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Antidiarrheal agents and
Drugs for Constipation
Dr L V Simhachalam K,
Pharmacology Tutor,
GEMS Srikakulam
Learning Objectives:
Briefly about Diarrhoea
Antidiarrheal agents
Briefly about constipation
Drugs for constipation
Theory questions related
What is Diarrhea?
 Three or more loose or watery stools in a 24hr period (WHO)
 Major cause of mortality and morbidity globally
Global burden (approx. 2 billion cases) among children < 5 years
Major cause of death in case of Diarrhea is Dehydration.
Causes of Diarrhea
Pathophysiology of Diarrhea
Pathologically - occurs due to passage of excess water in feces
 Decreased electrolyte & water absorption (structural damage: Rota virus)
 Increased secretion by intestinal mucosa
 Increased luminal osmotic load
 Inflammation of mucosa & exudation into lumen
Pathophysiology of Diarrhea
Stimuli enhancing cAMP or cGMP causes net
loss of salt and water
Cholera toxin, exotoxin by ETEC, staph. aureus,
salmonella increases cAMP activity
The heat stable toxin (ST) of ETEC, Cl. difficile &
E.H enhances cGMP activity and anion secretion
PGs and IC Ca+ also stimulate secretory process
Excess bile salts activate cAMP
Management of Diarrhea
 Establish the underlying cause
 Most diarrheas are self limiting
 Therapeutic measures:
Treatment of fluid depletion, shock and acidosis
Maintenance of nutrition
Drug therapy
Treatment of fluid depletion, shock and
IV rehydration needed in severe fluid loss (>10% of body
wt) or if patient is losing >10ml/kg/hr or unable to take
IV Dhaka fluid composition:
NaCl 5g + KCl 1g + NaHCO3 4g in 1L of water or 5% glucose
Ringer lactate ( Na+ 130, Cl- 109, K +4, lactate 28 mM)
recommended by WHO(1991) can be used.
Volume equivalent to 10% BW should be infused over 2-4hr,
subsequent rate of infusion is matched with the rate of fluid loss
Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) WHO
Na, Cl, & K present in ORS -
restores ionic loss.
Glucose in ORS helps in Na+
absorption & thus water.
Base (citrate, lactate,
bicarbonate)- corrects acidosis.
Water helps in restoring body
water lost.
Non diarrheal uses of ORT:
Postsurgical, post burn & post-trauma maintenance
of hydration & nutrition.
Heat stroke
During changeover from IV to enteral alimentation.
Zinc in pediatric diarrhea:
Zinc with ORS – reduce duration and severity of acute diarrhoea
episodes in children below 5 years.
Continue zinc supplementation- 10mg/day for 0-6 M.
20mg/day from 6M- 60M age
Inhibit cAMP dependent Cl – transport across mucosa
Strengthen immune response.
Help regeneration of intestinal epithelium.
Maintenance of nutrition:
Feeding during diarrhea – ↑
intestinal digestive enzymes
and cell proliferation. (breast
milk, boiled potato, rice,
chicken soup, banana, sago etc.)
Given as soon as the patient
can eat.
Drug therapy:
1. Specific antimicrobial drugs.
2. Probiotics.
3. Non specific antidiarrhoeal drugs
4. Drugs for inflammatory bowel
Guess what?
Identify the Disease condition?
1. Role of antimicrobials:
Diarrheal patients categorized in to:
A. Abundant watery diarrhoea, no mucus/blood, dehydrating, frequent vomiting, no fever.
Usually caused by non invasive ETEC, salmonella, rota virus- ORS is the main therapy.
B. Slightly loose, smaller volume stools, with mucus/ blood, mild dehydration, fever, abdominal pain,
no vomiting.
Due to invasion by shigella, EPEC, salmonella, EH, Cl. difficile.
Quinolones, anti amoebic, tetracycline, cotrimoxazole groups of drugs are widely used.
1. Role of antimicrobials:
Rotavirus – important pathogen in acute diarrhea,
in children No need of chemotherapy (Non invasive)
Salmonella food poisoning is also self limiting
Travellers’ diarrhoea (EPEC, campylobacter):
Cotrimoxazole, norflox, doxy are useful
Active against E.coli & other gut pathogens.
Approved for empiric treatment for travelers diarrhea due to non-invasive E.coli.
Given in dose of 200mg TDS for 3days.
Also used in diarrheal phase of IBS & also as prophylaxis before & after gut
Higher strength(550mg) - reduce risk of hepatic encephalopathy recurrence
(suppress NH3 forming gut bacteria.
1. Role of antimicrobials:
Shigella enteritis- Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin.
Non typhoid salmonella enteritis- Cotrimoxazole, Fluoroquinolones,
Yersinia enterocolitica- Cotrimoxazole.
Cholera: Tetracycline, Cotrimoxazole, Ciprofloxacin.,
Campylobacter jejuni: Fluoroquinolones, Erythromycin in children
1. Role of antimicrobials:
Clostridium difficile: (Pseudomembranous colitis - PMC) - Metronidazole,
Blind loop/Diverticulitis – Tetracycline / Metronidazole
v). Amoebiasis & giardiasis - Metronidazole, Diloxanide furoate.
2. Role of Probiotics in diarrhea:
Microbial cell preparations- live cultures/ lyophilised powders.
Used to restore and maintain healthy gut flora.
Commonly used organisms are - Lactobacillus sp, Bifidobacterium,
strept. Faecalis, Enterococcus sp., yeast Saccharomyces boulardii.
Reduce antibiotic associated, acute infective and travelers diarrhoea.
Natural curd/yogurt- abundant source of LA producing organisms.
3. Non specific antidiarrhoel drugs:
A. Anti secretory drugs:
Recently introduced Prodrug rapidly converted to thiorphan
-↓ enkephalinase-↑ enkephalins (delta opioid R agonists).
Decreases intestinal hyper secretion(lowers mucosal cAMP) with out altering GI motility.
Used for short term treatment of acute secretary diarrhoeas.
Dose: 1.5mg/kg/TDS.
Octreotide: somatostatin analogue, useful in secretory diarrheas, it also decreases motility.
3. Non specific antidiarrhoel drugs:
B. Anti motility drugs:
These are opioid drugs, which decreases intestinal motility, increases absorption and decreases
 μ receptor is responsible for all these actions. delta R’s promote absorption & inhibit secretion.
 Codeine:
Has got constipation action. Dependence liability low.
Should be used for short period. Caution in children.
Dose: 60mg TDS.
3. Non specific antidiarrhoel drugs:
B. Anti motility drugs:
Synthetic opioid. Used as constipating agent; Cross BBB - produce CNS effects.
Atropine added in sub pharmacological dose to discourage abuse.
Cause respiratory depression, paralytic ileus, toxic mega colon in children.
Opiate analogue. Has weak anticholinergic action; Also reduces secretion
 More potent than codeine. CNS effects rare.
Dose 2mg/BD. CI in children below 4years.
Guess what?
Doctor Harish and a bus driver Manish are both in love
with the same woman named Priyanka. The bus driver need
to go for a long trip of 10 days. Before he left he gave
Priyanka 10 apples. Why?
What is Constipation?
 Common complaint in clinical practice
 Constipation can refer to:
Infrequent bowel movements (three or fewer per week)
Difficulty during defecation
Sensation of incomplete evacuation
Rome III criteria is used to diagnose chronic constipation
Chronic Constipation?
Pathophysiology of Constipation?
Drugs for Constipation
 Promote evacuation of bowels = Laxatives (aperients,
purgatives, cathartics)
Laxative or Aperient- milder- elimination of soft,
formed stools.
Purgative or Cathartic- stronger- more fluid
Drugs for Constipation
 Promote evacuation of bowels = Laxatives (aperients, purgatives, cathartics)
Laxative or Aperient- milder- elimination of soft, formed stools.
Purgative or Cathartic- stronger- more fluid evacuation.
MOA: Increase water content of the faeces by:
Hydrophilic or osmotic action- retain water.
Decrease net absorption of water & electrolytes.
Increase propulsive activity
1. Bulk forming agents
Dietary fibre: Contain unabsorbable cell wall & constituents of vegetable
food (cellulose, lignins, gums, pectins, glycoproteins, polysaccharides).
Bran: Residual product of flour industry- contain 40% dietary fibre.
Absorbs water in the intestines, swells, ↑ water content of faeces- softens –
facilitate colonic transit.
Pectins and gums by bacterial degradation – form osmotically active products -
retain water.
1. Bulk forming agents
Psyllium and Ispaghula:
Contain natural colloidal mucilage – absorbs water.
Softens the faeces.
Dose: 3-8g mixed with cold milk, fruit juice or water – taken once or twice daily.
Semisynthetic, colloidal, hydrophilic derivative of cellulose
Given 4-6g/day.
2. Stool Softeners
Docusates (DOSS)
Anionic detergent, softens the stools by net water accumulation in the lumen.
Emulsifies the colonic contents .↑Penetration in to faeces.
By detergent action – disrupt mucosal barrier & enhance absorption of liquid
paraffin (do not combine)
Mild laxative- 100-400mg/day. Acts in 1-3days.
2. Stool Softeners
Liquid paraffin:
Pharmacologically inert viscous liquid.
Softens stools-lubricate hard scybali by coating them.
Produce FB granulomas in sub mucosa, liver and spleen,
If trickled in to trachea - Lipid pneumonia.
Deficiency of fat soluble vitamins.
3. Stimulant/Irritant purgatives
Increase motor activity by acting on myenteric plexuses.
Accumulate water & electrolytes- alters secretary activity of mucosal cells.
Inhibit Na+K+ATPase at BM of villous cells -↓transport of Na and water into
Activate cAMP, ↑PG and NO synthesis in crypt cells - increased secretion.
ContraIndicated – in pregnancy and intestinal obstruction.
3. Stimulant/Irritant purgatives
1. Phenolphthalein: used as purgative; 60-130mg
2. Bisacodyl - Activated in intestine- irritate colonic mucosa, mild inflammation – increase secretion.
Dose: 5-15mg.(5mg tab; 10mg suppository)
3. Sodium picosulfate:
Hydrolyzed by colonic bacteria to active form- irritate mucosa and activate myenteric neurons.
Given along with Magnesium citrate to evacuate colon for colonoscopy and colonic surgery; 5-
10mg/at bed time
3. Stimulant/Irritant purgatives
Anthraquinones (emodins)
Senna - from leaves and pods of Cassia. Sp.
Cascara sagrada - powdered bark of buck-thorn tree
Contain anthraquinone glycosides called emodins.
Glycosides not absorbed in intestine- passed to colon- bacteria liberate active anthrol form- act
locally on myenteric plexus or absorbed in to circulation- excreted in bile –act on small intestine.
Promote secretion, decrease salt and water absorption.
Available as 12 and 18mg tab.
4. Osmotic purgatives
Solutes that are not absorbed in the intestine – retain water osmotically- distend
bowel- increase peristalsis.
Mg ions- release CCK-↑motility and secretion-purgative action.
MgSo4 (Epsom salt) 5-15g, Mg hydroxide (milk of magnesia) 30ml, sod. Sulfate 10-15g,
sod. Phosphate 6-12g, sod. Pot. Tartrate 8-15g. Dissolved in 150-200ml of water and
taken orally; Evacuation occurs in 1-3hrs.
Saline purgatives - Preferred for preparation of bowel before surgery and colonoscopy,
in food /drug poisoning, as after purge in the treatment of tapeworm infestation.
4. Osmotic purgatives
Semisynthetic disaccharide of fructose and lactose.
Neither digested nor absorbed in small intestine-retains water.
Broken down by bacteria in colon to osmotically active products.
Dose 10g/BD with plenty of water.
Produce soft formed stools in 1-3days.
Hepatic encephalopathy- reduce plasma NH3 levels by 25-50%.
Ammonia produced by bacteria in colon is converted to ionized NH4+ salts – not absorbed.
4. Osmotic purgatives
Laxatives are Contraindicated in:
1. Pt’s of undiagnosed abdominal pain, colic, vomiting.
2. Constipation due to stricture/bowel obstruction hypothyroidism,
malignancies and certain drugs (opioids, sedatives, anticholinergics).
4. Indications of drugs for constipation:
1. Functional constipation (spastic or atonic)
Spastic constipation-(irritable bowel)- give dietary fibre/bulk laxatives.
Atonic constipation- due to advanced age and debility. Give plenty of fluids, exercise, regular
In resistant cases –bulk forming agents/ bisacodyl.
2. Bedridden patients: (MI, fracture, postoperative)
To prevent constipation- bulk forming agents, lactulose, bisacodyl or senna.
To treat constipation- enema, bisacodyl or senna.
Dangers of purgative abuse:
Flaring of intestinal pathology, rupture of inflamed appendix.
Fluid and electrolyte imbalance- hypokalemia.
Steatorrhoea, malabsorption syndrome.
Protein loosing enteropathy.
Spastic colitis.
Guess what?
Theory Questions:
Purgatives – Irritant, Saline, Osmotic
Liquid Paraffin
Magnesium Sulphate
Castor oil
MCQ’s on Diarrhea:
Q. A 17-year-old boy comes to the emergency department because of severe thirst and weakness. He began having
voluminous painless watery diarrhea on the airplane while returning from a trip to Thailand 36 hours ago. He has not
vomited. While standing, pulse is 170/min and blood pressure is 70/40 mm Hg. His abdomen is nontender and bowel
sounds are increased. Which of the following treatments is most appropriate at this time?
A. Ciprofloxacin
B. Doxycycline
C. Potassium chloride
D. Rehydration
MCQ’s on Diarrhea:
Q. Which of the following is an antimotility antidiarrheal drug?
A. Loperamide
B. Rifaximin
C. Racecadotril
D. Lactobacillus
MCQ’s on Constipation:
Q. First line approach for most patients with simple constipation is?
A. Lactulose
B. Increased Dietary fiber intake
C. Stool softeners
D. Purgatives
MCQ’s on Constipation:
Q. Which of the following laxative causes Lipid Pneumonia as
A. Senna
B. Docusate
C. Liquid Paraffin
D. Bisacodyl
MCQ’s on Constipation:
Q. Which of the following is a stimulant purgative?
A. Bran
B. Liquid Paraffin
C. Bisacodyl
D. Magnesium Sulphate
Antidiarrheal agents and Drugs for Constipation ppt - By Dr L V Simhachalam K

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Antidiarrheal agents and Drugs for Constipation ppt - By Dr L V Simhachalam K

  • 1. Antidiarrheal agents and Drugs for Constipation Dr L V Simhachalam K, Pharmacology Tutor, GEMS Srikakulam
  • 2. Learning Objectives: Briefly about Diarrhoea Antidiarrheal agents Briefly about constipation Drugs for constipation Theory questions related MCQ’s
  • 3. What is Diarrhea?  Three or more loose or watery stools in a 24hr period (WHO)  Major cause of mortality and morbidity globally Global burden (approx. 2 billion cases) among children < 5 years Major cause of death in case of Diarrhea is Dehydration.
  • 5. Pathophysiology of Diarrhea Pathologically - occurs due to passage of excess water in feces  Decreased electrolyte & water absorption (structural damage: Rota virus)  Increased secretion by intestinal mucosa  Increased luminal osmotic load  Inflammation of mucosa & exudation into lumen
  • 6. Pathophysiology of Diarrhea Stimuli enhancing cAMP or cGMP causes net loss of salt and water Cholera toxin, exotoxin by ETEC, staph. aureus, salmonella increases cAMP activity The heat stable toxin (ST) of ETEC, Cl. difficile & E.H enhances cGMP activity and anion secretion PGs and IC Ca+ also stimulate secretory process Excess bile salts activate cAMP
  • 7. Management of Diarrhea  Establish the underlying cause  Most diarrheas are self limiting  Therapeutic measures: Treatment of fluid depletion, shock and acidosis Maintenance of nutrition Drug therapy
  • 8. Treatment of fluid depletion, shock and acidosis IV rehydration needed in severe fluid loss (>10% of body wt) or if patient is losing >10ml/kg/hr or unable to take orally. IV Dhaka fluid composition: NaCl 5g + KCl 1g + NaHCO3 4g in 1L of water or 5% glucose solution. Ringer lactate ( Na+ 130, Cl- 109, K +4, lactate 28 mM) recommended by WHO(1991) can be used. Volume equivalent to 10% BW should be infused over 2-4hr, subsequent rate of infusion is matched with the rate of fluid loss
  • 9. Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) WHO Na, Cl, & K present in ORS - restores ionic loss. Glucose in ORS helps in Na+ absorption & thus water. Base (citrate, lactate, bicarbonate)- corrects acidosis. Water helps in restoring body water lost. Cheaper
  • 10. Non diarrheal uses of ORT: Postsurgical, post burn & post-trauma maintenance of hydration & nutrition. Heat stroke During changeover from IV to enteral alimentation.
  • 11. Zinc in pediatric diarrhea: Zinc with ORS – reduce duration and severity of acute diarrhoea episodes in children below 5 years. Continue zinc supplementation- 10mg/day for 0-6 M. 20mg/day from 6M- 60M age MOA: Inhibit cAMP dependent Cl – transport across mucosa Strengthen immune response. Help regeneration of intestinal epithelium.
  • 12. Maintenance of nutrition: Feeding during diarrhea – ↑ intestinal digestive enzymes and cell proliferation. (breast milk, boiled potato, rice, chicken soup, banana, sago etc.) Given as soon as the patient can eat.
  • 13. Drug therapy: 1. Specific antimicrobial drugs. 2. Probiotics. 3. Non specific antidiarrhoeal drugs 4. Drugs for inflammatory bowel disease(IBD)
  • 14. Guess what? Identify the Disease condition? +
  • 15.
  • 16. 1. Role of antimicrobials: Diarrheal patients categorized in to: A. Abundant watery diarrhoea, no mucus/blood, dehydrating, frequent vomiting, no fever. Usually caused by non invasive ETEC, salmonella, rota virus- ORS is the main therapy. B. Slightly loose, smaller volume stools, with mucus/ blood, mild dehydration, fever, abdominal pain, no vomiting. Due to invasion by shigella, EPEC, salmonella, EH, Cl. difficile. Quinolones, anti amoebic, tetracycline, cotrimoxazole groups of drugs are widely used.
  • 17. 1. Role of antimicrobials: Rotavirus – important pathogen in acute diarrhea, in children No need of chemotherapy (Non invasive) Salmonella food poisoning is also self limiting Travellers’ diarrhoea (EPEC, campylobacter): Cotrimoxazole, norflox, doxy are useful
  • 18. Rifaximin: Active against E.coli & other gut pathogens. Approved for empiric treatment for travelers diarrhea due to non-invasive E.coli. Given in dose of 200mg TDS for 3days. Also used in diarrheal phase of IBS & also as prophylaxis before & after gut surgery. Higher strength(550mg) - reduce risk of hepatic encephalopathy recurrence (suppress NH3 forming gut bacteria.
  • 19. 1. Role of antimicrobials: Shigella enteritis- Ciprofloxacin, Norfloxacin. Non typhoid salmonella enteritis- Cotrimoxazole, Fluoroquinolones, Ampicillin. Yersinia enterocolitica- Cotrimoxazole. Cholera: Tetracycline, Cotrimoxazole, Ciprofloxacin., Campylobacter jejuni: Fluoroquinolones, Erythromycin in children
  • 20. 1. Role of antimicrobials: Clostridium difficile: (Pseudomembranous colitis - PMC) - Metronidazole, Vancomycin. Blind loop/Diverticulitis – Tetracycline / Metronidazole v). Amoebiasis & giardiasis - Metronidazole, Diloxanide furoate.
  • 21. 2. Role of Probiotics in diarrhea: Microbial cell preparations- live cultures/ lyophilised powders. Used to restore and maintain healthy gut flora. Commonly used organisms are - Lactobacillus sp, Bifidobacterium, strept. Faecalis, Enterococcus sp., yeast Saccharomyces boulardii. Reduce antibiotic associated, acute infective and travelers diarrhoea. Natural curd/yogurt- abundant source of LA producing organisms.
  • 22. 3. Non specific antidiarrhoel drugs: A. Anti secretory drugs: Racecadotril: Recently introduced Prodrug rapidly converted to thiorphan -↓ enkephalinase-↑ enkephalins (delta opioid R agonists). Decreases intestinal hyper secretion(lowers mucosal cAMP) with out altering GI motility. Used for short term treatment of acute secretary diarrhoeas. Dose: 1.5mg/kg/TDS. Octreotide: somatostatin analogue, useful in secretory diarrheas, it also decreases motility.
  • 23. 3. Non specific antidiarrhoel drugs: B. Anti motility drugs: These are opioid drugs, which decreases intestinal motility, increases absorption and decreases secretion.  μ receptor is responsible for all these actions. delta R’s promote absorption & inhibit secretion.  Codeine: Has got constipation action. Dependence liability low. Should be used for short period. Caution in children. Dose: 60mg TDS.
  • 24. 3. Non specific antidiarrhoel drugs: B. Anti motility drugs: Diphenoxylate: Synthetic opioid. Used as constipating agent; Cross BBB - produce CNS effects. Atropine added in sub pharmacological dose to discourage abuse. Cause respiratory depression, paralytic ileus, toxic mega colon in children. Loperamide: Opiate analogue. Has weak anticholinergic action; Also reduces secretion  More potent than codeine. CNS effects rare. Dose 2mg/BD. CI in children below 4years.
  • 25. Guess what? Doctor Harish and a bus driver Manish are both in love with the same woman named Priyanka. The bus driver need to go for a long trip of 10 days. Before he left he gave Priyanka 10 apples. Why?
  • 26. What is Constipation?  Common complaint in clinical practice  Constipation can refer to: Infrequent bowel movements (three or fewer per week) Difficulty during defecation Sensation of incomplete evacuation Rome III criteria is used to diagnose chronic constipation
  • 29. Drugs for Constipation  Promote evacuation of bowels = Laxatives (aperients, purgatives, cathartics) Laxative or Aperient- milder- elimination of soft, formed stools. Purgative or Cathartic- stronger- more fluid evacuation.
  • 30.
  • 31. Drugs for Constipation  Promote evacuation of bowels = Laxatives (aperients, purgatives, cathartics) Laxative or Aperient- milder- elimination of soft, formed stools. Purgative or Cathartic- stronger- more fluid evacuation. MOA: Increase water content of the faeces by: Hydrophilic or osmotic action- retain water. Decrease net absorption of water & electrolytes. Increase propulsive activity
  • 32. 1. Bulk forming agents Dietary fibre: Contain unabsorbable cell wall & constituents of vegetable food (cellulose, lignins, gums, pectins, glycoproteins, polysaccharides). Bran: Residual product of flour industry- contain 40% dietary fibre. Absorbs water in the intestines, swells, ↑ water content of faeces- softens – facilitate colonic transit. Pectins and gums by bacterial degradation – form osmotically active products - retain water.
  • 33. 1. Bulk forming agents Psyllium and Ispaghula: Contain natural colloidal mucilage – absorbs water. Softens the faeces. Dose: 3-8g mixed with cold milk, fruit juice or water – taken once or twice daily. Methylcellulose: Semisynthetic, colloidal, hydrophilic derivative of cellulose Given 4-6g/day.
  • 34. 2. Stool Softeners Docusates (DOSS) Anionic detergent, softens the stools by net water accumulation in the lumen. Emulsifies the colonic contents .↑Penetration in to faeces. By detergent action – disrupt mucosal barrier & enhance absorption of liquid paraffin (do not combine) Mild laxative- 100-400mg/day. Acts in 1-3days.
  • 35. 2. Stool Softeners Liquid paraffin: Pharmacologically inert viscous liquid. Softens stools-lubricate hard scybali by coating them. Disadvantages: Produce FB granulomas in sub mucosa, liver and spleen, If trickled in to trachea - Lipid pneumonia. Deficiency of fat soluble vitamins.
  • 36. 3. Stimulant/Irritant purgatives Increase motor activity by acting on myenteric plexuses. Accumulate water & electrolytes- alters secretary activity of mucosal cells. Inhibit Na+K+ATPase at BM of villous cells -↓transport of Na and water into interstitium. Activate cAMP, ↑PG and NO synthesis in crypt cells - increased secretion. ContraIndicated – in pregnancy and intestinal obstruction.
  • 37. 3. Stimulant/Irritant purgatives Diphenylmethanes: 1. Phenolphthalein: used as purgative; 60-130mg 2. Bisacodyl - Activated in intestine- irritate colonic mucosa, mild inflammation – increase secretion. Dose: 5-15mg.(5mg tab; 10mg suppository) 3. Sodium picosulfate: Hydrolyzed by colonic bacteria to active form- irritate mucosa and activate myenteric neurons. Given along with Magnesium citrate to evacuate colon for colonoscopy and colonic surgery; 5- 10mg/at bed time
  • 38. 3. Stimulant/Irritant purgatives Anthraquinones (emodins) Senna - from leaves and pods of Cassia. Sp. Cascara sagrada - powdered bark of buck-thorn tree Contain anthraquinone glycosides called emodins. Glycosides not absorbed in intestine- passed to colon- bacteria liberate active anthrol form- act locally on myenteric plexus or absorbed in to circulation- excreted in bile –act on small intestine. Promote secretion, decrease salt and water absorption. Available as 12 and 18mg tab.
  • 39. 4. Osmotic purgatives Solutes that are not absorbed in the intestine – retain water osmotically- distend bowel- increase peristalsis. Mg ions- release CCK-↑motility and secretion-purgative action. MgSo4 (Epsom salt) 5-15g, Mg hydroxide (milk of magnesia) 30ml, sod. Sulfate 10-15g, sod. Phosphate 6-12g, sod. Pot. Tartrate 8-15g. Dissolved in 150-200ml of water and taken orally; Evacuation occurs in 1-3hrs. Saline purgatives - Preferred for preparation of bowel before surgery and colonoscopy, in food /drug poisoning, as after purge in the treatment of tapeworm infestation.
  • 40. 4. Osmotic purgatives Lactulose: Semisynthetic disaccharide of fructose and lactose. Neither digested nor absorbed in small intestine-retains water. Broken down by bacteria in colon to osmotically active products. Dose 10g/BD with plenty of water. Produce soft formed stools in 1-3days. Hepatic encephalopathy- reduce plasma NH3 levels by 25-50%. Ammonia produced by bacteria in colon is converted to ionized NH4+ salts – not absorbed.
  • 41. 4. Osmotic purgatives Laxatives are Contraindicated in: 1. Pt’s of undiagnosed abdominal pain, colic, vomiting. 2. Constipation due to stricture/bowel obstruction hypothyroidism, malignancies and certain drugs (opioids, sedatives, anticholinergics).
  • 42. 4. Indications of drugs for constipation: 1. Functional constipation (spastic or atonic) Spastic constipation-(irritable bowel)- give dietary fibre/bulk laxatives. Atonic constipation- due to advanced age and debility. Give plenty of fluids, exercise, regular habits. In resistant cases –bulk forming agents/ bisacodyl. 2. Bedridden patients: (MI, fracture, postoperative) To prevent constipation- bulk forming agents, lactulose, bisacodyl or senna. To treat constipation- enema, bisacodyl or senna.
  • 43. Dangers of purgative abuse: Flaring of intestinal pathology, rupture of inflamed appendix. Fluid and electrolyte imbalance- hypokalemia. Steatorrhoea, malabsorption syndrome. Protein loosing enteropathy. Spastic colitis.
  • 45. Theory Questions: Purgatives – Irritant, Saline, Osmotic Laxatives Liquid Paraffin Magnesium Sulphate Castor oil
  • 46. MCQ’s on Diarrhea: Q. A 17-year-old boy comes to the emergency department because of severe thirst and weakness. He began having voluminous painless watery diarrhea on the airplane while returning from a trip to Thailand 36 hours ago. He has not vomited. While standing, pulse is 170/min and blood pressure is 70/40 mm Hg. His abdomen is nontender and bowel sounds are increased. Which of the following treatments is most appropriate at this time? A. Ciprofloxacin B. Doxycycline C. Potassium chloride D. Rehydration
  • 47. MCQ’s on Diarrhea: Q. Which of the following is an antimotility antidiarrheal drug? A. Loperamide B. Rifaximin C. Racecadotril D. Lactobacillus
  • 48. MCQ’s on Constipation: Q. First line approach for most patients with simple constipation is? A. Lactulose B. Increased Dietary fiber intake C. Stool softeners D. Purgatives
  • 49. MCQ’s on Constipation: Q. Which of the following laxative causes Lipid Pneumonia as complication? A. Senna B. Docusate C. Liquid Paraffin D. Bisacodyl
  • 50. MCQ’s on Constipation: Q. Which of the following is a stimulant purgative? A. Bran B. Liquid Paraffin C. Bisacodyl D. Magnesium Sulphate