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Miseensoota Idilee
1. Miseensoota hundeessitootaa fi miseensota akkaataa dambii ittiin bulmaataa kanaatiin yaa’ii
waliigalaatiin raggaasifaman ni hammata.
2. Lammiin Itoophiyaa ulaagaalee armaan gadii guute kamiyyuu miseensa idilee ta’uu ni danda’a.
A. Kaayyoo fi galma Dhabbattichatti kan amane fi Amante ;
B. Umuriin isaa waggaa 18 ol ta’uu qaba
C. Afaan Oromoo. Chaartara Chaartaraa fi Dambii Naamusaa Yaa’ii Waliigalaatiin ba’e ni
raggaasisa, hojiirra ni oolcha.
D. Kaffaltii fi gumaacha Yaa’ii Waliigalaa irratti waliigalame yeroo yeroon kaffaluu kan
E. Mirga seeraa / ishii irraa hin mulqamin;
3. Jijjiiramni miseensotaa jiraachuu waldichaa irratti dhiibbaa hin qabu.
4. Galii fi qabeenyi waldichaa akkaataa kaffaltii tajaajila seeraatiin ala miseensotaa fi hojjattoota
isaaf hin qoodamu.
Mirgoota Miseensootaa
1. Miseensonni idilee hundi mirga walqixa qabu:
2. Miseensummaan mirga dhuunfaa dhaaltotaaf ykn nama biraatti dabarfamuu hin dandeenyedha.
3. Miseensa idilee waldichaa kamiyyuu ta’a
A. Hojiiwwan milkaa’ina kaayyoo fi ergama waldichaaf faayidaa qaban kamiyyuu ni raawwatu;
B. Filannoo, filannoo fi sochii waldichaa ilaalchisee odeeffannoo kamiyyuu argachuuf;
C. Walgahii waliigalaa irratti hirmaachuu, hojii waldichaa irratti yaada kennuu fi sagalee kennuu,
D. Miseensummaa addaan kutuuf murtiin dhumaa osoo hin kennamin dura Koree Hojii
Raawwachiiftuutiin dhaga’amuuf mirga qaba.
E.Yeroo waldicha keessaa bahuu barbaadu waldicha keessaa bahuu qaba.
F. Miseensi kamiyyuu eenyummaa seera qabeessa waldichaa argachuuf mirga qabaa;
Dirqama Miseensootaa
1. Miseensi kamiyyuu kaffaltii miseensummaa yeroon kaffaluu qaba.
2. Miseensi tokko hojii gadhiisuu isaa dura liqaa barbaadamu kaffaluu qaba;
3. Miseensi kamiyyuu dambii ittiin bulmaataa waldichaa, qajeelfamaafi murtii yaa’ii waliigalaa ni
4. Miseensi kamiyyuu kaayyoo fi dirqama waldichaa kabajuu, qabeenya waldichaa kunuunsuu fi
tajaajila barbaachisu kennuu qaba.
5. Walgahii idilee fi ariifachiisaa Waldichaa irratti hirmaachuu qaba:
6. Bakka ani jiru hundatti, Waldicha bakka bu’ee, qaamaan; Miidiyaa idilee fi hawaasummaa
irratti Tokko tokkoon saba; Haasaa jibbiinsaa amantii ykn kan biroo barreeffamaan ykn haasaa
jibbiinsaa ibsuun cimsee dhorkaadha.
Buusii miseensotaa fi kaffaltii biroo
1. Miseensa idilee waldichaa buusii ji’aa isaa yeroon kan hin kaffalle adabbii
Haaluma walfakkaatuun ji’a ji’aan ji’a sadii walitti aansuun sababa sirrii tokko malee ni gatama
Miseensi hin kaffalamiin kaffaltii miseensummaa akka kaffalu ni gorfama.
2. Bakka dhaabbata tola ooltummaa arjooma fi fooyya’iinsaa fi kaffaltii biroo itti godhu
Yeroo fi hanga Gumii Waliigalaatiin kan murtaa’u ta’a;
3. Namoota yeroo Yaa’iin Waliigalaa kaa’e keessatti hin kaffalchiifne hunda
Adabbiin akkaataa murtii Yaa’ichaatiin kan murtaa’u ta’a.
4. Kaffaltii miseensummaa kaffalamuu dhabuu isaatiin Gumii Waliigalaatiin kan kufe.
Hanga miseensa adabbii hin kaffalleef liqaa kaffaltutti Hanga Yaa’ii Waliigalaa sagalee kennuu
ykn mirga biroo kamiyyuu haquuf Danda'a:
5. Namoota yeroo Yaa’iin Waliigalaa kaa’e keessatti hin kaffalchiifne hunda Akka murtee mana
marichaatti adabamti.
6. Kaffaltii miseensummaa kaffalamuu dhabuu isaatiin Gumii Waliigalaatiin kan kufe
Gumiin Waliigalaa hanga liqaa kaffalutti miseensi adabbii hin kaffalle mirga sagalee kennuu
yookiin mirga biroo kamiyyuu dhiisuu ni danda’a.
Galmeessuu miseensa waldichaa Birrii 200.00 (dhibba lama) fi ji’a ji’aan
Buusii birrii 200.00 (dhibba lama) ta'a. (Namoota inshuraansii hin qabneef miseensummaa bilisaa
Ni ta'a)
8. Miseensota biyya alaaf galmeen walfakkaataa qaban 20.00 (digdamii) USD
Yookiin Gumaacha ji’aa maallaqa biyya jiraataatiin Doolaara Ameerikaa 10.00 (kudhan).
Yookiin biyya jiraattu keessatti kaffalta.
9.Akka miseensi tokko sababa gaarii malee baatii 3 oliif buusii ji'aa hin kaffalin jedhutti
Haal-duree tokkoon tokkoon ji’a harkifannaaf adabbii Birrii 100 kaffaluuf
Ni raawwatama. Sababaa kamiinuu ji'a jahaaf kaffaltii ji'a ji'aan kaffaluu hin dandeenye
Dambiin ittiin bulmaataa kun miseensa idilee miseensummaa irraa kaasuuf yaa’ichaan yoo
ragga’e Yaa’ii Waliigalaatiin kan murtaa’u ta’a .
Haala miseensummaa addaan kutuu
Miseensi waldichaa miseensummaa isaa ni addaan kuta
1. Yeroo inni / ishiin du’u, .
2. Yaa’iin Waliigalaa akkaataa Dambii Ittiin Bulmaataa yookiin sababa dirqisiisaa birootiin hojii
irraa ari’uuf yeroo murteesse;
3. Hojiilee kabajaa fi jiraachuu waldichaa irratti dhiibbaa geessisan ykn miidhu irratti hirmaachuu.
4. Hojiiwwan kaayyoo waldichaaf galma ga’uu qaban irratti sirnaan hirmaachuu yeroo didu, kunis
yaa’ii waliigalaatiin kan murteessudha.
5. Gumaacha waggaa tokkoof kaffaluu dhabuu.
6. Mirgi yookiin mirgi isaa mana murtii aangoo qabu keessatti miseensummaa irraa yeroo
fudhatamu yookiin yeroo kaafamu;
7. Waldicha keessaa hojii gadhiisuuf barreeffamaan gaafachuu ni dandeessu.
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Monitoring Evaluation Accountability And Learning Assistant Full Time NEW
International Rescue Committee
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world, providing relief, rehabilitation, and post-conflict reconstruction support to victims of
oppression and violent conflict. IRC has worked for over seven decades and today is involved in
over 25 conflict zones in the world.
The interested applicants can apply online through the official career page of IRC (International
Rescue Committee) before the closing date of application. For more information please read the
full article.
Quick Details about IRC
 Hiring Organization: International Rescue Committee
 Commonly Known as: IRC
 Formerly called: International Relief and Rescue Committee
 Founded: 1933
 Founder: Albert Einstein
 President: David Miliband
 Organization Type: Non-profit
 Organization Size: 500-1500 employees
 Headquarters: New York, New York, United States
 Official Website:
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Join us on Telegram ስራዎችን በቴሌግራም ለመከታተል ይህንን ይጫኑ
Stay in Touch & Follow us on our Social Media Platforms to Get Latest Updates for Latest
Opportunities. Facebook Page
The interested applicants can apply before the closing date of application. For more information
please read the full article.
NB: Whenever you are looking for job in Ethiopia, just remember We
hope that will help you find your dream job quickly and easily.
Recently the has published an employment notification in Addis Zemen regarding the currently
vacant post on various posts. Therefore, interested Ethiopia Govt job seekers must apply before
the closing date
IRC Ethiopia Job Notifications 2022
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) wants to recruit employees in the following vacant
positions the details of which are mentioned below.
Job Vacancy Summary
 Requisition ID: req30036
 Job Title: Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning Assistant
 Sector: Monitoring & Evaluation
 Employment Category: Fixed Term
 Employment Type: Full-Time
 Open to Expatriates: No
 Location: Jijiga, Ethiopia
 BA degree or Diploma/Level IV in social science and other relevant field of studies
 0-year work experience for BA Degree or 3 years work experience for Diploma/10+
IV holders
 Analyze and communicate data in a way that facilitates effective decision making
 Proactively engage with clients and community members, acting as a community liai
son focal point
 Driven and able to balance multiple tasks, commitments, and to work flexibly in a t
 Creativity, curiosity and passion, and the ability to develop and test new ways of wo
rking and solutions to problems
 Strong oral and written communications in local language and Amharic is required.
· Working experience with refugees and/or IDPs, and an understanding of the feedback
channels preferred by displaced people
· Experience in implementing feedback channels. These may include surveys, FGD, hot
lines, suggestions boxes, open feedback etc.
· Written and verbal communication in English is an added advantage.
· Experience for data collection and analyzation
· Passionate about humanitarian work and assistance!
Reporting line:
The MEAL Assistant will report to the MEAL Officer on issues related day to day activities. On
technical issues related to Client Responsiveness the candidate will be received technical support
by the CR Officer in Addis.

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Criteria of member.docx

  • 1. Miseensoota Idilee 1. Miseensoota hundeessitootaa fi miseensota akkaataa dambii ittiin bulmaataa kanaatiin yaa’ii waliigalaatiin raggaasifaman ni hammata. 2. Lammiin Itoophiyaa ulaagaalee armaan gadii guute kamiyyuu miseensa idilee ta’uu ni danda’a. A. Kaayyoo fi galma Dhabbattichatti kan amane fi Amante ; B. Umuriin isaa waggaa 18 ol ta’uu qaba C. Afaan Oromoo. Chaartara Chaartaraa fi Dambii Naamusaa Yaa’ii Waliigalaatiin ba’e ni raggaasisa, hojiirra ni oolcha. D. Kaffaltii fi gumaacha Yaa’ii Waliigalaa irratti waliigalame yeroo yeroon kaffaluu kan danda’u E. Mirga seeraa / ishii irraa hin mulqamin; 3. Jijjiiramni miseensotaa jiraachuu waldichaa irratti dhiibbaa hin qabu. 4. Galii fi qabeenyi waldichaa akkaataa kaffaltii tajaajila seeraatiin ala miseensotaa fi hojjattoota isaaf hin qoodamu. Mirgoota Miseensootaa 1. Miseensonni idilee hundi mirga walqixa qabu: 2. Miseensummaan mirga dhuunfaa dhaaltotaaf ykn nama biraatti dabarfamuu hin dandeenyedha. 3. Miseensa idilee waldichaa kamiyyuu ta’a A. Hojiiwwan milkaa’ina kaayyoo fi ergama waldichaaf faayidaa qaban kamiyyuu ni raawwatu; B. Filannoo, filannoo fi sochii waldichaa ilaalchisee odeeffannoo kamiyyuu argachuuf; C. Walgahii waliigalaa irratti hirmaachuu, hojii waldichaa irratti yaada kennuu fi sagalee kennuu, akkasumas D. Miseensummaa addaan kutuuf murtiin dhumaa osoo hin kennamin dura Koree Hojii Raawwachiiftuutiin dhaga’amuuf mirga qaba. E.Yeroo waldicha keessaa bahuu barbaadu waldicha keessaa bahuu qaba. F. Miseensi kamiyyuu eenyummaa seera qabeessa waldichaa argachuuf mirga qabaa;
  • 2. Dirqama Miseensootaa 1. Miseensi kamiyyuu kaffaltii miseensummaa yeroon kaffaluu qaba. 2. Miseensi tokko hojii gadhiisuu isaa dura liqaa barbaadamu kaffaluu qaba; 3. Miseensi kamiyyuu dambii ittiin bulmaataa waldichaa, qajeelfamaafi murtii yaa’ii waliigalaa ni eega; 4. Miseensi kamiyyuu kaayyoo fi dirqama waldichaa kabajuu, qabeenya waldichaa kunuunsuu fi tajaajila barbaachisu kennuu qaba. 5. Walgahii idilee fi ariifachiisaa Waldichaa irratti hirmaachuu qaba: 6. Bakka ani jiru hundatti, Waldicha bakka bu’ee, qaamaan; Miidiyaa idilee fi hawaasummaa irratti Tokko tokkoon saba; Haasaa jibbiinsaa amantii ykn kan biroo barreeffamaan ykn haasaa jibbiinsaa ibsuun cimsee dhorkaadha. Buusii miseensotaa fi kaffaltii biroo 1. Miseensa idilee waldichaa buusii ji’aa isaa yeroon kan hin kaffalle adabbii Haaluma walfakkaatuun ji’a ji’aan ji’a sadii walitti aansuun sababa sirrii tokko malee ni gatama Miseensi hin kaffalamiin kaffaltii miseensummaa akka kaffalu ni gorfama. 2. Bakka dhaabbata tola ooltummaa arjooma fi fooyya’iinsaa fi kaffaltii biroo itti godhu Yeroo fi hanga Gumii Waliigalaatiin kan murtaa’u ta’a; 3. Namoota yeroo Yaa’iin Waliigalaa kaa’e keessatti hin kaffalchiifne hunda Adabbiin akkaataa murtii Yaa’ichaatiin kan murtaa’u ta’a. 4. Kaffaltii miseensummaa kaffalamuu dhabuu isaatiin Gumii Waliigalaatiin kan kufe. Hanga miseensa adabbii hin kaffalleef liqaa kaffaltutti Hanga Yaa’ii Waliigalaa sagalee kennuu ykn mirga biroo kamiyyuu haquuf Danda'a: 5. Namoota yeroo Yaa’iin Waliigalaa kaa’e keessatti hin kaffalchiifne hunda Akka murtee mana marichaatti adabamti. 6. Kaffaltii miseensummaa kaffalamuu dhabuu isaatiin Gumii Waliigalaatiin kan kufe
  • 3. Gumiin Waliigalaa hanga liqaa kaffalutti miseensi adabbii hin kaffalle mirga sagalee kennuu yookiin mirga biroo kamiyyuu dhiisuu ni danda’a. Galmeessuu miseensa waldichaa Birrii 200.00 (dhibba lama) fi ji’a ji’aan Buusii birrii 200.00 (dhibba lama) ta'a. (Namoota inshuraansii hin qabneef miseensummaa bilisaa Ni ta'a) 8. Miseensota biyya alaaf galmeen walfakkaataa qaban 20.00 (digdamii) USD Yookiin Gumaacha ji’aa maallaqa biyya jiraataatiin Doolaara Ameerikaa 10.00 (kudhan). Yookiin biyya jiraattu keessatti kaffalta. 9.Akka miseensi tokko sababa gaarii malee baatii 3 oliif buusii ji'aa hin kaffalin jedhutti Haal-duree tokkoon tokkoon ji’a harkifannaaf adabbii Birrii 100 kaffaluuf Ni raawwatama. Sababaa kamiinuu ji'a jahaaf kaffaltii ji'a ji'aan kaffaluu hin dandeenye Dambiin ittiin bulmaataa kun miseensa idilee miseensummaa irraa kaasuuf yaa’ichaan yoo ragga’e Yaa’ii Waliigalaatiin kan murtaa’u ta’a . Haala miseensummaa addaan kutuu Miseensi waldichaa miseensummaa isaa ni addaan kuta 1. Yeroo inni / ishiin du’u, . 2. Yaa’iin Waliigalaa akkaataa Dambii Ittiin Bulmaataa yookiin sababa dirqisiisaa birootiin hojii irraa ari’uuf yeroo murteesse; 3. Hojiilee kabajaa fi jiraachuu waldichaa irratti dhiibbaa geessisan ykn miidhu irratti hirmaachuu. 4. Hojiiwwan kaayyoo waldichaaf galma ga’uu qaban irratti sirnaan hirmaachuu yeroo didu, kunis yaa’ii waliigalaatiin kan murteessudha. 5. Gumaacha waggaa tokkoof kaffaluu dhabuu. 6. Mirgi yookiin mirgi isaa mana murtii aangoo qabu keessatti miseensummaa irraa yeroo fudhatamu yookiin yeroo kaafamu; 7. Waldicha keessaa hojii gadhiisuuf barreeffamaan gaafachuu ni dandeessu. መመመመ መመመመ
  • 4. 1. መመመመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመ 2. መመመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመ/መመመመመ መመመመመ/መመ መመመመመመ/መ መመ መመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመ/መመመመመመመ መ. መመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመ መመመመመ/መመመመመመ መ. መመመመ/መ መ18 መመመ መመመ መመመ/መመ መ. መመመ መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመ-መመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመ/መመመመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመ/መመመመመመመ መ. መመመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመ/መመመመመ መ. መመመ መመመ/መ መመመመመመ/መመመመመመመመ 3. መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመ መመመመ መመመመመ 4. መመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመመ መ መመመመ 10 መመመመመ መመመ 1. መመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመ: 2. መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመ መመ መመመ መመ መመመመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመ 3. መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመ- መ. መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመመመመ መ. መመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መ. መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመ መ. መመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መ. መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመ መመመ መመመመመ መመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመ
  • 5. መ. መመመመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመ 11 መመመመመ መመመ 1. መመመመመ/መመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመመ/መመመመ መ 2. መመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመ/መ መመመ መመመመመመመመ/መመመመመመመመ መመ መመመመ መመመመመመ/መመመመመመ መ 3. መመመመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመ መመመ መመመመ መመመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመ መመመመ/መመመመመ 4. መመመመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመመ/መመመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመመመመ መመመመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ/መመመመመ 5. መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመ መመ መመመመመ መመመ መመመመ/መመመመ: 6. መመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመ መመመ መ መመመመመ መመመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመ መመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመመ 12 መመመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመመመ 1. መመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመ 2. መመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመ መመመ መመመመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመመመ መመመመመ መ 3. መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመመመ /መመመመመመ መመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመመመመ/መመመመመመመ 4. መመመመመመ መመመ መመመመመመ/መ መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመመመ/ መመመመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ/መ መመመ መመ መመመመ/መመመመ መመመመመመ/መመመመመመመ መመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመ መመመ መመመመ መመመመ:
  • 6. 5. መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመመመ/መመመመመመ መመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመመመመ/መመመመመመመመ 6. መመመመመመ መመመ መመመመመመ/መ መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመመመ /መመመመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ/መ መመመ መመ መመመመ/መመመመ መመመ መመመ/መመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመ መመመ መመመመ መመመመ:: 7. መመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመ መመመመመመመ 200.00 (መመመ መመ) መመ መመ መመመመ መመመ 200.00 (መመመ መመ) መመ መመመመመመመ (መመ መመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመ) 8. መመመ መመመ መመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመመ 20.00 (መመ) መመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመ 10.00 (መመመ) መመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመመ መመመመመመመ 9. መ3 መመመ መመመ መመ መመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመ መመመመ መመመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመ መመ 100 መመመመመመ መመመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመመመ መመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመ መመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ 13 መመመመመ መመመመመመመመመ መመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ/መ መመመመመመመ- 1. መመመ/መመመመመ 2. መመመመመመ መመመ መመ መመመመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመ መመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመመመመመ/መመመመመመመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመመመ 3. መመመመመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመ መመመመ/መ መመመመመ መመመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመ 4. መመመመመ መመመ መመመመ መመመመመ መመመመመመመመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመ/መመመመ መመመ/መመመመ መመ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመ 5. መመመመመ መመመመ መመመ መመመ መመ መመመመመመ/መ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመመመ/መ መመመመመ/መመመመመመመ
  • 7. 6. መመመመ መመመ መመመ መመ መመመመ/መመ መመመ መመመመ/መመ መመመመ/መመመመመ መመመ መመመመመመ መመመመ/መመመመመመ 7. መመመመመ መመመመመ መመመ/መ መመመ መመመመመ መመመመ መመመመ/መመመመመ መመመመመ Monitoring Evaluation Accountability And Learning Assistant Full Time NEW International Rescue Committee IRC Ethiopia Jobs 2022: (ዓለም አቀፍ የነፍስ አድን ኮሚቴ) invites qualified and experienced applicants for the various positions. IRC Ethiopia is invites job seekers for appointment. It’s a great opportunity to work under them. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is one of the largest humanitarian agencies in the world, providing relief, rehabilitation, and post-conflict reconstruction support to victims of oppression and violent conflict. IRC has worked for over seven decades and today is involved in over 25 conflict zones in the world. The interested applicants can apply online through the official career page of IRC (International Rescue Committee) before the closing date of application. For more information please read the full article. Quick Details about IRC  Hiring Organization: International Rescue Committee  Commonly Known as: IRC  Formerly called: International Relief and Rescue Committee  Founded: 1933  Founder: Albert Einstein  President: David Miliband  Organization Type: Non-profit  Organization Size: 500-1500 employees  Headquarters: New York, New York, United States  Official Website: Join Our Telegram if You not Joined it Already Join us on Telegram ስራዎችን በቴሌግራም ለመከታተል ይህንን ይጫኑ Stay in Touch & Follow us on our Social Media Platforms to Get Latest Updates for Latest Opportunities. Facebook Page The interested applicants can apply before the closing date of application. For more information please read the full article. NB: Whenever you are looking for job in Ethiopia, just remember We hope that will help you find your dream job quickly and easily. Recently the has published an employment notification in Addis Zemen regarding the currently vacant post on various posts. Therefore, interested Ethiopia Govt job seekers must apply before the closing date
  • 8. IRC Ethiopia Job Notifications 2022 The International Rescue Committee (IRC) wants to recruit employees in the following vacant positions the details of which are mentioned below. Job Vacancy Summary  Requisition ID: req30036  Job Title: Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning Assistant  Sector: Monitoring & Evaluation  Employment Category: Fixed Term  Employment Type: Full-Time  Open to Expatriates: No  Location: Jijiga, Ethiopia Qualifications  BA degree or Diploma/Level IV in social science and other relevant field of studies  0-year work experience for BA Degree or 3 years work experience for Diploma/10+ IV holders  Analyze and communicate data in a way that facilitates effective decision making  Proactively engage with clients and community members, acting as a community liai son focal point  Driven and able to balance multiple tasks, commitments, and to work flexibly in a t eam  Creativity, curiosity and passion, and the ability to develop and test new ways of wo rking and solutions to problems  Strong oral and written communications in local language and Amharic is required. Desirable: · Working experience with refugees and/or IDPs, and an understanding of the feedback channels preferred by displaced people · Experience in implementing feedback channels. These may include surveys, FGD, hot lines, suggestions boxes, open feedback etc. · Written and verbal communication in English is an added advantage. · Experience for data collection and analyzation · Passionate about humanitarian work and assistance! Reporting line: The MEAL Assistant will report to the MEAL Officer on issues related day to day activities. On technical issues related to Client Responsiveness the candidate will be received technical support by the CR Officer in Addis.