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Aristotle's Poetics Revisited
Author(s): Harold Skulsky
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Apr., 1958), pp. 147-160
Published by: University of Pennsylvania Press
Stable URL: .
Accessed: 23/09/2012 12:17

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                Journal of the History of Ideas.
                         BY HAROLD
                                 SKULSKY *

    Certainphilosophical     problems     have displayed exasperating
persistence.To be sure,centuries steadily of           improved     dialectical
gadgetry  have wrought    changes thewaywe ask thesemulish
                                     in                                  ques-
tions; but thiswas     to be expected, despite newwrinkles
                                          and           the                 in
terminology, nuisances
               the               remain. The statusof universals,          the
meaning mathematical
          of                propositions, thelocusofvaluecan still
be countedon to quickennew orthodoxies exhumedecayingand
    Aesthetics, which   willbe ourchief     concern thepresent
                                                     in                investi-
gation, a goodexample thekindofimpasse havein mind. Art
        is                  of                         I
represents excellence special kind of value, and the theory
            par               a
which  pretends elucidate mustoffer ofall a cogent
                 to             it             first                 explana-
tionofpreference,criterion artistic success." But artis also a
                     a             of         "
socialactivity  whoseutility notoriously
                                 is              obscure, thatnumerous
practitioners appreciators
              and                   downtheageshave feltobliged en-     to
gagein vehement     apologetics, showthatit is after a useful
                                   to                         all          ad-
junct to good living. Thus manyclaimshave been made forit,
claimsforthe mostpartquite irrelevant the specialand crucial
problem preference: is a meansofinculcating
         of               art                               moralprinciples,
according some; others
           to                 maintain     that it is a modeof perceiving
important otherwise          inaccessible   facts; to others realizesits
function imparting unique experiences uniquelysentient
          by              the                          of
mento their gifted         fellows.These claimsare admittedly           beside
themark;theyfailto explain                       of
                                    whya work art,though           impeccable
in itsmoral  tone,irrefutable thepropositions expresses, non-
                                 in                   it             and
pareilin the experience conveys,          may yetbe dull and ugly. But
they showthatartmaybe rich itsinfluence life-though
     do                                in               on                qua
artit doesnothave to be; foreachof theseclaims, leastin regard
to somesuccessful works,          appearsto contain grain truth.
                                                       a         of
    History thuscomplicated work modern
            has                       the        of           aesthetics;  the
discipline nownotonlyto account thepreferential ofart
           has                              for                    scale
values (or else to argueplausibly its non-existence), also to
                                        for                        but
adjustthevarious    incidental    claims        a
                                          which cultivated     awareness  ap-
pearsto support: all goodartis moralor philosophical intent;
                   not                                              in
but thesenseofhumanity thatof profound
                              and                        truth seemin some
comparatively but noteworthy
                rare                     instances enhance value of
                                                   to            the
an artwork. Andthistoo mustbe explained.
                          Ostwaldof ColumbiaUniversity his helpful
  *I wish to thankProfessor                          for
adviceand criticism.
148                               HAROLD     SKULSKY

    The reader no doubtbe wondering thistimewhy, an es-
               will                      by               in
say whosetitlepromises     new illumination an ancientand well
thumbed   fragment tragedy epic,sucha gratuitous of airy
                    on         and                      set
platitudes the foregoing
           as               shouldbe foisted his goodwill. The
answer simply
       is        thatAristotle's truncatedwork, halfreportorialand
halfprescriptive, in myopinion,
                  is,              basedon a comprehensive  theory
of artwhich   fulfills twobasic requirements have stipulated-
                     the                      we
thoseof precisedefinition the adjustment incidental
                            and                of           claims.
The twoor three   perennial cruxes,moreover, thetraditional
                                            in               inter-
pretation thiswork
          of           can be resolved, think, placingit in the
                                       I        by
context Aristotelian
        of                      and                an
                        thought by attempting entirely        fresh
analysis theprinciples
         of                       in
                          implicit thework   itself.
                  Teleia Praxisand Other        Key Terms
    The tragicperformance forAristotle
                                is                 essential defining
                                                             in          the
wayin which     tragedy            and
                         directly graphically        represents life. It is a
 ap,.La, enactment,
       an              which  mustbe unified arranged as to rep-
                                                  and           so
resent " complete
        a              action,"  rckcla,juda,Jkq, perfect,single,and entire,
requiring   nothing to complete essence. At a laterstagewe
                     else                its
shallhaveto examine internal
                         the           structure   characteristic a " com-
pleteaction," at present mustconfine
                but              we                 ourselves thegeneral
information   about the termwhichwe can garner              from  Aristotle's
other  works.
    In hisMagna Moralia (1211bl8ff.),          Aristotle          the
                                                         discusses pecul-
iar intensity paternal      love and decides     thatit is essentially ac,
tivity  similar certain
                 to          skills: " I mean,forinstance, class of
skills whose  purpose performance identical; in theflautist's
                       and                 are             as
viewhis activity thesameas his r'Xos purpose(forto himflute
                    is                          or
playing bothpurpose
          is                and activity), in the case of housecon-
struction doesnotobtain(forherethere beyond activity,
            this                                     is,        the
a separate   end): thuslove is actually sortof activity, there
                                             a                  and         is
no otherend beyondthe activity loving;on the contrary:
                                          of                             this
itself the end" 1; and in theMetaphysics
       is                                           (1048bl8ff.),  discussing
processes   which  conduce someexternal
                             to                   goal,likethatof attenua-
tion,Aristotle    maintains   that,"since theyare not themselves          the
purposeof their     movement,     theydo not constitute action, at
                                                             an         or
any ratenota complete (TreXea             rpa-63). theyare notan end;
and that movement whichthe end inheres also an action."
                         in                              is
   'Cf. Metaphysics 1050a23: TO yap ep'yovTeXOs,v             6   evepyela Tr gp'yOV. 5uOKal
T0rPooa ev yp7elaXe (TLat Ka(T'a TO6 p7OV, Kac auTelvel                Cf.Ethica
                                                          7rpos T2v eiTveXeXeav.
Nic.: 1151a16:evTals zrpa4ut TO OVCUVKa apx7.
                                   r              AlsoMagna Moralia1197a9-11:
                                                                      are strictly
otlov7rapaTO KtGaplflev OVK C&Tlv, etc. At leastsomeIL4TLKal, it seems,
endsin themselves. translations by
                      All             are    thepresent writer.
ARISTOTLE'S     POETICS REVISITED                       149

Thereappears, think, be little
                  I         to          doubtthatthisconception com-   of
pleteactionas self-sufficient     and an end-in-itself   appliesto the1-ex-ta
vrpa$ts which
      of         tragic  performance   (8pa-,ua)is theartistic  reproduction.2
We may conclude thispointthat the dramatic
                       at                                   representation   of
complete  action,   itself          as
                          intended correspondingly         " complete," not
to be considered tool,a meansto someendoutside itself,
                    a                                         of       suchas
mental  health-whatever       incidental results  mayissuefrom     it.
    However, play is primarily publicperformance,
                a                     a                           meantto be
approved, thecognoscenti least. All rules,
           by                     at                    eventhatofthefirst
unity, mustbe justified reference this effect.Thus Aristotle
                             by              to
tellsus in thePoetics(1459al7-21) thatthepoetis plainly             obliged  to
represent  a  complete     actionspecifically    witha view to eliciting       a
pleasurable   experience    corresponding form his dramatic
                                             in        to                 plot.
Our author's    insistence pleasure a concomitant plotunity
                            on           as                    of             is
so frequent   that we woulddo well to consider general   his           view of
pleasure before tracethe relationship
                   we                                      the
                                                 between spectators         and
the" complete     action in tragedy, wellas thespecialrequirements
                          "             as
assumed Aristotle each.
          by              for
    Firstof all, pleasure    wouldseemto represent purest  the         kindof
complete   action, kindwhich described Met. 1050a34as " ac-
                    the              is             at
tualization a transition whichthe exercise a poweris both
             ":                 in                       of
achieved  and aimedat, suchas seeing perse (as opposedto search-
ing); perception, a matter fact, so truly rEXEda7rp thatat
                      as           of       is          a            ets
anypoint itsduration is always samein form
           in                it           the                  (Met. 1048b20-
25). Pleasurewouldseemto be suchan " actualization (evepyata),     "
foras we are told      in the Nicomachean      Ethics (Book X, Chap. IV):
" Visionseemsperfect any instant, requiring subsequent
                            at                not              any
addition complete form. And pleasure
          to              its                         resembles kindof
activity. . . ." Pleasureis moreover consummation every
                                           the                    of        hu-
man activity     (whichis by definition      conscious)   and does not occur
without (dVw re            yap EPEpeclas oV ylVeratrSov'7, 7racaav rE &Epyetav TEXEtOL
j5ov'). Thus themorerefined sensory     faculty themorepre-
ciseits object, purer    thepleasure.
     In Book X, Chapter of the Ethicsthe higher
                          VI                               that
whichis bothradiantly    clearand morallysuitablefora freeman'
(fXtKptwS                          withcontemplation, exercise
                       is identified
          ca't ixevOcptoq),                          the
      2   Cf. Poetics 1450a16:e y'yp      ta
                                    rpa-ywy MlMt1aots oUicavPOpwrco7r
                                                   aTtJp           a&XAa rp&aecOs

Kal   jLov....    Also Met. 1048b,in whichPLosor ivpis mentionedamong the 7rp&tELs
which self-sufficient
     are             (1.28).
  3Cf. Met. I, 1 980a23-24. A perusalof Met. 1048bl8ff. establish
Aristotlecompletepraxis and energeiaare synonymous.
      4Aristotle's        of       and other
                observations ethical        value-preference clearly a
                                                         are        not
matterof statisticalaverage. The principleis rather: KacaD7rEpov'     7roxxaKLS elp7Trat
Kal TqLuLa Ka% Wa     EOTr TLa Tq) a7rovkclw TOLavra 67Ta.
150                                HAROLD     SKULSKY

of the intelligence            (thoseideas which pureof the
accidental). Thus we need not be surprised            requires
tragicpoetry be in somesenseconceptuallypure" (xa0o'Aov), con-
             to                           "
sistent structure
               ('                       andphilosophical, in this
                                a&X=Xa),             since      waya
remarkably chastened steadfast
                        and            pleasure,  one exempt   from  the
limitations bodily
          of           pleasure,mustof necessity    result from con-
templation                        Oavyaarals2OPaS EXEWKaOapeWT6rT [N.B.]
          (8oKEZ -YOVP X)ckXoaoot'a
Kac #Beqatc).

   It seemshighly   probablethat Aristotle Plato's PhaedoI in
mindwhen chosehisterms; thatdialogue clearand distinct
            he                in             the
contemplation  oftruth dXWKpWV4S, 6'iaOT 'acos Tr &X-O6s) is, as in
                       (Tcr        TOVTO
         regarded the " exercise a faculty
Aristotle,         as              of         operating its best
upon the best of its objects." More important  perhaps,  the term
used by Plato forthissupremely   pleasurableintuitive
                                                    perception    is
catharsis.Of course,          in thePoeticsrefers a specialkind
                      Aristotle                  to
ofpleasure purification perception, which
           or            of            one      proceeds from  dis-
positionssimilar pityand fear.6 If myaccount,
                to                              then, correct,
                                                     is           it
willbe necessary to showwhatsuchstatesof consciousness     have in
common   withphilosophy.In any case,if the dramaand its corre-
sponding                        "
         pleasure " complete and concurrent
                  are                           actions, is diffi-
cultto see howa medical utilitarian
                         or           interpretationcatharsis
                                                  of            (as
           rexos) canbe made fit
To vrapa                                  scheme.
                            to into author's
    So farwe haveexplored implications " completenessas it
                           two              of                "
functions Aristotelian  terminology:   theoretically performance,
at every pointin itsduration,ought be an endin itself, a perfect
                                    to                   "
activity,"                    of
           whiletheexperience dramatic     poetry correspondingly
finaland self-sufficient. thedramatic
                       But                actionis nota homogene-
ous process, pure&npycta, likeliving consciousness se; it is a
              a                       or              per
sequence        a      of
          with relation parts.   Andthus,   Aristotle, characterize
its pleasurablenessmoreprecisely,  observes (Chap. VII) that good
plays have plot structures                          "
                           whichare in themselves beautiful,"   in
the sense                       is
           in whichan organism beautiful,    whenit attainsa size
proper its kindand displays organization
        to                                     suggestive design
or appropriateness.7  Mathematics the supremedistillation
                                     is                         of
beauty,for" the beautiful  residesin arrangement due magni-
   5That Aristotle
                 knewthisdialogue certified Met. 1080a2.
                                 is        by
   6Compare:b&& ovKaG c/f6ov
                iX                     Trh TrW TOl,rwp iraOt77TW KOapcLV
(1449b27-28) T 6P&i7r6 Kal c/f6ov5t&a
                      CXov             /lAtlJTcwS5El it6OVi rapaTKCV&CiLP TrV
irolT7vV, 4acEp6V   (US TOVTO ep TOlS                        (1453bl2-14).
                                   lrpctLrpaLpamp COl7rovrTfOP
   7 TacvrosTr KaX6' Kal irpbrov Topica 135a13. T0o KaXovI el&7I.Li7yTTa Ta&LS Ka1

avo)4erTplaKai roTcopwPayvovMet. 1078a36. With irpCbroV  compare   Kant's Zweck-
massigkeit                      a           witha functionless
          ohneZweck,whichdenotes satisfaction                 pattern,
analogous our enjoyment an instrument's
        to            of                     adaptation its appointed
tude." That neither " proper"magnitude the " proper ar-
                        the                        nor             "
rangement suchin a utilitarian
              are                     senseis substantiated ourown
experience beauty exclusively its own sake (vide Politics
               of                     for
1362bl-10); " proprietyis herea metaphor
                            "                     describing peculiar
senseof approbation     vis-a-viscertain  forms.
    A beautiful   thing, Aristotle us,willnever so largeor small
                                  tells              be
thatitsorganization     cannot intuited a whole. In temporal
                               be          as                       arts,
likemusicand drama, corresponding ofsizeis, of course,
                          the                test                    the
memorableness plot.of       That thisunified  patterning plot ((rcraTaaLs
lrpay/L,dT(v) corresponds the " contemplative
                          to                     " pleasure have just
discussed clearenough;theyare theformal perceptual
             is                                   and            aspects
of whatwe have called " complete        activity." But the principles  of
plotting thenature thepleasure
            and            of              peculiar tragedy
                                                    to        are yetto
be fully    explained.
     Thereremains further term the Poetics,which
                      one         key       in                    serves
in part to support       the foregoing  observations:  mimesis, literally
 " copying." All mimetic      arts,in Aristotle, represent our experi-
                                                "          "
enceY   though   they" representin various
                                 "            sensesand through  various
mediaand concern       themselves various
                                   with         sorts " realthings."
     Furthermore    " imitation," itsrudimentary
                                 in                  sense, from psy-
                                                          is      a
 chological    viewpoint originof art,and of poetry particular.
                         the                               in
Thisis true tworeasons: roTe'y6p/al.u/EoatvrUovTO"i
          for                         aOc        bOZS             Gpw'rots
EKc    (2)
  7ra0wov Kacd xa'peLvTots
             Tr              At4mat   raiTras.8   (1) It is perhaps only
possible   human" instinct," the sensethatall infants
                               in                          mustmimic
their  parents order learntheir
                 in      to                 lessons, yettheir
                                        first       and           mimi-
cryis   itself  untaught.  (2) Andit is a universal source instinctive
pleasure,    derived, Aristotle tells us, fromthe inferential processes
(avXXoyttea0aL)   involved recognition, from
                           in              and       successin learning
(Juavd'vfLV) whatis being   represented(" forif one is not already
                                        9                           fa-
miliar   with object,
                the       thework notpleasequa representation
                                   will                             ").
Thus thefundamental        character the pleasure mimesis of the
                                     of             in         is
kindwe havedescribed, rational
                            the         contemplation order com-
                                                      of      and
plexity("beauty ") as embodied(in tragedy)in a "completeac-
     These, then,are the basic conceptsof Aristotelian       aesthetics.
Thoughvarious       things mayexemplify or moreof them-though
visionexhibits leasttheform " perfect
                   at               of                   though
                                                activity,"       mathe-
maticsexhibits      that excellence orderwhichmodern
                                    of                      mathemati-
    sThe coordinates and xac make speculation
                    Te                        about 1448b20appear rather
    9 It maybe observedherethat" inferenceis madenecessary the veryna-
                                        "                by
 tureof imitation,     mustperforce on conventions translation
                                   rely             of         from one
 sphere another, therules perspective, conversion 3 to 2 dimensions.
        to       e.g.       of          of          from
152                          HAROLD    SKULSKY

                     though number experiences please
cianscall " elegance,"      any        of             may
us fora time(i.e.,makeus desiretheircontinuance),though photo
maybe a rudimentary   specimen representation-only
                              of                     mimetic art
combines thesetraits endsin themselves.
          all           as                   How it doesthisre-
mainsto be seen.
   We have seenthatin tragedy polarsituation dramatic
                               the                          per-
formance,  involvingplayers             constitutes " complete
                           and spectators,          a
action,"whosestrictly formal intellectual
                            and            aspectis " beauty,"or
orderand measure. It is the plot,then,the system component
events (aa7Taao                which constitutesthe
                   7rpay,//aTWV),                         tragedy'spurpose
and a principle tragedy's
              of         intelligibility,'0 whichalso displays
mosteffectively arresting
              that         logicalpatterningwhich Aristotle calls
"the beautiful."
   In thePoetics ChapterVIII AristotlepraisesHomerforscrupu-
louslyavoidingsequencesof events"of which, one occurred,
                                             if                it
wouldbe neither probable necessary the other-to
                        nor          for              follow it."
          event a single
An integral     in                       "      &Arioqov) theone
                         action" explains (7rotEZ
whichfollows. In otherwordsthe succeeding  eventsmust" be ex-
plained by thepositing their
                      of      antecedents; theymustbe suchas
wouldhappen (o'a yIvo To) if the priormise en scene is assumedtrue.

I have belabored strict
                   this      conditionality    becauseit is partand par-
cel ofthestructure, beauty(in Aristotelian
                     the                              terms)oftragic         plot-
ting:it is not thatthe tragic   situation possible thata superior
                                            is             or
plot couldeverbe so (quite the contrary, we shall see); whatis
" possible in drama whataccords
          "           is                with   thisprinciple probability
or " conditional " 11necessity (ra &vvaraT, Kar'a rO EKO's 7rT a'av'yKacov'). To
be sure,a historical eventwhosecausal sequence clearmay legiti-
mately madetherawmaterial a tragedy." For there nothing
        be                         of                                is
actuallypreventingsome real happening            fromtakingprobableor
necessary form."The implication apparently thisis rare,
                                     is                that                   and
certainly a universal
          not              characteristic episodes humanaffairs.
                                            of              in
   Thus the term " universal" (Ka9o'Xov), we shall soon see more
clearly,properly indicateswhenappliedto plotthatevents    and char-
actersmaking the " complete
                up                       "
                                   action are " consistent withthe
whole                                      "
       " of the action. The " universalityof the actionrefers ato
class of events(7rota) whichwouldresult we assumewiththe poet
the existence a certain
              of           class (7rok) of men and a priorsituation
(see 1451b8-10);it neverrefers a particular
                                  to            situation which
   lo Ta 7rpaiy,.ara Kal o 1ADOosrTXosTrIs rpaO14tas (1450a21-22). apxrt 0' Kai
oZop &vxi 6 AiOosris TpawcoaLas (1450a37-38). For &px' see Met. / I, especially
                   KTX        it           as            of
1013al5: "TE 605EV where is defined a principle intelligibility.
   11propterpraeterita,simple Cf. 1452al9-not to be confused
                      "     ":                              with" hypo-
thetical                   causa), though is not to be rejected
               " (sequentium
       necessity                        this                   (1452a7).

actuallydoesor can happen(see 1451b8-10). Thus Aristotle us
(1455bff.) poet shouldfirst forth 'abstract' (Kao'Xo-v) or
          "A                   set     an
blueprint his plots,both traditional
         of                                       then extend
                                      and original,
them." Certain  eventswill,of course, " external the system"
                                    be         to
              1455b7-8), to the particularpatternof assumptions
(co TOVKa0G'Xov                                               in
question. This noveluse oftheterm   wouldseemto confirm con-
tentionthat the plot is not universal the traditionally
                                      in                  accepted
sensethatmutato  nomine te fabulanarratur.In fact, reasons
                         de                             for
we haveyetto investigate,Aristotlebelieves  thata storywhich not
possible reallifebut has thecoherent
        in                              structure have discussed
is muchto be preferred one which real but causallyincoherent
                       to           is
and thus,eventhough initialsituation accepted,
                      the                 is         unconvincing.
   This principle beautiful rational
                of           or         order lovedin and for itself
extends,naturally, thecharacters
                 to                themselves.   Thus in Chap. XV
ofthePoetics, learnthatthepoetought add personal
              we                           to             integrity
to hischaracterizationidleorwrathful
                     of                 persons as painters
                                                just            add
a higherself-consistence coherence theirlikenesses. This
                         and             to
staunch defense his identity right assert specialquality
               of             and       to       his
can makeevenan Ajax a truetragic    figure.
                    of               of
   In his discussion the reversals fortune       properto tragedy,
Aristotleeliminates downfall a depraved
                   the          of              man. His reasonis
mostenlightening:Such a situation    wouldgratify   one'shumanity
but it would be neitherpitifulnor fearful .. since we pity the unde-
serving fearforone like ourselves."Thus the term" like our-
selves is to be understood from purely
                                 a       moralpointof view; the
reprobate thiscase) maybe unlike in a variety respects,
          (in                        us            of         but
the decisiveone is moral.   The hero oughtmorally be no less
flawed thanwe,orelsethere  couldbe no complication no tragedy.
But tragedy mustdeal withpreternaturally figures it is to
             12                             noble       if
achieveits effect.That a Medea or an Oedipustranscend    ordinary
humancapacities,  either doingor forsuffering,no defect,
                        for                      is           for,
                    a           "             is
as we shallexplain, " probable impossibility alwayspreferable
            to                "
in tragedy an "improbable possibility.'3No principle,       then,
couldbe so aliento a view oftragedy basedon Aristotelianaesthetics
as thatof de te fabula.
    So muchfortheform tragic      action. Now it remains us to
consider the "subjective" dimension the Aristotelian
                                      of                 polarity;
beauty(dyEOKao t TJs) as Aristotle  defines is not alwayspleasur-
  12See, forexample,1448a18.
    In Chap. XXV thestructure a tragic
   13                          of     falsehood explained a species
                                               is          as        of
      fallacy;oncetheaudience " suspended
genetic                       has         disbelief," causalstructure
                                                   a                will
supportunaidedthe credibility the eventswhichgrowout of the prologue.
154                           HAROLD   SKULSKY

 able (1362b5-10);and wehaveyetto discover                whatimpels to pro-
 longourexperience poeticform, of artistic
                           of               and               form general.
     In achieving characteristic
                       its                effect theauditor,
                                                 on                tragedy    must
aim at dominating concern successfully
                          his          and                   altering stateof
consciousness jEra3aAXXaEvT 'v OV' oVTa 1459b29). The engaging
                    (ro                                                          of
interest    (1459b30-31)withvariedpattern the first    is            step toward
producing sublime              senseofhumanity of" pity" and " fear
                                                   and                            "
 (4tXcavGp&nrov, eAXEv4v, 0f3,Epov) whichwe are to designate tragicex-
perience. In thisalmosthypnotic             domination consciousness,
                                                           of                 plot
structure, itscomplication resolution
             with                      and               (Wns Ka'tXvaL) is calcu-
lated to maximize impactof the combined
                         the                               reversal recogni-
tionon which better  the         plot hinges. This composite       climaxof ac-
tionwillnaturally more   be       affectingit takestheauditor surprise
                                             if                        by
 (7rapa r4v 8o'av).    But there   willbe an addedsatisfaction it is per-
ceived thenatural
         as                culmination thepreceding
                                         of                  action(St-XjAXAa); 14
wonder awe ( T 00avfaaTov), in contemplating
           or                                             moralconflict    against
the background an unchanging
                       of                    naturalorder(the orderof the
poet's "nature,"that is) is morethan the intellectually                   oriented
pleasureevokedeven by rudimentary               imitation.The purely         intel-
lectualpleasure tracing
                      in          causal sequence to be sure,an element
in the effect, surprise
                    but            and awe, lent structure theirlogical
matrix,    arrest   the attention   and concern the spectator more
                                                   of                    far
powerfully inexorably
               and                 thansimpler    imitation    could. Thus the
passions    havebeenmadea structural          principle,  essential tragic
                                                                   to         plot
(the  " end" oftragedy),        which Aristotle  states follows a passage
                                                          as         in
on the legitimate of impossibilities:The poet is nevertheless
                         use                       "
correct introducing
          [in                miracles] he achieves artistic
                                        if              his          purpose...,
if in so doinghe renders eventitself someothereventmore
                                 the               or
striking   (1460b25-27) Thus theevolving the" reversal-recogni-
                            ."                        of
tion" is botha beautiful         patterning an emotional
                                              and                  crescendo,   in
whicheach eventis carefully            subordinated the ultimate
                                                        to                  effect.
This, then,is the emotionally         intensified   structure the dramatic
pleasure. This is why"the epic poet constructs plotsdramati-  his
cally, in tragedy, concerns
        as                 and            himself  witha wholeand complete
actionwithintroduction,          development, conclusion: produce
                                                 and                  to
theproper     pleasure a living
                         like          thing,  single whole(1459al8ff.)."
The pleasure, purification perception, arrested
                  the                of               the           interest,  de-
rives, fact,       from interdependence intense
                         the                     of                     and
                                                               feelings sym-
metrical    structure.    Whatthesefeelings in thecase oftragedy
                                                 are                            is,
of course, to be determined.'5
    15The readerwoulddo wellto reread                    the        of
                                     Chap. XXVI, in which superiority
tragedy explained.The appealis obviously theexperience thepoetry
         is                             to             of        itself,
as to itseconomy subtlety, clarity, its concentration.
                 or       its       and
ARISTOTLE'S   POETICS REVISITED                  155

   So muchforthegenus(audience        involvement).    The differentiae,
" pity" and " fear,"present    difficulties,however. Aristotle   defines
tragic pleasureas "proceeding    from  pityand fearthrough me-  the
diumofimitation."Each of theseterms, takeit,is equallyessen-
tial; butwe know,  Aristotle hisRhetoric
                             in                (1385bl3-16;1382a21ff.)
assures thatthesepassions precisely
        us,                     are            pains,and nothing  more:
        {EOs Xb7r s; TEorw 8, qbf3os
VEo-To5n)                          bMr?7rts. If we arecorrect suppos-
ing (and the abundanceof evidenceappearsconclusive)that the
tragic pleasure coincident
                is           withthecomplete      actionand not a sub-
sequentataraxy    generated homeopathically the purposely
                                                from                un-
pleasant  experience theplay,there be little
                    of                 can           sensein identifying
dramatic   pityand fear, aroused an explicitly
                        as           by               mimetic  perform-
ance,withgenuine    pityand fearas described the Rhetoric; is
                                                  in               it
no merecontretemps Aristotle
                that                      as
                          refers the former TOLOVT(wV
    The by nowfamiliar     romantic   attempt explain
                                                to         thispleasurable
pityand fear beenreenacted
               has                  withimpressive     dialecticalskillin a
recent  paperby Schluck;16 the dramatic                    are
                                                 emotions purified,     we
are to understand, the sense
                      in            that theyhave becomereactions        to
dangers           in
         implicit thegeneral      human     situation: Wovor uns
                                                       "        wir     im
Betrachten Tragodie
             der            fiirchten, eine aus demWesendes Men-
schenselbstaufkommende         Gefahr." Also: "Furcht und Mitleid

in ihrer Reinheit  sindeineeigene vonTheoria." As thereader
                                     Art                  18
willnote,thistheory      makesa greatdeal dependon our agreeing          to
recognize say,Oedipus'unlucky
           in,                         marriage clearand present
                                                  a                    dan-
germenacing onlyus but our fellow
               not                             men. The typical    retortis
that all tragedies a sense deal withthe same danger(not the
ostensible  one), answering the "universality"Aristotle
                                to                                   insists
upon.   But,as we haveseen,Aristotle envisaged suchKantian
                                           has            no
steamrolling stereotyping tragic
              or                of         subject matter,  overt covert,
in hisuse oftheterm universal."Even ifwe are charitable
                        "                                           enough
to assumewithSchluck       thatall tragedies   refer thesameuniversal
danger, willbe difficult see howmyfearor pity,
         it                  to                             sinceit is mine
and is personal  and particular matter
                                   no          howmanyothers      shareit,
can be a beatific  contemplation universality it remains
                                    of                if            pityor
fearin thesenseofemotional       disturbance    (Xv'). Thus thequestion
oftheemotion    itself remains  despite rarefaction nullity its
                                         the             into         of
object; besides, are forced urgethat Schluck's
                  we               to                        interpretation
of KaGo'Xovis not Aristotle's again 1455bff.),
                              (see                    however  muchKant
wouldhaveapplauded       it.
   16K. Volkmann-Schluck, Lehrevon der Katharsis der Poetikdes Aris-
                         Die                   in
       Varia Variorum
toteles,             (1952), 104-107.
   17Ibhid,.                                            18Ibid.,116.
156                                 HAROLD      SKULSKY

                   that, hisstudy thesituation
   It willbe noticed    in         of                     for
tragicportrayal                       reallymakestwodemands,
                (Chap. XIII), Aristotle
notone: thatthesituation evokepity fear thatit gratify
                                  and     and           one's
sense of human dignity (To' pLMdvOp&nrov). also be remembered
                      19              It will
thatAristotle  makesa two-fold        demand a higher
                                                of          pleasure:thatit
be clearand free   from   bodily   taintand thatit pertain theestateof
a freeborn  man. Now the " liberal virtues,"          according Aristotle,
are invariably  attended thissenseof humandignity,20 it is to
                             by                                     and
this " philanthropy,"     according Aristotle,
                                       to            that tragedy     addresses
itself. Thusit is notso muchthattheexalted            moral   issuespresented
in tragedy  necessarily a bearing thelifeof theaverage
                          have               on                           audi-
tor. It is rather  thatin participating therarefied specialethi-
                                             in              and
cal dilemmas the hero,he discovers himself generally
               of                              in          a             unac-
knowledged   importance, genuine
                              a            dignity, latentpower(inherent
in man's estate) of ethicalevaluation.
    Onlyiftheaudience somehowis                       to
                                            permitted participate      actively
in thetrials a hero, a J3EXT&OV, can it experience insight
             of             of                               this          into
themoraldignity man (oaaWpwov),thiskeenly
                     of                                    pleasurable    sense
of "liberality" (Av0epLw'T-r). Consequently, chorus(as repre-
senting audience)mustbe made an indispensable
        the                                                     participant   in
theproceeding    (1456al9-20) and theactionitself madegenuinely
important significant           (arov8ala). For the audience, goeswith-
out saying,  cannotenjoya feeling importantof             moralachievement
unlessthe actionis correspondingly and unlessit can partici-
pate directly thechorus. Whatis more
              via                                  significant,cannot
                                                                it         real-
ize a genuine philanthropiawithout sense
               "                    "          a       of emotional    involve-
    Now, as we have observed,           the tragicsituation one which,
besides being(preferably)        impossible   by ordinary standards    (though
internally  coherent),    involvesa hypothetical       class of  events(7rota)
and individuals   (7roe).21    Thus,ifpityis to be feltat all,in thesecir-
cumstances, must be a hypothetical
              it                                 pity (concerned     withcata-
strophic av yEVOTo
         oLa            d . . .) just as thefearcan be feltonlythrough
identification a general
               with                 typeof man. Whatis evenmorediffi-
cult than this,pity,in contemplating                         in
                                                misfortune another,         and
thisfear, in experiencing                   as
                              misfortune another,       though    mutually   ex-
clusive, mustbe feltat the same time. Thus the emotions not             are
   19E.g. (1452b37)              yap
                  &rpayy0,6rcaurov               ToUT'   rin Ira6TWv, obv&v Pyap 4EX   ci'v SET,
   Pyap    qLXaivOpw7rovoDre     Xeetvbv
                                       ov're  qof3epovkrv. Also the requisitesof tragic
actionand speech:     Trav fi 1Eeev'a   fiSew'a fi
                                                 AEya&Xa (N.B.) fi
                                                                 E'KoTLa SEfl
   20     tXavcOpw7r1ta            X
                    a&KOXOV0GEfl 'VGeplOTTl.
   21   go--V S KaO6XOV maVT7-
                             yrt           roa
                                      T7a a7rra
                                             0vl4alveL               X&yetv f 7pairetv . . .
ARISTOTLE'S   POETICS REVISITED                    157
only actuated histrionically aupcVoZ),             but also experienced an
act of imagination whichcan onlybe termed              histrionic.It would
thus be psychologically     inaccurate style these states of mind
"emotions ( r6Gq); theyare rather
           "                               mental  attitudes which anal-
ogous to emotions (7otaov'Tw 7ra6Jq crov).   In their   roleas the necessary
condition thatmoral
          of             elevation             all          as
                                      which tragedy, mimesis,          mir-
rors,and in mirroring   reveals,  thisactiveand imaginative        pityand
fearare symbolic the communal
                  of                       solidarity, almostritualistic
rapport between performer spectator,
                              and                 which  typified several
events theDionysian
       of                  festival.
    Before derivingfrom analysis thedramatic
                           this             of                situationsome
leadingprinciples of Aristotelian       aesthetics, will be necessary
                                                     it                  to
deal withthatsphinx's    riddle, tragic    catharsis.As we have seen,the
simplehomeopathic     theory Weil and Bernaysdoes not fitthe
facts;tragedy, complete        action,cannotservean external         end,it
 cannot a medication,
        be                 laxativeor otherwise.        The famous  descrip-
tionofmusical  therapy thePolitics(1341b36ff.)
                          in                               shows anycase
 thattheputative  function tragedy already
                              of             was           fulfilled simple
 orgiasticmelody and thus could not be definitive the dramatic
situation,with its intrinsicend ( i3Oov) and coincident,culminating
pleasure. Orgiastic melodies,  furthermore, specially
                                             are           serviceable
for theirr8le in " emotionalflushing because they are amoral
(1341a20ff.), tragedy neverbe.
             as         can
   Ourdiscussion  appears, think, substantiate interpretation
                           I         to             the
which suggested   earlier thepaper: the" purification
                        in                                " alludedto
mustbe thatkeenpleasure, untainted
                             or            perception,which   Plato in
hisPhaedo callscatharsis.22
   We havediscussed somedetailtheobjects
                     in                          and manner tragic
imitation Aristotle them. The technical
          as         saw                          medium quite as
important, without
           for                        and
                       conventions traditions       there couldbe no
mimesis, "intelligibility"
         no                    (i.e., no possibility participation).
For Aristotlesuchmatters theuse ofstrange
                           as                    words, lengthened  or
shortened ones, coinages,and above all of metaphors     wereitemsof
common   knowledge  whichcouldbe passedoverquickly         withimpu-
nity. Today,besetas we are by romantic        intuitionists the one
side and academicformalists the other, is important us to
                              on             it               for
acknowledge  moreemphatically essential
                                  the           roleof form art,as
Aristotle it, and to recognize craftsmanlike
         saw                                         execution pre-
requisite successful
         of           art.
    22 The use of &la Wkov coo3ov repaLvovaa ...
                         Kac                     , TrX,forAl .Xecu'V . c., KTX,
 is idiomaticGreek, in d' q6f3ovs
                   as            XMyol. It  is common Latin: magnus
                                                      in                uterque
 timor           (HoraceSat. I, IV, 67) and colloquial slangEnglish:" a pity,"
        latronibus                                   or
 "a  holyterror," thelike.
158                          HAROLD    SKULSKY

    These,then, the elements a truly
                    are                  of          Aristotelian of art.
Artis an organized      activity  indulged forits ownsake involving
                                             in                                a
 " thing made" within framework conventional
                           the                of                  rules, a thing
which actualized itsbeingexperienced.
       is              in                             Superiority thequal-
ity of art is ceteris   paribusachievedto the degreethatthe person
initiated  intotheformal     tradition emotionally
                                          is                involved  and intel-
lectually   interested the interpretation
                        in                          of symbols otherele-
ments;elements theirin      turn manipulated they
                                   so                 that        transcend  the
limitations conventional
              of                 syntax    and provide initiatewithan
organized   experience discovery achievement.
                         of             and
    On thispremise,     artistic innovation    consists actualizing po-
                                                         in              the
tentiality theformal
            of             tradition    (say ofdramaor thesonnet), tra-    a
dition which    constitutes set of rulesof intelligibility morecor-
                             a                                    or,
rectly, participation.
        of                  This tradition a complex and in itself
                                               is              one
is no morethana negative         element set of limitations, a posi-
                                            or                       not
tiveruleofthumb. The artist          recognizes, an inarticulate
                                                  in                    way,the
principles   Aristotle forth to a degree able to makecalcula-
                       sets        and                is
tions a sort. But more
      of                      often,         to           the
                                      since, repeat, tradition,          though
a prime  requisite, in itself no further theartist
                     is           of              aid,             mustrelyon
the community humanity
                   of              between   himand his audience fram-  in
inghis effects. musthave powers empathy
                   He                         of             which   willpermit
himto predict     theseeffects their
                                and         impact   overand abovethemere
execution recognition an artform.As Aristotle it,poetic
            and               of                                 puts
skillinvolves   either  exceptionally    happyintuitions a tendency
                                                              or             to-
wardmentalimbalance         (1455a32-33).
    Thus failures formal
                    in         innovation, thoseofArnaut
                                              like                    Daniel or
Schoenberg Kandinsky, explicable totalabrogations the
              or                are               as                      of
rulesof participation     (called "intelligibility    ") whichdefine or   art
genre, abrogations   without introduction thearchai a newart.
                               the                  of             of
    The spirit aesthetic
                of             Aristotelianism,    as interpreted the fore-
going          is
      study, eminently        realistic practical.As a critical
                                         and                              theory
it is not debarred     from   application particulars an involved
                                             to                by
metaphysical epistemological           apparatus. It is not,likethe lucu-
brations would-be
          of              Aristotelians    (e.g. Boileau), an arid body of
pontifications. is Aristotle vulnerable they hisversion
                   Nor               so               as       in             of
formalism.    For artis,whatever it maybe, a species socialac-
                                      else                         of
tivity. Andin suchactivity        there be onlyanarchy
                                          can                     without   rules
of participation. literary         criticism particular Aristotelian
                                               in              the
viewof art as an interesting                      of
                                   organization experience         provides  the
antidote crude
          to         moralization   and thecriticism     which   rests cogni-
tivecriteria.It does thisby comprehending              them:the intensity     of
interest the greater moreprofound universal moral
         is                the                      and              the
force theideasexpressed a work literary
      of                        in           of           art.
ARISTOTLE'S    POETICS   REVISITED               159

   It is, to conclude,regrettable likehis logicand metaphysics,
Aristotle's aesthetics beenmaligned
                      has            becauseof its abuse by gen-
erations artpedants pundits. The humanists
         of            and                      havediscredited
thelatter  justas theschoolmen theformer.
                              did           This essaywillhave
achieved   something havingestablished
                     if,                nothingelse,it convinces
thequalified  readerthatthelast word by no meansbeensaid on
the Poetics.

    A. A further   wordon "universality."Schluck'sthesison this
scoreis typical thewayAristotelian
                 of                        metaphysics be romanti-
callymisappropriated:     " Denn die Dichtung," says (op. cit.,108),
" erfasst                                     das
         nichtwie die Wesenserkenntnis bestimmende                 Eine als
solchesin der Abhebung       gegendas jeweilige     Einzelne,sondern     sie
enthiulltdiesesauf seineWesensart so dass diesein demAugen-
blickdes Einzelnenerscheint."However, humanperception
                                                all                       of
individual  objects, Aristotle's
                     in              view,operates thisway. When
we see a particular   thing, cannotbe recognized known
                              it                        and          unless
its form revealed
         is           to us, precisely in demAugenblick Einzel-
                                        "                       des
nen"; thisis whatthe " exemplification a universal means,for
                                              of              "
us as well as for" the master thosewhoknow." Schluck's ex-
                                  of                                   "
planation,"  then,doesnotexplain;forI am surehe doesnotmeanus
to gather from abstruse
                his            formulation startling
                                            the           newsthatwhen
we see a dramawe see a drama. It wouldbe, I think,          moreaccurate
to saythattheparticular     dramatic  action             a
                                             representsgeneral      classof
actions merely sharing
        not         by           andexhibiting form, all themem-
                                                 its       as
bersof theclasswould, also by displaying minimum excep-
                           but                      a             of
tionsand irrelevancies, by concealing
                           and                 thoseinessential   elements
it cannot avoidretaining.This wouldnotgivethegistofAristotle's
KaOoXov, I have interpreted but it wouldeliminate
        as                       it,                           the tautolo-
gousunclarity thecitedpassage.
    B. I cannotjustlyneglect                      of
                                  somemention Professor's         Gomme's
finebook   The GreekAttitude Poetryand History(1954) which
contains number worthwhile
         a                           observations thetextin question.
Professor  Gomme    agrees  withme thatcatharsis     cannot theendof
tragedy.His reason thatAristotle
                       is                 insists a quitedifferent
                                                 on                    end:
tragedy's proper    pleasure."
    However,   amicusPlato; magisamica veritas. The homeopathic
theory Aristotelean
        of                catharsis,  withits long and augusthistory,
cannot  be summarily    rejected such flimnsy
                                   on                         its
                                                    grounds; partisans
couldretort   withperfect    reasonableness  thatthe " proper    pleasure  "
presupposed noneotherthan the beneficial
              is                                     ataraxyproduced     by
thetragic               thus
           experience, converting          Professor  Gomme's    ownargu-
160                      HAROLD SKULSKY

ment into an unmitigated       utilitarianism.Moreover,Politics       23
1341b36ff. wouldsupport    theircontention   againstProfessor   Gomme
-if he did notavail himself suchadditional
                              of                  proofs I have sug-
   C. Another   bookcomes mindwhich
                            to             cannot safely outof
                                                    be       left
account. It is and perhaps remain bestgeneral
                            will        the                treatment  of
thePoetics; I meanButcher's     remarkable   Aristotle's Theory Po-
etryand Fine Art (reprinted Dover Publications, Y., 1951).
                               by                         N.
On themeaning imitation,
                 of            however, find greatscholar's
                                         I       the                 ac-
countrather   misleading.He contends    thatthe elements theme-
diumof imitation, manoeuvres grimaces actors, ex-
                     the              and             of         for
ample,reflect  theirobjectsdirectly, intuitively
                                      are              interpreted, and
do not presuppose set of conventions note 9 above).
                     a                     (see                    They
" conveytheirmeaning the forceof immediate
                          by                            suggestion  and
without conscious      process inference.If symbols
                              of                          theymay be
called,theyare not conventional      symbols,   but livingsigns
 (Butcher, 134).
    But as we haveseen,Aristotle  imputes radicalpleasurableness
of imitation the processof inference
              to                             (ivXXoyt(gaGat)required  to
learn(ju.av0dveLv)                  represents.   Indeedsome    conven-
tionsof imitation, therulesof perspective, relatively
                    like                                          recent
contrivances, theirinculcation culturalconditioning a
              and                     by                          was
historical eventof the first  importance.In the case of facial and
bodilygestures, theirrelation emotion, importance a
                  in                to            the               of
 culturally determined  conventional               is
                                      framework particularly       obvi-
 ous; hencethe amazingpropriety 'ivXXo-ytg-coat,      especially cor-
 roborated theanthropological
           by                     data availableto us (of which    Aris-
 totlecouldhave had littleknowledge).
    Harvard  University.
  23ProfessorGomme  wouldperhapsagreethattheveryexistence therapeutic
music at leastan indication " emotional
     is                                                     to
                                      flushingis notessential tragedy.

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Aristotle's Poetics Revisited: A Fresh Analysis

  • 1. Aristotle's Poetics Revisited Author(s): Harold Skulsky Reviewed work(s): Source: Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Apr., 1958), pp. 147-160 Published by: University of Pennsylvania Press Stable URL: . Accessed: 23/09/2012 12:17 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . University of Pennsylvania Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of the History of Ideas.
  • 2. ARISTOTLE'S POETICS REVISITED BY HAROLD SKULSKY * Certainphilosophical problems have displayed exasperating an persistence.To be sure,centuries steadily of improved dialectical gadgetry have wrought changes thewaywe ask thesemulish in ques- tions; but thiswas to be expected, despite newwrinkles and the in terminology, nuisances the remain. The statusof universals, the meaning mathematical of propositions, thelocusofvaluecan still and be countedon to quickennew orthodoxies exhumedecayingand schools. Aesthetics, which willbe ourchief concern thepresent in investi- gation, a goodexample thekindofimpasse havein mind. Art is of I represents excellence special kind of value, and the theory par a which pretends elucidate mustoffer ofall a cogent to it first explana- tionofpreference,criterion artistic success." But artis also a a of " socialactivity whoseutility notoriously is obscure, thatnumerous so practitioners appreciators and downtheageshave feltobliged en- to gagein vehement apologetics, showthatit is after a useful to all ad- junct to good living. Thus manyclaimshave been made forit, claimsforthe mostpartquite irrelevant the specialand crucial to problem preference: is a meansofinculcating of art moralprinciples, according some; others to maintain that it is a modeof perceiving and important otherwise inaccessible facts; to others realizesits it function imparting unique experiences uniquelysentient by the of less mento their gifted fellows.These claimsare admittedly beside themark;theyfailto explain of whya work art,though impeccable in itsmoral tone,irrefutable thepropositions expresses, non- in it and it pareilin the experience conveys, may yetbe dull and ugly. But they showthatartmaybe rich itsinfluence life-though do in on qua artit doesnothave to be; foreachof theseclaims, leastin regard at art to somesuccessful works, appearsto contain grain truth. a of History thuscomplicated work modern has the of aesthetics; the discipline nownotonlyto account thepreferential ofart has for scale values (or else to argueplausibly its non-existence), also to for but adjustthevarious incidental claims a which cultivated awareness ap- pearsto support: all goodartis moralor philosophical intent; not in but thesenseofhumanity thatof profound and truth seemin some comparatively but noteworthy rare instances enhance value of to the an artwork. Andthistoo mustbe explained. Ostwaldof ColumbiaUniversity his helpful *I wish to thankProfessor for adviceand criticism. 147
  • 3. 148 HAROLD SKULSKY The reader no doubtbe wondering thistimewhy, an es- will by in say whosetitlepromises new illumination an ancientand well of thumbed fragment tragedy epic,sucha gratuitous of airy on and set platitudes the foregoing as shouldbe foisted his goodwill. The on answer simply is thatAristotle's truncatedwork, halfreportorialand halfprescriptive, in myopinion, is, basedon a comprehensive theory of artwhich fulfills twobasic requirements have stipulated- the we thoseof precisedefinition the adjustment incidental and of claims. The twoor three perennial cruxes,moreover, thetraditional in inter- pretation thiswork of can be resolved, think, placingit in the I by context Aristotelian of and an thought by attempting entirely fresh analysis theprinciples of in implicit thework itself. Teleia Praxisand Other Key Terms The tragicperformance forAristotle is essential defining in the wayin which tragedy and directly graphically represents life. It is a ap,.La, enactment, an which mustbe unified arranged as to rep- and so resent " complete a action," rckcla,juda,Jkq, perfect,single,and entire, requiring nothing to complete essence. At a laterstagewe else its shallhaveto examine internal the structure characteristic a " com- of pleteaction," at present mustconfine but we ourselves thegeneral to information about the termwhichwe can garner from Aristotle's other works. In hisMagna Moralia (1211bl8ff.), Aristotle the discusses pecul- of iar intensity paternal love and decides thatit is essentially ac, an tivity similar certain to skills: " I mean,forinstance, class of the skills whose purpose performance identical; in theflautist's and are as viewhis activity thesameas his r'Xos purpose(forto himflute is or playing bothpurpose is and activity), in the case of housecon- but struction doesnotobtain(forherethere beyond activity, this is, the a separate end): thuslove is actually sortof activity, there a and is no otherend beyondthe activity loving;on the contrary: of this itself the end" 1; and in theMetaphysics is (1048bl8ff.), discussing processes which conduce someexternal to goal,likethatof attenua- tion,Aristotle maintains that,"since theyare not themselves the purposeof their movement, theydo not constitute action, at an or one any ratenota complete (TreXea rpa-63). theyare notan end; For and that movement whichthe end inheres also an action." in is 'Cf. Metaphysics 1050a23: TO yap ep'yovTeXOs,v 6 evepyela Tr gp'yOV. 5uOKal T0rPooa ev yp7elaXe (TLat Ka(T'a TO6 p7OV, Kac auTelvel Cf.Ethica 7rpos T2v eiTveXeXeav. Nic.: 1151a16:evTals zrpa4ut TO OVCUVKa apx7. r AlsoMagna Moralia1197a9-11: are strictly otlov7rapaTO KtGaplflev OVK C&Tlv, etc. At leastsomeIL4TLKal, it seems, endsin themselves. translations by All are thepresent writer.
  • 4. ARISTOTLE'S POETICS REVISITED 149 Thereappears, think, be little I to doubtthatthisconception com- of pleteactionas self-sufficient and an end-in-itself appliesto the1-ex-ta vrpa$ts which of tragic performance (8pa-,ua)is theartistic reproduction.2 We may conclude thispointthat the dramatic at representation of complete action, itself as intended correspondingly " complete," not is to be considered tool,a meansto someendoutside itself, a of suchas mental health-whatever incidental results mayissuefrom it. However, play is primarily publicperformance, a a meantto be approved, thecognoscenti least. All rules, by at eventhatofthefirst unity, mustbe justified reference this effect.Thus Aristotle by to tellsus in thePoetics(1459al7-21) thatthepoetis plainly obliged to represent a complete actionspecifically witha view to eliciting a pleasurable experience corresponding form his dramatic in to plot. Our author's insistence pleasure a concomitant plotunity on as of is so frequent that we woulddo well to consider general his view of pleasure before tracethe relationship we the between spectators and the" complete action in tragedy, wellas thespecialrequirements " as assumed Aristotle each. by for Firstof all, pleasure wouldseemto represent purest the kindof complete action, kindwhich described Met. 1050a34as " ac- the is at tualization a transition whichthe exercise a poweris both ": in of achieved and aimedat, suchas seeing perse (as opposedto search- 3 ing); perception, a matter fact, so truly rEXEda7rp thatat as of is a ets anypoint itsduration is always samein form in it the (Met. 1048b20- 25). Pleasurewouldseemto be suchan " actualization (evepyata), " foras we are told in the Nicomachean Ethics (Book X, Chap. IV): " Visionseemsperfect any instant, requiring subsequent at not any addition complete form. And pleasure to its resembles kindof this activity. . . ." Pleasureis moreover consummation every the of hu- man activity (whichis by definition conscious) and does not occur it without (dVw re yap EPEpeclas oV ylVeratrSov'7, 7racaav rE &Epyetav TEXEtOL v the j5ov'). Thus themorerefined sensory faculty themorepre- and the ciseits object, purer thepleasure. In Book X, Chapter of the Ethicsthe higher VI that pleasure, whichis bothradiantly clearand morallysuitablefora freeman' (fXtKptwS withcontemplation, exercise is identified ca't ixevOcptoq), the 2 Cf. Poetics 1450a16:e y'yp ta rpa-ywy MlMt1aots oUicavPOpwrco7r aTtJp a&XAa rp&aecOs Kal jLov.... Also Met. 1048b,in whichPLosor ivpis mentionedamong the 7rp&tELs which self-sufficient are (1.28). thatfor 3Cf. Met. I, 1 980a23-24. A perusalof Met. 1048bl8ff. establish will Aristotlecompletepraxis and energeiaare synonymous. 4Aristotle's of and other observations ethical value-preference clearly a are not matterof statisticalaverage. The principleis rather: KacaD7rEpov' 7roxxaKLS elp7Trat Kal TqLuLa Ka% Wa EOTr TLa Tq) a7rovkclw TOLavra 67Ta.
  • 5. 150 HAROLD SKULSKY uponconcepts of the intelligence (thoseideas which pureof the are accidental). Thus we need not be surprised requires thatAristotle tragicpoetry be in somesenseconceptuallypure" (xa0o'Aov), con- to " in sistent structure (' andphilosophical, in this a&X=Xa), since waya remarkably chastened steadfast and pleasure, one exempt from the limitations bodily of pleasure,mustof necessity result from con- its templation Oavyaarals2OPaS EXEWKaOapeWT6rT [N.B.] (8oKEZ -YOVP X)ckXoaoot'a Kac #Beqatc). It seemshighly probablethat Aristotle Plato's PhaedoI in had mindwhen chosehisterms; thatdialogue clearand distinct he in the contemplation oftruth dXWKpWV4S, 6'iaOT 'acos Tr &X-O6s) is, as in (Tcr TOVTO regarded the " exercise a faculty Aristotle, as of operating its best at upon the best of its objects." More important perhaps, the term used by Plato forthissupremely pleasurableintuitive perception is catharsis.Of course, in thePoeticsrefers a specialkind Aristotle to ofpleasure purification perception, which or of one proceeds from dis- positionssimilar pityand fear.6 If myaccount, to then, correct, is it willbe necessary to showwhatsuchstatesof consciousness have in common withphilosophy.In any case,if the dramaand its corre- sponding " pleasure " complete and concurrent are actions, is diffi- it cultto see howa medical utilitarian or interpretationcatharsis of (as rexos) canbe made fit cpyov To vrapa scheme. to into author's our So farwe haveexplored implications " completenessas it two of " in functions Aristotelian terminology: theoretically performance, the at every pointin itsduration,ought be an endin itself, a perfect to " activity," of whiletheexperience dramatic poetry correspondingly is finaland self-sufficient. thedramatic But actionis nota homogene- ous process, pure&npycta, likeliving consciousness se; it is a a or per sequence a of with relation parts. Andthus, Aristotle, characterize to its pleasurablenessmoreprecisely, observes (Chap. VII) that good plays have plot structures " whichare in themselves beautiful," in the sense is in whichan organism beautiful, whenit attainsa size an proper its kindand displays organization to suggestive design of or appropriateness.7 Mathematics the supremedistillation is of beauty,for" the beautiful residesin arrangement due magni- and 5That Aristotle knewthisdialogue certified Met. 1080a2. is by 6Compare:b&& ovKaG c/f6ov iX Trh TrW TOl,rwp iraOt77TW KOapcLV 7repawovora and (1449b27-28) T 6P&i7r6 Kal c/f6ov5t&a CXov /lAtlJTcwS5El it6OVi rapaTKCV&CiLP TrV irolT7vV, 4acEp6V (US TOVTO ep TOlS (1453bl2-14). lrpctLrpaLpamp COl7rovrTfOP 7 TacvrosTr KaX6' Kal irpbrov Topica 135a13. T0o KaXovI el&7I.Li7yTTa Ta&LS Ka1 avo)4erTplaKai roTcopwPayvovMet. 1078a36. With irpCbroV compare Kant's Zweck- massigkeit a witha functionless ohneZweck,whichdenotes satisfaction pattern, perfect analogous our enjoyment an instrument's to of adaptation its appointed to function.
  • 6. ARISTOTLE S POETICS REVISITED 151 tude." That neither " proper"magnitude the " proper ar- the nor " rangement suchin a utilitarian are senseis substantiated ourown by experience beauty exclusively its own sake (vide Politics of for 1362bl-10); " proprietyis herea metaphor " describing peculiar our senseof approbation vis-a-viscertain forms. A beautiful thing, Aristotle us,willnever so largeor small tells be thatitsorganization cannot intuited a whole. In temporal be as arts, likemusicand drama, corresponding ofsizeis, of course, the test the memorableness plot.of That thisunified patterning plot ((rcraTaaLs of lrpay/L,dT(v) corresponds the " contemplative to " pleasure have just we discussed clearenough;theyare theformal perceptual is and aspects of whatwe have called " complete activity." But the principles of plotting thenature thepleasure and of peculiar tragedy to are yetto be fully explained. Thereremains further term the Poetics,which one key in serves in part to support the foregoing observations: mimesis, literally " copying." All mimetic arts,in Aristotle, represent our experi- " " enceY though they" representin various " sensesand through various mediaand concern themselves various with sorts " realthings." of Furthermore " imitation," itsrudimentary in sense, from psy- is a chological viewpoint originof art,and of poetry particular. the in (1) Thisis true tworeasons: roTe'y6p/al.u/EoatvrUovTO"i for aOc bOZS Gpw'rots EKc (2) 7ra0wov Kacd xa'peLvTots Tr At4mat raiTras.8 (1) It is perhaps only the possible human" instinct," the sensethatall infants in mustmimic their parents order learntheir in to lessons, yettheir first and mimi- cryis itself untaught. (2) Andit is a universal source instinctive of pleasure, derived, Aristotle tells us, fromthe inferential processes (avXXoyttea0aL) involved recognition, from in and successin learning (Juavd'vfLV) whatis being represented(" forif one is not already 9 fa- miliar with object, the thework notpleasequa representation will "). Thus thefundamental character the pleasure mimesis of the of in is kindwe havedescribed, rational the contemplation order com- of and plexity("beauty ") as embodied(in tragedy)in a "completeac- tion." These, then,are the basic conceptsof Aristotelian aesthetics. Thoughvarious things mayexemplify or moreof them-though one visionexhibits leasttheform " perfect at of though activity," mathe- maticsexhibits that excellence orderwhichmodern of mathemati- sThe coordinates and xac make speculation Te about 1448b20appear rather chimerical. 9 It maybe observedherethat" inferenceis madenecessary the veryna- " by which tureof imitation, mustperforce on conventions translation rely of from one sphere another, therules perspective, conversion 3 to 2 dimensions. to e.g. of of from
  • 7. 152 HAROLD SKULSKY though number experiences please cianscall " elegance," any of may us fora time(i.e.,makeus desiretheircontinuance),though photo a maybe a rudimentary specimen representation-only of mimetic art combines thesetraits endsin themselves. all as How it doesthisre- mainsto be seen. of We have seenthatin tragedy polarsituation dramatic the per- formance, involvingplayers constitutes " complete and spectators, a action,"whosestrictly formal intellectual and aspectis " beauty,"or orderand measure. It is the plot,then,the system component of events (aa7Taao which constitutesthe 7rpay,//aTWV), tragedy'spurpose and a principle tragedy's of intelligibility,'0 whichalso displays and mosteffectively arresting that logicalpatterningwhich Aristotle calls "the beautiful." In thePoetics ChapterVIII AristotlepraisesHomerforscrupu- louslyavoidingsequencesof events"of which, one occurred, if it wouldbe neither probable necessary the other-to nor for follow it." event a single An integral in " &Arioqov) theone action" explains (7rotEZ whichfollows. In otherwordsthe succeeding eventsmust" be ex- " plained by thepositing their of antecedents; theymustbe suchas wouldhappen (o'a yIvo To) if the priormise en scene is assumedtrue. aY I have belabored strict this conditionality becauseit is partand par- cel ofthestructure, beauty(in Aristotelian the terms)oftragic plot- ting:it is not thatthe tragic situation possible thata superior is or plot couldeverbe so (quite the contrary, we shall see); whatis as " possible in drama whataccords " is with thisprinciple probability of or " conditional " 11necessity (ra &vvaraT, Kar'a rO EKO's 7rT a'av'yKacov'). To rb be sure,a historical eventwhosecausal sequence clearmay legiti- is mately madetherawmaterial a tragedy." For there nothing be of is actuallypreventingsome real happening fromtakingprobableor necessary form."The implication apparently thisis rare, is that and certainly a universal not characteristic episodes humanaffairs. of in Thus the term " universal" (Ka9o'Xov), we shall soon see more as clearly,properly indicateswhenappliedto plotthatevents and char- actersmaking the " complete up " action are " consistent withthe whole " " of the action. The " universalityof the actionrefers ato class of events(7rota) whichwouldresult we assumewiththe poet if the existence a certain of class (7rok) of men and a priorsituation (see 1451b8-10);it neverrefers a particular to situation which (TI) lo Ta 7rpaiy,.ara Kal o 1ADOosrTXosTrIs rpaO14tas (1450a21-22). apxrt 0' Kai Aev oZop &vxi 6 AiOosris TpawcoaLas (1450a37-38). For &px' see Met. / I, especially KTX it as of 1013al5: "TE 605EV where is defined a principle intelligibility. 11propterpraeterita,simple Cf. 1452al9-not to be confused " ": with" hypo- thetical causa), though is not to be rejected " (sequentium necessity this (1452a7).
  • 8. ARISTOTLE'S POETICS REVISITED 153 actuallydoesor can happen(see 1451b8-10). Thus Aristotle us tells (1455bff.) poet shouldfirst forth 'abstract' (Kao'Xo-v) or "A set an blueprint his plots,both traditional of then extend and original, them." Certain eventswill,of course, " external the system" be to 1455b7-8), to the particularpatternof assumptions (co TOVKa0G'Xov in question. This noveluse oftheterm wouldseemto confirm con- our tentionthat the plot is not universal the traditionally in accepted sensethatmutato nomine te fabulanarratur.In fact, reasons de for we haveyetto investigate,Aristotlebelieves thata storywhich not is possible reallifebut has thecoherent in structure have discussed we is muchto be preferred one which real but causallyincoherent to is and thus,eventhough initialsituation accepted, the is unconvincing. This principle beautiful rational of or order lovedin and for itself extends,naturally, thecharacters to themselves. Thus in Chap. XV ofthePoetics, learnthatthepoetought add personal we to integrity to hischaracterizationidleorwrathful of persons as painters just add a higherself-consistence coherence theirlikenesses. This and to staunch defense his identity right assert specialquality of and to his can makeevenan Ajax a truetragic figure. of of In his discussion the reversals fortune properto tragedy, Aristotleeliminates downfall a depraved the of man. His reasonis " mostenlightening:Such a situation wouldgratify one'shumanity but it would be neitherpitifulnor fearful .. since we pity the unde- . serving fearforone like ourselves."Thus the term" like our- and " selves is to be understood from purely a moralpointof view; the reprobate thiscase) maybe unlike in a variety respects, (in us of but the decisiveone is moral. The hero oughtmorally be no less to flawed thanwe,orelsethere couldbe no complication no tragedy. and But tragedy mustdeal withpreternaturally figures it is to 12 noble if achieveits effect.That a Medea or an Oedipustranscend ordinary humancapacities, either doingor forsuffering,no defect, for is for, a " is as we shallexplain, " probable impossibility alwayspreferable to " in tragedy an "improbable possibility.'3No principle, then, couldbe so aliento a view oftragedy basedon Aristotelianaesthetics as thatof de te fabula. of So muchfortheform tragic action. Now it remains us to for consider the "subjective" dimension the Aristotelian of polarity; beauty(dyEOKao t TJs) as Aristotle defines is not alwayspleasur- it 12See, forexample,1448a18. In Chap. XXV thestructure a tragic 13 of falsehood explained a species is as of fallacy;oncetheaudience " suspended genetic has disbelief," causalstructure a will supportunaidedthe credibility the eventswhichgrowout of the prologue. of 1460a18-26.
  • 9. 154 HAROLD SKULSKY able (1362b5-10);and wehaveyetto discover whatimpels to pro- us longourexperience poeticform, of artistic of and form general. in In achieving characteristic its effect theauditor, on tragedy must aim at dominating concern successfully his and altering stateof his consciousness jEra3aAXXaEvT 'v OV' oVTa 1459b29). The engaging (ro of interest (1459b30-31)withvariedpattern the first is step toward that producing sublime senseofhumanity of" pity" and " fear and " (4tXcavGp&nrov, eAXEv4v, 0f3,Epov) whichwe are to designate tragicex- as perience. In thisalmosthypnotic domination consciousness, of plot structure, itscomplication resolution with and (Wns Ka'tXvaL) is calcu- lated to maximize impactof the combined the reversal recogni- and tionon which better the plot hinges. This composite climaxof ac- tionwillnaturally more be affectingit takestheauditor surprise if by (7rapa r4v 8o'av). But there willbe an addedsatisfaction it is per- if ceived thenatural as culmination thepreceding of action(St-XjAXAa); 14 wonder awe ( T 00avfaaTov), in contemplating or moralconflict against the background an unchanging of naturalorder(the orderof the poet's "nature,"that is) is morethan the intellectually oriented pleasureevokedeven by rudimentary imitation.The purely intel- lectualpleasure tracing in causal sequence to be sure,an element is, in the effect, surprise but and awe, lent structure theirlogical by matrix, arrest the attention and concern the spectator more of far powerfully inexorably and thansimpler imitation could. Thus the passions havebeenmadea structural principle, essential tragic to plot (the " end" oftragedy), which Aristotle states follows a passage as in on the legitimate of impossibilities:The poet is nevertheless use " correct introducing [in miracles] he achieves artistic if his purpose..., if in so doinghe renders eventitself someothereventmore the or striking (1460b25-27) Thus theevolving the" reversal-recogni- ." of tion" is botha beautiful patterning an emotional and crescendo, in whicheach eventis carefully subordinated the ultimate to effect. This, then,is the emotionally intensified structure the dramatic of pleasure. This is why"the epic poet constructs plotsdramati- his cally, in tragedy, concerns as and himself witha wholeand complete actionwithintroduction, development, conclusion: produce and to theproper pleasure a living like thing, single whole(1459al8ff.)." and The pleasure, purification perception, arrested the of the interest, de- in rives, fact, from interdependence intense the of and feelings sym- metrical structure. Whatthesefeelings in thecase oftragedy are is, of course, to be determined.'5 still " 1452al-11. 15The readerwoulddo wellto reread the of Chap. XXVI, in which superiority tragedy explained.The appealis obviously theexperience thepoetry is to of itself, as to itseconomy subtlety, clarity, its concentration. or its and
  • 10. ARISTOTLE'S POETICS REVISITED 155 So muchforthegenus(audience involvement). The differentiae, " pity" and " fear,"present difficulties,however. Aristotle defines tragic pleasureas "proceeding from pityand fearthrough me- the diumofimitation."Each of theseterms, takeit,is equallyessen- I tial; butwe know, Aristotle hisRhetoric in (1385bl3-16;1382a21ff.) assures thatthesepassions precisely us, are pains,and nothing more: {EOs Xb7r s; TEorw 8, qbf3os VEo-To5n) bMr?7rts. If we arecorrect suppos- in ing (and the abundanceof evidenceappearsconclusive)that the tragic pleasure coincident is withthecomplete actionand not a sub- sequentataraxy generated homeopathically the purposely from un- pleasant experience theplay,there be little of can sensein identifying dramatic pityand fear, aroused an explicitly as by mimetic perform- ance,withgenuine pityand fearas described the Rhetoric; is in it no merecontretemps Aristotle that as refers the former TOLOVT(wV to 7ra0)/.Ld,crwv. The by nowfamiliar romantic attempt explain to thispleasurable pityand fear beenreenacted has withimpressive dialecticalskillin a recent paperby Schluck;16 the dramatic are emotions purified, we are to understand, the sense in that theyhave becomereactions to dangers in implicit thegeneral human situation: Wovor uns " wir im Betrachten Tragodie der fiirchten, eine aus demWesendes Men- ist schenselbstaufkommende Gefahr." Also: "Furcht und Mitleid 17 in ihrer Reinheit sindeineeigene vonTheoria." As thereader Art 18 willnote,thistheory makesa greatdeal dependon our agreeing to recognize say,Oedipus'unlucky in, marriage clearand present a dan- germenacing onlyus but our fellow not men. The typical retortis that all tragedies a sense deal withthe same danger(not the in ostensible one), answering the "universality"Aristotle to insists upon. But,as we haveseen,Aristotle envisaged suchKantian has no steamrolling stereotyping tragic or of subject matter, overt covert, or in hisuse oftheterm universal."Even ifwe are charitable " enough to assumewithSchluck thatall tragedies refer thesameuniversal to danger, willbe difficult see howmyfearor pity, it to sinceit is mine and is personal and particular matter no howmanyothers shareit, can be a beatific contemplation universality it remains of if pityor fearin thesenseofemotional disturbance (Xv'). Thus thequestion oftheemotion itself remains despite rarefaction nullity its the into of object; besides, are forced urgethat Schluck's we to interpretation of KaGo'Xovis not Aristotle's again 1455bff.), (see however muchKant wouldhaveapplauded it. 16K. Volkmann-Schluck, Lehrevon der Katharsis der Poetikdes Aris- Die in Varia Variorum toteles, (1952), 104-107. 115. 17Ibhid,. 18Ibid.,116.
  • 11. 156 HAROLD SKULSKY that, hisstudy thesituation It willbe noticed in of for appropriate tragicportrayal reallymakestwodemands, (Chap. XIII), Aristotle notone: thatthesituation evokepity fear thatit gratify and and one's sense of human dignity (To' pLMdvOp&nrov). also be remembered 19 It will thatAristotle makesa two-fold demand a higher of pleasure:thatit be clearand free from bodily taintand thatit pertain theestateof to a freeborn man. Now the " liberal virtues," according Aristotle, to are invariably attended thissenseof humandignity,20 it is to by and this " philanthropy," according Aristotle, to that tragedy addresses itself. Thusit is notso muchthattheexalted moral issuespresented in tragedy necessarily a bearing thelifeof theaverage have on audi- tor. It is rather thatin participating therarefied specialethi- in and cal dilemmas the hero,he discovers himself generally of in a unac- knowledged importance, genuine a dignity, latentpower(inherent a in man's estate) of ethicalevaluation. Onlyiftheaudience somehowis to permitted participate actively in thetrials a hero, a J3EXT&OV, can it experience insight of of this into themoraldignity man (oaaWpwov),thiskeenly of pleasurable sense of "liberality" (Av0epLw'T-r). Consequently, chorus(as repre- the senting audience)mustbe made an indispensable the participant in theproceeding (1456al9-20) and theactionitself madegenuinely be and important significant (arov8ala). For the audience, goeswith- it out saying, cannotenjoya feeling importantof moralachievement unlessthe actionis correspondingly and unlessit can partici- grave pate directly thechorus. Whatis more via significant,cannot it real- ize a genuine philanthropiawithout sense " " a of emotional involve- ment. Now, as we have observed, the tragicsituation one which, is besides being(preferably) impossible by ordinary standards (though internally coherent), involvesa hypothetical class of events(7rota) and individuals (7roe).21 Thus,ifpityis to be feltat all,in thesecir- cumstances, must be a hypothetical it pity (concerned withcata- strophic av yEVOTo oLa d . . .) just as thefearcan be feltonlythrough identification a general with typeof man. Whatis evenmorediffi- cult than this,pity,in contemplating in misfortune another, and thisfear, in experiencing as misfortune another, though mutually ex- clusive, mustbe feltat the same time. Thus the emotions not are 19E.g. (1452b37) yap &rpayy0,6rcaurov ToUT' rin Ira6TWv, obv&v Pyap 4EX ci'v SET, oVme Pyap qLXaivOpw7rovoDre Xeetvbv ov're qof3epovkrv. Also the requisitesof tragic actionand speech: Trav fi 1Eeev'a fiSew'a fi AEya&Xa (N.B.) fi E'KoTLa SEfl 7rapaWKEV4EU (1456b3-4). 20 tXavcOpw7r1ta X a&KOXOV0GEfl 'VGeplOTTl. 21 go--V S KaO6XOV maVT7- yrt roa T7a a7rra 0vl4alveL X&yetv f 7pairetv . . . (1451b8-9).
  • 12. ARISTOTLE'S POETICS REVISITED 157 (&t only actuated histrionically aupcVoZ), but also experienced an by act of imagination whichcan onlybe termed histrionic.It would thus be psychologically inaccurate style these states of mind to "emotions ( r6Gq); theyare rather " mental attitudes which anal- are ogous to emotions (7otaov'Tw 7ra6Jq crov). In their roleas the necessary condition thatmoral of elevation all as which tragedy, mimesis, mir- rors,and in mirroring reveals, thisactiveand imaginative pityand fearare symbolic the communal of solidarity, almostritualistic the rapport between performer spectator, and which typified several the events theDionysian of festival. Before derivingfrom analysis thedramatic this of situationsome leadingprinciples of Aristotelian aesthetics, will be necessary it to deal withthatsphinx's riddle, tragic catharsis.As we have seen,the simplehomeopathic theory Weil and Bernaysdoes not fitthe of as facts;tragedy, complete action,cannotservean external end,it cannot a medication, be laxativeor otherwise. The famous descrip- tionofmusical therapy thePolitics(1341b36ff.) in shows anycase in thattheputative function tragedy already of was fulfilled simple by orgiasticmelody and thus could not be definitive the dramatic of situation,with its intrinsicend ( i3Oov) and coincident,culminating pleasure. Orgiastic melodies, furthermore, specially are serviceable for theirr8le in " emotionalflushing because they are amoral " (1341a20ff.), tragedy neverbe. as can Ourdiscussion appears, think, substantiate interpretation I to the I which suggested earlier thepaper: the" purification in " alludedto mustbe thatkeenpleasure, untainted or perception,which Plato in hisPhaedo callscatharsis.22 We havediscussed somedetailtheobjects in and manner tragic of imitation Aristotle them. The technical as saw medium quite as is important, without for and conventions traditions there couldbe no mimesis, "intelligibility" no (i.e., no possibility participation). of For Aristotlesuchmatters theuse ofstrange as words, lengthened or shortened ones, coinages,and above all of metaphors wereitemsof common knowledge whichcouldbe passedoverquickly withimpu- nity. Today,besetas we are by romantic intuitionists the one on side and academicformalists the other, is important us to on it for acknowledge moreemphatically essential the roleof form art,as in in Aristotle it, and to recognize craftsmanlike saw execution pre- a requisite successful of art. 22 The use of &la Wkov coo3ov repaLvovaa ... Kac , TrX,forAl .Xecu'V . c., KTX, is idiomaticGreek, in d' q6f3ovs as XMyol. It is common Latin: magnus in uterque timor (HoraceSat. I, IV, 67) and colloquial slangEnglish:" a pity," latronibus or "a holyterror," thelike. and
  • 13. 158 HAROLD SKULSKY These,then, the elements a truly are of Aristotelian of art. view Artis an organized activity indulged forits ownsake involving in a " thing made" within framework conventional the of rules, a thing which actualized itsbeingexperienced. is in Superiority thequal- in ity of art is ceteris paribusachievedto the degreethatthe person initiated intotheformal tradition emotionally is involved and intel- lectually interested the interpretation in of symbols otherele- or ments;elements theirin turn manipulated they so that transcend the limitations conventional of syntax and provide initiatewithan the organized experience discovery achievement. of and On thispremise, artistic innovation consists actualizing po- in the tentiality theformal of tradition (say ofdramaor thesonnet), tra- a dition which constitutes set of rulesof intelligibility morecor- a or, rectly, participation. of This tradition a complex and in itself is one is no morethana negative element set of limitations, a posi- or not tiveruleofthumb. The artist recognizes, an inarticulate in way,the principles Aristotle forth to a degree able to makecalcula- sets and is tions a sort. But more of often, to the since, repeat, tradition, though a prime requisite, in itself no further theartist is of aid, mustrelyon the community humanity of between himand his audience fram- in inghis effects. musthave powers empathy He of which willpermit himto predict theseeffects their and impact overand abovethemere execution recognition an artform.As Aristotle it,poetic and of puts skillinvolves either exceptionally happyintuitions a tendency or to- wardmentalimbalance (1455a32-33). Thus failures formal in innovation, thoseofArnaut like Daniel or Schoenberg Kandinsky, explicable totalabrogations the or are as of rulesof participation (called "intelligibility ") whichdefine or art genre, abrogations without introduction thearchai a newart. the of of The spirit aesthetic of Aristotelianism, as interpreted the fore- in going is study, eminently realistic practical.As a critical and theory it is not debarred from application particulars an involved to by or metaphysical epistemological apparatus. It is not,likethe lucu- brations would-be of Aristotelians (e.g. Boileau), an arid body of pontifications. is Aristotle vulnerable they hisversion Nor so as in of formalism. For artis,whatever it maybe, a species socialac- else of tivity. Andin suchactivity there be onlyanarchy can without rules In of participation. literary criticism particular Aristotelian in the viewof art as an interesting of organization experience provides the antidote crude to moralization and thecriticism which rests cogni- on tivecriteria.It does thisby comprehending them:the intensity of interest the greater moreprofound universal moral is the and the force theideasexpressed a work literary of in of art.
  • 14. ARISTOTLE'S POETICS REVISITED 159 It is, to conclude,regrettable likehis logicand metaphysics, that, Aristotle's aesthetics beenmaligned has becauseof its abuse by gen- erations artpedants pundits. The humanists of and havediscredited thelatter justas theschoolmen theformer. did This essaywillhave achieved something havingestablished if, nothingelse,it convinces thequalified readerthatthelast word by no meansbeensaid on has the Poetics. APPENDIX A. A further wordon "universality."Schluck'sthesison this scoreis typical thewayAristotelian of metaphysics be romanti- may callymisappropriated: " Denn die Dichtung," says (op. cit.,108), he " erfasst das nichtwie die Wesenserkenntnis bestimmende Eine als solchesin der Abhebung gegendas jeweilige Einzelne,sondern sie enthiulltdiesesauf seineWesensart so dass diesein demAugen- hin, blickdes Einzelnenerscheint."However, humanperception all of individual objects, Aristotle's in view,operates thisway. When in we see a particular thing, cannotbe recognized known it and unless its form revealed is to us, precisely in demAugenblick Einzel- " des nen"; thisis whatthe " exemplification a universal means,for of " us as well as for" the master thosewhoknow." Schluck's ex- of " planation," then,doesnotexplain;forI am surehe doesnotmeanus to gather from abstruse his formulation startling the newsthatwhen we see a dramawe see a drama. It wouldbe, I think, moreaccurate to saythattheparticular dramatic action a representsgeneral classof actions merely sharing not by andexhibiting form, all themem- its as bersof theclasswould, also by displaying minimum excep- but a of tionsand irrelevancies, by concealing and thoseinessential elements it cannot avoidretaining.This wouldnotgivethegistofAristotle's KaOoXov, I have interpreted but it wouldeliminate as it, the tautolo- gousunclarity thecitedpassage. of B. I cannotjustlyneglect of somemention Professor's Gomme's finebook The GreekAttitude Poetryand History(1954) which to of contains number worthwhile a observations thetextin question. on Professor Gomme agrees withme thatcatharsis cannot theendof be tragedy.His reason thatAristotle is insists a quitedifferent on end: " tragedy's proper pleasure." However, amicusPlato; magisamica veritas. The homeopathic theory Aristotelean of catharsis, withits long and augusthistory, cannot be summarily rejected such flimnsy on its grounds; partisans couldretort withperfect reasonableness thatthe " proper pleasure " presupposed noneotherthan the beneficial is ataraxyproduced by thetragic thus experience, converting Professor Gomme's ownargu-
  • 15. 160 HAROLD SKULSKY ment into an unmitigated utilitarianism.Moreover,Politics 23 1341b36ff. wouldsupport theircontention againstProfessor Gomme -if he did notavail himself suchadditional of proofs I have sug- as gested. C. Another bookcomes mindwhich to cannot safely outof be left account. It is and perhaps remain bestgeneral will the treatment of thePoetics; I meanButcher's remarkable Aristotle's Theory Po- of etryand Fine Art (reprinted Dover Publications, Y., 1951). by N. On themeaning imitation, of however, find greatscholar's I the ac- countrather misleading.He contends thatthe elements theme- of diumof imitation, manoeuvres grimaces actors, ex- the and of for ample,reflect theirobjectsdirectly, intuitively are interpreted, and do not presuppose set of conventions note 9 above). a (see They " conveytheirmeaning the forceof immediate by suggestion and a without conscious process inference.If symbols of theymay be called,theyare not conventional symbols, but livingsigns (Butcher, 134). But as we haveseen,Aristotle imputes radicalpleasurableness the of imitation the processof inference to (ivXXoyt(gaGat)required to whattheimitation learn(ju.av0dveLv) represents. Indeedsome conven- are tionsof imitation, therulesof perspective, relatively like recent contrivances, theirinculcation culturalconditioning a and by was historical eventof the first importance.In the case of facial and bodilygestures, theirrelation emotion, importance a in to the of culturally determined conventional is framework particularly obvi- of ous; hencethe amazingpropriety 'ivXXo-ytg-coat, especially cor- as roborated theanthropological by data availableto us (of which Aris- totlecouldhave had littleknowledge). Harvard University. 23ProfessorGomme wouldperhapsagreethattheveryexistence therapeutic of that music at leastan indication " emotional is to flushingis notessential tragedy. "