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Al Haramian
Catenary Free
Dikey ?stasyonlar
Vertical Stations
Mart Nisan 2015 | March April 2015 Say?| Vol : 13 Y?l | Year : 3 Turkiye 15 TL| Europe 12 EUR| Other Countries16 EUR
Türkiye'nin Rayl?Sistemler Dergisi | Railway Magazine of Turkey
Yüksek H?zl?Tren hatt?lar?yla 'Yeni Türkiye'
'New Turkey' with High Speed Train Lines
EurAsiaRail 2015
Özel Say?/ Special Edition 0 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April 1 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April 2 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Künye / Masthead
Y?l 3 | Say?13 | Yayg?n Süreli Yay?n (2 Ayl?k) | Mart - Nisan 2015
Year 3 | Vol 13 | International Periodical (bi-monthly) | March - April 2015
?mtiyaz Sahibi ve Yay?n Yönetmeni (Sorumlu)
Licencee & Executive Editor (Managing)
Yaz???leri Müdürü / Editor-in-chief
Görsel Yönetmen / Visual Editor
Dan??ma Kurulu / Advisory Board
Katk?da Bulunanlar / Editorial Contributions
Yayma ve Yönetim / Publishing & Management
Özen Teknik Dan??manl?k Medya Grubu
Adalet mah. Anadolu cad. Megapol Tower 41/81 Bayrakl?- ?zmir
Tel/Fax: +90 850 520 0 729
Bask?/ Publisher
?ehitler Cad. No: 121/A 35210 Alsancak-?zmir
Tel: +90 (232) 464 38 48 Fax: +90 (232) 464 55 17
Bas?m Tarihi / Publish date : 01.03.2015
Yay?nlanan tüm yaz?ve foto?raflar?n tüm haklar?RayHaber dergisine aittir.
Dergide yay?nlanan yaz?lar?n hiçbiri telif hak sahibinin izni olmadan yay?nlanamaz.
All publishedarticlesandphotosarecopyrightedtoRayHaber magazine.Nopart of thismagazine
maybereproducedinanyformwithout theprior writtenpermissionof thecopyright owners.
twitter: @rayhaber facebook: /rayhaber youtube: /rayhaberleri
Demiryolu refah ve uygarl?k yoludur.
The railway is the way to prosperity and civilization.
Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK
Yap?Merkezi ve STFA?n?n yer ald???Konsorsiyum Katar?da
Doha?da Golden Line Metro Hatt?Projesi ?halesini Kazand?
Yap?Merkezi and STFA Consortium are a partner was awarded
with Doha?s Golden Line Metro Line Project tender in Qatar
Konya'ya Katenersiz Tramvay
Catenary-Free TramsFor Konya
Yeni Bir Radikal Kavram - Yüksek H?zl?Dü?ey Tren Gar?
ARadical New Concept - The Hyper Speed Vertical Train Hub 3 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Yüksek güvenlikli demir yolu trafi?i için güçlü özel
Individual solutionsto get you on the right track
Yap?Merkezi ve STFA?n?n yer ald???Konsorsiyum
Katar?da Doha?da Golden Line Metro Hatt?Projesi
?halesini Kazand?
Consortium in which Yap?Merkezi and STFAare a
partner wasawarded with Doha?sGolden Line Metro
Line Project tender in Qatar
Burgaz ile K?rklareli Aras?nda ??birli?i Anla?mas?
Coorperation Between BurgasAnd K?rklareli
HaramainProjesi 2016 Y?l?nda??letmeyeGeçecek
HaramainProject Will BeReadyAt 2016
Ankara-?stanbul Yüksek H?zl?Tren Hatt?
Ankara ?stanbul High Speed Train Line
Beykoza Bo?az manzaral?teleferik
Ropeway with a view of Bosphorous 4 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Levent Özen
Yay?n Yönetmeni
Executive Editor
De?erli okurlar,
Her y?l yüksek h?zda büyüyen Türkiye demiryolu sektörü
Avrupa?n?n lideri olmaya davam ediyor. Bu h?z?n?yüksek h?zl?
trenlerden alan demiryollar?na yap?lan yat?r?mlar da artmaya
devam ediyor. Ayr?ca ?ehiriçi ula??m için yap?lan yat?r?mlarla
birlikte, yerli üretim yapan pek çok firmam?z?n y?ld?z?
parlamaktad?r. Yerli tramvay, hafif rayl?sistem ve metro arac?
üreten firmalar?n yan?nda, Türk yap?m?yüksek h?zl??milli tren?
imalat?na ba?lanm??olmas?gurur vericidir. Bu gurur verici
tabloda olmaktan bizde oldukça mutluyuz.
Sektörel habercilik yapmak için 4 y?ld?r yenilikçi ve tarafs?z
habercilik anlay???yla çal???yoruz. RayHaber web sitemiz 30 bin
haber, günlük ihale bültenleri ve 20 y?ll?k demiryolu ar?iviyle,
günde ortalama 25 bin tekil ziyaretçi a??rlayan dev bir haber
portaline dönü?tü. Hedefimiz günlük ziyaretçi say?m?z?100 bine
ta??yarak, ulusal site s?ralamas?nda Türkiye?nin ilk bin sitesi
içine girmek. Bize verdi?iniz tüm destekler için te?ekkür ederiz,
bir sonraki say?m?zda görü?mek üzere, sevgilerimle...
Dear Readers,
Railway market of Turkey is still the leader of Europe with high
growing speed in each year. The speed that is taken from high
speed lines is continued with the increasing investments.
Including the urban transport investments, local
manufacturing companies are more popular. Addition to
locally manufactured trams, LRT and metro vehicles, Turkish
high speed line vehicles which is called ?milli tren?are being
manufactured which is quite honorable. We are also happy to
be in this honorable situation.
We can working for innovative and transparent marketing
news since 4 years. RayHaber web page having more than
30.000 news, daily tender bulletins and 20 years of railway
achieve is a giant portal with 25.000 unique visitors per day.
Our new target is 100.000 visitors per day and would be in
1000 sites in international web site listings. Thank you for all
your supports, hoping to meet again in our next issue, best
regards? 5 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Alp Da?lar??n?n alt?ndan
geçerek ?sviçre?yi ?talya?ya
ba?layan 57 kilometre
uzunlu?unda ve dünyan?n en
uzun tüneli olma özelli?i
ta??yan Gotthard Tüneli, bir
Türk firmas?n?n imzas?n?
Türkiye d???nda Rusya ve Türki
Cumhuriyetlerde altyap?
projelerini üstlenmi?olan
Rönesans Holding ?imdi de
Avrupa?ya aç?l?yor.
Rönesans Holding Gotthard
Tünel Projesini gerçekle?tiren
iki konsorsiyumun içinde de
yer almakta. Avrupa?n?n
Kuzeyini ?talya ile Akdeniz?e
ba?layacak olan 16 milyar
Euro?luk h?zl?tren projesinde
tünel in?aata?n?n bedeli 9.5
milyar Euro.
Ankara merkezli Rönesans
Holding?in yapt???tünel
Zürih-Milano aras?, h?zl?trenle
bir saat k?salarak iki saat 40
dakikaya inecek. 2016 y?l?nda
tamamlanacak olan tünelde
test sürü?ü 29 Mart tarihinde
yap?ld?. Rönesans ?n?aat, 1
Temmuz 2013 tarihinde
Avusturya merkezli Alpine
Group?un ?sviçre kolu ?Alpine
Bau Gmbh, Hergiswill?
firmas?n?sat?n ald?. Bu sat?n
almayla birlikte Rönesans,
Avrupa?n?n en büyük
projelerinden biri olan
Rotterdam-Genova aras?ndaki
h?zl?tren hatt?n?n bir
bölümünü olu?turan Gotthard
Tüneli?nin in?as?nda yer ald?.
Alp Da?lar??n?n alt?ndan geçen
ve ?sviçre?yle ?talya?y?birbirine
ba?layan Gotthard Tüneli,
dünyan?n en uzun tüneli olma
özelli?i ta??yor. 2016 y?l?n?n
sonunda aç?lmas?planlanan
tünelle, Zürih ve Milano aras?
bir saat k?salarak iki saat 40
dakikaya inecek.
A Turkish firm is putting their
signature on construction of
the Gotthard Tunnel that is
opened under the Alps, to
connect ?taly to Switzerland.
This 57 km long tunnel will be
the longest tunnel in the
Besides operating in Turkey
Rönesans Holding has
undertaken construction of
various infrastructure projects
in Russia and Turkic Republics
and now is opening to Europe.
Rönesans Holding has entered
the contract in two
consortiums that will
construct the Gotthard Tunnel
Project. In this ? 16 billion
high speed train project that is
planned to connect the
Northern Europe to
Mediterranean Sea over Italy,
the construction of the tunnel
will cost ? 9.5 billion.
Once the tunnel constructed
by Rönesans Holding, a firm
residing in Ankara, the travel
time between Zurich and
Milano will be reduced to two
hours and forty minutes. A test
run was conducted on 29th
March in the tunnel which is
planned to be completed in
On 1st July 2013 Rönesans
Construction company had
acquired the ?Alpine Bau
GmbH, Hergiswill?firm, which
was the Switzerland branch of
the Alpine Group based in
Austria. With this acquisition,
the Rönesans firm undertook
the construction of the
Gotthard Tunnel, that is a
section of the high speed train
line between Rotterdam and
Genova, one of the major
projects in Europe. This
longest tunnel on earth is
planned to be opened in 2016.
Dün test sürü?ü yap?lan tünel,
her biri 57 kilometre
uzunlu?unda iki tüp geçitten
olu?uyor. Toplam maliyeti 9.5
milyar euro olan tünelin
in?as?nda Rönesans?la birlikte
Alpiq In Tec (Güç ve kablo
sistemleri), Alcatel-Lucent
Schweiz/Thales Rss
(Telekomünikasyon ve
Güvenlik Sistemleri), Balfour
Beatty Rail (Rayl?Ula??m
Sistemleri) firmalar?da görev
yap?yor. Tünel, saatte 250
kilometre h?za göre
Tünelin in?as?nda iki bin 500
ki?i çal???yor. Tünel, Alp
Da?lar??nda do?an?n
korunmas?ve karayolu
güvenli?inin sa?lanmas?
amac?ta??yor. 1940?l?y?llarda
fikir olarak ortaya ç?kan
tünelin yap?m?için 20 y?l önce
yap?lan bir dizi referandumla
?sviçre halk?n?n onay?
al?nm??t?. Tünel, a??r yük
uzakla?t?rma ve ?sviçre?nin el
de?memi?Alp manzaras?n?
korumay?da hedefliyor.
?u an dünyan?n en uzun
tüneli, Japon adalar?nda 53.8
kilometre uzunluk ile
Hokkaido?yu Hon?u?ya
ba?lalyan Seikan tüneli.
Gotthard Tüneli?nin
tamamlanmas?yla dünyan?n
en uzun tüneli ünvan?,
?sviçre?ye geçecek. Rönesans
Holding Rusya Yönetim
Kurulu Ba?kan?Avni Akvardar,
firmalar?n?n dünyadaki çok
özel tünel firmalar?ile
rekabet etmeyi planlad???n?
The tunnel consists of two
tube tunnels, each 57 km long.
In construction of the tunnel
besides Rönesans, Alpiq In Tec
(Power and cable systems),
Alcatel-Lucent Schweiz/Thales
Rss (Telecommunications and
Safety Systems), Balfour
Beatty Rail (Rail Transit
System) are also contracted in
this 9.5 billion Euro project.
The tunnel is designed for
trains moving at a speed of
250 km/h.
2,500 people are employed for
the construction of this tunnel.
The purpose in constructing
this tunnel is to protect and
preserve the nature of the Alp
Mountains as well as ensuring
road safety, by removing
heavy load freight trucks from
road. The idea of such a tunnel
being first brought up in
1940?s was then approved by
the people of Switzerland with
a series of referendums held
20 years.
Currently Japans hold the
record with the 53.8 km long
Seikan tunnel that connects
the Hokkaido to Honshu
islands. Once the Gotthard
Tunnel is completed,
Switzerland will now be the
owner of this record. The
Chairman of the Executive
Committee of Rönesans
Holding, Mr. Avni Akvardar has
stated that their firm is
planned to compete with very
specialized tunnel firms on the
Alp Da?lar??n?n alt?ndan geçerek ?sviçre?yi ?talya?ya ba?layan 57 kilometre uzunlu?unda ve dünyan?n en
uzun tüneli olma özelli?i ta??yan Gotthard Tüneli, bir Türk firmas?n?n imzas?n?ta??yor.
ATurkish firm isputting their signature on construction of the Gotthard Tunnel that isopened under the
Alps, to connect Italy to Switzerland. This57 km long tunnel will be the longest tunnel in the world. 7 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April 8 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Yolculuk yapt???n?z tren New
York?a veya Londra?ya ya da
ba?ka bir metropole
geldi?inizde sizi bir
gökdelenin tepesine ç?kar?rsa
ne hissedersiniz?
Londra?l?iki tasar?mc?
Christopher Christophi ve
Lucas Mazarrasa metropol
kentlerde dü?ey bir demiryolu
istasyonu in?aat?yapma fikrini
geli?tirdi. Bu tasar?m eVolo
Magazinin 2014 Gökdelen
Yar??mas?nda mansiyon ald?.
Yüksek H?zl?Dü?ey Tren Gar?
(Hyper Speed Vertical Train
Hub) olarak adland?r?lan bu
gökdelen gelecek y?llarda
kentlerin kar??la?aca??
önemli bir sorunu çözmek
amac?yla tasarland?. Dünya
genelinde güvenli ve
ekonomik bir ula??m aktörü
olarak rayl?sistemlere daha
fazla yat?r?m yapma e?ilimi
nedeniyle, New
York,Londrave Madrid gibi
metropol kentler 21. Yüzy?l?n
son çeyre?ine girdiklerinde yer
sorunu ile ile kar??la?acaklar.
Dü?ey tren gar?n?n altyap?s?
dünya genelinde herhangi bir
kentte uygulanmas?n?mümkün
k?lacak ?ekilde olacak. Yer
alt?nda ve üstünde çok yüksek
h?zda ilerleyen yüksek h?zl?
trenlere hizmet edecek. Tren
vagonlar?geldiklerinde bir
dönme dolap gibi dönecekler
ve bina yan?ndaki m?knat?slar
da yükselmelerini sa?layacak.
How would you feel if the train
you are travelling with takes
you to the top of a skyscraper
when you arrive to New York or
London or any other
metropolitan city.
Two designers from London,
Christopher Christophi and
Lucas Mazarrasa came up with
an idea of building a vertical
railway station in metropolitan
cities. This design received an
honourable mention in eVolo
Magazine?s 2014 Skyscraper
Called the Hyper Speed Vertical
Train Hub, this skyscraper is
designed to resolve a big
challenge the cities will face in
the future years. With a
tendency throughout the world
to invest more in railway
systemsas a safe and economic
mode of transportation,
metropolitan cities like New
York, London and Madrid will
face a problem of space before
they enter the last quarter in
21st century.
The infrastructure of the
vertical train hub will be such
that, it can be implemented in
any city around theworld. It will
serve hyper speed trains
moving at very high speed
under and above the ground.
Train carriages pivot like a
Ferris wheel when they
approach, and magnets on the
side of the building allow them
to rise up.
ALTYAPI | INFRASTRUCTURE 9 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April 10 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
ekipmanlar?n?n bak?m?nda
ya?lay?c?lar belirleyici bir rol
oynar. Trenlerin ve demir
yollar?n?n her türlü hava
ko?ulunda güvenle
çal??mas?n?sa?lamak için
kap?sistemleri, cer motorlar?
ya da fren sistemleri gibi
ekipmanlar?n ve tüm demir
yolu altyap?s?n?n bak?m?en
uygun ko?ullarda
yap?lmal?d?r. Klüber
Lubrication Rayl?Sistemler
endüstrisi için geni?
kapsaml?, güçlü özel
?Rayl?Sistemler endüstrisi
için bir ya?lay?c?geli?tirirken
Klüber Lubrication özellikle
onlar?çevre dostu olarak
üretebilmeye odaklan?r?
diyor Rayl?Sistemler Müdürü
Thomas Kamprath. ?Bu da, su
ya da toprak zemin ile
temas?n?n göz ard?
edilemeyece?i sürtünme
noktalar?için özel bir önem
Yeni Geli?melere Bak??
Klüberrail ALO 32-250
Katener hatlar?için damlama
yapmayan yüksek derece
tutucu yeni özel ya?lay?c?d?r.
Suya son derece dayan?kl?
oldu?undan daha dü?ük
a??nma ve dolay?s?yla daha
uzun ya?lama aral?klar?na
ula?arak ak?m kollektörü ve
hat aras?nda güvenilir
ya?lama sa?lar.
Tam Sentetik yüksek
performansl?di?li ya??
Klübersynth GE4 75 W 90
rayl?sistemler uygulamalar?
için, yüksek yük alt?nda
çal??ma ve mikropitting
direnci sa?layan yüksek
performansl?tam sentetik
di?li ya??d?r. Baz ya??n
viskozite kararl?l???, ya?
filminin a??r?yükler alt?nda
bile çökmesini önleyerek
rulmanlar ve di?lilerde
koruma sa?lar. Korozyon ve
a??nma kar??iyi korumas?n?n
yan?s?ra, daha az ya?
de?i?imi gereklili?ine
yüksek ya?lanma ve
oksidasyon direnci sundu?u
gibi, mükemmel dü?ük
s?cakl?k davran???sunar.
Klübersynth GE4 75 W 90, IG
Watteeuw, Voith Turbo,
Siemens-Flender gibi birçok
di?li üreticisi ve Alman
demiryolu i?letmecisi
Lubricants play a decisive role
in the maintenance of railway
components. To ensure that
trains and rails work reliably
under all weather conditions,
equipment like doors, traction
motors or brakes and the
entire railway infrastructure
must be maintained in
optimum condition. Klüber
Lubrication developed its
comprehensive range of
powerful speciality lubricants
for the railway "When
developing lubricants for the
rail sector, Klüber Lubrication
is especially focused on
making them environmentally
friendly," says Thomas
Kamprath, Market Manager
Rail at Klüber Lubrication.
"This is of particular
importance for friction points
where the contact with water
or the ground cannot be ruled
An overview of new
Klüberrail ALO32-250 is a
new special lubricant for
overhead power lines, which is
highly adhesive to prevent
dripping. As it is also highly
resistant to water, this
product ensures reliable
lubrication between the
current collector and the line,
leading to lower wear and
hence longer relubrication
intervals. Klüberrail ALO32
250 also helps reduce
overhead line noise and
vibration. The new speciality
lubricant is biodegradable
and therefore eco-friendly.
Fully synthetic
high-performance gear oil
Klübersynth GE4 75 W 90 for
railway applications is a fully
synthetic high-performance
gear oil with high scuffing
load capacity and
micropitting resistance. The
base oil's pronounced shear
stability prevents the
lubricant film from collapsing
even under high loads, which
is essential to protect both
teeth and rolling bearings.
Besides good protection
against corrosion and wear,
the oil offers good
low-temperature behaviour as
well as a high resistance to
ageing and oxidation, which
leads to considerably less
frequent oil changes
becoming necessary.
RH+ 11 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Deutsche Bahn taraf?ndan
30 PTM kat?ya?lay?c?lar
içeren suya dirençli bir
montaj ya?lay?c?s?d?r. Rayl?
Sistemler Endüstrisinde boji
uygulamalar?nda s?kça
kullan?l?r. ?Vida
ba?lant?lar?n?n ön yükleme
kuvveti için, toplam sürtünme
katsay?s?belirleyici rol
oynar?diye aç?kl?yor Thomas
NBU 30 TPM ile ya?lanan
vidalar DIN 25201 ve VDI
2230 standartlar?nda ?art
ko?uldu?u üzere, 0.09 < µ >
0.14 sürtünme katsay?s?na
sahiptir. Vida Testi
Düzene?inde, M 16 x 100 ?
8.8 vida ile yap?lan kapsaml?
testler ile onaylanm??t?r.
Özellikle, ekipman
kontrollerinde ç?kar?lmas?
gereken vidalar?n, uzun bir
çal??ma döneminden sonra
bile kolayl?kla sökülebilmesi
önemlidir. Bu da
çok iyi su ve ortam direnci
sayesinde sa?lan?r. Boden
ya??Klüberrail LEA62-2000
tekerlekler ve raylar için iyi
a??nma korumas?sa?lar ve
ç?kan sesi dü?ürmek için
kurplardaki duraklamal?
hareket etkisini azalt?r. S?v?
gres ya?lay?c?, yüksek
h?zlarda bile tekerlek
üzerinde tutundu?undan
emin olman?z?sa?layan
mükemmel yap??ma sa?lar.
Ayr?ca, çok iyi su direnci
sunar. Klüberrail LEA
62-2000, OECD 301 F?e göre
biyolojik olarak h?zla
çözünebilen çevre dostu bir
ya?lay?c?d?r. Klüberrail AL
32-3000, eksi 30 derece
s?cakl?klarda bile küçük bir
kuvvetle makaslar?n
ayarlanmas?için geli?tirilen
biyoçözünür sentetik özel
ya?lay?c?d?r. UV ???nlar?na
kar??çok dirençli olan
ya?lay?c?, iyi korozyon
korumas?ile birle?en iyi su
dayan?m?sayesinde yeniden
Klübersynth GE4 75 W 90 is
approved by several gear
manufacturers like IG
Watteeuw, Voith Turbo,
Siemens-Flender and by the
German railway operator
Deutsche Bahn.
water-resistant assembly
lubricant containing solid
lubricants. In the rail industry,
it is frequently used in bogie
applications. "For the preload
force of screw connections,
the total friction coefficient
plays a decisive role," Thomas
Kamprath explains. "Screws
lubricated with STABURAGS
NBU 30 PTM have a friction
coefficient of 0.09 < µ > 0.14,
as stipulated in the standards
DIN 25201 and VDI 2230.
This was confirmed by
comprehensive tests
performed with M 16x 100 ?
8.8 screws on the screw test
rig. Especially for screws that
have to be removed for
equipment inspections it is
important that they can be
undone also after a longer
period of operation. This is
ensured by the very good
resistance to water and media
The wheel flange lubricant
Klüberrail LEA62-2000
ensures good wear protection
for wheels and rails and
reduces stick-slip effects on
curvesto reduce noise. The
fluid grease provides excellent
adhesion, making sure it stays
on the wheel, even at high
speeds. Furthermore, it offers
very good water resistance.
Klüberrail LEA 62 2000 is
rapidly biodegradable
according to OECD 301 F.
Klüberrail AL32-3000 is a
synthetic biodegradable
speciality lubricant for setting
railway pointswith small
forces even at temperatures as
low as minus 30 degrees. It
combines very good resistance
Yüksek güvenlikli demir yolu trafi?i için güçlü özel ya?lay?c?lar
Individual solutionsto get you on the right track 12 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
ya?lama aral?klar?nda dikkate
de?er bir uzatmaya olanak
Klüber Lubrication uzmanlar?,
rayl?sistemler endüstrisine
dair sorular?n?z?
yan?tlamaktan memnuniyet
Klüber Lubrication
Klüber Lubrication tüm
sanayilere ve dünyadaki tüm
pazarlara yüksek seviyeli
tribolojik çözümler sunmakta
olan özel ya?lay?c?lar
alan?nda faaliyet gösteren
lider üreticilerden biridir.
Ürünlerin ço?u mü?teri
ihtiyaçlar?na uygun olarak
geli?tirilmekte ve
üretilmektedir. 80 y?l?a?k?n
faaliyet süresi boyunca
Klüber Lubrication kendisine
pazarda kendisine pazarda
bilinirlik ve güven kazand?ran
yüksek kaliteli ya?lay?c?lar,
güvenilir bir dan??manl?k ve
hizmet yelpazesi sunmu?tur.
Uluslararas?tüm endüstriyel
sertifikalara sahip olan
?irketimiz, özel ya?lay?c?lar
endüstrisinde rekabet
edilmesi güç bir test
laboratuvar?na sahiptir.
1929 y?l?nda Münih'te
mineral ya? ürünlerinin
perakende sat???için
kurulmu?bir ?irket olan
Klüber Lubrication bugün
Freudenberg Group,
Weinheim'?n bir üyesi olan
Freudenberg Chemical
Specialities SE& Co. KG'nin
bir parças?d?r. Klüber
Lubrication 30'u a?k?n ülkede
yakla??k 2.000 ki?i istihdam
to water with good corrosion
protection and a high
resistance to UV radiation,
which helps extend
relubrication intervals
Klüber Lubrication experts
will be pleased to answer all
kinds of questions regarding
the lubrication of railway
About Klüber Lubrication
Klüber Lubrication is one of
the world's leading
manufacturers of speciality
lubricants, offering high-end
tribological solutions to
virtually all industries and
markets worldwide. Most
products are developed and
made to specific customer
requirements. During its more
than 80 years of existence,
Klüber Lubrication has
provided high-quality
lubricants, thorough
consultation and extensive
services, which has earned it
an excellent reputation in the
market. The company holds all
common industrial
certifications and operates a
test bay hardly rivalled in the
lubricants industry.
Klüber Lubrication, set up as
a retail company for mineral
oil products in Munich in
1929, is today part of
Freudenberg Chemical
Specialities SE& Co. KG, a
Business Unit of the
Freudenberg Group,
Weinheim. Klüber Lubrication
has approximately 2000
employees in more than 30
RH+ 13 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April 14 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Catenary-Free Tramsfor Konya
Konya yeni tramvay hatt?
projesinde, havai hatt?n
kullan?lmak üzere Skoda
Transportation firmas?na 12
adet katenersiz çal??an
tramvay sipari?i verdi.
Çat?ya monte edilen
bataryalarla trenler 3 km
kadar katenersiz çal??makta
ve sonra da pantograftan ?arj
Skoda Transportation firmas?
Konya?ya 60 adet ForCity
Classic 28T model tramvay
imal ediyor. Orijinal sipari?
ile al?nan ilk 28T tramvay ise
?ubat ay?ndan bu yana
i?letmektedir. Gelecek y?l
teslimi planlanan bu yeni
katenersiz çal??an
tramvaylarla Konya Tramvay
hatt?için al?nan tramvay
say?s?72 adet olacak.
Konya has ordered 12 trams
capable of catenary-free
operation from Skoda
Transportation to be operated
in the section of the new
tramway line that does not
have a overhead line.
With roof-mounted
batteries trains operate
without a catenary, up to 3 km,
and are recharged through the
Currently Skoda Transportation
is manufacturing 60 ForCity
Classic 28Ttrams for Konya.
The first tramway procured
with the original order is in
operation since February. With
these new catenary-free
tramways, planned to be
delivered next year, the total
number of tramways procured
for the Konya Tramway line
will be 72. 15 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April 16 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Avikon, ak?ll?durak ve araç içi
yolcu bilgilendirme
sistemlerinde yerli
olanaklarla geli?tirilen
ürünlerini avantajlar?yla
birlikte piyasaya sundu.
Avikon ?irket yetkilisi,
tamamen kendi olanaklar?yla
tasarlan?p geli?tirilen bu
sistemin, maliyet, performans
ve farkl?ihtiyaçlara
adaptasyon konusunda
önemli avantajlar sa?lad???n?
Söz konusu sistemin ak?ll?
durak, araç içi yolcu
bilgilendirme ve merkezi
yönetim sistemi olmak üzere
3 ana bile?enden olu?tu?unu
belirten Avikon yetkilisi,
sistemin kurumlar için; sefer
planlamas?ve sefer
güvenli?inin sa?lanmas?ile
birlikte istedikleri ekranlarda
reklam, haber, tan?t?m gibi
görselleri oynatabilme ve
araçlarda istenilen sesli ve
yaz?l?duyurular?n yap?lmas?n?
sa?lad???n?; yolcular için ise
duraklarda bekleme süresini
azaltarak mobil uygulamalar
ile uzaktan bilgilerin takip
edilmesine olanak sa?lad???n?
Avikon yetkilisi,?Tüm bu
avantajlar bir araya
geldi?inde mü?teri
dolay?s?yla halk?n toplu
ta??maya daha fazla
yönelmesini bekliyoruz.?
Ürünlerini ilk olarak
Gaziantep Büyük?ehir
Belediyesi Ula??m Planlama
ve Rayl?Sistemler Daire
yürütülen ?Ak?ll?Durak
yetkili, ihalede kuruma fiyat
avantaj?yla birlikte
emsallerinin ötesinde
özellikler ta??yan bir sistemi
teslim etmenin mutlulu?unu
Avikon is now promoting its new
advantageous product line of
smart stop and on-board
passenger information systems
that are developed with local
The representative of the firm
Avikon has stated that this new
system designed and developed
fully by their in-house resources
bears majors advantages in
terms of cost, performance and
adaptation to various needs.
The Avikon representative has
indicated that the new product
line consists of three major
components, the smart stop,
on-board passenger information
system and central
management system. He also
has explained that besides
service planning and ensuring
service safety, the new system
enables the operating entities to
make audible and text
announcements within the
vehicles and replay visual
images like advertisement, news
and information at chosen
screens. It also benefits that
passengers by helping reduce
the waiting time at stops and
following up information
remotely with the help of mobile
The Avikon representative has
stated that ?when all these
advantages are considered we
expect to improve customer
satisfaction and also an
increase in a shift towards
public transportation.
The representative has also
informed that their products are
first used in the ?Smart Stop
System?project being
implemented by the
Transportation Planning and
Rail Systems Department Head
of Gaziantep Metropolitan
Municipality and are happy to
deliver a system that is not only
awarded in the tender with the
price advantages, but also a
system that has superior
characteristics when compared
with similar systems.
Yolcu Bilgilendirme Sistemlerinde Yeni Dönem
ANew Era for Passenger Information Systems 17 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Geli?tirdikleri Merkezi
Yönetim Sistemi?nin yolcu
bilgilendirme sistemlerine
büyük avantajlar sa?lad???n?
belirten ?irket yetkilisi, ?Bu
sistem sayesinde hem araç
içi sistemleri hem de durak
bilgi ekranlar?n?tek bir
bilgisayar ile
yönetebiliyorsunuz. Bu
sayede hem veri kayb?n?
önlemi?, hem de kullan?c?ya
büyük birkullan?m kolayl???
aç?klamalar?nda bulundu.
?irket yönetiminin AR-GE
faaliyetlerine büyük önem
verdi?ini belirten
Avikonyetkilisi, karayolu ve
rayl?sistemler gibi yerli
çözümlerin k?s?tl?oldu?u
sistemler geli?tirme
konusunda yeni projelerinin
devam etmekte oldu?unu
belirtiyor. Yetkili, yolcu
bilgilendirme sistemleri veya
di?er projeleriyle ilgili daha
detayl?bilgi almak isteyen
adresine davet ettiklerini
The representative of the
company has explained that
the Central Management
System developed by their
entity brings major advantages
to the passenger information
systems and continued stating
that ?With this system you can
manage both the on-board
systems and information
screens at the stops from a
single computer. Thus, besides
preventing data loss, the user
also benefits from an easy to
use system.
The representative of Avikon
also has explained that the
management is taking R&D
activities very seriously and
studies are continuing on new
projects that are focusing on
smart electronic systems in the
sectors where the solutions for
roadway and railway systems
are very restricted. He also has
informed that anyone who is
interested in obtaining detailed
information on the passenger
information systems and other
projects can visit their website
ELEKTR?KELEKTRON?K| ELECTRIC&ELECTRONICS 18 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Suudi Demiryollar?
Organizasyonu (SRO) ba?kan?
Muhammed Al-Suwaiket
Mekke?yi Medine?ye ba?layan
projenin (Al-Haramain Tren
Projesi) 2016 y?l?na kadar
haz?r olaca??n?söyledi ama
ard?ndan da ?bugüne kadar
projenin sadece % 50?si
tamamlanm??t?r diye de ilave
Al Suwaiket, Krall???n
genelinde 9900 km?yi bulan
demiryolu a??n?daha da
geni?letmek için 365 milyar
Suudi Riyali kadar yat?r?m
yapaca??n?ve Demiryolu Ana
Plan?na göre de (RMP) 19
hatt?n yap?laca??n?sözlerine
Hükümet taraf?ndan
tasarlanm??olan stratejik
plan?n gelecek 30 y?l içinde
demiryolu a??n?
öngördü?ünü aç?klarken,
Al-Haramain Tren Projesinin
de 2015 y?l?nda test
edilece?ini ilave etti.
Stratejik plan?yolcu ve yük
kargolar?n?n ta??nmas?için
demiryolu a??nda
sürdürülebilir bir kalk?nmaya
Bu a? üç a?amada hayata
geçirilecektir. Birinci a?ama
2010 y?l?nda ba?lam??olup
2025 y?l?nda tamamlanmas?
programlanm??t?r. Yakla??k
5500 km uzunlu?undaki hat
63 milyar SR?ye in?a
?kinci a?ama 2026 y?l?nda
ba?lay?p 2033 y?l?nda son
bulmaktad?r ve bu a?amada
209 milyar SR?ye 3000 km
hat in?a edilecektir.
Haramain projesi 2016 y?l?nda i?letmeye geçecek
Haramain project to be ready by 2016
Saudi Railways Organization
(SRO) President Muhammad
Al-Suwaiket said the project
linking Makkah to Madinah
(Al-Haramain Train Project)
will be ready by 2016, while
adding: ?Only 50 % of the
project has been completed so
The government will invest
SR365 billion to expand its
9,900-kilometer-long railway
network all over the Kingdom,
reiterated Al-Suwaiket,
adding that 19 lines would be
added to the railway network
according to the Railway
Master Plan (RMP).
The strategic plan designed
by the government envisions
the railway network over the
next 30 years, he said, adding
that the train for the
Al-Haramain Train Project
would be tested in 2015. The
strategic plan focuses on
achieving sustainable
development for the railway
networks that will serve
passengers and transport
The network will be
implemented in three phases.
The first one started in 2010
and is scheduled to be
completed in 2025. About
5,500-kilometer-long lines
will be built for SR63billion.
The second phase begins in
2026 and ends in 2033;
about 3,000-kilometer-long
lines to be built at a total cost
of SR209 billion. The third
phase begins in 2034 and
ends in 2040; about 19 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Üçüncü a?ama ise 2034
y?l?nda ba?layacak ve 2040
y?l?nda tamamlancakt?r.
Yakla??k 1400 km olan bu
hatt?n maliyeti ise 93 milyar
SRolacakt?r. SRO ula??m
sektörünün kalk?nmas?nda
kamu ve özel sektörü
devreye sokma politikas?n?
uygulamaktad?r. KSA?n?n
ula??m sektöründe
demiryolu ta??mac?l???
giderek artan düzeyde
önemli bir rol oynamaktad?r.
Kuzey-Günel Demiryolu en
büyük yük ta??mac?l???
yapan demiryolu projesi
olarak görülmektedir ve
2750 km olan bu hatt?n
öngörülen maliyeti 20
milyar SR?dir (5,44 milyar $).
Bu proje körfez ihracat?
aç?s?ndan yük ta??mac?l???
hatt?nda stratejik bir öneme
sahiptir. Landbridge projesi
ise 26,6 milyar SR(7,24
milyar $) maliyet ile ba?ka
bir yük ta??mac?l???hatt?d?r.
Riyad?dan geçen bur hat
Jeddah, Dammam ve Jubail
liman kentlerini birbirine
ba?lamaktad?r. SRO?nun
sahibi oldu?u 51,5 milyar SR
(14,03 milyar $) maliyeti ile
Haramain Yüksek H?zl?Tren
Projesi hac?lar?n ta??nmas?
amac?yla in?a edilmektedir.
Arriyadh Kalk?nma
Kurumunun sahibi oldu?u
Riyad Hafif Rayl?Sistem ise
9,3 milyar de?erinde olup
2018 y?l?na kadar
öngörülmektedir. Planlanan
bir ba?ka proje de Jeddah
metrosu olup, de?eri 35
milyar SR?dir (9,5 milyar $).
2014 y?l?na kadar
demiryolunu kullanan
yolcular?n say?s?n?n 3,37
milyona ula?mas?
beklenmektedir. Yük
ta??mac?l???na gelince 2014
y?l?nda yakla??k 15 milyon
ton malzeme ve mal
1,400-kilometer-long lines
to be built at a total cost of
SR93 billion.
The SROfocuses in its
policies on involving the
public and private sectors in
developing the
transportation sector. The
rail transit system is playing
an increasing role in KSA?s
transport industry. The
North-South railway
considers the largest freight
rail project, 2,750 km long,
and valued at an estimated
SR20 billion ($5.44 billion).
The project is of strategic
importance in terms of
freight exports to the Gulf.
The Landbridge project is
another important freight
line valued at SR26.6 billion
($7.24 billion). The line
links the port cities of
Jeddah, Dammam and
Jubail, passing through
The Haramain High Speed
rail project, valued at
SR51.5 billion ($14.03
billion) and owned by SRO,
is built to transport
The Riyadh Light rail, owned
by Arriyadh Development
Authority and valued at 9.3
billion, is expected to be
completed by 2018.
The Jeddah metro is another
planned project valued at
SR35 billion ($9.5 billion).
The number of railway
passengers is expected to
reach 3.37 million
passengers by 2014. In
terms of freight, about 15
million tons of goods and
materials is expected to be
transported through the
railways by 2014.
DEM?RYOLU| RAILWAY 20 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Bulgaristan??n Karadeniz k?y?
?eridinin güneyinde yer alan
ve Türkiye s?n?r?na K?rklareli
ile kom?u olan Burgaz
kentinin valisi Pavel Marinov,
Burgaz-K?rklareli demiryolu
projesine ili?kin anla?man?n
nisan ay?nda imzalanaca??n?
Vali Marinov, gazetecilere
?Bulgaristan??n Yeni
Ekonomisi-Do?u?nun Yolu?
forumunun 9 Nisan?da
ba?layaca??n?ve iki gün
sürece?ini bildirdi.
Marinov, Burgaz ile K?rklareli
aras?nda demiryolu in?as?na
ili?kin anla?man?n da bu
kapsamda imzalanaca??n?
ifade etti.
K?rklareli-Burgaz demiryolu
hatt?n?n, iki bölgenin valileri
taraf?ndan imzalanacak
anla?man?n sadece bir
maddesini kapsad???n?
belirten Pavel Marinov,
Malko T?rnovo gümrü?ünde
yükler için de terminal
Karadeniz sahilinde bulunan
Rezovo?ya yeni s?n?r kap?s?
aç?lmas?n?n öngörüldü?ünü
bildiren Burgaz Valisi
Marinov, bu kap?dan sadece
turistlerin geçece?ini belirtti.
?Bulgaristan??n Yeni
Ekonomisi-Do?u?nun Yolu?
forumunun Pomorie ?ehrinde
gerçekle?tirilece?ini bildiren
Marinov, ekonomiden
sorumlu Ba?bakan Yard?mc?s?
Daniela Bobeva?n?n
himayesinde yap?lacak
toplant?ya, Türkiye, Rusya,
Yunanistan, Katar, ?ran,
Lübnan, Fas, Kuveyt, Libya ve
Ürdün?ün Bulgaristan?daki
büyükelçilerinin davet
edildi?ini belirtti. Türkiye?nin
tüm Anadolu?yu kapsayan ilk
küme hareketi Anadolu Rayl?
The city of Burgaz is a city
located on shores of Black
Sea on the south of Bulgaria
and is just near the border
with Turkey, being a
neighbor city of is a city on
the other side of the border.
The Governor of Burgaz, Mr.
Pavel Marinov gave the news
that an agreement will be
signed with turkey in April
for construction of a railway
between Burgaz and
In his speech with
journalists, governor
Marinov has stated that ?an
international trade forum
shall start on 9th April with
the title ?New Economy of
Bulgaria ? Road to the East?
and that the forum will last
for two days. He indicated
that the agreement for
construction of a railway
between Burgaz and
K?rklareli will be signed
during this forum.
Mr. Pavel Marinov explained
that the railway line
between K?rklareli and
Burgaz is only one of the
clauses of the agreement
that shall be entered by the
governors of both cities and
has also announced that a
terminal shall be
constructed at the Malko
T?rnovo customs for transit
Mr. Marinov has explained
that the international trade
forum named ?New Economy
of Bulgaria ? Road to the
East?will be held in the city
of Pomorie and that in the
meeting planned to be held
with Ms. Daniela Bobeva,
Deputy Prime Minister
hosting the meeting. He
indicated that ambassadors
of Turkey, Russia, Greece,
Qatar, Iran, Lebanon,
Morocco, Kuwait, Libya and
Jordan serving in Bulgaria
are invited. Anatolian Rail
Transit Anatolia Rail
Pavel Marinov
Burgaz ile K?rklareli Aras?nda ??birli?i Anla?mas?
Cooperation between Burgaz and K?rklareli 21 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April 22 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Dünyada 5-6 adet bulunan
test trenlerinden biri olan Piri
Reis treni bu hatta test
sürü?leri için kullan?l?yor. ?lk
etapta saatte 40 kilometre
h?zdan ba?layarak hatt?n
ölçümleri gerçekle?tiriliyor.
Daha sonra testlerde h?z
kademeli olarak artt?r?larak
275 km/saate ç?kacak. Hatta
maksimum h?z 250 km/saat
olacak. Karaman, test treninin
250 kilometre h?zla ilerlerken
dahi 247 ayr?ölçüm
gerçekle?tirdi?ini belirtti.
Karaman, testlerin amac?n?n
istenilen standartta yol
yap?m?n?n, seyahat
konforunun ve güvenli?in
kaydetti. Bu testlerle birlikte
sinyalizasyon testleri de
Hatta 9 durak var
2015 y?l?nda Marmaray?a
ba?lanmas?öngörülen hatta
ilk etapta 9 durak bulunacak.
Bunlar Polatl?, Eski?ehir,
Bozüyük, Bilecik, Pamukova,
Sapanca, ?zmit, Gebze ve
Pendik duraklar?, Geyve
Sapanca aras?kesim
tamamland?ktan sonra Ankara
Gebze aras?3 saate inerken,
Ankara ? ?stanbul (Pendik)
aras?da 3 saat 15 dakika
?lk etapta Geyve Arifiye
aras?nda konvansiyonel
trenler kullan?lacak. Projenin
ikinci kesimi tamamland?ktan
sonra ise Ankara Pendik aras?
2 saat 45 dakikaya inerken
?stanbul Ankara aras?3 saat
olacak. Toplam maliyeti 4
milyar dolan hat ile günde 50
bin yolcu ta??nmas?
"Türkler çok fazla seyahat
Yap?lan aç?klamalara göre bu
hatt?n hizmete girmesi ile
yolcu ta??mac?l???nda
demiryolu pay?n?n % 10?dan
% 78 ç?kmas?planlan?yor.
The test train Piri Reis, which is
one of the 5-6 test trains on
the world is used for tests
along this line. At first stage
the test train will run at a
speed of 40 kph, making
measurements along the line.
Then, the tests will continue,
the train speed incrementally
until it reaches a speed of 275
kph. Maximum speed along the
line will be 250 kph. Mr.
Karaman has stated that even
when the test train is moving
at a speed of 250 kph, it makes
247 distinguished
measurements. Mr. Karaman
explained that the purpose of
the tests is toensure that the
whole track, travel comfort
and safety levels are at
specified standards. Signaling
tests will also be conducted
and completed with these
There are 9 stopsalong the
The line which is planned to be
connected to Marmaray in
2015 will have 9 stops at first
stage. These are, Polatl?,
Eski?ehir, Bozüyük, Bilecik,
Pamukova, Sapanca, ?zmit,
Gebze and Pendik stops. Once
the section between Geyve and
Sapanca is completed, the
travel time between Ankara
and Gebze will be 3 hours and
that between Ankara and
?stanbul (Pendik) will be 3
hours and 15 minutes.
At first stage conventional
trains will be used between
Geyve and Arifiye. Once the
second section of the project is
completed, the travel time
between Ankara and Pendik
will be 2 hours and 45 minutes
and that between Ankara and
?stanbul will be 3 hours. In this
4 billion dollar project it is
estimated that the daily
ridership will be 50 thousand.
"Turksdo not travel much"
Based on information
provided, once this line is in
service, the share of railways
in passenger transportation
will increase from 10% to
Ankara-?stanbul Yüksek H?zl?Tren Hatt?
Ankara ?stanbul High Speed Train Line 23 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April 24 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Yurtiçi ve yurt d???nda önemli
ve prestijli in?aat projelerine
imza atan, Türkiye?nin önde
gelen iki ?irketi Yap?Merkezi
ve STFA, Katar Doha Metrosu
kapsam?nda en büyük hat
olan ?Gold Line?ihalesini
Gold Line ihalesi, 2022
Dünya Kupas??na haz?rl?k
olarak yap?lan yat?r?mlar
aras?nda, 4.4 milyar dolar
bedel ile Katar?da bu amaçla
yap?lan en büyük proje olma
özelli?i ta??yor.
23 Nisan 2014 tarihinde
Katar?da yap?lan imza töreni
ile, STFA ve Yap?Merkezi Türk
müteahhitlerinin ?u ana
kadar yurtd???nda ald???en
büyük bedelli ihaleye imza
2022 y?l?nda Dünya
Kupas??na ev sahipli?i
yapacak olan Körfez ülkesi
Katar?da in?aat projeleri h?z
kesmeden devam ediyor.
Metro, yeralt?istasyonlar?,
demiryolu, stadyumlar,
AVM?ler, oteller, otoyolu,
köprüler, bat?rma tünel,
rezervuarlar gibi yat?r?mlar
için Türkiye ve dünyadan pek
çok ?irket Katar?daki i?lere
talip oldu.
?hale süreci 2 y?l kadar sürdü
Bunlar?n en önemlilerinden
birisi olan Doha Metrosu
ihalesi için yakla??k 700 firma
metro projesine ilgi
göstermi?, bunlardan 290
firman?n olu?turdu?u 70
ortak giri?im yeterlilik
dosyas?sunmu?tu. ??veren
Ortak Giri?im say?s?n?önce
32?ye, daha sonra da 18?e
dü?ürerek yap?lacak ihalelere
ortak giri?imleri davet etti. 4
ana hattan olu?an Doha
Metrosu?nun, 4.4 milyar dolar
tutar?ndaki Gold Line paketi,
STFA ve Yap?Merkezi
taraf?ndan imzaland?.
Doha Metrosunun ihalesi
tamamlanan 5 paketi ile ilgili
ön yeterlilik 2011 y?l?n?n
nisan ay?nda ba?lam??t?. Yap?
Merkezi ve STFA?n?n teklif
verdi?i Gold Line ihalesi
yakla??k 2 y?l sürdü. En son
The two major construction
firms in Turkey, Yap?Merkezi
and STFA, which have
undersigned various large and
prestigious projects both in
Turkey and abroad, now win the
?Gold Line?tender, which is the
largest line planned to be built
within the scope of Qatar Metro
With a cost of 4.4 billion
dollars, the Gold Line Tender is
the largest project that will be
implemented as one of the
major investment projects
planned as a preparation for the
2022 World Soccer Cup, to be
hosted by Qatar.
With the ceremony held on 23rd
April 2014 in Qatar STFA and
Yap?Merkezi have undersigned
a contract that has the highest
price among all the contracts
signed abroad by Turkish
In this Gulf Country Qatar,
which will be hosting the World
Soccer Cup in year 2022,
investment in construction
projects is ongoing without
slowing down.
Many companies both in Turkey
and all around the world are
closely following the tenders
being held in Qatar, which
include investments in metro
lines, underground stations,
railways, stadiums, Shopping
Centers, hotels, highways,
bridges, immersed tunnels,
reservoirs etc.
Tender processtook about two
About 700 firms were interested
in the Doha Metro tender, which
is one of the major projects in
this scope and 70 joint ventures
formed by 290 of these firms
have applied with a
qualification file.
The Client first has reduced the
number of joint ventures to 32
and then short listed 18 of
these, inviting them for the
tenders. The Doha metro line
will consist of 4 main lines and
the Turkish firm STFA and Yap?
Merkezi are awarded with the
Gold Line Packet at a price of
4.4 billion dollars.
Yap?Merkezi ve STFA?n?n yer ald???Konsorsiyum Katar?da Doha?da Golden Line Metro Hatt?Projesi ?halesini Kazand?
Yap?Merkezi and STFAConsortium iswasawarded with Doha?sGolden Line Metro Line Project tender in Qatar
KENT?Ç?TA?IMACILIK/ URBANTRANSPORT 25 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
a?amaya gelindi?inde STFA ve
YM?nin içinde bulundu?u
ortak giri?im, Impregilo
(?talya)-SK (Kore) Ortak
Giri?imi, Hochtief (Almanya) -
Ortak Gir?imi ve BAM
(Hollanda)-Sixco (Belçika)-
Midmac (Katar) OG?sine kar??
yar??t?. Projenin son
a?amas?nda Hochtief?in
liderli?ini yapt???Ortak
Giri?im ile ba?ba?a kalan
STFA ve Yap?Merkezinin
içinde bulundu?u
Konsorsiyum i?in sonunda
imzay?atan taraf oldu. Yunan
Ellaktor firmas?ile birlikte
konsorsiyum içinde yer alan
Yap?Merkezi ve STFA ortakl???
% 40 ile en büyük hisseye
Doha Metrosu içinde en
önemli hat Golden Line
Doha?da yap?lan yat?r?mlar?n
içinde en önemli projelerden
birisi olan Doha Metrosu dört
ana hattan olu?mas?
planlan?yor. Bunlar K?rm?z?
Hat (K?y?Hatt?), Ye?il Hat
(E?itim Hatt?), Alt?n Hat (Tarihi
Hat) ve Mavi Hat (Kent Hatt?).
Toplam metro hatt?uzunlu?u
216 km olup, 100 kadar
istasyon yap?lmas?
Alt?n Hat Do?u Bat?yönünde
olup Kentin kuzeyindeki Hava
Alan?n?merkezi Msheireb?den
geçerek Al Waab Caddesine,
Al Rayyan Güne kesime ve
Salwa Yoluna ba?lamakta.
Proje kapsam?nda 32 km tünel
in?aat?olup bunun için alt?
adet tünel delme makinesi
çal??t?r?lacak. Toplam 13 adet
yer alt?istasyonu yap?lacak.
Projenin 54 ayda
dolay?s?yla da proje
tamamlanma tarihi A?ustos
The prequalification process for
the 5 packets of Doha Metro
tender started in April 2011.
The tender for the Gold Line, for
which Yap?Merkezi and STFA
bid, took about 2 years to be
finalized. At the final stage
STFA ? YM Joint Venture was
competing against Impregilo
(Italy)-SK(Korea) Joint Venture,
Hochtief (Germany) - CCC
(Greece/Palestine) Joint
Venture and BAM
(Netherlands)-Sixco (Belgium)-
Midmac (Qatar) JV. At the final
stage of the project, the
Consortium in which STFA ?
Yap?Merkezi were partners was
the one that signed the
Contract leaving the other JV
which had Hochtief as the pilot
firm out the competition. With
40% share Yap?Merkezi ? STFA
partnership has the highest
share in the Consortium led by
the Greek firm Ellaktor.
In Doha Metro the most
important line isthe Gold Line
Among the investments made
in Doha the Doha Metro is
planned to have four major
lines. These are the Red Line
(Coast Line), Green Line
(Education Line), Gold Line
(Historic Line) and Blue Line
(City Line). Total length of the
metro is 216 km and about 100
stations will be constructed.
The Gold Line is aligned along
the East-West Direction and
starts at the Airport at the
North Side of the city. Then
after passing through the
central Msheireb, will connect
the Al Waab Street, Al Rayyan
South and Salwa Road.
The project includes
construction of 32 km tunnels
and 6 tunnel boring machines
will be used to open these
tunnels. A total of 13
underground stations will be
constructed. It is planned to
complete the project in 54
months with work completing
date being August 2018.
Bugüne kadar Türk Firmalar?n?n yurt d???nda ald???en büyük bedelli ihale
Thistender hasthe highest bid price among the projectsTurkish Firmsundertook abroad
KENT?Ç?TA?IMACILIK/ URBANTRANSPORT 26 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
Sultaniye-Karl?tepe ve Hz.
Yu?a Tepesi aras?nda
teleferik hatt?kurulacak.
E?siz bo?az manzaras?190
metre yükseklikte, 2.5
kilometre boyunca havadan
Anadolu Yakas?'n?n ilk
teleferik hatlar?Beykoz'da
kuruluyor. Ula??m ve turizm
yat?r?m?olarak planlanan
çal??mayla ilçenin mesire ve
ziyaret alanlar?na ilgi
artarken Beykoz di?er
ilçelerdeki turizm ve sosyal
canl?l???yakalayacak. Beykoz
Çay?r?-Hz. Yu?a Tepesi
aras?nda kurulacak hatt?n bir
istasyonu, tarihi Beykoz
Çay?r?giri?inde kurulmas?
planlanan Yal?köy kapal?
pazar yeri ve yer alt?
otopark?n?n hemen yan?nda
yer alacak. Bu noktaya gelen
yerli ve yabanc?turistler
?stanbul'un en çok ziyaretçi
alan mekânlar?ndan olan Hz.
Yu?a Tepesi'ne e?siz bo?az
ula?acak. Projenin hayata
geçmesiyle tarihi Beykoz
Çay?r?ve Yu?a Tepesi'ne ilgi
artacak hem de vatanda?lar?n
sahilden tepelere ula??m?
kolayla?acak. Beykoz Çay?r?
ve Hz. Yu?a Tepesi aras?ndaki
teleferik hatt?n?n toplam
güzergâh uzunlu?u 2.5
kilometreye, yüksekli?i de
190 metreye kadar ç?kacak.
?lçedeki önemli turizm
yat?r?mlar?aras?nda yer alan
Karl?tepe CTipi Mesire Alan?
projesi kapsam?nda da
sahilden bölgeye ula??m?
sa?layacak bir teleferik hatt?
ad?verilecek bu hatt?n
aç?lmas?yla ziyaretçiler
Bo?aziçi'nin ve ?ehrin en
güzel manzaras?na sahip,
piknik ve spor alanlar?yla
donat?lacak olan Karl?tepe
Mesire Alan?'na 2 kilometrelik
bir gezintiyle ula?abilecek.
?lçeye kazand?r?lacak
teleferik hatlar?n?n metro
yat?r?m?yla entegre edilmesi
A 2.5 km long ropeway will be
constructed between
Sultaniye-Karl?tepe and Hz.
Yu?a Hill at a height of 190
meter, with a magnificent view
of the Bosphorous.
The first ropeway line of
Anatolian side of ?stanbul will
be constructed in Beykoz. With
this transportation and tourism
investment people will be
attracted to the resort and
areas in this district, helping to
bring the district of Beykoz to
the level of other tourism and
social activity centers. The line
planned to be constructed
between the Beykoz resort area
and Hz. Yu?a hill, will have its
first stations at the entrance of
the historical Beykoz resort
area, near the
Yal?köy closes bazaar and the
underground parking lot. Local
and foreign tourists coming to
this point will be able to go to
the Hz. Yu?a hill, one of the
locations in ?stanbul that
attracts most of the tourists,
with a magnificent Bosphorus
view. With completion of the
project, the historical Beykoz
Resort area and Yu?a Hill will
not only attract more people,
but transportation to the hills
from the seaside will be much
more easier.
The total line of the ropeway is
2.5km, and its height will be
190 m at its highest point.
The Karl?tepe CType Recreation
area project involves
construction of a ropeway line
from sea side to the district.
The project called Sultaniye
Karl?tepe Line will be a 2 km
line, reaching the Karl?tepe
Recreation Area, which will
have picnic and spor facilities
built in this district with one of
the most beautiful view of
Bosphorous and ?stanbul. It is
planned to integrate these
ropeway projects with the
metro lines.
Beykoza Bo?az manzaral?teleferik
Ropeway with a view of Bosphorous 27 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April 28 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April 29 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April 30 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April

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RayHaber sayı 13

  • 1. Al Haramian Katenersiz Araçlar Catenary Free Vehicles Dikey ?stasyonlar Vertical Stations Mart Nisan 2015 | March April 2015 Say?| Vol : 13 Y?l | Year : 3 Turkiye 15 TL| Europe 12 EUR| Other Countries16 EUR Türkiye'nin Rayl?Sistemler Dergisi | Railway Magazine of Turkey Yüksek H?zl?Tren hatt?lar?yla 'Yeni Türkiye' 'New Turkey' with High Speed Train Lines EurAsiaRail 2015 Özel Say?/ Special Edition
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  • 4. 2 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April 18 ALTYAPI | INFRASTRUCTURE Künye / Masthead Y?l 3 | Say?13 | Yayg?n Süreli Yay?n (2 Ayl?k) | Mart - Nisan 2015 Year 3 | Vol 13 | International Periodical (bi-monthly) | March - April 2015 ?mtiyaz Sahibi ve Yay?n Yönetmeni (Sorumlu) Licencee & Executive Editor (Managing) LEVENT ÖZEN Yaz???leri Müdürü / Editor-in-chief CAN ÖZEN Görsel Yönetmen / Visual Editor CAN ÖZEN Dan??ma Kurulu / Advisory Board AHMET EM?N YILMAZ ?BRAH?M ÖZ (DTD) MET?N YEREBAKAN, Prof Dr. NUR?KOLAYLI (BGC) TAHA AYDIN (RAYDER) TUNCERTOPRAK, Prof Dr. TURGUT ERKESK?N (UT?KAD) Katk?da Bulunanlar / Editorial Contributions TU?ÇET?R?Ç ÇET?N Ç?TL? LEVENT ELMASTAS OKAN YÜKSEL TARIK KARA Yayma ve Yönetim / Publishing & Management Özen Teknik Dan??manl?k Medya Grubu Adalet mah. Anadolu cad. Megapol Tower 41/81 Bayrakl?- ?zmir Tel/Fax: +90 850 520 0 729 Bask?/ Publisher CAN FOTOKOP?KIRT. D?J?TALBASKI H?ZMETLER?SANAY?VET?C. LTD. ?T?. ?ehitler Cad. No: 121/A 35210 Alsancak-?zmir Tel: +90 (232) 464 38 48 Fax: +90 (232) 464 55 17 Bas?m Tarihi / Publish date : 01.03.2015 Yay?nlanan tüm yaz?ve foto?raflar?n tüm haklar?RayHaber dergisine aittir. Dergide yay?nlanan yaz?lar?n hiçbiri telif hak sahibinin izni olmadan yay?nlanamaz. All publishedarticlesandphotosarecopyrightedtoRayHaber magazine.Nopart of thismagazine maybereproducedinanyformwithout theprior writtenpermissionof thecopyright owners. twitter: @rayhaber facebook: /rayhaber youtube: /rayhaberleri Demiryolu refah ve uygarl?k yoludur. The railway is the way to prosperity and civilization. Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK ?çindekiler ELEKTR?KELEKTRON?K| ELECTRIC&ELECTRONICS Yap?Merkezi ve STFA?n?n yer ald???Konsorsiyum Katar?da Doha?da Golden Line Metro Hatt?Projesi ?halesini Kazand? Yap?Merkezi and STFA Consortium are a partner was awarded with Doha?s Golden Line Metro Line Project tender in Qatar Konya'ya Katenersiz Tramvay Catenary-Free TramsFor Konya Yeni Bir Radikal Kavram - Yüksek H?zl?Dü?ey Tren Gar? ARadical New Concept - The Hyper Speed Vertical Train Hub
  • 5. 3 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April RH+ KENT?Ç?TA?IMACILIK/ URBANTRANSPORT TRENLER| ROLLINGSTOCK DEM?RYOLU| RAILWAY Content Yüksek güvenlikli demir yolu trafi?i için güçlü özel ya?lay?c?lar Individual solutionsto get you on the right track Yap?Merkezi ve STFA?n?n yer ald???Konsorsiyum Katar?da Doha?da Golden Line Metro Hatt?Projesi ?halesini Kazand? Consortium in which Yap?Merkezi and STFAare a partner wasawarded with Doha?sGolden Line Metro Line Project tender in Qatar Burgaz ile K?rklareli Aras?nda ??birli?i Anla?mas? Coorperation Between BurgasAnd K?rklareli HaramainProjesi 2016 Y?l?nda??letmeyeGeçecek HaramainProject Will BeReadyAt 2016 Ankara-?stanbul Yüksek H?zl?Tren Hatt? Ankara ?stanbul High Speed Train Line Beykoza Bo?az manzaral?teleferik Ropeway with a view of Bosphorous
  • 6. 4 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April Editorial Levent Özen Yay?n Yönetmeni Executive Editor De?erli okurlar, Her y?l yüksek h?zda büyüyen Türkiye demiryolu sektörü Avrupa?n?n lideri olmaya davam ediyor. Bu h?z?n?yüksek h?zl? trenlerden alan demiryollar?na yap?lan yat?r?mlar da artmaya devam ediyor. Ayr?ca ?ehiriçi ula??m için yap?lan yat?r?mlarla birlikte, yerli üretim yapan pek çok firmam?z?n y?ld?z? parlamaktad?r. Yerli tramvay, hafif rayl?sistem ve metro arac? üreten firmalar?n yan?nda, Türk yap?m?yüksek h?zl??milli tren? imalat?na ba?lanm??olmas?gurur vericidir. Bu gurur verici tabloda olmaktan bizde oldukça mutluyuz. Sektörel habercilik yapmak için 4 y?ld?r yenilikçi ve tarafs?z habercilik anlay???yla çal???yoruz. RayHaber web sitemiz 30 bin haber, günlük ihale bültenleri ve 20 y?ll?k demiryolu ar?iviyle, günde ortalama 25 bin tekil ziyaretçi a??rlayan dev bir haber portaline dönü?tü. Hedefimiz günlük ziyaretçi say?m?z?100 bine ta??yarak, ulusal site s?ralamas?nda Türkiye?nin ilk bin sitesi içine girmek. Bize verdi?iniz tüm destekler için te?ekkür ederiz, bir sonraki say?m?zda görü?mek üzere, sevgilerimle... Dear Readers, Railway market of Turkey is still the leader of Europe with high growing speed in each year. The speed that is taken from high speed lines is continued with the increasing investments. Including the urban transport investments, local manufacturing companies are more popular. Addition to locally manufactured trams, LRT and metro vehicles, Turkish high speed line vehicles which is called ?milli tren?are being manufactured which is quite honorable. We are also happy to be in this honorable situation. We can working for innovative and transparent marketing news since 4 years. RayHaber web page having more than 30.000 news, daily tender bulletins and 20 years of railway achieve is a giant portal with 25.000 unique visitors per day. Our new target is 100.000 visitors per day and would be in 1000 sites in international web site listings. Thank you for all your supports, hoping to meet again in our next issue, best regards?
  • 7. 5 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April ALTYAPI | INFRASTRUCTURE Alp Da?lar??n?n alt?ndan geçerek ?sviçre?yi ?talya?ya ba?layan 57 kilometre uzunlu?unda ve dünyan?n en uzun tüneli olma özelli?i ta??yan Gotthard Tüneli, bir Türk firmas?n?n imzas?n? ta??yor. Türkiye d???nda Rusya ve Türki Cumhuriyetlerde altyap? projelerini üstlenmi?olan Rönesans Holding ?imdi de Avrupa?ya aç?l?yor. Rönesans Holding Gotthard Tünel Projesini gerçekle?tiren iki konsorsiyumun içinde de yer almakta. Avrupa?n?n Kuzeyini ?talya ile Akdeniz?e ba?layacak olan 16 milyar Euro?luk h?zl?tren projesinde tünel in?aata?n?n bedeli 9.5 milyar Euro. Ankara merkezli Rönesans Holding?in yapt???tünel tamamland???nda Zürih-Milano aras?, h?zl?trenle bir saat k?salarak iki saat 40 dakikaya inecek. 2016 y?l?nda tamamlanacak olan tünelde test sürü?ü 29 Mart tarihinde yap?ld?. Rönesans ?n?aat, 1 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde Avusturya merkezli Alpine Group?un ?sviçre kolu ?Alpine Bau Gmbh, Hergiswill? firmas?n?sat?n ald?. Bu sat?n almayla birlikte Rönesans, Avrupa?n?n en büyük projelerinden biri olan Rotterdam-Genova aras?ndaki h?zl?tren hatt?n?n bir bölümünü olu?turan Gotthard Tüneli?nin in?as?nda yer ald?. Alp Da?lar??n?n alt?ndan geçen ve ?sviçre?yle ?talya?y?birbirine ba?layan Gotthard Tüneli, dünyan?n en uzun tüneli olma özelli?i ta??yor. 2016 y?l?n?n sonunda aç?lmas?planlanan tünelle, Zürih ve Milano aras? bir saat k?salarak iki saat 40 dakikaya inecek. A Turkish firm is putting their signature on construction of the Gotthard Tunnel that is opened under the Alps, to connect ?taly to Switzerland. This 57 km long tunnel will be the longest tunnel in the world. Besides operating in Turkey Rönesans Holding has undertaken construction of various infrastructure projects in Russia and Turkic Republics and now is opening to Europe. Rönesans Holding has entered the contract in two consortiums that will construct the Gotthard Tunnel Project. In this ? 16 billion high speed train project that is planned to connect the Northern Europe to Mediterranean Sea over Italy, the construction of the tunnel will cost ? 9.5 billion. Once the tunnel constructed by Rönesans Holding, a firm residing in Ankara, the travel time between Zurich and Milano will be reduced to two hours and forty minutes. A test run was conducted on 29th March in the tunnel which is planned to be completed in 2016. On 1st July 2013 Rönesans Construction company had acquired the ?Alpine Bau GmbH, Hergiswill?firm, which was the Switzerland branch of the Alpine Group based in Austria. With this acquisition, the Rönesans firm undertook the construction of the Gotthard Tunnel, that is a section of the high speed train line between Rotterdam and Genova, one of the major projects in Europe. This longest tunnel on earth is planned to be opened in 2016. TÜRKFIRMASI RÖNESANSHOLDING?SVIÇRE?YI ?TALYA?YABA?LAYAN TÜNELIN ?N?AATINI YAPIYOR TURKEYISPUTTINGHERSIGNATUREON THEHIGH SPEED TRAIN SYSTEM THATISPLANNED TOCONNECTSWITZERLAND AND ITALY
  • 8. 6 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April ALTYAPI | INFRASTRUCTURE TOPLAM MAL?YET 9.5 M?LYAR EURO Dün test sürü?ü yap?lan tünel, her biri 57 kilometre uzunlu?unda iki tüp geçitten olu?uyor. Toplam maliyeti 9.5 milyar euro olan tünelin in?as?nda Rönesans?la birlikte Alpiq In Tec (Güç ve kablo sistemleri), Alcatel-Lucent Schweiz/Thales Rss (Telekomünikasyon ve Güvenlik Sistemleri), Balfour Beatty Rail (Rayl?Ula??m Sistemleri) firmalar?da görev yap?yor. Tünel, saatte 250 kilometre h?za göre tasarland?. Tünelin in?as?nda iki bin 500 ki?i çal???yor. Tünel, Alp Da?lar??nda do?an?n korunmas?ve karayolu güvenli?inin sa?lanmas? amac?ta??yor. 1940?l?y?llarda fikir olarak ortaya ç?kan tünelin yap?m?için 20 y?l önce yap?lan bir dizi referandumla ?sviçre halk?n?n onay? al?nm??t?. Tünel, a??r yük araçlar?n?yollardan uzakla?t?rma ve ?sviçre?nin el de?memi?Alp manzaras?n? korumay?da hedefliyor. ÜNVANI JAPONLARDAN ALACAK ?u an dünyan?n en uzun tüneli, Japon adalar?nda 53.8 kilometre uzunluk ile Hokkaido?yu Hon?u?ya ba?lalyan Seikan tüneli. Gotthard Tüneli?nin tamamlanmas?yla dünyan?n en uzun tüneli ünvan?, ?sviçre?ye geçecek. Rönesans Holding Rusya Yönetim Kurulu Ba?kan?Avni Akvardar, firmalar?n?n dünyadaki çok özel tünel firmalar?ile rekabet etmeyi planlad???n? belirtti. TOTALCOSTIS9.5 BILLION EUROS The tunnel consists of two tube tunnels, each 57 km long. In construction of the tunnel besides Rönesans, Alpiq In Tec (Power and cable systems), Alcatel-Lucent Schweiz/Thales Rss (Telecommunications and Safety Systems), Balfour Beatty Rail (Rail Transit System) are also contracted in this 9.5 billion Euro project. The tunnel is designed for trains moving at a speed of 250 km/h. 2,500 people are employed for the construction of this tunnel. The purpose in constructing this tunnel is to protect and preserve the nature of the Alp Mountains as well as ensuring road safety, by removing heavy load freight trucks from road. The idea of such a tunnel being first brought up in 1940?s was then approved by the people of Switzerland with a series of referendums held 20 years. THERECORD OFJAPANSWILL BEBROKEN Currently Japans hold the record with the 53.8 km long Seikan tunnel that connects the Hokkaido to Honshu islands. Once the Gotthard Tunnel is completed, Switzerland will now be the owner of this record. The Chairman of the Executive Committee of Rönesans Holding, Mr. Avni Akvardar has stated that their firm is planned to compete with very specialized tunnel firms on the globe. Alp Da?lar??n?n alt?ndan geçerek ?sviçre?yi ?talya?ya ba?layan 57 kilometre uzunlu?unda ve dünyan?n en uzun tüneli olma özelli?i ta??yan Gotthard Tüneli, bir Türk firmas?n?n imzas?n?ta??yor. ATurkish firm isputting their signature on construction of the Gotthard Tunnel that isopened under the Alps, to connect Italy to Switzerland. This57 km long tunnel will be the longest tunnel in the world.
  • 9. 7 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
  • 10. 8 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April Yolculuk yapt???n?z tren New York?a veya Londra?ya ya da ba?ka bir metropole geldi?inizde sizi bir gökdelenin tepesine ç?kar?rsa ne hissedersiniz? Londra?l?iki tasar?mc? Christopher Christophi ve Lucas Mazarrasa metropol kentlerde dü?ey bir demiryolu istasyonu in?aat?yapma fikrini geli?tirdi. Bu tasar?m eVolo Magazinin 2014 Gökdelen Yar??mas?nda mansiyon ald?. Yüksek H?zl?Dü?ey Tren Gar? (Hyper Speed Vertical Train Hub) olarak adland?r?lan bu gökdelen gelecek y?llarda kentlerin kar??la?aca?? önemli bir sorunu çözmek amac?yla tasarland?. Dünya genelinde güvenli ve ekonomik bir ula??m aktörü olarak rayl?sistemlere daha fazla yat?r?m yapma e?ilimi nedeniyle, New York,Londrave Madrid gibi metropol kentler 21. Yüzy?l?n son çeyre?ine girdiklerinde yer sorunu ile ile kar??la?acaklar. GENELKAVRAM Dü?ey tren gar?n?n altyap?s? dünya genelinde herhangi bir kentte uygulanmas?n?mümkün k?lacak ?ekilde olacak. Yer alt?nda ve üstünde çok yüksek h?zda ilerleyen yüksek h?zl? trenlere hizmet edecek. Tren vagonlar?geldiklerinde bir dönme dolap gibi dönecekler ve bina yan?ndaki m?knat?slar da yükselmelerini sa?layacak. How would you feel if the train you are travelling with takes you to the top of a skyscraper when you arrive to New York or London or any other metropolitan city. Two designers from London, Christopher Christophi and Lucas Mazarrasa came up with an idea of building a vertical railway station in metropolitan cities. This design received an honourable mention in eVolo Magazine?s 2014 Skyscraper Competition. Called the Hyper Speed Vertical Train Hub, this skyscraper is designed to resolve a big challenge the cities will face in the future years. With a tendency throughout the world to invest more in railway systemsas a safe and economic mode of transportation, metropolitan cities like New York, London and Madrid will face a problem of space before they enter the last quarter in 21st century. GENERALCONCEPT The infrastructure of the vertical train hub will be such that, it can be implemented in any city around theworld. It will serve hyper speed trains moving at very high speed under and above the ground. Train carriages pivot like a Ferris wheel when they approach, and magnets on the side of the building allow them to rise up. YEN?B?RRAD?KALKAVRAM ?YÜKSEKHIZLI DÜ?EY TREN GARI OLARAKADLANDIRILAN B?RGÖKDELEN ARADICALNEW CONCEPT?ASKYCRAPERCALLED THEHYPERSPEED VERTICALTRAIN HUB ALTYAPI | INFRASTRUCTURE
  • 11. 9 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
  • 12. 10 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April Rayl?sistemler ekipmanlar?n?n bak?m?nda ya?lay?c?lar belirleyici bir rol oynar. Trenlerin ve demir yollar?n?n her türlü hava ko?ulunda güvenle çal??mas?n?sa?lamak için kap?sistemleri, cer motorlar? ya da fren sistemleri gibi ekipmanlar?n ve tüm demir yolu altyap?s?n?n bak?m?en uygun ko?ullarda yap?lmal?d?r. Klüber Lubrication Rayl?Sistemler endüstrisi için geni? kapsaml?, güçlü özel ya?lay?c?lar?n?geli?tirdi. ?Rayl?Sistemler endüstrisi için bir ya?lay?c?geli?tirirken Klüber Lubrication özellikle onlar?çevre dostu olarak üretebilmeye odaklan?r? diyor Rayl?Sistemler Müdürü Thomas Kamprath. ?Bu da, su ya da toprak zemin ile temas?n?n göz ard? edilemeyece?i sürtünme noktalar?için özel bir önem ta??maktad?r.? Yeni Geli?melere Bak?? Klüberrail ALO 32-250 Katener hatlar?için damlama yapmayan yüksek derece tutucu yeni özel ya?lay?c?d?r. Suya son derece dayan?kl? oldu?undan daha dü?ük a??nma ve dolay?s?yla daha uzun ya?lama aral?klar?na ula?arak ak?m kollektörü ve hat aras?nda güvenilir ya?lama sa?lar. Tam Sentetik yüksek performansl?di?li ya?? Klübersynth GE4 75 W 90 rayl?sistemler uygulamalar? için, yüksek yük alt?nda çal??ma ve mikropitting direnci sa?layan yüksek performansl?tam sentetik di?li ya??d?r. Baz ya??n viskozite kararl?l???, ya? filminin a??r?yükler alt?nda bile çökmesini önleyerek rulmanlar ve di?lilerde koruma sa?lar. Korozyon ve a??nma kar??iyi korumas?n?n yan?s?ra, daha az ya? de?i?imi gereklili?ine ula??lmas?n?destekleyen yüksek ya?lanma ve oksidasyon direnci sundu?u gibi, mükemmel dü?ük s?cakl?k davran???sunar. Klübersynth GE4 75 W 90, IG Watteeuw, Voith Turbo, Siemens-Flender gibi birçok di?li üreticisi ve Alman demiryolu i?letmecisi Lubricants play a decisive role in the maintenance of railway components. To ensure that trains and rails work reliably under all weather conditions, equipment like doors, traction motors or brakes and the entire railway infrastructure must be maintained in optimum condition. Klüber Lubrication developed its comprehensive range of powerful speciality lubricants for the railway "When developing lubricants for the rail sector, Klüber Lubrication is especially focused on making them environmentally friendly," says Thomas Kamprath, Market Manager Rail at Klüber Lubrication. "This is of particular importance for friction points where the contact with water or the ground cannot be ruled out." An overview of new developments Klüberrail ALO32-250 is a new special lubricant for overhead power lines, which is highly adhesive to prevent dripping. As it is also highly resistant to water, this product ensures reliable lubrication between the current collector and the line, leading to lower wear and hence longer relubrication intervals. Klüberrail ALO32 250 also helps reduce overhead line noise and vibration. The new speciality lubricant is biodegradable and therefore eco-friendly. Fully synthetic high-performance gear oil Klübersynth GE4 75 W 90 for railway applications is a fully synthetic high-performance gear oil with high scuffing load capacity and micropitting resistance. The base oil's pronounced shear stability prevents the lubricant film from collapsing even under high loads, which is essential to protect both teeth and rolling bearings. Besides good protection against corrosion and wear, the oil offers good low-temperature behaviour as well as a high resistance to ageing and oxidation, which leads to considerably less frequent oil changes becoming necessary. RH+
  • 13. 11 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April Deutsche Bahn taraf?ndan onayl?d?r. STRABURAGSNBU 30 PTM kat?ya?lay?c?lar içeren suya dirençli bir montaj ya?lay?c?s?d?r. Rayl? Sistemler Endüstrisinde boji uygulamalar?nda s?kça kullan?l?r. ?Vida ba?lant?lar?n?n ön yükleme kuvveti için, toplam sürtünme katsay?s?belirleyici rol oynar?diye aç?kl?yor Thomas Kamprath. ?STRABURAGS NBU 30 TPM ile ya?lanan vidalar DIN 25201 ve VDI 2230 standartlar?nda ?art ko?uldu?u üzere, 0.09 < µ > 0.14 sürtünme katsay?s?na sahiptir. Vida Testi Düzene?inde, M 16 x 100 ? 8.8 vida ile yap?lan kapsaml? testler ile onaylanm??t?r. Özellikle, ekipman kontrollerinde ç?kar?lmas? gereken vidalar?n, uzun bir çal??ma döneminden sonra bile kolayl?kla sökülebilmesi önemlidir. Bu da STRABURAGSNBU 30 PTM?in çok iyi su ve ortam direnci sayesinde sa?lan?r. Boden ya??Klüberrail LEA62-2000 tekerlekler ve raylar için iyi a??nma korumas?sa?lar ve ç?kan sesi dü?ürmek için kurplardaki duraklamal? hareket etkisini azalt?r. S?v? gres ya?lay?c?, yüksek h?zlarda bile tekerlek üzerinde tutundu?undan emin olman?z?sa?layan mükemmel yap??ma sa?lar. Ayr?ca, çok iyi su direnci sunar. Klüberrail LEA 62-2000, OECD 301 F?e göre biyolojik olarak h?zla çözünebilen çevre dostu bir ya?lay?c?d?r. Klüberrail AL 32-3000, eksi 30 derece s?cakl?klarda bile küçük bir kuvvetle makaslar?n ayarlanmas?için geli?tirilen biyoçözünür sentetik özel ya?lay?c?d?r. UV ???nlar?na kar??çok dirençli olan ya?lay?c?, iyi korozyon korumas?ile birle?en iyi su dayan?m?sayesinde yeniden Klübersynth GE4 75 W 90 is approved by several gear manufacturers like IG Watteeuw, Voith Turbo, Siemens-Flender and by the German railway operator Deutsche Bahn. STABURAGSNBU 30 PTM is a water-resistant assembly lubricant containing solid lubricants. In the rail industry, it is frequently used in bogie applications. "For the preload force of screw connections, the total friction coefficient plays a decisive role," Thomas Kamprath explains. "Screws lubricated with STABURAGS NBU 30 PTM have a friction coefficient of 0.09 < µ > 0.14, as stipulated in the standards DIN 25201 and VDI 2230. This was confirmed by comprehensive tests performed with M 16x 100 ? 8.8 screws on the screw test rig. Especially for screws that have to be removed for equipment inspections it is important that they can be undone also after a longer period of operation. This is ensured by the very good resistance to water and media of STABURAGSNBU 30 PTM." The wheel flange lubricant Klüberrail LEA62-2000 ensures good wear protection for wheels and rails and reduces stick-slip effects on curvesto reduce noise. The fluid grease provides excellent adhesion, making sure it stays on the wheel, even at high speeds. Furthermore, it offers very good water resistance. Klüberrail LEA 62 2000 is rapidly biodegradable according to OECD 301 F. Klüberrail AL32-3000 is a synthetic biodegradable speciality lubricant for setting railway pointswith small forces even at temperatures as low as minus 30 degrees. It combines very good resistance RH+ Yüksek güvenlikli demir yolu trafi?i için güçlü özel ya?lay?c?lar Individual solutionsto get you on the right track
  • 14. 12 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April ya?lama aral?klar?nda dikkate de?er bir uzatmaya olanak tan?r. Klüber Lubrication uzmanlar?, rayl?sistemler endüstrisine dair sorular?n?z? yan?tlamaktan memnuniyet duyacaklar. Klüber Lubrication hakk?nda Klüber Lubrication tüm sanayilere ve dünyadaki tüm pazarlara yüksek seviyeli tribolojik çözümler sunmakta olan özel ya?lay?c?lar alan?nda faaliyet gösteren lider üreticilerden biridir. Ürünlerin ço?u mü?teri ihtiyaçlar?na uygun olarak geli?tirilmekte ve üretilmektedir. 80 y?l?a?k?n faaliyet süresi boyunca Klüber Lubrication kendisine pazarda kendisine pazarda bilinirlik ve güven kazand?ran yüksek kaliteli ya?lay?c?lar, güvenilir bir dan??manl?k ve hizmet yelpazesi sunmu?tur. Uluslararas?tüm endüstriyel sertifikalara sahip olan ?irketimiz, özel ya?lay?c?lar endüstrisinde rekabet edilmesi güç bir test laboratuvar?na sahiptir. 1929 y?l?nda Münih'te mineral ya? ürünlerinin perakende sat???için kurulmu?bir ?irket olan Klüber Lubrication bugün Freudenberg Group, Weinheim'?n bir üyesi olan Freudenberg Chemical Specialities SE& Co. KG'nin bir parças?d?r. Klüber Lubrication 30'u a?k?n ülkede yakla??k 2.000 ki?i istihdam etmektedir. to water with good corrosion protection and a high resistance to UV radiation, which helps extend relubrication intervals considerably. Klüber Lubrication experts will be pleased to answer all kinds of questions regarding the lubrication of railway components. About Klüber Lubrication Klüber Lubrication is one of the world's leading manufacturers of speciality lubricants, offering high-end tribological solutions to virtually all industries and markets worldwide. Most products are developed and made to specific customer requirements. During its more than 80 years of existence, Klüber Lubrication has provided high-quality lubricants, thorough consultation and extensive services, which has earned it an excellent reputation in the market. The company holds all common industrial certifications and operates a test bay hardly rivalled in the lubricants industry. Klüber Lubrication, set up as a retail company for mineral oil products in Munich in 1929, is today part of Freudenberg Chemical Specialities SE& Co. KG, a Business Unit of the Freudenberg Group, Weinheim. Klüber Lubrication has approximately 2000 employees in more than 30 countries. RH+
  • 15. 13 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
  • 16. 14 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April ELEKTR?KELEKTRON?K| ELECTRIC&ELECTRONICS Konya?yaKatenersizTramvay Catenary-Free Tramsfor Konya Konya yeni tramvay hatt? projesinde, havai hatt?n yap?lmayaca??kesimde kullan?lmak üzere Skoda Transportation firmas?na 12 adet katenersiz çal??an tramvay sipari?i verdi. Çat?ya monte edilen nano-lityum-titanyum bataryalarla trenler 3 km kadar katenersiz çal??makta ve sonra da pantograftan ?arj edilmekte. Skoda Transportation firmas? Konya?ya 60 adet ForCity Classic 28T model tramvay imal ediyor. Orijinal sipari? ile al?nan ilk 28T tramvay ise ?ubat ay?ndan bu yana i?letmektedir. Gelecek y?l teslimi planlanan bu yeni katenersiz çal??an tramvaylarla Konya Tramvay hatt?için al?nan tramvay say?s?72 adet olacak. Konya has ordered 12 trams capable of catenary-free operation from Skoda Transportation to be operated in the section of the new tramway line that does not have a overhead line. With roof-mounted nano-lithium-titanium batteries trains operate without a catenary, up to 3 km, and are recharged through the pantograph. Currently Skoda Transportation is manufacturing 60 ForCity Classic 28Ttrams for Konya. The first tramway procured with the original order is in operation since February. With these new catenary-free tramways, planned to be delivered next year, the total number of tramways procured for the Konya Tramway line will be 72.
  • 17. 15 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
  • 18. 16 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April Avikon, ak?ll?durak ve araç içi yolcu bilgilendirme sistemlerinde yerli olanaklarla geli?tirilen ürünlerini avantajlar?yla birlikte piyasaya sundu. Avikon ?irket yetkilisi, tamamen kendi olanaklar?yla tasarlan?p geli?tirilen bu sistemin, maliyet, performans ve farkl?ihtiyaçlara adaptasyon konusunda önemli avantajlar sa?lad???n? belirtiyor. Söz konusu sistemin ak?ll? durak, araç içi yolcu bilgilendirme ve merkezi yönetim sistemi olmak üzere 3 ana bile?enden olu?tu?unu belirten Avikon yetkilisi, sistemin kurumlar için; sefer planlamas?ve sefer güvenli?inin sa?lanmas?ile birlikte istedikleri ekranlarda reklam, haber, tan?t?m gibi görselleri oynatabilme ve araçlarda istenilen sesli ve yaz?l?duyurular?n yap?lmas?n? sa?lad???n?; yolcular için ise duraklarda bekleme süresini azaltarak mobil uygulamalar ile uzaktan bilgilerin takip edilmesine olanak sa?lad???n? belirtiyor. Avikon yetkilisi,?Tüm bu avantajlar bir araya geldi?inde mü?teri memnuniyetininartmas?n?ve dolay?s?yla halk?n toplu ta??maya daha fazla yönelmesini bekliyoruz.? dedi. ?LKPROJEGAZ?ANTEP?E Ürünlerini ilk olarak Gaziantep Büyük?ehir Belediyesi Ula??m Planlama ve Rayl?Sistemler Daire Ba?kanl???bünyesinde yürütülen ?Ak?ll?Durak Sistemi?projesinde kulland?klar?n?belirten yetkili, ihalede kuruma fiyat avantaj?yla birlikte emsallerinin ötesinde özellikler ta??yan bir sistemi teslim etmenin mutlulu?unu ya?ad?klar?n?belirtiyor. Avikon is now promoting its new advantageous product line of smart stop and on-board passenger information systems that are developed with local resources. The representative of the firm Avikon has stated that this new system designed and developed fully by their in-house resources bears majors advantages in terms of cost, performance and adaptation to various needs. The Avikon representative has indicated that the new product line consists of three major components, the smart stop, on-board passenger information system and central management system. He also has explained that besides service planning and ensuring service safety, the new system enables the operating entities to make audible and text announcements within the vehicles and replay visual images like advertisement, news and information at chosen screens. It also benefits that passengers by helping reduce the waiting time at stops and following up information remotely with the help of mobile applications. The Avikon representative has stated that ?when all these advantages are considered we expect to improve customer satisfaction and also an increase in a shift towards public transportation. FIRSTPROJECTISGAZ?ANTEP The representative has also informed that their products are first used in the ?Smart Stop System?project being implemented by the Transportation Planning and Rail Systems Department Head of Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality and are happy to deliver a system that is not only awarded in the tender with the price advantages, but also a system that has superior characteristics when compared with similar systems. ELEKTR?KELEKTRON?K| ELECTRIC&ELECTRONICS Yolcu Bilgilendirme Sistemlerinde Yeni Dönem ANew Era for Passenger Information Systems
  • 19. 17 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April KONTROLTEKB?RMERKEZDE Geli?tirdikleri Merkezi Yönetim Sistemi?nin yolcu bilgilendirme sistemlerine büyük avantajlar sa?lad???n? belirten ?irket yetkilisi, ?Bu sistem sayesinde hem araç içi sistemleri hem de durak bilgi ekranlar?n?tek bir bilgisayar ile yönetebiliyorsunuz. Bu sayede hem veri kayb?n? önlemi?, hem de kullan?c?ya büyük birkullan?m kolayl??? sa?lam??oluyoruz.? aç?klamalar?nda bulundu. YEN?ÜRÜNLERYOLDA ?irket yönetiminin AR-GE faaliyetlerine büyük önem verdi?ini belirten Avikonyetkilisi, karayolu ve rayl?sistemler gibi yerli çözümlerin k?s?tl?oldu?u sektörlerdeak?ll?elektronik sistemler geli?tirme konusunda yeni projelerinin devam etmekte oldu?unu belirtiyor. Yetkili, yolcu bilgilendirme sistemleri veya di?er projeleriyle ilgili daha detayl?bilgi almak isteyen herkesi adresine davet ettiklerini belirtiyor. CONTROLFROM ONECENTER The representative of the company has explained that the Central Management System developed by their entity brings major advantages to the passenger information systems and continued stating that ?With this system you can manage both the on-board systems and information screens at the stops from a single computer. Thus, besides preventing data loss, the user also benefits from an easy to use system. NEW PRODUCTSAREALSO BEINGDEVELOPED The representative of Avikon also has explained that the management is taking R&D activities very seriously and studies are continuing on new projects that are focusing on smart electronic systems in the sectors where the solutions for roadway and railway systems are very restricted. He also has informed that anyone who is interested in obtaining detailed information on the passenger information systems and other projects can visit their website ELEKTR?KELEKTRON?K| ELECTRIC&ELECTRONICS
  • 20. 18 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April DEM?RYOLU| RAILWAY Suudi Demiryollar? Organizasyonu (SRO) ba?kan? Muhammed Al-Suwaiket Mekke?yi Medine?ye ba?layan projenin (Al-Haramain Tren Projesi) 2016 y?l?na kadar haz?r olaca??n?söyledi ama ard?ndan da ?bugüne kadar projenin sadece % 50?si tamamlanm??t?r diye de ilave etti. Al Suwaiket, Krall???n genelinde 9900 km?yi bulan demiryolu a??n?daha da geni?letmek için 365 milyar Suudi Riyali kadar yat?r?m yapaca??n?ve Demiryolu Ana Plan?na göre de (RMP) 19 hatt?n yap?laca??n?sözlerine ekledi. Hükümet taraf?ndan tasarlanm??olan stratejik plan?n gelecek 30 y?l içinde yap?lmas?planlanan demiryolu a??n? öngördü?ünü aç?klarken, Al-Haramain Tren Projesinin de 2015 y?l?nda test edilece?ini ilave etti. Stratejik plan?yolcu ve yük kargolar?n?n ta??nmas?için demiryolu a??nda sürdürülebilir bir kalk?nmaya odaklanmaktad?r. Bu a? üç a?amada hayata geçirilecektir. Birinci a?ama 2010 y?l?nda ba?lam??olup 2025 y?l?nda tamamlanmas? programlanm??t?r. Yakla??k 5500 km uzunlu?undaki hat 63 milyar SR?ye in?a edilecektir. ?kinci a?ama 2026 y?l?nda ba?lay?p 2033 y?l?nda son bulmaktad?r ve bu a?amada 209 milyar SR?ye 3000 km hat in?a edilecektir. Haramain projesi 2016 y?l?nda i?letmeye geçecek Haramain project to be ready by 2016 Saudi Railways Organization (SRO) President Muhammad Al-Suwaiket said the project linking Makkah to Madinah (Al-Haramain Train Project) will be ready by 2016, while adding: ?Only 50 % of the project has been completed so far.? The government will invest SR365 billion to expand its 9,900-kilometer-long railway network all over the Kingdom, reiterated Al-Suwaiket, adding that 19 lines would be added to the railway network according to the Railway Master Plan (RMP). The strategic plan designed by the government envisions the railway network over the next 30 years, he said, adding that the train for the Al-Haramain Train Project would be tested in 2015. The strategic plan focuses on achieving sustainable development for the railway networks that will serve passengers and transport cargos. The network will be implemented in three phases. The first one started in 2010 and is scheduled to be completed in 2025. About 5,500-kilometer-long lines will be built for SR63billion. The second phase begins in 2026 and ends in 2033; about 3,000-kilometer-long lines to be built at a total cost of SR209 billion. The third phase begins in 2034 and ends in 2040; about
  • 21. 19 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April Üçüncü a?ama ise 2034 y?l?nda ba?layacak ve 2040 y?l?nda tamamlancakt?r. Yakla??k 1400 km olan bu hatt?n maliyeti ise 93 milyar SRolacakt?r. SRO ula??m sektörünün kalk?nmas?nda kamu ve özel sektörü devreye sokma politikas?n? uygulamaktad?r. KSA?n?n ula??m sektöründe demiryolu ta??mac?l??? giderek artan düzeyde önemli bir rol oynamaktad?r. Kuzey-Günel Demiryolu en büyük yük ta??mac?l??? yapan demiryolu projesi olarak görülmektedir ve 2750 km olan bu hatt?n öngörülen maliyeti 20 milyar SR?dir (5,44 milyar $). Bu proje körfez ihracat? aç?s?ndan yük ta??mac?l??? hatt?nda stratejik bir öneme sahiptir. Landbridge projesi ise 26,6 milyar SR(7,24 milyar $) maliyet ile ba?ka bir yük ta??mac?l???hatt?d?r. Riyad?dan geçen bur hat Jeddah, Dammam ve Jubail liman kentlerini birbirine ba?lamaktad?r. SRO?nun sahibi oldu?u 51,5 milyar SR (14,03 milyar $) maliyeti ile Haramain Yüksek H?zl?Tren Projesi hac?lar?n ta??nmas? amac?yla in?a edilmektedir. Arriyadh Kalk?nma Kurumunun sahibi oldu?u Riyad Hafif Rayl?Sistem ise 9,3 milyar de?erinde olup 2018 y?l?na kadar tamamlanmas? öngörülmektedir. Planlanan bir ba?ka proje de Jeddah metrosu olup, de?eri 35 milyar SR?dir (9,5 milyar $). 2014 y?l?na kadar demiryolunu kullanan yolcular?n say?s?n?n 3,37 milyona ula?mas? beklenmektedir. Yük ta??mac?l???na gelince 2014 y?l?nda yakla??k 15 milyon ton malzeme ve mal ta??nmas?beklenmektedir. 1,400-kilometer-long lines to be built at a total cost of SR93 billion. The SROfocuses in its policies on involving the public and private sectors in developing the transportation sector. The rail transit system is playing an increasing role in KSA?s transport industry. The North-South railway considers the largest freight rail project, 2,750 km long, and valued at an estimated SR20 billion ($5.44 billion). The project is of strategic importance in terms of freight exports to the Gulf. The Landbridge project is another important freight line valued at SR26.6 billion ($7.24 billion). The line links the port cities of Jeddah, Dammam and Jubail, passing through Riyadh. The Haramain High Speed rail project, valued at SR51.5 billion ($14.03 billion) and owned by SRO, is built to transport pilgrims. The Riyadh Light rail, owned by Arriyadh Development Authority and valued at 9.3 billion, is expected to be completed by 2018. The Jeddah metro is another planned project valued at SR35 billion ($9.5 billion). The number of railway passengers is expected to reach 3.37 million passengers by 2014. In terms of freight, about 15 million tons of goods and materials is expected to be transported through the railways by 2014. DEM?RYOLU| RAILWAY
  • 22. 20 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April Bulgaristan??n Karadeniz k?y? ?eridinin güneyinde yer alan ve Türkiye s?n?r?na K?rklareli ile kom?u olan Burgaz kentinin valisi Pavel Marinov, Burgaz-K?rklareli demiryolu projesine ili?kin anla?man?n nisan ay?nda imzalanaca??n? söyledi. Vali Marinov, gazetecilere yapt???aç?klamada, ?Bulgaristan??n Yeni Ekonomisi-Do?u?nun Yolu? adl?uluslararas?ticaret forumunun 9 Nisan?da ba?layaca??n?ve iki gün sürece?ini bildirdi. Marinov, Burgaz ile K?rklareli aras?nda demiryolu in?as?na ili?kin anla?man?n da bu kapsamda imzalanaca??n? ifade etti. K?rklareli-Burgaz demiryolu hatt?n?n, iki bölgenin valileri taraf?ndan imzalanacak anla?man?n sadece bir maddesini kapsad???n? belirten Pavel Marinov, Malko T?rnovo gümrü?ünde transit yükler için de terminal yap?laca??n?kaydetti. Karadeniz sahilinde bulunan Rezovo?ya yeni s?n?r kap?s? aç?lmas?n?n öngörüldü?ünü bildiren Burgaz Valisi Marinov, bu kap?dan sadece turistlerin geçece?ini belirtti. ?Bulgaristan??n Yeni Ekonomisi-Do?u?nun Yolu? adl?uluslararas?ticaret forumunun Pomorie ?ehrinde gerçekle?tirilece?ini bildiren Marinov, ekonomiden sorumlu Ba?bakan Yard?mc?s? Daniela Bobeva?n?n himayesinde yap?lacak toplant?ya, Türkiye, Rusya, Yunanistan, Katar, ?ran, Lübnan, Fas, Kuveyt, Libya ve Ürdün?ün Bulgaristan?daki büyükelçilerinin davet edildi?ini belirtti. Türkiye?nin tüm Anadolu?yu kapsayan ilk küme hareketi Anadolu Rayl? The city of Burgaz is a city located on shores of Black Sea on the south of Bulgaria and is just near the border with Turkey, being a neighbor city of is a city on the other side of the border. The Governor of Burgaz, Mr. Pavel Marinov gave the news that an agreement will be signed with turkey in April for construction of a railway between Burgaz and K?rklareli. In his speech with journalists, governor Marinov has stated that ?an international trade forum shall start on 9th April with the title ?New Economy of Bulgaria ? Road to the East? and that the forum will last for two days. He indicated that the agreement for construction of a railway between Burgaz and K?rklareli will be signed during this forum. Mr. Pavel Marinov explained that the railway line between K?rklareli and Burgaz is only one of the clauses of the agreement that shall be entered by the governors of both cities and has also announced that a terminal shall be constructed at the Malko T?rnovo customs for transit freight. Mr. Marinov has explained that the international trade forum named ?New Economy of Bulgaria ? Road to the East?will be held in the city of Pomorie and that in the meeting planned to be held with Ms. Daniela Bobeva, Deputy Prime Minister hosting the meeting. He indicated that ambassadors of Turkey, Russia, Greece, Qatar, Iran, Lebanon, Morocco, Kuwait, Libya and Jordan serving in Bulgaria are invited. Anatolian Rail Transit Anatolia Rail Pavel Marinov DEM?RYOLU| RAILWAY Burgaz ile K?rklareli Aras?nda ??birli?i Anla?mas? Cooperation between Burgaz and K?rklareli
  • 23. 21 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
  • 24. 22 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April TRENLER| ROLLINGSTOCK Dünyada 5-6 adet bulunan test trenlerinden biri olan Piri Reis treni bu hatta test sürü?leri için kullan?l?yor. ?lk etapta saatte 40 kilometre h?zdan ba?layarak hatt?n ölçümleri gerçekle?tiriliyor. Daha sonra testlerde h?z kademeli olarak artt?r?larak 275 km/saate ç?kacak. Hatta maksimum h?z 250 km/saat olacak. Karaman, test treninin 250 kilometre h?zla ilerlerken dahi 247 ayr?ölçüm gerçekle?tirdi?ini belirtti. Karaman, testlerin amac?n?n istenilen standartta yol yap?m?n?n, seyahat konforunun ve güvenli?in sa?lanmas?oldu?unu kaydetti. Bu testlerle birlikte sinyalizasyon testleri de tamamlanacak. Hatta 9 durak var 2015 y?l?nda Marmaray?a ba?lanmas?öngörülen hatta ilk etapta 9 durak bulunacak. Bunlar Polatl?, Eski?ehir, Bozüyük, Bilecik, Pamukova, Sapanca, ?zmit, Gebze ve Pendik duraklar?, Geyve Sapanca aras?kesim tamamland?ktan sonra Ankara Gebze aras?3 saate inerken, Ankara ? ?stanbul (Pendik) aras?da 3 saat 15 dakika olacak. ?lk etapta Geyve Arifiye aras?nda konvansiyonel trenler kullan?lacak. Projenin ikinci kesimi tamamland?ktan sonra ise Ankara Pendik aras? 2 saat 45 dakikaya inerken ?stanbul Ankara aras?3 saat olacak. Toplam maliyeti 4 milyar dolan hat ile günde 50 bin yolcu ta??nmas? planlan?yor. "Türkler çok fazla seyahat etmiyor" Yap?lan aç?klamalara göre bu hatt?n hizmete girmesi ile yolcu ta??mac?l???nda demiryolu pay?n?n % 10?dan % 78 ç?kmas?planlan?yor. The test train Piri Reis, which is one of the 5-6 test trains on the world is used for tests along this line. At first stage the test train will run at a speed of 40 kph, making measurements along the line. Then, the tests will continue, the train speed incrementally until it reaches a speed of 275 kph. Maximum speed along the line will be 250 kph. Mr. Karaman has stated that even when the test train is moving at a speed of 250 kph, it makes 247 distinguished measurements. Mr. Karaman explained that the purpose of the tests is toensure that the whole track, travel comfort and safety levels are at specified standards. Signaling tests will also be conducted and completed with these tests. There are 9 stopsalong the line The line which is planned to be connected to Marmaray in 2015 will have 9 stops at first stage. These are, Polatl?, Eski?ehir, Bozüyük, Bilecik, Pamukova, Sapanca, ?zmit, Gebze and Pendik stops. Once the section between Geyve and Sapanca is completed, the travel time between Ankara and Gebze will be 3 hours and that between Ankara and ?stanbul (Pendik) will be 3 hours and 15 minutes. At first stage conventional trains will be used between Geyve and Arifiye. Once the second section of the project is completed, the travel time between Ankara and Pendik will be 2 hours and 45 minutes and that between Ankara and ?stanbul will be 3 hours. In this 4 billion dollar project it is estimated that the daily ridership will be 50 thousand. "Turksdo not travel much" Based on information provided, once this line is in service, the share of railways in passenger transportation will increase from 10% to 78%. Ankara-?stanbul Yüksek H?zl?Tren Hatt? Ankara ?stanbul High Speed Train Line
  • 25. 23 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
  • 26. 24 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April Yurtiçi ve yurt d???nda önemli ve prestijli in?aat projelerine imza atan, Türkiye?nin önde gelen iki ?irketi Yap?Merkezi ve STFA, Katar Doha Metrosu kapsam?nda en büyük hat olan ?Gold Line?ihalesini kazand?. Gold Line ihalesi, 2022 Dünya Kupas??na haz?rl?k olarak yap?lan yat?r?mlar aras?nda, 4.4 milyar dolar bedel ile Katar?da bu amaçla yap?lan en büyük proje olma özelli?i ta??yor. 23 Nisan 2014 tarihinde Katar?da yap?lan imza töreni ile, STFA ve Yap?Merkezi Türk müteahhitlerinin ?u ana kadar yurtd???nda ald???en büyük bedelli ihaleye imza atm??oldular. 2022 y?l?nda Dünya Kupas??na ev sahipli?i yapacak olan Körfez ülkesi Katar?da in?aat projeleri h?z kesmeden devam ediyor. Metro, yeralt?istasyonlar?, demiryolu, stadyumlar, AVM?ler, oteller, otoyolu, köprüler, bat?rma tünel, rezervuarlar gibi yat?r?mlar için Türkiye ve dünyadan pek çok ?irket Katar?daki i?lere talip oldu. ?hale süreci 2 y?l kadar sürdü Bunlar?n en önemlilerinden birisi olan Doha Metrosu ihalesi için yakla??k 700 firma metro projesine ilgi göstermi?, bunlardan 290 firman?n olu?turdu?u 70 ortak giri?im yeterlilik dosyas?sunmu?tu. ??veren Ortak Giri?im say?s?n?önce 32?ye, daha sonra da 18?e dü?ürerek yap?lacak ihalelere ortak giri?imleri davet etti. 4 ana hattan olu?an Doha Metrosu?nun, 4.4 milyar dolar tutar?ndaki Gold Line paketi, STFA ve Yap?Merkezi taraf?ndan imzaland?. Doha Metrosunun ihalesi tamamlanan 5 paketi ile ilgili ön yeterlilik 2011 y?l?n?n nisan ay?nda ba?lam??t?. Yap? Merkezi ve STFA?n?n teklif verdi?i Gold Line ihalesi yakla??k 2 y?l sürdü. En son The two major construction firms in Turkey, Yap?Merkezi and STFA, which have undersigned various large and prestigious projects both in Turkey and abroad, now win the ?Gold Line?tender, which is the largest line planned to be built within the scope of Qatar Metro Project. With a cost of 4.4 billion dollars, the Gold Line Tender is the largest project that will be implemented as one of the major investment projects planned as a preparation for the 2022 World Soccer Cup, to be hosted by Qatar. With the ceremony held on 23rd April 2014 in Qatar STFA and Yap?Merkezi have undersigned a contract that has the highest price among all the contracts signed abroad by Turkish Companies. In this Gulf Country Qatar, which will be hosting the World Soccer Cup in year 2022, investment in construction projects is ongoing without slowing down. Many companies both in Turkey and all around the world are closely following the tenders being held in Qatar, which include investments in metro lines, underground stations, railways, stadiums, Shopping Centers, hotels, highways, bridges, immersed tunnels, reservoirs etc. Tender processtook about two years About 700 firms were interested in the Doha Metro tender, which is one of the major projects in this scope and 70 joint ventures formed by 290 of these firms have applied with a qualification file. The Client first has reduced the number of joint ventures to 32 and then short listed 18 of these, inviting them for the tenders. The Doha metro line will consist of 4 main lines and the Turkish firm STFA and Yap? Merkezi are awarded with the Gold Line Packet at a price of 4.4 billion dollars. Yap?Merkezi ve STFA?n?n yer ald???Konsorsiyum Katar?da Doha?da Golden Line Metro Hatt?Projesi ?halesini Kazand? Yap?Merkezi and STFAConsortium iswasawarded with Doha?sGolden Line Metro Line Project tender in Qatar KENT?Ç?TA?IMACILIK/ URBANTRANSPORT
  • 27. 25 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April a?amaya gelindi?inde STFA ve YM?nin içinde bulundu?u ortak giri?im, Impregilo (?talya)-SK (Kore) Ortak Giri?imi, Hochtief (Almanya) - CCC(Yunanistan/Filistin) Ortak Gir?imi ve BAM (Hollanda)-Sixco (Belçika)- Midmac (Katar) OG?sine kar?? yar??t?. Projenin son a?amas?nda Hochtief?in liderli?ini yapt???Ortak Giri?im ile ba?ba?a kalan STFA ve Yap?Merkezinin içinde bulundu?u Konsorsiyum i?in sonunda imzay?atan taraf oldu. Yunan Ellaktor firmas?ile birlikte konsorsiyum içinde yer alan Yap?Merkezi ve STFA ortakl??? % 40 ile en büyük hisseye sahip. Doha Metrosu içinde en önemli hat Golden Line Doha?da yap?lan yat?r?mlar?n içinde en önemli projelerden birisi olan Doha Metrosu dört ana hattan olu?mas? planlan?yor. Bunlar K?rm?z? Hat (K?y?Hatt?), Ye?il Hat (E?itim Hatt?), Alt?n Hat (Tarihi Hat) ve Mavi Hat (Kent Hatt?). Toplam metro hatt?uzunlu?u 216 km olup, 100 kadar istasyon yap?lmas? planlan?yor. Alt?n Hat Do?u Bat?yönünde olup Kentin kuzeyindeki Hava Alan?n?merkezi Msheireb?den geçerek Al Waab Caddesine, Al Rayyan Güne kesime ve Salwa Yoluna ba?lamakta. Proje kapsam?nda 32 km tünel in?aat?olup bunun için alt? adet tünel delme makinesi çal??t?r?lacak. Toplam 13 adet yer alt?istasyonu yap?lacak. Projenin 54 ayda tamamlanmas?planlan?yor, dolay?s?yla da proje tamamlanma tarihi A?ustos 2018. The prequalification process for the 5 packets of Doha Metro tender started in April 2011. The tender for the Gold Line, for which Yap?Merkezi and STFA bid, took about 2 years to be finalized. At the final stage STFA ? YM Joint Venture was competing against Impregilo (Italy)-SK(Korea) Joint Venture, Hochtief (Germany) - CCC (Greece/Palestine) Joint Venture and BAM (Netherlands)-Sixco (Belgium)- Midmac (Qatar) JV. At the final stage of the project, the Consortium in which STFA ? Yap?Merkezi were partners was the one that signed the Contract leaving the other JV which had Hochtief as the pilot firm out the competition. With 40% share Yap?Merkezi ? STFA partnership has the highest share in the Consortium led by the Greek firm Ellaktor. In Doha Metro the most important line isthe Gold Line Among the investments made in Doha the Doha Metro is planned to have four major lines. These are the Red Line (Coast Line), Green Line (Education Line), Gold Line (Historic Line) and Blue Line (City Line). Total length of the metro is 216 km and about 100 stations will be constructed. The Gold Line is aligned along the East-West Direction and starts at the Airport at the North Side of the city. Then after passing through the central Msheireb, will connect the Al Waab Street, Al Rayyan South and Salwa Road. The project includes construction of 32 km tunnels and 6 tunnel boring machines will be used to open these tunnels. A total of 13 underground stations will be constructed. It is planned to complete the project in 54 months with work completing date being August 2018. Bugüne kadar Türk Firmalar?n?n yurt d???nda ald???en büyük bedelli ihale Thistender hasthe highest bid price among the projectsTurkish Firmsundertook abroad KENT?Ç?TA?IMACILIK/ URBANTRANSPORT
  • 28. 26 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April Sultaniye-Karl?tepe ve Hz. Yu?a Tepesi aras?nda teleferik hatt?kurulacak. E?siz bo?az manzaras?190 metre yükseklikte, 2.5 kilometre boyunca havadan izlenecek Anadolu Yakas?'n?n ilk teleferik hatlar?Beykoz'da kuruluyor. Ula??m ve turizm yat?r?m?olarak planlanan çal??mayla ilçenin mesire ve ziyaret alanlar?na ilgi artarken Beykoz di?er ilçelerdeki turizm ve sosyal canl?l???yakalayacak. Beykoz Çay?r?-Hz. Yu?a Tepesi aras?nda kurulacak hatt?n bir istasyonu, tarihi Beykoz Çay?r?giri?inde kurulmas? planlanan Yal?köy kapal? pazar yeri ve yer alt? otopark?n?n hemen yan?nda yer alacak. Bu noktaya gelen yerli ve yabanc?turistler ?stanbul'un en çok ziyaretçi alan mekânlar?ndan olan Hz. Yu?a Tepesi'ne e?siz bo?az manzaras?n?seyrederek ula?acak. Projenin hayata geçmesiyle tarihi Beykoz Çay?r?ve Yu?a Tepesi'ne ilgi artacak hem de vatanda?lar?n sahilden tepelere ula??m? kolayla?acak. Beykoz Çay?r? ve Hz. Yu?a Tepesi aras?ndaki teleferik hatt?n?n toplam güzergâh uzunlu?u 2.5 kilometreye, yüksekli?i de 190 metreye kadar ç?kacak. SULTAN?YE-KARLITEPEHATTI ?lçedeki önemli turizm yat?r?mlar?aras?nda yer alan Karl?tepe CTipi Mesire Alan? projesi kapsam?nda da sahilden bölgeye ula??m? sa?layacak bir teleferik hatt? i?leyecek.Sultaniye-Karl?tepe ad?verilecek bu hatt?n aç?lmas?yla ziyaretçiler Bo?aziçi'nin ve ?ehrin en güzel manzaras?na sahip, piknik ve spor alanlar?yla donat?lacak olan Karl?tepe Mesire Alan?'na 2 kilometrelik bir gezintiyle ula?abilecek. ?lçeye kazand?r?lacak teleferik hatlar?n?n metro yat?r?m?yla entegre edilmesi planlan?yor. A 2.5 km long ropeway will be constructed between Sultaniye-Karl?tepe and Hz. Yu?a Hill at a height of 190 meter, with a magnificent view of the Bosphorous. The first ropeway line of Anatolian side of ?stanbul will be constructed in Beykoz. With this transportation and tourism investment people will be attracted to the resort and recreation areas in this district, helping to bring the district of Beykoz to the level of other tourism and social activity centers. The line planned to be constructed between the Beykoz resort area and Hz. Yu?a hill, will have its first stations at the entrance of the historical Beykoz resort area, near the Yal?köy closes bazaar and the underground parking lot. Local and foreign tourists coming to this point will be able to go to the Hz. Yu?a hill, one of the locations in ?stanbul that attracts most of the tourists, with a magnificent Bosphorus view. With completion of the project, the historical Beykoz Resort area and Yu?a Hill will not only attract more people, but transportation to the hills from the seaside will be much more easier. The total line of the ropeway is 2.5km, and its height will be 190 m at its highest point. SULTAN?YE-KARLITEPELINE The Karl?tepe CType Recreation area project involves construction of a ropeway line from sea side to the district. The project called Sultaniye Karl?tepe Line will be a 2 km line, reaching the Karl?tepe Recreation Area, which will have picnic and spor facilities built in this district with one of the most beautiful view of Bosphorous and ?stanbul. It is planned to integrate these ropeway projects with the metro lines. KENT?Ç?TA?IMACILIK/ URBANTRANSPORT Beykoza Bo?az manzaral?teleferik Ropeway with a view of Bosphorous
  • 29. 27 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
  • 30. 28 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
  • 31. 29 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April
  • 32. 30 2015 | Mart - Nisan | March - April