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Cfare eshte MARKETINGU? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Supozime te marketingut ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Koncepti marketing  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Nje Marketing i Suksesshem duhet te jete: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Procesi i manaxhimit te Marketingut ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Pse eshte i nevojshem planifikimi i marketingut? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Kritikat e planifikimit te marketingut ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Objektivat e planit te marketingut
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Objektivat e planit te marketingut (vazhdim)
Shenime te kujdesshme per planifikimin efektiv ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Probleme te planifikimit te sjelljes  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Korniza Standarte e Planifikimit  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Cfare ben Marketingu? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Tregu i Lire  Mjedisi Makro Vendi i Tregut Kompania Socio-Ekonomik/Politik/ Ambjental / Ligjor/ Rregullator/ Teknologjik Kanalet  Konsumatoret    Konkurrentet ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],” Goditjet"   ”Ndryshimet " Kercenimet     Shanset E kontrollueshme  E Influencueshme  E pakontrollueshme ,[object Object],[object Object],Per ta bere nje gje te tille duhet te analizoni mjedisin vazhdimisht
Qarku i Tregut ,[object Object],[object Object],Shkembimi Projekton Prodhon Shet Sherben 1 4 2 3 Cikli i Bleresit TREGU Cikli i shitesit Blen Perdor Ka nevoje Shkon ne dyqan 1 2 4 3 ‘ Shitesi’ ‘ Bleresi’
Tregjet konkurues  – Konkurenca krijon zgjedhje per konsumatoret, por edhe per shitesit. Cilin treg dhe / ose segment te synojme? Kompania Konkurenti #1 Konkurenti #2 Bleresi #1 Bleresi #2 Bleresi #3 Bleresi #4 Bleresi #5 Bleresi #N … Kush do te bleje dhe nga kush? Tregje te tjere Projekton Prodhon Shet Sherben Blen Perdor  Ka nevoje Shkon ne dyqan Blen Perdor  Ka nevoje Shkon ne dyqan Blen Perdor  Ka nevoje Shkon ne dyqan Blen Perdor  Ka nevoje Shkon ne dyqan Blen Perdor  Ka nevoje Shkon ne dyqan Blen Perdor  Ka nevoje Shkon ne dyqan Projekton Prodhon Shet Sherben Projekton Prodhon Shet Sherben
Strategjite e Tregut Produkte te Reja Produktet Aktuale  Produkte te Modifikuara 3. Strategjia e Zhvillimit te Produktit 1. Strategjia e Penetrimit te Tregut (Diversifikimi i Plote) 2. Strategjia e Zhvillimit te Tregut Tregje te Reja Tregjet Aktuale Segmente te Reja Risk i Rritur  Investim i Rritur
Nga Metoda e Prodhimit & Shitjeve drejt Metodes se  Marketingut ! ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Ju  NUK  mund te mbijetoni pa konsumatoret.  Fokusi te konsumatoret eshte  DOMOSDOSHMERI ! ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Cfare nenkupton Orientimi Konsumator ne detyrat e perditshme? Njohurite Aftesite Qendrimet Impakti Veshtiresia SJELLJA
Vendimet Baze te Marketingut ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Marketingu per Bizneset e Vogla NMV & Mjedisi  Marketing Kerkimi i Tregut Tregu i Synuar Profili i Konsumatorit Plani  Marketing  Promovimi & Reklamimi Cmimi  Vendi Produkti Konsumatori Mjedisi Parashikimi i Shitjeve & Shitjeve Sjellja Konsumatore dhe  Procesi i Blerjes Variablat e Vendimarrjes (4 P-te) Planifikimi
Ceshtjet Kryesore te Trainimit ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Cfare eshte Tregu? ,[object Object],[object Object]
Llojet e Tregjeve ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Tre hapat kryesore ne tregun e synuar  Segmentimi  i Tregut Synimi i  Tregut Pozicionimi  ne Treg Identifikoni kriteret per segmentimin e tregut Zhvilloni profilet per segmentet rezultuese Zhvilloni masat per terheqjen e segmentit te synuar te tregut Perzgjidhni segmentet e synuara Zhvilloni pozicionimin per cdo segment te synuar Zhvilloni marketingun mix per cdo segment te synuar HAPAT MADHORE AKTIVITETET
Kompanite  segmentojne  tregjet e tyre me qellim qe te identifikojne grupet e synuara te cileve ato mund tu sherbejne me mire. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Segmentimi i Tregut do te thote ndarja e tregut ne grupe te dallueshme bleresish te cilet kane nevoja e karakteristika te gjera te njejta.
Metodat me te perdorura per segmentimin e tregut jane: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Per te patur sukses kompanite e biznesit duhet te vendosin se ne cilat tregje do te sherbejne. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Si ta bejme te funksionoje sic duhet Segmentin e Tregut? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Synimi i Tregut - Ju mund te zgjidhni nje nga tre strategjite e marketingut Per te zgjedhur nje strategji per mbulimin e tregut duhet te merrni ne konsiderate buriemt e kompanise, gamen e produkteve, ne c’faze te ciklit te tyre te jetes jane produktet dhe strategjite e marketingut te konkurenteve’. Marketingu i Padiferencuar Marketingu i Diferencuar Marketingu i Koncentruar Marketingu Miks i Kompanise Marketingu Miks 1 i Kompanise   Marketingu Miks 2 i Kompanise   Marketingu Miks 3 i Kompanise   Marketingu Miks i Kompanise Tregu Segmenti 1 Segmenti 2 Segmenti 3 Segmenti 1 Segmenti 2 Segmenti 3
Marketingu i Padiferencuar- Kompania mund te vendose  te mos marre parasysh ndryshimet ne segmentin e tregut! ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Prote &  Kundrat
Marketingu i Diferencuar - kompanite synojne disa segmente tregu dhe projektojne nje marketing miks te vecante per secilin prej tyre! ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Prote &  Kundrat
Marketingu i Perqendruar – Nje kompani qe ndjek kete strategji do te marre nje pjese te madhe te nje nentregu me te vogel! ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Prote &  Kundrat
Zgjedhja e nje strategjie per mbulimin e tregut kerkon te merren ne konsiderate shume faktore. BURIMET E KOMPANISE STRATEGJIA E KONKURENTEVE FAZA E CIKLIT TE JETES SE PRODUKTIT VARIACIONET E PRODUKTIT  DIFERENCAT E BLERESVE Perdorimi i marketingut te padiferencuar atje ku konkurentet ofrojne nje game produktesh te diferencuara nuk do te ishte zgjidhja e duhur, ndersa ne rastin e kundert do te ishte shume efikase! Marketingu i padiferncuar eshte me i pershtatshem per produktet uniforme si kripa. Produktet qe mund te variojne ne dizenjon e tyre jane me te pershtatshme per strategjine e diferencuar. ( kamerat, makinat) Ky faktor do te percaktoje shanset per diferencim. Bleresit me te njejtat shije dhe zakone blerjeje nuk jane kandidate te mire per strategjine e diferencimit.  Produktet e reja normalisht nuk mund te prodhohen ne shume modele, keshtu qe keshillohet marketingu i diferencuar apo i perqendruar.  Faktori me i rendesishem per zgjedhjen e nje strategjie per mbulimin e tregut. Perqendrimi ne nje pjese te vogel te synuar e te identifikuar qarte njihet me termin e marketingut  niche .
Ceshtjet Kryesore te Trainimit ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Qellimi i marketingut modern eshte te plotesoje nevojat dhe deshirat e nje grupi te synuar konsumatoresh. ,[object Object],Plotesoni fjalite e meposhtme duke shtuar fjalet qe mungojne:  ,[object Object],[object Object]
Konsumatoret jane ne qender te te gjithe aktiviteteve te biznesit! Te njohesh klientet e tu eshte e rendesishme ne identifikimin si te konsumatoreve aktuale ashtu edhe te atyre potenciale ne te ardhmen. KONSUMATORET Aktivitetet e Marketingut  Aktivitetet e Prodhimit  Aktivitetet Financiare & te  Kontabilitetit Aktivitetet e Burimeve Njerezore
Njohja e Konsumatoreve Tuaj – Kompanite duhet te studiojne perceptimet, preferencat dhe sjelljen blerese te konsumatoreve.   Cilet jane  konsumatoret  e synuar? Pse do te duan te blejne  konsumatoret? Cfare do te duan  te blejne  konsumatoret  e synuar? Si do te duan  te blejne  konsumatoret? Kur do te duan  te blejne konsumatoret? Ku duan te  blejne  konsumatoret? Ku jetojne konsumatoret? C’moshe kane ata?A jane burra, gra, femije? Cili eshte profesioni i tyre? Po te ardhurat? Statusi? Niveli i arsimimit? Besimi fetar? Interesa te vecanta? Cfare perfitimesh do te kene konsumatoret po te blejne produktin tim? Cilat produkte dhe me cfare karakteristikash do te permbushte pritjet e tyre? Si do ta duan produktin te paketuar? Cfare sasish deshirojne konsumatoret? A do te blejne konsumatoret kete produkt kur ata te blejne produkte te tjere qe lidhen me te? Sa i rendesishem eshte vendi i blerjes? A do te shkojne konsumatoret ta blejne kete produkt vetem apo me te tjere?A eshte e rendesishme shperndarja? Sa shpesh do te blinin konsumatoret? A eshte kjo nje blerje e rregullt apo speciale? A ka ndonje kohe te vecante apo dite javeose viti kur kerkesa per produktet eshte me e larte (per shembull ushqimet e vecanta mund te kerkohen me shume gjate Vitit te Ri) Cilat magazina, dyqane apo vende do te ishin me te lehta per t’u gjetur nga konsumatoret ku ata te blinin produktet tuaja Ku do te prisnin konsumatoret t’i gjenin ato? Njohurite rreth konsumatoreve te synuar perbejne bazat per t’u ofruar ketyre konsumatoreve produktet qe do t’i kenaqnin ata, do t’i benin ata besnike, bleres te vazhdueshem dhe do t’i siguronin fitime biznesit.
Marketuesit duhet te kuptojne se si konsumatoret transformojne inputet e marketingut ne pergjigje blerese! Sjellja  Blerese  Konsumatore Psikologjike Personale Sociale Kulturore Faktoret kulturore ushtrojne me shume influence ne sjelljen blerese konsumatore se sa faktoret e tjere kryesore. Faktoret sociale perfshijne grupet e references, familjen,  rolin dhe statusin. Karakteristikat personale qe influencojne SBK: moshen dhe fazen ne ciklin e jetes, profesionin, gjendjen financiare,menyren e jeteses dhe personalitetin. Motivimi; Perceptimi; Te mesuarit; Besimet
Profili Konsumator Ju duhet te dini se KUSH ESHTE PERDORUESI JUAJ!
Metoda e mbledhjes se te dhenave  - Zgjidhni nje metode bazuar ne gjeresine e informacionit qe ju nevojitet, fleksibilitetin e kerkuar, saktesine e kerkuar, kohen e disponueshme dhe koston. PRIMARE SEKONDARE Vezhgimi Komunikimi Me Telefon Me poste Personal Individual Grup i Fokusuar E brendshme E jashtme Informacioni u mblodh per nje qellim por eshte i dobishem per disa qellime te tjera gjithashtu (per shembull nje kompani konfeksionesh mund te perdore informacionin e marre nga sondazhet per popullsine e nje qyteti ne menyre qe te beje vleresimin per madhesine e tregut). ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Primary research data is collected by a company for the purpose of answering a specific question or problem.
Procesi i Blerjes nga Konsumatoret Njohja e Nevojave Kerkimi Vleresimi i Produktit ose Sherbimit Vendim marrja Sjellja blerese e konsumatoreve eshte rezultat i faktoreve kulturore, sociale, personale dhe psikologjik. Kompanite qe i kuptojne keta faktore do te jene ne gjendje te identifikojne konsumatoret e synuar te interesuar per produktin e tyre. Vleresimi  Pas - Blerjes
Procesi i Blerjes nga Biznesi  – zakonisht perfshin blerje me te medha se sa blerjet nga konsumatoret dhe shpesh me shume njerez perfshihen ne marrjen e vendimeve. Konsumatoret e biznesit bejne porosi me te medha dhe me shpesh sesa konsumatoret individuale. Te kuptosh procesin e blerjes se tyre dhe te marresh pjese ne te, do te thote te kesh shume fitime . Njohja e Problemit  Pershkrimi i Nevojes se Pergjithshme Specifikimi i Produktit Kerkimi i Furnitorit  Kerkesa per Propozime Zgjedhja e Furnitorit Specifikimi i Porosise Rishikimi i Performances
Llojet e Sjelljes Blerese ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Ceshtjet Kryesore te Trainimit ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Natyra e Kerkimit te Tregut ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Kerkimi i Tregut ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Pse SME-te e shmangin shpesh kerkimin e tregut? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Kategorite e Kerkimit  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Kategorite e Kerkimit  (II) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Karakteristikat e Llojeve te Kerkimit ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Kerkimi Eksplorues Qellimi: Te percaktoje dhe qartesoje nje problem Kerkimi i Rastit  Qellimi: Te identifikoje marredhenien shkak pasoje midis dy variablave Kerkimi Pershkrues Qellimi: Te beje nje  “footografi” te tregut dhe ta pershkruaje ate
Perfitimi kryesor nga kerkimi i tregut :  Ju ndihmon te percaktoni biznesin tuaj sipas interesave te konsumatoreve tuaj dhe jo interesave tuaja.   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Mesoni se cfare duan ose per cfare kane nevoje konsumatoret dhe percaktoni se si t’i kenaqni keto deshira apo nevoja.
Si te hartojme nje pyetesor? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Si te analizojme konkurencen? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Te besh nje Analize ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Te besh nje analize te mire, i krijon kompanise baza solide per te percaktuar boshlleqet ose  nichet  ne treg dhe prezanton ndryshime tek vete produktet, menyra se si ato duhet te promovohen, t’u vendoset cmimi dhe te shperndahen (Marketingu miks).
Ceshtjet Kryesore te Trainimit ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Elementet Kryesore te Marketingut Taktik Zhvillimi i  Produktit Zhvillimi i Sherbimit Gjetja  e burimit Vendosja  e Cmimit Shperndarja  Sherbimi Forca  Shitese Promovimi  i Shitjeve Reklamimi Ofron Vlere Komunikon Vlere Produkti Cmimi Vendi Promovimi Marketingu Taktik
Vendimet kryesore te manaxhimit te marketingut mund te klasifikohen ne nje nga kategorite e meposhtme : 4P’te e marketingut  jane variablat qe manaxheret e marketingut mundte kontrollojne me qellim qe te kenaqin konsumatoret ne tregun e synuar! PRODUKTI PROMOVIMI VENDI CMIMI TREGU I SYNUAR
Marketingu Miks ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Koncepti i “Produktit Total” ,[object Object]
Marketingu Miks
PRODUKTI - Cfare eshte nje produkt? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Percakton karakteristikat e produktit ose sherbimit tuaj qe ploteson nevojat e konsumatoreve tuaj.
Nje menyre tjeter per te perkufizuar produktin: ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Keto tre shtresa te produktit me tej mbulohen nga imazhi i produktit, i cili mund te promovohet nepermjet reklamimit dhe komunikimeve te tjera dhe te modelohet nga eksperienca vetjake ose e perftuar e konsumatorit – duke e shnderruar produktin ne nje marke
Sistemi i Klasifikimit te Produktit dhe Sherbimit  – Per cdo lloj produkti mund te thuhet se ka marketing miks xhenerik. Sekreti per nje strategji fituese eshte miksi specifik! Pershkrimi Marketingu Miks Xhenerik ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Mallra te  rezistueshme (per nje kohe  te gjate) Mallra qe nuk  rezistojne Sherbime Te prekshme Te paprekshme ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Sistemi i Klasifikimit te Produktit dhe Sherbimit
Tregjet Industriale kundrejt atyre Konsumatore
Cikli i Jetes se Produktit Hyrja Zhvillimi  Preferenca e Markes Pjekuria  Besnikeria  ndaj markes Ngopja Renia Volumi i Shitjeve Koha Shitjet  dobet                    Fitimet humbje     pozitive por   pozitive por   Pozitive por      Cmimi I larte  minimum stabel  Kostot te larta   stabel  Konkurenca E dobet     Ne kulmin e saj     
Pjesa e Tregut Rritja e  Tregut I larte I ulet E larte E ulet Matrica e Bostonit (Matrica Rritje/Pjesa e Tregut) 2. Lopet me Para 1. Yjet 3. Pikepyetjet (Femije me  problem) 4. Qente
Tregjet Ekzistues Tregje te Reja Produkte Ekzistuese Produkte te Reja Matrica Ansoff (Matrica Produkt/Treg) Penetrimi ne  Treg Zhvillimi i  Produktit Zhvillimi i  Tregut Diversifikimi
Tregje Ekzistues  Tregje te Reja Produkte Ekzistuese Produkte te Reja Matrica Ansoff (Matrica Produkt/Treg) Per shembull Rirregullimi i  marketingut miks Te njejtat pika shitjeje  dhe strategji shitjesh  - produkt i ri Per shembull  zgjerimi gjeografik Diversifikimi - qe ka lidhje ose jo
Marrja e Vendimeve per Produktin ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Duke qene shume komplekse MARKAT mund te perfaqesojne deri ne gjashte nivele kuptimesh ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Cfare vlere ka MARKA? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Cfare kriteresh kryesore merrni ne konsiderate kur blini nje kuti me cokollata?
Paketimi mund te kushtoje deri ne 10% te kostos se produktit. ,[object Object],[object Object],Paketimi eshte bere nje mjet i rendesishem marketingu gjithnje e me shume pasi ai i jep nje kompanie avantazh te dukshem ndaj konkurenteve te saj
Kompania duhet te zhvilloje rregullisht produkte te reja nese do qe te ece me shijet dhe kerkesat konsumatore qe jane vazhdimisht ne ndryshim! Tregje Ekzistues Tregje te Reja Produkte Ekzistuese Produkte te Reja Penetrimi  i Tregut Zhvillimi  i Produktit  Zhvillimi  i Tregut Diversifikimi
Produkti ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Ceshtjet Kryesore te Trainimit ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Faktoret qe duhen Analizuar Para se te Zgjidhet Kanali i Shperndarjes ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Nga te gjithe elementet e marketingut miks, distribucioni eshte ndoshta elementi me i veshtire per t’u manaxhuar
Korniza per Dizenjon e Kanalit
Funksionet e Distribucionit
Dizenjua e Kanalit te Distribucionit
Gjatesia e Kanalit te Distribucionit Prodhuesi Konsumatori Shitesi me pakice Shitesi me shumice Agjenti Kanali Direkt  Ndermjetesi Vetem Kanali Klasik Disa Ndermjetes
Gjatesia e Kanalit - Kanali i  Distribucionit mund te perfshije disa nga kombinacionet e meposhtme
Distribucioni i Mallrava Industriale ,[object Object],[object Object],Forca Direkte e Shitjeve Distribucioni Indirekt ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Gjeresia e Kanalit (Mallrat Konsumatore)  - Cfare niveli mbulimi duhet te kemi ?
Krijoni dhe manaxhoni kanalet e shperndarjes per te maksimizuar pjesen e tregut dhe fitimin e pergjithshem ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Ceshtjet Kryesore te Trainimit ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
CMIMI eshte elementi i vetem i "marketingut miks" qe gjeneron te ardhura direkt. Te gjithe elementet e tjere gjenerojne kosto ! ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Vendimet mbi venien e cmimit ndikohen nga kostot e kompanise, qellimet e marketingut e faktore te tjere! Faktore te Brendshem Faktore te Jashtem ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],VENDIMET PER VENIEN E CMIMIT
Metodat e Venies se Cmimit  - Kostot e produktit duhet te caktojne nje cmim dysheme;  Vlera ne perdorim eshte cmim maksimum qe do te paguaje nje konsumator .
Strategjite e Venies se Cmimit per Produktin e Ri  Venia e Cmimit ne ajken e tregut ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Venia e cmimit ajke mund te funksionoje vetem kur produktet e reja kane tipare dhe perfitime unike dhe ne rastin kur keto produkte nuk mund te kopjohen nga konkurentet.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Strategjite e Venies se Cmimit te Produktit te Ri  Vendosja e Cmimit per Penetrimin e Tregut Penetrimi me ane te cmimit bazohet ne uljen e vazhdueshme te kostove per ta mbajtur konkurencen jashte loje. Strategjia e penetrimit eshte nje strategji afatgjate dhe fitimet ka te ngjare te jene te uleta derisa firma te arrije ne fazen kur konsumatoret te pranojne produktin e saj.
Cmimi - ashtu si produkti - ndervepron ngushte me elementet e tjere te marketingut miks
Cmimi do te jete pothuaj gjithmone kriteri kryesor i vendimarrjes per konsumatoret ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Ceshtjet Kryesore te Trainimit ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Objektivat e Promocionit duhet t’i pershtaten tregut qe synon kompania dhe nevojave te tij! TE PANDERGJEGJESUAR Te ndergjegjesuar per produktin Kuptojne produktin Besojne te produkti E BLEJNE Besimi Perceptimi i Perfitimit Informacioni Stimuli Promocional  Dyshon Indiferent Nuk kupton Harron
Te gjitha komunikimet e kompanise me konsumatoret e saj perbejne promocionin miks.
Hartimi i Programeve te Komunikimit
Kompanite marrin ne konsiderate shume faktore kur zgjedhin mjetet e promocionit qe perbejne promocionin miks. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Miksi i mjeteve te promocionit eshte i ndryshem ne tregjet konsumatore dhe ato industriale. Mallrat Konsumatore Mallrat Industriale Marredheniet Publike Promocioni i Shitjeve Shitjet Personale  Reklamimi Frekuenca e Perdorimit Rendesia relative e mjeteve te promocionit per mallrat konsumatore dhe ato industriale.
Ku duhet te alternoni vendimin per blerjen ne kanalit e distribucionit?  Si duhet te alokoni burimet ?
Konsumatoret vleresojne mjete te ndryshme promocioni ne varesi se ku jane ne procesin e tyre te vendimarrjes per blerjen. Njohja e  Problemit  Kerkimi i  Informacionit Vleresimi i  Alternativave Vendimi per  Blerjen Vleresimi  Pas-blerjes Reklamimi, Publiciteti Reklamimi, Shitjet Personale Shitjet Personale Promovim i Shitjeve, Shitje Personale Reklamimi, Shitjet Personale
Cdo faze ne ciklin e jetes se produktit ben thirrje per nje promocion miks te ndryshem. Faza e  Hyrjes se  Produktit Faza e  Zhvillimit te  Produktit Faza e  Maturimit te  Produktit  Faza e  Renies se  Produktit ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Ceshtjet Kryesore te Trainimit ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Reklama – nje nga 4 mjetet e promovimit te marketingut! ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Nje objektiv reklamimi eshte nje detyre specifike komunikimi qe duhet permbushur me auditor specifik te synuar gjate nje periudhe kohore specifike ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Qellimi primar i reklamimit eshte te informoje, te binde dhe te kujtoje bleresit!
Mesazhi i reklames i ben njerezit te mendojne dhe te reagojne ndaj produktit ose kompanise ne nje fare menyre. ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Marrja e Vendimit per median – TV?;Radio?;Gazete? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Percaktoni tregun qe synoni Gjeni se cilet konsumatore te synuar lexojne, degjojne dhe shikojne Krijoni nje mesazh bazuar ne perfitimet qe keta konsumatore do te vleresojne. Reklamojeni mesazhin tuaj te ajo media qe ndiqet nga konsumatoret e synuar.  &
Matja e Efektivitetit te Reklamimit ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]

Contenu connexe


FaktorëT Që Ndikojnë Në Sjelljet E KonsumatorëVe
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FaktorëT Që Ndikojnë Në Sjelljet E KonsumatorëVeVeton Sopjani
Menaxhmenti strategjik
Menaxhmenti strategjikMenaxhmenti strategjik
Menaxhmenti strategjikcoupletea
ETIKA NË BIZNES - Dr. Ejup Fejza (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
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Marketingu hulumtimi i tregut
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Marketingu hulumtimi i tregutbujar30
BIZNESI NDËRKOMBËTAR - Dr. Besim Beqaj (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
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BIZNESI NDËRKOMBËTAR - Dr. Besim Beqaj (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)fatonbajrami1
Punim Seminarik-Marketingu ne ndermarrjen "Devolli Group"
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Ekonomia e Kosovës dhe BE-së - Dr. Gazmend Qorraj (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
Ekonomia e Kosovës dhe BE-së - Dr. Gazmend Qorraj (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)Ekonomia e Kosovës dhe BE-së - Dr. Gazmend Qorraj (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
Ekonomia e Kosovës dhe BE-së - Dr. Gazmend Qorraj (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)fatonbajrami1
Biznesi i vogël dhe i mesëm
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Menaxhimi i Burimeve Njerëzore - Dr. Ymer Havolli (Skriptë)fatonbajrami1
KOMUNIKIM BIZNESI - Dr. Mrika Kotorri (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
KOMUNIKIM BIZNESI - Dr. Mrika Kotorri (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)KOMUNIKIM BIZNESI - Dr. Mrika Kotorri (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
KOMUNIKIM BIZNESI - Dr. Mrika Kotorri (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)fatonbajrami1
Tregu, oferta dhe kerkesa
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Tregu, oferta dhe kerkesaMenaxherat
Produkti ( marketing )
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Produkti ( marketing )Sabir Asipi
Menaxhimi I Prodhimit Nga Libri
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Planifikimi Strategjik
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Planifikimi StrategjikMenaxherat

Tendances (20)

FaktorëT Që Ndikojnë Në Sjelljet E KonsumatorëVe
FaktorëT Që Ndikojnë Në Sjelljet E KonsumatorëVeFaktorëT Që Ndikojnë Në Sjelljet E KonsumatorëVe
FaktorëT Që Ndikojnë Në Sjelljet E KonsumatorëVe
Menaxhmenti strategjik
Menaxhmenti strategjikMenaxhmenti strategjik
Menaxhmenti strategjik
ETIKA NË BIZNES - Dr. Ejup Fejza (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
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ETIKA NË BIZNES - Dr. Ejup Fejza (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
Marketingu hulumtimi i tregut
Marketingu hulumtimi i tregutMarketingu hulumtimi i tregut
Marketingu hulumtimi i tregut
BIZNESI NDËRKOMBËTAR - Dr. Besim Beqaj (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
BIZNESI NDËRKOMBËTAR - Dr. Besim Beqaj (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)BIZNESI NDËRKOMBËTAR - Dr. Besim Beqaj (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
BIZNESI NDËRKOMBËTAR - Dr. Besim Beqaj (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
Mikroekonomi 1
Mikroekonomi 1Mikroekonomi 1
Mikroekonomi 1
Punim Seminarik-Marketingu ne ndermarrjen "Devolli Group"
Punim Seminarik-Marketingu ne ndermarrjen "Devolli Group"Punim Seminarik-Marketingu ne ndermarrjen "Devolli Group"
Punim Seminarik-Marketingu ne ndermarrjen "Devolli Group"
Ekonomia e Kosovës dhe BE-së - Dr. Gazmend Qorraj (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
Ekonomia e Kosovës dhe BE-së - Dr. Gazmend Qorraj (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)Ekonomia e Kosovës dhe BE-së - Dr. Gazmend Qorraj (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
Ekonomia e Kosovës dhe BE-së - Dr. Gazmend Qorraj (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
Biznesi i vogël dhe i mesëm
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Menaxhimi i Burimeve Njerëzore - Dr. Ymer Havolli (Skriptë)
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KOMUNIKIM BIZNESI - Dr. Mrika Kotorri (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
KOMUNIKIM BIZNESI - Dr. Mrika Kotorri (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)KOMUNIKIM BIZNESI - Dr. Mrika Kotorri (Sllajdet e ligjëratave)
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Tregu, oferta dhe kerkesa
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Tregu, oferta dhe kerkesa
Produkti ( marketing )
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Produkti ( marketing )
Menaxhimi I Prodhimit Nga Libri
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Menaxhimi I Prodhimit Nga Libri
Hulumtimet e Marketingut, Ercan Gegez
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Hulumtimet e Marketingut, Ercan Gegez
Planifikimi Strategjik
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Planifikimi Strategjik

En vedette

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En vedette (19)

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Plus de Menaxherat

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Njohuri Baze Marketing

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  • 17. Tregjet konkurues – Konkurenca krijon zgjedhje per konsumatoret, por edhe per shitesit. Cilin treg dhe / ose segment te synojme? Kompania Konkurenti #1 Konkurenti #2 Bleresi #1 Bleresi #2 Bleresi #3 Bleresi #4 Bleresi #5 Bleresi #N … Kush do te bleje dhe nga kush? Tregje te tjere Projekton Prodhon Shet Sherben Blen Perdor Ka nevoje Shkon ne dyqan Blen Perdor Ka nevoje Shkon ne dyqan Blen Perdor Ka nevoje Shkon ne dyqan Blen Perdor Ka nevoje Shkon ne dyqan Blen Perdor Ka nevoje Shkon ne dyqan Blen Perdor Ka nevoje Shkon ne dyqan Projekton Prodhon Shet Sherben Projekton Prodhon Shet Sherben
  • 18. Strategjite e Tregut Produkte te Reja Produktet Aktuale Produkte te Modifikuara 3. Strategjia e Zhvillimit te Produktit 1. Strategjia e Penetrimit te Tregut (Diversifikimi i Plote) 2. Strategjia e Zhvillimit te Tregut Tregje te Reja Tregjet Aktuale Segmente te Reja Risk i Rritur Investim i Rritur
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  • 21. Cfare nenkupton Orientimi Konsumator ne detyrat e perditshme? Njohurite Aftesite Qendrimet Impakti Veshtiresia SJELLJA
  • 22.
  • 23. Marketingu per Bizneset e Vogla NMV & Mjedisi Marketing Kerkimi i Tregut Tregu i Synuar Profili i Konsumatorit Plani Marketing Promovimi & Reklamimi Cmimi Vendi Produkti Konsumatori Mjedisi Parashikimi i Shitjeve & Shitjeve Sjellja Konsumatore dhe Procesi i Blerjes Variablat e Vendimarrjes (4 P-te) Planifikimi
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  • 27. Tre hapat kryesore ne tregun e synuar Segmentimi i Tregut Synimi i Tregut Pozicionimi ne Treg Identifikoni kriteret per segmentimin e tregut Zhvilloni profilet per segmentet rezultuese Zhvilloni masat per terheqjen e segmentit te synuar te tregut Perzgjidhni segmentet e synuara Zhvilloni pozicionimin per cdo segment te synuar Zhvilloni marketingun mix per cdo segment te synuar HAPAT MADHORE AKTIVITETET
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  • 32. Synimi i Tregut - Ju mund te zgjidhni nje nga tre strategjite e marketingut Per te zgjedhur nje strategji per mbulimin e tregut duhet te merrni ne konsiderate buriemt e kompanise, gamen e produkteve, ne c’faze te ciklit te tyre te jetes jane produktet dhe strategjite e marketingut te konkurenteve’. Marketingu i Padiferencuar Marketingu i Diferencuar Marketingu i Koncentruar Marketingu Miks i Kompanise Marketingu Miks 1 i Kompanise Marketingu Miks 2 i Kompanise Marketingu Miks 3 i Kompanise Marketingu Miks i Kompanise Tregu Segmenti 1 Segmenti 2 Segmenti 3 Segmenti 1 Segmenti 2 Segmenti 3
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  • 36. Zgjedhja e nje strategjie per mbulimin e tregut kerkon te merren ne konsiderate shume faktore. BURIMET E KOMPANISE STRATEGJIA E KONKURENTEVE FAZA E CIKLIT TE JETES SE PRODUKTIT VARIACIONET E PRODUKTIT DIFERENCAT E BLERESVE Perdorimi i marketingut te padiferencuar atje ku konkurentet ofrojne nje game produktesh te diferencuara nuk do te ishte zgjidhja e duhur, ndersa ne rastin e kundert do te ishte shume efikase! Marketingu i padiferncuar eshte me i pershtatshem per produktet uniforme si kripa. Produktet qe mund te variojne ne dizenjon e tyre jane me te pershtatshme per strategjine e diferencuar. ( kamerat, makinat) Ky faktor do te percaktoje shanset per diferencim. Bleresit me te njejtat shije dhe zakone blerjeje nuk jane kandidate te mire per strategjine e diferencimit. Produktet e reja normalisht nuk mund te prodhohen ne shume modele, keshtu qe keshillohet marketingu i diferencuar apo i perqendruar. Faktori me i rendesishem per zgjedhjen e nje strategjie per mbulimin e tregut. Perqendrimi ne nje pjese te vogel te synuar e te identifikuar qarte njihet me termin e marketingut niche .
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  • 39. Konsumatoret jane ne qender te te gjithe aktiviteteve te biznesit! Te njohesh klientet e tu eshte e rendesishme ne identifikimin si te konsumatoreve aktuale ashtu edhe te atyre potenciale ne te ardhmen. KONSUMATORET Aktivitetet e Marketingut Aktivitetet e Prodhimit Aktivitetet Financiare & te Kontabilitetit Aktivitetet e Burimeve Njerezore
  • 40. Njohja e Konsumatoreve Tuaj – Kompanite duhet te studiojne perceptimet, preferencat dhe sjelljen blerese te konsumatoreve. Cilet jane konsumatoret e synuar? Pse do te duan te blejne konsumatoret? Cfare do te duan te blejne konsumatoret e synuar? Si do te duan te blejne konsumatoret? Kur do te duan te blejne konsumatoret? Ku duan te blejne konsumatoret? Ku jetojne konsumatoret? C’moshe kane ata?A jane burra, gra, femije? Cili eshte profesioni i tyre? Po te ardhurat? Statusi? Niveli i arsimimit? Besimi fetar? Interesa te vecanta? Cfare perfitimesh do te kene konsumatoret po te blejne produktin tim? Cilat produkte dhe me cfare karakteristikash do te permbushte pritjet e tyre? Si do ta duan produktin te paketuar? Cfare sasish deshirojne konsumatoret? A do te blejne konsumatoret kete produkt kur ata te blejne produkte te tjere qe lidhen me te? Sa i rendesishem eshte vendi i blerjes? A do te shkojne konsumatoret ta blejne kete produkt vetem apo me te tjere?A eshte e rendesishme shperndarja? Sa shpesh do te blinin konsumatoret? A eshte kjo nje blerje e rregullt apo speciale? A ka ndonje kohe te vecante apo dite javeose viti kur kerkesa per produktet eshte me e larte (per shembull ushqimet e vecanta mund te kerkohen me shume gjate Vitit te Ri) Cilat magazina, dyqane apo vende do te ishin me te lehta per t’u gjetur nga konsumatoret ku ata te blinin produktet tuaja Ku do te prisnin konsumatoret t’i gjenin ato? Njohurite rreth konsumatoreve te synuar perbejne bazat per t’u ofruar ketyre konsumatoreve produktet qe do t’i kenaqnin ata, do t’i benin ata besnike, bleres te vazhdueshem dhe do t’i siguronin fitime biznesit.
  • 41. Marketuesit duhet te kuptojne se si konsumatoret transformojne inputet e marketingut ne pergjigje blerese! Sjellja Blerese Konsumatore Psikologjike Personale Sociale Kulturore Faktoret kulturore ushtrojne me shume influence ne sjelljen blerese konsumatore se sa faktoret e tjere kryesore. Faktoret sociale perfshijne grupet e references, familjen, rolin dhe statusin. Karakteristikat personale qe influencojne SBK: moshen dhe fazen ne ciklin e jetes, profesionin, gjendjen financiare,menyren e jeteses dhe personalitetin. Motivimi; Perceptimi; Te mesuarit; Besimet
  • 42. Profili Konsumator Ju duhet te dini se KUSH ESHTE PERDORUESI JUAJ!
  • 43.
  • 44. Procesi i Blerjes nga Konsumatoret Njohja e Nevojave Kerkimi Vleresimi i Produktit ose Sherbimit Vendim marrja Sjellja blerese e konsumatoreve eshte rezultat i faktoreve kulturore, sociale, personale dhe psikologjik. Kompanite qe i kuptojne keta faktore do te jene ne gjendje te identifikojne konsumatoret e synuar te interesuar per produktin e tyre. Vleresimi Pas - Blerjes
  • 45. Procesi i Blerjes nga Biznesi – zakonisht perfshin blerje me te medha se sa blerjet nga konsumatoret dhe shpesh me shume njerez perfshihen ne marrjen e vendimeve. Konsumatoret e biznesit bejne porosi me te medha dhe me shpesh sesa konsumatoret individuale. Te kuptosh procesin e blerjes se tyre dhe te marresh pjese ne te, do te thote te kesh shume fitime . Njohja e Problemit Pershkrimi i Nevojes se Pergjithshme Specifikimi i Produktit Kerkimi i Furnitorit Kerkesa per Propozime Zgjedhja e Furnitorit Specifikimi i Porosise Rishikimi i Performances
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  • 60. Elementet Kryesore te Marketingut Taktik Zhvillimi i Produktit Zhvillimi i Sherbimit Gjetja e burimit Vendosja e Cmimit Shperndarja Sherbimi Forca Shitese Promovimi i Shitjeve Reklamimi Ofron Vlere Komunikon Vlere Produkti Cmimi Vendi Promovimi Marketingu Taktik
  • 61. Vendimet kryesore te manaxhimit te marketingut mund te klasifikohen ne nje nga kategorite e meposhtme : 4P’te e marketingut jane variablat qe manaxheret e marketingut mundte kontrollojne me qellim qe te kenaqin konsumatoret ne tregun e synuar! PRODUKTI PROMOVIMI VENDI CMIMI TREGU I SYNUAR
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  • 69. Tregjet Industriale kundrejt atyre Konsumatore
  • 70. Cikli i Jetes se Produktit Hyrja Zhvillimi Preferenca e Markes Pjekuria Besnikeria ndaj markes Ngopja Renia Volumi i Shitjeve Koha Shitjet dobet          Fitimet humbje   pozitive por  pozitive por  Pozitive por   Cmimi I larte  minimum stabel  Kostot te larta   stabel  Konkurenca E dobet   Ne kulmin e saj   
  • 71. Pjesa e Tregut Rritja e Tregut I larte I ulet E larte E ulet Matrica e Bostonit (Matrica Rritje/Pjesa e Tregut) 2. Lopet me Para 1. Yjet 3. Pikepyetjet (Femije me problem) 4. Qente
  • 72. Tregjet Ekzistues Tregje te Reja Produkte Ekzistuese Produkte te Reja Matrica Ansoff (Matrica Produkt/Treg) Penetrimi ne Treg Zhvillimi i Produktit Zhvillimi i Tregut Diversifikimi
  • 73. Tregje Ekzistues Tregje te Reja Produkte Ekzistuese Produkte te Reja Matrica Ansoff (Matrica Produkt/Treg) Per shembull Rirregullimi i marketingut miks Te njejtat pika shitjeje dhe strategji shitjesh - produkt i ri Per shembull zgjerimi gjeografik Diversifikimi - qe ka lidhje ose jo
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  • 77. Cfare kriteresh kryesore merrni ne konsiderate kur blini nje kuti me cokollata?
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  • 79. Kompania duhet te zhvilloje rregullisht produkte te reja nese do qe te ece me shijet dhe kerkesat konsumatore qe jane vazhdimisht ne ndryshim! Tregje Ekzistues Tregje te Reja Produkte Ekzistuese Produkte te Reja Penetrimi i Tregut Zhvillimi i Produktit Zhvillimi i Tregut Diversifikimi
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  • 84. Korniza per Dizenjon e Kanalit
  • 86. Dizenjua e Kanalit te Distribucionit
  • 87. Gjatesia e Kanalit te Distribucionit Prodhuesi Konsumatori Shitesi me pakice Shitesi me shumice Agjenti Kanali Direkt Ndermjetesi Vetem Kanali Klasik Disa Ndermjetes
  • 88. Gjatesia e Kanalit - Kanali i Distribucionit mund te perfshije disa nga kombinacionet e meposhtme
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  • 90. Gjeresia e Kanalit (Mallrat Konsumatore) - Cfare niveli mbulimi duhet te kemi ?
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  • 95. Metodat e Venies se Cmimit - Kostot e produktit duhet te caktojne nje cmim dysheme; Vlera ne perdorim eshte cmim maksimum qe do te paguaje nje konsumator .
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  • 98. Cmimi - ashtu si produkti - ndervepron ngushte me elementet e tjere te marketingut miks
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  • 101. Objektivat e Promocionit duhet t’i pershtaten tregut qe synon kompania dhe nevojave te tij! TE PANDERGJEGJESUAR Te ndergjegjesuar per produktin Kuptojne produktin Besojne te produkti E BLEJNE Besimi Perceptimi i Perfitimit Informacioni Stimuli Promocional Dyshon Indiferent Nuk kupton Harron
  • 102. Te gjitha komunikimet e kompanise me konsumatoret e saj perbejne promocionin miks.
  • 103. Hartimi i Programeve te Komunikimit
  • 104.
  • 105. Miksi i mjeteve te promocionit eshte i ndryshem ne tregjet konsumatore dhe ato industriale. Mallrat Konsumatore Mallrat Industriale Marredheniet Publike Promocioni i Shitjeve Shitjet Personale Reklamimi Frekuenca e Perdorimit Rendesia relative e mjeteve te promocionit per mallrat konsumatore dhe ato industriale.
  • 106. Ku duhet te alternoni vendimin per blerjen ne kanalit e distribucionit? Si duhet te alokoni burimet ?
  • 107. Konsumatoret vleresojne mjete te ndryshme promocioni ne varesi se ku jane ne procesin e tyre te vendimarrjes per blerjen. Njohja e Problemit Kerkimi i Informacionit Vleresimi i Alternativave Vendimi per Blerjen Vleresimi Pas-blerjes Reklamimi, Publiciteti Reklamimi, Shitjet Personale Shitjet Personale Promovim i Shitjeve, Shitje Personale Reklamimi, Shitjet Personale
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Notes de l'éditeur

  1. Why our company exist? Company managers/owners must know the answer to this question. Do you creating any values to customers? How the customers perceived your company? What are the trends on your market? Is there any new “players”? By responding to these questions you are measuring “pulse” of the market. Than you will be able to prepare action plans to achieve your objectives. However, this is continuing process and manager must ask himself all the time these questions.
  2. Production approach - past Success depends on network of suppliers Mass production with minimal costs Production is determined by capacity of machines Marketing approach - future Success depends on network of customers Produce only what sells profitably Production is determined by market requirements
  3. Companies look at the market from different angles in order to find the best way to analyze it. Market segmentation is the first of three major steps in target marketing.
  4. Measurable – it is crucial to be able to measure the size, buying power and customer profile of any target group. Reachable – a company can only target market segments that it can actually serve. You cannot promote sale of a product in a region where there is no distribution to make that product available to customers. A company cannot pursue contracts for large-volume sales if it does not have the production capacity to meet these orders. Sizable – there must be enough customers for it to be worthwhile to develop unique marketing mix to serve them. Achievable – the company must have the resources and capabilities to develop and deliver the marketing program to the market segments it chooses to target. Identifying possible market segments is a way that a company discovers its market segment opportunities. These various segments must be evaluated to determine which are the best ones to select as targets-buyers who share common needs or characteristics and that the company decides to serve. The company must decide which and how many target markets it will serve.
  5. Many factors need to be considered when choosing a market coverage strategy. These include the company’s resources, its range products, where products are in their product life cycle, and competitors’ marketing strategies. A company can choose from one of three market coverage strategies (see slide).
  6. These companies offer product and marketing variations in the hope of achieving higher sales and a stronger market position in each market segment. The goal is to improve company image and make customers more loyal because the company’s product offering better matches their desires. Differentiated marketing usually increase total sales, but it also increases costs in many areas. Companies must weigh these extra costs against the increased sales when deciding on differentiated market coverage strategy.
  7. This strategy is especially appealing when company resources are limited. It is an excellent way for smaller and newer businesses to get foothold against larger and more established competitors. Small niche companies are often forced to sell out to their larger competitors when they do not have the resources to compete at that level. Many companies prefer to spread the risks of concentrated marketing by expanding their operations into several market segments. Recent advances in technology are also allowing more companies to segment their customers into more like-minded groups. The continuing development of these technologies suggests that there will be more and more concentrated marketing in the future. Concentrated marketing can be very effective for small SMEs with limited resources.
  8. Why will they want to buy? Customers buys benefits. They buy a product or service because of the benefits they think they will get from the purchase. Customers do not buy a product because of its features, they buy it because it will help them satisfy a need. Therefore, product attributes must be translated into functional and emotional benefits that mean something to your customers.
  9. Cultural factors Culture is the set of basic values, perceptions, wants and behaviors learned by members of society from their family and the other institutions in their life (schools, government, etc.). Cultural influences can vary greatly from country to country. Social classes are the divisions in a society where members of a given social class share similar values, interests, behaviors. Social classes often differ in their dress, speech, occupation, and many other characteristics. Companies are interested in social class because people within a given social class tend to exhibit similar buying behavior, showing distinct product and brand preferences in many areas (clothing, home furnishings, transpiration, entertainment and leisure activities). Social Factors Reference groups are all those groups that influence a person’s attitudes or behavior. This includes family, friends, clubs,etc.(e.g.members of the same sports team will want to buy similar products).Family is the most important consumer buying unit in society. Family often exert a strong influence on buying behavior. Personal factors Age and stage in life cycle refers to the fact that people buy different goods and services at different times in their lives. Tastes in food, clothes, furniture and recreation are often age related. Consumption is also shaped by the family life cycle (e.g. families with young children are more likely to buy home appliances, baby food, children’s toys). Occupation Occupation is an important influence on consumption pattern. Factory workers will buy work clothes and lunch boxes, while managers will buy business suits. Financial situation Financial situation includes a person’s income and the amount of money he or she has available to spend as well as possessions and savings or investments. A person’s financial situation will also affect his or her attitude toward spending and saving. Lifestyle Lifestyle refers to person’s pattern of living and his chosen activities, interests and opinions. Some people are very interested in change and see themselves as the first to try any new product, while others are followers who wait for others to take the lead. Companies introducing new and innovative products will be interested in finding ways to identify and target the innovators rather than the followers.
  10. Observation method involves watching or observing a buying situation or the customer’s behavior. It is direct observation rather than communicating with a customer in order to obtain information. It is a method that can be used very effectively in self-serve stores. The communication method involves communicating with customers to obtain the desired information, usually by having them answer questions. The 3 main methods are:mail questionnaires, telephone interviews, personal interviews.
  11. Companies need to focus on the entire buying process rather than on just the decision making activity. However, buying decisions do not necessarily follow all stages. Buying rice or other food staples you probably go to the same store where you usually buy food and do not go through a very complicated process. It is in new, important, or complex purchases that all stages are followed.
  12. Marketing Research vs. Market Research Terms are used interchangeably but are different: Market research deals specifically with the gathering of information about a market's size and trends. Marketing research covers a wider range of activities and is a more general process to be applied to a variety of Marketing problems.
  13. Write the answers on the board. Keep and use this in explaining Primary and Secondary Data! Stress that a business can never know enough about its customers since they changes and evolves as does the market. It is important to be as well informed as possible. Marketing research is often neglected by small business. The following benefits of such research must be made very clear to the participants: Better knowledge of the product Better knowledge of the constantly changing market Systematic sales analysis enabling to be made more rapidly Better knowledge of the consumer to whom new products can be offered More effective promotion/advertising Better knowledge of the competition
  14. Business directories Telephone directories Market handbooks Annual reports Market information
  15. Also Product Testing
  16. Types of Marketing Research Market/consumer research Needs and wants of consumers/prospective customers Potential of market segments Competitive advantages/disadvantages Trading area measurement, etc. Product research New product development stages Product pricing Brand comparisons, image Blind vs named testing, etc Promotion research Advertising idea generation, recall and effectiveness measurement, retail promotion presence/effectiveness, etc.   Sales research Measuring performance of sales staff, sales expenses, territory analyses, etc.   Company research Industry/business trends, the firm’s image, employee morale, location assessment, etc.
  17. T he main goal of competitor analysis is to forecast future competitive dynamics and plan a set of tactical moves that will optimize company position vs. competitors. By tracking competitors, company may be able to Increase management’s ability to do the right thing at the right time, so not to be blindsided by a new competitor, by unexpected actions by known competitors. Reduce the risk of making a wrong decision so it won’t be possible to say: “If only I knew then what I know now, I would have done things differently”, about the future direction and growth. Exploit their weaknesses, and undermine their strengths by changing our product/service, or by promoting it differently. Predict competitor’s response to company’s activities What kind of information about competitors does the company need? Product (Output in units, product features, and product mix…) I t is important to understand what product do they produce and how different are they from ours. How many different products do they produce and how much of each type? Do they sell everything they produce or do some products sell better than others do? Is the price of their products different from ours? Do their products have features that we do not or vice versa? Are there post sales services offered that we do not offer? Their customers (By location, by type, by financial power…) Customers are the reason each enterprise exists. The rule of the game, in the market economy, is to get as many customers as possible who are willing to pay a price that generates profit. Thus, it is crucial to know who your competitors’ customers are, and which customer segment is the most valuable? Do our competitors provide additional service and what are the terms of their warranty agreements? What do their customer think about our products? Why do not they buy our products? Distribution (Type-retailer, wholesaler, Outlets, special agreements with them, convenient for penetration the new markets, warehousing and transportation system…) In order to find the right customers and to properly serve them, it is necessary to have an appropriate distribution system that would reach our customers. It would be invaluable to know your competitors’ distribution channels, i.e. retailers, wholesalers. What are their terms of contract and is it different from ours? Are they concentrated on specific regions or do they have a countrywide distribution in place? Do they have superior transportation and/or warehousing facilities? How much profit do independent wholesalers make on their products? What about retailers? Promotion (Advertising mix, promotional materials, customer incentives, product demonstrations…) Promotion increases awareness of products. Thus, it is important to see how your competitors promote their products (focus on the methods of successful competitors). Do they advertise in different channels (i.e. TV, trade journals, radio). Do they have materials that describe their products? Is their promotion geared only to the end-customer or to the middle-man as well? Do they make cold calls to potential customers? What does their promotion convey about their products? What product strengths do they focus on? Price (price lists, sales contract terms, discounts, and terms of payment…) Since revenue of an enterprise depends on the price per unit and the volume of units sold, our enterprise must keep track of the price at which the competitors sell their products. Are your competitors willing to accept barter or promissory notes? What mark-up is being added at each level? Is their price lower (higher), and do they sell more than we do?
  18. Ask the question and record the answers on the board. Establish the link between the product and consumer needs.e.g. in the case of retailer, the store is a part of the total product. The box of laundry detergent is only the product.
  19. This is an information slide -- the point is to note how a taxonomy/ framework can help discipline thoughts about the marketing mix.  Ultimately this is an argument about consistency -- as discussed earlier -- and should be positioned as such. The selection of the marketing mix -- particularly distribution and promotion must be consistent with the product type itself. Price as well -- although this is not advocating simple cost-plus pricing -- is determined by the product itself. Discussion/ Approach:  COVER UP THE RIGHT HAND SIDE OF THE SLIDE and ask a member of the audience to comment on what the rest of the marketing mix might look like and why?  Ask members of the audience to classify their own products.
  20. Product development - sales are zero, investment costs are high Introduction - profits do not exist, heavy expense of product introduction Growth - rapid market acceptance and increasing profits Maturity - slowdown in sales growth. Profits level-off. Increase outlay to compete Decline - sales fall-off and profits drop Here is very important to emphasize that marketing strategies are very different for a product in the introductory phase and in the saturation. Products have a life cycle. They are born and at some point they decline toward obsolescence  The key point is that at various points in the life cycle different marketing strategies and mixes apply, based on CUSTOMER response and COMPETITOR response. The general point is that marketing decisions should always be sensitive to their context -- one aspect of which is the point a product might be in its life cycle.  It should be easy to get the audience to accept this concept at the level of common sense, without necessarily taking the (reductive) next step of assuming that there is one-and-only one marketing mix applicable for each stage in the life cycle. These decisions will be contingent on a range of other factors, and the PLC might not be the strongest factor (industry might well be more important for instance)  Marketing always and especially in contemporary Russia requires FLEXIBILITY and controlled EXPERIMENT.
  21. The business portfolio is the collection of businesses and products that make up the company. In portfolio analysis, management evaluates the businesses for their strategic fit in meeting company objectives. Question Mark – High growth, low share businesses. Strategy must decide between further investment to move question marks to star status or pashing the product out. A question mark requires a lot of cash both to keep up with a rapidly growing market and improve its share position. Stars – High growth, high market share. Stars are the market leader in these fast-growth markets. Stars often require heavy investment to build/maintain share in rapidly expanding markets. You may wish to discuss the importance of market share to product profitability at this point. Cash Cows – Low growth, high market share. When the market’s annual growth rate falls to less than 10% the stars becomes cash cows. Cows generate profits for investment in other businesses. Dogs – Low growth and low share. Dogs are often targets for divestment, but may still be profitable and contribute to othe organizational goals.
  22. Intensive Growth The Ansoff’s grid plots two of the three methods a company can employ to achieve its strategic growth objectives. In utilizing an Intensive Growth Strategy, a company has three approaches. A Market Penetration strategy suggests a company could sell more of its current product(s) to its customers, attract competitors’ customers, or convince non-users to begin using the product, thereby increasing its existing market share. By employing Market Development a company could identify new markets for its product by determining potential user groups for its current products, seeking additional distribution channels in its present locations, offering its product for sale in new geographic territories, either domestic or international. Through a Product Development strategy, a company would create an augmented, or entirely new, product. This could both stimulate the current markets as well as create new ones. For Diversification Strategy three approaches are possible. The company could seek new products that have technological and/or marketing synergies with existing product lines, yet the new product may still appeal to a different target group. This is known as concentric diversification. The company might also search for new products that could appeal to its current customers even though they are unrelated to its current line (horizontal diversification strategy). Finally, the company might seek new business that have no relationship to the company’s current technology, products or markets, but rather are new business areas (conglomerate diversification).
  23. Value depends on how deeply established in the market place the brand is -- brand loyalty is can be really valuable (as well as inexplicable at times)  Brand equity can be enormous and represents years of heavy investment in advertising. Audience should be aware that establishing a brand is really not cheap. (Reference the PEPSI campaign somewhere in the discussion on brands -- and the $500 million that Pepsi is investing in effectively re-launching the brand)  But brands once established have enormous value for the manufacturer/ distributor: they reduce marketing costs -- or rather improve the effectiveness of marketing because of the high existing level of awareness and loyalty; they give manufacturer greater power in distribution channel -- this is especially important where thousands of brands compete for limited retail space. They can establish a price premium and defend against simple price competition. And they are capable of being managed indefinitely -- less vulnerable to obsolescence through product life cycle. Discussion/ Approach:  Read the slide -- establish that brands are really expensive to establish but can create huge benefits.  Cost of establishing brands is less where competition is less fierce -- may be cheaper to establish brand in an emerging consumer market than in established market.
  24. New product ideas come from internal and external sources. Internal sources account for over 55 % of all new product ideas. These can come from R&D activities or from company staff involved in design and production. Company sales people and managers can also brainstorm new ideas. External sources include customers, competitors, distributors, suppliers and others.
  25. Distribution is possibly the hardest of the 4 Ps to manage  It requires complex relationships with independent businesses -- it is not fully under the control of the firm; hence inherent potential for conflict  Yet for all this: distribution is the key link with the end use customer who is supposed to be the “first mover” of marketing. It should probably be mentioned at this point -- although we stress it later -- that barter adds further complexity to the distribution relationship and further distance between manufacturer and customer.  Distribution -- as other elements of the marketing mix involves Discussion/ Approach:  We are moving toward the territory where we will learn as much form the audience as we will be able to teach them. Therefore try to get dialogue going at this point.  What are their views on the state of distribution in the country ?  What problems are they encountering?  What methods do they use to try to get product to market and information back from the market?
  26. Indirect Distribution Pros: Allows wide coverage product availability purchase convenience Allows distributor value addition information disbursement S ervice breaking up lot sizes/bundling assortments Cons: Lack of control of sale and price Lack of customers feed back Direct Sale Pros: Better feedback from customers Tighter control of marketing mix in the channel Cons: Expensive
  27. Elasticity – use CARANA material to describe