sofa score endpoint in resuscitation resuscitation of shock hemorrhagic shock\ approach to shock inestigation of shock clinical feature of shock sign and symptoms of shock pathophysiology of shock spinal shock anaphylacticshock endocine shock obstructive shock cardiogenic shock distributive shock septic shock hypovolemic shock types of shock management of shock shock eletrolytes nice guideline postoperative fluids intraoperative fluid replacement blood loss surgical fluid loss nonrmal maintenance fluid perioperative fluid therapy semi synthetic colloids albumin solutions ringers solution normal saline blood and blood products dextrose solution colloid crystalloid types of fluid fluid hemostasis fluid compartments in body fluid and electrolytes forchheimer's spot koplick's spot rubéola german measles complications of measles fever with rash rash chickenpox crs congenital rubella syndrome rubella measles goggles eye problem lasik lens old age. eye staining eye surgery visual disturbances refractive errors hyperopia hypermetropia farsighted farsightedness
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