icf developmental disabilities icf-cy disability and health disability cif developmental pediatrics rehabilitation big data mhealth asd research autism fasd cerebral palsy evidence based practice canada classificação internacional de funcionalidade children first_international_symposium chronic health conditions behinderung patient-centered medical education health education collaborative practice transitional care ehealth international classification of functioning family engagement early intervention participatory action research family centered care covid-19 ndis health systems funcionalidade ethics iep healthcare saude publica feeding gesundheit education empowerment patient-driven data micf shared-decision making school children treatment centre down syndrome adhd special needs strategy province of ontario canchild canmeds frühförderung shared decision-makin arthritis pediatric rheumathology wordday thin markets child rights environmental factors communication team caregiver healthcare workers relationships families policy patient engagement crianças deficiência incapacidade participação ativa em pesquisa goal setting professional development m-health functionomics biopsychosocial service models functional approach guidelines knowledge translation psychometric assessment intelligence iq-test international competence by design developmental milestones transdisciplinary complex needs information technology crpd human rights children's rights ipcp ipe f-words bedarfsbestimmung familienzentriert gapio child development addiction gaming online learning tablet computer games video games pediatria determinantes sociais de saúde teaf teaching promotion patient-reported outcomes child life dual diagnosis social pediatrics fisioterapia reabilitação medicine etica capabilidade yetersizlikler etik educacao em saude tube feeding failure to thrive arfid ace adverse childhood experiences toxic stress sozialpädiatrie deutschland eacd2018 predictive healthcare ethik animal assisted therapy behavior learning who germany chile brazil south africa personalized medicine phzh bildung resilience bio-psycho-social model adolescence apps youth participation therapy youthkit transition academic education biomedical model biopsychosocial model special education system ontario mental health learning healthcare system kanada inklusion schule eltern wirksamkeit effektivität effizienz ebm core-sets needs
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