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Christian Community Development
Executive Director, Global Missions Group
RELIEF -- urgent provision of resources to reduce suffering resulting
from a natural or man-made disaster.
REHABILITATION -- restoring a community to pre-disaster
conditions and rectifying the conditions which brought about the
DEVELOPMENT-- a process enabling a community to provide for its
own needs, beyond former levels, with dignity and justice. It involves
improved capacity & indigenous engagement.
Need Relief, REHAB or
Often places that
development are
filled with
Secular development --
is designed to improve living conditions &
encouraging a higher quality of life…it believes
people can improve their circumstances through
outside help and human effort. The question:
what are the physical needs?
Biblical development--is God-centered; seeking to honor
God, relying on Him as the principal participant in the
process of man’s healing. The question: what are the
spiritual & physical needs, and how does the Gospel & a
Biblical worldview inform the solution? End game: God is
Secular & Biblical Development
The Range of Physical Necessities
The Wheel of Development
& Clothing
Economics &
Income production
Climate &
Water & Food
Environment & Energy
Model of Participation
Type of Involvement of Local
Relationship of
Outsiders to Local
Coercion Locals submit to predetermined plans developed
by outsiders
Doing To
Compliance Locals assigned to tasks, often with incentives,
by outsiders who decide and direct the process.
Doing For
Consultation Locals opinions are asked, outsiders analyze
and decide on a course of action
Doing For
Cooperation Locals work with outsiders to determine
priorities; responsibility remains with the
outsiders to direct the process.
Doing With
Co-learning Locals and outsiders share their knowledge to
create appropriate goals and plans, execute those
plans and evaluate the results.
Doing With
Community Initiated Locals set their own agenda and mobilize to carry
it out without any outside initiators and facilitators.
Responding To
Why should community development matter
to Christ followers?
Isaiah 58:10…if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry
and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in
the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.
God’s expressed heart for the marginalized
Matthew 5:15-17
Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead
they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may
see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
An act of worship
Proverbs 19:17
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will
reward them for what they have done.
Matthew 25:45
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the
least of these, you did not do for me.’
It dovetails into UPG evangelism
Galatians 3:8-9
8 Scripture foresaw that God would justify the
Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel
in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be
blessed through you.”
What is the Gospel?
Because of the Gospel Of The Kingdom
1 Corinthains 15:3-4 ”…Christ died for our sins according
to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was
raised on the third day according to the Scriptures…”
The broader context…
24 Then the end will come, when he hands over the
kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all
dominion, authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he
has put all his enemies under his feet. 26
“This inscription is from around 9 BC….
It says that “Providence … [sent
Augustus] as a savior [σωτῆρα]” and
claims “the birthday of the god
Augustus was the beginning of the
good news [εὐαγγελίων, euangelion,
gospel] for the world that came by
reason of him.” This “good news”
propagated various messages, such as
the royal victory, ascension, or birth of a
king. For Paul, the true gospel certainly
proclaimed the reign of a king, namely
Jesus Christ (cf. Acts 17:3–7). The
gospel is a royal declaration.”
Jackson Wu, lecture at Singapore
Bible Seminary
The kingdom of God: the central message of the
New Testament;
• The phrase “Kingdom of God/Heaven” is spoken by
Jesus over 90 times in the four Gospels.
• The Kingdom is the center of John the Baptist's
proclamation about Jesus (Mark 1:15, Matt. 3:2)
• When Jesus sent out his disciples, he sent them to
“preach the Kingdom of God and heal the sick.” (Mt.
10:7-8; Luke 9:2)
• The first thing Jesus spoke about was the Kingdom (Mark 1:14-
15; Matt 4:17)
• The last thing Jesus spoke about to His disciples was the Kingdom
(Acts 1:1-3)
• Jesus said the purpose he was sent to earth for was to preach the
Kingdom (Luke 4:42-44)
• Most of the parables Jesus taught were about the Kingdom or living
in it (Matt. 13:19, 24, 31, 33)
• Jesus said the gospel of the Kingdom must be preached
everywhere before he returns (Matt. 24:14)
• Acts begins and ends with the Kingdom (Acts 1:3, 28:30-31)
Every kingdom has;
• A king
• Subjects
• Rule (a “constitution” or laws)
• A realm
Colossians 1:19-20 For God was pleased to have all
his fullness dwell in him, and through him to
reconcile to himself all things, whether things on
earth or things in heaven, by making peace through
His blood, shed on the cross.
“There is not a square inch in
the whole domain of our
human existence over which
Christ, who is Sovereign over
all, does not cry, Mine!”
― Abraham Kuyper
Addressing a broken world (development) is a
Kingdom activity
Matthew 6:10
“Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is
in heaven”
The Kingdom Of God is Any realm where God’s will
is Done.
So what is His will?
Matthew 28:18-19
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in
heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore
go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you. And surely I am with you always,
to the very end of the age.“
Wholistic Jesus:
Matthew 4:23
23 Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues,
proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every
disease and sickness among the people.
Jesus taught truth (metaphysical), how to live (physical) and
about the afterlife (metaphysical). He delivered the possessed
(physical/metaphysical), healed, fed, increased the capacity of
a fishing business & stood up against corruption (physical).
God’s will: Disciples who replicate and reflect
His glory wholistically through;
• Truth (reality/redemption)
• Justice (obeying truth)
• Compassion (widows-orphans-aliens –the
• Beauty (image bearers reflecting the
creator in creating)
Kingdom Culture and the Great Commission
on earth
as it is
in heaven
Thy kingdom come, Thy
will be done
Progress (Isaiah 9:7): “of the increase of his
government… there will be no end”
Time (Matt. 28:20b)
“until the end of the age”
The Gospel is the good news that the Kingdom of God has
come and King Jesus is reigning over the cosmos. Jesus
paid the penalty for sin on the cross, conquering death
through his resurrection and reconciling all of creation to
himself. He offers eternal life to all who believe, repent and
give allegiance Him. His redeemed followers, in relational
obedience to all Jesus commanded, “salt” society in the
power of the Holy Spirit, bringing truth, justice and beauty into
every sphere of existence. The result of more people
following Jesus is more human flourishing, spiritually and
physically until His return, to the glory of God.
Coram Deo: before the
face of God
A Biblical worldview of God and man leads to
wholistic living & flourishing (aka development);
William Carey, a Wholistic Gospel
Missionary, linguist,
humanitarian, moral reformer,
and educator.
Helped to outlaw infanticide in
Established schools for
Helped to end sati, widow
burning in 1829
William Wilberforce; a Wholistic Gospel
Championed causes and
campaigns such as the Society for
the Suppression of Vice, British
missionary work in India, the
creation of a free colony in Sierra
Leone, the foundation of
the Church Mission Society,
the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals, and abolition of
the slave trade in the United
Does this diversity reflect an
evangelical posture today?
A Church Divided…
The false distinction;
* Theology
* Evangelism
* Discipleship
* Devotions
* Works
* Reason
* Business
* Politics
* Science
* Economics
* Mass Media
* The Arts
‘Physical’ Ministries
Social Justice
Spiritual Disciplines
Spiritual Warfare
Good News for the Whole Person
"You can give
without loving.
But you cannot
love without
- Amy Carmichael
“One cannot save
and then pitchfork
souls into heaven…
Souls are more or
less securely
fastened to their
bodies…and as you
cannot get the souls
out and deal with
them separately, you
have to take them
both together."
“An individual gospel without a social gospel is a soul without a
body and a social gospel without an individual gospel is a body
without a soul. One is a ghost and the other is a corpse.” E.
Stanley Jones, The Unshakeable Kingdom And The
Unchanging Person, page 49
Three approaches to social action:
1) Social Action is a consequence of evangelism.
2) Social Action can be a bridge to evangelism.
3) Social Action accompanies evangelism as its
“The symbiotic ministry implies that both evangelism and social
action, though separate in function, are inseparable in relation, and
essential to the whole ministry of the Church.” Dr. Ted Yamamori,
“One of the most difficult things for some people to understand is why it is
impossible, not just unwise, to think of words and deeds as being separable.
The Bible as God’s Word would be little more than dreamy philosophy if it did
not refer almost constantly to the deeds of God, the deeds of key human
followers, and the deeds of His Son. In the same way, our missionary outreach
must be filled with meaningful deeds or our words run thin and we do not
effectively reveal the character of God. The World Evangelical Alliance speaks
discerningly of Integral Mission or holistic transformation [as] the proclamation
and demonstration of the gospel. It is not
simply that evangelism and social action are to be done
alongside each other. They are not two different things.
Note that “holistic” here does not merely mean the whole
man but the whole of society, the whole of this world.”
Ralph Winter, The Rise, Reduction and Recovery Of
Kingdom Mission 1800-2000, pages 12-13.
Is Africa “reached”?
633 Million Christians?
• Zambia 95.5%
• Rwanda 93.6%
• Uganda 88%
• Kenya 85.1%
• Malawi 79.9%
• Ghana 71.2%
• Nigeria 58%
Protestant % only
• Liberia 85.5%
• Namibia 76.3%
• Namibia 68%
• Botswana 66%
• Ethiopia 63.4%
• Swaziland 57.7%
Sub Sahara Africa • 388 million living on $1 a
day or less
• 239 million
• GDP per capita (current
US$) 1,286
• Life expectancy at birth,
• Infant mortality rate, (per
1,000 live births) 76.4
• 22.9 million infected with
HIV, 5% of the population
ages 15-49
“I spent many hours asking God how this
could be. How could we, as Christians and
especially missionaries, be patting ourselves
on our backs for a job well done in Southern
and Central Africa? How could we speak so
glowingly of the Gospel's great reformation of
Europe and North America and not see that
none of that nation-changing reality is being
experienced in Africa? How could anyone
conceive of this utterly devastated Africa…as
finished?” Landa Cope, The Old Testament
If we reduce the Gospel solely to naming the name of
Christ, persons are saved but the social order is
ignored. This is crippled Christianity with a crippled
result.” (Jones 1972). If we act as if individuals are
saved now and the Kingdom is only in heaven when
Jesus comes, then we in effect leave the social order
to the devil. “vast areas of human life are left out,
unredeemed-the economic, the social and political”
(ibid). Into this vacuum other ideologies and
kingdoms move with their seductive and deceptive
claims of a new humanity and a better
tomorrow…shakeable kingdoms all.” – Bryant
Myers, Walking With The Poor
What is poverty?
Human beings are endowed with infinite dignity and
entrusted with the power to exercise stewardship over the
created world…Poverty is the most extraordinary waste of
human potential…the present disparity that exists between
developing and developed countries…is something to which
we as Christians can never be resigned. We cannot pray the
Lord’s Prayer, “thy Kingdom come” and then sit back and do
nothing about the plight of the poor.” Lord Brian Griffiths of
Fforestfach, For the Least Of These, page 180
Metaphysical poverty
• Spiritual blindness (no Jesus)
• Spiritual hunger
(might know Jesus but not His Kingdom)
Physical poverty
• Middle and upper class North
Americans tend to emphasize food,
money, clean water, medicine, housing,
jobs, etc.
• Under-resourced people typically talk in
terms of shame, inferiority,
powerlessness, humiliation, fear,
hopelessness, depression, social
isolation and voicelessness.
7 Steps to Physical Poverty
What it feels like to be poor in the developing world…
 Take away CLEAN WATER
 Take away two of your daily MEALS
 Take away your HEALTH CARE
 Take away most of your CLOTHES
 Replace your HOUSE with a small shack
 Take away your HOPE
Lack of
Fewer job
Can’t Work
Key thought:
If we don’t understand what truly causes
poverty, we will focus on symptoms, rather than
the sickness.
• War (civil & national)
• Corruption
• Resource curse (dependence on exporting, often a
single resource)
• Isolation, making domestic and international trade
• Current or a legacy of colonial and other exploitative
economic relationships
• Disease and natural disasters
• Poor national and personal decision making
Typical explanations for physical poverty:
What causes poverty?
• Human capacity (false limitations)
• Reality (capricious spirit world/closed system)
• Resources (scarcity)
• The future (fatalism)
• Happiness (hedonism)
Lies about;
Rest of
Economic System
Religious System
Poverty of
Poverty of
Poverty of
Poverty of Spiritual
John 8:44
44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to
carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer
from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is
no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native
language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Where do lies originate?
Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenly realms.
Demonically driven...
2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets
itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take
captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Colossians 2:8
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and
deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition
and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather
than on Christ.
The opposite of poverty is flourishing or
We call it peace, but it means far more than mere
peace of mind or a cease-fire between enemies...
shalom means universal flourishing, wholeness,
and delight — a rich state of affairs in which
natural needs are satisfied and natural gifts
fruitfully employed… Cornelius Plantinga, Not The
Way It’s Supposed To Be
• Metaphysical
• Physical
What causes flourishing?
John 17:17 Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.
John 8:31-32 …“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my
disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set
you free.”
Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this
world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...
• Human capacity (imago dei)
• Reality (benevolent creator/open system)
• Resources (metaphysical to physical)
• The future (progress/potential)
• Happiness
(community/giving/sacrifice/abundance w/o
Truth about;
Rest of
Economic System
Religious System
Growing Healthy Cultures
Lies a culture holds to be true
Truth the culture embraces
Principles of the
Development Ethic
Ideas have consequences.
Fruit = Consequences
Branches = Behavior
Trunk = Values
Roots = Belief System
“The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both
when they are right and when they are wrong, are more
powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is
ruled by little else….I am sure that the power of vested
interests is vastly exaggerated compared with the gradual
encroachment of ideas.”
—John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory Employment,
Interest and Money, p. 383 (1935)
Ideas spread through culture
The Intellectuals
(religion, philosophy)
The Balladeers
(popular music, the arts)
The Professionals
(law, politics, economics)
The masses
The Spread of Ideas
 Ideas travel around the globe,
from one area to another.
 Ideas pass to future
 Ideas diffuse into cultures
through classes of people.
Worldview Impact on Popular Culture
The Arts
The strategy; “Inside Out”
Regeneration &
Sectors & spheres of influence with
Kingdom culture;
Community: Society & Culture
Mt. 13:31-33,
Parable of the Mustard
Seed & Yeast Science
• Truth
• Justice
• Beauty
• Compassion
• Generosity
• Creativity
• Innovation
• Discovery
Conversion and baptism according to the Great Commission do not
mark the conclusion, but the beginning of personal renewal, as well
as the renewal of the family, church, economics, state, and society.
Every individual should become a pupil (disciple) of Jesus Christ. In
the command to teach “them to obey everything I have commanded
you,” the Great Commission includes the exhortation to teach the
whole range of biblical ethics. In transforming the individual, his or
her everyday life, and his or her environment, mission overcomes
sinful structures and visible injustice. Thomas Schirrmacher
Perspectives Issue: 07-2009, The Great Commission – An
Exploration of the Old and New Testament
“There can be no economic progress in a country where
there is no social peace. True social peace is grounded
on justice. Justice in turn is a function of righteousness.
And righteousness is possible only when the moral
absolutes of God are affirmed and people are Spirit-
empowered to act rightly.”-- Rev. Dr. Agustin Vencer, Jr.
Former International Director, World Evangelical Alliance
Matthew 28:19
“…teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you.“
• Vishal Mangalwadi, “Truth and Transformation”
• Truth Centered Transformation
Acting on truth leads to flourishing…
The Challenges of CCD
• Western assumptions
• Corruption
• The sins of poverty
• The Risk Of Dependency
• Finding Solid Field Partners
• Natural/Man Made Disasters
• Wholistic Discipleship & ABCD
• Pastoral/Leadership/Business Training
• BAM: Micro/Medium/Large enterprise
• Surrogate Funded Development Projects
• Relational Ministry
• Church Planting*
“Church planting cannot be the final
objective of mission, only the beginning. A
church full of life and love, working for the
good of the community in which God has
placed it, is the proper end of mission.
Transformational development that does not
work towards such a church is neither
sustainable nor Christian.” Bryant Meyers,
Walking With The Poor: Principles and
Practices Of Transformational
In China alone, since 1978 over 600 million
have been lifted out of extreme poverty.
Global poverty rates have been halved since
1990 and are on pace to be halved again.
The only way this has been possible is by
embracing the biblical principles of private
property, the rule of law, ingenuity, productive
work, and well-functioning global markets
that encourage and reward our God-given
creativity and talents. Anne Bradley, For
The Least of These page xxv.
“Every art has it’s rules to which
the work of the person practicing it
corresponds. Since living is the
noblest work of all, there cannot be
any more proper study than the art
of living…Since the highest kind of
life for a human being is that which
approached most closely the living
and life-giving God, the nature of
theological life is living to
God…Men live to God when they
live in accord with the will of God,
to the glory of God, and with God
working in them.” William Ames,
The Marrow Of Theology 1623
Truth, through scripture,
creation & reason
Light & Truth
Urim and Thummim
Traditional American society…possessed a quartet of characteristics,
intimately bound together…These were: a conviction that the purpose
of life, however vaguely conceived, was to establish the Kingdom of
Heaven on earth; an aptitude for the exercise of mechanical skills; a
moral outlook that subordinated the interests of the individual to the
group; and an ability to assemble, galvanize and marshal financial,
material and human resources to a single purpose and on a massive,
or lesser scale. All of these elements were intimately associated with
the colony’s Puritan origins. Kenneth and William Hopper, The
Puritan Gift, page 3
Devoting eight months of weekly lectures in 1705 to economic
vocation, (Pastor) Willard asserted the importance of choosing
a profitable trade and conducting it prudently. Merchants in
particular ought to acquire the requisite training, intelligence
and “Skill” to pursue wealth beyond a merely competent living.
“It is not enough to get an Estate, but there is Duty to endeavor
that it may prosper,” he wrote, because “Riches are consistent
with Godliness, and the more a Man hath the more Advantage
he hath to do Good with it.” Public service transposed
economic ambition into a means of holiness. Cotton Mather’s
most thorough statement on secular vocation, his 1701 A
Christian And His Calling, correlated moral obligation,
providential order, spiritual felicity, commercial knowledge, and
market profits.
Mark Valeri, Heavenly Merchandize p. 160
Effects of worldviews on economic
Open System Closed System
(Stewardship of a
free market &
(Material Mechanical
Why are so many well intentioned Christians
drawn to dead end strategies? Perhaps it is
because the right path seems
counterintuitive. To untutored intuition, it
seems obvious that if there are some rich
people and some poor people, we can cure
poverty by taking some of the wealth of the
rich and giving it to the poor. It just doesn’t
happen to be true.
Jay Richards, For The Lease Of These,
page 344
Christianity created Western civilization. Had the followers
of Jesus remained an obscure Jewish sect, most of you
would not have learned to read and the rest of you would
be reading from hand held scrolls. Without a theology
committed to reason, progress, and moral equality, today
the entire world would be about where non-European
societies were in, say, 1800: A world with many astrologers
and alchemists but no scientists. A world of despots,
lacking universities, banks, factories, eyeglasses, chimneys, and pianos. A world
where most infants do not live to the age of five and many women die in
childbirth-a world truly living in "dark ages." The modern world only arose in
Christian societies…Not in “secular” society – there having been none. And all
the modernization that has since occurred outside Christendom was imported
from the west, often brought by colonizers and missionaries. Rodney Stark,
The Victory Of Reason, page 233
Jay Richards, Ten Tough Steps Out Of Poverty:
• Teach a purposeful universe/reality
• Right cultural mores
• Understanding wealth & poverty
• Rule of law
• Strong mediating institutions
• Limited Government
• Formal property rights
• Economic freedom
• Focus on comparative advantage
• Work hard
It is only a slight simplification to sum up in a single
phrase the pathway to widespread wealth creation:
economic freedom. I do not mean freedom in the
sense of getting to do whatever you want to do, but
in the sense of “ordered liberty” – the conditions
under which we can pursue our proper, God-given
ends, and can engage in win-win exchanges with
our fellow human beings. We now know that these
conditions correlate with a reduction in
poverty….We now have decades of research
demonstrating this. Jay Richards, For The Lease
Of These, page 351
What these latest findings demonstrate is the church's
relative ineffectiveness and impotency at helping the
poor…It is not Christian activism that has created history's
greatest poverty reduction initiatives in India and China.
And it is not micro but rather macroeconomics that really
makes a difference…some activists tout these poverty
reduction numbers, saying, "See, we can make a
difference!" Then they encourage us to get involved in our
own small way, because if we do, "We can defeat poverty
in this generation" or, "The church can end extreme
poverty.“ But of course, it is a stretch to suggest we can
end any sort of poverty. Mark Galli, The Best Ways to
Fight Poverty—Really, Christianity Today, February
“Areas where Protestant missionaries had a
significant presence in the past are on
average more economically developed today,
with comparatively better health, lower infant
mortality, lower corruption, greater literacy,
higher educational attainment (especially for
women), and more robust membership in
nongovernmental associations. In short:
Want a blossoming democracy today? The
solution is simple—if you have a time
machine: Send a 19th-century missionary.”
Woodberry would temper our triumphalism, to be sure, reminding us that all
these positive outcomes were somewhat unintended, a sign of God's
greater purposes being worked out through the lives of devoted but
imperfect people. As Dana Robert notes, "Bob's research shows that the
total is more than the sum of its parts. Christians collectively make a
difference in society.“ Looking back now, more than a century later, we see
just how long that transformative difference can endure. The Surprising
Discovery About Those Colonialist, Proselytizing Missionaries,
Christianity Today, Jan-Feb 2014
Christian Community Development
Executive Director, HealingNations
Perspectives 12 MikeBell 2022b.ppt

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Urban Leadership Foundation

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Perspectives 12 MikeBell 2022b.ppt

  • 1. Christian Community Development MikeBell, Executive Director, Global Missions Group
  • 2.
  • 3. Terms RELIEF -- urgent provision of resources to reduce suffering resulting from a natural or man-made disaster. REHABILITATION -- restoring a community to pre-disaster conditions and rectifying the conditions which brought about the disaster. DEVELOPMENT-- a process enabling a community to provide for its own needs, beyond former levels, with dignity and justice. It involves improved capacity & indigenous engagement.
  • 7. Need Relief, REHAB or Development?
  • 8. Often places that require development are filled with ingenuity…
  • 9. Secular development -- is designed to improve living conditions & encouraging a higher quality of life…it believes people can improve their circumstances through outside help and human effort. The question: what are the physical needs? Biblical development--is God-centered; seeking to honor God, relying on Him as the principal participant in the process of man’s healing. The question: what are the spiritual & physical needs, and how does the Gospel & a Biblical worldview inform the solution? End game: God is glorified. Secular & Biblical Development
  • 10. The Range of Physical Necessities The Wheel of Development Sanitation Spirituality Health Shelter & Clothing Communication Education Economics & Infrastructure Transportation Income production Climate & Weather Water & Food Environment & Energy
  • 11. Model of Participation Type of Involvement of Local People Relationship of Outsiders to Local People Coercion Locals submit to predetermined plans developed by outsiders Doing To Compliance Locals assigned to tasks, often with incentives, by outsiders who decide and direct the process. Doing For Consultation Locals opinions are asked, outsiders analyze and decide on a course of action Doing For Cooperation Locals work with outsiders to determine priorities; responsibility remains with the outsiders to direct the process. Doing With Co-learning Locals and outsiders share their knowledge to create appropriate goals and plans, execute those plans and evaluate the results. Doing With Community Initiated Locals set their own agenda and mobilize to carry it out without any outside initiators and facilitators. Responding To
  • 12.
  • 13. Why should community development matter to Christ followers?
  • 14. Isaiah 58:10…if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. God’s expressed heart for the marginalized Matthew 5:15-17 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
  • 15. An act of worship Proverbs 19:17 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. Matthew 25:45 ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
  • 16. It dovetails into UPG evangelism
  • 17. Galatians 3:8-9 8 Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed through you.” What is the Gospel? Because of the Gospel Of The Kingdom
  • 18. 1 Corinthains 15:3-4 ”…Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures…” The broader context… 24 Then the end will come, when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26
  • 19. “This inscription is from around 9 BC…. It says that “Providence … [sent Augustus] as a savior [σωτῆρα]” and claims “the birthday of the god Augustus was the beginning of the good news [εὐαγγελίων, euangelion, gospel] for the world that came by reason of him.” This “good news” propagated various messages, such as the royal victory, ascension, or birth of a king. For Paul, the true gospel certainly proclaimed the reign of a king, namely Jesus Christ (cf. Acts 17:3–7). The gospel is a royal declaration.” Jackson Wu, lecture at Singapore Bible Seminary
  • 20. The kingdom of God: the central message of the New Testament; • The phrase “Kingdom of God/Heaven” is spoken by Jesus over 90 times in the four Gospels. • The Kingdom is the center of John the Baptist's proclamation about Jesus (Mark 1:15, Matt. 3:2) • When Jesus sent out his disciples, he sent them to “preach the Kingdom of God and heal the sick.” (Mt. 10:7-8; Luke 9:2)
  • 21. • The first thing Jesus spoke about was the Kingdom (Mark 1:14- 15; Matt 4:17) • The last thing Jesus spoke about to His disciples was the Kingdom (Acts 1:1-3) • Jesus said the purpose he was sent to earth for was to preach the Kingdom (Luke 4:42-44) • Most of the parables Jesus taught were about the Kingdom or living in it (Matt. 13:19, 24, 31, 33) • Jesus said the gospel of the Kingdom must be preached everywhere before he returns (Matt. 24:14) • Acts begins and ends with the Kingdom (Acts 1:3, 28:30-31)
  • 22. Every kingdom has; • A king • Subjects • Rule (a “constitution” or laws) • A realm Colossians 1:19-20 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross.
  • 23. “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!” ― Abraham Kuyper
  • 24. Addressing a broken world (development) is a Kingdom activity Matthew 6:10 “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” The Kingdom Of God is Any realm where God’s will is Done. So what is His will?
  • 25. Matthew 28:18-19 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.“
  • 26.
  • 27. Wholistic Jesus: Matthew 4:23 23 Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. Jesus taught truth (metaphysical), how to live (physical) and about the afterlife (metaphysical). He delivered the possessed (physical/metaphysical), healed, fed, increased the capacity of a fishing business & stood up against corruption (physical).
  • 28. God’s will: Disciples who replicate and reflect His glory wholistically through; • Truth (reality/redemption) • Justice (obeying truth) • Compassion (widows-orphans-aliens –the impoverished) • Beauty (image bearers reflecting the creator in creating)
  • 29. Kingdom Culture and the Great Commission TRUTH BEAUTY on earth as it is in heaven DEMOGRAPHIC GEOGRAPHIC Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done Kingdom Culture Progress (Isaiah 9:7): “of the increase of his government… there will be no end” Time (Matt. 28:20b) “until the end of the age”
  • 30. The Gospel is the good news that the Kingdom of God has come and King Jesus is reigning over the cosmos. Jesus paid the penalty for sin on the cross, conquering death through his resurrection and reconciling all of creation to himself. He offers eternal life to all who believe, repent and give allegiance Him. His redeemed followers, in relational obedience to all Jesus commanded, “salt” society in the power of the Holy Spirit, bringing truth, justice and beauty into every sphere of existence. The result of more people following Jesus is more human flourishing, spiritually and physically until His return, to the glory of God.
  • 31. GOD Coram Deo: before the face of God Faith Science Business Missions Justice Devotional Life Art Bread Reason Theology Ethics Politics Evangelism Nature Community Service Gospel A Biblical worldview of God and man leads to wholistic living & flourishing (aka development);
  • 32. William Carey, a Wholistic Gospel Missionary, linguist, humanitarian, moral reformer, and educator. Helped to outlaw infanticide in 1802 Established schools for females Helped to end sati, widow burning in 1829
  • 33. William Wilberforce; a Wholistic Gospel Championed causes and campaigns such as the Society for the Suppression of Vice, British missionary work in India, the creation of a free colony in Sierra Leone, the foundation of the Church Mission Society, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and abolition of the slave trade in the United Kingdom. Does this diversity reflect an evangelical posture today?
  • 35. The false distinction; *Faith *Grace *Missions *Ethics * Theology * Evangelism * Discipleship * Devotions Secular GOD Physical * Works * Reason * Business * Politics * Science * Economics * Mass Media * The Arts ‘Physical’ Ministries Social Justice Weekdays Spiritual Disciplines Spiritual Warfare Sundays Spiritual
  • 36. Good News for the Whole Person "You can give without loving. But you cannot love without giving." - Amy Carmichael “One cannot save and then pitchfork souls into heaven… Souls are more or less securely fastened to their bodies…and as you cannot get the souls out and deal with them separately, you have to take them both together."
  • 37. “An individual gospel without a social gospel is a soul without a body and a social gospel without an individual gospel is a body without a soul. One is a ghost and the other is a corpse.” E. Stanley Jones, The Unshakeable Kingdom And The Unchanging Person, page 49
  • 38. Three approaches to social action: 1) Social Action is a consequence of evangelism. 2) Social Action can be a bridge to evangelism. 3) Social Action accompanies evangelism as its partner. “The symbiotic ministry implies that both evangelism and social action, though separate in function, are inseparable in relation, and essential to the whole ministry of the Church.” Dr. Ted Yamamori, FHI
  • 39. “One of the most difficult things for some people to understand is why it is impossible, not just unwise, to think of words and deeds as being separable. The Bible as God’s Word would be little more than dreamy philosophy if it did not refer almost constantly to the deeds of God, the deeds of key human followers, and the deeds of His Son. In the same way, our missionary outreach must be filled with meaningful deeds or our words run thin and we do not effectively reveal the character of God. The World Evangelical Alliance speaks discerningly of Integral Mission or holistic transformation [as] the proclamation and demonstration of the gospel. It is not simply that evangelism and social action are to be done alongside each other. They are not two different things. Note that “holistic” here does not merely mean the whole man but the whole of society, the whole of this world.” Ralph Winter, The Rise, Reduction and Recovery Of Kingdom Mission 1800-2000, pages 12-13.
  • 40. Is Africa “reached”? 633 Million Christians? • Zambia 95.5% • Rwanda 93.6% • Uganda 88% • Kenya 85.1% • Malawi 79.9% • Ghana 71.2% • Nigeria 58% Protestant % only • Liberia 85.5% • Namibia 76.3% • Namibia 68% • Botswana 66% • Ethiopia 63.4% • Swaziland 57.7%
  • 41. Sub Sahara Africa • 388 million living on $1 a day or less • 239 million undernourished • GDP per capita (current US$) 1,286 • Life expectancy at birth, 53.8 • Infant mortality rate, (per 1,000 live births) 76.4 • 22.9 million infected with HIV, 5% of the population ages 15-49
  • 42. “I spent many hours asking God how this could be. How could we, as Christians and especially missionaries, be patting ourselves on our backs for a job well done in Southern and Central Africa? How could we speak so glowingly of the Gospel's great reformation of Europe and North America and not see that none of that nation-changing reality is being experienced in Africa? How could anyone conceive of this utterly devastated Africa…as finished?” Landa Cope, The Old Testament Template
  • 43. If we reduce the Gospel solely to naming the name of Christ, persons are saved but the social order is ignored. This is crippled Christianity with a crippled result.” (Jones 1972). If we act as if individuals are saved now and the Kingdom is only in heaven when Jesus comes, then we in effect leave the social order to the devil. “vast areas of human life are left out, unredeemed-the economic, the social and political” (ibid). Into this vacuum other ideologies and kingdoms move with their seductive and deceptive claims of a new humanity and a better tomorrow…shakeable kingdoms all.” – Bryant Myers, Walking With The Poor
  • 44.
  • 46. Human beings are endowed with infinite dignity and entrusted with the power to exercise stewardship over the created world…Poverty is the most extraordinary waste of human potential…the present disparity that exists between developing and developed countries…is something to which we as Christians can never be resigned. We cannot pray the Lord’s Prayer, “thy Kingdom come” and then sit back and do nothing about the plight of the poor.” Lord Brian Griffiths of Fforestfach, For the Least Of These, page 180
  • 47. Metaphysical poverty • Spiritual blindness (no Jesus) • Spiritual hunger (might know Jesus but not His Kingdom)
  • 48. Physical poverty • Middle and upper class North Americans tend to emphasize food, money, clean water, medicine, housing, jobs, etc. • Under-resourced people typically talk in terms of shame, inferiority, powerlessness, humiliation, fear, hopelessness, depression, social isolation and voicelessness.
  • 49. 7 Steps to Physical Poverty What it feels like to be poor in the developing world…  Take away ELECTRICITY  Take away CLEAN WATER  Take away two of your daily MEALS  Take away your HEALTH CARE  Take away most of your CLOTHES  Replace your HOUSE with a small shack  Take away your HOPE
  • 51. Key thought: If we don’t understand what truly causes poverty, we will focus on symptoms, rather than the sickness.
  • 52. • War (civil & national) • Corruption • Resource curse (dependence on exporting, often a single resource) • Isolation, making domestic and international trade difficult • Current or a legacy of colonial and other exploitative economic relationships • Disease and natural disasters • Poor national and personal decision making Typical explanations for physical poverty:
  • 54. • Human capacity (false limitations) • Reality (capricious spirit world/closed system) • Resources (scarcity) • The future (fatalism) • Happiness (hedonism) Lies about;
  • 55. Others Rest of Creation Self Economic System Political System Religious System Social System Poverty of Being Poverty of Stewardship Poverty of Community Poverty of Spiritual Intimacy God
  • 56. John 8:44 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Where do lies originate?
  • 57. Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Demonically driven...
  • 58. 2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. Colossians 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.
  • 59. The opposite of poverty is flourishing or “shalom” We call it peace, but it means far more than mere peace of mind or a cease-fire between enemies... shalom means universal flourishing, wholeness, and delight — a rich state of affairs in which natural needs are satisfied and natural gifts fruitfully employed… Cornelius Plantinga, Not The Way It’s Supposed To Be • Metaphysical • Physical
  • 61. John 17:17 Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. John 8:31-32 …“If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...
  • 62. • Human capacity (imago dei) • Reality (benevolent creator/open system) • Resources (metaphysical to physical) • The future (progress/potential) • Happiness (community/giving/sacrifice/abundance w/o attachment) Truth about;
  • 64. 64 Growing Healthy Cultures Lies a culture holds to be true Truth the culture embraces Principles of the Development Ethic
  • 65. Ideas have consequences. Fruit = Consequences Branches = Behavior Trunk = Values Roots = Belief System
  • 66. “The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else….I am sure that the power of vested interests is vastly exaggerated compared with the gradual encroachment of ideas.” —John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory Employment, Interest and Money, p. 383 (1935)
  • 67. Ideas spread through culture The Intellectuals (religion, philosophy) The Balladeers (popular music, the arts) The Professionals (law, politics, economics) The masses
  • 68. The Spread of Ideas  Ideas travel around the globe, from one area to another.  Ideas pass to future generations.  Ideas diffuse into cultures through classes of people. Vertically Temporally Horizontally
  • 69. Worldview Impact on Popular Culture Development Economics Environment Law Education FamilyLife The Arts Politics Worldview Lifestyles Institutions Lifestyles Institutions
  • 70. The strategy; “Inside Out” Regeneration & Mindset Renewal Family Church Sectors & spheres of influence with Kingdom culture; Community: Society & Culture Arts Media Commerce Law Governance Mt. 13:31-33, Parable of the Mustard Seed & Yeast Science Education • Truth • Justice • Beauty • Compassion • Generosity • Creativity • Innovation • Discovery
  • 71. Conversion and baptism according to the Great Commission do not mark the conclusion, but the beginning of personal renewal, as well as the renewal of the family, church, economics, state, and society. Every individual should become a pupil (disciple) of Jesus Christ. In the command to teach “them to obey everything I have commanded you,” the Great Commission includes the exhortation to teach the whole range of biblical ethics. In transforming the individual, his or her everyday life, and his or her environment, mission overcomes sinful structures and visible injustice. Thomas Schirrmacher Perspectives Issue: 07-2009, The Great Commission – An Exploration of the Old and New Testament
  • 72. “There can be no economic progress in a country where there is no social peace. True social peace is grounded on justice. Justice in turn is a function of righteousness. And righteousness is possible only when the moral absolutes of God are affirmed and people are Spirit- empowered to act rightly.”-- Rev. Dr. Agustin Vencer, Jr. Former International Director, World Evangelical Alliance
  • 73. Matthew 28:19 “…teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.“ • Vishal Mangalwadi, “Truth and Transformation” • Truth Centered Transformation Acting on truth leads to flourishing…
  • 74. The Challenges of CCD • Western assumptions • Corruption • The sins of poverty • The Risk Of Dependency • Finding Solid Field Partners • Natural/Man Made Disasters
  • 75.
  • 76. Engagement: • Wholistic Discipleship & ABCD • Pastoral/Leadership/Business Training • BAM: Micro/Medium/Large enterprise • Surrogate Funded Development Projects • Relational Ministry • Church Planting*
  • 77. “Church planting cannot be the final objective of mission, only the beginning. A church full of life and love, working for the good of the community in which God has placed it, is the proper end of mission. Transformational development that does not work towards such a church is neither sustainable nor Christian.” Bryant Meyers, Walking With The Poor: Principles and Practices Of Transformational Development
  • 78. In China alone, since 1978 over 600 million have been lifted out of extreme poverty. Global poverty rates have been halved since 1990 and are on pace to be halved again. The only way this has been possible is by embracing the biblical principles of private property, the rule of law, ingenuity, productive work, and well-functioning global markets that encourage and reward our God-given creativity and talents. Anne Bradley, For The Least of These page xxv.
  • 79. “Every art has it’s rules to which the work of the person practicing it corresponds. Since living is the noblest work of all, there cannot be any more proper study than the art of living…Since the highest kind of life for a human being is that which approached most closely the living and life-giving God, the nature of theological life is living to God…Men live to God when they live in accord with the will of God, to the glory of God, and with God working in them.” William Ames, The Marrow Of Theology 1623
  • 80. Truth, through scripture, creation & reason Light & Truth Urim and Thummim
  • 81. Traditional American society…possessed a quartet of characteristics, intimately bound together…These were: a conviction that the purpose of life, however vaguely conceived, was to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth; an aptitude for the exercise of mechanical skills; a moral outlook that subordinated the interests of the individual to the group; and an ability to assemble, galvanize and marshal financial, material and human resources to a single purpose and on a massive, or lesser scale. All of these elements were intimately associated with the colony’s Puritan origins. Kenneth and William Hopper, The Puritan Gift, page 3
  • 82. Devoting eight months of weekly lectures in 1705 to economic vocation, (Pastor) Willard asserted the importance of choosing a profitable trade and conducting it prudently. Merchants in particular ought to acquire the requisite training, intelligence and “Skill” to pursue wealth beyond a merely competent living. “It is not enough to get an Estate, but there is Duty to endeavor that it may prosper,” he wrote, because “Riches are consistent with Godliness, and the more a Man hath the more Advantage he hath to do Good with it.” Public service transposed economic ambition into a means of holiness. Cotton Mather’s most thorough statement on secular vocation, his 1701 A Christian And His Calling, correlated moral obligation, providential order, spiritual felicity, commercial knowledge, and market profits. Mark Valeri, Heavenly Merchandize p. 160
  • 83. Effects of worldviews on economic philosophy Open System Closed System “Oikonomia” (Stewardship of a free market & resources) Idealistic Socialism (Material Mechanical Universe) Classic Communism (Institutionalized Control/planned economy) Predatory Capitalism (Consumerism) Amoral Moral Universe
  • 84. Why are so many well intentioned Christians drawn to dead end strategies? Perhaps it is because the right path seems counterintuitive. To untutored intuition, it seems obvious that if there are some rich people and some poor people, we can cure poverty by taking some of the wealth of the rich and giving it to the poor. It just doesn’t happen to be true. Jay Richards, For The Lease Of These, page 344
  • 85. Christianity created Western civilization. Had the followers of Jesus remained an obscure Jewish sect, most of you would not have learned to read and the rest of you would be reading from hand held scrolls. Without a theology committed to reason, progress, and moral equality, today the entire world would be about where non-European societies were in, say, 1800: A world with many astrologers and alchemists but no scientists. A world of despots, lacking universities, banks, factories, eyeglasses, chimneys, and pianos. A world where most infants do not live to the age of five and many women die in childbirth-a world truly living in "dark ages." The modern world only arose in Christian societies…Not in “secular” society – there having been none. And all the modernization that has since occurred outside Christendom was imported from the west, often brought by colonizers and missionaries. Rodney Stark, The Victory Of Reason, page 233
  • 86. Jay Richards, Ten Tough Steps Out Of Poverty: • Teach a purposeful universe/reality • Right cultural mores • Understanding wealth & poverty • Rule of law • Strong mediating institutions • Limited Government • Formal property rights • Economic freedom • Focus on comparative advantage • Work hard
  • 87. It is only a slight simplification to sum up in a single phrase the pathway to widespread wealth creation: economic freedom. I do not mean freedom in the sense of getting to do whatever you want to do, but in the sense of “ordered liberty” – the conditions under which we can pursue our proper, God-given ends, and can engage in win-win exchanges with our fellow human beings. We now know that these conditions correlate with a reduction in poverty….We now have decades of research demonstrating this. Jay Richards, For The Lease Of These, page 351
  • 88. What these latest findings demonstrate is the church's relative ineffectiveness and impotency at helping the poor…It is not Christian activism that has created history's greatest poverty reduction initiatives in India and China. And it is not micro but rather macroeconomics that really makes a difference…some activists tout these poverty reduction numbers, saying, "See, we can make a difference!" Then they encourage us to get involved in our own small way, because if we do, "We can defeat poverty in this generation" or, "The church can end extreme poverty.“ But of course, it is a stretch to suggest we can end any sort of poverty. Mark Galli, The Best Ways to Fight Poverty—Really, Christianity Today, February 2012
  • 89. “Areas where Protestant missionaries had a significant presence in the past are on average more economically developed today, with comparatively better health, lower infant mortality, lower corruption, greater literacy, higher educational attainment (especially for women), and more robust membership in nongovernmental associations. In short: Want a blossoming democracy today? The solution is simple—if you have a time machine: Send a 19th-century missionary.”
  • 90. Woodberry would temper our triumphalism, to be sure, reminding us that all these positive outcomes were somewhat unintended, a sign of God's greater purposes being worked out through the lives of devoted but imperfect people. As Dana Robert notes, "Bob's research shows that the total is more than the sum of its parts. Christians collectively make a difference in society.“ Looking back now, more than a century later, we see just how long that transformative difference can endure. The Surprising Discovery About Those Colonialist, Proselytizing Missionaries, Christianity Today, Jan-Feb 2014