huntington's disease chorea indirect pathway direct pathway parkinsonism basal ganglia basal nuclei visceral reflexes sympathetic vs parasympathetic nervous systems parasympathetic nervous system sympathetic nervous system autonomic nervous system mineralocorticoids adrenal glands aldosterone escape hyperaldosteronism aldosterone zona glomerolusa medulla pons midbrain brainstem cerebellum lesser petrosal nerve chorda tympani nerve branches of mandibular nerve branches of maxillary artery muscles of mastication temporomandibular joint infratemporal fossa temporal fossa scalp blood supply scalp innervation layers of scalp diploic veins emissary veins black eye scalp muscles of larynx parts of the larynx interior of larynx hoarseness of voice innervation of larynx blood supply of larynx recurrent laryngeal nerve voice production voice box larynx external ear inner ear middle ear auditory pathway ear ear anatomy
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