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Crusader Dean Allen
The Crusade

    Crusader Dean Allen

Copyright © 2012 All Rights Reserved

         The Crusade
        8 Rutledge Avenue
  Greenville, South Carolina 29617


 Crusader Dean Allen 843 597-7459
Table of Contents

                Copyright Notice - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pg. 2

                Table Of Contents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pg. 3

                Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pg. 4

                Freedom of Religion under Attack- - - - - - - -pg. 7

                Clergymen fear to Speak the Truth - - - - - - pg. 14

                What is Islam?- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pg. 20

                Call to Crusade - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pg. 27

All quotations from the Bible are the Authorized King James Version of

                          Books by Dean Allen:

                     The tea party strikes!
                   ISBN 978-1-4276-9500-0
                          Available at:
      There have been millions of religious tracts written and
distributed which are targeted to unbelievers. They were written
for those outside the church as recruiting material. In many
cases religious tracts have been written to suggest, explain, ex-
pound upon, or convert folks to, some point of doctrine or have
them join a specific religious denomination.
      This booklet is not written for those outside the churches.
Evangelism is important but this booklet is not about evangel-
ism, it is about the need for another Crusade. This booklet is
written to, and for, people inside the churches. It is not written
to members of one sect, denomination, or even exclusively to
Christians. This call for Crusade is ecumenical in nature and
must encompass Protestant, Catholic and Jew.
      The word Crusade has been used frequently to describe a
ministry that traveled from place to place preaching the Bible.
Until it became politically incorrect to use the word Crusade
most such Crusades were basically ministries devoted to evan-
gelism, to spreading the Gospel to the unbeliever or persuading
the backslider to repent and get right with God.
This booklet is a call to a real Crusade. Starting in 1096 AD, Pope
Urban II called upon European Christians to raise armies, march to the
Levant, and free the Holy Land from the Moslem invaders. These were
literally Knights in shining armor defending Christian pilgrims trekking
to Jerusalem.

      Once again our Judeo-Christian civilization is threatened by the
forces of evil. Right now today some of those forces of evil are Mos-
lems just as they were in the Middle Ages. Other assaults come from
atheists, the ACLU and politically correct forces on the far left. I do not
expect you to put on a coat of mail, cover it with the tunic of a Knight
Templar, mount a steed and literally take up a broadsword. I do want
you to Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand
against the wiles of the Devil. [Ephesians 6:10] Then get prepared to
confront and defeat the forces of evil threatening our nation.

      This Crusade is not to be won by Gideon the coward hiding be-
side a wine press but by Gideon leading a victorious army of God. This
booklet is not written to Jonah hiding in the belly of the fish, but to Jo-
nah on the way to Nineveh to confront evil in high places in obedience
to God.
Both Islam and so called political correctness are evil and
of the Devil. They are destroying the nation I love and have
fought for.

     Now is the time to take the fight to the enemy. This is our
country and we are going to take it back. America was founded
upon Judeo-Christian principles and guarantees of free exercise
of religion. A lot of good men lost their lives over the last 237
years to give you a country where you can worship God accord-
ing to the dictates of your conscience.

     Unless you take up the Crusade today and stand up to the
forces of darkness YOU will leave your children as the first
generation of Americans who are not free to practice the relig-
ion of their fathers. Now is the time for action!
Freedom of religion
             is under attack!
      Those on the political left have a number of biases against
the traditional culture and values that have made America great.
A major portion of our American exceptionalism stems from
the fact this nation was founded largely by and for moral and
religious people.

      Our Judeo-Christian values have been under attack for
forty five years by those on the far left because leftists under-
stand they cannot bring about a fundamental restructuring of
America along secular humanist lines unless they are able to
first undermine, then eliminate, our moral underpinnings.

     The political left cannot directly attack organized religion
or the Church as an institution. Religion is a fundamental part
of American life and a direct assault would be rightly seen as an
assault on what has made America great and kept her free. To
restructure American society and radically change American
culture, it is necessary for those who attack us to undermine and
subvert the Church from within.
A frontal assault on Christianity and Judaism would ex-
pose the leftists goals and produce a backlash. The attack has to
be very subtle and has been of a very long duration. First they
established people’s rights to do things that were usually con-
demned or prohibited by religious beliefs. People gained rights
to abort unwanted children, openly flaunt homosexuality, en-
gage in promiscuous activities, disrespect authority and take
drugs among other things.

      Another prong of this attack was to have the government
usurp the role of religion in society and supplant faith based
ministries with government programs. Let the government feed
the hungry, clothe the naked, take care of widows and orphans
and care for our sick and elderly. The government became, in
effect, our church if not actually our God. The result, and the
actual goal, has been to weaken the role of individuals, fami-
lies, charities and Churches in our society as we become more
dependent upon government programs and bureaucrats.

     What has been the number one method used by those who
want to undermine religion in America? It has been the use of
our federal tax laws to intimidate and silence any clergyman or
ministry upholding traditional moral values.
You may not talk about, much less teach, anything not po-
litically correct - traditional values and moral absolutes - lest
you run the risk of having your tax exemption threatened.

     The attacks on the free exercise of religion in this nation
have not been confined to the inside of a church with stained
glass windows. The free exercise of religion in the public arena
by both Christians and Jews has also been under continuous as-
sault. We have been fed the absurd line that a simple non-
sectarian prayer in a public place is offensive to some people.
Even more astounding is the conclusion that not offending that
small minority is more important than offending millions of
Americans by telling them they cannot pray in public places.

      It is not just public prayer that has been banned before the
altar of political correctness. Virtually every traditional exercise
of religion in public continues to be under attack. Many stores
no longer advertise Christmas sales preferring to use the more
generic and less religious Holiday Sale as an equivalent. They
instruct employees to greet customers with happy holidays
rather than Merry Christmas.
Recently an atheist wrote Dear Abby to complain he was of-
fended because someone told him to have a blessed day. I don’t
remember her reply but my advice to him is three words: get
over it!

     The public display of the Ten Commandments has been
banned all over America including in many public courthouses.
This is in spite of the fact religious symbolism adorns our Su-
preme Court building and our nation’s capitol.

     Christians are told they may not erect Nativity scenes in
public places. Our Jewish brethren are similarly prohibited
from displaying the menorah or the Star of David. The cross
has even been banned from veterans cemeteries. Where is the
outrage over these overt assaults on our traditions and our cul-
ture? What religious leaders have marched in the streets or even
spoken from the pulpit about these outrages?

     Why don’t Christians band together and sue the ACLU?
     The Church in America has been conspicuously silent as
atheists, socialists, communists, homosexuals, feminists, the
ACLU and other assorted leftists have assaulted the American
way of life, particularly our free exercise of religion.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. The small minority on
the far left is not just radical, they are also very organized and
well funded.

     Christians in particular are commanded to pray without
ceasing [I Thessalonians 5:17] and the Bible does not make any
exception for football games, public schools, court appearances
or commencement exercises. Where are the Christian clergy-
men who are standing up to the ACLU and secular authorities?
Where is the Priest, Rabbi or Preacher who says - loudly and in
public - the First Amendment to the constitution gives me and
my parishioners the absolute right to the free exercise of our re-
ligious convictions? Where is the minister who says God gave
me the right to worship and the constitution protects that right?
There is no constitutional right not to be offended; there is a
constitutional right to the free exercise of religion.

      The clergy now fear to state the truth because the IRS
might take away their tax exempt status and the ACLU might
file a lawsuit against them.

     The number one reason the leftists vigorously oppose al-
ternatives to a government monopoly control of education is
because they have been so successful in kicking God out of the
public schools;
banning not just prayer but every semblance of religion.
Are they going to allow students to be fed religion by
homeschoolers or private schools? Not if it can be helped! The
second reason is public teachers, like other heavily unionized
employees, seek a monopoly and cannot stand to have any free
market alternatives that outperform them when measured by
objective testing.

     The Christian occasionally asks “What would Jesus do?”
Perhaps we should look at what Jesus did. We read in Matthew,
chapter 21 and verse 12, And Jesus went into the temple of God,
and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and
overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of
them that sold doves...

     This was judgment on the money changers. This was right-
eous anger. This was the action of a man who did not care if he
offended wrongdoers. He cleansed the temple of God and drove
out the wicked.

     Neither did Jesus mince any words, he said they had
turned a house of prayer into a den of thieves.
     If a church is an impressive brick building adorned with
artwork and symbols, then there were always plenty of
churches in Russia even during the darkest days of Stalin.
Today we have in America the form of religion but not its
substance. We pay lip service to religious liberty but proscribe
free exercise if it offends even the slightest minority on the
fringes of our culture.

     The constitution of the Soviet Union guaranteed freedom
of religion in Russia. The reality was, of course, far different.
Today, in America, we have all sort of rights... provided we do
not actually go out in public and exercise any of those rights.

     Jesus prayed in public. Jesus did not worry about his tax
exempt status. Jesus taught us to make a clear difference be-
tween God and Caesar, in effect teaching separation of church
and state. Jesus said: Render unto Caesar the things which are
Caesar’s and to God the things that are Gods. [Matthew 22:21]

    And, yes, when it was justified, Jesus could be very judg-
mental! [Matthew 21:12]

     Our founding fathers clearly did not intend for there to
ever be any government sanctioned religion in America. They
specifically protected the free exercise of religious beliefs and
certainly did not intend any governmental hostility toward re-
Clergymen fear to speak
       the truth in church!
     The American revolution did not begin in political gather-
ings or on a battlefield. The revolution was first a necessary
ideal in the minds of some very influential men. That relatively
small group of British colonists became convinced the Crown
was subverting basic rights guaranteed to them by God himself.

     These were not brash men given to hot headed ideals, nor
were they quick to follow a trend. They did not cater to the
whims of public opinion. These men, whom the founding fa-
thers would come to call the Black Robed Regiment, were
among the most sober, careful and conservative members of so-
ciety. The conclusions they reached were found only after much
prayer, introspection, soul searching and careful reading of the

     Once the revolution was seen as necessary and even inevi-
table if they were to preserve the rights given to them by God;
these men preached the revolution into existence from the pul-
pits of America’s churches. The Black Robed Regiment was an
appellation ascribed to our clergy even
though few of them carried a gun or wore any uniform more
distinct than a clerical collar and vestments.

      To preach revolution against King George III they risked
far more than the loss of tax exempt status. The criminal pen-
alty for treason at the time was to be hanged, drawn and quar-
tered. Being drawn and quartered entailed having four strong
draft horses hitched to your body, one for each of your arms and
legs. The horses were then driven in four different directions
until you were actually pulled into four separate pieces. During
our revolution British Lt. Col. Banastre Tarleton reputedly
burned several churches in South Carolina. You may recall this
depicted in Mel Gibson’s movie The Patriot which is generally

      Clergymen, by and large, have retreated from the front
lines of the battle between good and evil. Many of them know
what is at stake but lack the necessary courage to speak out.
When I was on the battlefield in Vietnam I learned it took more
than just wearing the right uniform to win. You had to have the
courage to do your duty even when doing that duty placed your
life at risk. Leadership required another sort of courage. I had to
be willing to order others into places where I put their lives at
risk as well.
Clergymen across America have slinked from the field of
battle in the war between good and evil. It is easy to hide from
the hard battles and just talk about salvation or celebration of
Passover. Hide inside your churches and synagogues. Do not
confront immorality in government and especially in govern-
ment policies. My goodness, that’s politics and we are not go-
ing to get our hands dirty in that. Hide from the battle over the
ability of believers to actually have the worship of God re-
flected in all that they do. Sing loud and make your altar calls.
Invite the faithful to become secret Christians who only wor-
ship God and profess the faith inside the church.

      Our clergy has no problem reciting John 3: 16 to recruit
secret Christians who will then hide inside the churches. They
fear to also preach Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against
flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiri-
tual wickedness in high places.” To preach against spiritual
wickedness in high places is to risk losing your tax exempt

      Every coward has an excuse not to fight. In the case of
Christian clergy, that excuse is usually some passage of scrip-
ture taken out of context.
A favorite is the thirteenth chapter of Paul’s letter to the
Romans. In the first verse of chapter thirteen, Paul writes “Let
every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no
power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”

    Our clergy then make the false assertion the federal gov-
ernment of the United States is indeed such a “higher” power.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

      Thomas Jefferson, writing in the Declaration of Inde-
pendence, explained “All men are created equal and they are
endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights...” This is the
heart and soul of American exceptionalism. This made Amer-
ica, and our revolution of 1776, completely different from every
other revolution in the written history of the world. It also made
our nation completely different from every other nation which
had been founded up to that time.

     Our founding fathers understood, as Jefferson so elo-
quently explained, our rights do not come from the King, the
congress, or the courts. Our rights are not from the government
or any of its parts or officials. Instead, our rights - all of them -
come from our Creator. That is from the Creator of the uni-
verse. God created man.
The Creator rules over the creature. Our rights come from
God and our duties and responsibilities flow back only to God.

    We the people created the states to serve our purposes. We
gave our creation some of the rights we received from God.

     The representatives of our creation, the states, proposed in
our constitutional convention that another level of government
be created to serve the states - the federal government. The rep-
resentatives of the people, in state assemblies, created the fed-
eral government by conditionally ratifying the U.S. constitu-
tion. The condition was the adoption of ten amendments, our
Bill of Rights, designed to make sure we retained certain rights
endowed by our Creator.

     The Creator rules over the creature he has created. God
rules over men. Men, at least in America, rule over the state
governments they created. Those state governments, in turn,
rule over the federal government they created.

     I have no problem with the word of God saying “Let every
soul be subject to the higher powers.” [Romans 13:1]. God is
the only higher power over man. We have no King but Jesus.
Man is the higher power over the state governments.
The states are the higher powers over the federal govern-
ment of the United States.

     Clearly, the federal government is the servant of my ser-
vant and I am the higher power appointed over both the state
and federal governments by God almighty!


                Your freedom depends upon it.
What is Islam?
     Islam is an Arabic word meaning submission. One be-
comes a Moslem by publicly and sincerely reciting the Kalama
- “There is no god but Allah, Mohammed is the messenger of
Allah.” Allah did not suddenly reveal himself when the so
called prophet Mohammed founded Islam in 610 A.D. The pa-
gan religion of the pre-Islamic Arabs worshipped a pantheon of
360 different gods. The moon deity Allah was the most impor-
tant of these.

     According to Mohammed, the angel Gabriel dictated the
Qur’an [Koran] to him in a cave and the holy Qur’an is the re-
vealed word of the god Allah. The Arabic name Abdullah
means slave of Allah and this was the name of the father of the
prophet Mohammed. Moslems believe the teachings of the
Qur’an just as Christians and Jews follow the Bible.

     Islam is not a religion of peace and the prophet Moham-
med was completely unlike any other religious leader. Moham-
med, a poor orphan raised in poverty by his grandparents, mar-
ried his first wife, Khadija bint Khuwailid, who was twice his
age and had been divorced four times, because she was very
Mohammed lived to inherit her money, then founded Is-
lam. He later married a total of 21 other wives although he
never had more that 11 wives at any one time.

     Mohammed’s second wife Aisha was his favorite. Aisha
was six years old when the fifty three year old Mohammed
married her and she was nine years old when he consummated
the marriage.

      Mohammed had one Christian wife, Mary, who was the
gift of the Governor of Alexandria [Egypt] and she converted to
Islam. Mary was his seventeenth wife. His nineteenth wife,
Rayhana, was a Jewess whom he enslaved. Mohammed offered
to marry her if she would convert to Islam and she refused. He
later freed her and married her anyway. He bought one of his
wives from one of his generals who had taken her as spoils of
war. He also took several of his wives after he killed their hus-
bands and fathers in battle. The Qur’an allows Moslem men to
have up to four wives, except for Mohammed, who could have
as many wives as he pleased.

    Perhaps the best source of information about Islam is the
Qur’an which is divided into chapters known as Suras, each of
which are numbered, as are the verses within them.
“Your Lord inspired the angels with the message: ‘I will terror-
ize the unbelievers.’ Therefore smite them on their necks and
every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut
off each of their fingers and toes.”
                                                Qur’an Sura 8:12
     Therefore when you meet the unbelievers [in fight], smite
at their neck
at length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond
firmly [on them]; [thereafter it is time for] either generosity or
                                                Qur’an Sura 47:4

Believers, do not make friends with those who have incurred the
wrath of Allah.
                                            Qur’an Sura 60:13

Never be a helper to the disbelievers.
                                              Qur’an Sura 28:86

      Islamic scholars also wrote commentaries on the teach-
ings of Mohammed known as hadiths and these are also consid-
ered important doctrines of Islam. One of these was written by
Mohammed’s early biographer Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Yasar
Khiyar and is usually just cited as Ishaq.
Abdallah bin Sa’d fled to Uthman, his brother, who after hiding
him, finally surrendered him to the Prophet. Uthman asked for
clemency. Muhammad did not respond, remaining silent for a
long time. Muhammad explained, ‘By Allah I kept silent so that
one of you might go up to him and cut off his head.’ ”
                                                Tabari VIII: 179

“Thereupon Mas’ud lept upon Sunayna, one of the Jewish mer-
chants with whom his family had social and commercial rela-
tions and killed him. The Muslim’s brother complained, saying,
“Why did you kill him? You have much fat in your belly from
his charity.’ Mas’ud answered, ‘By Allah, had Muhammad or-
dered me to murder you, my brother, I would have cut off your
head.’ Wherein the brother said, ‘Any religion that can bring
you to this is indeed wonderful!’ And he accepted Islam.”
                                                      Ishaq: 369

“I cut off Abu Jahl’s head and brought it to the messenger. ‘O
Allahs Prophet, this is the head of the enemy of Allah.’ Muham-
mad said, ‘Praise be to Allah.’ ”
                                         Ishaq: 304/Tabari VII:62

    Another author of hadiths was Muhammad ibn Jarir ai-
Tabari, usually cited simply as Tabari,
who took seven years between 896 A.D. and 903 A.D., to write
his monumental 3,000 page The Commentary on the Qur’an.

     “The Messenger of Allah commanded that all of the Jew-
ish men and boys who had reached puberty should be be-
headed. Then the Prophet divided the wealth, wives, and chil-
dren of the Banu Qurayza Jews among the Muslims.”
                                              Tabari VIII:38

“The Messenger commanded that furrows should be dug in the
ground for the Qurayza. Then he sat down. Ali and Zubayr be-
gan cutting off their heads in his presence.”
                                               Tabari VIII:40

“The Prophet gave orders concerning Kinanah to Zubayr, say-
ing, ‘Torture him until you root out and extract what he has.’ So
Zubayr kindled a fire on Kinanah’s chest, twirling it with his
firestick until Kinanah was near death. Then the Messenger
gave him to Maslamah, who beheaded him.”
                                     Tabari VIII:122 / Ishaq:515
Islam is a religion, if it may be called such, founded by a
murderer, rapist, war-criminal, pedophile and polygamist who
tortured his enemies. Such conduct is a fundamental tenet of Is-
lam. Moslems are commanded to engage in jihad or holy war
and to strike off the heads of the kafirs. Kafir is an Arabic word
generally translated disbeliever and was applied by the Arabs
initially to the black population of Africa.

      Portuguese slave traders dealing with Islamic Arabs in the
16th century assumed the name kaffir was a description of the
black race and adopted the word. Kaffir entered the lexicon,
first of the Portuguese then to the Dutch and finally the English.

     In more recent times it has been considered highly offen-
sive in South Africa being comparable to the English word nig-

     If the only problem with Islam was its adherents thinking
of unbelievers as niggers we could simply ignore them. How-
ever Islam is far more sinister and dangerous.

     Leftists promote the lie there are a vast number of moder-
ate Moslems and only a small number of terrorists embrace a
more radical version of Islam that preaches jihad.
The reality is very different. Jihad is a fundamental tenet
of Islam. No Moslem anywhere in the world is willing to edit
jihad out of the Qur’an any more than a Christian would edit
John 3:16 from the Bible. That does not make any portion of Is-
lam, or any of its adherents, moderate in any sense of the word.

      Islam is hell bent on conquest of the whole world at the
point of a sword. The Moslem in your neighborhood is not go-
ing to sit down over fried chicken and invite you to go to
church with him. He has been taught from birth to ritually slit
your throat and the throats of all kafirs like you. Those of us
whom he kills in jihad will be his slaves in the afterlife while he
drinks from rivers of wine and enjoys the pleasure of 72 vir-

     I am sorry, Islam is not a religion and there is not any
moderate version of it. During WW II Hitler’s Mein Kampf was
translated into Arabic as My Jihad and the
Arabs sided with the Nazis. The Grand
Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Mohammed Ef-
fendi Amin el-Husseini even raised a
Moslem SS Division for the German Army
and also met personally with Hitler.
Join the Crusade!
     The Bible says Christians are to be the salt of the earth
[Matthew 5:13] and the light of the world [John 8:12, Matthew
5:14.] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the dark-
ness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
[Ephesians 6:12] Now is the time to take the Crusade out of the
churches and into the streets and into every venue where
American culture is debated and formed. Jesus said [Luke
19:13] “...occupy till I come.”

     Now is the time to become a Crusader for religious free-
dom in America, the actual right to freely exercise your reli-
gious beliefs:

•   Place this booklet in the hands of all your Christian and Jew-
    ish friends.
•   Publicly protest the imposition of sharia (Islamic) law in
•   Write, call or visit each of your elected officials.
•   Invite Crusader Dean Allen to speak to your Church, Syna-
    gogue, or Ministry.
•   Call radio talk shows and express your support for The Cru-
•   Place video on You Tube of your local Crusader activities.
•   Wear the Crusader’s cross to show your solidarity with The
•   Financially support this Crusade to the degree you are able.
Crusader Dean Allen

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The Crusade

  • 1. The Crusade! By Crusader Dean Allen
  • 2. The Crusade By Crusader Dean Allen Copyright © 2012 All Rights Reserved The Crusade 8 Rutledge Avenue Greenville, South Carolina 29617 USA Crusader Dean Allen 843 597-7459
  • 3. Table of Contents Copyright Notice - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pg. 2 Table Of Contents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pg. 3 Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pg. 4 Freedom of Religion under Attack- - - - - - - -pg. 7 Clergymen fear to Speak the Truth - - - - - - pg. 14 What is Islam?- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pg. 20 Call to Crusade - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pg. 27 All quotations from the Bible are the Authorized King James Version of 1611. Books by Dean Allen: RATTLESNAKE REVOLUTION: The tea party strikes! ISBN 978-1-4276-9500-0 Available at:
  • 4. Introduction There have been millions of religious tracts written and distributed which are targeted to unbelievers. They were written for those outside the church as recruiting material. In many cases religious tracts have been written to suggest, explain, ex- pound upon, or convert folks to, some point of doctrine or have them join a specific religious denomination. This booklet is not written for those outside the churches. Evangelism is important but this booklet is not about evangel- ism, it is about the need for another Crusade. This booklet is written to, and for, people inside the churches. It is not written to members of one sect, denomination, or even exclusively to Christians. This call for Crusade is ecumenical in nature and must encompass Protestant, Catholic and Jew. The word Crusade has been used frequently to describe a ministry that traveled from place to place preaching the Bible. Until it became politically incorrect to use the word Crusade most such Crusades were basically ministries devoted to evan- gelism, to spreading the Gospel to the unbeliever or persuading the backslider to repent and get right with God.
  • 5. This booklet is a call to a real Crusade. Starting in 1096 AD, Pope Urban II called upon European Christians to raise armies, march to the Levant, and free the Holy Land from the Moslem invaders. These were literally Knights in shining armor defending Christian pilgrims trekking to Jerusalem. Once again our Judeo-Christian civilization is threatened by the forces of evil. Right now today some of those forces of evil are Mos- lems just as they were in the Middle Ages. Other assaults come from atheists, the ACLU and politically correct forces on the far left. I do not expect you to put on a coat of mail, cover it with the tunic of a Knight Templar, mount a steed and literally take up a broadsword. I do want you to Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil. [Ephesians 6:10] Then get prepared to confront and defeat the forces of evil threatening our nation. This Crusade is not to be won by Gideon the coward hiding be- side a wine press but by Gideon leading a victorious army of God. This booklet is not written to Jonah hiding in the belly of the fish, but to Jo- nah on the way to Nineveh to confront evil in high places in obedience to God.
  • 6. Both Islam and so called political correctness are evil and of the Devil. They are destroying the nation I love and have fought for. Now is the time to take the fight to the enemy. This is our country and we are going to take it back. America was founded upon Judeo-Christian principles and guarantees of free exercise of religion. A lot of good men lost their lives over the last 237 years to give you a country where you can worship God accord- ing to the dictates of your conscience. Unless you take up the Crusade today and stand up to the forces of darkness YOU will leave your children as the first generation of Americans who are not free to practice the relig- ion of their fathers. Now is the time for action!
  • 7. Freedom of religion is under attack! Those on the political left have a number of biases against the traditional culture and values that have made America great. A major portion of our American exceptionalism stems from the fact this nation was founded largely by and for moral and religious people. Our Judeo-Christian values have been under attack for forty five years by those on the far left because leftists under- stand they cannot bring about a fundamental restructuring of America along secular humanist lines unless they are able to first undermine, then eliminate, our moral underpinnings. The political left cannot directly attack organized religion or the Church as an institution. Religion is a fundamental part of American life and a direct assault would be rightly seen as an assault on what has made America great and kept her free. To restructure American society and radically change American culture, it is necessary for those who attack us to undermine and subvert the Church from within.
  • 8. A frontal assault on Christianity and Judaism would ex- pose the leftists goals and produce a backlash. The attack has to be very subtle and has been of a very long duration. First they established people’s rights to do things that were usually con- demned or prohibited by religious beliefs. People gained rights to abort unwanted children, openly flaunt homosexuality, en- gage in promiscuous activities, disrespect authority and take drugs among other things. Another prong of this attack was to have the government usurp the role of religion in society and supplant faith based ministries with government programs. Let the government feed the hungry, clothe the naked, take care of widows and orphans and care for our sick and elderly. The government became, in effect, our church if not actually our God. The result, and the actual goal, has been to weaken the role of individuals, fami- lies, charities and Churches in our society as we become more dependent upon government programs and bureaucrats. What has been the number one method used by those who want to undermine religion in America? It has been the use of our federal tax laws to intimidate and silence any clergyman or ministry upholding traditional moral values.
  • 9. You may not talk about, much less teach, anything not po- litically correct - traditional values and moral absolutes - lest you run the risk of having your tax exemption threatened. The attacks on the free exercise of religion in this nation have not been confined to the inside of a church with stained glass windows. The free exercise of religion in the public arena by both Christians and Jews has also been under continuous as- sault. We have been fed the absurd line that a simple non- sectarian prayer in a public place is offensive to some people. Even more astounding is the conclusion that not offending that small minority is more important than offending millions of Americans by telling them they cannot pray in public places. It is not just public prayer that has been banned before the altar of political correctness. Virtually every traditional exercise of religion in public continues to be under attack. Many stores no longer advertise Christmas sales preferring to use the more generic and less religious Holiday Sale as an equivalent. They instruct employees to greet customers with happy holidays rather than Merry Christmas.
  • 10. Recently an atheist wrote Dear Abby to complain he was of- fended because someone told him to have a blessed day. I don’t remember her reply but my advice to him is three words: get over it! The public display of the Ten Commandments has been banned all over America including in many public courthouses. This is in spite of the fact religious symbolism adorns our Su- preme Court building and our nation’s capitol. Christians are told they may not erect Nativity scenes in public places. Our Jewish brethren are similarly prohibited from displaying the menorah or the Star of David. The cross has even been banned from veterans cemeteries. Where is the outrage over these overt assaults on our traditions and our cul- ture? What religious leaders have marched in the streets or even spoken from the pulpit about these outrages? Why don’t Christians band together and sue the ACLU? The Church in America has been conspicuously silent as atheists, socialists, communists, homosexuals, feminists, the ACLU and other assorted leftists have assaulted the American way of life, particularly our free exercise of religion.
  • 11. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. The small minority on the far left is not just radical, they are also very organized and well funded. Christians in particular are commanded to pray without ceasing [I Thessalonians 5:17] and the Bible does not make any exception for football games, public schools, court appearances or commencement exercises. Where are the Christian clergy- men who are standing up to the ACLU and secular authorities? Where is the Priest, Rabbi or Preacher who says - loudly and in public - the First Amendment to the constitution gives me and my parishioners the absolute right to the free exercise of our re- ligious convictions? Where is the minister who says God gave me the right to worship and the constitution protects that right? There is no constitutional right not to be offended; there is a constitutional right to the free exercise of religion. The clergy now fear to state the truth because the IRS might take away their tax exempt status and the ACLU might file a lawsuit against them. The number one reason the leftists vigorously oppose al- ternatives to a government monopoly control of education is because they have been so successful in kicking God out of the public schools;
  • 12. banning not just prayer but every semblance of religion. Are they going to allow students to be fed religion by homeschoolers or private schools? Not if it can be helped! The second reason is public teachers, like other heavily unionized employees, seek a monopoly and cannot stand to have any free market alternatives that outperform them when measured by objective testing. The Christian occasionally asks “What would Jesus do?” Perhaps we should look at what Jesus did. We read in Matthew, chapter 21 and verse 12, And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves... This was judgment on the money changers. This was right- eous anger. This was the action of a man who did not care if he offended wrongdoers. He cleansed the temple of God and drove out the wicked. Neither did Jesus mince any words, he said they had turned a house of prayer into a den of thieves. If a church is an impressive brick building adorned with artwork and symbols, then there were always plenty of churches in Russia even during the darkest days of Stalin.
  • 13. Today we have in America the form of religion but not its substance. We pay lip service to religious liberty but proscribe free exercise if it offends even the slightest minority on the fringes of our culture. The constitution of the Soviet Union guaranteed freedom of religion in Russia. The reality was, of course, far different. Today, in America, we have all sort of rights... provided we do not actually go out in public and exercise any of those rights. Jesus prayed in public. Jesus did not worry about his tax exempt status. Jesus taught us to make a clear difference be- tween God and Caesar, in effect teaching separation of church and state. Jesus said: Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s and to God the things that are Gods. [Matthew 22:21] And, yes, when it was justified, Jesus could be very judg- mental! [Matthew 21:12] Our founding fathers clearly did not intend for there to ever be any government sanctioned religion in America. They specifically protected the free exercise of religious beliefs and certainly did not intend any governmental hostility toward re- ligion.
  • 14. Clergymen fear to speak the truth in church! The American revolution did not begin in political gather- ings or on a battlefield. The revolution was first a necessary ideal in the minds of some very influential men. That relatively small group of British colonists became convinced the Crown was subverting basic rights guaranteed to them by God himself. These were not brash men given to hot headed ideals, nor were they quick to follow a trend. They did not cater to the whims of public opinion. These men, whom the founding fa- thers would come to call the Black Robed Regiment, were among the most sober, careful and conservative members of so- ciety. The conclusions they reached were found only after much prayer, introspection, soul searching and careful reading of the scriptures. Once the revolution was seen as necessary and even inevi- table if they were to preserve the rights given to them by God; these men preached the revolution into existence from the pul- pits of America’s churches. The Black Robed Regiment was an appellation ascribed to our clergy even
  • 15. though few of them carried a gun or wore any uniform more distinct than a clerical collar and vestments. To preach revolution against King George III they risked far more than the loss of tax exempt status. The criminal pen- alty for treason at the time was to be hanged, drawn and quar- tered. Being drawn and quartered entailed having four strong draft horses hitched to your body, one for each of your arms and legs. The horses were then driven in four different directions until you were actually pulled into four separate pieces. During our revolution British Lt. Col. Banastre Tarleton reputedly burned several churches in South Carolina. You may recall this depicted in Mel Gibson’s movie The Patriot which is generally historical. Clergymen, by and large, have retreated from the front lines of the battle between good and evil. Many of them know what is at stake but lack the necessary courage to speak out. When I was on the battlefield in Vietnam I learned it took more than just wearing the right uniform to win. You had to have the courage to do your duty even when doing that duty placed your life at risk. Leadership required another sort of courage. I had to be willing to order others into places where I put their lives at risk as well.
  • 16. Clergymen across America have slinked from the field of battle in the war between good and evil. It is easy to hide from the hard battles and just talk about salvation or celebration of Passover. Hide inside your churches and synagogues. Do not confront immorality in government and especially in govern- ment policies. My goodness, that’s politics and we are not go- ing to get our hands dirty in that. Hide from the battle over the ability of believers to actually have the worship of God re- flected in all that they do. Sing loud and make your altar calls. Invite the faithful to become secret Christians who only wor- ship God and profess the faith inside the church. Our clergy has no problem reciting John 3: 16 to recruit secret Christians who will then hide inside the churches. They fear to also preach Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiri- tual wickedness in high places.” To preach against spiritual wickedness in high places is to risk losing your tax exempt status. Every coward has an excuse not to fight. In the case of Christian clergy, that excuse is usually some passage of scrip- ture taken out of context.
  • 17. A favorite is the thirteenth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans. In the first verse of chapter thirteen, Paul writes “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” Our clergy then make the false assertion the federal gov- ernment of the United States is indeed such a “higher” power. Nothing could be further from the truth. Thomas Jefferson, writing in the Declaration of Inde- pendence, explained “All men are created equal and they are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights...” This is the heart and soul of American exceptionalism. This made Amer- ica, and our revolution of 1776, completely different from every other revolution in the written history of the world. It also made our nation completely different from every other nation which had been founded up to that time. Our founding fathers understood, as Jefferson so elo- quently explained, our rights do not come from the King, the congress, or the courts. Our rights are not from the government or any of its parts or officials. Instead, our rights - all of them - come from our Creator. That is from the Creator of the uni- verse. God created man.
  • 18. The Creator rules over the creature. Our rights come from God and our duties and responsibilities flow back only to God. We the people created the states to serve our purposes. We gave our creation some of the rights we received from God. The representatives of our creation, the states, proposed in our constitutional convention that another level of government be created to serve the states - the federal government. The rep- resentatives of the people, in state assemblies, created the fed- eral government by conditionally ratifying the U.S. constitu- tion. The condition was the adoption of ten amendments, our Bill of Rights, designed to make sure we retained certain rights endowed by our Creator. The Creator rules over the creature he has created. God rules over men. Men, at least in America, rule over the state governments they created. Those state governments, in turn, rule over the federal government they created. I have no problem with the word of God saying “Let every soul be subject to the higher powers.” [Romans 13:1]. God is the only higher power over man. We have no King but Jesus. Man is the higher power over the state governments.
  • 19. The states are the higher powers over the federal govern- ment of the United States. Clearly, the federal government is the servant of my ser- vant and I am the higher power appointed over both the state and federal governments by God almighty! Crusade! Your freedom depends upon it.
  • 20. What is Islam? Islam is an Arabic word meaning submission. One be- comes a Moslem by publicly and sincerely reciting the Kalama - “There is no god but Allah, Mohammed is the messenger of Allah.” Allah did not suddenly reveal himself when the so called prophet Mohammed founded Islam in 610 A.D. The pa- gan religion of the pre-Islamic Arabs worshipped a pantheon of 360 different gods. The moon deity Allah was the most impor- tant of these. According to Mohammed, the angel Gabriel dictated the Qur’an [Koran] to him in a cave and the holy Qur’an is the re- vealed word of the god Allah. The Arabic name Abdullah means slave of Allah and this was the name of the father of the prophet Mohammed. Moslems believe the teachings of the Qur’an just as Christians and Jews follow the Bible. Islam is not a religion of peace and the prophet Moham- med was completely unlike any other religious leader. Moham- med, a poor orphan raised in poverty by his grandparents, mar- ried his first wife, Khadija bint Khuwailid, who was twice his age and had been divorced four times, because she was very wealthy.
  • 21. Mohammed lived to inherit her money, then founded Is- lam. He later married a total of 21 other wives although he never had more that 11 wives at any one time. Mohammed’s second wife Aisha was his favorite. Aisha was six years old when the fifty three year old Mohammed married her and she was nine years old when he consummated the marriage. Mohammed had one Christian wife, Mary, who was the gift of the Governor of Alexandria [Egypt] and she converted to Islam. Mary was his seventeenth wife. His nineteenth wife, Rayhana, was a Jewess whom he enslaved. Mohammed offered to marry her if she would convert to Islam and she refused. He later freed her and married her anyway. He bought one of his wives from one of his generals who had taken her as spoils of war. He also took several of his wives after he killed their hus- bands and fathers in battle. The Qur’an allows Moslem men to have up to four wives, except for Mohammed, who could have as many wives as he pleased. Perhaps the best source of information about Islam is the Qur’an which is divided into chapters known as Suras, each of which are numbered, as are the verses within them.
  • 22. “Your Lord inspired the angels with the message: ‘I will terror- ize the unbelievers.’ Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes.” Qur’an Sura 8:12 Therefore when you meet the unbelievers [in fight], smite at their neck at length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly [on them]; [thereafter it is time for] either generosity or ransom. Qur’an Sura 47:4 Believers, do not make friends with those who have incurred the wrath of Allah. Qur’an Sura 60:13 Never be a helper to the disbelievers. Qur’an Sura 28:86 Islamic scholars also wrote commentaries on the teach- ings of Mohammed known as hadiths and these are also consid- ered important doctrines of Islam. One of these was written by Mohammed’s early biographer Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Yasar Khiyar and is usually just cited as Ishaq.
  • 23. Abdallah bin Sa’d fled to Uthman, his brother, who after hiding him, finally surrendered him to the Prophet. Uthman asked for clemency. Muhammad did not respond, remaining silent for a long time. Muhammad explained, ‘By Allah I kept silent so that one of you might go up to him and cut off his head.’ ” Tabari VIII: 179 “Thereupon Mas’ud lept upon Sunayna, one of the Jewish mer- chants with whom his family had social and commercial rela- tions and killed him. The Muslim’s brother complained, saying, “Why did you kill him? You have much fat in your belly from his charity.’ Mas’ud answered, ‘By Allah, had Muhammad or- dered me to murder you, my brother, I would have cut off your head.’ Wherein the brother said, ‘Any religion that can bring you to this is indeed wonderful!’ And he accepted Islam.” Ishaq: 369 “I cut off Abu Jahl’s head and brought it to the messenger. ‘O Allahs Prophet, this is the head of the enemy of Allah.’ Muham- mad said, ‘Praise be to Allah.’ ” Ishaq: 304/Tabari VII:62 Another author of hadiths was Muhammad ibn Jarir ai- Tabari, usually cited simply as Tabari,
  • 24. who took seven years between 896 A.D. and 903 A.D., to write his monumental 3,000 page The Commentary on the Qur’an. “The Messenger of Allah commanded that all of the Jew- ish men and boys who had reached puberty should be be- headed. Then the Prophet divided the wealth, wives, and chil- dren of the Banu Qurayza Jews among the Muslims.” Tabari VIII:38 “The Messenger commanded that furrows should be dug in the ground for the Qurayza. Then he sat down. Ali and Zubayr be- gan cutting off their heads in his presence.” Tabari VIII:40 “The Prophet gave orders concerning Kinanah to Zubayr, say- ing, ‘Torture him until you root out and extract what he has.’ So Zubayr kindled a fire on Kinanah’s chest, twirling it with his firestick until Kinanah was near death. Then the Messenger gave him to Maslamah, who beheaded him.” Tabari VIII:122 / Ishaq:515
  • 25. Islam is a religion, if it may be called such, founded by a murderer, rapist, war-criminal, pedophile and polygamist who tortured his enemies. Such conduct is a fundamental tenet of Is- lam. Moslems are commanded to engage in jihad or holy war and to strike off the heads of the kafirs. Kafir is an Arabic word generally translated disbeliever and was applied by the Arabs initially to the black population of Africa. Portuguese slave traders dealing with Islamic Arabs in the 16th century assumed the name kaffir was a description of the black race and adopted the word. Kaffir entered the lexicon, first of the Portuguese then to the Dutch and finally the English. In more recent times it has been considered highly offen- sive in South Africa being comparable to the English word nig- ger. If the only problem with Islam was its adherents thinking of unbelievers as niggers we could simply ignore them. How- ever Islam is far more sinister and dangerous. Leftists promote the lie there are a vast number of moder- ate Moslems and only a small number of terrorists embrace a more radical version of Islam that preaches jihad.
  • 26. The reality is very different. Jihad is a fundamental tenet of Islam. No Moslem anywhere in the world is willing to edit jihad out of the Qur’an any more than a Christian would edit John 3:16 from the Bible. That does not make any portion of Is- lam, or any of its adherents, moderate in any sense of the word. Islam is hell bent on conquest of the whole world at the point of a sword. The Moslem in your neighborhood is not go- ing to sit down over fried chicken and invite you to go to church with him. He has been taught from birth to ritually slit your throat and the throats of all kafirs like you. Those of us whom he kills in jihad will be his slaves in the afterlife while he drinks from rivers of wine and enjoys the pleasure of 72 vir- gins. I am sorry, Islam is not a religion and there is not any moderate version of it. During WW II Hitler’s Mein Kampf was translated into Arabic as My Jihad and the Arabs sided with the Nazis. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Mohammed Ef- fendi Amin el-Husseini even raised a Moslem SS Division for the German Army and also met personally with Hitler.
  • 27. Join the Crusade! The Bible says Christians are to be the salt of the earth [Matthew 5:13] and the light of the world [John 8:12, Matthew 5:14.] For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the dark- ness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. [Ephesians 6:12] Now is the time to take the Crusade out of the churches and into the streets and into every venue where American culture is debated and formed. Jesus said [Luke 19:13] “...occupy till I come.” Now is the time to become a Crusader for religious free- dom in America, the actual right to freely exercise your reli- gious beliefs: • Place this booklet in the hands of all your Christian and Jew- ish friends. • Publicly protest the imposition of sharia (Islamic) law in America. • Write, call or visit each of your elected officials. • Invite Crusader Dean Allen to speak to your Church, Syna- gogue, or Ministry. • Call radio talk shows and express your support for The Cru- sade. • Place video on You Tube of your local Crusader activities. • Wear the Crusader’s cross to show your solidarity with The Crusade. • Financially support this Crusade to the degree you are able.