kimitec group biotechnology agriculture biotecnologia kimitec mycogel biotech agrocode bioscience agricultura agrocode bombardier report of trial bioestimulante micorrizas batallón biostimulant mycorrhiza in gel trial caos xt informe de ensayo ensayo campo fruka natural beta plus xtender row regenerator of the microbiota prebiota max olivo digger calcium katon xt fix&release phospeed ramyle grupokimitec microbiologia organique biology bioactivador cupragl caos bacterial fermentation tomato soil probiotics nitrocode az+ more quality more yield crop trial results on onion biofertilisant bioenergy microbiota xtender olivo natural bioactivator polinización brazil soybean nature brasil soja organic soil biostimulant organico rhino hightech no hormonal rhino kimtiec group crops regenerador de la microbiota tobacco trial ensayo tabaco calcio y boro boron calcium & boron solución potásica neutra neutral potassium solution humectante makingavision fertilizer fertilizante fosforo fundación cajamar tomate ramyle micorrizas en gel invernadero tomate kimitecgroup micorrízicos mycorhize mycorrhizal mycorrizosfera enraizamento bioactivateur bioactivator root biologia cupra cultures bactérienne fongiques hongos bacterias fruits fiel polonia ipsad strawberry cultivo brotación fresa trial result on wheat organic nitrogen increase the protein content organic biofertilizer levels of protein in cereals increase the levels of protein in cereals wheat spring wheat bombardier protein bionutrition faster and higher germination higher root development atmospheric nitrogen fixation natural phytohormones azospirillum spp. guanche vine tomato var. guanche vine tomato ultrapure mycorrhizae application by irrigation rhizophagus irregularis fungal inoculant arbuscular mycorrhizal mycorrhiza yield trial result on almond almond-tree almonds mycogel and nitrocode az+ on almonds longer shelf-life prebiotic prebiotic soil biostimulant better quality we do bio grano de oro variedad grano de oro industrial onion grapes crimson seedless grapes trial results on grapes more resistant to adverse weather conditions more resistant to droughts mycorrhizal inoculant crimson
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