty Dineen
• Betty Knighton
• Renate Pore
• Taylor L. Willingham
• Ruth Yellow Hawk
Moderator and Convenor Interviews
• American Association of Family and
Consumer Sciences (AAFCS),
Alexandria, VA
• Avera Hospital, Dell Rapids, SD
• Center for Community Leadership
Development and Public Policy,
Montgomery College, Montgomery, MD
• Central Washington University,
Ellensburg, WA
This report is based on an analysis of what happened in 40 of the hundreds of
National Issue Forums that have taken place, and continue to take place, on this issue
across the United States. It describes what happened as diverse groups of people came
together and deliberated about issues related to health care. Forum participants
represented in this report came from the states indicated on the map.
• ChangeWorks of the Heartland,
Columbus, OH
• Custer Youth Development Center,
Pierre, SD
• East End Listening Project, East End
Family Resource Center, Charleston,
• Estherville Community Center,
Estherville, IA
• Florence County Library, Florence, SC
• Harding University, Searcy, AR
• Iowa State University Extension,
Ames, IA
• Learn and Serve America, Project 540,
Oklahoma State Department of
Education, Oklahoma City, OK
• Mahaska County Extension,
Oskaloosa, IA
• Mahaska County ISU Extension
Auditorium, Des Moines, IA
Examining Health Care 27
Moderator and Convenor Interviews
• Minnesota Humanities Commission,
St. Paul, MN
• Norman Planning Committee, Norman
Public Library, Norman, OK
• Root Cause, Austin, TX
• Santa Fe Community College,
Santa Fe, NM
• Skyway Senior Center, Minneapolis, MN
• Sumter County Library, Sumter, SC
• Sussex County Librarians, Sussex, DE
• The Columbus Council for Public
Deliberation, Columbus, OH
• The South Dakota Issues Forums,
Sioux Falls, SD
• Tri-County Rural Health Network’s
Community Connectors, MO
• University of Hawaii, Manoa, HI
• University of Maryland Extension
Program, College Park, MD
• University of Maryland,
College Park, MD
• Washington Affiliation of Family
Community Service (WAFCS)
• West Virginia Center for Civic Life,
Charleston, WV
Forum Observation
• Avera Hospital, Dell Rapids, SD
• Avera Hospital, Sioux Falls, SD
• Iowa Community Center, Estherville, IA
• Skyway Senior Center, Minneapolis, MN
• Worthington Public Library,
Worthington, OH
Questionnaire Results
After the forum, participants were asked
to complete a questionnaire that frames
the issue and identifies key tradeoffs for
different choices. In preparing this report,
Paul Werth Associates analyzed the 1,027
surveys received by May 12, 2004.
Moderator Reports
• Avera Health, Health Care Report, Dell
Rapids, SD
• Class IX of the Randolph County
• Democratic Deliberation: Our Delta
Experience, The Tri-County Rural
Health Network’s Community
Connectors, MO
• Examining Health Care, Mahaska
County Health Care Forum, IA
• Examining Health Care, Norman
Planning Committee, Norman Public
Library, Norman, OK
• Examining Health Care, Northwest
Library, Columbus, OH
• Examining Health Care,
State College, PA
• Examining Health Care, Sussex County
Librarians, August 21, 2003,
Georgetown, DE
• Examining Health Care, The Columbus
Council for Public Deliberation,
Columbus, OH
• Examining Health Care, University of
Hawaii, College of Social Sciences,
Manoa, HI
• Iowans Talk About Examining Health
Care: What’s the Public’s Prescription?
Iowa Partners in Learning,
Des Moines, IA
• Report for Council on Public Policy
Education Cooperative Agreement (Ref.
25.30.05), University Extension,
Missouri Community Development,
Columbia, MO
• Report on Health Care Forums in
Texas, Austin, TX
• South Dakota Issues Forum Report,
Aberdeen, SD
• The American Association of Family
and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) Public
Policy Committee, Alexandria, VA
• West Virginia Center for Civic Life,
Charleston, WV
Special Thanks to:
Sue Adams, Kellen Barnhart, Priscilla
Bondhus, Don Bower, Bonnie Braun,
Judy Breiland, Barb Brown, Jane
Cunningham, Dave Dillon, Patty Dineen,
Lloyd Eisenberg, Karen Felton, Sadie
Flucas, Steve Herminghausen, Sandra
Hodge, Helen Jenkins, Janelle Jones,
Chris Kloth, Betty Knighton, Sue Miles,
Patty Miley, Amy H. Nossaman,
Dave Patton, Renate Pore, Julie Pratt,
Lisa Pryor, Bruce Robb, Mary Ellen
Saunders, Michelle Scott, Douglas
Scutchfield, M.D., Harris Sokoloff,
Meredith Southerd, Roxanne Trees,
Kristi Wagner, David Wilkinson,
Sue E. Williams, Taylor L. Willingham,
Beth Wilson, Ruth Yellow Hawk
28 Kettering Foundation
Questionnaire Results: Demographics
Below are summary statistics that describe the participants. Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
Table 1
of Total
Your employer 54%
Medicare 18%
Medicaid 2%
You/Self-pay 35%
Other 1%
I have no health insurance 5%
No answer 6%
* Participants can select more than one option. Therefore, the total is greater than 100 percent.
Table 3
Table 2
of Total
Rural 16%
Small town 41%
Large city 19%
Suburban 19%
No answer 6%
of Total
17 or younger 3%
18-30 17%
31-45 16%
46-64 39%
65 or older 22%
No answer 4%
How old are you?
Where do you live?
Who pays for your health insurance?*
Examining Health Care 29
Table 8
Are you thinking differently about this issue Percent
now that you have participated in the forum? of Total
Yes 41%
No 48%
No answer 11%
Table 7
In your forum, did you talk about aspects of Percent
the issue you had not considered before? of Total
Yes 67%
No 24%
No answer 9%
Table 6
of Total
1-3 82%
4-6 6%
7 or more 3%
Not sure 4%
No answer 6%
Table 4
of Total
African American 4%
Asian American 2%
Hispanic 2%
Native American 3%
White/Caucasian 81%
Other 3%
No answer 6%
Table 5
of Total
Male 30%
Female 65%
No answer 5%
How many forums have you attended?
Are you male or female?
30 Kettering Foundation
Movement between Issues Was Primarily Complementary
Throughout the course of the forum, participants engaged in fluid discussion
with minimal disagreement. For example, the options offered in the issue book were
discussed with no significant controversy. Because all the options presented were
thought to be complementary, participants did not need to debate over which one to
The Issue of Health Care Was Too Large for a 90-Minute Discussion
Because of the complexity and the magnitude of issues surrounding the health care
industry, participants were not able to thoroughly address the issue in a 90-minute
forum. Because the first third of many forums was spent bringing everyone up to
speed with the industry and its issues, the forum primed participants for further
discussion. Some participants suggested a series of three forums on the topic. Each
forum would tackle one approach.
Localized Stories Have More Impact Than National Statistics
National stories about issues in health care made little or no impact on participants.
Instead, local and personal stories piqued their interest and created very emotional
Much Interest in Opinions from Different Perspectives
Participants and moderators were interested in learning the opinions of those
in areas with unique health care needs. For example, they would like to seek the
opinions of those affected by health care in Florida, Texas, and the West Coast —
all of which have unique health care environments. In addition, participants were
curious about the views of African Americans, Hispanics, and people from other
diverse ethnic backgrounds who were not equally represented in the forums.
Almost everyone who participated had access to health care. Very few admitted to
not having access to care when they needed it. Citizens would like to involve in future
discussions those who do not have health care.
Other Notables
Examining Health Care 31
The issue book contained a single questionnaire that participants were asked to
complete at the end of each forum. In the following tables, we provide the tabulations
from the 1,027 questionnaires completed as of May 12, 2004.
Please note that those who filled out a questionnaire were a self-selected group
and thus the findings should not be construed as polling data. These results should
be interpreted in the context of the qualitative analysis presented in this report to
understand better how a particular diverse set of Americans felt about health care
after deliberating the issue.
Analysis of Post-Forum Questionnaires
Overall, participants in the forums believe that citizens should have access to some
kind of health care insurance or coverage and that doctors should treat their patients
as partners in their health care. This is directly supported by discussions occurring
throughout the forums. Of note is that while citizens believe Americans should have
some kind of health insurance, there are mixed opinions on the need for universal
care and how this coverage should be paid for.
A little more than half of the participants believe minorities do not receive the
same quality of care as whites. Primarily African Americans and Hispanics believe
there is inequality in care. Also, African Americans, more so than other races, believe
patients often have no one to oversee their entire health care experience. Nonwhite
participants more strongly favor the public having access to information about
doctors’ mistakes.
Percent Percent Total
“Somewhat “Strongly Percent
Agree” Agree” “Agree”
23% 69% 92%
30% 61% 91%
38% 50% 88%
30% 53% 83%
41% 37% 78%
32% 25% 57%
Do you agree or disagree with the statements below?
All Americans should have some kind of health insurance.
Doctors should treat patients as full partners in their
own health care.
Patients dealing with many parts of the health care system
often have no one to oversee the whole picture.
Huge malpractice awards are driving up the
cost of health care.
The public should have easier access to information
about doctors’ mistakes.
Regardless of income, minorities do not receive the
same quality of health care as whites do.
Table 1
Level of agreement on key issues facing the health care industry
32 Kettering Foundation
Percent Percent Total
“Somewhat “Strongly Percent
Favor” Favor” “Favor”
33% 52% 85%
40% 43% 83%
47% 34% 81%
37% 39% 76%
29% 46% 75%
51% 20% 71%
42% 28% 70%
47% 14% 61%
32% 35% 67%
Do you favor or oppose each of these actions?
Expand Medicare to include prescription drugs.
Require doctors to be retested periodically
to ensure that they are still competent.
Create local and regional health care systems
to make doctors and hospitals share services and equipment.
Make people whose choice of behavior threatens their own
health pay more for insurance.
Set caps on awards for medical lawsuits.
Doctors should spend more time with their patients,
EVEN IF this raises the cost of health care.
All Americans should have access to basic health care services,
EVEN IF this means cutting coverage of some costly treatments.
Health care providers should coordinate and share facilities and
resources, EVEN IF patients would have to wait longer for some
Provide health care to all Americans through
a government-funded system.
Table 2
Reactions to Proposed Health Care Solutions
Analysis of Post-Forum Questionnaires
Of the proposed actions, forum participants are most in favor of expanding Medicare
to include prescription drugs, requiring doctors to be retested, and making doctors
and hospitals share services and equipment. Two thirds of the participants, mainly
African American and Hispanic, are in favor of a government-funded system.
More than three-fourths of the participants believe that citizens who act in
unhealthy manners should pay more for their insurance. This is consistent with
numerous comments made throughout the forum.
Examining Health Care 33
National Issues Forums bring together
citizens around the nation to discuss
challenging social and political issues of
the day. They have addressed issues such
as the economy, education, health care,
foreign affairs, poverty, and crime.
Thousands of civic, service, and
religious organizations, as well as libraries,
high schools, and colleges, have sponsored
forums. The sponsoring organizations
select topics from among each year’s
most pressing public concerns and then
design and coordinate their own forum
programs, which are held through the
fall, winter, and spring.
A different kind of talk
No two forums are alike. They range
from small study circles to large
gatherings modeled after town meetings,
but all are different from everyday
conversations and adversarial debates.
Since forums seek to increase
understanding of complicated issues,
participants need not start out with
detailed knowledge of an issue. Forum
organizers distribute issue books such
as this one, featuring a nonpartisan
overview of an issue and a choice of
several public responses. By presenting
each issue in a nonpartisan way,
forums encourage participants to take a
fresh look at the issues and at their
own convictions.
In the forums, participants share
their opinions, their concerns, and their
knowledge. With the help of moderators
and the issue books, participants weigh
several possible ways for society to
address a problem. They analyze each
choice, the arguments for and against it,
and the tradeoffs and other implications
of the choice. Moderators encourage
participants, as they gravitate to one
option or another, to examine their basic
values as individuals and as community
The search for common ground
Forums enrich participants’ thinking on
public issues. Participants confront each
issue head-on, make an informed decision
about how to address it, and come to
terms with the likely consequences of
their choices. In this deliberative process,
participants often accept choices that
are not entirely consistent with their
individual wishes and that impose costs
they had not initially considered. This
happens because the forum process
helps people see issues from different
points of view; participants use discussion
to discover, not persuade or advocate.
The best deliberative forums can help
participants move toward shared, stable,
well-informed public judgments about
important issues.
Participants may hold sharply different
opinions and beliefs, but in the forums
they discuss their attitudes, concerns,
and convictions about each issue and, as
a group, seek to resolve their conflicting
priorities and principles. In this way,
participants move from making individual
choices to making choices as members
of a community — the kinds of choices
from which public action may result.
Building community through
public deliberation
In a democracy, citizens must come
together to find answers they can all
live with — while acknowledging that
individuals have differing opinions.
Forums help people find the areas where
their interests and goals overlap. This
allows the emergence of a public voice
that can give direction to public policy.
The forums are nonpartisan and do
not advocate a particular solution to any
public issue, nor should they be confused
with referenda or public opinion polls.
Rather, the forums enable diverse groups
of Americans to determine together
what direction they want policy to take,
what kinds of action and legislation they
favor and what, for their common good,
they oppose.
Moving to action
Forums can lead to several kinds of
public action. Generally, the public voice
that emerges helps set the government’s
compass, since forum results are shared
with elected officials each year. Also, as
a result of attending forums, individuals
and groups may decide individually or
with others to help remedy a public
problem through citizen actions outside
of government.
About National Issues Forums
34 Kettering Foundation
About Paul Werth Associates
Paul Werth Associates is a full-service public relations, public affairs, and
marketing communications firm that provides research, strategic counsel,
and implementation of results-driven communications programs to help
clients build successful relationships with their constituents. The firm has
attained a national reputation for its high-quality, pragmatic approaches to
communications challenges.
As a result, the firm has won numerous awards from professional associations
for campaigns carried out on behalf of clients. Paul Werth Associates is the only
public relations firm with headquarters in Ohio to have won the prestigious Silver
Anvil Award — the highest national honor of the Public Relations Society of
America — nine times.
Founded in 1963, Paul Werth Associates is a founding member of the Council of
Public Relations Firms, and the firm’s president sits on the executive committee.
Research Services
Werth’s in-house Research Services division provides clients with integrated
solutions in support of their communication efforts. The group specializes in the
management and execution of complex research challenges in areas ranging from
public opinion sampling and marketing image studies to employee and customer
satisfaction assessments. Services include research, survey design, interview
execution, data analysis and interpretation, presentation of research findings,
and action planning.
Research Lead
Scott Zunic is vice president of Research Services for Paul Werth Associates.
Zunic has successfully managed more than 250 marketing research projects
for both professional and consumer audiences throughout the country. Typical
research projects include brand development (for product launches), company
and product positioning, brand character/personality creation and measurement,
message and concept testing, registry and e-commerce development, customer
segmentation, customer satisfaction, ROI measurement, and others.
In Zunic’s 12 years of health care marketing research experience, he has
consulted with, planned, and implemented marketing research with numerous
companies including Abbott Labs, AstraZeneca, Cardinal Health, Children’s
Hospital, CINGA, Eli Lilly, Duke University Medical Center, Genentech, Johnson
& Johnson (EES), Medicis, Merck, Pharmacia, Procter & Gamble, Roche, Ross
Laboratories, OhioHealth System, Ohio Department of Insurance, Ohio State
Medical Association, The Cleveland Clinic Health System, The Ohio State
University Medical Center, United HealthCare, and University Hospitals Health
System. Zunic has also performed advanced marketing research with one-third
of the health plans in the United States.
He completed his B.S. in Marketing from The Ohio State University and his
M.B.A. from Franklin University. He has 148 hours of additional marketing
research education at the A.C. Nielson/Burke Institute. Topics of study
included Market Research, Market Analysis, Advertising Research, Focus
Group Facilitation, and Introductory and Advanced Questionnaire Design.
Zunic teaches undergraduate and graduate Marketing Research courses
at Franklin University and serves on the advisory board for their Marketing
200 Commons Road, Dayton, Ohio 45459-2799 (937) 434-7300; (800) 221-3657
444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 (202) 393-4478
6 East 39th Street, New York, New York 10016 (212) 686-7016

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Examining health care, what's the public's prescription?

  • 1. Results from Citizen Forums Examining Health Care What’s the Public’s Prescription? A Kettering Foundation Report September 2004 prepared by Paul Werth Associates
  • 2. Copyright © 2004 by the Kettering Foundation The Kettering Foundation, chartered in 1927, is an operating foundation — not a grant-giving foundation — rooted in the American tradition of inventive research. Its founder, Charles F. Kettering, holder of more than 200 patents, is best known for his invention of the automobile self-starter. He was interested, above all, in seeking practical answers to “the problems behind the problems.” The foundation today continues that tradition. The objective of the research now — the study of what helps democracy work as it should. Six major Kettering programs are designed to shed light on what is required for strengthening public life. Kettering is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) research corporation supported by a $260 million endowment. For information about the Kettering Foundation, contact the foundation at 200 Commons Road, Dayton, Ohio 45459-2799. Phone: 800-221-3657. The Kettering Foundation does not make grants but welcomes partnerships with other institutions (or groups of institutions) and individuals who are actively working on problems of communities, politics, and education. The interpretations and conclusions contained in this publication, unless expressly stated to the contrary, represent the views of the author or authors and not necessarily those of the foundation, its trustees, or officers.
  • 3. A Public Prescription for Health Care 1 Introduction: Overview of Approaches 3 Executive Summary 4 An Overview of Americans’ Discussions about Health Care and the Tradeoffs They Are Considering 6 Tradeoffs Involving Cost, Quality, and Access 6 • Coordination of Care vs. Cost of Care • Quality of Care vs. Increase in Number of Covered Lives • Quality of Care vs. Cost of Care • Access to Care vs. Increase in Number of Covered Lives • Patient Privacy vs. Coordination of Care • Quality of Care vs. Medical Lawsuits • Physician Autonomy vs. Cost of Care • Increase in Taxes vs. Increase in Covered Lives • Competition vs. Collaboration Shifts in Citizen Thinking 10 Specific Findings 11 Citizens Are Frustrated by the Lack of Action to Improve the Health Care System 11 • Passionate Interest in Improving Health Care • Industry Should Be Working Together • Personal Sacrifice for Improved Care for Others • Unknown Effects of Changing the System • Personal Accountability and Responsibility, Along with Government Interaction Contents (Continued on next page)
  • 4. Citizens Want an Ombudsman to Help Them Navigate the System 14 • Absence of a Global Perspective • Defining Industry Terms • Abusing the System • Unqualified for Personal Accountability • Physician Impact on Citizen Opinion • Better Communication and Collaboration Needed throughout All Health Care Entities • Physician and Patient Partnerships • Supporting Physicians with Other Health Care Professionals • Insurance Company and Pharmaceutical Company Partnerships • Ombudsman or Advocate Organization Needed Citizens Suggest Rewarding Healthy Behavior and Penalizing Unhealthy Behavior 19 • Preventive Care Should Be Encouraged by Insurance Providers • Skepticism about Health Care Education • Rewarding Healthy Behavior and Penalizing Unhealthy Behavior • Struggling with “Appropriate Care” for Everyone • Appropriate Use of Resources • Universal Health Care System Common Ground for Action 24 Several Action Steps Are Considered 25 Appendix 26 Methodology 26 Questionnaire Results: Demographics 28 Other Notables 30 Analysis of Post-Forum Questionnaires 31 About National Issues Forums 33 About Paul Werth Associates 34 Contents (continued)
  • 5. Examining Health Care 1 Health care policy in America is a maze of contradictions. Our system offers some of the most advanced medical treatments and technologies in the world, yet more than 43 million Americans have no health insurance of any kind. Each year, as a nation, we spend more than twice as much per person on health care as most other industrialized countries yet rank below them not just in key health indicators such as infant mortality, but also in access to services — with lower numbers per capita of everything from doctors and nurses to machines for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The sense of frustration is growing. Wary of misunderstanding the public’s wishes, policymakers propose little more than piecemeal programs — lower drug costs for senior citizens and expanded health insurance coverage for low-income children — that fail to address the problem in its entire- ty. Weary of working in an increasingly unworkable system, a small, but growing number of physicians across the country are simply closing their clinics and walking away. The demands on the health care system, meanwhile, are steadily growing. While layoffs and the soaring costs of coverage steadily add to the ranks of the uninsured, our aging population creates an ever-increasing demand for care. In 2003, the U.S. spent nearly $1.5 trillion on health care, roughly 14 percent of the gross domestic product. By 2013, that figure is expected to more than double. Without public action, the only sure thing about the health care crisis is that it will surely only get worse. What should we as a nation do? For politicians and government officials, health care reform is a seemingly thankless task. The public, or so conventional wisdom goes, has no useful input to offer: it simply wants the best care possible with no additional taxes or cost. It is unable to truly engage the issue or make tough tradeoffs. This report, however, presents a radically different view. What follows is not a product of traditional opinion polls or the finding of a blue-ribbon study panel. It is the result of something far more powerful: public deliberation — the collective judgment and insights of citizens as expressed in dozens of locally organized, nonpartisan National Issues Forums. Forum participants care passionately about health care. Not only are they ready to come to the table to think about tough tradeoffs and consider new approaches, they are also increasingly angry that others — health care providers, insurance and pharmaceutical companies, and policymakers — seem unwilling to join them. Solving the health care crisis, they believe, will require the input of everyone, citizens included. Rather than the specific details of plans, they are more interested in process. They want to make themselves heard as well as hear what others have to say. What is missing, they suggest, is a process that actually engages the public — one that not only respects their values, but also demands that they take responsibility. Forum partici- pants, as Kettering Foundation President David Mathews has noted, recognize “that good health begins with personal decisions” and that they “could do something about costs by changing lifestyles.” That notion of public responsibility, in turn, has important policy implications when it comes to health care. A Search for Common Ground This report is an attempt to bring those kinds of public ideas to the forefront. Prepared by Paul Werth Associates, it brings a uniquely public perspective to the health care debate. Health care is an issue that touches all Americans. And as we, as a nation, attempt to fix its problems, the ideas, insights, and beliefs of everyday Americans are all-important. Involving more than 1,000 citizens in 44 different states, the forums covered a wide range. They included physicians and high school students, as well as retirees and public officials. Some participants had comprehensive medical coverage. Others had none at all. But regardless of background, all came with personal stories: the struggles of a loved one with a life-threatening illness, worries about limited care in the future, or the frustrations of dealing with an increas- ingly complex and costly system. From personal insights, however, forum participants quickly shifted their conversation to the need for finding common ground as they wrestled with the tradeoffs involved in balancing the problems of quality, access, and cost. How can we make health care more affordable? How can we make it more accessible? How can we make it more effective? Building Relationships Although forum participants often started their discussions by sharing personal experiences and frustrations, their discussions A Public Prescription for Health Care Kenneth A. Brown
  • 6. 2 Kettering Foundation soon switched to the need for developing relationships: not just between doctors and patients, but within the health care system as a whole — insurance companies and policymakers as well as the pharmaceutical industry. Whether the problem was finding a doctor or filing an insurance claim, participants found the system so complicated and confusing that they wished for a personal guide, or ombudsman, to help them. Taking Responsibility While participants initially blamed a specific part of the system — HMOs, insurance companies, doctors, or overly demanding patients — as they began to talk, they quickly changed their view. Rather than finding fault, they began to see the problem as one that stretched across the health care system as a whole. While forum participants wanted government agencies and insurance companies to do more, they also suggested that private citizens needed to take more responsibility for their health. They felt that all citizens should be more informed about both their own health problems and those of the health care system at large. Forum participants favored both private and public insurance programs that encouraged healthy behavior. They saw the need for a system that focused as much on preventing disease as it did on treating it. Making Change Possible When it came to making health care more available, most expressed a willingness to make sacrifices. Some forum participants, for example, suggested that they would be willing to sacrifice a portion of their health care benefits for others if they believed the help would really arrive where it was needed. But they saw little evidence that professionals and businesses in the field were willing to make similar sacrifices. Above all, forum participants believed that the process of developing a real solution to the health care crisis could begin only if everyone made his or her way to the table. While the proper level of government control was a topic they were still “working through,” almost all of those in the forums believed that the government would have to play a leading role in starting the conversation. Frustrated with nearly a decade of inactivity, they were clearly ready for action. All were interested in changing the current health care system. None was interested in seeing it stay the way it is. Real change, however, was seen by forum participants as something that would have to occur from the bottom up — beginning with people at the local level. Bringing People Together In an era of rising civic detachment and declining voter participation, public deliberation helps bring citizens together to search for solutions to common problems. National Issues Forums have helped isolated rural communities come together to build health clinics and inspired troubled inner-city neighborhoods to address the problem of crime in their schools and streets. For many groups, however, a forum’s most important product is simply the sense of community it engenders — the way it brings people together. Putting the Public into Public Policy These kinds of deeply felt public judgments need to be part of our current debate on health care. Most important public policy decisions are really questions of value — what we as citizens hold most dear. And revealing common values is what forums are all about. The findings detailed in the following pages are important because they represent far more than just a collection of competing views and opinions. Forums are not popularity contests. Participants do not merely argue or vote. Instead, they work together, carefully weighing the costs and benefits of different approaches, struggling to define a collective course for action. For both the press and political leaders alike, these conversations offer a glimpse into our nation’s most deeply held public beliefs and desires — invaluable information whether one’s goal is covering the news or developing policy. Making Democracy Work as It Should A healthy democracy depends on public participation, not just in regularly scheduled elections, but in the ongoing and much harder business of finding solutions to difficult public problems. For far too long, developing public policy has been seen as a job solely for professionals and political leaders. The public need not apply. By offering a framework for public delibera- tion, the NIF network helps citizens find solutions to common problems that concern them. It helps connect them both with others in their community and with their elected officials. People cannot act together until they decide together. Deliberation is not just about talking over issues, but about deciding what to do — bringing divided interests together to find common ground for action. Kenneth A. Brown is a program officer with the Kettering Foundation. He works regularly with the NIF Network on outreach and research.
  • 7. Examining Health Care 3 INTRODUCTION: Overview of Approaches Approach 3: Care for All, Not Just for Some This approach holds that we need to set new priorities aimed at providing Americans the health care they need when they need it. We need to seal up the cracks in the system so that people don’t fall through. We need an unflagging commitment to providing the medical treatment that each person needs. This is the best way to improve individual health and prevent illnesses that are more difficult and expensive to treat. The participants in this year’s forums deliberated using the NIF Issue book Examining Health Care: What’s the Public’s Prescription? This book provides participants with a framework for dealing with the issue of health care, outlines the issue in a nonpartisan way, and then presents for public deliberation three approaches for addressing it. The approaches are not mutually exclusive. Instead, each presents a variety of ideas and options for participants to consider and deliberate about so that they may construct their own approach to the issue. Approach 1: Connected Parts, Not Fragmented Pieces This approach says the most effective way to improve health care in America is to take firm hold of it and make it run like a true, well-coordinated system. We need to take the existing, unwieldy collection of health care fragments and fashion them into a connected web of health care services, within which information flows readily between the pieces and they work in concert. Coordination is the best way to curb costs and provide health care in a timely way. Approach 2: Partners, Not Just Patients This approach states that we need to create new relationships in health care within which consumers and professionals work hand-in-hand so that people become partners in their own health care. We must take time to communicate, to help people make informed decisions, and to educate for healthy lifestyles. This is the best way to improve the health of Americans and lay a firm foundation for personal responsibility and prevention that will result in long-term savings.
  • 8. 4 Kettering Foundation Executive Summary Overview Over the past 12 months, more than 1,000 citizens from across 44 states have participated in 2-hour discussion forums on the topic of health care. These forums took place in small and large cities throughout the nation. Citizens discussed what ails the health care system and what they are willing to do to fix it. In the forums, participants shared their opinions, their concerns, their experiences, and their knowledge of health care. With the help of moderators and issue books, participants weighed several possible ways for society to address the health care system’s problems. They analyzed each choice, the arguments for and against it, and the tradeoffs and other implications of their choices. Moderators encouraged participants, as they gravitated to one option or another, to examine their basic values as individuals and as community members. Report Methodology This report is based on an analysis of what happened in 40 of the hundreds of forums that have taken place, and continue to take place, across the United States. The report describes what happened as diverse groups of people came together and deliberated about issues related to health care. Participants were recruited to take part in the discussion through a variety of media, including direct mail, newspaper articles, newspaper advertisements, Web site postings and word-of-mouth. Every person who was interested was allowed to participate in the forums. To complete the report, Paul Werth Associates used five research methods. The process consisted of 5 interviews with the committee members who designed the issue book (a nonpartisan overview of the issue), 29 in-depth interviews with moderators who lead forums, observing 5 live forums, interviewing dozens of forum participants, reviewing reports from 17 completed forums, and analyzing survey results from 1,027 participants. The research took place from January 2003 through March 2004. To ensure consistency, all aspects of the research process were completed by the same individual at Paul Werth Associates. The research process and report were sponsored by the National Issues Forums Institute and the Kettering Foundation.
  • 9. Examining Health Care 5 Executive Summary Key Findings: Three Themes Three key themes resonated through- out the forums. These themes, described below, are organized according to the order in which they were discussed. 1. Citizens Are Frustrated by the Lack of Action to Improve the Health Care System Citizens in the forums recognize there are problems with the health care system, and many are frustrated over the unrecognizable improvements under way. Many participants want representatives from specific health care constituent groups (for example, insurers, providers, and policymakers) to be part of further discussions to ensure action is taken. Citizens who participated in the discussions also recognize the need to change the current health care system, and many would consider making personal changes to help in the process. They are disappointed other entities in the system do not share the same passion and are not making a concerted effort to better the system as a whole. Participating citizens believe that though personal accountability and responsibility are critical for change to occur, the government must take an active role in the process of changing the health care system. Forum participants comprehend that by changing the health care system, patient access, privacy, quality of care, and overall health care costs may be at risk. They understand that making changes will require considering some tradeoffs. However, all still believe change must occur. 2. Citizens Want an Ombudsman to Help Them Navigate the System Citizens in the forums acknowledge that multiple organizations and components are part of the health care system and that each deserves both credit and blame for the current status of health care in America. Participants do not, however, understand the health care system as a whole. Many want an entity or individual to personally help guide them through the complete process from first accessing care through payment for services. Citizens who participated in the discussions suggested several actions to improve communication and collaboration within the health care system. The actions are aimed at improving the patient experience. Participants recognize these actions may lead to an increase in cost. Steps such as increasing the number of midwives, dieticians, and nutrition- ists to support patient care were suggested. Also, encouraging patients and physicians to form stronger partnerships, founded in education, was thought to lead to better health care and a healthier population. 3. Citizens Suggest Rewarding Healthy Behavior and Penalizing Unhealthy Behavior Citizens in the forums believe preventive care should be acknowledged and rewarded since it should lead to a reduction in health care costs. They perceive the current health care environment as focused on reacting to existing health problems instead of rewarding those who take a proactive approach to anticipate potential health problems. Many suggested initiating a system that rewards people who take precautionary health care measures and behave in a healthy manner. Many also suggested a financial penalty for those citizens who knowingly behave in an unhealthy manner. Most citizens who participated in the discussions believe every person should have access to some level of quality health care but believe employers and taxpayers should not be additionally burdened with paying for this care. A common definition of a minimum, or an acceptable, amount of health care still needs to be “worked through.” Key Findings: 1. Citizens Are Frustrated by the Lack of Action to Improve the Health Care System 2. Citizens Want an Ombudsman to Help Them Navigate the System 3. Citizens Suggest Rewarding Healthy Behavior and Penalizing Unhealthy Behavior
  • 10. 6 Kettering Foundation An Overview of Americans’ Discussions about Health Care and theTradeoffsThey Are Considering Interest in changing the health care system is at an all-time high. Many citizens believe the health care system is near catastrophe and are waiting for it to crumble. They are frustrated with increasing costs, increasing restrictions on care, longer waits for care, the unpredictability of their coverage, and most of all, the perceived lack of action under way to fix the problems. Throughout the discussion, citizens revealed an impressive understanding of several aspects of the health care system. They considered numerous tradeoffs during deliberation. Most tradeoffs included some combination of cost, quality, and access to health care. Tradeoffs Involving Cost, Quality, and Access Citizens comprehend that by changing the health care system, patient access, privacy, quality of care, and overall health care costs may be at risk. They understand that making changes will require considering some tradeoffs. However, all still believe that change must occur. Throughout the forum, citizens weighed numerous points of view on a variety of health care issues. They grappled with the consequences each action could produce. The following is a summary of the tradeoffs citizens considered. Coordination of Care vs. Cost of Care While participants agreed that more coordination among all stakeholders (patients, families, physicians, and insurance providers) is essential, they questioned what would happen to the cost of care if this occurred. Some believed a more integrated health care system would lead to more efficiency and ultimately drive down the cost. Others believed that there would need to be a “Full access to marginal health care is common in other countries.…” significant investment in infrastructure to help the health care system become more integrated. Those participants thought the investment would be passed on to the consumer, resulting in higher health care bills. Quality of Care vs. Increase in Number of Covered Lives Participants questioned whether enabling everyone access to health care would sacrifice or improve the quality of care. Some reasoned that health care providers would master their skills because they are exercising them more frequently. This would increase the quality of care they provide. On the other hand, some thought extending access to health care could overburden the system. This would force physicians to spend less time with each patient, and the quality of care would decline. Some also suggested that an increase in demand, given the same number of physicians, would cause existing physicians to perform services for which they were less qualified. This would negatively affect quality of care. “If a system [were] in place to connect all the health care parts, the quality of care could decline. Caregivers would not have an incentive to treat anyone better, differently, or uniquely. Everyone would meet the minimum standards.” Charleston, SC “Full access to marginal health care is common in other countries. If everyone here had full access, what would the quality of health care look like?” College Park, MD A brief discussion between participants reveals that they understand a complex relationship exists between quality of care and the number of people with access to care. “If everyone can get care, then demand will increase. An increase in demand will lead to lower reimbursement rates. Lower reimbursement rates will keep physicians from investing in their practices. Long term, this will reduce quality of care.”
  • 11. Examining Health Care 7 An Overview of Americans’ Discussions about Health Care and theTradeoffsThey Are Considering “And, physicians will not have an incentive to see as many patients. This may jeopardize the quality of care too.” Dell Rapids, SD Quality of Care vs. Cost of Care There is a belief that while the quality of care is very good in the United States, citizens who want higher quality may need to pay more for their care. Also, with the continuing reduction in reimbursement, physicians will need to push more patients through their practices to maintain their standard of living. This action could negatively affect quality of care. Reimbursement reduction trends could also lead to fewer people pursuing degrees in medicine. This would affect the supply of quality physicians and ultimately the quality of patient care. Ultimately, if costs continue to rise while reimbursement remains stagnant or declines, citizens believe health care quality is at risk. “I’m willing to pay more for better quality.” College Park, MD “Hospitals and doctors cannot afford to provide high quality of care with low reimbursement. It is easy to realize this business model won’t last long.” Estherville, IA “How will people receive quality of care with a shortage of physicians and nurs- es? The idea of a nationwide reimburse- ment system and/or further reductions in reimbursement could scare physicians away.” Columbus, OH Access to Care vs. Increase in Number of Covered Lives Participants contemplated whether expanding citizen access to health care would increase the waiting time to see a health care provider. Some thought enabling more people to receive health care would raise the demand and would ultimately increase the time people had to wait to see a health care provider. Alternately, others thought that if patients knew they could receive health care any time they need it, they would be less likely to abuse the system and would seek health care only when it was needed, thus making the overall demand more consistent and predictable. “I would expect to have less say and participation in my care if everyone had equal access.” Charleston, SC Patient Privacy vs. Coordination of Care Participants explored whether their privacy would be compromised by a more integrated health care system. The majority was willing to sacrifice some level of privacy for a more integrated system. The concept of a personal ID or health care card was discussed as a way to improve coordination of care, and it met with much interest. This was seen as one tool to streamline the process of receiving health care. Some citizens were concerned that an ID card could lead to less personal service from providers and an increase in patient costs while providers paid for their card-reading systems. Others cautioned that insurance companies could use the information to penalize patients and increase costs. Overall, citizens were in favor of a health care card. Tradeoffs Involving Cost, Quality, and Access 1. Coordination of Care vs. Cost of Care 2. Quality of Care vs. Increase in Number of Covered Lives 3. Quality of Care vs. Cost of Care 4. Access to Care vs. Increase in Number of Covered Lives 5. Patient Privacy vs. Coordination of Care 6. Quality of Care vs. Medical Lawsuits 7. Physician Autonomy vs. Cost of Care 8. Increase in Taxes vs. Increase in Covered Lives 9. Competition vs. Collaboration
  • 12. 8 Kettering Foundation An Overview of Americans’ Discussions about Health Care and theTradeoffsThey Are Considering “Malpractice suits are just getting ridiculous.” “The health care passport idea is good. It will encourage a better use of the system.” Sioux Falls, SD “I’ve moved several times, and there is a tremendous advantage to having my family’s medical records in one place. This outweighs my fear of other people accessing my information.” Sussex, DE A few comments and a brief dialogue between citizens shows the connection and importance of security and personal service associated with health care. “It would be wonderful if physicians and hospitals could share information. However, every office has different technology and systems. It would be very expensive to get everyone on the same system and keep it up to date. Who would pay for this?” Dell Rapids, SD “If a health care card is adopted, the primary care provider or a statewide organization should be responsible for developing and maintaining a database of your health care history. Insurance companies should not be involved.” Harding, AR ”The health care passport sounds convenient and could be a lifesaver, as long as I carry the card and no one else has access to it.” “However, I don’t just want to be seen as a number. The more impersonal the care is, the more likely they are to miss something.” Minneapolis, MN Quality of Care vs. Medical Lawsuits Citizens struggled to determine whether medical malpractice suits contributed to the rise of health care costs or whether they were necessary to ensure that patients received quality health care. Many were disgusted with the number of malpractice suits because they believed that medical lawsuits contributed to the rise in health care costs. However, most realized that while they are costly and burdensome, they are necessary to ensure the quality of care. Ultimately, citizens understand that patient care, patient access, and costs are affected by lawsuits. “Medical lawsuits are necessary to make a point, but they drive costs way up. Common sense needs to intervene.” Sioux Falls, SD “Malpractice suits are just getting ridiculous. If you are going to do punitive damages, give some of the money back to the system in general. This would really improve the health care of many by the mistakes of a few.” Santa Fe, NM
  • 13. Examining Health Care 9 An Overview of Americans’ Discussions about Health Care and theTradeoffsThey Are Considering “I’m willing to give some things up or pay more to help change the system.…” “There should be a cap on malpractice suits. Physicians are leaving their practices and this impacts my ability to receive care when I need it.” Minneapolis, MN “Physicians are ordering more tests than what may be necessary to protect themselves legally. Now our health care costs are higher than necessary.” Madison, WI “Physicians are being placed in a position where patient care and access is being impacted by rising insurance costs.” Carbondale, IL Physician Autonomy vs. Cost of Care Participants grappled with who should determine what kind of health care patients receive. Many thought health care decisions should be left to the physicians who are providing the care. They did not like insurers controlling a patient’s coverage. On the other hand, participants thought that giving all the control to physicians could drive up the cost of health care. They cited examples of physicians who took advantage of their patients’ health care coverage by performing expensive tests. “I want the physician to determine how long the hospital stay should be, not the insurance company. We will just need to make sure all physicians have guidelines to work within so that costs do not spiral out of control with unnecessary procedures.” Dell Rapids, SD Increase in Taxes vs. Increase in Covered Lives Participants questioned whether paying more taxes would improve quality and access to care. Some were willing to pay more taxes to increase the quality and availability of health care. However, they wondered whether it would work. Others speculated that, in theory, more money could make health care available to more people without sacrificing quality, but if nothing were done to change the health care system, it might not be effective. Instead, they would be contributing more dollars to an ineffective cause. “I’m willing to give some things up or pay more to help change the system, I just don’t know how much and if it is worth it. How much will it cost? Will it really make a difference? We need more information on this idea.” Charleston, SC Competition vs. Collaboration Several citizens weighed their opinions to determine whether a more competitive health care system would lead to lower costs. Some favored a more competitive health care system to increase the quality and drive down the cost. They compared this theory to the capitalistic approach used in other industries. However, other participants noted that health care is the only industry in which costs have risen, not declined, because of competition. Instead, they believed there should be more collaboration across the health care system. “In the past we approached health care by introducing more competition. It has not worked. Costs continue to rise. Why not try collaboration? Why not work together?” Minneapolis, MN
  • 14. 10 Kettering Foundation Three shifts in thinking occurred over the course of the forums. The shifts did not always occur at the same time, and not all participants demonstrated a shift in thinking. Some participants dramatically changed their perception, while others shifted their thinking only slightly, and some did not change their perception at all. Regardless, the areas in which a shift occurred are listed below. 1. Physician-patient transaction • Developing physician relationships • Developing relation- ships with other aspects of the health care delivery system. When participants first explored the topic of health care, many considered it transaction based. They believed their role in the health care system was to visit the doctor only when they were sick. Over the course of the discussion, many citizens recognized the value of developing a relationship with their doctor. They began to realize the benefits of taking a more proactive approach to care. Some citizens applied this approach to the entire health care system and concluded that patients should develop relationships with other stakeholders in the system, such as their health insurance providers. Shifts in CitizenThinking Three Shifts in Thinking: 1. Physician-patient transaction • Developing physician relationships • Developing relationships with other aspects of the health care delivery system. 2. General complaints and blame about the system • Government responsibility • Personal responsibility 3. Unwieldy national crises • Localized issue • Citizens can make a difference. 2. General complaints and blame about the system • Government responsibility • Personal responsibility The forum began with intense passion and emotional stories about how the health care system had failed participants. Many shared personal tragedies and complaints and pointed fingers about who was responsible for the demise of the health care system. As the conversations evolved, participants began to realize that problems in the health care system couldn’t be attributed to any one individual or single entity. They recognized that health care problems are not always someone’s fault, but instead, the problems cross the entire system. As the discussions progressed, participants began to acknowledge they were personally responsible for staying healthy and receiving quality health care. 3. Unwieldy national crises • Localized issue • Citizens can make a difference. At the beginning of the discussions, many participants felt a sense of doom. They thought the health care system could not be improved because the problem was too big and too complex. However, as they discussed the issue further, they began to explore how providers could improve health care at a local level. They began offering ways the health care system could be improved locally. The conversation, in some cases, evolved even further to identify ways individuals could improve the health care system.
  • 15. Examining Health Care 11 Citizens Are Frustrated by the Lack of Action to Improve the Health Care System Citizens recognize there are problems with the health care system, and many are frustrated over the unrecognizable improvements under way. They are disappointed that other entities in the system are not making a concerted effort to better the system as a whole. Many participants want representatives from specific health care constituent groups (for example, insurers, providers, and policymakers) to be part of further discussions to ensure action is taken. Passionate Interest in Improving Health Care Citizens were very aware of the issues facing the health care industry. Many cited national news stories about health care in America, demonstrating a general awareness of the issue. However, participants were most often able to relate to the local news and stories about how community employers were affected by issues addressed nationally. Many took the issue one step further by applying local stories to personal accounts about themselves or people close to them who were affected by the health care system. Most discussions began with tremendous emotional and personal interest and gradually evolved into more holistic conversations about better health care and how the health care industry could be improved to better society as a whole. Participants began thinking beyond their personal experiences and started recognizing the different components that make up the health care system. Furthermore, in Specific Findings “I would like to have a discussion like this and include a medical doctor and insurer in the room.” their discussions, many considered the points of view of the following health care system stakeholders: • Accountants • Attorneys • Families • Government • Insurance Providers • Patients • Physicians • Schools After considering other points of view, numerous participants recognized the significance of each stakeholder’s contributions to the health care system. Many citizens wanted to hear and learn directly from other stakeholders to make the deliberative process more meaningful. “I would like to have a discussion like this and include a medical doctor and insurer in the room. I’m sure they have a point of view I’m not considering.” Sumter, SC Overall, the discussions seemed to forge a greater understanding of the scope of the problem with the health care system. Citizens appreciated being part of the discussions. Industry Should Be Working Together When participants began to identify the problems in the health care system, they soon realized the need for change. Furthermore, they acknowledged that the multiple stakeholders (patients, families, physicians, insurance providers, and others) who comprise the system also recognize the need for change. This caused them to feel angry because they believed no true efforts had been made to change a system everyone recognizes is not working properly. “Our health care system is not set up to place blame or identify who is responsible for making changes. Where does the responsibility to improve it lie?” Dell Rapids, SD
  • 16. 12 Kettering Foundation Specific Findings Participants realized that regardless of how involved the government is, they as individuals are also responsible for changing health care at a local level. From a national perspective, citizens noted the failure of the health care reform legislation sponsored by Senator Hillary Clinton while serving as First Lady. From a local perspective, they shared stories about their insurance providers, physicians, and community hospitals complaining about losing money because of the health care system, but none of them had attempted to work together to fix the problem. They noted that while the stakeholders, legislators in particular, were looking out for themselves no one appeared to be working together for the betterment of the system. A brief dialogue between two participants reveals the frustration with how health care organizations are not working together to address a known issue: “We are all in this together. Health care professionals, providers, and residents all want the same thing — better health care.” “You are right.… As a country, we are not willing to have a serious discussion on this subject. Hillary’s plan was squashed. It was not even considered.” Sioux Falls, SD Other discussions highlighted citizens’ concerns about relying on legislators to change the system. “Federal employees have wonderful health care benefits. How can they relate to us? Why do we expect them to make changes to the system?” “I believe there is too much reliance on the legislation in our country to make a difference. Medical providers, insurers, and pharmaceutical companies are the biggest founders of legislation. Do they really act in the best interest of the system as a whole? Can we really count on them to work together for our benefit?” Estherville, IA “Our legislators and policymakers get their health care taken care of. Why do they get to decide what kind of care I receive? This seems inappropriate. Everyone should have a health care plan as good as their representatives.” Minneapolis, MN Personal Sacrifice for Improved Care for Others Citizens struggled to determine whether making a personal sacrifice would help improve the health care system. Several participants weighed the pros and cons of limiting their care or giving unused portions of their insurance to help the uninsured. However, most were unwilling to make a commitment because they did not believe it would make a difference, given the current health care environment. “I would opt out of some insurance company benefits to give my neighbor more health care if I knew [he or she] would receive it.” Minneapolis, MN “If I give something up, how do I know it will actually benefit anyone else?” Washington, DC Some citizens were very protective of their health care benefits, and the idea of sacrificing their options was new to many. Even if they did not currently use all their health care, the concept of giving up their prized possession made several citizens uncomfortable. Two participants had a brief dialogue that summarized this opinion. “It is not right for some people to not have health care and others to have too much. However, this is such a coveted benefit, it is difficult for me to give any part of mine up.” “As citizens we have not really thought about what we could and would let go of in order to have quality of care for more people. The idea seems so foreign and very scary.” Norman, OK
  • 17. Examining Health Care 13 Specific Findings “The system is so complicated, if we make a change, we really don’t know what will happen long term.” Unknown Effects of Changing the System The conversation among participants often evolved into questioning how any change, such as giving up portions of their health care, would affect the overall health care system. Participants thought the system was so complex that it would be difficult to understand the long-term effects brought about by any modification. Even if change were made with good intentions, participants thought the system was so convoluted that it would be difficult to understand how any change affected it. This does not mean participants did not want change, just that they were unsure what would happen if changes occurred. “The system is so complicated, if we make a change, we really don’t know what will happen long term. What else will occur that we cannot predict?” Washington, DC “A small change in one part of the system will have unknown ripple effects. Any changes that are made will likely have larger consequences we cannot predict. We need to proceed but proceed with caution.” Carbondale, IL Personal Accountability and Responsibility, Along with Government Interaction Citizens believe that though personal accountability and responsibility are critical for change to occur, the government must take an active role in the process of changing the health care system because of the size of the issue and because the government regulates Medicare and Medicaid. However, opinions varied as to the degree of government involvement. Some wanted the federal government to have total control of the health care system, while others wanted only minimal control even at the local level. In addition, participants also realized that regardless of how involved the government is, they as individuals are also responsible for changing health care at a local level. “We are all responsible for making the health care system better. The government will need to be involved because they have control at a state level. However, we (the people) are the government, and we can make a difference if we try.” Minneapolis, MN “Local government needs to solve issues ourselves because we don’t believe people at the federal level will ever come together to solve this real issue. We cannot hold our breath and wait for others to change things.” Estherville, IA “We need a local champion, not the government, to keep the momentum. If no one leads the charge locally, this will go nowhere.” Norman, OK “Having the government change the system will be like waiting for a glacier to melt. It will eventually happen, we just don’t know when and we may not be around when it happens.” Charleston, SC In addition to citizens being personally responsible for making changes to the health care system at a local level, many participants commented that they as individuals needed to be more accountable for their own health care. The belief is that the more control people take over their health care, the more responsible they will be with their health care resources. “People just need to take responsibility for themselves.” Santa Fe, NM “Each person should ultimately be responsible for deciding what care [he or she] need[s]. People need to take greater responsibility for their health.” Ellensburg, WA
  • 18. 14 Kettering Foundation Specific Findings Citizens acknowledge that multiple organizations and components are part of the health care system. The following dialogue between two participants reveals citizens’ interest in being more responsible for their health. “People go to the doctor too soon. We overmedicate. This creates unnecessary expense and immunity to diseases. Long term this will put more stress on the health care system.” “If we just did the simple things ourselves, it could improve the entire system. If everyone drank a big glass of water every day, who knows how healthy we would be!” Youth Development Center, SD Citizens Want an Ombudsman to Help Them Navigate the Health Care System Citizens acknowledge that multiple organizations and components are part of the health care system and each deserves both credit and blame for the current status of health care in America. Citizens do not, however, understand the health care system as a whole. Many want an entity or individual to personally help guide them through the complete process from first accessing care through payment for services. Absence of a Global Perspective Though participants attempted to understand the health care system through deliberation and by examining other points of view, the process still raised numerous questions and concerns. It appeared as though the more participants discussed the topic, the more they realized they did not understand the health care system well at all. Some believe the United States does not have a health care system, just components they access when they need them. Others believe there is a system but that no one knows how to navigate it because they are missing a global perspective. During this portion of the deliberative process, the interaction often moved from between the participants and the moderator to an interactive discussion among participants. “We always look at health care in tunnels. We never look at it as an entire system for the holistic needs of the people.” Estherville, IA “I think there is a health care system in the United States. It’s complex, inefficient, and in places broken, but there is a system.” Norman, OK “I don’t see it as a health care system. Health care is a service I access through my employer.” Oklahoma City, OK A brief dialogue between participants revealed different opinions about the same frustrations. “There is an assumption that there is a health care system in place already. If this is true, it’s up to each person to figure it out.” “I believe all the components of the health care system are there; they have to be for how much health care costs. It’s figuring out how to access them and move between the components that is the challenge.” Minneapolis, MN Defining Industry Terms Part of the confusion is a result of inconsistent definitions for many industry terms. While attempting to examine health care, participants noted that the industry uses terms that evoke different meanings among people, which caused them to become confused. For example, they questioned the word “access” and determined that “access” to health care could have several meanings. One person might think “access” means
  • 19. Examining Health Care 15 Specific Findings Common terms that confuse citizens: • “Access” • “Necessary care” • “Provider” “I work the system by going to the emergency department. If I took the proper route, it takes me all day to get an appointment. However, if I go to the emergency room, it is more expensive, but someone will see me.” Sioux Falls, SD “I’m constantly trying to navigate the system and work it in my favor. It seems like a big game, but I am gambling with my health.” Minneapolis, MN “Emergency rooms eliminate the need to understand the health care system. You don’t have to find a doctor, worry about insurance, or even make an appointment. Sure it is expensive, but the convenience is hard to beat.” Dell Rapids, SD “I go to Canada for drugs. I feel like I’m doing something illegal and could go to jail. This does not seem right. I don’t want to feel guilty about making sure my family and I are healthy.” Minneapolis, MN Unqualified for Personal Accountability Citizens became increasingly frustrated when discussing their personal role in the health care system. They think patients have to take an active role in a process they do not understand to ensure they get the care they need and are not overcharged. They believe patients are held personally accountable (since they receive a bill) for identifying and fixing problems they encounter, even though they are not responsible for the problem. For example, if patients experience a denial of an insurance claim, they have to fix the problem themselves, even if they do not understand the system or did not cause the problem. affordability. Another person could apply “access” to being insured. Someone else might think it means to be geographically accessible to care. Other questionable terms were “emergency,” “necessary care,” and “provider.” Citizens noted that the definition of “emergency” is relative, based on an individual’s perception. They examined the word “provider,” which could refer to nurses, physicians, or insurers. Citizens concluded that having terms with multiple meanings is a significant problem the health care industry should address before undertaking any change. “The definition of necessary care and emergency care is completely dependent on the individual.” Santa Fe, NM “Everyone needs to agree on the same vocabulary. Otherwise, who will know what everyone is talking about?” Dell Rapids, SD Abusing the System While participants wanted to follow the appropriate processes when seeking care, several admitted to manipulating the system to receive their care in a timely fashion. Participants admitted to learning and using phrases to get an appointment more quickly. For example, they would learn and use a buzzword such as “chest pain” that is used to describe a life-threatening emergency. As a result, they would be given a higher priority and reduced waiting time for the doctor. They also admitted to going to the Emergency Room for care, even though it was not necessary because they wanted their problem addressed more quickly. Others revealed their trips to Canada and Mexico to purchase prescriptions. Citizens acknowledged their behavior was not ideal (some were even embarrassed), but they did not appear willing to change until the rules and regulations of the health care system made sense for their family.
  • 20. 16 Kettering Foundation Specific Findings “The billing system puts the burden on the patient to create efficiency. It’s up to me to straighten things out.” Physician Impact on Citizen Opinion Adding to participants’ confusion, several noted, was the direct impact of their physician’s opinion of the health care system. Many participants place trust in their doctors and rely on them as their sole advocate in navigating the health care system. When a doctor shares his or her lack of confidence in the system or process with a patient, then the patient’s confidence erodes. This creates even more bewilderment. “I don’t believe anyone is acting in my interest except my primary care physician. However, even they are having difficulty with the system.” Oklahoma City, OK “Many health care providers don’t know their way around the system. Their frustration rubs off on me.” Minneapolis, MN Better Communication and Collaboration Needed throughout All Health Care Entities Citizens suggested several actions to improve communication and collaboration within the health care system. The actions are aimed at improving the patient experience, and participants recognize these actions may lead to an increase in cost. Steps such as increasing the number of midwives, dieticians, and nutritionists to support patient care were suggested. Also, encouraging patients and physicians to form stronger partnerships, founded in education, was thought to lead to better health care and a healthier population. Participants were frustrated because there is no entity that fully understands the system and can advocate on their behalf. This frustration has led some citizens to take a more active, and more risky, role in their health care. “Billing issues are one of the greatest sources of confusion. They are also the most stressful. The billing system puts the burden on the patient to create efficiency. It’s up to me to straighten things out. I’m the least qualified to navigate the billing system.” Sioux Falls, SD “It takes a lot of time to take care of payments. I feel I am on the edge of being taken advantage of. I don’t want to overpay or not pay enough. This is a very stressful situation.” Norman, OK “I want to be a partner (in the health care process), but I am uncomfortable that doctors and insurers will always act in my best interest. I don’t trust the system to take care of me.” Oklahoma City, OK “Complementary payments, referrals for care, limited stays in hospitals, limited benefits … it is a full-time job for people to sort out care for themselves and their family. One minute you understand whom to call. The next it changes. It keeps you off balance as you sort through the health care maze.” Ellensburg, WA “The system has created so many obstacles and barriers, people are starting to organize their own care to make sure they get what they believe is best for them. Many are willing to risk not knowing what they really need in order to have some sense of control.” Philadelphia, PA
  • 21. Examining Health Care 17 Specific Findings Given the restrictions on physician time, numerous participants suggested using other health care experts (nurses, dieticians, nutritionists, and others) to help with education, communication, and collaboration. Supporting Physicians with Other Health Care Professionals The topic of physician/patient partnerships often led to deliberation about the role of other health care professionals in the health care system. Given the restrictions on physician time, numerous participants suggested using other health care experts (nurses, dieticians, nutritionists, and others) to help with education, communication, and collaboration. These other professionals are thought to be experts at navigating the system, and they have the added benefit of providing quality patient care. “Dieticians, nutritionists, and physician assistants need to be in place to increase education. We do not have enough doctors to begin with, so let’s use other resources to help educate patients.” Carbondale, IL “Nurses and midwives could be used to educate and care for people in the community.” Ellensburg, WA “Professional nurses should be included in the process of increasing preventive services.” Sioux Falls, SD “If physicians do not have time, care could be provided through schools if local clinics partner with school nurses.” Norman, OK Physician and Patient Partnerships Most participants understood the value and would appreciate having a good relationship with their physician. However, they also acknowledged how physician time and payment limitations hinder this opportunity. They fear that with a true physician/patient partner- ship, authority and accountability are at risk. Also, several citizens commented that patients would need to be more active in the health care process if a partnership were developed. “Having a partnership with my physician is easier said than done. The current health care environment restricts whom I can see and how long they can spend with me. There are too many demands on my doctor’s time to develop a true relationship with me.” Santa Fe, NM “This will never truly be a balanced partnership. Some people won’t participate. Others will ignore advice. When the physician has all the knowledge, there really is no balance.” Harding, AR “The patient must be capable of helping or participating in decisions about their health. Education levels will need to be increased for this to occur.” Carbondale, IL “Having a partnership is a great idea. But who is the final expert? Who has the final decision? Out of everyone in the health care system, who is the most qualified to provide the best advice?” Ellensburg, WA “If the patient and physician have the opportunity to develop a relationship, it will result in better care. However, this relationship takes time to develop. Why can’t we afford something like this that seems like a no-brainer? We know it’s right. The physician knows it’s right. Even the insurance company knows it’s right. Why don’t we work together and do it then?” Minneapolis, MN Corbis
  • 22. 18 Kettering Foundation Specific Findings “Doctors should not be told what types of care they should provide. Insurance companies are dictating the types of care people receive. People don’t feel you can partner with an insurance company.” Santa Fe, NM A brief dialogue between participants reveals that citizens believe insurance companies have too much authority in health care decisions. Citizens also believe that if insurance companies really wanted to improve the system, they have the resources to do so. “Insurers should get out of the way and let the doctors decide what care is needed.” “If they want to make a difference in the system, what if they did not send me ten pieces of paper each month, but instead, had a nurse call me each quarter to make sure I was following instructions and staying healthy? I think the call is much more helpful than a newsletter.” Minneapolis, MN Another short discussion reveals that citizens link medical lawsuits to higher insurance company premiums. There is a desire to control lawsuits and stabilize insurance premiums. “As an employer, it is difficult to afford offering insurance to my employees. It’s too expensive. However, I lie awake at night thinking of the consequences of not offering them some sort of coverage.” “What if there [were] a cap on medical lawsuits? Would this not allow physicians to offer services at lower rates? I’m not sure they would always pass along these savings, but in theory it makes sense.” Dell Rapids, SD A brief dialogue between participants revealed that participants do not believe education has to come solely from their physicians. “Physicians could serve as the information conduit for the system. However, this increase in responsibility would reduce the number of patients they can see.” “What if interns were placed in physician offices to help with education and communication?” Sumter, SC Insurance Company and Pharmaceutical Company Partnerships As in previous research, insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies are criticized for restricting patient access and increasing the cost of care, respectively. Citizens do not believe these companies are interested in a partnership. However, they believe they are an important part of the partnership concept and could use their resources more effectively to improve health care if they so desired. “For a partnership to work within the health care system, all parties need to have a mutually beneficial relationship. We already have patients developing relationships with physicians and physicians with hospital relationships, but no one seems to have a good relationship with insurers. This is where the idea of partnership will have trouble.” Charleston, SC “Who is in control of our health care system? It’s not the doctors. It’s the pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies. One is making medical decisions for us and one is increasing demand for care. They do not seem to want to be a partner with anyone.” Harding, AR
  • 23. Examining Health Care 19 Specific Findings Citizens Suggest Rewarding Healthy Behavior and Penalizing Unhealthy Behavior Citizens believe preventive care should be acknowledged and rewarded since it should lead to a reduction in health care costs. They believe the current health care environment is focused on reacting to existing health problems instead of rewarding those who take a proactive approach to anticipate personal health problems. Many suggested incorporating a system that rewards people who take precautionary health care measures and behave in a healthy manner. Many also suggested enacting a financial penalty for those citizens who knowingly behave in an unhealthy manner. Preventive Care Should Be Encouraged by Insurance Providers Citizens believe preventive care should be acknowledged and rewarded since it should lead to a reduction in health care costs. Many citizens believe the industry is too fixated on the treatment of illness. They would like more focus on prevention and education. Specifically, they would like preventive care to be covered by their insurance. There is a widely held belief that proper education and prevention could lessen the demand on the health care system. Citizens also discussed altering the reimbursement process so that physicians were paid for having healthy patients. “If they want to make a difference in the system, what if they did not send me ten pieces of paper each month, but instead, had a nurse call me each quarter.…” Ombudsman or Advocate Organization Needed Numerous citizens suggested the need for one entity that could be responsible for the entire health care system and be an advocate on behalf of patients. They believed that each stakeholder in the health care system looked out for itself and that no single entity looked at the big picture. Citizens discussed the creation of an oversight organization to serve as an ombudsman among all the stakeholders, especially patients. The advocacy organization would be charged with understanding all the components that comprise the health care system. The organization could help all the stakeholders navigate the health care system. “There will always be someone who will abuse the system. We need someone or some organization to oversee people’s health care.” Minneapolis, MN “People need health care advocates, someone to chaperone them through the health care process. This will be expensive at first. But long term it could improve health care, increase access, and save money.” Estherville, IA “The system is so fragmented now that it is too intense to navigate. No one ever tries to coordinate what is in the best interest of patients. People are too busy doing what is mandated or regulated to do what makes common sense. A patient advocate could help people receive better care.” Dell Rapids, SD “Ombudsmen should be built into the health care system to review all aspects of individual patient cases and identify where the system may be breaking down.” Carbondale, IL
  • 24. 20 Kettering Foundation Specific Findings Many believe education will not be enough to change behavior because there are no financial consequences for being unhealthy. “People need information about the impact their lifestyle has on their health. It should be infused into their curriculum at grade school. Well-educated children can be healthier.” College Park, MD “Many people think that education is the key to healthier people. Do we really think we are smart enough to educate people and change their behavior to eat better and exercise more? It’s no mystery that smoking kills, yet we have more people smoking now than ever before. Instead of educating the abusers, let’s reward those who act healthy.” Estherville, IA “Education does not always change behavior. We have seen many attempts and lots of money spent on education that results only in minimal change.” Dell Rapids, SD “People have the right to behave anyway they want. They can disagree with recommendations from their doctor and do their own thing. Our ability to choose ultimately impacts the success of any health care programs.” Dell Rapids, SD Rewarding Healthy Behavior and Penalizing Unhealthy Behavior A complement to the point of view that prevention is critical is that participants feel passionately that people who engage in unhealthy behavior should be penalized. In general, individuals who knowingly act in an unhealthy fashion should be held accountable by paying more for their health care. While additional discussion is needed to reach consensus on determining specific actions for which people could be held accountable (for example, being overweight and smoking), many believe individuals should pay for care based on a tiered approach. Those who participate in unhealthy behavior should be responsible for paying for care “Why won’t insurance companies pay for preventive care? Why do I have to be sick to get anyone to care about my health?” Oklahoma City, OK “Preventive medicine is not covered or reimbursed. I am sure doctors would rather get paid to keep people healthy than to treat them when they are ill.” Estherville, IA “The current health care system pays hospitals and doctors when you are sick, not when you are well. Health care professionals need to be paid for keeping people healthy.” Dell Rapids, SD “A true health care system includes more than just receiving care when you need it. It needs to promote a healthy lifestyle, education, and prevention.” Madison, WI A conversation between two participants illustrates the desire for more education and preventive health care programs. “We don’t have a health care system for those who are educated and healthy.” “I agree; the current system is for sick people. The ideal health care system is a combination of prevention, education, insurance, and hospital care.” Ellensburg, WA Skepticism about Health Care Education Despite an interest in following an educational approach to lessen the burden on the health care system, forum participants demonstrated significant skepticism about the potential effectiveness of current educational practices. Many believe education will not be enough to change behavior because there are no financial consequences for being unhealthy.
  • 25. Examining Health Care 21 Specific Findings Individuals who knowingly act in an unhealthy fashion should be held accountable by paying more for their health care. Struggling with “Appropriate Care” for Everyone Most citizens believe every person should have access to some level of quality health care but believe employers and taxpayers should not be additionally burdened with paying for this care. A common definition of a minimum, or an acceptable, amount of health care still needs to be “worked through.” While almost every participant agreed it would be nice for everyone to have access to some level of quality health care, there were mixed reactions to whether or not health care was a right of every citizen. Several participants commented that “just because we have such good health care resources, it does not mean everyone can and should use them.” Setting expectations about what type and quantity of health care people can have access to was important to participants. Everyone was concerned over how to pay for health care for more citizens. Many were not willing to bankrupt the current system to extend care to more people. And others commented that raising taxes or asking employers to pay more was not appropriate since they are burdened enough. There was also a belief that unless the health care system was changed dramatically, applying more money to the same system would not lead to better care. beyond a “normal amount.” And, those who participate in healthy activities should be rewarded for their efforts. They noted the current health care system does not acknowledge or reward those who live a healthy lifestyle. “Insurance companies try to encourage healthy behavior with lower premiums. What if the state or my employer did the same?” Oskaloosa, IA “I resent paying more and paying for people who smoke and have unhealthy lifestyles.” Minneapolis, MN “People with addictions use a lot of health care. Who should pay for those who do not take care of themselves?” Santa Fe, NM “Some people drink, smoke, and do drugs. They will never be partners in the system. They will only abuse it. They should pay more.” Dell Rapids, SD “There are many people who make bad choices in life and have more health care costs because of this. Why should I have to pay more if I am healthy and take care of myself?” Madison, WI “Citizens should pay for care based on a graduated payment plan.” Sumter, SC “Everyone should understand the importance of making responsible decisions. Paying more for irresponsibility would help in the learning process.” Madison, WI “There needs to be some sort of consequence for those who choose to engage in unhealthy behavior, possibly charging higher insurance rates.” Dell Rapids, SD
  • 26. 22 Kettering Foundation Specific Findings “We expect the best care possible. As a country, we cannot afford the best care for everyone.” A dialogue between two participants reveals deep concern over both the allocation of health care resources and the financial burden associated with offering care for more people. “How much care can you give and still be financially viable? Where do you draw the line? What are the criteria you use to determine who gets what care?” “We can’t go broke saving lives. The country should not be willing to accept financial crises to give more people care.” Santa Fe, NM “How do you determine how much to spend on each person? Who determines what is necessary and what is vital? These are questions that need to be addressed, but many are not qualified to answer.” Youth Development Center, SD Discussion among multiple partici- pants shows the difficult dilemma citizens struggle with when discussing who can receive care and how much care they should have access to. No consensus was reached on this topic. “We expect the best care possible. As a country, we cannot afford the best care for everyone.” “Half a person’s health care costs occur in their last 30 days of life. How do you decide when and when not to provide care?” “But should we put people lower on the list [to receive care] because they choose unhealthy lifestyles? Somehow we have to prioritize.” Estherville, IA “We need to rethink costly procedures that prolong life for short periods of time. Heroic procedures for those who will not benefit long term are a source of great controversy.” Norman, OK The deliberation surrounding responsibly allocating health care often led to a discussion about whether denying care is appropriate, and if so, “The United States has enough health care capacity to care for every citizen already. The resources are already in place. We just need to manage it better.” Carbondale, IL “Health care should be considered a national right. Without health, you cannot pursue happiness, and this is in our Constitution.” Minneapolis, MN “Health care is not a right. We are a fee- for-service economy. Those who want something realize they have to pay for it.” College Park, MD “We need to examine our expectations of health care and the health care system in America. Are they realistic?” Harding, AR A brief dialogue between two citizens reveals how a definition of basic care or coverage is necessary before an in-depth discussion of a national health plan can occur. “We don’t need socialized medicine. Medicaid is already available. I would like to see more universal care.” “Before we do this, we really need to decide what the definition of coverage is. We could all have basic coverage. But what constitutes “basic”? Charleston, SC Appropriate Use of Resources Participants questioned whether everyone should receive all the health care he or she needs. They recognized that the United States has the best health care in the world but debated whether that meant all care should be made available to everyone in the country. No solution was reached. However, there was universal concern over how to pay for care for more citizens, and many participants were nervous about how to responsibly allocate available health care to those who need it.
  • 27. Examining Health Care 23 when care should be denied. Citizens discussed the moral and ethical dilemmas health care stakeholders face. They questioned whether health care should be denied to someone because of age or health status. They also confronted whether a price tag should be put on human life. In the end, no citizen was willing to take a stand or offer a solution to this highly controversial topic. Tension exists and citizens struggle with how to approach individuals with preexisting conditions and conditions they cannot control. Some believe that since these individuals will require more resources than others they should pay more for their care. However, most recognized that these issues were beyond people’s control and they should not be held financially accountable for something they cannot control. Most believe this point deserves more discussion by all health care professionals. Citizens also grappled with whether people predisposed to health problems should be penalized and asked to pay more because they will have more health care needs. While many thought this was an unfair practice, most participants were not willing to personally financially supplement the additional costs to cover those predisposed to health problems. Specific Findings “I would like to have care for everyone, but I am tired of paying more each year for the same care I currently receive.” Universal Health Care System Overall, participants agreed that they would like everyone in the United States to have health care and that a universal health care system was one option to consider. However, most believed employers and the general public should not have to pay for it. They believe these groups are already paying for health care for many and should not be penalized by paying more to ensure everyone else has health care coverage. Due to the length of most forums, this section of the issue book did not receive as much time for discussion as others. “I would like to have care for everyone, but I am tired of paying more each year for the same care I currently receive.” Oklahoma City, OK “How would you pay for universal health care? There is no universal health care system that runs in the black.” Santa Fe, NM “I like the concept, but offering care to everyone will make the working adults pay more for others without jobs.” Dell Rapids, SD
  • 28. 24 Kettering Foundation Common Ground for Action Though various points of view, ideas, and topics were discussed, citizens reached consensus on several issues regarding the health care system in the United States. In general, citizens believed that since a big change to the system may not occur, many little changes might create incremental improvement. • Regardless of each person’s approach to solving problems across the health care system, every one agreed that health care will not improve unless everyone and every organization involved is held individually accountable. • All participants agreed that government would need to play some kind of role in improving the health care system. • Everyone believes that the system would take too long to change if the change occurred from the top. They agreed that change needs to happen from the bottom up. In other words, change needs to occur at the local level. • All participants had an interest in improving the health care system. None wanted it to remain the same. • Health care will not improve unless everyone and every organization involved is held individually accountable. • Government would need to play some kind of role in improving the health care system. • The system would take too long to change if the change occurred from the top.… Change needs to occur at the local level. • All participants had an interest in improving the health care system. Corbis
  • 29. Examining Health Care 25 Several Action Steps Are Considered Deliberation seems to have created a connection among a number of health care issues. For many participants, the discussions appeared to support their perspective that the health care system is reaching a crisis point. During the deliberation process, participants offered ideas and potential actions to address parts of the issue. These suggestions usually did not evolve into significant conversations but were of interest to the group in which the topics were raised. The ideas for potential action included: Public Policy at the State or Federal Level • Share personal concerns with legislators/representatives. • Draft petitions that explain frustrations with insurance companies. • Send local representatives to Capitol Hill to promote changes to the system. • Develop fact sheets that show health care’s impact on and importance to each local community. • Research “socialized medicine” health care systems to find best practices and suggest a pilot program within the United States. Local or Personal Actions • Hold and attend more forums on the subject, and involve community leaders and health care professionals in the discussions. • Pay more attention to national and local health care issues and how they may have a personal impact on area families. • Promote local health care successes so others can learn from good fortune and best practices. • Develop a “new resident to the community” program to educate newcomers about the local health care system and how to access it. • Respond to community health needs faster. • Learn more about the health care system and environment in general. Additional education was thought to lead to more ideas. • Begin an initiative to improve health care education in local school systems. The program could encourage children to be healthier. • Suggest local schools make their lunches healthier. Partnering with area hospitals to provide more nutritious meal ideas to schools could be helpful. • Train local doctors to be well versed on prevention and education, in addition to their training on treating the ill.
  • 30. 26 Kettering Foundation Methodology The following five research methods were used: Issue Book Framing Committee Interviews • Barb Brown • Patty Dineen • Betty Knighton • Renate Pore • Taylor L. Willingham • Ruth Yellow Hawk Moderator and Convenor Interviews • American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS), Alexandria, VA • Avera Hospital, Dell Rapids, SD • Center for Community Leadership Development and Public Policy, Montgomery College, Montgomery, MD • Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA This report is based on an analysis of what happened in 40 of the hundreds of National Issue Forums that have taken place, and continue to take place, on this issue across the United States. It describes what happened as diverse groups of people came together and deliberated about issues related to health care. Forum participants represented in this report came from the states indicated on the map. • ChangeWorks of the Heartland, Columbus, OH • Custer Youth Development Center, Pierre, SD • East End Listening Project, East End Family Resource Center, Charleston, WV • Estherville Community Center, Estherville, IA • Florence County Library, Florence, SC • Harding University, Searcy, AR • Iowa State University Extension, Ames, IA • Learn and Serve America, Project 540, Oklahoma State Department of Education, Oklahoma City, OK • Mahaska County Extension, Oskaloosa, IA • Mahaska County ISU Extension Auditorium, Des Moines, IA Appendix
  • 31. Examining Health Care 27 Moderator and Convenor Interviews (continued) • Minnesota Humanities Commission, St. Paul, MN • Norman Planning Committee, Norman Public Library, Norman, OK • Root Cause, Austin, TX • Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, NM • Skyway Senior Center, Minneapolis, MN • Sumter County Library, Sumter, SC • Sussex County Librarians, Sussex, DE • The Columbus Council for Public Deliberation, Columbus, OH • The South Dakota Issues Forums, Sioux Falls, SD • Tri-County Rural Health Network’s Community Connectors, MO • University of Hawaii, Manoa, HI • University of Maryland Extension Program, College Park, MD • University of Maryland, College Park, MD • Washington Affiliation of Family Community Service (WAFCS) • West Virginia Center for Civic Life, Charleston, WV Forum Observation • Avera Hospital, Dell Rapids, SD • Avera Hospital, Sioux Falls, SD • Iowa Community Center, Estherville, IA • Skyway Senior Center, Minneapolis, MN • Worthington Public Library, Worthington, OH Questionnaire Results After the forum, participants were asked to complete a questionnaire that frames the issue and identifies key tradeoffs for different choices. In preparing this report, Paul Werth Associates analyzed the 1,027 surveys received by May 12, 2004. Moderator Reports • Avera Health, Health Care Report, Dell Rapids, SD • Class IX of the Randolph County EXCEL, Inc., MO • Democratic Deliberation: Our Delta Experience, The Tri-County Rural Health Network’s Community Connectors, MO • Examining Health Care, Mahaska County Health Care Forum, IA • Examining Health Care, Norman Planning Committee, Norman Public Library, Norman, OK • Examining Health Care, Northwest Library, Columbus, OH • Examining Health Care, State College, PA • Examining Health Care, Sussex County Librarians, August 21, 2003, Georgetown, DE • Examining Health Care, The Columbus Council for Public Deliberation, Columbus, OH • Examining Health Care, University of Hawaii, College of Social Sciences, Manoa, HI • Iowans Talk About Examining Health Care: What’s the Public’s Prescription? Iowa Partners in Learning, Des Moines, IA • Report for Council on Public Policy Education Cooperative Agreement (Ref. 25.30.05), University Extension, Missouri Community Development, Columbia, MO • Report on Health Care Forums in Texas, Austin, TX • South Dakota Issues Forum Report, Aberdeen, SD • The American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) Public Policy Committee, Alexandria, VA • West Virginia Center for Civic Life, Charleston, WV Special Thanks to: Sue Adams, Kellen Barnhart, Priscilla Bondhus, Don Bower, Bonnie Braun, Judy Breiland, Barb Brown, Jane Cunningham, Dave Dillon, Patty Dineen, Lloyd Eisenberg, Karen Felton, Sadie Flucas, Steve Herminghausen, Sandra Hodge, Helen Jenkins, Janelle Jones, Chris Kloth, Betty Knighton, Sue Miles, Patty Miley, Amy H. Nossaman, Dave Patton, Renate Pore, Julie Pratt, Lisa Pryor, Bruce Robb, Mary Ellen Saunders, Michelle Scott, Douglas Scutchfield, M.D., Harris Sokoloff, Meredith Southerd, Roxanne Trees, Kristi Wagner, David Wilkinson, Sue E. Williams, Taylor L. Willingham, Beth Wilson, Ruth Yellow Hawk Appendix
  • 32. 28 Kettering Foundation Appendix Questionnaire Results: Demographics Below are summary statistics that describe the participants. Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding. Table 1 Percent of Total Your employer 54% Medicare 18% Medicaid 2% You/Self-pay 35% Other 1% I have no health insurance 5% No answer 6% * Participants can select more than one option. Therefore, the total is greater than 100 percent. Table 3 Table 2 Percent of Total Rural 16% Small town 41% Large city 19% Suburban 19% No answer 6% Percent of Total 17 or younger 3% 18-30 17% 31-45 16% 46-64 39% 65 or older 22% No answer 4% How old are you? Where do you live? Who pays for your health insurance?*
  • 33. Examining Health Care 29 Appendix Table 8 Are you thinking differently about this issue Percent now that you have participated in the forum? of Total Yes 41% No 48% No answer 11% Table 7 In your forum, did you talk about aspects of Percent the issue you had not considered before? of Total Yes 67% No 24% No answer 9% Table 6 Percent of Total 1-3 82% 4-6 6% 7 or more 3% Not sure 4% No answer 6% Table 4 Percent of Total African American 4% Asian American 2% Hispanic 2% Native American 3% White/Caucasian 81% Other 3% No answer 6% Table 5 Percent of Total Male 30% Female 65% No answer 5% How many forums have you attended? Are you male or female? Race
  • 34. 30 Kettering Foundation Appendix Movement between Issues Was Primarily Complementary Throughout the course of the forum, participants engaged in fluid discussion with minimal disagreement. For example, the options offered in the issue book were discussed with no significant controversy. Because all the options presented were thought to be complementary, participants did not need to debate over which one to choose. The Issue of Health Care Was Too Large for a 90-Minute Discussion Because of the complexity and the magnitude of issues surrounding the health care industry, participants were not able to thoroughly address the issue in a 90-minute forum. Because the first third of many forums was spent bringing everyone up to speed with the industry and its issues, the forum primed participants for further discussion. Some participants suggested a series of three forums on the topic. Each forum would tackle one approach. Localized Stories Have More Impact Than National Statistics National stories about issues in health care made little or no impact on participants. Instead, local and personal stories piqued their interest and created very emotional responses. Much Interest in Opinions from Different Perspectives Participants and moderators were interested in learning the opinions of those in areas with unique health care needs. For example, they would like to seek the opinions of those affected by health care in Florida, Texas, and the West Coast — all of which have unique health care environments. In addition, participants were curious about the views of African Americans, Hispanics, and people from other diverse ethnic backgrounds who were not equally represented in the forums. Almost everyone who participated had access to health care. Very few admitted to not having access to care when they needed it. Citizens would like to involve in future discussions those who do not have health care. Other Notables
  • 35. Examining Health Care 31 Appendix The issue book contained a single questionnaire that participants were asked to complete at the end of each forum. In the following tables, we provide the tabulations from the 1,027 questionnaires completed as of May 12, 2004. Please note that those who filled out a questionnaire were a self-selected group and thus the findings should not be construed as polling data. These results should be interpreted in the context of the qualitative analysis presented in this report to understand better how a particular diverse set of Americans felt about health care after deliberating the issue. Analysis of Post-Forum Questionnaires Overall, participants in the forums believe that citizens should have access to some kind of health care insurance or coverage and that doctors should treat their patients as partners in their health care. This is directly supported by discussions occurring throughout the forums. Of note is that while citizens believe Americans should have some kind of health insurance, there are mixed opinions on the need for universal care and how this coverage should be paid for. A little more than half of the participants believe minorities do not receive the same quality of care as whites. Primarily African Americans and Hispanics believe there is inequality in care. Also, African Americans, more so than other races, believe patients often have no one to oversee their entire health care experience. Nonwhite participants more strongly favor the public having access to information about doctors’ mistakes. Percent Percent Total “Somewhat “Strongly Percent Agree” Agree” “Agree” 23% 69% 92% 30% 61% 91% 38% 50% 88% 30% 53% 83% 41% 37% 78% 32% 25% 57% Do you agree or disagree with the statements below? All Americans should have some kind of health insurance. Doctors should treat patients as full partners in their own health care. Patients dealing with many parts of the health care system often have no one to oversee the whole picture. Huge malpractice awards are driving up the cost of health care. The public should have easier access to information about doctors’ mistakes. Regardless of income, minorities do not receive the same quality of health care as whites do. Table 1 Level of agreement on key issues facing the health care industry
  • 36. 32 Kettering Foundation Appendix Percent Percent Total “Somewhat “Strongly Percent Favor” Favor” “Favor” 33% 52% 85% 40% 43% 83% 47% 34% 81% 37% 39% 76% 29% 46% 75% 51% 20% 71% 42% 28% 70% 47% 14% 61% 32% 35% 67% Do you favor or oppose each of these actions? Expand Medicare to include prescription drugs. Require doctors to be retested periodically to ensure that they are still competent. Create local and regional health care systems to make doctors and hospitals share services and equipment. Make people whose choice of behavior threatens their own health pay more for insurance. Set caps on awards for medical lawsuits. Doctors should spend more time with their patients, EVEN IF this raises the cost of health care. All Americans should have access to basic health care services, EVEN IF this means cutting coverage of some costly treatments. Health care providers should coordinate and share facilities and resources, EVEN IF patients would have to wait longer for some services. Provide health care to all Americans through a government-funded system. Table 2 Reactions to Proposed Health Care Solutions Analysis of Post-Forum Questionnaires Of the proposed actions, forum participants are most in favor of expanding Medicare to include prescription drugs, requiring doctors to be retested, and making doctors and hospitals share services and equipment. Two thirds of the participants, mainly African American and Hispanic, are in favor of a government-funded system. More than three-fourths of the participants believe that citizens who act in unhealthy manners should pay more for their insurance. This is consistent with numerous comments made throughout the forum.
  • 37. Examining Health Care 33 Appendix National Issues Forums bring together citizens around the nation to discuss challenging social and political issues of the day. They have addressed issues such as the economy, education, health care, foreign affairs, poverty, and crime. Thousands of civic, service, and religious organizations, as well as libraries, high schools, and colleges, have sponsored forums. The sponsoring organizations select topics from among each year’s most pressing public concerns and then design and coordinate their own forum programs, which are held through the fall, winter, and spring. A different kind of talk No two forums are alike. They range from small study circles to large gatherings modeled after town meetings, but all are different from everyday conversations and adversarial debates. Since forums seek to increase understanding of complicated issues, participants need not start out with detailed knowledge of an issue. Forum organizers distribute issue books such as this one, featuring a nonpartisan overview of an issue and a choice of several public responses. By presenting each issue in a nonpartisan way, forums encourage participants to take a fresh look at the issues and at their own convictions. In the forums, participants share their opinions, their concerns, and their knowledge. With the help of moderators and the issue books, participants weigh several possible ways for society to address a problem. They analyze each choice, the arguments for and against it, and the tradeoffs and other implications of the choice. Moderators encourage participants, as they gravitate to one option or another, to examine their basic values as individuals and as community members. The search for common ground Forums enrich participants’ thinking on public issues. Participants confront each issue head-on, make an informed decision about how to address it, and come to terms with the likely consequences of their choices. In this deliberative process, participants often accept choices that are not entirely consistent with their individual wishes and that impose costs they had not initially considered. This happens because the forum process helps people see issues from different points of view; participants use discussion to discover, not persuade or advocate. The best deliberative forums can help participants move toward shared, stable, well-informed public judgments about important issues. Participants may hold sharply different opinions and beliefs, but in the forums they discuss their attitudes, concerns, and convictions about each issue and, as a group, seek to resolve their conflicting priorities and principles. In this way, participants move from making individual choices to making choices as members of a community — the kinds of choices from which public action may result. Building community through public deliberation In a democracy, citizens must come together to find answers they can all live with — while acknowledging that individuals have differing opinions. Forums help people find the areas where their interests and goals overlap. This allows the emergence of a public voice that can give direction to public policy. The forums are nonpartisan and do not advocate a particular solution to any public issue, nor should they be confused with referenda or public opinion polls. Rather, the forums enable diverse groups of Americans to determine together what direction they want policy to take, what kinds of action and legislation they favor and what, for their common good, they oppose. Moving to action Forums can lead to several kinds of public action. Generally, the public voice that emerges helps set the government’s compass, since forum results are shared with elected officials each year. Also, as a result of attending forums, individuals and groups may decide individually or with others to help remedy a public problem through citizen actions outside of government. About National Issues Forums
  • 38. 34 Kettering Foundation Appendix About Paul Werth Associates Paul Werth Associates is a full-service public relations, public affairs, and marketing communications firm that provides research, strategic counsel, and implementation of results-driven communications programs to help clients build successful relationships with their constituents. The firm has attained a national reputation for its high-quality, pragmatic approaches to communications challenges. As a result, the firm has won numerous awards from professional associations for campaigns carried out on behalf of clients. Paul Werth Associates is the only public relations firm with headquarters in Ohio to have won the prestigious Silver Anvil Award — the highest national honor of the Public Relations Society of America — nine times. Founded in 1963, Paul Werth Associates is a founding member of the Council of Public Relations Firms, and the firm’s president sits on the executive committee. Research Services Werth’s in-house Research Services division provides clients with integrated solutions in support of their communication efforts. The group specializes in the management and execution of complex research challenges in areas ranging from public opinion sampling and marketing image studies to employee and customer satisfaction assessments. Services include research, survey design, interview execution, data analysis and interpretation, presentation of research findings, and action planning. Research Lead Scott Zunic is vice president of Research Services for Paul Werth Associates. Zunic has successfully managed more than 250 marketing research projects for both professional and consumer audiences throughout the country. Typical research projects include brand development (for product launches), company and product positioning, brand character/personality creation and measurement, message and concept testing, registry and e-commerce development, customer segmentation, customer satisfaction, ROI measurement, and others. In Zunic’s 12 years of health care marketing research experience, he has consulted with, planned, and implemented marketing research with numerous companies including Abbott Labs, AstraZeneca, Cardinal Health, Children’s Hospital, CINGA, Eli Lilly, Duke University Medical Center, Genentech, Johnson & Johnson (EES), Medicis, Merck, Pharmacia, Procter & Gamble, Roche, Ross Laboratories, OhioHealth System, Ohio Department of Insurance, Ohio State Medical Association, The Cleveland Clinic Health System, The Ohio State University Medical Center, United HealthCare, and University Hospitals Health System. Zunic has also performed advanced marketing research with one-third of the health plans in the United States. He completed his B.S. in Marketing from The Ohio State University and his M.B.A. from Franklin University. He has 148 hours of additional marketing research education at the A.C. Nielson/Burke Institute. Topics of study included Market Research, Market Analysis, Advertising Research, Focus Group Facilitation, and Introductory and Advanced Questionnaire Design. Zunic teaches undergraduate and graduate Marketing Research courses at Franklin University and serves on the advisory board for their Marketing Department.
  • 39.
  • 40. 200 Commons Road, Dayton, Ohio 45459-2799 (937) 434-7300; (800) 221-3657 444 North Capitol Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 (202) 393-4478 6 East 39th Street, New York, New York 10016 (212) 686-7016