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No 102 (2022)
Sciences of Europe
(Praha, Czech Republic)
ISSN 3162-2364
The journal is registered and published in Czech Republic.
Articles in all spheres of sciences are published in the journal.
Journal is published in Czech, English, Polish, Russian, Chinese, German and French, Ukrainian.
Articles are accepted each month.
Frequency: 24 issues per year.
Format - A4
All articles are reviewed
Free access to the electronic version of journal
Edition of journal does not carry responsibility for the materials published in a journal.
Sending the article to the editorial the author confirms it’s uniqueness and takes full responsibility for possible
consequences for breaking copyright laws.
Chief editor: Petr Bohacek
Managing editor: Michal Hudecek
• Jiří Pospíšil (Organic and Medicinal Chemistry) Zentiva
• Jaroslav Fähnrich (Organic Chemistry) Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
• Smirnova Oksana K., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of History
(Moscow, Russia);
• Rasa Boháček – Ph.D. člen Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze
• Naumov Jaroslav S., MD, Ph.D., assistant professor of history of medicine and the social
sciences and humanities. (Kiev, Ukraine)
• Viktor Pour – Ph.D. člen Univerzita Pardubice
• Petrenko Svyatoslav, PhD in geography, lecturer in social and economic geography.
(Kharkov, Ukraine)
• Karel Schwaninger – Ph.D. člen Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava
• Kozachenko Artem Leonidovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department
of History (Moscow, Russia);
• Václav Pittner -Ph.D. člen Technická univerzita v Liberci
• Dudnik Oleg Arturovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, De-
partment of Physical and Mathematical management methods. (Chernivtsi, Ukraine)
• Konovalov Artem Nikolaevich, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Chair of General Psy-
chology and Pedagogy. (Minsk, Belarus)
«Sciences of Europe» -
Editorial office: Křižíkova 384/101 Karlín, 186 00 Praha
Tagieva G., Bagirova T., Alifov V.
PROCESSES ..................................................................3
Abisheva O., Koralasbek A., Sunggatov A.
VOCATIONAL EDUCATOR IN THE FIELD.......................9
Harutyunyan H.
PATRIOTIC SONGS OF ASHUG JIVANI........................15
Pirniyazov A., Matchanov A.,
Sadullaev Sh., Nietbaev R.
SEEDS BY QTOF LC/MS-ESI........................................22
Ahmedova C.
TlGaS2 ........................................................................25
Kyshman-Lavanova Т.
Georgiyeva K., Bleik P.
WITH BUDD-CHIARI SYNDROME...............................34
Mnatsakanyan Ye.
BY TOUMANYAN IN TIME..........................................40
Butkaliuk V.
Khomenko I., Yelisovenko Y., Fomenko V.
ANALYSIS ...................................................................55
Klyuyev O.
A DUAL-FEED MACHINE ............................................67
Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 3
Тагиева Г.
Старший преподаватель, диссертант,
Азербайджансий Государственный Аграрный Университет
Багирова Т.
Старший преподаватель, диссертант,
Азербайджансий Государственный Аграрный Университет
Алифов В.
Старший преподаватель, докторант,
Азербайджансий Государственный Аграрный Университет
Tagieva G.
Senior lecturer, dissertation student,
Azerbaijan State Agrarian University
Bagirova T.
Senior lecturer, dissertation student,
Azerbaijan State Agrarian University
Alifov V.
Senior lecturer, doctoral student,
Azerbaijan State Agrarian University
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7156304
В условиях глобальных экономических вызовов одним из важных условий является ускорение разви-
тия экономики страны и формирование экономических механизмов, способных демонстрировать стойкий
иммунитет к глобальным экономическим угрозам. С этой целью в большинстве стран мира особое внима-
ние уделяется инновационности экономических процессов. Это непростая задача и сейчас экономически
развитые страны прошли долгий путь, чтобы достичь такого уровня. Oбновление существующих механиз-
мов, формирование высокотехнологичной экономики требуют крупных и устойчивых инвестиций. Но во
всех случаях обеспечение динамичного и устойчивого развития экономики страны во многом зависит от
инвестиционной политики государства. В статье рассматривается важность государственной политики в
применении инноваций.
In the context of global economic challenges, one of the important conditions is the acceleration of the
development of the country's economy and the formation of economic mechanisms capable of demonstrating
strong immunity to global economic threats. To this end, in most countries of the world, special attention is paid
to the innovativeness of economic processes. This is not an easy task and now economically developed countries
have come a long way to reach this level. The renewal of existing mechanisms, the formation of a high-tech
economy require large and sustainable investments. But in all cases, ensuring the dynamic and sustainable
development of the country's economy largely depends on the investment policy of the state. The article discusses
the importance of public policy in the application of innovations.
Ключевые слова: инновационная политика, инвестиция, механизмы, экономическое развитие, стра-
Keywords: innovation policy, investment, mechanisms, economic development, strategy.
Постановка проблемы: В статье проанализи-
рованы проблемы стратегического подхода госу-
дарственной политики в области формирования и
применения инноваций.
Анализ последних исследований и
публикаций: Недавние исследования показали что
инвестиционная политика государства должна
быть направлена на устойчивый экономический
рост страны, создание новых рабочих мест.
Цель статьи: - определить значение государ-
ственной политики в формировании и применении
4 Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022)
B современных условиях во многих странах
мира сформировались механизмы устойчивого
управления научно-технической деятельностью.
Эти механизмы отражают особенности процесса
интеграции науки и производства, направленность
исследований и разработок на потребности рынка,
усиление влияния рыночных факторов на определе-
ние стратегических позиций организаций [1, с. 14].
Новые задачи привели к изменениям в системе от-
ношений как на всех уровнях вертикали управле-
ния, так и между звеньями горизонтальной научно-
производственной-сбытовой цепочки. Уже в 1980-
х годах начали возникать и развиваться системы,
интегрированные в общее управление инновацион-
ным процессом. Они развились как системы,
обособленные от общей системы управления тра-
диционным производством и выпуском продукции.
При этом управление инновациями выполняет
основные функции по усилению государственной
инновационной политики и более оптимальному
формированию и развитию инновационных про-
цессов, и в связи с этим важно дальнейшее совер-
шенствование функций, принципов работы и
сферы применения управления инновациями [2].
Инновационный менеджмент имеет особое
значение как одно из стратегических направлений
управления на высшем уровне управления компа-
нией. Важные функции инновационного менедж-
мента по ряду направлений, в том числе: определе-
ние основных направлений научно-технической и
производственной деятельности фирм, разработка
и внедрение разработок новых продуктов (иннова-
ционная деятельность); модернизировать и улуч-
шать выпускаемый продукт; дальнейшее развитие
производства традиционной продукции; снять с
производства морально устаревшую продукцию и
В управлении инновациями основное внима-
ние уделяется разработке стратегии и мероприятий,
направленных на ее реализацию. Разработка и вы-
пуск новых видов продукции являются приорите-
тами стратегии компании. Разработка комплекса
мероприятий по реализации инновационной поли-
тики субъекта инновационного предприниматель-
ства - плана и программы инновационной деятель-
ности; контроль за разработкой новых видов про-
дукции и их применением; рассмотрение проектов
создания новых видов продукции; реализация еди-
ной инновационной политики, координация дея-
тельности в данной сфере в производственных под-
разделениях; обеспечение программы инновацион-
ной деятельности материальными и финансовыми
ресурсами; обеспечение инновационной деятельно-
сти квалифицированными кадрами - для комплекс-
ного решения задачи инновационной деятельности
от идеи до выпуска серийной продукции важно по-
следовательно и планомерно осуществлять созда-
ние временных групп [3, с. 1457].
Создание научно-технического комплекса,
объединяющего исследования и производство в
единый процесс на крупных предприятиях, явля-
ется одной из основных особенностей современ-
ного этапа развития инновационной деятельности,
и предполагается, что эти процессы будут тесно
связаны между собой на всех этапах цикла «наука-
производство». Таким образом, создание всей си-
стемы «наука-производство-сбыт» возникло из
объективной необходимости и глобальных иннова-
ционных вызовов современности, а все это напря-
мую связано с дальнейшим ускорением научно-тех-
нического прогресса и усложнением техники.
Приоритеты моделирования, стимулирования
инновационной деятельности в стране и разработки
практических механизмов в связи с этим должны
лежать в основе государственной инновационной
политики. Таким образом, развитие инноваций
очень сложное, органически связанное с развитием
технических процессов и интеллектуального по-
тенциала. Это в свою очередь, требует системного,
взаимосвязанного и комплексного подхода к разви-
тию инноваций [4,с.6].
Создание более гибкой и комплексной си-
стемы управления инновациями, совершенствова-
ние государственной инновационной политики и
введение дополнительных стимулов стимулируют
разработку и внедрение перспективной продукции,
реорганизацию организационных форм и функций
управления, облегчает его комплексное управле-
Следует отметить, что одним из наиболее эф-
фективных методов регулирования инвестицион-
ной деятельности со стороны государства является
налоговый механизм. Для этого необходимо внести
изменения в структуру налогов для создания благо-
приятной среды. В результате создаются условия
для долгосрочного вложения капитала и вложения
капитала в наиболее прибыльные направления. К
важным направлениям государственного регулиро-
вания инвестиций относятся: инвестиции в соци-
альную и производственную инфраструктуру; це-
новое регулирование; регулирование приватизации
государственного имущества; регулирование про-
центных ставок по кредитам и регулирование де-
нежной массы. В то же время считается целесооб-
разным более эффективно использовать экономи-
ческие механизмы в регулировании
государственной инвестиционной деятельности, в
числе которых можно выделить следующие:
применение налоговой системы с дифферен-
цированными объектами и субъектами налогообло-
жения, налоговыми ставками и налоговыми льго-
реализация амортизационной и кредитной по-
литики; предоставление субсидий и грантов на раз-
витие отдельных регионов, отраслей и произ-
водств; совершенствование государственных норм
и стандартов; принятие антимонопольных мер;
определение условий использования природных
ресурсов; реализация ценовой политики; обновле-
ние и совершенствование критериев экспертизы
инвестиционных проектов.
Первостепенной задачей инновационно-инве-
стиционной политики является улучшение соотно-
шения между ресурсопроизводящими и потребля-
ющими отраслями и капиталовложениями, пере-
распределение средств в пользу направлений
Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 5
ускоряющих научно-технический прогресс [5].
Хотя инновационно-инвестиционная политика
должна строиться на принципах самофинансирова-
ния, материально-технической базы, развития ры-
ночных механизмов и инфраструктуры значитель-
ной доли капитальных вложений между участни-
ками инновационно-инвестиционного процесса.
Поэтому инновационно-инвестиционная поли-
тика должна быть эффективно выстроена при непо-
средственном участии государства и реализована в
более сильной форме. В целом в современном эко-
номическом понимании инновации-инвестиции
рассматриваются как одна из составляющих воз-
действия необходимых для достижения экономиче-
ского развития и приумножения национального бо-
гатства. Количественные и качественные измене-
ния многих макроэкономических показателей
напрямую связаны с объемом и направленностью
инноваций и инвестиций.
Неслучайно каждое государство зачастую пы-
тается улучшить структуру экономики за счет внед-
рения инноваций и инвестиций в различные сферы
и таким образом добиться решения социально-эко-
номических проблем [6]. С этой точки зрения, реа-
лизуемые в рамках программ государственной по-
литики, инновации должны также отражать меры
по производству высокоэффективной продукции
для субъектов хозяйствования и продукции, спо-
собной занять прочное место на рынке инноваци-
онно-технологической деятельности.
Однако отраслевые программы играют роль
информации для хозяйствующих субъектов для
формирования их технологической политики, а эти
программы служат инструментом регулирования
реализации государственной инвестиционной и ин-
новационной политики в сфере выявленными пред-
приятиями. При регулировании инновационно-ин-
вестиционной политики государство вмешивается
в эту политику и одновременно несет ответствен-
ность за эффективное использование государствен-
ных инвестиций, что проявляется в различных фор-
мах государственного регулирования инвестицион-
ной деятельности: финансирование, кредитная
система и система налогообложения, норма амор-
тизации. Кроме того, государство планомерно реа-
лизует и другие меры по обеспечению интенсивно-
сти инвестиционно-инновационной деятельности в
стране. Например, в целях регулирования иннова-
ционной и инвестиционной деятельности государ-
ство изменяет налоговые и кредитные ставки, тех-
нико-санитарно-гигиенические нормы, архитектур-
ные нормы [7].
На рисунке 1 представлена блок-схема иннова-
ционной политики государства и стратегических
подходов к формированию инновационных процес-
Рис.1. Блок-схема государственной инновационной политики и стратегических подходов к
формированию инновационных процессов (подготовлено автором по материалам исследования).
6 Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022)
Следует отметить, что важно глубоко проана-
лизировать и изучить факторы, влияющие на фор-
мирование инновационной политики государства,
повысить эффективность организации инновацион-
ной деятельности и обеспечить соответствующие
стратегические подходы. Опираясь на теоретиче-
ские и практические подходы и процессы, можно
обобщить процесс инновационной деятельности и
факторы, влияющие на его формирование следую-
щим образом: удовлетворить спрос в соответствии
с современными требованиями в полном объеме;
конкурентоспособность предприятия по качеству
продукции и эффективности производства; созда-
ние баланса между устойчивым управлением тра-
диционными технологиями и применением новых
технологий, при обеспечении диверсификации тех-
нических средств на основе выделения некоторых
ресурсов на применение новых технологий;
обеспечить широкий диапазон эффективности, го-
товность предприятия к революционным измене-
ниям и его адаптацию к ним, применяемую в связи
с этим программу новых радикальных управленче-
ских инноваций и преемственность соблюдения в
управлении технологий; организация разработки
системы взаимодействия внутренних и внешних
элементов, получение систематической информа-
ции о нововведениях на рынке и обусловливание
исключения альтернативных проектов и т.д.
При реализации этих процессов в большей сте-
пени ориентирован ряд видов инновационной дея-
тельности: техническое обучение и организация
производства (приобретение производственного
оборудования и инструментов, в том числе разра-
ботка новой продукции или контроль за качеством
новых технологических процессов и изменений в
производстве процедуры, методы и стандарты);
маркетинг новых продуктов; предпроизводствен-
ные операции, в том числе модификации изделий и
технологических процессов, обучение персонала
применению новых технологий и оборудования, а
также испытания и запуск производства в случае
необходимости усовершенствования конструкции;
приобретение материализованных технологий
извне (машины и оборудование, связанные с при-
менением продуктовых и процессных инноваций в
соответствии с их технологическим содержанием)
и производственного проектирования (разработка
планов и учетных параметров для определения про-
изводственного процесса, технических характери-
стик, эксплуатационных характеристик) [8] .
В частности, инновационное развитие явля-
ется одним из основных условий деятельности
страны как субъекта международных отношений
для поддержания жесткой конкуренции на внеш-
них рынках. Увеличение количества инноваций не
является ключевым, оно может быть неотъемлемой
частью всех экономических процессов. Инноваци-
онное развитие можно определить как экономиче-
ский рост хозяйствующего субъекта, основанный
на разработке и внедрении новых, более совершен-
ных технологий.
Уровень инновационного развития определя-
ется как ресурсным составом инновационного про-
цесса, так и эффективностью трансфера инноваци-
онных технологий. При превращении инновацион-
ного процесса в товар различаются две его фазы:
а) создание и распространение;
б) диффузия инноваций.
Первый состоит в основном из организации
научных исследований, опытно-конструкторских
работ, подготовки и реализации опытных образцов,
организации товарного производства - последова-
тельных этапов.
На втором этапе общественное благо распре-
деляется между производителями инноваций, а
также между производителями и потребителями. В
результате диффузии происходят качественные из-
менения в характеристиках как производителей,
так и потребителей. Распространение, форма и ско-
рость инноваций зависят от силы каналов связи, ха-
рактера восприятия информации хозяйствующими
субъектами, их способности использовать эту ин-
формацию, практическую информацию и т. д.
В данном случае под инновациями понимается
технико-экономический цикл, в котором использо-
вание результатов исследований и разработок при-
водит к технико-экономическим изменениям, что
отрицательно сказывается на деятельности сферы.
В общем виде последовательность инновационного
процесса можно выразить следующим образом:
фундаментальные исследования; исследовать; раз-
работки; дизайн; строительство, присвоение; про-
мышленное производство; маркетинг; продажи [9,
с. 30].
Мы посчитали целесообразным сгруппировать
характеристики факторов, влияющих на развитие
инновационных процессов, препятствующих инно-
вационной деятельности, и факторов обусловлива-
ющих инновационную активность в следующем
1) группа экономико-технологических факто-
ров, также факторы, препятствующие инновацион-
ной деятельности: нехватка средств для финанси-
рования инновационных проектов, слабая матери-
ально-техническая база, устаревание технологий,
отсутствие резервных сил, преобладание текущего
способа производства; факторы, определяющие ак-
тивность инновационной деятельности: наличие
резервов финансирования, обеспеченность матери-
ально-техническими ресурсами, передовыми тех-
нологиями, наличие необходимой для экономики
научно-технической инфраструктуры.
2) группа политико-правовых факторов, в том
числе факторы, препятствующие инновационной
деятельности: ограничения в антимонопольной по-
литике, пробелы в налоговом, патентно-лицензион-
ном законодательстве; факторы, определяющие ин-
новационную активность: законодательные меры
по расширению инновационной деятельности, гос-
ударственная поддержка.
3) Группа организационно-управленческих
факторов, в том числе факторы, препятствующие
инновационной деятельности: устаревшие органи-
Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 7
зационно-структурные, неадекватная централиза-
ция, сильный авторитарный подход к управлению,
преимущество вертикального распространения ин-
формации, закрытость предприятия, жесткое пла-
нирование, ориентация на существующий рынок,
краткосрочные позиции; факторы, определяющие
активность инновационной деятельности: гибкость
организационной структуры, наличие демократи-
ческих методов управления, преимущество гори-
зонтального распространения информации, само-
планирование, открытость к исправлениям, целена-
правленное решение задач.
4) Социально-психологические и культурные
факторы, в том числе барьеры на пути инноваций:
сопротивление изменениям, необходимость поиска
новых рабочих мест, реструктуризация устаревших
практик, нарушение традиционных поведенческих
стереотипов, боязнь неопределенности, вхождение
в противодействие любым новшествам; Факторы,
определяющие инновационную активность: нрав-
ственная мотивация, общественное признание,
предоставление возможностей для самореализа-
ции, свобода творчества, нормальная психологиче-
ская обстановка в трудовом коллективе и др.
В связи с этим следует иметь в виду, что
группа факторов, влияющих на развитие инноваци-
онных процессов, может различаться в зависимо-
сти от национальных особенностей каждой страны.
Таким образом, представляется очень сложным
сравнивать какую-либо страну мира с Японией, до-
бившейся больших успехов в развитии инноваци-
онных процессов. Безусловно, на любой инноваци-
онный процесс влияют как положительные, так и
отрицательные факторы.
Изучение и оценка их воздействия, направле-
ние их влияния на высокие достижения и снижение
ожидаемого уровня риска должны стать основной
задачей государственной инновационной политики
и управления инновационными процессами [10,
с.42]. Иными словами, эффективность использова-
ния инновационно-инвестиционного подхода, яв-
ляющегося важным инструментом в решении раз-
личных задач, зависит от их экономически обосно-
ванной структуры, где, безусловно, механизм
государственного регулирования может оказывать
существенное влияние на создание соответствую-
щей структуры.
Обращаясь к мировому опыту, следует отме-
тить, что в развитых странах направление иннова-
ций и инвестиций играет важную роль в расходах
бюджета и эти расходы всегда сопровождаются
темпами роста.
В последнее время в Азербайджане предпри-
няты серьезные шаги по развитию инноваций. Ин-
новационные подходы преобладают в Стратегиче-
ской Дрожной Карте национальной экономики и
ключевых отраслей экономики, утвержденной Ука-
зом Президента от 6 декабря 2016 г. [11]. В нашей
стране предпринимаются практические меры по со-
зданию структуры управления инновационными
процессами [12, с. 241].
В настоящее время реализуется Указ Прези-
дента от 6 ноября 2018 года о создании Агентства
по инновациям при Министерстве транспорта,
связи и высоких технологий Азербайджанской Рес-
публики. Кроме того, с 2012 года идет процесс со-
здания Парка высоких технологий в Пираллахи,
здесь формируются предприятия [13].
Выводы и предложения
Таким образом, в ближайшее время в Азербай-
джане необходимо будет значительно усовершен-
ствовать государственную инновационную поли-
тику и стратегические подходы к формированию
инновационных процессов, и для этого считаем
важным уделить внимание ряду вопросов:
имеющийся в нашей стране потенциал иннова-
ционного развития должен быть объективно про-
анализирован и оценен;
должен быть завершен процесс создания наци-
ональной инновационной системы и определены
обоснованные стратегические направления иннова-
ционного развития;
должны быть обеспечены процессы формиро-
вания структуры системы управления инновацион-
ными процессами и применения гибких механиз-
мов управления.
В соответствии со стратегическими целями
экономического развития нашей страны необхо-
димо поставить цели на ближайшую и долгосроч-
ную перспективу инновационного развития нацио-
нальной экономики, разработать программы инно-
вационного развития и крупные инновационно-
инвестиционные проекты, приступить к их реали-
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2015. – № 2-7. – С. 1455-1459.
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6. Асланзаде И.А. Проблемы формирования
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7. Ахмедов М.А., Гусейн А.Ч. Основы государ-
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8. Авсянников Н.М. Инновационный менедж-
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Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 9
Abisheva O.
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay,
Professor, Dr. Painting PhD Art history
Almaty, Kazakhstan
ORCID ID 0000-0003-0283-8758
Koralasbek A.
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Master
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Sunggatov A.
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Master
Almaty, Kazakhstan
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7156310
The development of science and technology in today's world affects breakthroughs in all areas of society. Art
design occupies a predominant place in human life and work and is becoming a necessary part of the new reality.
The relevance of the problem of training art design teachers lies in the increasing need of education for
competent teachers-designers with professional skills that meet modern demands. Modern education means re-
newal and modernization of educational systems and the use of digital, innovative technologies and methods.
International experience introduces digital learning or interdisciplinary approach to increase educational
motivation for high results in the educational process.
Renewal of the education system to a new approach, where it is necessary to modernise the conditions that
ensure the effectiveness and quality of the training of an art design teacher.
The aim of the study is to consider the art and design aspect of the art design teacher's activity, which is a
disciplinary composition, with theoretical substantiation of the structural and content model of teaching art com-
petence and planning the professional training of the art design teacher.
Keywords: art design, design educator, education, competence, art and design competence, integration,
interdisciplinarity, modernisation.
Design in modern society occupies a special place
in human life and activity. In order to form highly pro-
fessional specialists, it is necessary to update the edu-
cational environment to meet the individual character-
istics of the learner and reflect the specifics of future
professional activities. Modern education as a space of
free creative communication, in all spheres of activity
acquires a project nature [1]. Professional training of
students in higher education institutions should meet
the requirements of new trends in the field of art design,
which is a reflection of continuous implementation of
professional activity [2].
Art design is a modern form of project and design
creativity. Art design is a creative-combinatorial pro-
cess that combines the acquired knowledge to solve
emerging problems and realise new ideas, setting stere-
otypical ideas back and reacting subtly to the changes
taking place. The system of professional competences
forms and ensures the level of an art designer in accord-
ance with the mastered specialisation. Art-designer
should have the formed professional competences to
carry out quality professional activity. The ability to an-
alyse and foresee fast-changing and fast-developing so-
cial and economic market situations [3]. The compe-
tence is the ability, knowledge and skills, applying on
the basis of practical experience, to solve to solve pro-
fessional tasks [4]. Competence or competences is a
narrower, more atomistic notion that directly relates to
specific criteria and standards, such as efficient or high-
quality performance of artistic and design work [5].
Highly qualified professionals contribute highly to
competitiveness and participate in the process of con-
tinuous educational improvement [6].
The formation and development of competences
takes place through learning and learner feedback, i.e.
reflection. Each learner perceives information differ-
ently, so there are individual forms and methods of
learning. The focus is on the development of artistic
and design competences, which are essential for en-
hancing creative skills [7]. Art-design education is car-
ried out through art design, methods and means of
learning [8]. Relevant competences to be possessed by
students are determined by the expected outcomes at
the stages of the educational process [9].
The research focuses on the requirement of current
trends defining the quality of competency-based ap-
proaches in the development of the new generation of
state educational standards [10]
The basic principle of the training of art design ed-
ucators is the principle of lifelong learning [11]. The
design education system relies on this principle at the
following levels: pre-university training, initial, sec-
ondary vocational training, higher vocational education
and postgraduate education (professional development
during practical activities). Design-education shall pro-
10 Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022)
1. training a future specialist, with a creative
method of thinking, with a high level of culture in pro-
fessional creative activity;
2. training a future specialist capable of designing
the material and spatial environment.
3. to develop a specialist on the basis of an inter-
4. to master the skills of artistic and design model-
ling based on a systematic and competent approach to
solving design problems in the interaction of social,
functional, technical, economic, artistic and composi-
tional factors;
5. the ability to design and take into account the
conditions of modern production, the use of new tech-
nologies and efficient materials [13];
Professional training in design is :
- the social relevance and professionalism of de-
sign work.
- The study of the basic laws and theories of the
development of science, art, etc.
- mastering computer technology, tools, platforms,
project graphics, learning the history of visual arts and
mastering practical skills;
- implementation skills and shaping of practical
activities [14]
On the basis of professional, information-tech-
nical, communicative mobility and the ability of crea-
tive self-realization, future specialists form prospective
competences in the labour market. The peculiarity of
specific design activity is mastering professional skill
and learning design theory, the ability to successfully
apply knowledge in art and design activity [15]
Table 1.
Competence of a vocational teacher (design)
Competence of a
vocational teacher
General cultural
General science
General vocational
Artistic and
Formed artistic
and design
The formation of art and design competence
involves a creative process in the interaction between
art, science and technology. The competence of art and
design creativity, the ability to engage successfully and
effectively in design creativity, encompasses a wide
range of knowledge, skills as well as attitudes and
values. Building competence in design creativity
requires the development of such knowledge, skills, as
well as attitudes and values [16].
Table 2.
The components of art-project competence
Awareness of the social
significance of design activity
and the professional
responsibility of the designer, to
cultivate the qualities that
ensure the successful
performance of artistic and
design activities
Developed imaginative, constructive thinking, ab-
stract-logical thinking, spatial thinking and imagi-
nation, creativity, emotional stability, self-organi-
sation, self-control; understanding the prospects
of their future activities, the ability to be guided
by the predictions of the sciences (architecture,
design, psychology, pedagogy, etc.)
The ability to reproduce
designed objects by art-
imaginative means, based on an
analytical, aesthetic and
practical attitude towards the
cultural and artistic values of
works of fine art
Mastering the methods of pictorial language of
drawing and painting; mastering the basics of ar-
tistic composition; mastering the skills of depict-
ing the objective world, space and the human fig-
ure; mastering demonstration methods of depict-
ing design objects, as well as realising the role of
artistic and pictorial creativity in mastering the
object component
The ability to design the
material and spatial
environment for developing
work, domestic and social life
processes according to the laws
of expediency and beauty
Mastery of design skills, including knowledge of
basic compositional concepts, how to achieve
perceptual integrity and expressiveness of the
design concept; mastery of design methods,
ability to apply graphical knowledge and skills to
develop drawings according to regulatory
requirements, mastery of information computer
The general didactic concept of the integrity of the
learning and educational process requires an integrated
and sound approach to all components of each
discipline of objectives, content, methods, means and
Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 11
organisational forms of learning, which together and in
interconnection form a system of professional learning.
In exploring the problem of the relationship
between science and the discipline in the process of
defining learning content, it is important to consider the
components of the science being studied, its
foundations, theories, laws and regularities, methods,
ideas, and principles. While the complexity of this
problem is considerable at the stage of selecting and
adjusting teaching material, the compilation of
textbooks and teaching aids should be solved in the
course of the work process. This approach makes it
possible to combine didactic interrelated but conflicting
principles of scientific and accessible learning [17] The
activity of a professional education teacher in the field
of design should have a significant integrative
potential, where two integrative systems are combined:
pedagogical system and professional system
represented by design itself, which constitutes its
polystructural organization. The stages of pedagogical
integration have been developed in the scientific
literature [18].
Apply their knowledge and skills directly to
changing circumstances:
• Application of cognitive and metacognitive
skills such as critical thinking, creative thinking, as well
as self-regulation and self-education;
• Application of social and emotional skills such
as empathy, self-efficacy and cooperation;
• Application of practical and physical skills, as
well as the use of information and communication
technology [19].
The overall didactic concept of the process of
forming artistic design competence consists of four
aspects of personal education:
• The desire for innovation, new social models,
cooperation, adaptability, creativity, commitment and
openness create new values.
• Competitive relevance, balance sheet
• Responsibility for the result of the work, the
ability to assess oneself externally.
• Independence in decision-making, etc. [20]
For the modern designer to develop professional
training and competence in accordance with modern
requirements, it will be effective to introduce a
structure-content model into the training process [21].
In order to implement the structural-constructive model
of formation of art-project competence the following
conditions are necessary
1) the principle of integrating the disciplines by
branch of study and specialised training;
2) study based on the major discipline and project-
based content learning;
3) the learning process includes project-creative
tasks and artistic orientations.
The quality of the educational process is synthe-
sised by the functioning of the components, the
activities of the actors, the quality of the educational
programmes, the scientific and pedagogical
qualifications of the staff, the conditions of the educa-
tional process (educational and methodological, scien-
tific and methodological support, pedagogical technol-
ogies used), etc. [22]
The study of assessing the level of formation of
students' art-project competence examines the model of
functional management subsystems and identifies the
management functions of these subsystems: motiva-
tional-targeting, planning, organizational-executive,
control and diagnostic, information-analytical, regula-
tory-corrective, planning.
A subsystem is a parameter for evaluating
pedagogical activities:
- Quality diagnostics in the disciplines of the art
and design group;
- assessing the quality of teaching materials and
- assessing the quality of interdisciplinary links in
teaching a group of art and design disciplines [23].
The diagnosis of the quality of the teaching pro-
cess in the disciplines was based on the method of ped-
agogical observation, as a direct perception by the re-
searcher of the pedagogical processes under study [24].
The study involved a holistic process of pedagog-
ical observation (discrete observation). In continuous
observation, the principle of neutrality was imple-
mented (the researcher is not involved in real activi-
The following conclusions were drawn from the
study of the pedagogical subsystems:
• The interdisciplinary links between the subjects
of the art and design group have not been taken into
account in the organisation of the learning process and
the activities of the teachers
• The lack of interdisciplinary links and the
emphasis on the major discipline had a negative impact
on the integrity of the training[23];
To select sketches for an art and design project,
you need to have the materials available:
• a description of each sketch and material option;
• a list of the literature and research materials
needed for the project;
• sketches of layouts and models for the art and
design project;
• a table of distribution of justifications;
• schematic tables of the project, etc.
The art and design project must meet the require-
ment and condition of the design brief [25]
Art competence is formed by studying the
disciplines of art and creative cycle "Drawing",
"Painting", "Composition", "History of Design", etc.,
and design competence - in the process of teaching the
disciplines of design and creative cycle "Plastics",
"Artistic designing", "Artistic modeling", etc. with full
interdisciplinary linkage constitutes the basic
professional education.
2. Definition of objectives. When defining objec-
tives, a special point is to differentiate between external
(formal) and internal (substantive) objectives. The ex-
ternal objectives are to save time, increase coherence
(density of learning material), eliminate multi-subject
and disciplinary parallelism, etc. The internal goals are
the formation of neo-education, covering all areas of
personal activity: cognitive, affective (emotional-
12 Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022)
value) and psychomotor. In this way, two goals are de-
1) the content of the training of a professional de-
sign teacher and the construction of an integrated
2) Based on disciplinary integration, the formation
of professional competence (artistic and design compe-
tence) [26]
The practice of educational activities and scien-
tific-pedagogical research becomes particularly rele-
vant, in training specialists on the basis of innovative
approaches. The notions of "knowledge", "abilities",
"skills" are replaced by "competences", "competence",
fixing on the competence approach in education. The
analysis of the literature shows the ambiguity of inter-
pretation as a systemic concept, to the pedagogical pro-
cess. A successful solution is possible in case of funda-
mentally, different from traditional structuring of pro-
fessional education content as professional
competences [27].
In order to improve the effectiveness and quality
of the educational process of teacher training, the fol-
lowing pedagogical objectives need to be set:
1) Integration and intensification of the educa-
tional process:
• Exploring interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral
links (e.g. art history - costume history - design - artistic
modelling - computer graphics - nanomaterials);
• Self-development of learners (development of
creative and creative thinking, shaping and nurturing of
aesthetic taste).
• Providing motivation, intensifying cognitive ac-
tivity (tasks in the context of real art-project activities,
the use of information technology and modern digital
• the use of innovative teaching methods (individ-
ual and group; research, etc.)
2. Implementation of modern requirements in dy-
namically rapidly changing conditions - training of
competent and creative professionals capable of
implementing professional and pedagogical activities
in the field of design [28].
3. definition of value-goal bases. As the leading
value-target bases of the integrated structure, the train-
ing of a professional education teacher in design, com-
petence approach to develop a holistic concept of pro-
fessionalization, taking into account the above ap-
proaches and processes of integration of psychological
and pedagogical, industry and production-technologi-
cal knowledge.
Interdisciplinary interaction and mutual comple-
mentarity leads to the development of a professional
personality and integration possessing:
- Take responsibility for the values of national and
universal cultures, expressing spiritual competence
- social competence, civic maturity;
- moral and ethical competence - carrying out
one's duties with integrity and quality;
- psycho-physiological competence, the perfor-
mance of their professional duties;
- individual competence - a set of qualities, char-
acteristics of a person (style of activity);
- special competence, knowledge, abilities, skills,
for the type of activity mastered;
- forward-looking competence - reacting to the
changing situation in the field of professional activity.
Competences are the knowledge, skills and per-
sonal qualities for successful activities in a particular
field. Competence-based approach ensures the quality
of education, formation of professionally competent,
competitive specialist. Competency-based and sys-
temic approaches, interdisciplinary interaction, and in-
tegration principles are the tools of modern profes-
sional education development.29]. The heuristic-tech-
nological symbiosis forms a specialist of integral
profile, capable of carrying out universal-functional ac-
tivity. Intensively able to concentrate and implement
specific tasks.
Competence-based technology in vocational edu-
cation: organisational, technical, technological and mo-
bilisation skills development.
The principle of consistency and continuity in
mastering the profession of a professional education
teacher is a value-aimed basis for building an integrated
content structure of professional education teacher
training in the field of design. The system approach to
training organization in interdisciplinary interaction,
providing integration of the content of academic disci-
plines, holistic consideration of the problem of profes-
sional competence development, taking into account
integration processes, for successful formation of pro-
fessional competences [30].
4. identifying a systemic factor. Monocentric inte-
gration is the core of the training content. The three pil-
lars of training content - psycho-pedagogical, artistic
and project-based - the core is psycho-pedagogical. Ar-
tistic and project-based content contains demonstration
material. The pedagogical content is the training of a
professional educator: 1) the basis of the training struc-
ture; 2) unifying components; 3) stimulating activities.
Artistic and project specific features of the specialisa-
tion, methods and means of teaching.
In the formation of art-project competence, the
discipline is system-forming, profiling, fundamentally
aimed at the future. The particular importance of the
stable core of the discipline, requires constant adjust-
ment and updating [31].
In preparing the programme for the discipline, the
following tasks are carried out:
1) The transformation of a social purpose, into a
learning (pedagogical) purpose.
2) the pedagogical objective of student learning
and development;
3) constructing the pedagogical process on the ba-
sis of scientific - content, methods, means and forms of
learning. In order to improve the efficiency and quality
of the educational process, the constant analysis of
teaching material the selection of methods, forms and
means to implement the development of students [32].
Data analysis.
Artistic project competence is realised through co-
ordination, integration and amalgamation, developed
by the American educator Benjamin Bloom on the basis
of practice [33]. Coordination as the construction of
Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 13
learning content structure based on knowledge from an-
other field. Interdisciplinary links, implemented in the
form of fragmented reference to common issues in dif-
ferent fields of knowledge. Integrative process, con-
sistent with the methodology of the lessons. The pro-
gramme material remains unchanged if necessary. For
example, the use of material from other disciplines is
possible in the History of Art classes. A labor-intensive
integrative process requires combined programmes of
various modifications:
1) Extended interdisciplinary programme. Linear
interdisciplinary integration is carried out here:
2) Linking programme is the fusion of several dis-
ciplines, based on one systemic subject. Vertical inte-
gration is the process of studying profiling disciplines.
The discipline "Artistic modelling" as an accumulating
complex of components providing holistic formation of
art-project competence is the profiling discipline.
3) A sequential programme is a strictly logical
structure of teaching material, a form of implementa-
tion of a sequential programme called an integrated
school day.
4) An amalgamated programme is the highest de-
gree of integration. The basis is as close as possible to
the real-life conditions of the project. Project-ideas are
the most serious problems of modern design, training
of teacher-designers, teaching design. The effective-
ness of the process of formation of art-project compe-
tence of the future teacher of professional education in
the field of design is increased in the process of learning
activities into active professional activities.
The notion of "professional competence of a de-
sign teacher" as the ability to carry out professional ac-
tivities within mastered professional competences, en-
abling the implementation of knowledge, skills and per-
sonal qualities in the decision-making process
necessary to carry out successful activities.
Artistic and design competence of a professional
training teacher is a set of general cultural (general hu-
man) and professional (general and special profes-
sional) cultural competences, possessing a set of com-
petences corresponding to professional activity guaran-
tees the ability of a trainee to implement in practice the
skills and knowledge obtained. The professional com-
petence of a teacher of professional training in the field
of design, which is a set of general cultural and profes-
sional competences, with artistic and creative compe-
tence of a teacher referred to professional (special)
competences, is defined as the basic structure.
In order to determine the requirements for the con-
tent of training teachers of professional education in de-
sign, the artistic and design competence in the learning
process is decomposed into the following components:
artistic, design, personal, which allowed to substantiate
the possibility of formation of the studied subject on the
basis of systematization and integration, interdiscipli-
nary interaction and complementarity of sectoral disci-
plines and special education, consistency and continu-
ity in the development of teaching profession profes-
sion profession
The stages of constructing an integral structure of
professional teachers' training content, including or-
ganizational and informational support, goal-setting,
target value base determination, choice of a system-
forming factor, choice of means and mechanisms ori-
ented to the specificity of professional activity have
been determined. It was revealed that according to the
multifaceted orientation of art and design-creative ac-
tivity of a higher school teacher in the field of design,
the result of mastering the content of training should
result in awareness of the social significance of design,
activity and professional responsibility of the designer;
knowledge of the basic regularities and patterns of sci-
ence, technology, culture and art development; availa-
bility of practical skills in various types of fine arts,
graphics, information technologies.
Qualitative training of a modern specialist requires
modernization of the existing training system: bringing
the information and content component of professional
training in line with the level of professionalization, de-
veloping a mechanism for establishing not only inter-
disciplinary but also interdisciplinary links. The inte-
grated structure of the learning content and the mecha-
nisms of learning content for professional activities is
based on the mechanisms of professional competence
development, which are based on the principles of pro-
fessional competence. Ithe integratedstructure of learn-
ing content harmonizationion mechanisms, "binary op-
positions" is replaced by the notion of "components of
integration". Reciprocal addition implies the possibility
of the interpenetration of functions of structural ele-
ments of the content of professional training teacher
training in the field of design [32].
The focus of the professional educator in the field
of the art design, including art-project and psychologi-
cal and pedagogical aspects, is provided by the combi-
nation of knowledge, skіlls and personal qualities that
allow not only professional mastering of the laws of art
and design creativity, but also implementation of teach-
ing and training process.
It has been revealed that in order to provide a high
level of professional teacher training in the direction of
"art-design" it is necessary to systematize and structure
the subjects of the curriculum subject "design", "pro-
fessional training (design)" on the principles of integra-
tion, interdisciplinarity and complementarity with ori-
entation on the main subject, which in general aims to
ensure the effectiveness of the educational process, fo-
cuses on preparing a competent specialist in the field of
The research of the problem of formation of art-
project competence is systemic, competence-based and
integrated approach. The system of integral assessment
of art-project competence formation is proposed.
A differentiated assessment methodology is
needed to determine the readiness of a vocational edu-
cator in the art design profession.
14 Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022)
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Арутюнян А.Г.
Кандидат искусствоведения, доцент
Центр арменоведчесских исследований Ширака НАН РА, г. Гюмри
Harutyunyan H.
PhD in Art, Associate Professor
Shirak Centre for Armenian Studies of NAS RA, Gyumri
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7156316
Статья посвящена патриотическим песням великого армянского ашуга Дживани (Серовбе Левонян –
1846-1909). В них нашли свое отражение, преобразование и развитие многие типичные элементы и прин-
ципы армянского национального музыкального мышления. Многие исследования показали, что в этом
наследии развиваются важные элементы ближневосточной устной музыкально-поэтической традиции, а
также проявляются глубокие элементы армянской народной песни, средневековой аллегории и духовной
монодии, истоки и особенности национального самосознания. Этим обясняется высокие оценки современ-
ников и сегодняшняя большая популярность этих песен.
The article is devoted to the patriotic songs of the great Armenian ashug Jivani (Serovbe Levonyan - 1846-
1909). They reflected, transformed and developed many typical elements and principles of the Armenian national
musical thinking. Many studies have shown that important elements of the Middle Eastern oral musical and poetic
tradition develop in this heritage, as well as deep elements of the Armenian folk song, medieval allegory and
spiritual monody, the origins and features of national identity. This explains the high ratings of contemporaries
and today's great popularity of these songs.
Ключевые слова: Александрополь, музыкальная жизнь, ашуг, жанр, традиционная музыка.
Keywords: Alexandropol, musical life, ashug, genre, traditional music.
Jivani was born in Kartsakh, near Akhalkalak,
Georgia. He became an orphan when he was 8, his un-
cle looked after him. He learned music composition and
performance on kemanche and violin with the support
of master Ghara-Ghazar Siayi (Armenian: Ղարա-
Ղազար, Սիայի). In 1866 along with gusan Sazayi
(Aghajan) Jivani moved to Tbilisi, where he continued
his musical activities. The further development of
Jivani's art is connected to Alexandropol (Gyumri) and
its musical culture. He lived and worked there in 1868–
1895. In Alexandropol he headed a circle of fellow
gusan-singers, and was awarded by the honorary title
of ustabashi (leading master). Jivani had concerts all
over Transcaucasia, including Batumi, Baku, Kars and
Tbilisi. In 1895, he returned to Tbilisi.
Jivani was an author of more than 800 songs, writ-
ten in romantic, ironical or realistic styles. He had the
good knowledge of 19th century Armenian literature,
and was influenced by it. He used clear forms of Arme-
nian language, avoided of foreign transliterations. His
16 Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022)
songs were mainly devoted to the problems of social
protest, poverty and lawlessness ("The Life in the Vil-
lage", "Worker", etc.). In his songs Jivani condemned
oppressors, represented the struggle of Armenian peo-
ple against foreign rule, sang about the brotherhood of
Many of Jivani's songs ("The Unhappy
Days", "Mother", "At this night", "A good comrade", "I
am an apricot tree", "Look at them") became popular.
The first compilation of Jivani's poems was pub-
lished in 1885. His music was performed or used by
Kristapor Kara-Murza, Komitas Vardapet, Aram Kha-
chaturian, and many others, Maxim Gorky and Valery
Bryusov were interested in his poetry. He is recognized
as the "greatest Armenian ashugh of the 19th century".
In his forty-year creative life, Ashugh Jivani has
had many tours, performed with his group. He often
made notes about the composition and place of his
songs. Based on the preserved data, he performed in
Yerevan, Shushi, Gandzak, Baku, Kars, Erzurum, Sal-
mast, Derbent, Batum, Poti, Sukhum, Novorossiysk,
Crimean cities, Kharkiv, Rostov, Yekaterinodar, Arma-
vir. During the journey, Jivani met Armenians in every
city, especially Mshetsi immigrants, and expressed his
pain and sympathy regarding their condition, homeless
life. The tours of the Armenian city of Armavir in the
North Caucasus were especially successful.
Jivani is a classic character of Ashugh. He served
his people for more than 40 years, became the transla-
tion of their aspirations and dreams. Jivani's patriotic
songs occupy a unique place in the history of Armenian
pastoral poetry.
Patriotism is the most resonant string of the
Jivani's lyre. He is a patriot of fiery temperament, who
found the meaning of his existence only in serving the
oppressed and enslaved homeland, alleviating the
plight of the people, and being useful to it.
The times Jivani lived were hard and cruel, that's
why in his works you can feel the wounds of the
wounded and painful heart of our people, his rebellion
for his life, his culture, his bright future.
The most perfect, noblest and sublime of all hu-
man feelings in Jivani's essence and soul is the feeling
of bottomless love for the motherland. The idea of self-
sacrifice for the sake of the people, for the sake of the
motherland is special to both their mind and soul are
consumed by the same grief, both hearts are set on fire
by the fire of love for the motherland trampled by of the
enemy, and they are alike in the depiction of the feel-
ings expressing all that self-sacrificing love, though un-
If the problem of literature was and remains the
truthful depiction of modern life, the reflection of the
issues and problems that concern the people, the people
of the given period, then this demand was fully realized
by Jivani. Their works, some of them excellently in
prose and some in verse, reflect the spirit of the age, its
breath, and as such, they live with the generations.
If the problem of literature was and remains the
truthful depiction of modern life, the reflection of the
issues and problems that concern the people, the people
of the given period, then this demand was fully realized
by Jivani. Their works, some of them excellently in
prose and some in verse, reflect the spirit of the age, its
breath, and as such, they live with the generations.
Jivani's patriotic poetry was filled with the "sor-
row of heavy, unsolvable issues" of the Armenian peo-
ple and reflected on all the transitions that make up the
main essence and core of our history in the middle of
the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
In Jivani's songs dedicated to the homeland and
the people, an important issue that concerns everyone
for that period is expressed: the issue of the existence
of the Armenian people, of being saved from its physi-
cal destruction, and of living an independent national
In evaluating the issue of national liberation and
an independent homeland, Jivani stood on the point of
view of the progressive-democratic classes of the time.
The spirit and spirit of our national awakening can be
seen in his questioning. The example of the Bulgarians
and Serbs, who gained freedom by revolting against the
bloody Turkish tyranny, contributed to the general en-
According to the poet, the Armenians can achieve
the freedom they have dreamed of for centuries only as
a result of the victory of Russian weapons, but together
with the "brave eagle chicks", the Armenians them-
selves must participate in the cause of their liberation
with weapons in their hands, otherwise there will be no
reliable result with appeals, pleas and gut-wrenching
cries and tears. to reach.
Although the eastern war ended with the victory
of the Russian army - in which the Armenians also had
little participation, but as a result of the insidious policy
of the imperialist predators England, Germany and
France, the hopes and dreams of our people were
dashed. From the decision of the infamous Berlin As-
sembly, the Armenian people understood that they were
badly deceived by the powerful European states. This
greatest disappointment found a deep echo in a number
of Jivani's poems, which justly lash the "Christian" and
"philanthropic" leaders and diplomats of England and
Germany, exposing their exploits.
The folk singer soon tasted the fruit of the Euro-
pean states' custom Phariseeism, as a result of which
the efforts and blood of thousands of innocent martyrs
went in vain. The author, moved by his bitter life expe-
rience, who, like many of his contemporaries, was not
free from illusions related to England's liberating role,
simply warns not to believe that deceitful "friend" of
Armenians anymore.
Turning to the bright pages of our nation's history,
the singer inspires contemporaries with glorious exam-
ples of heroic struggle against foreign conquerors,
strives to educate the generations in the spirit of na-
tional self-awareness. For him, not only foreign enslav-
ers are hated, but also those who tolerate the yoke of
the enemy. Their partners are traitors, traitors, ambi-
tious fur worshipers.He believes and assures that the
cruel days of Armenian siege have come and will go.
It is known that in many of Jivani's patriotic po-
ems, he reflected on the bitter situation of the people
riding under the yoke of Ottoman tyranny. But in the
matter of his attitude towards foreigners and foreigners,
Jivani, as a poet of the people, stood on the point of
Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 17
view of popular understanding, the idea of nationalism
is completely alien to the working people. By creating
in the darkest moments of our people, Jivani managed
to keep his harp away from stoking the flames of na-
tional hatred. Although it must be said that some songs
speak angrily about those who trample our motherland.
The great patriot and nationalist poet was also a
great humanist, for whom all nations were equal and
suitable for each other. He is strongly against the idea
of turning nations against each other and sowing enmity
among them on religious-denominational grounds. He
demands not only not to be intolerant, but to respect
other people's religion.
He was extremely satisfied that, contrary to the fa-
mous tsarist conspiracies, Armenians and Turks are fi-
nally living together in the Caucasus in peaceful love.
In these poems, the author crosses national borders and
rises to the highest idea of universal brotherhood and
The author, a supporter of the idea of people living
in a peaceful and happy state, is an enemy of all kinds
of inter-ethnic wars. He examines the causes of these
wars and comes to the conclusion that the peoples are
not to blame for the peoples and nations going against
each other and destroying each other, but the ruling and
exploiting classes are the powerful people of the world,
regardless of their nationality.
For Jivani, both external and internal enemies of
the people are equally hated. He stood against the na-
tional and social pressure of all kinds of oppressors of
the Armenian people. He fought for the liberation and
independence of the people, their happy future, as such
he could not be in any way a party to the pressure of
other nations and would not condemn the national pres-
sure in general and would not defend the idea of equal-
ity and brotherhood of nations.
In the last years of his life, Jivani warmly wel-
comed the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907,
thanks to whose benevolent influence, he experienced
a breakthrough in some issues, especially in the old
ideas of the liberation of the people and the homeland
and national independence.
In the years of the descent of the revolution, Jivani
did not lose his hopes for the best future of his people
related to the revolution, he did not fall into the swamp
of pessimism and despair, in which many intellectuals,
discouraged by the failures of the revolution, sought
their rest. Until the end, Jivani remained of the view
that the revolutionizing people would be able to put an
end to political, national, and social injustice and create
a labor rule free from exploitation and national discrim-
During the Russian-Turkish war, Jivani connected
the liberation of Armenia and the salvation of the Ar-
menian people with the Russian people. He defended
the ruling opinion at that time that the day of liberation
of Western Armenia has arrived and that with the help
of the Russians and Russia, the Armenian people can
finally be saved from the danger of physical annihila-
tion and become the owners of a free life and homeland.
Jivani also wrote love songs full of warm feelings.
Personal love is often associated with patriotism, the
power of love with the idea of hope, optimism. He com-
bined the feelings of personal love with socio-political
and patriotism ideas. Although Jivani was separated
from his mother from his early childhood, deprived of
maternal care and caress, he always remembered his
mother with warm and affectionate love throughout his
life and spoke of his mother with deep gratitude.
Jivani also participated in the liberation struggle of
the Armenian people. He had friendly relations with the
members of the "Barenpatak" patriotic society orga-
nized in Alexandropol. After the end of the Russo-
Turkish war in 1877-1878, the field of volunteer move-
ment in Armenia included the Armenian-rich Alexan-
drapol on the Russo-Turkish border. A committee con-
sisting of five people is elected in the city in order to
organize the volunteer groups and direct their activities.
Jivani is elected as a member of that committee.
Now let's look at some musical features of Jivani's
patriotic songs. It is well-known that the Asugha song
and music carried both characteristics of the national
identity and characteristic many elements the culture of
the Middle Eastern region. Being one of the classic
manifestations of the epic song art of the Middle East,
the Ashug romance can be examined as a rich reposi-
tory of Armenian-Eastern musical relations, which
summarizes artistic phenomena formed in related cul-
tures including religio-aesthetic and folk beliefs.
Referring to the genre features of these songs, of
course, one should take into account the preferences of
the writer and the artistic merits that were highlighted
by him in many sughal songs. It is known that espe-
cially the urban marching song stood out for its genre
diversity with various subgenres. Patriotic songs pre-
dominate here. It was certainly due to the spirit of na-
tional liberation characteristic of the given period with
high demands and imperative.
The genre diversity of the songs is matched by po-
etry the wealth of orthographic forms of speech. As it
was customary in the sugah art, the genre content of the
song largely determined the metrical form of the given
Many typical elements and principles of Armenian
national musical thinking have been reflected, trans-
formed and developed in their own way. Our observa-
tions showed that the standards of the Middle Eastern
tradition In that heritage created in the context, the pro-
found elements of Armenian folk song, medieval alle-
gory, and spiritual monody become evident the origins
and characteristics of national identity. Today's great
popularity of those songs is not accidentalhigh ratings
of contemporaries.
Let us present the most typical examples of
Ashugh Jivani's patriotic songs.
18 Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022)
Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 19
20 Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022)
Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 21
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Sciences of Europe No 102 (2022)
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Sciences of Europe No 102 (2022)

  • 1. No 102 (2022) Sciences of Europe (Praha, Czech Republic) ISSN 3162-2364 The journal is registered and published in Czech Republic. Articles in all spheres of sciences are published in the journal. Journal is published in Czech, English, Polish, Russian, Chinese, German and French, Ukrainian. Articles are accepted each month. Frequency: 24 issues per year. Format - A4 All articles are reviewed Free access to the electronic version of journal Edition of journal does not carry responsibility for the materials published in a journal. Sending the article to the editorial the author confirms it’s uniqueness and takes full responsibility for possible consequences for breaking copyright laws. Chief editor: Petr Bohacek Managing editor: Michal Hudecek • Jiří Pospíšil (Organic and Medicinal Chemistry) Zentiva • Jaroslav Fähnrich (Organic Chemistry) Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic • Smirnova Oksana K., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of History (Moscow, Russia); • Rasa Boháček – Ph.D. člen Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze • Naumov Jaroslav S., MD, Ph.D., assistant professor of history of medicine and the social sciences and humanities. (Kiev, Ukraine) • Viktor Pour – Ph.D. člen Univerzita Pardubice • Petrenko Svyatoslav, PhD in geography, lecturer in social and economic geography. (Kharkov, Ukraine) • Karel Schwaninger – Ph.D. člen Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava • Kozachenko Artem Leonidovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of History (Moscow, Russia); • Václav Pittner -Ph.D. člen Technická univerzita v Liberci • Dudnik Oleg Arturovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, De- partment of Physical and Mathematical management methods. (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) • Konovalov Artem Nikolaevich, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Chair of General Psy- chology and Pedagogy. (Minsk, Belarus) «Sciences of Europe» - Editorial office: Křižíkova 384/101 Karlín, 186 00 Praha E-mail: Web:
  • 2. CONTENT AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Tagieva G., Bagirova T., Alifov V. STATE INNOVATION POLICY AND STRATEGIC APPROACHES TO THE FORMATION OF INNOVATION PROCESSES ..................................................................3 ART STUDIES Abisheva O., Koralasbek A., Sunggatov A. ARTISTIC AND DESIGN COMPETENCE TRAINING OF A VOCATIONAL EDUCATOR IN THE FIELD.......................9 Harutyunyan H. PATRIOTIC SONGS OF ASHUG JIVANI........................15 CHEMICAL SCIENCES Pirniyazov A., Matchanov A., Sadullaev Sh., Nietbaev R. STUDY OF PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS OF VITIS VINIFERA SEEDS BY QTOF LC/MS-ESI........................................22 Ahmedova C. INVESTIGATION OF THE CHARACTER OF INTERACTION AND GLASS FORMATION IN THE SYSTEM As2S3 – TlGaS2 ........................................................................25 EARTH SCİENCES Kyshman-Lavanova Т. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF JOINT INTERPRETATION OF SEISMO- AND GRAVIMETRIC DATA IN AREAS PROSPECTED FOR OIL AND GAS POTENTIAL.............30 MEDICAL SCIENCES Georgiyeva K., Bleik P. LONG-TERM OUTCOMES AFTER TIPS IN PATIENTS WITH BUDD-CHIARI SYNDROME...............................34 PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES Mnatsakanyan Ye. THE TRANSLATION OF BYRON’S “SCHILON PRISONER’’ BY TOUMANYAN IN TIME..........................................40 SOCIAL SCIENCES Butkaliuk V. GLOBAL AND REGIONAL DIMENSIONS OF SOCIO- ECONOMIC OUTCOMES OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ..................................................................................46 Khomenko I., Yelisovenko Y., Fomenko V. POLITICAL MYTHOLOGY OF WAR IN THE MIRROR OF COMMUNICATION AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS ...................................................................55 TECHNICAL SCIENCES Klyuyev O. FLUX LINKAGE CONTROL IN THE STATOR CIRCUIT OF A DUAL-FEED MACHINE ............................................67
  • 3. Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 3 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ ПОЛИТИКА И СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКИЕ ПОДХОДЫ К ФОРМИРОВАНИЮ ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ Тагиева Г. Старший преподаватель, диссертант, Азербайджансий Государственный Аграрный Университет Багирова Т. Старший преподаватель, диссертант, Азербайджансий Государственный Аграрный Университет Алифов В. Старший преподаватель, докторант, Азербайджансий Государственный Аграрный Университет Азербайджан ORCID: STATE INNOVATION POLICY AND STRATEGIC APPROACHES TO THE FORMATION OF INNOVATION PROCESSES Tagieva G. Senior lecturer, dissertation student, Azerbaijan State Agrarian University Bagirova T. Senior lecturer, dissertation student, Azerbaijan State Agrarian University Alifov V. Senior lecturer, doctoral student, Azerbaijan State Agrarian University Azerbaijan ORCID: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7156304 АННОТАЦИЯ В условиях глобальных экономических вызовов одним из важных условий является ускорение разви- тия экономики страны и формирование экономических механизмов, способных демонстрировать стойкий иммунитет к глобальным экономическим угрозам. С этой целью в большинстве стран мира особое внима- ние уделяется инновационности экономических процессов. Это непростая задача и сейчас экономически развитые страны прошли долгий путь, чтобы достичь такого уровня. Oбновление существующих механиз- мов, формирование высокотехнологичной экономики требуют крупных и устойчивых инвестиций. Но во всех случаях обеспечение динамичного и устойчивого развития экономики страны во многом зависит от инвестиционной политики государства. В статье рассматривается важность государственной политики в применении инноваций. ABSTRACT In the context of global economic challenges, one of the important conditions is the acceleration of the development of the country's economy and the formation of economic mechanisms capable of demonstrating strong immunity to global economic threats. To this end, in most countries of the world, special attention is paid to the innovativeness of economic processes. This is not an easy task and now economically developed countries have come a long way to reach this level. The renewal of existing mechanisms, the formation of a high-tech economy require large and sustainable investments. But in all cases, ensuring the dynamic and sustainable development of the country's economy largely depends on the investment policy of the state. The article discusses the importance of public policy in the application of innovations. Ключевые слова: инновационная политика, инвестиция, механизмы, экономическое развитие, стра- тегия. Keywords: innovation policy, investment, mechanisms, economic development, strategy. Постановка проблемы: В статье проанализи- рованы проблемы стратегического подхода госу- дарственной политики в области формирования и применения инноваций. Анализ последних исследований и публикаций: Недавние исследования показали что инвестиционная политика государства должна быть направлена на устойчивый экономический рост страны, создание новых рабочих мест. Цель статьи: - определить значение государ- ственной политики в формировании и применении инноваций.
  • 4. 4 Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) B современных условиях во многих странах мира сформировались механизмы устойчивого управления научно-технической деятельностью. Эти механизмы отражают особенности процесса интеграции науки и производства, направленность исследований и разработок на потребности рынка, усиление влияния рыночных факторов на определе- ние стратегических позиций организаций [1, с. 14]. Новые задачи привели к изменениям в системе от- ношений как на всех уровнях вертикали управле- ния, так и между звеньями горизонтальной научно- производственной-сбытовой цепочки. Уже в 1980- х годах начали возникать и развиваться системы, интегрированные в общее управление инновацион- ным процессом. Они развились как системы, обособленные от общей системы управления тра- диционным производством и выпуском продукции. При этом управление инновациями выполняет основные функции по усилению государственной инновационной политики и более оптимальному формированию и развитию инновационных про- цессов, и в связи с этим важно дальнейшее совер- шенствование функций, принципов работы и сферы применения управления инновациями [2]. Инновационный менеджмент имеет особое значение как одно из стратегических направлений управления на высшем уровне управления компа- нией. Важные функции инновационного менедж- мента по ряду направлений, в том числе: определе- ние основных направлений научно-технической и производственной деятельности фирм, разработка и внедрение разработок новых продуктов (иннова- ционная деятельность); модернизировать и улуч- шать выпускаемый продукт; дальнейшее развитие производства традиционной продукции; снять с производства морально устаревшую продукцию и т.д. В управлении инновациями основное внима- ние уделяется разработке стратегии и мероприятий, направленных на ее реализацию. Разработка и вы- пуск новых видов продукции являются приорите- тами стратегии компании. Разработка комплекса мероприятий по реализации инновационной поли- тики субъекта инновационного предприниматель- ства - плана и программы инновационной деятель- ности; контроль за разработкой новых видов про- дукции и их применением; рассмотрение проектов создания новых видов продукции; реализация еди- ной инновационной политики, координация дея- тельности в данной сфере в производственных под- разделениях; обеспечение программы инновацион- ной деятельности материальными и финансовыми ресурсами; обеспечение инновационной деятельно- сти квалифицированными кадрами - для комплекс- ного решения задачи инновационной деятельности от идеи до выпуска серийной продукции важно по- следовательно и планомерно осуществлять созда- ние временных групп [3, с. 1457]. Создание научно-технического комплекса, объединяющего исследования и производство в единый процесс на крупных предприятиях, явля- ется одной из основных особенностей современ- ного этапа развития инновационной деятельности, и предполагается, что эти процессы будут тесно связаны между собой на всех этапах цикла «наука- производство». Таким образом, создание всей си- стемы «наука-производство-сбыт» возникло из объективной необходимости и глобальных иннова- ционных вызовов современности, а все это напря- мую связано с дальнейшим ускорением научно-тех- нического прогресса и усложнением техники. Приоритеты моделирования, стимулирования инновационной деятельности в стране и разработки практических механизмов в связи с этим должны лежать в основе государственной инновационной политики. Таким образом, развитие инноваций очень сложное, органически связанное с развитием технических процессов и интеллектуального по- тенциала. Это в свою очередь, требует системного, взаимосвязанного и комплексного подхода к разви- тию инноваций [4,с.6]. Создание более гибкой и комплексной си- стемы управления инновациями, совершенствова- ние государственной инновационной политики и введение дополнительных стимулов стимулируют разработку и внедрение перспективной продукции, реорганизацию организационных форм и функций управления, облегчает его комплексное управле- ние. Следует отметить, что одним из наиболее эф- фективных методов регулирования инвестицион- ной деятельности со стороны государства является налоговый механизм. Для этого необходимо внести изменения в структуру налогов для создания благо- приятной среды. В результате создаются условия для долгосрочного вложения капитала и вложения капитала в наиболее прибыльные направления. К важным направлениям государственного регулиро- вания инвестиций относятся: инвестиции в соци- альную и производственную инфраструктуру; це- новое регулирование; регулирование приватизации государственного имущества; регулирование про- центных ставок по кредитам и регулирование де- нежной массы. В то же время считается целесооб- разным более эффективно использовать экономи- ческие механизмы в регулировании государственной инвестиционной деятельности, в числе которых можно выделить следующие: применение налоговой системы с дифферен- цированными объектами и субъектами налогообло- жения, налоговыми ставками и налоговыми льго- тами; реализация амортизационной и кредитной по- литики; предоставление субсидий и грантов на раз- витие отдельных регионов, отраслей и произ- водств; совершенствование государственных норм и стандартов; принятие антимонопольных мер; определение условий использования природных ресурсов; реализация ценовой политики; обновле- ние и совершенствование критериев экспертизы инвестиционных проектов. Первостепенной задачей инновационно-инве- стиционной политики является улучшение соотно- шения между ресурсопроизводящими и потребля- ющими отраслями и капиталовложениями, пере- распределение средств в пользу направлений
  • 5. Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 5 ускоряющих научно-технический прогресс [5]. Хотя инновационно-инвестиционная политика должна строиться на принципах самофинансирова- ния, материально-технической базы, развития ры- ночных механизмов и инфраструктуры значитель- ной доли капитальных вложений между участни- ками инновационно-инвестиционного процесса. Поэтому инновационно-инвестиционная поли- тика должна быть эффективно выстроена при непо- средственном участии государства и реализована в более сильной форме. В целом в современном эко- номическом понимании инновации-инвестиции рассматриваются как одна из составляющих воз- действия необходимых для достижения экономиче- ского развития и приумножения национального бо- гатства. Количественные и качественные измене- ния многих макроэкономических показателей напрямую связаны с объемом и направленностью инноваций и инвестиций. Неслучайно каждое государство зачастую пы- тается улучшить структуру экономики за счет внед- рения инноваций и инвестиций в различные сферы и таким образом добиться решения социально-эко- номических проблем [6]. С этой точки зрения, реа- лизуемые в рамках программ государственной по- литики, инновации должны также отражать меры по производству высокоэффективной продукции для субъектов хозяйствования и продукции, спо- собной занять прочное место на рынке инноваци- онно-технологической деятельности. Однако отраслевые программы играют роль информации для хозяйствующих субъектов для формирования их технологической политики, а эти программы служат инструментом регулирования реализации государственной инвестиционной и ин- новационной политики в сфере выявленными пред- приятиями. При регулировании инновационно-ин- вестиционной политики государство вмешивается в эту политику и одновременно несет ответствен- ность за эффективное использование государствен- ных инвестиций, что проявляется в различных фор- мах государственного регулирования инвестицион- ной деятельности: финансирование, кредитная система и система налогообложения, норма амор- тизации. Кроме того, государство планомерно реа- лизует и другие меры по обеспечению интенсивно- сти инвестиционно-инновационной деятельности в стране. Например, в целях регулирования иннова- ционной и инвестиционной деятельности государ- ство изменяет налоговые и кредитные ставки, тех- нико-санитарно-гигиенические нормы, архитектур- ные нормы [7]. На рисунке 1 представлена блок-схема иннова- ционной политики государства и стратегических подходов к формированию инновационных процес- сов. Рис.1. Блок-схема государственной инновационной политики и стратегических подходов к формированию инновационных процессов (подготовлено автором по материалам исследования).
  • 6. 6 Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) Следует отметить, что важно глубоко проана- лизировать и изучить факторы, влияющие на фор- мирование инновационной политики государства, повысить эффективность организации инновацион- ной деятельности и обеспечить соответствующие стратегические подходы. Опираясь на теоретиче- ские и практические подходы и процессы, можно обобщить процесс инновационной деятельности и факторы, влияющие на его формирование следую- щим образом: удовлетворить спрос в соответствии с современными требованиями в полном объеме; конкурентоспособность предприятия по качеству продукции и эффективности производства; созда- ние баланса между устойчивым управлением тра- диционными технологиями и применением новых технологий, при обеспечении диверсификации тех- нических средств на основе выделения некоторых ресурсов на применение новых технологий; обеспечить широкий диапазон эффективности, го- товность предприятия к революционным измене- ниям и его адаптацию к ним, применяемую в связи с этим программу новых радикальных управленче- ских инноваций и преемственность соблюдения в управлении технологий; организация разработки системы взаимодействия внутренних и внешних элементов, получение систематической информа- ции о нововведениях на рынке и обусловливание исключения альтернативных проектов и т.д. При реализации этих процессов в большей сте- пени ориентирован ряд видов инновационной дея- тельности: техническое обучение и организация производства (приобретение производственного оборудования и инструментов, в том числе разра- ботка новой продукции или контроль за качеством новых технологических процессов и изменений в производстве процедуры, методы и стандарты); маркетинг новых продуктов; предпроизводствен- ные операции, в том числе модификации изделий и технологических процессов, обучение персонала применению новых технологий и оборудования, а также испытания и запуск производства в случае необходимости усовершенствования конструкции; приобретение материализованных технологий извне (машины и оборудование, связанные с при- менением продуктовых и процессных инноваций в соответствии с их технологическим содержанием) и производственного проектирования (разработка планов и учетных параметров для определения про- изводственного процесса, технических характери- стик, эксплуатационных характеристик) [8] . В частности, инновационное развитие явля- ется одним из основных условий деятельности страны как субъекта международных отношений для поддержания жесткой конкуренции на внеш- них рынках. Увеличение количества инноваций не является ключевым, оно может быть неотъемлемой частью всех экономических процессов. Инноваци- онное развитие можно определить как экономиче- ский рост хозяйствующего субъекта, основанный на разработке и внедрении новых, более совершен- ных технологий. Уровень инновационного развития определя- ется как ресурсным составом инновационного про- цесса, так и эффективностью трансфера инноваци- онных технологий. При превращении инновацион- ного процесса в товар различаются две его фазы: а) создание и распространение; б) диффузия инноваций. Первый состоит в основном из организации научных исследований, опытно-конструкторских работ, подготовки и реализации опытных образцов, организации товарного производства - последова- тельных этапов. На втором этапе общественное благо распре- деляется между производителями инноваций, а также между производителями и потребителями. В результате диффузии происходят качественные из- менения в характеристиках как производителей, так и потребителей. Распространение, форма и ско- рость инноваций зависят от силы каналов связи, ха- рактера восприятия информации хозяйствующими субъектами, их способности использовать эту ин- формацию, практическую информацию и т. д. В данном случае под инновациями понимается технико-экономический цикл, в котором использо- вание результатов исследований и разработок при- водит к технико-экономическим изменениям, что отрицательно сказывается на деятельности сферы. В общем виде последовательность инновационного процесса можно выразить следующим образом: фундаментальные исследования; исследовать; раз- работки; дизайн; строительство, присвоение; про- мышленное производство; маркетинг; продажи [9, с. 30]. Мы посчитали целесообразным сгруппировать характеристики факторов, влияющих на развитие инновационных процессов, препятствующих инно- вационной деятельности, и факторов обусловлива- ющих инновационную активность в следующем виде: 1) группа экономико-технологических факто- ров, также факторы, препятствующие инновацион- ной деятельности: нехватка средств для финанси- рования инновационных проектов, слабая матери- ально-техническая база, устаревание технологий, отсутствие резервных сил, преобладание текущего способа производства; факторы, определяющие ак- тивность инновационной деятельности: наличие резервов финансирования, обеспеченность матери- ально-техническими ресурсами, передовыми тех- нологиями, наличие необходимой для экономики научно-технической инфраструктуры. 2) группа политико-правовых факторов, в том числе факторы, препятствующие инновационной деятельности: ограничения в антимонопольной по- литике, пробелы в налоговом, патентно-лицензион- ном законодательстве; факторы, определяющие ин- новационную активность: законодательные меры по расширению инновационной деятельности, гос- ударственная поддержка. 3) Группа организационно-управленческих факторов, в том числе факторы, препятствующие инновационной деятельности: устаревшие органи-
  • 7. Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 7 зационно-структурные, неадекватная централиза- ция, сильный авторитарный подход к управлению, преимущество вертикального распространения ин- формации, закрытость предприятия, жесткое пла- нирование, ориентация на существующий рынок, краткосрочные позиции; факторы, определяющие активность инновационной деятельности: гибкость организационной структуры, наличие демократи- ческих методов управления, преимущество гори- зонтального распространения информации, само- планирование, открытость к исправлениям, целена- правленное решение задач. 4) Социально-психологические и культурные факторы, в том числе барьеры на пути инноваций: сопротивление изменениям, необходимость поиска новых рабочих мест, реструктуризация устаревших практик, нарушение традиционных поведенческих стереотипов, боязнь неопределенности, вхождение в противодействие любым новшествам; Факторы, определяющие инновационную активность: нрав- ственная мотивация, общественное признание, предоставление возможностей для самореализа- ции, свобода творчества, нормальная психологиче- ская обстановка в трудовом коллективе и др. В связи с этим следует иметь в виду, что группа факторов, влияющих на развитие инноваци- онных процессов, может различаться в зависимо- сти от национальных особенностей каждой страны. Таким образом, представляется очень сложным сравнивать какую-либо страну мира с Японией, до- бившейся больших успехов в развитии инноваци- онных процессов. Безусловно, на любой инноваци- онный процесс влияют как положительные, так и отрицательные факторы. Изучение и оценка их воздействия, направле- ние их влияния на высокие достижения и снижение ожидаемого уровня риска должны стать основной задачей государственной инновационной политики и управления инновационными процессами [10, с.42]. Иными словами, эффективность использова- ния инновационно-инвестиционного подхода, яв- ляющегося важным инструментом в решении раз- личных задач, зависит от их экономически обосно- ванной структуры, где, безусловно, механизм государственного регулирования может оказывать существенное влияние на создание соответствую- щей структуры. Обращаясь к мировому опыту, следует отме- тить, что в развитых странах направление иннова- ций и инвестиций играет важную роль в расходах бюджета и эти расходы всегда сопровождаются темпами роста. В последнее время в Азербайджане предпри- няты серьезные шаги по развитию инноваций. Ин- новационные подходы преобладают в Стратегиче- ской Дрожной Карте национальной экономики и ключевых отраслей экономики, утвержденной Ука- зом Президента от 6 декабря 2016 г. [11]. В нашей стране предпринимаются практические меры по со- зданию структуры управления инновационными процессами [12, с. 241]. В настоящее время реализуется Указ Прези- дента от 6 ноября 2018 года о создании Агентства по инновациям при Министерстве транспорта, связи и высоких технологий Азербайджанской Рес- публики. Кроме того, с 2012 года идет процесс со- здания Парка высоких технологий в Пираллахи, здесь формируются предприятия [13]. Выводы и предложения Таким образом, в ближайшее время в Азербай- джане необходимо будет значительно усовершен- ствовать государственную инновационную поли- тику и стратегические подходы к формированию инновационных процессов, и для этого считаем важным уделить внимание ряду вопросов: имеющийся в нашей стране потенциал иннова- ционного развития должен быть объективно про- анализирован и оценен; должен быть завершен процесс создания наци- ональной инновационной системы и определены обоснованные стратегические направления иннова- ционного развития; должны быть обеспечены процессы формиро- вания структуры системы управления инновацион- ными процессами и применения гибких механиз- мов управления. В соответствии со стратегическими целями экономического развития нашей страны необхо- димо поставить цели на ближайшую и долгосроч- ную перспективу инновационного развития нацио- нальной экономики, разработать программы инно- вационного развития и крупные инновационно- инвестиционные проекты, приступить к их реали- зации. Литература 1. Gerguri Sh., Rexhepi G., Ramadani V. Innovation strategies and competitive advantage // Со- временная экономика: проблемы, тенденции, пер- спективы. 2013. Вып. 8 (1). С. 10-26. 2. Гусейнова А.Д. Совершенствование меха- низма управления инновационным потенциалом в Азербайджане. т.е. Автореферат диссертации. Баку, 2015.- 54 3. Петрухина Е.В. Модели и методы стратеги- ческого менеджмента корпоративных инновацион- ных систем // Фундаментальные исследования. – 2015. – № 2-7. – С. 1455-1459. 4. Тагиев А.Х., Асланзаде И.А. Инновацион- ный менеджмент. Часть I. Баку, 2017. 368 с. 5. Аллахвердиев Х.Б., Гафаров К.С., Ахмедов М.А. Основы государственного регулирования национальной экономики. Баку, Изд-во Экономи- ческого университета, 2006. 834 с. 6. Асланзаде И.А. Проблемы формирования государственной инновационной политики и повы- шения конкурентоспособности промышленного сектора. т.е. Автореферат диссертации. НАНА, Ин- ститут экономики, 2013. 7. Ахмедов М.А., Гусейн А.Ч. Основы государ- ственного регулирования экономики, Баку, Изд-во Экономического университета, 2011. 120 с. 8. Авсянников Н.М. Инновационный менедж- мент. Москва, Российский университет дружбы народов, 2002. 174 с.
  • 8. 8 Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 9. Гусейнов Т.А. Экономика фирмы. Баку, Азернаш, 2009. 600 с. 10. Тагиев А.Х., Фарзалиев С.А. Деловое адми- нистрирование управление. Баку, Текнур, 2007. 340с. 11. Указ Президента Азербайджанской Рес- публики об утверждении Стратегических дорож- ных карт для национальной экономики и основных секторов экономики. г. Баку, 6 декабря 2016 г. 12. Алиев Ш.Т. Экономика Азербайджана. Сумгаит 2018, 376 с. 13. Указ Президента Азербайджанской Рес- публики о создании Парка высоких технологий. го- род Баку, 5 ноября 2012 года, №736.
  • 9. Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 9 ART STUDIES ARTISTIC AND DESIGN COMPETENCE TRAINING OF A VOCATIONAL EDUCATOR IN THE FIELD Abisheva O. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Professor, Dr. Painting PhD Art history Almaty, Kazakhstan ORCID ID 0000-0003-0283-8758 Koralasbek A. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Master Almaty, Kazakhstan Sunggatov A. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Master Almaty, Kazakhstan DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7156310 ABSTRACT The development of science and technology in today's world affects breakthroughs in all areas of society. Art design occupies a predominant place in human life and work and is becoming a necessary part of the new reality. The relevance of the problem of training art design teachers lies in the increasing need of education for competent teachers-designers with professional skills that meet modern demands. Modern education means re- newal and modernization of educational systems and the use of digital, innovative technologies and methods. International experience introduces digital learning or interdisciplinary approach to increase educational motivation for high results in the educational process. Renewal of the education system to a new approach, where it is necessary to modernise the conditions that ensure the effectiveness and quality of the training of an art design teacher. The aim of the study is to consider the art and design aspect of the art design teacher's activity, which is a disciplinary composition, with theoretical substantiation of the structural and content model of teaching art com- petence and planning the professional training of the art design teacher. Keywords: art design, design educator, education, competence, art and design competence, integration, interdisciplinarity, modernisation. Introduction Design in modern society occupies a special place in human life and activity. In order to form highly pro- fessional specialists, it is necessary to update the edu- cational environment to meet the individual character- istics of the learner and reflect the specifics of future professional activities. Modern education as a space of free creative communication, in all spheres of activity acquires a project nature [1]. Professional training of students in higher education institutions should meet the requirements of new trends in the field of art design, which is a reflection of continuous implementation of professional activity [2]. Art design is a modern form of project and design creativity. Art design is a creative-combinatorial pro- cess that combines the acquired knowledge to solve emerging problems and realise new ideas, setting stere- otypical ideas back and reacting subtly to the changes taking place. The system of professional competences forms and ensures the level of an art designer in accord- ance with the mastered specialisation. Art-designer should have the formed professional competences to carry out quality professional activity. The ability to an- alyse and foresee fast-changing and fast-developing so- cial and economic market situations [3]. The compe- tence is the ability, knowledge and skills, applying on the basis of practical experience, to solve to solve pro- fessional tasks [4]. Competence or competences is a narrower, more atomistic notion that directly relates to specific criteria and standards, such as efficient or high- quality performance of artistic and design work [5]. Highly qualified professionals contribute highly to competitiveness and participate in the process of con- tinuous educational improvement [6]. The formation and development of competences takes place through learning and learner feedback, i.e. reflection. Each learner perceives information differ- ently, so there are individual forms and methods of learning. The focus is on the development of artistic and design competences, which are essential for en- hancing creative skills [7]. Art-design education is car- ried out through art design, methods and means of learning [8]. Relevant competences to be possessed by students are determined by the expected outcomes at the stages of the educational process [9]. The research focuses on the requirement of current trends defining the quality of competency-based ap- proaches in the development of the new generation of state educational standards [10] The basic principle of the training of art design ed- ucators is the principle of lifelong learning [11]. The design education system relies on this principle at the following levels: pre-university training, initial, sec- ondary vocational training, higher vocational education and postgraduate education (professional development during practical activities). Design-education shall pro- vide:
  • 10. 10 Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 1. training a future specialist, with a creative method of thinking, with a high level of culture in pro- fessional creative activity; 2. training a future specialist capable of designing the material and spatial environment. 3. to develop a specialist on the basis of an inter- disciplinary[12]. 4. to master the skills of artistic and design model- ling based on a systematic and competent approach to solving design problems in the interaction of social, functional, technical, economic, artistic and composi- tional factors; 5. the ability to design and take into account the conditions of modern production, the use of new tech- nologies and efficient materials [13]; Professional training in design is : - the social relevance and professionalism of de- sign work. - The study of the basic laws and theories of the development of science, art, etc. - mastering computer technology, tools, platforms, project graphics, learning the history of visual arts and mastering practical skills; - implementation skills and shaping of practical activities [14] Methods On the basis of professional, information-tech- nical, communicative mobility and the ability of crea- tive self-realization, future specialists form prospective competences in the labour market. The peculiarity of specific design activity is mastering professional skill and learning design theory, the ability to successfully apply knowledge in art and design activity [15] Table 1. Competence of a vocational teacher (design) Competence of a vocational teacher (design) General cultural competences General science Socio-communicative Personal Instrumental Professional competences General vocational Professionally- specialised Artistic and design competence Formed artistic and design competence The formation of art and design competence involves a creative process in the interaction between art, science and technology. The competence of art and design creativity, the ability to engage successfully and effectively in design creativity, encompasses a wide range of knowledge, skills as well as attitudes and values. Building competence in design creativity requires the development of such knowledge, skills, as well as attitudes and values [16]. Table 2. The components of art-project competence Artistic and design competence Personal Awareness of the social significance of design activity and the professional responsibility of the designer, to cultivate the qualities that ensure the successful performance of artistic and design activities Developed imaginative, constructive thinking, ab- stract-logical thinking, spatial thinking and imagi- nation, creativity, emotional stability, self-organi- sation, self-control; understanding the prospects of their future activities, the ability to be guided by the predictions of the sciences (architecture, design, psychology, pedagogy, etc.) Artistic The ability to reproduce designed objects by art- imaginative means, based on an analytical, aesthetic and practical attitude towards the cultural and artistic values of works of fine art Mastering the methods of pictorial language of drawing and painting; mastering the basics of ar- tistic composition; mastering the skills of depict- ing the objective world, space and the human fig- ure; mastering demonstration methods of depict- ing design objects, as well as realising the role of artistic and pictorial creativity in mastering the object component Project The ability to design the material and spatial environment for developing work, domestic and social life processes according to the laws of expediency and beauty Mastery of design skills, including knowledge of basic compositional concepts, how to achieve perceptual integrity and expressiveness of the design concept; mastery of design methods, ability to apply graphical knowledge and skills to develop drawings according to regulatory requirements, mastery of information computer technology The general didactic concept of the integrity of the learning and educational process requires an integrated and sound approach to all components of each discipline of objectives, content, methods, means and
  • 11. Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 11 organisational forms of learning, which together and in interconnection form a system of professional learning. In exploring the problem of the relationship between science and the discipline in the process of defining learning content, it is important to consider the components of the science being studied, its foundations, theories, laws and regularities, methods, ideas, and principles. While the complexity of this problem is considerable at the stage of selecting and adjusting teaching material, the compilation of textbooks and teaching aids should be solved in the course of the work process. This approach makes it possible to combine didactic interrelated but conflicting principles of scientific and accessible learning [17] The activity of a professional education teacher in the field of design should have a significant integrative potential, where two integrative systems are combined: pedagogical system and professional system represented by design itself, which constitutes its polystructural organization. The stages of pedagogical integration have been developed in the scientific literature [18]. Methods Apply their knowledge and skills directly to changing circumstances: • Application of cognitive and metacognitive skills such as critical thinking, creative thinking, as well as self-regulation and self-education; • Application of social and emotional skills such as empathy, self-efficacy and cooperation; • Application of practical and physical skills, as well as the use of information and communication technology [19]. The overall didactic concept of the process of forming artistic design competence consists of four aspects of personal education: • The desire for innovation, new social models, cooperation, adaptability, creativity, commitment and openness create new values. • Competitive relevance, balance sheet compatibility. • Responsibility for the result of the work, the ability to assess oneself externally. • Independence in decision-making, etc. [20] For the modern designer to develop professional training and competence in accordance with modern requirements, it will be effective to introduce a structure-content model into the training process [21]. In order to implement the structural-constructive model of formation of art-project competence the following conditions are necessary 1) the principle of integrating the disciplines by branch of study and specialised training; 2) study based on the major discipline and project- based content learning; 3) the learning process includes project-creative tasks and artistic orientations. The quality of the educational process is synthe- sised by the functioning of the components, the activities of the actors, the quality of the educational programmes, the scientific and pedagogical qualifications of the staff, the conditions of the educa- tional process (educational and methodological, scien- tific and methodological support, pedagogical technol- ogies used), etc. [22] The study of assessing the level of formation of students' art-project competence examines the model of functional management subsystems and identifies the management functions of these subsystems: motiva- tional-targeting, planning, organizational-executive, control and diagnostic, information-analytical, regula- tory-corrective, planning. A subsystem is a parameter for evaluating pedagogical activities: - Quality diagnostics in the disciplines of the art and design group; - assessing the quality of teaching materials and curricula; - assessing the quality of interdisciplinary links in teaching a group of art and design disciplines [23]. The diagnosis of the quality of the teaching pro- cess in the disciplines was based on the method of ped- agogical observation, as a direct perception by the re- searcher of the pedagogical processes under study [24]. The study involved a holistic process of pedagog- ical observation (discrete observation). In continuous observation, the principle of neutrality was imple- mented (the researcher is not involved in real activi- ties). The following conclusions were drawn from the study of the pedagogical subsystems: • The interdisciplinary links between the subjects of the art and design group have not been taken into account in the organisation of the learning process and the activities of the teachers • The lack of interdisciplinary links and the emphasis on the major discipline had a negative impact on the integrity of the training[23]; To select sketches for an art and design project, you need to have the materials available: • a description of each sketch and material option; • a list of the literature and research materials needed for the project; • sketches of layouts and models for the art and design project; • a table of distribution of justifications; • schematic tables of the project, etc. The art and design project must meet the require- ment and condition of the design brief [25] Art competence is formed by studying the disciplines of art and creative cycle "Drawing", "Painting", "Composition", "History of Design", etc., and design competence - in the process of teaching the disciplines of design and creative cycle "Plastics", "Artistic designing", "Artistic modeling", etc. with full interdisciplinary linkage constitutes the basic professional education. 2. Definition of objectives. When defining objec- tives, a special point is to differentiate between external (formal) and internal (substantive) objectives. The ex- ternal objectives are to save time, increase coherence (density of learning material), eliminate multi-subject and disciplinary parallelism, etc. The internal goals are the formation of neo-education, covering all areas of personal activity: cognitive, affective (emotional-
  • 12. 12 Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) value) and psychomotor. In this way, two goals are de- fined: 1) the content of the training of a professional de- sign teacher and the construction of an integrated framework 2) Based on disciplinary integration, the formation of professional competence (artistic and design compe- tence) [26] The practice of educational activities and scien- tific-pedagogical research becomes particularly rele- vant, in training specialists on the basis of innovative approaches. The notions of "knowledge", "abilities", "skills" are replaced by "competences", "competence", fixing on the competence approach in education. The analysis of the literature shows the ambiguity of inter- pretation as a systemic concept, to the pedagogical pro- cess. A successful solution is possible in case of funda- mentally, different from traditional structuring of pro- fessional education content as professional competences [27]. In order to improve the effectiveness and quality of the educational process of teacher training, the fol- lowing pedagogical objectives need to be set: 1) Integration and intensification of the educa- tional process: • Exploring interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral links (e.g. art history - costume history - design - artistic modelling - computer graphics - nanomaterials); • Self-development of learners (development of creative and creative thinking, shaping and nurturing of aesthetic taste). • Providing motivation, intensifying cognitive ac- tivity (tasks in the context of real art-project activities, the use of information technology and modern digital tools); • the use of innovative teaching methods (individ- ual and group; research, etc.) 2. Implementation of modern requirements in dy- namically rapidly changing conditions - training of competent and creative professionals capable of implementing professional and pedagogical activities in the field of design [28]. 3. definition of value-goal bases. As the leading value-target bases of the integrated structure, the train- ing of a professional education teacher in design, com- petence approach to develop a holistic concept of pro- fessionalization, taking into account the above ap- proaches and processes of integration of psychological and pedagogical, industry and production-technologi- cal knowledge. Interdisciplinary interaction and mutual comple- mentarity leads to the development of a professional personality and integration possessing: - Take responsibility for the values of national and universal cultures, expressing spiritual competence - social competence, civic maturity; - moral and ethical competence - carrying out one's duties with integrity and quality; - psycho-physiological competence, the perfor- mance of their professional duties; - individual competence - a set of qualities, char- acteristics of a person (style of activity); - special competence, knowledge, abilities, skills, for the type of activity mastered; - forward-looking competence - reacting to the changing situation in the field of professional activity. Competences are the knowledge, skills and per- sonal qualities for successful activities in a particular field. Competence-based approach ensures the quality of education, formation of professionally competent, competitive specialist. Competency-based and sys- temic approaches, interdisciplinary interaction, and in- tegration principles are the tools of modern profes- sional education development.29]. The heuristic-tech- nological symbiosis forms a specialist of integral profile, capable of carrying out universal-functional ac- tivity. Intensively able to concentrate and implement specific tasks. Competence-based technology in vocational edu- cation: organisational, technical, technological and mo- bilisation skills development. The principle of consistency and continuity in mastering the profession of a professional education teacher is a value-aimed basis for building an integrated content structure of professional education teacher training in the field of design. The system approach to training organization in interdisciplinary interaction, providing integration of the content of academic disci- plines, holistic consideration of the problem of profes- sional competence development, taking into account integration processes, for successful formation of pro- fessional competences [30]. 4. identifying a systemic factor. Monocentric inte- gration is the core of the training content. The three pil- lars of training content - psycho-pedagogical, artistic and project-based - the core is psycho-pedagogical. Ar- tistic and project-based content contains demonstration material. The pedagogical content is the training of a professional educator: 1) the basis of the training struc- ture; 2) unifying components; 3) stimulating activities. Artistic and project specific features of the specialisa- tion, methods and means of teaching. In the formation of art-project competence, the discipline is system-forming, profiling, fundamentally aimed at the future. The particular importance of the stable core of the discipline, requires constant adjust- ment and updating [31]. In preparing the programme for the discipline, the following tasks are carried out: 1) The transformation of a social purpose, into a learning (pedagogical) purpose. 2) the pedagogical objective of student learning and development; 3) constructing the pedagogical process on the ba- sis of scientific - content, methods, means and forms of learning. In order to improve the efficiency and quality of the educational process, the constant analysis of teaching material the selection of methods, forms and means to implement the development of students [32]. Data analysis. Artistic project competence is realised through co- ordination, integration and amalgamation, developed by the American educator Benjamin Bloom on the basis of practice [33]. Coordination as the construction of
  • 13. Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 13 learning content structure based on knowledge from an- other field. Interdisciplinary links, implemented in the form of fragmented reference to common issues in dif- ferent fields of knowledge. Integrative process, con- sistent with the methodology of the lessons. The pro- gramme material remains unchanged if necessary. For example, the use of material from other disciplines is possible in the History of Art classes. A labor-intensive integrative process requires combined programmes of various modifications: 1) Extended interdisciplinary programme. Linear interdisciplinary integration is carried out here: 2) Linking programme is the fusion of several dis- ciplines, based on one systemic subject. Vertical inte- gration is the process of studying profiling disciplines. The discipline "Artistic modelling" as an accumulating complex of components providing holistic formation of art-project competence is the profiling discipline. 3) A sequential programme is a strictly logical structure of teaching material, a form of implementa- tion of a sequential programme called an integrated school day. 4) An amalgamated programme is the highest de- gree of integration. The basis is as close as possible to the real-life conditions of the project. Project-ideas are the most serious problems of modern design, training of teacher-designers, teaching design. The effective- ness of the process of formation of art-project compe- tence of the future teacher of professional education in the field of design is increased in the process of learning activities into active professional activities. Results The notion of "professional competence of a de- sign teacher" as the ability to carry out professional ac- tivities within mastered professional competences, en- abling the implementation of knowledge, skills and per- sonal qualities in the decision-making process necessary to carry out successful activities. Artistic and design competence of a professional training teacher is a set of general cultural (general hu- man) and professional (general and special profes- sional) cultural competences, possessing a set of com- petences corresponding to professional activity guaran- tees the ability of a trainee to implement in practice the skills and knowledge obtained. The professional com- petence of a teacher of professional training in the field of design, which is a set of general cultural and profes- sional competences, with artistic and creative compe- tence of a teacher referred to professional (special) competences, is defined as the basic structure. In order to determine the requirements for the con- tent of training teachers of professional education in de- sign, the artistic and design competence in the learning process is decomposed into the following components: artistic, design, personal, which allowed to substantiate the possibility of formation of the studied subject on the basis of systematization and integration, interdiscipli- nary interaction and complementarity of sectoral disci- plines and special education, consistency and continu- ity in the development of teaching profession profes- sion profession The stages of constructing an integral structure of professional teachers' training content, including or- ganizational and informational support, goal-setting, target value base determination, choice of a system- forming factor, choice of means and mechanisms ori- ented to the specificity of professional activity have been determined. It was revealed that according to the multifaceted orientation of art and design-creative ac- tivity of a higher school teacher in the field of design, the result of mastering the content of training should result in awareness of the social significance of design, activity and professional responsibility of the designer; knowledge of the basic regularities and patterns of sci- ence, technology, culture and art development; availa- bility of practical skills in various types of fine arts, graphics, information technologies. Discussion. Qualitative training of a modern specialist requires modernization of the existing training system: bringing the information and content component of professional training in line with the level of professionalization, de- veloping a mechanism for establishing not only inter- disciplinary but also interdisciplinary links. The inte- grated structure of the learning content and the mecha- nisms of learning content for professional activities is based on the mechanisms of professional competence development, which are based on the principles of pro- fessional competence. Ithe integratedstructure of learn- ing content harmonizationion mechanisms, "binary op- positions" is replaced by the notion of "components of integration". Reciprocal addition implies the possibility of the interpenetration of functions of structural ele- ments of the content of professional training teacher training in the field of design [32]. The focus of the professional educator in the field of the art design, including art-project and psychologi- cal and pedagogical aspects, is provided by the combi- nation of knowledge, skіlls and personal qualities that allow not only professional mastering of the laws of art and design creativity, but also implementation of teach- ing and training process. Conclusion. It has been revealed that in order to provide a high level of professional teacher training in the direction of "art-design" it is necessary to systematize and structure the subjects of the curriculum subject "design", "pro- fessional training (design)" on the principles of integra- tion, interdisciplinarity and complementarity with ori- entation on the main subject, which in general aims to ensure the effectiveness of the educational process, fo- cuses on preparing a competent specialist in the field of "art-design". The research of the problem of formation of art- project competence is systemic, competence-based and integrated approach. The system of integral assessment of art-project competence formation is proposed. A differentiated assessment methodology is needed to determine the readiness of a vocational edu- cator in the art design profession.
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  • 16. 16 Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) songs were mainly devoted to the problems of social protest, poverty and lawlessness ("The Life in the Vil- lage", "Worker", etc.). In his songs Jivani condemned oppressors, represented the struggle of Armenian peo- ple against foreign rule, sang about the brotherhood of people.[3] Many of Jivani's songs ("The Unhappy Days", "Mother", "At this night", "A good comrade", "I am an apricot tree", "Look at them") became popular. The first compilation of Jivani's poems was pub- lished in 1885. His music was performed or used by Kristapor Kara-Murza, Komitas Vardapet, Aram Kha- chaturian, and many others, Maxim Gorky and Valery Bryusov were interested in his poetry. He is recognized as the "greatest Armenian ashugh of the 19th century". [1] In his forty-year creative life, Ashugh Jivani has had many tours, performed with his group. He often made notes about the composition and place of his songs. Based on the preserved data, he performed in Yerevan, Shushi, Gandzak, Baku, Kars, Erzurum, Sal- mast, Derbent, Batum, Poti, Sukhum, Novorossiysk, Crimean cities, Kharkiv, Rostov, Yekaterinodar, Arma- vir. During the journey, Jivani met Armenians in every city, especially Mshetsi immigrants, and expressed his pain and sympathy regarding their condition, homeless life. The tours of the Armenian city of Armavir in the North Caucasus were especially successful. Jivani is a classic character of Ashugh. He served his people for more than 40 years, became the transla- tion of their aspirations and dreams. Jivani's patriotic songs occupy a unique place in the history of Armenian pastoral poetry. Patriotism is the most resonant string of the Jivani's lyre. He is a patriot of fiery temperament, who found the meaning of his existence only in serving the oppressed and enslaved homeland, alleviating the plight of the people, and being useful to it. The times Jivani lived were hard and cruel, that's why in his works you can feel the wounds of the wounded and painful heart of our people, his rebellion for his life, his culture, his bright future. The most perfect, noblest and sublime of all hu- man feelings in Jivani's essence and soul is the feeling of bottomless love for the motherland. The idea of self- sacrifice for the sake of the people, for the sake of the motherland is special to both their mind and soul are consumed by the same grief, both hearts are set on fire by the fire of love for the motherland trampled by of the enemy, and they are alike in the depiction of the feel- ings expressing all that self-sacrificing love, though un- equal. If the problem of literature was and remains the truthful depiction of modern life, the reflection of the issues and problems that concern the people, the people of the given period, then this demand was fully realized by Jivani. Their works, some of them excellently in prose and some in verse, reflect the spirit of the age, its breath, and as such, they live with the generations. If the problem of literature was and remains the truthful depiction of modern life, the reflection of the issues and problems that concern the people, the people of the given period, then this demand was fully realized by Jivani. Their works, some of them excellently in prose and some in verse, reflect the spirit of the age, its breath, and as such, they live with the generations. Jivani's patriotic poetry was filled with the "sor- row of heavy, unsolvable issues" of the Armenian peo- ple and reflected on all the transitions that make up the main essence and core of our history in the middle of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. In Jivani's songs dedicated to the homeland and the people, an important issue that concerns everyone for that period is expressed: the issue of the existence of the Armenian people, of being saved from its physi- cal destruction, and of living an independent national life. In evaluating the issue of national liberation and an independent homeland, Jivani stood on the point of view of the progressive-democratic classes of the time. The spirit and spirit of our national awakening can be seen in his questioning. The example of the Bulgarians and Serbs, who gained freedom by revolting against the bloody Turkish tyranny, contributed to the general en- thusiasm. According to the poet, the Armenians can achieve the freedom they have dreamed of for centuries only as a result of the victory of Russian weapons, but together with the "brave eagle chicks", the Armenians them- selves must participate in the cause of their liberation with weapons in their hands, otherwise there will be no reliable result with appeals, pleas and gut-wrenching cries and tears. to reach. Although the eastern war ended with the victory of the Russian army - in which the Armenians also had little participation, but as a result of the insidious policy of the imperialist predators England, Germany and France, the hopes and dreams of our people were dashed. From the decision of the infamous Berlin As- sembly, the Armenian people understood that they were badly deceived by the powerful European states. This greatest disappointment found a deep echo in a number of Jivani's poems, which justly lash the "Christian" and "philanthropic" leaders and diplomats of England and Germany, exposing their exploits. The folk singer soon tasted the fruit of the Euro- pean states' custom Phariseeism, as a result of which the efforts and blood of thousands of innocent martyrs went in vain. The author, moved by his bitter life expe- rience, who, like many of his contemporaries, was not free from illusions related to England's liberating role, simply warns not to believe that deceitful "friend" of Armenians anymore. Turning to the bright pages of our nation's history, the singer inspires contemporaries with glorious exam- ples of heroic struggle against foreign conquerors, strives to educate the generations in the spirit of na- tional self-awareness. For him, not only foreign enslav- ers are hated, but also those who tolerate the yoke of the enemy. Their partners are traitors, traitors, ambi- tious fur worshipers.He believes and assures that the cruel days of Armenian siege have come and will go. It is known that in many of Jivani's patriotic po- ems, he reflected on the bitter situation of the people riding under the yoke of Ottoman tyranny. But in the matter of his attitude towards foreigners and foreigners, Jivani, as a poet of the people, stood on the point of
  • 17. Sciences of Europe # 102, (2022) 17 view of popular understanding, the idea of nationalism is completely alien to the working people. By creating in the darkest moments of our people, Jivani managed to keep his harp away from stoking the flames of na- tional hatred. Although it must be said that some songs speak angrily about those who trample our motherland. The great patriot and nationalist poet was also a great humanist, for whom all nations were equal and suitable for each other. He is strongly against the idea of turning nations against each other and sowing enmity among them on religious-denominational grounds. He demands not only not to be intolerant, but to respect other people's religion. He was extremely satisfied that, contrary to the fa- mous tsarist conspiracies, Armenians and Turks are fi- nally living together in the Caucasus in peaceful love. In these poems, the author crosses national borders and rises to the highest idea of universal brotherhood and solidarity. The author, a supporter of the idea of people living in a peaceful and happy state, is an enemy of all kinds of inter-ethnic wars. He examines the causes of these wars and comes to the conclusion that the peoples are not to blame for the peoples and nations going against each other and destroying each other, but the ruling and exploiting classes are the powerful people of the world, regardless of their nationality. For Jivani, both external and internal enemies of the people are equally hated. He stood against the na- tional and social pressure of all kinds of oppressors of the Armenian people. He fought for the liberation and independence of the people, their happy future, as such he could not be in any way a party to the pressure of other nations and would not condemn the national pres- sure in general and would not defend the idea of equal- ity and brotherhood of nations. In the last years of his life, Jivani warmly wel- comed the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907, thanks to whose benevolent influence, he experienced a breakthrough in some issues, especially in the old ideas of the liberation of the people and the homeland and national independence. In the years of the descent of the revolution, Jivani did not lose his hopes for the best future of his people related to the revolution, he did not fall into the swamp of pessimism and despair, in which many intellectuals, discouraged by the failures of the revolution, sought their rest. Until the end, Jivani remained of the view that the revolutionizing people would be able to put an end to political, national, and social injustice and create a labor rule free from exploitation and national discrim- ination. During the Russian-Turkish war, Jivani connected the liberation of Armenia and the salvation of the Ar- menian people with the Russian people. He defended the ruling opinion at that time that the day of liberation of Western Armenia has arrived and that with the help of the Russians and Russia, the Armenian people can finally be saved from the danger of physical annihila- tion and become the owners of a free life and homeland. Jivani also wrote love songs full of warm feelings. Personal love is often associated with patriotism, the power of love with the idea of hope, optimism. He com- bined the feelings of personal love with socio-political and patriotism ideas. Although Jivani was separated from his mother from his early childhood, deprived of maternal care and caress, he always remembered his mother with warm and affectionate love throughout his life and spoke of his mother with deep gratitude. Jivani also participated in the liberation struggle of the Armenian people. He had friendly relations with the members of the "Barenpatak" patriotic society orga- nized in Alexandropol. After the end of the Russo- Turkish war in 1877-1878, the field of volunteer move- ment in Armenia included the Armenian-rich Alexan- drapol on the Russo-Turkish border. A committee con- sisting of five people is elected in the city in order to organize the volunteer groups and direct their activities. Jivani is elected as a member of that committee. Now let's look at some musical features of Jivani's patriotic songs. It is well-known that the Asugha song and music carried both characteristics of the national identity and characteristic many elements the culture of the Middle Eastern region. Being one of the classic manifestations of the epic song art of the Middle East, the Ashug romance can be examined as a rich reposi- tory of Armenian-Eastern musical relations, which summarizes artistic phenomena formed in related cul- tures including religio-aesthetic and folk beliefs. Referring to the genre features of these songs, of course, one should take into account the preferences of the writer and the artistic merits that were highlighted by him in many sughal songs. It is known that espe- cially the urban marching song stood out for its genre diversity with various subgenres. Patriotic songs pre- dominate here. It was certainly due to the spirit of na- tional liberation characteristic of the given period with high demands and imperative. The genre diversity of the songs is matched by po- etry the wealth of orthographic forms of speech. As it was customary in the sugah art, the genre content of the song largely determined the metrical form of the given verse. Many typical elements and principles of Armenian national musical thinking have been reflected, trans- formed and developed in their own way. Our observa- tions showed that the standards of the Middle Eastern tradition In that heritage created in the context, the pro- found elements of Armenian folk song, medieval alle- gory, and spiritual monody become evident the origins and characteristics of national identity. Today's great popularity of those songs is not accidentalhigh ratings of contemporaries. Let us present the most typical examples of Ashugh Jivani's patriotic songs.
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